What are Renewable Resources? • A renewable resource is a natural resource that can be used and replaced over a relatively short time • Although they can be replaced, we have often used them more quickly than they can be replaced • Examples: – Water – Trees What are Non-Renewable Resources? Not all of Earth’s resources are renewable A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be replaced or that can be replaced only over thousands or millions of years The Earth only has a certain amount of nonrenewable resources at any given time Examples: Fossil fuels – горючие ископаемые Oil - нефть Natural Gas –природный газ Coal - уголь How is coal formed? How is oil and natural gas formed? Formation of Oils & Gas Oil Physical properties of oil •Dense oily liquid •Color from light-brown to deep-red •Specific smell •Lighter then water (density from 0.65 to 1.05 g/l) Composition of oil • • • • • • • • Alkanes Cycloalkanes Alkenes Aromatic hydrocarbons Organic compounds containing S, N, O Water Mineral salts Mechanical impurities Name • The name of this mineral comes from the ancient Persian word "naphtha", which means "seeping". Indeed, one of the features of oil is its ability to penetrate the pores and cracks of rocks, seep through them in any direction. History of oil • Archaeologists and historians have proven that people used it already 7 8 thousand years ago! • Even the Bible speaks of "pitch springs" that beat in the vicinity of the Dead Sea. The ancient Greek scientist Hippocrates compiled many recipes for medicines that include oil. World oil reserves 9% 3% Нефть 25% 11% Саудовская Аравия Остальные страны Объединённые Арабские Эмираты Венесуэла Российская Федерация Иран 9% Ирак 5% 8% Кувейт 10% 20% Ливия Onshore oil production oil production Oil production in the ocean Elemental composition of oil 80% Углерод Водород Сера Кислород Азот 10% 5% 2% 3% Oil refinery products Secondary oil conversion • Cracking of petroleum products (splitting). • Thermal cracking (Shorter chain alkanes and alkenes). • Catalytic Cracking (Branched Chain of Hydrocarbons). • Reforming (Aromatization). • Hydrotreating (Cleaning from S, N compounds.) Oil and ecology Direct poisoning of living organisms Oil and ecology • Contamination of the earth's surface Oil and ecology • Water pollution 2.5 million tons of oil is discharged into the ocean annually. Oil and ecology • Air pollution by combustion products Кислотный дождь Парниковый эффект Greenhouse effect • It generally comes from the build up of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. • Carbon dioxide is produced when fuels are burnt. • In this type of pollution sun rays go to the atmosphere and they are trapped by green houses gases. So the temperature on the earth raise. «Химику всегда трудно примириться с тем, что он видит, когда сжигается нефть в топках» Николай Дмитриевич Зелинский “Сжигать нефть — всё равно, что топить печку ассигнациями” Дмитрий Иванович Менделеев