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Identity Theft Interactive Slides for Students

TEACHER INSTRUCTION PAGE (delete this slide)
Vocabulary Drag and Drop Interactive Slides
Student Activity: Read and take notes.
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Suggested Lesson Flow:
Preview Vocabulary with students prior to reading with a
drag and drop activity.
Have students read and take notes.
Have students go through the Multiple Choice Questions.
Students will answer each question and explain their
Have students complete the Short Answer Questions.
Have students complete the Open Ended Questions and
discuss with partners or groups their responses using the
last few pages.
Feel free to edit, remix, and use this resource however works best
for you and your students!
TEACHER INSTRUCTION PAGE (delete this slide)
Vocabulary Practice
Instructions: drag the vocabulary
term and match it to its definition.
Vocabulary Term
the fraudulent acquisition and use of a person's private
identifying information, usually for financial gain.
Identity theft
people who trick or deceive others in order to get money
or personal information.
wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in
financial or personal gain.
not having official permission or approval.
to return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength
after a period of illness, weakness, or injury.
Read and Take Notes
Identity theft is a serious problem that happens
when someone uses your personal information
without your permission. This can include things like
your name, social security number, or credit card
number. The person who steals your identity can
then use it to commit fraud or other crimes. Identity
theft can have a big impact on your life. It can
damage your credit, which can make it hard to get
loans or buy things in the future. It can also cost you
a lot of time and money to fix the problems caused
by identity theft.
Take Notes Here:
Key Vocabulary Words Multiple Choice Questions Identity theft ( noun ) Definition: the act of stealing someone's personal information and
using it for fraudulent purposes Example: Identity theft is a serious crime that can cause a lot of problems for the victim. Personal
information ( noun ) Definition: information that identifies a person, such as their name, address, or social security number Example: It's
important to keep your personal information safe so that it doesn't get stolen. Hacked ( verb ) Definition: to gain unauthorized access to a
computer system or network Example: The company's computer system was hacked by cybercriminals. Victim ( noun ) Definition: a person
who has been harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event Example: The identity theft victim had to spend a lot of
time and money fixing the damage done by the thief. Credit report ( noun ) Definition: a record of a person's credit history, including loans,
credit cards, and payment history Example: It's a good idea to check your credit report regularly to make sure there aren't any errors or
fraudulent accounts. 1. What is a specific claim made by the text about identity theft? A) Identity theft is when someone uses another person's
personal information without their permission to do bad things. B) Identity theft can happen to anyone at any time. C) Identity theft is a rare
occurrence that only happens to a small percentage of people. D) Identity theft is always the result of hacking into a big company's computer
system. 2. According to the text, what should you do if you think someone has stolen your identity? A) Contact the Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) and ask them to put a freeze on your credit accounts. B) Change all of your personal information and passwords immediately. C) Ignore
the situation and hope it goes away on its own. D) Share your personal information with someone you trust. 3. What is the main idea of this
passage? A) Identity theft is a serious crime that affects many people. B) Identity theft is not something to worry about because it rarely
happens. C) There are steps you can take to protect yourself from identity theft. D) Identity theft is always the result of hacking into a big
company's computer system. Short Answer Questions Open-ended Prompts 1. What is identity theft? 2. Why is it important to keep your
personal information safe? 3. What can you do if you think someone has stolen your identity? 1. Have you ever heard of identity theft before? If
so, what did you know about it? If not, what new information did you learn from the text? 2. Why do you think it's important to keep your
personal information safe? How can you protect your personal information in your everyday life? 3. What would you do if you found out that
someone had stolen your identity? How would you protect yourself and what steps would you take to resolve the situation
Read and Take Notes
There are many ways that scammers can steal your
identity. They might steal your wallet or purse to get
your ID or credit cards. They might go through your
trash to find bank statements or tax documents. They
might even install devices on ATM machines or cash
registers to steal your bank card information. Scammers
can also get your personal information from your phone
when you use public Wi-Fi. They might try to trick you
into giving them information through fake emails, texts,
or phone calls. They might even look through your
social media accounts to find information about you.
Take Notes Here:
Read and Take Notes
It's important to protect yourself from identity theft. You should
never give out personal information, like your bank account
number or Social Security number, to people you don't know. You
should also be careful about what you share on social media,
because scammers can use that information to steal your identity.
It's a good idea to check your credit card and bank statements
regularly for any unauthorized or suspicious transactions. And if
you think your identity has been stolen, you should report it to the
Federal Trade Commission and the three major credit reporting
agencies. They can help you take steps to recover from identity
theft and protect yourself in the future.
Take Notes Here:
Read and Take Notes
In conclusion, identity theft is a serious problem that
can have a big impact on your life. Scammers can
steal your personal information in many different
ways, so it's important to be careful and protect
yourself. If you think your identity has been stolen,
you should report it right away and take steps to
recover from it.
Take Notes Here:
Multiple Choice Question
What is a specific way that scammers
can steal your personal information?
A) Going through your trash to find bank
statements or tax documents
B) Asking for your Social Security number
in person
C) Hacking into your computer to access
your files
D) Stealing your car
Which answer did you pick and why?
Multiple Choice Question
According to the text, what should you
do if you think your identity has been
A) Ignore it and hope it goes away on its
B) Report it to the Federal Trade
Commission and the three major credit
reporting agencies
C) Confront the person who stole your
D) Try to fix the problem on your own
without any help
Which answer did you pick and why?
Multiple Choice Question
What is the main idea of this passage?
A) Identity theft is not a serious problem
and people should not worry about it.
B) Identity theft can have a big impact on
your life and there are many ways that
scammers can steal your personal
C) Identity theft only happens to people
who are careless with their personal
D) Identity theft is a victimless crime.
Which answer did you pick and why?
Write your response below:
Short Answer Question
What is one way
scammers can steal
your personal
Short Answer
Why is it important to
check your credit card
and bank statements
Write your response below:
Short Answer
What should you do if
you think your identity
has been stolen?
Write your response below:
Open Ended Question
Write your answer below. Then, when instructed, discuss your answers with your partner or group. Use the
second box to take notes on what their answers were in the space provided.
How do you think identity theft could affect your life?
Your Answer:
What did your partner or group say?
Open Ended Question
Write your answer below. Then, when instructed, discuss your answers with your partner or group. Use the
second box to take notes on what their answers were in the space provided.
What steps can you take to protect yourself from identity theft?
Your Answer:
What did your partner or group say?
Open Ended Question
Write your answer below. Then, when instructed, discuss your answers with your partner or group. Use the
second box to take notes on what their answers were in the space provided.
Have you ever experienced a situation where someone tried to trick you into giving out personal
information? How did you handle it?
Your Answer:
What did your partner or group say?