ENG1011 Engineering Methods Syllabus

0 -
1 Sean
2 Daniel
3 Daniel
4 Pooi Mee
5 Euniza
6 Euniza
7 Euniza
8 Sean
9 Sean
10 Pooi Mee
11 Sean
12 Everyone
ENG1011 Engineering Methods Oct Sem 2023
Continuous assessments [50%]
Week starting
(Monday date)
Start-of-week activities
Pre-workshop quiz [10x 0.25% = 2.5%]
Workshop FLUX [10x 0.25% = 2.5%]
Practical activities + Project [30%]
(ITP Metrics team peer assessment factors (PAF) apply
1. Read the ENG1011 Starter guide
2. Achieve 100% on the unit admin quiz
3. Log into Ed Stem
4. Allocate yourself to a Practical class
5. Install SolidWorks
23/10/23 Basics of mechanics
1. ENG1011 Engineering Methods (intro)
2. SI units and dimensions
3. Resultant forces
4. Free-body diagrams
5. Equilibrium of a particle
6. Problem-solving procedure
7. Problem-solving example
X. Supplementary worked examples
1. Watch the pre-workshop videos
2. Complete the pre-workshop quiz
3. Ensure you have Solidworks loaded on your
laptop or are able to access it through MOVE
platform before your prac class in week 1.
4. Complete the teamwork survey before the end
of the week (to ensure you are allocated to a
compatible project team).
W1 Pre-workshop videos + quiz [0%]
W1 Workshop FLUX [0%]
Pre-prac: Read the ENG1011 SolidWorks Manual, install SolidWorks, and attempt
the angle bracket modelling activity (you can attempt the truss and hinge activities
too if you want)
30/10/23 Rigid bodies
1. Moments
2. Idealised loads
3. Idealised supports and models
4. FBDs with support reactions
5. Equilibrium of a rigid body
X. Supplementary worked examples
1. Watch the pre-workshop videos
W2 Pre-workshop videos + quiz [0.25%]
2. Complete the pre-workshop quiz
W2 Workshop FLUX [0.25%]
3. Check your team information (contacts, drive access, etc.)
4. Review the Project 1 brief
5. Install Ultimaker Cura (3D printer).
Pre-prac: Teams formed this week. Check your team information, member contact
details, and access to your team Google Drive. Ensure you complete the
ITPmetrics Personality survey.
06/11/23 Trusses
1. Static determinacy and constraints
2. Trusses
3. Method of joints
4. Method of joints example
5. Zero-force members
6. Method of sections
7. Method of sections example
X. Supplementary worked examples
1. Watch the pre-workshop videos
2. Complete the pre-workshop quiz
3. Watch the 3D printing walkthrough video
Pre-prac: Read the ENG1011 3D Printing and Slicer Manual, watch the walkthrough
video, and install Cura Slicer
13/11/23 Material properties
1. Tensile stress and strain
2. Measuring mechanical properties - tensile
3. Dislocations - origins of elastic and plastic deformation
4. Bonding
X. Supplementary worked examples
1. Watch the pre-workshop videos
2. Complete the pre-workshop quiz
3. Complete the pre-practical activity
W4 Pre-workshop videos + quiz [0.25%]
W4 Workshop FLUX [0.25%]
20/11/23 Axial member design
1. Tensile axial loading & member design
2. Second moment of area (symmetric sections)
3. Introduction to buckling
4. Compression axial loading member design
5. Parallel axis Theorem
X. Supplementary worked examples
1. Prepare for Content Test 1 (W1-W4)
2. Watch the pre-workshop videos
3. Complete the pre-workshop quiz
4. Complete the pre-practical activity
W5 Pre-workshop videos + quiz [0.25%]
W5 Workshop FLUX [0.25%]
27/11/23 Beams: shear and bending
1. Introduction to beams
2. Internal member force sign convention
3. Deriving internal forces using FBD and equilibrium
4. Shear force diagrams 5. Bending moment diagrams
X. Supplementary worked examples
1. Watch the pre-workshop videos
2. Complete the pre-workshop quiz
3. Complete the pre-practical activity
4. Work towards completing your truss bridge
design for the week 7 competition
W6 Pre-workshop videos + quiz [0.25%]
W6 Workshop FLUX [0.25%]
04/12/23 Beam design
1. Bending stress
2. Simple beam theory (derivation)
5. Limit state design and deflections
X. Supplementary worked examples
1. Watch the pre-workshop videos
2. Complete the pre-workshop quiz
3. Meet and work with your team to finalise your
competition bridge build and report submission.
W7 Pre-workshop videos + quiz [0.25%]
W7 Workshop FLUX [0.25%]
11/12/23 Spring and pulley systems
1. Spring system
2. Spring system example
3. Pulley system
4. Pulley system example
X. Supplementary worked examples
1. Watch the pre-workshop videos
2. Complete the pre-workshop quiz
3. Review Project 1 ITP metrics feedback
4. Review the Project 2 brief
W8 Pre-workshop videos + quiz [0.25%]
W8 Workshop FLUX [0.25%]
18/12/23 Frames and machines (I)
1. Machines and mechanical advantage
2. Analysing frames and machines
X. Supplementary worked examples
1. Watch the pre-workshop videos
W9 Pre-workshop videos + quiz [0.25%]
2. Complete the pre-workshop quiz
W9 Workshop FLUX [0.25%]
3. Friday prac class students to check rescheduling
of their class this week.
Pre-prac: Teams to develop three mechanism and their assembly models
01/01/24 1. Polymer properties
2. Thermal properties of polymers
3. 3D Printing of Polymers
X. Supplementary worked examples
1. Prepare for Content Test 2 (W5-8)
2. Watch the pre-workshop videos
3. Complete the pre-workshop quiz
4. Complete the pre-practical activity
W10 Pre-workshop videos + quiz [0.25%]
W10 Workshop FLUX [0.25%]
Pre-prac: Prepare 3D Printed component samples and slide deck
08/01/24 Frames and machines (II)
1. Machines and mechanical advantage
2. Analysing frames and machines
X. Supplementary worked examples
1. Watch the pre-workshop videos
2. Complete the pre-workshop quiz
3. Complete the pre-practical activity
W11 Pre-workshop videos + quiz [0.25%]
W11 Workshop FLUX [0.25%]
15/01/24 Exam Preparation and Feedback
1. Practice Exam Questions
2. Student Feedback
1. Meet and work with your team to finalise your
project 2 build and presentation.
Pre-workshop videos and workshop topics
16/10/2023 -
Content Tests [2x 7.5% = 15%]
- Table Icebreaker
- SolidWorks part modelling (angle bracket, truss, hinge) [1%]
W3 Pre-workshop videos + quiz [0.25%]
W3 Workshop FLUX [0.25%]
- Project 1 introduced
- Project kits distributed
- Team icebreaker & setting team expectations [1%]
- 3D printing and Cura slicer Introduction
- 3D printing and Cura slicer training
- Investigating various print settings and orientations on a part [1%]
Pre-prac: Assembly modelling: Scissor [0.5%]
- In-class Assembly modelling and drawing [0.5%]
- 2D concept sketch of Project 1 determinate truss design
.Pre-prac: Individual truss analysis [0.5%] & Built concept 3D truss
- Collate and compare data from pre-prac analysis for bridge optimisation [0.5%]
- Trial test of build truss
Pre-prac: Watch the tensile test safety video and plot up the stress-strain curve of
Content Test 1: W1-W4 [7.5%]
Scheduled at 7pm Tuesday 28th
- Tensile testing
- Last opportunity to 3D print truss parts before competition
Pre-prac: Complete truss build ready for competition day
- Project truss competition day [3%]
- Project 1 report [9%]: exact time & date of submission TBC
- Complete ITP Metrics (stage 1) [PAF]
Pre-prac: Review Project 2 brief
- Project 2 introduced
- Develop and present mechanism concepts (presented by two members) [1%]
- Team reflection of PAF and areas for improvement
- Mechanism CAD assembly review (presented by two members) [1%]
25/12/23 Mid-semester break
22/01/24 Swot-Vac
29/01/24 Exam Week Starts
- Design for additive manufacturing (presented by two members) [1%]
Pre-prac: Complete the build and successfully test a competition legal Mechanism
- Practice performance testing and feedback (by all members) [1%]
- Prepare slides for the final design presentation
Pre-prac: Optimise your mechanism and prepare design presentation slide deck
- Mechanism Performance Test [3%]
- Final Design Presentation [6%]
- Complete your ITP Metrics (stage 2) [PAF]
Content Test 2: W5-W8 [7.5%]
Scheduled for Tuesday the 2nd of