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King Sejong: Hangul & Inventions - Korean History

1 - If I were King Sejong, I would prioritize the establishment of an
efficient communication system. King Sejong is historically known for
creating the Korean script, Hangul, to increase literacy among commoners
and ensure clear communication through the kingdom. Effective
communication is fundamental to addressing and to understand the issues a
kingdom might face. By establishing a standardized alphabet that is easy to
learn and use, it would be easier to spread information, collect feedback
from the people, and educate the people. This would also empower the
common people to be able to hear their concerns, share knowledge, and
contribute to the development of the society.
2 - Sometimes one big problem makes many small problems. But not
always. For example, if people can't read or write, they may not know many
things. If we teach them to read and write, many small problems can go
away. But, some problems are different and need their own solution.
3 1. Cheonpyeongilgu (Equilibrium Sundial) -> A type of sundial made to
show time using sunlight. The shadow on the dial indicates the time.
2. Angbuilgu (Cauldron Sundial) -> A sundial used in Korea since the
invention in King Sejong's reign. It's unique because of its concave
3. Ilgudae (Sundial Pedestal) -> A pedestal or base made to put a sundial
on. It highlights King Sejong's effort to make timekeeping accessible
to his people.
4. Jeongnamilgu (Self-Striking Water Clock) -> A clock designed with the
use of water and a magnetic needle to show time and indicate
5. Soganui (Small Armillary Sphere) -> An astronomical instrument used
to observe the location of the sphere. It was portable and could also
be used as an educational tool.