Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education Unit Topic: Cookery Grade/ Level: 7 Quarter: First UNIT STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES DIAGRAM Students on their own and in the long run will be able to independently prepare simple egg dish with the correct standard operating procedures and accurately measuring/calculating ingredients in cookery. Cooking Demonstration (Actual) The learners thinking critically and creatively independently demonstrate to use and maintain tools, equipment, and materials in cookery. Identify types of tools, equipment, and paraphernalia. COOKERY Students will understand the preparation of different food items and dishes, and therefore may increase food choice opportunities, as well as food variety and they will develop their cooking skill acquired in their real life situation. Classify the types of appropriate cleaning tools and equipment based on their uses. Select various types of chemicals for cleaning and sanitizing kitchen, tools, equipment, and paraphernalia. As a grade 7 learners, sometimes we need to become independent as a young age and to develop our skills in cooking. Why is it important to develop your skills in cooking? Demonstrates an understanding of the use and maintenance of equipment in cookery EXPLORE Cookery is the process of preparing food by applying heat, selecting, measuring and combining of ingredients in an orderly procedure for safe and edible food. The process includes a number of cooking techniques, methods, tools and combinations of ingredients to help with the flavor or digestibility of food. Factors affecting the final outcome include the variability of ingredients, ambient conditions, tools, and how good the individual can cook. Remember to answer the following questions: What are the tools, equipment and paraphernalia commonly used in the kitchen? What are the classifications of kitchen tools, equipment, and paraphernalia? How to maintain the cleanliness of kitchen tools, equipment, and paraphernalia? Why is it important to gain knowledge, skills, and values that acquired in cooking? LOOK BACK Before you proceed on the discussion, let’s check your prior knowledge about the cookery. As a Grade 7 learners, sometimes we need to become independent as a young age and to develop our skills in cooking. Why is it important to develop your skills in cooking? As a grade 7 learners, sometimes we need to become independent as a young age and to develop our skills in cooking. Why is it important to develop your skills in cooking? INITIAL LEARNING COMPETENCY LC: A1. Identify types of tools, equipment, and paraphernali a. REVISED FINAL FIRM-UP Discussion for Kitchen Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia Activity 1.1 Find me & Why? Identify at least 5 tools, equipment, and paraphernalia that can be found in your home. Describe how it used and why you are using it. Tools, equipment and paraphernalia uses importance. Tools, equipment and paraphernalia 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (TLE_HECK7/ 8UT-0a-1) Uses Importance Activity 1.2 Pictionary! Directions: Identify the following tools and equipment below. 1. ____________ 2. 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ ____________ 6. 7. ____________ A2. Classify the types of appropriate cleaning tools and equipment based on their uses (TLE_HECK7/ 8MT-0b-2) 8. ____________ 9. ____________ 10. ____________ ____________ Activity 2.1 Pick your Choice Directions: Identify the following: Choose your answer in the box. Detergents Acid Cleaners Sanitizing Solvent Cleaners Abrasive Cleaners 1. ____________ these cleaners are often used to remove scale in ware washing machines and steam tables. Use periodically on mineral deposits and other soils that detergents cannoy remove. 2. ____________ are used to remove oil, grease, solder flux, and other contaminants. Use periodically on surfaces where grease has burned on. 3. ____________ means the removal of dirt, food residue, and any other materials from a surface, utensil, or equipment, and any other cleaning aids either mechanical or detergent scrubbing actions, followed by rinsing. 4. ____________ use these cleaners to remove heavy accumulations of soil that are difficult to remove with detergents. 5. ____________ it can penetrate soil quickly and soften it. Activity 2. 2 Pick your Choice! Directions: Classify the following examples according to the types of cleaning agents. Choose your answer on the box. Detergents Solvent Cleaners 1. Vinegar and Lemon ____________ 2. Joy____________ A3. Select various types of chemicals for cleaning and sanitizing kitchen, tools, equipment, and paraphernali a (TLE_HECK7/ 8UT-0a-1) Explain the significance of sanitizing kitchen tools, equipment, and paraphernalia in our daily lifes. Acid Cleaners Abrasive Cleaners 3. Baking Soda ____________ 4. Solvent ____________ 5. Dazz ____________ Activity 3. Match Me! Match Column A with the corresponding item in Column B. Write the letter of your answer for each number. A. B. 1. _______ Hand Mixer A. Measuring Tools 2. _______ Frying Pan B. Cookware Materials 3. _______ Stainless Steel C. Abrasive Cleaners 4. _______ Powdered Borax D. Kitchen Equipment 5. _______ Measuring Cups E. Kitchen Utensils 6. _______ Toilet bowl cleaners F. Detergents 7. _______ Smart G. Mixing Tools 8. _______ Cleaver H. Acid Cleaners 9. _______ Metal Whisk I. Kitchen Knives 10. _______ Carbon Steel J. Cookware Materials Activity 4. 1 Video Analysis Watch the video in this link: Then, write a reflective essay about the video you have watched. Scaffold for Transfer 1 (Cleaning and Maintaining My Kitchen) Create a 3-5 minutes video clip showing ways on how you clean and maintain common kitchen tools and equipment in your home. Check this link: Learning Targets: I can define the different uses of kitchen tools, equipment, and paraphernal ia. I can classify the types of appropriate cleaning tools and equipment based on their uses I can select various types of chemicals for cleaning and sanitizing kitchen, tools, equipment, and paraphernal ia. 1. CRITERIA ORGANIZATIO N 1 The presentation was difficult to follow due to disorganization of the utterances Most of the information was inaccurate or not clear 2. ACCURACY OF INFORMATION 3. MUSIC/SOUND EFFECTS/VOIC E The audio or video is garbled and hard to decipher. Too much background interference and/or the video is of low quality 4. PRESENTATION OF CONTENT (EXECUTION OF THE PROCEDURES) The procedures were roughly executed and it was obvious that there was no preparation at all 2 The presentation was not easy 3 The presentation was easy to follow 4 The presentation was very easy to follow Most information presented in video was clear, but was not usually accurate The audio and/or video effects are moderate quality. Some background noises not related to the presentation are heard. The procedures were all executed but there was a need for more preparation to have a polished presentation Most information presented in video was clear, accurate and through All information presented in video was clear, accurate, and through The audio and video effects are acceptable quality. There are few distracting aspects to the audio/video Audio/Video effects flow exceeding well and are of high quality The procedures of the activity were executed properly. The demonstrator is comfortable and confident. The presentation is somehow polished Each procedure and part of the activity was effectively and creatively done. The demonstrator appeared wellprepared, confident, and comfortable. The execution of the procedures was polished SCORE SCORE Activity 4. 2 Table Completion Visit your school canteen. Observe how they clean and sanitize the kitchen. Write your observation on the table below. Check the last column if the tool, utensil, or equipment is properly sanitized. If not, write its proper way of cleaning and sanitation. Tool/Utensil/Equipment How it is sanitized? Is it properly clean and sanitized according to its function? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. LC: Discussion for Mensuration and Calculation A1. Give the abbreviations and equivalents of measurement s Activity 5. Find me! Give and define the common abbreviations of kitchen term. ____________ 1. tsp ____________ 2. oz ____________ 3. sq ____________ 4. qt ____________ ____________ 6. lb ____________ 7. pc ____________ 8. tbsp ____________ 9. pt ____________ 10. g A2. Measure ingredients according to recipe requirement Activity 6. Measure this! A3. Compute cost of production Activity 7. Solve for a Cost Solve the following problem. Read each item carefully and write the correct answer on the space provided before each number. _______ 1. The equivalent of 1000 grams into kilo is _______. a. 1 Kilo c. ¼ Kilo b. ½ Kilo d. 1/8 Kilo _______ 2. There are _______ pound in 16 ounces. a. 1 c. 3 b. 2 d. 4 _______ 3. _______ are used to measure ingredients by weight. a. Measuring Spoons c. Weighing Scales b. Measuring Cups d. Thermometers _______ 4. What is the substitution for Vinegar? a. Lemon or Lime juice c. Margarine b. Sour milk d. Orange juice _______ 5. There are _______ quarts in gallon. a. 1 c. 3 b. 2 d. 4 1. A Computer software retailer used as markup rate of 40%. Find the selling price of a computer game that cost the retailer $25. 2. A golf shop pays its wholesaler $40 for a certain club, and then sells it to a golfer for $75. What is the markup rate? (TLE_HECK7/ 8 PM-0d-4) M1. Discuss principles of costing (TLE_HECK7 /8PM-0e-5 Activity 8. Video Analysis Watch the video in this link: Then, write a reflective essay about the video you have watched. Learning Targets: Scaffold for Transfer 2 (Conversion and Substitution of Ingredients) Create a two or three-minute video clip showing ways on how to conversion and substitution of ingredients of the following: a. Lemon zest b. Honey Check this link: I can give the abbreviatio ns and equivalents of measureme nts I can measure ingredients according to recipe requirement . I can compute cost of production 5. CRITERIA ORGANIZATIO N 1 The presentation was difficult to follow due to disorganization of the utterances Most of the information was inaccurate or not clear 6. ACCURACY OF INFORMATION 7. MUSIC/SOUND EFFECTS/VOIC E The audio or video is garbled and hard to decipher. Too much background interference and/or the video is of low quality 8. PRESENTATION OF CONTENT (EXECUTION OF THE PROCEDURES) The procedures were roughly executed and it was obvious that there was no preparation at all SCORE 2 The presentation was not easy 3 The presentation was easy to follow 4 The presentation was very easy to follow Most information presented in video was clear, but was not usually accurate The audio and/or video effects are moderate quality. Some background noises not related to the presentation are heard. The procedures were all executed but there was a need for more preparation to have a polished presentation Most information presented in video was clear, accurate and through All information presented in video was clear, accurate, and through The audio and video effects are acceptable quality. There are few distracting aspects to the audio/video Audio/Video effects flow exceeding well and are of high quality The procedures of the activity were executed properly. The demonstrator is comfortable and confident. The presentation is somehow polished Each procedure and part of the activity was effectively and creatively done. The demonstrator appeared wellprepared, confident, and comfortable. The execution of the procedures was polished SCORE LC A1. Define occupational health and safety procedures done in the kitchen area Discussion about Practice Occupational Health and Safety Activity 9.1 Short Answer! Give the meaning of the following: 1. Air Pollutant ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Air Pollution ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Physical Hazard ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Bio-medical Waste ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Emission ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Activity 9.2 Define me! Identify of the following terms: _______ 1. It includes electricity machinery, equipment, pressure vessels, dangerous goods, fork lifts, cranes, hoists. _______ 2. Are present when you are exposed to any chemical preparation (solid, liquid, or gas) in the workplace. _______ 3. These are the most common hazards and are present in most workplaces at some time. _______ 4. Those that are basically causing stress to a worker. This kind of hazard troubles an individual very much to an extent that his general well-being is affect. _______ 5. It comes from working with people, animals, or infectious plant material. Guide Question: 6. In your own thoughts, what do you mean by Occupational Health and Safety? 7. What are the common safety issues that we should be aware of? 8. Why do we need to practice occupational health and safety when working? M1. Recognize the significance of OSH (TLE_HECK7 /8OHSP-0h-8) Activity 10. Video Analysis Watch the video in this link: Then, write a reflective essay about the video you have watched. Formative Assessment (Short Response Quiz) Learning Targets: On a clean sheet of paper, answer the following questions: 1. How do you promote occupational health and safety in the workplace? 2. What action should you take if workers are not complying with health safety procedures for safe I can define work practices? the different 3. Why is it important to always practice the occupational health and safety standards? workplace hazard according to the occupationa l health and safety. I can recognize and analyze the significance of occupationa l health and safety. Self-assessment This time, write your answer to the questions posted at the beginning by accomplishing the REVISED column of the IRF Chart As a grade 7 learners, sometimes we need to become independent as a young age and to develop our skills in cooking. Why is it important to develop your skills in cooking? INITIAL REVISED FINAL LEARNING COMPETENCY LC: T1. Invent other ways slogan related in practice occupational health and safety. Learning Targets: I can create a new slogan that related in practice occupationa l health and safety. DEEPEN Activity 11. Slogan (Practice Occupational Health and Safety) Procedure: 1. Create a new slogan about practice occupational health and safety. 2. Use 1/8 illustration board 3. Coloring tools such as oil pastels, markers, ink, oil, acrylic, and water color can be used. 4. Minimize erasures and other unnecessary markings in your artwork. Guide Question: 1. What are the common accidents in the kitchen area? 2. How can you prevent these accidents? 3. Why do we need to consider safety as our top priority? 4. What are the safety practices that you observe in your kitchen area? Share. 5. If you will become a restaurant or cafeteria owner someday, how can you ensure the safety your workers? GUIDED GENERALIZATION Title: As a grade 7 learners, sometimes we need to become independent as a young age and to develop our skills in cooking. Why is it important to develop your skills in cooking? What is the significance of cooking in our daily lives? Answer: Title: Title: What are the benefits of substituting health ingredients as an alternative to ensure a healthier dish? What are those cooking skills should be develop? g/staying-healthyabroad/introducing-healthysubstitutes#:~:text=Incorporating %20healthy%20substitutes%20in %20your,fat%20and%20calories %20you%20consume. Answer: Answer: Cooking skills refer to competencies and techniques that help you perform tasks related to food preparation. These can involve introductory procedures to cooking, such as washing, peeling, and chopping. While some of these skills involve culinary procedures for preparing tasty meals, there are various professional and soft skills that can help you perform at your best and please your customers. For instance, kitchen confidence is an essential competency that can allow you to improve and develop other kitchen skills. Cooperation, Hygiene, Flexibility, Time management, Food safety, detail-oriented, decision making and creativity those are competencies skill that should be develop. Cooking is an essential part of everyday life. It provides us with the means to nourish our bodies and enjoy delicious meals with friends and family. Cooking your own meals allows you to create delicious dishes with the ingredients of your choice. You get to try out new recipes and experiment with flavors to find what works best for you and your family. Incorporating healthy substitutes in your food preparation is a great way to keep a healthy and balanced diet without sacrificing taste and food pleasure. Some simple ingredient substitutions can help reduce the amount of sugar, salt, fat and calories you consume. Supporting Text: Supporting Text: Supporting Text: Cooking can be a therapeutic activity that helps to reduce stress and improve mental health. It encourages mindfulness, as you’re focusing on the task at hand, which can help to alleviate anxiety and depression. Through cooking, you can challenge yourself to learn new skills or recipes, and the sense of accomplishment that comes Not only can substitution save the day when you lack an ingredient called for in a recipe, but it also enables you to make a recipe better for you. That’s helpful whether you are trying to improve your overall eating pattern or are cooking for a specific health condition. You can quickly acquire experience in the food service industry by paying attention to people in the same profession as you. Working alongside cooks inside and outside your work industry can offer you the chance to see how they carry out their work, so you know what changes to make to progress. You can apply for an internship in a specific food service with it can help boost your self-esteem. Additionally, preparing meals for yourself or others can be incredibly satisfying, which can further improve your mental state. that interests you, which can help you learn more about the industry's expectations and goals. Reason: Reason: Reason: Cooking skills can be beneficial to you in so many ways. With healthier alternatives, you can enjoy your favorite meals and nourish our bodies better. Students can be develop their cooking skills at their home with practice. Common Ideas in Reasons: Preparing meals on your own can help develop your own skills and leads healthy lifestyle to you and your family. Enduring Understanding/Generalization: Students will understand the preparation of different food items and dishes, and therefore may increase food choice opportunities, as well as food variety and they will develop their cooking skill acquired in their real life situation. C-E-R Questions (Article 1) 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the significance of cooking in our daily lives? Which part of the article supports your claim? Why do you say that it supports your claim? How is cooking beneficial to learners like you? C-E-R Questions (Article 2) 1. What are the benefits of substituting health ingredients as an alternative to ensure a healthier dish? 2. 3. 4. Which part of the article supports your claim? Why do you say that it supports your claim? Why is it common to substitute ingredients? What are its benefits? C-E-R Questions (Article 3) 1. 2. 3. 4. What are those cooking skills should be develop? Which part of the article supports your claim? Why do you say that it supports your claim? How can you develop your cooking skills? Holistic Rubric for Guided Generalization: 4 Specific explanations shows in-depth conclusion of the Enduring Understanding and with strong justifications. 3 Enough explanations of the Enduring Understanding with adequate justifications 2 Lacking or partial explanations of the Enduring Understanding and with limited justifications 1 Vague explanations and has no reference to the Enduring Understanding and does not provide justifications 0 No explanation and justification was found in the given answer Scaffold 3 for Transfer. SIMPLE EGG DISHES Imagine yourself as a student-participant in the Nutrition Month Celebration. You are tasked is to prepare your own version of a simple egg dishes as observance of the “Healthy Breakfast Joys” in your school. Write the recipe of your dish on a clean sheet of bond paper with the required ingredients, exact measurements and steps in preparing your own simple egg dishes. Score 10 7 5 Criteria Presents recipe clearly and concisely, in an organized manner. Presents ingredients fairly clearly and concisely, may have minor inconsistencies with the measurements, substitutions, etc. Significant problems with clarity, concision, and organization, making the information presented difficult to comprehend Self-assessment I CAN DO THIS After doing the tasks in the previous activities, you should now be able to strengthen your new knowledge and understanding of cookery. It’s time for you to complete the IRF Chart by filling out the FINAL column. As a grade 7 learners, sometimes we need to become independent as a young age and to develop our skills in cooking. Why is it important to develop your skills in cooking? INITIAL REVISED FINAL TRANSFER TRANSFER GOAL: Students on their own and in the long run will be able to independently prepare simple egg dishes with the correct standard operating procedures and accurately measuring/calculating ingredients in cookery. GRASPS Goal: Your tasked is to prepare a simple egg dishes. (Actual Demonstration) Role: You are a participant in this task. Audience: Teachers that will serve as judges. Situation: Your school is celebrating its Nutrition Month this September, Cook Fest is one of the most awaited part of this celebration. Teachers notice that most students in the school are skipping their breakfast, to promote the importance of taking daily breakfast, this year’s theme for the cook fest is “Healthy Breakfast Joys”. Each group will present and prepare any kind of egg dishes. And demonstrating the correct measurement of ingredients, substitution of ingredients and the nutritional value of your product. Product: Actual Demonstration on how prepare simple egg dishes with the correct standard operating procedures and accurately measuring/calculating ingredients in cookery. Standards: Criteria for selecting in best cooking FOOD PREPARATION (Safety work & habits) – 10 pts ACCURACY/ MEASURING SKILLS (Food utilization of raw ingredients) – 10 pts. CREATIVITY/ORIGINALITY (Garnishes/Food plating) – 10 pts. COOKING DEMONSTRATION – 10 pts. COST OF EFFICIENCY – 10 pts. Self- assessment DIRECTIONS: Read each of the questions in the left-hand column of the chart. Place a check in the appropriate box opposite each question to indicate your answer. YES NO 1. I can define the different uses of kitchen tools, equipment, and paraphernalia. 2. I can classify the types of appropriate cleaning tools and equipment based on their uses 3. I can classify some example of cleaning agents according to their types. 4. I can select various types of chemicals for cleaning and sanitizing kitchen, tools, equipment, and paraphernalia. 5. I can clean and sanitize kitchen tools, and equipment following manufacturer’s instructions. 6. I can maintain the cleanliness of kitchen tools, equipment, and paraphernalia. 7. I can give the abbreviations and equivalents of measurements. 8. I can measure ingredients according to recipe requirement. 9. I can compute cost of production 10. I can define the different workplace hazard according to the occupational health and safety. 11. I can recognize and analyze the significance of occupational health and safety. 12. I can classify the different occupational health standard in workplace. 13. I can create a new slogan that related in practice occupational health and safety. 14. I can cook. 15. I gain knowledge, skills and values in cooking. Values Integration Write a reflection about what you have learned in Cookery 7. Write in paragraph form with 150 to 200 words. Use a clean sheet of bond paper for your work. (25 pts.) Prepared by: MS. CAGYLE MAY D. DEL ROSARIO Subject Teacher Checked by: MS. REINNALYN I. RICAFORT High School Coordinator Noted by: MR. MANUEL Q. UY III School Principal BONIFACIO LUZ NATIVIDAD EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC. Geronimo Street, St. John District, Guimba, Nueva Ecija 3115 Government Recognition No. E-022 s.2013, E-034 s.2013, S-018 s.2015 Tel. No. 611-09-63, 0925-617-2914 CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES August 22- October 13, 2023 WEEK 1 WEDNESDAY Aug. 23, 2023 THURSDAY Aug. 24, 2023 FRIDAY Aug. 25, 2023 Classroom Orientation/ Setting Of Rules & Expectations Brief Introduction on the Subject Matter Explore Table Completion TUESDAY Aug. 29, 2023 WEEK 2 WEDNESDAY Aug. 30, 2023 THURSDAY Aug. 31, 2023 FRIDAY Sept. 01, 2023 Discussion For Kitchen Tools, Equipment, And Paraphernalia Firm Up Activity 1.1 Find Me & Why? Firm Up Activity 1.2 Pictionary! Review & Short Assessment MONDAY Sept. 04, 2023 TUESDAY Sept. 05, 2023 WEEK 3 WEDNESDAY Sept. 06, 2023 THURSDAY Sept. 07, 2023 FRIDAY Sept. 08, 2023 Discussion For Maintenance Of Kitchen Tools, Equipment, And Materials Firm Up Activity 2.1 Pick your Choice! Firm Up Activity 2.2 Pick your Choice! Firm Up Activity 3 Match Me! Firm Up Activity 4.1 Video Analysis MONDAY Sept. 11, 2023 TUESDAY Sept. 12, 2023 WEEK 4 WEDNESDAY Sept. 13, 2023 THURSDAY Sept. 14, 2023 FRIDAY Sept. 15, 2023 Firm Up Activity 4.2 Table Completion Review & Short Assessment Discussion for Mensuration and Calculation Firm Up Activity 5 Find Me! Firm Up Activity 6 Measure This! MONDAY Sept. 18, 2023 TUESDAY Sept. 19, 2023 WEEK 5 WEDNESDAY Sept. 20, 2023 THURSDAY Sept. 21, 2023 FRIDAY Sept. 22, 2023 Firm Up Activity 7 Solve For A Cost! Firm Up Activity 8 Video Analysis Discussion for Practice Occupational Health and Safety Firm Up Define Me! Firm Up Activity 9.1 Short Answer! MONDAY Sept. 25, 2023 TUESDAY Sept. 26, 2023 WEEK 6 WEDNESDAY Sept. 27, 2023 THURSDAY Sept. 28, 2023 FRIDAY Sept. 29, 2023 Firm Up Activity 9. 2 Define Me! Firm Up Activity 10 Video Analysis Formative Assessment Self-Assessment Deepen Slogan MONDAY Oct. 02, 2023 TUESDAY Oct. 03, 2023 WEEK 7 WEDNESDAY Oct. 04, 2023 THURSDAY Oct. 05, 2023 FRIDAY Oct. 06, 2023 Deepen Article 1. Essay Deepen Article 2. Essay Deepen Article 3. Essay Scaffold For Transfer 1 (Cleaning And Maintaining My Kitchen) Video Presentation- Activity Given A Month Ago Scaffold For Transfer 2 (Conversion And Substitution Of Ingredients) Video Presentation- Activity Given A Month Ago MONDAY Oct. 09, 2023 TUESDAY Oct. 10, 2023 WEEK 8 WEDNESDAY Oct. 11, 2023 THURSDAY Oct. 12, 2023 FRIDAY Oct. 13, 2023 Mini-transfer Simple Egg Dishes Essay Self-Assessment I Can Do This Transfer Goal: Actual Demonstration Self- Assessment (Feed backing about their Activity) Values Integration MONDAY Aug. 21, 2023 TUESDAY Aug. 22, 2023 Ninoy Aquino Day Opening Of Classes MONDAY Aug. 28, 2023 National Heroes Day Review & Short Assessment Prepared by: MS. CAGYLE MAY D. DEL ROSARIO Subject Teacher Checked by: MS. REINNALYN I. RICAFORT High School Coordinator Noted by: MR. MANUEL Q. UY III School Principal BONIFACIO LUZ NATIVIDAD EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC. Geronimo Street, St. John District, Guimba, Nueva Ecija 3115 Government Recognition No. E-022 s.2013, E-034 s.2013, S-018 s.2015 Tel. No. 611-09-63, 0925-617-2914 Unit Learning Plan in TLE 7 (First Quarter) Prepared by: MS. CAGYLE MAY D. DEL ROSARIO Subject Teacher Checked by: MS. REINNALYN I. RICAFORT High School Coordinator Noted by: MR. MANUEL Q. UY III School Principal