Take off speeds p 46 getting grip with airvraft performance Landing 111 Fuel policy partcat p113 Missed approach p 31 Icao For ILS or LOC - each dot indicates 0.5 degrees deviation. For a total of 2.5 degrees either side until full deflection. The glideslope is much more sensitive. A total of 1.4 degrees top to bottom, or 0.7 degrees from center to top OR bottom, or 0.14 degrees per dot. (At the middle maker, each dot is measuring about 8 feet high or low!) For VOR use, it is less sensitive - 10 degrees either side to full deflection, or 2 degrees per dot. The Centre of Pressure is the average location of all of the pressure acting upon a body moving through a fluid. Planning minima Minima planowania na alternate : ILS minima ‘Performance class A aeroplanes’ means multi-engined aeroplanes powered by turbo-propeller engines with an MOPSC of more than nine or a maximum take-off mass exceeding 5 700 kg, and all multi-engined turbo-jet powered aeroplanes. ‘Performance class B aeroplanes’ means aeroplanes powered by propeller engines with an MOPSC of nine or less and a maximum take-off mass of 5 700 kg or less. ‘Performance class C aeroplanes’ means aeroplanes powered by reciprocating engines with an MOPSC of more th an nine or a ma ximum take-off mass exceeding 5 700 kg. http://code7700.com/noise_abatement.htm Separacje At the same level Vso stall speed landing conf If V1 is chosen that the 1-Engine Out Takeoff Distance equals the Accelerate-Stop Distance we speak of Balanced Field Length. at that V1 you will also have your maximum takeoff weight for the same given conditions RVR for takeoff Drift down: (a) OEI net cruise capability will give at least 1000ft obstacle clearance .. ie we can clear the critical obstacle without too much angst. (b) OEI ceiling is below the minimum level necessary for cruise obstacle clearance ... in which case the descent to lower levels has to account for obstacle clearance. The usual requirement is that OEI descent ("driftdown") has to clear all obstacles by 2000ft until the OEI net ceiling is reached .. when (a) becomes applicable. Kiedy RVR podajemy 1500 ft Balanced field 1: Accelerate Stop = Accelerate with all engines to a point called Vef, (1 second prior to V1) at this point the engine fails,you initiate an aborted takeoff and stop at a certain point. 2: Acclerate Go = Accelerate with all engines to a point called V1, where the engine fails, continue the takeoff and achieve a screen height of 35 feet at a certain point. When the distance required for 1 is the same as 2, then its a balanced field. The same carrier different amplitudę modulation wykres cz/cx do kątu natarcia co daja klapy co daja sloty po co sa sloty gradienty jak sie ustala po co są co to są gradienty a co to jest sciezka circling, G/A, Paliwo, Holdingi, RaceTracki, co to jest Final Reserve Fuel dokladnie a nie tylko 30min na holding na 1500ft w temp ISA tylko cos wiecej wykres cz/cx do kątu natarcia co daja klapy co daja sloty po co sa sloty Gradienty jak sie ustala po co są co to są gradienty a co to jest sciezka circling, G/A, Paliwo, Holdingi, RaceTracki, co to jest Final Reserve Fuel dokladnie a nie tylko 30min na holding na 1500ft w temp ISA tylko cos wiecej Biegunowa KZ =60xXwind/GS SIGMET Informacje SIGMET są wydawane przez Meteorologiczne Biuro Nadzoru i podają tekstem otwartym, z użyciem obowiązujących skrótów, zwięzły opis określonych, występujących i/lub prognozowanych, istotnych zjawisk meteorologicznych na trasie lotu, które mogą wpływać na bezpieczeństwo statków powietrznych, a także obraz rozwoju tych zjawisk w czasie i w przestrzeni. Significant Prognoza obszarowa istotnych zjawisk pogody w formie graficznej, obejmująca swym zasięgiem FIR EPWW. W przekroju pionowym prognoza zawiera się od powierzchni ziemi do FL100, a w obszarach górskich FL150 (SFC700 hPa). Gradient = ROC / GS