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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection- A Survey

Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
ZAHRA ZAMANZADEH DARBAN∗ , Monash University, Australia
GEOFFREY I. WEBB, Monash University, Australia
SHIRUI PAN, Griffith University, Australia
CHARU C. AGGARWAL, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
MAHSA SALEHI, Monash University, Australia
arXiv:2211.05244v2 [cs.LG] 5 Dec 2022
Time series anomaly detection is important for a wide range of research fields and applications, including manufacturing and healthcare.
The presence of anomalies can indicate novel or unexpected events, such as production faults, system defects, heart palpitations, and
is therefore of particular interest. The large size and complex patterns in time series data have led researchers to develop specialised
deep learning models for detecting anomalous patterns. This survey provides a structured and comprehensive overview of the
state-of-the-art in deep learning for time series anomaly detection. It provides a taxonomy based on anomaly detection strategies and
deep learning models. Aside from describing the basic anomaly detection techniques in each category, their advantages and limitations
are also discussed. Furthermore, this study includes examples of deep anomaly detection in time series across various application
domains in recent years. Finally, it summarises open issues in research and challenges faced while adopting deep anomaly detection
models to time series data.
CCS Concepts: • Computing methodologies → Anomaly detection; • General and reference → Surveys and overviews.
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Anomaly detection, Outlier detection, Time series, Deep learning, Multivariate time series,
Univariate time series
ACM Reference Format:
Zahra Zamanzadeh Darban, Geoffrey I. Webb, Shirui Pan, Charu C. Aggarwal, and Mahsa Salehi. 2022. Deep Learning for Time Series
Anomaly Detection: A Survey. 1, 1 (December 2022), 43 pages. https://doi.org/XXXXXXX.XXXXXXX
The detection of anomalies, also known as outlier or novelty detection, has been an active research field in numerous
application domains since the 60s [71]. As computational processes evolve, the collection of big data and its use in
artificial intelligence (AI) is better enabled, contributing to time series analysis including the detection of anomalies. With
greater data availability, and increasing algorithmic efficiency/computational power, time series analysis is increasingly
being used to address business applications through forecasting, classification, and anomaly detection [57], [23]. There
is a growing demand for time series anomaly detection in a wide variety of domains including urban management,
intrusion detection, medical risk, and natural disasters, thereby raising its importance.
Authors’ addresses: Zahra Zamanzadeh Darban, zahra.zamanzadeh@monash.edu, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Geoffrey I. Webb,
geoff.webb@monash.edu, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Shirui Pan, s.pan@griffith.edu.au, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queenslan,
Australia; Charu C. Aggarwal, charu@us.ibm.com, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA; Mahsa Salehi, mahsa.salehi@monash.
edu, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
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Darban et al.
As deep learning has advanced significantly over the past few years, it has become increasingly capable of learning
expressive representations of complex time series, like multidimensional data with both spatial (intermetric) and
temporal characteristics. In deep anomaly detection, neural networks are used to learn feature representations or
anomaly scores in order to detect anomalies. Many deep anomaly detection models have been developed, providing
significantly higher performance than traditional time series anomaly detection tasks in different real-world applications.
Although the field of anomaly detection has been explored in several literature surveys [26], [137], [24], [17], [20]
and some evaluation review papers exist [152], [99], there is only one survey on deep anomaly detection methods for
time series data [38]. However, this survey has not covered the vast range of time series anomaly detection methods
that have emerged in the recent years such as DAEMON [34], TranAD [171], DCT-GAN [113], and Interfusion [116].
As a result, there is a need for a survey that enables researchers identify the important future directions of research in
time series anomaly detection and the methods that are suitable to various application settings. Specifically, this article
makes the following contributions:
• A novel taxonomy of time series deep anomaly detection models is presented. Generally, deep time series anomaly
detection models are classified into three categories, corresponding to forecasting-based, reconstruction-based,
and hybrid methods. Each category is further divided into subcategories, which are defined according to the deep
neural network architectures used in the models. Models are characterised by a variety of different structural
features which contribute to their detection capabilities.
• This study provides a comprehensive review of the current state of the art. A clear picture can be drawn of the
direction and trends in this field.
• The primary benchmarks and datasets that are currently being used in this field are collected, described and
hyperlinks are provided.
• A discussion of the fundamental principles that may underlie the occurrence of different anomalies in time series
is provided.
The rest of this article is organised as follows: In Section 2, we start with preliminary definition of time series. A taxonomy
is then outlined for categorisation of anomalies in time series data. Section 3, discusses how a deep anomaly detection
model can be applied to time series data. Different deep models and their capabilities are then presented based on the
main approaches (forecasting-based, reconstruction-based, hybrid) and the main architectures of deep neural networks.
An overview of publicly available and commonly used datasets for the considered anomaly detection models can be
found in Section 4. Additionally, Section 5 explores the applications area of time series deep anomaly detection models
in different domains. Finally, Section 6 provides several challenges in this field that can serve as future opportunities.
A time series is a series of data points indexed sequentially over time. The most common form of time series is a
sequence of observations recorded over time [74]. Time series are often divided into univariate (one-dimensional) and
multivariate (multi-dimensional). These two types are defined in the following subsections. Thereafter, decomposable
components of the time series are outlined. Following that, we provide a taxonomy of anomaly types based on time
series’ components and characteristics.
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
Univariate Time Series
As the name implies, a univariate time series (UTS) is a series of data that is based on a single variable that changes
over time, as shown in Fig. 1. Keeping a record of the humidity level every hour of the day would be an example of this.
𝑋 with 𝑑 timestamps can be represented as an ordered sequence of data points in the following way:
𝑋 = (π‘₯ 1, π‘₯ 2, . . . , π‘₯𝑑 )
where π‘₯𝑖 represents the data at timestamp 𝑖 ∈ 𝑇 and 𝑇 = {1, 2, ..., 𝑑 }.
Multivariate Time Series
Additionally, a multivariate time series (MTS) represents multiple variables that are dependent on time, each of which
is influenced by both past values (stated as "temporal" dependency) and other variables (dimensions) based on their
correlation. The correlations between different variables are referred to as spatial or intermetric dependencies in the
literature and they are used interchangeably. In the same example, air pressure and temperature would also be recorded
every hour besides humidity level.
An example of a MTS with two dimensions is illustrated in Fig. 2. Consider a multivariate time series represented as
a vector 𝑋𝑑 with 𝑑 dimensions as follows:
𝑋𝑑 = (π‘₯𝑑1, π‘₯𝑑2, . . . , π‘₯𝑑𝑑 )
where the 𝑗th row
of 𝑋𝑑 is π‘₯𝑑
that represents the data for timestamp 𝑑 for the 𝑗th dimension, and 𝑗 = {1, 2, ..., 𝑑 }, in
which 𝑑 is the number of dimensions.
Time series decomposition
It is possible to decompose a time series 𝑋 into four components that each express a specific aspect of its movement
[52]. The components are as follows:
• Secular trend: Data trends occur when there is a long-term upward or downward movement. In fact, the
secular trend represents the general pattern of the data over time, and it does not have to be linear. The change
in population in a particular region over several years is an example of nonlinear growth or decay depending on
various dynamical factors.
• Seasonal variations: Depending on the month, weekday, or duration, a time series may exhibit a seasonal
pattern. Seasonality always occurs at a fixed frequency. For instance, a study of gas/electricity consumption
shows that the consumption curve does not follow a similar pattern throughout the year. Depending on the
season and the locality, the pattern is different.
• Cyclical fluctuations: A cycle is defined as a rise or drop in data without a fixed frequency. Also, it is known
as the shape of time series. Cyclic fluctuations can occur in time series due to natural events, such as daily
temperature variations.
• Irregular variations: It refers to random, irregular events. It is the residual after all the other components
are removed. A disaster such as an earthquake or flood can lead to irregular variations.
A time series is mathematically described by estimating its four components separately, and each of them may deviate
from the normal behaviour.
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Fig. 1. An overview of different temporal anomalies plotted from the NeurIPS-TS dataset [105]. Global and contextual anomalies
occur in a point (coloured in blue), while other types, including seasonal, trend and shapelet, can be occurred in a subsequence
(coloured in red).
Metric 1
Metric 2
Fig. 2. Intermetric and temporal-intermetric anomalies in multivariate time series. In this figure, metric 1 is power consumption, and
metric 2 is CPU usage.
Anomaly in Time Series
According to [76], the term anomaly refers to a deviation from the general distribution of data, such as a single
observation (point) or a series of observations (subsequence) that deviate greatly from the general distribution. A very
small proportion of the dataset has anomalies, which implies that a dataset is normally distributed. There may be
considerable amounts of noise embedded in real-world data, and such noise may be irrelevant to the researcher [4].
The most meaningful deviations are usually those that are significantly different from the norm. In circumstances
where noise is present, the main characteristics of the data are identical. In data such as time series, trend analysis
and anomaly detection are closely related, but they are not equivalent [4]. It is possible to see changes in time series
datasets owing to concept drift, which occurs when values and trends change over time gradually or abruptly [127], [3].
2.4.1 Types of Anomalies. Anomalies in UTS and MTS can be classified as temporal, intermetric, or temporal-intermetric
anomalies [116]. In a time series, temporal anomalies can be compared with either their neighbours (local) or the whole
time series (global), and they present different forms depending on their behavior [105]. There are several types of
temporal anomalies that commonly occur in univariate time series, all of which are shown in Fig. 1. Temporal anomalies
can also occur in the MTS and affect multiple dimensions or all dimensions. A subsequent anomaly may appear when
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
an unusual pattern of behavior emerges over time; however, each observation may not be considered an outlier by
itself. As a result of a point anomaly, an unexpected event occurs at one point in time, and it is assumed to be a short
sequence. Different types of the temporal anomaly are as follow:
• Global: They are spikes in the series, which are point(s) with extreme values compared to the rest of the series.
A global anomaly, for instance, is an unusually large payment by a customer on a typical day. Considering a
threshold, it can be described as Eq. (3).
|π‘₯𝑑 − π‘₯ˆπ‘‘ | > π‘‘β„Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ β„Žπ‘œπ‘™π‘‘
where π‘₯ˆ is the output of the model. If the difference between the output and actual point value is greater than a
threshold, then it is been recognised as an anomaly. An example of a global anomaly is shown on the left side of
Fig. 1 where −6 has a large deviation from the time series.
• Contextual: A deviation from a given context would be defined as a deviation from a neighbouring time point,
defined here as one that lies within a certain range of proximity. These types of outliers are small glitches in
sequential data, which are deviated values from their neighbours. It is possible for a point to be normal in one
context while an anomaly in another. For example, large interactions, such as those on boxing day, is considered
normal, but not so on other days. The formula is the same as that of a global anomaly, but the threshold for
finding anomalies differs. The threshold is determined by taking into account the context of neighbours:
π‘‘β„Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ β„Žπ‘œπ‘™π‘‘ ≈ πœ† ∗ π‘£π‘Žπ‘Ÿ (𝑋𝑑 −𝑀 :𝑑 +𝑀 )
where 𝑋𝑑 −𝑀 :𝑑 +𝑀 refers to the context of the data point π‘₯𝑑 with a window size 𝑀, π‘£π‘Žπ‘Ÿ is the variance of the
context of data point, and πœ† controlling coefficient for the threshold. The second blue highlight in the Fig. 1 is a
contextual anomaly that occurs locally in a specific context.
• Seasonal: In spite of the time series’ similar shapes and trends, their seasonality is unusual compared to the
overall seasonality. An example is the number of customers in a restaurant during a week. Such a series has a
clear weekly seasonality that makes sense to look for deviations in this seasonality and process the anomalous
periods individually.
ˆ > π‘‘β„Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ β„Žπ‘œπ‘™π‘‘
𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑠 (𝑆, 𝑆)
where 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑠 is a function measuring the dissimilarity between two subsequences and 𝑆ˆ denotes the seasonality
of the expected subsequences. As demonstrated in the first red highlight of Fig. 1, the seasonal anomaly change
the frequency of a rise and drop of data in the particular segment.
• Trend: The event that causes a permanent shift in the data to its mean and produces a transition in the trend of
the time series. While this anomaly preserves its cycle and seasonality of normality, it drastically alters its slope.
Trends can occasionally change direction, meaning they may go from increasing to decreasing and vice versa. As
an example, when a new song comes out, it becomes popular for a while, then it disappears from the charts like
the segment in Fig. 1 where the trend changed and is assumed as trend anomaly. It is likely that the trend will
restart in the future.
𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑑 (𝑇 , 𝑇ˆ ) > π‘‘β„Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ β„Žπ‘œπ‘™π‘‘
where 𝑇ˆ is the normal trend.
• Shapelt: There is a subsequence whose shapelet or cycle differs from the normal shapelet component of the
sequence. Variations in economic conditions like productivity or the total demand for and supply of the goods
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Deep Learning Architecture
Fig. 3. Deep Learning architecture used in time series anomaly detection
and services are often the cause of these fluctuations. In the short-run, these changes lead to periods of expansion
and recession.
ˆ > π‘‘β„Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ β„Žπ‘œπ‘™π‘‘
𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑐 (𝐢, 𝐢)
where 𝐢ˆ specifies the cycle or shape of expected subsequences. For example, the last highlight in 1 where shape
of the segment changed due to some fluctuations.
In this context, the optimal alignment of two time series is used in dynamic time warping (DTW) [132] for determining
the dissimilarity between them, thus, DTW has been applied to anomaly detection [15], [160]. Moreover, MTS is
composed of multiple dimensions (a.k.a, metrics) that each describes a different aspect of a complex entity. Spatial
dependencies (correlations) among metrics within an entity are also known as intermetric dependencies and can be
linear or nonlinear. MTS would exhibit a wide range of anomalous behaviour if these correlations were broken. An
example is shown in the left part of Fig. 2, the correlation between power consumption (metric 1) and CPU usage
(metric 2) usage is positive, but it breaks about 100th of a second after it begins. Such an anomaly was named the
intermetric anomaly in this study.
π‘‘π‘–π‘ π‘ π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿ (π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿ (𝑋 𝑗 , 𝑋 π‘˜ ), π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿ (𝑋𝑑 :𝑑 +𝑀 , π‘‹π‘‘π‘˜:𝑑 +𝑀 )) > π‘‘β„Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ β„Žπ‘œπ‘™π‘‘
where 𝑋 𝑗 and 𝑋 π‘˜ are two different metrics of MTS that are correlated, and π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿ measures the correlations between two
metrics. When this correlation deteriorates in the window 𝑑 : 𝑑 + 𝑀, it means that the coefficient deviates more than
π‘‘β„Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ β„Žπ‘œπ‘™π‘‘ from the normal coefficient.
Intermetric-temporal anomalies are easier to detect from either a temporal or metric perspective since they violate
both intermetrics and temporal dependencies, as shown on the right side of Fig. 2.
In data with complex structures, deep neural networks are powerful methods for modelling dependencies. A number
of scholars have investigated its application to anomaly detection using a variety of deep learning architectures, as
illustrated in Fig 3.
Time Series Anomaly Detection
An overview of deep anomaly detection models in time series is shown in Fig. 4. In our study, deep models for anomaly
detection in time series are categorised based on their main approach and architectures. There are two main approaches
(learning component in Fig. 4) in the time series anomaly detection literature: forecasting-based and reconstruction-based.
A forecasting-based model can be trained to predict the next time stamp, whereas a reconstruction-based model can be
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
Learning /
Input Time Series
Output Labels
Fig. 4. General components of deep anomaly detection models in time series
deployed to capture the embedding of time series data. A categorisation of deep learning architectures in time series
anomaly detection is shown in Fig. 3.
The time series anomaly detection models are summarised in Table 1 and Table 2 based on the input dimensions they
process, which are univariate and multivariate time series, respectively. These tables give an overview of the following
aspects of the models: 1) Temporal/Spatial, 2) Learning scheme, 3) Input, 4) Interpretability, 5) Point/Sub-sequence
anomaly, 6) Stochasticity and 7) Incremental.
With a univariate time series as input, a model can capture temporal information (i.e, pattern), while with a multivariate
time series as input, it can learn normality through both temporal and spatial dependencies. Moreover, if the model
input is a multivariate time series in which spatial dependencies are captured, the model can also detect inter-metric
anomalies (shown in Fig. 2).
Learning scheme.
In practice, training data tends to have a very small number of anomalies that are labelled. As a consequence, most of the
models attempt to learn the representation or features of normal data. Based on anomaly definitions, anomalies are then
detected by finding deviations from normal data. There are four learning schemes in the recent deep models for anomaly
detection: unsupervised, supervised, semi-supervised, and self-supervised. These are based on the availability (or lack)
of labelled data points. Supervised method employs a distinct method of learning the boundaries between anomalous
and normal data that is based on all the labels in the training set. It can determine an appropriate threshold value that
will be used for classifying all timestamps as anomalous if the anomaly score (Section 3.1) assigned to those timestamps
exceeds the threshold. The problem with this method is that it is not applicable to applications in the real world because
anomalies are often unknown or improperly labelled. In contrast, Unsupervised approach to anomaly detection uses no
labels and makes no distinction between training and testing datasets. These techniques are the most flexible since they
rely exclusively on intrinsic features of the data. They are useful in streaming applications because they do not require
labels for training and testing. Despite these advantages, researchers may encounter difficulties evaluating anomaly
detection models using unsupervised methods. The anomaly detection problem is typically treated as an unsupervised
learning problem due to the inherently unlabeled nature of historical data and the unpredictable nature of anomalies. In
cases where the dataset only consists of normal points, and there are no anomalies, Semi-supervised approaches may
be utilised. Afterwards, a model is trained to fit the time series distribution and detects any points that deviate from
this distribution as anomalies. Self-supervised methods are trained to predict any of the input’s unobserved parts (or
properties) from its observed parts by fully exploiting the unlabeled data itself. This process involves two steps: the first
is to determine the parameters of the model based on pseudo-labels, followed by implementing the actual task through
supervised or unsupervised learning (e.g., through designing pretext tasks).
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Darban et al.
A model may take an individual point (i.e., a time step) or a window (i.e., a sequence of time steps containing historical
information) as an input. Windows can be used in order, also called sliding windows, or shuffled without regard to the
order depending on the application. To overcome the challenges of comparing subsequences rather than points, many
models use representations of subsequences (windows) instead of raw data and employ sliding windows that contain
the history of previous time steps that rely on the order of subsequences within the time series data. A sliding window
extraction is performed in the preprocessing phase after other operations have been implemented, such as imputing
missing values, downsampling or upsampling of the data, and data normalisation.
In interpretation, the explanation for why an observation is anomalous is given. Interpretability is essential when
anomaly detection is used as a diagnostic tool since it facilitates troubleshooting and analysing anomalies. Multivariate
time series are challenging to interpret, and stochastic deep learning complicates the process even further. A typical
procedure to troubleshoot entity anomalies involves searching for the top metric that differs most from previously
observed behaviour. In light of that, it is, therefore, possible to interpret a detected entity anomaly by analysing several
metrics with the highest anomaly scores. Different metrics are used in studies in the absence of standardised metrics
for evaluating anomalies’ interpretability. Accordingly, a revised metric called HitRate@P% is defined in [162] based on
the concept of HitRate@K for recommender systems [186]. In this respect, the Interpretation Score (IPS), adapted from
HitRate@K, is outlined to evaluate the anomaly interpretation accuracy at segment level [116].
Point/Subsequence anomaly.
The model can detect either point anomalies or subsequence anomalies. A point anomaly is a point that is unusual
when compared with the rest of the dataset. Subsequence anomalies occur when consecutive observations have unusual
cooperative behaviour, although each observation is not necessarily an outlier on its own. Different types of anomalies
are described in Section 2.4 and illustrated in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2
As shown in Tables 1 and 2, we investigate the stochasticity of anomaly detection models as well. Deterministic models
can accurately predict future events without relying on randomness. Predicting something that is deterministic is easy
because you have all the necessary data at hand. The models will produce the same exact results for a given set of
inputs in this circumstance. Stochastic models can handle uncertainties in the inputs. Through the use of a random
component as an input, you can account for certain levels of unpredictability or randomness.
Incremental learning is a machine learning paradigm in which the model’s knowledge extends whenever one or more
new observations appear. It specifies a dynamic learning strategy that can be used if training data becomes available
gradually. The goal of incremental learning is to adapt a model to new data while preserving its past knowledge.
Moreover, the deep model processes the input in a step-by-step or end-to-end fashion (see Fig. 4). In the first category
(step-by-step), there is a learning module followed by an anomaly scoring module. It is possible to combine the two
modules in the second category to learn anomaly scores using neural networks as an end-to-end process. An output of
these models may be anomaly scores or binary labels for inputs. Contrary to algorithms whose objective is to improve
representations, DevNet [138] for example, introduces deviation networks to detect anomalies by leveraging a few
labelled anomalies to achieve end-to-end learning for optimizing anomaly scores. The output of end-to-end models are
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
Table 1. Univariate Deep Anomaly Detection Models in Time Series
RNN (3.2.1)
LSTM-AD [125]
LSTM-based [56]
TCQSA [117]
HTM (3.2.4)
Numenta HTM [5]
Multi HTM [182]
CNN (3.2.2)
SR-CNN [144]
Point + Subseq
VAE (3.3.2)
Donut [184]
Buzz [33]
Bagel [114]
AE (3.3.1)
EncDec-AD [124]
1 A: Approach, 2 Su/Un: Supervised/Unsupervised | Values: [Su: Supervised, Un: Unsupervised, Semi: Semi-supervised, Self: Self-supervised], 3 P/S: Point/Sub-sequence
the anomalous subsequences/points, such as labels of the points, while the output of step-by-step models are anomaly
scores of the subsequences/points. Note, in step-by-step models the output of these models is a score that should
be post-processed to identify whether the relevant input is an anomaly or not. Different methods are then used to
determine the threshold based on the training or validation sets such as Nonparametric Dynamic Thresholding (NDT)
[91] and Peaks-Over-Threshold (POT) [157].
An anomaly score is mostly defined based on a defined loss function. In most of the reconstruction-based approaches
reconstruction probability is used and in forecasting-based approaches prediction error is used to define an anomaly
score. An anomaly score indicates the degree of an anomaly in each data point. The detection of data anomalies can be
accomplished by ranking data instances according to anomaly scores (𝐴𝑆 ) and calculating a decision score based on a
π‘‘β„Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ β„Žπ‘œπ‘™π‘‘ value:
|𝐴𝑆 | > π‘‘β„Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ β„Žπ‘œπ‘™π‘‘
Metrics used in these papers for evaluation are existing metrics in machine learning, such as AUC ROC (Area Under
Curve Receiver Operating Characteristic curve), precision, recall or F1-score. In recent years, an evaluation technique
known as point adjustment (PA) or segment-based evaluations has been proposed [184], which is used to evaluate most
current time series anomaly detection models to measure F1 scores. This evaluation technique considers the entire
segment to be anomalous if a single point within that segment has been identified as abnormal. Schlegel et al. [151]
demonstrate that F1 score of existing methods are greatly overestimated by PA and barely improved without PA. They
propose a PA%K protocol for rigorous evaluation of time series anomaly detection that can be used along with the
current evaluation metrics, which employ PA only if the segment has at least K correctly detected anomalies per unit
length. Using an extension of the precision/recall pairs, the Affiliation metric evaluates time series anomaly detection
tasks to improve classical metrics [90]. It can be applied to both point anomalies and subsequent anomalies. The main
difference is that it is non-parametric, as well as it is local, which means that each ground truth event is analysed
separately. Thus, locality makes the final score easy to interpret and display as individual segments.
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Darban et al.
Table 2. Multivariate Deep Anomaly Detection Models in Time Series
RNN (3.2.1)
DeepLSTM [28]
LGMAD [50]
THOC [155]
AD-LTI [183]
Point (frame)
CNN (3.2.2)
DeepAnt [133]
TCN-ms [77]
GNN (3.2.3)
GDN [46]
GTA* [35]
GANF [42]
HTM (3.2.4)
RADM [49]
Transformer (3.2.5)
SAND [159]
GTA* [35]
AE/DAE [149]
DAGMM [199]
MSCRED [189]
USAD [10]
APAE [69]
RANSynCoders [1]
CAE-Ensemble [22]
AMSL [194]
LSTM-VAE [140]
OmniAnomaly [162]
STORN [158]
GGM-VAE [73]
SISVAE [111]
VAE-GAN [135]
VELC [188]
TopoMAD [78]
PAD [31]
InterFusion [116]
MT-RVAE* [177]
RDSMM [112]
GAN (3.3.3)
MAD-GAN [110]
BeatGAN [196]
FGANomaly [54]
DCT-GAN* [113]
Transformer (3.3.4)
Anomaly Transformer [185]
TranAD [171]
DCT-GAN* [113]
MT-RVAE* [177]
AE (3.4.1)
CAE-M [193]
NSIBF* [60]
RNN (3.4.2)
NSIBF* [60]
TAnoGAN [13]
GNN (3.4.3)
MTAD-GAT [195]
FuSAGNet [75]
AE (3.3.1)
VAE (3.3.2)
Point + Subseq
Point + Subseq
Point + Subseq
Point + Subseq
1 A: Approach, 2 MA: Main Architecture, 3 T/S: Temporal/Spatial | Values: [S:Spatial, T:Temporal, ST:Spatio-Temporal], 4 Su/Un: Supervised/Unsupervised | Values: [Su: Supervised, Un: Unsupervised, Semi:
Semi-supervised, Self: Self-supervised], 5 Int: Interpretability, 6 P/S: Point/Sub-sequence, 7 Stc: Stochastic, 8 Inc: Incremental, ∗ Models with more than one main architecture.
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
(a) RNN
(b) LSTM
(c) GRU
Fig. 5. An Overview of (a) Recurrent neural network (RNN), (b) Long short-term memory unit (LSTM), and (c) Gated recurrent unit
(GRU). These models can predict π‘₯𝑑′ by capturing the temporal information of a window of 𝑀 samples prior to π‘₯𝑑 in the time series.
Using the error |π‘₯𝑑 − π‘₯𝑑′ |, an anomaly score can be computed.
Forecasting-based models
The forecasting-based approach uses a learned model to predict a point or subsequence based on a point or a recent
window. In order to determine how anomalous the incoming values are, the predicted values are compared to their
actual values. Their deviations from actual values are considered as anomalous values. Most forecasting methods use a
sliding window to forecast one point at a time. In order to identify abnormal behaviour, they use a predictor to model
normal behaviour. This is especially helpful in real-world anomaly detection situations where normal behaviour is in
abundance, but anomalous behaviour is rare.
It is worth mentioning that some previous works such as [123] use prediction error as a novelty quantification rather
than an anomaly score. In the following subsections, different forecasting-based architectures are explained.
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN).
Since RNNs have internal memory, they can process input sequences of variable length and exhibit temporal dynamics
[167], [2]. An example of a simple RNN architecture can be seen in Fig. 5a. Recurrent units take the points of the input
window 𝑋𝑑 −𝑀:𝑑 −1 and forecast the next timestamp as an output, π‘₯𝑑′ . Iteratively, the input sequence is fed to the network
timestamp by timestamp. Using the input π‘₯𝑑 −1 to the recurrent unit π‘œπ‘‘ −2 , and an activation function like π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›β„Ž, the
output vector π‘₯𝑑′ is calculated using the following equations:
π‘₯𝑑′ = 𝜎 (π‘Šπ‘₯ ′ .π‘œπ‘‘ −1 + 𝑏π‘₯ ′ ) ,
π‘œπ‘‘ −1 = tanh(π‘Šπ‘œ .π‘₯𝑑 −1 + π‘ˆπ‘œ .π‘œπ‘‘ −2 + π‘β„Ž )
where π‘Šπ‘₯ ′ , π‘Šπ‘œ , π‘ˆπ‘œ , and 𝑏 are the parameters of the network. Recurrence occurs when the network uses previous outputs
as inputs to remember what it learned from previous steps. This is where the network learns long-term and short-term
Long-short-term memory (LSTM) promises to provide memory to RNNs lasting thousands of steps [81]. As a result
of RNN architectures (shown in Fig. 5) with LSTM units, deep neural networks can achieve superior predictions as they
incorporated long-term dependencies. There are four main components of an LSTM unit presented in Fig. 5b: cells,
input gates, output gates, and forget gates. During variable time periods, the cell remembers values while the other
gates control the flow of information. The processing of a timestamp inside an internal LSTM can be explained in the
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following equations. At first, the forget gate 𝑓𝑑 −1 is calculated as the output of a sigmoid function with two inputs π‘₯𝑑 −1
and π‘œπ‘‘ −2 :
𝑓𝑑 −1 = 𝜎 (π‘Š 𝑓 .π‘₯𝑑 −1 + π‘ˆ 𝑓 .π‘œπ‘‘ −2 )
The input gate 𝑖𝑑 −1 and output gate 𝑠𝑑 −1 can be obtained as:
𝑖𝑑 −1 = 𝜎 (π‘Šπ‘– .π‘₯𝑑 −1 + π‘ˆπ‘– .π‘œπ‘‘ −2 )
𝑠𝑑 −1 = 𝜎 (π‘Šπ‘  .π‘₯𝑑 −1 + π‘ˆπ‘  .π‘œπ‘‘ −2 )
Next, in addition to a hidden state π‘œπ‘‘ , LSTM has a memory cell named 𝑐𝑑 −1 . In order to learn from data and update 𝑐𝑑 −1 ,
𝑐𝑑 ˜−1 that contains new candidate values should be computed as the output of a tanh function. After that, 𝑐˜π‘‘ add it to
𝑐𝑑 −1 to update the memory cell state.
𝑐𝑑 ˜−1 = tanh(π‘Šπ‘ .π‘₯𝑑 −1 + π‘ˆπ‘ .π‘œπ‘‘ −2 ) ,
𝑐𝑑 −1 = 𝑖𝑑 −1 .𝑐𝑑 ˜−1 + 𝑓𝑑 −1 .𝑐𝑑 −2
Specifically, 𝑓𝑑 −1 ∈ (0, 1) since it is a sigmoid output. With 𝑓𝑑 −1 , 𝑐𝑑 −2 is completely erased when it is close to zero, while
it’s completely retained when it’s close to one. For this reason, 𝑓𝑑 −1 is referred to as forget gate. Finally, the hidden state
π‘œπ‘‘ −1 or the output is obtained by:
π‘œπ‘‘ −1 = tanh(𝑐𝑑 −1 ).𝑠𝑑 −1
Where π‘Š s and π‘ˆ s are the parameters of the LSTM
cell. π‘₯𝑑′
is finally calculated using Equation 10.
Experience with LSTM has shown that stacking recurrent hidden layers of sigmoidal activation units in a network
captures the structure of time series and allows for processing time series at different time scales compared to the
other deep learning architectures [79]. LSTM-AD [125] possesses long-term memory capabilities, and for the first time,
hierarchical recurrent processing layers have been combined to detect anoamlies in univariate time series without using
labels for training. Stacking recurrent hidden layers also facilitate learning higher-order temporal patterns without
requiring prior knowledge of their duration. The network predicts several future time steps in order to ensure that it
captures the temporal structure of the sequence. Consequently, each point in the sequence has multiple corresponding
predicted values from different points in the past, resulting in multiple error values. To assess the likelihood of anomalous
behaviour, prediction errors are modelled as a multivariate Gaussian distribution. The LSTM-AD delivers promising
outcomes by modelling long-term and short-term temporal relationships. Results from LSTM-AD suggest that LSTMbased prediction models are more effective than RNN-based models when there is no way of knowing whether the
normal behaviour involves long-term dependencies. As opposed to the stacked LSTM used in LSTM-AD, Bontemps et al.
[19] use a simple LSTM RNN to propose a model for collective anomaly detection based on LSTM RNN’s predictive
capabilities for univariate time series [81]. In the first step, an LSTM RNN is trained with normal time series before
making predictions. Predictions of current events depend on both their current state and their history. By introducing
the circular array, the model will be configured to detect collective anomalies, which contains the errors of a subsequence.
A collective anomaly will be identified by prediction errors above a threshold in the circular array.
Motivated by promising results in LSTM models for UTS anomaly detection, a number of methods attempt to detect
anomalies in MTS based on LSTM architectures. In DeepLSTM [28] training, stacked LSTM recurrent networks are
used to train on normal time series. After that, using maximum likelihood estimation, the prediction error vectors
are fitted to a multivariate Gaussian. The model is then applied to predict the mixture of both anomalous and normal
validation data, and the Probability Density Function (PDF) values of the associated error are recorded. This approach
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
has the advantage of not requiring preprocessing, and it works directly on raw time series. LSTM-PRED [65] is based
on three LSTM stacks with 100 hidden units each, and input sequences of data for 100 seconds are used as a predictive
model to learn temporal dependencies. The Cumulative Sum (CUMSUM) method is used to detect anomalies rather
than computing thresholds for every sensor. CUSUM calculates the cumulative sum of the sequence predictions to
detect slight deviations, reducing false positives. After computing both positive and negative differences between the
predicted values and actual data, an Upper Control Limit (UCL) and a Lower Control Limit (LCL) from the validation
dataset are determined and act as boundary controls to decide whether an anomaly has occurred. Moreover, this model
can localise the sensor exhibiting abnormal behaviour.
In all three above-mentioned models, LSTMs were stacked; however, LSTM-NDT [91] combines various techniques.
LSTM and RNN achieve high prediction performance by extracting historical information from MTS. There is a
nonparametric, dynamic, and unsupervised threshold finding technique presented in the article that can be used for
evaluating residuals. By applying this approach, thresholds can be set automatically for evolving data in order to address
diversity, instability, and noise issues. [50] proposes a method called LSTM-BP based on LTSM and improves the internal
structure of LSTM for detecting time series anomalies. A real-time anomaly detection algorithm called LGMAD for
complex systems combining LSTM and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is presented in this paper. The first step is to
use LSTM to detect anomalies in univariate time series data, and then a Gaussian Mixture Model is adopted in order to
provide a multidimensional joint detection of potential anomalies. Aside from that, to increase the model’s performance,
the health factor 𝛼 concept is introduced to describe the system’s health status. This model can only be applied in
low-dimensional applications. For the case of high-dimensional anomaly detection, the proposed method can be used
by dimensionality reduction techniques, such as principle component analysis (PCA) to detect anomalies [87], [139].
Ergen and Kozat [56] present LSTM-based anomaly detection algorithms in an unsupervised framework, as well
as semi-supervised and fully supervised frameworks. To detect anomalies, it uses scoring functions implemented by
One Class-SVM (OC-SVM) and Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) algorithms. In this framework, LSTM and
OC-SVM (or SVDD) architecture parameters are jointly trained with well-defined objective functions, utilizing two joint
optimisation approaches. The gradient-based joint optimisation method uses revised OC-SVM and SVDD formulations,
illustrating their convergence to the original formulations. As a result of the LSTM-based structure, methods are able
to process data sequences of variable length. Aside from that, the model is effective at detecting anomalies in time
series data without preprocessing. Moreover, since the approach is generic, the LSTM architecture in this model can be
replaced by a GRU (gated recurrent neural networks) architecture [40].
GRU was proposed by Cho et al. [37] in 2014, similar to LSTM but incorporating a more straightforward structure
that leads to less computing time (see Fig. 5c). Both LSTM and GRU use gated architectures to control information
flow. However, GRU has gating units that inflate the information flow inside the unit without having any separate
memory unit, unlike LSTM [48]. There is no output gate but an update gate and a reset gate. Fig. 5c shows the GRU cell
that integrates the new input with the previous memory using its reset gate. The update gate defines how much of
the last memory to keep [72]. The issue is that LSTMs and GRUs are limited in learning complex seasonal patterns
in multi-seasonal time series. As more hidden layers are stacked and the backpropagation distance (through time)
is increased, accuracy can be improved. However, training may be costly. In this regard, AD-LTI [183] is suggested.
It is a forecasting model that integrates a GRU network using a time series decomposition method called Prophet
[166], to enable robust learning on seasonal time series data without labels. By conducting time series decomposition
before running the prediction model, the seasonal features of input data are explicitly fed into a GRU network. During
inference, time series in addition to its seasonality characteristics (such as weekly and daily terms) are given to the
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Feature Extraction
Fig. 6. Structure of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to predict the next values of input time series based on a window of input
data. Since time series are time-dependent by nature, it can only use the inputs it has observed before in predicting the output π‘₯𝑑′ for
some time step 𝑑 .
model. Furthermore, since projections are based on previous data, which may contain anomalous points, they may
not be reliable.In order to estimate the likelihood of anomalies, a new metric called Local Trend Inconsistency (LTI)
is proposed. By weighing the prediction made based on a frame at the recent time point with its probability of being
normal, LTI overcomes the issue that there might be anomalous frames in history.
Traditional one-class classifiers develop for input data with fixed dimensions and are unable to capture the underlying
temporal dependency appropriately for time series data [148]. A recent model used recurrent networks to address this
issue. THOC [155] represents a self-supervised temporal hierarchical one-class network, which consists of a multilayer
dilated RNN and a hierarchical SVDD [164]. Multi-scale temporal features are captured using dilated RNNs [27] with
skip connections. A hierarchical clustering mechanism is applied to merge output of intermediate layers of the dilated
RNN rather than only using the lowest-resolution features at the top. Several hyperspheres exhibit normal behaviour in
each resolution, which captures real-world time series complexity better than deep SVDD. This facilitates the model
to be trained end-to-end, and anomalies are detected using a score, which measures how current values differ from
hypersphere representations of normal behaviour. In spite of the accomplishments of RNNs, they can be inefficient for
processing long sequences as they are limited to the size of the window.
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are modified versions of multilayer perceptions that regularise in a different
way. The hierarchical pattern in data allows them to construct increasingly complex patterns using smaller and simpler
patterns. CNN comprises multiple layers, including convolutional, pooling, and fully connected layers depicted in Fig.
6. Convolutional layers consist of a set of learnable kernels extending across the entire input. Filters are convolved
over the input dataset to produce a 2D activation map by computing the dot product between their entries and the
input. The pooling operation statistically summarises convolutional outputs. The CNN-based DeepAnt [133] model
does not require extensive data in training phase, so it is efficient. This model detects even small deviations in time
series temporal patterns and can handle low levels of data contamination (less than 5%) in an unsupervised manner. An
anomaly detection model can be applied both to univariate and multivariate time series, and it can identify anomalies
such as point anomalies, contextual anomalies, and discords.
In structural data analysis, convolutional networks have proven to be valuable for extracting high level features.
Due to the inability of traditional CNNs to deal with the characteristics of sequential data like time series, they are not
typically used for this type of data, and therefore by developing a temporal convolutional network (TCN) [11], dilation
convolution is utilised so that they can adapt to sequential data. Most of the CNN-based models use TCN for time series
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
anomaly detection. Essentially, TCN consists of two principles: it produces outputs of the same length as the input, and
it does not use information from the future into the past. For the first point, TCN employs a 1D fully-convolutional
network, whose hidden layers are the same size as the input layers. A second point can also be achieved using dilated
convolution in which output at time 𝑑 is convolved only with points from time 𝑑 and prior. The output of the dilated
convolution is based on the following equation:
π‘₯ ′ (𝑑) = (π‘₯ ∗𝑙 𝑓 )(𝑑) =
𝑓 (𝑖).π‘₯𝑑 −𝑙 .𝑖
where 𝑓 is a filter with size π‘˜, ∗ indicates convolution with the dilation factor 𝑙, and π‘₯𝑑 −𝑙 .𝑖 provides information of the
[77] uses TCN which is trained on normal sequences and is able to predict trends over time. The anomaly scores of
points are calculated using a multivariate Gaussian distribution fitted to prediction errors. A skipping connection is
employed to achieve multi-scale feature mixture prediction for varying scale patterns.
Ren et al. [144] combine the Spectral Residual (SR) model with CNN (SR-CNN) to achieve superior accuracy, as
the SR model derived from visual saliency detection [82]. More than 200 Microsoft teams have used this univariate
time series anomaly detection service, including Microsoft Bing, Office, and Azure. This model is very fast and detects
anomalies from 4 million time series per minute. The TCN-AE [169] uses a convolutional architecture coupled with an
autoencoder framework. As opposed to a standard autoencoder, it replaces the dense layer architecture with a more
powerful CNN architecture which is also more flexible in terms of input size. The TCN autoencoder uses two temporal
convolutional neural networks (TCNs) [11] for encoding and decoding. Additionally, the downsampling layer in the
encoder and the upsampling layer in the decoder are used.
In many real world applications, quasi-periodic time series (QTS) are frequently generated. For instance, some
physiological signals like electrocardiograms (ECGs) are QTSs. An automatic QTS anomaly detection framework
(AQADF) is presented in [117]. It comprises a clustering-based two-level QTS segmentation algorithm (TCQSA) and
an attention-based hybrid LSTM-CNN model (HALCM). Specifically, TCQSA aims to accurately and automatically
divide QTSs into successive quasi-periods. A two-level clustering process is included in TCQSA. First, TCQSA uses
a hierarchical clustering technique, which automates the clustering of candidate points for QTSs without manual
intervention, making it generic. This second clustering method removes the clusters caused by outliers in QTS, making
TCQSA noise-resistant. HALCM applies stacked bidirectional LSTMs (SB-LSTMs) hybridised with CNNs (TD-CNNs) to
extract the overall variation trends and local features of QTS, respectively. Consequently, the fluctuation pattern of
QTS can be more accurately characterised. Furthermore, HALCM is further enhanced by three attention mechanisms.
Specifically, TAGs are embedded in LSTMs in order to fine-tune variations extracted from different parts of QTS. A
feature attention mechanism (FAM) and a location attention mechanism (LAM) are embedded into a CNN in order
to enhance the effects of key features extracted from QTSs. HALCM can therefore acquire more accurate feature
representations of QTS fluctuation patterns.
Graph Neural Network (GNN).
In the past few years, researchers proposed to extract spatial information from MTS and form a graph structure. Then
the problem of time series anomaly detection is converted to detect anomalies of time series given their graph structures
and GNNs have been used to model those graphs. The structure of GNNs is shown in Fig. 7. In GNNs, pairwise message
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GNN Layer
GNN Layer
GNN Layer
GNN Layer
Prediction Layer
Fig. 7. The basic structure of Graph Neural Network (GNN) for multivariate time series anomaly detection that can learn the
relationships (correlations) between metrics and predict the expected behaviour of time series.
passing is the key approach, so that graph nodes iteratively update their representations by exchanging information
with each other. In the models for MTS anomaly detection, each dimension (metric) is represented as a single node in
the graph and we represent our node set as 𝑉 = 1, . . . , 𝑑. 𝐸 represents edges in the graph, and they indicate correlations
learned from MTS. For node 𝑒/𝑖𝑛𝑉 , the message passing layer outputs the following for iteration π‘˜ + 1:
β„Žπ‘’π‘˜+1 = π‘ˆ 𝑃𝐷𝐴𝑇 πΈπ‘˜ (β„Žπ‘’π‘˜ , π‘šπ‘˜π‘ (𝑒) ) ,
π‘šπ‘˜π‘ (𝑒) = 𝐴𝐺𝐺𝑅𝐸𝐺𝐴𝑇 πΈπ‘˜ (β„Žπ‘˜π‘– , ∀𝑖 ∈ 𝑁 (𝑒))
where β„Žπ‘’π‘˜ is the embedding corresponding to each node and 𝑁 (𝑒) is the set of neighbourhood of node 𝑒.
The ability of GNNs to learn the spatial structure enhances the modelling of multivariate time series data containing
correlations. Generally, GNNs presume that the state of each node is affected by the states of its neighbours [150]. A
wide variety of GNN architectures have been proposed, implementing different types of message passing. The graph
convolution network (GCN) [102] models a node’s feature representation by aggregating its one-step neighbours. Graph
attention networks (GATs) [173] are based on this approach, but instead of using a simple weight function for every
neighbour, they use an attention function to compute different weights for each neighbours.
As previously mentioned, incorporating relationships between features into models would be extremely beneficial.
Deng and Hooi [46] introduce GDN, a graph neural network attention-based that embeds vectors to capture individual
sensor characteristics as nodes and captures sensors’ correlations (spatial information) as edges in the graph, which learns
to predict sensor behaviour based on attention functions over their adjacent sensors. It is able to detect and interpret
deviations from them based on subgraphs, attention weights, and a comparison of predicted and actual behaviour without
supervision. An anomaly detection framework called GANF (Graph-Augmented Normalizing Flow) [42] augments a
normalizing flow with graph structure learning. Normalizing flows is a deep generative model for unsupervised learning
of the underlying distribution of data and resolving the challenge of label scarcity. Since normalizing flows provides an
estimate of the density of any instance, it can be applied to the hypothesis that anomalies tend to fall in low-density
areas. GANF is represented as a Bayesian network, which models time series’ conditional dependencies. By factoring
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
Spacial Pooler
Sequence Memory
Prediction Error
(a) Components of anomaly detection using HTM
(b) Structure of HTM cell
Fig. 8. (a) Components of a Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) based anomaly detection system. Based on the output of an HTM
system, it calculates the prediction error and anomaly likelihood measure. (b) An HTM cell internal structure. In HTM cells, dendrites
are modelled as overlapped detectors with synapses between them. The context dendrites receive lateral input from other neurons in
the layer. If lateral activity on a context dendrite is sufficient, the cell enters a predicted state.
multiple time series densities across temporal and spatial information, it learns the conditional densities resulting
from factorisation with a graph-based dependency encoder. To ensure that the corresponding graph is acyclic, the
authors impose a differentiable constraint on the graph adjacency matrix [187]. The graph adjacency matrix and flow
parameters can both be optimised using a joint training algorithm. After that, Graph-based dependency decoders are
used to summarise the conditional information needed to calculate series density. Anomalies are detected by identifying
instances with low density. Due to graph structures’ usefulness as indicators of distribution drift, the model provides
insights into how distribution drifts in time and how graphs evolve.
Before concluding GNN models we would like to highlight that extracting graph structures from time series and
modeling them using GNNs enable the anomaly detection model to learn the changes in spatial information over time
which is a promising future research direction.
Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM).
A notable instance of using hierarchical temporal processing for anomaly detection is the Hierarchical Temporal
Memory (HTM) system that attempts to mimic the hierarchy of neuron cells, regions, and levels in the neocortex [64].
As Fig. 8a illustrates typical HTM algorithm components. The input, π‘₯𝑑 , is fed to an encoder and then a sparse spatial
pooling process [41]. As a result, π‘Ž(π‘₯𝑑 ) represents the current input as a sparse binary vector. Sequence memory forms
the core of the system that models temporal patterns in π‘Ž(π‘₯𝑑 ) and returns a prediction in the form of sparse vector
πœ‹ (π‘₯𝑑 ). Thus, prediction error can be defined as follows:
π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘‘ = 1 −
πœ‹ (π‘₯𝑑 −1 ).π‘Ž(π‘₯𝑑 )
|π‘Ž(π‘₯𝑑 )|
where |π‘Ž(π‘₯𝑑 )| is the total numbers of 1 in π‘Ž(π‘₯𝑑 ).
Based on the model’s prediction history and the distribution of errors, anomaly likelihood is a probabilistic metric
that indicates whether the current state is anomalous or not, as shown in Fig. 8a. In HTM sequence memory, a column
of HTM neurons are arranged in a layer (Fig. 8b). There may be several regions within a single level of the hierarchy.
At higher hierarchical levels, fewer regions are involved, and patterns learned at lower levels are combined to recall
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Fig. 9. Structure of transformer network for anomaly detection. The Transformer emulates neural sequence models by using an
encoder-decoder structure. There are multiple identical blocks in both encoders and decoders. Each encoder block consists of a
multi-head self-attention module and a position-wise feedforward network. During decoding, cross-attention models are interposed
between the multi-head self-attention module and the position-wise feedforward network. A Transformer does not contain any
recurrence or convolution, unlike a recurrent neural network. Rather than modelling sequence information directly, it employs the
positional encoding added to the embeddings of the inputs.
more complex patterns. HTM regions all serve the same purpose. Sensory data enters lower-level regions during the
learning stages, and the lower-level regions output the resulting pattern of a specific concept in generation mode. At the
top level, the most general and enduring concepts are stored in a single region. In inference mode, a region interprets
information coming up from its children as probabilities. As well as being robust to noise, HTM has a high capacity and
can simultaneously learn multiple patterns. A spatial pattern in HTM regions is learned by recognizing and memorizing
frequent sets of input bits. In the following phase, it identifies sequences of spatial patterns that are likely to occur in
succession over time.
Numenta HTM [5] detects temporal anomalies of univariate time series in predictable and noisy domains using HTM.
Consequently, the system is efficient, can handle extremely noisy data, adapts continuously to changes in data statistics,
and detects small anomalies without generating false positives. Multi-HTM [182] is a learning model that learns context
over time, so it is tolerant of noise. Data patterns are learned continuously and predictions are made in real-time, so it
can be used for adaptive models. With it, a wide range of anomaly detection problems can be addressed, not just certain
types. In particular, it is used for univariate problems and applied efficiently to multivariate time series. The purpose
of RADM [49] is to present a framework for real-time unsupervised anomaly detection in multivariate time series,
which combines HTM with a naive Bayesian network (BN). Initially, the HTM algorithm is used to detect anomalies in
UTS with excellent results in terms of detection and response times. The second step consists of combining the HTM
algorithm with BN to detect MTS anomalies as effectively as possible without reducing the number of dimensions. As a
result, some anomalies that are left out of UTS can be detected, and detection accuracy is increased. BNs are utilised to
refine new observations because they are easy to use in specifying posterior probabilities and are adaptive. Additionally,
this paper defines a health factor 𝛼 (a measure of how well the system is running) in order to describe the health of the
system and improve detection efficiency.
Transformers [172] are deep learning models that weigh input data differently depending on the significance of different
parts. In contrast to RNNs, transformers process the entire data simultaneously. Due to its architecture based solely on
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
(a) Predictable
(b) Unpredictable
Fig. 10. A time series may be unknown at any given moment or may change rapidly like (b) which illustrates sensor readings for
manual control [124]. Such a time series cannot be predicted in advance, making prediction-based anomaly detection ineffective.
attention mechanisms, illustrated in Fig. 9, it can capture long-term dependencies while being computationally efficient.
Recent studies utilise them to detect time series anomalies as they process sequential data for translation in text data.
The original transformer architecture is encoder-decoder based. An essential part of the transformer’s functionality
is its multi-head self-attention mechanism, stated in the following equation:
𝑄, 𝐾, 𝑉 = π‘ π‘œ 𝑓 π‘‘π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ ( √︁ )𝑉
where 𝑄, 𝐾 and 𝑉 are defined as the matrices and π‘‘π‘˜ is for normalisation of attention map.
A semantic correlation is detected in a long sequence, and the important elements are filtered from the irrelevant
ones. Since transformers have no recurrence or convolution, it is necessary to specify the relative or absolute positions
of tokens in the sequence, which is called positional encoding. GTA [35] greatly benefits from the sequence modelling
ability of the transformer and employs a bidirectional graph structure to learn the relationship among multiple IoT
sensors. A novel Influence Propagation (IP) graph convolution is proposed as an automatic semi-supervised learning
policy for graph structure of dependency relationships between sensors. As part of the training process to discover hidden
relationships, the neighbourhood field of each node is constrained to further improve inference efficiency. Following
that, they are fed into graph convolution layers for modelling information propagation. As a next step, a multiscale
dilated convolution and a graph convolution are fused to provide a hierarchical temporal context encoding. They use
transformer-based architectures to model and forecast sequences due to their parallelism and capability to capture
contextual information. The authors also propose an alternative method of reducing multi-head attention’s quadratic
complexity using multi-branch attention. In another recent work they use transformer with stacked encoder-decoder
structures made up solely of attention mechanisms. The SAnD (Simply Attend and Diagnose) [159] uses attention
models to model clinical time series, eliminating the need for recurrence. The architecture utilises the self-attention
module, and dependencies within neighbourhoods are captured and designed with multiple heads. Moreover, positional
encoding techniques and dense interpolation embedding techniques are used to represent the temporal order. This was
also extended to handle multiple diagnoses by creating a multitask variant.
Reconstruction-based models
Most of the complex time series anomaly detection methods are based on modelling the time series to predict future
values and prediction errors. Even so, there is no robust forecasting-based model that can produce an accurate model for
rapidly and continuously changing time series (see Figure 10) [67] as a time series may be unknown at any given moment
or may change rapidly like Figure 10-b. Such a time series cannot be predicted in advance, making prediction-based
anomaly detection ineffective. Forecasting-based models dramatically increase prediction error as the number of time
points increases, as seen in [125]. Due to this, existing models make very short-term predictions in order to achieve
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acceptable accuracy since they are incapable of detecting subsequence anomalies. For example, most financial time
series predictions can only predict the next step, which is not beneficial if a financial crisis is likely to occur. To overcome
this deficiency in forecasting-based models, reconstruction-based models may be more effective.
Models for normal behaviour are constructed by encoding subsequences of normal training data in latent spaces (low
dimensions). Model inputs are sliding windows (see Section 3) that provide the temporal context of the reconstruction
process. It is not possible for the model to reconstruct anomalous subsequences in the test phase since it is only trained
on normal data (semi-supervised). As a result, anomalies are detected by reconstructing a point/sliding window from
test data and comparing them to the actual values, called reconstruction error. In some models, detection of anomalies
is triggered when the reconstruction probability is below a specified threshold since anomalous points/subsequences
have a low reconstruction probability.
Autoencoder (AE).
The autoencoder (AE), referred to as autoassociative neural networks [104], has been extensively studied in the form of
a neural network with nonlinear dimensionality reduction capability in MTS anomaly detection [149], [199]. Recent
deep learning developments have emphasised on learning of low-dimensional representations (encoding) using AE [80],
[16]. Autoencoders consist of two components (see Fig. 11a): an encoder that converts input into encoding and a decoder
that reconstructs input from the encoding. It would be ideal if an autoencoder could perform accurate reconstruction
and minimise reconstruction error. This approach can be summarised as follows:
𝑍𝑑 −𝑀:𝑑 = 𝐸𝑛𝑐 (𝑋𝑑 −𝑀:𝑑 , πœ™), 𝑋ˆπ‘‘ −𝑀:𝑑 = 𝐷𝑒𝑐 (𝑍𝑑 −𝑀:𝑑 , πœƒ )
where 𝑋𝑑 −𝑀 is a sliding window as shown in Fig. 11a and π‘₯𝑑 ∈ 𝑅𝑑 . 𝐸 is the encoder network with πœ™ parameters, so 𝑍 is
the representation in the bottleneck of the AE, which is called latent space. After that, this encoding window is fed
into the decoder network, named 𝐷, with πœƒ parameters and gives 𝑋ˆπ‘‘ −𝑀 as a reconstruction of 𝑋 . In the training phase,
encoder and decoder parameters are updated according to the following:
(πœ™ ∗, πœƒ ∗ ) = π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘” π‘š 𝑖𝑛 πΈπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿ (𝑋𝑑 −𝑀:𝑑 , 𝐷𝑒𝑐 (𝐸𝑛𝑐 (𝑋𝑑 −𝑀:𝑑 , πœ™), πœƒ ))
To capture more information and make better representations of the dominant information, various techniques are
offered like Sparse Autoencoder (SAE) [134], Denoising Autoencoder (DAE) [174], and Convolutional Autoencoder
(CAE) [136]. The anomaly score of a window in an AE-based model can be defined according to reconstruction error
with the following basic function:
𝐴𝑆 𝑀 = ||𝑋𝑑 −𝑀:𝑑 − 𝐷𝑒𝑐 (𝐸𝑛𝑐 (𝑋𝑑 −𝑀:𝑑 , πœ™), πœƒ )|| 2
There are several papers in this category in our study. Sakurada and Yairi [149] demonstrate the application of
autoencoders to dimensionality reductions in MTS as a prepoccessing for anomaly detection, as well as mechanisms
for anomaly detection using autoencoders. The method disregards time sequence by considering each data sample at
each time index as an independent. Even though autoencoders already perform well without temporal information,
they can be further boosted by providing current and past samples. To clarify autoencoder properties, they compare
linear PCA, denoising autoencoders (DAEs), and kernel PCA. As a result, authors found that autoencoders detect
anomalous components that linear PCA is incapable of detecting, and autoencoders can be enhanced by including
denoising autoencoders. Additionally, autoencoders avoid the complex computations that kernel PCA requires without
compromising quality and detection quality. DAGMM (Deep Autoencoding Gaussian Mixture Model) [199] estimates
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
MTS input sample probability using the Gaussian mixture prior in the latent space in an end-to-end framework. This
model consists of two major components: a compression network and an estimation network. The compression network
performs dimensionality reduction for input samples with a stochastic deep autoencoder, producing low-dimensional
representations based on both the reduced space and the reconstruction error features. The estimation network calculates
sample energy (defined next) through Gaussian Mixture Modeling in low-dimensional representations. Sample energy
is used to determine reconstruction errors; high sample energy means a high degree of abnormality. Despite this,
only spatial dependencies are considered, and no temporal information is included. Through end-to-end training, the
estimation network introduced a regularisation term which helps the compression network to avoid local optima and
produce low reconstruction errors.
The EncDec-AD [124] model detects anomalies even from unpredictable univariate time series, in contrast to many
existing models for anomaly detection. In this approach, the multivariate time series is reduced to univariate by
considering only the first principal component. It has been claimed that it can detect anomalies from time series with
lengths up to 500, indicating that LSTM encoder-decoders learn a robust model of normal behaviour. In spite of this, it
suffers from an error accumulation problem when it has to decode long sequences of data. [96] proposes two autoencoder
ensemble frameworks based on sparsely-connected recurrent neural networks. In one framework, multiple autoencoders
are trained independently, while another framework facilitates the simultaneous training of multiple autoencoders
using a shared feature space. Both frameworks use the median of the reconstruction errors of multiple autoencoders to
measure the likelihood of an outlier in a time series. Audibert et al. [10] propose Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for
Multivariate Time Series (USAD) using autoencoders in which adversarially trained autoencoders are utilised to amplify
reconstruction errors. The input for either training or testing is a sequence of observations with a temporal order
for retaining this information. Furthermore, adversarial training coupled with its architecture, enables the system to
distinguish anomalies while facilitating fast learning. Goodge et al. [69] determine whether autoencoders are vulnerable
to adversarial attacks in anomaly detection by examining the results of a variety of adversarial attacks. Approximate
Projection Autoencoder (APAE) is proposed to improve the performance and robustness of the model under adversarial
attacks. By using gradient descent on latent representations, this method produces more accurate reconstructions and
increases robustness to adversarial threats. As part of this process, a feature-weighting normalisation step takes into
account the natural variability in reconstruction errors between different features.
In MSCRED [189], attention-based ConvLSTM networks are designed to capture temporal trends, and a convolutional
autoencoder is used to encode and reconstruct the signature matrix (which contains inter-sensor correlations) instead of
relying on the time series explicitly. Matrixes have a length of 16 and a step interval of 5. The reconstruction error of the
signature matrix may be used to calculate an anomaly score. It also highlights how to identify root causes and interpret
anomaly duration in addition to detecting anomalies. In CAE-Ensemble [22], a convolutional sequence-to-sequence
autoencoder is presented, which can capture temporal dependencies with high training parallelism. In addition to
Gated Linear Units (GLU) incorporated with convolution layers, attention is also applied to capture local patterns by
recognising similar subsequences that recur in input, such as periodicity. Since the outputs of separate basic models can
be combined to improve accuracy through ensembles [29], a diversity-driven ensemble based on CAEs is proposed along
with a parameter-transfer-based training strategy instead of training each CAE model separately. In order to ensure
diversity, the objective function also considers the differences between basic models, rather than simply assessing their
accuracy. Using ensemble and parameter transferring techniques reduces training time and error considerably.
RANSysCoders [1] outlines a real-time anomaly detection method used by eBay. The authors propose an architecture
that employs multiple encoders and decoders with random feature selection to infer and localise anomalies through
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Input Layer
Output Layer
(a) Auto-Encoder
Input Layer
Output Layer
(b) Variational Auto-Encoder
Fig. 11. This is the basic structure of (a) Auto-Encoder that compress an input window into a lower-dimensional representation (β„Ž)
and then reconstruct the output 𝑋ˆ from this representation. and (b) Variational Auto-Encoder that receives an input window with
size 𝑀. By compressing it, the encoder creates the latent distribution. Using the sampled data from a parameterised distribution as
input, the decoder outputs 𝑋ˆ as close to 𝑋 as possible.
majority voting, and decoders determine the bounds of the reconstructions. In this regard, RANCoders are Bootstrapped
autoencoders for feature-bounds construction. Furthermore, spectral analysis [180] of the latent space representation is
suggested as a way to extract priors for multivariate time series to synchronise raw series representations. Improved
accuracy can be attributed to features synchronisation, bootstrapping, quantile loss, and majority vote for anomaly
inference. The method overcomes limitations associated with previous work, including a posteriori threshold identification, time window selection, downsampling for noise reduction, and inconsistent performance for large feature
dimensions. The authors study the limitations of existing widely used evaluation methods, such as the point-adjust
method, and suggest an alternative method to better evaluate anomaly detection models’ effectiveness in practice.
A novel Adaptive Memory Network with Self-supervised Learning (AMSL) AMSL [194] is proposed for increasing
the generalisation capacity of unsupervised anomaly detection. An autoencoder framework using convolutions can
enable end-to-end training. AMSL integrates self-supervised learning and memory networks in order to overcome the
challenges of limited normal data. As a first step, the encoder maps the raw time series and its six transformations
into a latent feature space. In order to learn generalised feature representations, a multi-class classifier must be built to
classify these feature types. During this process, the features are also fed into global and local memory networks, which
can learn common and specific features to improve representation ability. Finally, the adaptive fusion module derives a
new reconstruction representation by fusing these features.
Variational Autoencoder (VAE).
Fig. 11b shows a typical configuration of variational autoencoder (VAE), a directional probabilistic graph model
which combines neural network autoencoders with mean-field variational Bayes [101]. The VAE works similarly to
autoencoders, but instead of encoding inputs as single points, it encodes them as a distribution using inference network
π‘žπœ™ (𝑍𝑑 −𝑀+1:𝑑 |𝑋𝑑 −𝑀+1:𝑑 ) where πœ™ is its parameters. It represents a 𝑑 dimensional input 𝑋𝑑 −𝑀+1:𝑑 to a latent representation
𝑍𝑑 −𝑀+1:𝑑 with a lower dimension π‘˜ < 𝑑. A sampling layer takes a sample from a latent distribution and feeds it to
the generative network π‘πœƒ (𝑋𝑑 −𝑀+1:𝑑 |𝑍𝑑 −𝑀+1:𝑑 ) with paprameters πœƒ and its output is 𝑔(𝑍𝑑 −𝑀+1:𝑑 ), reconstruction of
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
the input. There are two components of the loss function, as stated in Equation (23), that are minimised in a VAE: a
reconstruction error that aims to improve the process of encoding and decoding and a regularisation factor, which aims
to regularise the latent space by making the encoder’s distribution as close to the preferred distribution as possible.
π‘™π‘œπ‘ π‘  = ||𝑋𝑑 −𝑀+1:𝑑 − 𝑔(𝑍𝑑 −𝑀+1:𝑑 )|| 2 + 𝐾𝐿(𝑁 (πœ‡π‘₯ , 𝜎π‘₯ ), 𝑁 (0, 1))
where 𝐾𝐿 is is the Kullback–Leibler divergence. By using regularised training, it avoids overfitting and ensures that the
latent space is appropriate for a generative process.
LSTM-VAE [140] represents an LSTM-based variational autoencoder that adopts variational inference for reconstruction. In the original VAE, FFN is replaced with LSTM, which is trained with a denoising autoencoding method to
improve representation capabilities. This model detects anomalies when the log likelihood of the given data point falls
below a threshold. The threshold is dynamic and state-based, which denotes a varying threshold that changes over
the estimated state of a task so that false alarms can be reduced. Xu et al. [184] discover that training on normal and
abnormal data is necessary for VAE anomaly detection. The proposed model called Donut is an unsupervised anomaly
detection method based on VAE (a representative deep generative model) trained from shuffled training data. Three
steps in Donut algorithm, namely, Modified ELBO (evidence lower bound), Missing Data Injection for training, and
MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo) Imputation [146] for detection, allow it to vastly outperform others for detecting
anomalies in seasonal Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Due to VAE’s nonsequential nature and the fact that data is
fed in sliding window format without accounting for their relationship, Donut cannot handle temporal anomalies. Later
on, Bagel [114] is proposed as an unsupervised and robust algorithm to handle temporal anomalies. Instead of using VAE
in Donut, Bagel employs conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE) [107], [108] and considers temporal information.
VAE models the relationship between two random variables, π‘₯ and 𝑧. CVAE models the relationship between π‘₯ and 𝑧,
conditioned on 𝑦, i.e., it models 𝑝 (π‘₯, 𝑧|𝑦).
STORNs [158], or stochastic recurrent networks, were used to learn a probabilistic generative model of highdimensional time series data using variational inference (VI). The algorithm is flexible and generic and does not require
any domain knowledge when applied to spatially and temporally structured time series. In fact, OmniAnomaly [162] is
a VAE in which stochastic recurrent neural networks are used to learn robust representations of multivariate data, and
planar normalizing flow [145] is used to describe non-Gaussian distributions of latent space. The method computes
anomaly detection based on reconstruction probability and quantifies the interpretability of each feature depending
on its reconstruction probabilities. It implements the POT method to find an anomaly threshold. InterFusion [116]
proposes to use a hierarchical Variational Autoencoder (HVAE) with two stochastic latent variables for learning the
intermetric and temporal representations; and a two-view embedding by relying on an auxiliary "reconstructed input"
that compresses the MTS along with the metric and time aspects. In order to prevent overfitting anomalies in training
data, InterFusion employs a prefiltering strategy in which temporal anomalies are eliminated through a reconstruction
process to learn accurate intermetric representations. This paper proposes MCMC imputation multivariate time series
for anomaly interpretation and introduces IPS, a segment-wise metric for assessing anomaly interpretation results.
There are a few studies on the anomaly detection of noisy time series data in this category. In an effort to capture
complex patterns in univariate KPI with non-Gaussian noises and complex data distributions, Buzz [33] introduces an
adversarial training method based on partition analysis. This model proposes a primary form of training objectives
based on Wasserstein distance and describes how it transforms into a Bayesian model. This is a novel approach to
linking Bayesian networks with optimal transport theory. Adversarial training calculates the distribution distance on
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each partition, and the global distance is the expectation of distribution distance on all partitions. SISVAE (smoothnessinducing sequential VAE) [111] detects point-level anomalies that are achieved by smoothing before training a deep
generative model using a Bayesian method. As a result, it benefits from the efficiency of classical optimisation models as
well as the ability to model uncertainty with deep generative models. In this model, mean and variance are parameterised
independently for each timestamp, which provides thresholds to be dynamically adjusted according to noise estimates.
Considering that time series may change over time, this feature is crucial. A number of studies have used VAE for
anomaly detection, assuming a unimodal Gaussian distribution as a prior in the generative process. Due to the intrinsic
multimodality distribution of time series data, existing studies have been unable to learn the complex distribution of
data. This challenge is addressed by an unsupervised GRU-based Gaussian Mixture VAE presented in [73]. Using GRU
cells, time sequence correlations can be discovered. Afterwards, the latent space of multimodal data is represented
by a Gaussian Mixture. Through optimisation of the variational lower bound, the VAE infers latent embedding and
reconstruction probability.
In [188] a VAE with two additional modules is proposed: Re-Encoder and Latent Constraint network (VELC). A
re-encoder is added to the VAE architecture to obtain new latent vectors. By employing this more complex architecture,
the anomaly score (reconstruction error) can be maximised both in the original and latent spaces so that the normal
samples can be accurately modelled. Moreover, a VELC is applied to the latent space, so the model does not reconstruct
untrained anomalous observations. Consequently, it generates new latent variables similar to those of training data,
which can help it differentiate normal from anomalous data. The VAE and LSTM are integrated as a single component
in PAD [31] to support unsupervised anomaly detection and robust prediction. VAE dramatically decreases the effect of
noise on prediction units. As for LSTMs, they assist VAE in maintaining the long-term sequences outside of its window.
Furthermore, spectral residuals (SR) [82] are fed into the pipeline to enhance performance. At each subsequence, SR
assigns a weight to the status to show the degree of normality.
A TopoMAD (topology-aware multivariate time series anomaly detector) [78] combines GNN, LSTM, and VAE to
detect unsupervised anomalies in cloud systems with spatiotemporal learning. TopoMAD is a stochastic seq2seq model
that integrates topological information from a cloud system to produce graph-based representations of anomalies.
Accordingly, two representative graph neural networks (GCN and GAT) are replaced as an LSTM cell’s basic layer to
capture the topology’s spatial dependencies. Examining partially labelled information has become more imperative
in order to detect anomalies [100]. In the semi-supervised VAE-GAN [135] model, LSTMs are incorporated into VAE
as layers to capture long-term patterns. An encoder, a generator, and a discriminator are all trained simultaneously,
thereby taking advantage of the encoder’s mapping and the discriminator’s ability. In addition, by combining VAE
reconstruction differences with discriminator results, anomalies from normal data can be better distinguished.
Recently, a robust deep state space model (RDSSM) [112] is developed which is an unsupervised density reconstructionbased model for detecting anomalies in multivariate time series. This model differs from most current anomaly detection
methods in that it uses raw data contaminated with anomalies is used during training rather than assumed to be free of
anomalies. There are two transition modules to account for temporal dependency and uncertainty. In order to handle
variations resulting from anomalies, the emission model employs a heavy-tail distribution error buffering component,
which provides robust training on contaminated and unlabeled training data. By using the above generative model,
they devise a detection method that handles fluctuating noise over time. Compared with existing methods, this model
can assign adaptive anomaly scores for probabilistic detection.
In [177], a variational transformer is proposed as a technique for unsupervised anomaly detection in multivariable
time series data. Instead of constructing a feature relationship graph to capture correlation information, the model
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
extracts correlation through self-attention. The model’s performance is improved due to the reduced dimensionality
of the multivariate time series and sparse correlations between sequences. A transformer’s positional encoding, also
known as a global temporal encoding in this model, incorporates time series and periodic data to capture long-term
dependencies. Multi-scale feature fusion enables the model to obtain a more robust feature expression by integrating
feature information from multiple time scales. With its residual variational autoencoder module, the model encodes
hidden space with regularity using robust local features. As a result of the residual structure of the module, the KL
divergence is alleviated, and the lower limit to model generation is improved.
Generative adversarial network (GAN).
A generative adversarial network (GAN) is an artificial intelligence algorithm designed for generative modelling based
on game theory [68], [68]. In generative models, training examples are explored, and the probability distribution that
generated them is learned. In this way, generative adversarial networks can generate more examples based on the
estimated distribution, as illustrated in Fig. 12. Assume that we named the generator, 𝐺 and the discriminator, 𝐷. In
order to train the generator and discriminator, the following minimax game is used:
π‘šπ‘–π‘› π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ 𝑉 (𝐷, 𝐺) = Eπ‘₯∼𝑝 (𝑋 ) [π‘™π‘œπ‘” 𝐷 (𝑋𝑑 −𝑀+1:𝑑 )] + E𝑧∼𝑝 (𝑍 ) [π‘™π‘œπ‘”(1 − 𝐷 (𝑍𝑑 −𝑀+1:𝑑 ))]
where 𝑝 (π‘₯) is the probability distribution of input data and 𝑋𝑑 −𝑀+1:𝑑 is a sliding window from training set, called real
input in Fig.12. Also, 𝑝 (𝑧) is the prior probability distribution of generated variable and 𝑍𝑑 −𝑀+1:𝑑 is a generated input
window taken from a random space with the same window size.
In spite of the fact that GANs have been applied to a wide variety of purposes (mainly in research), they continue
to involve unique challenges and research openings because of relying on game theory which is distinct from most
approaches to generative modelling. Generally, GAN-based models take into account the fact that adversarial learning
makes the discriminator more sensitive to data outside the current dataset, making reconstructions of such data
more challenging. BeatGAN [196] is able to regularise its reconstruction robustly because it utilises a combination
of autoencoders and GANs [68] in cases where labels are not available. Moreover, using time series warping method
improves detection accuracy by speed augmentation in training dataset and robust BeatGAN against variability involving
time warping in time series data. Research shows that BeatGAN can detect anomalies accurately in both ECG and
sensor data.
However, training of the GAN is usually difficult and requires a careful balance between the discriminator and
generator [103]. A system based on adversarial training is not suitable for online use due to its instability and difficulty
in convergence. With Adversarial Autoencoder Anomaly Detection Interpretation (DAEMON) [34], anomalies are
detected based on adversarially generated time series. The training of the DAEMON autoencoder consists of three parts:
Multivariate time series are encoded first via a one-dimensional CNN. A prior distribution is applied to the latent vector
instead of directly decoding the hidden variable, and an adversarial strategy is used to fit the posterior distribution of
the hidden variable to the prior distribution. This is due to the fact that if the model has not observed identical patterns
before, directly decoding the latent vectors and using the reconstruction error will not accurately reconstruct the time
series. Afterwards, reconstructed time series are generated by a decoder. Another adversarial training procedure is
used in parallel to reduce the differences between the original and reconstructed values. It determines the root cause
by computing the reconstruction error for each metric and picking the top-k metrics with the highest reconstruction
error based on a new metric called Reconstructed Discounted Cumulative Gain (RDCG@P%) which utilises Normalized
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Backpropagation in Discriminator training
Real Input
Discriminator Loss
Generated Input
Generator Loss
Random Input
Backpropagation in Generator training
Fig. 12. An overview of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) that consists of two main components: generator and discriminator.
The generator constructs fake input windows of time series that are connected directly to discriminator inputs. A discriminator learns
to distinguish genuine time series from fake windows by using the generated instances as negative training examples. It is possible to
calculate a combined anomaly score by combining both the trained discriminator and the generator.
Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG). NDCG is a ranking quality measure that is associated with web search engine
algorithms or related applications.
MAD-GAN (Multivariate Anomaly Detection with GAN) [110] is a model based on Generic Adversarial Networks
(GAN). It captures the temporal relations between time series distributions by LSTM-RNN, which is employed as both
the generator and discriminator in a GAN and considers the entire data simultaneously to capture the latent interaction
between them. For detecting anomalies, reconstruction error and discrimination loss are both used. The FGANomaly
[54] (Filter GAN) reduces the problem of overfitting in conventional AE-based and GAN-based anomaly detection
models by screening possible abnormal samples before training using pseudo-labels, which results in capturing normal
distributions more accurately. The generator also has an objective called Adaptive Weight Loss, which dynamically
assigns weights to different points based on their reconstruction errors during training. By using this training objective,
the model can focus more on plausible normal data, thereby alleviating overfitting.
Anomaly Transformer [185] with the attention mechanism is proposed to capture the association discrepancy by
modelling the prior association and series-association at the same time for each timestamp to make rare anomalies more
distinguishable. In this perspective, anomalies are more difficult to connect with the whole series, whereas normality
connects more easily with adjacent timestamps. Prior associations estimate adjacent concentration inductive bias
using the Gaussian kernel, while series-associations use self-attention weights learned from raw data. In addition to
reconstruction loss, a MINIMAX approach is devised to increase the degree of normal-abnormal discrimination of the
association discrepancy. TranAD [171] is another transformer-based anomaly detection model that has self-conditioning
and adversarial training. As a result of its architecture, it is efficient for training and testing while preserving stability
when dealing with huge input. When the deviation is too small, i.e., if the data is close to normal, transformer-based
encoder-decoder networks may fail in detecting anomalies. The problem can be overcome by an adversarial training
strategy that amplifies the reconstruction errors in TranAD. In addition, self-conditioning for robust multimodal feature
retrieval can achieve training stability and facilitate generalisation.
Li et al. [113] present an unsupervised method called Dilated Convolutional Transformer GAN (DCT-GAN). In
this study, they use a transformer to process time series data, a GAN-based model to reconstruct samples and detect
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
anomalies and dilated CNN structures to extract temporal information from latent spaces. It combines several transformer
generators with different scales to obtain coarse-grained and fine-grained information within a GAN-based framework
for improving its generalisation capability. The model is made compatible with different kinds of anomalies using a
weight-based mechanism to integrate generators. Additionally, MT-RVAE [177] significantly benefits from transformer’s
sequence modelling and VAE capabilities that are categorised in both of these architectures.
Hybrid models
These models combine a forecasting-based model with a reconstruction-based model to obtain better time series
representations. According to Section 3.2 and Section 3.3, a forecasting-based model uses next timestamp predictions,
whereas a reconstruction-based model uses latent representations of the whole time series. It is possible to optimise
both models simultaneously by using a joint objective function.
Autoencoder (AE).
By capturing spatiotemporal correlation in multisensor time series, the CAE-M (Deep Convolutional Autoencoding
Memory network) [193] can model generalised patterns based on normalised data by undertaking reconstruction and
prediction simultaneously. We first build a deep convolutional autoencoder with a Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD)
penalty to approximate some target distribution in low-dimension and reduce the possibility of overfitting caused
by noise and anomalies in training data. For better representation of temporal dependencies, nonlinear bidirectional
LSTMs with attention and linear autoregressive models are utilised. Neural System Identification and Bayesian Filtering
(NSIBF) [60] is a novel density-based time series anomaly detection framework for Cyber Physical Security (CPS). An
end-to-end trained neural network with a specialised architecture is implemented using a state-space model, which
tracks the hidden state’s uncertainty over time recursively, to capture CPS dynamics. As part of the detection phase,
Bayesian filtering is automatically applied on top of the "identified" state-space model in order to screen out hidden
states and estimate the likelihood of observed values. As a result of the expressive power of neural networks combined
with the ability of Bayesian filters to track uncertainty, NSIBF can detect anomalies in noisy sensor data from complex
CPS with high accuracy.
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN).
With TAnoGan [13], they have developed a method that can detect anomalies in time series if a limited number of
examples are provided. TAnoGan has been evaluated using 46 NAB time series datasets covering a range of topics.
Experiments have shown that LSTM-based GANs can outperform LSTM-based GANs when challenged with time series
data through adversarial training.
Graph Neural Network (GNN).
In [195], two parallel graph attention (GAT) layers are proposed for self-supervised multivariate time series anomaly
detection, which will extract correlations between different time series (intermetric dependencies) and learn the relationships between timestamps (temporal dependencies). This model incorporates both forecasting- and reconstruction-based
models by defining an integrated objective. The forecasting model predicts only one point, while the reconstruction model
learns a latent representation of the entire time series. The model can diagnose anomalous time series (interpretability).
Fused Sparse Autoencoder and Graph Net (FuSAGNet) [75] is a framework that fused both SAE reconstruction and
GNN forecasting to discover complex types of anomalies in multivariate data. FuSAGNet incorporates GDN [46], but
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embeds sensors in each process, followed by recurrent units to capture temporal dependencies. By learning recurrent
sensor embeddings and sparse latent representations of input, the GNN predicts expected behaviours in test time.
Table 3. Public dataset and benchmarks used mostly for anomaly detection in time series. There are direct hyperlinks to their names
in the first column.
# Samples2
# Entities3
# Dim4
CalIt2 [55]
CAP [168] [66]
CICIDS2017 [154]
Credit Card fraud detection [44]
DMDS [179]
Engine Dataset [45]
Exathlon [93]
GECCO IoT [131]
Genesis [175]
GHL [63]
IOnsphere [55]
KDDCUP99 [51]
Kitsune [55]
MBD [78]
Metro [55]
MIT-BIH Arrhythmia (ECG) [130] [66]
MIT-BIH-SVDB [70] [66]
MMS [78]
MSL [91]
NAB-realAdExchange [5]
NAB-realAWSCloudwatch [5]
NASA Shuttle Valve Data [62]
Pooled Server Metrics (PSM) [1]
PUMP [153]
SMAP [91]
SMD [114]
SWaT [128]
WADI [7]
NYC Bike [122]
NYC Taxi [165]
UCR [45]
Dodgers Loop Sensor Dataset [55]
MGAB [170]
NAB-artificialNoAnomaly [5]
NAB-artificialWithAnomaly [5]
NAB-realKnownCause [5]
NAB-realTraffic [5]
NAB-realTweets [5]
NeurIPS-TS [105]
NormA [18]
Power Demand Dataset [45]
SensoreScope [12]
Space Shuttle Dataset [45]
Yahoo [92]
Urban events management
Medical and health
Server machines monitoring
Fraud detectcion
Industrial Control Systems
Industrial control systems
Server machines monitoring
Internet of things (IoT)
Industrial control systems
Industrial control systems
Astronomical studies
Computer networks
Computer networks
Server machines monitoring
Urban events management
Medical and health
Medical and health
Server machines monitoring
Server machines monitoring
Computer networks
Server machines monitoring
Industrial control systems
Environmental management
Server machines monitoring
Astronomical studies
Industrial control systems
Industrial control systems
Urban events management
Urban events management
Multiple domains
Urban events management
Medical and health
Medical and health
Multiple domains
Urban events management
Multiple domains
Industrial control systems
Internet of things (IoT)
Multiple domains
1 MTS/UTS: Multivariate/Univariate, 2 # samples: total number of samples, 3 # Entities: number of distinct time series, 4 # Dim: number of metrics in MTS
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
This section summarises datasets and benchmarks for time series anomaly detection which provides a rich resource for
researcher in time series anomaly detection. Some of these datasets are single-purpose datasets for anomaly detection,
and some are general-purpose time series datasets that we can use in anomaly detection model evaluation with some
assumptions or customisation. We can characterise each dataset or benchmark based on multiple aspects and their
natural features. Here we collect 48 well-known and/or highly-cited datasets examined by classic and state-of-the-art
deep models for anomaly detection in time series. These datasets are characterised based on the below attributes:
• Nature of the data generation which can be real, synthetic or combined.
• Number of entities, which means the number of independent time series inside each dataset.
• Type of variety for each dataset or benchmark, which can be multivariate, univariate or a combination of both.
• Number of dimensions, which is the number of features of an entity inside the dataset.
• Total number of samples of all entities in the dataset.
• The application domain of the dataset.
Note some datasets have been updated by their authors and contributors occasionally or regularly over time. We
considered and reported the latest update of the datasets and their attributes. Table 3 shows all 48 datasets with all
mentioned attributes for each of them. It also includes hyperlinks to the primary source to download the latest version
of the datasets.
More detailed information about these datasets can be found on this Github repository: https://github.com/zamanzadeh/tsanomaly-benchmark.
An application typically generates data through a series of generating processes, which further reflect system operations
or provide observational information about entities. The result of abnormal behaviour by the generating process is an
anomaly. In other words, anomalies often reveal abnormal characteristics of the systems and entities used to generate
data. By recognizing these unusual characteristics, we can gain useful insight from different application. The following
deep models are classified by the applications they are used for.
Internet Of Things (IoT)
As part of the smart world, the Internet of Things (IoT) is playing an increasingly significant role in monitoring various
industrial equipment used in power plants and handling emergency situations [142]. Analysing data anomalies can
identify environmental circumstances that require human attention, uncover outliers when cleaning sensor data, or
save computing resources by prefiltering undesirable portions of the data. Greenhouse [109] applies a multi-step ahead
predictive LSTM over high volumes of IoT time series. A semi-supervised hierarchical stacking TCN is presented in
[36], which targets the detection of anomalies in smart homes’ communication. Due to their use of offline learning,
these approaches are not resistant to changes in input distribution.
In the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), massive amounts of data are generated, which are valuable for monitoring
the status of the underlying equipment and boosting operational performance. An LSTM-based model is presented in
[192] for analysis and forecasting of sensor data from IIoT devices to capture the time span surrounding the failures.
[97] perform unsupervised anomaly detection using real industrial IIoT time series, such as manufacturing CNC and
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UCI time series, using a Squeezed Convolutional Variational Autoencoder (SCVAE) deployed in an edge computing
Server Machines Monitoring and Maintenance
Cloud systems have fueled the development of microservice architecture in the IT industry. There are numerous
advantages to this type of architecture, including independent deployment, rapid delivery, and flexibility of expansion
[53]. A service failure in such an architecture can cause a series of failures, negatively impacting the customer experience
and the company’s revenue. Troubleshooting needs to be performed as soon as possible after an incident. For this
reason, continuously monitoring online systems for any anomalies is essential. SLA-VAE [88] uses a semi-supervised
VAE to identify anomalies in multivariate time series in order to enhance robustness. Using active learning, a framework
is designed that can learn and update a detection model online based on a small sample size of highly uncertain data.
Cloud server data from two different types of game businesses are used for the experiments. For each cloud server, 11
monitored metrics, such as CPU usage, CPU load, disk usage, and memory usage are adopted.
In the Internet of Things (IoT), wireless sensor networks (WSNs) play a crucial role. Detecting anomalies is essential in
this context because it can reveal information about equipment faults and previously unknown events. [121] introduces
an AE-based model to solve anomaly detection problems in WSNs. The algorithm is designed to detect anomalies in
sensors locally without requiring communication with other sensors or the cloud. It is evaluated by a real WSN indoor
testbed, which consists of 8 sensors, collected over 4 consecutive months with synthetic anomalies.
Computer Networks
Intrusion detection for computer network systems is becoming one of the most critical tasks for network administrators
today. It has an important role for organisations, governments and our society due to the valuable resources hosted on
computer networks. Traditional misuse detection strategies are unable to detect new and unknown intrusion types. In
contrast, anomaly detection in network security aims to distinguish between illegal or malicious events and normal
behaviour of network systems. Anomaly detection can be used to build normal network behaviour and to detect new
patterns that significantly deviate from the normal model. Most of the current research on anomaly detection is based
on the learning of normal and anomaly behaviours.
The content delivery networks (CDNs) provide websites and cloud services with enhanced user experiences and
shorter response times. For managing service quality, CDN operators measure and collect KPIs such as traffic volume,
cache hit ratio and server response time to check and diagnose system functionality. SDFVAE (Static and Dynamic
Factorised VAE) [43] is a noise-tolerant anomaly detection model that learns the KPIs’ latent representations by explicitly
factorizing them into two parts that correspond to dynamic and static characteristics.
An essential part of defending a company’s computer networks is the use of network intrusion detection systems
(NIDS) to detect different security breaches. The feasibility and sustainability of contemporary networks are challenged
by the need for increased human interaction and decreasing accuracy of detection. A NIDS can monitor and analyse
network traffic and alarm when intrusions are detected. In [95], using deep learning techniques, they obtain a highquality feature representation from unlabeled network traffic data. The features are then applied to the supervised
classification of normal and anomalous traffic records based on a small but labelled dataset. In this model, a NIDS is
developed by employing self-taught learning, a deep learning technique based on sparse autoencoding and soft-max
regression. It relies on the KDD Cup 99 dataset [163] which is derived from the network traffic, including normal
traffic and attack traffic, such as DoS, Probing, and User-to-Root (U2R) and Root-to-Local (R2L). Also, [8], a Restricted
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
Boltzmann Machine (RBM) and a deep belief network are used for attack (anomaly) detection in KDD Cup 99. S-NDAE
[156] is trained in an unsupervised manner to extract significant features from the dataset. Unsupervised feature
learning with nonsymmetric deep autoencoders (NDAEs) is described in this work. Additionally, it introduces a deep
learning classification model constructed by stacking NDAEs and evaluated by datasets like the KDD Cup 99.
With the rapid expansion of mobile data traffic and the number of connected devices and applications, it is necessary
to establish a network management system capable of predicting and detecting anomalies effectively. A measure of
latency in these networks is the round trip delay (RTT) between a probe and a central server that monitors radio
availability. RCAD [6] presents a distributed architecture for unsupervised detection of RTT anomalies, specifically
increases in RTT. It employs the hierarchical temporal memory (HTM) algorithm to build a predictive model.
Urban Events Management
Traffic anomalies, such as traffic accidents and unexpected crowd gathering, may endanger public safety if not handled
timely. Detecting traffic anomalies in their early stage can benefit citizens’ quality of life and city planning. However,
traffic anomaly detection faces two main challenges. First, it is challenging to model traffic dynamics due to the complex
spatiotemporal characteristics of traffic data. Second, the criteria for traffic anomalies may vary with locations and
times. Zhang et al. [190] outline a spatiotemporal decomposition framework, which is proposed for detecting urban
anomalies. Spatial and temporal features are derived using a graph embedding algorithm to adapt to different locations
and times. A three-layer neural network with a fully connected core aggregates spatial and temporal features and
estimates the normal component of urban behaviour is a semi-supervised manner.
[47] presents a traffic anomaly detection model based on a spatiotemporal graph convolutional adversarial network
(STGAN), a spatiotemporal generator and a spatiotemporal discriminator that assesses whether an input sequence
is genuine. Spatiotemporal generators can be used to capture the spatiotemporal dependencies of traffic data. There
are three independent modules: trend, external, and recent. In the trend module, LSTMs are used to learn long-term
temporal features. An external module takes external features as input and is built as a fully-connected layer. Due to the
strong spatial and temporal correlations between neighbouring data, a fundamental component of the generator and
discriminator is the recent module and graph convolutional gated recurrent unit (GCGRU) is leveraged to help them
learn short-term spatiotemporal features. Three modules’ outputs are combined using a graph convolutional network
(GCN) layer for the final prediction result. An anomaly score is developed that is location-aware and time-aware.
In order to model dynamic multivariate data effectively, CHAT [85] is devised. In CHAT, the authors model the
urban anomaly prediction problem based on hierarchical attention networks. In fact, their architecture combines a
bi-directional recurrent layer (BiLSTM) with a temporal-wise attention mechanism to capture the anomaly information
relevant for forecasting future anomalies. Additionally, they design an interaction-wise attention mechanism for learning
the interactions between regions, anomaly categories and subsequences. Uber uses an end-to-end neural network
architecture for uncertainty estimation [197]. To improve anomaly detection accuracy, the proposed uncertainty estimate
is used to measure the uncertainty of special events (such as holidays). When uncertainty information is incorporated
into the anomaly detection model, false positives are reduced during events with high uncertainty, thereby improving
One of the most challenging tasks in intelligent transportation systems is forecasting the speed of traffic. The use of
navigation systems that predict traffic prior to travel in urban areas can help drivers avoid potential congestion and
reduce travel time. The aim of GTransformer [120] is to study how GNNs can be combined with attention mechanisms
to improve traffic prediction accuracy. Also, TH-GAT [86] is a temporal hierarchical graph attention network designed
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specifically for this purpose. In general, the concept involves augmenting the original road network with a regionaugmented network that can model hierarchical regional structures.
Astronomical Studies
As astronomical observations and data processing technology advance, an enormous amount of data is generated
exponentially. "Light curves" are generated using a series of processing steps on a star image. Studying light curves
contributes to astronomy as a new method for detecting abnormal astronomical events [115]. In [191] an LSTM neural
network is proposed for predicting light curves.
Due to the complexity and cost of spacecrafts, failure to detect hazards during flight could lead to serious or even
catastrophic destruction. Existance of an anomaly detection system is critical in this case to alert operation engineers
when there are no adequate measures. In [129], a transformer-based model with two novel components is presented,
namely, an attention mechanism that updates timestamps concurrently and a masking strategy that detects anomalies
in advance. Testing was conducted on NASA telemetry datasets.
Monitoring and diagnosing the health of liquid rocket engines (LREs) is the most significant concern for spacecraft
and vehicle safety, particularly for human launch. Failure of the engine will result directly in the failure of the space
launch, resulting in irreparable losses. To achieve reliable and automatic anomaly detection for large equipments such
as LREs and multisource data, Feng et al. [61] suggest using a multimodal unsupervised method for AD with missing
sources. In a unified framework composed of several deep AEs and a skip-connected AE, the proposed method integrates
intramodal fusion, intermodal fusion, and decision fusion.
Natural Disasters Detection
The detection of earthquakes in real time requires a high-density network to fully leverage inexpensive sensors.
Over the past few years, low-cost acceleration sensors have become widely used for earthquake detection. For the
accurate detection of earthquake waveforms in real-time, a detection algorithm must be developed that can analyse and
distinguish earthquake waveforms from non-earthquake waveforms. Accordingly, Petrol et al. [141] proposed CNNs for
detecting earthquakes and locating them from existing earthquake signals recorded by two local stations in Oklahoma.
Using deep CNNs, Phasenet [198] is able to determine the arrival time of earthquake waves in archives. In CrowdQuake
[89], a convolutional-rnn (CRNN) model is proposed as the core detection algorithm. This method relies on hundreds to
thousands of low-cost acceleration sensors that are dispersed throughout a large area in order to detect earthquakes in
real time. Moreover, past acceleration data can be stored in databases and analysed post-hoc to identify earthquakes
that may have been missed by real-time detection. In this model, abnormal sensors can be identified regularly that
might compromise earthquake events.
Earthquake prediction relies heavily on earthquake precursor data. Anomalies associated with earthquake precursors
can be classified into two main categories: tendency changes and high-frequency mutations. When a tendency does not
follow its normal periodic evolution, it is called a changing tendency. Disturbance of high frequency refers to sudden
changes in observations that occur with high frequency and large amplitude and often show irregular patterns. Cai
et al. [21] develop a predictive model for normal data by employing LSTM units. Moreover, prediction errors are used
to determine whether the behaviour is normal or unusual. Further advantages of LSTM networks include the ability to
detect earthquake precursor data without elaborating preprocessing directly.
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Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
Medical and Health
With the widespread adoption of electronic health records, there is an increased emphasis on predictive models that can
effectively deal with clinical time series data. As medical technology continues to improve, more proactive approaches
are adopted to anticipate and mitigate risks before getting sick, thus further improving the already reliable medical
system. These approaches are intended to analyse physiological time series, identify potential risks of illness before
they occur, and determine mitigation measures to take. [176] uses several convolution layers to extract useful features
from the input and then feeds them into a multivariate Gaussian distribution to detect anomalies.
Electrocardiography (ECG) signals are frequently used to assess the health of the heart, and the resulting time series
signal is manually analysed by a medical professional to detect any arrhythmia that has occurred. A complex organ
like the heart can cause many different arrhythmias. Thus, it would be very beneficial to adopt an anomaly detection
approach for analysing ECG signals which are developed in [96], [196] and [28].
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death in the world. Detecting abnormal heart rates can help
doctors to find the CVDs of patients. Using a CNN, Rubin et al. [147] develop an automated recognition system for
unusual heartbeats based on deep learning. In comparison to other popular deep models like CNN, RNNs are more
effective at capturing the temporal characteristics of heartbeat sequences. A study on abnormal heartbeat detection
using phonocardiography signals is presented in [147]. It has been shown that RNNs are capable of producing promising
results even in the presence of noise. Also, Latif et al. [106] uses RNNs because of their ability to model sequential and
temporal data even in noisy environments, to detect abnormal heartbeats automatically. [30] proposes a model using
the classical echo state network (ESN) [94] trained on an imbalanced univariate heart rate dataset, which represents
one of the two classic reservoir computing models with a recurrent neural network as a reservoir.
An epilepsy detection framework based on TCN, Gaussian mixture models and Bayesian inference called TCN-GMM
[118] uses TCN to extract features from EEG time series. In this study, EEG time series datasets without epilepsy
were considered normal samples, while those with epilepsy were considered anomalous ones. It is possible to treat
Alzheimer’s disease more effectively if the disease is detected early. A 2D-CNN randomised ensemble model is presented
in [119] that uses magnetoencephalography (MEG) synchronisation measures to detect early Alzheimer’s disease
symptoms. The proposed detection model is a binary classifier (disease/non-disease) for the time series of MEG activity.
It is inevitable that purification and refinement will affect various petroleum products. Regarding this, [63] as an LSTMbased approach is employed to monitor and detect faults in a multivariate industrial time series that includes signals
from sensors and control systems of gasoil plant heating loop (GHL). Two stacked LSTM layers are used in this proposed
network architecture along with a linear output layer. LSTMs are used to perform sequence-to-sequence prediction
based on temporal information. Likewise, according to Wen and Keyes [181], a CNN is used to detect time-series
anomalies using a transfer-learning framework to solve data sparsity problems. The results were demonstrated on the
GHL dataset [63], which contains data on cyber-attacks against utility systems.
The use of phasor measurement units (PMU) by utilities for power system monitoring increases the potential
for cyberattacks. In [14], anomalies are detected in multivariate time series data generated by PMU data packets
corresponding to different events, such as line faults, trips, generation and load before each state estimation cycle. A
CNN-based filter can provide an extra layer of security by removing false data before state estimation. Consequently, it
can help operators identify targeted cyber-attacks and make better decisions to ensure grid reliability.
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Darban et al.
The management of energy in buildings can improve energy efficiency, increase equipment life, as well as reduce
energy consumption and operational costs. Fan et al. [59] propose an autoencoder-based ensemble method for the
analysis of energy time series in buildings and the detection of unexpected consumption patterns and excessive waste.
Its application to building cooling load and chiller plant electricity consumption has been tested.
Industrial Control Systems
System calls can be generated through regularly scheduled tasks, which are a consequence of events from a given process,
and sometimes, they are caused by interrupts that are triggered by events. Moreover, if the process is event-driven, it
can have fast and slow profiles, making it difficult to model its normal behaviour. Similar to this, when modelling a
real-time process, the timestamp property is the best way to model the constraint on response time and execution time.
It is difficult to construct profiles using system call information since some processes are time-driven, event-driven, or
THREAT [58] provides a deeper insight in anomaly detection in system processes using their properties and system
calls. Detecting anomalies at the kernel level provides new insights into the more complex machine-to-machine
interactions. This is achieved by extracting useful features from system calls to broaden the scope of anomalies to be
detected. Afterwards, a MIMO (multiple-input and multiple-output) architecture is developed to expand the model’s
scope and respond to the heightened threat scope that is available with more profound abstractions. In this study,
the MIMO-based model and a broadened feature set assist not only in increasing anomaly detection scope but also in
helping to understand how one type of anomaly affects the output of another model aimed at detecting a different type
of anomaly.
GAN-based anomaly detection and localisation framework [39] is proposed along with a transformation method
called distance image for multivariate time series. Multivariate time series can be transformed into 2D images to exploit
encoders and decoders. The generator can learn a mapping between distance images so that it can analyse both the
temporal association of time series data as well as the correlation among multi variables through convolutional filters.
A pointwise convolution encoder ensures that the temporal information of each time series is encoded as well as the
inter-correlation between the variables. Additionally, residual 2D images can be used for anomaly localisation in images.
An autoencoder based on LSTM was implemented by Hsieh et al. [83] to detect anomalies in multivariate streams
occurring in production equipment components. In this technique, LSTM networks are used to encode and decode actual
values and evaluate deviations between reconstructed values and actual values. Using CNN to handle multivariate time
series generated from semiconductor manufacturing processes is the basis for the model in [98]. Further, a MTS-CNN is
proposed in [84] to detect anomalous wafers and provide useful information for root cause analysis in semiconductor
production. A variety of sliding windows of different lengths is generated to improve diversity, and the key features of
equipment sensors are learned through stacked convolution-pooling layers.
In the modern manufacturing industry, industrial robots play an increasingly prominent role as they increase productivity
and quality. As production lines become increasingly dependent on robots, failures of any robot can cause a plunge into
a disastrous situation, while some faults are difficult to identify. Therefore, industrial robots must be maintained to
ensure high performance. In order to detect incipient failures in robots before they stop working completely, a real-time
method is required to continuously track robots by collecting time series from robots. A sliding-window convolutional
Manuscript submitted to ACM
Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
variational autoencoder (SWCVAE) is proposed in [32] to detect anomalies in multivariate time series both spatially
and temporally in an unsupervised manner.
Many people with disabilities require physical assistance from caregivers, although some human care-giving can
be substituted by robots. Robots can help with daily living activities, such as feeding and shaving. In addition, a lack
of failure detection systems may lead to a decrease in the usage of robots because of their potential failure cost. By
detecting and stopping abnormal task execution in assistance, potential hazards can be prevented or reduced. Analysis
in LSTM-VAE [140] involved 1,555 robot feed executions from 24 individuals, including 12 types of anomalies. STORNs
Sölch et al. [158] is a VAE-based model and recorded the joint configurations of the seven joints of a Rethink Robotics
Baxter Robot arm for training and testing. The target distribution consisted of 1000 anomaly-free samples collected at
15 Hz during a pick-and-place task. The 300 samples were collected by manually hitting the robot with random hit
commands for testing purposes.
Environmental management
In ocean engineering, structures and systems are designed in or near the ocean, such as offshore platforms, piers and
harbours, ocean wave energy conversion, and underwater life-support systems. As part of the design and site selection
phase, long-term historical ocean observations are analysed, and real-time monitoring of the surrounding marine
environment is required. The ocean observing system (OOS) provides marine data by using sensors and equipment that
work under severe conditions, such as high humidity, salt fog, and vibration. In order to prevent big losses from total
machine failure or even natural disasters, it is necessary to detect OOS anomalies early enough. The OceanWNN model
[178] leverages a novel WNN-based (Wavelet Neural Network) method for detecting anomalies in ocean fixed-point
observing time series without any labelled training data. The proposed model can work in real-time, using two methods
of detecting new unknown anomalies (observation and prediction). Verification of the proposed method is done by the
National Marine Test Site of China.
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) plays a crucial role in protecting the environment. Due to their high energy
consumption. However, these plants require an optimum operation to maximise efficiency and minimise energy
consumption. Hence, early fault detection and management plays a vital role. A method based on LSTMs was used by
[126] to monitor the process and detect collective faults, superior to earlier methods. Moreover, energy management
systems must manage gas storage and transportation continuously in order to reduce expenses and safeguard the
environment. [161] use an end-to-end CNN-based model to implement an internal-flow-noise leak detector in pipes.
The purpose of this section is to examine some of the major challenges associated with the detection of several types
of anomalies in time series that we described in Section 2.4. In contrast to the tasks relating to the majority, regular
patterns, anomaly detection focuses on minority, unpredictable and unusual events which brings about some challenges.
The following are some challenges that have to be overcome in order to detect anomalies in time series data using deep
learning models:
• System behaviour in the real world is highly dynamic and dependent on the environment at the time. Thus,
there is a challenge in dealing with time series data due to their non-stationary nature and the changes in data
distribution. This means that deep learning models could detect anomalies in real-time.
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• The detection of anomalies in multivariate time series data presents a particular challenge as it requires simultaneous consideration of both temporal dependencies and relationships between metrics.
• In the absence of labelled anomalies, unsupervised or semi-supervised approaches are required. Because of this,
a large number of normal instances are incorrectly identified as anomalies. Hence, one of the key challenges is
finding a mechanism to minimise false positives and improve recall rates of detection. This is regarded as the
considerable cost associated with failing to detect anomalies.
• Time series datasets can exhibit significant differences in noise levels, and noisy instances are often irregularly
distributed. Thus, models are vulnerable and their performance are severely compromised by noise contained in
the input data.
• In scenarios where anomaly detection is being used as a diagnostic tool, a degree of interpretability is required.
Even so, anomaly detection research focuses primarily on detection precision, failing to address the issue of
• In addition to being rarely addressed in the literature, anomalies that occur on a periodic basis make detection
more challenging. A periodic subsequence anomaly is a subsequence that repeats over time [143]. The periodic
subsequence anomaly detection technique, in contrast to point anomaly detection, can be adapted in areas like
fraud detection to identify periodic anomalous transactions over time.
• There are a number of domains where the boundary between normal and abnormal behaviour is not clearly
defined and is constantly evolving. Algorithms based on traditional learning and deep learning both face
challenges due to the absence of a boundary.
• As series length increases, it becomes more complicated to learn normal patterns of time series data and detect
The main objective of this study was to explore and identify state-of-the-art deep learning models for time series
anomaly detection, industrial applications, and datasets. In this regard, a variety of perspectives have been explored
regarding the characteristics of time series, types of anomalies in time series, and the structure of deep learning models
for time series anomaly detection. On the basis of these perspectives, 56 recent deep models were comprehensively
discussed and categorised. Moreover, time series deep anomaly detection applications across multiple domains were
discussed along with datasets commonly used in this area of research. In the future, active research efforts on time
series deep anomaly detection are necessary to overcome the challenges we discussed in this survey.
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