Lyceum of the Philippines University College of Engineering, Computer Studies and Architecture Effective First Semester, AY 2021-2022 SYLLABUS Subject Code Subject Title No. of Units Lecture Hours/Week Laboratory Hours/Week Prerequisite : : : : : : MEKN46E Materials Science and Engineering Four (4) units Three (3) hours Three (3) hours CHML01E Course Description: This course deals with the properties of engineering materials including mechanical, acoustical, electrical, magnetic, chemical, optical, and thermal properties; laboratory experiments using equipment which include tension, compression, bending, shear, torsion, and impact tests. Course Outcomes: Course Outcomes After completion of the course, the student should be able to: CO1 – Evaluate the types, properties, and characteristics of engineering materials. CO2 – Identify the different new engineering materials and their industrial usage. CO3 – Describe the behavior of materials subject to the different kind of testing. Program Outcomes a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o E E E E E E E E E CO4 – Conduct standard test on common engineering materials. D D D E E E D E D I – Introductory E – Enhance E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E D - Demonstrate Course Content / Learning Plan Week 1 2 Course Outcomes CO1 3 CO2 CO3 4 CO2 CO3 Topics Orientation Nature of Materials Properties and Characteristics of Materials - Physical - Mechanical - chemical - thermal - electrical - magnetic - optical Teaching Learning Activities Lecture (video presentation) Seatwork Lecture Video presentation Seatwork Lecture (video presentation) Seatwork Graded Activities/ Assessment Tools Quiz Quizzes Problem Sets Quizzes Problem Sets 5 CO3 CO4 6 7 CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 8 CO1 9 CO2 CO3 10 CO2 CO3 11 CO2 CO3 12 13 CO2 CO3 Material Testing - tension test - compression test - coefficient of thermal expansion - beam deflection - shear/torsion test Prelim Examination Fracture Toughness and Fatigue of Engineering materials - impact testing - destructive testing - fatigue testing Corrosion Prevention and Control - significance and purpose - electromechanical nature of aqueous corrosion - corrosion rate determination - galvanic and concentration cell corrosion Non-destructive testing - magnetic particle - ultrasonic testing - penetrant testing - radiographic testing Midterm Examination Ferrous and non-ferrous materials Lecture Seatwork Quizzes Problem Sets Lecture Seatwork Quizzes Problem Sets Lecture (video presentation) Seatwork Lecture Seatwork Quizzes Problem Sets Lecture Seatwork Quizzes Problem Sets Lecture Seatwork Quizzes Problem Sets Essay Lecture (video presentation) Seatwork Lecture Seatwork Quizzes Problem Sets Quizzes Problem Sets 14 CO2 CO3 Ceramics 15 CO2 CO3 Polymer and Composite materials Lecture Seatwork Quizzes Problem Sets 16 CO2 CO3 Nano and Biomaterials Lecture Seatwork Quizzes Problem Sets 17 CO2 CO3 CO4 Selection/ Re-use and recycling of materials Lecture (video presentation) Flow Chart of a manufacturing process Quizzes Problem Sets Essay 18 Quizzes Problem Sets Final Examination Textbook: Callister, W. Material Science and Engineering: An Introduction 7 th Ed New York NY, Wiley 2007 References: 1. Ashby, M.F. Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, 2011 2. Dowling, N. Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Engineering Methods for Deformation Fracture and Fatigue 3rd Ed. Prentice Hall, c2007 3. Callister, W. Fundamentals of Materials and Engineering: An Integrated Approach 2 nd Ed. Wiley c2005 4. Ashby, M. Engineering Materials: An Introduction to Properties, Application and Design, 2005 5. Benham, P.P, Crawford RJ, et al, Mechanics of Engineering Materials, 2001 6. Ashby M, Engineering Materials: Introduction to Microstructure, Processing and Design, 2005 7. Course Requirements: 1. Problem sets or Seatwork (must be submitted on the deadline set by the instructor). 2. Research work related to the course (preferably related to the program took by the student). 3. Assignments (must be submitted on the deadline set by the instructor). 4. Attendance (Should not exceed to the maximum allowable number of hours required for this subject. Refer to Student Handbook) 5. Quizzes 6. Laboratory Activity / Experiments 7. Examinations a. Preliminary Examination b. Midterm Examination c. Final Examination 8. Recitation and participation. 9. Final Project / Case Study Computation of Grades Prelim Term Grade Prelim Examination Creative Academic Performance Total Midterm Grade 40% 60% 100% Midterm Examination Creative Academic Performance Total Final Term Grade 40% 60% 100% Final Examination Creative Academic Performance Total Prelim Term Grade + Midterm Grade + Final Term Grade FINAL GRADE = 3 Assessment Tools COs Assessment Tools CO1 Final Examination CO2 Final Examination CO3 Final Examination CO4 Project Standards At least 60% of the students will get a grade of at least 75% At least 60% of the students will get a grade of at least 75% At least 60% of the students will get a grade of at least 75% At least 80% of the students will get a grade of at least 80% 40% 60% 100% Updated and Prepared by/Date Validated by/Date Approved by/Date Noted by/Date Engr. Arnel M. Avelino Dean Dr. Ramon C. Maniago Executive Director for Academic Affairs Dr. Francisco P. Javier Aug. 29, 2021 Engr. Flordeliza JarquioFederio Program Chair-ME Engr. Annalyn P. Romero Chairperson-DOE ____________ ____ Industry Advisory Board