Effective Communication Strategies: Overcoming Stammering Business Communication Presentation PGP/27/243 - Amit Singh PGP/27/249 - Deepjyoti PGP/27/254 - Harshal Agarwal PGP/27/279 - Raveesh GROUP-11 Speech / Language Communication What is Stammering ? Speech that is characterized by frequent repetition or prolongation of sounds or syllables or words, or by frequent hesitations or pauses that disrupt the rhythmic flow of speech -ICD 10th WHO Prevalence Begins at the ages of 2-5 years More than 70 million people worldwide 1% of the world’s population Around us… Psychological effects of stammering? Feelings of frustration Anger Annoyance Embarrassment Disappointment Feeling left out Feelings of frustration Why Anger? Why Annoyance? Why Disappointment? feeling of being unkind and unhelpful Extreme felt-emotions cheated or punished reaction of listeners difficult to speak out heart by nature Embarrassment Impatient society Worries of parents Parents’ Embarrassment in social groups Asking to spit it out slow down speak properly Develops the sense of embarrassment People doing mockery Did you forget your name? Abhishek Upamanyu (Comedian) 4.71 mn+ subscribers Angry? Annoyed? Disappointed? Embarrassed? Left out? Causes of Stammering usually begins in childhood, between the ages of 2 and 5 years speech pattern involving disruptions, or “disfluencies,” in a person’s speech can begin gradually and develop over time, or it can appear suddenly Stuttering is associated with differences in the brain Losing Control of their Speech Mechanism a genetically-influenced condition Escape behaviors which attempts to avoid or mitigate stuttering Challenges Stammering can create in Business Communication: Meeting and Presentations Client Interactions Job interviews Collaboration within a Team Conflict Resolution Public Speaking Overcoming Seeking Professional Help Specialized therapy techniques target stuttering and improve speech fluency Consistent Practice Regular speech exercises and strategies are vital for progress. Overcoming Stigma Challenge societal biases against stuttering Speech Therapy Specialized therapy techniques target stuttering and improve speech fluency Let’s Do an Activity Close Your Eyes And Try To Visualize Imagine you have gone for a TED Talk. The Topic is “Strategies for Effective Communication’’ Sarah Alex Unconscious Bias Unconscious bias, or implicit bias, describes a subconscious attitude that affects the way individuals feel and think about others around them. Subconscious attitudes aren’t necessarily as well-formed as coherent thoughts, but they can be very ingrained and impact the emotional and rational responses of individuals in everyday situations Communication Is A Two Way Street Be A Good Colleague 'Maintain natural eye contact, listen, and wait until the person has finished speaking. Show patience and active listening by focussing on what the person is saying not their stammer Don’t finish a person's sentences or 'fill in' words. This can be disempowering and unhelpful. Advice. Don't go there. Don’t tell the person to 'slow down', 'take a breath', or 'relax Thank You This Presentation is created and presented byPGP/27/243 - Amit Singh Mohit Simon Ekka Akash Mishra Harshal RiyaKumar Subhedar Mandiwal Subhamadhi Muthuvel PGP/27/249 - Deepjyoti Muskan Jain Akshat Mahajan Sanket Harshit Rukadikar Chauhan Sujal Kumar PGP/27/254 - Harshal Agarwal Naveen B Akshay Sharma Hemant Sahil Solanki Fuleriya Swati Priyadarshini PGP/27/279 – Raveesh Niranjan .Paarth Ankita RoySharma Kalzang Choden Samarth Athupo Lakra Bhutia Swati Shai This is presented to – Parnavi Verma Anurag Sonawane Sharon Kirti Shalini Goyal Kujur Tanya Prof. Archana Parashar Piyush Singla Ayush Kalra Kothawadla Shishir Raman Sai Gayathri Veepuri Ananya Gayatri Thanking you all to listen us patientlyPragyam Jain Bodumalla Sreelekha Shubham Bipin Mahadik Kumar Vidhi Singrodia Aathmay Putiyan Prerana M Chinns Divya Rawat Shubhangi Mandeep Aryan Singh Yashita Vaid Abhinandan Maheswari Bang Puneet Divyanshi Gupta Soham Manish Katiyar Singh Yogini Madhav Pawar Abhishek Haldar Rashi Gaurav Gupta Manjushri SrishtiJayveer Yadav Jiwane Abhinav Singh Abhishek Kumar Sinha Gunasekaran Mohan Raaj SN Aditya Wadhwa