FIELDS AND WAVES IN COMMUNICATION ELECTRONICS THIRD EDITION SIMON RAMO TRW Inc. IOflN R. WI'IINNERY University of California, Berkeley THEODORE VAN DUZER University of California. Berkeley @ JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. ._,4-— ACQUISITIONS EDITOR Steven Elliot MARKETING MANAGER Susan MANUFACTURING MANAGER This book was set in Times Roman The v. .. :,"'E‘-'.T .. Andrea Price. Gene Aiello Malloy Lithographing. ~ : Richard Blande‘r PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR ILLUSTRATION ,_ Elbe by CRWaldman Graphic Communications and printed printed-by Malloy Lithographmg and bound by cover was The paper in this book was manufactured by a mill whose forest management programs include sustained yield harvesting of its timberlands. Sustained yield harvesting principles ensure that the number of trees out each year does not exceed the amount of new growth. E Copyright© 1965, 1984, 1994, by All rights reserved. Published No part of this in any'form or publication may by be John Wiley & Sons, Inc. simultaneously in E Canada. transmiEted reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or mechanical, photocopying, recording, any means, electronic, scanning permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United StatesE Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per—copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax or otherwise, except as (978) 750—4470. Requests to the Publisher for permission _ should be addressed to the Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,111 River Street, Hoboken, (201)748-6011, fax (201) 748~6008 E~Mailz PERMREQ©WLEY. COM. Permissions NJ 07030, | i To order books for customer service or please, call 1(800)-CALL~W1LEY (225-5945).E Library of Congress Catalaging-in-Publicatian Data E Ramo, Simon Fields and R. waves in communication electronics / Simon Ramo, Whinnery, Theodore . E John Van Duzer.-—-—3rd ed. E cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-0—471-58551-0 1. Electromagnetic fields. 3. Telecommunication. Theodore. I. 2. Electromagnetic waves. Whinnery, John R. 11. Van Duzer, III. Title. QC665. E4R36 E ‘ 1993 537———dc20 93434415 crp Printed in the United States of America 15 14 13 12 11 E To our wives Virginia Patricia Eanice 1. .r This book is an intermediate-level text on electromagnetic fields and waves. It represents revision of the first two editions of the text, which in turn built upon an earlier volume by two of the authors.* It assumes an introductory course in field concepts, which can a be the lower-division physics course in in calculus. Material on many vectors, differential notation for sinusoids is included in We have a colleges or universities, and a background equations, Fourier analysis, and complex form suitable for review or a first introduction. such introductions wherever the material is to be used and have related given problems in them to real fields and waves. Throughout the book, the derivations and done in the most direct way possible. Emphasis is placed analyses understanding, enhanced by numerous examples in the early chapters. are The fundamentals of electromagnetics, based on on physical Maxwell’s brilliant theories, have since the first version of the text, but emphases have changed and new changed field coherent continue The of to applications optics for communications and appear. information processing continues to grow. New materials of importance to electronic devices (for example, superconductors) have been developed. Integrated circuit ap— proaches to guides, resonators, and antennas have grown in importance. All these ev~ olutions are reflected in expanded text and problem material in this edition. Perhaps the most important change for persons who need to solve field problems is the growing power of computers. At the simplest level, computers greatly speed numerical evalua~ tion of analytic expressions, easily giving answers over a wide range of parameters. But there is also a growing library of wholly numerical techniques for finding solutions to field and wave problems in which complex boundary shapes preclude analytic solutions. We can only give an introduction to this important subject but excellent texts and reviews are available to carry the interested student farther. It still remains important to understand the basic laws and to develop strong physical pictures and computer simulations can substantially add insight, especially in dynamic problems. The basic order remains that of the second edition. The purpose of beginning with static fields is not only to develop familiarity with vector field concepts but also to recognize the fact that a large number of practical time-varying problems (especially with small devices) can be treated by static techniques (i.e., are quasistatic). The dynamic treatment of Maxwell, with wave examples, follows immediately so that even in a first term, the student will meet a mix of static, quasistatic, and wave problems. Once the reader has covered the material of the first three chapters, he or she will find con— not ' Whinnery, Fields and Waves in Modern Radio, John Wiley & Sons (first edition 7944; second edition. 7953). The first edition was prepared with the assistance of the General Electric Company when the authors were employed in its laboratories. S. Rama and J. R. vii V355 Preface 1 using the text. Material on the elecitromagnetics of circuits (Chap4) special waveguides (Chapter 9) may be delayed or even omitted and the later chapters on microwave circuits, materials, and optics can be used in various orders Selections from among the more advanced sections within a chapter are also possible without disrupting the basic flow The authors Wish to thank the following reviewers for their helpful comments: Professor Dennis Nyquist, Michigan State University; Fred Fontaine, Cooper siderable flexibility in ter or on = Professor Union; Professor Von R. Eshlernann, Stanford University; Professor Paul Weaver, University of Hawaii; Professor Charles Smith, University of; Mississippi; Professor Murray Black, George Mason University; Professor Donald Dudley, University of Arizona; Professor B J Rickett, University of California at San D1ego; and Professor Emily Van Deventer, University of Toronto. 1 gratefully acknowledge the helpful suggestions of students and col~ leagues Berkeley and users in other universities and in industry. We particularly thank D. J. Angelakos, C. K. Birdsall, K. K. Mei, J. Fleisichman, M. Khalaf, B. Peters, and Guochun Liang for their important contributions we also express appreciation to Doris Simpson, Ruth Dye, Lisa Lloyd-Maffei and Patricra Chen for their careful work in the preparation of the manuscript. 1 The authors at August 1993 Simon Ramo John Whinnery Theodore Van Duzer CHAPTER fl 1. 1 STATHGNARY ELECTRIC NEEDS Introduction BASIC LAWS AND CONCEPTS OF ELECTROSTATICS 1.2 Force Between Electric 1.3 The Concept Charges: The Concept of Electric Field of Electric Flux and Flux Density: Gauss's Law of the Use of Gauss's Law 1.4 Examples 1.5 Surface and Volume 1.6 Tubes of Flux: 1.7 Energy Considerations: Conservative Property of Integrals: Gauss’s Law in Vector Form 03me Plotting of Field Lines Electrostatic Fields 1.8 1.9 Electrostatic Potential; Equipotentials Capacitance DIFFERENTIAL FORMS OF ELECTROSTATIC LAWS .10 Gradient NHy—A .11 The .12 Laplace‘s Divergence an Electrostatic Field and Poisson's .13 Static Fields .14 of Equations Arising from Steady Currents Boundary Conditions .15 Direct in Electrostatics Integration Laplace’s Equation: Field with Two Dielectrics Cylinders .16 Direct pt .17 of Integration of Equation: 42 Uniqueness of Solutions 45 SPECIAL TECHNIQUES FOR ELECTROSTATIC PROBLEMS 46 Properties Examples 46 Images of Two~Dimensional Fields; 1.20 Numerical Solution of the 1.21 Energy of Graphical an Electrostatic Field Mapping Laplace and Poisson Equations of Information Obtained from Field ENERGY IN FIELDS 1.22 40 The pn Semiconductor Junction .18 The Use of .19 Poisson‘s Between Coaxial Maps 50 52 57 59 System 59 Contents X sranomwg cmm'm 2 2.1 1 manaricirtams 70 Introduction 70 STATIC MAGNETIC FIELD LAWS AND CONCEPTS 72 2.2 Concept of a Magnetic Field 72 Law 2.3 Ampere5 2.4 The Line 2.5 Inductance from Flux 73 of Integral Magnetic 1 Field 77 Linkages: External Inductance 81 DIFFERENTLAL FORMS FOR MAGNETOSTATICS AND THE USE OF POTENTLAL 2.6 The Curl of 2.7 Curl of 2.8 Relation Between Differential and Vector Vector Field 84 Field 88 Magnetic of the Field 2.9 a 2.12 Differential 2.14 of Magnetic Equation Magnetic 93 Loop. Magnetic Dipole 96 Flux 98 Density for Vector Magnetic Potential 98 Regions 99 Potential for Current- Free Boundary Conditions for Static Magnetic F1elds 2.15 Materials with Permanent Energy of a Static 2.17 Inductance from 101 Magnetization 102 MAGNETIC FIELD ENERGY 2.16 90 - Magnetic Potential Divergence 213 Scalar Integral Forms Equations 2.10 Distant Field of Current 2.11 84 1. Magnetic 1 106 Field 106 Energy Storage; Internal Inductance 108 1 CEAPTER S 3.1 MAXWEEE’S EQHA’E‘EQNS 114 Introduction 1 LARGE-SCALE AND DIFFERENTIAL FORMS 1 114 or MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS 3.2 Voltages Induced Law for by Changing Magnetic Fields 3.3 Faraday’s 3.4 Conservation of Charge of Current Displacement Physical 3.6 Maxwell' 5 3.7 a Pictures of 3.5 Maxwell’s 116 Moving System 119 1 Concept 1 121 Displacement Current Equations1n Equations and the 116 in Differential Large—Scale Equation Form; Form 123 126 128 Xi Contents iaxwell's a. Equations for the Time-Periodic Case EXAMPLES OF USE OF MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS 139 Maxwell’s 139 Equations and Plane Waves 3.10 Uniform Plane Waves with 3.11 The Wave Equation 3.19 Power Flow in Steady-State Sinusoids 138 Electromagnetic Fields: Poynting's Theorem Theorem for Phasors Poynting’s 3.14 Continuity Conditions for Uniqueness of Solutions ac Boundary Conditions Perfect Conductor for 3.16 Penetration of 3.17 Internal 135 in Three Dimensions 3.13 3.15 199 a of a 143 Fields at a Boundary: 145 Electromagnetic Impedance 3.18 Power Loss in at a Fields into a ac Fields Good Conductor Plane Conductor 3.91 Time~Varying Integrals over 158 Fields Charges 158 and Currents The Retarded Potentials for the Time~Periodic Case 160 169 THE ELECTROMAGNEHQS 0E CERCHETS CHAPTER 4 4. 1 as 149 156 POTENTIALS FOR TlME-VARYING FIELDS 3.19 A Possible Set of Potentials for 148 153 Plane Conductor 3.90 The Retarded Potentials 139 171 Introduction 17 1 THE IDEALIZATIONS IN CLASSICAL CIRCUIT THEORY 179 Law 4.9 Kirchhoifs 4.3 Kirchhoif’s Current Law and Multimesh Circuits 177 SKIN EFFECT IN PRACTICAL CONDUCTORS 180 4.4 Voltage Distribution of Time~Varying 179 Currents in Conductors of Circular 180 Cross Section 4.5 4.6 of Round Wires 189 CALCULATION OF CIRCUIT ELEMENTS 186 Impedance 186 Self-Inductance Calculations ‘ 4.7 Mutual Inductance 189 4.8 Inductance of Practical Coils 193 4.9 Self and Mutual 196 Capacitance CIRCUITS WHICH ARE NOT SMALL COMPARED WITH WAVELENGTH 4.10 Distributed Effects and Retardation 198 198 xii Contents 4.11 Circuit Formulation Through the Retarded Potentials enAMEn s 5.1 200 ’ 4.12 Circuits with Radiation 205 ‘ EEANSMISSIoN tINEs Introduction 213 213 1 TIME AND SPACE DEPENDENCE or SIGNALS ON IDEAL TRANSMISSION LINES 214 5.2 Voltage and Current Variations Along 5.3 Relation of Field and Circuit 5.4 Reflection and Transmission at 5.5 Pulse Excitation 5.6 Pulse on Analysis a Ideal Transmission Line Resistive 214 218 219 Diseontinuiry Transmission Lines 1 Forming Line 221 227 I, SINUSOIDAL WAVES ON IDEAL 5.7 an for Transmission Lines TRANSMISSIQN Reflection and Transmission Coefficients and Admittance Transformations for Sinusoidal 5.8 Standing Wave 5.9 The Smith Transmission—Line Chart LINES Impedance 229 and Voltages 229 Ratio 233 236 5.10 Some Uses of the Smith Chart 238 \ NONIDEAL TRANSMISSION LINES 245 Transmission Lines with General Forms of DistrIbuted lmpedances: Lossy 5.12 Eilter~Type Lines ~ Distributed Circuits. the (Io-13 RBSONANT TRANSMISSION LINES 5.13 5.14 Purely Standing Wave Input Impedance and on an Ideal Line Quality 252 Diagram ‘} 254 254 ‘ Factor for Resonant Transmission Lines 256 = SPECIAL TOPICS 5.15 Group and Energy 245 260 Velocities 260 5.16 Backward Waves 263 ‘ 5.17 Nonuniform Transmission Lines CHAPTER 6 6.1 264 ‘ PEANE-WAVE PROPAGATION AND REFLECTION Introduction PLANE-WAVE PROPAGATION 274 274 I l 275 5.2 Uniform Plane Waves in a Contents xiii Perfect Dielectric 275 6.3 Polarization of Plane Waves 280 6.4 Waves 283 6.5 6.6 in Dielectrics and Conductors imperfect PLANE WAVES NORMALLY INCIDENT ON DISCONTINUITIES 287 Reflection of Normally Incident Plane Waves from Perfect Conductors 287 Transmission-Line Analogy of Wave Propagation: The Impedance Concept 289 6.7 Normal Incidence 6.8 Reflection Problems with Several Dielectrics 295 PLANE WAVES OBLIQUELY INCIDENT ON DISCONTINUITIES 300 Incidence at 300 6.9 6.10 Phase on a Any Angle Velocity 6.11 Incidence at and Dielectric on Perfect Conductors Impedance Any Angle on 292 for Waves at Oblique Incidence Dielectrics 306 6.12 Total Reflection 6.13 6.14 Polarizing Multiple or 7.1 3 10 Brewster Angle Dielectric Boundaries with CHAPTER 7 303 312 Oblique Incidence TWO- AND THREE-DHMENSEGNAE EGUNDARY VAEEE PROBEEMS Introduction 313 321 321 THE BASIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND NUMERICAL METHODS 322 Laplace, and Poisson Equations 7.2 Roles of Helmholtz. 7.3 Numerical Methods: Method of Moments 324 METHOD OF CONFORMAL TRANSFORMATION 33 1 7.4 Method of Conformal Transformation and Introduction to 331 Complex-Function Theory 7.5 Properties of Analytic Functions of Complex Variables 7.6 Conformal 7.7 The Schwarz Transformation for General 7.8 Conformal 7.9 Mapping for 333 336 Laplace‘s Equation Polygons 345 Wave Problems 348 SEPARATION OF VARIABLES METHOD 351 Mapping for Laplace’s Equation in 7.10 Static Field Described 7.11 322 Fourier Series and Rectangular by a Integral Coordinates Single Rectangular 351 Harmonic 353 355 xiv Contents 7.12 Series of Rectangular Harmonics for Two- and ThreeADimensional Static Fields 7.15 Cylindrical 360 Harmonics for Static Fields 365 , 7.14 Bessel Functions 368 % 7.15 Bessel Function Zeros and Formulas 7.16 Expansion of Function a 7.17 Fields Described 7.18 as a 373 Series of Bessel Functions by Cylindrical Harmonics 375 377 1 Spherical Harmonics 379 7 19 Product Solutions for the Helmholtz Equation in Equation 1 Rectangular Coordinates 385 7. 20 Product Solutions for the Helmholtz in Cylindrical Coordinates QE‘HAP'E'ER 8 386 WAVEGEEEBES WE'RE CONDEEQHNG QYMNBRECAE. BGENDAREES 8.1 395 ' Introduction 395 GENERAL FORMULATION FOR GUIDED WAVES 396 Systems CYLINDRICAL WAVEGUIDES OF VARIOUS CROSS SECTIONS Basic 8.3 Waves Guided 8.4 Guided Waves Between Parallel Planes Equations and Wave for Uniform 8.2 Types by Perfectly Conducting Parallel IPlates as Parallel—Plane 398 398 Superposrtion of Plane Waves 8.5 396 405 Guiding System with Losses 407 8.6 Planar Transmission Lines 410 8.7 Rectangular Waveguides 41 7 8.8 The 8.9 TE10 Wave in a Rectangular Circular Waveguides 8.10 Higher Order Modes 8.11 Excitation and on Guide 423 428 Coaxial Lines 433 of Waves in Guides 435 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF GUIDED WAVES 438 Reception 8.12 General Properties of TEM Waves 8.13 General Properties of TM Waves in Cylindrical Arbitrary Cross Section on Multiconductor Lines Guides of 8.14 General of of TE Waves in Properties Arbitrary Cross Section Cylindrical 440 Conducting 442 Conducting Guides 447 1 Contents fives XV Below and Near Cutoff 449 ispersion of Signals Along Transmission Lines CHAPTER 9 and Waveguides SPECEAE. WAVEGEEEDE TYPES 45 1 462 9.1 Introduction 462 9.2 Dielectric 462 9.3 Parallel-Plane Radial Transmission Lines 464 9.4 Circumferential Modes in Radial Lines: Sectoral Horns 468 Waveguides Between Inclined Planes 9.5 Duality: Propagation 9.6 Waves Guided 9.7 Ridge Waveguide 474 9.8 The Idealized Helix and Other Slow-Wave Structures 476 9.9 Surface 479 by Conical Systems 472 Guiding Harmonics 482 RESONANT CAVHTEES 490 9.10 Periodic Structures and CHAPTER 10 470 Spatial Introduction 490 RESONATORS OF SIMPLE SHAPE 491 10.2 Fields of 491 10.3 Energy Storage, Losses. 10.4 Other Modes in the Rectangular 10.5 Circular Resonator 10.6 Strip Resonators 10.7 Wave Solutions in 10.8 Spherical 10.1 Simple Rectangular Cylindrical and Resonator Q of a Rectangular Resonator Resonator 493 494 496 500 Spherical Coordinates 504 508 Resonators SMALL~GAP CAVITIES AND COUPLING 510 10.9 SmalI~Gap Cavities 510 10.10 Coupling to Cavities 10.11 Measurement of Resonator 510 O 515 10.12 Resonator Perturbations 518 10.13 Dielectric Resonators 521 XVi Contents \ MHCRGWAVE CHAPTER 1 1 550 NETWORIES 11 1 Introduction 530 11.2 The Networlz Formulation 532 11.5 Conditions for . TWO-PORT Reciprocity Circuits for 535 JUNCTIONS WAVEGUIDE 536 Two Port 556 11.4 Equivalent 11.5 Scattering and Transmission Coefficients 11.6 Measurement of Network Parameters 11.7 Cascaded Two Ports 11.8 Examples of Microwave and Optical Filters l 548 N—PORT WAVEGUIDE JUNCTIONS } 554 11.9 Circuit and 5~Parameter 11.10 Directional Couplers a 559 541 i 545 \_ Representation and Hybrid of N Ports Networks 554 557 . FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS OF WAVEGUIDE NETWORKS 11.11 Properties of 11.12 Equivalent a One-Port Circuits Impedance 561 '1 Showing Frequency Characteristics of One Ports 11.15 Examples 11.14 Circuits of 564 Cavity Equivalent Giving Frequency Circuits 569 Characteristics of N Ports 571 JUNCTION PARAMETERS BY ANALYSIS 11.15 12.1 12 2 573 Quasistatic and Other Methods of Junction warren 12 Analytsis RADEA’E‘EGN 573 584 1 Introduction Some Types 561 584 of Practical Radiating Systems i 586 FIELD AND POWER CALCULATIONS WITH CURRENTS ASSUMED ON THE ANTENNA 12.3 12.4 Electric and Magnetic Dipole Systemization Currents of Calculation of on an 589 Radiators 589 Radiating Fields Antenna and 1 Antenna; Half—Wave 12.5 Long Straight Wire 12.6 Radiation Patterns and Antenna Gain 12.7 Radiation Resistance 12.8 Antennas Above Earth Dipole 595 i 596 599 * or Conducting Power from Plane 602 1 603 xvii Contents 12.9 Traveling Wave Straight on a Wire 606 12.10 V and Rhombic Antennas 607 12.11 Methods of 61 1 Wire Antennas Feeding RADIATION FROM FIELDS OVER AN APERTURE 12.12 Fields as Sources of Radiation 614 12.13 Plane Wave Sources of 617 Radiating Apertures Excited by 12.14 Examples 12.15 Electromagnetic 614 Plane Waves 619 Horns 624 12.16 Resonant Slot Antenna 625 12.17 Lenses for 628 Directing Radiation ARRAYS OF ELEMENTS 12.18 Radiation 12.19 Linear 630 Intensity with Superposition of Effects 634 Arrays 12.20 Radiation from Diffraction 12.21 Gratings 637 Polynomial Formulation of Arrays and Limitations Directivity 638 Yagi—Ilda Arrays 641 on 12.22 12.23 12.24 Frequency-Independent Periodic Arrays Integrated Antennas: Logarithmically 643 Antennas 646 FIELD ANALYSIS OF ANTENNAS 12.25 The Antenna as a 12.27 Mutual 65 1 Boundary Value Problem 12.26 Direct Calculation of Impedance Input Impedance Between Thin for Wire Antennas Dipoles 12.28 Numerical Methods: The Method of Moments RECEIVING ANTENNAS AND RECIPROCITY 12.29 A Reciprocity Relations 12.31 Equivalent Circuit of CHAPTER ES 13.2 65 1 655 659 660 663 663 Transmitting—Receiving System 12.30 13.1 630 666 the Receiving Antenna ELECTROMAGNETEC PRGPERTEES GE MATEREAES 668 677 Introduction 677 LINEAR ISOTROPIC MEDIA 678 Characteristics of Dielectrics 678 XViii Contents and Semiconductors 13.3 Imperfect Conductors 13.4 Perfect Conductors and 13.5 Diamagnetic and 682 Superconductors 687 Paramagnetic Responses 689 NONLINEAR ISOTROPIC MEDIA 13.6 Materials with Residual 13.7 Nonlinear Dielectrics: 69 1 Magnetization Application in 691 Optics AN ISOT ROPIC MEDIA 13.8 13.9 695 - 699 i Crystals Plane-Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Crystals Representation of Anisotropic Dielectric 699 701 I 13.10 Plane-Wave 13.11 13.12 Electro-Optic Permeability 13.13 TEM Wave 13.14 Propagation Faraday in Ilniaxial Crystals 705 Effects 707 Matrix for Ferrites Propagation 7 13 in Ferrites 7 16 Rotation 721 13.15 Ferrite Devices 13.16 13.17 Permittivity of 725 a Stationary Waves Space-Charge Magnetic on a with Infinite 13.18 TEM Waves on a Plasma in Field Magnetic Moving Plasma a Field 730 Stationary Plasma in a Finite Magnetic Field OPHCS CHAPTER 14 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Geometrical 742 745 Optics Through Applications of Laws of Reflection and Refraction 743 Limiting Case 14.3 Geometrical 14.4 Rays 14.5 Ray Matrices for Paraxial Ray Optics 14.6 Guiding Optics as of Wave Optics Inhomogeneous Media of 753 742 RAY OR GEOMETRICAL OPTICS in 728 Rays by a 749 752 Periodic Lens System 756 or in Spherical Mirror Resonators 760 DIELECTRIC OPTICAL WAVEGUIDES 763 14.7 Dielectric Guides of Planar Form 765 Form 14.8 Dielectric Guides of 14.9 Dielectric Guides of Circular Cross Section 14.10 Propagation of Rectangular Gaussian Beams in Graded-Indeii Fibers 767 77 l 775 xix Contents 14.11 Intermode Delay and Group Velocity Dispersion 778 14.12 Nonlinear Effects in Fibers: Solitons 14.13 GAUSSIAN BEAMS IN SPACE AND IN OPTICAL RESONATORS 783 PrOpagation of Gaussian Beams 783 in a 14.14 Transformation of Gaussian Beams 14.15 Gaussian Modes in 14.16 780 Stability Optical and Resonant Homogeneous by Ray Medium Matrix 786 Resonators Frequencies of 789 Optical-Resonator Modes BASIS FOR OPTICAL INFORMATION PROCESSING 14.17 Fourier 14.18 Transforming Properties of Lenses Spatial Filtering 14.19 The Principle of Holography APPENDEX fl APPENBEX 2 APPENDEX 3 APPENBEX 4 APPENDHX 5 ENSEX 793 795 795 798 80 I QONVERSEON FACE'QRS BETWEEN SYSTEMS OE EENH'E‘S 813 QOGRDHNA'H‘E SYSTEMS AND VEQEGR REEA’E‘EONS 815 SKETEH 0? THE DEREVA’E‘EON GE MAGNE'E‘EQ HERB EAWS 821 QQMPEEX PHASQRS AS HSEB EN EEECERECAH. £ER£EEWS 824 SQEEE'E‘EON FOR RETARSED POTENT‘EAES; GREENS EHNQTHONS 828 831 ‘ H Electric fields have their sources Q'fi )-‘ ’ :. 2 @633Km” . ‘4; t; f $321953???“ch ’9 . :“121 ‘I“""' " " rs: ' "'"rv v » 7 ’ r-’ ’ |NTRODUCTION in electric charges—electrons and ions. Nearly all real electric fields vary to some extent with time, but for many problems the time variation is slow and the field may be considered stationary in time (static) over the interval of interest. For still other (called quasistatic) the spatial distribution is nearly though the actual fields may vary rapidly with time. Because of the number of important cases in each of these classes, and because static field concepts are simple and thus good for reviewing the vector operations needed to describe fields quantitatively, we start with static electric fields in this chapter and static magnetic fields in the next. The student approaching the problem in this way the same as important cases for static fields even must remember that these are varying fields can give special cases, and that the interactions between timephenomena, most notably the wave phenomena to rise to other be studied later in the text. beginning the quantitative development of this chapter, let us comment briefly applications to illustrate the kinds of problems that arise in electrostatics or quasistatics. Electron and ion guns are good examples of electrostatic problems where the distribution of fields is of great importance in the design. Electrode shapes are designed to accelerate particles from a source and focus them into a beam of desired size and velocity. Electron guns are used in cathode-ray oscilloscopes, in television tubes, in the microwave traveling wave tubes of radar and satellite communication systems, in electron microscopes, and for electron~beam lithography used for precision definition of integrated-circuit device features. Many electronic circuit elements may have quite rapidly varying currents and voltages and yet at any instant have fields that are well represented by those calculated from static field equations. This is generally true when the elements are small in comparison with wavelength. The passive capacitive, inductive, and resistive elements are thus commonly analyzed by such quasistatic laws, up to very high frequencies; so also Before on a are few the semiconductor diodes and transistors which constitute the active elements of electronic circuits. 2 Chapter Fields Stationary Electric 1 Transmission lines, including the strip line used in microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits even for frequencies well above 10 GHZ, have properties that can be calculated using the laws for static fields. This is far nearly exactly, There are electrostatic static problem, but along one structural transverse plane satisfy, exactly or we will see later in the text that for systems having axis (along the transmission line), the fields in the frogrncbeing a variations no : static field laws. many other examples precipitators of used to application of knowledge remove dust and other of static field laws. The solid particles from air, systems (which must be designed to xerography, and power switches and transmission avoid dielectric breakdown) all use static field concepts. Electric fields generated by body are especially interesting examples. Thus the fields that are detected by electroencephalography (fields of the brain) and electrocardiography (fields of the 1n the bodyin the same way heart) are of sufficiently low frequency to be the human distributedt that static fields would be examples mentioned, the general problemis that of finding the distribution of fields produced by given sources in a specified mediuin with defined boundaries on the region of interest. Our approach will be to start with a simple experimental law (Coulomb’s law) and then transform it into other forms which may be more general or * more useful for certain classes of problems Most readers will have met this material before in physics courses or introductory electromagnetics courses, so the approach will be that of review with the purposes of deepening physical understanding and improving familiarity with the needed vector algebra before turning to the more difficult time-varying problems. In all the Basic laws and garments of Eiectrostatacs l 1.2 It was FORCE BETWEEN ELECTRIC CHARGES: THE The effect a COlexert thEPT known from ancient times that electrified bodies torsion was quantified by Charles A. Coulomb OF forces upon through brilliant balance. His experiments showed that like charges repel opposite charges attract; that force is proportional to the ELECTRIC FIELD pioduct one another. experiments using one another whereas of charge magnitudes; l ‘ description of Coulomb ’5 experiments and} the groundwork of earlier re given in R. 3. Elliott, Electromagnetics, McGrgw~Hil/, New York, 7966. For a detailed account of the history of this and other aspecfsfof electromagnetics, see E. T. Whittaker, A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity, Am Inst. Physics New York, 1987 orP F. Matte/0y, Biographical History of Electriclty and Magnetism, Ayer Co. Pub- An excellent searchers is lishers, Salem, NH, 7975 Force Between Electric 1.2 Charges: The Concept of Electric Field 3 that force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between charges; and along the line joining charges. Coulomb’s experiments were done in air, but later generalizations show that force also depends upon the medium in which charges are placed. Thus force magnitude may be written that force acts f where ql and q2 representing are charge strengths, the effect of the defining a 4142 K vector 1“ of unit (1) 7 81‘” r is the distance between medium, and K is rection information is included and = a constant charges, a is a constant depending upon units. Di- by writing force as a vector f (denoted here as boldface) length pointing from one charge directly away from the other: = K L? t (2) 81“" Various systems of units have been used, but that to be used in this text is the System (SI for the equivalent in French) introduced by Giorgi in 1901. lntemational This is meter—~kilogram—second (mks) system, but the great advantage is that electric quantities are in the units actually measured: coulombs, volts, amperes, etc. Conversion factors to the classical systems still used in many references are given in Appendix 1. a Thus in the SI system, force in (2) is in newtons (kg-m/sz), q in coulombs, r in meters, and a in farads/ meter. The constant K is chosen as 1 /477 and the value of a for vacuum found from experiment is 80 = 8.854 X 10"12 F 1 m — X 10—9— 36w (3 ) m For other materials, x 8 (4) 81.80 where er is the relative permittivity or dielectric constant of the material and is the value usually tabulated in handbooks. Here we are considering materials for which a is a scalar general independent media are of strength and direction of the force and of discussed in Sec. 1.3 and considered in more position. More Chapter 13. detail in Thus in SI units Coulomb’s law is written f = gqu 'J f' (5) 4W8)" Generalizing from the example of two charges, we deduce that a charge placed in the vicinity of a system of charges will also experience a force. This might be found by adding vectorially the component forces from the individual charges of the system, but it is convenient at this time to introduce the concept of an electric field as the force per unit charge for each point of the region influenced by charges. We may define this by introducing a test charge Aq at the point of definition small enough not to disturb 4 Chapter the charge Stationary Electric 1 Fields distribution to be studied. Electric field E is then f (6) = E where f is the force The electric field given by acting on the infinitesimal test charge Aq. arising from a point charge q in a homogeneous the force law E q x charges as seen . are point to units in volts per meter, as may be found __ farads from the form of by substituting volts coulombs meter can see : in a direction away from the charge, from point away positive charges and toward negative of electric field magnitude in in the lower half of Fig. 1.2a. The seen _. We (7 ) f r 4'n'er2 Since 1“ is the unit vector directed from the the electric field vector is the SI system dielectric is then (5): (meter)2 units in (7): (V) meter (m) (7) that the total electric field for a system of point may be found by adding vectorially the fields from the individual charges, as is illustrated at point P of Fig. 1.20 for the charges q and l- q. In this manner the electric charges field vector could be found for any point in the vicinity bf the two charges. An electric 4—— A/\ / \ l l Lower? FIG. 1.2a Electric fields around two opposite charges. half of figure shows the separate fields E + and E_ of the two charges. Upper half shows the vector sum of E+ and E... Construction of E is shown at one point P. 1 1.2 field Force Between Electric line is defined line drawn tangent to the electric field vector at each as a 5 Charges: The Concept of Electric Field point in space. If the vector is constructed for enough points of the region, the electric field lines can be drawn in roughly by following the direction of the vectors as illustrated in the top half of Fig. 1.20. Easier methods of constructing the electric field will be studied although laborious, demonstrates clearly the in later sections, but the present method, meaning of the electric field lines. For fields continuous distributions of charges, the superposition is by charge. For volume distributions, the elemental charge rig is p (N where p is charge per unit volume (C/m3) and (1V is the element of volume. For surface distributions, a surface density pg (C/mz) is used with elemental surface d8. For filamentary distributions, a linear density p, (C/m) is used with elemental length dl. An example of a continuous distribution integration produced by of field contributions from the differential elements of follows. Example FIELD Let us radius in Fig. so the dE in OF A calculate the electric field at 1.2 RING OF CHARGE points on the axis for z a ring of positive charge of located in free space concentric with and perpendicular to the z axis, as shown 1.21). The charge p, along the ring is specified in units of coulombs per meter a charge in Fig. 1.2b axis is dE cos a differential and is 8 where length given by (7) cos 8 == is p, dl. The electric field of p, (I! is designated by a2 + 22. The component along the z with r2 z/(a2 = 22)“. Note that, by + symmetry, the component on the opposite side charge by perpendicular of the ring. The total field at points on the axis is thus directed along the axis and is a dd) we have the integral of the differential axial components. Taking d1 to the element that of the axis is canceled = E z i 41mm2 pzaz 0 (14> + pm ___ 22)3/2 28(a2 + 22)3/2 pl (11 dd, 0 \ \\\\ 0 FIG. 1.2b dEccfl \EL 2 Electric field of a ring of charge. dB (8) 6 Chapter 1.3 I Stationary Electric THE CONCEPT OF ELECTRIC FLUX AND FLUX; DENSITY: GAuss’s LAW handling electric field problems to charges than is electric field E. If we It is convenient in directly related to D we notice from Eéelds Eq. 1. 2(7) that D about material. Moreover, if we obtain we multiply = a introduce another vector more define 3E (1) point charge is radial and the radial component D by the independent of the of a sphere of area radius r, 4177'2D, i = (2) q quantity exactly equal to the charge (111 coulombs) so that it may be thought of as the flux arising from that charge. D may then be thought of as the electric flux density (C/mz). For historical reasons it is also known as the displacement vector We thus have or a electric induction. shaped closed surface as in Fig. surface surrounding a point charge whichi the fluid passing surface S of It18 easy to show (Prob 1. 3b) that for an arbitrarily 1.3a, the normal component of D integrated over the also q. The analogy is that of fluid flow in in a given time is the same as that passing 1.3b gives plane S perpendicular to the flow. region depend upon} the shape of the surface used to monitor it, so long as all surfaces enclose the sameisource. By superposition, the result can be extended to a system of point charges or a continuous distribution of Fig. So fluid flow rate out of charges, leading 1 does not a to the conclusion electric flux flowing out 1 of a closed I: change enclosed surface; (3) This is Gauss’ 3 law and, although argued here from Coulomb 3 law for simple media, is found to apply to more general media. ItIS thus a most general and important law. illustrating its usefulness, let us look more carefully at the role of the medium. simplified picture showing why the force between charges depends upon the presence of matter is illustrated in Fig. 1.3c. The electron clouds and the nuclei of the atoms experience Oppositely directed forces as a result of the presence of the isolated charges. Before A FIG. 1.3a Charge q and arbitrary surrounding surface. 1.3 The FIG. 1.3b are distorted i i it r Thus the atoms 7 Concept of Electric Flux and Flux Density: Gauss's Law Flow of or a v fluid polarized. v it surfaces S and S i. through There is v a shift of the center of symmetry of the electron cloud with respect to the nucleus in each atom as indicated schematically in Fig. 1.3c. Similar distortions can occur in molecules, and an equivalent situation arises in materials where some naturally polarized molecules have a tendency to be aligned in the presence of free charges. The directions of the polarization are such for most materials that the equivalent charge pairs in the atoms or molecules tend to counteract the forces between the two isolated charges. The magnitude and the direction of polarization depend upon the nature of the material. The above qualitative picture of polarization introduced the tified by giving a more by a dielectric may be quanfundamental definition than (1) between D and E: (4) D=30E+P ®O® § ® @ ©® ® @ ®%§@ ®©e @§%Q® QO FIG. 1.3c Polarization of the atoms of a dielectric by a pair of equal positive charges. 8 Chapter- The first term gives ! Stationary Electric fields the contribution that would exist if1 the electric field at that point in free space and the second measures the effect of the polarization of the material in (as Fig. 1.3a) and is called the electric polarization. The polarization produced by the electric field in a niaterial depends upon material were properties. If the properties do not depend upon position, the material is said to be homogeneous. Most field problems are solved assuming homogeneity; inhomogeneous media, exemplified by the earth’s atmosphere, are more difficult to analyze. If the of the electric field vector, it is handling a field problem in an applied steady magnetic field. A response of the material is the same for all directions called isotropic. Special techniques are required for anisotropic medium such as an ionized gas with an material is called linear if the ratio of the response P to the field E is independent of amplitude. Nonlinearities are generally not present except for high-amplitude fields. It possible that the character of a material may be time variable, imposed, for example, by passing a sound wave through it. Throughout most of this text, the media will be considered to be homogeneous, isotropic, linear, and time invariant. Exceptions will be studiedin the final chapters. I For isotr0pic, linear material the polarizationis proportional to the field intensity and is also we can write the linear relation 1 P —- 20er where the constant Xe is called the electric as (5) susceptibility Then (4) becomes the same (1), D = 80(1 + XQE = SE; (6) 1 + x, permittivity, definedin Eq. 1.2(4) is s, s/s0 Although we will describe a dielectric material largely by its permittivity, cepts of polarization and susceptibility are in a sense more fundamental and sidered in more detail in Chapter 13. and the relative : l.4 The simple law can EXAMPLES OF THE USE OF = the con- are con- GAUSS'S LAW but important examples to be discussed in this section show that Gauss’s strength in a very easy way for problems with certain kinds of symmetry and given charges. The symmetry givfes the direction of the electric field directly and ensures that the flux is uniformly distributed. Knowledge of the charge gives the total flux. Symmetry is then used to get flux density D and hence E D/e. be used to find field = Example 1.4a FIELD IN A PLANAR SEMICONDUCTOR DEDLETION LAYER For the first intimate valence example, we consider a one~dimensional situation where a metal is in (atomic) contact with a semiconductor. We assume that some of the typically 4 (e.g., silicon) atoms have been replaced by “dopant” atoms of valence 5 Examples of the use of Gauss’s Law 1.4 + Metal 9 Semiconductor I l Charge-free region I l l O I A i l l l l l Depletion layer FIG. 1.4a is the Model of region a between (e.g., phosphorus). metal—semiconductor contact. The The and becomes free to one extra S x S d is called to which Gauss’s law is applied electron in each atom is not needed for atomic bonding about in the semiconductor. move Upon making the metal contact, forced away from the surface for a distance d. The depletion region because it is depleted of the free electrons. it is found that the free electrons region 0 region shown dashed. parallel planes a are Since the dopant atoms were neutral before losing their extra electrons, they are positively charged when the region is depleted. This can be modeled as in Fig. 1.4a. In the region x > d the donors are assumed to be completely compensated by free electrons and it is therefore charge-free. (The abrupt change from compensated to uncompensated behavior at x d is a commonly used idealization.) By symmetry, the flux is x~directed only. The surface used in application of Gauss’s law consists of two infinite d. This approximation is made because parallel planes, one at x < d and one at x the transverse dimensions of the contact are assumed to be much larger than d. With no applied fields, there is no average movement of the electrons in the compensated region x Z d so E must be zero there. Thus D is also zero in that region and all the flux from the charged dopant atoms must terminate on negative charges at the metal contact. Therefore, Gauss’s law gives, for a unit area, = —- x —Dx(x) where ND and e are nitude of electronic == NDe(d —- x) (l) the volume density of donor ions and the charge per donor (mag charge), respectively. Then the x component of the electric field is D E It should be clear that the system; that is, that there = —" NDe(x — d) —— 8 simplicity were no __ of solution (2) 8 depended variations in y and z. upon the symmetry of the '50 Chapter 1 Stationary Electric Example FIELD ABOUT A Fields n. 4b . LINE CHARGE OR BEIWEEN COAXIAL CYLINDERS charge in ring form in Ex. 1.2. Let us now find the field E infinitely long line of uniformly! distributed charge. The radius straight, of the line is negligibly small and can be thought of as the two-dimensional equivalent of a point charge. Practically, a long thin charged wireI is a good approximation. The charge, and hence the electric symmetry of this problem reveals that the force on a field, can only be radial. Moreover, this electric field will not vary with angle about the line charge, nor with distance along it. If the strength of the radial electric field is desired at distance r from the line charge, Gauss’s law may be applied to an imaginary cylin— drical surface of radius r and any length I. Since the electric field (and hence the electric flux density D) is radial, there is no normal component Eat the ends of the cylinder and hence no flux flow through them. However, D is exactly normal to the cylindrical part of the surface, and does not vary with either angle or distance along the axis, so that the flux out is the surface area 2771-1 multiplied by the electric flux density Dr. The charge enclosed is the length l multiplied by the charge per unit length q,. By Gauss’s law, flux out equals the charge enclosed: We introduced the line produced by a tesli 27rrlD, If the dielectric surrounding : lq, the wire has constant e, D Er = —r 8 : —-—ql (3) 27781‘ Hence, the electric field about the line charge has been obtained by the use of Gauss’ 8 special symmetry of the problem. The same symmetry applies to the coaxial transmissmn line formed of two coaxial law and the . conducting cylinders of radii a and b with dielectric 8 between them (Fig. 1.41)). Hence the result (3) applies for radius r between a and b. We use this result to find the capacitance in Sec. 1.9. i ‘ I FIG. 'l.4b Coaxial line. 1.4 FIG. 1.4a Spherical Examples electrodes of the use of Gauss’s Law separated by Example two layers 'I '5 of dielectric materials. 1.4:: FIELD BETWEEN CONCENTRIC SPHERTCAL ELECTRODES WITH Two DIELECTRICS 1.4c shows formed of two conducting spheres of radii a and c, with r b, in spherical coordinates,2 and a has problem spherical symmetry about the center, which implies that the electric field will be radial, and independent of the angular direction about the sphere. If the charge on the inner sphere is Q and that on the outer sphere is Q, the charge enclosed by an imaginary spherical surface of radius :- selected anywhere between the two conductors is only that charge Q on the inner sphere. The flux passing through it is the surface 4772‘2 multiplied by the radial component of the flux density Dr. Hence, using Gauss’s law, Figure a structure dielectric 81 extending from r b to r c. This second, 82, from r one = = to a = = —- D,-—- Q 4777‘?“ (4) equation for the flux density is the same for either dielectric, since the flux passes positive charge on the center conductor continuously to the negative charge on the outer conductor. The electric field has a different value in the two regions, however, since in each dielectric, D and E are related by the corresponding permittivity: The from the 2 E. = Er = Q 9 b (5) < C ( 6) a < r < 47T811'” Q 477'82i‘2 b < ‘ I Note that r is used both for radius from the axis in the circular cylindrical coordinate system and for radius from the origin in the spherical coordinate system. p is frequently used for the former but may be confused with charge density, and R is used for the latter, but is here reserved for distance between source and field points. 12 Chapter The radial flux density 1 Stationary Electric is continuous at the dielectric Fields discontinuity at r b, but the = radial electric field is discontinuous there. ‘ Example r .4d FIELDS OF A SPHERICAL REGION OF UNIFORM CHARGE DENSITY 0 to r a. As in region of uniform charge density p extending from r the preceding example, Gauss’s law can be written as (4) where, in this case, Q {37771-3 p for r .<_ a and Q §wa3p for r 2 (I. Then the flux densities for the two regions are Consider = a z =2 = Drxgp a 3 (8) I'Za Dr=3—r§p I5 (7) rSa SURFACE AND VOLUME INTEGRALS: GAuss LAW IN VECTOR FORM Gauss’ 3 law, f given in words by Eq.1 3(3), may be wntien figDcosfla’quI The symbol 953 is used if the surface18 closed. The surface is integral over a surface and Of course cannot be performed specified. ItIS in general a double integral. The circle on the denotes the until the actual surfaceis integral Sign integral can also be written in I a still more Define the unit vector normal to the employed given point on (l) compact form if vector notation surface under consideration, for any replace Dicos 6 by D fi. This particular product of the two vectors D and fi denoted bythe dot between the two is known as the dot product of two vectors, or the scalar product, since it results by definition in a scalar quantity equal to the product of the two vector magnitudes and the cosine of the angle between/them. Also, the combination [‘1 (15 is frequentlyIabbreviated further by writing it dS. Thus the elemental vector dS, representing the element of surface in magnitude and orientation, has a magnitude equal to the magnitude of the element (15 under con— sideration and the direction of the outward normal to the surface at that point. The surface integral in (1) may then be written in any of theI equivalent forms: the surface, as n. Then ~ ngcosedS=fDrfidS=3gD-d8 5 s All of these say that the normal component of the general closed surface S. (2) ES vector D is to be integrated ' a over the 1.5 Surface and Volume Integrals: '33 Gauss‘s Law In Vector Form If the charge inside the region is given as a density of charge per unit volume in coulombs per cubic meter for each point of the region, the total charge inside the region must be obtained by integrating this density over the volume of the region. This is analogous to the process of finding the total mass inside a region when the variable density is given for each point of a region. This process may also be denoted by a general integral. The symbol ft, is used to denote this, and, as with the surface integral, the particular volume and the variation of density over that volume must be specified before the integration can be performed. In the general case, it is performed as a triple integral. mass Gauss’s law may then be written in this notation: Sin-dszfpdv (3) V S Although the above may at first appear cryptic, familiarity mediately reveal that the left side is the net electric flux out side is the charge within the region. Example with the notation will imof the region and the right 1.5 ROUND BEAM OF UNIFORM CHARGE DENSITY Consider the circular cylinder of uniform charge density p and infinite length shown in Fig. integration is taken in the form of a prism of square cross section. region We will demonstrate the validity of (3), utilizing the fact that D has only a radial component. The right side of (3) is 1.5. A of 11/2 1 I V FIG. 1.5 p dV 2 b/2 2f dy] Square cylindrical region —-b/2 of p dx = lbzp (4) -—b/?. integration in a circular cylinder of free charge. 14 Chapter At any radius, D, can be found 1 as Stationary Electric in Sec. 1.4 to be D: I‘ (7773);) __ 2777‘ :2 the left side of integration 6, that cos 6 Thus b / Zr and that the four sides make = on (3), (5) I 2 To do the surface cos Fields i we! note equfal that D - d8 = D, dx dz contributions to the integral. * b/2 £1) and from (6) and (4) dS — we see 4i dzf that D cos adx 1192p .—— (6) b/2 (3) is satisfied. Problem 1.5b contains a similar situcharge density dependent upon radius. ation, but is somewhat complicated by having the E 1.6 FIELD LINES TUBES OF FLUX: PLOTTING OF isotropic media, the electric field E is in the same :direction as flux density 1). A charge—free region bounded by E or D lines must their have the same flux flowing through it for all selected cross sections, since no flux can flow through the sides parallel with D, and Gauss’s law will show the conservation of flux for this source-free region. Such a region, called a flux tube, is illustrated in Fig.j 1.6a. Surface S3 follows the direction of D, so there is no flow through S3. That floviIing in S1 must then come out These if there no tubes are are internal charges 82 analogous to the flow tubesIn the fluid analogy usedin Sec 1. 3. The concept of flux tubesIS especially useful1n making maps of the fields, and will be utilized later (Sec. 1.19)in a useful graphical field-mapping technique. We showin the following example how it may be used to obtain field lines in the vicinity of parallel line charges. For Example a6 FLUX TUBES AND FIELD LINES ABOUT PARALLEL I LINES OF OPPOSITE CHARGE flujx To show how field lines may be found by constructing tubes, we use, as an example, of lines It is obvious from symmetry that infinitely long, parallel opposite charge. the plane in which the two charge lines lie will D lines and hence can be a two contain boundary of a flux tube. We introduce the fluxfuncz‘ionf ¢I=LD-dS (1) 1.5 Tubes of Flux: plotting of Field Lines 15 31 FIG. 1.6a which Tube of flux. the flux crossing some chosen surface. For example, suppose S is the Fig. 1.6b. First, let the angles or! and a2 shrink to zero so S also vanishes. Then the flux function will be zero along the plane of the lines of charge. (The surface S also could be chosen in some other way, making the flux function different from zero on that plane. The resulting additive constant is arbitrary, so we take it to be zero.) We get other flux tube boundaries by taking nonzero values of the angles 011 and a2. First we derive an expression for the flux passing between the 111 0 plane and line L in Fig. 1.6b. Then paths will be formed along which L may be moved 0 surface. Moving L along such while keeping the same flux between it and the 2/1 a path therefore generates a surface which is the boundary of a flux tube of infinite length parallel to L. The flux may be divided into the part from the positive line charge and the part from the negative line charge, since the effects are superposable. The flux from the positive line goes out radially so that the amount (per unit length) crossing S is q,(a, /277). The flux passing radially inward toward the negative line charge through S adds directly to that of the positive line charge and has the magnitude q,(a2/27T). The total flux per unit length crossing S is measures cross-hatched surface in = = (it FIG. 1.6b = Eq-I—(oz1 7r + (2) a2) Construction of flux tubes about line charges. l6 Chapter FIG. 1.6a 1 Stationary Electric Fields Tubes of flux between line charges. generated by moving L in such a way as to keep (,0 constant is a circular that cylinder passes through the charge lines with its axis in the plane normal to the line 0 midway between the line charges. Figure 1.6c shows several flux tubes, [,0 The surface == with the values of 1/! indicating the amount of flux between the :11 = 0 surface and the being considered, a2 is increased from zero to 2'77. Note that as a path is taken around one of the lines, the flux function goes from O to q,; the total flux per unit length coming from a line charge is q,. It is clear from this example that the flux function 1,1: one as is not are single-valued since crossed as it continues to increase motion about the line charge as a1 continues. 0:2 to the range 0 to 273' to ensure unique values for Since the boundaries of the flux tubes lie along D a2 increases; more flux lines We must therefore limit 011 and or 4/. vectors and D 2 8E, they also lie along E vectors. Thus, by plotting flux tubes, we find the directions of the electric field vectors surrounding the charges. There is a given of flux in each tube so the flux density D, and therefore also E, become large amount where the cross section of the tube becomes small. 1.7 Since of the force CONSERSVATIVE PROPERTY ENERGY CONSIDERATIONS: OF ELECTROSTATIC FIELDS charge placed in the vicinity of other charges experiences a force, movement charge represents energy exchange. Calculation 10f this requires integration of components over the path (line integrals). It will lbe found that the electrostatic a Energy Considerations: Conservative Property 3.7 system is conservative in that about a closed path, returning Consider the force in the of small on a net energy is exchanged if its initial position. no to positive charge Aq '5 7 of Electrostatic Fields a test moved from charge infinity is moved to a point P vicinity system of positive charges: (11 at Q1, q2 at Q2, q3 at Q3, and so on at any point along its path would cause the particle to accelerate The force (Fig. 1.7a). and move out of the region if unconstrained. A force equal to the negative of that from a applied to bring Aq from infinity to its final position. Aq from q1 in the system is the negative of the force of the path, multiplied by differential path length: must then be surrounding charges The differential work done component in the direction on dU1 —-F1-dl : Or, using the definition of the scalar product, the angle 9 as defined in Fig. 1.7a, and as stated above, we write the line integral for total work related to (11 as the force PQ‘ U1 where r ._L : PQ‘ F, d1 - A cos 6 dl ‘L ————qqimz = (1) is the distance from q1 to the differential path element (ii at each Since all cos 6 is dr, the integral is simply point in the integration. U1 47781‘2 no and similarly for contributions from other PQI U = -J co Note that there is itself. no charges, PQ2 A flair ’) 471'81‘“ dr JPQi Aqql ._. ~J so PQ3 A ([612 (17‘ 9 4778f“ on that the total work —f integral is A —q€3—d) 471'81‘2 component of the work arising from the test charge acting upon Integrating, __ A4611 _ 4778PQ1 A4612 + A443 + + 47TSPQ3 47TSPQ2 El P 6 dl / / / /r / .q Q: // a. 91 FIG. 1.7a Integration path ”’23: for force on test charge. (2 ) '98 Chapter 1 Stationary Electric Fields Equation (2) shows that the work done is a function only of final positions and not path of the charge. This conclusion leads to another: if a charge is taken around closed any path, no net work is done. Mathematically this is written as the closed line 3 integral of the l ngocur—o (3) , general integral signifies that the component of electric field in the direction of path is to be multiplied by the element of distance along the path and the sum taken by integration as one moves about the path. The circle through the integral sign signifies that a closed path is to be considered. As with the designation for a general surface or volume integral, the actual line integration cannot be performed until there is a specification of a particular path and the variation of E about that path. In the study of magnetic fields and time—varying electric fields, we shall find corresponding line integrals which are not zero. This the ‘ Exampfie 1.7 -' DEMONSTRATION OF CONSERVATIVE PROPERTY To illustrate the conservative property and the use of line integral (3) around the somewhat arbitrary path through density p shown in FIG. 1.7b to show Path of Fig. 1.7b. The path is chosen, for integration (broken line) through electric conservative property. integrals, a let uniform simplicity, field of us take the line sphere of to lie in the sphere of uniform charge x = 0 charge The plane. integrand E dl pr / 3 80 is E - electric field and E2 2: 2: E,.(z/r) E}, so 19 Electrostatic Potential: Equlpotentlals 1.8 involves electric field components E), and E2. The radial Eq. 1.4(7). The components are E,( y/ r) found from py/38O = and E), E5 ’72 02 The pz/3so. = integral (3) 1'72 2 .. The general example. yz b2 2 +— b1 C1 Eydy b1 .2 a +._..... becomes 1’! Cl 36E.dl=£1E_,dz+fblEydy+£Ezdz+f 2.3:. : 380 2 = [’2 C2 } z 0 conservative property of electrostatic fields is thus illustrated in this 1.8 ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL: EQUIPOTENTIALS The energy considerations of the preceding section lead directly to an extremely useful concept for electrostatics—that of potential. The electrostatic potential function is de- fined as the work done per unit charge. Here we start generally and define a potential points 1 and 2 as the work done on a unit test charge in moving difference between from P1 to P2. P2 (13,,o — _ (DPl = E - - d1 (1) P: The conclusion of the preceding section that the work in moving around any closed potential function is single-valued; that is, corresponding to each point of the field there is only one value of potential. Only a difference of potential has been defined. The potential of any point can be arbitrarily fixed, and then the potentials of all other points in the field can be found by application of the definition to give potential differences between all points and the reference. This reference is quite arbitrary. For example, in certain cases it may be convenient to define the potential at infinity as zero and then find the corresponding potentials of all points in the field; for determination of the field between two conduc» tors, it is more convenient to select the potential of one of these as zero. If the potential at infinity is taken as zero, it is evident that the potential at the point P in the system of charges is given by U of Eq. 1.7(2) divided by Aq, so path is zero shows that this (D 2 41 This may be written in a more versatile form seen R,. is in Fig. the distance of the ith 1.80. = charge Z at 43 + 4778PQ2 @(r) where £12 + 4778PQ1 + "' 47TSPQ3 ( 2) as i- r;- from the (3) point of observation at r, as 23 Chapter 1 Stationary Electric Fields yi oq5 3 qu‘ P l‘ 4:1: 2' FIG. 1.8a R.- = lr - Potential of q1, q2, (13, ri-i [(x = - act->2 + . . . (y q; is , — found at point P. yi)ti+ (2 — 210211” (4) the Here x, y, and z are the rectangular coordinates of point of observation and the ith coordinates are the of and charge.3 Generalizing to the case rectangular z} XE, YE, of continuously varying charge density, (Mr) The — p(r’)dV' (5) 478R p(r') is charge density at point (x’, y’, z’), and the integral signifies that a summation should be made similar to that of potential is [V _ zero zero is not at infinity, at the desired reference (2) but continuous over‘ all space. If the reference for a constant must potential position. (1)0.) It should be be added of such value that _ _ J’V p<r')dV' + C (6) 4778R kept in mind that (2)-—(6) were derived assuming that the charges are located infinite, homogeneous, isotropic medium If conductors or dielectric discontinu— ities are present, differential equations for the potential (to be given shortly) are used in an for each region. We will is usually see in Sec. 1.10 how the electric field E easier to find the it, the field E than to do the potential by vector in electrostatic calculations is the scalar can be found simply operations summations discussed in in Sec. from (Mr). It (3) and (5) and, from 1.2. Such convenience for introducingithis potential. In any electrostatic field, there exist surfaces on which ihe potential is a constant, socalled equipotential surfaces. Since the potential is singlei—valued, surfaces for different 3 one reason Throughout the text we use primed coordinates to designinte the location of sources and unprimed coordinates for the point at which their fields tire to be calculated. 1.8 values of potential surface in no a do not intersect. The pictorial representation three-dimensional field distribution is variation in dimension one 21 Electrostatic Potential: Equipotentlals dimension and are quite of more than one such difficult. For fields that have therefore called two—dimensional fields, the third be used to represent the potential. Figure 1.8b shows such a representation for the potential around a pair of infinitely long, parallel wires at potentials CD1 and can height of the surface at any point is the value of the potential. Note that height or constant potential can be drawn. These equipotentials can projected onto the x—y plane as in Fig. 1.8c. In such a representation, the equipo- —CI>1. The lines of constant be (b) (C) FIG. 1.8 the (b) Plot of a two-dimensional potential distribution using the third dimension to show same potential system as in (b) plotted onto the x—y plane. potential. (c) Equipotentials for the 22 Chapter Stationary Electric 1 tentials look like the contour lines of energy of a unit charge relative to a and, in fact, measure potential zero-potential point just as contours meas— reference altitude, often sea level. It should be topographic potential energy relative to some kept in mind that these lines are actually cylindrical equipotential surfaces. boundary map selected a ure We will discuss the Plfelds traces in the x—y conditions on plane conductors in of three—dimensional some detail in Sec. 1.14. point it is sufficient to say that the electric fields inside of a metallic conductor be considered to be zero in electrostatic systems. Therefore, (1) shows that the At this can conductor is an equipotential region. Exampfie POTENTIALS AROUND A r .Sa LINE CHARGE AND BETWEEN COAXIAL CYLINDERS As an example of the relations between potential and electric field, consider first the problem of the line charge used as an example in Sec.1 .4, with electric field given by Eq.1.4.(3) By (1) we integrate this from some radius 10 chosen as the reference of zero potential to radius r: ' @=*J'ErdI:-JLL=—I—ql—hli‘ 2778 r r 0 Or this expression for 0 potential about a line ”3—4— (I:- a 27781' charge (7) r0 may be written lnr + C (8) 271'8 infinity as the reference of zero potential for the charge, by (7) potential at any finite point would be infinite. As in (6) the constant is added to shift the position of the zero potential. In a similar manner, the potential difference between coaxial cylinders of Fig. 1. 4b Note that it is not desirable to select line for then the theI may be found: I ®a-©b:"ffl::q—Irn(2> 1, 27781‘ 27119 a (9) 1. 8b SPHERICALLY SYMMETRIC CHARGE Example POTENTIAL OUTSIDE We saw in Eq. 1.4(4) =Q./4m Using finity, we see that the A that the flux density outside a spherically symmetric charge Qrs and taking the referen<'g:e potential to be zero at inpotential outside the charge Q is the negative of the integral of E: D/so g’ f‘Er' f‘ dr from infinity to 23 Electrostatic Potential: Equlpotentials 1.8 radius r: r (130‘) = - erI 4723017 Q ._ Example (10) _. 9 00 477801‘ 1.80 POTENTIAL OF A UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION OF CHARGE HAVING SPHERICAL SYMMETRY Consider (I) = O at a 2‘ volume of == 00, the charge density p potential outside a that extends from is given by (10) = r with Q 0 to = r = (1. érreag’p, Taking so 3 (130-) In particular, at r z = 51—3 r 2 a a W) “4" == a we must add to given as E, = (12) the integral of the (Ex. 1.7) and the pr / 330 is ©(r) -— (13(a) —-f = a So the (12) 380 Then to get the potential at a point where r S electric field from a to r. The electric field is integral (11) 3802' potential at a radius r inside the @(r) = 35-1- 380 drl = 680 charge region ~9— (3a2 —- 680 Jo— (a?- — 1'2) (13) is r2) 1‘ s a (14) Example 1.8d ELECTRIC DIPOLE particularly important set of charges is that of two closely spaced point charges of opposite sign, called an electric dipole. Assume two charges, having opposite signs to be spaced by a distance 28 as shown in Fig. 1.8d. The potential at some point a distance r from the origin displaced by an angle 6 from the line passing from the negative to positive charge can be written as the sum of the potentials of the individual charges: A 1 1 c1: = i<—~ —) — 477'8 r+ r (15) 26 chapter Stationary Electric 1 fields -+++4P4HP4¥+4? «1“HHHHHHHH-«Ind- 4|- 1? 4|- ‘Ih’ir 0- 4b 1» #115 1|- 1? 4P «1- 1?: 1!- fl- 1|- 4» 15 1P 4?- 1» 4r {1- 1; 1p 19 11- ~a-_----“-—b—v--n-‘—----—‘--’-‘ i FIG. 'I .9 (a) Parallel-p1ane capacitor with fnngmgifields (b) Idealization. charge density p5 on each plate. Since the field E potential difference (Pa (1),, is, by Eq. 1.8( 1), the surface = D / s is assumed uniform, ' the - %—%=i @ 8 The total charge on each plate of areaA is pSA so (1) and 62) give the familiar expression C = -- F practice, (3)18 modified by the fringing fields, whlcht are increasingly important as plate spacing to area is increased. Next consider a capacitor made of coaxial, circular cylindrical electrodes We assume that fields are only radial and neglect any fringing at the ends if it is of finite length The charge on each conductor is distributed uniformly in this idealization, as required by symmetry, with the total charge per unit length being q, The potential difference found from the field produced by this chargeIS given by Eq. 1. 8(9) The capacitance per unit length18 thus In the ratio of 271's C: ln(b/a) F/In (4) a are the radii of larger and smaller conductors, respectively. Finally, consider two concentric spherical conductors bf radii a and b, with b > a, D/s, it is clear that separated by a dielectric 3. Using symmetry, Gauss’s law, and E where b and = at any radius Er where Q is the charge on = Q 4782‘2 the inner conductor (equal in magnitude (5) and opposite in sign to the (Pa charge on - CIDb 27 Gradient 1.10 the inside of the outer and this, substituted into sphere). Integration of (5) (1), yields 47T8 C between spheres gives 47rsab _ (6) _ ~-(l/a)~--(1/b)—- b -— a The flux tubes in these three highly symmetric structures are very simple, being example and by cylindrically or spherically radial surfaces in the last two. In Sec. 1.21 we will see a way of finding capacitance graphically for two-dimensional structures of arbitrary shape in which the flux tubes have more complex shapes. Capacitance of an isolated electrode is sometimes calculated; in that case, the flux from the charge on the electrode terminates at infinity and the potential on the electrode is taken with respect to an assumed zero at infinity. More extensive considerations of capacitance are found in Sec. 4.9. bounded by parallel surfaces in the first mu"its”;fifi’SfiééKfié‘fim‘figzfifimfifi’sfifi”?”Rf”a9353§$§52fl°§3fi§§Vfi¥§§§¥§$€nW ”ifkii‘éwfikfii'i’skfigi’fizfi“3/4”,Kraft?” triflzi‘fifi Wm: 2‘3 3‘ m2: (at)? ‘K‘é‘. '. ES 73‘ Lima; 3%?“ 237’. 91.37.31’ai‘1‘23'ifikz» 7% Vin)» "1233424? 61 an: Eifierentiafi Forms of Etectmstatic laws GRADIENT HO macrosc0pic forms. It is also useful equivalents in differential forms. Let us start with the relation between and potential. If the definition of potential difference is applied to two We have looked at several laws of electrostatics in to have their electric field points a distance dl apart, dCD = ——E . dl (1) where d] may be written in terms of its components and the defined unit vectors: (2) dlzftdx—l-ydy—l—idz We expand the dot product: (M) Since CD is a -(E_\. = dx + E3 dz) = —-~ ‘ 5 + ax comparison of the two 6x —— 6y dy + —— dZ 62 expressions, 6(1) 3(1) 6(1) Ex==--— 6(1) 6(1) 6(1) a + function of x, y, and z, the total differential may also be written dd) From E}, dy ’ E=-— y 6y ’ E-=-— ‘ 62 (3) 28 Chapter Stationary Electric 1 fields I so 6(1) 6(1) E 2 .. 6(1) (X6x+yay+z 62) ‘—- “— 4 () or E: ~grad<l> (5) grad 43, an abbreviation of the gradient of (I), is a vector showing the direction magnitude of the maximum spatial variation of the scalar function (I), at a point in where and ‘- space Substituting back in (1), we have = (grad <13) - dl (6) change in (I) is given by the scalar product of the gradient and the vector (11, a given element of length (11, the maximum :value of dCD is obtained when element is oriented to coincide with the direction ofi the gradient vector. From (6) Thus the so that, for that grad (I)IS perpendicular to the equipotentlals because 61(13- 0 for along equipotential The analogy between electrostatic potential and grav1tational potential energy discussedin Sec. 1. 8IS useful for understanding the gradient. It13 easy to see in Fig 1. 8b that the direction of maximum rate of change of potential is perpendicular to the equipotentials (which are at constant heights on the potential hill). If we define a vector operator V (pronounced del) it is also clear that d] - an Q v then grad (I) may be written as —— act: —— + 6x VCI) if the VCID— 6 a 2 X -— 6}: y +2 -— 6y 6' (7) 62g operation18 intilerpreted acb an) 6y 62 as + y—- + 2 —‘~ (8) and . E The gradient operator inside front in circular = —~grad<I) cylindrical Q: and I +ch (9) spherical coordinates is given on the cover. Exampie 1.10 i ELECTRIC FIELD OF A DIPOLE I As of the of the gradient operator, we will find an expression for the field around an electric dipole. The potential for a dipole is given in Sec. 1.8 in spherical coordinates so the spherical form of the gradient operator is selected from the inside an example use 1.: r front The Divergence or 29 eteaunsmic Fleld an cover. at? V<I>= r — A + 6 61' and Substituting Eq. 1.8(16) Vq) = 1 a) + 39 r the noting 1% 1‘ Sin independence of E 6 49¢ 43, we get qucoseiéfiqsmG net-3 2'Irer3 Then from (9) the electric field is ' 8 E : (9 ‘73 1T8" The second differential form by 9 + e 2 we shall consider is that of Gauss’s law. D dS L~ . Mac right side is, Equation 1.5(3) by inspection, merely good place as and their sources; the to comment on dV Li— AV~>D (1) AV p. The left side is the outward electric flux the div D a lim = AV per unit volume, This will be defined D, Then This is (10) the volume element AV and the limit taken: lim The 9) THE DIVERGENCE OF AN ELECTROSTATIC FIELD 1.11 may be divided 5'" .1 cos divergence affiux density, abbreviated div = (2) p the size scale implicit in our treatment of fields apply to the central set of relations, Maxwell’s equations, building. In reality, charge is not infinitely divisible— the smallest unit is the electron. Thus, the limit of AV in (I) must actually be some small volume which is still large enough to contain many electrons to average out the granularity. For our relations to be useful, the limit volume must also be much smaller than important dimensions in the system. For example, to neglect charge granularity, the thickness of the depletion layer in the semiconductor in Ex, 1.4a should be much greater than the linear dimensions of the limit volume, which, in tum, should be much greater than the average spacing of the dopant atoms. Similarly the permittivity e is an average representation of atomic or molecular polarization effects such as that shown in Fig. 1.3c. Therefore, when we refer to the field at a point. we mean that the field is an average over a volume small compared with the system being analyzed but large enough to contain many atoms. Analyses can also be made of the fields on a smaller scale, such as inside an atom, but in that case an average permittivity cannot be used. In this book, we concentrate on situations where p, 5,, and other quantitmyerages comments toward which we are also 33 over Chapter small volumes. There are thin films of current few atoms thick and semiconductor devices such ditions are must be not well satisfied, as practical interest which are only a that of Ex. 1.4a where these cone calculations using that-results from so Pgtelds Stationary Electric I p and e as defined used with caution. seeking an understanding of (:2). Consider the infinitesimal rectangular parallelepiped of dimensions Ax, Ay, Az as shown in Fig. 1.11a. To compute the amount of flux leaving such a volume element as compared with that entering it, note that the flux passing through any :face of the parallelepiped can differ from that which passes through the opposite face only if the flux density perpenNow let volume us return to as a dicular to those faces varies from faces is small, then to two faces will a simply distance between faces. we to first one If the distance between the two face to the other. approximation be the rate of the change difference in any vector function on the of the function According calculus, higher-order differentials are basis of to the the limit, since the pass If the vector D at the center x, y, 2 has a Dx(x > Dix 7) ~ —- 2 Dx(x) + Ax - = then exactly correct when zero. component 12x00, then Ax + with distance times the this is w -- AféDx(x) 2 6x Ax anxx ( ) (3) 1 ————— a. show In this functional notation, the arguments in parentheses the points for evaluating the function Dx. When not included, the point (x, y, 2) Will be understood. The flux flowing out Ay Az Dx(x the y and 2' the - right face is Ay Az Dx(x + Alf/2), and that flowing in the left face is Ax/Z), leaving a net flow out of Ax Ay ‘ZAz(an/Bx), and similarly for directions. Thus the net flux flow out of the AxAyAz 6Dx 6x parallelepiped is 6D + AxAyAz—l 33’ aD+ AxAyAz—i ‘33 y A2 Dx<x - ¥)—— 2 y 9 (syn) at it: + Ag‘—> 2 i Ax } j 2 FIG. 1.11:! Volume element used in div D derivation. Ara: The 1.1 l By Gauss’s law, this must p Ax equal 60. A Jr. D in expression for div 33 Electrostatic Field an A2. So, in the limit, Ay 6Dy __ 6}: An of Divergence aD, + _- (4 ) .— p __ 62 By rectangular coordinates is obtained 8D. 6D. aD~ 6x By 62 by comparing (2) and (4): disz—¢+—i+—‘ If we make that div D of the vector operator V defined by Eq. l.lO(7) in (4), then (5) indicates conveniently be written as V D. It should be remembered that V is not use can a true vector another (5 ) — but rather quantity in a a operator. It has vector defined manner. meaning only Summarizing, when it is operating V-DédivD=&+@+E=p By 6x on (6) 62 divergence is made up of spatial derivatives of the field, so (6) is a partial equation expressing Gauss’s law for a region of infinitesimal size. The physical significance of the divergence must be clear. It is, as defined, a description of the manner in which a field varies at a point. It is the amount of flux per unit volume emerging from an infinitesimal volume at a point. With this picture in mind, (6) seems a logical extension of Gauss’s law. In fact (6) can be converted back to the large-scale form of Gauss’s law through the divergence theorem, which states that the volume integral of the divergence of any vector F throughout a volume is equal to the surface integral of that vector flowing out of the surrounding surface, The differential v Although not a proof, multiplied by volume V-FdV:§F‘dS (7) 5 this is made plausible by considering Fig. 1.1117. The element for each elemental cell is the net surface \ \\ \ \ix \K / \ e divergence integral out of “ _. ~ \ \ \\ \T\F FIG. 1.1 'l b Solid divided into subvolumes to illustrate the divergence theorem. 32 Chapter that cell. When summed by integration, Stationary Electric Fields 1 all internal contributions cancel since flow out of one cell goes into another, and only the external surface contribution remains. D gives Applications of (7) to (6) with F = 35D.ds:iv.DdV=ipdV V S whichis the original (8) ‘V Gauss’ 3 law. expressions for the divergence; and other operations involving treatment of problems having corresponding an as Let us, symmetries. example, deve10p here the idivergence of D in spherical coordinates.4 We use the left side of (1) as the definitiojn of div D and apply it to the differential volume shown in Fig. 1.11c. We will find first the net radial outward flux from the volume. Both the radial component Dr and the element of area 7'2 d6 sin 6 dqfi change as we move from r to r + dr. Thus the net flux flow out the top over that in at It will be useful to have Vin other coordinate systems for simpler the bottom is arr/1r (r _—. To first-order dr)2 + 6d6dd>< r r a ,. r) 2sin 6d6 sin 9 dr d6 ll for the 6 and :5 dqsaalirdr (145 + 27' dr sin 6d6 — divergence = d¢ 6 sin 6 dd (11) = 1' dr d6 4 dip, + dqb 6—6 (sin 6 D6) i 7‘ d6 d7.) = i' (11' d6 dill divided by (1% + the d¢ 3D¢ Ta? element of volume Lil/1'45 r2 sin 6dr as d¢ (9) 16(2-2D)+r$111160608( V-D cover a (D45 is then the total V-D= £1ng 5-,. (2-20,) 6 dlil’gb For the r2 sin 6 d6 quDr directions, d6:«(D92 cit/16 The — differentials, this leaves dill, Similarly sin .......__ rr26 ——— ’ corresponding expression in circular 1 In 9 6D)+ 16¢ 111669!) cylindrical coordinates, see inside front and Prob. 1.116. Note that here, of the from as with other curvilinear coordinate systems, it is not the scalar product gradient operator and the vector in spherical coordinates, the basic definition given by ( l) and (2). but must be obtained Laplace’s and Poisson's Equations 1.12 FIG. 1.1'lc Element of volume in Example spherical 33 coordinates. 1.“ UNIFORM SPHERE OF CHARGE We will show an example of the application of (6) using a sphere of charge of uniform density p having a radius a with divergence written in spherical coordinates. Since the D O, the last two terms of spherical symmetry of the charge region leads to D 9 d, (9) vanish. We use the value of Dr rp/ 3 from Eq. 1.4(7) for the region inside the Charge sphere and obtain = = 2 1 V - D = a “‘3“[(1‘2)<fl>] r" For the region outside the sphere ' we use = 3 r Dr(r) = a3 p p/3r2 from Eq. 1.4(8) (10) to show that l V D - N a 03p ‘261‘[(] (3,2)] 7 _ — 0 (11) example shows that divergence is zero outside the charge region but equal to charge density within it. The same result is obtained if one uses divergence expressed in rectangular coordinates or other coordinates not so natural to the symmetry (Prob. This 1.1 1d). 1.12 LAPLACE'S POISSON’S EQUATIONS preceding sections allow us to derive an important equation for potential. Differential equations can be applied to problems general than those solved by symmetry in the first part of the chapter and it is The differential relations of the two differential more AND 34 Chapter is fields potential as the dependent variable. This is because specified boundary conditions are often given in often convenient to work with potential Stationary Electric 1 scalar and because the a terms of potentials. permittivity s is constant throughout the regiOn, Eq.1.10(5)1n Eq. 1.11(6) with D— 8E yields If the the substitution of E from —’ div(grad<1>) V = - V61) = But, from the equations for gradient and divergence 1.10(7) and 1 11(6)], so — ml‘D rectangular 1I1 coordinates [Eqs a 6ch az_® (12(1) 6x2 Ely2 622 ( ) that 62—4) This is a differential density at that point 62(1) :3ch 6322 62?- _ 6x2 equation relating potential and is known Paisson’s as v2<1> __,_J is variation equation. V2613 (del squared of (1)) is known V261) In the special case of a 9 V - as charge-free region, (9ch 9 ax~ the W) at any point to the It is often written —B = = charge (3) 8 where (2) i Laplacicin of (I). div(grad (1)) Poisson’s equation (4) reduces to 62(1) 6ch +——+ ay2 6—22 =0 01' VZCI) O (5) -— whichIS known form, V2 can Laplace’ 3 equation. Although illustrated1n its rectangular coordinate expressedin cylindrical or spherical coordmates through the relations as be given on the inside front cover. Any number of possible configurations of (3) the conditions ments i and (5). All are of potential suirfaces called solutions to these will satisfy the require— equfations. It is necessary to know existing around the boundary of the region to select the particular solution which applies to a given problem. We will see in Sec. 1.17 a proof of the uniqueness of a function that satisfies both the differential equation and the boundary conditions. Quantities other than potential can also be shown to satisfy Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations, both in other branches of physics and in other parts of electromagnetic field theory. For example, the magnitudes of the rectangular components of E and the component E: in cylindrical coordinates also satisfy Laplace"s equation. 1.13 Static Fields from Arising Steady 35 Currents A number of methods exist for solution of two— and three~dimensional problems with Laplace’s equation. separation technique a very general method for solving two-- and three—dimensional problems for a large variety of partial differential equations including the two of interest here. Conformal transformations of complex variables yield many useful two-dimensional solutions of Laplace’s equation. Increasingly important are numerical methods using digital computers. All these methods are elaborated in Chapter 7. Examples for this chapter, after discussion of boundary conditions, will be limited to one~dimensional examples for which the differential equations may be directly integrated. These show clearly the role of boundary and continuity or Poisson’s of variables The is conditions in the solutions. 1.13 STATIC FIELDS ARISING FROM STEADY CURRENTS arising from dc potentials applied to conductors are not static becharges producing the currents are in motion, but the resulting steady~state fields are independent of time. Quite apart from the question of designation, there is a close relationship to laws and techniques for the fields arising from purely static charges. We consider ohmic conductors for which current density is proportional to electric field E through conductivity5 0" Siemens per meter (S / m): Stationary cause currents the J Such relationship a comes in Sec. 1.10, be a steady more a in scalar Chapter potential so stationary zero (1) of time, it is derivable from independent J For GE from internal “collisons” and is discussed 13. Since the electric field is as = current, ~0VCI) = (2) continuity requires that the net flow a buildup or decay of charge since there cannot be out of any closed within the region region in the state, jg J ' dS m 0 (3) s or in differential form, V Substitution of (2) in (4), with 0 taken ' as J = (4) O constant, yields V-Vcbévchzo Thus potential Laplace’s equation as in other static field problems (Sec. 1.12). boundary condition corresponding to the applied potentials, there is satisfies In addition to the 5 The 5/ unit for conductivity is Siemens per meter (8/ m), but older literature sometimes mho as the (5) conductivity unit. uses 36 a Chapter 1 Stationary Electric constraint at the boundaries between conductors and current flow across such boundaries, where n on boundaries. Referring to [Fields insulators since there (2), this requires can be no that for such the conductor side, —=0 (6) denotes the normal to such boundaries. between different conductors are considered in the Continuity relations following section. I 1.14 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS IN ELECTROSTATICS practical field problems involve systemscontainiiig more than one kind of maseen some examples of boundaries between various regions in the examples of earlier sections, but now we need to develop these systematically to utilize the differential equations of the preceding sections. Most terial. We have Let us consider the relations between normal flux density components across an arbitrary boundary by using the integral form of Gauss?s law. Consider an imaginary pillbox bisected as shown in Fig. 1.14a by the interface; between regions 1 and 2. The thickness of the pillbox is considered to be small enough that the net flux out the sides vanishes in comparison with that out the flat faces. If we assume the existence of net surface charge p3 on the boundary, the total flux out of the box must equal p8 AS. By Gauss’s law, D n1 AS FIG. 1.340 — Boundary 1),,2 AS : pSAS between two different media. Boundary Conditions 1.14 37 in Blectrostatics 01' D11] '— DnZ : (1) pr where AS is small enough to consider D" and p5 to be uniform. A second relation may be found by taking a line integral about a closed path of length Al on one side of the boundary and returning on the other side as indicated in Fig. l.l4a. The sides normal to the net boundary are considered to be small enough that their integral vanish in comparison with those of the sides parallel By Eq. 1.7(3) any closed line integral of electrostatic field must be zero: contributions to the to the surface. % E ‘ d]. : Ell A] Etz — A] = O 01‘ Etl : (2) Erz subscript t denotes components tangential to the surface. The length of the tangenloop is small enough to take E as a constant over the length. Since the the boundary is negligibly small, E of across integral The tial sides of the , CI)1 across the boundary. Equations (1) Consider (1) (2), (3) or (1) and (3), form conditions for the solution of electrostatic field boundary and and CD2 = an interface between two dielectrics with no problems. charge on a complete set of the surface. From Eq. 13(1). 81 E211 = 82 (4) E122 It is clear that the normal component of E changes across the boundary, whereas the tangential component, according to (2), is unmodified. Therefore the direction of the resultant E must Suppose region 1 that at makes change across such a boundary except where either ER or E, are zero. point at a boundary between two dielectrics the electric field in an angle 91 with the normal to the boundary. Thus, as seen in Fig. some 1.14b, 51 01 Enl Etz Ed 92 52 FIG. 1 .14!) dielectrics Vector relations among electric field components at (:32 > 8,). E2 En2 a point on a boundary between 38 Chapter Then and using (2) (4) we see 01 = 62 a "1—”— t '1 t an —’2 (6) E122 i = tan 82 ”1 - tan 81 us now <5 ) E11 that 92 Let {Fields Stationary Electric 1 consider the (7) 6, boundary properties of conductors, as exemplified by a piece of semiconductor with metallic contacts. The currents flowing in both the semiconductor by the respective conductivities so developed in Sec. 1.1l3. At the interface of two contiguous conductors, the: normal component of current density is continuous across the boundary, because othei'wise there would be a continual buildup of charges there. The normal component of electric field18 therefore discontinuous and given by and the metallic contacts potential drops occur related to the fields are in them, as E111 x 92. E112 ‘ (8) 01 The argument used in dielectric problems for tangential components of electric field also applies1n the case of a discontinuity of conductivity so that tangential electric field is continuous In across problems conductor, the boundary. normally one the metal. The electrodes faces. In this text or assumes with that of the high compared electrostatic conductive material such as a semi» conductivity of the metallic electrodeis so other material that negligible potential drops occur in with metallic electrodes do are on a assumed to be normally conduction problems we electric fields at their surfaces less that the assume perfect conductors for dc are problems equipotentlals with equipotential and therefore the tangential are zero. Example BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 1.14 IN A DC ! CONDUCTION PROBLEM points The structure in sur— that the electrodes in either we have made about Fig. l.14c illustrates some of the boundary that a potential difference is provided between the .two metallic electrodes by an outside source. The electrodes are considered to be perfect conductors and, therefore, equipotentials. The space directly between them is filled with a layer of conductive material having conductivity at and permittivity a. The space surrounding the conductive system is filled with a dielectric having permittivity 31 and 0' O. conditions. We assume = 1.14 Boundary Conditions 39 in Electrostatics + + Conductor + + (1,0 + + + + + + + + \ L Semiconductor £1 a. 5 Dielectric y J/ (I) = 5 1 Dielectric 0 Conductor FIG. 1.140 boundary Structure involving both do conduction and static fields in a dielectric to illustrate conditions. The normal component of the current density at the conductor—dielectric interface since the current in the dielectric is zero. This follows formally from (8) must be zero using zero conductivity for the dielectric. Therefore, since the electric field is J / 0‘ the normal component of electric field inside the conductor must be zero. Then the electric fields inside the conductor at the boundaries with the dielectric are wholly tangential. Since the electrodes and the field lines are are assumed to be perpendicular to It is clear that since there is permittivity, there is also a The flux must terminate to-conductor flux on an equipotentials, the tangential field there is zero the electrode surfaces. electric field in the conductive medium and it has density following the same paths as charges so there will be charges the current on a density. the electrode» boundary. The electric field in the dielectric region terminates on charges both on the perfectly conducting electrodes and on the sides of the other conductive medium. On the boundary of the imperfect conductor there is a tangential component and also surface charges, so the field makes an oblique angle with the conductor surface. 49 Chapter Stationary Electric 1 fields LAPLACiEE'S H5 DIRECT INTEGRATION OF EQUATION: FIELD BETWEEN COAXIAL CYLINDERS WITH; Two DIELECTRICS Laplace’s equation we will take is that of finding the conducting cylinders of radii a and c (Fig. potential 1.15), with a dielectric of constant 81 filhng the region between a and b, and a second "dielectric of constant 82 filling the region between I) and c. The inner conductor is at potential zero, and the outer at potential V0. Because of: the symmetry of the problem, the solution could be readily obtained by using Gauss Is law as in Example 1 .,4b but in the solution by the primary purpose here is to demonstrate severalii gprocesses differential equations. The geometrical form suggests that the Laplacian VZCI) be expressedin cylindrical coordinates (see inside front cover), giving for Laplace 3 equation The first simple example of distribution between two coaxial 2 2 VZQD = 12-0132) r It will be assumed that there is 07‘ 61' no + a? Jae—Cg dq’) + 2 0 62‘ variation in the axial (z) direction, and the angle (1). Equation (1) then reduces to (1) cylindrical symmetry eliminates variations with la r dr 612 dr _0 ' (2) Note that in one (2) the derivative is written as a total derivative, since there is now only independent variable in the problem. Equation (2) may be integrated directly: dd) 7 — Integrating again, we C1 —- d, (3) have (PlzCllnr-i—Cz FIG. 1.15 Coaxial cylinders with two dielectrics. (4) Direct 1.15 Integration of 4'! Laplace’s Equation This has been labeled (131 because we will consider that the result of (4) is applicable region (a < r < b). The same differential equation with the same to the first dielectric symmetry applies to the second dielectric region, so the same form of solution applies there also, but the arbitrary constants may be different. 80, for the potential in region 2 (b < r < 6), let us write (132 The In boundary (a) CD1 3 (b) (132 = Oatr continuous (c) (131 Voatr (d) Dr1 The D,.2 application at conditions at the continuity this (Dzatr application (b) b, or 81 (a) (d®1/dl‘) to = 32 (dCIDZ/dr) applied (4) yields = --C1 in (6) a (5) yields to (7) to (4) and (5) gives (8) Cllnb+C2=C31nb+C4 And condition ((1) be there. C4=VO—~C3lnc Condition (c) must b = of condition of density charge—free boundary (Sec. 1.14): = r between the two dielectric boundary and the normal component of electric flux C2 The are: c potential : (5) a = are across = = C4 + r conditions at the two conductors addition, there media. The 1n C3 = applied (4) and (5) gives to 81 Any one of the constants, equations, (6) to (9): as C1 C1, C1 = 82 (9) C3 may be obtained by eliminating between the four V0 = ln(b/a) — (10) (81/82)1n(b/c) remaining constants, C2, C3, and C4, may be obtained from (6), (9), and (7), respectively. The results are substituted in (4) and (5) to give the potential distribution in the two dielectric regions: The (pl V0 ln(r/a) : 1n<b/a) ___ VO[ 1 '— + “ < r < b (11) (er/82) 1n<c/b) (81/82) 1n<c/r) 1n(b/a) + (81/82) 1n(c/b)] b < 'i < C (12) 42 Chapter l Stationary Electrlcjfilields be checked that these distributions do satisfy Laplace’s equation and the boundary continuity conditions of the problem. Only in such simple problems as this will it be possible to obtain solutions of the differential equation by direct integration, but the method of applying boundary and continuity conditions to the solutions, however obtained, is well demonstrated by the example. It can and Ho DIRECT INTEGRATION OF POISSON’S EQUATION: THE PN SEMICONDUCTOR JUNCTION practicial example The pn semiconductor junction is an important can be found by direct integration of Poisson’s equation. fied pn junction. The basic semiconductor is silicon (or a compound semiconductor such as typically Figure a in which properties a simpli— 1.16a shows valence 4 material such galliumjarsenide as that behaves much the region of the figure has been “doped” With valence 5 impurity atoms such as phosphorus (donors), which although electrically neutral in themselves, have more electrons than needed for bonding with adjacent silicon atoms and so contribute electrons which can move relatively freely about the material. The p region of the figure has valence 3 impurities such as boron (acceptors) which have fewer electrons than needed for bonding with adjacent silicon atoms. These too are electrically neutral in same). The 11 themselves, but leave holes that from atom move to atom with electric fields or other charges. Although the transition between p and 22 regions must be over some finite region, we assume an idealized model in which it is abrupt— a step discontinuity. When the junction is formed, the excess electrons in the n-type region at first diffuse forces much like small positive side. The electrons flowing into the causing them to become negatively charged. (Remember that they were originally electrically neutral). Likewise, the holes moving into the n-type side are filled by the excess electrons there. The result is a zone into the p-type side. The holes diffuse to the n-type p-type side fill the vacancies in the acceptor bonds, the near junction in which there is a net negative charge density in a region on the p-type side and a net positive charge density on the n-typje side called a depletion region, as in the metal—semiconductor junction of Sec. 1.4. The density on the n-type side is since each of the donor atoms has been eND stripped Qf one electron. The density on the p-type side is eNA since each acceptor atom has one additional electron. The widths of the zones stabilize when the potential arising in the charge regions is sufficient - to prevent further diffusion. Outside the charged regions, the semiconductors are neuequilibrium situation that we shall examine; if a field tral. No fields exist there in the did exist it would cause motion of the The regions One can of charge the flux from the in — a’p as was charges and violate the assumption of equilibrium. to scale) in Fig. l.16b. gradient of potential dCI)/dx —Ex —-Dx/e (not < x < = = done in Ex. 1.4a for the metal-semiconductor contact. We Ex is zero outside positive charges in 0 that just argued charges shown deduce the form of the from Gauss’s law have are 0. This charge regions (x < ---dp and x > (In). All < (1,, must therefore end on the negative determines the relation ibetween d" and dp in terms of the < x [.16 Direct Integration of Poisson’s Equation: The pa Semiconductor Junction 43 l-—-l++l -—- ++ |___l++| |—---—|++| P ~--— n ++ |—~— ++ l'fi +fl (a) PM END “dp - O eNA (a) fix) b.— —_w O _’dp dn ((1) FIG. 1.16 (a) pn diode diode. (c) Potential the showing regions gradient. (d) Potential. of uncompensated charge. (b) Charge density in the values of NA and ND. The flux density Dx is negative and its magnitude 0 since the charge density is taken to be linearly from x wdp to x O andx constant. It then falls linearly to zero between x d". The gradient therefore takes the form shown in Fig. 1.160. The potential is the integral of the linearly varying gradient so it has the square—law form in Fig. 1.16d. Now let us directly integrate Poisson’s equation to get the complete analytic forms. The boundary conditions on the integration are that the gradient is zero at x —dp and at d,,. The potential may be taken arbitrarily to have its zero at x -dp. Specializing Poisson’s equation 1.12(3) to one dimension and substituting for charge density the value eNA for the region wdp < x < O, we have given increases = = = = = = -— (132(1) eNA _ -— dx2 8 1 () 44 Chapter Ig'lelds Stationary Electric 1 permittivity 8 is not appreciably affected by the dopant, at least for low-frequency Integrating (1) from x dp to an arbitrary x 0 making use of the zero boundary condition on the gradient at x dp gives The considerations. = = — = (1CD Integrating a second time gradient and ) + (d (2) x 0 --dp): taking ®(-— CI) (x) The i eN —A : 3— x -* 828A(36 = potential evaluated £12 3 dx 0 == potential for -—dp < p) 2: + d — at x the gives x _<_ O as (3 ) are Ella d (4) e 0 eN 42(0) A : 28 d- (5) boundary conditions for the integration in the region 0 S x S d”. Poisson’s equation region differs from (1) in the choice of charge density: These constitute the for this d 2(1) eN = ——D_ 3 d:c Integrating (6) with the (6) s boundary condition (4) gives dd) N _f___12 x : _._ dx + e N L“: dp (7) e x Then using the condition that the total positive charge must equal the charge and therefore thath NA(dp /dn), (7) can be put in the form total negative — eNA d” dd) = — dx which15 seen to Integrating (8) be 1 i‘ (8) d"! dn, as expected from boundary condition (5), we zero at x—- with the - Gauss’ 3 law as discussed above. find (I) (x) The maximum value of the eNAd2 = —p 28 potential < = ‘ x 1 + 2 “- = gdndp (9) ! is reached at x (man) x2 ---2 dp eN a!2 M) Note that distance - 8 —A—” 2? d”: N 1 + ——4 28 dp in (10) is not immediately known. ND Since the (10) potential barrier arises 45 Uniqueness of Solutions 1.17 stop the diffusion of the charge carriers, it is expected that diffusion to considered. Diffusion theory reveals that the height k r Act) = of the potential must also be barrier (10) is N 3—4459] (11) 7 e n; where k8 is Boltzmann’s constant, NA and ND are acceptor and donor doping densities, respectively, and ni is the electron density of intrinsic (undoped) silicon, which is about 1.5 X 1010 electrons/cm3 at T 300 K. Once ND is calculated, dp can be found from = (10) and all quantities in the field and potential expressions are then known. UNIQUENESS OF SOLUTIONS l.l7 potentials governed either by the Laplace or Poisson equation regions given potentials on the boundaries are unique. With normal derivatives of potential (or, equivalently, charges) specified on the boundaries, the potential is unique to within an additive constant. Here we will prove the theorem for a charge— free region with potential specified on the boundary. The proofs of the other parts of the theorem are left as problems. The usual way to demonstrate uniqueness of a quantity is first to assume the contrary and then show this assumption to be false. Imagine two possible solutions, (131 and (132. Since they must both reduce to the given potential along the boundary, It can be shown that the in with cp, along the boundary surface. Since -- they V2CD, q», are 0 (1) both solutions to O and = = V2432 = Laplace’s equation, O or '\72(CI)1 throughout the entire region. In the divergence theorem, Eq. 1.110), particular, let it be the quantity ((1)1 ‘“ (132) — = O (2) F may be any continuous vector ©2)V(®1 —' quantity. (132) Then [VV . [(CDI From the vector —_ ©3)V(®1 ._ (1%)] dV 2 i [((Dl "“ ©2)V(¢’1 identity diva/IA) = tbdiv A + A . grad t1; - (132)] . dS In 46 Chapter the equation I ((131 — V may be (Dame. expanded —- c132) Electrrclrrems Stationary 1 to (W + f [V(<I>1 (1)2)12 — V £5]? ((1)1 3 The first over the integral must be zero by (2); the boundary surface There remains last dV integral — (1)2)V((I31 must be zero, "‘ CD2) ' (18 since (1) holds i i [V [We1 — @912 W = 0 gradient of a real scalar is real. Thus its square can only integral is to be ZCI'O, the gradient itself must be zero: The we. —— a2) = 0 (3) be positive or zero. If its <4) z 01‘ € ((131 -— (1)2) = constanjt (5) I This constant must apply are even to the boundary, where we know that (1) is true. The is then zero, and (I)l C132 is everywhere zerb, which means that CD1 and (132 identical potential distributions. Hence the proof uniqueness: Laplace’s equation constant ~— solution which satisfies the of; boundary conditions of the given region. If by any method we find a solution to a field problem that fits all boundary conditions and satisfies Laplace’s equation, we may be sure it is the only one. can have only one Spectni Techniques for Efiectmstattc Probiems 1.18 The so-called method of THE USE OF lMAgEs the with fields produced by charges in images is a way of finding the presence of dielectric6 or conducting boundaries certain symmetries Here we concentrate on the more common situations, those With conducting boundaries (But see 6 Prob. 1.18d.) W. R Smyfhe, Static and Dynamic Electricity, Hem/sphere Publishing Co., Washington, DC 7989 The Else of mm FIG. 1.18a charge of Image a in point charge a conducting plane. The field lines shown Example 1.18a simplest case is that of a point charge A PLANE near a grounded7 conducting plane (Fig. 1.18a). Boundary conditions require that the potential along the plane be requirement is met if charge is placed at x in m 1 CI) : —— 4178 = fl ~—— 4178 7 for the are q with the conductor. POINT IMAGE IN The 47 Images Use of the term 3 — r {[(x -—d. zero. of the 51-,r —- d)?- The conducting plane an equal and opposite image Potential at any point P is then given by place (1) + y2 grounded implies + 221“”2 a source -— for the [(x + (02 + y2 + charge that builds 2214/2} up on the plane. 48 Chapter This reduces to the required potential along zero fields Stationary Electric 1 the pl: mex 0, = so that (1) gives the potential for any point to the right of the plane. The exp] ression of course does not for x < O, for inside the conductor the potential must b DB everywhere zero. apply potential other than zero, the value of this constant potential is (1) give the expression for potential at any point for x > O. simply The charge density on the surface of the conducting plane must equal the normal flux density at that point. This is easily found by usingI If the plane is at added to a to GCIJI psfitheEx: Substituting (1) in (2) “8— - ax x=0 (2) and performing the indicated differentiation gives d p5 g. (d2 = + 'n' y2 .. + 22) 3/2 (3) 2 0, (3) shows that the surface charge density has its peak value at y with circular contours of equal charge density centered about that point. The density Analysis of decreases monotonically to zero studying the method is in image == = as y and/ or 2 extraction of the metal—semiconductor surface shown in go to Fig. One infinity. electrons from a application of the metallic surface as in 1.4a. Example Ltsb IMAGE OF If there is d from it, —— d. The A LINE CHARGE IN A PLANE charge of strength q, C/m parallel to a conducting plane and distance proceed as above, placing an image line charge of strength wq, at x potential at any point x > O is then a line = we a = .. fl; 271's 1 q, (x r_*_ d)2 118 (x 1n<_,)=.—. ti r Example IMAGE OF For line A 5- +y2 (1)2 +y2 I (4) 1.38:: LINE CHARGE IN A CYLINDER of strength q, parallel to the axis of a conducting circular cylinder, from the axis, the image line charge of strength q, is placed at radius rq r’ where is a the radius the of The combination of the (12/ rq, cylinder (Fig.El 1.18b). two line charges can be shown to produce a constant potential along the given cylinder a charge and at radius — = of radius a. Potential outside the cylinder may be computed from the original line charge image. (Add q, cylinder is uncharged.) If the original line charge is within a hollow cylinder a, the rule for finding the image is the same, and potential inside may be computed from the line charges. and its on axis if 1.18 FIG. L‘lab Image The Ilse of of line charge 49 Images q, in a parallel conducting cylinder. Example 1.18d IMAGE OF For A POINT CHARGE IN A SPHERE point charge (1 placed distance r from the center of a conducting sphere of radius image is a point charge of value (— qa/rq) placed at a distance (612/ rq) from the center (Fig. 1.186). This combination is found to give zero potential along the spherical surface of radius a, and may be used to compute potential at any point P outside of radius 0. (Or, if the original charge is inside, the image is outside, and the pair may be used to compute potential inside.) a a, the Example 1.182 MULTIPLE IMAGINGS charge in the vicinity of the intersection of two conducting planes, such as q in region of A08 of Fig. 1.18d, there might be a temptation to use only one image in each plane, as 1 and 2 of Fig. 1.18d. Although + (1 at Q and —q at 1 alone would give constant potential as required along 0A, and + (1 at Q and —q at 2 alone would give constant potential along OB, the three charges together would give constant potential For a the Q \ _ . -b L FIG. 1.186 Image of a point charge in a sphere. "U 53 Chapter Stationary Electric fields 1 A - + 4P\q I \\ | l l \ \\ z 7K+q \\ ” // \ Iq I i / |\\ I ' I \ \\ /|’I \\ "‘x \ll \ \ \I 2 I \\ I 34 \ 64—1] I i i I \ I \ B \ \I \ / l r X“ / I I \ l/ / x I \ O I I I \. , 4——-*—r“\~——_,\ I I \\ / i I I 1 \ \ I\\ i \E ‘ x: i ————— . I .\ \\ I , \\ I \ I ""N\5 ql‘xl —q +q / FIG. 15le Multiple images of a point or line chargegbetween intersecting planes. I along neither 0A nor these OB. It is necessary to image images in turn, repeating until or until all further images are too far distant from the region to coincide further images potential. It is possible to satisfy exactly; the required conditions with a finite number of images only if the angle A03 is an exact submultiple of 180 degrees, as in the 45-degree case illustrated by Fig. 1.18d. influence the I I9 . PROPERTIES OF TWO*DIMENSIONAL FIELDS: Many important electrostatic problems may the pair of parallel wires of Fig. 1.8b or the field distribution is the same be GRAPHIC/XL FIELD considered as MAPPING two-dimensional, as in coaxial system of Fig. 1.15. In these the in all cross-sectional planes, and although real systems are the idealization is often useful one. In the examples cited above, analytically, but for cylindrical systems with more complicated boundaries, numerical techniques may be called for and will be introduced in the next section. We wish to give first some properties of two~dimensional fields that can be used to judge the correctness of field maps and can even be used to make useful pictures of the fields and to obtain approximate values; of such things as capacitance, conductance, and breakdown voltage. Perhaps the greatest value in making a few such maps is the feel they give for field behavior. It has already been established that equipotentials and electric field lines intersect at right angles, as in the coaxial system of Fig. 1.19a, where field lines are radial and equipotentials are circles in any given cross—sectional plane. It has also been shown that the region between two field lines may be considered aafiux tube, and if the amount of never infinitely long, the field distributions could be found a Properties 1.19 of Two-Dimensional Fields: 5'5 Graphical Field Mapping An-—>- Atll 4) + At? <1? (b) (a) FIG. 1.19 graphical flux is (a) Map field of field between coaxial properly chosen, ratios, that conducting cylinders. (b) Curvilinear rectangle for mapping. the map is made up of small curvilinear figures with equal side squares.” This also is illustrated in Fig. 1.19a. To. show this is, “curvilinear consider of the curvilinear rectangles from a general plot, as in Fig. adjacent equipotentials, and As the distance between two adjacent field lines, the magnitude of electric field, assuming a small square, is approximately ACID/An. The electric flux flowing along a flux tube bounded by the two adjacent field lines for a unit length perpendicular to the page is then generally, more one 1.1%. If A12 is the distance between two A¢=DA3=8EA33M All or AS All! (1) _ All 8 ACID So, if the flux per tube Alp, the potential difference per division ACID, and the permittivity 8 are constant throughout the plot, the side ratio As/An must also be constant, as stated above. We saw in Sec. 1.14 that conducting surfaces are equipotentials in an electrostatic field. Thus, the electric field lines meet the electrodes at right angles. In applying the principles to the sketching of fields, some schedule such following will be as the helpful. making a number of rough sketches, taking only a minute or so apiece, starting any plot to be made with care. The use of transparent paper over basic boundary will speed up this preliminary sketching. 1. Plan on before the potential difference between electrodes into an equal number or eight to begin with. of sketch the Begin equipotentials in the region where the field is known best, as for example in some region where it approaches a uniform field. Extend the equi— potentials according to your best guess throughout the plot. Note that they should 2. Divide the known of divisions, say four 3. 52 Chapter ‘P "‘= 1 Stationary Electric V0 :Eields I i I ._ .J‘ I 3V0 \ \ / _ T / / X,— \ _ / 15 V0 fl ‘ a _________ 4 FIG. 1.19:: . tend to hug vicinity of obtuse acute Drawin the a plane angles of the conducting angles of the boundary. orthogonal curvilinear squares, but be of fields between Map kept paramount, unity. even boun9ary, spread out in the of field lines. As these are other than . and be are started, they should form the extended, they condition of orthogonality should this will result in some rectangles with ratios though set as and stepped conductor. l; regions with poor side ratios and try to first guess of equipotentials. Correct them and able curvilinear squares exist throughout the Look at the see what was wrong with the repeat the procedure until reasonploti . regions of low field intensity, there will be large figures, often of five or six judge the correctness of the plot in this region, these large units should be subdivided. The subdivisions should be started back away from the region needing subdivision, and each time a flux tube is divided in half, the potential divisions in this region must be divided by the same factor. As an example, Fig. 1.190 shows a map made to describe the field between a plane conductor at potential zero and a stepped plane at potential V0 With a step ratio of ~12: In sides. To 1.20 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF THE LAPLACE Numerical methods are AND becoming increasingly attractive to increase. Among the as continue memory finite differences,8 finite capacity8 POISSON EQUATIONS digital computer speed and methods are those using powerfulg or method of moments transformations, (Sec. 7. 3). Still others will undoubtedly be developed as Computing capabilities continue to increase. Here proach 8 and some we elements,8 Fourier illustrate the idea through the elemental difference equation ap- of its extensions. L. Co/Iaiz, The Numerical Treatment of Differential 7966, D. Potter, Computational Physics, Wiley, New Springer-Verlag, New York, Equations, 7973. L J. Finite Element York, Analysis, 2nd ed” Wiley, New York 7984. Segerlind, Applied R. Sorrentino (Ed), Numerical Methods for Passive Microwave and Millimeter Wave Structures, IEEE Press New York, 7989. R. W. Hockneyand J W Eastwood, ComputerSlmulatlon Using Particles, Am. Inst. Physics, New York, 7988. Numerical Solution of the 1.20 53 Laplace and Poisson Equations We consider first the Poisson equation with potential specified on the boundary. For simplicity problem (no variations in z). The internal region is divided by a grid of mutually orthogonal lines with potential eventually to be determined at each of the grid points. Rectangular coordinates are used and potential at a point (x, y) is expanded in a Taylor series: we take a two-dimensional 6430:, y) 1 ®x+li, ( 7y) «8613;, (XY) +/— + By adding (1) and (2) and 62CI)(x, y) ~ (Deny) rearranging, _ (130: + have the we (2) 8x approximation 2430‘, y) - -, L-—(?;—Z)— 2 8x 12, y) + 12—21)- — ax- 12 62(1) act) 11, y) - l () 9 2 a; C130: E 62¢(x, y) + (13(x —- 12, y) (3) w 6x2 112 The second Poisson’s partial derivative with respect equation in two dimensions 62(1) ax" @(x be + expressed 12, y) + in the (130: - approximate 11, y) + be obtained in the 62(1) + '7 can to y can = 6y same way. Then p _ 2 8 form (DOC, h) y + 2 + where the distance increment h is taken, for (130w - h) -- 4¢(x, y) = ”mi (4) simplicity, to be equal in the two directions. potential at a given point is the It is of interest to note that, if Space charge is zero, the average of the potentials at the surrounding points. potential is known on boundary points so that a straightforward approach set of equations such as (4) for the unknown potentials at the grid points in terms of the known values on boundary points. This is sometimes done by a matrix inversion technique, but if memory capacity is a problem, it may be better to use a method for direct iterative adjustment of grid potentials. This starts from an initial guess and corrects by bringing in the given values on the boundary through successive passes through the grid. We illustrate this first by a simple averaging technique. Note that is to solve a Example 1.20 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF LAPLACE EQUATION BY SIMPLE AVERAGING simple averaging, let us find the potentials for the grid of points Fig. 1.20a. This is an infinite cylinder of square cross section with the potentials specified on the entire boundary. The space charge will be assumed to be zero so we will be solving Laplace’s equation. The broken lines represent As an illustration of iteration with in the structure in 54 Chapter 1 Stationary Electric fields 100 "///////////////////////////////%/ l l a a / / I l 60 FIG. 1.20a Cylinder of square cross section and for difference grid equation solution. grid to be used to approximate the region for the finite-difference solution. The grid was chosen to simplify the example; a finer grid would be used in most practical problems. The four unknown potentials designated CI)1 to CD4 are assumed initially to be the average of the boundary potentials, 65 V. The first calculation is to find (131 as the average of the four surrounding potentials (80, 100, (132 65, CP3 65). Therefore, in the column labeled Step 1 in Table 1.20, (D1 is given the value 77.50. Then C132 is found as the average of 100, 20, 77.50, and 65, and this value is put in the table in Step 1. The procedure is repeated for (133 and CD4 The Step 2 proceeds in the the coarse = same Since potentials converge to way. It is seen that after several steps the (4) is approximate, the potentials have converged would differ less from the correct solution if the potentials for the four Mesll Relaxation tials leads to a points are grid definite values. to approximate were =- answers. They made finer. The correct also listed in the table. The above method, in which final result not far from the correct successive averaging of the potenpotentials, is convenient for small convergence. A more generally residual for each grid point that in many cases, has a satisfactory rate of useful method of calculation is based on a defined problems and, measures the amount by which the potential there differs from the value dictated Table 1.20 lterative Calculation for Example 1.20 Step 1 2 77.50 by Correct 3 4 5 Potentials 75.2 (I), (132 CD3 79.07 77.89 77.60 77.51 65.63 63.28 62.70 62.55 62.51 60.5 70.63 68.28 67.70 67.52 67.52 65.4 CI) A 54.06 52.89 52.60 52.51 52.51 50.7 1.20 Numerical Solution of the the potentials on the neighboring grid points. grid is defined by R“) came, = h) y + The residual for the kth pass <I><")(x, + y h) - (13%: + where i k k (Ema 12, y) - - 4<I3<k_1)(x, y) + through + the M) (5) 122p . + 55 Laplace and Poisson Equations grid point, the potentials at some of the neighboring generally already points adjusted on that pass through the grid, as was seen in the above illustration. On each pass (corresponding to Steps 1-—5 in Table 1.20) and at each grid intersection, one calculates the residual R“) and then the new potential according to = or - 1 will since, at any have been (Pm (DOC-l) : Rae) + (6) 97 where Q is called the relaxation factor because it determines the rate at which the potentials relax toward the correct solution. It is taken in the range 1 S Q S 2. Selection of Q 1, called simple relaxation, corresponds to the method of averaging illustrated = above. When 0 > 1, the procedure is called the method of successive averrelaxation (SOR). If 0. is fixed, it is usually taken near 2 for problems with many mesh points, but this can cause an initial increase in error, so it is often better to start with Q = 1 and increase it gradually with each iteration step. One procedure that is found useful for large grids is the cyclic Chebyshev method in which the following program of varying Q is used: 0.“) == 0(2) : 1 (7) 4 1 '12???“ (8) '— where 2 1 = Tin for a grid with 22 mesh points Q“ in + ”(cos3 0033) one 1) m n direction and at in the other. points 1 2 = ( 10) —, " 0“”) (9) + 4 Q fining“) 2_ m op t 1 + 1 " (11) nit When this method is used, the mesh is swept like a checkerboard, with all the red squares being treated on the first pass with (1“), all the black squares being treated on the second pass using 0‘2), the reds on the third with 0(3), and so on. This method requires an additional memory cell in the computer for each mesh point but the speeded convergence usually makes it worthwhile. The convergence can be improved appreci- 56 Chapter r Stationary Electric Fields ably by having a good initial guess for the potentials, problem say by using results from a similar Boundary gonditions In setting up the boundary conditions on a grid, the easiest situation occurs when potentials are specified on grid pbints. A more difficult problem is where the normal derivatives are specified. The derivatives are usually zero, as would be the case at an insulating surface in a conduction problem (Ex. 1.14) or along a line of symmetry used as an artificial boundary to reduce the required grid size. Examples of such boundaries are shown in Figs. 1.2019 and 1.206;. In one case the structure has obvious symmetry in the x—y plane so that a solution need be found for only one-fourth of the structure. In the other example, the boundary may be taken along the axis of a cylindrically symmetric system. In the latter case, the difference equations can include the symmetry (Prob. 1.20e). In the former case, to make the normal derivative of po— tential zero at a boundary, an imaginary grid point is set up outside the boundary and its potential is kept the same as at the point symmetrically located just inside the bound— ary. Sometimes the boundary points do not lie on mesh points; in such cases, linear interpolation13 used to set the potentials at mesh pomts nearest to the boundary. 0 0 2\\\‘\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ rY/,4’ ‘ u““-—_ ,- 1 l I /? / ’/\\\\*E\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (b) V1 ‘Q 3\ x x \ x \ s _ _____ _ $5.“. . _ V0 IWI_T__|_I_I~_1_I__I,._E§ ___l_l_lwl_l___l_l_! \ _u_|_,1_«_‘1~|_l'__,|j§ 1__l~l_l___l_l__l_l § _______ § V1 \ FIG. 'l.20b,c Examples in rectangular and cylindrical coordinates where symmetry reduces the size of the grid for finite-difference solutions. required 1.2: 1.21 57 Examples of information Obtained from Field Maps EXAMPLES OF INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM FIELD MAPS Field maps of the two~dimensional regions, made by either numerical or graphical techniques, may be used to find field strength within the dielectric region or integral properties of the systems, such as capacitance per unit length and conductance per unit length. Field strengths are simply ACID/An in the notation of Sec. 1.19, provided the divisions are fine enough. Danger of breakdown is obviously greatest near acute angles where Spacing of equipotentials is smallest, as in the right-angle corner of Fig. 1.1%. For capacitance, we need to know electric flux density at the conductors, which corresponds to surface charge density. Values of potential, and not field, are typically obtained from numerical solutions, but the approximation to a normal derivative at the boundary is readily calculated. Equipotentials and field lines may be drawn in and then calculation of capacitance becomes particularly simple. By Gauss’s law, the charge induced on a conductor is equal to the flux ending there. This is the number of flux tubes Nf multiplied by the flux per tube. The potential difference between conductors is the number of potential divisions Np multiplied by the potential difference per division. So, for a two—conductor system, the capacitance per unit length is Q C: o, The ratio Alp/AC1) can -- be obtained from 2 c1), a small-square plot with NpAcI) Eq. l.19(1): _Np And, for NM An As/An equal to unity, N C :2- 8 ——f Np For example, 16 flux tubes, plot of Fig. 1.190, there capacitance, assuming air dielectric, in the coaxial line so the F/m 10—9 Cm 3611' (2) are 4 potential divisions and is 16 ><--=35.3><10”12F /m (3 ) 4 ‘2 5.2, gives 33.6 X 10‘ F/m, indicating that Eq. 1.9(4), with b/ a the map is not perfect. This same technique can be used to find the conductance between two electrodes placed in a homogeneous, isotropic, conductive material. The conductivity of the electrode materials must be much greater than that of the surrounding region to ensure that, when current flows, there is negligible voltage drop in the electrodes and they can be considered to be equipotential regions. The potential and electric field are related in the same way as for the casein which there is no conductivity (Sec. 1.13). There is a current (r E, where (r is conductivity, and current tubes replace the flux tubes of density J the dielectric problem. The current in a tube is Calculation from = = 53 Chapter 1 Stationary Electric AI==JAs The conductance per unit length = UEAS = Using (4) and taking AS/An = -— = cpl 1vp (4) as * Nf AI —— cI>2 M» A 0——S electrodes is defined between two 1 G : iElelds ACID iS/m (5) 1 (6) 1, G Nf S /m ~-----— 2 UN P From (2) and (6) we see the useful conclusion that per unit electrodes is related to the thegconductance per length between the unit length of electrodes by capacitance example, in transmission-line problems in giving the conductance per unit length between conductors when the capacitance is known. Before digital computer methods for solving field problems became so readily avail~ able, the analogy seen above between the field distributibns in conducting and dielectric media formed the basis for an important means of determining fields in dielectric systems. Electrodes corresponding to those of the dielectric problem are set up in an electrolytic tank or on conduction paper and equipotentials measuredin the conducting the ratio 0/8. This can same be of use, for system (see Prob. l 21c). Conducting region Dielectric 1 * a HT" FlG. 'I .21 Field map for conductive electrodes a conductive medium partially filling the space between two highly 1.22 If in Energy of an Electrostatic 59 System part of the boundary of the conducting region is a nonconducting dielectric, as Fig. 1.21, current does not flow in the nonconductive region. As pointed out in a Sec. 1.14, the normal component of E inside the conductive region must then vanish at the boundary with the dielectric region. By use of this condition and the fact that E is perpendicular to the equipotential electrode surfaces, the field in the conductor can mapped. Suppose, for example, the conductive material between the electrodes in 100 S/rn. Then Fig. 1.21 is silicon with the common value of conductivity 0' be = G = 100 X (8/23) = 35 1.22 S/m. ENERGY OF AN ELECTROSTA'I'IC SYSTEM an expression for electrostatic energy in terms of quantities. The result we will obtain can be shown to be true in general; for simplicity, however, it is shown here for charges in an unbounded region. The work required to move a charge in the vicinity of a system of charges was The aim of this section is to derive field discussed in Sec. 1.7. The work done must appear as energy stored in the system, and consequently the potential energy of a system of charges may be computed from the magnitudes and positions of the charges. To do this, let us consider bringing the charges from infinity to their positions in space. No force is required to bring the first charge in since no electric field acts on the charge. When the second charge q2 is brought to a position separated from the location of (11 by a distance R12, an energy (1142 = 12 is it expended, as was shown in experiences the fields of q1 Sec. 1.7. When the third and q: and U 13 + U23 is expended. The total energy = an 41513 -— + 47781613 expended summing over the three charges, charge is 4243 may write (2) -— 4778R23 to assemble these three we brought from infinity, energy of (1) and (2). In (1) 4178R12 charges is the sum of 63 Chapter Stationary Electric 1 Eiields yields the sum of (1) and (2), since by convention i and j are particles, and each contribution to energy enters twice. In physical terms, the factor of 2 would result from assuming all dither charges in position when j has been excluded since the selffinding the energy of the ith charge. The term i energy of the point charge (i.e., the electron, ion, etc.) does not affect the energy of the field. Its contribution to the total system energy does (not depend upon the relative positions of the charges. For 22 charges, the direct extension gives With the factor summed over 31,3, this all the = 1 UE where the Eq. 1.8(3) = - II n qj 2 i; $214778)? subscript E indicates energy for potential, this becomes stored in electric Us we to a = 2 ' a5 J charges <3 ) and fields. By use of II 1 Extending (4) . ’ . 21 (15131 (4) system with continuously varying charge density p per unit volume, have 1 UE = ' 2 f [3(de (5) V i, The charge density p may be replaced by the divergence of D by Eq. 1 Using the vector equivalence l.11(2): ‘ of Prob. 1.11a, t UE=lJv-(cpn)dV—-—1—fn-(vqa)dv 2Vi 2V integral may be replaced by the surface integral of CPD over the closed surrounding the region, by the divergence theoiem [Eq. l.11(7)]. But, if the region is to contain all fields, the surface should be taken at infinity. Since (13 dies off at least as fast as l / r at infinity, D dies off at least as fast as l/rz, and area only increases as r2, this surface integral approaches zero as the surface approaches infinity. The first volume surface f'V-(CIDD)dV=3g v cIJD-dS=O 5,, Then there remains l l UE=—-fDO(V(I>)dV=-JD-EdV 2 This result volume dV seems V to say that the energy is appearing 2 actually in (6) V the electric to contain the amount of energy field, each element of 1.22 of Energy dUE an = Electrostatic in - 63 System E (W (7) The right answer is obtained if this energy density picture is used. Actually, we know only that the total energy stored in the system will be correctly computed by the total integral in (6). The derivation of (6) was based on a system of charges in an unbounded, linear, homogeneous region. The same result can be shown if there are surface charges on conductors in the region. With both volume and surface charges present, (5) becomes 1 1 Ugm~fpci>dV+-fps®d5 2 2 v (8) S The proof that this leads to (6) is left to Prob. 1.22e. Note that in this equation, and the Special case of (5), (I) is defined with its reference at infinity, since the last term of (3) is identified as (I). The advantage of (6) is that it is independent of the reference for potential. For a nonlinear medium, the incremental energy when fields are changed (Prob. 1.22f) is dngfE'dDa’V Exampie ENERGY STORED IN (9) H.252 A CAPACITOR interesting to check these results against a familiar case. Consider a parallel-plate capacitor of capacitance C and a voltage V between the plates. The energy is known from circuit theory to be éCVZ, which is commonly obtained by integrating the product of instantaneous current and instantaneous voltage over the time of charging. The result may also be obtained by integrating the energy distribution in the field throughout the volume between plates according to (6). For plates of area A closely spaced so that the end effects may be neglected, the magnitude of field at every point in the dielectric is E distance between plates) and D eV/d. Stored energy UE given by V/d (d (6) becomes simply It is == 2 = This can : be put in terms of v‘ 2 8V 1 I U5 (volume)(DE) : ~---« 2 (A V d)( > (d) —— _. d capacitance using Eq. 1.9(3): 18A 2(a) 1 UE =--——--V2=—-cv2 2 10 () 62 Chapter Stationary Electric 1 fields PROBLEMS 1 1.2a (i) Compute the force between two charges of l C each, placed 1 m apart in vacuum. (ii) The esu unit of charge (statcoulomb) is defined as gone that gives a force of 1 dyne when placed 1 cm from a like in charge between statcoulornbs and coulombs vacuum. given in Use this fact to Appendix check the conversion 1. repulsion between two electrons to the 1.2!) Calculate the ratio of the electrostatic force of gravitational force of attraction, assuming that Newton’s law of gravitation holds. The electron’ 3 chargeis l 602 X 10'19 C, its mass is 9 11 X 10”31 kg, and the gravitational constant K1s 6. 67 X 10“11 Nmz/kg2 experiment performedin 1785, Coulomb suspended a horizontal rod from its by a filament with which he could apply a torque to the rod. On one end of the rod was a charged pith ball In the plane in which the rod could rotate was placed another, similarly charged, pith ball at the same radiusi By turning the top of the filament he applied successively larger torques to the rod with the amount of torque proportional to the angle turned at the top. With the angle at the top set to 36 degrees, the angle between the two pith balls was also 36 degrees. Raising the angle at the top to 144 degrees decreased the angular separation of the pith balls to 18 degrees. A further increase of the angle at the top to 575.5 degrees decreased the angular separation of the balls to 8.5 degrees. Determine the maximum difference between his measurements and the inverse-square law (For more details see R. S Elliott. 1) 1.2c In his center 1.2d Construct the electric field vector for several points in the x-y plane for like charges q at ((1/2, 0, O) and (— d/ 2 O, 0), and drawin roughly a few electric field lines. 1.2e* Repeat Prob. 1.2d for charges tively. Find a point where the of 2g and-q at field is zero. (d/Z, 01, O) and (- d/ 2, O, 0), respec- 1.2f Calculate the electric field at points along the axis perpendicular to the center of a disk of charge of radius a located in free space. The charge ion the disk is a swface charge ps C/rn2 uniform 1.3a Show at any over the disk. by symmetry arguments and the results of Sec. 11.3 that there point inside a spherical shell of uniform surface Lcharge. is no electric field geireral closed surface as in 1.3b Show that the integral of normal flux density over a Fig. 1.30 with charge q inside gives q. Hint: Relate surface element to element of solid angle. 1.31: Calculate that electric flux emanating from a point charge q and passing through a mathematical plane disk of radius (I located a distance d from the charge. The charge lies on the axis of the disk. Show that in the limit where a/d ——> 00, the flux through the disk becomes q/Z. 1.43 A coaxial transmission line has conducting cylinder of radius c. an inner conducting cylinder of radius the inner conductor and q, over b and dielectric 82 from r :1) to r c, find the electric field for b, for b < r < c, and for r > c. Take the conducting cylinders as — a and an outer 4, per unit length is uniformly distributed over the outer. If dielectric 81 extends from r a to r Charge — = I < a, for = a < r < infinitesimally thin Sketch the variation of D and E with radius. 1.4b A long cylindrical beam of electrons of radius a moving with velocity v, vo[1 + 6 (1/a)2] has a charge- density radial variation p! 8202/0) ]. Find the po[l radial electric field1n terms of the axial velocity vo and the total beam current 10 and = = sketch its variation with radius. - 63 Problems 1.4c Derive the for the field about expression point charge. line a charge, Eq. 1.4(3), from the field of a 1.4d* A sphere of charge of radius a has uniform density pO except for a spherical cavity zero charge with radius b, centered at x 0, where d < a and d, y 0, z 00 < x < 00. Hint: Use b < a (2’. Find electric field along the x axis from super» position. of = = —— = - 1.4e* As in Prob. 1.4d, but inside the now find an expression for electric field for that the field in the cavity, showing a general point is constant. cavity 1.53 A point charge q is located at the origin of coordinates. Express the electric field vecin its rectangular coordinate components, and evaluate the surface integral for S chosen as the face perpendicular to the x axis of a cube of side lengths 20 centered on the charge. Use symmetry to show that Gauss’s law is satisfied. tor 1.51) Perform the integrations in Eq. 1.5(3) for an infinitely long circular cylindrical ion beam with p p0[1 + (r/a)2] using the square prism shown in Fig. 1.5 and plane ends at z O and I orthogonal to the axis. = = 1.5c If A, B, and C are vectors, show that A‘B B-A (A+B)+C ll A+(B+C) A-(B+C) =A‘B+A'C 1.5d Vector A makes angles scalar :21, [3,, y, with the x, y, and z axes respectively, and B makes with the axes. If 6 is the angle between the vectors, make use of the angles B2, y2 product A 522, cos ° B to show that 0 = cos (21 (:2 + cos cos ,8, B2 cos + cos yl cos yz 1.6a Show how the flux function may be used to plot the field from point charges q and —q distance d apart. Hint: Make use of solid angles and relate these to angle 6 from the axis joining charges. 1.6b Plot the field from like charges (1 distance d apart (Prob. 1.2d) by making use of the flux function. 1.6c Plot the field of charges 2:] and ~q distance d apart (Prob. 1.2e) that not all flux lines terminate at both ends on charges. 1.7a Evaluate lar 95 F - (11 for vectors F from (O, 1) path Iar path from (O, 0) to to (1, 1) (O, 1) to to = it my + y x2 and F = it y ~— by 9x use of flux. Note about a rectangu- (l, 2) to (0, 2) and back to (0, 1). Repeat for a triangu~ ( 1, 1) back to (O, 0). Are either or both nonconser- vative? point charge (1 is located at the origin of a system of rectangular coordinates. Evalu1 to x 2, and next f E (11 in the x—y plane first along the x axis from x along a rectangular path as follows: along a straight line from the point (1, O) on the x axis to the point (1, 313); along a straight line from (1, é) to (2, i); along a straight line 1.7b A ate = ' from (2, %) 1.821 A circular charge pS distance 2 to = (2, O). insulating disk C/mz. Find an of radius a expression is charged uniform surface density of potential (I) at a point on the axis with for electrostatic a from the disk. 1.8b* A charge of surface density pS is spread Find the potential for r < a and for r > uniformly over a spherical surface of radius 0. a by integrating contributions from the differ~ 64 chapter 1 Stationary Electric Fields ential elements of charge. Check the results symmetry of the problem by making use of Gauss’ 5 law and the . 1. 8c Check the result Eq. 1. 8(8) for the potential about a line charge by butions from the differential elements of charge Note lthat the problemis handling properly the infinite limits. contriintegrating one of layer of charge of density p0 lies perpendicular to the z axis and1s infinitely broadin the x and y directions Using Gauss’ 5 law and Eq. 1. 8(1), find the dependence d. of the potential difference across the layer on its 1.8d A flat thickpess Stirface charge densities but with parallel sheets of charge having equal opposite sign. The sheets are both of infinite transverse dimension and are spaced by a distance d. Using Gauss’s law and Eq. 1.8(1), find theielectric fields between and outside the sheets and find the dependence of potential difference between the pair of 1.88 Consider two sheets 1.8f In a on the spacing. (This system of infinite is called transverse a dipole layer.) dimension, a sheet __ of charge of pS C/m2 lies be- tween, and parallel to, two conducting electrodes at zero potential spaced by distance d. Find the distribution of electric field and potential between the electrodes for arbi— trary location of the charge sheet. Sketch the results for the (i) in the 1.8g center and Show that all the are (ii) at equipotential cylinders whose cases where the sheet is position d/4. surfaces for two traces in the parallel line charges of opposite sign perpendicular plane are circles as shown in Fig. 1.80. 1.811 A linear quadrupole is formed by two pairs of equal and opposite charges located along a line such that +q lies at + 5, 2q at the origin, and +q at 5. Find an approximate expression for the potential at large distances from the origin. Plot an - equipotential — line. magnitude of the torque on a dipole in an electric field is the product magnitude of the dipole moment and the magnitude of the field component perpendicular to the dipole. 1.8'- Show that the of the 1.9 Find the capacitance of the system of two concentric two different dielectrics used as Ex. 1 .40. 1.10a Find the gradient of the scalar function M eax = cos spherical electrodes containing i By cosh 012. d/2, 0, 0), respectively, find the —q at (d/2, O, O) and(point charges q and— potential for any point (x, y, z) and from this derive the electric field. Check the result by adding vectorially the electric field from the individual charges. 1.1011 For two 1.100 Three positive charges of equal magnitude q are located at the and the triangle. Find the potential at the center of the charges. triangle 1.10d For two line charges q, and~ ~q, at (d/Z, O) and (—tential for any point (x, y) and from this derive the comers force of an on one equilateral of the respectively, find the pod/Z}, 0),field. electric 1.10e* Find the expression for potential as electric field for that region inside the large sphere. large sphere of Prob. outside the well as for the region outside 1.10f Find 1 4.d. Also find the the small sphere but E and E), in the void1n the sphere of chargein Prob. 1.4d by first finding the potential. The zeros for the potentials of both large and small spheres should be at infinity. i l 65 Problems 1.11:! Utilize the rectangular coordinate form V(l/I{D) V~(t//A) 11/ and (I) where are 1.11c Derive the V identity .13): and F = prove the vector = i/JVCI) = illV~A equivalences (1)th + + A-Vil/ any scalar functions and A is any vector function of space. 1.11b Show that the vector satisfied for [I] to expression for = . M 77:13 A = divergence - yxyz + th + 111V + -:A (inside back cover) is iyzz. in the circular cylindrical coordinate system. 1.11d Evaluate the charge 1.11e Given divergence of D in Exs. 1.4a, 1.4b, and 1.4c and compare with the known densities. Evaluate V D for Ex.l.11 using rectangular coordinates. . a vector F = 3112, evaluate sides 2a centered about the F é, origin. - dS for S taken as the surface of a cube and show that the two results equivalent, are as cube of integral of V F for this they should be by the divergence Then evaluate the volume « theorem. 1.11f The width of the depletion region at a metal—semiconductor contact (Ex. 1.4a) can be 2 using the relation d (286133 / eN), where C133 is the barrier potential, 8 is electron charge, and N is the density of dopant ions. Calculate d for ion densities of 1016, 1013, and 1020 crn‘3 assuming a barrier potential of 0.6 V. Comment on the applicability in this calculation of the concept of smoothed~out charge as assumed in 11.7. using Poisson’s equation.Take a, calculated = = 1.123 Find the gradient and Laplacian of a scalar field varying l/r as in two dimensions and in three dimensions. Use the operators in rectangular form and also in appropriate coordinate system in each case. 1.12b Find the electric field and expressed charge density as functions of x, y, and 2 if a more potential is as CD = C sin out sin By e73 where 7 Val 2 + 32 charge density as functions of x for a space-charge—limited, potential variation given by CD V0(x/d)4/3. Find the density J pv and note that it is independent of x. 1.12(: Find the electric field and parallel-plane diode with convection current 1.12d = = Laplace’s equation that relative extrema of the electrostatic potential cana charge placed in an electrostatic field cannot be in stable equilibrium (Earnshaw’s theorem). Argue not from exist and hence that potential around a perpendicular intersection of the straight edges of two large perfectly conducting planes, where the line of intersection is taken to be the axis of a cylindrical coordinate system, can be shown to be expressible as 1.12e The (I) #Arz/B' sin §q§ Laplace’s equation in cylindrical coordinates and satzero-potential boundary condition on the planes. Find a generalization to an arbitrary angle a between planes and verify that it satisfies Laplace’s equation. Show that this function satisfies isfies a 1.13a Which of the ($0: 1.13b + yy)(x2 following + y2)_ “.7 xx + may represent steady currents: J Sketch the form of the two vector fields. = yy or J = Conducting coaxial cylinders of radii a and b have a conducting dielectric with permitivity a, and conductivity 0'1 for the sector 0 < gb < a, and loss-free dielectric 82 for 56 Chapter 1 Stationary Electric P fields /i FIG. P1.13b the remainder of the dielectric ance per unit Find regions (Fig. Pl.13b). capacitance and conduct— length 1.143 Sketch the field and current lines for a structure of the formm Fig. 1.14c but with the dielectric and perfect conductor regions exchanged an d a potential difference applied between the two perfect conductors. Check all continuity conditions at boundaries. 1.14b A solution to the (1906, y) = 99. problem + 2 of 1.146 Fig. can be 2x _1x + 1+-—tan 0 y 939 2w a/Z) (1 j>tan-l (Lila) 2 + where a is the on length i ‘ -- _ a conditions to be shown: y of the conductive the surface y =2 + region. Show O and find induced 2’. 1n a that this y2 )72 + (x + (x satisfies the —- + a/2)2 (1/2)2 boundary surface charge density along this 1 boundary. by means of Laplace’ 3 equation the potential distribution between two concenspherical conductors separated by a single dielectric. Theinner conductor of radius is at potential V0, and the outer conductor of radius 17 is at potential zero. 1.1521 Obtain tric a distribution between two 1.151) Obtain by means of Laplace’s equation the potential tric spherical conductors with two dielectrics as in Exf, 1.40. concen- cylindrical conductors of radii a and b are at potentials zero and V0, re spectively. There are two dielectrics between the conductors, with the plane through the axis being the dividing surface. ThatIS, dielectric :81 extends from (15 O to cl) 271" Obtain distribution from 77, and .92 extends from 4) 7r to <15 potential the Laplace’ 3 equation. 1 1.15c Two coaxial = — = = 1.15d Obtain the electrostatic capacitances for the two conductor systems described1n Sec. 1.15 and inProbs 115a b, andc 1.163 Assume the ND = charge--density profile 1019 cm‘3, T and the width of the of electric field. = shown111 300 K, and 8 = Fig 1.1619 12. Find the space—charge region (1,, + dp. with NA = 1016 cm 3and of the potential barrier jheight Determine maximum value 1.16b Calculate (130:) for the metal—semiconductor junction in Ex. 1.4a by integrating Poisequation. Call total barrier height (I),- in this case Find the width of the spacecharge region d, assuming ND constant. son’s 1.16c* To illustrate the effect of a continuous charge profile in the pn junction example of Sec. 1.16, consider a charge density in the depletion region of the form p = 67 Problems (ech/a)exp[—— Ir/al]. Find the electric field and potential as a function of x, and 00 and sketch p, E, and (1) versus x. Find the potential difference between x 00 and x compare with Eq. 1.16(10), taking NA ND. = = — = 1.173 Prove that, if charge density p is given throughout a volume, any solution of Poisson’s equation 1.122(3) must be the only possible solution provided potential is specified on a surface surrounding the region. 1.17b Show that the potential in a charge-free region is uniquely determined, except for an arbitrary additive constant, by specification of the normal derivatives of potential on the bounding surfaces. 1.183 Prove that the line charge and its image as described give constant potential along a cylindrical conducting cylinder. 1.180 will of the for a conducting cylinder surface at radius a in Ex. in the absence 1.18b Prove that the point charge and its image as described for the spherical conductor in gives zero potential along a spherical surface at radius a in the absence of conducting sphere. Ex. 1.18d the 1.18c A circularly cylindrical electron beam of radius a and uniform charge density p passes conducting plane that is parallel to the axis of the beam and distance S from the axis. Find the electric field acting to disperse the beam for the edge near the plane and for the edge farthest from the plane. near a 1.18d* For q(el d from the plane boundary q lying in a dielectric 8‘ distance x second dielectric 52, the given charge plus an image charge + 82) placed at x d with all space filled by a dielectric a, may point charge a between 81 and — reg/(el = a = — be used to compute the potential for any point x > 0. To find the potential for a point x < 0, a single charge of value 2(182/(2-31 + 82) is placed at the position of q with all space filled by dielectric 82. Show that these lations at a dielectric boundary. 1.18e Find and plot of y, when a the surface line charge images satisfy the required continuity re- charge density induced on the conducting plane as a function (1 above the plane. lying parallel to the z axis is at x = q, applicability of the image concept for the case of a line charge parallel vicinity of the intersection of two conducting planes with an angle 270 degrees. (See Fig. 1.18d.) 1.18f Discuss the to and in the AOB 1.18g Find the (Do (a 1.19a = when a conducting sphere of radius a held at distance d from the center of the potential sphere d). < fields between Map tor at 1.19b potential at all points outside a point charge q is located a potential V0, Map fields plane. The d/lz = 1, an as plane conductor at potential zero and a Fig. 1.190, but for step ratios a/ b of ti- and ~32 infinite in second conduc- between an infinite flat plane and a cylindrical conductor parallel to the conductor has diameter d, and its axis is at height 11 above the plane. Take i. a rectangular tube of sides cylinder of radius a, with axis coincident with the central axis of the rectangular cylinder. Sketch equipotentials and field lines for the region between conductors, assuming a potential difference V0 between 1.19c The outer conductor of a two-conductor transmission line is 30 and 50. The inner conductor is a circular conductors. a and y parallel conducting planes defined by y semi—infinite conducting plane of negligible thickness at y 1.19d Two infinite zero. A = = — = a are 0 and potential extending at 68 Chapter 1 Stationary Electric Fields ' yt 0 <1>=o Va 1 a? ’ °° :t(L A >00 cp=o FIG.P‘I.19d from = x 0 to map for the x = region 00 is at potential V0. (See Fig. between conductors. | P1.l9d.) Sketch a graphical field 1.19e In Prob. l. 12e take A to be 35 and 7 to be measured 111‘ centimeters and make a plot of the 100 V equipotential. Construct a graphical field map between the zero and 100- V equipotentials showing the 25—, 50-, and 75~V equipotentials. Then sketch in the same equipotentials found from the formula given in Prob. 1.12e to evaluate your field map. Find the radial distance from the corner where the gradient exceeds the breakdown fieldin air, 30 kV/cm. What does this suggest about the shape the corner should have to avoid breakdown? .. region in Fig. 1.196 into a mesh of squares of sides a/ 2 Terminate the right a distance a from the corner and on the left a distance 3a/ 2 from 2a and V0= 100 V. Consider the potentials at the left and right the comer Take b edges of the above defined grid to be fixed at the values found1n linear variation from top to bottom Start with all interior grid points at 50 V. Find the potentials at the mesh points assuming zero space charge and applying‘ the simple averaging method. 1.20a Subdivide the region on the = 1.20!) Repeat Prob. 1. 20a using the cyclic Chebyshev method 1.20c Solve for the potentials at the grid points in the problem in Fig. 1.20a by direct inversion of the set of difference equations expressing Laplace’s equation for all grid the results with those111 Table 1 20 and discuss differences. Does di~ rect inversion give the exact values of potentials at the grid points? Explain your points. Compare answer. 1.20d Set up the difference equation for a distribution in rectan» gular coordinates. Consider a cubical box with the following potentials on the various sides: top, 80 V; right side, 60 V; bottom, 0 V; left side, 100 V; front, 40 V; back, 100 three-dimensionallpotential grid of the same coarseness as in Fig. 1.20a and assume initial potentials grid points to be the average of the boundary potentials Calculate the of corrected potentials by the three-dimensional equivalent of the simple V. Define a for all interior first set scheme used for Table 1.20. i equation for potential1n cylindrical O). (6(13/ 645 1.20e Derive the difference symmetry assumed coordinates with axial = 1.20f* An electron beam accelerated from i potential passes normally through a pair of parallel-wire grids. Model the beam as infinitely broad and without transverse variation. Set up a one-dimensional difference equation for the potential between the grids. Divide the 5~mm space between grids into five segments. Take both grid potentials to zero 104 A/m“. Assume 1000 V as a first guess for Take three steps ofpotential adjustment with space charge based on the first guess. Recalculate space charge based on the new potentials and again iterate the potential three times. Repeat recalculations of space charge and be 1000 V and the beam current to be all difference-equation grid points. i 69 Problems potentials until the latter differ by no charge. Use the simple iterative form more than 3% between recalculations of space with (2 1. == 1.213 Assume that Fig. 1.19c is full scale, and that V0 is 1000 V. Find the approximate direction of the minimum and maximum electric fields in the figure. Plot a curve of electric field magnitude along the bottom plane as a function of distance along this plane, and a curve showing surface charge density induced on this plane as a function of distance. 1.21b Calculate the capacitance per unit length from your plots for Probs. 1.1% and c. 1.21c Describe the simplest way to use resistance paper to determine the capacitance per wire between a grid of parallel round wires and an electrode lying parallel to the grid. (See Fig. P1.2lc.) Assume the grid to be infinitely long and wide. Defend all decisions made in the design of the analog. <—@®®G)GD@®®~-—-—> FIG. I"! .21 1.22a For a given potential difference V0 c between conductors of the stored energy in the electrostatic field per unit evaluate the capacitance per unit length. a coaxial capacitor, evaluate length. By equating this to %CV2, 1.22b The energy required to increase the separation of a parallel-plate tance dx is equal to the increase of energy stored. Find the force per unit cross-sectional plates 1.220 Discuss in more explain why Eq. 1.222(5). the area assuming constant charge on capacitor by a dis acting between the the plates. self-energy term in Eq. 1.222(3), and going to continuous distributions, as in detail the exclusion of the problem disappeared in 1.22d Show the equality of the energies found using Eqs. 122(5) and (6) for volume of charge of radius a and charge density p C/m3. a spherical an arbitrarily shaped, charged finite conductor embedded in a homogeneousdielectric region of infinite extent that also contains a volume-charge density distribution. Starting from Eq. 122(8) show that (6) results. Make use of the identity in Prob. 1.1121 and consider the dielectric to be bounded by the surface of the conductor and 1.22e Consider that at 1.22f If an infinity. incremental charge distribution is brought into a field, the incremental energy may be written V Use this to nonlinear. develop Eq. 1.222(9) for an unbounded region with a medium which may be 2. l Magnetic lNTRODUCTlON effects have many similarities to electric Magnetic forces were first observed differences. materials such effects, but there are also important through lodestone. The compass, the attraction of iron to natu- apparently devela profound effect Europe Oped 1&190, In William to thereafter. 1600 Gilbert, upon navigation physician Queen Elizabeth I, a an De book, published important Magnete, presenting rational and thorough summary of the magnetic effects known to that date, with discussions of some of the similarities to and differences from the electric effects then known. l-Iad discoveries stopped at that we could the of point, immediately adapt development ithe preceding chapter to magnetic fields, the two kinds of magnetic “charges” being called north and south poles. The important difference is that magnetic charges have so far been found only in pairs, rally occurring magnetic in China, not isolated, was so introduced into that we as around A.D. would be concerned with fields and had Efrom dipoles, as in Ex. 1.8d. Discoveries did not stop, however. In 1820, Hans Christian Oersted, during a class demonstration of an electric battery, observed that the electric current in a wire caused compass needle to be deflected, thus establishing clearly the first of several important relationships between electric and magnetic gel‘fects. André~Maiie Ampere a nearby very quickly extended the experiments and developed 5» quantitative Others who contributed both to the law for the phe- practical use of understanding within a short were Jean—B Felix Sav art, Joseph Biot, electromagnets very period aptiste Henry, and Michael Faraday. The force produced by magnetic fields (either from permanent magnets or from electromagnets) on electric currents was also clearly estab— nomenon. and to the through these many experiments. These relationships between electric currents magnetic fields will constitute the starting point for our development of magnetic fields in this chapter. The relationships are somewhat more complicated than those of the preceding chapter, primarily because both the current that acts as the source of field lished and 70 2.1 and the current element must acting as a 71 Introduction probe to measure it are vectors whose directions be introduced into the laws. As with electric fields, the distributions studied in this chapter, although called time-varying phenomena. These “quasistatic” prob lems are among the most important uses of the laws and, in some cases, are valid for extremely rapid rates of change. Still we must remember that other phenomena enter—u and are likely to be important—~when the fields change with time. These are studied in the following chapter. Before beginning the detailed development, let us look briefly at a few examples of important static or quasistatic magnetic field problems. There was the prompt app1i~ cation of Oersted’s observation to useful electromagnets. One of Henry’s early magnets supported more than a ton of iron, with the current driven only by a small battery. Electromagnets are now routinely used in loading or unloading scrap iron and many other applications. The development of practical superconductors in the 19603 has made possible magnets with high fields in large volumes with additional advantages of stability and light weight. Large currents can be made to flow in the magnet winding since there is no voltage drOp and no heating. The need to refrigerate is compensated suffi— ciently for a number of special applications. Superconductors are used extensively in high—energy physics, where the need is for large volumes of strong field. Fusion research depends on massive superconductive magnets for containment of the ionized gases of a plasma. Motors and generators for special applications such as ship propulsion are being made lighter and smaller by using superconductors.l Moving charges constitute currents and magnetic fields produce forces on them as they travel through a vacuum or a semiconductor. Thus magnetic field coils are used for deflection and focusing of beams of electrons in television picture tubes and electron microscopes. The magnetic deflection of flowing charge carriers in a semiconductor is known as the Hall eflect; it is used for measurement of the semiconductor properties or, with a known semiconductor, may be used as a probe for measurement of magnetic “static,” are applicable to many field. Coils are magnetic used to fields can provide the inductance needed for be found from the currents as high-frequency circuits and the in static calculations when the sizes compared with wavelength. (However, current distributions are complicated at high frequencies by distributed capacitance in the windings.) Just as we noted in Sec. 1.1 for electric fields, the distribution of magnetic field in the cross section of a transmission line is essentially the same as calculated using static field concepts, even though the fields can actually be varying at billions of times per second. involved ‘ are small More details on superconductors can be found in Sec. 73.4. 72 Chapter 2 Stationary Magnetic fields i t " {isflhé‘zy-«in.<15It“"a?Li...Figs!4"?"\AV‘V‘ “‘7é“1e,»§.‘fl$“§7w¢“W"tf‘w‘Z‘is(”WT—VTHT’E‘“?4"1'1‘913QrW‘V'ép’k“)id:\‘l‘jém‘hw'qi'"‘1t Static Magnetic them laws and aoncepts CONCEPT OF 2.2 A MAeNt—J'Icf: FIELD t preceding chapter, we use the measurable quantity, that magnetic forces may arise either from permanent magnets or from current flow. Since the approach from currents is more general—and on the whole more important—we start by consideration of the As with the electrostatic fields of the force, to define force between a field. We noted in Sec. 2.1 magnetic current elements. Permanent magnets may then be included, at least conceptually, by considering the effects of these as arising from atomic currents of the magnetic materials. The force arising from the interaction of two current elements depends on the magnitude of the currents, the medium, and the distance beitween currents analogously to the force between electric charges. However, current has direction so the force law more complicated than that for charges. Consequently, proceed by first defining the quantity we will call the magnetic field and then, in another section, give the law (Ampere’s) that describes how currents contribute to that magnetic field. A vector field quantity B, usually known as the magnetic flux density, is defined in terms of the force df produced on a small current element of l length dl carrying current I such that between the two currents will be it is convenient to , df=1dlBsinG where 6 is the angle between £11 and B. The direction (1) I relations of the vectors are so along a perpendicularlto the plane containing dl and B, and has the sense determined by the advance of a right~hand screw if (11 is rotated into B through the smaller angle (Fig. 2.2). It is convenient to express this information more compactly through the use of the vector product. The vector product (also called cross product) of two vectors (denoted by a cross) is defined as a vector having a magnitude equal to the product of the magnitudes of the two vectors and the sine of the angle between them, a direction perpendicular to lthe plane containing the two vectors, and a sense given by the advance of a right—hand screw if the first is rotated defined that the vector force df is FIG. 2.2 Right-th screw rule for force on a current element in a magnetic field. into the second through the smaller angle. Relation (1) df The known quantity as the = magnetic as the permeability, may then be written I dl X B field vector H and is related to the vector B defined medium known 73 Ampére’s Law 2.3 by or (2) magnetic field intensity is denoted (2) through a constant of the the force law [Li B = ,U.H (3) Many technologically important materials such as iron and ferrite are nonlinear and/or anisotropic, in which case p. is not a scalar constant, but to keep this introductory treatment simple, the medium will first be assumed to be homogeneous, isotropic, and linear. A somewhat more general form of (3) will be given in Sec. 2.3. In SI units, force is in newtons (N). Current is in amperes (A), and magnetic flux density B is in tesla (T), which is a weber per square meter or volt second per square meter and is 104 times the common cgs unit, gauss. Magnetic field H is in amperes per meter and ,u is in henrys (H) per meter. Conversion factors to other cgs units are in Appendix I. The value of p. for free space is ,LLO = 2.3 477 X 10"7 H/m AMPERE’S LAW experimentally from a series of ingenious experiments,2 de~ magnetic field vector defined in Sec. 2.2 is calculated from a system of direct currents. Consider an unbounded, homogeneous, isotropic medium with a small line element of length (11’ carrying a current 1’ located at a point in space defined by a vector i" from an arbitrary origin as in Fig. 2.30. The magnitude of the magnetic field at some other point P in space defined by the vector r from the origin is deduced Ampere’s law, scribes how the dH(r) where R The 2 2 Ir angle qb -— r’ , == I’(r’) dZ’ sin qb 477R2 the distance from the current element to the is that between the direction of the current defined point of observation. by (11’ and the vector description, see J. C. Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed, Chap. 2, Oxford Univ. Press. Oxford, 7892. The law is now more frequently named after Biot and Savart, but the assignment remains somewhat arbitrary. Following Oerst» ed ’3 announcement of the effect of currents on permanent magnets in 7820, Ampere immediate/y announced similar forces of currents on each other. Biot and Savart pre» sented the first quantitative statement for the special case of a straight wire; Ampere later followed with his formulation for more general current paths. The form given here is a derived form borrowing from all that work. For more of the history see E. T. Whittaker, A History of the Theories of the Aether and Electricity, Am. Inst. Physics, New York, 1987. or P. F. Mottelay, Bibliographical History of Electricity and Magnetism, Ayer Co. Publishers, For a Part iV, Salem, NH, 7975. 74 Chapter 2 fields Stationary Magnetic dH. P l FIG. 2.3a Coordinates for calculation of magnetic field from current element. r' from the current element to the point offE observation. The direction of dH(r) is perpendicular to the plane containing d1 and R, and the sense is determined by the advance of a right-hand screw if dl is rotated through the smaller angle into the vector R. Thus, with the current direction shown in Fig. 32.35:, dH at P is outward from the page. We see then that the cross product can be used to write the vector form of R = r —- law: Arnpere’s dH(r) To obtain the total integrated over the magnetic path I'(r’) dl’ = = l directly (1) f ‘ elements along I’(r’) dl’ X 417R3 It is of interest to examine further the relation field H is R 477R3 field of the current PM) X" related to the currents, without a current path, (1) is R (2) between B and H. We see that the regard for the nature of the medium homogeneously. The force on a current element was seen in depend upon magnetic flux density. The infidence of the medium in relating B and H comes about in the following way. The electrdnic orbital and spin motions in the atoms can be thought of as circulating currents on jwhich a force is exerted by B and which produce a field M (called magnetization) that adds to H. This is analogous to the response of a dielectric medium shown in Fig. ll.3c. Then B is related to H as though there were only free space but with the added field of the atomic currents as long as it fills all space Sec. 2.2 to B = mm + M) (3) f Magnetization M may have a permanent contribution (to be considered in Sec. 2.15), but here we neglect this and assume the material isotropic so that M is parallel to H. 2.3 We can 75 Ampére’s Law then write B == #00 + Xm)H pH = = I-l'r/J'oH where )(m is called the magnetic susceptibility, p, is the permeability introduced in Sec. 2.2, and ,u, is the relative permeability. Many materials have nonlinear behavior so Xm and ,u. are, in general, functions of the field strength. For diamagnetic materials Xm < > 0. Most O, and for paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, and fenimagnetic materials Xm materials commonly considered to be dielectrics or metals have either diarnagnetic or “'5 so we treat them as free space, taking paramagnetic behavior and typically I Xm' < 10 p. ,LLO. Ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials usually have Xm and tL/ito much greater than unity and in some cases are anisotropic, that is, dependent upon direction of the field. All of these aspects are considered in more detail in Chapter 13. = Example 2.3a FIELD ON AXIs OF CIRCULAR LOOP application of the law, the magnetic field is computed for a point loop of wire carrying dc current I (Fig. 2.31)). The element dl’ and a is always perpendicular to R. Hence the contribution dH from magnitude dgb’ As an on the axis of has an example of the a circular element is Ia dH As one integrates about the FIG. 2.3b Magnetic loop, 2 dqb’ (4) ———————-—— 477(02 + 22) the direction of R field from element of a changes, and circular current so the direction of loop (Ex. 2.3a). 76 dH Chapter Stationary Magnetic fields 2 changes, generating a conical surface as <1) goes through 277 radians (rad). The radial components of the various contributions cancel, and the axial components add. ' Using (4) I dH__ a de Integrating in qS amounts to == dH sin 0 = thus multiplying by 277; Ia2 H3 Note that for a point (5) = 2m2 at the center of the 22W?- + loop, = 2 O, I H: = (6) — 261 2:0 g Exampte 2.3b FIELD OF A FINITE STRAIGHT LINE OF CURRENT magnetic field H at a point P a perpendiIsular distance r from the center length of current I, as shown in Fig. 2. 30. It is easy to see from the righthand rule that thereIS only an H g component. Its magnitudeIS given by the integral of over the 20 (1) length Let of us a find the finite a I sin 9b We can see from Fig. 2.3!: that sin 45 " _ 4’ which becomes I/ 2771‘ if Ia] r/R andR dz .11. 477 = _ -a -> (7‘2 00. + This ([2 dz 4721?:2 “a 22)” (r2 = 22)”? + Thus, 1 __I_ [(1‘/a)2 + 111/2 same result is found in Ex. 2.4a by (7) 2771‘ a different method. FIG. 2.3a Calculation of magnetic field of straight section of current (Ex. I 2.3b). 2.4 FIG. 2.3d Tightly 77 The Line Integral of Magnetic Field ("I O wound solenoid of 22 turns per meter and its l representation by a current sheet A/m (Ex. 2.30). of 22] Example 2.5c FIELD IN AN INFINITE SOLENOID Let us here model the current long, tightly wound solenoid shown in Fig. 2.3d by an equivalent magnetic field inside. We assume that though small helical angle with a cross~sectional plane, we can adequately sheet to facilitate calculation of the the wire makes a model it with circumferential current. The current meter flowing around the solenoid per is the number of turns per meter and I is the current in each turn. differential length of the sheet model, there is a current 111612. We will cala is 221, where n Then, in a culate, for simplicity, the field on the axis. But one can show, by means that will come later (see Ex. 2.4d) that the field for an infinitely long solenoid is uniform throughout the inside of the solenoid. We can adapt (4) for the present calculation by taking 1 in (4) to be 121512. Then the total field on the axis for the infinitely long solenoid is given by nIa2 dz Hz In evaluating the integral in (8), infinity then lets the limits go to : one f—oo 2(a2 first takes a symmetrical = to length, it is easy to modify (8) perform the integrals for fields not 2.4 finite limits n] solenoid of finite 2.30) but difficult (8) 2:3)3/2 as in (7) and with the result H: For + (9) to on obtain on-axis fields (Prob. the axis. THE LINE INTEGRAL OF MAGNETIC FIELD field may be computed from a given system of currents, other derived forms of the law may be more easily applied to certain types of problems. In this and the following sections, some of these forms are presented, Although Ampere’s law describes how magnetic examples of their application. The sketch of the derivations of these forms, because are more complex than for the corresponding electrostatic forms, will be left to Appendix 3. with they 78 Chapter Stationary Magnetic: Fields 2 magnetic field laws derived from Ampere’s law integral of static magnetic field taken about any given current enclosed by that path. In the vector notation, One of the most useful forms of the is that which states that closed path must equal a the line iH-dltLJ-dS=I (1) Equation (1) is often referred to as Ampére’s circuittzl law. The sign convention for right side of (1) is taken so that it is positive if it has the sense of advance of a right-hand screw rotated in the direction of circulation chosen for the line integration. This is simply a statement of the well-known right-hand rule relating directions of current and magnetic field. Equation (1) is rather analogous to Gauss’s law in electrostatics in the sense that it is an important general relation and is also useful for problem solving if there is sufficient symmetry in the problem. If the product H d1 is constant along some path, H can be found simply by dividing I by the path length. current on the ' Example 2.4a MAGNETIC FIELD ABOUT A LINEICURRENT important example is that of a long, straight, round} conductor carrying current I. If integration is made about a circular path of radius r centered on the axis of the wire, the symmetry reveals that magnetic field is circumferential and does not vary with angle as one moves about the path. Hence the line integral is just the product of circumference and the value of H g. This must equal the current enclosed An an E£H~di=2mfl¢=1 01‘ I H as was Fig. found by a = ‘6 —— 2777‘ A/m (2) I different method in Ex. 2.3b. The sense relations ' are given in 2.4a. Example 2.4b MAGNETIC FIELD BETWEEN COAXIAL CYLINDERS A coaxial line (Fig. 2.4b) carrying current I on the inner conductor and ——I on the outer (the return current) has the same type of symmetry as the isolated wire, and a circular path between the two conductors encloses current I so that the result (1) applies directly , for the region between conductors: The Line 2.4 79 of Magnetic Field integral 1% I’ll- ’ a I ’ I (E ‘ I ”‘1 I I I —-—> : I I l l l ‘ \ I I \ \., /' (a) ~fi___I I HCP c I b /1:\‘ I —" I ___r_ll.....t‘....._.___.._.._...___ a l _.._.......... A i . I U I ._ i I _____ i....._'__...__....__.___.._ \ I _—-——~.h_‘——-.———.u__._——__ (b) FIG. 2.4 2.4a and (a) and (b) Magnetic field about line b). current or a net a circular path encloses both the current of zero. Hence the cylinders (Exs. a<r<b H¢:_ Outside the outer conductor, and between coaxial magnetic field outside is Example (3) going and return currents, zero. 2.4a MAGNETIC FIELD INSIDE A UNIFORM CURRENT Let a us find the magnetic field inside the round inner conductor in uniform distribution of current. We will current by a circle density is I/ 77122. enclosed the current at radius r. The current apply (2) but with I Fig. 2.4b assuming replaced by 10'), the The total current in the wire is [(1‘) 1(a) = I and is ‘7 10-) and = (2-) I (4) —'3 (5) using (2), Him = — = 89 Chapter 2 Stationary Magnetic Fields I Z) l (1 W] .m—rv‘l seem/mgeeeeeeegms ‘a\<____..._..74r [3/ \\ I ______ __________ _l.__.___,z A P B S®®®®®®®®®®®®®S FIG. 2.4a through axis of infinite solenoid symmetrically spaced elements. Section axis from two for Ex. 2.4d showing contributions to H on Example 2.4d MAGNETIC FIELD OF In Ex. 2.30 A SOLENOID magnetic field HZ carrying a current I A showed that the on the axis of infinitely long the integral relation (1) to Show that the field outside is zero and that inside is uniformly 121. Figure 2.40 shows the section through the solenoid in a plane containing the axis. Let us consider the integration paths shown by broken lines to be 1 m long in the z direction for simplicity of notation. Any radial component of H lproduced by a current element is canceled by that of a symmetrically located element; This is illustrated in Fig. 2.4c for the fields Ha and Hb from elements a and I) located equal distances from the point P. Thus, H dl is zero along the sides BD and AE. Taking the line integral around path ABDEA and setting it equal to the enclosed current gives solenoid of we 12 turns per meter is [n] . Now let an us use . I E fiH-dl=n1+fH-d1=nl (6) D since H the axis is 121. From (6) the integral from D to E is zero. Since the placement zero. arbitrary, path The line integral around path ABCFA encloses no current so the integral along the arbitrarily positioned path CF must be equal in magnitude to, and of Opposite sign from, that along AB. Thus, the internal field is everywhere z—directed and has the value on of the outside DE is external H must be H: = M (7) Note that these symmetry arguments cannot be made for a solenoid of finite length, but the results given here are reasonably accurate for a solenoid having a length much greater than its diameter, except near the ends. 2.5 Inductance from Flux Linkages: 8'5 External Inductance t “’3' 39:03”. FIG. 2.5a Loop of wire. 1 shows surface used for calculation of external Cross—hatching inductance. 2.5 The for important INDUCTANCE FROM FLUX LINKAGES: EXTERNAL INDUCTANCE circuit element which describes the effect of electric circuit is the inductor. It is of an primary concern magnetic energy storage dynamic, that is, time— for varying, problems, but the inductance calculated from static concepts is often useful up to very high frequencies. This is the quasistatic use discussed in the introduction to this chapter. In a manner similar to the capacitance definition of Sec. 1.9, inductance can be defined in terms of flux linkage by 1 Lz—Jan (1) Is where the surface S must be in Fig. by the specified. Consider, for example, the loop of wire shown produces magnetic flux in the crossnhatched area S bounded of the flux produced by the current is inside the wire itself. It 2.5a. The current I loop. Also, some is convenient to separate the inductances related to these two components of flux and call them, respectively, external inductance and internal inductance. Examples of cal— culations of external inductance for of an simple structures are given presented in Sec. 2.17. below and an example internal inductance calculation is Exampie 2.5a EXTERNAL INDUCTANCE OF A PARALLEL-PLANE TRANSMISSION LINE Here we find the external inductance for a unit length of a parallel~plane structure (Fig. 2.517) which is wide enough compared with the conductor spacing that the fields between the conductors are, to a reasonable degree of accuracy, those of infinite parallel planes, as suggested in Fig. 2.5c. Note that the flux tubes (bounded by the field lines) spread out greatly outside the edges of the conductors. Thus, there is a strong reduction of flux density B and, therefore, also H. The line integral of H around one of the conductors 82 Chapter 2 Stationary Magnetic Fields I _l_ h T I J; \\\\ Surface for calculation of external inductance of FIG. 2.5b has its h predominant contribution from the field a parallel—plane transmission line. HO between the conductors, I=§H°dlEHowi where I is the total current in one conductor and w is (2) the conductor width. This result path in the cross-sectional plane (Fig. 2.5c) between and parallel to the conductors, so HO can be considered approximately uniform. The external inductance for a unit length is found by applying (1) to the surface between the conductors which is shown shaded in Fig. 2.51). Since I is independent of z and H0 is nearly constant through the space between the conductors and is perpenapplies to any dicular to the shaded surface, ( 1) becomes 1 L = - I This relation is based on the d I flo<w> — d = H /m — “0 neglect of fringing w (3) fields and is most accurate for small d/w. FIG. 2.50 Cross-section of character of magnetic parallel-plane field lines. transmission line of finite width i showing general 2.5 FIG. 2.5d Inductance from Flux 33 Linkages: External Inductance Surface for calculation of external inductance of a coaxial transmission line. Exampie 2.5b EXTERNAL INDUCTANCE OF For a coaxial line COAXIAL TRANSMISSION LINE A pictured in Fig. 2.5d with axial returning in the outer, the magnetic field (Ex. 2.4b) as conductor and r < b, is current I flowing in the inner is circumferential and, for a < I H For a unit shaded length the magnetic in Fig. 2.5d, :: ¢ (4 ) — 2777‘ flux between radii a and b is, by integration over the area b 1 b [B‘dS=Ju*d7-=filnS 217 2777‘ a (5) a So, from (1), the inductance per unit length is L = i In b - 277 a H/m (6) high frequencies, there is not much penetration of fields into conductors as will in Chapter 3, so this is then the main contribution to inductance. The internal inductance for low frequencies will be considered in Sec. 2.17. For be seen 84 Stationary Magnetic tPields Chapter 2 I Dtfiere tiafl Forms t :23" ~'~‘u:;x< ‘2r:‘ r‘ «:r—m a: uncaéifikauée . .2 1.. .735 g 7;.“ a, any»; 925%. mi a:teka,,§1'a~z~::«}...t.m: £3773; 1r, fiaaée.» \ netostatistie a and the Rise oi Fotentiai THE CURL OF A 2.6 VECTOR: FIELD having to do with line integrals, it will be operation called cur'l. This is defined in terms of a line integral taken around an infinitesimal path, divided by the area enclosed by that path. It is seen to have some similarities to the operatipn of divergence of Sec. 1.11, which was defined as the surface integral taken about an infinitesimal surface divided by the volume enclosed by that surface. Unlike the divergence, however, the curl op~ eration results in a vector because the orientation of the surface element about which To write differential equation forms for laws necessary to make use of the vector the taken must be defined. This additional integral is complication seems to be enough student. The student should attempt make curl a more difficult concept for a beginning to obtain as much physical significance as possible from the definitions to be given, but to at the same with time should recognize that full practice in its The curl of in a at that a vector field is defined particular direction is found point, and appreciation of the operation will come only I use. finding as a vector by orienting a the limit of the line A [cur1F.= ], function whose component at a point small area normal to the desired direction integral divided by the area: tF'dil . 1 A5130 (1) —T AS, E where i denotes a particular direction, AS, is normal to that direction, and the line integral is taken in the right-hand sense with respect ito the positive 2‘ direction. In rectangular coordinates, for example, to compute the 2 component of the curl, the small area AS Ax Ay is selected in the ray plane to be normal to the z direction (Fig. 2.6a). The right-hand sense of integration about the path with respect to the positive 2 direction is as shown by the arrows of the figure. The line integral is then = ffSF - (11 = AyFy Axe - x+Ax We find Fy at x + Ax and Fx at y + — AyFy y+Ay Ay by + Axe I truncated y Taylor series expansions l Fx E y+ Ay + F_,. y an Ay— 6y F}, ; 3;I x+ y Ax So 6F 6F 8x 6y + Fy 3gF-dl§<—y-— x)AxAy x 6F), Ax— ax (2) x 2.6 The can of 85 Vector Field a Z ll p, (x. y. 2) F3, Ay F1 3: FIG. 2.6a Then using the definition Path for line (1), we integral get 6F [curl F], = " because the of area in definition of curl. 6F- , -—3 «- 8x —-‘ (3) 6y expansions (2) become exact in the limit. Similarly, by taking plane and x—z plane, respectively, we find 6F a1:~ [curl F1, = [curl F], = 3-: y BF These components may be multiplied form the vector representing the curl: aF- 8F . cur1F=i——-——’ By 62 by (4) a2 6F- — 62 the , t — . --‘-‘~ ' --‘* (5) 6x corresponding 6F 31?. . +y—-‘——‘ 62 8F 8x 6F. 6y compared with the form of the cross product and the definition operator V, Eq. 1.10(7), the above can logically be written as it a curlFEVXF= — x Ft In unit vectors and added to +2—y——A 6x If this form is vector the elements in the y—-z deriving y a — By (6) of the 2 a — 62 (7) Fy F: curl for other coordinate systems, the variation of line elements with co— just as the variation of surface elements with coordinates ordinates must be considered, 86 Chapter Stationary Magnetic 2 lf‘ields spherical coordinates was consideredin Sec. 1. 11. (See Appendix 2.) Results for cylindrical and spherical coordinates are given 0n the inside front cover? The name curl (or rotation as it is sometimes called) has some physical significance in the sense that a finite value for the line integral taken in the vicinity of a point is obtained if the curl is finite. The name should not be associated with the curvature of in circular lines, however, for a field consisting of closed circles may have zero curl nearly everywhere, and a straight-line field varying in certain ways may have a finite curl. The following examples illustrate these points. the field Exampie 26a CURL—FREE FIELD WITH CIRCULAR LINES FIELD magnetic field in the region surrounding a current in a long straight round wire in Eq. 2.4(2) to be H¢ I/ 2771'. If we write this in rectangular coordinates x2 + yz, we get x/r, and r2 y/r, cos g!) using sin Q!) The = was seen = = = : _H¢ 8111 d) = —_27sz I Hy Hz as can (6) (8) -— = H¢ d): x compo31ent and seen This result is found for the curl in VXH= more cylindrical 16H of the curl = aHx 6x 6y 2(— and naturally aH directly AaH dz 62 dependence on 2, Substituting _ ( 11 ) for this coordinates found inside the 6H no are zero. iproblem using the expression frbnt cover: arH f--[ agb_ ¢]+¢[—’ua—Ii]+2[l( ¢)_16_I£] r Since there is and (9) (10) shows and . Tflm from Fig. 2. 6b Since there is no 2 immediately that the x and )7 components (9) into (6) with F: H we obtain be (8) y; + 0 curl H r COS 3’ I . Hr only an H ¢ and 91) components no H and 1H¢ are there18 no 2 62‘ dependence, the transverse does not - ones depend the firstI two corresponding upon r, 61' r we to x 2‘ dub (12) components vanish. The and y components. Since see that V X H: O as shown above. 3 As with the divergence (footnote 4 basic definition ( i). cannot of Chapter 7), one take the cross product of a curvilinear coordinate system, but must use the V and the vector to obtain the curl in 2.6 The Curl of a 37 Vector Field L‘1"! A ¢H¢ FIG. 2.6b Resolution of H4, of a line current into rectangular components (Ex. 2.6a). Example 2.6b FIELD WITH NONVANISHING CURL The magnetic field inside a uniform current with circular symmetry was seen in Ex. 2.4c Ir / 27mg. As in the preceding example, we see that the symmetries ¢(r) indicate the presence of only the 2 component of the curl in (12). Also, the second term to be H in the 2 2 component is zero. Thus 1 6(qub) VXH=2 61‘ r Example NONVANISHING CURL A theoretically magnetron has Fig. 2.6c. We immediately IN see electron there evident by velocity a vector 7m (13) I0 2.6c FIELD OF STRAIGHT PARALLEL VECTORS stable electron flow in an 1 =2 a type of microwave electron tube called planar by 2y vectors straight and parallel. It is distribution described function with all substitution of v in (6) v = that T xmeV FIG. 2.6:: Electron flow in 2 planar magnetron (Ex. 2.60). a and is shown in 83 Chapter curl ficurl v]x = v there be can AS— ~ Ay only are an x on the A2 that the curl is lim = A 3’) + [v‘(y Ay a (6) shows small nonzero because the gvz(y)]Az area (15) AZ larger is velocity on one side of the loop i Example 2.6d OF THE GRADIENT 1 OF A ScALAR gradient of show the useful fact that the curl of the we and write for .- the other. CURL Here plane yuz we can =' AS——>O see in component of the curl. Then _ than (14) definition of the curl (1) why this result [Curl le We it #10 : by using the line-integral and their spatial variations It is instructive to see, obtains. All vectors fields Stationary Magnetic 2 a a scalar is zero. If we write Ea a F=V§zi£+§j+2é 62 6x By and substitute it in VXF=X (6), we 62 E By get 62 (92 5 62“ 62 +9 By 62 5 §_ 62 6x 62 +2—§6x 6x 62 6y 62 ,5 6y 6x (16) O. A particpartial derivative operations is arbitrary V X F X V is field. The fact that 0 follows the electrostatic E: ularly important example E: VII) E0. from either or dl shall see in We 95 immediately Chapter 3 that these properties of E do not apply for time-varying fields. Since the order of the = =2 - 2.7 Now let us use magnetic MAGNETIC FIELD OF the formulations of the last two field. The line of the curl, CURL Eq. 2.6(1), integral to of H around get 95 . [curl H] ,- hm = 95 H - (ii is the current through the area = lim ~ {11 " AS- by Eq. IAS , [curl H],. H AS; ASi—eO But sections to derive a new relation for AS, is substituted in the definition an area 2 4(1) so as —J,. — (1) 2.7 This relation holds for all three corresponding Curl of orthogonal components. unit vectors and added, we 89 Magnetic Field get the vector If these are multiplied by amnevxn=i This the relation m be thought of as the equivalent of Eq. 2.4(1) for a differential path taken point. Note that the curl H found in Eq. 2.6(13) is the current density, as required by (2). can around a Exampfie 2.7 CURRENT DENSITY AT SUPERCONDUCTOR SURFACE If a sheet of 2H3 parallel to its superconductive material4 is in a magnetic field H a penetration of H only a very short distance into the superconductor Fig. 2.7. The decay of H: with distance is given by = surface, there is as shown in it==H¢“V“ where H0 AS, called corresponding is the value at the surface and of the material. We can find the e) the penetration depth, is a property density using (2) and the current H“ Ho 0 FIG. 2.7 Penetration of magnetic field into a A 0 thick sheet of )\ 4 47x 2h superconducting material. Superconductors include lead, tin, niobium, and numerous other elements, alloys, and compounds. They have zero dc resistance and other special properties below their crit— ical temperatures. See, for example, V. Z. Kresin and S. A. Wolf, Fundamentals of Superconductivity, Plenum Press, New York, 7990. 90 Chapter expansion in Eq. 2.6(6): Jy Thus, the fields Stationary Magnetic 2 I I = [curl current also is found HL, only = 6H, Hog = near “ac/A: /\.—58 "‘3; the surface. f AND INTEGRAL FORMS RELATION BETWEEN DIFFERENTIAL OF THE FIELD EQUATIONs 2.8 relating magnetic field to current; density was through the definition of curl. One can‘ proceed in integral Stokes’s theorem, which states that for a vector function F, The differential form form derived from the by using reverse §Frdl=[(curlF)'dSEf(V,XF)'dS S This theorem is made areas. the line integral about that area tesimal areas are summed over places in Fig. 2.8a, breaking contribution (V X F) (18 gives of cuil. If contributions from infiniline integral must disappear for all For each differential area, the by the definition the surface, the is first traversed in boundary determining Subdivision of ‘ one: direction the contribution from where these contributions do not FIG. 2.86 (l) g plausible by looking at a general sjurface as it into elemental internal areas, since a opposite direction in S disappear arbitrary are surface for an along and then later in the adjacent area. The only boundary, so that the outer proof of Stokes’s theorem. Relation Between Differential and 2.8 the result of the summation is then the line integral Forms of the Field Equations integral of the vector around the 9'! boundary stated in (1). It is recognized that the process is similar to the transformation from the differential to the integral form of Gauss’s law through the divergence theorem in as Sec. 1.11. Then writing Stokes’s theorem for magnetic field, we have figH-dl=f(VXH)OdS (2) 5 But, by Eq. 2.7(2), the curl may be replaced by the current density: 3gH‘dl=fJ-ds (3) s The line right side represents the integration on the left is through the surface of which the path for the (3) is exactly equivalent to Eq. 2.40). boundary. flow current a Hence Example DEMONSTRATION Let us netic OF demonstrate Stokes’s theorem for wave in a magnetic field that is part of certain kind of transmission structure. The field at of time is described apply (2) illustrated. The line a electromag— particular instant an by H We will a 2.8a STOKES'S THEOREM = to the area shown in integral of 7% 3% cos 7—75 (4) a Fig. 2.8b where the field distribution (4) is (4) along the broken path is flW/flflfl ,_,/ / flfl/fl/fl/fl/ % FIG. 2.8b (Ex. 2.8a). Area for integration of field H to demonstrate the validity of Stokes’s theorem 92 chapter 2 Stationary Magnetic 0 1 a fields 0 §H-dl fodx+f Hydy-l-J dex+f O O a =O+Acosw+O—AcosO§= where the facts that The curl of H in O and Hx Hy # f( y) rectangular coordinates = are 1 , Hydy (5) —2A used. is 3H VXH=2——y-=—2A°—Tsinlx 6x The integral of (6) over the surface bounded a by the (6) a brolten line in Fig. 2.819 is 0 mt 7T, 72x fS(VxH)'dS qu-sm—dx=Acos—— 0 = Since (5) and (7) give the same a a t I a o ~2A <7) results, Stokes’s theorern (l) is illustrated. i l Example 2.8b That V as was - V X F r- O can done for V X be Vz/r F PROOFTHATV-V x proved by using the expressions in rectangular coordinates ={U take a different approach that uses applies to any surface, we may treat the let the bounding line shrink to zero so the surface line integral on the left side of (2) vanishes and we in Ex. 2.6d. Here we Stokes’s theorem. Since Stokes’s theorem surface shown in Fig. 2.8a and becomes one. Then the a closed have i £(VXF)°dS:O' Line bounding surface S FIG. 2.8a Surface used in Ex. 2.8b. (8) 2.9 We may then apply the Vector divergence 93 Magnetic Potential theorem (Sec. 1.11) to the vector V x F: %(VXF)‘dS=JV-VXFdV s Since in (8) that the left side is we saw integrand on the right was to with zero an arbitrary choice of surface, the side must vanish, V which (9) v be shown. This is 2.9 a V - F X O = (10) useful relation in the study of electromagnetic fields. VECTOR MAGNETIC POTENTIAL We introduce here another potential, which is often used as a conveniently calculated quantity from which the magnetic field can be found. An integral expression for the flux density can be obtained from Eq. 2.3(2) by multiplying by it for homogeneous media: It is shown in certain vector ><R ul’(r’)dl’ _ Appendix 3 that this can be equivalences. The result gives B(r) = broken into two steps by making use V X A(r) of (2) where I I d]! The current may be given as a vector density J in current per unit area spread over a volume V’. Then, since I J d5, where dS is the differential area element perpendicular = to J and d1 is in the direction of J, dS all forms to (3) is , A(r) In both _ — a volume element (IV and the ILJOJ) equivalent dVI L—MR (3) and (4), R is the distance from a current element of the integration to the introduced as an intermediate step, point computed. is computed as an integral over the given currents from (3) or (4) and then differentiated in the manner defined by (2) to yield the magnetic field. Function A is called the magnetic vector potential. Note that each element of A has the direction of the current element producing it. It is analogous to the potential function of electrostatics, which is found in terms of an integral over charges and then differentiated in a certain way to yield the electric field. The magnetic potential A is different, however, because it is a at which A is to be The function A, (4) 94 Chapter 2 Stationary Magnetic fields vector, and does not have the simple physical significance of work done in moving through the field that electrostatic potential has. Some physical pictures can be formed but the student should not worry about these until more has been developed through certain examples. VECTOR POTENTIAL AND MAGNETIC FIELD OF Here we show that the magnetic (2), in that order, is the The magnetic current vector element, as same as the function IA CURRENT ELEMENT density of a current element found using (3) and integrand of (l), which expresses Ampére’s law. exists throughout the Iregion surrounding the given flux the potential A Fig. shown in familiarity with 2.90. From (3) we find dZ A=2A,=2”‘[4771‘ (5) ' origin of coordinates is positioned at the current element. As noted earlier dA is parallel to the current element producing it. It is most convenient to use spherical coordinates in this example. From the figure we see that IA, A2 cos 6 and A a ~AZ the The coordinates curl in spherical sin 6. front cover) reduces to (from inside since the = B V x A = = (I) a -- -~ Br ' since Ag = O and 6/34) = (IA 6) I (M —r -' d -' B:V><A=¢(”Jz)3m2 477 (I) dz (6) 66 O, by symmetry. Substituting Ar and Ag using (5), A Note that d]' X R is = sin 6, r so (7) r Z FIG. 2.9a Vector potential AI in region surrounding a find 6 (7) is equivalent to the integrand in (1). A we current element. Vector 2.9 FIG. 2.9b 95 Magnetic Potential Parallel-wire transmission line. Example 2.9b VECTOR POTENTIAL Let us consider a AND FIELD OF A PARALLEL-WIRE TRANSMISSION LINE transmission line of infinite parallel—wire length carrying current I in conductor and its return in the other distance 2a away. The coordinate system is set up as in Fig. 2.9b. Since the field quantities do not vary with 2, it is convenient to one calculate them in the 2 z = —L to z m plane 2 = O. The conductors will first be taken L to avoid indeterminacies in the direction, A by (3) will be in the as integrals. direction also. The contribution z extending from only in the to A3 from both Since current is Wires IS [L A, «- —L ll 23 477 The integrals #1 dz" 47r\/(x UL V(x O may be a)2 —- y2 2’2 + a)2 + + + Z"?- I dz” I (12' . -- y2 + _.I_# {ln[z' + L is allowed to + 271' —- as + -L 2’2 + + 0 + 2"2 evaluateds: A, Now, ,uJ dz" f” 477\/(x (1)3 yz f“ V(x a)2 y2 ] __ ln[z" + V0: Va approach infinity, —- + (2)2 (2)2 + + y2 y’l + + 2’2] rang the upper limits of the two terms cancel. Hence A‘ 5 2 {£1 477 [(x (x + -— a)~ + a)2 + y] y2 (8) integrals of this text can be found in standard handbooks such as the CRC Hand» Chemistry and Physics (any recent edition); M. R. Spiegel, Mathematical Handbook. Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, 7968; or M. Abromowitz and I. A. Stegun (Eds), Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics, Dover, New York, 7964. One of the most complete listings is l. S. Gradshteyn and l. M. Ryzhik, Table of Integrals, Series, and Products (A. Jeffrey, Trans), Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 7980. Most book of 96 If Chapter Stationary Magnetic Fields 2 (2) is then applied, using the expression for curl in rectangular coordinates, 1 BA, I pay 277' ya Hx:_—~_— I 1 6A, Hy z ...._.__...: Max 2.10 (x+a)+y m __ 277‘ (x ya 2— (x—a)+y (.3: — 7a) (x-a)~+y‘ DISTANT FIELD OF CURRENT LOOP: find (9) 2 + __ 7 we (st-Fa) 2a)+y" MAGNETIC 9 (10) DIPOLE I magnetic field on the axis of a loop of current was derived in Ex. 2.3a. Here we magnetic vector potential and field at locations not restricted to the axis but distant from the loop. The arrangement to be analyzed is shown in Fig. 2.10. For any point (r, 6, 915) at which A is to be found, some current elements I dl’ are oriented such that they produce components of A in directions other than the qS direction. However, by the symmetry of the loop, equal and opposite amounts of such components exist. As a result A is (f) directed and is independent of the value of qb at which it is to be found. For convenience, we choose to calculate A at the point (r, 6, 0). The qidirected The will find the contribution of a differential element of current is dA¢ FIG. 2.10 __ [4.] dl’ cos gb’ (1) 477R Coordinates for calculation of magn étic-dipole fields. Distant Field of Current Loop: 2.10 where R is the distance from the element dl’ to around the a (r, 6, 0). The total is found as the integral 100p A where 97 Magnetic Dipole (11' pl __ qS' cos __— — 477 is the radius of the [.LIa z " ()5 loop. F77 — R 477 The distance R qb' dqb’ cos R o can be (2) —— expressed in terms of the radius ‘ from the origin to (r, 6, O) as R2 To get ra cos 4/ we note that radius line to dl ’. Therefore r2 = ra cos Substituting (4) into (3) and l/l = assuming 2m — is the {/1 2‘ cos a?“ + projection sin 6 ra cos >> a, we 1' cos it! (3) of onto the extension of the r d)’ (4) find 1/2 R CZ ~r<1—- 2 . - sm 6cos ,. ¢>’> 01‘ R”1 Utilizing this in expression 14¢ (2), [-Lla m - 4771' __ ~r“‘(1 Ma we was (cos f o an" 45’ sin 6 2 '— + in 2 sin 6 cos2 r #077112) 4717' r noted at the outset the result by substituting (6) 45') (5) 277 47rr As r find _ found gsin6cos + applies Eq. 2.9(2), are Br = Be 2 Bq, = qb’) 27173 [1.177612 4771.3 cos (6) sin 6 2 to any value of ,quz?’ dqb’ qb. The components of B, 6 (7 ) 6 (8) , Sin 0 (9) The group of terms [71112 can be given a special significance by comparison of (7)—(9) with the fields of an electric dipole, Eq. 1.10( 10). The identity of the functional form of the fields has led to defining the magnitude of the magnetic dipole m The dipole direction is along the 6 = = 17m2 0 axis in Fig. moment as (10) 2.10 for the direction of 1 shown. 98 Chapter The vector potential can Stationary Magnetic 2 be written in terms of the = in: partial derivatives in the moment In as V<—> x 477 where the magnetic dipole l * A Plelds (11) r gradient operation are with respect to the point of observation of A. 2.1 l DIVERGENCE OF MAGNETIC FLEUX DENSITY E given by Eq. 2.9(2) (derived in Appendix 3), the magnetic flux density B can be expressed as the curl of another vector A when the sources of B are currents. We have shown in Ex. 2.8b that the divergence of the curl of any Evector is zero. Thus, As i V A major - B = O (1) magnetic fields is now apparent. The magdivergence everywhere. That is, when the magnetic field is no sources of magnetic flux which correspond to the electric difference between electric and netic field must have zero due to currents, there are of electric flux. Fields with zero d1vergence such as these are con~ charges ee often called source sequently -fi fields. Magnetic field concepts are often developed from an exact parallel with electric fields by considering the concept of isolated magnetic poles as sources of magnetic flux, corresponding to the charges of electrostatics. The result of zero divergence then follows because such poles have so far been found in nature only as equal and opposite pairs. Physicists continue to search for isolated magnetic poles;E if they are found, a magnetic charge density pm will simply be added to the equations giving a finite V B. as sources =- - i 2.12 The differential MAGNETIC POTENTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION FOR VECTOR equation for magnetic field in terms of ciurrent density was developed in Sec. 2.7: V X H If the relation for B as the curl of vector a J potential V X V X A : sfibstituted, A is p.J (1) This may be considered a differential equation relating A to current density. It is more common to write it in a different form utilizing the of a vector function Laplacian definedin rectangular coordinates as the vector sum of the Laplacians of the three scalar components: VZA = It may then be verified that, for iVZAx + rectangular $472.43, + fiVZAZ coordinates (2) Scalar 2.13 99 Magnetic Potential for Current-Free Regions VxVxA=—V2A+V(V-A) For other than so and simply With V ' A (3) rectangular coordinate systems, separation in the form (2) cannot be done (3) may be taken as the definition of V2 of a vector. O, as shown in Appendix 3 for statics, (3) and (1) give = 2A==—ILJ This is a vector @) equivalent of the Poisson equation first met in Sec. 1.12. equations which are exactly of the Poisson form. It includes three component scalar in;.-.'./'/_(.~;;-,’.-;\I:313.-.= Example VECTOR POTENTIAL Let us AND a A: From ..;..( ..:,.; , : : I. :'..-~:w;~:--:-, §_.._.:';;._5 .--,-: -,-.-,-.. §;- .I..-/s--..="r:-:'---.'..7. .'.'; FIELD OF UNIFORM CURRENT DENSITY FLOWING AXIALLY appropriate form for the vector potential circularly cylindrical system is show that the z—directed current in =_~-.:/-.:-.;; 2.12 ~% ()62 = + in a uniform flow of yz) (5) (4) and (2), 1 fl. From this we see conductor carrying = —; that a 62A“ 1 ., V”Az "'1; (5) is the apprOpriate form for current of constant 62A, (1;; ELY—i) + = density JO. 2 (6) Jo potential in a cylindrical magnetic field found from vector The (5) is —J 1 A A H=~WXM=~Jmew3 2 m ,u. In cylindrical coordinates, this is A J r H=¢§ which is the value of 2.I3 m Eq. 2.4(5). SCALAR MAGNETIC POTENTIAL FOR CURRENT-FREE REGIONS In many problems concerned with the finding of magnetic fields, at least a part of the region is current-free. The curl of the magnetic field vector H is then zero for such current-free regions [Eq. 27(2)]. Any vector with zero curl may be represented as the '3 30 Chapter gradient pomts of a Stationary Magnetic 2 scalar (see Ex. 2.6d). Thus the magnetic {fields iield as can be expressed for such i H —vq>,,, = (1) conventionally taken only to complete the analogy with elecpotential applies to bOth cufirent~carrying and current-free but it more convenient for the latter to use this scalar potential. is regions, usually Since the divergence of the magnetic flux density B is everywhere zero, where the minus is sign trostatic fields. The vector = v Thus, for a - homogeneous medium, (13,7, ave”, satisfies VZCID," It will be observed from = 0 = (2) Laplace’s equation 0 (3) (1) that 2 (DmZ ~ (1)1711 = #J. H . 1 Thus, if the path of integration encircles For if 1 and 2 are two values of the (Pm, magnetic potential unique, 1, a current, (Pm does not have a unique value. of integration ithe point. To make the scalar we must restrict attention to iregions which do not entirely point in space and the path differing by I, will be assigned to same (4) (in encloses a current encircle currents. Suitable regions are called “simply connected” because any two paths connecting a pair of points in the region form a loop which does not enclose any exterior points. An example of a simply connected region between coaxial conductors is shown in Fig. 2.13. The restriction to a simply connected region is not a serious limitation once it is understood. IN -—._’ FIG. 2.13 Simply connected region between doaxial cylinders. Boundary Conditions 2.14 for Static Magnetic 101 Fields The importance of the scalar potential for current-free regions is that it satisfies Laplace’s equation, for which exist numerous methods of solution. The graphical and numerical methods given in Chapter 1 for electrostatic fields are directly applicable, as are the more powerful numerical methods, conformal transformations, and method of separation of variables to be studied in Chapter 7. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FOR STATIC MAGNETIC FIELDS 2.14 The boundary conditions bilities Consider media a as volume in the shown in small arbitrarily so Fig. interface between two at an be found in the can same shape way of a as was regions with different permea- done for static electric fields in Sec. 1.14. pillbox enclosing the boundary 2.14. The surfaces AS of the volume that the normal flux density 8,, are between the two considered to be does not vary across the surface. so that there is negligible flux Also, the thickness of the pillbox is vanishingly small flowing through the side wall. The net outward flux from the box is 13,,1 AS where the sense of B" is as = 3,,2 as or B nl = B n- ,. shown in the figure. magnetic fields may be found by integrating enclosing the interface plane as shown in Fig. 2.14, The relation between transverse magnetic field H along a line ng-dl =H,1 ill—H,2 A1=J5Al where J5 is a surface current in amperes per meter width FIG. 2.14 (1) Magnetic fields at the (2) flowing in the direction shown. boundary between two different media. J 02 The Chapter :Flelds Stationary Magnetic 2 lengths AZ of the sides are arbitrarily small so H, may be considered uniform. legs of the integration path are effectively reduced to zero length. From (2) The other Htl There is a discontinuity of the .- HtZ tangential field i J3 = at the (3) boundary between two regions any surface current which may exist on the boundary. With direction equal information included, where 1‘] is the unit vector normal to the surface, to a ><(H1— H2) J = (4) Although the concept of a surface current is an idealization, it is useful when the depth of current penetration into a conductor is small, as in the skin effect to be studied later. In problems involving the scalar magnetic potential, continuity of H where J 0IS ensured by taking (Pm to be continuous across the boundary. Where surface currents exist, (4) leads to « i f1 X may be as (VCIJm2 J, == with the definition by combining (3) seen VIPml) - (5) ofSCIJm, Eq. 213(1). S T MATERIALS WITH PERMANENT 2.15 MAGNETIZATION 1 Permanent magnets have a remnant value of magnetization [defined in Eq. 23(3)] when Magnetic Chapdiscussed examples with permanent magnetization M0 and no true current flow. There are two ways of analyzing such problems: through the scalar magnetic potential and through the vector potential. all ter applied fields 13, but here are we materials removed. consider Now a scalar using potential as the definition of more detail in some use of Scalar Magnetic Potential H from in are Since current densrty Jrs zero, we may derive in Sec. 2.13: magnetization from Eq. l B H = 2.36), —- - M i (2) [Jo If the divergence of (2) is taken, with V B - V2®m = : O utilized, we can write ifl (3) Mo where pm In this formulation we see that we equivalent magnetic charge density = ”#0V have a in the ' M Poisson (4) equation for potential (Pm, region proportional to the with an divergence of 2J5 Materials with Permanent 103 Magnetization magnetization. For a uniform magnetization, the divergence is zero and CD," satisfies Laplace’s equation. At the boundaries of the magnet, however, integration of (3) would show that there is an equivalent magnetic surface charge density pm given by psm : “‘Ofi ‘ M (5) The arguments for this are similar to those for surface charge density p5 when there is a discontinuity in D, as explained in Sec. 1.14. We will illustrate this through an example after giving formulation a use of Vector in Eq. 2.9(2) using the vector potential. Magnetic Potential If we write B use the definition of magnetization, as curl of vector potential B==p,O(H+M)=-VXA we can A as and take the curl of this equation, using V H X = (6) 0 since J z 0, to write VXVXA=%% 0) V (8) where Jeq So =2 X M with currents in free space Eq. 2.132(1), the problem is equivalent to one with internal proportional to the curl of magnetization. Inside a region of uniform magnetization, the curl is by comparison zero and there are no internal currents. At the bound- ary of the magnetic material, a surface integral of (8) over the area enclosed used to get Eq. 214(2) and application of Stokes’s theorem give by the path %M-dl=JJeq'dS S In the same way as for Eq. 2.14(4), this (JCq)S gives : an equivalent M X fl surface current (9) since M 0 outside the magnetic material. So in this formulation the magnet is re— placed by a system of volume and surface currents from which magnetic field may be found through use of the vector potential, or directly by using Ampere’s law. Example 2.15b illustrates this procedure. = Example 2.15a UNIFORMLY MAGNETIZED SPHERE Consider first direction as in uniform, there sphere of magnetic material with uniform magnetization MO in the z Fig. 2.150 using the method with scalar magnetic potential. Since M is is no volume charge by (4), but if space surrounds the sphere, there is a 1&4 Chapter Stationary Magnetic 2 Fields I | i l i \ FIG. 2.15a the a sphere surface Sphere of radius with uniform a magnetic charge density at Solutions of pm O, = r a Field lines (H or B) outside given by I'LOMO : psm = magnetization 2M0 shown dashed (3), in spherical coordinates with 6 COS a (10) variation corresponding to (10) and are (I) = __Cr cos 6 r < a a (11) ’J r>a 2c056 as can on be verified by substitution in the the inside front nuity cover. The surface 0 in spherical coordinates expression for V233 magnetic charge given by (10) gives a disconti= in derivative, i ,LLOI: {3(me BCDmI Br Br i lad __ — ,uollglo cos 6 (12) from which f M C Thus for r < a, using (1) in spherical M = 399— (13) coordinates , H=~—39[i~cose—esm0]= ll 1 ‘— N (14) Materials with Permanent 2.15 which is a uniform field within the sphere. A 30‘; = > a, r 3 M H For 105 Magnetization [2t cos a + 0 sin a] (15) ,. which are curves (shown dashed in Fig. 2.150) similar to those outside a magnetic dipole (Sec. 2.10). Example 2.n5b ROUND ROD WITH UNIFORM MAGNETIZATION A circular cylindrical direction is shown in from a (8) that there bar magnet of length I having uniform magnetization in the axial Fig. 2.15b. Using the second formulation given above, we see are no volume currents since V X M equivalent surface current at the discontinuous boundary JS = 2' = = 0, but there is a: (BMO (16) problem is then identical to that of the solenoid of length l with current per unit length given by (16) insofar as the calculation of A (and hence B) is concerned. As noted in Ex. 2.3c, it is difficult to calculate field lines for an off~axis point, but B lines will appear somewhat as shown dashed in Fig. 2.151). Lines of magnetic field H will be of the same form outside the magnet, but will be of different form inside through We see that this the vector addition H = B / #0 M. —- / // \ /”F‘~‘\\\ \ /"“""‘*\ \ \ \ / .' y ;\ ———W%——————————>z "p" u.“ ’A"""+.~ / \ \ \\1‘ / \ Cylinder of radius shown dashed. (H lines are a of the / / / \ FIG. 2.1513 " j and same length l with magnetization 2M0. Flux density magnet.) form outside the lines B 106 Chapter ‘" ENERGY OF A Pijelds 1.132=,3$c1'-‘I§’ ufiigiifiiiééigéfifi ’31:” gfréfiéfiriaéfié f “R "i z” '533fi.§~r‘i§i._s 2.16 In Stationary Magnetic 2 ., tiiksffif’riizax 42321:}? “136's? a»? STATIC MAGNETIC FIELD the energy of a magnetic field, it would appear by analogy with Sec. should consider the work done in bringing} a group of current elements considering 1.22 that we point of view is correct in principle, but not only is it more difficult charges because of the vector nature of currents, but it also requires consideration of time-varying effects as shojwn in references deriving the relation from this point of View.6 We will consequently set down the result at this point, waiting for further discussion until we derive a most important general energy rela~ tionship1n Chapter 3. The general relation for nonlinear materials, correSponding to together from infinity. This to carry out than for 1 22(9) for electric fields, is =fH-dBdV (1) dUH is the energy added to the system when R} is changed by a differential (possibly different amounts for different positionslwithin the volume). For linear materials, H is pr0portional to B so (1) may be integrated over B to give where amount I UH=-fB-HdV=J’-&H2dV v2; (2) 21/ The analogy to Eq. 1.222(6) is apparent, and here also Iwe interpret the energy of a as actually stored in the fields produced by those sources. The result system of sources is consistent with the inductive circuit energy term, and will be utilizedin the following section Exampte 2L1 * when circuit concepts hold - 2 tea ENERGY STORAGE IN SLIPERCONDUCI ING SOLENOID superconducting It has been coils be used to meet proposed that energy stored in large in electric demand. coils chosen because their zero peaks power Superconducting iare dc resistance allows very large currents to be carried with zero power loss (though, of refrigeration power must be supplied). To be useful such a storage system must capable of providing about 50 MW for 6 hours, thatiis, storing an energy of about course, be 106 MJ. Let to 6 find the us assume required J. A. Sfrah‘on, the coil is coil properties a the field is uniform, and we wish fieldi from Eq. 2.4(7) is Hz n] so solenoid and that and current. The Electromagnetic Theory, pp. 7 78— 724, = McéGraw—Hill, New York, 794 I. 2.16 B: = p.121. The energy from Energy of a a Magnetic Field 107 (2), for volume V, is UH For Static “it/«(fille = realistic current of 1000 A and flux 20-m with 1.2 X length ising coil same magnitude is shape as density of 15 T, a coil of 27—m diameter and 104 turns/m would give the required energy. The most prom- actually a toroid but it would have dimensions and currents of the calculated in this example. Example 2.16!) ENERGY DISSIPATION IN HYSTERETIC MATERIALS see here how energy loss in hysteretic materials can be explained in terms of their nonlinear B-H relations. A typical hysteretic relation is shown in Fig. 2.16. We We will will assume an traversal of the BH. The energy required for one isotropic material so that B H a H from loop by varying large negative value to a large positive value ‘ = again can be found from (1). The differential energy is shown as a shaded hysteresis loop in Fig. 2.16. When the field is decreased, a portion of the indicated energy by the part of the bar outside the loop is returned to the field. The result of integrating around the loop is that total expended energy per unit volume is equal to the area of the loop. and back bar on the 4‘. ’- dB FIG. 2.16 Hysteretic, nonlinear B—H relation. '3 08 Chapter 2 Stationary Magnetlé: Fields INDUCTANCE FROM ENERGY ST ORAGE; INTERNAL lNDUCTANCE 2.]7 was shown in Sec. 2.16 that the magnetic energy may be found by integrating an fields. From a circuit point energy density of é-qu throughout the volume of current flow through the of View, this is known to be é-le, where I is the It significant instantaneous inductance. these two forms Equating i112 1 gives 1’5 H2 dV = (1) 2 V given in Sec. 2.5. It is linkage method of calculating for convenient especially problems that would require consideration of partial linkages if done The form of inductance calculating (1) is useful -. alternate to the flux the by -. - are of this g;.",'_7:_.’.‘-,‘71‘;'.' “'7.7’721-7-1112)-??fifi"3."=':.".2-'.':',:-':7.5‘.'"?.:-‘}'.?X:Z.27)E REV-22?}???#4321C1?_“-""..,’.F;.'_.'.’:':"".~. .~—.....---..-. --,;:-.-.-.- 1443:3345 ....._.‘._._.L\.b‘.;... 'aLS'flfihilexi-Limix’in: .- . of flux method internal inductance, defined in Sec. 2.5, ,_ ':.-7.'"\‘~7‘:~'=7.'--"-":"2'37“; fr,Tz{7/T‘E(T{:Tx'—2 “571‘7'”?/.'.1’,~_'_."'V" ...._.‘--,;.._(-_‘W_,_.. .:.-5_...-- 2.2:" -"*.-' '",gzi' '.'x-'."v-'</.-:-.1._-:_. """’-'-u§2.'i-A.'-'3';: 501;.“ as an w)“ . 17")». -/. -- - -. ,~ .. .. .. linkages. Problems of nature. .. . - .. ,. , .1 . ,_ " . ’ ;. -.-. -,.-.-: . ' ' ' ' --_‘-‘.I’-.'51%".‘3-3?$147714?131-37.?7.7-?":7‘:'-I’.°.‘.!E-’Q'-‘.?’.'-Tz1.7-","77: L» T's/1:: MIKE; 2/ 1- /-' ' . INTERNAL INDUCTANCE OF CONDUCTORS WTI—I UNIFORM CURRENT DISTRIBUTION IN A COAXIAL TRANSMISSION LINE an example of the use of the energy method of inductance calculation, we will find the internal inductances for the two conductors of a coaxial transmission line under the As assumption uniformly in the conductors. The result for generally to any straight, round wire with a unimagnetic field in the inner conductor of Fig. 2.4!) that the current is distributed the inner conductor applies more form current distribution. The (EX. 2.4c) is - Ir For a unit length, utilizing (1), 2 . 2 ”LI Ir 2 2 fl!- (277(8) m o L The magnetic field 2 77’ d' ' ' = 57—: in the outer conductor = . Substituting (5) in ( 1) we = c2 _ 277(c2 a4 ' — 4 b2) (3) (4) (Prob. 2.4a) -- 477514 H/m I H O) #12 z 2 is x (7' '> _ '_ . (5) find “i. 277 c4lnc/b (62 b2)2 ”"- + [72—322 4(C2 “ b2) ] H/m (6) 1 09 Problems For low frequencies enough to assume the total inductance per unit uniform current distribution in the conductors, the coaxial line is the sum of (4), (6), and length for Eq. 2.5(6). PROBLEMS 2.23 Assuming tor that each electron is acted Eq. 2.2(1). on by force a -- constituting How is the force 2.2b The Hall effect X ev the current in a differential length B, show that the total force is equal to of conduc- that given by the electrons transferred to the structure of the wire? on charges in crossed fields within a semiconductor as important properties of a semiconductor. Consider a p—type material so that the charge carriers are holes of charge + e. Electric field E0 applied in the x direction causes a current [X wda'Eo to flow. The magnetic field causes a buildup of positive charge on the plate at y O and an equal negative charge on the top plate because of the velocity uHEO of the holes. The field produced by these charges on the bottom and top plates EH is exactly of the magnitude to counteract the ev X B0 force on the holes so that, in steady state, the flow is only in the x direction. Show how the Hall mobility pH can be determined from measurement of Ix and VH. shown in Fig. uses motion of P2.2b to measure = = FIG. P2.2b 2.2c Show the following: AX(B+C)=AXB+AXC AX(BXC)=B(A‘C)—C(A'B) A-(BXC)=B'(CXA)=C'(AXB) 2.2d* when a particle of charge q and mass m is placed in crossed fields. To demonstrate this, take a uniform electric field E0 in the y direction and uniform magnetic flux density BO in the x direction. The charge starts at O with zero velocity. Show that the trajectory can be the coordinate origin at time t written in the form (2 Razor)2 + (y R)2 R2, whereR EO/wOBO and too Cycloidal motion electric and can occur magnetic = — (180/272. Explain the motion. — = == = 119 Chapter 2 Pijelds Stationary Magnetic loop of wire is formed by two semicircles, joined by radial line segments at qb magnetic field at the origin. 2.3a A radius 17, theinner of radius = O and g!)1: at a and the outer of (Fig P2 3a) Find the FIG. P2.3a 2.3b Direct current I0 flows in a square loop of wire magnetic field on the axis at a point z from the 2.3c having sides of length plane ofi the loop. 20. Find the 12 turns per meter by a cona solenoid of finite length L and radius 0 tinuous sheet of circumferential current Find the axial magnetic field at the center of the solenoid and determine the length for which the fieldIS one-half that of the infinite Represent having solenoid. 2.3d Show that the an , magnetic field on axis of a long solenordt at the endsis half the value for infinite solenoid. 2.3e An arrangement that can provide a region of relatively uniform fields consists of a pair of parallel, coaxial loops; the uniform-field region is on the axis midway between the magnetic field, expressed as a Taylor series exPansion along point midway between the coils, wilf have zero first, second, and third derivatives if the loop radii a are equal to the spacmg d of the loops ThisIS the so-called Helmholtz configuration. loops. Show that the axial the axis about the field for b < r < 0, 2.4a For the coaxial line of Fig. 2.4b, find the magnetic current is distributed uniformly over the conductor cross section. 2.4b A certain kind of electron beam of circular J0[l 2.4c - cross section contains a assuming current that density J = (1 /a)4]. Find Hq,,(I) inside the beam. Express the magnetic field about a long line current in :rectangular coordinate components, taking the wire axis as the z axis, and evaluate 55 H (11 about a square path1n the x—yplanefrom(- 1,—1) to (1, ——l) to (1, 1) to(" 1i 1) backto (“—1, —l). Also evaluate the integral about the path from ( 1,1) to 1) to (1,2) to (— 1, 2) back to ( 1, 1). Comment 2.4d A on the two results. (1:, long thin wire carries a current II in the positive 2 along the axis of a cylindrical coordinate system as shown in Fig. P2.4d. A rectangular loop of wire lies in a plane containing the axis. The loop contains the regiOn O _<. 2 S b, R a/2 _<. r S R + a/ 2 and carries a current 12 which has the direction of I 1 on the side nearest the direction thin - l ‘3 '5 I! Problems FIG. P2.4d axis. Find the vector force on each side of the loop and the resulting force on the entire loop. 2.4e* Consider for a stant. a round straight wire carrying a uniform current density J throughout, except cylindrical void parallel with the wire axis so that the cross section is con- round Call the radius of the wire 6, the radius of the hole b, and the distance of the of the hole from the center of the wire 0. Take 19 < a < c and b < c (I. Use center -— to find the field H as a function of radial line center of the hole for all values of radius from the center of the wire. superposition 2.4f A demonstration position along a through the be given that a thin metal tube can be crushed by magnetic forces through it. Take the radius of the tube to be 2 cm and the magnetic field at which failure of the metal occurs as 9 Wb/rnz. (i) What is the maximum current that could flow axially along the tube before it would be crushed by the magnetic forces arising from this current? (ii) What is the force per unit area on the surface of the tubing under this condition? by passing 2.4g For the can current an infinitely long cylindrical hollow pipe of any pipe, magnetic field within the hollow portion is cross section zero. Show 2.5 A coaxial transmission line with inner conductor of radius radius b has r = d a (with d b), a current along and outer conductor of = a to u, extending from r and air from radius d to I). Find the external inductance per unit coaxial < ferrite of carrying why. cylindrical permeability length. 2.6a Find the curl of 2.6b a vector field F = fuzz: By using the rectangular coordinate forms + 3732322 + ixzyz. show that VX(l,l/F)==t/JVXF~FXV¢I where F is any vector function and 2.6c Derive the expression :11 any for curl in the scalar function. spherical coordinate system. Fig. 2.4b, express the magnetic field found in Ex. 2.4b and Prob. rectangular coordinates and find the curl in the four regions, 2‘ < a, a < r < b, 2.7 For the coaxial line of 2.4a in b < r < c, r > 6. Show that V X theorem. Comment Vi/I E O on the results. by integrating over an arbitrary surface and applying Stokes's '5 12 Chapter 2.9a Check the results individual wires, 2311* A square to (a, a) loop Fields Stationary Magnetic 2 Eqs. 2 .9(9) and (10) by adding vectorially using the result of Ex. 2.4a. the field from the magnetic of thin uvire lies1n the x—y plane extending from ( a -a) to (a, -a) to (- a, ——a) and carries current Iin that sense of circulation. ( a, a) back to Find A and H_ for any point (x, z) y, .- 2.9c* A circular loop of thin wire carries current I. Find A for a point distance: from the plane of the loop, and radius 1 from the axis, for r /2 << 1. Use this to find the expression for magnetic field on the axis. 2.9d Show that the line integral of vector potential A about a closed magnetic flux enclosed, pathis equal to the , § this Apply to A - dl J = B - d8 5 long solenoid find the form of A inside the of Ex. 2.4d. infinite single-wire line of current, show that A: as calculated in Ex. 2.9b is in-L < z < L Then Show that if vector potential is calculated for a finite length-and B calculated from this before letting L approach infinity, the correct value of BIS 2.91% For an finite obtained 2.9f As an 1 exercise in having length. a width b using carrying a {very long thin conducting sheet current I in the direction of its direct} the with the axis its consider the vector potential, uniformly distributed Show that if the sheet18 assumed to lie1n xii—«2 centerline, the magnetic field about the strip will be b 1 Hx H = 27Tb = y 2.10 Show that the torque 2.1221 Show that V2A 2.121) Use the = (12111"1 —/—2——3 —— +. plane 1111‘1 + (w2+n2+f (b/2 small loop O for the vector ., ., x)" + y- of current rectangular coordinate forms can around potential to prove Eq. —; —-/——i) y 471'b - along z given by b f y 1 -—-ln on a a 1 1 be; expressed a as 7 = m X B. pair of currents, Eq. 2.9(8). 2.12:6). 2.12c A certain current density is said to produce within itself a vector potential having the “r form A 201' in circular cylindrical coordinates where C13 a constant. Find the = divergence of A, current density, and magnetic field, assuming 2.12:1 We saw in Ex. 2.7 that magnetic superconductor decays from the surface m=mrw_ field in z is parallel to the plane of the corresponding vector potential A, where the the medium to be free 1 space a as Eperpendicular to the surface. Find surface and x is and from it the current density comparing with the result of Ex. 2.7. 2.133 Show whether either of the following tial, and give the potential function if F =2 vector fields can i3y22 + y6iyz be obtained from 1 applicable: + @23ny F=fi3y+92x+24§ a scalar poten~ ll3 Problems 2.13b Find the form of scalar in Fig. 2.13, magnetic potential for the region between conductors as shown region 0 .<.. d) < 277-, similarly for the region outside the defined for the outer conductor. Current I flows in the inner conductor and the return current in the outer one. 2.14* Consider the boundary between free space and a plane superconductor with nearby parallel line current I at x d. It is the nature of a superconductor that when placed in a weak magnetic field, currents flow in such a way as to eliminate flux inside the super= conductor so that B,, at the surface is zero, ductor. Show that fields in the superconductor netic field 2.15 For the at .r with = problem an image as is the free-space region x current at .t = —d tangential H > O can inside the superconby replacing the be found carrying current density J5. -I. Find the mag O + and from this the surface current of Fig. 2.151), what magnetic charge distribution would be obtained for equivalent magnetic charges? How would this be modified inhomogeneous as defined below? the formulation in terms of if magnetization is M 2.1621 Show that Eq. 216(1) = 2M0(1 leads to (2) for linear, + k2) isotropic materials. 2.16b Assume that the material having the B-—H relation shown in Fig. 2.16 saturates at B 1000 G and estimate graphically the energy per unit volume for one complete traversal =- of the hysteresis 100p. 2.17a Find the external inductance per unit ergy considerations. length for the arrangement of Prob. 2.5 from en- 2.17b Find the internal inductance per unit length for the parallel-plane transmission line of Fig. 2.5c if current is assumed of uniform density in each of the conductors. l 3.1 The laws of static electric and It has been noted that these INTRODUCTION magnetic are been studied in Chapters 1 and 2. predictingéeffects for many time-varying fields have useful in problems, but there are important dynamic effects not described by the static relations, so other time~varying problems require a more complete formulation. One important dynamic effect is the generation of electric fields by time-varying magnetic fields as expressed through Faraday’s law. A second is the complementary effect whereby time— varying electric fields produce magnetic fields. This latter effect is expressed through the concept of displacement current, introduced by Maxwell. Faraday’s law is well known to us through its importance in transformers, motors, generators, induction heaters, and similar devices. The effect can be sirnply demonstrated by moving a coil of wire through the field of a strong permanent magnet and noting the trace on an oscilloscope connected to the coil (Fig. 3.1a). With readily available magnets and practical numbers of turns in the coil, movement by hand will generate millivolts, and such voltages are readily observed on the oscilloscope. An alternative demonstration utilizes A switch to turn on an electromagnet with and off the current in the its flux electromfagnet threading a buildup causes fixed coil. and decay field and generates the voltage to be observed. The above-described demonstrations and useful devices utilize induced effects in of the magnetic conductors. An interesting example showing that changing magnetic fields induce elec- tric fields in space is that of the betatron. This useful pfarticle accelerator, illustrated in Fig. 3.1b, accelerates electrons or other charged particles by means of a circumferential electric field induced by a changing magnetic field between poles tromagnet. The charges are in an evacuated chamber, law applies in space as well as along conductors. N and S of clearly illustrating that an elec- Faraday’s dynamic effect, referred to above as a; displacement current effect, is us through the concept of a capacitance current. We may, probably this think of however, only as current in the conductors to capacitor terminals, supplying the time rate of change of charge on capacitor plates. 5We shall see that the changing electric flux in the dielectric between plates contributes to magnetic fields, just as does conduction current, and acts to complete the current path Displacement currents also The second best known to ”4 3.1 '5 '5 5 Introduction ‘9)"‘ eee FIG. 3.1a Experimental arrangement to demonstrate the induced voltage predicted by Faraday’s be moved with sufficient speed by hand to display the induced voltage on a simple oscilloscope. law. Coil can exist in the of moving charges, and so are important in vacuum tubes or solidexample, time-varying effects in the Schottky barrier of Ex. 1.4a or the pn junction of Sec. 1.16 produce displacement currents in the respective depletion regions. Effects of these displacement currents must be understood in the analysis of devices using such junctions. There is a far-reaching consequence of the fact that changing magnetic flux density produces a change in electric field and vice versa: it leads to propagation of electro- vicinity state electron devices. For FIG. 3.1b of an Schematic illustration of electric field induced by a a betatron, which is used changing magnetic field. to accelerate electrons by means i 16 Chapter magnetic waves. In general, wave Maxwell’s 3 Equaticjms when there are two forms of oneileads to a change of the other. variation in air (potential energy) in air molecules (kin:etic energy) that varies both in phenomena result em ergy, and the presence of a time rate of change of In a sound wave, for example, an initial pressure one location causes a motion of the time and in space. This builds up excess pressure at another position, and the effect continues. Similarly, changing the magnetic field (or flux density) at one position gen- change of electric field in both time and space; by Faraday’s law. The subseof electric field produces a change of magnetic field through the displacechange quent erates a interchanges between electric and magnetic types as the wave progresses Electromagnetic waves exist in nature in the radiation that takes place when atoms or molecules change from one energy state to a lower gone, with frequencies from the microwave through visible into x-ray regions of the spectrum. (Still lower frequencies are generated by lightning and other natural fluctuations.) These natural radiations are utilized in astronomy and radio astronomy. Telecommunications, navigational guid~ ance, radar, and power transmission depend upon our ability to generate, guide, store, radiate, receive, and detect electromagnetic waves. This involves many kinds of structures whose properties the designer must be able to predict. The complete set of laws for time-varying electromagnetic phenomenais known as Maxwell’s equations andIS central to such predictions. ment current, and so on In energy terms the energy I large-Seek and flatter-entrant 3.2 VOLTAGES INDUCED BY Forms of Maxweil’s Equations CHANGING: MAGNETIC FIELDS experimentally that a voltage is iirduced in a conducting circuit linking that circuit is altered? The voltage is proportional to magnetic the time rate of change of magnetic flux linking the circuit. For a circuit of n turns, the I induced voltage V can be written Faraday discovered when the field V —- )1 dt (1) where 111m is the magnetic flux linking each turn of the coil. This equation may be used directly to find the voltage induced in the secondary coil of a transformer, for example, or to find the voltage induced in a single circuit becjause of a time-varying current interacting with the self-inductance of that circuit. For an electric machine, such as a generator or a motor, the change in flux linkages to be used in (1) may be found from the movement of the coil of the machine through a spatially variable magnetic field. 3.2 '5 '57 Voltages Induced by Changing Magnetic Fields Faraday’s experiments included both moving systems may be following section. approached stationary and moving systems. The in several ways and will be discussed question more of in the One very important generalization of (1) is to a path in space or other nonconducting medium. Such an extension is plausible since the resistance of the path does not appear in the equation. Nevertheless the extension should have it does. Much of the experimental support comes experimental from the wave verification and behavior to be studied in the remainder of the book. As described in Sec. 3.1, the betatron1 accelerates charged by means of an electric field induced by a changing magnetic field, as predicted by Faraday’s law. (See Prob. 3.2c.) Before defining Faraday’s law more precisely, we should be clear about several definitions. By voltage between two points along a specified path, we mean the negative line integral of electric field between the points along that path. For static fields, we saw that the line integral is independent of the path and equal to the potential dzfierezzce between the two points, but this is not true when there are contributions from Faraday’s law. When there is a contribution from changing magnetic flux, the voltage about a closed path is frequently called the electromotivefarce (emf) of that path. particles in a vacuum emf E voltage about closed equal, by Faraday’s law, to the time path. For a circuit which is not moving, It is rate of (2) change of magnetic flux through the §Etdl=~%:~§at where the flux is found rpm by evaluating ~§ dl path 61‘ 7-: E - Bids (3) S the normal component of flux density B over any surface which has the desired path as its boundary, as indicated by the last term in (3). The negative sign is introduced in the law to agree with the sense relations revealed by experiment, using the usual right-hand convention in the integrals of (3). Thus, as in Fig. 3.2a, if the rate of change of flux is positive in the directions shown by the vertical arrow, the line integral will be positive in the direction shown—opposite to the conventional right~hand positive direction. If there are several turns, the line integral of (3) is taken about all of them, and if flux through each is the same, we have the form first stated in (1). l D. W. Kerst and R. Serber, Phys. Rev. 60, 53 ( 7947). Sense of positive $23!;- Positive sense for Sense of . right-hand FIG. 3.2a positive §E convention Sense relations for Faraday’s law. . d1 '5 '53 Chapter 5 Maxwell’s Equations cah To transform (3) to differential equation form, we apply Stokes’s theorem (Sec. the and time of move to the left side (3) 2.8) differentiation inside the integral: [(VxEydsz—Ja—Bnds 561‘} (4) S For this equation to be valid for an arbitrary surface, that integrands must be equal the i so 63 V X E = —-— (5 ) 1 at Faraday’s law (4) of course reduces to the static case when time derivatives are zero in Sec. 1.7, the line integral of electric field about a closed path is then zero. For the time-varying field it is not in general zero, :showing that work can be done in taking a charge about a closed path in such a fielfd. This work comes from the changing stored energy of the magnetic field. and, as we saw Example 5.2 AIR BREAKDOWN FROM INDUCED ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE possibility of an ionizing breakdown in air because of electric fields gen~ changing magnetic fields. An axially symmetric electromagnet (Fig. 3.22)) has Consider the erated by FIG. 3.2b Electromagnet with time-varying current producing a time~varying magnetic field. 3.3 radius 020 it. beyond linearly m and has Suppose essentially Law for short as we can a uniform field up to this radius and negligible field magnetic field from zero to 10 T (tesla) time write 27TI‘E l 7 as possible without such breakdown. Faraday’s law for a loop of radius r as A == 771'2 BB- strength as 10'5 V/ m, 3 X = 7T) 2-295 at 3.3 (6) 7 m. If we take breakdown then I‘Bmax 0.2 X 10 2|E¢I 2><3><106 l 2:————:——-—--————--:— T Because of B —-—i Electric field is thus maximum at the outer radius of 0.20 of air '5 '59 Moving System a that it is desired to raise with time in the axial symmetry Faraday’s FARADAY'S LAW FOR A 3 “S 7 U MOVING SYSTEM moving system, one must find the change of magnetic through the field. A simple and classical example is that of an elemental ac generator as pictured in Fig. 3.3a. This indicates a single rectangular loop rotating at constant angular frequency Q in the uniform field BO between the two pole pieces. When the plane of the loop is at angle 4‘) with respect to the horizontal axis, the magnetic flux passing through it is For the flux use of threading Eq. 3.2(1) for circuit it a as a moves t/lm But angle qb changes voltage is the rate of FIG. 3.3a sin 2Boal (1) qb with time and may be written Qt. Thus dim And if = change == 280a] sin Qt of this flux Elemental generator with (2) (neglecting signs), rotating loop between permanent magnets. 129 Chapter Maxwell’s 3 Equafléns d_¢m =ZQBOal (it V== fit cos (3) this basic generator. Now let us voltage produced by the 'same of view to answer. A point of view point get slightly used effectively by Faraday is that the electric field of the’ moving conductor is generated Thus we see introduce the sinusoidal ac different a by its motion through, and hence‘ cutting” of, the lines of force. Faraday gave much to the flux tubes and lines of force. This physical sigificance developed rigorously by writing the time derivative total derivative instead of a partial derivative: on point of view the right side of Eq. can 3. 2(3) iE dl——-——deS For a (4) moving in space with velocity v, this may be transformed by developed by Helmholtz,2 which, with V B— O, is closed path transformation be as a a vector r' 63 3gE-dl=~fs|:E—VX(VXB)] (5) 1 The first term on the right18 the one we have seen before The second term gives an of Stokes’ s theorem, may be written as the line by X B about the closed path. The result may be interpreted as a motional added contribution to emf and, integral of v electric field given each at use point of the circuit path by E=v><B m In the example of Fig. 3.3a, the motional field in the upper conductor, Em: That in the lower conductor is the side elements since Thus the line 3g E v integral - dl == X B (6) = (cz.Q)B0 negative cos of this. contribution gives loop yields a by (6), 1;!) is (7) There is no motional field along the normal to the wires for these sides. about the laQBO cos 01‘ ~— (-lcz().BO cos which18 identical to (3). The differential form of (pa) = ZlaflBO cos Dr (8) -' Faraday’ 3 law, Eq. 3. 2(5), may be transformed to a set of moving coordinates with the same result. This may be dqne by a Galilean transformation for low velocities and by a Lorentz transformation for relativistic velocities.2 Although relativity is beyond the scope of this text, it is important to know that Maxwell’s equa~ tions are consistent with the theory of relativity, although Einstein developed that theory later. Their invariance to Lorentz transformations, in fact, had much to do with the development of the theory of special relativity. { 2 See, for example, C. T. Tai, Proc. IEEE 60, 936 ( 7972). Conservation of Charge and the Concept of Displacement Current 3.4 l L— FIG. 33!) ///// I '52} ___,v Hz: Cx Rectangular loop of wire field which varies with distance. moving through magnetic .................. Example 3.5 RECTANGULAR LOOP MOVING THROUGH INHOMOGENEOUS FIELD If loop of wire is moved through a region of static magnetic field which is a function position, the flux threading the 100p changes as the loop moves and an emf is generated. Consider the rectangular loop of wire (Fig. 3.3b) translated in the x direction with velocity 0 through a z-directed static magnetic field which varies linearly with x, Cx. If the left—hand edge is at x O at t vi at time t, and the 0, it is at x B: magnetic flux threading the loop is a of = = = Ut+a JB~dS=bf S ‘2 2 Ut+a dexzbci 2 m The induced emf is then the time rate of change = U! 3:2 (th + (9) a) of this flux, d —§E-dl=-JB'dS=ban dt This result field v and on can (10) 5 by finding the motional field in the four sides using (6). The along the top and bottom. On the left it is -vi vC(x + a). Thus the integral is be checked X B is normal to the wires the right side, — ~§ agreeing with the result 3.4 Faraday’s law is but E- (11 = va(x + (1) ~ vax = [3an (11) (10). CONSERVATION OF CHARGE AND THE CONCEPT OF DISPLACEMENT CURRENT one of the fundamental laws for changing for the moment that certain of the laws derived for static fields in fields. Let Chapters us assume 1 and 2 can 122 Chapter Maxwell’s 5 Equaticfms simply to time—varying fields. We will write the divergence of electric and magnetic fields in exactly the same form as in statics, with the understanding that all field and source quantities are functions of time as well as of space. For the curl of electric field we take the result of Faraday’s law, Eq. 3i2(5). For the curl of magnetic field, we take for the time being the form from statics, Eq. 2.7(2). be extended Vfl=p m g V-BzO (2) i an VXE——‘é; (3) VxH=J (4) An elimination among these equations can be made to charge and current. We would expect this to show that give an equation relating however p varies with space or time, total charge is conserved. If current flows out of any volume, the amount of charge inside must decrease, and if current flows in, charge increases. Considering a of current per unit time and smaller and smaller volume, in the limit the outward iiiside flow per unit volume (which is recognized as the divergence of current density) must give the negative of the time rate of change of charge per unit volume at that point: ._____a_p VJ~ at l If, however, we take the divergence of J from (5) (4), vu=vwxm30 which does not agree with the similar to this, recognized that continuity argument and (5). Maxwell, by reasoning (4), borrowed from statics, is not complete for time— varying fields. added term aD/at: V J He postulated an 61) Continuity is now satisfied, substituting from (1): as X H = + at may be shown by taking a V J“ azw (6) —— D)" the divergence of (6) and 8p :at (6) contributes to the curl of (magnetic field in the same way density (motion of charges in conductors) or convection current density (motion of charges in space). Because it arises from the displacement vector D, it has been named the displacement currenti term. There is an actual timeThe term added to form as an actual conduction current varying displacement of bound charges in a material ment current can be nonzero even in a vacuum. Thus dielectric, (6) but note that could be written displace- 3.5 where Physical Pictures of ‘23 Displacement Current conduction or convection current density in amperes per square meter and aD/at amperes per square meter. displacement current density The displacement current term is important within the dielectric of a capacitor when~ ever the capacitive voltage changes with time. It also always plays a role when moving charges induce currents in nearby electrodes. Both of these phenomena will be explored in the following section. Displacement current is negligible for many other lowfrequency problems. For example, it is negligible in comparison with conduction currents in good conductors up to optical frequencies. (This point will be explored more in Sec. 3.16.) But displacement current becomes important in more and more situations as the frequency of time-varying phenomena is increased. It is essential, along with the Faraday law terms for electric field, to the understanding of all electromagnetic wave phenomena. Jd JC 2 = = 3.5 PHYSICAL PICTURES OF DISPLACEMENT CURRENT The displacement current term enables one to explain certain things that would have proved inconsistent had only conduction or convection current been included in the magnetic field laws. Consider, for example, the circuit including the ac generator and the capacitor of Fig. 3.5a. Suppose that it is required to evaluate the line integral of magnetic field around the loop a~b—c-—d—a. The law from statics states that the result obtained should be the current enclosed, that is, the current through any surface of which the loop is a boundary. If we take as the arbitrary surface through which current is to be evaluated one which cuts the wire A, as does S I, a finite value is clearly obtained for the line integral. But suppose that the surface selected is one which does not cut the wire, but instead passes between the plates of the capacitor, as does 52. If conduction current alone were included, the computation would have indicated no current passing through this surface and the result would be zero. The path around which the integral is evaluated is the same in each case, and it would be quite annoying to possess two different results. It is the displacement current term which appears at this point to (b) (a) FIG. 3.5 Illustrations of how capacitor; (b) near a displacement moving charge. current completes the circuit: (a) in a circuit with .524 Chapter 3 Maxwell’s preserve the continuity of current between the answer in either case Equattoris of the plates capacitor, giving the same * continuity is preserved, consider an ideal parallel-plate capacitor capacitance C, spacing d, area of each plate A, and applied voltage V0 sin cot. From circuit theory the charging current is E To show how this of IC The field inside the capacitor = has C a = E; wCVO cos (1) wt i E magnitude = V/ d so the displacement current density IS ‘ Ja Total by = 88E 83; = Vo — we cos d displacement current flowing between the plates density of displacement current: w; is (2 ) t the area of the plate multiplied the A 1d = A1, = m(%->VO (3) cos wt The factor in parentheses is recognized as the electrostatic capacitance for the ideal parallel-plate capacitor, so (1) and (3) are equal. This value for total displacement current flowing between the capacitor plates is then exactly the same as the value of charging current flowing in the leads, calculated by the usual circuit methods above, so the displacement current does act to complete the circuit, and the same result would be obtained by the use of either S1 or $2 of Fig. 3 50, as required Inclusion of displacement current is necessary for a valid discussion of another examplem which a charge region q (Fig 3.511) moves with velocity v. If the line integral of magnetic field18 to be evaluated about some loop A at a given instant, it should be possible to set it equal to the current flow for that instant through any surface of which A is a boundary. If the displacement current term were ignored, we could use any one of the infinite number of possible surfaces, as S 1, havirig no charge passing through, and obtain the result zero. If one of the surfaces is selected, as 52, through which charge is passing at that instant, however, there is a contribution from convection current and a nonzero result. The apparent inconsistency is resolved when one notes that the electric field arising from the moving charge must vary with tithe, and thus will actually give rise to a displacement current term through both of the surfaces S1 and $2. The sum of displacement and convection currents for the two surfaces is the same at the given instant. .. Z'l;-'_'.i;';';gang-(1.5;. Example CLIRRENTS INDUCED BY A A” J. -'--'.:.-: ,-.:::-.. --:-: ., K 5:»...... .:-*_' mi;...... 3. 5 SLAB OF CHARGE MOVING IN A PLANAR DIODE planar vacuum diode, as sketched in Fig. 3.5c, the cathode has been pulsed to produce a slab of charge moving from cathode to anode} The density of charge is taken In a 3.5 Physlcal Plctures of 125 Dlsplacement Current V0 Slab of charge FIG. 3.5c as a uniform pot Width is w moving between parallel platest and at time t the left-hand velocity vi We note that the linearly for x' < x < x' + w, x’ moving with edge is at x electric field EII is independent of x for x < x’, varies and is again independent of x for x > x’ + w, Its integral = is p pWI , evo=Efld+fw<d—x>—g—E Then the electric fields for the three x’ + w < x < d are, regions 0 (Prob. 3.5b), respectively @LW __fi E-“_ < .r x’, x’ < x < 1- d+s d+w2d1 V ,w p < V0 Pow — =v— d+sd BE“ 8E2 _x w = fi 6x’ = __ p” powu _, d d at gives velocity 1). (7 ) w : at a (5) 6 0 2 at e and W A"+— a g. w, w function of time and differentiation with respect to time Thus displacement current density for the three regions is But x’ is + (4) BIZ:—Z“+;°[x(gei>+w(E—t)+x] 5‘3 x’ 2 pov<d 1) _ Mai, - : M (8) (9) 326 Chapter To the displacement Maxwell’s 5 Equatlolns density of the region within the charge, given by (8), we density pov so that the sum of convection and displacement each region, and this will also be the current per unit area current add the convection current currents is the same for induced in the plane electrodes. i MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION FORM 3.6 I, Rewriting the we group of equations of Sec. 3.4 with the displacement current term added, have V'DZP (1) V-B=0 (2) 613 V x E (3) =—— at 6D v x H This set of equations, together z with certain J +— a: auxiliary I (4) 1 reIlations and definitions, is the electricity magnetism, governing all electromagfrom zero frequencies phenomena through the highest-frequency radio waves (and many phenomena at light frequencies) and in the range of sizes above atomic size. The equations were first written (not in the above notation) by Maxwell in 1863 and are known as Maxwell’s equations. The material in the sections preceding this should not be considered a derivation of the laws, for they cannot in any real sense basic set of equations of classical and in the range of netic be derived from less fundamental laws. Their ultimate experimental laws, in that they have predicted justification correctly, comes, and continue to as with all predict, all wide range of physical experience. is a set of differential equations, relating the time and electromagnetic phenomena The foregoing set of equations space rates of change of the various over a use field of these will be demonstrated in the quantities at a Ipoint in space and time. The following chapters Equivalent large-scale equations will be given in the following section. The major definitions and auxiliary relations information are as 1. For ce Law and point of View, merely the definition of the charge (1 moving with velocity v through an a magnetic field of flux density B, the forceIS This is, from fields. For one a Definition of Conduction Current J where o- is conductivity the (Ohm’s Law) = as in Siemens/meter. A/mz For electric electric (5) f=q[E+va]1£\I 2. complete I follows: magnetic field E and . that must be added to a conductor, (6) 3.6 3. Definition of Convection Current Vp, the current density is J 4. 127 Maxwell’s Equations in Differential Equation Form For = a charge density = SE moving with velocity A/m2 pr (7) Definition of Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) The related to the electric field intensity E by the relation D p = electric flux density D is 8r80 E (8) 12 where 80 is the permittivity of space R“-8.854 X 10““ F/m and a, characterizes the effect of the atomic and molecular dipoles in the material. As with static fields (Sec. 1.3) e, or 8,, is, in the most general case, anisotropic function of space, time, and the strength of the applied field. But for many materials it is a scalar constant, and unless specifically noted otherwise, the text and a will be concerned with rials for which 5. 8 is a homogeneous, isotropic, linear, and time-invariant mate- scalar constant. Definition of Permeability intensity H by The magnetic flux density B is related to the magnetic where #0 is the permeability of space 4n X 10‘7 H/m and Mr measures the effect of the magnetic dipole moments of the atoms constituting the medium (Sec. 2 2.3). In general it and It, are anisotropic and functions of space, time, and magnetic field strength, but unless otherwise noted they will be considered scalar constants, representing homogeneous, isotropic, linear, and time-invariant materials. Example 3.6 NONARBITRARlNESS OF FORMS WHICH SATISFY MAXWELL'S EQUATlONS Much of the work for the remainder of the text will be in finding forms that are solutions interrelationship among electric and magnetic field comequations. defined Maxwell’s ponents by equations means that we cannot select arbitrary functions for any one component. To illustrate the point, let us consider a capacitor formed by of Maxwell’s concentric The spherical conductors with an ideal dielectric between. As in Ex. 1.4c, Gauss’s give the electrostatic solution for the dielectric region as law and symmetry Dir/313:1“ Q "J 4777‘“ where Q is the charge on the might expect the solution inner sphere. Ext For a sinusoidally time—varying charge, Oasinmt (10) one (11) 123 Chapter in EquationsE Maxwell's 3 coordinates shows that it: is zero, A check of V-(eE) charge-free dielectric. But consider the Maxwell spherical as expected for the equationi 6H V X E: electric field of the form — “‘ at zero, so H can (11) is The curl of an independent of time. But then the other curl ( 12 ) — only be a function equation 6E V X H“ J + ‘ cannot be satisfied since but V X H is are zero (13) —- (it for the ideal dielectric, «SE/at by (11) is time-varying of time. Thus (11), though it- may be a useful quasistatic is not a true solution of Maxwell’s equations. Proper solutionsin spher- independent approximation, ical form J is s discussedin Chapter 10. i I 5. 3.7 MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS It is also convenient to have the information of integral form applicable to overall 3.2) for Eqs. 3.6(1)—3.6(4) Maxwellis equations in large-scale or paths discussion of Faraday’s law (Sec. of finite size. This is of regions of space and started with in the the type of relation that we when we derived the differential course LARGE-SCALE FORM IN expression from itI The large-scale equivalents 1 are §D~dS=fpdV (I) ng‘dS=0 (2) V S S i at E-dl=——— B-dS (its . 3gH-dlsz-dS+2-J’D‘ds 815! 5 (3) (4) (2) are obtained by integrating respectively Eqs. 3.6(1) and 3.6(2) applying the divergence theorem. Equations (3) and (4) are obtained by integrating, respectively, Eqs. 3. 6(3) and 3. 6(4) over a surface and applying Stokes’ s theorem For example, integrating Eq. 3. 6(1), Equations (1) over a and volume and fV-DdV=deV v and applying the divergence v theorem to the left-hand side, (1) follows. Equation (1) is 3.8 seen to 129 Maxwell’s Equations for the Time-Periodic Case be the familiar form of Gauss’s law utilized concerned with fields that so much in Chapter 1. Now that function of time, the interpretation is that the electric flux flowing out of any closed surface at a given instant is equal to the charge enclosed by the surface at that instant. we are are a Equation (2) states that the surface integral of magnetic field or total magnetic flux flowing out of a closed surface is zero for all values of time, expressing the fact that magnetic charges have not been found in nature. Of course, the law does not prove that such charges will never be found; if they are, a term on the right similar to the electric charge term in (1) will simply be added, and a corresponding magnetic current term will be added to (3). We will later find situations in which fictitious magnetic charges and currents will be helpful and may be added to the equations. Equation (3) is Faraday’s law of induction, stating that the line integral of electric field about a closed path (electromotive force) is the negative of the time rate of change of magnetic flux flowing through the path. The law was discussed in some detail in Sec. 3.2. is the generalized Ampere’s law including Maxwell’s displacement integral of magnetic field about a closed path is to the total current (conduction, convection, and dis~ force) (magnetomotive equal the The placement) flowing through path. physical significance of this complete law Equation (4) current term, and it states that the line has been discussed in Secs. 3.4—3.5. 3.8 MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS FOR THE TIME~PERIODIC CASE By far the most important time-varying case is that involving steady-state ac fields varying sinusoidally in time. Many engineering applications use sinusoidal fields. Other functions of time, such as the pulses utilized in a digitally coded system, may be considered a superposition of steady-state sinusoids of different frequencies. Fourier analysis (Fourier series for periodic functions and the Fourier integral for aperiodic functions) provides the mathematical basis for this superposition. Rather than using real sinusoidal functions directly, it is found convenient to introduce the complex exponential e1“. Electrical engineers are familiar with the advantages of this approach in the analysis of ac circuits, and physicists use the complex exponential in a variety of physical problems with sinusoidal behavior. The advantage, which comes from the fact that derivatives and integrals of ejw’ are proportional to ejw’ so that the function can be canceled from all equations, is even more important for the vector field problems than for scalar problems such as the circuit example. It is assumed that the reader has used this technique before in circuit analysis or other physical problems, but if review is needed, the use in analysis of a simple electrical circuit may be found in Appendix 4. Formally, the set of equations 3.6(l)-—3.6(4) is easily changed to the complex form by replacing a/ar by jw: V-D ll V~BmO (1) (2) 139 Chapter Maxwell’s 3 V X E Equatiops —ij = (3) VXH=J+ij§ And the auxiliary relations, Eqs. 3.6(6)——3.6(9), J = 0E D = SE (4) remain conductors; for (5) I = (6) ereoE ’ B Equations 3.6(5) and nonlinear terms in the = pH MOH = <7) i 3.60) should be used with instantaneous values because of the equations. The constitutive paraineters ,LL and s, are in general frequency. Materials for which frequency dependence is important are i dispeisz've. It must be recognized that the symbolsin the equations of this article have a different meaning from the same symbols usedin Sec. 3.6. There they represented the instantaneous values of the indicated vector and scalar quantities. Here they represent the complex multipliers of 6}”, giving the in—phase and out-of-phase parts with respect to the chosen reference. The complex scalar quantities are lcommonly referred to as phasors, and by analogy the complex vector multipliers of ej‘fi" may be called vector phasors. It would seem less confusing to use a different notation for the two kinds of quantities, but one quickly runs out of symbols. The difference is normally clear from the context, and when thereIS danger of confusion, we will use functional notation to denote the time-varying quantities. If we wish to obtain the instantaneous values of a given quantity from the complex functions of called value, we that the insert the 61“" and take the real part. For value of p is example, p where p, and Pi are pr + = for the scalar p suppose i complex (8) jp; real scalars The instantaneous value of p is then p(t)== Re[(pr + jpi)"‘"] = pr COS wt - pi sin wt (9) Or, alternatively, if p is given in magnitude and phase, i = (plejflp <10) I where lpl = VP? p? + I 6p The true a - tan ~1 E; Pr 5, time-varying form is p(t) For _ vector quantity, = Re[|p|ej(“"+‘9p)] such as = lplcos(ti)t E, the complex value + 6p) rhay be written (11) E where E and E. are E(t) '53? Maxwell's Equations for the Time-Periodic Case 5.8 = 13:r + jEi : E, (12) real vectors. Then = + Re[(E, jEi)ej“”] cos (or -~ Ei Sin wt (13) Note that Er and E,- have the same directions in space only for certain special cases. they are in the same direction, the vector phasor (12) can be expressed as a vector “magnitude” and a scalar phase angle, but in the general case, when they are in differ~ ent directions, the six scalar quantities defining the two vectors must be specified (Prob. 3.8a). When Example 3.8 A PHASOR SOLUTION OF MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS As an example later find to be of phasor solutions, let us consider important as standing waves: E DO : J V Let us show that these do rectangular COS(CU , the satisfy -\ the / following fields, which we will (15) #080X) #080 phasor forms of Maxwell’s coordinate components of (3) and (4), with J == 0, equations. The needed are 813 —1 6H. 1 -—-‘ = C!) —— BB- —i = ,LLO 6x 6x Substitution of (14) and (15) (16) ——ij2 = 8): ~jcasoEy gives p" 00—130 sm(w\/ M0801) j)2cuDo sin(wV/.L080x) —- V = - 1““0 divergences (18) #030 VP“ ______0_Pv30 __JDow cos(wV #08015) The (17) of V (14) and (15) are 6: (15) are 6E 0 and ——’ (19) #080 also found to be BB- ——‘ So the forms (14) and M cos(wV/.Loaox) zero: , -:-= —=_ 0 6y solutions of the phasor Maxwell equations for this (20) source- 132 free Chapter region. If we wish the Bz(x, t) E y (x z‘) = = 5 time-varying forms, Re[Bzej“”] Re[Ey ejw’] Equationjs Maxwell’s = we insert ejw‘ and take the real part: D0 sin(wV M08017) DO = V sin (21) wt cos(w\/)u.080x) (22) cos wt #030 Exampfies ofi use of Maxwefifi’sr Equations 3.9 MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS AND WAVES PLANE l equations still more concrete, let us show how equations predict the propagation of uniform plane gelectromagnetic waves. Such waves illustrate the interplay of electric and magnetic effects and are also of great fundamental and practical importance. Let us begin from the time-varying forms of Sec. 3.6. We postulate a simple medium with constant, scalar permittivity and permeO, J -'—- O). Maxwell’s equations are ability and with no free charges and currents (p To make the information of Maxwell’s the = then V-D=O (1) : V~B=0 a3 VXE= ——= ~— a: VXH=Q=3 6t For uniform plane (2) aH “at (3) —— ! m é at m + waves, we assume variation in only z direction of direction. Take this one rectangular coordinate system. Then la/ax us start with the two curl equations (3) and (4) in specialization defined above, the a rectangular i 6H VXE=———leadsto H at 6E; ._._2___ 0 and = p” ———-‘5=— 62 0 k as 0. Let at (5 ) 6H 6E i — coordinates. With the 6Hx __ 32 a/ay— = .U» ——y at 3H: ‘M at ( 6) (7) 133 Maxwell’s Equations and Plane Waves 3.9 6H ____>’_ 62 ( 6E VXH23— 6E. z 8 __.\ 62‘ (8) 6E, leadsto aH'r-r—e—J < 6t 62 at 0 GEz = 8 at L (9) ( 10 ) (10) show that the time-varying parts of Hz and E2 are zero. Thus the entirely transverse to the direction of propagation. The remaining equations break into two independent sets, with (5) and (9) relating Ey and Hx, and (6) and (8) relating Ex and Hy. The propagation behavior is illustrated by either set. Choose the set with Ex and H differentiating (6) partially with respect to z and (8) with respect to t: Equations (7) fields of the and wave are , a212, 62Hy ' - :2 -- 82?— Substitution of the second “ 62Hy —— equation at 32 into the first yields 62E. . = M8 622 62E. ' z ’ az a: 8 62‘2 aZEx (11) 61‘2 important partial differential equation (1 l) is a classical form known as the oneequation, having solutions that demonstrate propagation of a function (a “wave”) in the z direction with velocity The dimensional wave p4 c: (12) H is To show this, test a solution of the form z E_‘.(z, t) = z f1<t ~) f2<r —) (13) + + - v v Differentiating, 6E.1 I = 62E? I! prime I f2 II 1+f2 61:2”: where the + 1 at 6E. ____.1 1 : I ____~ 82 Ufl aZE'X 1 I! 1 + I _ Ufz 1 I! azgzij—Zl+i}—2f2 denotes differentiation of the function with respect to the entire ar— gument, and the double prime denotes the corresponding second derivative. Comparison of the two second derivatives shows that (11) is satisfied by such a solution with 1) given by (12). the as z The first term of the solution in direction with illustrated in Fig. (13) represents a function f1 moving in To show this consider the function f1 (2) at various times velocity 3.9. To keep on a constant reference of this wave, we must maintain v. 134 Maxwell's 5 Chapter Equatlpns Ex(t) FIG. 3.9 A general wave of electric field versus distance for three different times. t the argument 1 to keep on a 2/0 equal to — a implying a velocity dz/ dt f2 traveling in the negative 2 direction constant, = of “fwaves ’so that the name 1 v = = ll = c V (477 x second term represents the function Thus the v. *- with velocity “wave thought The velocity v defined by (12)13 found In particular, for free space as v. Similarly, implies a velocity dz/dt we must keep 1‘ + z/v a in] (12) constant. This constant reference of the second term v. Theseis moving functions may be equation” to be the velocity explained. of light for the medium i 10-7 x 8.85419 >< iii-”rm #080 (14) 2.9979 x 108 m/s : 1 (Note that to three significant figures, this is the 3 X 108 m/s, corresponding to 30 taken as 1/3611 remembered value conveniently X 10"9 F/m.) This equivalence between the velocity of light and the predicted velocity of electromagnetic Maxwell to establish For of the a medium plane electromagnetic phenomenon with relative permittivity a and relative permeability wave light waves helped as an ,ur, the velocity is then (15) Example 3.9 SINUSOIDAL WAVE The most common and useful wave solutionis one varying sinusoidally1n space and time. Consider the function i l Egg, 1) which is a special differentiations: case of (13). = A sin To w(z g) (16) -— show that lit satisfies (11), .. perform the Uniform Plane Waves with 3.10 azEx (1)2 = 672 ,us But since can stay v2 = on a (,us)’ 1, maximum aZEx ., = 61‘2 this is a or crest w<t —) — z , t 3111 a) “55A (l7) *- 5 2 . -—,u,8w‘A SlIl a) t (411 = (18) - 5 solution. To show that it is of the function if 0 135 Steady-State Sinusoids a “wave,” we see that we we set +1): 2 22 = 0,1,2,... or (411 vI - l)'n'v + (19) ———-~ 260 so that the crest does 3.10 move in the z direction with UNIFORM PLANE WAVES velocity v as time progresses. STEADY-STATE SINUSOIDS WITH To Show the usefulness of the us complex phasor approach for steady-state sinusoids, let important special case. Replacement of Eqs. 3.9(6) and 3.9(8) complex phasor equivalents, obtained by replacing time derivatives with jw, continue with this with the yields dEt . = 71;; dHy ~72: Here we amt/11.. <1) _ == stEx have utilized the total derivative with respect to 2 since that is now the (1) with respect to z and substitution of (2) yield (2) only variable. Differentiation of dzE‘. (172' = - wzueEx (3) equation, Eq. 3.9(11), but now written in phasor equation. It could also be obtained by replacing 62/62‘2 with w2 in Eq. 3.9(11). Solution is in terms of exponentials, as can be verified by substituting in (3) This is the equivalent form. It is called a of the wave one~dimensi0nal Helmholtz _, cle‘j": Ex + €28ij (4) where k = WE <5) 136 Chapter Equatidns Maxwell’s 3 frequently in wave problems. It is a constant of the medium particular angular frequency a) and is frequently called the wave number. It may be written in terms of the velocity v defined by Eq. 3.9( 12): The constant k will be met for a also k=— The first term of (4) is one that its changes (6) phase linearly with z becoming increas- positivez7direction. This behavior18 as one moves in the Re[Exej"”] Re[cle“jkzej“’3’ lagging interpretation that the sinusoidIS travehn g in the positive 2 direction with velocity v, resulting in a phase constant k rad/n1. The second term of (4) is delayed (becomes more negative) in phase as one moves in the negativez direction and so represents a negatively traveling wave with the same phase constant. To show the exact correspondence of this approach with that of Sec. 3.9, let us convert the phasor form to a time—varying form by tlie rules given in Sec. 3.8. We multiply the phasor by the exponential ejw’ and take the real part of the product: ingly negative or consistent with the Ex(z, t) For simplicity, = = + c2521“: em] (7) take (31 and 62 to be real. Then Exe, t) = c1 cos(a)t 61 cos k2) -— + c2 w<t E) _ 1) cosi(wt + 62 cos l + k2) (8a) w<t :7) + (8b) v Following the interpretation of Sec. 3.9, we see two trial sinusoids, the first traveling in the positive 2 direction with velocity v and the second traveling in the negative 2 direction with the same velocity. The result is then exactly as in Sec. 3.9. Figure 3.10a shows the sinusoidal variation of Ex with 2 at a particular instant (say 0). This pattern moves to the right with velocity v if it is a positively traveling wave and to the left if it is negatively traveling. The distance between two planes with 3 the same magnitude and direction of E phase changes by 277 is called wavelength distance for which )1 and18 found by the i I ! [smug -z/v) at t =0 U FIG. 3.10:1 traveling Sinusoidal function plotted versus wave, the function progresses in the distance for positive 2 ojne instant of time. For diredtion with velocity v. a positively 5.10 uniform Plane Waves with 137 Steady-State Sinusoids A=——=——=— where Let f us solution is frequency. Figure 3.10!) shows electric field vectors of a sinusoidal magnetic fields. Returning to the complex forms, we (4) in the differential equation (1): also look at the _l_ dEx “jaws 3) Using (9) the definition of k from —— 8 H),(z, t) = equivalent the [cleflkz - czejkz] (10) (5), Hy The instantaneous use k __. 3;; dz wave. = $1: .,_ [Cite—1’“ -- 6281“] (11) of this is Re[H),(z)ej“"] = J}: [C1 cos(wt —- k2) - c2 cos(wt + 1(2)] (12) [.L V ,u/e for the negatively positively traveling wave and is for problems of wave transtraveling wave. The consequences of these relationships in mission and reflection are discussed Chapter 6. So Ex/H), is V ,u/a for the -— )— r l°l _,. O 4.. <—« —>- «<—<— —>a <— 4(— 0 _;,. —)— O <— i ‘ l ———> Extends tOoo -(—- O ——> Vectors showing magnitude and direction of electric field in a sinusoidal, uniform filling the half-space O S 2 for one instant of time. For a positively traveling wave, pattern moves to right with velocity 1 / V M8. FIG. 3.10b plane wave 138 Chapter dimensional one- cause it illustrates EquatioIns THE WAVE EQUATION IN THREEI DIMENSIONS 3.l I The Maxwell's 5 example wave important practical problems precedingI two studied in the sections is and also because it is important be- useful model for many Nevertheless we have to be‘concemed with wave behavior behavior simply, a three dimensions also. To derive the equation governing such phenomena let specialize to simple media in which a and ,u. are scalar constants and assume no free charges or convection currents within the region of concern. We may then return to the special form of Maxwell’s equations given as Eqsl 3.9(1) to 3.9(4). Take the curl of Eq. 3.9(3), interchanging time and space partial derivatives: in two or still us VxVXE=—M§E(V>,<H) The left side is magnetic field expanded by a vector identity. (See the right side utilizes Eq. 3. 9(4). iriside back cover.) The curl of : on __ 2 V E 62E 6E + V(V . source-free dielectric, V D V E 0 also. Then For (1) a E) = =1 .._ --s--(”)1— _ __ [rat O and, if 61‘ a [L8 ,, (2) is not a function of space coordinates, i' = V3E= 62E (3) ‘LL 3—— at2 This is the three-dimensional wave equation to be derived. It will be found useful in a in to be considered as the later, problems analysis of propagating modes of variety a waveguide, resonant modes of a cavity resonator, or radiating waves from an antenna. Note that the vector equation breaks into three scalar ;equations, and for rectangular of coordinates it separates into three scalar V2E_ and we similarly for By have the = 8 = " 8 622 The here, wave as can form: (4) 2 O and a/ay 6/6): studied in 1Sec. equation 62153,. same 62E, a: and E-. Note that if one dimensional wave equations of the wave 6~Ex 62‘2 ‘2 O, V2is just a /622 and 3. 9. (5) equation applies also to magnetic field forIthe simple medium considered by taking the curl of Eq. 3.9(4)1 and substituting Eq. 3.9(3) to be shown obtain VZH In complex or phasor 62H == [.LE gt? (6) notation these reduce to three-dimensional Helmholtz equa~ 3. 12 Power Flow in Electromagnetic (lg/at2 tions, obtained by replacing phasor with - seen that the wave 13? forms == ~k2E (7) V2H = -k2H (8) k2 = (ages (9) 3.i n RECTANGULAR Box FOR A equation has traveling—wave solutions. boundary conditions. Consider It also has standing» solutions under proper Ex We Theorem VZE Example wave Poynting’s cu2 in (3) and (6): RESONANT WAVE SOLUTION We have Fields: use the .r = C out lg): sin kyy sin kzz (10) component of (7), expressed in rectangular coordinates: 62E, Iii-7 Carrying cos the 82E, 6y2 6213,. - 822 ”IRE“, (11) differentiations, - EE —— kgE - TEE = - = k2 EE or k3. So the shall phase constants in k§ + k3. (12) in the three directions must be related by the condition (12). We boundary conditions at the of waves in a rectangular cavity 10 that this relation, combined with Chapter conducting walls, gives see + the conditions for resonance resonator. 3.12 POWER FLOW IN ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS: POYNTING'S THEOREM preceding sections have shown how electromagnetic waves may propagate through space or a dielectric. We know from experience that such waves can carry energy. The sun’s rays, which are now known to be electromagnetic waves, warm us. The radio waves from a distant antenna bring power, admittedly small, to drive the first amplifier stage of a receiver. For lumped electrical circuits we express power through voltage The electromagnetic fields, we can find a similar but more general relationship giving power and energy relationships in terms of the fields. The resulting theorem, Poynting’s theorem, is one of the most fundamental and useful relationships of electromagnetic theory. and current. For 14% Maxwell’s chapter 3 We start with the 3.6) and write the forms (Sec. time-varying Equatirims two curl equations of Maxwell: an V x E = (l) i ——— at VXH=J+% An equivalence of vector operations (inside back m cover) shows that H-(VxE)-—E'(VXH):Y;-(EXH) If and products involving (1) — (2) are now be as indicated;a (3) becomes an an H -—-———E--——E J: integrated vi- (E at 6t This may taken over (3) XH ) (4) the volume of concern: as an at 6 [(H*+E—+EJ>W= fV-(EXHMV V From the divergence theorem (Sec. 1.11), the volume integral integral of E x H over the boundary of div(E x H) equals the surface [(H-@+EH§2+EJ)W= —f(ExH)-ds This is the since we at 62‘ V important Paynting’s theorem and in this form is so far made no specializations with respect to have time-invariant media (5) a can 8-H valid for general media the medium. For linear, be recast into the form a D-E L[5§< )+5}<'—"2)+E-J]dv__£(ExH)'dS 2 Problem 3.12f shows that (5) is (6) (6) is consistent with (5) for isotropic media. Equation (6) is anisotropic media (Prob. 13.80). The term 3E2/ 2 was shown (Sec. 1.22) to represent the energy storage per unit volume for ant electrostatic field. If this interpretation is extended by definition to any electric field,3 the second term of (6) represents also valid for the time rate of increase of the stored energy in the electric fields of the region. Similarly, MHZ/2 is defined as the density of energy storage foi a magnetic field, the first term if represents the time rate of increase of the stored energy in the magnetic fields of the region. The third term represents either the ohmic powerI loss if J is a conduction current density or the power required to accelerate charges if I is a convection current arising from moving charges. Both of these cases will be illustrated in the examples at the end of this section. Also, if there is an energy source, E l is negative for that source and - 3 For an excellent discussion of the arbitrariness of Electromagneticlheory. p. 733. McGraw-Hiil. thesei definitions, refer to J. A. Sircn‘ton. New York. 794 i. 3.12 Power Flow in represents energy flow out of the externally. Thus the term unit time. Changing sign, ‘41 Electromagnetic Fields: Poynting’s Theorem region. All the right represents net energy change must be supplied the energy flow into the volume per the rate of energy flow out through the enclosing surface is on the W H 3gP-ds (7) E X H (8) S where P and is called the Poynting = vector. it is known from the proof only that total energy flow out of a region per given by integral (6), it is often convenient to think of the vector P defined by (8) as the vector giving direction and magnitude of energy flow density at any point in space. Though this step does not follow strictly, it is a most useful interpretation and one which is justified for the majority of applications. (But Although unit time is see the total surface Prob. 3.1221.) It should be noted that there the electromagnetic we see field. that it will be are cases Accepting zero the for which there will be foregoing interpretation when either E or H is zero or power flow through of the Poynting vector, no when the two vectors are mutually parallel. Thus, for example, there is no power flow in the vicinity of a system of static charges that has electric field but no magnetic field. Another very important case is that of a which perfect conductor, by definition must have a zero tangential component of electric field at its surface. Then P can have no component normal to the conductor and there can be no power flow into the perfect conductor. Example 3.12a OHMIC Loss To demonstrate the interpretation of the theorem, let us take the simple example of a length, the resistance per unit the electric field in the wire is known from Ohm’s law to be round wire carrying direct current I: (Fig. 3.12). If R is E, The magnetic field at the surface, or at any H The Poynting vector P = E X H is = == 13R radius r outside the wire, is —‘ (9) 45 everywhere radial, directed toward the axis: RI ‘3' P.I We then make an integration 2‘ over a *E-H 4’ : " cylindrical (10) - 2772‘ surface of unit length and radius equal E42 Chapter FIG. 3.12 Round wire with Maxwell’s 3 Equatiojns Poynting vector directed radiallyinward to supply power for ohmic Q losses. Q of the wire (there is no flow through the ends of the cylinder since P has no component normal to the ends). All the flowis through the cylindrical surface, giving to that a power flow inward of amount W = 2m'(-P,.) I;R = (11) We know that this result does represent the correct power flow into the conductor, being giving the correct density of dissipated in heat. If we accept the Poynting vector as battery or other source of energy as Qenergy flows through the field power flow at each point, we must then picture the setting up the electric and magnetic fields, so that the and into the wire surface. The Poynting theorem cannot be considered a interpretation, for it says only that the total power balance computed correctly in this manner, but the interpretation is through its proof of the correctness of this for a given region nevertheless a will be useful one. - Example 5.1% MOVING CHARGES 5 us next consider the example in which J is a convection current For simplicity take region containing particles of charge value q, mass m, and velocity vp. The convection current densityIS Let a J Where n is the density = pvp = of particles. From the force law F and the third term in the Poynting = qE= theorem (12) 12qu m the acceleration of charges is dvp E (13) (6)IS QVE.JdV L—VQ—w (nqv)dV== anaxv) (14) Poynting’s Theorem 5.15 .543 for Phasors which we recognize to be the rate of change of the total kinetic energy of the charge group. In this example we will not try to work out the right side of (6), but the E in that term is related to the accelerating field, the H is that from the convection current, and the Poynting theorem will always be satisfied.4 Example 5.12s POYNTING FLOW IN A PLANE WAVE look at the Poynting theorem applied to the plane electromagnetic wave preceding sections. The form of a sinusoidally varying wave with Ex and H), propagating in the positive 2 direction was shown to be Finally we studied in Ex EO cos(cor i Ji- H), The *- kz) E0 cos(wt Poynting vector is then in the z direction, flowing in that direction: -— (15) k2) (16) which is consistent with our interpretation that power is P: By the use of a = Eva 8 = Note that there is as E5 cosz(wt - kz) (17) this is also l l - 2 + ~ 2 cos 2(cot —- 1(2) (18) showing that the wave carries an average power, as time-varying portion representing the redistribution of stored maxima and minima of fields pass through a given region. a constant term There is also energy in space 7 “E5 p. expected. l~b trigonometric identity P: J; = ' a 3.13 POYNTING'S THEOREM FOR PHASORS importance of phasors for sinusoidal electromagnetic fields, we need Poynting theorem in phasor form also. It might seem that we could simply substitute in the time-varying theorem, Eq. 3.126), replacing 6/6: by jw, but this does not work since the expression is nonlinear, involving products of the fields. We start with Maxwell’s equations in complex form and derive the complex Poynting theorem by steps Because of the the 4 charges move through the surface surrounding the region, the net kinetic energy transport by the charge stream through the surface is also included. This is actually contained in the third term on the left as shown by L. Tonks, Phys. Rev. 54 863 ( 7938). If the 144 Maxwell’s Chapter 3 Equatiojns tune-varying:E field quantities. The parallel to those used for the theorem in equations in complex phasor form are (Sec. 3.8) V x E two curl l ~ij = (1) VXH=J+ij§ Consider the vector (2) identity (3) V-(EXH*)=H*‘(VXE)-§E‘(VXH*) where the asterisk denotes the substituted in this complex conjugate. eqiations (1) and (2) may V (E H*) x be ; identity: ~ now H* = (uij) - E 0* —- —- we (4) i This expression is volume V and the integrated through divergence theorem utilized: JV-(EXH*)JV=3€(EXH*)-ds ._f [E°J* +jw(H*'B -E'D*)]dV s V 3 = (5) :2 v l Equation (5) is the general Poynting theorem as it interpret, consider an isotropic medium in which all currents J 2 (TE so that a, ,u, and s are real scalars. applies to complex phasors. To lbsses occur through conduction Then (5) becomes .5 éman-ds: —f o-E-Ei‘dV-‘jcuf s v [{nH-H’F—eE-E’fldv (6) V5 integral on the right side represents power loss in the conduction just twice the average power loss. (SeeiAppendix 4.) Thus the real part of the complex Poynting flow on the left side can be related to this power loss. Or, interpreting the Poynting vector itself as a density of power flow as in Sec. 3.12, The first volume currents and is Pa The second volume = integral é-ReGE on the right War? H*) x of is proportional to volume and average (6) between average stored magnetic energy in the energy. Taking into account a factor of-é~ in the energy averaging of squares of sinusoids, Im f (E X we can H*) . S then d8 = interprget 4w(UE!m, ' where UEav is average stored energy in electric fields So the imaginary part of the Poynting flow through reactive power flowing back and forth to energy in the volume. (7) the difference stored electric expressions and another ~33- for the imaginary part of (6) as ~— UHav) (8) and UHav that in magnetic fields. the surface can be thought of as supply the instantaneous changes i in net stored 3.14 Continuity Conditions for Example AVERAGE POWER IN ac Fields at 8 5.13 UNIFORM PLANE WAVES To illustrate the average Poynting vector for the planeuwave case, let expressions for plane waves derived in complex form in Sec. 3.10: Ex €12”ij = The complex Poynting vector E X H* = \/: [616“1’“ density, by (7), P2W take the field —-jk: -— (9) cze jkz ] (10) is then p. and the average power \/~;—[cle ~— us 626ij + 8 _ Hy 145 Boundary 1 8 E L: _ -— cgejk‘jkfelk‘ + is in the a: 2 direction and a [610, -— C§6w1L°]Z - C262] W/m equal (11) to 2 (12) This equation states that the average power is simply the average power of the positively traveling wave minus that of the negatively traveling wave. The cross-product terms of (l l) contribute only to reactive power, that is, to the interchange of stored energy within the wave. 3.14 In the CONTINUITY CONDITIONS FOR AC FIELDS UNIOUENESS OF SOLUTIONS study of static fields, certain boundary such fields and were and AT A continuity BOUNDARY: conditions found essential in the solution of the field were problems by stated for the use of the differential equations. Similarly, for the use of Maxwell’s equations in differential we need corresponding boundary and continuity conditions. Consider first Faraday’s law in large-scale form, Eq. 3.2(3), applied to a path formed by moving distance Al along one side of the boundary between any two materials and returning on the other side, an infinitesimal distance into the second medium (Fig. 3.140). The line integral of electric field is equation form, %E Since the zero rate path is an ’ dl : (Etl .. Erz) Al (1) either side of the boundary, it encloses changing magnetic flux is zero so long as density is finite. Consequently, infinitesimal distance on area; therefore the contribution from of change of magnetic (E11 flux "“ BIZ) A] z 0 Of Etl : EIZ (2) 346 Chapter Maxwell’s Equations 3 fl :Etl WW ——"E 2 FIG. 3.14a Continuity of tangential elecm‘c field components at a dielectric boundary. Similarly, the generalized Ampére law in large—scale form, Eq. 3.7(4), may be applied like path with its two sides on the two sides of the boundary. Again zero area is enclosed by the path, and, so long as current density and rate of change of electric flux density are finite, the integral is zero. Thus, as in (2), to a Htl Or in vector form, by 3.140, (2) and (3) can Thus use (3) : t2 of the unit vector fi normal be written tangential components to: the boundary as shown in Fig. as fiX(E1-E2)=OE (4) fiX(H1“H2):O (5) of electric and magnetic field must be equal on the two sides of any boundary between physically real media. The condition (3) may be modified for an idealized case such as the perfect conductor where the current densities are allowed to become infinite. This The A5 are integral case is discussed form of Gauss’s law is separately Eq. 3.7(1). If in Sec. 3.15. two very small elements of area (Fig. 3.141)), one on either side of the boundary between any two surface charge density p, existing on the boundary, the application of considered materials, with a Gauss’s law to this elemental volume AS(D721 gives ““ D112) PS AS 3 or Dnl For a " D122 2 (6) P: charge-free boundary, Dnl That is, for = Dnz 01’ 81En1 .—.—.. :92En2 (7) charge-free boundary, normal components of electric flux density are a boundary with charges, they are discontinuous by the amount of the surface charge density. Since there is no magnetic charge term on the right of Eq. 37(2), 21 development corresponding to the above shows that always the magnetic flux density is continuous: a continuous; for ; Bnl : 3712 01' :u’IHnl .2: “2&1?! (8) time—varying case, which is of greatest importance to our study, the conditions tangential compoequations (or their and in these be obtained from the two curl equations form), may equivalent large-scale For the normal components are not independent of those given for the nents. The reason is that the former are derived from the divergence on 5.14 Continuity Conditions for FIG. 3.14b Diagram showing how discontinuity boundary is related to surface charge density. at a ac Fields at 8 147 Boundary in normal components of electric flux density in the time-varying case (Prob. 3.6b). The conditions on tangential components were large-scale equivalents of the curl equations. Hence, for the ac solutions, it is necessary only to apply the continuity conditions on tangential components of electric and magnetic fields at a boundary between two media, and the conditions derived from the on components may be used discontinuous, (6) tells the normal out to be as a check; if the normal components of D amount of surface charge that is induced turn on the boundary. procedure to prove the uniqueness of solutions of Maxwell’s equaphilosophy in Sec. 1.17. One assumes two possible solutions with the same given tangential fields on the boundary of the region of interest. The difference field is formed, and found to satisfy Poynting’s theorem in the form of Eq. 3.12(5). Stratton5 shows that for linear, isotropic (but possibly inhomogeneous) media, specification of tangential E and H on the boundary and of initial values of all fields at time zero is sufficient to specify fields uniquely within the region at all later times. The argument can be extended to anisotropic materials and certain classes of nonlinear uniqueness The tions follows the materials, but and H) or to not to materials that have multivalued relations between D and E (or B produce oscillations. In steady-state problems we “active” materials that not generally concerned with the specifications of initial conditions. Although the discussion has been given for a region with closed boundaries, uniqueness arguments also apply to open regions extending to infinity, provided certain radiation conditions are satisfied by the fields. These require that the products 2E and 1H remain finite as r approaches infinity6 and are satisfied by fields arising from real charge are and current important 5 b sources to the contained within potential a finite region. The extension to open formulation of the last part of this regions chapter. J. A. Strafion. Electromagnetic Theory, pp. 486-488, McGraw-Hill, New York, 794 I. 8. Silver, Microwave Antenna Theory and Design, p. 85, IEEE Press, New York, 7984. is 148 Chapter 3 Maxwell’s Equations BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AT A PERFECT CONDUCTOR FOR AC FIELDS 3.15 practical problems to treat good conductors (such as copper and other metals) as though of infinite conductivity when finding the form of fields outside the conductor. We will study the effect of large but finite conductivity It is a good approximation in many do, we will find that all fields and currents concentrate in a thin region or “skin” time—varying fields, and this region approaches zero thickness as the conductivity approaches infinity. Thus, on fields within the conductor in Sec. 3.16. When we near the surface for (infinite conductivity), we find lthat all fields are zero inside the conductor and any current flow must be only on the surface. The physical pr0perties for the perfect conductor perfect conductors are discussed in Sec. 13.4. Since the electric field is zero within the perfect conductor, continuity of tangential electric field at a boundary requires that the surface tangential electric field be zero just outside the boundary also, of E, and Eq. 3.114(6) gives 0 = the normal electric flux i density (1) as: I D" = (2) ps Furthermore, since magnetic fields also vanish inside the conductor, the continuity of magnetic flux lines, Eq. 3.14(8), indicates that statement of B II =0 (3) pointed out in the last section, however, the continuity independent of the condition on tangential E in the time- at the conductor surface. As was condition varying useful on normal B is not case. Thus, in the check solution, (3) follows from (1), but may sometimes be ac alternative boundary condition. tangential component of magnetic field is likewise zero inside the perfect conductor but is not in general zero just outside. This discontinuity would appear to violate the condition of Eq. 3.l4(3), but it will be recalled that a condition for that proof was that current density remain finite. For the perfect conductor, the finite current J per unit as a or as an The width is assumed to flow current density on the surface is infinite. The current as a discontinuity in sheet of zero tangential magnetic thickness, so field is found that by a construction similar to that of Fig. 3.14a. The current enclosed by the path is the current per unit width J flowing on the surface of the conductor of the tangential magnetic field at the surface. Then perpendicular to the direction §H-dI=H,d1=J,dz 01' 15 where sense 15 = H, A/m (4) ;= is current per unit width, called relations for (4) are a surface current density. The direction and given most conveniently by the vector form of the law below. To write the relations of (1)--(4) in vector notation, a unit vector 1‘1, normal to the Penetration of 3.16 Electromagnetic Fields into a Good Conductor 149 A FIG. 3.15 Conducting boundary with the normal unit vector. conductor at any given point and pointing from the conductor into the fields exist, is defined (Fig. 3.15). Then conditions (1)—(4) become: For region where fiXEno (5) firBzO (6) ps=fi'D (7) JszfiXH (8) problem, (5) represents the only required boundary condition at a perfect Equation (6) serves as a check or sometimes as an alternative to (5). Equa~ tions (7) and (8) are used to give the charge and current induced on the conductor by the presence of the electromagnetic fields. an ac conductor. 3.16 PENETRATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS INTO A GOOD CONDUCTOR equations have been illustrated by showing the wave behavior of electro~ magnetic good dielectrics. A second extremely important class of materials used in many electromagnetic problems is that of “good conductors.” Let us examine the basic behavior of electromagnetic fields in such conductors. The development in this and the following section will be for steady-state sinusoids using phasor notation, with the usual understanding that more general time variations may be broken up into Maxwell’s fields in a series those or continuous distribution of such sinusoids. The conductors of satisfying concern are Ohm’s law, J = GE (1) conductivity of the conductor. At optical frequencies metals are represented by a real constant 0', but the approximation is valid for microwaves and millimeter waves (Sec. 133). Substitution of (1) into the Maxwell equation 3.8(4) gives The constant a is the not well V X H =- (a + jw8)E It is easy to show that the assumption of Ohm’s law implies the absence of density. Since the divergence of the curl of any vector is zero, V-VXH=(0”+jwe)V‘E=O (2) charge 150 Chapter where have assumed we Maxwell's Equations 3 homogeneity V ' of and 0' D : p 8. = Thus 0 (3) simple picture of the situation in a conductor is that mobile electrons drift through positive ions, encountering frequent collisions. On the average, over a vol— ume large compared with the atomic dimensions but small compared with dimensions of interest in the system under study, the net charge is zero even though some of the charges are moving through the element and causing current flow. The net movement or “drift” in such cases is found proportional to the electric field. For metals and other good conductors, it is found that displacement current is neg— ligible in comparison with conduction current for microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies, and in fact is not measurable until frequencies are well into the infrared. For the present we concentrate on the important cases for which we in (2) is negligible in comparison with 0'. Thus, to summarize, the following specializations are appropriate to Maxwell’s equations applied to good conductors, and may in fact be taken as a definition of a good The a lattice of conductor. 1. Conduction current is 2. Displacement current given by is Ohm’s law, J negligible in a consequence of (1), the net conductors. 3. As To derive the differential 07E. =2 comparison charge With current, density is zero one << 0. for homogeneous equation which determines the penetration of the fields into first take the curl of the Maxwell curl equation for electric field, Eq. 3. 8(3), and make use of a vector identity (see inside cover) and the definition of permeability to obtain the conductor we back VxVxE=V(V-E)—V2E=,—jw,u.V><H Then using (3) and substituting (2) in (4) with displacement VZE Equations with forms identical to and current (5) current (4) neglected, we find J = can jqu‘E be found in (5) a similar way for magnetic field density: VZH = jwtw'H (6) VJ = jquJ (7) equations (5)—-(7) for the simple but useful example plane depth, with no field variations along the width or length dimension. This case is frequently taken as that of a conductor filling the half-space x > O in a rectangular coordinate system with the y—«z plane coinciding with the conductor surface, and is then spoken of as a “semi-infinite solid.” In spite of the infinite depth requirement, the analysis of this case is of importance to many conductors of finite extent, and with curved surfaces, because at high frequencies the depth over which We first consider the differential of a conductor of infinite Penetration of 3.16 Electromagnetic Fields into a '55? Good Conductor significant fields are concentrated is very small. Radii of curvature and conductor depth may then be taken as infinite in comparison. Moreover, any field variations along the surface due to curvature, edge effects, or variations along a wavelength are ordinarily small so compared with the variations into the conductor that For the uniform field situation shown in the z direction, we assume no they may be neglected. 3.16a with the electric field vector in Fig. variations with y or z and (5) becomes '7 .— jag/.MTEz = d1; 72E: = (8) where 4; 72 Since \/j j) / Vi (taking + (l = (9) jw/.L0' the root with the positive sign), r=(l+j)\/;Tm=l—5u (10) where 5 ———1——- - V A complete solution of (8) is in The field will increase to the The coefficient x = =- as exponentials: + Cle‘“ impossible may be written C1 of terms E2 (11) m 77pr (12) C26“ value of infinity at x = the field at the surface if 00 we unless let E2 C2 is zero. EO when = 0. Then E: Or, in terms of the quantity 6 defined E Since the equation where as H0 = 2': by (10) and magnetic field and the current density and JO are the = J2 = magnitudes (11), Egg—Vac ”ix/5 the electric field, forms identical to H, (13) E06“?t are (14) governed by the same differential (14) apply; that is, Hoe“"‘/5e"j"'/5 Joe"“'/‘Se of the (15) “Ix/5 magnetic (16) field and current density at the surface. (14)-—(l6) that the magnitudes of the fields and current decrease exponentially penetration into the conductor, and 5 has the significance of the depth at which they have decreased to 1/ 3 (about 36.9%) of their values at the surface, as indicated in Fig. 3.16a. The quantity 6 is accordingly called the depth of It is evident from the forms of with 152 Chapter Maxwell’s Equations 3 8 Plane solid FIG. 3.160 illustrating decay of current into conductor. 10'4 10-—1 00 3 00k )7 RsCu O!) O C: /r ,2§ / K 10'2 E23 “i 10*3 I E §10~*4 “5 ‘(~ 10—5 10-6 s g [ Y—BauCu-O 77 K L Q) E n 10‘7 g: Nb 4 K am +j) 1 0-5 E m 77 K (I) 10~6 11 \\ / / 0L) % 6/(1 +1) Y—~Ba-—Cu——O { 17; ‘5; 1‘ ‘(x / 4 = L 10—8 Nb 4 K 10-9 i 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (GHz) FIG. 3.16b Skin depth and surface resistance for 00pper at two temperatures and for two superconductors. Note that the skin depth for superconductors is (1 + j) times a real number, so penetration of fields and current density in Eqs. 3.16(14-16) have only the real exponential decay. internal 3.17 Impedance of a 153 Plane Conductor penetration, or Skin dept/2. The phases of the current and fields lag behind their surface values by x/ 5 radians at depth it into the conductor. The penetration depths for copper at room temperature (300 K) and 77 K are shown in Fig. 3.1617. Except for ferromagnetic and ferrite materials, p. ~ #0- Example 3.16 SKIN DEPTH IN AUDIO TRANSFORMER WITH IRON CORE An audio frequency transformer has ,u. lOOOuO. It is designed to work highest design frequency. From (11) = 5 = = (30772 Note that this is but with a x (77 more relative 15 x 103 x 106)“1/2 >< a core 103 = made of iron with x 477 x 0.058 X 10*7 10'"3 than 30 times smaller than for of permeability = cr 0.5 X 107 and up to 15 kHz. Let us find the skin a m x = 107)'-1/2 0.5 X 0.058 depth at this ( 17 ) mm material of the same conductivity unity. Advantageous electromagnetic behavior can be obtained in circumstances where cooling to cryogenic temperatures is possible if superconductors are used.7 For reasons to be explained in Sec. 13.4, the conductivity is complex and frequency dependent, and 8 is constant up to about 100 GHz at (1 + j) times the value of the dc penetration depth AS. Values of 6 found experimentally for niobium at 4 K and for the oxide superconductor YBazCu3O7m or simply Y—«Ba—«Cu—O, are shown in Fig. 3.16!) for comparison with the frequency—dependent values for copper. The oxide superconductor Y—Ba—Cu—O has an anisotropic crystal structure; it is assumed here that the highly conducting Cu—O planes are parallel to the surface. The behavior is otherwise more complicated. 3.17 INTERNAL IMPEDANCE OF A PLANE CONDUCTOR conductor or superconductor may be looked at as the it propagates into the conductor or from the point of plane view that induced fields from the time—varying currents tend to counter the applied The decay of fields into attenuation of a good wave as a especially applicable to circuits, in which case we applied field. Currents (resulting from GE) con— centrate near this surface and the ratio of surface electric field to current flow gives an internal impedance for use in circuit problems. By internal, we mean the contribution fields. The latter point of view is think of the field at the surface 7 as T. Van Duzer and C. W. Turner, the Principles of Superconductive Devices and Circuits, Sec. by Prentice Hall.) 3. l4, Elsevier, New York, 798 l. (To be reissued 154 to chapter impedance from the fields sistance term and ance contribution Maxwell’s 3 penetrating the Equations conductor. gives, in general, This a re- internal inductance, the latter to be added to any external inductarising from the fields outside the conductor. an flowing past a unit width on the surface of the plane conductor is by integrating the current density, Eq. 3.1606), from the surface to the infinite The total current found depth: J“ = f .1, dx f = o Joe"(1+1)("‘/5) o dx (1) , + (1 i The elecuic field at the surface is related to the 0 = currentidensity J) at the surface by J EEO Internal impedance for a unit ‘9' (2) 0' and unit width is length Z = A E20 ——— = 1 + = defined as j 3 —-— ’ With the further definition 2, Q R5 + ij, (4) We then have I R, = wLi : — /—-—7Tf" : 0'5 (5) 0~ 1 With real, the resistance and internal frequency. Equation (5) gives shows the dc 0'5 : (6) Rs . of such plane conductor are equal impedance ZS phase angle of 45 degrees. another interpretation of depth of penetration 6, for this equation that the skin-effect resistance of the semi-infinitegplane conductor is the same as resistance of a plane conductor of depth 6. That is, resistance of this conductor a" at any — The internal reactance thus hasl a a Table 5.1m Siam Effect Properties of Depth of Penetration a (m) Surface 2.52 x 5.80 x 107 0.0642f‘I/2 O.O826f“1/3 0.127f-1/90.066f“1/? 18 x 107 0.037f“‘/? Conductivity o— (S/rn) Silver 6.17 x 107 Aluminum 3.72 x 107 (300 K) (300 K) Brass (300 K) Copper (300 K) Copper (77 K) Typical Metais 1.57 x 107 i Resistivity 125 (9) 10‘7f1/2 10'7f1/2 5.01 x 10-7f1/2 2.61 x io-Vfl/2 1.5 x 10-7”2 3.26 x 5.17 internal Impedance of a 155 Plane Conductor Table 3.17!) Shin Effect Properties of Typical Superconductors Surface Complex Conductivity 0' YBaECu3O7_x (77 K) 8.2 x Niobium (4 K) 5.2 X 2 0"1 —jch(S/rn) Penetration A, 106 j20 x 1017f“ 106 -—jl75 X 1037f“1 — = Depth 6/(1 + j) (m) 250 x 10*9 85 X 10“9 Resistivity 95(0) 40 x 1.0 X 10"253c2 10““25]C2 with exponential decrease in current density is the same as though current were uniformly distributed over a depth 5. The resistance R5 of the plane conductor for a unit length and unit width is called the surface resistivity. For a finite area of conductor, the resistance is obtained by multiplying R, by length, and dividing by width since the width elements are essentially in parallel. Thus the dimension of RS is ohms or, as it is sometimes called, ohms per square. Like the depth of penetration 6, RS as defined by (5) is also a useful parameter in the analyses of conductors of other than plane shape, and may be thought of as a constant of the material at frequency f. Superconductors are somewhat different from the good conductor discussed above in having a complex conductivity with the result that the surface resistance and reactance terms are not equal. But the definitions in (3) and (4) still apply. Again, p. #0- They differ also in that R, increases as f2 rather than as fI/z, as in the case of a good conductor. Values of depth of penetration (skin depth) and surface resistivity are tabulated for several metals in Table 3.1'7a and are plotted in Fig. 3.16!) as functions of frequency. Table 3.17b gives experimentally derived data for the complex conductivity, penetration depth, and surface resistance for two prominent superconductors; the penetration depth and surface resistance are also plotted in Fig. 3.16!) as functions of frequency. z Example 5.17 APPROXIMATE lNTERNAL IMPEDANCE OF A COAXIAL LlNE The usefulness of this concept for practical problems may now be illustrated by considering the coaxial transmission line of Fig. 3.17. We select as a circuit path one which follows the outer surface of the inner conductor, AB, traversing radially across to C and then following the inner surface of the outer conductor CD, returning back radially to and V013 will arise in part because of the in— path ABCDA, that is, the inductance external to the conductors. We consequently call this the external inductance and recognize it as that found for a coaxial line in Chapter 2. But there is also a voltage contribution along the path AB due to the internal impedance of the inner conductor and one along CD arising from internal impedance of the outer conductor. A. The difference between voltages VDA ductance calculated from flux within the 156 Chapter Maxwell’s 5 Section of coaxial transmission line. Line FIG. 3.17 relates to magnetic Equationis integral of electric field about path ABCD | flux associated with external inductance. large in comparison with skin depth 8, and if large compared! with 8, both conductors may good degree of approximation by the planar analysis of this and the If radii of curvatures a and b are thickness of the outer tubular conductor is be treated to preceding a section. Current concentrates on the inner surface of the outer conductor, the outer surface of the inner conductor and region of the fields. the adjacent to The inner conductor, if curvature is negligible, then appears as a: plane of width equal circumference, 27m. Internal impedance per unit length is then Zn The outer conductor, with these Z51 z — 27m its to = Q /m E approximations, appearsi as a plane of width equal to its inner circumference, 2771). Its thickness does not enter since it is presumed much larger than 8, so that fields have died to a negligible value at the outer surface. Internal impedance per unit length i from this part is then . i = 2,: '- The sum of these two conductors and can gives 22 S 2771; n /m the total contribution to be used in the transmission-line 3.18 POWER Loss IN A impedance from analysis PLANE of cbnductor, x direction, or into the conductor Utilization of the total power flowing from the field into the gives using Eq 313(7), P — ~1- 2Re[Eo x 5. CouDUCTOR To find average power loss per unit area of the plane Poynting theorem of Sec. 3.13. The field components E- in the fields within the Chapter we may and Hy produce the apply the power flow field values at the surface a conductor. In complex phasor form, H*0]: —x—— Re(E-0Hjjo) (1) 3.18 Power Loss in FIG. 3.18 Surface of plane conductor flow per unit width. a .357 Plane Conductor illustrating how magnetic field at surface relates to current The surface value of magnetic field can readily be related to the surface current, as by taking the line integral of magnetic field about some path ABCD of Fig. 3.18 (C and D at infinity). Since magnetic field is in the y direction for this simple case, there is no contribution to H (1] along the sides BC and DA; there is no contribution along CD since field is zero at infinity. Hence, for a width w, can be seen - - B 39 H-d12fH-dlr—wHyo ABCD (2) A integral of magnetic field must be equal to the conduction current enclosed, displacement current has been shown to be negligible in a good conductor. The current is just the width w times the current per unit width J3. Then, utilizing (2), This line since «wHyO = stz or 15: = (3) ~H),O This may be written in a vector form which includes the magnitude and mation of (3) and the fact that J and H are mutually perpendicular, sense (4) JS=fiXH where fl is joining of the unit vector a dielectric Eq. 3.17(3), region form same we as perpendicular and H is the a obtain for power loss form that multiplied by might the conductor surface, magnetic field at pointng into the ad- the surface. Note that (4) is perfect conductors, Eq. 3.15(8). Then using (1), (3), and for WL This is to infor- = WL = %Re[ZSJSJ:] = saga? W/m2 (5) expected in that it gives loss in terms of resistance magnitude. An alternate derivation (Prob. 3.18a) is by have been square of current IPLI 158 Chapter Maxwell’s Equations 3 integration of power loss at each point of the solid Ifrom the known conductivity density function. Equation (5) will be found of the greatest usefulness throughout this text for the computation of power loss in the walls of waveguides, cavity resonators, and other electromagnetic structures. Although the walls of these structures are not plane solids of infinite depth, the results of this section may be applied for all practical purposes whenever the conductor thickness and radii of curvature are much greater than 8, depth of penetration. This includes most important cases at high frequencies. In these cases the quantities that are ordinarily known are the fields at the surface of the conductor. the and current = §otentials for As we heads A POSSIBLE SET OF POTENTIALS FOR TlME-VARVING FIELDS 3.19 time-varying electromagnetic fields are related to each other and to sources through the set of differential equations known as Max- have seen, the Time-Varying and current charge equations. It is sometimes convenient to introduce some intermediate functions, known as potential functions, which are directly related to the sources, and from which the electric and magnetic fields may be derived. Such functions were found useful for static fields, and in the case of the electrostatic potential, the potential itself had useful physical significance. The physical interpretation was less clear in the case of the mag netic vector potential, but it does provide a useful simplification in the analysis of some problems. In this and following sections we look for similar potential functions for the time-varying fields. It turns out that there are many possible sets. We select a commonly used set known as retarded potentials, which reduce to the potentials used for statics well’s in the limit of no time variations. V43 and B V X A, might try first to use the forms found for statics,iE are functions of faced with this time. We the electric field problem: quantities for time-varying conditions cannot be derived only as the gradient of scalar potential since this would require that it have zero curl, and it may actually have a nonzero curl of value aB/ar; it cannot be derived alone as the curl of a vector potential since this would require that it have zero divergence, and it may have a finite divergence of value We at = = -— with all —— p/e. Since the static, it tial, A. divergence seems of magnetic that B may still be set field is equal zero in the? to the curl of general some case as magnetic it was in the vector poten- I B=VXA (l) A Possible Set of Potentials for 3.19 This relation may written now Fields 159 equation 3.6(3) and the result Time-Varying be substituted in the Maxwell 6A (E 3;) V X This equation condition that + that the curl of states permits a a (2) certain vector vector to be derived as the E + O = E = quantity is zero. gradient of a scalar, But this is the say (I). That is, uvo 62‘ 01‘ E = -—Vci> —- 95- (3) a: and then valid relationships between fields and potential functions specializations on the medium have been made to this point. It is found that the potential functions are most useful, though, for linear, isotropic, homogeneous media, so in the remaining part of this discussion, we take ,u and s as scalar constants appropriate to such media. With this specialization we substitute (3) in Gauss’s law, Eq. 3.6(1), to obtain Equations (1) (3) A and CD. Note that are no 6 -V2<D—~—(V‘A)=-p~ a: (4) 8 Then, substituting B = V X A and (3) in V x V x A Using the vector = “J + Eq. 3.6(4), we find 62A act) “B[ (61‘) er] —V — — , identity V xVx AEVW-A) — V2A this becomes V(V Equations (4) and (5) ' A) can - be VZA 62A act) = [.LJ simplified by —- iteV<—BT> further — [is specification at2 of A. That is, there (5) are any number of vector functions whose curl is the same. One may specify also the divergence of A according to convenience.8 If the divergence of A is chosen as9 8 Specification of divergence and curl of a vector, with appropriate boundary conditions, determines the vector uniquely through the Helmholtz theorem. See, for example, R. E. Collin, Field Theory of Guided Waves, 2nd ed., Appendix A l, lEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, 7997. as the Lorentz condition or Lorentz gauge and leads to the symmetry of (7) and (8). Other useful gauges are the Coulomb and London gauges. See, for example, A. M. Portis, Electromagnetic Fields: Sources and Medla, Wiley, New York, 7978. This choice is known See also Prob. 3. 790. 360 Chapter 5 Maxwell’s Equations 6CD V- A (4) and (5) then simplify = (6) ~— — ,LLS at to V2¢“#8 32(1) 9=—3 6t“ (7) -' 8 t V2A a 2A ~ its (8) —-/.LJ = 62:2 potentials A and (I), defined in terms of the sources J and p by the differential equations (7) and (8), may be used to derive the electric and magnetic fields by (l) and (3). It is easy to see that they do reduce to the corresponding expressions of statics, for if time derivatives are allowed to go to zero, the set of equations (1), (3), (7), and (8) Thus the becomes Vch = f E VA: war which 3.20 are recognized as the = -VCI): (9) B=VXaA appropriate expressions from Chapters (10) 1 and 2. THE RETARDED POTENTIALS AS INTEGRALS OVER CHARGES AND CURRENTS potential functions A and CI) for time-varying fields are defined in terms of the charges by the differential equations 3.190) and 3. 19(8). General solutions of the equation give the potentials as integrals over the charges and currents, as in the static case. The following discussion applies to the very important case of a region extending to infinity with a linear, isotr0pic, and homogeneous medium. From Chapters 1 and 2 the integrals for the static potentials, which may be considered the solutions of Eqs. 3.19(9) and 3.l9(10), are The currents and ®=fpm v A (u 47TSI‘ J (2) = V 4777' A mathematical development to yield the corresponding integral solutions of the inhomogeneous wave equations 3. 19(7) and 3.19(8) is given in Appendix 5. A plausibility argument is given here. The solutions are ®mian=ip (X’, V A(x, y, z, 2:) = u f V y ’a Z” t ~— R/ U) dV’ 478R J(x’, y ', z',: -i 477R _ R / v) dV’ (a (4) 5.20 The Retarded Potentials as Integrals over Charges and Currents .961 where = v (for free space, v point (x', y', 2’) and = R In the above, I —— c = field = (M8)”2 2.9987 X 108 point (x, [(x —- y, x’)2 m/s) (5) and R is the distance between source 2), + (y R / v denotes that, for y')2 — an + (z - 2:321”2 (6) evaluation of d) at time t, the value of R / u should be used. That is, for each element of charge Charge density p at time t p (W, the equation says that the contribution to potential is of the same form as in statics, (1), except that we must recognize a finite time of propagating the effect from the charge element to the point P at which potential is being computed, distance R away. The effect travels with velocity v 1/ WL—E: which, as we have seen, is just the velocity of a simple plane wave through the medium as predicted from the homogeneous wave equation. Thus, in computing the total contribution to potential (I) at a point P at a given instant I, we must use the values of charge density from points distance R away at an R / v, since for a given element it is that effect which just reaches P at earlier time, t time t. A similar interpretation applies to the computation of A from currents in (4). Because of this “retardation” effect, the potentials CI) and A are called the retarded potentials. Once the phenomenon of wave propagation predicted from Maxwell’s equations is known, this is about the simplest revision of the static formulas (l) and (2) that could be expected. - = - Example 5.20 FIELD FROM AN AC CURRENT ELEMENT simplest examples illustrating the meaning of this retardation, and one that again in the study of radiating systems, is that of a very short wire carrying an ac current varying sinusoidally in time between two small spheres on which charges accumulate (Fig. 3.20). For a filamentary current in a small wire, the differences in One of the will be met L h ,/ TLfIZ FIG. 3.20 Retarded potential from small current element. 162 Chapter distance from P to various points Maxwell’s 3 of a given Equations cross section of the wire are unimportant, that two parts of the volume integral in (4) may be; done by integrating current density over the cross section to yield the total current in the wire. Thus, for any so filamentary current, r/v) —- A For the particular case (7) is so (7) of Fig. 3.20, current is in the z direction small h only; so, by the above, remaining integration the t—i) Az=-'u——I 47rrz Finally, d1 4777‘ compared with r and wavelength, performed by multiplying the current by I2: A is also. If h is of “J10: ___ 8 () v if the current in the small element has the form IO == 3 substitution in (8) gives Az as i A, = ' From this value of A, the done when we return 3.2l (9) cos wt M h]0 . w<t 3-) cos magnetic to radiation in 5 v and electric fields Chapter (10) -— 4772' may be derived. This will be 12. THE RETARDED POTENTIALS FOR THE TIME-PERIODIC CASE electromagnetic quantities of interest are varying sinusoidally in time, in the complex notation with eja” understood, the set of equations 319(1), 319(3), 320(3), 320(4), and 319(6) becomes If all ~ = w/v = E = y, 2) A(x, y, z) - A __ -~ V x A ~-V<I> f _ —- = n (1) ij -— p(x', y’, 2’)?ij (2) dV’ <3) 4%,, J; J(x’, y’, 2’)e“”"R 477R —-jw,ue<l> dV’ (4) (5) cum, and R is the distance between source and field points. Note that the retardation in this shift in = choc, V where k B case by the factor 6‘ij and amounts to a to the distance R from the according potential at which potential is to be computed. (From here is taken of each contribution to phase contributing element to the point P care of 1 63 Problems will frequently leave out the functional notation of coordinates, with the under~ standing potentials are computed for the field point, and the integration is over all source points.) For these steady-state sinusoids the relation between A and (I) in (5) fixes (I) uniquely once A is determined. Thus, it is not necessary to compute the scalar potential (I) separately. Both E and B may be written in terms of A alone: on we that B = E = A == V x A (6) "112(3) V(v A) - ‘18—ij —- ij (7) W! (8) —— 477R v It is then necessary only to specify the current distribution over the system, to compute the vector potential A from it by (8), and then find the electric and magnetic fields by (6) and (7). It may appear that the effects of the charges of the system out, but of course the charges to the currents - J = bution (1) to by means (4). left (9) ~ij and, in fact, in this steady-state sinusoidal the distribution of J is 80 case, fixes but given. equivalent lengthier procedure computing the charge distribution from the specified current distriof the continuity equation (9), then using the complete set of equations p uniquely would be that of once being continuity equation V relates the are an PROBLEMS iCOx sin wt passes through a rectangumagnetic field of the approximate form B loop in the x~y plane following the path (0, O) to (a, 0) to (a, b) to (O, b) to (O, 0). Show that if Faraday’s law in microscopic form is used to give E, the macroscopic form of Faraday’s law is satisfied. 3.221 A = lar 3.2b Find the emf around a circular loop in the z axial magnetic field varying with r, 43, and 2‘ B: = Cor sin qb sin Now find the emf for a circuit consisting of 71'. Otor fromr a,q§ a,qb = = = 0 plane if the loop approximately as = a is threaded by an wt half-circle of radius a and a straight wire = use of the electric field produced by a time-varying magnetic field in space to accelerate charged particles. Suppose that the magnetic field of a betatron has an axial component in circular cylindrical coordinates of the following form: 3.2c* The betatron makes B:(r, t) i Ctr” (t Z O) problems denotes ones longer or harder than the average; two asterisks unusually difficult or lengthy problems. The asterisk denote = on 364 Chapter 5 Maxwell’s Equations magnitude and direction at a particular radius a. velocity charge q after a time t, assuming that the charge stays in a path of constant radius a, and calculate the magnetic force on the charge. For what value(s) of )2 will this magnetic force just balance the centrifugal force (mug/a), where m is mass of the particle, so that it can remain in the path of constant radius as Find the induced electric field in From this find v on a assumed? a long, round wire varies sinusoidally with time. Assume no variation (coordinate along the wire) or qb (angular coordinate around the wire). Find magnetic field outside the wire, assuming it related to:current flow at any instant as in the statics form. (This is called the “quasistatic” approximation.) From the differential 3.2d Current I in with z equation form of Faraday’s law find generated by the changing magnetic the electric field in the space outside the wire field of the form found. Use phasor forms and take the electric field at the surface of the wire internal impedance Z,- per unit (2‘ == 0) Note behavior at length. as the product of current and infinity. What is unrealistic about this model? 3.3a To demonstrate poles of a Faraday’s law in class, we often move a coil by hand through the permanent magnet and observe the generated voltage on an oscilloscope. One magnet used has a flux density of 0. 1 T and pole pieces about 2 cm in diameter. Estimate the velocity you can conveniently obtain byhand motion and find how many turns you need to produce peak voltages around 10 mV. Sketch the waveform as the coil is moved through the region between poles. ex- pected 3.3!) In the generator of Fig. 3.3a, the poles are reshaped so that magnetic flux density is inhomogeneous. Take the magnetic field direction as the z direction and the vertical direction of the figure as the x direction. Assume the variation with x, quadratic inhomogeneous field to have a x2 B: Find emf by use generated in the 2 Hm I - g rotating loop by considering rate of change of flux, and also wave in of the motional electric field in the wires. Plot? the waveform of this time. 3.3b, it may seem surprising that motional field depends only on the value of B at the instantaneous position of the conductors, whereas fiux enclosed depends upon 3.3c In Prob. integration identical of field answers. throughout the region of inhomogeneous variation, yet both give Explain why this is so for any arbiirary variation with x. 3.3d In the generator of Fig. 3.30, the rectangular loop is replaced by a circular loop of radius a, rotated about a line in the plane of the loop and passing through the center. This axis is normal to B this loop as as in it is rotated with Fig. 3.3a. Take BO as uniform and find emf generated angular velocity 0 abodt the defined axis. in 3.3e The rectangular 100p of Ex. 3.3 is moved with constant velocity v in the x direction through an inhomogeneous magnetic field which varies sinusoidally with x, mt s1n(L) ' 8.: C ; Find the induced emf, both from electric field. Find values for the rate of special — change cases of flux and by use of the motional a/L=v_i:, 1,2 3.3f A wire in the form of a rectangular loop with one arm at r 0 extending from y~— O to y: b and two parallel arms aty O and y— b extending from x 01n the +x direction as in Fig. P3. 3 f has static flux density B01n the z direction. A sliding short at = = = - = 3 65 Problems FIG. P3.3f x moves and 3.3g by with velocity Find the emf induced in the 1). loop by rate of change of flux the motional method. A long, straight wire carries a time—varying current I. A rectangular circuit of length 6 r, 2 plane, with one leg distance r! from the axis and the other at 2'2 as in Fig. P3.3g. Find the emf induced in the loop. lies in the s———z———>1 l 7‘ 2T is J->I (25) FIG. P3.39 density for copper with a field of 0.1 V/m (1 mV/ cm) applied is What number density of electrons is required to produce the same 3.4 Conduction current 5.8 X 106 A/mz. density if the electrons have been accelerated in vacuum potential of 1 kV? What electric field magnitude would be required to pro~ duce the same magnitude of displacement current density in space for sinusoidally varying waves as follows: (1) a power wave of frequency 60 Hz; (2) a microwave beam of frequency 3 GHz; (3) a laser beam of wavelength 1.06 pm? value of convection current 3.521 through a Starting from Eq. 3.4(7), prove that for a closed surface s From this, show that the sum of convection and displacement currents is the same for both of the surfaces 8, and $2 in Fig. 3.5b. For a spherical capacitor with concentric conductors of radii displacement the leads to the 3.5!) Obtain the equation. a current and b, with sinusoidal voltage applied between conductors, find a < r < b and show that it is equal to the charging current in for capacitor. expressions for electric field, Eqs. 3.5(4)~—(6), from the divergence 166 Chapter 3 Maxwell's Equations p(x)dx a: :-<—— I I I I I I I I | I I I I I I I I I I +3“ 3 I I | | I I I I I I I | I I I I I I I ' ”0 d A a I > FIG. P3.5c 3.5a In a large class of electron devices, of which the klystron is a good example, current in the output circuit is induced because of the time-varying conduction current crossing the output gap. The ac current is superposed on the dc beam and moves across the gap approximately at the dc velocity 110 of the electrons so that convection current density in phasor form may be written Jc(x) = 10 + Aerials/”u Suppose the output gap may be represented by parallel~plane electrodes as in Fig. P3 .5c. The results of Ex. 3.5 may then be used for the induced current for each elemental slice of length dx, and total induced current for the gap may be obtained by integrating contributions over the total length d of the gap. Carry out the integration to find the induced current in the output gap and noticeihow it depends upon transit angle, aid/v0. 3.63 Check the dimensional of Eqs. (1) through (9) of Sec. 3.6. for continuity of charge islassumed, the two divergence (2), may be derived from the curl equations, (3) and (4), so far components of the field are concerned, for regions with finite p and J. This fact 3.6b Show that, if the equations, 3.6(1) as ac consistency has made it quite equation and common to refer to the two curl equations alone as Maxwell’s equations. 3.6c Check to which if any of following could be a field consistent with Maxwell’s Special condition for p and J is needed, discuss its physical reasonableness. see equations. (i) B (ii) E (iii) E = = = If a 220: f'C / r f(C/r) cos(wt —- wV p.82) (rectangular coordinates) (circular cylindrical coordinates) (circular cylindrical coordinates) I! 57 Problems 3.7a A balloon is conducting spherical charged with metric, radially outward propagating electromagnetic the electric field happen by finding radius at some r wave. > and its radius charge Q, a constant made to vary sinusoidally in time in some manner from a minimum maximum value, ram. It might be supposed that this would produce value, rm“, a to a spherically sym— Show that this does not rm“. 3.7 b A capacitor formed by two circular parallel plates has an essentially uniform axial electric field produced by a voltage V0 sin a)! across the plates. Utilize the symmetry to find the magnetic field at radius r between the plates. Show that the axial electric field could not be exactly uniform under this time-varying condition. 3.7c that there were free magnetic charges of density pm, and that a continuity reEq. 3.4(5) applied to such charges. Find the magnetic current term that would have to be added to Maxwell’s equations in such a case. Give the units of pm and of magnetic current density. Suppose lation similar to 3.83 Under what conditions can a magnitude and phase angle, complex vector E where E0 is a real vector and 3.8b** Consider a case in which the of magnitude and phase: Substitute in Maxwell’s 6,; a quantity E be '0. E field vectors be can E = 1300;, y, Z)€j91(x.y.:-) H = H003 y, z)e 1'91“)“ J 2 J00} y, Z)efl93(x.y.z) p = poor, y, new-“W in the substituting Re[EOejglej“”] = in Maxwell’s complex form, 3.8c Check to see represented by single (i) (ii) H (iii) E z = = xC e "1"” V and separate real and imagiHO, 64. Check the or, equations, V and 277, and ”8: 3.9(16) interpret y, . , 2)], etc. general time variations, eliminating equations relating E0, 94. . . . the time , = plane wave a charge-free region: a wt == 0, 77/4, 77/2, time. That is, otherwise. Plot EJr versus waveshape E,c rectangular in = 0, l, 2, 3, and zero 7T/4. has electric field at El. versus distance dispersion. Repeat for a dielectric in frequency w. 3wt. Sketch in wz/v for various times, traveling wave. plane wave is excited by C for I711" < t < (m + 19;).7‘, m T/4, 3T/4, 5T/4, distance 2 for t é’COS 610:, versus as a = 3.9c A uniform + . (rectangular coordinates) (circular cylindrical coordinates) (spherical coordinates) (i)(C/r)e'“j“’ é(C/r)e‘j“’V WW 3.9b A uniform E, z) cos[wt . for of set "5" 3.9a Plot the sinusoidal solution 37/4, y, values which, if any, of the following could be phasor representations of fields consistent with Maxwell’s E E0(x, = equations variations, and again getting the vector EOeJ __ - nary parts to obtain the set of differential equations relating ED, result by using the corresponding instantaneous expressions, Einst. a real scalar? complex equations represented by for a z cos wt + 0 given as 5,.(0, t) periods in an ideal dielectric with no wave velocity at frequency 3w is % that at = few which = 368 Chapter Maxwell’s Equations 3 a wave with Ex and Hy is analyzed. The other set of fields (or the other polarization as it will be called in Chapter 6) relates E) and Hx. With the same assumptions as to uniformity in the x—y planes, find the Wave solutions for this set in phasor form. 3.10a In Sec. 3.10 l that may be considered a uniform plane wave propagates through the ionosphere and interacts with some charged particles which are moving with a velocity a tenth the velocity of light in the direction normal to the magnetic field of the wave. 3.10b A radio wave Find the ratio of the magnetic force of the the wave on charges to the electric force. 3.10c Show that Faraday’s law is satisfied in the forward-traveling plane wave with sinuO to z soidal variations by taking a line integral of electric field from 2 0, x O, a to z a to z 0 back to (O, O) and relating it to the magnetic x d, x d, x = = = = = = = = ' flux through that path. 3.10d Show that the generalized Ampére’s law is satisfied fqr the forward—traveling plane wave with sinusoidal variations by taking a line integral of magnetic field from 2 O, btoz Otoz btoz 0backto(0,0) andrelatingit d,y 0,32 d,y y = to 2' == = = = displacement current through that = = path. 3.1121 What are the relations among the constants required for each of the solution of the three—dimensional Helmholtz equation? to be a following ‘ (i) Ex = (ii) Ex 2 (iii) Ex = kyy sin k22C sinh Kg sin kyy sin kzz C sinh Kxx sinh Kyy sinh K32 C sin klx sin 3.111) Show that the wave equation may be written directly in terms of any of the components of H or E in rectangular coordinates, or for the axial components of H or E in any coordinate system, but not for other components, such as radial and tangential components in cylindrical coordinates, or any component in That is, spherical coordinates. . VZE = .Y ['1' a aZEx atz ,VZHr 62H ll. e——:, etc = 4 atz but V2 E 62E 7‘5 pa 3.11c Check to see under what conditions the tion in circular cylindrical coordinates: (Note that the 3.123 Describe the charge Q vector form of Poynting V2 62H 9 1.1.8 523’ is solution of the Helmholtz equa- Ff, V‘H¢ ¢ must following be used; see a etc. Prob. 3.11b.) vector and discuss its located at the center of a small interpretation for the case of a static point loop of wire carrying direct current I . 3.12b Assuming current density constant over the conductor cross section in the Ex. 3.12a, find the Poynting vector within the wire and interpret this in terms of the distribution of dissipation. 3.12c Interpret some some the Poynting vector about a parallel-plate capacitor charged from zero to charge Q. Repeat for an inductor in which current builds up from zero to final value. Repeat for each of these cases as charge and current is made to definal 1 69 Problems cay from given a value to For the zero. inductor, use a straight section of wire as example. 3.12d Show that the power flow in the uniform plane wave of Ex. 3.12c of the average energy density and the velocity v of the wave. 3.12e In each of the following, plane-wave model use a to estimate the equals the product quantities for various laser systems: A small helium-neon laser (i) 1 ()t in diameter. Estimate mm = 633 nm) typically produces 1 mW in a beam of electric and magnetic fields in the laser strengths beam. (ii) It is fairly easy so to focus the power for a medium-power CO2 laser ()t 10.6 um) that there is breakdown in air. Taking breakdown strength as at lower frequen~ cies, about 3 = 106 V/rn, estimate density in such a laser beam. (iii) Very high power Nd~glass (it pm) have been used in laser—fusion experiments. Estimate electric field strength at the target for one producing X the power lasers 10.2 kl in 0.9 ns, focused to 3.12f Show that Eq. 3.12(6) a = 1.06 target about 0.5 follows from Eq. 3.12(5) mm in diameter. for linear, isotropic, time-invariant media. imaginary part of Eq. 3.13(11) and simplify by letting C, Ale”! Azej‘bl where A1, A2, (15,, and 492 are real. Show that the variation with that on the right side of Eq. 3.l3(8) using time-dependent E and H. 3.133 Find the C2 = = with 3.13b The field a large distance from a dipole radiator has the form, in A Ea : Find the average power radiated 3.14 Elia (7>e“lk’ a agrees spherical coordinates, . sin 0 = through and z large sphere of radius 1'. O and 82 filling the halfis filled by two dielectrics, 81 filling the half~space space x < 0. Determine whether or not there can exist a uniform plane wave with E... and Hv only and no variations with x or y, propagating in the z direction in this comx > Space The propagation factor may be 6““ij with any value of k. Note that the wave, if it exists, must satisfy the wave equation in each region and the continuity conditions at the plane between the two regions. posite-dielectric. 3.1621 Find the variation of ductor and 3.16b Repeat an average Poynting vector for a plane wave within a good con- interpret. Prob. 3.16a for an instantaneous Poynting vector. tors of each of these used at 60 conductivity (7, around 107 S/m. For slab conducHz, 1 kHz, and 1 MHz, find the surface resistance of the two materials if the relative permeability 3.173 Iron and tin have the same order of of the iron is 500. magnetic field H for any point .r in the plane conductor in terms of Jo by first finding the electric field, and then utilizing the appropriate one of Maxwell’s equations to give H. Show that 15: of Eq. 3.l7(l) is equal to “Hy at the surface. 3.17b Find the 3.183 The average power loss per unit volume at any point in the conductor is llez/Zoz Show that Eq. 3.18(5) may be obtained by integrating over the conductor depth to obtain the total power loss per unit area. 3.18b A uniform plane wave of frequency 1 GHz has a power density of 1 MW/m2 and falls upon an aluminum sheet. It can be shown that upon reflection from a good conductor, 178 Maxwell’s Equations 5 chapter field at the surface of the conductor is essentially double that in the incident Estimate the power absorbed in the aluminum per unit area and note it as a fraction of the incident power. magnetic wave. satisfy the following differential equations containing charges and currents: 3.193 Show that E and H medium V2E 82E — ”'8 —- 1 = — 6:2 V p + p“ e 32H in a homogeneous aJ — at —VXJ VzH-MSE§= 3.19b A potential function commonly used in elecnomagnetic theory is the Hertz tential H, for a so defined that electric and fields magnetic homogeneous medium: are derived from it as vector po- follows, .. H==e-a-V><II at E: 59-11 V(V'II) — us—, 61" I where V211 and P, the polarization vector 2II — M8 6—,61* = '4' P — a associated with sources, is so defined that 6P J = Show that E and H derived in this p _..., a: = manner are —V=- P consistent with Maxwell’s equations. 3.19c An alternative to the Lorentz gauge, which defines V; A by Eq. 319(6), is the Cow O. Givegthe differential equations relating lomb gouge which selects it to give V A (P and A to sources p and J in this case. Discuss problems in use of this apparently - = Note that the equations for Lorentz and Coulomb gauges become identical in the static limit and for charge-free time—varying systems. simpler gauge. potentials are generally used only for homogeneous media. Show the complications in attempting to extend the development to media with p. and a functions of position. 3.19d The retarded 3.20a with the integral solutions for A and (I), write the integral for the Hertz 11 in terms of the polarization P. (See Prob. 3319b.) Note the relation between H and A when time variations are as e”. By analogy vector 3.20b* From continuity of charge, find the values of the charges that must exist at the ends of the small current element of Ex. 3.20. Find scalar potential CD from these charges, using Eq. 320(3). Show that Cl) and the A of Eq. 320(8) are related by the Lorentz condition 3.20c 3.19(6). Using A from Sec 3.20 and (I) from Prob 3.20b, find electric and magnetic fields in spherical coordinates for the small current element of Ex. 3.20, with sinusoidal current variation given by Eq. 320(9). 2 ‘ n. ' ("'3' ' - ~«-= mg” xsfliraayé} .: ; 1., Eiswmmaé» s > 0‘ é v i 1 ~ are 4.l |NTRODUCTION Much of the engineering design and analysis of electromagnetic interactions are done through lumped—element circuits. In these, the energy~storage ele~ ments (inductors and capacitors) and the dissipative elements (resistors) are connected to each other and to sources or active elements within the circuit by conducting paths of negligible impedance. There may be mutual couplings, either electrical or magnetic, but in the ideal circuit these couplings are planned and optimized. The advantage of this approach is that functions are well separated and cause-and-effect relationships readily understandable. Powerful methods of synthesis, analysis, and computer optimization of such circuits have consequently been developed. Most of the individual elements in an electrical circuit are small compared with wavelength so that fields of the elements are quasistatic; that is, although varying with time, the electric or magnetic fields -have the spatial forms of static field distributions. There are important distributed effects in many real circuits, but often they can be represented by a few properly chosen lumped coupling elements. But in some circuits, of which the transmission lines are primary examples, the distributed effects are the major ones and must be considered from the beginning. In some cases in which the lumped idealizations described above do not strictly apply, lumpednelement models can nevertheless be deduced and are useful for analysis because of the powerful circuit methods that have been developed. We have introduced the lumped-circuit concepts, inductance and capacitance, in our studies of static fields. We have also seen how the skin effect phenomenon in conductors changes both resistance and inductance at high frequencies. We now wish to examine circuits and circuit elements more carefully from the point of view of electromagnetics. It is easy to see the idealizations required to derive Kirchhoff ’s laws from Maxwell’s equations. It is also possible to make certain extensions of the concepts when the simplest idealizations do not apply. In particular, introduction of the retardation concepts shows that circuits may radiate energy when comparable in size with wavelength. The the mechanism of amount of radiated power may be estimated from these extended circuit ideas for '37? some 1 72 chapter 4 configurations. The Electromagnetlcs of; Circuits But for certain classes of circuits it extensions without a true field becomes impossible We shall look analysis. at both types to make the of circuits in this chapter. v.v Wu \‘Ir‘ogr‘hx(«'1' :35.“ {"3331 A35...-i‘ 132’:”‘5‘“xii-ii?’1‘???7444244 $44? ¢§§$'5,5??§2%1$3tram35??"m‘w‘m 5: 3k 5st mlfglzté» 24‘5“Ike»3%.?"— £31,132€21"9.17“1333?"::73 E<sfi§w"‘e\{e 53>: JltnfiAss’t ' A . , :» ' . A~ '71 a" x‘ ‘ ' ' ”"1 s~ 31:1 "WI, at? 23;? fix£4§f11?m ii. :55»? «itesfiudr 211mg ‘51:. "my“ ‘5 «A? . . : -- 1::1 . massicai aircuit Theory The ideafiizaiions 1n KIRCHHOFF ’s VOLTAGE LAW 4.2 Kirchhoff ’3 two laws 53‘ provide the basis for classical circuit theory. We with the begin voltage way of reviewing the basic element values of lumped~circuit theory The law states that for any closed loop of a circuit, the' algebraic sum of the voltages law as a for the individual branches of the loop'18 I zero: f Zm=0 The basis for this law is Faraday’s law for m closed a path, written as a ~3gE-dl=—JB-dS at and the definition of voltages (2) s between two reference points of the loop, I) ~fEhl m To illustrate the relation between the circuit expressibn (l) and the field expressions (2) and (3), consider first a single lopp with applied voltage V0(t) and passive resistance, inductance, and capacitance elements in series (Fig 42(1). A convention for positive voltage at the source is selected as shown by the plus and minus signs on the voltage generator, which means by (3) that field of the source is directed from b to a when V0 is positive A convention for positive current is also chosen, as shown by the arrow on interpretation of (l) by circuit theory for this basic circuit is then known to be I(t). The V00) —- RIO) - To compare, we break the closed line several elements: b C an L d1 1 - C integral of d f {(1) d1 (2): into a : 0 (4) its contributions over a "IE'dl~jE'dl—fE'dl-f.E‘dl=-JB'dS a b c d5 the (its (5) 4.2 192 1 73 Kirchhoff's Voltage Law b b + Vo(t) I(t) C l l I d (b) FIG. 4.2 (a) Series circuit with resistor, inductor, and capacitor. (1)) Detail of inductor. 01' 3 Von) The + + vcb + vdc Vad f = 5; B - d8 (6) S (6) is not zero as is the right side of (4), but we recognize it as the generated by any rate of change of magnetic flux within the path defined as the circuit. If not entirely negligible, it can be considered as arising from an inductance of the loop which can be added to the lumped element L, or a mutually right side of contribution to emf induced coupling if the as negligible consider it effects the are flux is from or added later.) We now passive components R, L, Resistance Element an external included in L so examine source. that the the separately Thus we will from here on side of (6) is zero. (Mutual three voltage terms related to right and C. The field expression to be applied to the resistive material is the differential form of Ohm’s law, J so that the voltage Vcb = (TE (7) is C C Vcb=~fE‘dl=-- b b where the path is taken along some current flow J ---d1 path (8) or of the conductor. Conductivity a may vary along this path. At dc or low frequencies, current I is uniformly distributed over the cross section A of the conductor, which can also vary with position. Thus C Va]; 2 I (11 “‘— " b 074 = “IR (9) i 74 The Chapter 4 Electromagneflcs of Circuits where 6 R (II 0A b This last is the usual dc at higher frequencies or low-frequency resistance. Thegsituation is more complicated changing magnetic fields on currents because of the effect of the within the conductor. Current distribution over the cross the conductor must be and the particular path along analysis of Chapter 3, current was surface impedance. We shall return of circular (10) — cross section is then nonuniform, Specified. In the plane skin effect related to electric field at the surface to define to this concept later: in the chapter a for conductors section. inductance Element voltage across the terminals of the inductive element change of magnetic flux within the inductor, shown in the a as that resistance of the conductor of the coil is negligible, coil. first figure Assuming let us take a closed line integral of electric field along the conductor of the coil, returnng by the path across the terminals (Fig. 42b). Since the contribution along the part of the path which follows the conductor is zero, all the voltage appears across the terminals: comes The from the time rate of d C ~3§E°dl=—f C(cond.) By Faraday’s law, c E‘dIHJ E-dl=~f d(term.) this is the time rate of change a “J so the at magnetic flux linkage the voltage contributed by this term, computing flux enclosed aassuming L per unit of current by the path, (Sec. 2.5) a) independent of time, gar-(LI) g — (12) S “Mn/I Vcd= Note that in B'dS E'dlz—VdC=‘—g dam-in.) as (ll) magnetic flux enclosed: of " Inductance L is defined E‘dl d(term.) L we add is (14) a contribution each time we follow another turn around the flux. Thus for N turns, the contribution to induced voltage is just N times that of one turn, the calculation of L and will be provided the same flux links each turn. This enters into seen specifically when :we find inductance of a coil. If there is finite resistance in the turns of the coil, the second term of (11) is not zero multiplied by current; therefore (11) becomes but is the resistance of the coil, RL, ——-f}€E dlz—RLlfl =3]st 4.2 Kirchhofi’s l 75 Voltage Law 01‘ VCd - as expected, we simply add conductivity in the conductors of the Thus, RLI + L 511 (15) dt another series resistance to take care of finite coil. fiapacitive Element The ideal capacitor is one in which we store only electric energy; magnetic fields are negligible so there is no contribution to voltage from changing magnetic fields but only from the charges on plates of the capacitor. The problem is then quasistatic and voltage is synonymous with potential difference between capac— itor plates. So, in contrast to the inductor, we can take any path between the terminals of the capacitor for evaluation of voltage Vda, provided it does not stray into regions influenced by magnetic fields from other elements. We also take the definition of capacitance from electrostatics (Sec. 1.9) as the charge on one plate divided by the potential difference: C = Q ( 16 ) - V Thus, from continuity, I The last term in of (17) (17) implies = a dQ ——- d == —- CV = C ch/a —— 17 capacitance which is not changing with time. Integration with time leads to Vd” If =—-— ( 18 ) Id: C capacitor is lossy, there are conduction currents to add to (17), l/RC in parallel with C; represented in the circuit as a conductance GC the value of RC may be calculated from (10) by using conductivity of the dielectric and area of the capacitor plates. If the dielectric of the which =2 are induced Voltages from (Miner Parts of the Circuit In addition to voltages by charges and currents of the circuit path being considered, there may be induced particular, if the magnetic field voltage is produced through Faraday’s law when this magnetic field changes with time. This coupling is represented in the circuit by means of a mutual inductor M, as shown in Fig. 4.26. The value of M is defined as the magnetic flux (1112 linking path 1, divided by the current 12: induced from voltages one from other portions of the circuit. In part of the circuit links another part, an induced 4'- M:M17:—1: _ 12 (19) '5 76 Chapter 4 The Electromagnetics of Circuits 12 11 12 -—--> o + + V12 V21 0 ((1) FIG. 4.2 The (0) Circuit with a mutual inductor. (d) Designation of mutual coupling with negative M. voltage induced in the first path V12 and the circuit equation (4) V0 ~— is then d9012 : —— is modified R11 —- M = dt to 0% ( 20 ) —“ dt be 1 dII div L ———«—M—:-— dt C dt J, (21 ) Idt=0 1 The mutual inductance M may be either positive or negative depending upon the sense of flux with respect to the defined positive reference for 12. The sign of M is designated on a circuit diagram by the shown; those placing of dots and with sign conventions for currents and on Fig. 4.2c denote positive M; negative M would be voltages designated as in Fig. 4251. Except for certain materials (to be considered in Chapter 13) there is a reciprocal relation showing that the same M gives the voltage induced in circuit 2 by time-varying as current in circuit 1: V21 d 11/21 — d1 1 —— M dt All mutual effects to be considered in this (22) dt; chapter have this reciprocal relationship. In summary, we find that if losses in inductor andlcapacitor are ignored, the field approach, with understandable approximations, leads i:to the definitions for the three induced voltage terms for the passive elements used in the circuit Moreover, the definitions (10), (13), and (16) these elements. If losses are present, a are the lusual approach, Eq. (4). quasistatic definitions for series resistance is added to L and a shunt again as is commonly done in the circuit approach. Coupling between circuit paths by magnetic flux adds mutual inductanceaelements. We next examine the Kirchhoff current law and the extension'through this to multimesh circuits. conductance to C, 4.3 4.3 KIRCHHOFF ’8 CURRENT LAW AND The current law of Kirchhoff states that the junction is zero. l 77 Kirchnofi’s current Law and Multimesh Circuits Thus, referring to algebraic Fig. 4.30, MULTIMESH CIRCUITS sum of currents flowing out of a N 2 n == 1,,(t) = 0 (1) 1 It is evident that the idea behind this law is that of so we the its continuity equation implicit equivalent: continuity of current, equations, Eq. 3.4(5), or in Maxwell’s refer to large-scale 6 %J‘dS=-—~deV 81‘ S If (2) v apply this to a surface S surrounding the junction, the only conduction current flowing out of the surface is that in the wires, so the left side of (2) becomes just the algebraic sum of the currents flowing out of the wires, as in (l). The right side is the negative time rate of change of charge Q, if any, accumulating at the junction. So (2) we may be written I}; luv): __dQ____(_t) (3) d, A comparison of (l) and (3) shows an apparent difference, but it is only one of interpretation. If Q is nonzero, we know that we take care of this in a circuit problem by adding one or more capacitive branches to yield the capacitive current dQ/dt at the junction. That is, in interpreting (3), the current terms on the left are taken only as convection or conduction currents, whereas in (l) displacement or capacitance currents are included. With this understanding, (1) and (3) are equivalent. With the two laws, the circuit analysis illustrated in the preceding section can be extended to circuits with several meshes. As a simple example, consider the low-pass filter of Fig. 4.31) or 4.3c. Although currents and voltages are taken as time-varying, in FIG. 4.30 Current flow from a junction. '3 78 The Chapter 4 Electromagnetics of aircuits L1 L2 (b) (2) FIG. 4.3 Low~pass filter: ([7) loop current analysis; (c) node voltage analysis. drop the functional notation for simplicity. Figure 4.3b illustrates the standard 12), utilizing mesh currents I1 and 12. Note that the netzcurrent through C is (11 which automatically satisfies the current law at node b. The voltage law is then written about each loop as follows: we method - dll I - 1f "ll—“u“- The two equations are ”-19 dt=0 4 O (5) dl 1 “Efaz I 11) “' then solved dt ‘“ L225: _ RLI2 Z: by appropriate means to give I1 and I2 for a given VS. analysis uses node voltages Va, Vb, and VC as A second standard method of circuit shown in Fig. 4.36. These are defined with respect to some reference, here taken voltage generator, denoted 0. Then Kirchhoff ’s voltage automatically satisfied, for if we add voltages around the first loop we have lower terminal of the VS + (Va —- VS) Kirchhoff ’s current law is then V Node a: - V —a-———5 RS If Node b:_ L1 + (Vb applied —- Va) + (Os — Vb) a O at each of the three nodes as as the law is (6) follows: 1 + ~j‘(Va L1 - Vb) If ( V—b Va) dt+—* L2 dt = O (7) dVb ( V-th+C——=O b c) dt 8 () Node i- 6: L2 ] (VC 179 Kirchhoff’s Current Law and Multimesh Circuits 4.5 Vb) ~— KC- dt + : O (9) RL Solution of these by appropriate means yields the three node voltages in terms of the no equation for the reference node need be written as it is given voltage VS. Note that contained in the above. In the above of we seem to be treating voltage as a potential difference when we take node with respect to the chosen reference, but note that this is only after voltage the circuit is defined and we are only breaking up I E d1 into its contributions over a . the various branches. As illustrated in the whenever there preceding section, inductances we do have to define the other elements with contributions to path carefully voltage from Faraday’s law. Finally, a word about sources. The voltage generator most often met in lumpedelement circuit theory is a highly localized one. For example, the electrons and holes of a semiconductor diode or transistor may induce electric fields between the conducting electrodes fabricated on the device. The entire device is typically small compared with wavelength so that the electric field, although time-varying, may be written as the gradient of a time—varying scalar potential. The integral of electric field at any instant thus yields an instantaneous potential difference VS between the electrodes, which is the source voltage (or V, [ZS if current flows). The induced effects from a modulated electron stream passing across a klystron gap are similar, as are those from many other practical devices. There are interesting field problems in the analysis of induced effects from such devices, but from the point of view of the circuit designer, they are simply point sources representable by the VS used in the circuits. A quite different limiting case is that in which the fields driving the circuit are not localized but are distributed. An important example is that of a receiving antenna with the fields set down by a distant transmitting antenna. If voltage is taken as the line integral of electric field along the antenna, applied voltage clearly depends upon the circuit configuration and orientation with respect to the applied field. Although quite different from the case with a localized source, it is found that circuit theory is useful here also. A formulation in terms of the retarded potentials will be applied to this case are or —— in Sec. 4.11. Current generators are natural to use as sources in place of voltage generators if emphasis is on the current induced between electrodes of the point source or small—gap device. Similarly for the distributed source, if applied magnetic field at the circuit given, induced current can be calculated and a current representation is conductor is natural. One, however, has theoremsl show that the two a choice in any of representations case since the Thévenin and Norton Figs. 4.351 and 4.36 are equivalent with the relations YS Thus ‘ an equivalent to Fig. : 2:13 4.3c is that of [s Fig. : 4.3 f, (10) VSYS utilizing a current generator. 8. E. Schwarz and W. G. O/dham, Electrical Engineering: An Introduction. 2nd ed. Saunders, Fon‘ Won‘h, TX, 1993. 180 Chapter Electromagnetics of Circuits The 4 (d) {e} (d) Thévenin circuit configuration. (e) Norton circuit form. (f) Equivalent of circuit (c) using Norton source. FIG. 4.3 in ’ » A:——v; r: r; . ‘112“r-~ )Afwr'm't. (—2: 51:“- 1: .:;r» .1 “(45 31/; 'I. ‘ R“3.f}:5&1132552éwswkclg‘mfiflgfiz‘flgflfR““ZKGZZfila-évffi'vfi?)fifiMz’hzsfi‘ngzsfii’fifi'fifigfikfinflmfl nthklfitmvéfk"mgi'lfifi'zigfig‘591i:s‘fiéfic‘axflgfiegig, .. , , . , A . , ,.. m. .7. .9»... \. ., . v:- r—r'n . ~.. Siam Effect in firacticai gonductors 4.4 DISTRIBUTION To study not uniform, for plane the resistive term at we negligible frequencies high enough now wish that current distribution is do this for the useful was case done in Sec. 3.16 of round conductors. good conductor is defined as one for Iwhich displacement comparison with conduction current so that V Faraday’s to a in so need to first find the current distribution. This conductors. We Recall that TIME—VARVING CURRENTS IN CONDUCTORS CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION OF OF law equation is X H = J = O‘E current is (1) (in phasor form) v x E = ——jmnH, (2) 4.4 From these two we Distribution of derived the differential V3.1 We now take current in the (3), expressed in circular z density, Eq. 3.16(7): jwuch = no (3) variations with coordinates (£21, for current equation direction and cylindrical '5 81 Time-Varying Currents 1 dJ- z or angle 4). Equation front cover), is then (inside , (4) F+;;+T~JZ=O where T2 = *jw/w' or 1:3 =14” W =j'1/2 T (5) where 5 is the useful parameter called “depth of penetration” or “skin depth.” The differential equation (4) is a Bessel equation. Equations of this type will be studied in detail in Chapter 7, but for the present J: For a since study AJO(Tr) = r + independent solutions as BHg‘)(Tr) (6) = = 0 = J: The write the two O is included in the solution, and then it is necessary that B 0. Therefore, of H 8)(Tr) shows that this is infinite at r solid wire, a we (7) AJO(Tr) = arbitrary constant A may be evaluated in terms 0E0, with E0 the surface electric field. of current density at the surface, which is J: Then = CEO at 1'0 (7) becomes J-—~ E ”0 __ _ J0me) <8 > . 10m) study of the series definitions of the Bessel functions with complex argument shows that JD is complex. It is convenient to break the complex Bessel function into real and imaginary parts, using the definitions A Ber(v) . Be1(U) 43 A :: real part of . Jo(j“/2v) ..__ . imaginary part of JOU 1/2 v) That is, 1004/31» as Ber(v) + jBei(v) (9) 182 Chapter The 4 Electromagnetics of Circuits Ber(v) and Bei(v) are tabulated in many references.2 Using these definitions and (5), (8) may be written J __ a ‘ 0 Ber(\/ir/6) Ber(\/§ro/5) + + jBeio/Er/a) j BefiV—irO/a) ( IO ) Fig. 4.4a the magnitude of the ratio of current density to that at the outside of the plotted as a function of the ratio of radius to outer radius of wire, for different values of the parameter (7‘0/5). Also, for purposes of the physical picture, these are interpreted in terms of current distribution for a l-mm-diameter copper wire at different frequencies by the figures in parentheses. As an example of the applicability of the plane analysis for curved conductors at high frequencies where 6 is small compared with radii, we can take the present case of the round wire. If we are to neglect the curvature and apply the plane analysis, the coordinate x, distance below the surface, is (rO r) for a round wire. Then Eq. 3.l6(16) In wire is — gives .1. .- ~— % e —(fo-r)/5 < 11 ) 0E0 In 4.427 Fig. made with 1‘0/8 = are plotted curves 2.39 and curves of lJz/O‘EOI by using this formula, and comparisons are obtained from the exact formula 2‘0/6 = (10). This is done for two cases, 7.55. In the latter, the approximate distribution agrees well with the exact; in the former it does not. Thus, if ratio; of wire radius to 8 is seems for that there should be little plane solids. This point 4.5 will be in the wire from the results analyzing pursued in impedance error large, it developed calculations to follow. IMPEDANCE OF ROUND WIRES The internal impedance (resistance and contribution to reactance from magnetic flux wire) of the round wire is found from total current in the wire and the electric at intensity the surface, according to the ideas of Sec. 4.2. Total current may be obtained from an integration of current density, as for the plane conductor in Sec. 3.17; however, it may also be found from the magnetic field at the surface, since the line integral of magnetic field around the outside of the wire must be equal to the total current in the inside the Wire: 2 H. B. Dwight. Tables Bessel Functions for 7955. M. R. of Integrals, 3rd ed., MacMi/Ian. New York, 7967. N. W. McLacnlan. Engineers, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press (Clarendon). New York, Spiegel. Mathematical Handbook of Formulas Series, McGraw—Hill, New York. 7968. and Tables, Schaum’s Outline ’0 0.239 = 5 1-0 (f = 383 impedance of Round Wires 4.5 103 Hz for l~mm~diam Cu wire) 1'0 M— i9- = Actual = -~— 1a 1:. Jo Jo 0.5 I63 :3 2.39 (f = 105 Hztor l—mm-diam Cu wire) : (f = 106 Hz for lumm—diam Cu wire) 755 Outer radius Wire axis Outer radius Outer radius Wire axis R» (a) FIG. 4.4 Parallel plane formula 0-5 '" ’TO "- 104 HZ for 0.755 (f l~mm—diam Cu wire) (a) Current distribution in cylindrical wire for several frequencies. (b) Actual and distribution in approximate (parallel-plane formula) cylindrical wire. J0 _. 0E0. or 277”0H¢ir==ro Magnetic field is obtained from the electric field V For the round wire with and only r no E X variations in derivatives remain, so expression (I), z or Maxwell’s equations: (2) the fields E3 and H 4,, alone dE, ‘ = are present, (3) —-—-— jar/J, dr for current density has already been through conductivity 0: obtained in Eq. 4.4(8). Electric field the J0 (Tr) J- E: By substituting by ~jwlLH == l is related to this (1) (2) is simply H 4” An I = in z .2 0 (3) and recalling that T2 __. ‘15 where J ’O(Tr) denotes = 15a]: J’0(Tr) __ ‘ JO(T70) -—jw,u,0', -959 J’O(Tr) T jam, J0me) [d/d(Tr)]JO(Tr). I z (4) :2 0‘ From 10(Tr0) (1), ‘27TI'00‘E0 J ’O(Tr0) T J0(Tro) (5) .384 Chapter The internal impedance The 4 per unit of: Circuits Electromagnetics is defined length Z,- as 13 T] T‘ 2,. Note the similarity to internal in impedance per square For low low-Frequency Expressions sions of the Bessel functions show that Then ' ——-——°(,'°) 27rr00‘J 0(Tr0) = E200) / I. (6) . Eq. 3.17(3). frequencies, Tro is small expanded as and series expan- may be (6) 2 1 2.8 ' The real or 771%0‘[ 1 1+——~ r0 (5)] + —- 48 ,cop, 7 () —~ 1877 resistive part is ,2 17 Rifz The first term of this useful for term of (7) corresponds to a low-frequency 48 8 that is, for radius low—frequency (Li)lf The 359 (8) is the dc resistance, and the second is expression I‘D/5 as large as unity, 1 + 771‘50‘ —1— “ equaltto skin depth 8. a correction The imaginary internal inductance: Si; internal inductance is the H/m same as (9) that found by energy methods in Sec. 2.17. High-Frequency Expressions For high frequencies, the complex argument Tr0 is large. It may be shown that JO(TrO)/J'0(Tr0) approaches j and the high-frequency approximation to (6) is — (z.1)hf _ _. jaw/2 =<1+j>RS ——-— Vi’lTl‘OU'S 2777.0 o /m (10) 01' (Rn = («0me So resistance and internal reactance to the values for Sec. 3.17 where a Rs plane : are solid of width Wm (11) equal at high frequencies, and both are equal 27m, just as assumed on physical grounds in Expression for Arbitrary Frequency Eq. 4.4(9), 27770 (05)”. it is useful to break into real and defined in R5 = To interpret (6) for arbitrary frequencies, imaginary parts using the Ber and Bei functions, and their derivatives. That is, Berv + jBei v = Jo(j“‘/2v) 4.5 185 Impedance of Round Wires Also let d Ber’ + v j Bei’ v M 55 (6) + v j Bei v) 1“” IOU—”20) N Then (Ber may be written ‘ R 13 Z.=R+ij,.=- B +‘ [erg 1136161] Vim-0 Ber’ q + jBei’ q where R “‘ ..... —1_ “ 7170/1, _ Vil'o q 08 5 (r or R R3 : \/—2_7TI‘O (”Li I “I B ~ e12 (Ber Q)" ' B q] :| elf] er (B31 Q)" + Ber q Ber' q + Bei q Bei’ q RS : [ B erq B 7 I Warm (Ber 4)" 7 ‘I G351 (1)" + Q/m (12) Q/m These are the expressions for resistance and internal reactance of a round wire at any frequency in terms of the parameter g, which is W times the ratio of wire radius to depth of penetration. Curves giving the ratios of these quantities to the do and to the high—frequency values as functions of I'D/5 are plotted in Figs. 4.5a and 4.5b. A careful study of these will reveal the ranges of 1-0/5 over which it is permissible to use the approximate formulas for resistance and reactance. 4'0 r *F t / 3.0 X? / 2.0 ¢<~e L ”u _-‘ 1.0 L— 0 o B A 1 659. FIG. 4.50 2 L 3 g l J 4 a ( t 0 —| l 5 6 7 Ratio of radius to depth of penetration Solid~wire skin effect quantities compared with dc values. 336 Chapter 4 ~21. FIG. 4.5b Electromagnetics of Circuits 4 2 0 The 5 10 8 Ratio of radius to depth of Solid—wire skin effect quantities 12 14 penetration compared with values from high frequency formulas. aaicuiatmn of flircunt Eiements 4.6 SELF-INDUCTANCE CALCULATIONS Chapter 2, was related to field concepts in the first part examples of inductance calculations for simple configchapter. urations by the method of flux linkages (Sec. 2.5) and: from an energy point of View (Sec. 2.17). We now give additional examples of each method. Self~inductance, of this as defined in We have shown Example 4.6a EXTERNAL INDUCTANCE OF PARALLEL-WIRE TRANSMISSION LINE (APPROXIMATE) Figure 4.6 shows two parallel conductors of radius R with their distance 2d. Current I flows in the in the other. Magnetic z direction in the right~hand axes separated by conductor and returns field at any point (x, y) is the superposition of that from the two are far enough apart, the current distribution in either con- conductors. If conductors ductor is not much affected by the presence of the other, so that magnetic field from each conductor may be taken as circumferential about its axis and equal to the current divided by 211- times radius from the axis. For the y 0 plane passing through the axes = 'I 87 Self-Inductance Calculations 4.6 FIG. 4.6 Parallel-wire transmission line. of the two wires, the contribution from both wires is vertical I H,x,0 >0 ) The so that field, to the described above, is approximation I + ~ 277((1 27m x) + (1) x) —~ magnetic flux between the two conductors (used in finding external inductance) is by integrating over this central plane. For a unit length in the z direction, then found “"‘R’ I LL.— 1,0," 1 1 dx + 27f d + w(gr—R) d x -— x (2) M1 Inductance per unit length 2d rpm IL I 277 spacing + x) - 111(d ‘“ x)](3(dI?—)R) is then - R R pt 11 n 2d R EXTERNAL INDUCTANCE When .. 2—7; [1n(d :2 OF - R 2d In 1 R 7T (3) Example 4.6b PARALLEL‘WIRE TRANSMISSION LINE (EXACT) between conductors is comparable with wire radii, current distribution in the wires is affected and the result obtained above is modified. It by a method of that the exact Eq. 1.6( 1)] and can be shown either images or by conformal transformations to be described in Chapter 7 magnetic flux function (11”, [analogous to electric flux function in scalar magnetic potential CI) for this problem are In Wm (pm = ,uJ “'— 477 __L 272' 1H (x (x [tan - + a)2 7 a)' + y2 y -1 __ (x - (4) 7 + y“ a) tan y --I (x + Q] (5) 138 Chapter Electromagnetics of Gil-cults The 4 where a Taking d2 =2 the flux difference atx Alpm = l//m(€ll d 2' 13,0) ‘* R2 - R andx -— lullm(—d “ “2 ~d + R (both at )2 d #1 In —~——— (6) R + -- 2 ~—d + R a -~— d 477' R -— - - (1 In -d .+ R + a a mmde~Vd2~R2 flld—Rua __ 0), R, 0) + 2 - == 77nd~R+a 7 () duR—q—VdZ—Rz 7r By multiplying numerator and denominator by [(d —- R) —- Va?2 - R2], this reduces to A rpm = d #1 ~—-ln d —- 1 — pJ = — R R W 1’- -— -- ._ cosh 77 1 d (8) — R so L = Ail! J I = ,u, - 7Tcos h-I d (R) (9) — Examme 4. 6c PLANE CONDUCTOR __ INrERNAL INDUCTANCE As third we assumed. Moreover, we basis, as WITH SKIN EFFECT utilize the energy method and calculate internal inductance. from that of Ex. 2.17,for which uniform current distribution was example, example differs a This OF phasor forms of the skin effect formulation. The equation of the circuit forrnsof energy storage to the field utilize the in Sec. 2.17, is the form: 1 .. L12 2 The [.L = H?- dV — v ( 10) 2 magnetic field distribution for a semi~infinite conductor with sinusoidally varying found to be [Eq. 3.l6(15)] currents was : ___. e—(1+j).t/:5 where the coordinate system of Fig. 3.16a13 used. The; current per unit width, J just the value of Hy at the surface: Jsz :2 ~Hy(0) : USEO (1 + j) (11) _, is (12) '3 89 Mutual Inductance 4.7 We may now apply (10) to the calculation of L. But first we recognize (10), as written, is for instantaneous I and H. To use with phasors, we must either convert to instantaneous forms procedure is or write the simpler equivalent and of (10) for time~average stored energies. The latter find we 1 pa | l l I —L12=f—H3dv 4 v where the factor of fig rather than is on of sinusoids. so Taking a (11) and (12) in (13), width w, we < 13 ) 4 each side from the time average of squares miss, and a length l, and substituting comes that current is obtain w L _ 0’25ZE3 4 7 M r. w ,1 z 2 0 __ ,u 025253 4 2 e a. -—_.\/8 t a"- or m L &1 __ w “Zr/5 (It 15 ILL—[ _ 7 2w 0 15 L #5100 2w so I (Liz—.939. 20 w where relations for skin depth 2 l R l w/.L0' 14205 w ___:__~_=—5 and surface resistivity (14) have been substituted from Secs. 3.16 and 3.17. As found there, the internal reactance per square is equal to surface resistivity, RS. This is multiplied by length l and divided by width w to give the internal reactance of the overall unit. MUTUAL INDUCTANCE 4.7 The mutual inductance in one was defined in Sec. 4.2 circuit due to current approaches to its calculation, flowing some as that arising from in another circuit. We of which may also be the induced now applied voltage discuss several to calculation of self-inductance. Flux Linkages The most direct approach is that from Faraday’s law, finding the magnetic flux linking one circuit related to current in the other circuit, as in Eq. 4.2( 19). Thus for two circuits 1 and 2 we write M12 2 f3] ' 312 dsl (1) .1 where 32 magnetic flux arising from current 12 and integration is over the surface By reciprocity M21 M12 (for isotropic magnetic materials), so the cal» is the of circuit 1. 2 .399 Electromagnetics of Circuits The Chapter 4 culation may be made with the inducing current in either circuit. Consider, for example, the two parallel, coaxial conducting loops pictured in Fig. 4.70. The magnetic field from a current in one loop has been found for 32(0, d) a point [11202 = enough compared with spacing d, (1) gives loop rrbZBz(O, —_ be relatively constant over - > #7703192 d) -._ <3) * W I. approach this will and the relation The exact formula is found (2) W If loop 2IS small the second the‘ axis in EX. 2.3a: on by integrating the field by another method. over the section, but cross we will the exact calculation V X A, application of Stokes’s Magnetic Vector Potential Since B theorem to ( 1) yields an equivalent expression in terms of the magnetic vector potential: use of == M = In (V X An'dsI 12 Circuit 1 = sfiAz-dll 4 () [2 lfi d6 dll (a) / /' / I a} 02 ’ (zf/ r—-——————- —! b1 // /// 55// b2 F—i‘ L— //’I I //// / I, / / I/z”’ ,IB // [I // (2.. C d —>l a (b) FIG. 4.7 elements , (a) Two circular 100ps. (b) displaced from one another. Two (c) rectangular coupling loops. (c) Parallel current 4.7 191 Mutual inductance This form is useful in any problem for which the vector potential is more easily found than the magnetic field directly. It is especially useful for problems in which the circuit has straight-line segments or can be such segments, approximated by of the coupling of square loops pictured in Fig. 4.71). Vector direction of the current element contributing to it by Eq. 2.9(5), A from horizontal sides (21 and mutual inductance only through 2, 02 and [22. Similarly, vertical as in the potential so problem A is in the the contribution to horizontal. These sides thus contribute to is only 191 integration by (4) over in c1 and the horizontal parts of circuit contribute to mutual inductance d1 only by integration over the two parallel (vertical) sides 62 and (12. The basic coupling element in such a configuration is then that of two parallel but displaced current elements as pictured in Fig. 4.76. The contribution to mutual inductance from such elements (Prob. 4.7d) currents be shown to be can +A Mz—china +dlna +A d+D c+C 417 (5) +bln [29+]?A]+(C+D)~(A+B)} a—l— This as point well as of view is for quite useful for qualitative thinking quantitative analysis. about couplings Another standard form for calculation of mutual Neumann’s Form filamentary circuits follows directly from the above. We arising from current in circuit 2, assuming that current neglecting retardation. in a coupling of two potential A write the vector to be in line filaments and 1. d1 A2 3g [Ul a-TR 2 where R is the distance between current element dlg circuit (6) and the field point. Substitution in (4) yields 1 [L17 d"; ‘ dll [1.» 477' 47rR 12 This standard form is due to Neumann. Note in procity relation M12 == M21, since integrations §% dll particular ‘ dlr) ( ) R its illustration of the reci— about circuits 1 and 2 may be taken in either order. Example 4.7a MUTUAL INDUCTANCE OF COAXIAL LOOPS BY NEUMANN'S FORM For the coaxial of loops Fig. 4.70, let dlI (16 cos be any element of circuit 1 and (112 be any element of circuit 2. Then dlI ‘ dl2 =2 dlza 6 (8) 392 Chapter R By substituting 6 = 7r Va??— = 2gb —- The 4 integral-(7) (61 cos 6 - b)2 (9) 401) d2 + + (a b)2 ( 10 ) ‘ will then be found to become 7r/2 my“V—k can + = __ which 6)2 (a sin + and k2 the Electromagnetics of Circuits be written (23in2 41—1)qu [0 V1 —- ( 11 ) k2 sin2 qb as = ,n/ZEK— k>K(k) Eats] (12) -— ~— where 77/2 E(k) V1 = -—~ k2 sin2 95 dqb (13) o ”/2 K(k) M = V1 — (14) lc2 sin2 ()5 integrals (13) and (14) are given in tables3 as functions of complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kinds, respectively. The definite called Example k and are 4. 7b SELF-lNDUCTANCE OF ClRCULAR LOOP THROUGH IVIUTUAL INDUCTANCE CONCEPTS Neurnann’s form does not appear useful for the calculation of self-inductances of filamentary current paths, since radius R in (6) becomes zero at some point in the integration for such filaments. For pictured in Fig. 4.7d, culating induced field a conductor of finite area, one however, as in the round loop of wire obtains the external contribution to self-inductance at the surface of the conductor, say through the vector by calpotential is nearly (6). If wire radius a is small compared with loop radius 1', this field though current were concentrated along the center of the wire. Thus we conclude that the external inductance of the loop is well approximated by the mutual A as the 3 in same as For R. example, H. B. Dwight, Tables of Integrals, 3rd ed, Macmillan, New York, 796 l; or M. Splegel, Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables, Schaum’s Outline Series, MoGraw—Hi/l, New York, 7968. (9) (d) FIG. 4.7 loops, one I93 Inductance of Practical Coils 4.8 ((1) Conducting loop for which external self-inductance is to be found. (e) Filamentary through center of wire and other along inside edge, for which mutual inductance may be calculated. inductance between the two filaments of Fig. 4.7a. ductance between two concentric circles of radii L0 = 9 _~ __ ,u(2r 4r(r r Utilizing (12) for the mutual a) we then have and (r a)l:<l -::>K(k) E00] - —- in~ - —- (15) (2) - " (2r where E(k) and K(k) unity, and K and E may be are as —- (1)2 defined by (13) and (14). approximated by If a/r is very small, It is nearly 4 K(k) E E(k) .2. LO E ln(fi) 1 so To find total L, values of internal 4.8 ru[ln<§f) 2] inductance, -— as (16) found in Sec. 4.5, must be added. lNDUCTANCE OF PRACTICAL COILS study of the inductance of coils at low frequencies involves no new concepts but only new troubles because of the complications in geometry. Certain special cases are simple enough for calculation by a straightforward application of previously outlined methods. For example, for a circular coil of N turns formed into a circular cross section (Fig. 4.80) we may modify the formula for a circular loop of one turn, Eq. 4.7(16), A 394 Chapter 4 The Electromagnetics of Circuits L; __..J l 0000000000000 (6) (6) FIG. 4.8 (a) Coil of large radius—to-length ratio. ([7) Solenoidal coil. (6) Solenoidal coil permeability on high- core. provided the cross section is small compared with the coil radius. Magnetic field must be computed on the basis of a current N]; in addition, to compute the total induced voltage about the coil, N integrations must be made about the loop. Equation 4.7(16) is thus modified by a factor N 2. The external inductance for this coil is then ' L0 8R N~Rn[m<?> 2] , = —- For the other extreme, the inductance of computed. constant, If the solenoid is as long enough, the (1) very long solenoid (Fig. 4.81)) may be magnetic field on the inside is essentially a for the infinite solenoid, H, = -~— <2) 4.8 195 Inductance of Practical Coils where N is the total number of turns and l the length. The flux linkage for N turns is then N sznHz, and the inductance is L0 = 'n'p.R2N2 —l— (3) For coils of intermediate frequently to the length-to-radius ratio, empirical or semiempirical formulas Nagaoka formula applies a correction factor F long solenoid.4 A simple approximate form5 very close to have to be used. The famous formula (3) for the R/l up to 2 or 3 is this for = 0 If a coil is wound toroidal 7T].LR2N2 (4) —————— 1 + 0.9R of high permeability as shown in Fig. 4.86, the region, independent of the length of the winding. is intensity again given by (2) and the inductance by (3) with l flux on a is restricted to the core essentially magnetic field 2771b: where rO is the mean radius of the toroid. At higher frequencies the problem becomes more complicated. When turns are rela— tively close together, the assumption made previously in calculating internal impedance (other portions of the circuit so far away that circular symmetry of current in the wire is not disturbed) certainly does not apply. Current elements in neighboring turns will be near enough to produce nearly as much effect upon current distribution in a given The = turn as the current ductance since core are in that turn itself. Values of skin effect resistance and internal in- then not changes as previously calculated. External inductance may also be different symmetrical distribution in external fields result when current loses its separation of internal and external given field line may be sometimes inside and sometimes outside of the conductor. Finally, distributed capacitances may be important and further complicate matters (see following section). Coils utilizing superconductors, which are materials giving zero resistance below some critical temperature near absolute zero, have become important because one can obtain with proper design very high values of uniform magnetic fields with them, with— out the use of iron. They may also be very efficient devices for storage of large energies. The electromagnetic principles of design are the same as given for other coils, and in fact, the approximations may be better satisfied by the thin wires typically used in superconducting magnets. The mechanical forces of the large currents must be consid» ered in the design, and the transient behavior of a superconductor is very different from that of an ordinary conductor. Wilson6 gives examples of various coil configurations, with reference to the background literature. with respect to the wire axis. In fact, the strict inductance may not be possible for these coils, for 4 5 ‘5 a E. C. Jordan (Ed). Reference Data for Engineers: Radio, Electronics. Computer, and Communications, 7th ed, Howard W. Sams, Indianapolis, IN, 1985. H. A. Wheeler, Proc. IRE 16. 7398 (7928). M. N. Wilson, Superconducting Magnets. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 7983. 396 Chapter 4.9 The 4 SELF Electromagnetics ofiCircuits AND MUTUAL CAPACITANCE The concept of electrostatic capacitance between two conductors was introduced in Chapter 1 as the charge on one of the conductors divided by the potential difference analysis of Sec. 4.2 this definition was carried over as a quasistatic concept to give capacitance term utilized in the analysis of Little more need be said about the simple two— excitation. circuits with time-varying is collect but it useful to conductor capacitor, expressions we have developed for some between conductors. In the circuit the usual of the common 1. Parallel capacitive planes with elements. negligible fringing, A C area, d 2-“ =: spacing: fl “‘ " (1) a 2. Concentric spheres of radii a and b (b > a): 47TSCZb C (b 3. Coaxial cylinders of radii a and b " (2) F/m (3) _. (b > - a) a): 2778 C -- " 1n<b/a) 4. Parallel in cylinders Chapter 7): with wires of radius a, with are separated by d (to be derived i C If there axes = —7T8—— 1 cosh (d/ 2a) " F/rn several conductors, the electric flux from several of the others and induce one (4) conductor may end on charge on each of those. Consider, for example, the multiconductor problem diagramrned in Fig. 4.9a. Suppose conductor 1 is raised to a positive potential with the other three bodies, 0, 2, and. 3, grounded. The electric flux from 1 will divide among the other three bodies and induce negative charges on each of these. The amounts of the separate charges may be used to define capacitances C10, C12, and C13 in the circuit representation of Fig. 4.919. Similarly, raising conductor 2 to a nonzero potential and finding induced charges on grounded conductors 0, ,1, and 3 determines C20 and C23 and provides a check on C12. Repetition of the process with conductor 3 at a nonzero potential gives the remaining element C30 and provides a check on 6'13 and C23. However, it is usually not possible to measure the individual charges on the conductors which are tied together. Usually a capacitance current, dQ/dt, is measured by applying a time-varying voltage, and Q is the sum of the charges on electrodes connected together. Thus the three measurements described would yield (C10 + C12 + C13), (C20 + C12 + C23), and (C30 + C13 + C23). Three additional measurements with linearly independent combinations of V1, V2, and V3 are required to determine the six elements of the circuit. 197 Self and Mutual Capacitance 4.9 C12 C31 023 Clo {3 2 3 C20 C30 (17) Zero potential electrode 9 ((1) //”~“\\ / / /’ / \ \ / ~~~~~~ 1Q \ \ I \ ~~~~~~~~~ \\ \ wwwwww \\\ {c} ’u—n—.. I (l It} \\ I I l l \ l t //// \ \\\ \ “ \‘x““““““““ / a”? (d) ’’’’’ /’—~_~\\\ I n—n /// / / ’// / / \ \ / 2 \ \\ / / \\ .a—N 0/ \ l 3 Q g\\ 4 Li 91. 2 13:; I l \ 1 l J \\ ~~~~~ \:\\ ‘ ~~~~~~~~~ \ \ / \ ‘i I (e) 5:3 \ 1/ l‘. \L\L \ r 4) 2 07 FIG. 4.9 (a) Four conducting bodies, one of which is chosen to have zero potential. (1)) The equivalent circuit for (a). (C) Electrostatic shielding by a grounded sphere. (d) Flux lines between a pair of conductors without shielding. (e) Partial shielding by a grounded conducting plane. (f) Ungrouncled nearby conductor increases coupling. problem is that of decreasing the capacitive coupling between two bodies, electrostatically shielding them from one another. Consider, for example, the conductors 1 and 3 of Fig. 4.96. If a grounded conductor 2 is introduced and made to surround either body 1 or 3 completely, as in Fig. 4.9a, it is evident that a change in potential of 3 can in no way influence the charge on 1 so that mutual capacitance 0. C13 More often the added conductor may not completely enclose any body, so that the capacitive coupling may not be made zero, but may only be reduced from its original A common that is, of = value. Any finite conductor, as 2, introduced into the field acts to decrease the mutual T 93 Chapter 4 The Electromagnetics of Circuits prior to the introduction of 2, and hence provides some capacitive coupling between 1 and 3. The reason is that fewer of the flux lines of the charge on 1 will terminate on 3 with a grounded conductor, as shown by comparing Figs. 4.9d and 4.9g. However, if 2 is not connected to the ground (the infinite supply of charge), the effect of the added electrode will be to shorten the flux lines as seen in Fig. 4.9;“. In terms of the equivalent circuit, the effective capacitance between 1 and 3 is seen from the equivalent circuit of Fig. 4.91) to be given by C13 in parallel with C12 and C23 in series: capacitance C12 from its value decrease in the (C13)eff 7‘ C13 + C12C23 C12 + C23 generally greater than the value of C13 prior to the introduction of 2 (though along an equipotential surface of the original field); so, if insulated from ground, the additional conductor may act to increase the effective capacitive coupling between 1 and 3. It often happens that electrodes, although grounded for direct current, may be effectively insulated or floating at high frequencies because of imped» ance in the grounding leads. In such cases the new electrodes do not accomplish their shielding purposes but may in fact increase capacitive coupling. This value is it need not be if 2 lies $Wh’iia’r‘n21‘2‘8‘éfitfii’ihfi:ii'en'l‘isfia'ihi‘k'iai’ffi‘ési’r’fi‘fiv?"fights“?€§K§R®k§i§m§ifi~§w§fiéfisfi$313244'1???{3&22‘4iiit‘e‘i'sliffififif”(3P3W‘VEy'éa‘Qfi’fifliftsfitflflgfifiififi‘SRafi...)$522{13$$5315§§§S§T510«&WZ”~2/flfifitfiaswfi< Grunts Which 4.IO Not Smahégempared Wavetength are With DISTRIBUTED EFFECTS AND RETARDATION generalizations to circuit theory when effects are distributed rather comparable in size with wavelength so lumped, that retardation from one part of the circuit to another must be considered. Considering first the distributed effects, we recognize that the fields contributing to circuit elements are always distributed in space and the representation by a lumped element is valid only when the region is small in comparison with wavelength and when only one type of energy storage (electric or magnetic) is important for that region. If the electric energy storage in parts of a primarily inductive element, or magnetic energy in a primarily capacitive element, becomes important, the approach through classic circuit theory is to divide into subelements that can be treated as one or the other. For example, suppose there is electric field (capacitive) coupling between the turns of the inductor of Fig. 4.10a. A first approximation is that of adding a capacitive element across the terminals of L to represent all the electric energy storage of the element as shown in Fig. 4.1019. A still better approximation is that of adding a capacitive element between each pair We now than consider the and also when circuits become 4.10 Wit FIG. 4.10 Distributed Effects and Retardation (a) (b) (c) (d) 199 (a) Coil. (b) Circuit with single capacitance representing electric-field coupling among turns. (6) Circuit turn. of representation with capacitive coupling shown between each adjacent ((1) Representation with capacitances added between nonadjacent turns. in Fig. 4.10c. But there may be coupling between nonadjacent capacitances can be added as in Fig. 4.10:1. The effect of these at high frequencies is to bypass some of the turns so that not all turns have the same current. This last effect would not be at all included in the simpler representation of Fig. 4.1017. Finally one might go to the limit and consider differential elements of the coil, attempting to find couplings to all other differential elements, to write and solve a differential equation for current distribution. This process could be carried out only for simple configurations, and even the approach through a finite number of lumped elements as in c or (1 becomes complicated if there are many turns. Consider next the retardation effect arising from the finite time of propagation of electromagnetic effects across the circuit. To simplify this discussion, we consider only sinusoidal excitation so that we can define a wavelength and discuss phase relationships. More general excitations can of course be broken into a series of sinusoids through Fourier analysis. Consider, for example, the simple single-100p antenna of Fig. 4.108. At low frequencies, with diameter d small in comparison with wavelength, the time of propagation of effects from one part of the loop to another is negligible. Thus, magnetic field produced by a current element at a point such as A travels to another point such as B in a negligible part of a cycle and so has negligible phase delay. The induced field from the time rate of change of the field is then 90 degrees out of phase with current in B and contributes to the inductive effect we expect for the loop at low frequencies. adjacent turns, turns and as still other 233 Chapter 4 The Electromagnetics of Circuits (e) FIG. 4.10 at B (6) Loop when d is antenna comparable showing phase retardation between wavelength. sources at A and induced fields with higher frequencies, with d comparable with wavelength, the finite time of propa— gation about the circuit must be considered. Current at B may then not be in phase with current at A, and the magnetic field at B arising from the element at A may not be in phase with either. The time rate of Change of magnetic field induces an electric field which may then be not exactly 90 degrees out of phase with 13. If there is an in-phase At component, it represents energy transfer, which turns out to be a contribution to the energy radiated by this antenna. If current distribution is known, fields throughout the circuit can be calculated and the contribution to radiated power represented in the circuit by so—called radiation resistance. But to find the actual distribution, really boundary-value problem represented by conducting loop. For some antennas or other circuits comparable in size with wavelength, it is possible to make reasonable assumptions about current distribution and extend circuit theory in this way, but the extension must be done carefully. Additional discussion of this point will be given in the next section utilizing a retarded potential formulation for circuit theory. One important circuit having both distributed and propagation effects is the uniform transmission line. It turns out that circuit theory can be extended to this case. Agreement with field solutions is exact for perfectly conducting transmission lines and very good for lines with losses, as will be seen in Chapter 8. The circuit theory of transmission lines, to be developed in Chapter 5, is thus of very special importance. a needs to solve the 4.11 CIRCUIT FORMULATION THROUGH current one the THE RETARDED POTENTIALS relationships embodied in the retarded potentials of Sec. 3.19 can provide additional insights into the circuit formulation? for electromagnetic problems, especially for circuits large in comparison with wavelength. This approach was first The cause-and~effect Circuit Formulation 4.“ used by Carson.7 start with Ohm’s law in field form for A typical Through circuit follows a a 201 the Retarded Potentials conductor for all point along this or part of its path, so we path, E=* where cr moves about the circuit (1) is the conductivity for the point under consideration and may vary as one path. We next break up the field into an applied portion, E0, and an induced portion, E’, the latter arising from the charges and the currents of the circuit itself. We also write E’ in terms of the retarded potentials of Sec. 3.19 E0+E’=EO-V(P—-a—é==~J— at (2) 0' where A and C1) are given as integrals over the charges and currents of the circuit, as defined in Eqs. 320(3) and 320(4). The term J / 0' in (2) is indeterminate nonconducting portions of the path since insulating portions and 0- is generally undefined within any localized source. We consequently integrate (2) over conducting portions of the path, obtaining a cause~and—effect relationship which can be considered the general circuit equation: both J and 0- are zero over for A [ED-dl-fJ-'dl—f§—-dl~fV©-dl==0 at 0' In a conventional circuit, the first term is the third an (3) applied voltage, the second a resistive term, a capacitive term. The terms are discussed inductive term, and the fourth separately. Applied Voltage The first term of (3) can be identified as the applied voltage of circuit theory and is just the integral of applied electric field over the circuit path. In a circuit such as a receiving antenna (Fig. 4.1141), the applied field is clearly distributed over the circuit through the mechanism of the incoming electromagnetic wave and the integration of E0 is about the complete path: n=fmai (e For the localized sources, discussed in Sec. 4.3, for which electric field can be con~ gradient of a scalar potential, the integration of E0 from 2 to 1 about the sidered the Fig. 4.1 lb is the negative of that from 1 to 2 of the source since the closed integral of the gradient is zero. The gap in the capacitor can be ignored in this step since the localized source produces negligible field there. Thus the source voltage is circuit of line 2 1 1 (source) -(circuit) 7 J. R. Carson. Bell System Tech. J. 6, I (1927). 232 Chapter The 4 Electromagnetlcs of circuits Incoming E-M radiation LocaHzed generator 2 + 4 H Y? i C (b) (a) Closed filamentary loop excited by incoming electromagnetic wave. (b) Filamen~ a localized generator (point source). (c) Circular loop of round wire with circuit path along inner boundary. FIG. 4.11 tary circuit with capacitor excited by In this class of problem, V0 is independent of the circuit path, whereas in the receiving problem discussed above, V0 depends; very much upon the circuit antenna class of configuration and orientation with respect to the fields. internal impedance Term The second term in (3) is of exactly the same form as the ohmic term for the resistor in the circuit example of Sec. 4.2. There we showed that in the limit of dc this corresponds to the expected resistance term. Here it is understood may vary over different parts of the circuit path and the integration brings in the total resistance of the circuit path. For ac circuits it turns out that this term may also that 0‘ include circuit a contribution from the inductance internal to the conductor is taken, along for the round wire in Sec. 4.5. Thus for the which the important phasor representations for currents and voltages, this term gives a complex contribution resulting from internal reactance in addition to the resistance. That is, if internal impedance per unit length is defined-as the ratio of surface electric path sinusoidal case with as was seen 4.1 1 Circuit Formulation 203 the Retarded Potentials Through field to the total current in the conductor, Zi = —S (6) the term under consideration becomes the total internal impedance Z,- multiplied by current I : fg-dl=fEs'dl:IfZ}dl=IZi where the integrals are taken Fig. 4.1lb. over the conducting portions (7) of the circuit from 2 to 3 and 4 to 1 in Externai inductance Term the circuit The third term in (3) is the inductance term and, if is properly selected, represents only the contribution from magnetic flux external to the conductor. Consider, for example, the loop of wire in Fig. 4.11c, and take the circuit path along the inner surface of the conductor. We will assume that the integral in the third term of (3) taken over the conducting portions of the circuit differs negligibly from an integral which would include the small gaps at the source and in any capacitors included in the circuit. This allows evaluation of that term with closed integrals. We take the path as stationary so that path aA 3g —— . (ii =- dfig -- A - dl d: at (8) From Stokes’s theorem, 3gA-dlzf(VXA)~dS (9) 5 But V A X (10) B = so aA —— . cl! (If = - dr at B ' d8 < 11 ) 5 integral of (11) is the magnetic flux linking the chosen circuit, exactly as approach through Faraday’s law in Sec. 3.2. Thus the term may be defined as an inductance term, as before, recognizing that it is the contribution from flux threading the chosen circuit path (i.e., the external inductance): The surface in the d1 aA is: ~— Thus this provides an alternate way of d1 - = L-— dr calculating ( 12 ) inductance: l L=7§Audl (13) 234 The above neglected. assumes Electromagnetics of Circuits The Chapter 4 the circuit small The extensions when this compared with wavelength so that retardation assumption is not valid are discussed shortly. is fiapacitive Term As with the other terms in (3) we must integrate the WP over the conducting portions of the circuit, that is, from 2 to 3 and 4 to l in Fig. 4.1119. Here we assume that“ the fields arising from charges on the capacitor are negligible at the source, so we may use, as the range of integration, 4 to 3 through the source. Then, since the integral of the gradient of a scalar completely around a closed path (here including the capacitor gap) is zero, we may write 4 3 3(gap) 4(circuit) a lumped capacitor this potential capacitance C In difference is related to the charge Q through , (I) 3 so that this term is the capacitance fl3 4 —— ( 15 ) - C term of circuit 3 J.4(<:ircuit) Q = theory, Q 1 C C J VCD-dlz—z—Jdt ( 16 ) Circuits Comparable in Size with Wavelength The formulation in terms of retarded potentials has been shown to reduce to the usual low-frequency circuit concepts as obtained in the earlier formulation using only fields, under the same assumptions. The present formulation is attractive in that it appears more readily extendible to large— dimension circuits, such as an antenna, when retardation effects are important. To i1~ lustrate, consider the circuit of Fig. 4.110, for which in a thin wire. Let capacitor also take so us assume that there is steady~state only current is assumed concentrated that ohmic resistance is an and applied voltage phasor notation sinusoids and a negligible and that there is term from the potential no A. We for this discussion. Thus, (3) becomes ngo'dl—jwng-dlr-O and A, for the filamentary current, by Eq. 321(4), is A Substituting (18) in (17) we (l7) = i 11.13"ij dl’ ( 18 ) 477R and breaking up the exponential into its sinusoidal components, obtain ' fEO-d1~jw3€3€“l(c°s [(12 -— 477R ‘ ”m kR )dl-dl’r-O (19) We see that even if current I 205 Circuits with Radiation 4.12 were assumed values of kR would lead to both real and entirely in phase about the circuit, finite imaginary parts of the contribution from this term. The imaginary part is the inductive reactance, as found before for this term, except by the integration of the retardation term. But there is a new term in phase with I which corresponds to the energy radiated from the circuit, and can be expressed as current times a radiation resistance. Although the general modifications for large—dimension circuits are shown by this approach, it is difficult to carry much further since we really do not know the distribution of I about the circuit, and cannot find it without a field solution of the problem. In some antennas it is possible to make reasonable guesses about the current and proceed, but it is clear that these guesses must eventually be checked through either experiment or a field analysis. Also, as we have seen, the integration is to be only over conducting surfaces to avoid the indeterminacy of the second term of (3). For many antennas, the “gaps” are larger than the conductors, and fields definitely not quasistatic in the open regions, so this further limits the applicability of this approach. A specific example will be carried further in the following section. now modified 4.12 CIRCUITS WITH RADIATION relationship between field theory and circuit theory, specific circuits with radiation. As we saw in Sec. 4.11, a circuit that is not small in comparison with wavelength has retardation of induced fields from one part of the circuit to the other. The resulting phase changes produce components of induced field which are in phase with the currents, and an average power flow results. This power can be shown to be the radiation from the circuit. The phase shifts also produce some changes in the reactive impedance of the circuit, but this is usually a higher—order effect. The term we are concerned with is the integration of induced effects, the second term of Eq. 4.1 1(19): To conclude this discussion of the let us look at two _ V.induced = We illustrate this with two .10) ti ,uI(cos kR - j sin kR) (1) 477.}? examples. Example 4.12a SMALL CIRCULAR LOOP ANTENNA 0R CIRCUIT The first example is that of a circular loop, as in Fig. 4.120, small enough so that current may be considered constant about the loop. If I is independent of position, it may be taken outside the integral (1) so that the induced term may be written Vinduced : (R2 + ij)I (2) 296 Chapter The 4 Electromagnetics of Circuits (b) (a) ((2) Circular loop with constant current I with coordinates for calculation of retardation (b) Straight antenna of finite length with current distribution. FIG. 4.12 effects. where Rr = L The value of CH is (d) - ¢') (ha dd), wavelength, kR << terms of its Taylor series: 27" my, sin H? —— sin[(q§ ,u cos (3) H? ——-— dl - (11’ 477R —— (h’a dqfi’. qb’)/ 2]. 1 and the sine term in 2” d1» d1' 477R and that of dl’ is and the distance R is 2a with = 36% if; The angle between (11 and dl’ is Ifthe circuit is small in comparison (1) may be replaced by the first two k3R3 M l. m Mina. The first term of (4) integrates two terms of the series. The second term 271' 277 to zero, so we see R, z I f M readily evaluated to 0 The integrals are 2477‘ o __ R, = . length (but 1 _. sin2<¢ 4’) 2 cos(<b ~— qb’) dqs drb’ understanding <5) give k341/2 $0“ flu -<—)<ka)4 Thus radiation resistance increases with the it is necessary to retain at least gives 4 __ why (6) — as the fourth power of the ratio of radius to wave 0.05 A, the that this ratio is always small). For a = 201 Circuits wllh Radlaflon “a value is R, If kR in the cos 12211 : (21r x 0.05)“ for L is likewise expression NZHCL L~LL 47rR|:1 J21? : expanded 1.923 n as a series, EL“. + --rrcos(q$ 7 + (7) -1 ¢)d¢dd) 41 2! , (8) The first term is recognized as the Neumann form for inductance of this loop (Sec. 4.7), remaining terms represent corrections to the inductance because of retardation. It is seldom necessary to calculate these last-mentioned corrections for circuits properly considered as lumped~element circuits and the Example 4.12b RADIATION RESISTANCE As a second current OF A STRAIGHT ANTENNA BY example, consider straight dipole a antenna as CIRCUIT METHODS shown in Fig. 4.1217 with distribution 1(2) = (9) 1,..f(:) where f(z) is real. But here the conductor does not form a closed circuit, and as ex— plained earlier. the Carson formulation (Sec. 4.ll) only applies unambiguously over the surface of conductors. Thus we first find retarded potential A, which has only a 2 component: / A. it]; ' given in terms ~1w[A of A = = + , c f(z )e I'LL" —‘—- 4742 —; 7 2'] 7 d.’ ( 10) by Eq. 321(7): 1 , E dz , 471R —I Electric field is I —’k.R 1 —— :- FWV 1 63A m] —]a)z[A: 1371—2] , - A + = (11) The portion of E in phase with current causes the radiated power in this picture, and that clearly comes from the imaginary part of A? The integration of l(z)Ei,,,pmS= over the antenna terms of a gives the total power transferred. radiation resistance: or radiated. and this may be expressed in I W Thus, substituting (10) It. _2&l ~ 4” and = 2 f [Itszgmhrs (11), we m I R.’ : —~"'2 <12) obtain ’ if" _ f(2) Lift: ){r—' \ ,. T—u :1sz w 298 Chapter 4 The Electromagnetics of circuits expansions of the sinéklz z’l terms are often made. and cos k2], R, is found to f(2) /\/4 dipole [l be about 73.1 9 in agreement with the value found by a Poynting integration to be utilized in Sec. 12.7. This method of finding radiation resistances of antennas is called the induced emf method. It is seldom easier than the Poynting integration but does show the relationship to circuit theory. Note that for both examples, we had to assume a form for current distribution to proceed: This is a clear limitation as it can be done with reasonable confidence only in specific cases. When that is not possible, field theory must be invoked for the whole problem. Note also that until this example, we have neglected any distributed charges along the interconnecting conductors of the circuit. Here, with current varying as f(z), the continuity equation requires distributed charges, but these are taken care of by the V(V A) term in (11), as shown in Sec. 3.21. In evaluating these integrals, series — When carried out for the half~wave = = : ’ PROBLEMS 4.23 nonlinear elements, that is, ones for which ,u., e, or a, or some combination is a function of the field for at least a part of the circuit. Review the formulation of Sec. 4.2 to show this behavior explicitly. Is the general form Eq. 4.2(1) Many circuits contain changed in such cases? 4.2b Some circuits contain a function of time for time-varying elements, at least a for which ,u, a, or 0', or a part of the circuit. Discuss these combination is in Prob. 4.2a. cases as sign of mutual inductance coupling is designated on a circuit diagram by the placing of black dots. With the sign convention for positive voltage and current shown in Figs. 4.26 and d, the dot location in the former denotes positive M and in the latter, negative M. Show that either can be represented by a “T~networ as in Fig. P426, where the upper signs denote Fig. 4.26 and the lower, Fig. 42d. 4.2c The ” L21|M| + + iIMI V1 V2 0* 4) FIG. P4.2c 4.33 It has been out that the mesh analysis utilizes Kirchhoff ’s voltage law expliconly implicitly. Show that the current law is satisfied for each node of the circuit with mesh currents defined by Fig. 4.31). Similarly show that the voltage law is satisfied by each mesh of Fig. 4.30, with node voltages as shown. itly but pointed the current law 4.3b The generator in the example of Figs. 4.3b and C is-taken as a series with a source resistance. It can alternatively be taken as parallel with and node 4.3c With a a source equations conductance Gs. voltage generator a current in generator IO in Make this substitution and write the new loop for the filter. complex load impedance (admittance) connected to the source terminals as in 209 Problems Figs. 4.351 and 6, show that the two source representations are equivalent in producing in and voltage across this impedance, when the conditions of Eq. 4.3(10) are current sadsfied. 4.3d Show that for fixed when it is a V5 and ZS, the maximum possible power is “conjugate match” to Z5, that is, ZL Z“: (or YL = delivered == the load to Yf). 4.4a Make a power series expansion of Eq. 4.4(8), retaining up to quadratic tenns, to Show the variation of magnitude and phase with r to this approximation. Up to about what 1-0/6 will this be a reasonable approximation? (See 4.4b Utilize the Sec. 7.14.) of Bessel functions to derive the asymptotic expansions expression Eq. 4.4(11). What phase variation (See Sec. 7.15 or Ref. 2.) is found in this 4.4c Obtain tables of the Ber and Bei functions and 2.39. r/rO for I'D/5 plot phase approximate approximation? of current density versus = 4.53 Show that the ratio of very high frequency resistance to dc resistance of a round conductor of radius 1‘0 and material with depth of penetration 5 can be written Rm R0 4.5b the Using approximate formula 4.5(8), R0 by less than 2%. from dc resistance "0 25 find the value of I‘D/5 below To what size wire does this which R differs correspond for copper at 10 kHz? For copper at 1 MHz? For brass at 1 MHz? 4.56“ For two z-invariant systems ductors of the rent densities same equal having the in magnitude at same shape of cross section and of good con— distributions will be similar, and cursimilar points, if the applied voltage to the small material, show that current system is 1 /K in magnitude and K2 in frequency that of the large system. Also show that the characteristic impedance of the small system will be K times that of the large system under these conditions. Check these conclusions for the case of two round wires of different radii. K is the ratio of linear dimensions (K > 1). 4.63 For the symmetric R / d from both the the parallel-wire line, plot normalized external inductance, irL/p. versus approximate and exact expressions and note the range over which approximate formula gives good results. 4.6b Derive the formula for external inductance of the coaxial line in Fig. 2.41) by the en— ergy method assuming the usual situation of a material with permeability #0 between the electrodes. 4.6c For a parallel-plane equals as in Fig. 2.5c, find the dielectric thickness, in thickness, for which the low-frequency internal inductance transmission line terms of the conductor the external inductance. Take both conductor thicknesses to be the same. a solid copper inner conductor of radius 020 cm and a tubular copper outer conductor of inner radius 1 cm, wall thickness 0.1 cm. Find the total impedance per unit length of line for a frequency of 3 GHz, including the internal 4.6d A coaxial transmission line has impedance 4.6e of both conductors. a differential length of coaxial transmission line. Take the lines Fig. 3.17 to be separated by a differential distance dz with 2 positive to the right. Write Faraday’s law for the loop ABCDA and use the capacitance expression given in Eq. 1.9(4) to show that the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. P4.6e is correct for high frequencies. (Li is internal inductance per square and L.: is external inductance per unit length.) Equivalent circuit for C -—B and D~A in 2'3 0 Chapter 4 The Electromagnetics of Circuits Lib (—27% Lia) + 22:0. dz Ledz C Rsb V+PA(27:?) + RSa)d z thedz 27rd tub/a 0—— T VT.03 w B FIG. P4.6e encountered problem in microwave circuits is the wire bonding of one circuit to another as suggested in Fig. P4.6f. The configuration is usually too complex to fit any simple models, but some useful approximate formulas exist. F. E. Terman, Radio Engineers Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1943, gives, for round l + 51/226], where {f and d are wires at high frequencies, L 0.20€[ln(4€/d) length and diameter in millimeters, and L is in nanohenries. Estimate the inductance of 4.6f A frequently part of a - = the 0.5»mm—diameter wire bond in Note its magnitude compared with Fig. P4.6f and calculate its reactance at 1.0 GHz. a typical characteristic impedance of 50 .Q. l/Emm W V4f//[/rf[f/////1 Z FIG. P4.6f 4.73 A coaxial line, shorted at 2 0, has a rectangular 100p introduced for coupling, lying in a longitudinal plane with dimensions as shown in Fig. P4.7a. Find the mutual in» ductance between loop and transmission line assuming (1 <</\ so that field is essentially independent of z. == lrffl/f/flljfffr/T/I'Y/l/////////////a , 1 r2 T. fiW/WW/A\ \. rf/f/fllllljll/llf/fl/f/fl/ff/rfIf/f FIG. P4.7a 4.7b From tables of the complete elliptic integrals given in Eq. 4.7(12) against d/a for b/a mutual inductance in 4.7c the references, plot the form of 1 and for 17/0 = == — 1, properties of the complete elliptic integrals for k << 1 and for k approximate expressions for mutual inductance for these two cases. Inter~ pret physical meaning of these limits and compare with approximate Eq. 4.7(3). Investigate the z and obtain 4.7d By integration of Eq. 4.7(4), show parallel line segments displaced as that the contribution to mutual inductance from two shown in Fig. 4.7c is as given by (5). 23 II Problems 4.7e Apply Eq. 4.7(5) to the calculation of mutual inductance between used for coupling between open-wire transmission lines as shown length of each side is 0.03 m; the separation x is 0.01 m. Assume which the lines enter are small enough to be ignored. 4.7f Plot two in square loops 4.7b. The Fig. that the gaps at for the circular loop of round wire versus a/r from approximate and “exexpressions and note the range of usefulness of the former. Comment on the validity of the selected mutual approach for a/r approaching unity. (Note that tables of elliptic functions are required for this comparison.) LO/ap. act” 4.7g Suppose l~mm~diameter copper wire is formed into a single circular loop having a ra~ cm. A voltage generator of 1 V ms and 10 MHZ is connected to an inflni~ dius of 10 tesimal gap in the loop. Find the current flowing in the loop, taking into account internal impedance as well as external inductance. Justify all approximations used. 4.711?“ Check dipole 4.83 Plot Eq. 4.7(3) by taking the magnetic field of the small loop as that integrating flux from this over the area of the larger loop. of a magnetic and LO/uR versus expression 4.8(4) add this curve R / I from the expression for and compare. (If you have a long access to solenoid and the tables for the empirical Nagaoka formula, also.) ideal infinite solenoid, magnetic flux is uniform everywhere inside the solenoid. For a finite coil, as pictured in Fig. 4.81), there may be more flux through the central turns of the coil than those near the ends. Explain how you make a circuit model of the 4.8b For an coil in view of these “partial flux linkages.” circular coil of square cross section, Fig. P4.8c, it has been shown that the larg— 1.5 for a fixed length of wire of chosen est possible inductance results when R / s 1.7 X 10‘6 RN 2. size. The value of this inductance for N turns is L 4.8c* For a = = “‘1 WA FIG. P4.8c 212 Chapter 4 The Electromagnetlcs ofE Circuits 1 m of wire with cross section 1 m2, find the values of R, s, N, and inductance for its maximum according to this rule; (i) Given (ii) Repeat for 4.8d 2 m of the Same wire. the formula of Prob. 4.8c with that of Compare (areaW2 = Eq. 4.8(1), taking for the latter R/1.5. qualitatively the case of Fig. 4.96 in which twp bodies, 1 and 3, which are relatively far apart have a grounded conducting plane brought in their vicinity. Give energy argument to show that C13 is decreased when the plane is added. 4.93 Discuss 4313* Suppose a that the bodies 1 and 3 of distance d with a/ d << plane when grounded, from ground. 4.9a and f are spheres of radii a separated plane is parallel to the line joining their by 1. If the added centers and distance b from it the Figs. an (a/b << 1), find C 13 before and after introduction of and the effective CI3 with the plane present and insulated cylindrical conductors of radius 1 cm have their axes 4 cm apart and each axis is above a parallel ground plane. Make rough graphical field maps and'estimate the capacitances (per unit length) for this three-conductoriproblem. (Think about how many plots you need and the best choice of potentials for each.) 4.9c Two 4 cm 4.103 Make coil as wire 1 order-of-magnitude estimate of the capacitance between adjacent turns of a pictured in Fig. 4.10a if the diameter of the coil is 2 cm, the diameter of the mm, and the spacing between turns 1 mm. Clearly state your model for the an calculation. 4.10b For a coil as in Fig. 4.100, in the form of a fairly open helix, it is found that the phase delay of current along the coil is well estimated by assuming propagation along the wire at the velocity of light in the surrounding dielectric material. For a helix of 100 turns in air, each turn 1 cm in diameter and spaced 1 mm apart on centers (wire diameter being appreciably smaller than this), (i) Find the phase difference between current at the end and that at the beginning of 150 MHZ. the helix for such a traveling wave at f the in the this with difference retardation term, calculated along a (ii) Compare phase = direct path 4.11 We will find though there possible. between the two ends. waves on an is clearly infinite ideal transmission line that do not radiate retardation to different points along the line. Explain even how this is 4.12a What radius do you need to give a radiation resistance of 50 Q from the expression derived from the small~loop circuit?~Do you think the approximations reasonably satisfied for this size? 4.12b Using the method of Sec. 4.12 derive radiation resistance for sides d and uniform current assumed about the 4120* As indicated in Ex. 4.12b, make gral (retain three terms), A/4. dipole,l = assume a series f(z’) = expansion cos a small square loop with loop. for the sine terms within the inte- kz’, andaestimate R, for the half~wave 5.1 INTRODUCTION In Chapter 3, we saw that the interchange of electric and magnetic energy gives rise to propagation of electromagnetic waves in space. More specifically, the magnetic fields that change with time induce electric fields as explained by Faraday’s law, and the time~varying electric fields induce magnetic fields, as explained by the generalized Ampere’s law. This interrelationship also occurs along conducting or dielectric boundaries, and can give rise to waves that are guided by such boundaries. These waves are of paramount importance in guiding electromagnetic energy from a source to a device or system in which it is to be used. Dielectric guides, hollow-pipe waveguides, and surface guides are all important for such purposes, but one of the simplest systems to understand—and one very important in its own right—is the two-conductor transmis— the sion line. This system may be considered a distributed circuit and so is useful in estab~ lishing a relation between circuit theory and the more general electromagnetic theory equations. The concepts of energy propagation, reflections at discontinuities, standing traveling waves and the resonance properties of standing and waves, phase group velocity, and the effects of losses upon wave properties are these transmission-line results to the more general classes of extended from easily structures. guiding A parallel two~wire system is a typical and important example of the transmission lines to be studied in this chapter. In any transverse plane, electric field lines pass from one conductor to the other, defining a voltage between conductors for that plane. Mag— netic field lines surround the conductors, corresponding to current flow in one conductor and an equal but oppositely directed current flow in the other. Both voltage and current (and, of course, the fields from which they are derived) are functions of distance along the line. In the two following sections we set down the transmission~line equations from distributed-circuit theory, but then discuss its relation to field theory. Transmission~line effects are not always desirable ones. A cable interconnecting two high-speed computers may be intended as a direct connection, but will at the very least introduce a time delay (around 5 ns / m in typical dielectric~filled cable). Moreover, if the interconnections are not impedance matched at the two ends there will be reflections of the waves (as we shall see later in the chapter). These “echoes” of pulses representing expressed in Maxwell’s versus 213 2'9 4 Chapter Transmission Lines 5 complication is dispersion. In a some degree with frequency, velocity so the frequency components which represent the pulse (by Fourier analysis) travel at different velocities and the pulse distorts as it travels. If dispersion is excessive, the pulses may be blurred enough so that individual digits cannot be clearly distinguished. All of these effects occur also in the interconnections of elements in printed circuits and even in semiconductor integrated circuits, but the close spacings in the last case limit performance only for extremely short pulses. Transmission-line analysis is useful, by analogy, in studying a variety of wave phe» the could introduce serious errors. A still further digits of propagation varies to real transmission line the nomena, such the as pr0pagation of acoustic waves and their reflection from materials properties. An especially interesting analog is that of the pro— with different acoustic of pagation signals along a nerve of the human body. Time and Space fiependence of Signafis an ideal transmission lines 5.2 We VOLTAGE AND CURRENT VARIATIONS ALONG AN IDEAL TRANSMISSION LINE begin by considering positely the transmission line as a distributed circuit. In Sec. 2.5 we inductance per unit length associated with: the flux produced by the opdirected currents in a pair of parallel conductors. When the currents vary with identified an time, there is a voltage change along the line. Likewise, the distributed capacitance between the conductors when the voltage is time-varying produces displacement and leads to change in the current flowing along the conductors. The interrelationship leads to the wave equation for voltage and current along an ideal lossless transmission current line. Figure 5.2 shows a representative two-conductor line and the circuit model for a kept in mind that the external inductance per unit length It should be differential length. parallel—conductor line is not associated with one conductor or the other. Also, the circuit model is simply a representation of a differential length of line; there is not a of a one—for-one identification of the two sides of the circuit with the two conductors of the modeled line. Consider length, ‘ a differential length of line dz, having the distributed inductance, L per unit capacitance, C per unit length.1 The length dz then has and the distributed Note that, as in Chapter 4, the same symbols are used here for inductance and capaccapacitance. Some texts use I and c confusion with length and light velocity, itance per unit length as for total inductance and for the distributed quantities, but there is then respectively. 5.2 Voltage and Current Variations Along / 1/ / y ! 7 l FIT—dz—d / 25 5 // / L ideal Transmission Line / // / l an V fifiz / / // I f FIG. 5.2 Section of a representative transmission line and the equivalent circuit for a differential length. inductance L dz and equal capacitance C dz. The change in voltage across this length is then change of current. For such of this inductance and the time rate of to the product length, the voltage change along it at any instant may be written length multiplied by the rate of change of voltage with respect to length. Then a differential av voltage change 2 E as the 61 dz : -(L dz) 5}- (1) Note that time and space derivatives are written as partial derivatives, since the reference point may be changed in space or time in independent fashion. Similarly, the that is shunted distance is derivatives along the line at any instant is merely the current capacitance. The rate of decrease of current with capacitance multiplied by time rate of change of voltage. Partial change across in current the distributed given by the are again called for: 61 current The length change dz may be canceled in (1) = -— 6V dz = 82 and at (2) 81 = -L -~ at 62 (3 ) 8V 61 82 — (2): 6V — -(C dz) = -C — at <4) equations for the analysis of the they are identical in form with the pairs, Eqs. 3.9(5) and 39(9) or Eqs. 3.9(6) and 3.9(8), found from Maxwell’s equations for plane electromagnetic waves. As was done there, (3) and (4) can be combined to form a wave Equations (3) and (4) are the fundamental differential ideal transmission line. Note that 21 6 Transmission Lines Chapter 5 equation for either of the respect to distance and variables. For example, one -L = 7 62V 62] —C = (6) are the same (6 ) 61‘2 at a: may be substituted (5) 62 at 62“ Partial derivatives taken in either order in directly differentiate (3) partially with 821 62V so can to time: (4) with respect (assuming continuous functions) (5): 62V 62V : 9 L — 62V 1 = ~77- :2 62" U~ (7 ) ? at“ where v All real signals are = (LC)"V2 continuous functions, as (8) required for (7) to apply. The discontinuous step waves used later as examples are to be understood as approximations to real signals. Equations (3) and (4) are known as the telegraphist’s equations, and the differential equation (7) is the one~dimensiona1 wave equation. A similar equation may be obtained in terms of current by differentiating (4) with respect to z and (3) with respect to t, and combining the results: 621 1 321 9) g=a? We saw in Sec. 3.9 that an equation V(z, z) of the form (7) has a solution Fl(t —) Fz<t 3) : "+ + __ (10) U U z/v) would be seen F2 are arbitrary functions. A constant value of F10 z/v) represents by an observer moving in the + z direction with a velocity D, so F1(z‘ a wave traveling in the + z direction with velocity v. Similarly, F20 + z/v) represents a wave moving in the —~z direction with velocity v. To find the current on the line in terms of the functions F1 and F2, substitute the expression for voltage given by (10) in the transmission—line equation (3): where F1 and — — —La—-—1F't-—z- +—1-F’t+-Zat This expression may be ”LU were v integrated partially 1—iFit If this result 2 v1 —3 v v v with respect to —-F21‘ (11) t: +3 v substituted in the other transmissionrline + f(Z) equation (4), 12 () it would be 5.2 Voltage and Current Variations Along found that the function of integration, f(z), could only be a constant. This superposed studying the wave solution, so will be ignored. Equation (12) may then be written is dc solution not of interest in 1 I = 217 Ideal Transmission Line an z a possible the constant z Zoi 1< v) 2< ”)1 ~— F [- _. F - r+ (13) — where L Z0 The constant and is seen ZO from as defined = — Q 1 (4) C by (14) (10) and (12) Lu =2 is called the characteristic impedance of the line, for a single one of The negative sign for the wave propagates to the left, and by our to be the ratio of voltage to given instant. current the traveling waves at any given point and negatively traveling wave is expected since the convention current is positive if flowing to the right.2 .y'.'.l';.:'-'/M5. Example CHARACTERISTICS IMPEDANCE Let us find expressions AND is some large enough to neglect Eq. 2.5(6) in (14) we find typical where a and b respectively. are A impedance values. We will internal inductance. Z0 2 .: -L':.~YI..>:,-§y-n\1<2.."'.:~.':-'/XI 1 WAVE VELOCITY FOR A COAXIAL L|NE for the characteristic coaxial line and examine A 5.2 1 Z7 M 271' and wave assume C from Using velocity for the conductor Eq. 1.9(4) an ideal spacing and L from \f'g’ (15) e the radii of the inner and outer conductors at the dielectric surfaces, common dielectric of relative commercial coaxial cable is 2.26 and the radii designated RG58/U. 0.406 and b It has a 1.48 permittivity 51.6 0. Substituting these values in (15) and taking it E #0 one finds that ZO 53.5 D. in part because of the This is slightly below the published normal value 20 neglect of the frequency-dependent internal inductance of the conductors. There is not much variation of the relative permittivity among the various materials used as the dielectrics in coaxial lines and since the radius ratio comes in only in a logarithm, one finds that most commercial coaxial lines have characteristic impedance in a limited are a = mm = = mm. = 2 20 as defined here is real, it is more logical to call it a “characteristic resistance,” especially since the concept of impedance implies use with the phasor forms appropri~ ate to steady-state sinusoidal excitation. That is an importantspecial case to be considered later, but even for transmission lines used with pulses or other general signals, it is common to refer to the defined Z0 as characteristic impedance. Since 2'5 8 Chapter range, usually 50 .0. S S ZO Transmission Lines 5 80 9.. The wave velocity (8) becomes 1 (16) = v g, which is the same as the velocity of plane waves in the same dielectric (Sec. 3.9). This result obtains for all two—conductor transmission lines when the internal inductance and losses the be can velocity 5.3 neglected.3 of light The velocity is usually between about 0.5 and 0.7 of 108 m/s, for lines with plastic dielectrics. wave in vacuo, 3 X RELATION OF FIELD AND CIRCUIT ANALYSIS FOR TRANSMISSION LINES Although we largely utilize the distributed-circuit model» for transmission~line analysis chapter, let us relate the equations obtained in Sec. 5.2 to field concepts of Chapter 3. First, let us take the special case of a parallel-plane transmission line, as indicated in Fig. 5.2, with the conducting planes assumed wide enough in the y direction so that fringing at the edges is not important. If the planes are also assumed perfectly conducting, it is clear that a portion of a uniform plane wave with Ex and H), as studied in Chapter 3, can be placed in the dielectric region between the planes and will satisfy the boundary condition that electric field enter normally to the perfectly conducting planes. The Maxwell equations for such a wave [Eqs. 3.9(6) and 39(8)] are in this dExCZ, t) = “ T aHy(Z, t) M 3Hy (2, 2‘) z 8E. ,\(Z “-8 62 If we define voltage as the line = -— integral f of - Current for a E (ll - positive by E between. —f 2 sense [(2, t) With these substituted in (2) planes at a given 2, E)C dx i: -aE_\.(z, t) (3) 0 width b, with field z‘ ) a 1 tangential magnetic , a: 2 V(z, t) <1) ”8— I 1. Eqs. 5.2(3) = defined for the upper plane, is related to the —bHy(z, t) and 5 2(4), we (4) find the result identical to (l) and (2) if C = b 1°1— a These are, 3 respectively, the F/m, capacitance per It follows that knowledge of either L or L = —-— b unit H/m length and inductance (5) per unit length C for such ideal lines determines the other. Reflection and Transmission at 5.4 a Resistive 219 Discontinulty for such a system of parallel~p1ane conductors, calculated from static concepts. The field and circuit concepts are thus identical in this simple case. We would also find field and distributed-circuit approaches identical if we applied them to the coaxial transmission line with ideal conductors of other conductors or to two~conductor systems shape long perfect. This is because such systems can be shown to propagate transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves, for which both electric and magnetic fields have only transverse components. The absence of an axial magnetic field so means as that there are no contributions to the line are induced transverse electric fields and integral f E no corresponding so long as (1] taken between the two conductors, . the integration paths remain in the transverse plane; thus the voltage between conductors be taken as uniquely defined for that plane. Similarly the absence of an axial electric field means that there is no displacement current contribution to 55 H d1 for paths in a given transverse plane, and if such a closed path surrounds one conductor, the integral will be just the conduction current flow in that conductor for that plane at that instant of time. Moreover, the transverse E and H fields can be shown to satisfy Laplace’s equation in the transverse plane (Prob. 5.3), thus explaining the appropriateness of using Laplace solutions for the calculation of the L and C of the transmission line. When the finite resistances of conductors are taken into account, the identity of circuit and field analysis is no longer an exact one, but has been shown to be a good approximation, for practical transmission lines. This field basis for TEM waves will be developed more in Chapter 8. can - 5.4 REFLECTION Most transmission~line AND TRANSMISSION AT A RESlSTlVE DISCONTINUITV problems are concerned with junctions between a given line and other element impedance, current must be ’s and Kirchhoff total laws, voltage discontinuity. By continuous across the discontinuity. The total voltage in the line may be regarded as the sum of voltage in a positively traveling wave, equal to V+ at the point of discon» tinuity, and voltage in a reflected or negatively traveling wave, equal to V“ at the discontinuity. The sum of V+ and V_ must be VL, the voltage appearing across the junction: another of different characteristic that introduces a Similarly, or at the the or some a V+ line, load resistance, sum point of of current in the discontinuity, + V“ = (1) VL positively and negatively traveling waves of the equal to the current flowing into the junction must be load: I+ The to the simplest form of equivalent line of infinite I... discontinuity is one junction, as transmission line at the is that of + = (2) IL in which a shown in load resistance R L is connected Fig. 5.4a. Another 5.4b in which the first ideal line is connected to Fig. length and characteristic impedance 20L; here R L = ZOL. a case that is second ideal Still other forms 229 Chapter Transmission Lines 5 Z0 VL . {a} 11. -—-> ZOL VL 20 (b) (a) Ideal transmission line with FIG. 5.4 acteristic Zoz. as a impedance ZO VL a resistive load. second ideal line of infinite a (b) Ideal transmission line of char length and characteristic impedance load. produce an effective resistance RL at the junction. In all these cases By utilizing the relations between voltage and current for the two traveling found in Sec. 5.2, Eq. (2) becomes of load circuits = with can R L IL. waves as ___-=_... 20 ZO 3 () RL By eliminating between (1) and (3), the ratio of voltage in the reflected wave to the incident wave (reflection coefiicient) and the ratio ofthe voltage on the load in the incident wave (transmission coefficient) may be fOund: p91: T {:2 YA V+ The most interesting, relations is this: there is and no perhaps reflected = : ireL—z0 4 ———————2RL + RL the most wave (5) 20 obvious, conclusion from the foregoing if the terminating resistance is exactly equal impedance of the line. All energy of the incident transferred to the load and r of (5) is unity. to that in to that the characteristic wave is then In Sec. 5.7 the definitions of reflection and transmission coefficients will be for the case of sinusoidal signals and will include other than The instantaneous incident power at the load is W; = purely resistive 1+ V+ V2+ /Zo. =2 given loads. The frac— 5.5 Pulse Excitation on 221 Transmission Lines tional power reflected is, therefore, the constant W71" 2 The remainder of the power goes into the load resistor WTL _=1__ 5.5 Transmission lines consider some or the second line, so 0 7 _ PULSE EXCITATION ON TRANSMISSION LINES increasingly used for digital or pulse-coded information. We simple examples utilizing the boundary and continuity conditions given are above. Example 5.5a PULSE ON SHORT-CIRCUITED LINE Let us O and length consider t = 2‘1/5 a and I such that l in the form of pulse having a constant value V0 between t zero otherwise. The pulse is fed into an ideal transmission line of vi]. We will analyze what happens when the pulse reaches the signal =2 a = end of the line, which will be taken as short-circuited. Drawing (i) in Fig. 5.50 shows the pulse moving along the line at t 0.3t1. The arrows connecting the charges on the conductors are electric field vectors. The integral of the electric field is the voltage between conductors. The current flows in the conductors only where there is voltage, and current continuity is accounted for by displacement currents a aE/at at the leading and trailing edges of the pulse. At time [I the leading edge of the pulse reaches the end of the line. Drawing (ii) in Fig. 5.5a shows the pulse shortly after t 1:1. The short circuit requires that the voltage be zero. To maintain the voltage at zero during the time that the incident pulse is at the termination I] < t < 2‘2, a negative~z~traveling (reflected) wave having opposite voltage polarity and equal amplitude is generated as shown in drawing (iii). Note that this result is predicted by (4) for R L 0. Also, the zero voltage on the load agrees in (5) with 0. Note that the polarity of the current in the reflected wave is the same as in RL the incident wave, as could be argued from Eqs. 5.2(10) and 5.2( 12) with the fact that V +. The total voltage on the line at the time used for drawings (ii) and (iii) V, is their superposition; this is shown in drawing (iv), where it is seen that the voltages are almost completely canceled. At a still later time, the reflected pulse is seen on its way to the generator [drawing (v)]. At t 22‘1, the pulse will reach the pulse generator. What happens there depends on the impedance seen looking into the generator. Typically, the characteristic impedance of the transmission line equals the output impedance -« =2 z 2 = - x 222 Chapter gefiz'ritor Transmission Lines 5 HUM firs-o _.,.v t = 0.3t, 4—— I4(i) Jr4--—>- ++++ Incident v ‘ _ wave *— 11+ (ii) I . —->- Reflected wave v i TTT btl<t<t2 + + + T (iii) 17 Superposition l<—+ IT (0) pulse at the end of a shorted line. The times t, and t2 are those for trailing edges, respectively, reach the end of the line. Drawings (ii), (iii), and (iv) are for various instants during the period in which the reflected wave is generated to maintain the voltage at zero across the short circuit. FIG. 5.50 which the Reflection of leading edges a and of the generator (it is matched). In that case, the reflected pulse is absorbed in the generator. Otherwise, another reflection takes place. 5.5 Pulse Excitation No. 1 Computer No. 2 Z: Transmission line cable for 223 Transmission Lines lnterconnectmg cable Computer FIG. 5.5b on transmitting digital signals between two computers. Exampie 5.5b PULSE REFLECTIONS ON A TRANSMISSION LINE INTERCONNECTING TWO COMPUTERS The aim of this example controlling reflections for is to show the importance of transmission~line matching in transmission line used to interconnect two computers. Consider the two computers shown in Fig. 5.5b interconnected by a coaxial cable 100 m long and with a velocity of propagation 2 X 108 m/s, so that there is a time delay of 500 ns of the a for a pulse to propagate from input of the cable to digitally coded signal, made up of lO-ns pulses sketched in Fig. 5.5c. This is sketched 010 versus 30 its output. Consider a portion with basic spacing 20 us as distance in Fig. 5.56:! 90 4o at 5 ns before the an?) 100 (C) I I l l l . ~9~7 «21—19 7| —3-io fli :flfl ~1S—13 ~21-19 «3—1 Ar z(m) :6) (9) FIG. 5.5 (c) A portion of a pulse-coded signal versus time for the computer interconnection of Fig. 5.51). (d) Voltage versus distance for a time 5 us before leading edge of first pulse reaches 0). (6) Voltage versus distance for reflected signal 110 input of computer No. 2 (defined as 2 ns after instant of sketch (d). = 224 first Chapter pulse edge Transmission Lines 5 reaches computer No. 2. If input impedance of the second computer impedance of the line, there is no reflection and the entire matches the characteristic signal is accepted. But suppose its input impedance IS 100 Q and impedance of the cable is 50 0.. By (4), the reflection cdefficient is RL-ZO RL+ZO So the train of versus 100—50 1 100+50 3 the characteristic pulses is reflected, at é— amplitude, toward computer No. Fig. 5.56 at 110 us after time of Fig. 5561. If there distance in l is as sketched impedance mismatch at the terminals of computer No. 1 additional reflection will take place when the signal returns there and a spurious signal will be superposed on whatever desired being sent between the computers at that time. Since the reflected “echo” is of amplitude than the original signal, differentiation is possible on the basis of amplitude level, but there is an obvious advantage in matching impedances well enough that reflected signals are small. code is lower Exampte SQUARE WAVE 5.5a ZAPPLIED TO INFINITE LINE infinite line O with a square suddenly charged at t m. Voltage distribution at t 0 is then as in Fig. 5.5f. This may be considered a superposition of two such square waves, each of amplitude VO/Z. One of these moves to the right and the other to the left, each with 3 X 108 m/s) the two partial waves and 1.667 ns (taking 0 velocity v. Thus at 1‘ As a wave third IN example, consider in distance from = 2 an ——l m to z = = +1 z = =- V0 V0 '5- ““““““““““ | -1 >z(m) 1 0 (1‘) V0 V0 ru—uwa-_—_.—__:-_—_:I____———, 0-1—1 l ~15 “‘4 F5“ I | -O.5 O —2_ '90 P 05 =z(m) 1-5 (g) FIG. 5.5 Voltage and current distributions for Ex. 5.50. (f) Voltage distribution 1.667 ns. (g) Traveling waves (dashed) and total voltage versus 2 (solid) at t = at t = 0. Pulse Excitation 5.5 on 225 Transmission Lines V0 ““““““““““ r -o.5| l “*1 :L’QL 270 L4- v I —1.5 " 0.5 o _________ Adm) 1 I .l 220 (h) Zn 39. 2 Ir“ 2 5 _ _. 0.5 I I 39L __ FIG. 5.5 o ns. their sum are _________ and tributions att rz(m) .I current = 5 (solid) versus 2 at t I! as. shown in Fig. 5.5g. Figure 5.511 shows the corresponding current distridifferent sign relations between current and voltage for negatively traveling waves. Figure 551' shows voltage and current dis- bution, taking into positively 2.5 0.5 2 | (/1) Traveling waves of current (dashed) and total (1') Voltage (solid) and current (dashed) versus 2 at t 1.667 39—: 220 = 5 account the ns. Example 5.5d PULSE REFLECTIONS WHEN PULSE ls LONGER THAN TRAVEL TIME DOWN THE LINE Example 5.5b considered reflections for pulses much shorter than the travel time down the transmission line. For many interconnections, especially those within integrated circuits, the delay time is shorter than pulse width. Reflections because of mismatch may still cause a problem, causing structure within the consider the first part of the pulse as a step function of transmission line at may be considered z pulse. To illustrate the point, voltage VO applied to an ideal 0 so high that it l, with terminating impedances at end 2 open circuit. The front of the wave travels along the line in the = an 2 - (1. Since current must be zero at the positive 2 direction and reaches the end at I.‘ O, a reflected step wave must be generated with current opposite open-circuited end 2 to that of the positively traveling wave, starting at the instant of arrival of the latter at 2 0. From Eq. 5.2(13), we know that current in the negatively traveling wave is V+. V/ZO, so it follows that V* As time goes on, the conditions to be met are that the total voltage at the input of the line (2 I) must be the value VO of the pulse applied there and the current at the open end must be zero. These conditions can be satisfied by the sum of two square waves, one traveling in the positive 2 direction and one in the negative 2 direction. Figure 5.5j shows the voltages of the two individual waves and the superposed, or total, == = == = ~— = -- 226 Chapter _‘_ (UN) Transmission Lines 5 .1. (I/v) NOJ-bU‘ICDVL mwhuot H I—‘ O O —l Positively traveling Negatively traveling Superposition FIG. 5.5] Positively and negatively traveling wave components and their superposition to match boundary conditions on a transmission line with a pulse of voltage V0 applied to the line at z -l and the line open-circuited at 2 0. The applied pulse length is much longer than the travel time along the line. = == l, as required by the voltage. Note that the total voltage is always equal to V0 at z boundary condition. As discussed in the preceding paragraph, the condition where the negatively traveling wave has the same polarity of voltage as the positively traveling wave gives a zero total current. Thus, for either the situation with both waves having zero value or both with V0, the boundary condition at the open end is satisfied. It is seen in Fig. 551' that the sum of the two waves meets that requirement. Since the two waves satisfy the transmission-line equations and their sum satisfies the boundary conditions, they constitute the unique solution. 0 with voltage zero for intervals Note that a square wave of voltage is produced at z of 2L/v, interspersed with intervals of the same value with V 2V0. z - z : Example 5.52 TRANSMISSION LINE WITH CAPACITIVE TERMINATION As a example, consider the ideal transmission line of Fig. 5.5k uncharged capacitor. We take the incident wave as the exponential somewhat different terminated in buildup of an Fig. 5.51, V+ (t) where, for convenience, time the capacitor. By continuity zero of = Vo[1 is taken voltage V+ (t) as _ 8"”0] the instant the forward (1) wave arrives at and current, + V_ (t) = VC (1‘) (2) Pulse 5.6 227 Forming Line V+(t) ”l V0 -<---V_ _______________ V+—> J. 00 J Z0 |--->-z z = O (k) FIG. 5.5 voltage (1) (k) Ideal transmission line terminated with wave incident V}. (I) V —— -— these IC = 20 equations (t) __.__.dV‘_ (t) —"—— 20 By combining a capacitor; (1) form of forward-traveling CO. on and using (1) (I) ___V" + (11‘ 3 T1 Kg t 0 we (1 C0 = (W (t) —£—- (3 ) dt obtain __ e—I/To) __ fie—I/TO (4) T0 T1 where T1 C0 Z0 is a time constant set by the capacitor and transmission-line ance. A solution of this first-order differential equation is = V“ (r) The arriving charted, so wave V_ (O) has = VO[1 zero T AI er”?! + voltage at + imped~ T (0—J)e*’/To] -- (5) the instant of arrival and the capacitor is un- O and = 271 A1 = (6) ‘— 70"”71 Using (2), the V60) It can is found to build up in the voltage = be checked that by substituting t + V0|:2 + 2 ——1L— art/TI (3) is satisfied. The for t in (5). 2 capacitor — as 2 ———7°—— ear/TO] variation of the reflected wave (7) is obtained Z/U 5.6 PULSE FORMING LINE One way of forming pulses of a desired length is by charging a transmission line of l to a dc voltage V0 and then connecting to a resistor as shown in Fig. 5.6a. (In length 223 Chapter Transmission Lines 5 o: ++++++++++++++ R ZO V0 Voi V0 Var R>Z0 R=Z0 (before discharge) R<ZO 1/; 2 t 2:1 l a g 0 o 2:] m 61?} 4:1 2‘! a; 81311? 0 r—L‘S‘I J4“ i; “—8“ t (a) 1 Transmission line of FIG. 5.6 (0) length (time delay one way t1) charged to potential V0 O. (b) Lumped element approximation to (a). (6) Wave and connected to resistance R at t shapes of resistor voltage for different relations of R to Z0. = = practice, the line is often approximated by lumped elements, so the lumped-circuit approximation is shown in Fig. 5.6b.) If the resistance Ris matched to the characteristic impedance, a pulse of height Vo/ 2 is formed across R for a time 22:], where t1 is oneway prepagation time down the line and the line completely discharged. It may then be recharged and the process repeated. It may at first seem puzzling that voltage across the resistor is not just V0 when the switch is closed, but this is because a traveling wave to the right is excited by the connection. Voltage across the resistor just after closing the switch is then the sum of dc voltage and the voltage of the positive wave, V+2 VR The current traveling flowing = in the resistor is V0 just + the V+ (1) negative of current in the positively wave. V+ az“h=‘7z 0 (2) Since VR 2 RI combination of (l) and , 1+ be = = Z0, VR as == and V+ = Current in the VO/ 2. - wave started to the right; = = wave required. VO/ 2 3 I, there must then (2). When this current reaches the open end, 2 with current I so that the net current is zero at the open V0/2Z0 VO/ZZO by reflected a end -- (2) gives R R -————v==——V V: Thus if R 229 Reflection and Transmission Coefficients 5.7 _ This requires a in the reflected voltage wave V_ = -ZOI_ = - VO/ 2, which travels to the left, canceling the remaining voltage on the line and bringing zero voltage and current to the resistance at t 2r]. From then on all is still. Thus in the = of R right discharges half the voltage initially on the line, half, yielding a rectangular pulse as shown in Fig. 5.6c. If R # 20, the wave started to the right upon closing of the switch is other than VO/ 2, so cancellation of the voltage on the charged line in one round trip does not occur, and there are further reflections when the wave returns to the input. Figure 5.6a sketches the form of resistor current for R > Z0 and for R < 20. (See also Prob. 5.6b.) case and the = wave Z0, the wave to the to the left the other Sinnsmdal Waves ideal Transmnssnon Lines on REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION COEEHCIENTS AND IMPEDANCE ADMITTANCE TRANSFORMATIONS FOR SINUSOIDAL VOLTAGES 5.7 AND preceding discussion has involved little restriction on the type of variation with voltages applied to the transmission lines. Many practical problems are concerned with sinusoidal time variations. If a sinusoidal voltage is supplied to a line, O by it can be represented at z The time of the = V(O, t) The corresponding in the traveling wave V+(z, x) and that traveling in the negative V_(z, t) The total voltage V(z, r) is the = sum lV+| = 2 V (1) cos wt positive |V+| = cos direction is 2 (0(1‘ > —— Up direction is [VJ of the two cos = cos[w<t 5-) 64 + + UP traveling w<t -“-> - Up + waves: [V_| cos[w<t > 9p] + + Up (2) 230 The Chapter current, from corre5ponding [(2, t) _m. Eq. 5.2(13), t cos a) —- Transmission Lines 5 is liflfll Zo cos (0 Z0 Up (3 t + Up + (3) 6p 2/1)) is seen point on a wave described by F(t the 2 in direction. The positive argument of a by an observer moving with velocity v for which is constant is called the its so the sinusoid is called velocity phase, phase phase velocity Up. For sinusoidal time variations, it is useful to rewrite (2) and (3) in phasor form: In Sec. 5.2 we saw that a constant -— a V = I = V+e"jfiz 1 V_ejfiz + . . [V+e"JBz “— Zo (4) - VHeJ‘BZ] (5) where B = ~53 == wVLC <6) p We may take complex and incident V+ as equal waves at z the reference for to = ‘V_|ej‘9p, O as with phase so that it is real. Then V__ is in general HP being the phase angle between reflected and zero in the instantaneous form (2). of the line since ,Bz measures the instanwith respect voltage (or current) is are at the two same observed to be separated in 2 such any points The shortest distance between of 277'. that ,82 differs by multiples points of like current A. the a is called or voltage foregoing reasoning, wavelength By is called the The quantity ,8 taneous phase at a point phase constant to z ,B/i = 0. Moreover, along the line that z = 277 01' 2 s=f=w1£ The expressions can now m for reflection and transmission coefficients in be written in a special form for sinusoidal waves. Eqs. 5.4(4) and 5.4(5) It is convenient to choose origin of the z coordinate at the discontinuity to be analyzed, as shown in Fig. 5.7 representative discontinuities. It is assumed that a previous analysis gave the O in the two lower equivalent value of impedance looking in the + z direction at z lines. We will see below how this is done. The ratio of total phasor voltage to total phasor current at any point is the definition of impedance. We set the impedance at z O, the load impedance ZL, equal to the ratio (4) to (5). Solving for the ratio V_ /V+, the for three = = the reflection coefficient for sinusoidal waves is obtained: <1 p=Z=4+% w 23'! Reflection and Transmission Coefficients 5.7 or 20 G | ‘ 0% z i G 201 202 or a} I i'"‘*’3 ~1 O G: ‘1“ Z01 [C o: ZL2 Z02 w —l 0 FIG. 5.7 subject Representative analysis. situations where a line of length l with a discontinuity at z = O is the of the Also, (4) and (5) can be combined to :: give the transmission coefficient: {if—L— 2.2—2.9...Z0 : L + + (9) 0. voltage VL is the total voltage at z The expressions for power reflected and transmitted at a discontinuity, given for real functions of time in Eqs. 5.4(6) and 5.4(7), can be adapted to sinusoidal signals of the complex exponential type. Since power in this case is VI* / 2, and for a single wave in The load a loss-free line this is = VV’VIZZ0 = [VIE/220, W“ —-f: = WT the fractional reflected power is | V_ MI 2 '2 ,, = lpl" (10) and the remainder goes into the load: W i W? —-= 1 - lplz (11) 232 Transmission Lines Chapter 5 expressions for the input impedance l: impedance by dividing (4) by (5) for z Now let us find = 2,. and admittance at -— Z. We find - Z0[W = (12> Or, substituting (8), ZI ZLcosfil +jZosinBl ZO cos ,8] + jZL sin? [31 Z0 __ I By defining admittances Y,expression of the same form for l/Zi, YL = Y-l l/ZL, and Y0 = 1/ZO, we can find an Yi: YO : = (13) [YL Yo cos cos ,Bl El Example + + jYO jYL sin sin Bl] ,3] 5.7 CASCADED THIN-FILM LINES diagram of Fig. 5.7 represents two thin~film transmission lines in integrated circuit. The load ZL2 represents a device having a real impedance of 20 D. at the signal frequency, 18 GHz. Line 2, of characteristic impedance 202 2 mm. Line 1, of characteristic impedance Z01 30 Q, has a length 12 20 Q, has a length 11 1.5 mm. The phase velocities for both lines are the same, 2 X 108 m/s. Let us find the impedance at the input to line 1. First we must solve for the way the load impedance 21.2 transforms along the line attached to it. To do this we apply formula (13) to that section of line. For both lines (6) gives Suppose a the second microwave =2 = = = s = 5’3- = (277)(18 2 X Up x 109) rad/s = 108 m/s 566 rad/m variety we will take angles in degrees here, as both degrees and radians are com~ 64.9 degrees and .351 manly used in transmissiondine calculations. Thus [382 48.6 degrees: For = 20 cos 64.9° + j30 sin 649° 30 cos 649° + j20 sin 649° __ 36.7 + Now we can find Zi1 Zil at the 20 = 18.9 —~ j11.8 n to line 1 input (36.7 __ = + cos j 11.8) 486° j14.6 n + using ZQ cos as 486° + j(36.7 + the load 1'20 Zn: sin 486° j 11.8) sin 486° 5.8 233 Standing Wave Ratio Systems with several lines of different characteristic impedances in cascade can be analyzed as we have in this example. In each case the analysis starts with the point farthest from the signal source, transforming the impedance back successively to the next discontinuity until the input is reached. In general, ZO, B, and I will be different for each section. 5.8 Let STANDING WAVE RATIO examine the phases of the voltages in Eq. 5.7(4). One coefficient, say V+, can by choice of origin of time. The reflection coefficient, Eq. 5.7(8), which is a complex number, can be written in the form lplejep so V~ in Eq. 5.7(4) can be replaced with V+lplejga giving us be chosen to be real = Let us write this as a V+efifl + V+hkfl%+&’ real function of time with ~ 2 to replaced by l, the distance from the end of the line: V0“, -—1) = any particular instant, the cosine in the incident = 2 phases are £31) + + V+lp| cos(wt - £31 + 6/) O, we can readily see that the argument of say t (first term), which is its phase, increases with distance O and that the phase of the reflected wave (second term) decreases. These Considering from V+ cos(wt = wave shown in the top drawings of Fig. 5.8 where it is clear that at some distance are the same. At 27,, they differ by 77' rad, one having decreased by 77/2 20, the phases and the other there are a having increased by 7r/2. At 227, they differ by 277' rad, and so on. So series of locations where the two sinusoids are in phase and another series of locations where Where they are in phase, they add phase, they subtract. At the former locations the total voltage has its maximum amplitude, and at the latter, its minimum. Analysis of the sum of the incident and reflected waves given in (1) (see Prob. 5.8f) shows that the total voltage can also be represented as the sum of a standing wave and a traveling wave. The total voltage is shown in the lower drawing of Fig. 5.8 for several particular times in a cycle selected to show the voltage when it has its maximum and minimum peak values. The broken line shows the voltage amplitude along the trans- directly at each they are 77' rad instant, and where out 7r of phase. rad out of mission line. The maximum voltage is Ics=har+WJ and the minimum, found a quarter—wavelength Vmin The standing wave Z ratio is then defined iv+i as (m from the maximum, is __ iV—~i the ratio of the maximum (3) voltage amplitude 234 Chapter Transmission Lines 5 Phase I Incident (- Liz) I l :5 I 2 : | 0 I): “““““““ t i221, “““7 I , l :3- ' I > 0 :20 I I I Reflected (0p + I32) I I l I I mmx 2 ”mx W“ I I I \ Vmin / \ / ,.- .. V FIG. 5.8 The upper graph shows the line with a reflection coefficient p phases of the incident reflected and in the lower + 37r/ 2. graph, (at, = The broken line to the minimum waves at t lplejep. The total voltage: V(z) is shown ~6p/2 + ~0p/2, cot2 *Gp/Z + 7r/2, (013 = = = gives the voltage amplitude along = 0 on a for selected times 71', can, == ~6p/2 the line. voltage amplitude: V s By substituting (2) and (4) =Y/mi" (3) and the definition of reflection coefficient, Eq. 5.7(8), we find S _____IV+I+IV-I:1+IpI IV+l It is seen that coefficient p, standing giving the wave same ratio is 5.8 is MI directly information W Figure - as S 1 (5) IpI related to the this — - quantity. magnitude of reflection The inverse relation is l (6) = S + 1 3, corresponding to IpI in plotted for S negative sign appearing in the current equation, Eq. 5.7(5), it is evident Because of the = = that at the position 235 Standing Wave Ratio 5.8 where the two traveling add in the wave terms voltage relations, position is subtract in the current relation, and Vice versa. The maximum voltage then a minimum current position. The value of the minimum current is they [min At this at any position impedance point along the line: is iV+l “IV—l ___ _‘ (7) ZO resistive and has the maximum value it will have purely inwwnlz ;%““Ziwn~wmd At the position of the voltage minimum, current is a “) %S _ maximum, and impedance is a minimum and real: IV+I lel is“ahmtwud“s£9 __ -- Example “m __ 5.8 SLOTTED-LINE IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT A slotted line is mission line position of a an instrument that movable containing voltage minimum a or be used to can probe impedances. It is a trans~ standing wave ratio and the found. The unknown impedance is measure with which the maximum be can connected to the end of the slotted line. 50 (1 Suppose a measurement on a slotted line of characteristic impedance ZO reveals a standing wave ratio S 3 and the closest voltage minimum is 0.33A from the unknown load impedance. Let us see how ZL is deduced. In Fig. 5.8, we see that at 27, where the minimum is found, the phase of the incident wave, [32 attains the = n —— value (6p + 77)/2, so and 277 6p where we = 2,3(O.33/\) have used -— 77 == Eq. 5.7(7). Using p 2 the = T (0.33)») given S and 0.56110 - (6) 77' we = 1.0 rad find [p] to be 0.5. Then 235 From Chapter Eq. 5.7(8) ZL we can get ZL in term 50 = Z0. Thus 0.56110 [1 0.56110] = —~——:— 52.8 + J59.3 0 —- - 5.9 of p and 1 + 1 + p 0L p] Z = Transmission Lines 5 THE SMITH TRANSMISSION-LINE CHART Many graphical aids for transmission-line computations have been devised. Of these, the most generally useful has been one presented by Smithf’ which consists of loci of constant resistance and reactance plotted on a polar diagram in which radius corresponds to magnitude of reflection coefficient. The chart enables one to find simply how imped» ances are transformed along the line or to relate impedance to reflection coefficient or to standing wave ratio and position of a voltage minimum. By combinations of Oper— ations, it enables one to understand the behavior of complex impedance~matching techniques and to devise new ones. It is much used in displaying the locus of impedance of many useful devices as frequency is varied. Although computer programs are avail— able for transmission-line calculations, its role in diSplaying and understanding match— ing mechanisms remains useful. This 'chart utilizes the reflection coefficient plane. Impedance for any point along a transmission line with a passive load then lies within the unit circle. circles and in Loci of constant resistance are circles orthogonal the following section give are of reflection Coefficient. examples of the chart’s use. begin with Eq. 5.7(12), which gives impedance define a normalized impedance some The discussion of the chart will terms and loci of constant reactance to those of constant resistance. We will first show the basis for this, We in Z. m=o+méj (n 0; a complex variable w equal to the reflection coefficient at the end of the line, shifted phase to correspond to the input position 1: and in w Equation 5.7(12) = u + jv é pie-2113? (2) may then be written 1+ mzl w "W w or . .____l+(u+jv) 7+Jx-————l-(u+jv) 4 P. H. Smith, Electronics 12, 29—37 (7939); 17, 730 (7944). (4) This equation may be 237 The Smith Transmission-Line Chart 5.9 into real and separated as follows: (112 + v2) (1—L£)2+U2 1 I -: imaginary parts — s (V) 20 \ .«z , 6 () , (1—-u)"+v‘ 01' "' —-——"——-~+u2—-———1——-— l+r 1" (u-i)~+(v--) , 1 we then wish to (8) :7 x If X" the loci of constant resistance plot (7) _(1+r)2 the r on w plane (u and v serving rectangular coordinates), (7) shows that they are circles with centers on the u axis at [r/(l +r), 0] and with radii l/(l + r). The curves for r 0, 335;, l, 2, 00 are as = sketched in Fig. circles, with 5.90. From centers at (l, (8), the curves of constant x 1 /x) and with radii 1/le plotted on Circles for x the = w O, plane 1%, are :3: also 1, 1:2, Fig. 5.9a. Any point on a given transmission line will have some with impedance positive resistance part, and so will correspond to a particular point on the inside of the unit circle of the w plane. Several uses of the chart will follow. Many 00 are sketched in 90 {Lo FIG. 5.9a 6‘0 Basic features of the Smith Chart. 23$ Chapter 5 Transmission Lines FIG. 5.9b extensions and combinations of the chart with more divisions is 5.10 In this section impedance the we show the and reflection given ones to in Fig. SOME USES use Smith Chart. OF THE or SMITH CHART of the Smith chart in displaying coefficient, in transferring impedances line, and in impedance matching. Other still other extensions be cited will be obvious to the reader. A 5.91). uses are illustrated the relation between or by combinations will be evident to the reader. admittances the along problems and 239 Some Uses of the Smith Chart 5.10 To Find Reflection coefficient Given Load Impedance, and Conversely point within the unit circle of the Smith chart corresponding to a particular position The transmission line may of course be located at once if the normalized impedance corresponding to that position is known. This is done with a reasonable degree of on a accuracy by utilizing the orthogonal families of circles giving resistance and reactance as described above. Thus, point A of Fig. 5.10a is the intersection of the circles r 1 = and x from r corresponds Eq. 5.9(2) that [w] Ipl to a = position point on If the the point so the graph on as a with normalized and from O circle, which is the outer =2 Lp, 1 and = Eq. 5.9(7) that the graph. A of edge fraction of the radius to the r impedance M = (u2 measure phase angle course, reverse the process to find ZL if p is jl. 122)”2 + = It is clear l on of the radius to the some gives lPl directly. O, and Aw impedance, Z can be read directly. One can, of = O circle thus the Smith chart is the normalized load of the reflection coefficient 1 + = =- given. Example 5.10a REFLECTION COEFFICIENT FROM LOAD IMPEDANCE 70 .Q is terminated with Suppose a transmission line of characteristic impedance ZO 1 + jl, shown a load ZL 70 + j7O 0.. The normalized load impedance is {(0) 1.11 rad so Aw as point A in Fig. 5.100. The magnitude of p is 0.45 and Lp 0.456j1'11. The angle may be found by reading the outside wavelength scales, p recognizing that a quarter-wave is 7r radians on the chart. = == : = = = To Transform impedance Along the Line As position I along a loss—free line, changed, only the phase angle of w changes, as can be measured relative to the load, is Eq. 5.9(2) wherein p is a complex number, the reflection coefficient at the change of position along an ideal line is represented on the chart by movement along circles centered at the origin of the w plane. The angle through which w changes is proportional to the length of the line and, by Eq. 5.9(2), is just twice the electrical length of line B]. (Most charts have a scale around the outside calibrated in fractions of a wavelength, so that the angle need not be computed explicitly. See Fig. 5.10a.) Finally, the direction in which one moves is also defined by Eq. 5.9(2). If one moves toward the generator (increasing 1), the angle of w becomes increasingly negative, which corresponds to clockwise motion about the chart. Motion toward the load corresponds to decreasing l and thus corresponds to counterclockwise motion about the seen from load. Thus, chart. 249 FIG. 5.10a to Chapter Smith chart for 5 impedances. Transmission Lines Points A, B', and C and associated broken lines relate Exs. 5.10a, 5.10b,and 5.100. Example 5.10 IMPEDANCE TRANSFORMATION Consider the line and load of Ex. 5.10a for which the; normalized load impedance is l + jl and is shown at point A in Fig. 5.10a. If the line is a quarter-wave long (90 electrical degrees), we move through an angle of 180 degrees at constant the chart toward the generator (clockwise) to point B. The normalized input is then read as 0.5 j0.5 for point B. If input impedance is given and load - desired, the reverse of this procedure can obviously be used. radius on impedance impedance 5.10 FIG.5.'I 0b C2, and Polar transmission~line chart for admittances. The constructions 01-133 To Find 24‘ Some uses of the Smith Chart involving points C1, relate to BK. 5.10d. Standing Wave Ratio and Position of Voltage Maximum from 3 Given impedance, and Conversely If we wish the standing wave ratio of an ideal transmission line terminated in a known load impedance, we make use of the information found in the maximum impedance is real. We see preceding can see Equation 5.8(8) shows that the location of voltage and the impedance there that S and section. is also the location of maximum from Fig. 5 10a that the . = —-——"‘“ = (1) gm point where impedance is real and maximum along constant circle) lies on the right side any ideal transmission line (represented by a |pl in the horizontal axis (u axis). Thus, following about the circle on the chart along = determined by the given load impedance, we note its crossing of the right-hand u axis plane. The value of the normalized resistance of this point is then the standing wave ratio; the angle moved through to this position from the load impedance fixes the position of the voltage maximum. of the w 242 Chapter 5 Transmission Lines procedure to determine the load impedance, if standing wave ratio and position of a voltage maximum are given, is straightforward, as is the extension to finding position of voltage minimum or finding input impedance in place of load impedance. The reversal of this * I ‘VW Example 5.n0c DETERMINATION OF STANDING WAVE RATIO AND LOCATION OF VOLTAGE MAXIMUM Let us continue our analysis of the ideal transmission line and load discussed in Exs. impedance is l + j 1 plotted at point A in Fig. Moving along the line away from the load (clockwise), one arrives at the pureresistance point C by going 0.088 wavelength. The value of maximum normalized resistance, which equals the standing wave ratio S, by (1) is read as 2.6. 5.10a and 5.1%. The normalized load 5.1061 Diagram Since admittance transforms along the ideal line impedance, Eq. 5.7(14), it is evident that exactly the same chart may be used for transformation of admittances with the same procedure as for impedances described in the above. Admittance is read for impedance, conductance for resistance, and susceptance for reactance as seen in Fig. 5.1017. There are differences Rise in as an exactly Admittance the same manner as to remember: the right-hand u axis now a current maximum instead of represents an admittance maximum and, there- voltage maximum; the phase of the reflection coefficient read as described above and corresponding to a given normalized load admittance is that for current in the reflected wave compared with current in the incident wave and is therefore different by at from that based on voltages. (See Prob. 5.7d.) fore, a lacs. 5, .t,-'.\;-.-:..t t/-\'—'l<-;u I) ADMITTANCE ANALYSIS OF VARIABLE SHORTED-STUB TUNER In this example we will use the Smith chart for admittances to analyze a mismatched employs a variable shorted—stub tuner to produce a unity standing wave ratio in the line leading up to the stub. Figure 5.100 shows the arrangement. Suppose Z0 50 Q in the main line and Z0, 20 70 Q in the stub. Assume ZL j20 Q. We 2 and the will find the appropriate stub location stub length 15. The admittance 1m chart rather than the impedance form is used because of the convenience in handling line that 2 == = = -— shunt circuits in the admittance formulation. — 5.10 243 Some uses of the Smith Chart 0 "' 1i ‘" i lm g or Z0 ZL A g a z Z05 FIG. 5.10c therefore 8 Variable shorted-stub tuner connected in shunt to = 1 for 2 < The load admittance is admittance is provide matching at -lm and —-—l,,,. YL = l/ZL = 0.025 + j0.025 S and the characteristic 0.020 S. The normalized load admittance is 1.25 + Y0 j 1.25; 1/ZO in 5.10b. point D1 Fig. The input admittance of the shorted stub is seen from Eq. 5.7(14) to be purely im» aginary since Yi —jYO cot [31. This suggests that it should be placed at a point along z the main line 1 and an 1,", where the admittance has a normalized real part g b Y a that can be canceled of constant imaginary part by is. Following path lPl lwl toward the generator, we come to the g 1 curve where b 1.13 (point D2) corre— 0.0226 S. That is (0.020)(1.13) sponding to an unnormalized susceptance of B seen to be 0.485}\ from the load. A stub with an input susceptance of —0.0226 S is connected in shunt to cancel out the imaginary part of the admittance. This moves us on the admittance chart from D2 to 1 and the line is perfectly matched D3 where g for waves approaching the stub location from the generator. 70 0., Yes 0.014 S. The Now let us find the length 15, of the stub. Since 205 1.61. normalized input susceptance of the stub must be bis —-0.0226/ 0.014 The shorted end of the stub has an infinite admittance. That is at C1 on the Smith admittance chart in Fig. 5.10!) at the right end of the real axis. To transform this admittance to the normalized susceptance 1.61 we move clockwise as shown to point The of be the stub must 0.088/‘t. length C2. The line to the right of the stub appears as a conductance in parallel with a capacitance; addition of the shunt stub provides an inductance which makes the combination appear as a parallel tuned circuit. It should be clear that this matching technique leaves a standing wave in the line between the load and the stub as well as in the stub and provides exact matching only at the one frequency. =2 = this is at = - = = =~= = = = = = = 2 ~— = = -— 244 Chapter 5 Transmission Lines To Transform Impedance Aiong fiascaded Lines It is often useful to find the input impedance of cascaded lines of differing characteristics as in Ex. 5.7. The Smith chart involves impedance irnpedances normalized to the characteristic transformation in a impedance, requires by line, back toward One starts at the load and transforms, line study of so a renormalization for each line. cascade of lines the generator. “Henchman-Lawma- ......... Exampie 5.n0e IMPEDANCE TRANSFORMATION ALONG CASCADED LINES For the cascaded ideal lines in in line 1 in a Fig. 5.1001, let find the fraction of the power incident us that is absorbed in the load. This is lO—GHz signal using Eq. 5.7(11) given by a knowledge recognizing that the power paSsing the junction [Pl at the end of line 1 must be absorbed in the load since we are assuming ideal lossless in line 1 of and lines. Using the parameters for line 3 given in Fig. 5.10d we find the normalized load 2 cm, so 13 2. The wavelength A3 impedance {L3 ZL/Z03 03/f 0.1)r3. The load impedance {L3 is marked as point E1 on the Smith chart in Fig. 5.106. We move along the constant le circle toward the generator by (m. The point E2 is at the normalized input impedance {,3 0.98 1070. To transform the impedance along line 2, we must first denormalize 5,3 and then normalize it to line 2 to get the load impedance gm; thus, 5L2 0.70 Z(,3§,-3/Z02 2 is marked The in line is 1.5 This. cm, --j0.50. wavelength point v2/f E3. A2 so 12 0.2)t2. We move along a constant le circle clockwise from E3 by 0.2/\ to the 0.65 + j0.46. input of line 2 (marked E4) where {,2 To find the reflection coefficient at the load point for line 1, we renormalize 5.2, so 0.91 + j0.64. This is the point E5. Measuring the distance from gm Zozg’,.2/ZO1 to and the 0 line, we obtain Jpll 0.32. origin dividing by the radius of the r E5 = = = = = = — == = = = = : = = = = Then Err = l We -— lp 1' 2 z is the fraction of the incident power in line 1 that is 0.90 dissipated in the load. fibk‘wi—lg‘v-I 201 % FIG 5.10d 70 n, 2 X 203 Zoz 303 ":12 ”p3 Zr. 4 VI“; Cascaded transmission lines with parameters fdr Ex. 5.10e. Z0, 50 Q, Z02 50 Q, ZL 100 0,12 3 “1111,13 2 mm, 1.5 X 108 I'll/S, UP2 Ups; = = 108 m/s. = :3: = :r. ll ll 5.11 Transmission Lines with General Forms of Distributed FIG. 5.10e Determination of Ipl lmpedances 245 for Ex. 5.106. £3333F3fifiafifiifiéi9.515:§$§§sfl§kfifmfi§fifmfifiéfi§fifMWQEQ'MMQQF‘fiYMWWR$115533}'@flifimfly‘flfiwWW'fi????t¢§%§§?fiifiéfm%fli€f ‘ ;' s A’; . vita 1&1 x Nonideai Transmission Lines 5.11 TRANSMISSION LINES For lines with losses or for WITH GENERAL FORMS OF DISTRIBUTED IMPEDANCES: LOSSY LINES filter-type may generalize the Z impedance per unit length, and admittance Y per unit length, as shown in transmission circuits, distributed series element in the circuit model to the distributed shunt element to 5.11a. For Fig. for voltage we an general Steady-state sinusoids, using complex notation, the differential equations a and current variations with distance are then dV ~ 2 —~ZI 1 () = -—YV 2 () dz d1 dz Differentiation of (1) and substitution in (2) then sz = 6122 ’Y 2V yield (3 ) 246 Chapter Transmission Lines: 5 I Z dz I + CH —>- —>— VT de 0% TV-b dV 0 fi (a) L dz R dz ———mmm—ww «s C (121 -; G dz (b) FIG. 5." (a) Differential length of general transmission line. (b) Lossy line with series resistance and shunt conductance. where = 7 The solution to (3) may be written in substitution of the VZY terms of (4) exponentials, be verified by expression :=w&fl¢+vje From as can (1), the corresponding solution for (a current is 1 I == - Zn [VJre‘Vz - V_e”z] (6) where Z 23—: o 7 Z J; (7) .- The characteristic impedance Z0 is in general complex, indicating that the voltage single traveling wave are not in phase. The quantity "y is called the constant and is also generally complex, propagation and current for a v=a+m=V5 so that if (5) is written in terms V = of a and (& ,8, V+e""ze'jfiz + Vueazejfiz (9) 5.1! Thus Transmission Lines with General Forms of Distributed impedances 247 tells the rate of exponential attenuation of each wave and is correspondingly ,B tells the amount of phase shift per unit length for each wave and is called the phase constant, as in the loss—free case. The formula for reflection coefficient derived in Eq. 5.7(8) applies to this case also, ——l in terms of a remembering that Z0 is complex. To find the input impedance at z reflection coefficient at z of division V_ /V+ O, given (5) by (6) yields p a called the attenuation constant. The constant = = = V4427” This may be put in terms of load Z" V_,e“7’ + 1 + Pie—2y] impedance by substituting Eq. 5.7(8): __ 0 ZL cosh 2O cosh yl +20 sinh yl ”y! + ZL sinh 'yl (11) Transmission Line with Series and Shunt Losses practice is one A very important in which losses must be considered in the transmission line. In case in general there may be distributed series resistance in the conductors of the line, and distributed shunt conductance because of leakage through the dielectric of the line. Distributed impedance and admittance then are (Fig. 5.11b) (12) Y=G+ij Z==R+ij, where L includes both external and internal inductance. These may be used as the values of Z and Y in (4) and (7) to determine propagation constant and characteristic imped» ance. The formula (10) applies to impedance transformations, and the Smith transmis~ sion-line chart may be utilized with a modification which recognizes that y is complex. The procedure is as in Sec. 5.10 except that, in moving along the line toward the generator, one moves not ‘ to the exponential e along a circle but along a spiral of radius decreasing according 2‘”. For many important problems, losses are finite but relatively small. If R / (0L << 1 and G/ wC << 1, the following approximations are obtained by retaining up to second— order terms in the binomial GV R at + z expansions L/C (13) 2 z~ 0 In using the a) VLC l 51+ C -- 4co2LC + 8th2 302 .. 8&1} R2 0-”- RG R“: (4) and (7), with (12) substituted. —-——— 2VL/C '8 of 8w2C2 + ( 14 ) 8002142 +119. is“): J 4w2LC 2wC ZwL (is) foregoing approximate formulas, it is often sufficient to retain only first~ case ,8 reduces to its ideal value of 27r/A, a is computed order correction terms, in which ] R2 (al ? 8 + for Results Lines below) G2 B Aproximate and Low- s (See a Bl] ,8] 8(02C2 j '[31 4w2LC cos 5.1m Table + + Bl Bl Bl cos cos 20 alcos 4 ] [31 H] sin sin Line Ideal jZo jZL jwVLC + + ,8! ,Bl cos cos 31 tanfil cot 120 ~jZo yl 71 ZL Z0 for Zoi Formulas Genral + [a1 éi j jal jal + Lines Transmio [31 [31 sin sin sin sin + RG ] ] 'yl 'yl ij) Line sinh sinh + Gen ral ij)(G Z0 ZL 1mm Rem + R+ij G+ij cosh cosh + + 71 3/1 V(R Zotanh coth ZO ZL Z0 2i Z0 Quantiy consta ,8 consta Propagtion 7=a+fi Phase 248 impedance Charcteis line Z, impedance Input shorted of line open of Impedance Impedance line of +ZLal +Zoatl dielctri 200:! ZLal + in light + of 20 ZL ZL 20 Zo 20 end input line velocity along equals from line; measured along line [32 32 sin sin v. 22 — ZL ZL jl,-Z0 120 - ,82 Vicos z—' ’ ZL—‘ZO n+20 1+lpl lpl of line velocity ideal Distance Wavelngth Phase an for N< D 1 ,[.c08B per a1 a1 a! a! yz cosh cosh sinh sinh sinh Z0 ZL Z0 ZL + + a] a1 + + a! a! [,ZO — yz sinh sinh cosh cosh cosh ZL Zn ZL ZO Vi 20 line quarte—wv of cap itance z v 4w—’s'nh v. 201 ,COSV‘ h ZL—Zo zL+zO 1+lpl 1—|p| condutace, inductane, quanties quanties 1- 20 resitance, line half-wve of Impedance Impedance V(z) [(2) line line along along Voltage Curent p end end line input load of coefi nt Reflction ratio Standig~wve Distrbued length Length Denotes Denotes unit i C G, R,L, 1 249 L Subscript Subscript 250 Chapter Transmission Lines 5 Table 5.11b Pormnias for Specific Transmission Line Configurations I é—h-é U Formulas for 21: Capacitance 0, —"'—T r {mods/meter ln (3) {2 (rs) cosh“I r; External inductance L. 2:: Conductance G. Siemens/meter :- 2__wt” 111:)"111—(22) r 0 6 ______ 2: re + a :1 a (ii) u 3 __—___~ (2) cash“ .1) m a Internal inductance L;, 1 + 1,213: 8&2?9’ “[1 E: __‘/d rd 1/(a/d)’— 1 r; b 0—11 =' cosh" g me” t: 2R1! E: .1 Rats tanceR ' ohms/meter (b :3 ___._ (~) (5) {L cash.4 _l-‘_ In 2: hemys/meter a re + (1 _ M5) I] b a 2.3;! b 1+4 R beams/meter (for high frequency) 4 ,- —- ‘9 a _ Characteristic impedanceat‘ high frequency Z 0. ohms i In 2: 2. cosh" ([9) r; 1r it” [MC ”9] 1 +q r (3) I + :1 11 411’ , 2 b 16p (I-q’) __ 601116?) Zn forairdielectric 1”) cosh ' Attenuation due to conductor 2.120111{ [2p——— ‘(&)=1201n(:{)1(l.+ql)+4 .p 8 “—7 ~ it all! >> 1 12019- 3 — 16;) (1 — 4%)} b ..i ‘L— 5 220 a, Attenuation due to dielectrio «4 ‘— Total attenuation dBlmeter 4—' 95.9 , .. are = 2 I.(E’.:) : e’ x 8585b: + as) Phase constant for low-log lines fl All units above 3.17.. 2 u 1" :7 a —+ if > )t mks. 4 —' permittivity. funds/meter permeability, henrys/mcter a n == :4 == 1? =Vp/1 ohms for the dielectric a" = 3. =4 A =- loss factor of dielectric U‘lw akin effect surface mistivity a! conductor. ohms = wavelength in dielectric Curtis, Bell System Formulas for shielded pair obtained from Green. Leibe. and Tech. Jam.. 15, pp. 248-284 (April 1938’. from (13), and Z0 includes a first—order reactive part, given by the last part of (15). Note that the first-order effects of the two loss factors tend to cancel in ZO whereas they add in 0:. Several of the important formulas for loss-free, low—loss, and general lines are sum— properties of lines of several different cross marized in Table 5.1 la. Formulas for sectional forms are listed in Table 5.11b. Physical Approximations for low-loss Lines The approximate form (13) for attenuation in transmission lines with small losses may be derived from physical ideas. This approach will be especially useful in estimating attenuation of more general guid- ing systems to be considered later in the text. Let us consider the positively traveling 5.1: voltage wave Transmission Lines with General Forms of Distributed of (9) and its corresponding V = I = The average power transfer at any It is assumed here that the 251 current: V+e"‘”e_jflz (16) I+e_"ze_jfiz (17) position WT lmpedances = is then given by WT %Re(VI*): = %V+I+e“2az imaginary part of Z0 is (18) negligible so that I + is in phase with V +. The rate of decrease of the average power (18) with distance the average power loss wL in the line, per unit length: along the line must equal 1 5W]- ~7az 0r 0‘ W’L : ( 19 ) __ 2W7 This is an important formula relating attenuation constant to power loss per unit length and average power transfer. By the nature of the development, it applies to the atten» nation of a traveling wave along any uniform system. To apply (19) to a transmission line with series resistance R and shunt conductance first calculate the average power loss per unit length, part of which comes from the current flow through the resistance and another part from voltage appearing across G, we the shunt conductance. For convenience W“ = 13R ViG + calculate wL and = Vi by the wave 2 at z = 1 Wr So = -— 2 1 V+ I + = WT at z = O: R — 2 2 The average power transferred we - 2 i 25] G + *7 ( 20 ) O is V3: —- 20 ( 21 ) (19) gives attenuation in agreement with (13): 1 0‘ = - 2 [ R 620 + 20] — NP/m ( 22 ) The neper (Np) is a unit-free name for attenuation that measures the decay of voltage amplitude. One neper per meter indicates that the amplitude has decayed to 1/2 of its incoming value in 1 m. The decibel (dB) is an alternative measure describing the rate of power decrease by the formula 10 longTZ/WTI.5 Attenuation in decibels per meter is 8.686 times the attenuation in nepers per meter. 5 are often used for ratios of voltage amplitudes using the formula 20 logmvg/ V1. only correct if the voltages are across identical lmpedances, as in the case of voltages at points along a transmission line. Decibels This is 252 Transmission Lines Chapter 5 Example ATTENUATION IN A 5.1 t . THIN-FILM TRANSMISSION LINE us find the attenuation in an aluminum thin—film parallel~plane transmission line for signal of 18 GHz. The structure has the form in Fig. 2.50 and flinging fields will be neglected. The metal thickness 11 is 2.0 ,um with a dielectric thickness d also of 2.0 pm. The width of the conductors is typical of photolithographically defined lines, w 10 pm. The relative permittivity of the dielectric is 3.8 and it is assumed to be lossless. 1.67 X 10“10 F/m. From Eq. 1.9(3) the capacitance per unit length is C sw/d From Eq. 2.5(3) the external inductance per unit length is L 2.51 X 10‘7 nod/w Let a = = = = = H/m.To see how to treat the internal inductance and resistance of the conductors, the depth of penetration must be compared with the film thickness. From Table 3.17 the 0.0826/\/)-°, so for 18 GHZ, 5 0.616 um. depth of penetration for aluminum is 3 Thus the aluminum films are 3.2 times the depth of penetration so they are well approximated by arbitrarily thick layers. Then the internal inductance and resistance are given by the surface impedance. From Table 3.17 the surface resistivity is RS 3.26 X 10‘7W, so from Eqs. 317(4) and 3.17(6) the surface impedance is = = 2 ZS and the internal irnpedance : 10*7\/}(1 3.26 x per unit length + (23) j) for both electrodes is 22 Z. The characteristic 8.75 x = = T impedance is found from 103(1 ZO + j) (24) V L/ C, where L includes both = ternal and internal inductances. The latter is found from 7.74 X 10‘8 H. n (24) by dividing by this to the external inductance: and w so the ex- Li = and substituting Adding 44.3 0. Note that if we had neglected internal capacitance into 20, we find ZO inductance, Z0 would have been calculated as 38.4 0. The resistance per unit length R is the real part of (24). Substituting Z0 and R in (22) we get the attenuation constant: the = 2 CK:'2?O From this we see 5.12 Suppose sum that the wave attenuates by Np/cm about a (25) faCtor of e in a distance of 1 cm. FILTER—TYPE DISTRIBUTED CIRCUITS: THE w—B DIAGRAM the distributed series inductance and 0.988 capacitance impedance in series, as of the general Fig. 5 shown in transmission line is formed . 12a. The prepagation by constant 'y is then . 'Y = 1 . Ja’Cz .1le + . = ijI J‘” L1C2 1 ““ or? '52“ (1) Filter-Type Distributed 5.12 Circuits: The 253 (0—3 Diagram w (jwlCl) dz jw lez W Fir—<1 J'w T a? ng2 / / // \ SiODe Up(u.‘1) 4‘3 (a) FIG. 5.12 = fl j, (b) (a) Filter-type distributed circuit. (b) Its w—B diagram, showing phase velocity. where CDC The a) : (L1C1)_1/2 (2) interesting characteristic of this system is that for the lower range of frequencies, is purely real, representing an attenuation without losses in the system < wt, y y=a=wfilC2<9§-l), w- The attenuation in this circuit occurs (3) co<wc below the cutoff frequency defined by (2), so that the system is a distributed high-pass filter. The reactive attenuation which occurs arises essentially because of continuous reflections in thesystern, and is of the same nature as the attenuation in a loss~free, lumped-element filter in the attenuating band. j,8 frequencies above we, the propagation constant 'y is purely imaginary so y given by (1). It is found useful to plot relations between B and a) with fl on the abscissa and co on the ordinate. These are called m—B diagrams. Figure 5.12!) shows the (0—3 relation (1) for the line discussed here. Note that B goes to zero for w we and does not exist for w < arc. We saw in (3) that, for this line, there is only attenuation for a) < me. An important reason for choosing the coordinates of the CO—'B diagram as done is that the phase velocity at any frequency, which from Eq. 5.7(6) is up (0/13, can be seen immediately as the slope of a line to the origin from the curve, as illustrated in Fig. 5.12b. We see that the phase velocity for the line under consideration is For = and is = = l up (02 [ £02] 1 =—__ r—LlCQ —- —£ 4/2 (4) strongly for frequencies just above cutoff. Signals with several frequency components propagating in this range will thus have large dispersion, as will which is seen to vary be discussed more in Sec. 5.15. 254 Chapter 5 Transmission Lines- Resonant Eransmnssnon lines PURELY STANDING WAVE ON AN IDEAL LINE 5.13 important special case of standing waves on a transmission line, introduced in general in Sec. 5.8, is one in which all the incident energy is reflected. The reflected 00. It is clear from Eq. 5.7(8) wave has the same amplitude as the incident wave so 8 the if of that Ipl 1 so that |V_I following conditions exist: (1) short— |V+| any circuit load, ZL 00; (3) purely reactive load. The last O; (2) open-circuit load, ZL is less obvious than the others but is easily shown (Prob. 5.13b). In each case [VJ {17+} because the load cannot dissipate power and it must, therefore, be fully reflected. Suppose that a transmission line, shorted at one end, is excited by a sinusoidal voltage O. The short at the other. Let us select the position of the short as the reference, 2: z be must From the condition at zero. that, 0, voltage always imposes Eq. 5.7(4), An t = = = = = = = V(O)=V++V_:O If V__ = - + is substituted in V = I = V+[e‘j'8" V — 1. Voltage typical is for always 8152] standing 5.7(5), = . . ins—'15: + ZO These results, and Eqs. 5.7(4) e132] = ~—2jV+ V 2 —+ waves, show the zero not only V=0 at at sin cos Z0 32 (l) (2) [32 following. the short, but also at multiples of A/ 2 to the left; that is, A —~,Bz=mr or 2: -n-2- 32 is an odd multiple of 77/2. These quarter-wavelength from the short circuit. Figure 5.13 shows this and also the time evolution of the voltage found by multiplying (l) and (2) by em and taking the real part. Time origin is chosen so that V+ is real. 3. Current is a maximum at the short circuit and at all points where voltage is zero; it is zero at all points where voltage is a maximum; Figure 5.13 shows the time variation of current along the line. 4. Current and voltage are not only displaced in their space patterns, but also are 90 degrees out of time phase, as indicated by the j appearing in (1) and as seen in Fig. 5.13. 5. The ratio between the maximum current on the linezand the maximum voltage is ZO, the characteristic impedance of the line. 6. The total energy in any length of line a multiple of a quarter—wavelength long is 2. Voltage is are at a maximum at all distances odd points multiples of for which a 5.13 Purely Standing Wave on an 255 Ideal Line t—%—~t Vlz) _:t 2 -51 -5 6' 6 wt=0.1r % 6‘ _5__-_ _. I 2 l 3.7. § “3.1 1 —§ I rfiz 0 -7r 271' 6 5 1(2) wt=0 z 3 5 i 0:63 ~27r FIG. 5.13 Time evolution of voltage and current on a shorted transmission line. The zeros and extrema remain at the same locations. constant, merely interchanging between energy in magnetic field of the currents. the electric field of the voltages and energy in the magnetic energy of the voltage is zero everywhere along the line. Current is given by (2). The energy is calculated for a quarter-wavelength of the line, assuming VJr to be real. To check the energy relation just stated, currents at a time when the current pattern is let a us calculate the maximum and 256 Chapter 0 L UM Transmission Lines 5 0 L 4V2 —3L~cos2 Bzdz ' =-fnailIzdz=~f 2 2 mm 23 o 2 = Since ,8 = 2L 1 [-2- V: 20 + --- 2 277/)L by Eq. 5.7(7), 2,82] sin 4B the foregoing 4/4 is VzL/‘t U =+— 3 The maximum energy stored in the distributed capacitance effect of the line is calquarter-wavelength when the voltage pattern is a maximum and current culated for the is everywhere is Voltage zero. given by (1). 0 UE = SJ 2 M2 -}I/4 o C dz = ~f 2 «um/4 4V3 sin2 32 dz 0 = By the definition of 2CV2+ 20, (3) 1 z [— —— — 2 sin 43 2w] CVZA = —+ (4) 4 W4 may also be written VZLA UM = —+—-— VZCA : +— 4L/C 4 =UE (5) Thus, the maximum energy stored in magnetic fields is exactly equal in electric fields 90 degrees later in phase. It can also be shown that the to that stored sum of electric and magnetic energy at any other part of the cycle is equal to this same value. Expressions (l) and (2) are also valid for a transmission line with short circuits both at z 0 and another point where z n( 77/3), for any integer 12. With some way to couple energy into a section of line short—circuited at both ends, at a frequency such that the above criterion on 2 is satisfied (recall that ,B (0/0), there will be voltages and currents satisfying (1) and (2). At each such frequency, the line is said to have a resonance. This idea will be developed further in Sec. 5.14. = = —— = 5.14 INPUT IMPEDANCE AND QUALITY FACTOR TRANSMISSION LINES FOR RESONANT Resonant systems play a very significant role in communication systems for impedance matching and filtering and we have already seen some aspects of this in Ex. 5.lOd, where resonant sections of lines were used for matching impedances. In Sec. 5.13 we short~circuited ideal lines. In the present section we con— analyzed standing sider a low-loss line shorted at either one or both ends so that standing waves similar waves on to those discussed in Sec. 5.13 occur. The line is supplied?E by a voltage source connected 5.14 Input Impedance and Quality Factor for Resonant Transmission Lines 257 F“ a “j l t——% FIG. 5.140 a a Resonant transmission lines driven by voltage sources at positions of maximum voltage. at a voltage maximum in either of the ways shown in Fig. 5.14a. We will find approxexpressions for the resistance seen by the source and for the quality factor Q of imate the line, considered For as a resonant ideal line, there circuit. points of voltage maximum and zero current at odd multiples of a quarter—wavelength from the short—circuited ends so the impedance is infinite there. When losses are present, however, the impedance at these positions is high but finite, representing the energy dissipated in the losses of the line. Let us find these losses approximately for a line of n quarter-wavelengths using the expressions for voltage and current derived for an ideal line, Eqs. 513(1) and 5.130), assuming that they are not greatly changed by the small losses. The average power dissipated in an are the shunt conductance is then [IA/4 WG f = (2v+ sin 9 [32)" dissipated “/4 WR : O The input across of resistance (at there is 2V+. 4V"G + /\ 5- 4 4 = (1) in the series resistance is “ a: R T” o '3 2v+ cos d2 2 4V3R n/‘t 4Z2O —4_ (2) voltage maximum) must be such that the voltage appearing produce losses equal to the sum of (l) and (2). The magnitude a this resistance will voltage dz 2 o and the average power 7 G —- Thus l(2V+)2 2 Ri : nViA 4 G + 5; Z5 258 Transmission Lines Chapter 5 01‘ R” A general expression for the Q For a 820 __ mezo We see that on = FL resonant system is 0U to z average power loss (4) WL quarter-wavelengths, the stored energy for each for the ideal line, Eq. 513(5), and the power loss n quarter-wavelength is taken as that is given by the sum of (l) and (2). The 2 (R/ZO)] stored ) 0(energy a) resonant transmission line of Q + Q of any factor quality Q (3) _ result is 4wOCVin/\ 4Vin/\[G + (12/23)] wOCZO = 6-20 + (R/ZO) (5) Q is independent of n; this results from the fact that both the stored energy dissipated are proportional to the length. Thus, Q is a property of the and the power line, independent of the number of resonant quarter-wavelengths. The input resistance for a shorted quarter-wavelength section or at the maximum voltage point of a line rut/4 (12 even) long shorted at both ends can be rewritten using (3) and (5) with Eqs. 5.2(8) and 5.2(14) and 5.7(6) and 5?.7(7): 8Q _ 4QZo (6) - ,~ nAwoC n77 supplied to maintain a given voltage level; Q higher input resistance. leading If the frequency and, therefore, A are changed so the distance from the input point to the short circuit differs from A / 4, the input impedance acquires a reactive component of first—order importance. With the same amount of frequency change, the voltage and current patterns do not change much, so the resistive part (6) does not change much. It will be convenient to complete the analysis in terms of admittance. The susceptance that arises is in parallel with the conductance equivalentof (6). Let us calculate it for the lower circuit in Fig. 5.14:2. It consists of two susceptances in parallel, that for the A/4 section on the left and that of the remaining (12 1))t/ 4 portion on the right. For each section, the load admittance is infinite so Eq. 527(14) gives, in the lossless approximation, The input resistance measures increases as the power the losses decrease, to a —- jBi where Y0 LettingB (12 —- = 1/20 = w/vp = IL and [R are (00(1 + 6)/vp and = ——jY0(cot BIL 1)7T/ 2, the cotangents in (7) BZR) (7) lengths of the left and right sides of the line. 77/2 and ,BOZR BO + BOB and taking [SOIL be approximated for small 5 to give the = can 7T B.=.-Y + cot —5+ = (n —- 2 l )77 8] == rm z _‘ 5Y0 (8) Input Impedance and Quality Factor for Resonant Transmission Lines 5.14 Then using (6) and lower circuit of (8), Fig. we have the admittance at the feed point in the 259 ml/ 4 line in the 5.14a: 1 MT Yr 0(55 J5) . + “ ‘5‘ (9) For the upper circuit in Fig. 5.14a the cot BZR terms in (7) and (8) are missing so (9) describes that circuit with n 1. From this we see that the fractional frequency shift = for which the susceptance becomes circuit sharpness, is equal the conductance, to a common measure of 1 51 (10) ~ E Of Q where 2 Af 1 reaches is the frequency C00 a __ f0 (11) “ ’" 2 Aw, width between 2Af, points where we). Thus Q, the admittance magnitude by (4), is useful lumped-element circuits. defined 2 times its value at resonance ((0 of frequency response, as it is for have Q’s of thousands in the UHF range of as a measure of sharpness Resonant low-loss transmission lines = as can frequencies. Example 5.14 OPEN-ENDED PARALLEL-PLANE TRANSMISSION LINE Consider standing waves in an open-circuited section of transmission line and the con- tribution to Q from radiation at the ends. Radiation loss may be expressed in terms of load conductances GL at each end, as pictured in Fig. 5.14b, and when radiation is GL GL FlG. 5.14b Model for open-ended transmission line. 269 small, GL line, Chapter << Transmission Lines 5 1/ZO, fields in the line are essentially those of a completely open—circuited V = 2V+ I = —~j cos 2V+ —— (12) ,82 sin 20 (13) B2 Power loss from the two end conductances is then w, Energy storage for a length some O U = 2‘ multiple 2V 2 2+) of a <14) a, half—wavelength 'J CV~ A 4311—- C -+(2V )- cosqsz = dz = the Q from (15) 2 "Hui/2 2 Using (4), is the radiation component is found to be Q m0 szi = ma" (16) = 86L 4ZOGL There may also be contributions to Q from conductor and dielectric losses, Losses, when small, add, so reciprocals of Q’s add also: 93351?“55:13)?‘3"£1”a73%;:‘) $572“15‘“4§¥§i¥?§3§§$l§§:fi§m§>3§f§§2%‘21‘9A}?’53;"$232" Special 5.15 A function of time with GROUP AND ‘3‘ sci in (5). (17) =——+——+~. "F "” >3 {321%mazE‘ia{£335 £35}?"’75"! '6‘ I‘K' {(1."“1h'" as ' * a; . *1“"r;*"r7{*2‘2 i"?! i " J 2’15? ""51?“ . \ ‘1‘”;«11‘ ni‘ “1“” "‘°Z1’§i‘a 93%“;31335’35“ As; v) Topics ENERGY VELOCITIES arbitrary wave shape may be expressed as a sum of sinusoidal by Fourier analysis. If it happens that up is the same for each frequency com~ ponent and there is no attenuation, the component waves will add in proper phase at each point along the line to reproduce the original wave shape exactly, but delayed by the time of propagation z/vp. The velocity up in this case describes the rate at which the wave moves down the line and could be said to be the velocity of propagation. This case occurs, for example, in the ideal loss~free transmission line already studied for which up is a constant equal to (LC )"1/ 2. If Up changes with frequency, there is said waves 26'! Group and Energy Velocities 5.15 to be dispersion and a signal may change shape as it travels. This causes distortion of analog signals and limits data rates because of the spreading of pulses in digital signals. In the nondispersive situation described above, a wave of a given shape propagates along a line without distortion. The velocity of the group of frequency components is the same as the phase velocity of any one. In many transmission systems the velocity of the envelope of the wave such as that in Fig. 5.15a can be different from the phase velocities of the frequency components, and it is useful to introduce a so—called group velocity to describe the motion of the group, or envelope of the wave. This is the typical case when a high~frequency carrier is modulated by a digital or analog signal. Let us consider the simplest possible group, a wave having two equal-amplitude sinusoidal components of slightly different frequency. The voltage at z O with unityarnplitude components is = V0?) Then for WI, 2) = in which can lossless line, the a sin[(co0 [3’ is to be - dw)z‘ From up voltage ([30 - regarded as a - at (1001‘ any point (13):] -— + + dw)r (1) is sin[(cuO function of w; + sin(au0 + dw)t (13 corresponds —- to (,80 + dry. Expression (2) dB)z] (2) be put in the form WI, for sin(coO = = = 2 cos[(dw)t - (dfi)z] sin(w0t “3305) (3) we see that the voltage in this wave group has the form shown in Fig. 5.15b instant of time. The sinusoid of center frequency moves at the phase velocity (3) one wave 2 coo/BO but it cosine term whereas the moves at a a envelope, described by cos[(dw)t (dB)z], has the form of a velocity. This is found by keeping the argument of the —— different constant: (4) ”3: Velocity Ug is called the group velocity and13 shownin Fig. 5.151). Note that vg is the slope of w—~B curve at the center frequency of the group. Forming the derivative dvpMa) using up (0/3, another useful form for group velocity can be derived: =2 U P vg 2: 1 — (w/vadvp/dw) Group velocity FIG. 5.15:1 Envelope or group velocity. (5 ) 262 Chapter U FIG. 5.15b 5 Transmission Lines U U Phase and group velocities for a group of two sinusoids of slightly different frequencies. For groups more complicated than the two-frequency one considered above, we will Show later by Fourier analysis that the envelope of a modulated wave retains its shape long as 218 is constant (i.e., the CO—"fi curve is linear) over the range of frequencies required to represent the wave. In that case, a pulse such as that illustrated in Fig. 5.15a would retain its envelope shape and propagate with delay time rd over distance I: so l Td=*“‘: l vg If dB/dw 319. do) (6) over the frequency band of the signal, there is a broadening envelope. This is known as group dispersion and will be seen in several later examples. Group velocity is often referred to as the “velocity of energy travel.” This concept has validity for many important cases, but is not universally true.6'7 To illustrate the basis for the concept, let us define here a separate velocity ()3 based on energy flow so that power transfer is stored energy multiplied by this velocity. That is, or is not constant distortion of the .. DE 6 7 WT u J. A. Sfrafion, Electromagnetic Theory, pp. 330~340, MCGraw—Hill, New York, 194 l. L. BriI/ouin, Wave Propagation and Group Velocity, Academic Press. New York, l960. (7) 263 Backward Waves 5.15 WT is average power flow in a single wave and aav is average energy storage per length. If this definition is applied to the ideal transmission line of Sec. 5.7, we find that 05 DS), up. More interesting is the case of the filter-type circuit of Fig. 5.12a, which is a case of normal dispersion (dvp/da) < 0). Here where unit = 2 11* 1 WT ==—-ZII* O 2 1 “av : _ 2 CZVV'i‘ 2 + a)“ [C2( 012)] —‘ [4111* -——-—€ + 2 2 C1 [1* 2 (O‘C‘f — '7 2. C922 L 1/2 0 L ==-——— 7 LIP“ —“——°+1+%II*=—’—— 2 L1 =—‘ 4 to SO 1/2 9 0); (L1C2)—V"[1 “CU—2] ’3 ()5 = (8) "“ equal to group velocity dw/dB, and is different from phase velocity. This is as can be found by differentiating Eq. 312(1), identity of group velocity and energy velocity can also be shown to be true for simple waveguides, and it also applies to many other cases of normal dispersion. It does not usually apply to systems with anomalous dispersion (dvp/dw > 0), including the simple transmission line with losses. In any event the concept of an energy velocity is useful only when there is limited dispersion so that the input signal can be recognized The at the output. 5.16 BACKWARD WAVES phase velocity and group velocity have opposite signs is known as a Conditions for these may seem unexpected or rare, but they are not. Consider for instance the distributed system of Fig. 5.16a in which there are series A wave in which backward wave. capacitances and shunt inductanceswthe dual of the simple transmission line of Sec. 5.2. From Sec. 5.11, "”3 'VZ—YT _- This w—B __ __ relation is shown in Fig. _1_ _L (ij)(ij) 5.1619. The up=g== phase —-w2 z- j and group velocities LC (1) ME are (2) and do) v = —- 7 2 arVLC (3) 264 Transmission Lines Chapter 5 (is) dz __..‘ (3-253) “‘2 (a) (.0 Slope z > ug Ogll / \ / Slope = up \ < 0\ (b) FIG. 5.16 ((1) Equivalent circuit for a transmission line which propagates backward waves. (1)) wufi relation for line of (a) showing phase and group velocity directions discussed in the text. So it is ward seen waves. that this very simple transmission system satisfies the conditions for back—If energy is made to flow in the positive 2 direction, group Velocity will direction, as this is a case where 128 does represent energy flow (see Prob. 5.160). However, the phase becomes increasingly negative or “lagging” in the direction be in this of propagation velocity. because of the C—L configuration. Thus there is a negative phase There are many other filter-type circuits having other combinations of series and shunt inductances and capacitances on which can exist waves with increasingly lagging phase in the direction of energy propagation. Also, all periodic circuits (Sec. 9.10) equal numbers of forward and backward “space harmonics.” 5.17 have NONUNIFORM TRANSMISSION LINES varying spacing or size of conductors, as illustrated in Fig. 5.17, analysis would lead one to consider with distance in the transmission-line equations. and as admittance varying impedance is not this simple, but it is a so that the formulation fields be distorted Actually, may and the methods discussed apply in a number of important cases, good approximation For a transmission line with a natural extension of the transmission-line FIG. 5.17 to some wave problems 265 Nonuniform Transmission Lines 5.17 with Nonunifomi transmission line. spatial variations of the medium (i.e., materials). The remainder of this section will consider cases inhomogeneous where such nonuniform transmission-line If line theory yields a good approximation. impedance and admittance per unit length vary with distance, equations corresponding to Eqs. 5.1 1(1) and 511(2) are dV 2 72—) (11(2) ~th>1<2> =—- denoting V” To obtain a differential equation in = —- (2) _ " - to z, (1) Y(Z)V(4) __ “21;Differentiate (l) with respect the transmission~ z [21’ differentiation + voltage alone, by primes: 2’1] (3) I may be substituted from ( 1) and 1' from (2). The result is Z! V” A similar differential procedure, starting equation in I : I” ' —- (E)V’ -— (ZY)V O = with differentiation of - (2;)1’ — (ZY)I = (4) (2), yields O a second~order (5) equations for a uniform nonzero, representing the nonuniform line (Sec. the be solved discussed, numerically for arbitrary variations of Z and Y equations may with distance. A few forms of the variation permit analytic solutions, including the “radial transmission line,” where either Z or Y is proportional to z, and their product is constant. Another important case is the “exponential line,” which is taken as the example for this article. If Z’ and Y line are zero, (4) and (5) reduce, 5.11). When these derivatives as are they should, to the 266 chapter Transmission Lines 5 Exampie 5.17 LINE WITH EXPONENTIALLY VARYING PROPERTIES Let us consider a loss-free Z These variations equations line with Z and Y exponential = Y ijOqu, yield constant values varying follows: as (6) ijOe"qz = of ZY, Z’ /Z, and Y’ / Y so that (4) and (5) become with constant coefficients, V” qV’ - I" + + (11’ + ngOCOV wZLOCOI = O (7) : O (8) exponential propagating form, These have solutions of the V = I Voe”7’lz, (9) 106‘”)? = where to I l :3 1+ We see the interesting property frequencies a) < we where IQ R /“"‘\ V \/<§> IQ 3N5‘£3 (10) (021.000 (11) l N to 722+ low IQ 1+ N of “cutoff” —— again, for yl and 3/2 are purely real for ’) agree, = (g) (12) represented by these real values, like that for the loss-free filter-type lines, is reactive. This represents no power dissipation but only a continuous reflection of the wave. For a) > me, however, the values of 7 have both real and imaginary parts, The attenuation behavior different from that of the loss-free filters. which is a represent no imaginary The greatest use of this type of line is in matching between lines of different charUnlike the resonant matching sections (Prob. 5.7c), this type of acteristic impedance. matching is insensitive to frequency. Note the variation of characteristic 2 Z(Z) Thus Again the real parts approach purely power dissipation (see Prob. 5.17b). The values of y values representing phase change only for a) >> we. .._ .— __ 1(2) __._.._ Joe" 7’23 _. VO __ r0 - 6 “(71-72% impedance: _ _._ Z°( 0 )6 q; ZO can be changed by an appreciable factor if qz is large enough. ( 13 ) The transmission- 267 Problems line approximation will become poor, however, if there is too large a change of Z a wavelength or in a distance comparable to conductor spacing. The design of nonuniform matching sections is explored in detail by Elliot.8 and Y in PROBLEMS 5.23 Sketch the function 1 z V(z, t) = wz/v for values of traveling-wave behavior. tot versus 5.2b (i) Derive Fig. cos =2 w<t 2;) + 0, 7r/ 2, 7r, + N 3cos H 37r/2 and 2w<t .) + explain I how this shows expression for the characteristic impedance of the parallel-plate line in having a width w and spacing a neglecting the internal inductance of the an 5.2 conductors. Thin—film transmission lines in some computer circuits can be mod- approximately by the parallel-plane line. The line width is usually about 5 pm and the spacing is by means of dielectric of 1~,u.rn thickness and relative permittivity 2.5 (as is usually true for dielectrics, the relative permeability can be eled taken as ~19). (ii) Calculate the characteristic impedance Z0 and wave velocity 0. (iii) Suppose the dielectric thickness is halved and find the new values of Z0 A better model for such lines is in given Chapter and v. 8. capacitance per unit length of a parallel-wire line having radii R with distance 2d between axes is C we / cosh” 1(d/ R). Find characteristic impedance of a line with 5.2c The = air dielectric and radius is 0.5 5.2d Calculate spacing between 1 axes cm if (i) wire radius is 2 mm and (ii) wire mm. propagation time along the following transmission lines interconnecting computer elements: (i) A thin-film line (ii) Transmission line apart, er 2 11) between circuit elements 100 um apart (er interconnecting two devices on a silicon computer chip 1 on GaAs = mm 12 (iii) Coaxial cable 100 m long with 8r = 2.4, used to interconnect computer terminal and central processor 5.2e A second type of solution to the wave equation, to be studied later in the chapter, is the standing wave solution. Find under what conditions the following such solution satisfies Eq. 5.2(7): V(z, 2‘) Find the current [(2, t) corresponding == to Vm this cos wt sin ,82 voltage distribution. 1?. S. Ellioh‘, An Introduction to Guided Waves and Microwave Clrcui’rs, Hall, Eng/ewood Cliffs, NJ, 1993. Chap. 8, Prentice 268 5.2f Chapter 5 Transmission Lines the cosine and sine in the expression of Prob. 5.2e in terms of complex expo~ Cos x é-(ejx + 6‘”), and so on, and after multiplying out, show that the products can be interpreted as traveling waves of the form of Eq. 5 .2( 10). Expand nentials, = 5.2g Examine the expression for characteristic impedance of a coaxial transmission line, Eq. 5.2(15),and explain why it is difficult to obtain high characteristic impedances for such a line without having unreasonable dimensions or very high losses. Plot dc resistance per unit length for such a line versus Z0 if the outer conductor is a tubular copper conductor of inner radius 1 cm and wall thickness 1 mm, and the inner conductor a solid cepper cylinder. 5.2h Repeat Prob. 5.2g but plot ac resistance at 100 MHz using the approximation of Ex. 3.17. 5.2 in" Use Eqs. 5 .2(3) and (4) to Show that the spatial rate of change of power flow on an ideal line is equal to the negative of the time rate of change of the stored energy per unit length. simple properties of transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves, utilize equations in rectangular coordinates (though the boundaries need not be rectangular). Take the dielectric as source-free and without losses. Show that if 0 and E: O, H; 5.3 To show some Maxwell’s = = (i) Propagation (ii) must be at the Both E and H 5.4a Derive 5.4!) Plot p2 (which are velocity of light Eq. 5.4(7) directly from voltage and and l p2 - as in the dielectric. transverse) satisfy the Laplace equation in x and y. current for the load. functions of RL/ZO and note region of reasonable power transfer to the load. 5.5a Analyze, as in Ex.5.5a and with drawings like those in Fig. 5.5a, the case of a pulse of length t1/5 reaching a termination at I vz‘l with RL 220. Find an expression for the energy dissipated in the load in terms of the voltage of the incident pulse. : = 50 .Q and length I 5.5b A transmission line of characteristic impedance Z01 200 m is connected to a second line of characteristic impedance Z02 100 Q and infinite 100 V is length. Velocity of propagation in both lines is 2 X 108 m/s. Voltage V0 == = = = line 1 at 0. Sketch current versus distance 2 at t 1.3 us. Calculate power in the incident wave, the reflected wave, and the wave transmitted into line 2, showing that there is a power balance. suddenly applied at the input to t = = 5.5c Plot the reflected SOQandRL = wave from the terminal of computer No. 2, as in Fig. 5.4g, if Z0 = 10.0. 0 a charge distribution is suddenly placed in the central portion of an infinite 5.5d At t line as in Ex. 5 .50 except. that the voltage distribution in z is triangular, with maximum i l m. Find voltage and current distribuO, falling to zero at 2 voltage V0 at z tions at t 1.667 ns and at t i 5 us, as in Ex. 5.50. = = = = 5.5e Repeat Ex. 5.5e but with the transmission line terminated with inductor L. 5.5f The problem is as in Ex. 5.5e except that the transmission line continues beyond the capacitor, where it is terminated by its characteristic impedance. Find V_(t), Vc(t), and V20) in this case, where V20) is the voltage at the input to the continuation transmis~ sion line. 5.63 An ideal open ended line of length l is charged to dc voltage V and shorted at its input at time t 0. Sketch the current wave shape through the short as a function of time. = 269 Problems 5.6b A charged cable is connected suddenly to a load resistor equal to its 50-!) characteristic impedance. If its length is 3 m and its phase velocity is one-half the velocity of light, how long is the pulse in the load? Sketch the waveform at the midpoint of the line assuming the cable is initially charged to 100 V and the load is 25 0 instead of 50. 5.6c The circuit shown in Fig. P5.6c is a so~called Blumlein pulse generator (A. T. Starr, Radio and Radar Technique, Pitman & Sons, London, 1953) and has the property that it produces a voltage pulse equal to the voltage to which the lines are initially charged by the source Vc. The resistor RC can be considered essentially infinite. At a time 7 after the switch is closed, a voltage VC appears across the output line terminals 0—0’ and that voltage remains across the terminals 0—0’ for a time 27. The initially charged lines of are equal length. Analyze the behavior of the treating the output line as a lumped scribed behavior, BC Vc circuit to show the above-deresistor 20 RL = 220. Zo o I 0‘ 220 BL = 220 FIG. P5.6c 5.7a The alternative approach to derivation of the phasor forms for voltage and current along a transmission line is to replace a/ar by fan in Eqs. 5.2(3) and (4). Write such equations and show that Eqs. 5.7(4) and (5) satisfy them. Find the special cases of Eq. 5.7(13) for a shorted line, an open line, a half-wave impedance ZL, and a quarter-wave line with load impedance ZL. line with load When two transmission lines to be transmitted from teristic one to impedances. Show caded lines will cause are to be connected in cascade, a reflection of the wave occur if they do not have the same charac- the other will that a quarter-wavelength the first line to see termination and thus eliminate reflection in transfer where 203 are the characteristic impedances line, respectively. Z02 the final 5.7d Derive an line inserted between the cas— its characteristic and impedance ZOl as a if ,Bgl2 77/ 2 and Z02 VZO,ZO3, = = of the quarter—wave section and I /I + expression for a reflection coefficient for current p, phase from the voltage reflection coefficient by qr rad. = _ and show that it differs in receiving line of negligible loss is one—third of a wavelength long and has impedance of 100 Q. The detuned receiver acts as a load of 100 + leO 0. Find the input impedance. Sketch a phasor diagram showing the values of V+, V_, I +, and 1.. at both the load and input, and check the calculated results for impedance from this diagram. 5.7e A television characteristic 5.7f A strip transmission line of characteristic impedance 20 Q is used at a frequency of a load that is a microwave diode with conductance 0.05 S in parallel 10 GHz with with a 1-pF capacitor. The line is one-eighth wavelength long at input admittance. Find reflection coefficient at the load and the the design frequency. 279 Chapter Transmission Lines 5 multiple of quarter-wavelength in length, show expansion for Eq. 5703) give the following for impedance: expression input approximate 5.7g IfZL << Z0 and the line not that the first-order terms of a near a binomial Z-z'Z .10 tan 1 l+ZL seczfil multiple of quarter-wavelength in length, show expansion for Eq. 5.7(13) give the following for input impedance: approximate expression 5.7h If ZL >> Z0 and the line not that the first~order terms of a near a binomial z, z —ij cot + [31 2?. J Zr csc2 31 5.8a An impedance of 100 + j 100 O. is placed as a load on a transmission line of characteristic impedance 50 .0. Find the reflection coefficient in magnitude and phase and the standing wave ratio of the line. 5.8b Suppose that reflection coefficient is given in magnitude and phase as Iplej9” at the load 0. Find the value of (negative) 2 for which voltage is a maximum. Show that current is in phase with voltage at this position, so that impedance there is real, as at z = stated. Calculate the position of maximum voltage for the numerical values of Prob. 5.8a. 5.8c A slotted line measurement shows a standing wave ratio of 1.5 with voltage minimum 0.1)t in front of the load. Find magnitude and phase of reflection coefficient at the load and the input impedance for a length 0.2/\ of the line. 5.8d An ideal transmission line is terminated tic impedance, RL in front of the load = Can you find a 20/ 2. to by a What resistance eliminate reflections value for such a parallel resistance with value half the characterisyou put in parallel with the line )t/ 4 the generator side of that resistance? can on resistance if the load resistance is 220? 5.8e* Give two designs for a power splitter consisting of one 504). input line T-connected to two 50-9. lines with matched terminations, using quarter-wave transformers (see Prob. 5.70) as necessary to ensure unity standing wave ratio at the input at the design fre— quency and an equal power split. Plot power reflected in the input line as a function of frequency. Eq. 5.8(1) can be written in phasor notation in the form of a standing wave traveling wave. Rewrite as a real function of time and, for the example in Fig. 5.8, calculate V(z) at a value of wt shifted in phase by 77/ 4 rad from wtl. 5.8f Show that plus a 5.9 The Smith chart uses loci of constant resistance and reactance on the reflection coeffi- cient plane. Other charts have used loci of reflection coefficient magnitude and phase plotted on the impedance plane. Show that curves of constant I pl2 are circles on the impedance plane, and give radii and position of the centers as functions of Iplz. Simi— larly define the circles corresponding to constant phase of p. Explain the advantages of the Smith chart. 5.102 A 50-0. line is terminated in a load impedance of 75 j69 9.. The line is 3.5 m long and is excited by a source of energy at 50 MHZ. Velocity of propagation along the line is 3 X 108 m/s. Find the input impedance, the reflection coefficient in magnitude and —- phase, the value of the standing using the Smith chart. 5.10b The standing mum wave ratio is observed 0.23 the Smith chart. on an wave ratio, and the position of a voltage minimum, ideal 70~Q line is measured wavelength as a voltage mini~ impedance using 3.2, and in front of the load. Find the load 273 Problems 5.10c Show that the Smith chart for admittance has the form in tions corresponding to Eqs. 5.9(l)——(8). 5.10d Fig. 5.10b, developing Prob. 5.10b using the chart to determine load admittance. Check to result is consistent with the impedance found in Prob. 5.10b. Repeat see equa- if the 5.10e A 70‘!) line is terminated in an impedance of 50 + le 0.. Find the position and value of a reactance that might be added in series with the line at some point to elimiv nate reflections of waves incident from the source end. Use the Smith chart. 5.10f 5.10g* Repeat Prob. 5.10e to determine placed on the line for matching. the position and value of shunt A 50-0. transmission line is terminated with of main line < -z = a the lengths of the stubs to give unity standing wave ratio for 0.45 )l. /2 /1 i ZO Z” FIG. P5.1 antennas have impedances l >§< }<—————0.25>. 5.10M" Two be a load of ZL 20 + j30. A double-stub pair of shorted 50-0 transmission lines connected in shunt to the spaced by 0.25A is located with one stub at 0.2). from the load. consisting at points (See Fig. P5.10g.) Find timer to susceptance of 100 + oat—4 09 leO .0 for a particular frequency and are transmission lines of characteristic impedance 300 D. By inspection of the Smith chart, show that it is possible to choose different lengths for the two feed lines so that when combined in series at the input, the series combination perfectly matches fed by the 300-0. line to which they are connected. Give the lengths of the two lines in frac— wavelength. By study of the procedure you have used, state whether or not this compensation approach will work if the two antennas have arbitrary but equal tions of a impedances. S.10i* The problem parallel. in 5.10j is as in Prob. 5.10h except that the two transmission lines A certain coaxial line has 430 and p. equal to the an alternating dielectric of vacuum and a are connected material with a = Mo and is terminated at the end of a vacuum section by an impedance characteristic impedance of the vacuum regions. At frequency f0 the die = lectric and a regions are each A/Z long (A appropriate to each region). Show on path of impedance variation along the line for Operating frequencies Also plot the standing wave ratio as a function of distance from the load. vacuum Smith chart the f0 and 5.10k* Show fo/ 2. on the Smith chart regions of admittance which cannot be matched by the double-stub arrangement of Prob. 5.10g. Repeat for a spacing of )t/ 8 between stubs. Repeat for a three~stub arrangement with spacing A/ 8 between stubs. 5.11a Use the formula for input impedance of a transmission line with losses to check 5.11(22), making approximations consistent with R/wL << 1 and 6/ 00C Eq. << 1. 272 5.11b Chapter 5 Transmission Lines Defining ac from conductor losses and ad from dielectric losses by identifying the ap~ propriate parts of Eq. 5.11(l3), write the approximate expressions, Eqs. 5 .11(14) and (15) for [3 and Z0 in terms of ac and ad. 5.11c If the transmission line of Ex. 5.11 is made with thinner films, the currents in the metal films can be almost uniform. With that approximation for films 0.2 pm thick, calculate the characteristic impedance and attenuation. Comment on the effects of thinner films. using 5.11d* Show that the variation of complex power along a lossy transmission line carrying be written as (d/dz)(-%VI*) + -§-(RII* + GVV*) + 0, where X and B are the imaginary parts of Z and Y, respecBVV*) (j/2)(XU* tively. Also, show that a direct tenn-by-term identification with the complex Poynting theorem can be made by multiplying the above expression by dz and considering the volume for Eq. 3.13(6) to be of dz thickness and infinite width. sinusoidal waves can = - 5.11e Calculate for frequencies 1 MHz and 1 GHz the attenuation in decibels per meter for an air-filled coaxial transmission line with copper conductors using the skin~effect ap~ proximations for high~frequency resistance of Ex. 3.17. The inner conductor is a solid 5.11f cylinder of radius 2 radius 1 cm. mm and the outer conductor is a thick tubular cylinder of inner Repeat Prob. 5.11e if the transmission line is now filled with a polystyrene dielectric. The equivalent conductances of polystyrene at l Mz and 1 GHZ are, respectively, (rd 10"8 S/m and 2.8 2 10‘5 S/m. X filter-type circuit studied in Sec. 5.12, find expressions for characteristic impedance Z0. Show that this is real in the propagating region and imaginary in the attenuating region. What does this signify with respect to power flow in a single traveling wave? 5.123 For the 5.12b A certain continuous transmission line has an equivalent circuit consisting of series inductance LI H/m and a shunt element consisting of capacitance C F/ m and 1 /L2C and inductance L2 H m in parallel. Let a)? = - (i) Obtain expressions for (ii) Plot 3/2 versus a). (iii) Replot with co versus 7, a,and a, where 3 a in terms of L1, is real, and L2, versus 0),, and B, where 0). [3 is real. 5.13a Write the instantaneous expressions for voltage and current represented by the complex values in Eqs. 513(1) and (2). Make an integration of total energy, electric plus magnetic, for 5.13!) Show that lpl sketch as in a quarter-wavelength Fig. pure inductive 1 for of the line and show that it is reactive load independent of time. ideal transmission line. Find and purely suitably normalized V(z, t) and [(2, t) for a line terminated reactance equal in magnitude to the characteristic impedance. 2 a on an 5.13 in a 5.136 Calculate the instantaneous power flow for a short~circuited line WT(t, z) V(t, z)I(t, z) and plot the results in a diagram like Fig. 5.13. Discuss this WT(t, z) in connection with conclusion 6 reached from (1) and (2) in Sec. 5.13. = 5.13d One of the limitations of energy-storage systems for large energies is the breakdown of air, unless the system can be evacuated. For air with breakdown strength 3 X 106 V/m, plate estimate the maximum energy storage in a resonant air-filled half-wave parallelSpacing between plates is 2 cm and characteristic impedance is 50 .Q. Is line. there any advantage with respect to breakdown over the use of a parallel-plate capacitor? Discuss an inductor as an energy~storage system from the same point of view. 273 Problems 5.1421 Plot Eq. 514(7) see over 5.14b A normalized what range half-wavelength (8) is a to Y0 as a function of frequency approximation. reasonable near where n = l and coaxial transmission line with air dielectric has copper conductors designed for resonance at 6 GHz. Find the with the dimensions of Prob. 5.11e, and is bandwidth 2Af,. 5.153 Is phase or anomalous 5.15b Find the group velocity the larger for dispersion (dvp/dw > 0)? phase 5.15c Consider a and group velocities for normal a dispersion (dvp/dw < 0)? For transmission line with small losses. transmission line with very that series resistance R and shunt high leakage conductance G per unit length so capacitance C are negligible. Find phase and group velocities. 5.15d For Probs. 5.15b and 5.150, show that not equal to group 5.15e Certain water an energy velocity waves of large amplitude have phase defined by Eq. 5.15(7) is plot up and 12g versus to given by up g / m, frequency. Determine the ratio velocities where g is acceleration due to gravity and a) is angular of group velocity to phase velocity for such a wave. 5.15f For Prob. 5.12b, as velocity. and show that vpvg = = l /L1C for all frequencies. 5.163 Plot the per unit w~B diagram for a length, and a shunt distributed transmission system with series inductance L, admittance made up of L2 in parallel with C2, for a unit length of the system. Is this a backward or forward wave system? frequency and illustrate phase and group velocity on the plot. 5.16b Repeat and CI Show cutoff a system made up of a series impedance per unit length of and the shunt admittance resulting from inductance L2. Prob. 5.16a for in parallel L1 5.16:: Calculate the velocity of energy propagation, as defined in Sec. 5.15 for the backward wave line of Fig. 5.16a. Show that it does correspond to group velocity for this line and discuss the concepts of normal and anomalous dispersion for backward waves. 5.17a Show that Eqs. 517(9) with definitions (10) and (11) do give the solutions of (7) and (8) with the variations (6). Describe ways in which the exponential variation of L and C might be achieved, at least approximately, (i) for a parallel-plane transmission line and (ii) for a coaxial line. 5.17b Show that average power transfer is independent of 2 in the loss-free considered here for frequncies above cutoff, to > me. exponential line are two values of Eqs. 5.17(10) and 5.17(1 1) representing positively and negatively traveling waves, as expected. Write the complete solutions for V(z) and [(2), showing both waves, using as constants the voltage amplitudes in positively and nega0. Note the interchange of behavior of positive and tively traveling waves at z negative waves if the sign of q is changed, and explain physically. 5.17c There = 5.17d Modify the analysis for the exponential line to include losses, retaining constancy of ZY, Z'/Z, and Y' / Y, and interpret the effect of attenuation constant. Assume RO/XO and Go/BO small. 6.1 INTRODUCTION example of the application of Maxwell’s equations in Chapter 3 was that of electromagnetic wave propagation in a simple dielectric medium. We now return to the plane wave example and extend it in this chapter, before considering the more general guided, resonant, and radiating waves. Plane waves are good approximations to real waves in many practical situations. Radio waves at large distances from the transmitter, or from diffracting objects, have negligible curvature and are well represented by plane waves. Much of optics utilizes the plane-wave approximation. More complicated electromagnetic wave patterns can be considered as a superposition of plane waves, so in this sense the plane waves are basic building blocks for all wave problems. Even when that approach is not followed, the basic ideas of propagation, reflection, and refraction, which are met simply here, help the understanding of other wave problems. The methods developed in the preced— ing chapter on transmission lines will be very valuable for such problems. A large part of this chapter is concerned with the reflection and refraction phenomena when waves pass from one medium to another, with examples for both radio waves and light. The first 274 uniform Plane Waves in 6.2 1:3 3» ,::;: at: ,',‘ 0} , 275 Perfect Dielectric ‘§<~ 2: wastes, “”4 :3, »i«. 222:» at: we: ..:= Mane-Wave (3.2 a Prepagmion UNIFORM PLANE WAVES IN A PERFECT DIELECTRlC The uniform in Chapter 3 as the first example of the use of properties in more detail, restricting attention to media for which u and e are constants. For a uniform plane wave, variations in two directions, say x and y, are assumed to be zero, with the remaining (2) direction taken as the direction of propagation. As in Sec. 3.9, Maxwell’s equations in rectangular Maxwell’s plane wave equations. We given was discuss its now coordinates then reduce to 8E 6H VXH=e-— VXE=-,u-— a: at In component form these 6E,3 are 6H.t p“ a: at 6H), 6E. .\ z __ a: 6t aE. .t 8 32 at 6H. .1 (2) __ “ 6Hy ( ) : 8 62 = .u (5 ) _ at BE. 6H. 0 6Ey ( ) -—" O (3 ) at : 8 -—‘ 6 () 6t equations (3) and (6) show that both E2 and H2 are zero, (static) parts which are not of interest in the wave solution. magnetic fields of this simple wave are transverse to the direction As noted in Sec. 3.9, the above except possibly for constant That is, electric and of propagation. In Sec. 3.9 we showed that combination of the above the one-dimensional wave equation in 822’ a and (4) leads to Ex, 6213,. which has equations (2) 3213. 2 “8 (7) at; general solution = f1(; S) f2<t 22;) (8) L (9) + —- + where — u __ us light for the medium. The first term of (8) can be interpreted propagating with velocity v in the positive 2 direction, and the second as a which is the as a wave velocity of 276 Chapter with the propagating wave Plane-Wave 6 Propagation and Reflection in the velocity same negative By use of either (2) or = f1< U) t Ex — - , (4), magnetic field Hy Hy = n = + Hy+ direction. That is, z z Eh+ 2 Hy“ f2( U) t + =2 _ was found Eh+ = - to ( 10 ) —- be Eh- (11) T] Ty where f5 (12) 8 quantity 77 is thus seen to be the ratio of Ex to Hy in a single traveling wave of this simple type, and as defined by (12) it may also be considered a constant of the medium, and will be a useful parameter in the analysis of more complicated waves. It has di— mensions of ohms and is known as the intrinsic impedance of the medium. For free The space #59 = no 376.73 = 120770 z (13) 0 Now looking leads to the at the wave remaining two components, E equation in and Hx, combination of (l) and (5) By 62gm a = ‘7 62" which also has solutions in the form of Me 2 Ey ( 14) 62‘2 positively and negatively traveling waves as in (8). We write this 2 Ey Either (I) = z f3(t 5) f4(t 5) + + -- = Ey+ + Ey_ (15) (5) then shows that magnetic field is or E E -—y-+- + —y-.. Hx = 77 To stress the results of relationship (11) and (16) 13r If y+ of electric and (16) 77 magnetic fields for the waves we write the as E 2 “Hy Ex- + x+ : 77’ H y- E 2 _Hy _, ___ ”’7 (17) x” a number of things. First, relations (17) are sufficient to require that perpendicular to one another in each of the traveling waves. They These results show E and H shall be also require that the value of E at any instant must be 77 times the value of H at that we note that, if E X H is formed, it points in the positive instant, for each wave. Finally 6.2 FIG. 6.20 uniform Plane Waves in Relations between E and H for a wave 277 Perfect Dielectric a propagating in positive 2 direction (out of page). direction for the positively traveling parts of (17) and in the negative 2: direction for negatively traveling part, as expected. These relations are indicated for a positively traveling wave in Fig. 6.20. 2 the The energy relations volume is are also of interest. The stored energy in electric fields per unit 8E2 uE and that in magnetic fields 2 «~— 8 : -- (E2 . 2 2 ,t + E) y " (18 ) is = ,uin = ,LL — ,, H ‘1 + H 7 “ By (17), rig and uH are equal for a single propagating wave, so the energy density at each point at each instant is equally divided between electric and magnetic energy. The Poynting vector for the positive traveling wave is l Pz+ :- E.r+Hy+ "- Ey+Hx+ : :7. (13:34» + Eat) (20) always in the positive 2: direction except at particular planes where it may be a given instant. Similarly, the Poynting vector for the negatively traveling wave is always in the negative 2 direction except Where it is zero. The time-average value of the Poynting vector must be the same for all planes along the wave since no energy can be dissipated in the perfect dielectric, but the instantaneous values may be different at two different planes, depending on whether there is a net instantaneous rate of increase or decrease of stored energy between those planes. In Sec. 3.10 we also studied the important phasor forms for a plane wave with Ex and Hy. Extending that analysis to include the remaining components, we have and is zero for E_\.(z) == 77H),(z) = Ele‘jkz Ele"j"'z + - Ezejkz (21) E2491": (22) 278 Chapter 6 Plane-Wave E),(z) = nH...(z) = Propagation and Reflection E3e -- *sz + 5:453sz (23) + Eiesz (24) cow—22 m” (25) Egg-fly where k $3 = = phase constant for the uniform plane wave, since it gives the change phase per unit length for each wave component. It may also be considered a constant of the medium at a particular frequency defined by (25), known as the wave number, and will be found useful in the analysis of all waves, as will be seen. The wavelength is defined as the distance the wave propagates in one period. It is then the value of 2 which causes the phase factor to change by 271': This constant is the in 2 kA=27r k=~il or (26) 01‘ 2 77 =3 A: a) (27) f 11.8 wavelength, phase velocity, and frequency. The free-space wavelength by using the velocity of light in free space in (27) and is frequently used at the higher frequencies as an alternative to giving the frequency. It is also common in the optical range of frequencies to utilize a refi‘acz‘ive index n given by This is the common relation between is obtained n 5 —-—.- ~8— /i #0 80 = U For most materials in the optical range ,u. frequency. To summarize the properties for a single described as a uniform plane wave: relative . . QMesJNr-d . permittivity Velocity There is = so that n is just the square root of the for that of propagation is no no, (28) electric or v of this simple type, field in direction of propagation. 1 = magnetic wave /\/E. The electric field is normal to the magnetic field. The value of the electric field is 17 times that of the The direction of propagation is which may be given by magnetic the direction of field at each instant. E X H. Energy stored in the electric field per unit volume at any instant and any equal to energy stored in the magnetic field. 7. The instantaneous value of the E and H are given by E2/n nHz, where of total electric and magnetic field strengths. Poynting the instantaneous values point is vector is = uniform Plane Waves in 6.2 Example PROPAGATION OF If radio A a 279 Perfect Dielectric 6.2 MODULATED WAVE IN A NONDISPERSIVE MEDIUM of angular frequency we is amplitude modulated by angular frequency mm, the resulting function may be written a wave E(t) Suppose this 2 function at z = == A[1 O excites direction. To obtain the form of the [by t -— z/v to + a sine wave (29) wmt]cos wot m cos of uniform plane wave propagating in the positive propagating wave it is straightforward to replace a obtain E(z, t) = A[l + m cos wn,(t §)]cos a)0(t 5) (30) - - interpretation of this expression is that the entire function propagates in the z velocity v as illustrated in Fig. 6.2b. All this is correct provided that the medium is nondispersive (i.e., that v is independent of frequency). If there is dispersion, an expansion of (29) shows that different frequency components are present and that each component then propagates at its appropriate I). The result then is that the envelope moves with a different velocity than the modulated wave as shown in the discussion of group velocity (Sec. 5.15). The direction with [Enveiope Modulated \ wave / \ . / \ \ (l + m (l \ IA - // m)A / \ \ / \ z "fl —_ / \ \ \ \ / / \ / \ / \ U \ / \ / l FIG. 6.2b time in z t = Simple modulated wave having form a nondispersive medium, envelope O. In / // \‘~# of Eq. (30). The and modulated wave portion is plotted move versus 2 at with direction. I/ velocity v 289 Chapter 6 plane waves Propagation and Reflection POLARIZATION OF PLANE WAVES 6.3 If several Plane-Wave have the same direction of propagation, it is straightforward to superpose these for a linear medium. The orientations of the field vectors in the indi— vidual waves and the resultant are described by the polarization1 of the waves. In this concerned primarily with sinusoidal waves of the same frequency. positively traveling wave only, use phasor representation, and assume both it and y components of electric field. The general expression for such a discussion Let us we are take there are wave is then a E --= yEgefhersz + (irEl (1) E1 and E2 are taken as real and ([1 is the phase angle between x and y components. corresponding magnetic field is where The 1 H — s . . (—fizeflt + sane-‘1‘“: (2) n The several classes of polarization then E1 and depend upon the phase and relative E2. Linear or Mane Polarization add at every plane 2' to give an a with respect to the x axis, as a If the two components are in phase, 1/; electric vector in some fixed direction defined angle is pictured in i Fig. 6.3a: E? an =t”-—~=t an real and hence the 0, they by angle = —1 E9 3 (i — Ex This amplitudes same for all values of z and 2‘. Since E maintains its direction in space, this polarization is called linear. It is also called plane polarization since the electric vector defines a plane as it propagates in the z direction. In commu- FIG. 6.30 ‘ Components of a linearly (plane) polarized wave. polarization is used in electromagnetics both for this purpose and for the un~ concept of the contribution of atoms and molecules to dielectric properties as described in Secs. 7.3 and 73.2. Usually, the intended usage is clear from the context. The term related nications it is 281 Polarization of Plane Waves 6.5 describe polarization by the plane of the electric polarization implies that E is vertical. In older optics texts the magnetic field defined the plane of polarization, but it is now also common in optics to use electric field.2 To avoid ambiguity in either case it is best to specify explicitly, “polarized with electric field in the vertical plane.” vector, engineering common to that the term vertical so alrcular Polarization and E2 are and equal A second phase angle E The of E is magnitude seen to be important special case arises when amplitudes E1 : 77/2. Equation (1) then becomes (,0 is = (i = The sum WE! jy)Elej‘”’e"jkz] = Remit 2 ED? cos(a)t i of the squares of instantaneous E§(z, t) does define the + E§(z, equation t) of = a (4) from the above, and it may be inferred that it this clearly let us go to the instantaneous forms: rotates in circular manner, but to see E(z, t) ji)Ete'j"" i k2) —— E. and E%[cosz(mt -— I (5) 5' sin(cot 1(2)] _. Ey, k2) sin2(cot + circle. The instantaneous angle —- a k2)] = E91, (6) with respect to the x axis is a 1 tan“ 1 Ey(2, 1) - __ _. t a“ In a given 2 plane, _1<:sin(wt kz)) cos(cot Eta. r) w = k2) —. +00 t — kz > 7 (i i cut. angular velocity with a 2 as pictured in Fig. 6.3b. The the vector thus rotates with constant = a fixed time, the vector traces out a spiral in propagation may be pictured as the movement of this “corkscrew” in the z direction with velocity v. —wt (for z Note that ill O) and «,1; ”7T/2 leads to +7r/2 leads to a rotation in the opposite direction. The first case is called the left~hand or counterclockwise sense of circular polarization (looking in the direction of propagation) and the latter, the right~hand or clockwise. The magnetic field for the circularly polarized wave, i7T/2, is using E1 E2 and it; For 2 = = = = = E H : ——‘ . (:jft + milk: (8) 77 E2 but it! other E1 than 0 or : 7r/ 2, the terminus of the electric field traces out an ellipse in a given 2 plane so that the condition of polarization is called elliptical. To see this, again let us Elliptic Polarization For the take instantaneous forms of no, r) = = 2 M. Born and E. Wolf, general case, with E1 ¢ E2, or = (1), Re[(xE1 + as, cos(a}t yEgeN)efw‘e‘j“—’] -- k2) + ya, cos(wt (9) — k2 + to) Principles of Optics, 6th ed, p. 28, Macmillan, New York, 7980. 282 Chapter 6 Plane-Wave Propagation and Reflection I I: "71 v l\\\‘~/ ~ , vim it FIG. 6.3b Circularly polarized wave. Terminus of the electric field vectors forms a spiral of period equal to the wavelength at any instant of time. This spiral moves in the z direction with velocity u, so that the vector in a given 2 plane traces out a circle as time progresses. or in a given 2 plane, say 2 == 0, Ex(z, t) : E1 Ey(z, t) 2 E2 cos(a)t cos wt (10) + parametric equations of an ellipse. If 4: axes of the ellipse are aligned with the x and y axes, tilted as illustrated in Fig. 6.30. These are the H / /~\ X l \ \ \/ \/ \y/ /\ / i FIG. 6.3a vectors '- /’7 / /\ \[ ll!) = i 77/ 2 but for the and minor the ellipse is 7[\;’/- Tirfnjligius I I \ be ex 0‘\ /MEwas“ 7\g/ , T \ / /\\._../X Elliptically polarized wave. The locus of the terminus of electric case an ellipse for a given .7. plane as time progresses. is in each major general :11 and magnetic field 6.4 unpoiarized Wave there is a 283 Waves in imperfect Dielectrics and Conductors We sometimes also speak of an unpolarized wave in which component in any arbitrary direction for each instant of time. Note that this to the superposition of waves of different frequency, or of random superposition of any number of components of the same frequency and concept applies only phases, defined larized since phase waves reduces to when of phase between ionosophere. of the three one have described above. We may meet unpo» cases frequency spectrum (as in sunlight) or a random variation components, as in the propagation of a radio wave through the we a Example 6.5 LINEARLY POLARIZED WAVE As SUPERPOSITION OF TWO CIRCULARLY POLARIZED WAVES as the circularly polarized wave may be looked at as the superposition of two linearly polarized waves, so may a linearly polarized wave be considered a superposition of two oppositely circulating circular polarized waves. To show this, let us add righthand and left-hand circularly polarized waves of the same amplitude. Using (4), Just E and (it = + jy)Ele"fl‘z magnetic field, using (8), = ——1(—-ji + may!“ 7? The results are the (i -- jy)Ele_j"z = ZKEIe‘ij is E H + 2E E + ——-1- (ji + We’ll“ expressions for E and H in direction, A —-—1ye“1’“ 77 7? the x direction. To obtain E in the y = we polarized with electric field in only to subtract the two circularly a wave have polarized parts. 6.4 WAVES 1N IMPEREECT DIELECTRICS AND CONDUCTORS propagation will be dealt with extensively only isotrOpic, linear materials and bring in the effect of losses on the response of applied fields. The effect of losses can enter through a response to either the electric or magnetic field, or both. An example of a material in which the response to the magnetic field leads to losses is the so-called ferrite (or ferrimagnez‘ic materials), and in this case the permeability must be a complex quantity ,u ,u/ ju". For most materials of interest in wave studies, magnetic response is and the permeability is a real constant that differs very little from the penne— weak very of free ability space; this will be assumed throughout this text unless otherwise specified. Materials and their effect in we properties Chapter 13. Here = -— consider on wave 234 Chapter Mane-Wave 6 Propagation and Reflection study of the response of bound electrons in atoms and ions in molecules shows that the total current density resulting from their motion is A J jcer = = jw(e’ (Sec. 13.2) jag)E - If, in addition, the material contains free electrons or holes, there is a conduction current density J = O’E At sufficiently high frequencies, a" can be complex (Sec. 13.3), but we will assume that frequency is low enough to consider it real (satisfactory through the microwave range). Then the total current density is J jw<s' = - jez —- 19-)E <1) (I) In materials called dielectrics, there are usually few free electrons and any free-electron current component is included in a” and o~ is taken as zero. On the other hand, in materials considered conductors such as normal metals and semiconductors, the con— a}; is subsumed in the duction current dominates and the effect of the bound electrons conductivity. Although different physically, the two loss terms enter into equations the same way through the relation 0' me”. For dielectric materials with real permeability and complex permittivity, in = V X H where conduction currents The wave are = wave = jw(8’ - number k may be jk ll jc”)E (2) included in the loss factor a". number, Eq. 6.2(25), is complex in this k The jwsE == wV,u,(3’ separated into - case and is ja”) real and imaginary parts: WNW“ 5.0] where and (at was (3) According to Sec. 6.2, the exponential propagation factor for phasor which becomes, when k is wave waves is €77“? complex, 6—122 Thus the 285 Waves in imperfect Dielectrics and Conductors 6.4 attenuates as it e—aze—-jfiz 2 propagates through the material and the attenuation upon the dielectric losses and the conduction losses, as would be expected. The intrinsic impedance, or ratio of electric to magnetic field for a uniform plane depends wave, becomes 7’ = \L \/8[1*J(8/8)] #4 fl z “ , . n (7) , An important parameter appearing in (4) through (7) is the ratio e”/e’: For low-loss as the examples given in Table 6.4a, this ratio is much less than unity. We may refer to such a material as an imperfect dielectric. Under these conditions, the attenuation constant (5) and the phase constant (6) may be approximated by expanding materials such both as binomial series: ks" ‘1 <8) ~ to; 7 Mme] wV where k = tan 6 e”/e’. = us’. It is Dielectric losses are that there is seen a usually described by small increase of the the “loss phase tangent” and, constant Table 6.4a Properties of Common Dielectrics at 25°C 104 e'/eO Materialb 2: 106 f = to8 f = 1010 f 106 = f tan 8" 108 = f 101° = Fused quartz (SiOz) Alumina (96%) 3.8 3.8 3.8 l 2 2 8.8 8.8 8.8 3.3 3.0 14 Alsimag ceramic MgO SrTiO3 Polyethylene Polystyrene 5.7 5.6 5.2 30 16 9.6 9.6 ——- <3 <3 230 230 2 1 2.3 2.3 2.3 <2 2 5 2.6 2.6 2.5 0.7 <1 10 Teflon 2.1 2.1 2.1 <2 <2 5 “tan 8 == ~- 20 - ~- e"/e'. ”A microwave-absorbing material, Eccosorb, is available with 1.5 < (sf/so) < 50 and 0.08 < (s"/eo) < 1. 286 Chapter Propagation and Reflection Plane-Wave 6 therefore, decrease of the phase velocity when losses impedance in this case is, from (7), are present in a dielectric. The intrinsic 2 ' a: where In a 77’ = as a below frequencies (8) 0/3’ ' 8” 10 + semiconductor where the losses V X H mations 8” ~— VM/s'. material such For radian 1—- 3 —- = (jwe’ much larger + 0')E than are predominantly conductive, =jw8’[1-j;:7:|E cr/e’ the loss term is small and the (11) approxi~ may be used with e”/e’ replaced by cr/wa’. For frequencies much the material may be considered a good conductor. If we make use of the to (10) fact that 0' ——,>>1 £08 in(4),wefind . M0“ . Jk=Jw .\/——' 71'pr Tar-(1+1) 1+j =~——8 (12) depth of penetration defined by Eq. 3.16(l 1) and used extensively in Chapter prepagation factor for the wave shows that the wave decreases in mag nitude exponentially, and has decreased to l /e of its original value after propagating a distance equal to depth of penetration of the material. The phase factor correSponds to a very small phase velocity where 5 is the 3. The 2 to = p where c is the velocity of light E (08 = c in free space and 8 (13) 7‘;— A0 is free—space wavelength. Since B/AO is usually very small, this phase velocity is usually much less than the velocity of light. Equation (7) gives, 72 for : a good conductor, FEE =(1+j)/fl° =<1+j)RS (T (14) 0' R5 is the surface resistivity or high-frequency skin effect resistance per square plane conductor of great depth. Equation (14) shows that electric and magnetic fields are 45 degrees out of time phase for the wave propagating in a good conductor. Also, since R5 is very small (0.014 0 for copper at 3 GHZ), the ratio of electric field to magnetic field in the wave is small. where of a Reflection of 6.5 Normally Incident Plane Waves from Perfect Conductors 287 Table 6.4!) Material Parameters for Microwave Frequencies and Below .8... Conductivity (S/m) Material Copper 5.80 X 107 —-~ Platinum 0.94 107 -~— Germanium (lightly doped) Seawater X at which we’ (Hz) Frequency so = 0' (Optical) (Optical) 102 16 1.1 X 4 81 8.9 X 108 2.2 X 105 1011 Fresh water 10"3 81 Silicon 10 12 1.5 X 1010 10‘“2 10'3 30 6.0 (lightly deped) Representative wet earth Representative dry earth X 106 2.6 X 10‘5 7 The above-mentioned results for the good conductor agree with those found in Chapappeared to be a different analysis. In Sec. 3.16 the assumption that the conduction current greatly exceeds the displacement current is made at the outset, with the result that the differential equation is not the wave equation but the so-called difiusion equation. The assumptions in both approaches are identical, however, so it is to be expected that the results would be the same. Table 6.4b lists several materials for which the dominant losses are those resulting from finite conductivity. The values listed for conductivity and real part of permittivity are those applicable up through the microwave frequency range. The frequencies at which displacement currents equal conduction currents are listed and serve to indicate the range of frequencies in which the two above-mentioned approximations are valid. ter 3 by using what mane waves Normally incident If " a = uniform O, we Discontinnities 6.5 REFLECTION OF NORMALLY INCIDENT PLANE WAVES FROM PERFECT CONDUCTORS plane wave is normally know that there must be incident some on a plane perfect reflected boundary conditions cannot be satisfied by solutions, but will require just enough of the two so wave. on The the conductor surface is zero wave a single one of the traveling wave that the resultant electric field at for all time. From another point Poynting theorem that energy cannot pass the perfect brought by the incident wave must be returned in a reflected the conductor located at in addition to the incident of View, conductor, wave. we so In this know from all energy simple case 238 Chapter the incident and reflected Plane-Wave 6 waves are of Propagation and Reflection equal amplitudes pattern whose properties will now be studied. Let us consider a single—frequency, uniform plane and together form a standing wave axes so waves traveling in both the positive E If Ex 2 O at z = D as = required by E,r and the E+(e—-”‘z == is negative E+e“j"" magnetic field to given by Eq. 6.2(11). Hence The relation of the waves wave that total electric field lies in the x direction. The + 2 phasor electric field, including (Fig. 6.5), is directions Exit: perfect conductor, — elk) = and select the orientation of ~2jE+ E == __ -—E+: sin kz (1) the electric field for the incident and reflected (2) Equations (1) and (2) state that, although total elecuic and magnetic fields for the waves are still mutually perpendicular in space they are now in time quadrature. The pattern is a standing wave since a zero of electric field is always at the conductor surface, and also always at kz mr or z nA/Z. Magnetic field has a maximum at the conductor surface, and there are other maxima each time there are zeros of electric field. Similarly, zeros of magnetic field and maxima of electric field are at k2 ——(2n + 1)7r/ 2, or 2 -(2n + l)/\/4. This situation is sketched in Fig. 6.5, which shows a typical standing combination of incident and reflected and related in == magnitude by = ——~ 17, — = wave pattern such as was = found for the shorted transmission line in Sec. 5.13. At an instant in time, the field; 90 The average occurring twice each cycle, all the energy of the line is in degrees later the energy is stored entirely in the electric field. Incident Reflected a —->E +3}th wave-e— -E+ - 8 met kt) + In) Standing wave patterns of electric and magnetic fields when a plane wave is reflected perfect conductor, each shown at instants of time differing by one~quarter of a cycle. FIG. 6.5 from wave magnetic Transmission-Line 6.6 value of the fact that on 289 Analogy of Wave Propagation vector is zero at every cross-sectional plane; this emphasizes the the average as much energy is carried away by the reflected wave as is the incident wave. Poynting brought by These points are also shown E’\.(z, t) = HA2, t) = by the instantaneous forms for fields: Re[-—2jE+ sin kzejw’] 2E ' 6.6 Re[ 71+ kzejw‘] wt (3) cos wt (4) 2E . COS 2E + sin k2 sin 2 = ——+- cos kz 77 TRANSMISSION-LINE ANALOOY OF WAVE PROPAGATION: THE |MPEDANCE CONCEPT In the problem of wave reflections from a perfect conductor, we found all the properties previously studied for standing waves on an ideal transmission line. The analogy between the plane-wave solutions and the waves along an ideal line is in fact an exact and complete one. It is desirable to make use of this whether we start with a study of classical transmission-line theory and then undertake the solution of wave problems or proceed in the reverse order. In either case the algebraic steps worked out for the solution of one system need not be repeated in analyzing the other; any aids (such as the Smith chart or computer programs) developed for one may be used for the other; any experimental techniques applicable to one system will in general have their counterparts in the other system. We now show the basis for this analogy. Let us write side by side the equations for the field components in positively and negatively traveling uniform plane waves and the corresponding expressions found in Chapter 5 for an ideal transmission line. For simplicity we orient the axes so that the wave has Ex and Hy components only: E42) = Hi-(Z) = E+e“j": l *- ' k 77 = __ n _. + E que a 8 (1) V(z) = (2) 1(2) = *— EJ’kzl (3) B = (4) z0 V+erfflz +V__eJ‘Bz 1 . . [E+€“’k: .ef"z ... _ (5) . . ‘7 '73—O [V+e~1fl _ —' V_E’fl‘] (6) (ox/[E <7) l: (8) C see that if in the field equations we replace Ex by voltage V, H), by current I, permeability ,u. by inductance per unit length L, and dielectric constant e by capacitance per unit length C, we get exactly the transmission-line equations (5) to (8). To complete the analogy, we must consider the continuity conditions at a discontinuity between two regions. For the boundary between two dielectrics, we know that total tangential electric and magnetic field components must be continuous across this boundary. For the case of normal incidence (other cases will’ be considered separately later), Ex and H1, are the We 29% Chapter 6 tangential components, so Pierre-Wave Propagation and Reflection these continuity conditions are in direct correspondence to require that total voltage and current be continuous those of transmission lines which junction between two transmission lines. exploit this analogy fully, it is desirable to consider the ratio of electric to magnetic fields in the wave analysis, analogous to the ratio of voltage to current which is called impedance and used so extensively in the transmission—line analysis. It is a good idea to use such ratios in the analysis, quite apart from the transmission—line analogy or the name given these ratios, but in this case it will be especially useful to make the identification with impedance because of the large body of technique existing under the heading of “impedance matching” in transmission lines, most of which may be applied to problems in plane-wave reflections. Credit for properly evaluating the importance of the wave impedance concept to engineers and making its use clear belongs to at the To Schelkunoff.3 At any plane 2, we shall define the field or wave electric field to total magnetic field at that plane: impedance as the ratio of total (9) single positively traveling wave this ratio is n at all planes, so that 77, which has impedance of the medium, might also be thought of as a characteristic wave impedance for uniform plane waves. For a single negatively travn for all 2. For combinations of positively and negatively eling wave the ratio (9) is traveling waves, it varies with z. The input value Z,- distance I in front of a plane at which the “load” value of this ratio is given as ZL may be found from the corresponding transmission-line formula, Eq. 5.7(13), taking advantage of the exact analogy. The intervening dielectric has intrinsic impedance 7;: For a been called the intrinsic — z.' z 7? [ZL cos kl + ncos kl + jn jZL sin kl] sin kl (10) argued that in wave problems the primary concern is with reflections and impedances directly. This is true, but as in the transmission-line case there is a one~to~one correspondence between reflection coefficient and impedance mismatch ratio. The analogy may again be invoked to adapt Eqs. 5.7(8) and 5.7(9) to give the reflection and transmission coefficients for a dielectric medium of intrinsic impedance 7] when it is terminated with some known load value of field impedance ZL: It may be not with P u Polite 2m ZL+77 (11) + (12) 3 S. A. Schelkunoff, Bell Sys’r. Tech. J. 17, 77 (7938). 6.6 We Transmission-Line from this that there is 291 Analogy of Wave Propagation reflection when 77 (i.e., when impedances are 1 when ZL is zero, infinity, or purely matched). There is complete reflection lpl imaginary (reactive). Other important uses of formulas (10) to ( 12) will follow in sucsee no ZL = = ceeding sections. Example FIELD IMPEDANCE If we calculate 2(2) for the plane studied in Sec. 6.5, to be zero Ex we take ZL = we recognize (10), we normally incident on a plane conductor, as plane acts as a short circuit since it constrains zero voltage in the transmission-line analogy. If wave to obtain 2,. The same result is obtained —-1 from 6.6:: FRONT OF CONDUCTING PLANE that the there, corresponding O in IN == jn tan 2 == (13) the ratio of by taking Like the and 6.5(2). Eqs. 6.5(1) line, this is always imaginary (reactive). It is (2n + l)7r/ 2. at kl phasor electric and magnetic fields impedance of a shorted transmission zero at kl = 1277' and infinite at kl = Exampie 6.5b ELIMINATION OF WAVE REFLECTIONS FROM CONDUCTING SURFACES wave reflections from a plane perfectly conducting surface, it is clear that coating the conductor with a thin film having conductivity 0 does not help since the perfect conductor merely shorts this out. As in Fig. 6.6, one can place a sheet with resistivity 71 0/ square a quarter-wavelength in front of the conductor surface. As seen from (13), this is at a point of infinite impedance because of wave reflections so that there is no shunting effect. The wave impinging on the front (if the sheet is thin com- To eliminate lncident wave Conducfing sheet FIG. 6.6 Elimination of reflection from Perfect conductor perfect conductor by placing ' front of it. \V a conducting sheet A/ 4 in 292 Chapter pared with its depth matched. The needed Plane-Wave Propagation and Reflection 6 of penetration) then sees wave impedance conductivity of the sheet is then 7; and is perfectly 1 = —— d << 8 n, ad (14) The arrangement just described is not very convenient to make, and is sensitive to frequency of operation and to angle of incidence. For this reason coatings of ‘anechoic ‘ chambers” lossy often more material, with pyramidal taperings a uniform plane wave medium with \/ approach to matching, with a porous, facing the incident wave. the surface on NORMAL INCIDENCE 6.7 If nonuniform-line use a is incident normally ON A DIELECTRIC single on a V dielectric boundary from a ,uQ/ez 772, the wave reflection and [1.1/81 transmission may be found from the concepts and equations of Sec. 6.6. Select the = 771 to one with direction of the electric field incident wave as the positive in that n2 2 the x direction, and the direction of propagation of the 0 (Fig. 6.7a). The direction, with the boundary at z = infinite in extent, so that there is no effectively there is then the intrinsic impedjust region. impedance for all planes, and in particular this becomes the known load impedance at the 0. Applying Eq. 6.6(11) to give the reflection coefficient for medium I right reflected plane 2 is assumed to be medium to the ance as = wave The field = referred to z = 0, Di 1— p: [‘13 1+ The transmission coefficient the second dielectric, from is giving Eq. 6.6(12), “‘ z E9 ~ (1) of electric field transmitted into the 27], =-——=— 131+ density 771 712 + 771 amplitude 7: The fraction of incident power ”'72 (2) 772+771 reflected is "I P 4: 131+ = 19:2 E2 2771 2‘01 (ix—1+) And the fraction of the incident power density 2 = Pl+ From 1 - = W (3) transmitted into the second medium is W (4) (1), we see that there is no reflection if there is a match of impedances, 771 712. course occur for the trivial case of identical dielectrics, but also for the This would of = 6.7 Normal Incidence on a 293 Dielectric 2:0 /% Incident wransma‘tte d E1+ H1+ wave: , //y)§i§"ei E2.H2 —-><— Reflected E1_.H1_ wave: // i, Medium 2 Medium 1 (a) m>n2 -~—— ~-—~e\"'E —— E 7ll<772 ""“"" H ”*—‘ —~W\[~T Mediuml H = E= T= Standing Standing wave Traveling wave wave ' Medium 2 712 771 of magnetic field of electric field (6) FIG. 6.7 Reflection and transmission of a plane wave from a plane boundary between two dielectric media. they could be made with the same ratio of ,u. to a. This importance since we do not commonly find high~frequency dielectric materials with permeability different from that of free space, but it is interesting since we might not intuitively expect a reflectionless transmission in going from free space to a dielectric with both permittivity and permeability increased by, say, 10 case of different dielectn'cs if latter case is not usually of times. a finite value of reflection in the first region, and magnitude of p is always less than unity. (It approaches unity as 772/77, approaches zero or infinity.) The reflected wave can then be combined with a part of the incident wave of equal amplitude to form a standing wave pattern as in the case of complete reflection studied in Sec. 6.5. The remaining part of the incident wave can be thought of as a traveling wave carrying the energy that passes on into the second medium. The combination of the traveling and standing wave parts then pro— duces a space pattern with maxima and minima, but with the minima not zero in general. As for corresponding transmission lines, it is convenient to express the ratio of ac In the from (1) general we can case there will be show that the 294 Chapter 6 Plane-Wave Propagation and Reflection amplitude at the electric field maximum to the minimum quarter-wavelength away) as a standing wave ratio S: IE..(Z)lmax __ __ By utilizing (1), it 1 + z ac amplitude (occurring lpl a (5) may be shown for real 77 that if {TL/"71 7 S = , > 771 77. (6) . 1f 771/772 771 > 772 Since 171 and 112 are both real for perfect dielectrics, p is real and the plane 2 0 must be a position of a maximum or minimum. It is a maximum of electric field if p is positive, since reflected and incident waves then add, so it is a maximum of electric = field and minimum of 0 is a minimum of magnetic field if 772 > 171. The plane 2 electric field and a maximum of magnetic field if 771 > 772. These two cases are sketched in Fig. 6.71). == x. {-3 ._-e'-'-.'-.--...¢ t».«..-,-.».-~.-.; tn;l—'u-AN¥é-'Ii<fiwm-uIn“1'1-L4h,‘.'-u>—’.»’-;,“ALL-;<-fiv-Ql.l"->mv;<-~—~2J~' 52:2 .. .. t Examp e 6.7a REFLECTION FROM QUARTZ AND GERMANIUM AT INFRARED WAVELENGTHS plane waves normally incident from air onto quartz, and also germanium, wavelength of 2 pm, neglecting losses. Equation (1) may be written in terms of refractive indices, Eq. 6.2(28). Since [1.1 [1.2 and n1 becomes 81/80, n2 V82/80, (1) Let us find reflection of onto at a = 2 2-" p ’21 = 121 Using unity. 122 (7) + )12 data in Fig. 13.2b, n2 for quartz is about 1.5 at 2 pm and 121 may be taken as Reflection coefficient p is then ——O.2 and fraction of incident power reflected p2 is 0.04 or 4%. or "" For germanium, n2 is 4 and p is found to be —-O.6, so that p2 is 0.36 36%. Examme 6.7b REFLECTION FROM A GOOD CONDUCTOR From Eq. 6.4(14) the characteristic wave impedance of a conductor is seen to be j)RS, with R5 the surface resistivity defined in Sec. 3.17. Thus for a plane wave normally incident from a dielectric of intrinsic impedance 7) onto such a conductor, (1) yields (1 + =<1+j)R. — n <1+j>R.+n z <1 +j)R./n 1+<1+j>R./n __1 —- (8) 6.8 295 Reflection Problems with Several Dielectrics Examination of values for conductors from Table 3.17a shows that typical very small. Thus normally retained gives a binomial of expansion (8) with first~order RS/n terms is only ' P z .___1 + 2 l + R M (9) 7) Then to first order, 7 lpl- e 1 4R5 -- <10) 77 the fraction of power transmitted into the conductor is approximately 4R For air into copper at 100 MHZ, this is 4 X (2 61 X 10 3)/377== 2.76 X 10‘s, or only 0. 0028% so /5.n 6.8 We are next REFLECTION PROBLEMS WITH SEVERAL DIELECTRICS interested in the considering of several case parallel dielectric disconti— pictured in the case for three dielectric materials in Fig. 6.8a. We might at first be tempted to treat the problem by considering a series of wave reflections, the incident wave breaking into one part reflected and one part transmitted at the first plane; of the part transmitted into region 2 some is transmitted at the second plane and some is reflected back toward the first plane; of the latter part some is transmitted and some reflected; and so on through an infinite series of wave reflections. This lengthy procedure can be avoided by considering total quantities at each stage of the discussion, and again the impedance for~ nuities with a uniform wave incident in some material to the left, as mulation is useful in the solution. region to the right has only a single outwardly propagating wave, the wave or impedance at any plane in this medium is 773, which then becomes the load imped~ If the field \\\\ //\\ N\\\\\\ ;+//// // Transmitted new \‘ FIG. 6.8a Wave reflections from other media. a system with a dielectric medium interfaced between two 296 Chapter ance to place at z = l. The 6.6(10), and since this is impedance for region 1: ZL1 Propagation and Reflection Plane-Wave 6 input impedance impedance at z for the = The reflection coefficient in Z.'2 =2 173 772(7), region 1, cos k2] k2! referred to = p cos region ZLi 2 is then given at once by Eq. 0, it may also be considered the load = “ + jnz sin + j'n3 sin z = k2! k2! (1) 0, is given by Eq. 6.6(11): 7h (2) ——-——~ + 771 ZLI The fraction of power reflected and transmitted is and given by Eqs. 6.7(3) 6.7(4), respectively. parallel dielectric boundaries, the process is simply region becoming the load value for the next, until repeated, input impedance one arrives at the region in which reflection is to be computed. It is of course desirable in many cases to utilize the Smith chart described in Sec. 5.9 in place of (l) to transform load to input irnpedances and to compute reflection coefficient or standing wave ratio once the impedance mismatch ratio is known, just as the chart is used in transmission— If there are more than the two for the one line calculations. We now wish to consider several special cases which ‘- \>--'rx:*r7-;-.'-;-7-': Example -'-:.. are of ..-':-','..'".~';.‘-=.'/:. ; importance. ; __ ». .. :1-;.-.;, ;.- .,. -. -,l .7; ,,;~---.-./- . . .«_ ;-.'<‘..'T'e.\: 6.8a HALF—WAVE DIELECTRIC WINDOW input and output dielectrics are the same in Fig. 6.8a (771 773 ), and the intervening dielectric window is some multiple of a half-wavelength referred to medium 2 so that k9} may then (1) gives If the == = ZLI so that by (2) reflection at the input = 773 face is the above will of 1" (3) 771 zero. give reflections for frequencies other a half-wavelength. For example, a 4 and thickness 0.025 m corresponds to [<21 Corning 707 glass window with 8,. 71' at a frequency of 3 GHz. Let us calculate the reflection at 4 GHz using the Smith chart. Normalized load impedance for region 2 is 377/ 188.5 2, so we enter the chart at point A of Fig. 6.8b. We then move on a circle of constant radius 4/3 X A/ 2 or 0.667A toward the generator. This is one complete circuit of the chart plus 0.167A, 0.62 j0.38. ending at point B where we read normalized input impedance Zig/ZOZ Renormalizing, to the characteristic impedance of the input region, we multiply by 188.5/377 or g- and find 0.31 j0.19. This is entered at point C, for which<2ve read A window such as than that for which its thickness is a course multiple of = = 2 = —-— ~ 297 Reflection Problems with Several Dielectrics 6.8 try [I'O t! D FIG. 6.8b from the radial scale value can a be checked Smith Chart constructions for Exs. 6.8a and 6.8d. reflection coefficient by '9' = numerical calculation 0.55, so that |p|2 is 0.30 or 30%. This using (1) and (2). Example 5.8b ELECTRICALLY THIN WINDOW If 771 2 773 and k2] is so small compared with unity that tan kg! m kg], (1) becomes ' ZLI “ 772(771 + 772 + 1.172 kl 2) 771[1 szl<32= 121)] 177119.] . z 9 + " 771 772 (4l 293 Chapter 6 Substituting in (2), we see Plane~Wave Propagation and Reflection that k! perfeg-p—I) 771 The magnitude of (5) 772 reflection coefficient is thus proportional to the electrical length of the dielectric window for small values of kzl; and the fraction of incident power reflected proportional to the square of this length. For example, a polystyrene window (a, 2.54) 3 mm thick, with a normally incident -j0.145 so that 2% of incident power plane wave at 3 GHz from air, would give p is z : is reflected. Example 6.8a QUARTER-WAVE COATING FOR ELIMINATING REFLECTIONS Another important case is that of a quarter~wave coating: placed between is the dielectrics. If its intrinsic impedance it will eliminate all reflections for energy wave geometric passing mean of those on two different the two sides, from the first medium into the third. To show this, let 7:“ kzl From r—-— = 712 "2" = 771773 (6) (1), ZL1 = 712 w- “ 771713 —— “* 1) 1 773 713 0. perfect match to dielectric 1, so that p in is for technique used, example, coating Optical lenses to decrease the amount of reflected light, and is exactly analogous to the technique of matching transmission lines of different characteristic irnpedances by introducing a quarter-wave section hav~ ing characteristic impedance the geometric mean of those on the two sides. In all cases the matching is perfect only at specific frequencies for which the length is an odd multiple of a quarter-wavelength, but is approximately correct for bands of frequencies about these values. Multiple coatings are used to increase the frequency band obtainable with a specified permissible reflection.4 As a numerical example of this technique, consider the coating needed to eliminate reflections from a 488-nm~wavelength argon laser beam (taken as a plane wave) in going from air to fused silica with refractive index 1.46. It follows from (6) that refractive index of the coating should be the geometric mean of that of the air and window, or about 1.21. Note from Fig. 13.217 that there are few materials with this low index, but if one is found its thickness should be a quarter-wavelength measured in the coating, This is a = This which is about 0.1 pm. 4 C. A. Bolanis, Advanced Engineering Electromegnetics, Sec. 5.5, Wiley, New York, 1989. 299 Reflection Problems with Several Dielectrics 6.8 Example 6.8d REFLECTION FROM TWO-PLY DIELECTRIC A Now take the 2 mm, 82/80 2.54 two-ply dielectric of Fig. 6.8c in which 0?2 4 3.0 The 707 incident mm, 83/80 (polystyrene) (Coming glass). d3 normally wave is at frequency 10 GHz (A0 3 cm). We will do this just on the Smith chart and enter points on Fig. 6.81). The steps are clear extensions of the above. Starting at the 3—4 interface, = and = = = = 2L3 203 ~— 377 2 (pom tM ) 188.5 toward generator, Moving d3 A3 —- We read ZB/ZO3 ZL" 2;. == .__ 0.30 = Moving 0.2 wavelen g th = 3.0/\/A_l 0.55 (0,55 -— j0.235 (p oint N) and renormalize to get load I254 j0.235) - = T 07 0.438 - on 2: region (point 0) j0.187 toward generator, 0.20 d, __-. A2 Finally , 2.00 = ~--—— we read —————- ——— = 0.49 + j0.38 . = .201 < 0.49 + J 0.38 ) (p 01111: P) 0.106 wavelen g th = 3.0/V254 Z,.2/Z02 Zn Radius to : / and renormalize to air to get load 1 —— 2.54 0.31 + J 0.24 Q (as fraction of radius of chart) gives Ip] = 0.55 region so (pomt Q) that over 30% of incident power is reflected. CD @ ® @ “—-—d2—-——>T¢———-——d3—————+~ FIG. 6.8a A 30 52 composite window with 5:3 two 1: - . = on £0 slab dielectrics and free space on either side. 3m Chapter Plane-Wave 6 Propagation endinefiectlon R8333?‘fi-‘fZ‘Jfi4’$’EEK:13"},‘KR33fiaflfii‘ffih’iiéffifiifii'rfig‘rfifggfi3'5"???[Ki/Bf?rh9fi35’1’67w33‘55“;gfi‘ffé"\33$333.5?wfiafifl‘tfiifiififlh‘éfifififiifi‘fiifWa‘eVQxiaifi’r‘aQKWifikhfifi$ikfii¥$fln_$¥h§§ifi$fit¥i§fl¥b3):?nfi’ésgtfiilfirxfé’5333t e; Mane Waves incident onfliscontinuities INCIDENCE AT ANY ANGLE ON PERFECT CONDUCTORS 6.9 We next fibiiqneiy remove the restriction to normal incidence which has been assumed in all the preceding examples. It is possible and desirable to extend the impedance concept to apply to this case also, but before doing this we shall consider the reflection of uniform plane waves incident at an arbitrary angle on a perfect conductor to develop certain ideas of the behavior at oblique incidence. It is also convenient to separate the discussion into two cases, polarization with electric field in the plane of incidence and normal to the plane of incidence. Other cases may be considered a superposition of these two. The plane of incidence is defined by a normal to the surface on which the wave impinges and a ray following the direction of‘propagation of the incident wave. That is, it is the plane of the paper as we have drawn sketches in this chapter. We consider here lossfree media.5 Polarization with E in the plane of incidence may also be referred to as transverse magnetic (TM) since magnetic field is then transverse. When E is normal to the plane of incidence it may be called transverse electric (TE).6 Polarization with Electric Field in the Plane of incidence (TM) In Fig. 6.9a the ray drawn normal to the incident wavefront makes an angle 6 with the normal to the conductor. We know that since energy cannot pass into the perfect conductor, there must be a reflected wave, and we draw its direction of propagation at some angle 6’. The electric and magnetic fields of both incident and reflected waves perpendicular to their respective directions of propagation by the properties of uniform plane waves (Sec. 6.2), so the electric fields may be drawn as shown by E+ and E_. The corresponding magnetic fields H+ and H- are then both normally out of the paper, so that E X H gives the direction of propagation for each wave. Moreover, unknown must lie with the senses as shown, E E+ .. ~ H+ If we draw a z direction in - H“ (1) n the actual direction of propagation for the incident wave shown, and a f’ direction so that the reflected wave is traveling in the negative 5’ direction, we know that the phase factors for the two waves may be written as e’j"; and em” respectively. The sum of incident and reflected waves at any point as , x, z (z < O) can be written E(x, z) 5 6 For a treatment of waves in free = E+e'fl‘§ space + E_ej"’§' obliquely incident on the (2) plane surface of a lossy medium, see C. A. Balanis, Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, Sec. 5.4, Wiley, New York, 7989. An alternate designation, common in the scientific literature, employs P (for German “parole/’9 and S (for German “senkrecht,” i.e., perpendicular), respectively, for the orientations of E in the two cases. Incidence at 6.9 Any Angle on 30.5 Perfect Conductors (a) l l \ fl H E~// : E+ / a an \ H \<’F\/ _ // / x t’ r z (b) FIG. 6.9 in plane where Wave incident at an angle on a dielectric interface. (a) Polarization with electric field of incidence. (b) Polarization with electric field perpendicular to plane of incidence. E+ and E_ are reference values at the in terms of the of g and rectangular system aligned 5’ from the diagram is s" g’ so that, if these into their The x are and 2 Exflt‘, Z) E43; Z) = magnetic 5+ COS sin .._E+ 1_[y(x, Z) The next step is the z sin 6 + -—x = lit-(x, O) : we = waves of (4) (2), and the two waves broken __ E_ aiejk(—-xsin6 COS +zc056) E, SlI'l glejk(—-.rsin6 _ +zc056) (5) (6) is of the Oe“j""5i“0 x + Hwejk(-xsin6'+zcos€’) boundary for all must be zero COS 6’ 2 cos phase factors H+e—jk(xsin6+:cos«9) E+ (3) have equation can be satisfied for all equal, and this in turn requires that This sin 6’ + ee—jk(xsir16+zcos«9) application 0, Ex 6 2 cos Oe“jk('\”5im9+3C056) field in the two which is that, at = x substituted in the components, 2 ll origin. We now express all coordinates with the conductor surface. The conversion -— x. E .. only if the 6 6’ == condition of the From cos (7) perfect conductor, (5), 6’e‘flmm6' phase = 0 factors in the two terms (8) are (9) 302 Plane-Wave Propagation and Reflection Chapter 6 That is, the angle of reflection is equal it follows that the two amplitudes the to 15,, If the results (9) and (10) are for field components at any (8), (10) (5), (6), and (7), we have the final expressions O: < z With‘ this result in E__ = substituted in point angle of incidence. equal: must be 6 Exes, z) = ~2jE+ cos Ez(x, z) = ~2E+ sin 6 nHy(x, z) = 2E+ cos(kz sin(kz cos(kz cos (an-“fern" cos (11) 6)e‘jmi“‘9 cos (12) 6)e“j‘“'5i"‘9 (13) foregoing field has the character of a traveling wave with respect to the x direction, a standing wave with respect to the z direction. That is, E, is zero for all time at the conducting plane, and also in parallel planes distance mi in front of the The but that of conductor, where A d 2 The of Ex is amplitude ac conductor. and 1 (14) = z cos 6 2fV ,ue 6 cos planes an odd multiple of d/Z in front of the Ex is zero, are zero where Ex is maximum, of time phase with respect to Ex. Perhaps the most maximum in a maximum where E3 H3, everywhere 90 degrees out interesting result from this analysis is that the distance between successive maxima and minima, measured normal to the plane, bec'omes greater as the incidence becomes more oblique. A superficial survey of the situation might lead one to believe that they would be at projections of the wavelength in this direction, which would become smaller with increasing 6. This point will be pursued more in the following section. and are are Polarization with Electric Field Normal to the Plane of incidence (TE) polarization (Fig. 6.91)), E+ and E__ are normal to the plane of the paper, and this and H__ are of the two The then waves = 71Hx(x, z) = 77H.(x, Z) = boundary = shown. in the x, Eycxa Z) Proceeding exactly 2 system of coordinates E+e—jk(xsin6+ -E+ cos sin E+ before, as :cosfl) we can as Enejk(-.rsin6’+zc086') + 6e“jk(xsm6+zc°se) ee~jk(xsin6+zcosfl) + by the same + E_ cos 6’ejk(‘xsm6'+z°°sg') E__ SlIl Otejk(—-xsin6’+zcosfl’) perfectly conducting plane is that E), is zero at z reasoning as before leads to the conclusion that 6 -—E_. The field components, (15) Ey 77H = ~2jE+ sin(kz = ~2E+ x "qH, ~ = —-2jE+ cos 6 sin 6 to cos (17), sin(kz cos cos (15) (16) (17) = m O 6’ then become 6)e'jmim9 cos(kz H+ write the components condition at the for all x, which and E + as In (18) 6)e‘j"‘"sm9 (19) “1mm” (20) 6)e Phase 6.10 This set wave again and Impedance for Waves shows the behavior of pattern in the conducting plane 6.10 Velocity a direction, with 2 and at traveling zeros parallel planes PHASE VELOCITY wave of Ey at in the and H: x direction and and maxima of distance nd away, with d |MPEDANCE FOR WAVES AND 303 Oblique Incidence AT standing Hx at the a given by (14). OBLIQUE INCIDENCE Phase Velocity Let us consider an incident wave, such as that of Sec. 6.9, traveling velocity v 1N; in a positive direction, which makes angle 0 with a desired 2 direction aligned normally to some reflecting surface. We saw that it is possible to the in factor terms of the x and z coordinates: express phase with = EOE, Z) E+e—jk; = : E+e—jk(xsin6+zcost9) (1) For many purposes it is desirable to concentrate on the change in phase as one moves in the x direction, or in the z direction. We may then define the two phase constants for these directions: [3,. = k sin 6 (2) B: = k 6 (3) Re[E+ef<w’-flvt“fi=z>] (4) cos (1) in instantaneous form is then Wave E(x, z, r) = keep the instantaneous phase constant as we move in the x direction, we [31x constant (the last term does not change if we move only in the x direction), and the velocity required for this is defined as the phase velocity referred to If wish to we keep wt the direction: x —— 6): v = a) — . pm at BX (wt—firmzconst OI (5) v,~—-—“——-—“.—- v w 6 () up;_=-= c036 ,8: . where We v is the see velocity that in both normal to its cases the wave front, phase velocity normal to the wavefront and will in fact be violation of relativistic velocity. It is the principles by velocity of a so 1/V—FE. is greater than the velocity measured for any oblique direction. There is no this result, since fictitious point no material object moves at this of intersection of the wavefront and a 394 Chapter b 6 Plane-Wave Propagation and Reflection _____________ 4“" t“ _....__....\._ 2’ b /_.__ )7!— /X\ A /X'\ // / / a/ | / /a /va ______ b I / I Mediuml 0 l / \ l L / 04/ 0 FIG. 6.10:1 Uniform plane wave moving line drawn in the selected direction. Thus in moves to a’a’ in a given at angle 6 toward Fig. 6.10a, if a plane a plane. of constant phase aa interval of time, the distance moved normal to the wavefront is XX ', but the distance moved by this constant phase reference along the z direction is the greater distance YY’. Since YY’ =XX’secB again lead to the result (6) for phase velocity in the z direction. phase constant B in a particular direction that is reduced by cosine or sine of the angle between normal to the boundary and normal to the wavefront, whereas phase velocity is increased by the same factor. The concept of a phase velocity, and the understanding of why it may be greater than the velocity of light, is essential to the discussion of guided waves in later chapters, as well as to the remainder of this chapter. this picture would Thus it is the Wave Hmpedance In the problems of oblique incidence on a plane boundary between different media, it is also useful to define the wave or field impedance as the magnetic field components in planes parallel to the boundary. The continuity of the tangential components of electric and magnetic fields at a boundary and the consequent equality of the above-defined ratio on the two sides of the boundary. That is, if the value of this ratio is computed as an input imped— ance for a region to the right in some manner, it is also the value of load impedance at that plane for the region to the left, just as in the examples of normal incidence. Thus, for incident and reflected waves making angle 6 with the normal as in Sec. 6.9, we may define a characteristic wave impedance referred to the z direction in terms of the components in planes transverse to that direction. From Eqs. 6.9(5) and 6.9(7) for waves polarized with electric field in the plane of incidence, ratio of electric to reason for this is the (an + and — refer, respectively, = to E, I7: = Ex“ “Hy— = 77 cos 6 incident and reflected wave; the (7) sign of the ratio is 6.10 Phase chosen for each waves wave polarized with Velocity yield to a Impedance for Waves at Oblique incidence positive impedance. From Eqs. 6.9(15) to the plane of incidence, and 305 6.9(16) for electric field normal (25)“; we see and = -— Ey+ _. Ey_ H.1' Ha == 1) sec 6 (8) — that, for the first type of polarization, the characteristic wave impedance is always as we would expect, since only a component of total electric field lies in less than n, magnetic field lies in that plane. In the latter polarization, Z: always greater than 77. The interpretation of the example of the last section from the foregoing point of View is then that the perfect conductor amounts to a zero impedance or short to the transverse field component Ex. We would then expect a standing wave pattern in the z direction with other zeros at multiples of a half—wavelength away, this wavelength being computed from phase velocity in the z direction. This is consistent with the interpretation of Eq. 6.9(14). the transverse x—y the plane, reverse whereas the total is true and is Exampte 6.10 DIFFRACTION ORDERS FROM It is known that a periodic grating A of wires, slots, BRAGG GRATING or similar perturbations reradiates, or incident upon it into various directions described as the alifi‘i‘ac~ tion orders for the grating. The directions are defined as those for which phase constants diffracts, a plane wave grating match on the two sides, except that multiples of 277 difference may grating elements and the contributions still add constructively. Consider a grating as in Fig. 6.10b, with a plane wave incident from the bottom at angle 61 from the normal. Phase constant in the x direction is k sin 61 so that the phase difference between induced effects in adjacent grating elements is kd sin 61. For the reradiated along the exist between ma [:3 :3::H:H::3E::l[::———>-x 311.5 FIG. 6.10b Diffraction grating with plane wave incident at an angle. 396 wave Chapter in the top, at Plane-Wave 6 Propagation and Reflection angle 62 from the normal, there will then be constructive interference if kd sin 61 = sm62 = kd sin 62 211277, i m== O, l, 2, or . ma . s11161 i—d— 0 (the principal order) but there can be other diffraction orders Angle 62 61 for m or lobes provided that Isin 61 : m/‘l/dl ..<. 1, which requires (1 > )t/ 2. = = 6.11 Law of Reflection to the wave INCIDENCE For a AT uniform ANY ANGLE ON DIELECTRICS plane wave incident at angle 61 from the normal plane boundary between two dielectrics 31 and 82 (Fig. 6.11), there is a reflected at some angle 6; with the normal and a transmitted (refracted) wave into the second medium at some condition the angle 62 with the normal. For either type of polarization, tangential components of electric and magnetic field at the continuity 0 must be satisfied for all values of x. As in the argument applied to the boundary 2 from the perfect conductor, this is possible for all x only if inciof reflection problem on = \\ \\ 91 \ | l l \ \ \\ \ n1 2/ 61 // / // // / // ¥ fix n2 \ \ \ 62 \ \ \ l 2 FIG. 6.11 Oblique incidence on boundary between two \ \ isotropic dielectrics. Incidence at 6.11 dent, reflected, and refracted x waves Any Angle all have the on same 307 Dielectrics phase factor with respect to the direction: k1 The first pair in sin 61 == k1 the of reflection is angle of refraction 62 to the equal Sneii’s Law of Refraction angle 6; = 91 2 k2 sin 62 (l) (1) gives the result 6; or sin and the angle (2) of incidence. From the last pair of (1) angle of incidence 61: we find a relation between the (3) ——=—-:—==— This relation is index n measure a familiar one in Optics and is known as Snell’s law. The refi‘active is defined to be of the phase unity for free space so its value for any other dielectric is a velocity of electromagnetic waves in the medium, relative to free space. It is common to use the refractive index to characterize properties of dielectrics in the infrared and optical frequency ranges as explained in Sec. 6.2. At microwave frequencies it is more common to express the velocities in (3) in terms of permittivity and permeability. For most dielectrics 111/112 may be replaced by (81/82)1/2 and lower since #1 z in2 8 #0- Reflection and Transmission for Polarization with E in Name of incidence use To compute the amount of the wave reflected and the amount transmitted, we the impedance concept as extended for oblique incidence in the last section. may To show the and validity of this procedure, we write the continuity conditions for Hy, including both incident and reflected components in region 1: Following Sec. 6.10, if nents for this TM we Ex Ex+ + E.\‘--- __-—., EL? (4) Hy, + H),_ = H),2 (5) define wave impedances in terms of the tangential compo polarization, 221 = EMF : Hy+ _§§; H),_ Ex; 2, Equation (5) total (6) <7) __ Hyz may be written €31: 2:! __ £2: Zzl 2 £3. ZL (8) 308 Chapter An elimination between Plane-Wave Propagation and Reflection 6 (4) and (8) results in equations for reflection and transmission coefficients defined in terms of tangential electric field: hiI‘’0 : 7- = z. (9 ) = EHL 2..1 + ZL 22 E. *2 ——————L = EM + ZL (10) Z21 For the present case, in which we assume there is no returning wave in medium 2, the load impedance ZL is just the characteristic wave impedance for the refracted wave referred to the z direction, obtainable from (3) and Eq. 6.10(7): '1 .. ”2\/1 (i) v ZL And the characteristic = 772 wave 62 cos = vi z (11) is applicable that, for dielectrics with ,u1 = (11) for medium 1 referred to the impedance Zzi The second form of sin2 61 - COS "'71 even z direction is (12) 61 when the result for ZL is complex. Note pa, —= (13) —z—— 32 771 ”2 The total fields in region 1 may then be written as the sum of incident and reflected and the basic preperties of uniform plane waves. We shall use utilizing (9) (denoted H +) of the incident the boundary: waves, This field again standing general reach wave wave Hy+ mH+ Ex = Hy : E5 = 'th+ fix 2 k1 ele‘fflv‘tew cos H+e—jflr‘f!:e_ja6:z sin sin zero. z - + 91 ,8: a : peat-’1 k1 traveling cos + <14) pal-‘35] (16) (17) 61 wave field in the The ratio of maxima to minima could be magnitude to (15) direction, but here the minima in the ratio and would be related to the parallel pejfizz] 616“m\"’[ue"m=z has the character of field in the the reference component since it is wave as z x direction and a direction do not in expressed as a of reflection coefficient by standing the usual expression, Eq. 6.7(5). Reflection and Transmission for Poiarization with E Normal to Plane of incidence ances For this and reflection (TE) polarization, the basic relations (9) and (10) between impedtransmission may also be shown to apply. Note that they were or first introduced in connection with transmission-line waves in Chapter Tbut have now Incidence at 6.11 found usefulness for many wave phenomena. Again wave the proper E—: = Z“ Z———L E"°‘ Ey+ = wave + ZL Ey+ (18) Z3] ————‘°ZL = + ZL impedances (19) Zzl are obtained from 712 62 sec n2[1 (5.. ) = sin2 -- 1 Z:I The total fields in 1 region E), = anx = an: = Bx : are = '01 9,] (20) 61 sec (21) (E + denotes the value of Ey+ in the incident wave) E +e”j/3-“"[e"j/3=: + -E+ cos sin pej5=:] 616“J33r"[e"jfi=Z Ole—jfir‘[e_jfii‘ E + sin k1 Eq. 610(8): —1/2 _ : to * = 7 2L 309 Dielectrics problems through the impedance concept applied tangential electric field: 7 polarization, on define in terms of we p For this Any Angle 9,, ,8: Example == k1 + (22) pej3=z] — (23) pejfl=:] (24) (25) 61 cos 6.1 n REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION OF A CIRCULARLY POLARIZED WAVE AT OBLIQUE |NC|DENCE at an angle on a dielectric discontinuity as in Fig. linearly polarized parts (Sec. 6.3) and relations of 60 this section used. To be specific, let us assume such a wave incident at angle 61 3.78. By Snell’s law, degrees from air onto fused quartz with 8,. A circularly polarized wave, 6.11, incident be resolved into the two can = = 6») “ = sin—’[J-S: 6,] sin = sin—19162 For the TM component, wave impedances 2:} == 77, cos 61 2:2 = 772 COS 92 = sin“1(0.445) V3.78 82 = are 377 cos 60° = 188.5 0 377 "‘ cos V 3.78 264° 2 174 O, = 26.4° 319 Chapter from which we Plane-Wave 6 calculate p and 'r = (9) and (10) from 174 p Propagation and Reflection as 188.5 — ——-—— = -- 00 4 . 174 + 188.5 2 x 174 T 0‘96 _ T 174 + 188.5 For the TB component, Z,1 = 771 sec 61 = 756 Q Z.2 = 712 sec 62 = 217 D. p = 7 = —O.554 0.446 So the second component is highly reflected, the first part is weakly reflected and transmitted waves will be elliptically polarized. TOTAL REFLECTION 6.12 A study of the general results from Sec. 6.11 shows that there conditions of incidence of special reflected, and both interest. The first is one are several that leads to a particular condition of total reflection. From the basic formula for reflection coefficient, Eq. 6.11(9) 1) if the load impedance 6.11(18), we know that there is complete reflection (I pl = is zero, infinity, that is real: Z21 or purely imaginary. 'X lpl The value of ZL for TM some critical angle 6 = = — To show the last VX2 z_‘1 ’.——L + JXL z 221 XZ 66: Z?“1 —,———i‘ + polarization, given by Eq. 6c such that sin + condition, let ZL H Cid = = jXL 1 seen to ZL and note <1) ZEI 6.1 1(11), is or become zero for (2) to The value of for TE polarization, given by Eq. 6.11(20), becomes infinite for this polarizations, ZL is imaginary for angles of incidence greater than 0c, so there is total reflection for such angles of incidence. For loss-free dielectrics having ,LLl #2, (2) reduces to same ZL condition. For both = sin 9c = 82 *- 31 (3) It is seen that there when the 81 > .32, or 31 1 Total Reflection 6. 12 real solutions for the critical are angle in this case only when passes from an optically dense to an optically rarer medium. 6.11(3), we find that the angle of refraction is 77/ 2 for 6 Q. wave From Snell’s law, Eq. and is imaginary for greater = angles of incidence. So from this point of View also we transfer of energy into the second medium. Although there is no energy expect transfer, there are finite values of field in the second region as required by the continuity no conditions at the as the phase Although the boundary. ,3: constant Fields die off exponentially with distance from the becomes reflected wave boundary imaginary. has the same amplitude as the incident wave for angles of incidence greater than the critical, it does not in general have the same phase. The phase relation between E_,.__ and EH for the first type of polarization is also different from that between and for the second type of polarization incident at the same + E)”. E}, angle. Thus, if the incident flected under these conditions is has both types of polarization components, the re(Sec. 6.3). polarized elliptically The phenomenon of total reflection is very important at optical frequencies, as it provides reflection with less loss than from conducting mirrors. The use in total reflect~ ing prisms is a well-known example, and its importance to dielectric waveguides will be shown in later chapters. wave wave Example 6.12 EVANESCENT DECAY IN SECOND MEDIUM It was noted above that fields are nonzero in the second medium under conditions of boundary (i.e., are evanescent). Let exponentially us show this more specifically using expressions already developed. We have so far considered the propagation factor in the z direction as from the total reflection, but die off e -j.8;z (4) where, for medium 2, :82 and using :2 k2 COS (5) 62 Snell’s law, B; = Icy/1 - (5—) sin2 61 (6) 1 This becomes (02/01) sin 61 imaginary, which by (4) represents > an attenuation factor f”, for 1, with 2 a = MR?) 1 sin2 .9, —- 1 Np/m (7) 3'3 2 Chapter Plane-Wave 6 and Reflection Propagation 277 277V SZr/Ao, a will be of order of magnitude @ for angles well beyond the critical. wavelength Since : 6.13 Let us is incident at 9 be might plane occurs for on no the dielectric angle matching of impedances between the wave with TM polarization and for a medium with M this wave 54.5 dB) per POLARIZING OR BREWSTER ANGLE next ask under what conditions there uniform Np (or a two == ,uQ, reflected wave boundary. media, ZL Eqs. when the We know that = Zzl. For the 6.1 MM) and 6.1 1(12) become 2, 2,, These two quantities equation has a \[1 lfl cos - 0,, equal = for J;32 3331112 (1) 61 32 31 = sm-l / 81 e 9- (2) 9, a particular angle 61 /1 3-1-31112 32 _ : + 82 Note that (4) yields real values of polarization there is always some incident at this #51 82 2 6p such that (3) 9,, solution . 9., : may be made cos This = tan 1 e /_2_ 81 _ = tan n 1(3) <4) 221 for either 31 > 32 or 82 > 31, and so for TM angle for which there is no reflection; all energy GP angle passes into the second medium. polarization a study of Eqs. 6.11(20) and 6.11(21) shows that there is no angle yielding an equality of impedances for materials with different dielectric constants but like permeabilities. Hence, a wave incident at angle 6p with both polarization corn~ ponents present has some of the second polarization component but none of the first reflected. The reflected wave at this angle is thus plane polarized with electric field normal to the plane of incidence, and the angle 99 is correspondingly known as the polarizing angle. It is also alternatively known as the Brewster angle. Early gas lasers made use of end windows placed at the Brewster angle to provide for oscillation for only one of the two polarizations. For the TM polarization, there is no reflection from the ends of the tube, so an external optical resonator governs the oscillation behavior. For TE 6.14 313 Multiple Dielectric Boundaries with Oblique Incidence Output window / / Laser beam Laser beam I spy FIG. 6.13 Window set at the Brewster angle / eliminate reflection for to a laser beam with TM polarization. ................................. Example LASER LIGHT THROUGH Let us calculate the A 6.13 WINDOW SET needed to pass without reflection TM polarized light from a 0.633 urn) using fused quartz with refractive index 222 1.46. angle helium-neon laser (A From (4), = = 1.46 6p =tan"1—1 Note that this is the (Fig. 6.13). BREWSTER ANGLE AT THE = 55.6° angle between the beam axis and angle in the glass by Snell’s law, the normal to the window We find the . 62 2 Sin ._. {174—6 55.6] . o sm Note that this is the proper Brewster 02 1’ 1 = angle tan“1 for going = 34.4 from O glass to air: 1 = 34.4° 1.46 So the exit from the window is without reflection also. 6.14 MULTIPLE DIELECTRIC BOUNDARIES WITH OBLIOUE INCIDENCE regions with parallel boundaries, the problem may be by successively transforming impedances through the several regions, using the standard transmission~line formula, Eq. 6.6(10), or a graphical aid such as the Smith If there solved are several dielectric 3i 4 chapter chart. For each Plane-Wave Propagation and Reflection 6 phase constant and characteristic wave impedance must angle from the normal as well as the properties of the dielectric ith region, from the concepts of Sec. 6.11, the phase constant is region the include the function of material. Thus for the B3,. and the characteristic When the impedance wave impedance = k; cos is Zzi = 71,- cos 6,- for TM 222' = 77,- sec 6,. for TB is finally (1) 6,. polarization (2) polarization (3) transformed to the surface at which it is desired to find reflection, the reflection coefficient is calculated from the basic reflection formula, Eq. 6.11(9), and the fraction of the incident power reflected is just the square of its magnitude. The angles in the several regions are found by successively applying Snell’s law, starting from the first given angle of incidence. Example OBLIQUE INCIDENCE ON A 6.14 TWO-PLY DIELECTRIC WINDOW 4.0 and consider 2.54, 223 two-ply dielectric of Ex. 6.8d with r22 incidence of plane wave at angle 61 40° from the normal (Fig. 6.14). From Snell’s 40.0°. Note that the law, angles in the dielectric are 62 18.7°, and 64 233°, 63 exit angle is equal to the entrance angle as expected (Prob. 6.14d). Wave impedance for the ith region using TE polarization is given by We return to the 7- = : a = 221' n1=1 = z = 771/003 6i n2 92 )7 _________ _._._.. -7wms FIG. 6.14 Composite window with wave incident at an angle. 3'! 5 Problems 492 Q, 222 yielding Z21 2:4 lengths for each region is given by 2 2 ei/Ai yielding wig/Ag = 0.097 and leads to the normalized ZL3/ZO3 63/)t3 e; ‘2 0, and Z:3 0.189. Use of the above values = length in wave- err/110 6i COS 199 0.. The = on a Smith chart impedances 2.3/203 = 2.47, 212/202 2 0.37 213/2OI = 0.20 + This last value 258.5 = corresponds 0.48 —- 232/202 j0.25, —— = j0.325 0.38 + jO.3O j0.158 |p| to =2 0.66 = or ipl2 0.435. This is somewhat greater =2 than the value for normal incidence in Ex. 6.8d. PROBLEMS 6.23 For an inhomogeneous dielectric, find the differential equation Eq. 62(7)) if e is a function of 2 only. Repeat for s a function for El. (replacing only (/2 #0 of 3: = in both cases). 6.2b A step~function uniform plane wave is generated by suddenly impressing a constant O at time t 0 and maintaining it thereafter. A perfectly C at z Ex 600 m. Sketch total Ex and conducting plane is placed normal to the z direction at z electric field = = = = nHy versus 2 att = 1 us and at! = 3 [.LS. 6.2c Write the instantaneous forms corresponding to phasor fields given by Eqs. 6.02(21)—(24). Find the instantaneous Poynting vector and show that the average part is equal to the average Poynting vector of the positively traveling wave minus that for the negatively traveling 6.2d For the modulated number k wave wave. of Ex. 6.2, suppose that the medium is dispersive with with frequency over the frequency band of interest: wave varying linearly Ak M - k a: B: + 00 Describe propagation 6.3a Check to show that zations appropriate of the modulated ‘90 wave and (2) satisfy Eqs. 6.3(1) plane waves. = x equations under the speciali- following special cases of Eq. 6.3(1), identifying the type 2, (/1 7r; 2, [/1 0; (ii) E1 1, E2 1, 2, ip 7r/2; (v) E] l,E2 l,E2 1, E2 polarization for each: (i) E1 1, ll: (iii) E1 7r/2; (iv) E1 1,E2 77/4. 1,1! of = case. Maxwell’s to 6.3b Sketch the locus of E for the = in this = = = = == = = = = = = 3'36 Chapter 6 Plane-Wave Propagation and Reflection 6.3c A circularly polarized wave of strength E1 travels in the positive reflected circularly polarized wave of strength E { returning: 2 direction with the E=c+nmfm+c+nmwz Find the average Poynting types of terminations cuss vector. at z = Repeat for reflected wave ()2 jy)E{ej"z and O to give the two forms of reflected waves. - dis- arbitrary elliptically polarized wave may be broken up into two oppositely rotating circularly polarized components instead of the two plane-polarized 6.3d Show that any components. 6.43 For uniform a plane wave of 10 GHz frequency propagating in polystyrene, calculate impedance. What are the most the attenuation constant, phase velocity, and intrinsic important differences over air dielectric? 6.41) Plot a curve showing attenuation constant in sea water from 104 109 Hz, assuming to that the constants given do not vary over this range. Comment on the implications of the results to the problem of communicating by radio waves through seawater. 6.4c A horn antenna excited at 1 GHz is buried in dry earth. How thick could the earth covering be if half the power is to reach the surface? Neglect reflections at the surface in your first calculation and then estimate additional fraction lost by the reflection. 6.4d Plot attenuation in nepers per micrometer versus wavelength for nickel and silver the wavelength range of Fig. 13.3b, using data of that figure. expression for group velocity of a uniform plane wave propagating in conductor and compare with phase velocity in the conductor. 6.4e Derive the good over a 6.4f Determine the group velocity for uniform plane waves in a lossy dielectric, asSuming (i) or and 8’ independent of frequency and (ii) assuming e”/8’ independent of frequency. Use the approximate form for B assuming s"/‘e’ small and compare in each case 6.4g”? with phase velocity. plane wave in loss-free dielectric 81, impinging upon a second loss~free dielec~ pic 82 at normal incidence, the average Poynting vector in region 2 is just the difference between the average Poynting vectors of incident and reflected waves in region 1. Show that this is not so if 31 is lossy (even if 82 is taken to be loss free). Explain. For a 6.53 Find the instantaneous Note the planes of these planes. Poynting for which it is vector zero for plane 2 for the standing wave for all values of t and comment Show that the average Poynting on of Sec. 6.5. the significance vector is zero as stated in Sec. 6.5 . 6.51) Evaluate instantaneous values of stored energy in electric field and in magnetic field between the conductor and plane 2 in the standing wave of Sec. 6.5. Note planes for which the two forms of energy have the times) and verify the statements same concerning maximum values 6.6a Write the formulas for a uniform plane wave with E), and spondence to voltage and current in the transmission-line 6.6b Consider tively. a lossy ferrite with (occurring at different stored energy made in Sec. 6.5. Hx only, and give equations. the corre— a complex, p.’ je”, respec~ j/i” and 8’ analogy for a plane wave in this material conductance. Determine expressions for these both ,u. and — ~— Show that the transmission~line has both series resistance and shunt elements. 6.6a Reflection and transmission coefficients are given in Eqs. 6.6(11) and (12) in terms of electric field. Give corresponding expressions in terms of magnetic field and in terms of power ratios. 31 7 Problems 6.6d A conducting film of impedance 377 fl/square is placed a quarter-wave in air from a plane conductor to eliminate wave reflections at 9 GHz. Assume negligible displacement cutrents in the film Plot a curve showing the fraction of incident power reflected versus frequency for frequencies from 6 to 18 GHZ. 6.7a A iO—GHZ radar produces a still substantially plane wave which is normally incident upon magnitude and phase of reflection coefficient and percent of in- Find the ocean. a cident energy reflected and percent transmitted into the 6.7b For body of the sea, certain dielectric material of effectively infinite depth, reflections of an incident from free space are observed to produce a standing wave ratio of 2.7 in the free space. The face is an electric field minimum Find the dielectric constant. a plane wave 6.7 r: Check the for power transmitted into expression a good conductor, given at the end of Ex. 6.713, by assuming that magnetic field at the surface is the same as for reflection from a perfect conductor and computing the conductor losses due to the currents associated with this magnetic field. 6.83 Calculate the reflection coefficient and percent of incident energy reflected when a uniform plane wave is normally incident on a plexiglas radome (dielectric window) of gin.a relative permittivity a, 2.8, with free space on both sides. Frequency 10 cm and 3 cm. corresponds to free-space wavelength of 20 cm. Repeat for A0 thickness = = 6.8VL For sandwich-type radome consisting of two identical thin sheets (thickness 15 mm. 4) on either side of a thicker foam»type dielectric (thickness permittivity e, 1.81 cm, relative permi 1.1). calculate the reflection coefficient for waves ty e, striking at normal incidence. Take frequency 3 X 109 Hz; repeat for 6 X 109 Hz. Suggestion: Use the Smith chart. a relative — 2 6.8: What refractive index and what thickness do you need to make a quarterewave antie 10 um? Assume unreflection coating between air and silicon at 10 GI-lz'.7 At A0 = doped silicon with losses negligible. 6.8d For the 10pm design of Prob. 6.8c, plot fraction of incident energy reflected wavelength 6.8e* Imagine from two 15 pm to A“ = versus 5 [.Lm. = quaner»wave layers of intrinsic impedance 172 and 113 between dielectrics 17, and 174. Show that perfect matching occurs if 772M3 For 71,, 4, 713 3, 712 1.5, 17. l, calculate reflection coefficient at 10% below that for with the result for a single matching. Compare frequency perfect of intrinsic impedances (Th/m)”; a )to = = = : quarterewave matching coating with T, 6.3m A dielectn‘c window of : = polystyrene (see 2. Table 6.4a) is made a half<wavelength thick the dielectric) at log Hz, so that there would be no reflections for normally incident uniform plane waves from space. neglecting losses in the dielectric. Consider- (referred ing to the finite losses, compute the reflection coefficient and fraction of incident energy reflected from the front face Also determine the fraction of the incident energy lost in the dielectric window. 6.8g A slab of dielectric of length l. constants 5' and e", is backed by aconducting plane at I which may be considered perfect. Determine the expression for field impedance 3 X 109 Hz, at the front face, 2 0. Find value for 5750 4. e”/e' 0.01. f z = = = 1 1.25 : cm. Compare = with the value obtained with losses = neglected. 6.9a Write instantaneous forms for the field components of Eqs. 6.9(5)—(7) for TM polar-i» zation. Find the average and instantaneous components of the Poynting vector for both the 6.9b ,r and Repeat 2 directions. Prob. 6% for the TE polarization, defined by Eqs. 6.9(18)—(20)r 318 Chapter Propagation and Reflection Plane-Wave 6 6.9c For the TM polarization with E, E,, and H, find stored energy in electric fields and in magnetic fields, for unit area, between planes 2 0 and z 77/ (k cos 6) and = == interpret. 6.10a Show that a generalization of Eq. written in the convenient form 6.10(1) for E(.r, y, z) = a wave oblique to all three axes can be E+e‘fl“' where k=n,+yk,+2k_, r = xx + yy + 22 6.10b A diffraction grating as in BX. 610 has grating spacing 2 ,um. Find the number and 0.488 pm at (i) norangle of the diffracted orders for an argon laser beam with A0 60 degrees. mal incidence, 91 O, and (ii) incidence with 61 = = = 6.10(: Find the modified relation for diffracted angle in Ex. 6.10 if there is dielectric 81 on the incident side of the grating and a different 82 on the exit side (,u. no for both). = 6.113 Plot 6.111) incident angle the phase and magnitude of p for a wave incident from air 4.95 for both TM and TE polarizations. ceramic with 8,. versus onto a = Repeat Prob. 6.11a with the wave passing from the ceramic into air. (Note tion is total beyond some angle, as will be explained in Sec. 6.12.) 6.11c Obtain the special forms of p and r for 1) for both polarizations and 32 > 81. grazing incidence (0— 77/2 — - that reflec- 8 with 8 << 6.11d For both polarizations, give the conditions for which the standing wave pattern in shows a minimum of tangential electric field at the boundary surface; repeat for a maximum of tangential E at the surface. 2 expressions for Ex, Hy, and E: in region 2 as functions of x and z for polarization plane of incidence. Obtain the Poynting vector for each region and demonstrate the power balance. (Take 82 > 81 to avoid the special case to be treated in 6.11e Write with E in the Sec. 6.12.) 10. For normal incidence 6.11f A wave passes from air to a medium with a, 10, in there is no reflection since m 772 170. There is a nonzero reflection for incident angles other than zero. Plot reflection coefficient versus incident angle for both TM and TE polarizations. = == = = 6.123 A microwave transmitter is placed below the surface of a freshwater lake. Neglecting absorption, find the cone over which you could expect radiation to pass into the air. 6.12b Using data of Fig. 13.2b, find the critical angle for a wave of wavelength 3 am passing from silica into air and also for silicon into air. For both cases plot phase of reflec— tion coefficient versus incident angle over the range BC S 6 S 77/ 2 for a wave polarized with E in the plane of incidence. 6.12c In GaAs laser, the 0.85 pan) is “trapped” or guided along generated radiation (A0 junction region by total reflection from the adjacent layers. (The mechanism of dielectric guiding will be explored more in Chapters 8 and 14.) If the junction layer has refractive index n 3.60, the upper layer n 3.45, and the lower layer n 3.50, find critical angle at upper and lower surfaces. a = the thin = 6.12d* Defining 1/1 as the phase E_t_ /E.,+ = and 11/ as the phase = of Ey_ /Ey+, find expressions 3'! 9 Problems for 1,1! and t//’ tween under conditions of total reflection. Show that the these two polarization components, an 2 ill — ill’, is phase given by 1] sin?’ 9 (772/171)[(vg/v,)2 cos 1] [072/7702 6\/(v2/v,)2 sin2 difference be- — <§> = 2 6.12c 6 6 - — 1 now of importance in optical communications, guide light by the pheof total reflection (as will be discussed more in Chapter 14). The evanescent fields outside of the guiding core could cause coupling or “crosstalk” between adja- Optical fibers, nomenon cent fibers. To estimate the size of this coupling, take a plane model with silica core refractive index n 1.535 and external cladding of a borosilicate glass having 1.525. The optical signal has free~space wavelength of 0.85 pm. How far away the next core be placed if field is to be 10"3 the surface value at that plane, if having = 12 can = (i) incident angle of 89 waves within the core is 85 degrees, 6.12f For several on 5 and (ii) if incident angle is degrees. applications of total reflection (note Probs. 6.12c boundary are not very different. If 122 A where A 26. 1, show that 6C 72/2 the two sides of the << a and = e), refractive indices 6) where 221(1 — = - 6.133 In Ex. 6.13, it was found that polarizing angle for entrance to the window is also rect for exit from the window. Prove this for general ratios of 122/221. 6.13b Examine cor- Fig. 13.2!) to determine materials which might be suitable as Brewster win— a C02 laser operating at 10.6 ,u.m. Calculate the appropriate window angle dows for for each such material. 6.13c A green ion laser beam, then passes Design window a E in the through plane to 0.545 pm, is generated in vacuum, and operating at A0 1.34. glass window of refractive index 1.5 into water with n give zero reflection at the two surfaces for a wave polarized with = = a of incidence. 6.13d For a, 82 but it, # #2: show that the TB polarization will have an incident angle with zero reflection like the Brewster angle for TM polarization. Also, what conditions must be satisfied for such an angle for TE polarization if both 31 s5 82 and pt, # [.LZ? = wave in medium 1 of permittivity 81 makes angle 9, with the normal. Find the prOper length and permittivity of a medium 2 to form a “quarter-wave matching section” to a medium of permittivity 83. Consider both polarizations. 6.1421 An incident 6.14b* A uniform plane wave of free~space wavelength 3 cm is incident from space on a window of permittivity 3 and thickness equal to a half-wavelength referred to the dielec» tric material so that it gives no reflections for normal incidence. For general angles of incidence, plot the fraction of incident energy reflected E in the 6.14c plane of incidence and also for polarization versus polarization with plane of incidence. 6 for normal to the of the transmission-line analogies, determine the spacing between a thin film parallel perfect conductor, and the conductivity properties of that film if reflections are to be perfectly eliminated for a wave incident at an angle 6 from the normal for the two types of polarization. (See Ex. 6.6b.) By use and a 6.14d For a boundaries between different dielectrics, as in Fig. 6.14, show angle and angle of incidence upon the first boundary is Snell’s law utilizing indices of refraction of entrance and exit materials only, there is no intermediate surface at which total reflection occurs. series of parallel that the relation between exit given by provided 6.14e An optical instrument called an ellipsometer employs a beam of monochromatic light elliptical polarization incident at an oblique angle on a surface whose properties with 32% Chapter are 6 Plane-Wave Propagation and Reflection to be determined. Measurements on the incident and reflected beams yield a value ratio of reflection coefficients for components in the plane of incidence and normal to it. Find the expression for the ratio of reflection coefficients that will be measured by the ellipsometer in terms of incident angle, refractive index of the sub— of the complex supporting the film, and the unknown film thickness and reflective index. Assuming angle and substrate index known, and neglecting losses, explain how the two strate unknowns could be determined. ~ ‘ / “3‘ a .1 “1' A .‘3/‘121 _ ‘\ ‘9‘}: ‘~/ . “of: was ‘Tssiz’ét §3afifisach: (-. * x h; ‘.“..‘C 7. l ‘ . .-\ . i > \v ’p m « ‘9, A, - i ,,.= V' < 2 INTRODUCTION In the preceding chapters, numerous special techniques have been presented for solving dynamic field problems. Before continuing with the important problems of wave guiding, resonance, and interaction of fields with materials and radiation, it is necessary to develop some more general and somewhat more powerful techniques of problem solution. The methods developed in this chapter will usually be illustrated first through static examples before extending to dynamic problems, and in some cases are most useful for static or quasistatic problems. Even then such solutions are of use in certain time-varying problems, as we have seen in the case of circuits and transmission lines in the preceding chapter. The approach in this chapter is mostly through the solution of differential equations subject to boundary conditions. In certain cases the field distributions themselves are desired, but in other cases (as we saw in the calculation of circuit elements) these distributions are only steps along the way to other useful parameters. The most general analytical method to be considered in this chapter is that of sepa— ration of variables, leading to orthogonal functions which may be superposed to rep— resent very general field distributions. In developing this method we will spend some time on the special functions needed for circular cylindrical coordinates (Bessel func» tions) and for spherical coordinates (Legendre functions). A second powerful analytical method is that of conformal transformation. Although restricted to two-dimensional problems and useful primarily (but not exclusively) for solutions of Laplace’s equation, it is the most convenient way of solving many problems of importance in circuits and static and transmission lines. 32? 322 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 Boundary Value Problems problems becomes increasingly important with the concomputing power. This is a special field in itself and a rapidly but we will give some idea of its basis and some elementary approaches Numerical solution of field advances in tinuing changing one, to its - use. 'E'he Bast Bifierential Equations and Name teal Methods ROLES OF HELMHOLTZ, LAPLAOE, AND POISSON EQUATIONS 7.2 We have differential equations—the wave equation, the Helmholtz equation, equation—result from Maxwell’s equations with certain We shall generally be concerned with such Special cases, but let us look specializations. first at somewhat more general forms. We use the phasor forms, and limit ourselves to homogeneous, isotropic, and linear media. Starting with the Maxwell equation for curl E [EL 33(3)], seen how Specific and the diffusion V X E The curl of this is taken and ~jmuH = expanded (inside front (l) cover) VxVxE==—V2E+V(V°E)=—janxH The divergence Eqs. 3.8(1) and of E and curl of H substituted from the Maxwell are (2) equations 3.8(4): *VZE + V(E) ~jwu[J : e jweE] + or VZE where k2 2 rogue. By similar + operations VZH Equations (3) and (4) eral solutions of these sz + 1 = jqu on kZH + the curl H --= (3) ng equation, we obtain —-—V x J (4) may be considered inhomogeneous Helmholtz equations. Gendifficult, but usually start from solutions of the corresponding are homogeneous equations1 l J. D. Jackson, Classical VZE + sz = 0 (5) VZH + k2H = 0 (6) Electrodynamics, 2nd ed, Wiley, New York, 7975. 7.2 Many so of the Roles of Helmholtz, Laplace. and Poisson Equations 323 problems we are concerned with have no sources except on the boundaries, equations considered in this chapter are the homogeneous ones, (5) the Helmholtz and (6). Note that the vector equations separate simply V213,. and for + szx in =— rectangular coordinates, 0 (7) and H3. They do not separate so simply for curvilinear coordinates, by examining the expansion for V2 of a vector in cylindrical and spherical coordinates (inside front cover). But for any cylindrical coordinate system, the axial component of (5) or (6) satisfies a simple Helmholtz equation, similarly E), E2, H_ Hy, 1., as one can see VzEZ similarly for H3. quasistatic problems, Laplace equations: + sz2 == 0 (8) and For the term in k2 is negligible so that (5) and (6) reduce to V2E == 0 (9) V2H = O (10) These separate into coordinate components as discussed above. However, for quasistatic or purely static problems it is often more convenient to use the scalar potential functions defined by E with (I) and : : ~Vct>m (11) CID,” satisfying Laplace equations, VZCD In certain H ~VCI), cases we are taining charges, = VZCID,” O, case the Poisson V2613 0 quasistatic solutions for regions equation applies to (I) (See. 1.12): concerned with static in which == : or J (12) con- (13) 8 equations govern a large number of important used for illustration of solution methods in this chapter. Thus the Laplace, Helmholtz, and Poisson problems and will be the ones Boundary Conditions As noted in Sec. 1.17, unique solutions of the Laplace or equation resulted if the function is specified on a boundary surrounding the of region interest. Specification of the normal derivative on such a boundary determines the solution within a constant. Section 3.14 pointed out that unique solutions of the Helmholtz equation (5) or (6) are obtained by specifying the tangential component of E or H on the closed boundary, or tangential E on a part of the boundary and tangential Poisson H on the remainder. Superposition Since V72 is a linear operator (as are the other operators in Maxwell’s equations), any two solutions are superposable and the sum is a solution provided that the medium itself is linear. We have made use of this fact previously, as in the super— 324 Chapter 7 Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems V=0 V=0 V=O V0 2 1 Series of circular FIG. 7.2 multiples of a cylinders with 71 sectors of angle a: at the potential VO oriented at with respect to each other. position of linearly polarized waves to form a circularly polarized one. We will use the principle in many future examples. Here we give an example of its use in reasoning to a simple result. r-';;/3',1-i:;;-:z>,\\:;.;-:'s-/> .-rL:4:;-zi<-;,:...I.';':\\-/ =,'.:, .21 ............. .- Example SOLUTION BY 7.2 INVERSE APPLICATION OF SUPERPOSITION interesting example of the use of superposition is the solution for the potential at a symmetrical structure. For example, consider a homOgeneous dielectric surrounded by the circular cylinder shown in Fig. 7.2, with a potential VO applied over a portion of the boundary subtending the angle a and zero potential on the remainder. 27r/n. If the potential at the center were found for 12 different sets Suppose that a of boundary conditions as shown in Fig. 7.2, where the only difference between these is that the section of the boundary to be at potential V0 is rotated by the angle ka, with k an integer, the sum of the 22 solutions would be the potential at the center of a cylinder with VO over the entire boundary; this is just V0. Since every problem is identical except for a rotation by a, which would not affect the potential at the center, the potential at the center for the original problem must be VO/n. This same technique could be applied to find the potential at the center point of a square, cube, equilateral polygon, sphere, and so on, with one portion at a given potential. An the center of = 7.3 NUMERICAL METHODS: METHOD OF MOMENTS powerful computers has greatly eXpanded our ability to obtain electromagnetic field problems. The range of use extends from convenient evaluation of analytic expressions, including ones for which no closed-form Easy accessibility accurate to solutions for 7.3 325 Numerical Methods: Methods of Moments solutions exist, to wholly numerical solutions. Whenever it is possible to find even an approximate analytic solution, it is useful for seeing parametric dependences to gain physical insight, but more precise solutions can be obtained numerically. We consider here only some basic methods. There are other, more specialized techniques, several of which find use in analyzing transmission structures of the kind to be studied in the following chapters?"3 The choice of method should be based on a tradeoff among accuracy, speed, versatility, and computer memory requirements. The finite~difierence method was introduced in Sec. 1.20; though simple, it has con» siderable range of application. A method with similar use, called the finite-element method, is somewhat more difficult to understand and the programming is more complex, but it has the advantage of adapting well to complex boundary shapes and also to spatially varying properties of the medium (i.e., permittivity or permeability). In both of these methods the typical calculation involves a large banded matrix (nonzero ele~ ments only along and near the diagonal). There are well—developed methods for inverting such a sparse matrix, and we saw in Sec. 1.20 an iterative method. One may use a more computationally efficient approach, called the method of moments, for some problems, especially when integral quantities such as capacitance are required.4 It is based on an integral equation rather than the differential equation on which the finite-difference and finite-element methods are based. If charge is transferred between two conducting bodies in otherwise free space, a potential difference will exist between them and the charges will become distributed over the surfaces in such a way that the tangential electric field at the conductor surfaces is zero. This is analogous to the situation seen in the study of images in Sec. 1.18, where a point or line charge placed near a conducting surface induces surface charge on the conducting body and this cancels the tangential electric field of the source charge. Likewise, if charge is placed on an isolated conducting body, the charges will distribute themselves on the surface to eliminate the tangential electric field. The method of moments results in knowledge of the charge distribution on the surfaces and the total charge for a given potential, and hence the capacitance. We introduce here a simple way of applying the method of moments to find static charge distributions and capacitances for two- and three-dimensional electrode systems. Some structural forms that can be treated are shown in Figs. 7.3a—c. They are shown with their surfaces subdivided into small elements to prepare for discrete numerical charge density p5, is assumed to be uniform over each element. calculations. The surface The total the area. potential charge 3 4 as a point charge on a at calculations. The 2D structures have the surfaces 2 ascribed to the ith element We will treat it are divided into strips of width 3D structure is psiASi, where the center of the element in no A1,. AS,- making is the variations in the axial direction and The charge density p5,. in this case is R. C. Boonton. Jr., Computational Methods for Electromagnetlcs and Microwaves, Wiley, New York, 7992. R. Sorrentino (Ed. ). Numerical Methods for Passive Microwave and Millimeter Wave Struc- tures, IEEE Press, New York, 7989. R. F. Harrington, Field Computation by Moment Methods, 1?. E. Krieger, Malabar, FL, 7987; orig. ed, 1968. 326 (Chapter 7 Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems Z / Z Z / Z / Z Z Z / / Z Z Z Z / ////z7 /;Z/1/17 (a) A4 (b) QQQQQ Q Q Q QQ / ASi (c) of structures suited for evaluation FiG. 7.3 Examples by methods of moments. (a) Three» dimensional parallel-plate capacitor. (b) Round two-dimensional cylinder over a ground plane. (c) Isolated rod of finite length. multiplied by All. to give the charge per unit length along the axial direction, which is represented by a line charge q , in the center of the element for the purposes of calculating potential. These point and line charges are used to calculate the potentials also at the centers of the elements. Three-Dimensional Structures charges Potentials in free space since the conductors are are calculated accounted for using the formulas for by including all charges on their surfaces. The using Eq. 1.8(3) potential at the center of the ith element in the 3D N CD“U + = I on (Di; is written is the potential at the center stASj 121‘ 47T€|Fi (1) —-——~-—--- _" l‘j‘ of the ith element the ith element itself; it must be handled of (l) case as CDThe term 327 Numerical Methods: Methods of Moments 7.5 resulting from the charge since the terms in the remainder separately find (13h- by integrating over the element. For clearly singular when i j. We we neglect the exact shape of the element, often a square, and replace it disk having the area of the element. Thus, with r0 (ASi/a'r)”2 = are convenience, with a : 277 ct)“. f = dqs o o One f ro d Psi—r 0.282 BE . . = 4778)” 8 VASi (2) equation of the form (1) is written for each element, thus giving a set of N equations charges in terms of the given potentials on the electrodes. in the N unknown Example 7.53 THREE-DIMENSIONAL CAPACITOR Let us calculate the To achieve but here is charge distribution and capacitance of the structure in Fig. 7.351. accuracy, it is necessary to have many subdivisions of the surfaces, take a very coarse grid to illustrate the procedures. It is assumed that there high we negligible charge the outer surfaces of the conductors. The on and bottom electrodes are taken as + V and -— potentials on the top V, respectively. Multiplying (1), with (2) substituted, by 47r8/a, the equation for element 1 can a a 47T(O.282)pS 1 + ———-—-- ‘rl "‘ be written rzl p$2 + + --——--- Ir! “ ’8’ p5 8 = as 4778 ——V a wa/yyg a/ a—a—a ((1) FIG. 7.3d Coarse subdivisions of parallel-plate capacitor for Ex. 7.3a. (3) 328 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 the other Writing similar equations for Boundary Value subdivisions and seven Problems in matrix form, casting have we a r 3.54 11‘1"“ rzl ~——"——— Ira ‘" r3} lr1_ r8, 4-"— __E__ lrl 3.54 -—-—a “ [1'2 1‘1] 1'3] “' [1‘2 V [7’P52 51 V V 1'81 " "" V .. ' a V 4773 = —— a -—V (4) —V a L. Ira ‘ 1‘1] irs —-V a a " r2] The coefficients include Ira ’13 rjl - directly L-V- J-Ps8.1 and must be evaluated The matrix could be entered into densities found 3.54 1‘3] “' geometrically from Fig. 7.3d. inversion program in a computer and the charge in terms of the potentials on the electrodes. The total charge Q an Q/ 2V. just C For the purpose of illustration, we will solve the problem by hand, making use of its symmetry to reduce the computational work. Symmetry dictates that the assumed uniform charge densities satisfy: psl p55 p58 and p52 ps4 p33 p86 ps7. Since there are just two unknown variables, it is necessary to use only the first two rows of (4). Substituting values of Ir1 rjl and [r2 rji and using dimensions in Fig. 7.3d, we obtain on one electrode is found and the capacitance = = is = = —— == - = —- = - -— ([3 J ' 87 1.50 _. _l_ __ (d/a) V9 (d/a)2 + 1 ——-—-———— V1 + [ [4 taking 51/5: (Ci/(2)2] ———————— —- V4 (cl/a)2 + 1 1 1.50 or 1;] 1 —- — — ———-— V1 1 ' = 54 - V4 (at/a)2 + — (d/a) (d/a)2] —— —~ + [p51] p52 ———1————] V1 + (Cl/a)?‘ 0.121 Ps1 47reV 1 a 1 __ 0.121 1.65 we sl“ [2:] 0.5, for example, 1.54 Inverting (6), 3 ll P52 (6) find 478V p$1 = 1.071032 = 0.605 (7) 7.3 329 Numerical Methods: Methods of Moments The total 29.38CZV and the charge on the top electrode is Q 2c22(p31 + p52) 14.7sa. Application of the method of moments capacitance is therefore C Q / 2V with a fine grid would lead to a more accurate value for capacitance, which would be Sea. larger than the fringing-free idealization C eA/d 4ea2/ (a/ 2) = = = 2 = Two-Dimensional Structures == = For the 2D case, we write, using Eq. 1.8(8), N CI).1 The distribution of = charge ‘13..n j2¢i - + CT 2778 is unaffected by the constant (8) CT and it can be neglected (see Prob. 7.30). As in the 3D case, it is necessary to handle (Dig separately. The approach is to integrate the effect of the surface charge density over an assumed flat strip of width Ali. Thus, (Dz; so 2p Ali/2 -——-S—'f = ‘ 277’s —E§'- [xlnx ‘ lnxdx = -- 7T8 0 x]OA’i/2 (9) that psi " A11' 277's [n A1 :| 2 ( ) Example 7.5b SrRIPLINE CAPACITANCE us calculate the charge distribution and capacitance per unit length of a twodimensional system of conductors, the so-called stripline configuration, which will be discussed in Sec. 8.6 and is shown in Fig. 7.38. Here there are three conductors, with Let the outer ones extending to y = and the center conductor carries infinity, the surface charge conductor. Therefore, we d {< j: 00. The two outer ones are at the same a V. Although voltage rapidly with y beyond decreases will cut off the outer conductor at w (zero) potential the outer conductors extend to the edge of the center appropriate point some >{ LJLW4444444#4i14®-:0 (8) [‘16. 7.3a Stripline structure with discretization for method of moments calculation in Ex. 7.3b. 333 Chapter Boundary Value Problems Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 ymax, the suitability of which could be tested by doing the problem twice with different values of ymax. We will simplify the notation by taking the widths AZ of all segments to be the same. segmenting is shown in Fig. 7.3e, where it is seen that there are 36 equal sufficiently fine for illustration, but in practice more divisions be this For example we have 36 equations of the form (8); 8 have (I) might chosen. V and 28 have CI) O. The equation for element 1 (on center conductor) is obtained by multiplying (8), with (10) substituted for CI)“, by ~27Ts/Al: The chosen subdivisions. This is = = AZ (1113‘ 1)psl _ + mlrr ’ r2lp52 Or, subtracting psi 1n AZ from each — "l' + term and irr _ lnlrl summing 2778 r36lp536 ‘ = “K; the subtracted terms lrl rzi V (11) separately, r36’ " (1n 2+1 )Psr +1n—-—— P52 +m+1n————— P536 Al Al (12) 2778 lnAllpsl + on the set of in the form of charge equations the plates is But the total + + pa + zero so 9535] = “T” V the term in brackets vanishes. We (12) for the N elements as a can write matrix: B ‘ T __ 1n 1'6 93 irz "“ 1“ Ir; — rol .—__.:._ . . . 1D. lri Al I'll _ - Al rssl -* F Al 1.693 ' - . ln lrz l"V - ---—— p51 . I'36] ““ —-— ”52 Al _ — 23 V Al [1'11 “1n — rrl A1 111 (1‘11 " rzl ' 1.693 A] Lp536 “OJ _ a (13) To obtain 4d and a, numerical result, we take w 4. Inversion of this matrix the on each element. The gives charge capacitance for the complete structure = a = equation Fig. 7.32 is the sum of the charges on the center conductor, found from (13), divided by V. Its value is 344p. F/m. The value calculated analytically for an infinitely thin center conductor is found (Sec. 8.6) to be 346p. F/ m. in In the method of moments, the order of the matrix to be inverted is much smaller or finite-element method, but the main"): is full so that sparse than in the finite-difference matrix techniques cannot be used. Chapter 12. will be shown in An application to a time-varying radiation problem 7.4 33'! Method of Conformal Transformation Method of conformai Transformation 7.4 METHOD OF CONFORMAL TRANSFORMATION AND INTRODUCTION TO COMPLEX-FUNCTION THEORY general mathematical attack for the two—dimensional field distribution problem theory of functions of a complex variable. The method is in principle the most general for two-dimensional problems, and the work can be carried out to yield actual solutions for a wide variety of practical problems. For these reasons, the general method with some examples will be presented in this and the following sections. In the theory of complex variables, we use the complex variable Z x + jy, where both it and y are real variables. It is convenient to associate any given value of Z with a point in the x—-y plane (Fig. 7.4a), and to call this plane the complex Z plane. Of course the coordinates may also be expressed in polar form in terms of r and 6: A very utilizes the = 5 N -— sz yz, + 6 =tan’1(z) x Then Z Suppose that there is x now a + jy =-= different W such that W is is a rule some specifying = corresponding re” + complex variable W, where u function of Z. This a j sin 6) r(cos 6 + jU means = = pej‘b that, for each assigned value of Z, there value of W. The functional = (1) relationship is written (2) f(Z ) W W C’ (b) (a) FIG. 7.4 (a) Z plane. (b) W plane. 332 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 If Z is made to vary moves about, tracing out a curve graph, the continuously, Boundary Value Next consider in the complex Z plane correspondingly, tracing usually shown on a separate corresponding point out some curve C. The values of W vary C’. To avoid confusion, the values of W called the Problems are W plane (Fig. 7.41:). complex small change AZ in Z and the corresponding change AW in a derivative of the function will be defined the usual limit of the ratio as W. The AW/ AZ as the element AZ becomes infinitesimal: fl: complex f(Z . + 32:10—— :Alzl’fI-EO function is said to be analytic or AZ) " fCZ) AZ AZ dZ A AW . regular (3) whenever the derivative defined The derivative may fail to exist at certain isolated (singular) points where it may be infinite or undetermined, somewhat as in real function theory. But it would appear that there is another ambiguity with respect to complex variables, above exists and is unique. since AZ may be taken in any arbitrary direction in the Z plane from the original point. For the derivative to be unique, the ratio AW/ AZ should turn out to be independent of this direction. If this the AZ same = independence of direction is to result, a result if Z is changed in the x direction Ax, W (W flu a —-—=—-—=-— dZ For a necessary condition is that we obtain alone or in the y direction alone. For change 63cm ax in the y direction, AZ 2 av =~—+ ax 6a 60 8y 6y 8(1)!) complex quantities are equal if and only if their real separately equal. Hence, (4) and (5) yield the same result if = 6): imaginary parts are (6) -— 6y ~63 - ~95 6x (7) 6y Cauchy-Riemann equations, are then necessary conunique point and the function f(Z) analytic there. It can These conditions, known as the dW/dZ to be they are satisfied, at a be shown that, if direction of the and 81) all arbitrary (5) +jv)=————j— Two ditions for 4 H —-— jax j Ay, =——.—=—.———~<u ] 6y 612 jv) 1 6W (1W + change AZ, the so same they result for are dW/dZ is obtained for any also sufficient conditions. 7.5 Pmperties of Analytic Functions of Complex Variables Exampie 333 7.4 ANALYTICITY OF POWER FUNCTIONS W M + 1'0 = (x + M" Z2 = (xi = yz) - , A check of the + flay (8) , u = x“ 2) = 21y -— y“ Cauchy—Riemann equations yields 61,! —* av = 6x 92 — 2x = By ._ a: 2y _. ax 6y So they are satisfied everywhere in the finite Z plane, and the function is analytic everywhere there. Actually, it is not necessary to apply the check when the functional relation is expressed explicitly between Z and W in terms of functions which possess a power-series expansion about the origin, as ei, sin Z, and so on. The reason is that each term in the series C,,Z” can be shown to satisfy the Cauchy—Riemann conditions, and consequently a series of such terms also satisfies them. 7.5 If PROPERTIES OF ANALYHC FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES Eq. 7.4(6) is differentiated with respect to 3:, Eq. 7.4(7) resulting equations added, there results differentiated with respect to y, and the 6211 62a -—- —— 6x2 Similarly, = O ayz (I) if the order of differentiation is reversed, there results 621) 62v = —- 6x2 ayz O (2 ) are recognized as Laplace equations in two dimensions. Thus, both the real and imaginary parts of an analytic function of a complex variable satisfy Laplace’s equation, and would be suitable for use as the potential functions for two~dimensional electrostatic problems. The manner in which these are used in specific problems and the limitations on this usefulness are demonstrated by examples in this and the next These the section. 334 Chapter 7 Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems problem in which one of the two parts, it or v, is chosen as the potential function, proportional to the flux function (Sec. 1.6). To show this, let us u that is the potential function in volts for a particular problem. The electric suppose field, obtained as the negative gradient of u, yields For a the other becomes Bu Ex By the the x equation an = = 75;, for the total differential, the and y coordinates of dx and dy 6y change in v corresponding to changes in is 6v (10 (3) _....... , = av dx + — - Bx 6y dy But, from Cauchy—Riemann conditions, Eqs. 7.4(6) and 7.4(7), a —-dv == ldx a Edy 6x — 6y —E dx + = 3' Erdy ‘ or ~e By inspection of Fig. 7.5a, this curves U and v + dv, with the dv a dx + Dx dy recognized to be just the electric flux dip between positive direction as shown by the arrow. Then is ~d¢r And, except for flux at 0 0, —Dy = constant that can be set = e dv equal to zero (4) the (5) by choosing the reference for == ~90 = av C/m (6) u+dv 4x FtG. 7.5a Coordinates for the flux function. 7.5 Similarly, if v 335 Properties of Analytic Functions of Complex Variables is chosen as the function in volts for potential some problem, flux function in coulombs per meter, with proper choice of the direction for flux. an is the positive We have seen that either it or u may be used as a potential function, and then the other may be used as the flux function, since both satisfy Laplace’s equation. The utility of the concept, however, hinges on being able to find the analytic function W f(Z) = such that u and v also satisfy the conditions for the boundary Example ELECTRODES As the example, suppose we desire given boundary condition is an V If we IN 7.5 PARALLEL~PLANE DIODE the distribution of = problem being considered. x4/3, y = potentials in the Z plane where 0 (7) let W it is clear that for y dW/dZ exists and is = = 24/3 O, the real part of W is (8) u = x4/3. Furthermore, we see that O (Prob. 7.4e). Thus it is a suitable potential unique except at Z function for this problem; the real part of (8) gives the potential distribution. It is most convenient for this particular function to express Z in polar coordinates = W = u + jv = 1'4/3ej49/3 (9) Thus Equipotentials, found u =2 v = 3cos 36 (10) 3sin 36 by setting it equal to a constant, are shown in Fig. 7.5b for u boundary function (7) has the same form as the potential 1.0: O and the anode potential unity at x the cathode at x = O and 1. It is of interest that the in a plane diode with (I) Using on = 1“” a plane diode can be truncated and the correct potentials produced edge by placing electrodes along the equipotential lines as shown in Fig. procedure is most important in designing electron guns with regular flow these ideas, the free 7.517. This and the result is known 5 = = J. R. Pierce, J. as the Pierce gun.5 Appl. Phys. 11, 548 (7940). 336 Chapter 7 Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems 0 volts 1.0 volts V=atvJ Cathode 0 volts Anode 1.0 volt .2” FIG. 7.5b Focusing for electron flow in the electrodes outside the electron flow 7.6 a plane diode. region. The upper portion of the figure shows CONFORMAL MAPPING FOR LAPLACE'S EQUATlON point of view toward the method in Sec. 7.5 follows if we refer planes introduced in Sec. 7.4. Since the functional relationship fixes a of W corresponding to a given value of Z for a given function A somewhat different to the Z and W value W=f(Z) point (x, y) in the Z plane yields some point (u, v) in the W plane. As this point F ( y) in the Z plane, the corresponding point in the W along some curve x plane traces out a curve u F102). If it should move throughout a region in the Z plane, the corresponding point would move throughout some region in the W plane. Thus, in general, a point in the Z plane transforms to a point in the W plane, a curve transforms to a curve, and a region to a region, and the function that accomplishes this is frequently spoken of as a particular transformation between the Z and W planes. When the function f(Z ) is analytic, as we have seen, the derivative dW/dZ at a point is independent of the direction of the change dZ from the point. The derivative may be written in terms of magnitude and phase: any moves --- = dW —— . .___ M6 J“ (1) = Me” dZ (2) d2 01‘ W By the rule for the product of complex quantities, the magnitude of W is M times the magnitude of dZ, and the angle of W is a: plus the angle of dZ. So the entire infini- Conformal 7.6 tesimal 337 Mapping for Laplace’s Equation in the vicinity of the point W is similar to the infinitesimal region in the vicinity point magnified by a scale factor M and rotated by an angle or. It is then evident that, if two curves intersect at a given angle in the Z plane, their transformed curves in the W plane intersect at the same angle, since both are rotated through the angle a. A transformation with these properties is called a conformal transformation. In particular, the lines it constant and the lines 0 constant in the W plane intersect at right angles, so their transformed curves in the Z plane must also be orthogonal (Fig. 7.6a). We already know that this should be so, since the constant 0 lines have been shown to represent flux lines when the constant it lines are equipotentials, and vice versa. From this point of view, the conformal transformation may be thought of as one that takes a uniform field in the W plane (represented by the equispaced constant it and constant v lines) and transforms it so that it fits the given boundary conditions in the Z plane, always keeping the required properties of an electrostatic region of the Z. It is = = field. Frequently the transformation is done in steps. That is, the uniform field is trans~ some intermediate complex plane by Z1 f(W), then perhaps into formed first into = finally into a plane general, there can be any 12(Z2 ) Z3 number of steps. Of course, these functions can be combined into a single transformation, the inverse of which can then be understood on the basis of finding a function with real or imaginary part satisfying the given boundary conditions as discussed in a second intermediate complex plane 22 boundary conditions = in which the 2 g(Z1), are and then satisfied. In Sec. 7.5. There are knowledge of the required boundary conditions gives the solution. For help in finding the of conformal transformations6 which show how one field few circumstances in which will lead transformation that to the directly required form there are tables maps into another. The mapping ug U1 UT functions U3 given in the tables may be used “3 yT I ”2 ll} U1 individually . US we ' "‘ a r W FIG. 7.60 6 For example, 7952. Also see see R. A Z plane plane mapping r r of coordinate lines of the W plane in the Z plane. Dictionary of Conformal Representations, Dover, New York, Shinzinger and P. A. A. Laura, Conformal Mapping: Methods and H. Kober, Applications, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 7997. 338 Chapter combined in or given problem. a Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 Boundary Value Problems series of steps to transform the uniform field into a field that fits the examples of the simpler transformations will be given to illustrate Some the method. Example 7.6a THE POWER FUNCTION: FIELD NEAR A CONDUCTING CORNER As a basic example, consider W expressed W It is convenient to use the polar form W = as some power: 2" = for Z Z raised to (3) [Eq. 7.4(l)]: (rel-9)” = rpejp” or u = rp v = rp sin cos p6 (4) p6 (5) conformal-mapping point of View, the field in the W plane is uniform. The equal potential (say, u equals constant) in the W plane can be mapped parallel into the Z plane by setting 1) equal to constant in (5). From the viewpoint of Sec. 7.5 one does not take explicit consideration of the existence of the W plane but simply recognizes that v is a solution of Laplace’s equation and tries to adjust constants such that constant 0 lines fit the equipotentials of the given problem. When only one step of transformation is required, the vieWpoints are wholly equivalent. If v is chosen as the potential function, the form of one curve of constant 0 (equiO and also at 6 77/p. Thus, potential) is evident by inspection, for v is zero at 6 if two semi-infinite conducting planes at zero potential intersect at angle a, where From the lines of = = 77’ p (6) = a they coincide with this equipotential, of the curves of constant it and boundary conditions are satisfied. The form v within the angle then give the field and of constant configuration near a conducting corner. The field is assumed to result from the presence an electrode with nonzero potential that either fits one of the constant v lines or is far enough away that its shape causes no significant deviation of the u and 0 lines in the region of interest. The equipotentials in the vicinity of the corner can be plotted by choosing given values of v, and plotting the polar equation of r versus 6 from (5) with p given by (6). Similarly, the flux or field lines can be plotted by selecting several values of u and plotting the curves from (4). The forms of the field, plotted in this manner, for corners with a 77/4, 77/2, and 377/ 2 are shown in Figs. 7.6b, 7.6a, and 7.6d, respectively. of = 7.6 FIG. 7.6b-d These plots field map are Conformal Field near for Mapping conducting 339 Laplace‘s Equation corners of 45, 90, and 270 degrees. of considerable help in judging the correct form of the field in having one or more conducting a graphical boundaries. Example 7.6b THE LOGARITHMIC TRANSFORMATION: CIRCULAR CONDUCTING BOUNDARlES Consider next the logarithmic function (7) W=C11nZ+C2 The logarithm of a complex number is In Z = W = readily 111018”) found if the number is in the = 1n 2‘ + 1'6 polar form: (8) so Take the constants C 1 and C2 as C1(lnr + 16) +C2 real. Then u=Cllnr+C2 v If u C16 (10) as the potential function, we recognize the logarithmic potential previously for potential about a line charge or a charged cylinder or be- is to be chosen forms found = (9) 340 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 Boundary Value Problems av, is then proportional to angle 0, cylinders. The flux function, 1,11 as it should be for a problem with radial electric field lines. To evaluate the constants for a particular problem, take a coaxial line with an inner conductor of radius a at potential zero and an outer conductor of radius [7 at potential V0. Substituting in (9), we have tween coaxial = 0 -— Cllna-I‘CZ II VO=C11nb+C2 Solving, we have C1 so (7) can V0 ln(b/a) _ "" C2 _ “ _VD In a 1n(b/a) be written W .. (I) —~ __ ln(Z/a) V0[1n(b/a)] (11) or 91/ In the 6 = foregoing, u V0[ln(b/a)] —- __ fl —- = 8v “8V06 111(b/a) V (12) C/m (13) the reference for the flux function 0. If it is desired to and its 111(r/a) _ __ imaginary part use some serves to came out automatically at as complex, other reference, the constant C 2 is taken fix the reference Example 1/! = O. 7.6c THE INVERSE-COSINE TRANSFORMATION: HYPERBOLIC AND ELLIPTIC CONDUCTING BOUNDARIES Consider the function W = cos"1 Z (14) or x—I—jy—cosm +jv) H II y = cos u cosh =cosucoshv v —sinusinhv ~jsinusinhv Conformal Mapping for 34'! Laplace’s Equation It then follows that x2 ——.,— + cosh~ v y2 = 9 , smhr x2 y2 .- ~ _ 0 COS“ ll - 1 (15) 1 (16) v 7 SID" u Equation (15) for constant 0 represents a set of confocal ellipses with foci at :1, and [16) for constant it represents a set of confocal hyperbolas orthogonal to the ellipses. These are plotted in Fig. 7.68. With a proper choice of the region and the function {either it or v) to serve as the potential function, the foregoing transformation could be made to give the solution to the following problems: 1. Field around a charged elliptic cylinder, including the 2. Field between two confocal a . flat strip conductor elliptic cylinders or between extending between the foci Field between two confocal and a plane limiting conductor an hyperbolic cylinders or between extending from the focus to infinity case Plot of the transformation u + ft: = a flat strip elliptic cylinder a cos”'(x and hyperbolic cylinder (e) FIG. 7.6a of + jy). 342 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 Boundary Value Problems 4. Field between two semi-infinite rating them (This 5. Field between an separated from it is conducting plates, coplanar of 3.) limiting infinite by and with a gap sepa- case a a conducting plane and a perpendicular semi-infinite plane gap To demonstrate how the result is obtained for a particular problem, consider problem 5, illustrated by Fig. 7.6f. The infinite plane is taken at potential zero, and the perpendicular semi-infinite plane is taken at potential V0. In using the results of the foregoing general transformation, we must now put in scale factors. To avoid confusion with the preceding, let us denote the variables for this specific problem by primes: W’ Clcos“1kZ’ = + C2 (17) C1 is inserted to fix the proper scale of potential, the constant k to fix the scale of size, and the additive constant C2 to fix the reference for the potential. By The constant comparing with (14), Z==kZ W ['he constants C1 and C2 CIW+C2 may be taken u' real for this as = + Clu problem. Then C2 (18) u'=0 / /\\ / / / \/ /\ “*‘1\\ I/ / \ ” / \ F“7~~g ‘é—La , »/ /\ K'4‘, = V0 l J/ \/ I ”fit, \ //\\~L \ /x /-\\ \ / L-.v\ -uv” \<\ \ // A/ \ \ ()9 FIG. 7.6f Field between perpendicular planes with a finite gap. Conformal 7.6 By comparing Figs. 7.6g and 7.6)”, O, we want u' these values in (18) yields Also, when u x want we Z’ to be and when V0; = u a =2 So the transformation with proper scale factors for this W’ where u’ is the u’ = 343 Mapping for Laplace’s Equation +jv’ when Z is 77/2, u' problem 2 Z’ 77 a so k = l/a. O. Substitution of is V0[l —cos“1(-—)] = unity, = ~— (19) proportional function in volts, and ev’ is the flux function in coulombs equipotential and flux lines with these scale factors applied are per meter. A few of the shown on Fig. 7.6f. Example 7.6d PARALLEL CONDUCTING CYLINDERS Consider next the function W*Kan—a Z+a (20) 1 This may be written in the form W K,[ln(Z = —- a) -~ln(Z + a)] By comparing with the logarithmic transformation of Ex. 7.6b which, among other things, could represent the field about a single line charge, it follows that this expression a and the other of equal can represent the field about two line charges, one at Z it more is a. However, interesting to show that this strength but opposite sign at Z of form can also yield the field about parallel cylinders any radius. Taking K 1 as real, = = u = Thus, lines of constant logarithm equal K J. (x 2 (x --1- In Kll: u u -— can 2. __ a), a)" + + 2 y, (21) + y“ y _. an an (x -— (x a) be obtained from (x - + + (1)] ( ) (21) by setting the argument of the to a constant: (x y -1 at)2 + y2 2K2 a)2 +y2 344 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 Boundary Value Problems i” Q. i” / k% \ d H: J (g) FIG. Two 7.69 parallel conducting cylinders. As this may be put in the form 2 [rm] 1 the curves of constant 14 are u- =4_°I<_ + (23) K2 circles with centers at a(1 + K?) K2). If u is taken as the potential function, any one of the may be replaced by an equipotential conducting cylinder. Thus, if d (Fig. 7.6g), the values of a R is the radius of such a conductor with center at x and radii (20 VK2)/ (1 circles of constant — u = and the particular value of K2 (denoted K0) may be obtained by setting , 1 1 KO "' _‘ K0 Solving, a = \/— i d2 ~-R2 d d2 (24) (25) KO=E+ E—1 The constant K1 in inder. Let this be and the transformation VO/Z. Then, by depends on the definition of the potential of the conducting cylK2 (= K0 on conducting cylinder) (25), V d2 d x—- 01‘ K1 V” = 2 ]n[(d/R) + V(d2/R2) = -— 1] V0 2 cosh _1 (d/R) (26) The Schwarz Transformation for General 7.7 in (21), the Substituting (I) z potential > O with x > O, a (24). The flux function 1,0 4/ = ~av < = 0 if - (x cosh“(d/R) 4 is K1 av 2 - 111[(x positive so + the a)2 a)2 + + y2 yz] negative sign (27) must be chosen in is 8V0 z is point (x, y) V0 2: u For CD at any 345 Polygons [tan“1 cosh‘1(d/R) y - (x + t an y —1 a) (x -- a) :l (28) we have not put in the 1eft~hand conducting cylinder explicitly, the odd symmetry of the potential from (27) will cause this boundary condition to be satisfied also Although if the left—hand of radius R with center at d is at potential VO/Z. If we wish to use the result to obtain the capacitance per unit length of a parallel— wire line, we obtain the charge on the right~hand conductor from Gauss’s law by finding the total flux ending on it. In passing once around the conductor, the first term of (28) changes by 277, and the second by zero. So cylinder q=2 77 = x 8V0 2 —- - C/m cosh“1(d/R) 01‘ q we VO cosh—1(d/R) C=~=———— A similar F/ m (29) be used to find the external inductance of the parallel—wire opposite from the above electric field problem, with 0 being proportional to the magnetic scalar potential. The result given in Eq. 4.6(9) line. In that procedure case can the roles of u and v are for inductance is L = if ’77 d cosh-*<-) R H/m (30) From (29) and (30) we see that LC #8 as was shown to be the case for other twoconductor lines in Chapter 5. That this is a general result is shown in Sec. 8.12. = 7.7 THE SCHWARZ TRANSFORMATlON FOR GENERAL POLYGONS examples in Sec. 7.6 specific functions have been set down, and the electrostatic problems solvable by these deduced from a study of their properties. In a practical problem, the reverse procedure is usually required, for the specific equipotential conducting boundaries will be given and it will be desired to find the complex function useful in solving the problem. The greatest limitation on the method of conformal transformations is that, for general shaped boundaries, there is no straightforward In the 346 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 Boundary Value Problems Z’ plane Z plane P4 P3 (13 a4 P1 lb) (:1) FIG. 7.7 2' plane. (a) General polygon in Z plane. (1)) Polygon of figure transformed into straight line in x; is at infinity. Vertex procedure by which one can always arrive at the desired transformation if the two— dimensional physical problem is given. There is such a procedure, however, when the boundaries consist of straight—line sides with angle intersections. The Schwarz transformation takes an arbitrary polygon in the Z plane into a series of segments along the real axis in a 2’ plane as shown in Figs. 7.7a and 7.7b. The segments correspond to the sides of the polygon.7 The transformation may be found by integrating the derivative: (:32 _. ._ : dZ’ [C(Z' __ firm/77‘) 1(Z' __ xé)(“2/7T) g 1 _ , . (Z' __ x;l)(a,,/vr) _ 1 (1) Each factor in vertices as (1) may be thought of as straightenng out the boundary at one of the the transform of Ex. 7.6a did for the single corner. The setting down of (l) specific problem is usually easy, but the difficulties come in its integration. Although we have spoken of the figure to be transformed as a polygon, in the practical application of the method, one or more of the vertices may be at infinity, and part of the boundary may be at a different potential from the remaining part. Then the real axis in the Z' plane consists of two parts at different potentials. This latter electrostatic problem may be solved by a transformation from the Z’ to the W plane, and thus the transformation from the Z to the W plane is given with the Z' plane only as an inter» mediate step. Another sort of problem in which the method is useful is that in which a thin charged wire lies on the interior of a conducting polygon, parallel to the elements of the polygon. By the Schwarz transformation, the polygon boundary is transformed to the real axis and the wire corresponds to some point in the upper half of the 2' plane. This electrostatic problem can be solved by the method of images, and so the original problem can be solved in this case also. for 7 a Formore details see 1?. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown, Complex Variables and Applications, 4271 ed, McGraw~Hfl/, New York, 7984. The Schwarz Transformation for General 7.7 347 Polygons Tablet? 2 = jy; W b V0 Z I = b x ”7’” - qr T y Cl‘ x + a a 2 g, = + jv, where [cosh“‘(a~ k Results for are given some Flux Function. = 70: = > acosh”‘< Potential 2"kW—e — l—cr~ 1+ S 1 S 0 l— (of or + 1)>] 1 = 2 —— kW :2, b u ”+1—22kW e [9 =— u etw __ + t “1 - a —-1 important problems that have been solved by the Schwarz technique in Table 7.7. - Example FRINGING FIELD IN ..,,_‘_.-’._ —-= 7 ,. v» 7.7 PARALLEL—PLATE CAPACITOR To illustrate how the concept of a polygon can be applied, consider the parallel~plate O capacitor structure in Fig. 7.7c with d3 V0 on the infinite bottom plane and (I) = on the = D~C. For the purposes of the Schwarz transformation, the structure may a polygon with interior angles (21, a2, and a3 and sides of infinite length. plane be considered Application of the transformation puts all the boundaries along the real axis as in Fig. O for x3 > 0. As was shown in EX. 7.6b, a V0 for xé < O and CI) 7.7d where (I) 2 = subsequent logarithmic transformation converts such a set of boundary potentials into a parallel—plane uniform field in the W plane. Combining the two transformations, one // // / (13: \\ \\ 71’ <1: =0\ / All I\ (I): ‘ V"\: \\ E 621— \ y: (0) x\ g O B Z’ x'2=1 plane (d) (6) Edge of parallel-plate capacitor with one plane of infinite extent (equivalent to onesymmetric parallel—plate capacitor). (d) Transformation of the capacitor of (c) into a single plane. FIG. 7.7 half of a 348 Chapter 7 Two- and Three-Dimensional finds that the flux lines and in terms of position x, potential lines, u and v, respectively, plane by the relation h = select values of plotting out the and u v field sketched in 7.8 W (aw/V0 u— 7T can Value Problems are implicitly defined y in the Z Z One Boundary —— 1 3V— - and calculate the Fig. + 0 jar) (2) corresponding points x and )2, thus 1.90. CONFORMAL MAPPING FOR WAVE PROBLEMS that in conformal transformations for statics complicated boundaries are simple ones. Conformal transformations of wave problems can similarly simplify complicated boundaries.8 The transformations can be made only in two dimensions so the fields must be independent of the third dimension. The simplification of the boundaries is also normally accompanied by increased complexity of the dielectric so this trade-off only occasionally helps. u + jv Let us assume that there exists an analytic function W f(Z) f(x + jy) which transforms the given boundary shapes in the Z plane to lines of constant it and v in the W plane. We will first determine the relation between V391! and Vivilr in order to transform the scalar Hehnholtz equation, Eq. 7.2(8), We have seen transformed to = <92!!! + 6x2 from the Z plane to the W plane. 624/ ayg + 9 Int: To transform the ~ = 0 = (1) derivatives, we apply the chain rule. First, n_na+na (2) _ an ax fix Applying the chain rule 2 an —§ = similarly for _ second time leads to 2 2 6x and a av 61 an —2Bu 2 9 an + “- 6): an —2 + 2 60 fix 62 av dl/Idudv — ""' w an 80 6x Bx (3) azu/ayzz 7 7 " 82 95’ 8)" 3 2 an ““— 62 = ‘5’ 6w ' a it ay F. E. Borgnis and C. H. Papas, Springer Var/cg, Berlin, 7958. + ‘5’ 60‘ — By in Hondbuch der + 2 a2 l” —“ 6 av 6y 6y -- an 60 Physik (3. Fidgge, Ed), <4) Vol. 76, p. 358, 7.8 Making terms use of the of the right Conformal conditions in Cauchy—Riemann and 7.4(7) in the second (4), and adding (3) and (4), Eqs. 7.4(6) sides of (3) and (4) and in the last a?- 33 term of 2 45' 8.1" Note from Eq. 7.4(4) + and —'By1,D 31’- ‘5' av“ 2 (1W (12 + 2 au + ~- ax a —" 8y (5) 7.4(7) that 2 — az 45' 611- = 349 Wave Problems Mapping for 2 au = 2 00 + -— 6x 2 all = -— 6x an — + 6x —- 6y (6) Thus 2 dW v2, Avil/j -.= v2(It)!!! — [[2 7 () quantity le/dWI is a scale factor which relates a differential length lde in the W plane to the corresponding length lel in the Z plane, as we discussed in Sec. 7.6. The Helmholtz equation (1) is thus transformed to the W plane giving The .— Visit Euzo + @ general, dZ/dWl is a function of the coordinates so that (8) is equivalent equation in an inhomogeneous medium. Boundary conditions in the Z plane consisting of zero values of (II or its normal derivatives carry over unchanged to the corresponding boundaries in the W plane since the orthogonality of coordinates is conserved. If a nonzero normal derivative is specified on a boundary, the scale factor IdW/dZI enters the conversion of the boundary condition through the relation between gradients in the two planes: Note that, in to the Helmholtz |V..¢| = g2: a’W Example lwl <9) 7.8 CURVED DIELECTRIC WAVEGLHDE layer of a dielectric material embedded in materials of lower permittivity can serve guide electromagnetic waves, as will be studied in more detail in Chapter 14. The phenomenon of total internal reflection analyzed in Sec. 6.12 supplies a qualitative understanding of dielectric waveguides. Here we see how wave propagation in a curved layer, as in Fig. 7.8a, can be treated using conformal mapping. The wave is assumed to be polarized with its electric field in the z direction and E: is independent of 2:. Then identifying E: with ill, we can write from Eq. 7.2(8), with A to 6/6; = , Vi),E:(x, y) + k2E3(x, y) = O (10) 350 Chapter 7 Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems 53 u=Roln Ru “" (b) FIG. 7.8 in Z (a) Curved dielecnic waveguide into W plane. Using the transformation of Ex. 7 .6b in W plane. (1)) slightly guide transformed different form, R20 (11) ell/R0 (12) In R0 3 Curved dielectric for which % = (8) becomes Vfiszm, From (11) it is easily seen Hall/Roam, + v) v) a 0 (13) that 1n u = R0 v = R06 F2: (14) and Therefore, the edge of the guiding layer (15) is the u 0 line in the W plane and R0 ln(R0 a)/R0. The result is that the curved layer in the Z plane becomes the planar region shown in Fig. 7.817. Note that this layer in the W plane is inhomogeneous. Equation (13) has the usual form of the Helmholtz equation only if we identify a new wave number k’ by the other edge of the guide at r = k’ R0 = at — a) r a / = R0 is at u = = — 2 he exp R__u o (16) 7.9 Since k’ is a Laplace’s Equation function of it, one cannot In 351 Rectangular Coordinates substitute it directly for k in the usual solution. However, the problem is solvable and has been used to energy from bends in dielectric waveguides.9 study the wave leakage of Separation of Variables Method 7.9 LAPLACE'S EQUATION IN RECTANGULAR COORDINATES One of the most powerful techniques for solution of linear partial differential equations separation of variables. This leads to solutions which are products of three functions (for three—dimensional problems), each function depending upon one coordinate variable only. Such solutions might not seem very general, but they may be added to form a series which can represent very general functions. Moreover, singleproduct solutions of the wave equation represent modes which can propagate individ~ ually. These are of great practical importance in waveguides and resonant systems and are studied extensively in following chapters. As the simplest example of the method of separation of variables, let us first consider two~dimensional problems in the rectangular coordinates x and y, as we have in the transformation method of the past section. Laplace’s equation in these coordinates is is that of 2 2 a?+a?=0 6);“ 6y“ We wish to study product solutions of the form (1903 y) where point we see on that we have a (u = (2) X(x)Y(y) function of x alone times a function of y alone. From this X(x) will be replaced by X and Y( y) by Y. Substituting in (1), X"Y + XY" The double = we 0 have (3) prime denotes the second derivative with respect to the independent variable sum of functions of one variable only, divide in the function. Now to separate into the (3) by (2): Y” XII -— X 9 + —- = O Y M. Herb/um and J. H. Harris, lEEE J. Quantum Electronics 85-] 1, 75 (7975). (4 ) 352 Chapter Next follows the Boundary Value Two- and Three~Dimensional 7 key argument for this method. Equation (4) Problems is to hold for all values and y. Since the second term does not contain x, and so cannot vary with x, the first term cannot vary with x either. A function of x alone which does not vary with x is a constant. Similarly, the second term must be a constant. Let us denote Then the first as K3 and the second as of the variables x Kg. iii 13% -+ == 0 (5) and X"~sfiX=() (6) 2 I T—Kfl=0 recognize that these are in the standard form having real exponentials or hyperbolic as solutions. Let us write them in hyperbolic form and substitute in (2): We functions <I>(x, y) It is clear from Ky the must be same. (A cosh Kxx = (5) that either K i imaginary Thus + B sinh (7) = @(x, y) = K cosh + D Kyy sinh (7) Kyy) 39‘ must be negative and therefore either Kx or while the other is real. Furthermore, their must be magnitudes have either of two forms, can (13(x, y) or KxxXC + B sinh (A cosh Kx Kx)(C cos Ky + D’ sin Ky) (8) + D sinh Ky) (9) or where, since {le = (A [Ky , cos Kx + B’ sin Kx)(C cosh Ky we have used the single symbol indicate that the constants have K. The The choice between primes and are used to is dictated (8) (9) changed. by boundary conditions. If the potential is required to have repeated zeros as a function of y, then (8) is used; if repeated zeros are specified for the x variation, (9) is chosen. If the boundaries extend to infinity in one direction, real exponentials are used in place of hyperbolic functions. It may be noted from (6) that for Kr jKy O, the general solution has the form the nature of the = (Many) It is typical for product + (Alx : 31)(C1y solutions that when the functional forms of the solutions We will + D1) using (10) separation constants go to see in subsequent sections change. boundary conditions. For the three-dimensional case in rectangular coordinates, extended. Laplace’s equation is constants are evaluated = zero the how the the yo axz yo .+- procedure is simply yo 0 (11) X(X)Y()’)Z(Z) (12) -+ ayz the == 7%}? Consider solutions of the form @(x, y, Z) = Static Field Described 7.10 where each term variables. on the right side is Substituting (12) in (l 1), by just dividing by (I), we see one of the independent space have X"YZ + XY”Z + XYZ” and 353 Single Rectangular Harmonic function of a we a : 0 that XII+YII+ZNmO X z Y ( 1 3) — We the use argument same terms do not vary with x, used in the two-dimensional as was neither the first. Since it is can not vary with x, it must be a constant. Similar terms. If we let the first term he a case. arguments apply for the second and third K3, and the third K2, K§+K§+K°gz0 K3 If the second two function of x alone and does the second (13) becomes (14) and differential written as the (13(x, equations of the form (6) apply for X, Y, and Z. So the general solution, product of X, Y, and Z, and sometimes called a rectangular harmonic, is y, z) + B [A cosh Krr = sinh er] [C cosh Kyy + D sinh Kyy] , X It is clear that at least least one in the x of XX, Ky, and + F smh [E cosh K52 one K: of K7,“, K must be i, and K 2 imaginary. and y directions, the functions of x K32] (15) be negative for (14) to hold, so at repeated potential zeros are required y must be trigonometric functions so must If and K" are imaginary. There are various other combinations which may be useful. In some cases it is advantageous to replace the hyperbolic functions by real exponentials K, as and mentioned earlier for the two-dimensional solutions. In (15) there appear to be nine constants, to be evaluated using the six possible boundary conditions, two for each of the three coordinate directions. If, however, one divides the first bracket entire by BDF, constants. From so Let us see (14) we see that STATIC FIELD DESCRIBED BY by D, A are and the third just four SINGLE RECTANGULAR HARMONIC required to have one of the forms of Sec. 7.9 as O. The product of O, C Eq. 7.9(9) with A denoted as a single constant C1: what boundaries would be solution. Take the remaining by F and multiplies the independent multiplicative there are only two independent separation constants equals the number of boundary conditions. the second the total number of unknowns 7.10 a by B, it becomes clear that there constants, special B’D, case may be q) of = = CI sin Kx sinh Ky = (l) 354 Chapter 7 Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems O for all x. Hence one boundary can Similarly, potential is zero along the rm. Let us confine O and also at other parallel planes defined by Kx plane x attention to the region 0 < Kt < 77 and O < y < 00. The intersecting zero~potential planes of interest then form a rectangular conducting trough. Let its depth in the x It is evident from (1) that potential is zero at y 0. be a zero-potential conducting plane at y = = = = direction be a. Then Ka = 'n' or 77‘ K (2) = a If there is to be other than zero. a finite field in the Without at which it as V0. Then, from (1), crosses the knowing midplane x region, there must be some electrode at a potential shape for the moment, let us take the value of y a / 2 as y b, and the potential of the electrode its = = or, substituting in (1), we sm 2 77]) Sinh— 77b 77 '- Vo :C 1 s inh—==C 1 a a have (I) _ V0 sinhm/a) “- . sm 1135 sinh(77b/a) (3) (1 The potential at any point x, y may be computed from (3). In that the electrode at potential V0 must take can be found from (3) particular, the by setting CI) form = V0, yielding sinh EX a : Sinh(7Tb/a) sm(mc/a) (4) Equation (4) can be plotted to show the form of the electrode. This is done for a value b/a é-in Fig. 7.100. Actually, the electrodes should extend to infinity, but if they are extended a large but finite distance, the solution studied here will represent the potential very well everywhere except near edges. 19 could be supplied with a sinusoidal Alternatively, a straight boundary at y == = “*7 U FIG. 7.10a Electrodes and 3 potentials for which a single harmonic is the complete solution. Fourier Series and 7.1 1 3 FIG. 7.10b one Potential in a 355 Integral b two-dimensional box with sinusoidal distribution of a potential on side. distribution of potential and in the box. Thus, for a single harmonic would describe the potential at all points 372* and the boundary potential were example, if [(0 = 3 and, b) = VO sin ~53 (5) x then the harmonic ct) shown in Fig. V0 sinh(377/a)y sinh(37rb/a) = 7. 10b satisfies the boundary . sm 377 —-— (6 ) - A 0 conditions and describes the potential at all points. 7.1 l FOURIER SERIES AND INTEGRAL In the preceding section, we saw that a single-product solution could satisfy only very special forms of boundary conditions. For more general boundaries a sum of such solutions must be used. This is one example of situations where Fourier series or integrals are useful in forming solutions for field problems. We provide here a review of the Fourier tools with the assumption that the reader has already a measure of familiarity with them. Fourier Series dependent Fourier series variable x, the required used to represent periodic functions. For the inperiodicity is expressed by are f(X) = f(x + L) (1) 356 Chapter Two» and Three-Dimensional 7 Boundary Value Problems period of the function. We assume that the function can be represented plus the sum of infinite series of sine and cosine functions of harmonics fundamental spatial frequency k: where L is the by of a a constant f(x) = 620 + a1 cos kx + (12C082kx + a3 cos 3kx + 2 H +blsinkx+bzsin2kx+b3sin3kx+.. where the phase factor k is related to the To evaluate the unknown constants in so~called orthogonality preperties period L (2) for a in the usual way: given of sinusoids. These function f(x), we make use of are L/2 j mkx dx = O m # n (4) sin 22kt sin mloc dx = O m # n (5) cos nkx cos -—L/2 L/2 J, ~L/2 and U2 . 8111 mkx cos 1210c dx = m # m = n O (6) —L/2 12 However, L/2 f L/2 f cos2 mlcr dx= -—L/2 sin2 m/Ct' dx L = (7) -— 2 -~L/2 use of these properties, we multiply each term in (2) by cos Izkx and integrate period. Every term on the right vanishes because of the properties in (4)—(6) except the one containing cos nkx; that term gives aflL/ 2 according to (7). Thus, T0 make over one 2 an = - L L/2 f f(x) cos n/cx dx (8) mL/Z Similarly, multiplication of (2) by sin nkx with integration from L / 2 to L / 2 leaves only the term involving sin nkx on the right-hand side, and its coefficient, by (7), is __ 2 b” Finally, to = L/2 f(x) sin Izkx dx ~ L (9) —L/?. obtain the constant term (10, every term is integrated directly over on the right side disappear except that containing 00 so that a period and all the terms L/2 (10:— L This merely states that a0 is the average I fix) dx —L /2 of the function f(x). (10) 7.11 Fourier Series and 357 Integral For a general function, an infinite number of terms is required in the Fourier series representation. But often a sufficient degree of approximation to the desired wave shape is obtained when only a finite number of terms is used. For functions with sharp discontinuities, however, many tenns may be required near the sharp corners, and the theory of Fourier series shows that the series does not converge to the function in the neighborhood of the discontinuity (Gibbs phenomenon). The derivative of the series also does not converge to the derivative of the function, but the integral of the series always converges to that of the function. Example FOURIER SERIES REPRESENTATION OF A 7.1 in FUNCTION OVER A FINITE INTERVAL In static field problems, one commonly has the boundary potential specified over a finite as along a straight boundary at a constant value of one coordinate. For the purposes of matching the given boundary potential, it is desirable to express it in a Fourier series. This can be done even though the function is not periodic, having been specified only over a finite interval. The point of view is that the interval of length a may be considered a period or an integral fraction of a period, and a periodic function defined to agree with the given function over the given interval, repeating itself outside that interval. A Fourier series may then be written for this periodic function which will give desired values in the interval, and although it also gives values outside the interval, that is of no consequence since the original function is not defined there. The interval is commonly selected as a half-period since the function extended outside the interval may then be made either even or odd, and the corresponding Fourier series will then have respectively either cosine terms alone or sine terms alone. Figure 7.11a shows by solid. lines some possible examples of functions specified over the interval, such interval 0 are < x < a. shown by Their extensions outside that interval the broken lines. Note that in one case as either odd the interval is or even L/ 4. functions The choice of as an odd or an even function depends upon the form used to represent the potential in the problem. Thus, for example, in Eq. 7.lO(3) the potential is expressed in terms of sin 77x / a and the appropriate series for the rep— resentation of the boundary potential will be in Sines, whether to consider the function continued f(x) mrx 2 = b" sin where are we have made found from positive use (9) noting intervals are of the fact that a x (11) Cl 12:! L/ 2, equal. Thus, with 2 b" 2 — a a 2 half~period. The coefficients integral from the negative and one that the contributions to the L/2, (I f O J. 3—7—73 dx fix) sin a (12) 358 7 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems fix) fix) I ,._J 1I I g F I +¥>x | I l I I; L l L>x a I I (i) (iii) 17x) fix} (ii) (iv) Examples of functions specified (broken lines). FIG. 7.11a I over a finite interval (solid line) and odd and even continuations Suppose, < a for example, that the and it is desired to expand 2 b specified it in a f(x) =C over the interval series. Then, (12) yields function is sine 0 < x a a 20 Csinfldx=-[—-cos§fl] =— (13) a and the series is 2C f(x)=qr The series 2 77x 3m: 2 577x 231n—-+-srn—+—sm—+--3 a a 5 a _ , (14) has the required value f(x) represents the dashed portion of waveform . = C (i) in over Fig. the interval 0 < (14) x < a but also 7.110 outside that interval. integral In some problems the function of interest is defined over the entire aperiodic. An example is a square function that is constant in some range —-a S x S a and zero elsewhere, as shown in Fig. 7.1119. This could be considered the limiting case of a periodic series of square pulses where the period L goes to infinity. 12k The spacing of the components (12 + 1)k 277/L from (3) becomes vanishingly small as the period L approaches infinity, and in the limit the spectrum of component sinusoidal waves becomes a continuum.10 Fourier range and is -— 10 R. Bracewe/I, The Fourier Transform and its York, 7986. = Applications, 2nd rev. ed, McGraw—Hill, New 7.1 1 Fourier Series and 359 Integral fix) l C l glk) 2C0 7— r 311' 0 ~27rV—7r WVZTE’ (c') 37r\ FIG. 7.11 (b) Inverse Fourier transform of function in (c). (c) Fourier transform of function in (1)). Value of g(O)/2Ca is unity. In the limiting, aperiodic case the series (2) is replaced by an rectangular integral °° 1 fOC) and the function g(k) = in theory £0061” place of a” and 277- which takes the 800 The f *- = f . b” of (8)—(lO) is given by“ f(x)e ”’7‘" dx (16) integrals shows that for (15) to give the same f(x) that appears be continuous or have only a finite number of finite disconfinite interval and must be absolutely integrable, that is, must L lax)! The (15) of Fourier (16) the function tinuities in any n dk «~00 placement of 297 in the pair ( 75) the literature. dx < and ( 76) is 0° arbitrary and is done in various (17) ways in 369 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 Boundary Value Problems place strong limitations on These conditions do not the utility of the transform pair (1551‘s. ‘ and (16). ' U FOURIER TRANSFORM OF Using (16) we function in Fig. find the spectrum of 7.11b: A g(k) RECTANGULAR PULSE spatial frequency components for the rectangular a a ‘ Nj/O: f = -.'t1L:-.'.'.'.- 7.1 lb Example ‘ Ce—Jadx = k 4‘:ij = 2043”]; a) (18) important function occurs frequently in practice and is shown in Fig. 7.11c. f(x) in Fig. 7.11b is called the inverse Fourier transform of that in Fig. The two are called a transform pair. This very The function 7.110. SERIES OF RECTANGULAR HARMONICS FOR TWO AND THREE-DIMENSIONAL STATIC FIELDS 7.12 We in Sec. 7.10 that saw ditions on product solutions (harmonics) satisfying zero boundary con— two~dimensional rectangular structure can harmonic as the expression for the potential single three of the four boundaries in be found. However, the use of a a boundary of complicated shape or a simple flat one with a along it. To solve problems with an arbitrary variation of potential along a flat boundary on a coordinate line, one may use a sum of harmonics, each of which satisfies the zero conditions on three boundaries and has a weighting in the sum such that it equals the given potential at the fourth boundary. Then the given potential is expanded in a Fourier series of either sines or cosines, chosen to match the either requires a fourth sinusoidal variation of potential functions in the boundary and sum of harmonics. The harmonic series is evaluated at the fourth by term, with the Fourier series to evaluate the weighting procedures are sometimes slightly modified by use of as seen in the following examples and problems. superposition, compared, term coefficients in the former. These symmetries and -.~-'v.--TN .22.???“ . “iii/‘gygq, \_ .--,.:<.-:.- -- .,_ - -.-.--_ -,-. , ........ Example 7.1% TWO-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEM WITH SPECIFIED BOUNDARY POTENTIALS AS an example of a problem solutions of Sec. 7.9, but two-dimensional region can of which cannot be solved be Fig. by means of a 7.12a bounded by using a single one of the series of these by a solutions, consider the O, a zero~potentia1 plane at y = Series of 7.12 36'! Rectangular Harmonics (1)::0 we FIG. 7.120 JL_ b r‘ Two—dimensional box for Ex. 7.12a. 0, a parallel zero—potential plane at x a, and a plane zero-potential plane at x b. In the ideal problem, the lid is separated from conducting lid of potential V0 at y the remainder of the rectangular box by infinitesimal gaps. In a practical problem, it would only be expected that these gaps should be small compared with the rest of the = = = box. In selecting the proper forms from Sec. 7.9, we will choose the form having sinusoidal it since potential is zero at x O and also at x a, and sinusoids have 0 for repeated zeros. So the form of Eq 7 9(9) is suitable Moreover, (I): 0 aty all x of interest, so the function of y must go to zero at y= 0, showing that C 0. O at x 0. Then CI) is again zero at O for all y of interest, A Similarly, since (I) solutions in = = == = = x 2: a, so Ka == = =2 mar, or nm Kr: Cl Denoting the of the product remaining constants B’D mm (I) = Cm sin as C[71’ we have mrry 1nh sin a O, at Laplace equation and the boundary conditions at y x O, and atx a, but a single term of this form cannot satisfy the boundary condition b, as the study in Sec 7.10 has shown. A series of such along the plane lid at y solutions also satisfies Laplace’ 3 equation and the boundary conditions at y: 0, at This forms satisfies the = = = = x -- O, and air 0: ~ 2 m7rx Cm 12le For the sum (1) the interval 0 < x to give the < a, we required require =2 m=l Cm sinh sin constant sinm xsinh fl (1) a a potential V0 along the plane y = I) over mn-b —— , a O < x < a (2) 362 Chapter But this is recognized the interval 0 < 7 Two- and Three-Dimensional as a x < a. Boundary Value Problems expansion in Sines of the constant function VO expansion was carried out in Ex. 7.11a to yield Fourier This Zamsmp—zgi‘, f(x)=VO= O<x<a over (3) :1 with 4V am Comparison of —9, m O, m even odd ”“7 : (4) (3) with (2) shows that b Cm sinh flf— Substitution of the results of (5) and (4) in (1) c1) : = (5) am gives ———S@(mW/a) sin 572-773 2 fl mqr m smh(m77b/a) odd (6) a rapidly convergent except at corners of x ——> O, a, and y ——> b, so it can be used for reasonably convenient calculation of potential elsewhere. We note that the evaluation of the constants in the general solution depended upon the fact that the boundary potentials were specified on surfaces in the coordinate system. Furthermore, nonzero conditions, potential or normal derivative of potential, must exist on some part of the boundary to yield a nonzero solution. As will be clarified in the next example, SUperposition may be used to solve problems where the boundary conThis series is ditions involve several sides. Example tub TWO-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEM REQUIRING SUPERPOSITION In this example, we see a boundary potential having a Fourier series expansion which trigonometric functions and a constant. Matching such a boundary condition requires the superposition of two solutions, one to match the constant and one for the trigonometric functions. Consider the problem of finding the potentials in the conducting rectangular solid of infinite extent in the z direction shown in Fig. 7.1%. The surrounding region contains free space, the potential at y O is zero, and that the b is (ID along edge y given by VOx/a. This problem requires a solution with repetition in the x direction since the boundary conditions at the sides x O, a are the same; the appropriate general form is that in At a x x the O, Eq. 7.9(9). component of current density must be zero since no current includes both = = = = = Series of 7.12 363 Rectangular Harmonics =0 b 030 FIG. 7.12b can Two—dimensional conductive solid embedded in flow in the free space outside the conductor. Since .1 zero at x O, = nonconductive medium. a 0E, then Ex = must also be Therefore, 8613/6x, given by a. 661) must be zero at sin Ka y = 0 = requires 0, = x 0 if [(0 C + 8’ cos K(~—A sin Kx = 5; == = Kx)(C cosh Ky for all y. Since cos Kx K mar/a. To match the 1 at = a m7r so = 0. Thus the (13," “2 cos x = boundary (7) Ky) O, B’ = 0. Also, condition (I) = O at in the mth harmonic is potential Cm + D sinh _m_7r x 31—7: sinh a (8) y a I) should be expanded in a series of cosines potential on the boundary at y so that tenn-by-term matching with a series of terms like (8) can be done. The appropriate periodic continuation of the given boundary potential is shown in Fig. 7.11a(iv). It is seen to have an average value of VO/2 which will be present in the series expansion. Applying Eqs. 7.1 1(8)—~(10), The = 4V0 V ct>(x,b)=—9—~ 2 2 771 ‘7 (771 77)“ add cos-m—Wx Matching the boundary potential (9) requires both a series (8) and a separate solution having a constant value at y form is found from Eq. 7.9( 10). The function in a (131 satisfies the as boundary VO/Zb gives conditions at x = of harmonics of the form b. A solution of the latter (10) Aly == O, (9) a a and at y = 0. Evaluation of the constant V (plzfl 2b The solution in (11) involving harmonic terms is found by equating a series at the boundary y b, with the series in (9): (8), evaluated of terms like that = Z m mrrb mvrx Cm sinh cos a = a —— Z m odd 4V 07 (27277)" marx cos —— a (12) 364 chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 The result for the second is potential 4VO sinh(mqry/a) ("277)2 Sinh(m7rb/a) @93— 171 The complete solution is the Boundary Value Problems odd superposition (13) a (11) and (13), (I) of Example mm: (I), 2 + (132. Lisle THREE-DIMENSIONAL RECTANGULAR Box WITH POTENTIAL SPECIFIED ON ONE FACE The method discussed above consider a box with be extended to three dimensions. As can potential the origin zero The box extends from all faces except on of coordinates to on x the side = 2 = a, y == example, we 6, where it is V0. an b, and z = c. The appropriate general form of the space harmonic is Eq. 7.9(15) with K, and Ky imaginary and K3 real. To meet the zero-potential boundary conditions at x O, y O, and z O, the constants A, C, and E must be zero. Also, to satisfy the zero-potential condition at x a and y b, the corresponding separation constants must be 1727/ a and mr/ b, respectively. Then from Eq. 7.9(14) we get K: [(flZ’JT/CZ)?‘ + (n77/b)2]1/2. The general form of the potential must be a doubly infinite sum of the resulting = = = = = = functions: (I) 22 = If CW, sin Ex (14) is evaluated at the sin boundary V(x, y) 2 = 22, = ?y sinh\/(m—W> + a a In I? n c, the (14) 2 series becomes mn- , BM (L21) Sln —— 1277 , x 3m b a m y (15) c (16) -— where 2 2 D = CW, 31th ("2—”) (335) + b a The coefficients Dmn can be evaluated by multiplying (15) by sin(p77x/a) sin(qary/b) integrating over it from O to a and over y from O to b. Application of the orthogonality conditions Eqs. 7.11(5) and 7.11(7) yields and 4 Dnm For the special c1) -— — 22 '7 where m and case m n are of = — ab b a If V(x, y) 0 = V(x, y) sin Ex o V0, (14), (16), a and dx dy fly b odd in the summation. (17) (17) give SI'Inlfi/(ntm/a)2 + our/b)2 sinh\/(nzn‘/cz)2 + (WIT/b)2 c 16V0 Si“(”1”T/0)x SmOW/bb’ ””2772 sin z (18) 7.13 7. l 3 In large a CYLINDRICAL HARMONICS class of problems of major with boundaries 365 Cylindrical Harmonics for Static Fields interest, the field distribution is desired for regions the surfaces of lying along STATIC FIELDS FOR a cylindrical coordinate system. Examples the familiar electrostatic electron lenses found in many cathode—ray tubes or certain coaxial transmission line problems for which static solutions are useful. As has been are pointed out in Sec. 7.12, the ability to evaluate the constants in product solutions depends upon having boundaries on coordinate surfaces. Therefore, the fields for this type of problem are found by separating variables in cylindrical coordinates. A variety of types of solution are found, depending upon symmetries assumed. In general, Laplace’s equation in cylindrical coordinates has the form 132d) ,ar +1384)?” la(_acb) az©_0 + Axiai zero Symmetry variations with with qb Longitudinal invariance Longitudinai invariance It was (13(1‘, qb) 2 In Ex. 1.8a we saw that for r + (2) C2 shown in Prob. 7.9a that the solutions for zero 2 given by are + (C1)“ = in C1 a variation, called circular harmonics, n I at and z, (130-) Note that, for 1 () _ "2 rar Czl'””)(C3 cos 2qu + C4 sin (3) 22¢) O, axial symmetry exists but (3) breaks down and the solution is given by (2). Axial Symmetry Since equation (1) becomes it is assumed that there 32:13 _ 61‘“ To solve this equation, let us try to in the differential (I), Laplace’s = 9 0 (4) 62‘ find solutions of the C1303 2) Substituting + 61' r variations with 63(1) 1 6(1) ... 9 are no form (5) R(I‘)Z(2) =2 equation (4), product we have 1 R"Z + *- R'Z + RZ" = O r where R” denotes by dividing by dzR/drz, Z" denotes (I’ZZ/alz2 so on. The variables are separated _ Z 1 RI R” Z" By and RZ: : _. ._ R the standard argument for the method of + _...__ r R separation of variables, the left side, which 366 is a Chapter 7 Two- and Three-Dimensional function of 2 alone, and the right side, to each other for all values of the constant. Let this constant be Boundary Value which is variables r and 2. a function of r Problems alone, must be Both sides must then be equal equal to a T2. Two ordinary differential equations then result as follows: 1d2 1dR __+_ R r2 1R :---:Z"2 6 () —T2 7 () dr IdZZ -— Zdzg Equation (6) be written can as dZR ldR ——+——-+T2~R air2 7dr -— Equation (8) 8 () simplest form of the so~called Bessel equation. A sketch of the given. One method of finding a solution is to substitute a series and is the solution will be find the conditions equation. O on the terms of the series for it to be Thus to solve R = Clo + alr + a valid solution of the differential must be assumed to be a power series in r: (8), the function R azr2 + (131-3 + - - 01‘ 20 aprP = p (9) = Substitution of this function in (8) shows that it is a solution if the constants are as follows: 0p (C 1 is any arbitrary constant). °° “51.2. is 2 a2,” :2: C1(_'1)n1 (T/2)2’" (m!)2 That is, 2 (-1)m(T;-/2)2m (sz (Tr /2)4 Tr . =CI[1"<E)+W"“] ‘10) solution to the differential equation (8). It is easy to show that (10) is convergent that values may be calculated for any value of the argument (Tr). Such calculations have been made over a wide range of the values of the argument and the results are tabulated. a so If T2 is positive, the function defined by the series is denoted by JO(Tr) and called zero order. This function is defined by a Bessel function of the first kind and of 2 100;) The particular A = v 1 — (5) + 02/2)“ (202 —— solution (10) may then be written R = <—— _1_>"'(v/2>2'" 3.120 —(—m!)2 . simply C1J0(Tr) as (11) 7.15 367 Harmonics for Static Fields Cylindrical The differential equation (8) is of second order and so must have a second solution arbitrary constant. (The sine and cosine constitute the two solutions for the simple harmonic motion equation.) This solution cannot be obtained by the power» series method outlined above, since a general study of differential equations would show that at least one of the two independent solutions of (8) must have a singularity at r 0. Once one solution is found there is a technique for obtaining a linearly independent solution for this class of equations12 and several different forms are possible. One form for the second solution (any of which may be called Bessel functions of second kind, order zero) easily found in tables is with a second = 2 <yv>i ~;nz=l~W—(1+—2—+§+m+;) _ 7T 2 The constant ln 3/ 0.5772 = . . C IJO(Tr) + = C3 = (12) 1 general, then, (13) C2N0(Tr) (8), and the corresponding solution Z(z) 1 1 is Euler’s constant. In . R is the solution to 1)m(u/2)°"' ( sinh Tz + C4 (7) is to cosh T2 (14) It should be noted from (12) that NO(Tr), the second solution to R, becomes infinite at r 0 is included in the region 0, so it cannot be present in any problem for which 2' z = over If a which the solution T2 is negative, solution and T in (10) imaginaries disappear, applies. let we T2 = may be and 1'2 jr, where r is real. The series (10) is still replaced by jr. Since all powers of the series are even, —- a new or T = series is obtained which is also real and convergent. That is, 2 100”) 3 (2g) 1 + 4 +(12/2) +(12/2) (21)2 6 (15) + (3!)2 Values of J0(jv) may be calculated for various values of u from such a series; these also tabulated in the references and are usually denoted 10(v). Thus, one solution to with T = jr (8) is R There must also be general solution to a = (8) The second solution (3110017) 9 CHOW) (16) commonly denoted K007), 7'2 may be written second solution which is with T2 = R ‘2 are K0 becomes = — Ci10(7'7') infinite at r + m so (17) C§K0('n') 0 just as does that the N0, and so is not required See, for example, E. T. Whittaker and G. N. Watson, A Course in Modern Analysis, p. 369, University Press, Cambridge, 7927. 4th ed, 368 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 problems which include the axis r apply. The solution to the 2 equation (7) in = Z sin Cg = Summarizing, either of the following cylindrical coordinates r and z: As was the O in the range when T2 + 72 [C1J0(Tr) + C2N0(Tr)][C3 (130‘, z) = [C{10(7r) + C§K0(rr)][C§ rectangular harmonics, over Problems which the solution is to 7‘2 is -— (18) cos 7'2 forms satisfies = with the = C1, (130‘, z) case Boundary Value Laplace’s equation sinh Tz + sin C4 cosh T2] in the two (19) C, cos Its] (20) the two forms are not really different 72 + since (19) includes (20) if T is allowed to become imaginary, but the two separate ways of writing the solution are useful, as will be demonstrated in later examples. The case with no assumed symmetries is discussed in the 7. l 4 following section. BESSEL FUNCTIONS an example of a Bessel function was shown as a solution of the differential equation 7.13(8) which describes the radial variations in Laplace’s equation for axially symmetric fields where a product solution is assumed. This is just one of a whole family of functions which are solutions of the general Bessel differential equation. In Sec. 7.13 Bessel Functions with Real For certain problems, as, for example, longitudinally split cylinder, it may be necessary to retain the qb variations in the equation. The solution may be assumed in product form again, RF¢Z, where R is a function of 1' alone, Fq, of qb alone, and Z of 2 alone, Z has solutions in hyperbolic functions as before, and F¢ may also be satisfied by sinusoids: Arguments the solution for field between the two halves of Z a C cosh Tz + D sinh T2 :— (2) F¢=Ecosv¢+Fsinv¢ The differential equation for R is then equation previously: slightly (1) different from the zero-order Bessel obtained 1 (1R d2]? ,+——-—+ dr~ dr 2‘ 2 T-—-P7R=O ,, 7'" (3) It is apparent at once that Eq. 7 .13(8) is a special case of this more general equation, that is, v O. A series solution to the general equation carried through as in Sec. 7.13 = shows that the function defined by the series °° mm is a solution to the (_ 1)m(Tr/2)v+2m 2:3, mlf(v + m + 1) (4) equation. l) is the gamma function of (v + m + l) and, for v integral, is equivalent the factorial of (v + m). Also for v nonintegral, values of this gamma function are F(v to = + m + 1.0fl 369 Bessel Functions 7.14 l J00!) Jllv) 0.5—- J20!) l 0 l u 2 | 4 l n 6 8 l I .L M W12 -0.5L (a) l l.O-- Now} 0.5 -1.0 (b) FIG. 7.14 tabulated. If (a) Bessel functions of the first kind. (b) Bessel functions of the second kind. v is an integer n, Jn(Tr) : (___1)m(Tr/2)n E m==0 It can Similarly, COS If v is or N” for v m)! = Nv(Tr) ‘3 + (- 1)”J,,. A few of these functions are plotted in Fig. thatJ_,, second independent solution13 to the equation is be shown a 271102 -m nonintegral, J..,, is = vwfv(Tr) sin - J _v(Tr) (5) 7.14a. (6) v'lr linearly related to JV, and it is then proper to use either J-” integral, NV must be used. Equation (6) is indeterminate integral but is subject to evaluation by usual methods. as not the second solution; forv 373 Chapter and N _,, = complete solution Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 As may be noted in (3) may be written (*1)"N,,. to R The constant is known 1: of first kind, order 1); for this chapter Nu are cases It is useful to keep in number of radians of the as is the order of the a Fig. 7.14b + A1,,(Tr) = Boundary Value Problems these are infinite at the equation. 1,, is then called 1). a Bessel function Of most interest integer. mind that, in the physical problem considered here, 12 sinusoidal variation of the potential per radian of angle = 1) A (7) BNv(Tr) Bessel function of second kind, order in which origin. 22, an is the about the axis. Jv(v) and NV (1)) are tabulated in the references.14'15 Some care should using these references, for there is a wide variation in notation for the second solution, and not all the functions used are equivalent, since they differ in the values of arbitrary constants selected for the series. The Nv(v) is chosen here because it is the form most common in current mathematical physics and also the form most commonly tabulated. Of course, it is quite proper to use any one of the second solutions throughout a given problem, since all the differences will be absorbed in the arbitrary constants of the problem, and the same final numerical result will be obtained; but it is necessary to be consistent in the use of only one of these throughout any given analysis. It is of interest to observe the similarity between (3) and the simple harmonic equa~ The functions be observed in tion, the solutions of which are sinusoids. The difference between these two differential equations lies in the term (1 / r)(dR / (17') which produces its major effect as r —-> 0. Note regions far removed from the axis as, for example, near the outer edge of Fig. region bounded by surfaces of a cylindrical coordinate system approximates a cube. For these reasons, it may be expected that, away from the origin, the Bessel functions are similar to sinusoids. That this is true may be seen in Figs. 7.140 and b. For large values of the arguments, the Bessel functions approach sinusoids with magnitude decreasing as the square root of radius, as will be seen in the asymptotic forms, Eqs. 7.15(l) and 7.15(2). that for 1. 19a, the Barthel functions monic equation It is sometimes convenient to take solutions to the in the form of complex exponentials simple har- rather than sinusoids. That is, the solution of (122 ., , + K-Z O (8) Be'jK" (9) = 612“ can be written as Z ‘4 ’5 = Ae+sz + E. Jahnke. F. Emde, and F. Lose/1, Tables of Higher Functions, 6th ed. revised by F. Lésch. McGraw—Hill, New York, 7960. M. Abramowifz and I. A. Sfegun (Eds), Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover, New York, 7964. 7.14 3T5 Bessel Functions where 6:sz Since the Kz i- cos j sin K2 complex exponentials are linear combinations general solution of (8) as (10) of cosine and sine functions, may also write the we Z or = 2 A’ejK: + B’ sin K2 other combinations. Similarly, it is convenient to define new Bessel functions which nations of the of the Jv(Tr) and Nv(Tr) functions. By complex exponential, we write Ht‘irr) H£2)(Tr) These are are Mfr) = Jva‘r) related Nv(Tr), they are —- both are linear combi- with the definition (10) M17) (11) mar) (12) singular at r z respectively. Since they Negative and positive 0. by H‘D,(Tr) H<E),(Tr) For + analogy called Hankel functions of the first and second kinds, both contain the function orders = direct = == eJ‘WHg1)(Tz-) e-J‘WH;2)(Tr) large values of the argument, these can be approximated by complex exponentials, magnitude decreasing as square root of radius. For example, with H(I)(TI‘) : ¥r——>uo _;2._ ej(Tr- 7r/4~Wr/2) rrTr asymptotic form suggests that Hankel functions may be useful in wave propagation problems as the complex exponential is in plane-wave propagation. It is also sometimes convenient to use Hankel functions as alternate independent solutions in static problems. Complete solutions of (3) may be written in a variety of ways using combinations of This Bessel and Hankel functions. Bessel and flannel Functions of T = jr, and (3) imaginary Arguments 1 dR c1212 —,+——-— a’r~ The solution to Nv(Tr). In this If T is imaginary, becomes r dr 2 72+v—,R=O (13) r~ (3) is valid here if T is replaced by jr in the definitions of Jv(Tr) and case Nv(jrr) is complex and so requires two numbers for each value of the argument, whereas j”"J,,(j77‘) is always a purely real number. It is convenient to replace Nv(j'n') by a Hankel function. The quantity 1"" 1H9077) is also purely real and so requires tabulation of only one value for each value of the argument. If v is not an integer, j”J,,,,(j'n') is independent of j “’J,,( jrr) and may be used as a second solution. 372 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 Thus, for nonintegral 11 two possible complete Boundary Value Problems solutions are R=Auamo+8ynom no R=Annma+aflwom as and where powers of j are included in the constants. For 11 12, an in (14) are not independent but (15) is still a valid solution. = It is common practice integer, the two to denote these solutions as [$1.01) = jzvjtvgv) (16) so):§““H9ma where v = solutions no 77‘. As is noted in Sec. 7.15 some of the formulas relating Bessel functions and Hankel for these modified Bessel functions. functions must be Special cases of these changed in and 7.13 for Sec. the axially symmetric field. [C(77) K007) The forms of Iva-r) and [($77) for v O, l are shown in Fig. 7.14c. As is suggested by these curves, the asymptotic forms of the modified Bessel functions are related to growing and decaying real exponentials, as will be seen in Eqs. 7.15(5) and 7.15(6). It is also clear from the figure that Kv(17') is singular at the origin. functions were seen as = A 5 4 ...... '” 10(1)) 11(0) 3 .— Kan) 2 l Ko(v) l 0 0 1 FIG. 7.140 v 2 3 4 Modified Bessel functions. 7.15 BESSEL FUNCTION ZEROS AND FORMULASM 7.15 The first several functions are zeros given 373 Bessel Function Zeros and Formulas of the low~order Bessel functions and of the derivatives of Bessel in Tables 7.15a and 7.15b, respectively. Table 7.158 Zeros of Bessel Functions 10 II 2.405 J._, 3.832 N0 N1 N2 5.136 0.894 2.197 3.384 5.520 7.016 8.417 3.958 5.430 6.794 8.654 10.173 11.620 7.086 8.596 10.023 Table 7.15!) Zeros of Derivatives of Bessel Functions 1;, 1; J; N3 0.000 1.841 3 .054 2.197 3.683 3.832 5.331 6.706 5.430 6.942 8.351 10.173 8.536 9.969 8.596 10.123 11.574 Asymptotlc 5.003 Forms 2 J.,(v) —-> —-— 77 (fig-co) ~—> H‘Wv) 3...... —-9 v — sin 7TU 2 __ ( ___> __ Jim (7r/4) -_ 2 WT - —— 2 > (2 ) o (WT/4] _ —‘ 6 JD) —. (77/4) _— 1 - (3) 9 (WT/J] (4) 1 L, (10—9er (5) #30- (6) u—aoc u—eoo j”+1H9)(jv) are - 4 . More extensive tabulations —- (1) — 7w J.(Jv)-— y—eoo WT ~ 77 v - eflv 2 ') .__1, - 7w H(“)(U) J ~ 4 2 N v cos 7w Wm ‘8 N; N; = K "7; .(v)--> u—eoo found in the sources given in footnotes l4 and 15. 374 Chapter Boundary Value Two- and Three-Dimensional Problems following formulas which may be found by differentiating the by term, are valid for any of the functions Jv(v), Nv(v), and H 3WD). Let Rv(v) denote any one of these, and R; denote (d/dv)[R,,(v)]. Berivatives The appropriate series, H $00)), 7 term R6 = Rav) = Row) = vav) —R1(v) (7) 1 vR;<v) vR;(v) - (8) 5161(1)) (9) vaw) — + (10) -= ~vR,(v> vR,-1<v) = -v"”R,,+1(v) (11) v”R,,_1(v) (12) d ;—D [v‘vRv(v)] d d—U [vvRv(v)] = Note that R‘v( T‘’) — ._.. i I [R (T91 1-4- — “- v dCTI') I [R v(T-)] le' For the I and K functions, different forms for the (13 ) foregoing derivatives must be used. Eqs. 7.l4(16) and 7.l4(17) may be obtained from these formulas by substituting in the preceding expressions. Some of these are They v1;(v) vI;<v) UK;(U) urge) Recurrence Formulas By v1,(v) = + v1,+,(v) (14) ——v1v(v) = va(v) = + — ”Iv—1(1)) va+1(v) (15) -va(v) == recurrence - vK,._,(v) formulas, it is possible to obtain the values for Bessel functions of any order, when the values of functions for any two other orders, differing from the first by integers, are known. For example, subtract (10) from (9). The result may be written 2 flaw) As before, Rv may denote J”, formulas == Nv, H 3}), R,,_,(v) or + R,-,(v) H S”, but not 1,, or K1,. (16) For these, the recurrence are 2 3311,02) = Lara» = Kv+1(v) —— Ana» (17) 212 —v-K,,(U) -— Kv__1(v) (18) 7.16 Expansion of a Function integrals Integrals that will Rv denotes JU, Nv, H9), or Hi2): fvavflw) f vvRv_1(v) I vRv(av)Rv(,Bv) do = dv = dv = later problems given are below. (19) vvRv(v) (20) 7—0—3 B 0‘“ dv solving -v“"Rv(v) x I va;(ozv) be useful in 375 Series of Bessel Functions as a " (21) [BRv(av)Rv_1(Bv) cuRv..1(av)Rv<Bv)], —- a at B ~1ng [R§(av) Rv_1(ozv)Rv+1(av)] Nice [133mm <1 ——l,’—,)R§(au)] = —- (22) 2 + —- CFU" 7.16 In Sec. 7.11 be EXPANSION OF a expressed study over a was A FUNCTION AS SERIES OF BESSEL FUNCTIONS made of the method of Fourier series given region as the coefficients in such A a case series of sines a because of the or by which cosines. It is a function may possible to evaluate orthogonality property of sinusoids. A of the study onality integrals, Eqs. 7.15(21) and 7.15(22), shows that there are similar orthogw expressions for Bessel functions. For example, these integrals may be written for zero-order Bessel functions, and if and the mth and qth pq pq, then Eq. 7.15(21) gives are roots of a and J0(v) = B are taken O, that is, as pm/ a Jo(p,,,) = and pq/ a, O and where pm J0(pq) = 0, pm # a I‘ . 210(E"’—’>J0(€1—) f a O So, a function f(r) may be expressed z f(2‘) = infinite 2 sum 0 (1) of zero—order Bessel functions r r 7‘ f(") as an dr (I bIJO(p1;> [7210(P2 Z) b3J0(p3 E) + + + ‘ " OI' 2 m=l (2) bm may be evaluated in a manner similar to that used for Fourier by multiplying each term of (2) by rJo(pmr/a) and integrating from O to The coefficients coefficients @1062") 376 a. Chapter Then by (1) Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 all terms on the right disappear except the mth term: 2 a a f0 7f(r)JO< > M . d} . f0 bmr[Jo( >:| Bani _. -— d} . a a From Boundary Value Problems Eq. 7.15(22), f o bmrJ%(p——"‘r> dr 5 = 2 a Maps (3) or a 2 p r orthogonality relations enabled us to obtain assumption that the series is a proper representation of the function to be expanded, but two additional points are required to show that the representation is valid. The series must of course converge, and the set of orthogonal functions must be complete, that is, sufficient to represent an arbitrary function over the interval of concern. These points have been shown for the Bessel series of (2) and for other orthogonal sets of functions to be used in this text.17 Expansions similar to (2) can be made with Bessel functions of other orders and In the above, as in the Fourier series, the coefficients of the series under the types (Prob. 7.16a). ----- .--:a.;.-..::::=-==-,-.-:-\ E .. ampfie 7.16 BESSEL FUNCTION EXPANSION FOR CONSTANT IN RANGE O If the function f(r) in (4) is a I:m Using Eq. 7.15(20) with R = constant =2 V0 in the range 0 < 2V0 — azfflpm) J, v = fa v < a, we have I d- (5) 0 0 l, and pm" °( ) 1 -J r < r < A = pmr/a, the integral in (5) becomes (if l: (were) Thistle]: = 02 _" Pm ‘7 (6) Jl(pnz) See, for example, E. T. Whittaker and G. N. Watson, A Course in Modern Analysis, 4th ed, pp. 374-678, University Press, Cambridge, 7927. Fields Described 7.17 and the series expansion (2) by Cylindrical for the constant V0 377 Harmonics is cc f“) or, using the values of the N) zeros m; of JO in Table 2.405r 0.832V0 ——Jo “2.405) = 2V0 12mm...) pmr °< > 7.15a, 0.362VO 116.520) —— (7) a 5.520r —— a 0 a 8 U 8.6542- 0.231110 11(8.654) Further evaluation of 14 and 15 + 0 a (8) requires reference to tables in the Eq. 7.13(11). sources given in footnotes numerical evaluation of or 7. l 7 FIELDS DESCRIBED BY CYLINDRICAL HARMONICS We will consider here the two basic types of boundary value problems which exist in axially symmetric cylindrical systems. These can be understood by reference to Fig. 7.1761. In one potential (133 (or both) CD] ligibly type both is CD2 expand the are nonzero. the a and 2 a nonzero O and either The gaps between ends and side are considered neg— potentials will be taken to be independent of simplicity, along the surface. In boundary potentials second situation, along (132, the potentials on the ends, are zero cylindrical surface. In the second type CD3 and the small. For the coordinate to applied or (131 to nonzero the first type, a Fourier series of sinusoids is used as was done in the rectangular problems. In the series of Bessel functions is used to expand the boundary potential the radial coordinate. Nonzero Potential on fiylindrical Surface Since the boundary potentials are axially symmetric, zero-order Bessel functions should be used. The repeated zeros along the z coordinate dictate the use of sinusoidal functions of z. The potential in Eq. 7.13(20) is the appropriate form. Certain of the constants can be evaluated immediately. Since K0(rr) is singular on the axis, C 53 must be identically zero to give a finite potential there. 0. As The cos 7': equals unity at z 0 but the potential must be zero there so C; in the problem discussed in Sec. 7.10 the repeated zeros at z [require that T mar/l. Therefore the general harmonic which fits all boundary conditions except (I) V0 at = = = = 2 ‘ = a is chm : Am10(fl:-Z)sin<m;rz) l Figure 7.1717 shows a sketch of this harmonic for m we here the is clear that have potential on cylinder. It = (1) and with the the problem boundary expanding the nonzero of 378 Chapter 7 Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems FIG. 7.17 (0) Cylinder with conducting boundaries. (1)) One harmonic component for matching boundary conditions when nonzero potential is applied to cylindrical surface in (a). (c) One harmonic component for matching boundary conditions when nonzero potential is applied to end surface in (a). boundary potential in sinusoids just as in ing the procedure used there we obtain (DO, Z) , Nonzero Potential (131 = CD3 2 O and 7.13, the boundary on ever become End rectangular problem of Sec. 59:9 [WWW/Z) mrr . sm 3235 10(m7Ta/l) In this situation if we 7.12. Follow- (2) 1 refer to Fig. 7.17a, we see that selecting the proper form for the solution from Sec. (130 V0. O at r a for all values of 2 indicates that the condition that (I) = In = R function must become do not ”221d _ _ the zero. zero at r = a. = Thus, (The corresponding we select the JO functions since the 10’s second solution, NO, does not appear since potential must remain finite of 10(1)) 0, T the axis.) The value of T in Eq. 7.13(19) is determined a for all values of 2. Thus, if Pm is the mth root be pm/a. The corresponding solution for Z is in hyperbolic from the condition that (I) = must on O at = functions. The coefficient of the at z = 379 Spherical Harmonics 7. l8 O for all values of r. amplitudes which satisfy the imposed may be written = r hyperbolic cosine term must be zero since (I) is zero of all cylindrical harmonics with arbitrary symmetry of the problem and the boundary conditions so Thus, a sum far @(r, z) m One of the harmonics and the BmJO(-p—”’—'-) Siflh<gfli> 2 = = (3) a (Z 1 in Fig. 7.170. remaining V0 at r < a. Here we can use the general technique of expanding the boundary potential in a series of the same form as that used for the potentials inside the region, as regards the de— pendence on the coordinate along the boundary. In Ex. 7.16 we expanded a constant The over required boundary potentials condition is that, at the range 0 < constants in r in J0 functions < a at the (3). Evaluating (3) CD0; 1) so B,” ”i=1 O at = that result boundary 2 = 1, CI) = z 2 1, == r can we shown are = a and (I) =2 be used here to evaluate the have sinh(&i)10(’1§5) (4) 0 Equations (4) and 7.16(7) must be equivalent for all values of r. Consequently, coef— ficients of corresponding terms of JO( pmr / a) must be equal. The constant Bm is now completely determined, and the potential at any point inside the region is on, 2) = E ”1:31 N" pmJl(pm) Sinh(pnzl/a) Consider next Laplace’s equation about the axis so in spherical (5) a a coordinates for that variations with azimuthal in the two <p"‘Z>JO<Il—') SPHERICAL HARMONICS 7.18 equation sinh regions with symmetry may be neglected. Laplace’s and 6 then becomes (obtainable angle qb remaining spherical cover) coordinates a~(rcp) a r from form of inside front 61‘2 + ——1— 1' sin 6 5—0 (sin 96—?) = 69 0 (1) or r 1 3ch as) 52(1) ,+2———+-— 61‘“ Assume a product 62' 1 66“ solution ®=R6 as) ——-~= ,, r 1‘ tan 9 66 (2) 380 Chapter where R is a 7 Two- and Three-Dimensional function of r Boundary Value Problems alone, and 8 of 6 alone: 1 rR”G + 2R’6 -R6" + .R6’ + r r 0 = tan 6 and r 2R” From the previous logic, for all values of may be and r expressed ordinary = — ---- (3 ) — 9 G R R 9’ G” ZI‘R' + —-— 6 tan if the two sides of the 6, both sides equations are to be equal to each other equal only to a constant. Since the constant way, let it be m(m + l). The two resulting be can in any nonrestiictive equations are then differential dZR 2'2 (IR + 2r— ., dze Equation (4) has a ~- — + tan6d6 solution which is R + mo" + 1 )e easily verified Clr’” z DR m(m d9 1 + (Z62 - dr dr‘“ == 0 (4) =- 0 5 U to be C2r_("’+1) + (6) functions is not obvious, so, as with the Bessel equation, a series solution may be assumed. The coefficients of this series must be determined so that the differential equation (5) is satisfied and the resulting series made to A solution to (5) in define function. There is Bessel a new functions, terms of Thus, for any new departure one here from exact an analog with the proper selection of the arbitrary constants will function terminate in a finite number of terms if m is an for it turns out that make the series for the integer. simple integer m, the a polynomial defined by ”1 d Pm(cos 6) is a 2mm! solution to the differential equation; the solutions first few values of polynomials values of the are m are called d(cos 6) tabulated below and are P0(cos 6) = P1(cos 6) = P2(cos 6) = P3(cos 6) = P4(cos 6) = P5(cos 6) = 6 —— 1)’" (7) equation (5). The equation is known as Legendre’s Legendre polynomials of order m. Their forms for the are and not infinite series, their values polynomials (cos2 2 shown in can Fig. 7.180. Since be calculated easily they are if desired, but also tabulated in many references. 1 cos 6 %(3 cos2 6 -%(5 cos3 6 — 1) (8) - %(35 cos“ 6 lsL-(63 cos5 6 - ~— 3 cos 6) 30 C082 6 + 70 cos3 6 + 15 cos 3) 6) 7.18 38'! Spherical fiarmonics 1.0 >0 --1.0-—- FIG. 7.18a Legendre polynomials. C 1P,,,(cos 6) is only one solution to the second-order recognized that 8 differential equation (5). There must be a second independent solution, which may be It is = obtained from the first in the same manner as this solution becomes infinite for 6 of spherical coordinates is the axis is excluded, the for Bessel functions, but it turns out that 0. Consequently it is not needed when the axis included in the region over which the solution applies. When second solution must be included. It is typically denoted = Q,,(cos 9) and tabulated in the references.” An orthogonality relation for Legendre polynomials sinusoids and Bessel functions which led to is quite the Fourier series and similar to those for expansion in Bessel functions, respectively. j Pm(cos 6)P,,(cos 0) sin 6 d6 H 0, m # (9) n 0 2 f [P,,,(cos 6)]2 sin 6 d6 o It follows that, if series of a function f(6) Legendre polynomials, (10) 2m + l defined between the limits of O to 77' is written as a CG f(6) = 2 a,,,P,,,(cos 6), 0 < 0 < rt (11) m=0 ‘5 W. R. Smyfhe, Static ington, DC, 7989. and Dynamic Electricity, 3rd ed, Hemisphere Publishing Co., Wash» 382 Chapter 7 Two- and Three-Dimensional the coefficients must be given by am Problems the formula + 1 2 = Boundary Value 7’ "IT I f(6)P,,,(cos .9) sin 6 d6 (12) O Exampfie 7.183 HIGH-PERMEABILITY SPHERE IN UNIFORM FIELD We will examine the field distribution in and around a sphere of permeability p, a5 #0 placed in an otherwise uniform magnetic field in free space. The uniform field is disturbed by the sphere as indicated in Fig. 7.1817. The reason for choosing this example is threefold. It shows, first, an application of spherical harmonics. Second, it is an example of a situation in which the constants in series solutions for two regions are evaluated by matching across a boundary. Finally, it is an example of a magnetic boundary-value problem. Since there are no currents in the region to be studied, we may use the scalar magnetic potential introduced in Sec. 2.13. The magnetic intensity is given by when it is H As the = MW)”, (13) problem is axially symmetric and the axis is included in Pm(cos 6) are applicable. The series solutions with the solutions came, a) The = Z Pm(cos 6)[C,,,,rm + the region of interest, these restrictions C2mr"('”+1)] are (14) procedure is to write general forms for the potential inside and outside the sphere across the boundary. Since the potential must remain finite at r O, and match these FIG. 7.18b = Sphere of magnetic material in an otherwise uniform magnetic field. the coefficients of the becomes, for the inside powers of negative region, cram 383 Spherical Harmonics 7.18 Z = vanish for the interior. The series must 1' Amr”’Pm(cos a) (15) Outside, the potential must be such that it gives a uniform magnetic field H0 potential form which satisfies this condition is at infinity. The CD," That this gives uniform field may be a H3 Terms of the series all vanish at __acI>,,, __ * -—H0r = cos 6 by noting seen 1 that dz ad)", .1 _ 62 (16) 6 cos = dr cos 6 so H0 _ 6r (17) (14) having negative powers of infinity. r may be added to (16), since Then the form of the solution outside the sphere is c1)", —Hor = cos Z 9 + Bum(cos arm“) they (18) m It was pointed out in Sec. 2.14 that Cl)", surface currents. Therefore, the terms in dependence are is continuous across (15) and (18) having boundaries without the same form of 6 equated, giving A0 : Boa—1 n1 AazBa“2—Ha 1 o 1 .2: O m=l (19) . Ama’" = Bma”’(m+1) m Furthermore, the normal flux density is continuous Substituting (15) and (18) in 6’. (20) the 1 boundary so 6(1) 171 6(1) I71 ”D at > 6’. I~a+ and equating terms (20 ) I~a—- with the same 6 dependence, we find B0 #441 = = O —~2 #0 B 1 (1‘3 -- MOI—IO m = m = O (21) ' umAnflm‘1 From be (19) zero to = “11.0071 + l)B,,,a"(’"+2) m > 1 O, and that for m > 1, all coefficients must (21) we see that A0 B0 The only remaining terms are those with of conditions. the two sets satisfy and 2 = 384 = m tuting Chapter 7 1. These two the results in Two- and Three-Dimensional equations may be solved (18) gives, for r > a, to Boundary Value give A1 and B1 Problems in terms of H0. Substi- 3 <1) m from which H for r < be found can a [.L—po ——---1H‘ [(2M0+M>13 :IOICOS = by using (13) for r > a. 6 22 () Substitution of A1 into (15) gives, a, 3 <1)”, Applying (13), we = <—#—O)H0r — 6 cos (23) + 1“ 2:“0 find the field inside to be A H = z 3#0 (zflo ) —— + F» H0 (24) It is of interest to observe that the field inside the Finally, multiplication of (24) by B p. gives A = z the flux homogeneous sphere density 3#o (ZULO/IJ') > —— + 1 From (25) we see that for it >> #0 the maximum B : is uniform. HO (25) possible value of the flux density is (26) 23am, Exampfie 7.18!) EXPANSION IN SPHERICAL HARMONICS WHEN FIELD Is GIVEN ALONG AN AXIS relatively simple to obtain the field or potential along an axis of symmetry application of fundamental laws, yet difficult to obtain it at any point off this axis by the same technique. Once the field is found along an axis of symmetry, expansions in spherical harmonics give its value at any other point. Suppose potential, or any component of field which satisfies Laplace’s equation, is given for every point along an axis in such a form that it may be expanded in a power series in z, the distance along It is often by direct this axis: (I: = axis If this axis is taken as axis may be written for the axis of r Z 0 < z < spherical coordinates, 6 bmz’", a (27) ”’30 = 0, the potential off the < a on, a) = Z ”2:0 bmrum(cos I9) (28) 7.19 Product Solutions for the Helmholtz Equation in Rectangular Coordinates 385 This is true since it is a solution of Laplace’s equation and does reduce to the given 0 where all Pm(cos 6) are unity. potential (27) for 6 If potential is desired outside of this region, the potential along the axis must be expanded in a power series good for a < z < 00: = c1) Z cmz-W”, : Then (I) at any point outside is (I) = > a z (29) "1:1 5:0 given by comparison Z with the second series of c,,,P,,,(cos ray-“0"“), r> (14): (30) a m=0 For wire example, the magnetic field H: carrying current I in Sec. 2.3 as 2(a2 The binomial is good for O < H3, at any u) -3/32 (1 + lul < 1. axis Since found 22)“2 the axis of along 2a[1 + a circular loop of (22/a3)]3/2 expansion H3 H: + was 3 —_ - 1 _. _. 15 Lt + to u 2 105 ___ _. 8 2 Applied _ (31), this gives for I 322 15 20 2a~ 8 u 3 + . 8 22 2 < a 105 48 a axial component of magnetic field, satisfies r, 6 with r < a is given by 223 a Laplace’s equation (Sec. 7.2), point 1 H:(r, 9) 7.19 2 —~ 2a 3 1 - r2 — 7 ad ‘6CZ“ 15 P2(cos 6) + r4 —- 8 7 a P4(cos 6) + (32) PRODUCT SOLUTIONS FOR THE HELMHOLTZ EQUATION IN RECTANGULAR COORDINATES technique used in the preceding sections for finding product solutions to Laplace’s equation will be applied here to the scalar Helmholtz equation. Whereas the single» product solution for static problems was seen in Sec. 7.10 to be of little value, such solutions will be seen in the next chapter to be of great importance as waveguide propagation modes and will be analyzed extensively there. Let us consider the scalar Helmholtz equation. Here we make the assumption that the dependent variable depends on 2 in the manner of a wave, as e" 7". The variable (,1; The 386 Chapter 7 Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems ‘ remaining in the equation is, therefore, the coefficient of 60“” 7"). Laplacian explicitly in rectangular coordinates, we have 62 62 —$+f: 6y “kit! ax“ where k3; solution = (,0 72 + rogue. Let us assume Written with the (1) that the solution can be written as the product X(x)Y( y). Substituting this form in (1), = X”Y + XY” = ~k§XY 01‘ Y!) XII + _ _ : ..k2 (2 ) c Y X indicate derivatives. If this equation is to hold for all values of x and y, " and y may be changed independently of each other, each of the ratios X /X and Y”/ Y can be only a constant. There are then several forms for the solutions, depending The primes since x upon whether these ratios negative constant and one are taken positive as negative constants, positive constants, negative, or one constant. If both are taken as X'II _ = __ k? . X y” 9 ?=“a The solutions to these kf. of and k; is kg. ordinary differential equations are sinusoids, and by (2) the sum Thus II! = XY (3) where X = Y = Acoskxx + C + D sin cos kyy Bsinkxx kyy (4) a+a=a Either kI and ky may be imaginary in which case the corresponding sinusoid becomes a hyperbolic function. Values of the constants kx and ky are determined by conditions on 1,0 at the boundaries in the 35—32 plane. Examples of the application of these general forms will be seen extensively in the following chapter where the dependent variable all is identified as E2 or Hz. or both of 7.20 In cylindrical the wave PRODUCT SOLUTIONS FOR THE HELMHOLTZ EQUATION lN CYLINDRICAL COORDINATES structures, such components coaxial lines or waveguides of circular cross section, conveniently expressed in terms of cylindrical coordi- as are most Product Solutions for the Helmholtz 7.19 Assuming that equation becomes nates. the z dependence fix 1 + 61'2 where kg 3/2 = assumed an + rogue. product - in Rectangular Coordinates 337 is in the waveform if”, the scalar Helmholtz an ——- 1 + —— -—k2 1P = '2 6r 1‘ For this Equation (1) partial differential equation, we solution and separate variables to obtain two shall again substitute ordinary differential equations. Assume where R is a function of 2' alone and F ¢ is ” + RF¢ Separating variables, we R’F¢ a function of F251? + 9 --k;RF<25 = r2 r alone: 9b have 7 R” :8; + R :5 [Ci-,2 + R F 45 equation is a function of r alone; the right of qb alone. If both sides equal for all values of r and qS, both sides must equal a constant. Let this be v2. There are then the two ordinary differential equations: The left side of the to are be constant ““F" __ 2 = v == 1)“ (2 ) F and R" 22—+ R R, i-—-—l— kL’c'r~ R 7 or 1 R”+—R r The solution to to (3) I v2 +(k;~—;>R:O 7 (3) r~ (2) is in sinusoids. By comparing with Eq. 7. 14(3) may be written in terms of Bessel functions of order (p = we see that solutions v: (4) RF¢ where R Fa Either or AJv(kcr) = + Ccoqub BNv(kcr) + (5) Dsinvqb both of the Bessel functions may be replaced by Hankel functions [Eqs one desires to look at waves as though propagation were in 7.l4(1 l) and (12)] when 388 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 the radial direction. Thus, for example, R Fqb If kc is imaginary, the Boundary Value Problems ll = A1H£1)(kc") + B 1H + Ccoqufi EEK/Cc") (6) Dsinvqb ordinary Bessel functions can be replaced by the modified Bessel functions, Eqs. 7. 14(16) and (17). In the examples in the following chapter, the variable (/1 will be identified with E2 or Hz. PROBLEMS equation satisfied by E, in cylindrical coordinates region. Repeat for E (,5. Note that these are 7.23 Find the form of differential charge~free, homogeneous Laplace equations. dielectric none of the spherical components O. quasistatic problems in which VZE 7.2b Show that for of electric field for a not satisfy Laplace’s equation = 7.2c* Show that the tion expressed rectangular component E: in Spherical of electrostatic field satisfies Laplace’s equation for H, A, and CI)”, in a current-free region a homogeneous conductor with do currents. 7.2d Derive Laplace’s equa- coordinates. with static fields and for J and E in 7.2e Use superposition to find the potential on the axis of an infinite cylinder with tial specified as (Md) V0 sin (13/2, for O S (,6 S Zn on the boundary. a poten- = 7.2f A spherical O < 6 < surface is 77/ 2. potential except for a sector in potential at the center of the sphere. at zero Find the the region 0 < (p < 7r/ 3, capacitance of a parallel~plate capacitor with square plates having edge a/ 2 situated in free space using the method of moments. If spacing d you do the calculations by hand, divide each plate into four equal squares. If a computer program is written, run it for several subdivisions of the plates and plot the effect on capacitance. 7.33 Calculate the length 7.3b Find a a and better = approximation to capacitance of the structure in Ex. 7.3a by subdividFig. 7.3d into four equal parts and repeating the the each of the squares shown in method of moments calculation. ing 7.3e In applying the method of moments calculation to two-dimensional problems, the ln r0 in Eq. 1.80) is neglected. As an illustration of the validity of this procedure, find the potential of two parallel line charges located as follows: +q, at 45 6 and O, r R on the qb 0 axis. O, r 26; take the zero potential point to be r —-q1 at q5 Apply Eq. 1.8(7) and show that the ln rO terms cancel to arbitrary accuracy as R —-> 00. How does this explain that the In re terms can be neglected in the two-electrode twodirnensional method of moment problems in which the line charges have a variety of term = = = = = = values? 7.3d* Write a to find the stripline capacitance as in Ex. 7.3b. Extend the larger electrodes by one unit of the division in Fig. 7.3e and capacitance. Then use a subdivision of the electrodes one-half as example. Compare the results to evaluate the importance of the grid size. computer program range included on the evaluate the effect on fine as in the 339 Problems 7.4a Check W by the Cauchy—Riemann equations CnZ” and a series of such terms, : W = the analyticity 2 6.2" of the general power term "=1 7.4b Check the following functions by analytic: are 7.4c Check the of the analyticity the Cauchy-Riemann equations W : sinZ W 2 e2 W = 2* W = 22* = following, noting .r - to determine if they jy isolated points where the derivatives may not remain finite: W==an W change AZ 7.4d Take the Riemann conditions when the 7.4e If change is by following a tan Z general direction Ax + j Ay. Show that, if the Cauchysatisfied, Eq. 7.4(3) yields the same result for the derivative in any are in the path ferent values when the called ll branch x direction around or point some as the y direction alone. in the Z plane, the variable W takes on dif- Z is reached, the point around which the path is taken is 24/3 along a path of constant Evaluate W x Z”2 and W same point. O is a branch point for these functions. origin to show that Z Discuss the analyticity of these functions at the branch point. a = radius around the 7.5a Plot the =2 of the shape u = $0.5 equipotentials for the V = .1'4/3, y = O boundary condition used in Ex. 7.5. 7.5b A thin Use cylindrical shell of radius a has a potential method similar to that in Ex. 7.5 to find a 7 .5c Show that if part of described by @(a, 6) potential function, the field intensity E), is equal EA. equals the negative of the real part. is the u dW/dZ and = V0 cos 26. CD036). to the imaginary 7.5d Use the results of Prob. 7.5c to find an expression for the slope of equipotential lines O are normal to the in terms of dW/dZ. Show that all equipotential lines except it = edge in beam the electron flow in Fig. = 24/3 is not analytic at Z = O, as O is a special case.) Him: Write shown in Prob. 7.4e, and the W 0 to get relations expression for du in terms of partial derivatives and set du 2 was 2 == an existing along 7.6a Plot a 7.51). (W 0 line at y = a few 77/3 an equipotential. equipotentials 377/4. and flux lines in the 7.6b Evaluate the constant C 1 and the potential zero at r vicinity of conducting corners of angles and = C2 in the function in volts about a logarithmic transformation so that it represents charge of strength q, C/m. Let potential be line a. v is taken as the potential function in the logarithmic transformation, it is applicable to the region between two semi-infinite conducting planes intersecting at an 0 angle a, but separated by an infinitesimal gap at the origin so that the plane at 6 a at potential V0. Evaluate the may be placed at potential zero and the plane at 6 7.6c Show that if = =2 390 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 C1 and C2, taking the reference for tion in coulombs per meter. constants 7.6d Find the form of the curves of constant it cosh‘I Z, and sinh“1 Z. Do these permit from the function cos”I Z? 7.6e Apply zero flux at and constant one to solve v r = a. Write the flux func- for the functions sin“1 Z, in addition to those problems cos“1 transformation to item 4 in Ex. 760. Take the right00 at a to x plane extending from x potential V0. Take the left00 at x x from a to extending potential zero. Evaluplane the results of the hand semi—infinite hand semi-infinite = = = = — - factors and additive constant. ate the scale 7 .6?” Boundary Value Problems Apply the results of the transformation to item 2 of Ex. 7.6c. Take the elliptic cylindrical conductor of semimajor axis a and semiminor axis 17 at potential V0. The inner conductor is a strip conductor extending between the foci, x = i c, where c==\/a2—b2 Evaluate all required scale factors and constants. Find the total induced upon the outer cylinder and the electrostatic charge per unit length capacitance of this two-conductor system. 7.6g* Modify the derivation in Ex. 7.6d to apply to the problem of parallel cylinders of unequal radius. Take the 1eft~hand cylinder of radius Rl with center at x d1, the right-hand cylinder of radius R2 with center at x d2, and a total difference of poten— tial VO between cylinders. Find the electrostatic capacitance per unit length in terms of R1, R2, and ((11 + d2). = - = 7 .6h The important bilinear transformation is of the form (22’ + b __ cZ' + d Take a, b, c, and d as real constants, and show that any circle in the 2’ plane is trans« formed to a circle in the Z plane by this transformation. (Straight lines are considered circles of infinite radius.) 7.6' Consider the 1. R, b —R, c 1, and d special case of Prob. 7.6h with a Show that the imaginary axis of the Z’ plane transforms to a circle of radius R, center at the origin, in the Z plane. Show that a line charge at x’ d and its image at x’ -d in the Z’ plane transform to points in the Z plane at radii rI and r2 with rlr2 R2. = = = = = = = Compare 7.73 with the result for imaging line charges in a cylinder (Sec. 1.18). Explain why factor in the Schwarz transformation may be left out when it sponds to a point transformed to infinity in the Z’ plane. a corre~ 7.7b In Eq. 7.7(2), separate Z into real and imaginary parts. Show that the boundary condition for potential is satisfied along the two conductors. Obtain the asymptotic equa~ tions for large positive it and for large negative u, and interpret the results in terms of the type of field 7.7c* Work the approached in these limits. of Prob. 7.66 by the Schwarz technique and show that the same problem of two coplanar semi-infinite plane conductors separated by a gap 20, with the left-hand conductor at potential zero and the right— hand conductor at potential V0. example result is obtained. This is the 7.7d* For the first example would be obtained if 7.7e Plot the of Table 7.7, find the electrostatic capacitance in excess of what uniform field existed in both of the parallel~plane regions. a V0/ 2 equipotential for Bx. 7.7. 39? Problems 7.8 Suppose that the dielectric 33(2‘) lower value as wave-guiding structure in Fig. 7.8a is bounded on the outside by which has the value 82 at R0 and then decreases to an appreciably r is increased. As was seen in Sec. 6.12, waves incident on a plane a boundary between two dielectrics from the higher 8 side can be totally reflected. Find the limiting rate of decrease of 83 at RO which can permit total reflection of rays approaching the boundary, by studying the variation of the equivalent dielectric constant in the W plane. 7.93 The so-called circular harmonics are the product solutions to Laplace’s equation in the cylindrical coordinates r and 43. Apply the basic separation of variables technique to Laplace’s equation in these coordinates to yield two ordinary differential equations. Show that the r and (1; equations are satisfied respectively by the functions circular two R and 17¢, where R C3 Feb 7 .9b An infinite rod of a the rod to be of circular cos Cgr"" 12gb + a cross uniform sin C4 material of relative magnetic direction of to the pendicular + Cir" 2ch [it lies with its axis perfield in which it is immersed. Take permeability magnetic section with radius a and the expressions uniformity of the use 7.9a to find the fields inside and outside the rod. Note the in Prob. field in— side. 7.103 Plot the form of equipotentials for (I) Vo/4,V0/ 2, = 7 .10b Describe the electrode structure for which the sin a ky is a when y solution for potential. and for 3VO/4 single rectangular harmonic C1 cosh kx potential V0 passing through lxl Take electrodes at = (1/2. = 7.10c Describe the electrode structure and exciting potentials for which the harmonic (Prob. 7.9a) Cr2 cos 2g!) is a solution. 7.11:! Obtain Fourier series in sines and cosines for the (i) A triangular V0[(2x/L) Suppose 1] defined from a -—a V0(l — 2x/L) from 0 to = = Vox/L (Vm cos for O kx circular functions: L/ 2 and for) = and also fora < kx< < x < L - V0) for a —- < kx < a, f(x) = 77. given over the interval 0 to a as f(x) representations yield? Explain how this single function is the cosine and sine represented = defined —7r< kx< that L/2 by f(.r) following periodic single to L by f(.r) pulse given by f(x) wave A sinusoidal O, for 7.11b wave - (ii) A sawtooth (iii) 7.100. Fig. = sin m/ a. sine term What do can be in tenns of cosines. 7.11c Find sine and cosine representations for the function (3“ defined over the interval O<x<a for) given by Eq. 7.11(14) in the neighborhood of the discontinuities using five sine terms and (ii) ten sine terms and discuss differences from the rectangular (i) function being represented. 7.11d Plot 7.11e A complex form 0 < x < a of the Fourier series for a function f(x) defined is m f(.\.‘) z Z Cnejlrrnx/a n=-m over the interval 392 Chapter Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 Show that if this is valid, c" must be l = c” _ a given by a f . f(x)e~}27m:c/a dx 0 7.11f Find representations for the constant C over the interval 0 < x form of Prob. 7.11e, and compare the result with Eq. 7.11(14). 7.11g Find the Fourier O and x < 7.123 Obtain and y a = for) Problems Boundary Value integral representation for a < a in the decaying exponential, f(x) complex = Magnum. O, for ce‘mforx > 0. = series solution for the two-dimensional box b are at potential zero, and end planes at x problem = a and in which sides at y x = —-a are = van-5.— 0 , .3 .,_—m .. at potential V0. 7.121) Find the - potential distribution for the box of Prob. 7.12a with the ditions except that the should be V,. potential on the side at y = 0 should be same V1 boundary and that at y = con- 17 -— 7.12c In a to x two-dimensional = Obtain 00 a and 0 and y problem, parallel planes at y potential. The one end plane at x = are at zero = = b extend from 0 is at x = O potential V0. series solution. fringing that occurs at the open ends of a pair of parallel plates as seen in Fig. 1.9a leads to a modification of the fields between the plates from the ideal uniform 0 to be the ends of the plates, which are at y distribution. Consider it O, b. The analysis of Ex. 7.7 can show that the potential between the ends of the plates may be Vo[(y/b) + 0.06 sin 277y/ b]. Find the distance expressed approximately as c13(0, y) x at which the potential distribution between the plates is linear to within 1%, using 7.12d The = = = the analysis of Prob. 7.12c. conducting rectangular solid 7.12c A two-dimensional conductors: at y 0, CD x a by a dielectric with 2 = = tribution inside the O; atx zero conducting = O, (I) = O; is bounded at y conductivity. Find an = on b, (I) three sides = expression V0. ».M—_W of b-MW (.w‘ by perfect It is bounded at for the potential dis— solid. a and r b. The inner (r a) cylinder cylinders are located at r split along length into two halves which are at different potentials. Potential is b is at zero -—V0 for ~7T< 43 < O and V0 forO < 4) < 77. The cylinder atr potential. Find the potential between the two cylinders. 7 .12f Two concentric = = = its is = 7.12g plane boundary of a half—space is in strips of width (1 and alterO and the strips to be V0. Take the boundary to be at y invariant in the z direction. The origin of the x coordinate lies in the gap between strips so that the potential is V0 for —a < x < O and V0 for O < x < a. Find the potential distribution for y 2 O and determine the surface charge density along the y 0 plane. Put the result in closed form (see Collin, footnote 3 of Chap. 8, p. 813) and plot for ~a < x < a. The potential along V0 nates between - the and = — = 7 .12h* Infinite atx = parallel conducting plates O, a/2 S y S 0, ~00 < z located at y O and y a. A < 00, is connected to the plate aty are = = conducting strip = (1, thus “Am- «awe- ’ n «an. " — (D:VO w-asm ,, e—Qfi» lag.) y L (D = O as. 7.12h \ 'zaqu-‘L.~i:{, ._-:S.g ‘ags:.’-;="m Problems 393 introducing additional capacitance between the plates. (See Fig. P7.12}2.) Assume a potential variation for O _<_ y .<. a/ 2 at x O, and use superposition of boundary conditions to find an expression for the capacitance per meter in the z direction added O. by the strip at x linear =2 = 7.12i Consider rectangular prism of width at in the x direction zero potential extending from 2 O to z cap with the following potential distribution: has a = O ' is Vx, ,0 (3’) Find the 7.12j* For and b in the y direction with 00. At 2 0 the prism a all four sides at potentials within the forO {V0 = = = <x<a/2, ally fora/2<x<a,ally prism. in Ex. 7.120, find the potential distribution if the box is filled with a homogeneous, isotropic dielectric with permittivity e1 in the bottom half of the box 0 a box as c/ 2 S 2 S and free space in the remainder. 7.13 Demonstrate that the series 7.163 Write a function f(r) in Eq. 7.l3(10) does satisfy terms of the differential nth-order Bessel functions over equation 7.l3(8). the range 0 to a and determine the coefficients. 7.16b Determine coefficients for function a zero-order Bessel functions as f(r) expressed fv‘) 2 = "1-”: where 7.173 A p,;, denotes the mth root of Jc’,(v) divided into the range 0 to over series of a as a follows: of l 0 z magi) [i.e., 11(0) O]. = with appropriately applied voltages may be used along the axis with advantageous focusing properties for electron beams. Suppose the field at the radius a of the cylinder is given 277/12 and p is the period of approximately by E:(a, 2) E00 + cos a2), where 0: the rings. Find the potential variation along the rings (1‘ a) and for r < a. Determine the field on the axis and the period required to have the periodic part of the field 1% of E0. cylinder to set up a a set nearly uniform rings electric field == == = 7.17b Show that the function (P03 2) satisfies the requirement relative maxima 1 at of solutions of . ““e == potential zero inside the cylindrical region of radius and the = ‘ cos 1": Laplace’s equation potential cylinder [/2 to 1/2, it is at potential V0; from 2 2 A1001?) z = with end problem is as in Prob. 7.17c except that the cylinder l b and also from 2 O to z potential zero from 2 == 7.17c Write the a, with = f(z) btoz 2: l r =1 end 2 z = 0 O and to 2 == is divided in three parts with b to z 1. Potential is VO — = for obtaining potential 0 and z plates at z z a cylindrical region of radius I, provided potential is given as (I) inside m a. general formula for obtaining potential inside a cylinder of radius 0, is at potential zero, provided that the potential plane base at z 7.17f Write the with its no b. general formula zero-potential at — = = = plates in two parts. From 2 I, it is at potential ~VO. a 7.17d The fromz that there should be minima. or 7.17c Find the series for = = a which, is given 394 Chapter across the Two- and Three-Dimensional 7 plane surface at z = l, as (130‘, 1) 7.17g Find the potential surface at z 7.183 = = r I. It also has Apply the distribution inside a, on the end CI>(r, 1) separation == plate at V0 for 0 of variables Boundary Value Problems a z f(r) == cylinder = with zero 0 and where _<. r < technique potential (1/2 on the < r < a on cylindrical plate the end at a/2. to Laplace’s equation in the three spherical 0, and 4‘), obtaining the three resulting ordinary differential equations. Write solutions to the r equation and the ()5 equation. coordinates, r, 7.18b Assume a spherical surface split into two thin hemispherical shells with a small gap between them. Assume a potential V0 on one hemisphere and zero on the other and find the potential distribution in the surrounding space. 7.18c Write the tential is general formulas for obtaining potential for r < a and for r > given as a general function 1‘09) over a thin spherical shell at r 7.18d For Ex. 7.18b, write the series for H2 at any point r, 6 with a, when po~ = a. r > a. 7.18e A Helmholtz coil is used to obtain very nearly uniform magnetic field over a region through the use of coils of large radius compared with coil cross sections. Consider two such coaxial coils, each of radius a, one lying in the plane 2 d and the other in -d. Take the current for each coil (considered as a single turn) as 1. the plane 2 = = Obtain the series for H: applicable to a region containing forms for the first three coefficients. Show that if (other than the 7.19 In constant a = the origin, writing specific 2d, the first nonzero coefficient term) is the coefficient of r4. Eqs. 7.19(3) and (4), let 1,11 be the axial electric field component BE, and simplify by taking A and C zero in (4). Discuss the forms of solutions and the question of finding physical boundary conditions for (i) both kx and ky real, (ii) kx real but It), imaginary, and (iii) both kx and ky imaginary. For (ii) and (iii) would physical applicability of solutions be changed if either or both of A and C were nonzero? 8.1 A waveguide is a structure, chosen direction with or part of some measure direction of propagation. If the INTRODUCTION structure, that causes of confinement in the a to planes transverse to the a change direction, within reason— example, in a transmission line used to transfer energy from a transmitter to an antenna, the energy follows the path of the line, at least for paths with only small discontinuities. The guiding of the waves in all such systems is accomplished by an intimate connection between the fields of the wave and the currents and charges on the boundaries or by some condition of reflection at the boundary. In this chapter we concentrate on cylindrical structures with conducting boundaries. Multiconductor lines can be used for frequencies from dc up to the millimeter-wave range. At the highest frequencies, they are often in the form of metallic films on insu» lating substrates. Hollow conducting cylinders of various cross-sectional shapes are used in the microwave and millimeter-wave frequency ranges (approximately l-100 GHz). Generally, in waveguide analyses we are interested in the distribution of the e1ectro~ magnetic fields; but of greatest importance is the dependence of the propagation con~ stant upon frequency. From the propagation constant one finds wave velocities, phase variation, and attenuation along the guide and the pulse dispersion properties of the guide. Several different types of guides are analyzed in this chapter, including the simple parallel—plate structure (and some more practical, related forms) and hollow-tube guides of rectangular and circular cross section. An introduction to means for exciting waves in waveguides is presented. The chapter concludes with a study of the general properties of waves in cylindrical waveguides with conducting boundaries. able limits, the wave waveguide boundaries propagate in a wave is constrained to follow it. For 395 395 Chapter 8 Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries General Eormutation for fiuided Waves 8.2 BASIC EQUATIONS AND WAVE TYPES FOR UNIFORM SYSTEMS consider here cylindrical systems with axes taken along the z axis. We also consider time-harmonic waves with time and distance variations described by 60“” 7‘"), as in the We " study of transmission—line waves. The character of the propagation constant y tells much about the properties of the wave, such as the degree of attenuation and the phase and group velocities. The fields in the wave must satisfy the wave equation and the boundary conditions. We will assume that there is no net charge density in the dielectric and that cog/ls any conduction currents are included by allowing permittivity and therefore k2 to be complex. The wave equations, which reduce to the Helmholtz equations for phasor fields (Sec. 3.11), are = The three-dimensional V2 may be broken into two parts: VZE The last term is the contribution to is the two-dimensional term VfE : 62E + 7 62‘ V2 from derivatives in the axial direction. The first Laplacian in the transverse plane, representing contribuplane. With the assumed propagation function tions to V2 from derivatives in this e" “’2 in the axial direction, 62M 62 The foregoing wave equations 2 :VZE may then be written WE Wu H H ~ot+fim m _W+Em m Equations (1) and (2) are the differential equations that must be satisfied in the dielectric regions of the transmission lines or guides. The boundary conditions imposed on fields follow from the configuration and the electrical properties of the boundaries. The usual procedure is to find two. components of the fields, usually the 2 components of E and H, that satisfy the wave equations (1) and (2) and the boundary conditions; then the other field components can be found from these by using Maxwell’s equations. To facilitate finding the other components, it usually is most convenient to have them explicitly in terms of the 2 components of E and H. The curl equations with the assumed functions 60”" 7’” are written below for fields Basic 8.2 in the dielectric system, assumed here to be linear, homogeneous, VXE== ~ja),uH a___E_. 6y ~in- —7" as “A = “(cusEt (6) ~m—4=ma 6x a) 6H, + 6y 'yHy (4) = “1‘60qu (5) analysis to only, by and y x functions in the assumed e‘jw’ ' 6H_ . "MW, It must be remembered in all functions of . —: (3) = 6y isotropic: jweE BE. r" an so on, are V X H ~JwiLHt- == 8E, - 8E. :1 7E and = . + 397 Equations and Wave Types for uniform Systems ‘ 95—wi='E ””8 ax a) ay follow that these coefficients, our agreement to take care EX, Hx, By, of the z and and time 73). foregoing equations, it is possible to solve for E, E), Hx, or Hy in terms of and H:. For example, H, is found by eliminating E), from (3) and (7), and a similar E: procedure gives the other components. From the 1 E" 2“- E,.x = . 6E: 7/ -‘”—'—_~,)‘ 7,2 + k“ 6}: , + J wM 6E- 1 'Y'+/€'< -—-- ——i —— —-—-----:,~ ray Jwtbax) ——-‘ 10 () 8H. 8E- 1 (9) ay 6H. ‘ + 6H: ~—-—- an m=———;MVeey—= + k“ 6x ' 6y 'y 1 H," For propagating real if there is no : 8E: —— 7/2 8H. (1608+ 6y) ’ ——-————-—,) + 16' ax +7] substitution 3/ jB where [3 is the above with this substitution, waves, it is convenient to use the attenuation. Rewriting ( 12 ) —— = BH. ‘2’? (‘3‘— Hi) EX “3) ' 6H. B3— War) if: (-35 (14) ' 6H. = (we‘— ta?) k3; (we Ely) " 2: j 3H. 6E, 63: ”5) '8 ( ) va— *kEE: (17) vm~ ~16in (18) —- u —— 398 Chapter 8 Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries where k§§72+k2=k2~—,82 In studying guided waves along following types: (19) uniform systems, it is common to classify the wave solutions into the nor magnetic field in the direction of propagation. Since electric and magnetic field lines both lie entirely in the transverse plane, these may be called transverse electromagnetic ( TEM) waves. They are the usual transmission~line waves along a multiconductor guide. 1. Waves that contain neither electric magnetic field in the direction of propa— entirely in transverse planes, they are known magnetic waves. They have also been referred to in the litermagnetic (TM) 2. Waves that contain electric field but gation. as transverse ature as E waves, or waves 3. Waves that contain gation. These referred to 4. Hybrid as waves are no field lies Since the of electric type. magnetic known H waves, field but or waves for which may often be considered no as transverse of electric field in the direction of propa(TE) waves, and have also been electric magnetic type. conditions boundary as a coupling require all field components. These by the boundary. of TE and TM modes is not the only way in which the possible wave solutions may be useful way in that any general field distribution excited in an ideal guide may be divided into a number (possibly an infinite number) of the above types with suitable amplitudes and phases. The propagation constants of these tell how the The preceding divided, but is individual a waves change phase and amplitude as they travel down the guide, so that they may be superposed at any later position and time to give the total resultant field there. Since it is disadvantageous to have a signal carried by several waves traveling at different velocities because of the resultant distortion, signed so that only one wave can prepagate even waveguides if many are are normally de- excited at the entrance to guide. As we shall see in Chapter 14, multimode guides are sometimes used in optical communications; they have also been used in “overmoded” millimeter-wave systems, but the single-mode guide is the norm. the ””77 ’2'“ (g‘h“if?“<7“YT?" *‘dmm“ t7?”sf7n*‘Wnth}?:3?Weir"?!lW’fi‘TBKf}“WWW“"T ""T :6’3‘} (“a—7%"?$2533.Ti???"’WJ?“ “‘9’35a;1?‘» PM 3‘35“fiiflfw xii-T31W52%iii. gyiindricai Waveguides at Various cross Sections 8.3 WAVES GUIDED av PERFECTLY CONDUCTING PARALLEL PLATES simplest wave-guiding systems for analysis is that formed by a slab of parallel-plane conductors on top and bottom. The fields are assumed to same as if the plates were of infinite width, which means that any edge effects One of the dielectric with be the Waves Guided 8.3 or other variations ysis along of this model. We by Perfectly Conducting one transverse in coordinate 5 that such are 399 Parallel Plates neglected for a first-order anal— system may be considered a twoconductor transmission line, with upper and lower plates acting as the two conductors of the line. But we shall see that the system also guides waves of other types. Analysis saw Chapter a of this system helps in the understanding of all the wave types before going on to more complicated boundaries for the guiding system. We consider the three classes of waves defined in the section. preceding 'E'EM Waves The transverse electromagnetic have neither waves EE nor HZ. From that all transverse components must be zero also unless Eqs. 8.2(9)——(12) + k2 The O. 72 propagation constant for a TEM wave must then be we see = That is, is with the propagation velocity ijk = YTEM of light (1) in the dielectric medium. Since this argument does not make use of the specific configuration of parallel planes, it applies to TEM waves in any shape of guide, as will be discussed more later. Moreover, if 7/2 + k2 is zero, we see from Eqs. 8.2(1) and 8.2(2) that both electric and magnetic fields satisfy Laplace’s equation that both have the so spatial distribution of two—diparallel~plane mensional static fields. It is known that the static electric field between conductors is uniform and normal to the planes E. and magnetic field, from Eq. 8.2(4) H‘, l—E ICU/«b = ' that E: :1 may write (2) E0 = = O, is 'wV p‘ 8 == we . 10).“ E = if? (3) E M positively traveling waves and the lower sign for negatively interpreted in terms of voltage and current, we find the same obtained from the transmission-line analysis. where the upper traveling waves. results those as with so sign is for When TM Waves Transverse Eq. 8.2(17). The transverse magnetic waves have finite E: but no HZ so we may use Laplacian is taken as dz/dxg because of the neglect of the y derivatives: dzE: dig == -—-kZ:E <4) fi=fi+fi Solution of (4) is in sinusoids: E: Boundary these are requires = = A sin are (6) kcx next = = as O. + B cos kcx 0 and a. Since applied at the conducting planes at x at x O in (6) 0 there. O Placing E3 perfectly conducting, E: O at x in The condition E2 a then requires either A which O, conditions taken B m = = = = = 490 Chapter case we have Waveguides 8 nothing left, sin or kca So a solution for E2 kca == Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries with 0, which is satisfied by = which satisfies boundary A = mm: (8) 81117 .— to The transverse field components are now obtained from O: 0 and a/ay 8.2(12), letting HZ E" = 3/ (IE. ----—-”= kg H :: jcos seen that there is guide (in Let a an = dE- =3 — dx E O, COS of Eqs. 8.2(9) a jcoea mm A ( 10) CO S mw 2 y (9 ) —— 0 0 (11) infinite number of solutions for the various different field distribution. These solutions this case, TM us now means mm ya —~---A m'n‘ “—4 kfi Hx = dx —-—-— 3’ m, each with E3 by '2 = It is (7) conditions is , E, 1, 2, 3,... = m mar, are integral values of called the modes of the modes). examine the properties of the propagation constant. Solving (5) for 'y we have 2 “y At = VICE sufficiently high frequencies, and we can rewrite (12) — k2 =\/<Z-7:1-1T) —- wzne the second term in the radicand is (12) larger than the first as 7=jB=jthbe (mu/a)2 1—- '7 (13) corpse see that the phase constant approaches that for a plane wave as frequency approaches infinity. Lowering the frequency reduces B and it goes to zero at the frequency We mm) m'n' wc : 2: a V #8 a (14) velocity of light We)“ 1/2 in the given material. We call cuc the cutoff frequency since pr0pagation takes place only where B is real. The variation of 3 with w is often plotted as in Fig. 8.3a for the reasons discussed in Sec. 5.12. It is conveniently expressed in terms of the cutoff frequency where v is the 2 a) Waves Guided 8.3 40'! by Perfectly Conducting Parallel Plates a, ¢E.Q FIG. 8.3a Phase constant and attenuation as functions of frequency for a TM or TE waveguide at the cutoff mode. The cutoff point may usefully expressed in be terms of the wavelength frequency 2772) )LC z -— 2a = (16) -- m coc That is, cutoff occurs when the spacing between plates is m half-wavelengths, measured at the velocity of light for the dielectric material. We see the important feature that TM waves can propagate above than the cutoff a wavelength); cutoff frequency (or, at lower frequencies equivalently, wavelengths given by at y is real and is shorter (1)2 ”177' y:a:~—~1—-<—*>, a a)..<_.wc (17) a)c Fig. 8.3a there is attenuation without phase shift for frequencies below the cutoff frequency of a given mode, phase shift without attenuation for frequencies above cutoff, and neither attenuation nor phase shift exactly at cutoff. Each of these modes then acts as a hi gh-pass filter; the attenuation below cutoff, like that for a loss—free filter, is a reactive attenuation representing reflection but no dissipation for this nondissipative As seen in system. For the propagating regime, w > we, we can define a phase velocity in the usual way: v1) Group velocity can = 3-) B ,—————-———-U = be derived from this 1 as ,7 — in Sec. 5.15: co2 dw U _.___. g (18) (we/0))“ v 1.. <) __<2 1 (9) 482 Chapter Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries 8 velocity is always greater than the velocity of light in the medium and group velocity is always less, both approaching each other and v at frequencies far above cutoff. A wavelength along the guide, Ag, may also be defined as the distance for which phase shift increases by 272', Phase A where A is wavelength of a A 27: — g 3 plane (20) *- V1 (we/co)2 -- in the dielectric wave A : medium, 2 3 (21) w The ratio of transverse electric field to transverse magnetic field of a single propagating wave may be defined as a characteristic wave impedance and is useful for certain types of reflection problems, much as the field impedance for plane waves was found to be in Chapter 6. For the TM wave, this impedance, from (9) and (10) with 77 = (.u/ (9)1”, is E s Z TM =—"=—= 7? Hy Note that this ratio is not cutoff, so that It is real for Poynting frequencies a a 1—- (08 function of x and y. It is calculation will show no above cutoff a so that (02 (w) —-~"3 22 () imaginary for frequencies below average power flow in that regime. Poynting calculation in that regime shows finite average power carried by the wave. A plot of electric field lines in a TM1 mode from the equations for Ex and E: is shown Fig. 8.31) (Prob. 8.30). Note that induced charges on top and bottom plates are of the same sign in a given 2 plane for this wave, in contrast to the sign relations found for in Electric field lines starting on these charges turn and go axially down guide, ending charges sign a distance a half guide wavelength down the guide. The entire pattern translates along the guide at the phase velocity for a traveling wave in one direction. the TEM wave. the of opposite on fil -t 1::_.% ”l ,§\ 0 kW 1 fl 7r/2 . it 37/2 11' fiz———>— FIG. 8.3b Electric field lines of TM1 wave between plane conductors. m :1 Waves Guided 8.3 TE Waves by Perfectly Conducting The transverse electric class of waves has 403 Parallel Plates nonzero Hz but no E2. Equation 8.2(18) is then utilized: d2H_ VZH. == —-k2 = 2 - ki=v2+k2=k2~32 The solution will term again is retained since at the From be written in terms of Ey, proportional perfectly conducting plane Eqs. 8.2( 13) to 0: Hz = B sinusoids, but this time only the cosine derivative of Hz with x, must become to the = x kcx cos 1'3 = E), = 14;. = the conducting plane x = zero, B sin HI E zero (25) 8.2(16), remembering that E: is Jé £512. kg dx (24) (26) kcx . . dH_ Also, E), must be some of multiple zero at qr/a. 1:.” E: ~wa 2 0, H), B sin kcx (27) 0 = (28) = a, so kC is determined from (27) As with the TM wave, this is identified from (24) as as the value of k at cutoff: ”2W kc The propagation = 27TfCV/.L8 constant from -£ H = m —-, a (24) may II l, 2, 3,... (29) then be written a=<m) 1~<3>, (3-), a .y = w<wc (30) w> avg (31) a)C 1— jfi =jk to The forms for attenuation constant in the cutoff range and phase constant in the prop— agation range are thus exactly the same as for the TM waves (Fig. 8.3a), and by (14) and (29) the conditions for cutoff same in the Wave TE For are the same for TE modes expressions for phase velocity, propagation range follow from (31) and or field impedance for the TB wave is order. The frequencies Ev jCU/l: Hr ,y below cutoff this as for TM modes of the group and are same as velocity, exactly the guide wavelength (18) to (20). ' wave 7‘] 1/1 impedance ( is c/:))2 imaginary, but for frequencies 494 Chapter Waveguides with (Zylindricai Conducting Boundaries 8 FIG. 8.3:: lines of TEI field Magnetic always greater than always less than n. above cutoff it is real and for TM waves, which is wave as n, between plane conductors. contrasted with the wave impedance The form of the field lines for the first-order TE mode is indicated in Fig. 8.36. Here surrounding the y-direction displacement current. There is no charge induced on the conducting plates and only a y component of current corresponding to the finite Hz tangential to the plates. the magnetic field lines form closed curves 1-451'1::-,;':i\4;l.L-;n'::-.;'.: .: ------ Exampre 8.5 INTERPRETATION OF GROUP VELOCITY AS AN ENERGY VELOCITY Let us define velocity a of energy flow in terms of energy stored per unit length and average power flow: vE 2 WT ( 33 ) ~— u Take the TM ing example. Average power flow wave as theorem for a width a WT = w I 2 Re(E1H3’f)dx ' 2 I = Time~average complex Poynt— 1 - o is found from the w: £- lAzfiwe 2 a " f mm“ cos2 ) ma m7” dx energy storage per unit “' " :1 4 a o length, including (34) 7 A? 2 , mm?" Bros both electric and magnetic parts, is a __ u Using the fields from =2 —-— 4 Azwas l g... 8 E 2 + 2 lEzl] + [*2 4 W 2 } dx . (35) (8)-—( 10) this is {[ [ 8 o ...._ IO {4 [lExl a Azw u 14 , - . sm 2 mm: + a [3202 Bzag 9 ,, ”2‘77" kza2 ] ’J ‘7 cos ”1711‘ ~— (1 + 'J ') “(0'8“0” —— 2 ”2 ‘77 ., '7 COS“ fil’lTX dx Guided Waves 8.4 But from (13), 17127r2/ a2 B2 + is 405 Superposition of Plane Waves as just k2, so this reduces to ’) 7 ’7 A"wask‘a" 2 11 (36) ~-—-——— 47722772 and energy velocity from (33) is L var—9?: k" 1—— which is the 93-92 (37) a) [1’8 expression (19) for group velocity. The same equivalence We will say more about the use of these velocities for signal at the end of the chapter. exactly is found for TB propagation same as waves. GUIDED WAVES BEn/VEEN PARALLEL PLANES AS SUPERPOSITION OF PLANE WAVES 8.4 The modes of the parallel-plane guide, studied in the preceding section from the wave equation, can also be found to be superpositions of plane waves propagating at various angles. This picture is very helpful in developing a physical feeling for the different types of modes. The TEM wave is clearly just a portion of a uniform plane wave polarized with electric field in the x direction and propagating in the z direction: Ex(x, z) The magnetic field for such = Eoe E H,,(x, z) = (1) 6.2, is wave, from Sec. a ‘ka —9 . er!“ (2) ' n where k GOV/1;. = These 6 from the normal, waves only strike at that are of the same form as Eqs. 8.3(2) 8.3(3). as we angle plane conducting plane at an angle, tangential electric field must be zero not plane, but also at other planes which are multiples of a half»wavelength a /\ / / - / \ _ _ \/ Diagram showing or \ \\ /74 AL component of TM 9 \ / \ TE \Va/LA / \ / FIG. 8.4a and superpose uniform plane waves propagating at an pictured in Fig. 8.40. It was found in Sec. 6.9 that when For TM and TE waves, / /P //\ \ \ _ fl \ /_ Wavefront \\ //V\Ray direction A! ray directions and wavefront direction of between parallel planes. waves z / \ a uniform plane—wave 406 Chapter measured at conditions Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries 8 phase velocity in the satisfied if spacing a are direction normal to the between plates plane. That is, boundary is m/‘t a (3 ) = 2 cos 6 or m/‘t A 2a AC w ( ) COS to where 277?) AC 2 mm (5) C The phase constant in the z direction is 3=ksm6=kV1~00326 or, (6) using (4), 2 B=k1—<fl) m (I) exactly the same as found from the detailed analysis in Sec. 8.3. Since ,8 is the phase and group velocity will be also. We see from Fig. 8.4a that phase velocity is the velocity of the imaginary point P of intersection of the plane-wave fronts with the z axis, and is greater than velocity v of the plane wave in the medium, as found in Sec. 8.3. Group velocity is the component of v in the z direction and is always less than I). At cutoff (Fig. 8.4b), the waves simply bounce laterally back and forth between planes without any forward progression so that group velocity is zero and phase velocity infinite. For frequencies much above cutoff, the angle is very flat (Fig. 8.40) and the wavefronts are nearly normal to 2, so that both up and vg approach v. This is same, Both TM and TE wave types show the behavior described above. TM waves corre~ spond to the plane waves polarized with electric field in the plane of incidence, waves, to those polarized with magnetic field in the plane of incidence. / .—-> r+— -. — >2 —————‘ // /// 3 ,// “ ET and TE \\ \\ '——”Z Wavetront 9 *1 (b) (0) FIG. 8.4 ([7) Special case of (a) when wave is at cutoff. (0) Special case for frequency far above cutoff so that 6 —> 77/ 2 and wavefront is nearly normal to guide axis. Parallel-Plane 8.5 Example DETAILED FIELD EXPRESSIONS FOR 497 Guiding System with Losses T|\/lm 8.4 WAVE FROM PLANE—WAVE COMPONENTS To show that this point of View is exactly equivalent to that of Sec. 8.3, consider the expressions given by Eqs. 6.9(11)—-(l3) for a wave polarized with electric field in the plane of incidence striking a conductor at an angle. We rewrite these with the coordinates x and z primed, since we take different coordinate systems from those in field Sec. 6.9: Extx', 2’) = ~2jE+ cos E:.(x’, 2') = ~2E+ Sin 6 2’) = 77H),(x’, To 9 6 2E+ cos(lcz’ sin(kz' cos(kz’ cos cos cos (8) memes“ (9) 6)e‘j’°"'sm'9 (10) z and z’ change to our present coordinate system, let x’ k 6 and from cos (3). Equations (8)-(10) mrr/a ,B by (6), 2-— = = == Z'E E_(z, x) = ‘ .‘ = nHV(z, x) = we . (11) . , (12) cos k - Also let k sin a 2E £42,1-) ——x. then become sin(m7n)e—Jfiz J (m)efiflz cos<m)e'fl33 er ka ‘ If waft-“tin" a 2E+ (13) a multiplier (2jE +mqr/kaz) equal to a constant A and remember that the e~le2 has been suppressed in Eqs. 8.3(8)—-(10), we find that identical to Eqs. 8.3(8)—(10). next set the propagation (ll)—~(l3) factor are 8.5 PARALLEL-PLANE GUIDING SYSTEM WITH LOSSES filling the region between conductors of the parallel—plane guide is ja" (Sec. 6.4) in the may replace permittivity by its complex forms 8’ imperfect, the with effect on the propwe are concerned Sec. Here 8.3. of primarily expressions have we For TEM wave constant. the agation When the dielectric - we ”YTEM If e”/e’ is small in comparison = with ja) V unity, #«(3' a — IS") binomial expansion (1) shows that the real part of this, which is the attenuation constant, is to first order (UN (ad)TEM E / lug! 8” 2 8, (2) 408 Chapter For TM and TE 8 waves Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries from Eq. 8.3(12) 2 m,” = 7TM,TE [(7) " 6021148, je")] “ 1/2 1/2 2 m 2 - 2 II 2 The second expression attenuation constant is obtained (real part) for by making a binomial expansion of the first. The a)c is then a) > m ( “d) W a -1 V _ us’(8”/e') (4) “ MW gives a correction to phase constant, which may be considering the dispersive properties of the guided wave. An exact solution is considerably more difficult to obtain when the finite conductivity of the conducting boundaries must be considered. The approach is to obtain field solutions in both dielectric and conductor regions, with proper continuity conditions applied at the boundary between them. This approach cannot even be carried out for some geometrical configurations, although it can for this simple system and shows that the approximations to be used in the following analysis are justified so long as the plane boundaries are made of much better conducting material than the intervening dielectric region.1 The expression to be used is that giving attenuation in terms of power loss per unit length and average power transferred by the mode, Eq. 5.1 1(19). This is an exact expression, but the approximation comes in by calculating power transfer as that of the ideal guide, and loss per unit length as that from currents of the ideal guide flowing in Retention of second-order terms important in the real conductors. For the TEM wave, the power transfer for (WT)TEM “’2 a width w is awEg (5) 21) The average power loss per unit area in the plates, if plates are thick skin depth, is $4?le52 2, so for a unit length and width w, counting both E wRS compared plates, with 2 77 Attenuation constant is then calculated as :7. This is the same as wL —_ 2 Rs ~— 7 that which would be obtained from the transmission-line formula, Eq. 5.1102). ‘ precisely, it is required that displacement current in the conductor be negligible comparison with displacement current in the dielectric, and conduction currentin the dielectric be small in comparison with conduction current in the conductor. More in Parallel-Plane 8.5 For the TM of order m, average power transfer from the w > we is wave 409 with Losses Guiding System Poynting theorem and the results of Sec. 8.3 for C1 (WT)TM = w 1 J ‘ 5 (EH?) 0 a w = — 2 . . aA mm <__1_@__ f wws ______B___f 7722 772 A The current flow in both upper and lower dx a 2A2 w —- 22722772 0 0 . cos mrr 9m cos~ mm: e‘Jfl‘) (J 6132) fldx=(wel3a )g _ a a (12142 wea . —— cos m7r 0 2 dx (8) is plates msaA IJszl z So average power loss per unit (WL)TM iHyix=O length for 2 R5 “g = iHy|x=a : width a (9) : ”277' w is A I153? By a similar calculation wL : —— = we 2st8 2RS naVI —<wc/w)2 find attenuation for (0:c ) TE = approximately = [3a ZWT (10) ”MT The attenuation constant from conductor losses is then ( ac ) W 3 sz<W ) = a (11) TB mode to be 2Rs(a)C/a))2 1 ‘(wc/w)?‘ Tia (12) ' Curves of normalized attenuation several interesting features of these versus frequency curves. are Fig. 8.5. There are expressions (11) and (12) shown in Note first that 3.0 . a 8 3‘3 TM1 mode G g 1.0 TE; 3 mode E Q) 0: O 2.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 ///c FIG. 8.5 Attenuation curves of waves between imperfectly conducting planes. 4i 0 Chapter 8 Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries approach infinity as a) —> me, but the approximations break down at cutoff so that attenuation is actually finite although high there. The curve for the TM wave starts to decrease with increasing frequency above cutoff, but reaches a minimum (at w Sara) and thereafter increases with increasing frequency because of the increase of RS with frequency. The curve for the TB wave is always lower than that for the TM and, = gnoreover, continues cause to decrease with the currents in the conductors component of field approaches stantially 11on to the axis, Several different forms of a the y~directed high frequencies explained in Sec. 8.4. zero at as 8.6 increasing frequency. are This behavior arises be- currents related to as H2, and this the wavefront becomes sub PLANAR TRANSMISSION LINES wave-guiding dielectric substrate have found use structures made from parallel metal strips in microwave and millimeter~wave circuits as on well high—speed digital circuits.2 In this section we will examine in some detail three types, called stripline, microstrip, and coplanar waveguide. Emphasis will be on the lowest-order mode, which is a TEM wave in the stripline and a quasi~TEM wave in microstrip and coplanar waveguide. in as stripline consists of a conducting strip lying between, and parallel to, conducting planes, as shown in Fig. 8.6a. The region between the strip and The Stripiine two wide the planes and more is filled with than one a uniform dielectric. Such conductor, can support a a TEM structure, with wave. If the a uniform dielectric strip width w is much greater than the spacing d and the two planes are at a common potential, the structure is roughly approximated by two parallel-plane lines connected in parallel. More precise results are velocity = up is capacitance per unit length. For a TEM wave, the phase (#3)" 1/2, and from the transmission-line formalism it is also given by Then the characteristic impedance is found from the Up = (LC)'“1/2. L 20: VLC VMS 23:?" c (1) e and [.L the characteristic impedance can be found from capacitance, which can be determined in a number of ways, as we saw in Chapters 1 and 7. An approximate expression for the characteristic impedance of the stripline, assuming a zero~thickness strip, has been found by conformal transformation3 to be Thus, for systems with uniform the Z0 2 3 zflJL 4mm) (2) T. Itoh (Ed), Planar Transmission Line Structures, IEEE Press, Piscatawoy, NJ, 7987. Theory of Guided Waves. 2nd ed. Sec. 4.3, IEEE Press, Piscafawoy, NJ, 7997. R. E. Collin. Field 4'5 1 Planar Transmission Lines 8.6 i . FIG. 8.6 where n 2 V n/s, k is 1:;-;:-.\".-< 3 <‘,-:-".-"-............. (a) Stripline. (b) Microstrip. given by *1 k- cos —— 2-d— h<W (3) and K(k) is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind (see Ex. 4.7a). A approximate expression for Z0, accurate over the range w/ 2d > 0.56, is4 20 Approximate techniques Hoffmann.4 The velocity convenient m ~ 8 ln[2 (4) exp(7rw/4d)] used to obtain corrections to Z0 for t > O discussed by depend (M8)_1/2 propagation as for all TEM waves. Both velocity of propagation and characteristic impedance, neglecting loss, are independent of frequency and may be used up to the cutoff fre» quency of modes between the ground plates, Eq. 8.3(14). An approximate expression for attenuation resulting from conductor surface resistivity RS is3 __ ac which is valid if w > — of does not lei [aw/2d + 1n 2 + 2nd 4d and t < in footnote 4. Attenuation from on 1n(8d/m) 7rw/4d ] (1/5. Approximations lossy dielectrics is are thickness and is “Wars/m (5 ) for other dimensions exactly as in are given Eq. 8.5(2). Microstrip Probably the most widely used thin-strip line is one formed with the strip lying on top of an insulator with a conductive backing. A different dielectric (usually air) is above the insulator and strip (Fig. 8.6b). In such an arrangement, there cannot be a true TEM wave. The reason is that such a wave, as shown in connection with Eq. O. The propagation constant 3/ is a single quantity for 8.3(1), requires that y: + k2 2r- the wave, this so problem 7/2 is + k? and y? + complicated by k3 cannot lectrics. As mentioned above for the microstrip is 4 a zero if strip k1 # k2. Exact solution of and the two different die- stripline, the lowest—order approximation for the guide neglecting fringing. A much better, though section of parallel-plane R. K. Hoffmann, Handbook of Microwave MA, 7987. both be the finite width of the Integrated Circuits, An‘ech House, Norwood, 4i 2 Chapter 8 Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries Waveguides with wave is approximately plane is nearly the same as that for static fields. This so—called quasiszatic approach employs calculations made with static fields to determine the transmission-line parameters for propagation of the lowest-order mode, even though it is not a pure TEM wave. The approximation is very useful in practical applications but has some limitations that we will mention below. A common approach to obtaining simple, accurate expressions is to first find the characteristic impedance ZOO of an electrode structure identical to the one of interest but with the strip electrode having zero thickness and the dielectric being free space everywhere.‘ This problem can be solved exactly by the method of conformal mapping, but the expressions are very complex and more useful results are the various approxi— mations to the exact expressions. A particularly useful expression is4 still a approximate, approach TEM wave so is to consider that the lowest-order the distribution of fields in the transverse 0.172 w _1 w 3[d 9(d) ] Z00 =77m+1.8-“ (w/d) which is accurate to <0.3% for all ance of the actual line, it is corrected by > 0.06. Then to get the characteristic impedefiective dielectric constant eeff, the so-called which, if filling the entire space, would give the structure. Since the inductance same capacitance as that of the actual is unaffected by the presence of a dielectric, correction the correction for the characteristic impedance. for the capacitance gives approximation to the conformal mapping methods; one The static 88ff which is 6 () always z between effective relative dielectric constant is also found of several useful 1+(8r‘1)[1+ — 2 unity and er. Zo we obtain the static for a approximation 1 —_ V1 Applying (6) : Zoo/ V by approximations is5 lOd/w + and l (7) (7) in (8) Seff for the actual characteristic of insulator dielectric constants shown in impedance. The results Fig. 8.6c. Corrections for variety strip thickness have been published.4 Since the phase velocity in a TEM wave is (the)— 1/2, the ratio c/vP Q up in the quasistatic case. As frequency increases, the longitudinal field components become increasingly important; this can be represented by a frequency-dependent effective dielectric constant 8650:) to express the variation of phase velocity or phase constant. Approximate expressions for seffq’) and for attenuation from conductor and are nonzero = = dielectric losses have been obtained from numerical calculations or empirically.4 Some results follow: VseffO‘) 5 = k1: VS—r _._ ' 8e’ff(0) = H. A. Wheeler, IEEE Trans. Microwave 1 + 41745 + Theory Tech. MTT-25, Vseffa» 63] (7977). (9) 8.6 413 Planar Transmission Lines 300 T \\\ \{1 \\ 200 \N\\ \\\ 8 100 A" \ 16 20 377d/w ‘V»\ \ 2 \\ ‘L\ \ \\ \\ 50 \\ 40 \\\\\ X‘\Q\Q\:\\ \ 30 20 \\\ rem—>1 d T 10 0.1 0.2 \ \\ \ \ 8r a , 0.5 1.0 2 4 6 810 w/d (C) FIG. 8.6a Approximate characteristic impedance of stripline. The dashed line is the parallelplane approximation for air dielectric. Adapted from H. A. Wheeler, IEEE Trans. Microwave T/zeozy Tech. MTT-ZS, 631 (1977). © 1977 IEEE. where 883(0) is given by (7) and 2 1 4dee, F=-———— —- w 0.5+ The and (10) 1+21n1+g C frequency above which the frequency-dependent effective dielectric constant in (9) (10) is needed is given empirically by4 21 x fmax 106 (11) = + (w 2d)\/er +1 frequency where a higher-order mode relationship of the higher-order modes to the quasi-TEM mode is analogous to the relationship of the TM and TE modes to the TEM mode in the parallel-plate guide (Sec. 8.3), but here the higher-order modes are hybrids of TE and TM components. Attenuation from losses in conductors with surface resistance R5 is be used up to The quasi—TEM can propagate, which is (fc)HEl mode can = = ac near the 620/ 277061. The RSVSBff(0)A/d (12) where the parameter A is given for various strip widths and thicknesses in a dielectric having a loss tangent tan 68 is Fig. 8.6d. Attenuation from __ as 77f tan — c 5,; /ar(1 + 2 F1) [I 1 + —- F1 + F1) ——_—_8r(1 ‘1 nepers/m (13) 4'5 4 Chapter 8 Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries 0.015 E 0.010 .C \O U) E o. (D 5 <1 0.005 0 0.1 1.0 10 w/d ((1) FIG. 8.6d Factor for calculation of conductor losses in 8.6(12). Both conductors are assumed to have the same microsuip using the loss formula, Eq. RS and thicknesses satisfying t > 35. curves may require adjustment of w to account for nonzero electrode thickness See footnote 4 from which these data are taken. Broken parts of the t. [l + (lOd/w)]"1/2. The total attenuation can be taken (12) and (13), although there are also radiation and scattering losses. where F1 =2 Of the several different forms of gopfianar Waveguide systems in which all conductors are on one surface of a to be the sum of stripline wave-guiding dielectric substrate, the most widely used is the coplanar waveguide shown in Fig. 8.66, in which the signal voltage is applied between the center strip and the grounded outer strips. As with the microstrip, the fundamental mode of propagation in the coplanar wave~ guide is a quasi-TEM mode. Because the dielectric is not homogeneous in the transverse plane, the wave cannot be a pure TEM mode. The distribution of electric fields in the space above the line is the same as in the substrate (assuming negligible thickness of the strips and infinite substrate thickness). We assume here that air is above the strips so 3]. 1. If the capacitance per unit length for a line with the same conductors but l everywhere is C0, in the actual line the capacitance contributions above and er = : below the substrate surface will be stant can be defined for the CO/ 2 quasistatic and limit C 8 eff and the phase velocity is up = : ......... C08,/ 2. Then an effective dielectric con- as 2 CO (neosefir 1/2. ar + l 2 (14) 43 5 Planar Transmission Lines 8.6 iii—Q mm 77777772) fave—we Dielectric 1 (2) FIG. 8.6a The characteristic Coplanar waveguide. for zero-thickness conductors, impedance conductors, and infinite-thickness substrate liptic integrals of first~order ZOO : and k' w/a (see Fig. 8.6e) (15) (<O.24% error) that 20 much are 77' infinitely in terms of wide ground complete el— fl 770 4 (1 = more Seff " (15) 8effK(k) k2)1/2. Very good approximations - convenient in 1n<2\/g> #70— = : Seff " 2-- expressed K(k) and K(k’): Z0 where k be can for 0 practice < w/a < to are 0.173 (16) and ZO These Vw 1 + 7m" — 4V8eff —1 a [142—4)] 1 for 0.173 < Vw/a -— w/a < l (17) expressions for effective dielectric constant and characteristic impedance are also accurate to within several percent if the substrate thickness d is finite but greater than the total gap width a. More complex relations are required for thinner substrates.4 One reason for interest in the coplanar waveguide is that dispersion is typically less than in the microstrip has been shown to (9) coplanar waveguide for microwave and lower give over a Veefig) where F2 = 2fd V er -- a good very wide range of .3 = 1/6 I) 6 \fgr 1 eeff(0) = G. Hasnian, A. Dienes, and J. 1?. 738 ( 7986). = E; and frequencies. A form nearly identical to dispersion in the fit to numerical calculations of the "' parameters.6 V Seff(0) +13]:ng is the value in exp[u ln(w/s) + r] + Thus, Veeffm) (18) (14). Also, (19) Whinnery, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. MTT-34, 4'5 6 Chapter 8 Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries 0.1 E J: 2 a 0.01 O. (D 5 ‘1 0.001 1.0 0.1 0.01 10 w/d (f) FIG. 8.6f formula, Eq. 8.6(12). Conductors all have the loss t > Factor for calculation of conductor losses in coplanar waveguide using the general RS and have thicknesses satisfying same 38. Data taken from footnote 4. where parameters u and r depend substrate thickness on u x 0.54 r = 0.43 — according 0.64q + 0.015q2 0.86q + 0.54m]2 to and - in which q= ln(w/d). Attenuation from conductor losses in the coplanar waveguide can be found using the general form (12) with parameterA given by the data in Fig. 8.6f. Attenuation resulting from losses in the dielectric is found using4 77f __ ad V Seff(0) 1 "‘ 1/ 3mm) — 6 1 u 1/8r ]tan 88 nepers/rn (20) only if d/a > 1. More accurate expressions 1. quasi-TEM solution used here applies up to F2 There are several other varieties of strip-type lines. Two prominent types are the slotline waveguide and coplanar strips shown, respectively, in Figs. 8.6g and h. These are both versions of two~conductor transmission lines. As with the microstrip and 00planar waveguide, the lowest mode is not TEM but rather quasi-TEM, because of the different with eeff(0) given by (14), which is accurate exist for thinner substrates.4 The dielectrics above and below the conductors. = 8.7 41 7 Rectangular Waveguides [//////////Z//[/l J//////Z/fl/////l Dielectric (g) W W Dielectric 0?») FIG. 8.6 (g) Slot-line waveguide. (12) COplanar-strip waveguide. 8.7 RECTANGULAR WAVEGUIDES The most important of the hollow-pipe guides is that of rectangular cross section. As Fig. 8.7a, a dielectric region of width a and height 17 extends indefinitely in the axial (z) direction and is closed by conducting boundaries on the four sides. In the ideal guide, both conductor and dielectric are loss-free. There can be no transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave inside the hollow pipe since, as was shown in Sec. 8.3, TEM in waves a have transverse variations like static region electric bounded (TE) by a waves can single fields, and conductor. Transverse exist and will be static fields no magnetic (TM) below. analyzed / / // // / / // // // T / // b y x L if FIG. 8.7a a fl i 27/ // j 7! Coordinate system for rectangular guide. can exist inside and transverse 4'! 8 Chapter TM Waves Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries 8 Transverse is equation governing E2 magnetic waves have zero HZ but nonzero E2. The differential Eq. 8.2(17), here expressed in rectangular coordinates: WE: This to equation BZEZ =2 solved in Sec. 7.19 was 62E; 6y2 + 6x2 —k§Ez : (1) of variables by separation procedures and found have solutions of the form E2 (A’ sin lgx+ 3' = cos sin kxx)(C’ + D’ cos kyy (2) kyy) ‘ where ki The perfectly conducting boundary Similarly the ideal boundary at y k? = (3) O to produce E2 requires 3’ let A’C’ be a new D’ 0. We requires at x 0 =2 k3 + 0 = == = = 0 there. constant A and have E Axial electric field (except A sin = must also be zero at Ez for the trivial solution A = 0) if kx kxa==mm Similarly, to make E3 zero at y = b, kyb found from k6 = (l) Since k3 frequency is of k2 a —- B2 given quency have the same 4 /,.L8 an and y = b. This integral multiple of can only be l,2,3,... magnetic (5) multiple wave so 77: of 7T: (6) with m variations in x and n (3): — .‘ is a must also be a 1 m.n :: CHI." a (4) kyy n:1,2,3,... So the cutoff condition of the transverse (designated Tan) is = x m: kyb=n7n in y sin kxx /#8 [(mn'>2 <n7r)2]1/2 _______ + (7 ) _ b a Eq. 8.2(19), attenuation for frequencies below the. cutoff phase constant for frequencies above the cutoff freforms as for the parallel-plane guiding system: as in mode and 2 w a = B = kc“ l— < > a)c k 1 — w< mom," (8) > wem.“ <9) 2 (——) w , CO Phase and group velocities then also have the 8.309)]. , same forms as before [Eqs 8.3( 18) and The with 4i 9 Rectangular Waveguides 8.7 remaining field components of the Tan O and EE from (4): H3 wave are found from Eqs. 8.2(13)——(16) = Ex __ E), = Hx : —- 1'ka k2 'Bk," —-ch2 jwsk‘, ‘ cos er Sin kyy (10) A sin kAx cos kyy (ll) _ ' H), . A —— A Sin k3; jwekx ._ —- —-T CHI." kg (12) kyy cos _ A [9.1 _ cos 3111 (13) kyy where kx, ky, kc,” and ,B are defined by (5), (6), (7), and (9), respectively, and all fields multiplied by the propagation terms, ("”33 Plots of electric and magnetic field lines in the TM11 and TM21 modes are shown in Table 8.7. Note that electric field lines (shown solid) begin on charges on the guide walls at some fixed 2 plane, turn and go axially down the guide, and end on charges of opposite sign a half-guide wavelength down the guide. Magnetic field lines (shown dashed) surround the displacement currents represented by the changing electric fields as the pattern moves down the guide with velocity up. The pattern for the TM21 mode is that of two TM11 modes side by side and of opposite sense. The attenuation resulting from losses in the conducting walls can be calculated for the TMM wave following the procedure used to find Eq. 8.5(11): are ( ac) TM 2R5 __ 1 bn —— [1722(b/a)3 (J‘s/ff Mai/602 222] n21 + + (14) points before leaving this class of waves. Note from (4) and the kx ky given by (5) and (6) that neither m nor :2 can be zero for the TM wave without its disappearing entirely. The second point is that we have required as boundary condition that E2 be zero along the perfectly conducting boundary, but should also be sure that other tangential components of electric field are zero there. From (10) and the definitions (5) and (6) we can see that Ex is zero as required at We make two definitions of y = O and y and = b; from (11) that we see E), is zero at x = O and x = a. Thus all tangential components do satisfy the boundary conditions at the conductors. It shown (Prob. 8.7h) that imposition of the boundary condition on E2 necessarily the other tangential components of the relations TE Waves is from of E to be zero on can be causes the boundaries because of the form 8.2(13)—(l6). Transverse electric Eq. 8.2(18), again expressed VEH, “ have waves in zero E3 rectangular 32H. - 2- 7 8x" + 62H. ; 6})“ = and nonzero Hz so that the start coordinates: vkfiHz (15) I '\° .1. Jo c 0‘. cl. 0‘. #0 ‘ o '-d§ o o f. ‘I q a, o o l’ 0 o n o TE;l 'r‘ 0'. cl. .\o “a cl O ftT \0 o oh 0‘. o\o o II 1' Rectangulr Table Types Wave . 010'. ‘ol- “"1 a‘o‘n 8.7 for 0 "_'—j,‘-\_ ,; ‘1. ”}Ia\-—o‘J w-"'¢73‘~ ." ~*OI-’O\-I~»_I /-‘I§;‘_: 5—.a-u —UFO-v ~‘«& ~—*-/ nln Guides” 0' 0 0;. 0‘ o /_-¢.—~ Irlt ,.-—K (*1‘0Iotl \_._/ 1:! o ‘ufi .I If. . o\olo O‘n‘n a \o I filr :1 11 1 r1 TE“ (I1 1 r1 l o G o ‘0 .l’o ll 'O |\ dashed. of are lines Sum ary field I’l TE“) TIJ “MW-"1'~_‘,/ magnetic ln\ and ‘~>- " s_- 1 solid ‘c shown are l lines field Electri “ 429 3.7 Solution by the separation H: z Rectangular of variables sin k_3sr)(C” 421 of Sec. 7.19 techniques + B" cos (A” sin k_3.r Wavegtlides gives + D” cos kyy (16) kyy) where k Old =A33 Imposition of boundary conditions in this case is and 8.2(14) E3, find electric field components we : ‘ A3 —+ a (17) little less direct, but from Eqs. 8.2( 13) as 81.1.: Jwfi k; 6y Awakr H A2 k 3.1' +8” (A” sin cos k33x)(C” cos kyy - D" sin (18) k3,y) C ‘ E3. J = ' “’5 k“ C 6H. ——~ (19) dx _____,-1 :Jw/Lk k" (A" cos k31' - B" sin k 3r)(C" sin k 3y + D" cos k3,y) C For A” E3. = to 0. be zero at Defining y B"D" = = O for all x, C B, at x = = 0, and for E3, = 0 at x = O for all y, B cos k_3..1' b so that require E3. to be zero at y k3,]; that [(30 is also a multiple of 77: (20) k3,), cos must be a = multiple of 77. E3, is zero a so kxa In contrast to the TM waves, wave’s = have then we H: We also ” vanishing. Although = one we k,b 3 17277, = but not both of found the (21) 1277 and 11 may be zero without the conditions by first calculating elec- m boundary from the way in which E is related to H: that the derivative of H: conducting boundary must be zero for the tangential electric field to be zero there, so boundary conditions can be imposed directly on the form (16) without requiring the explicit forms for E33. and E3. The forms of transverse electric field' with the derived simplifications to (18) and tric field, we can see normal to the ( 19) are E33. —— '3.a),LL/c J]? B cos k_3.r sin k 3y (22) CI}! II k‘ E3, = __j_wk—__,u C)" Il B sin k 33: cos k 3y (23) 422 Chapter 8 Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries Corresponding transverse magnetic field components from Eqs. 8.2( 15) and 8.2( 16) are ' H. .1 Hy = _-_~ k. lg; sin kxx cos J'Bky B cos er Sln kyy (24) kyy (25) . C!" .II Since comparison of (21) with (5) and (6) shows that kx for TM and TE waves, cutoff frequency and and propagation ky have the same characteristics for a forms TE”,n (17) are exactly the same as for the same order TMnm mode. That is, the expressions (7), (8), and (9) apply here without change. Modes that have different field distributions but the same cutoff frequencies are said to be degenerate modes. mode found from Table 8.7 gives the field distribution for several different TE modes. Since electric field is confined to the transverse plane, we find that for each one of the TB modes shown, electric fields begin on charges for a portion of the boundary and end on charges sign on another portion, in the same x—y plane. Magnetic field lines surround displacement currents represented by the changing transverse electric fields. For the TE1 0 mode having no variations in the vertical direction, electric fields go between top and bottom of the guide in straight lines, and magnetic fields lie entirely in planes parallel to top and bottom. The TE10 mode is so important that it will be discussed separately in the following section. Figure 8.717 shows a line diagram indicating the cutoff frequencies of several of the lowest-order modes referred to that of the so-called dominant TE10 mode for a guide with a side ratio b/a é, which is close to the value used in most practical guides. Normally, such a guide is designed so that its cutoff frequency for the TED mode is somewhat (say, 30%) below the operating frequency. In this way only one mode can propagate so signal distortion caused by multirnode propagation is avoided. Also, by not being too close to the cutoff frequency, dispersion caused by having different group velocities for different frequency components of the signal is minimized for the one propagating mode. Higher-order modes may be excited at the entrance to the guide but they are below their cutoff frequencies and die away in a short distance from the source. of opposite the = Tao; TE10 ¢ ¢, L b L O 1 2 ”51! TM“ b 3 Ire/(mm FIG. 8.7b Relative cutoff frequencies of waves in a rectangular guide (b/a = fir). 8.8 The TE“, Wave in a 423 Rectangular Guide 0.20 TE10 g 0.18 1’10 .-.-. 016 0.14 (dB/m) Atenuaio 0.12 0.10 0.08 P. NIH I! a 0.06 P. H NIH a 0.04 .13. II H 0.02 0 5 15 10 25 20 30 Frequency (GHz) FIG. 8.70 Attenuation due to copper losses in The attenuation constant for power loss per unit length (a) TE“ as TEnm ()1 ¢ 0) Eq. 8.5(11). 2R5 = bn 1 j- using power transfer and 1 + {(1 Ext)“ + (ft/f)2 7 22>” _ f TE,"0 modes is found of fixed width. in ° And for rectangular waveguides f a (26) (b/a)((b/a)m2 + 112) (bzmz/az) + 122 modes (a) TEmO RS = C £977 1 ____ (fc/f)2 [1 + 2‘12 a (JG-C)? f (27) Figure 8.7c shows attenuation versus frequency for TM11 and TE10 modes in rectangular copper waveguides with various side ratios [3/ a found using (14) and (27), respectively. It is seen that small b / (2 ratios give large attenuations because of the high ratio of surface to cross-sectional area. 8.8 One of the THE TEm WAVE IN A RECTANGULAR GUIDE simplest of all the waves which may exist inside hollow-pipe waveguides TEIO wave in the rectangular guide, which is one of the TB modes is the dominant 424 Chapter Waveguides 8 preceding section. following reasons: studied in the for the Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries with This mode is of great engineering importance, partly frequency is independent of one of the dimensions of the cross section. Consequently, for a given frequency this dimension may be made small enough so that the TE10 wave is the only wave which will propagate, and there is no difficulty with higher-order waves that end effects or discontinuities may cause 1. Cutoff to be excited. 2. The to polarization of the field is bottom of the definitely fixed, electric field passing from top polarization may be required for certain This fixed guide. applications. a given frequency the attenuation due to copper losses pared with other wave types in guides of comparable size. 3. For is not excessive com» us now rewrite the expressions from the previous section for general TE waves O l, n O, in which case ky rectangular guides, Eqs. 8.7(20)—(24), setting m and kC 77/0. lgE Let in = = = = = Hz = B _, Ey - kxx cos jwMB (l) . sm —- k): kxx (2) ' B H. All other components = 1—f— sin a y Hz (3) This set may be rewritten in are zero. a useful alternate form, 77x Slfl< > (—> (3) ' E ex -ZTE Hx EO =: (4) ~— a == 'E 1—0 A (5) cos 2a 77 a where E0 = jthB 127703 =-- —-——— A kx «1/2 2 2TB 77 “' 77 we 1 A __ " 77 a) = A == ** f frequency, wavelength, (8) (0V! pas and wavenumber are 7T . 20 V us —1/2 (7 ) 2a = 1 fa: 2 1 277 v ,u “‘3 8 Cutoff (6 ) ——— Ac=2m kc=* a (9 ) The 8.8 TE", Wave Phase and group velocities and measured wavelength along 1 U U Ag v , V WV 1 J- = = f wza)2 —~ 2 1 B the guide 1 = g are A2 1 = " 425 Rectangular Guide in a - V 1w (M) (10) A = (11) --———————; V1 “(A/2a)“ The attenuation arising from an imperfect dielectric is obtained by replacing a with equation for 7. Since kC in the TEmO modes is of the same form as in the parallel-plane modes, Eq. 8.5(3) applies here and. leads to a result equivalent to Eq. 8.5(4): 8’ —- in the je” H k ad by the wave from the Poynting Utilizing the forms (4), we -— first calculate the power transferred imperfect, we = — ” a If Re 2 0 . (—E),Hf) dx (13) dy ' o have WT = a Ezb 0 ' ZZTE f ,, sin" E dx == a O Next (ll/2a)“ theorem: 1 WT <12) ,, 2 To find attenuation if the conductor is I /8 r———8 l = E2!) ---9—3 42TH (l4) find approximate losses in the walls by using currents of the ideal mode in resistivity RS. Current in a conductor is related to the tangential 0 and x field at a so there is current per unit width magnetic Hz the side walls x there. and are Both tangential at top and bottom surfaces components Hx H: 'sz| ‘Hzl rise to surface current densities giving lHZI. Thus, power loss IJSZI IHxI and V“! we material of surface = = = = = per unit length is (WL)SIDES = (WL)TOP AND BOTTOM : 2 ( [JR S 2 Ez/‘L2 -Il—O) l H}- bR 0 ————-S = ( 15 ) 477202 0 2 RS J0 (Wt-l" 7 “2"" 0 RS] o E20 Adding the two contributions W1. = RSE‘S In)? —o_ 7 a 7)“ 4a“ 77x 477‘0“ a 07 gooszw-J dx E2/\2 + 0, 47712 (16) 2 (15) and (16) and substituting ZTE from (7), “ 2 A2 A2 a + E21)2 9771‘ [2%: 70 3R5 2 Zing dx sin-—— + E:2 = 'Hzlz) + 1 -- 9 4a“ + = 4a 2 RSECZ, 277 2 bAZ a + ———2— 2a 426 Chapter Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries 8 The attenuation from conductor losses, ac 1.9!; 2WT : Eq.5.9(4), bag R 2 : _ST_I’_E_ is then a + (17) o 2a~ "rrba 01‘ ° b7) A this study wave r—Rs (M2602 [In-{>1 a 1— of the field distributions (1) to (3) or (18) 2a (4) and (5) shows the field patterns for sketched in Table 8.7. First it is noted that no field components vary in the only electric field component is the vertical one E), passing between top and bottom of the guide. This is a maximum at the center and zero at the conducting walls, varying as a half-sine curve. The corresponding charges induced by the electric field lines ending on conductors are (l) charges zero on side walls and (2) a charge distribution on top and bottom with ,05 8E), on the bottom and sEy on the top. The magnetic field forms closed paths surrounding the vertical electric displacement currents arising from Ey, so that there are components HA. and H2. Component H; is zero at the two side walls and a maximum in the center, following the distribution of Ey. Component Hz is a maximum at the side walls and zero at the center. Component Hx corresponds to a longitudinal current flow down the guide in the top, and opposite in the bottom; Hz corresponds to transverse currents in the top and bottom and vertical currents on the side walls. These current distributions are sketched in Fig. 8.8a. This simple wave type is a convenient one to study to strengthen some of our physical pictures of wave propagation. Electric field is confined to the transverse plane and so passes between opposite charges of equal density on the top and bottom. The electric field E), and the transverse magnetic field Hx are maximum at planes a half guide wavelength apait. Halfway between those planes is the maximum rate of change of E), for the traveling wave and therefore the location of maximum displacement current. The conduction currents in the metal walls, related to the tangential magnetic field, vary with position. Displacement currents provide the continuity of total current. The mag— netic fields surround the electric displacement currents inside the guide and so must vertical or y direction. The = have As an axial as well as a transverse — component. crude way of looking at the problem, one might also think of this mode formed by starting with a parallel-plate transmission line A of width w to carry a fairly being the longitudinal current in the center of the guide, and then adding shorted troughs B of depth 1 on the two sides to close the region, as pictured in Fig. 8.819. Since one would expect the lengths l to be around a quarter—wavelength to provide a high impedance at the center, the overall width should be something over a half—wavelength, which we know to be true for propagation. The picture is only a rough one because the fields in the two regions are not separated, and propagation is not purely longitudinal in the center portion or transverse in the side portions. A third viewpoint follows from that used in studying the higher-order waves between parallel planes. There it was pointed out that one could visualize the TM and TE waves 8.8 The TE“, \\\\ Wave in a 427 Rectangular Guide figs >9; W ‘ (a) 1-4 "wFAF—l—as B___/ xfl/ —>lwl<—— (b) xW/WWWWW / / x/ \ / \ 0 \ 71/ v \ / \ \\ / . // vp-u/smfi \3 -———-——-> Ug=U$ln0' (Top view) (6) FIG. 8.8 (a) Current flow in walls of rectangular guide with TE10 mode. (b) Guide roughly regions. (c) Path of uniform plane—wave component of divided into axial- and transverse-current TE“, wave in in terms of rectangular guide. plane waves bouncing between the two planes at such an angle that the interference pattern maintains a zero of electric field tangential to the two planes. Similarly, the TE10 wave in the rectangular guide may be thought of as arising from the interference between incident and reflected vector is vertical, and bouncing with the sides that the zero component uniform plane plane waves, polarized so that the electric guide at such an angle between the two sides of the electric field is maintained at the two sides. One such is indicated in Fig. 8.80. As in the result of Sec. 8.4, exactly A/ 2, the waves travel exactly back and forth across the guide with no component of propagation in the axial direction. At slightly higher fre)t/Z cos 6, and there is a small propaquencies there is a small angle 0 such that a gation in the axial direction, a very small group velocity in the axial direction v sin 6, when the width a wave is = 428 and Chapter a very proaches 8 Waveguides with Cylindrical conducting Boundaries large phase velocity 0/ sin degrees, so that the wave frequencies approaching infinity, 6 ap— guide practically as a plane 6. At travels down the 90 in space propagating in the axial direction. All the foregoing points of view explain why the dimension [7 should not enter into wave frequency. Since the electric field is always normal to top and bottom, the placing of these planes plays no part in the boundary condition. However, the dimension b does affect other characteristics of the guide. Small 17 gives a larger separation between cutoff frequencies of the TEIO and TE01 modes. But it increases attenuation as shown in Fig. 8.76 and limits power~handling capabilities because the determination of cutoff of breakdown-field limits. 8.9 CIRCULAR WAVEGUIDES Hollow-pipe waveguides of circular cross section are used in a number of instances, example, when circular polarization is to be transmitted to certain classes of antennas. Also, as will be shown, the class of TED,z modes (called circular electric) is inter— esting because of the low attenuation in this class at high frequencies. As before, we start with ideal dielectric and conducting boundary and make approximate modifications to these solutions when the materials have small losses. Before treating separately the TM'and TE classes of waves, it is desirable to have the set of equations 8.2(13)——(l6) transformed to circular cylindrical coordinates. A straightforward transformation gives for (up, 6H, BE, j ' s 513. j kil [ 4” Hr H -_—_— j rec/2 we ___._ : j ....—~-- ‘5 k3 6E, _._-. 7 kg 3H, '8 ._ at r [we 6E, —: + ar “marl 6r] ” 6H, ___- B 6H, _ r —: (3) (4) a¢ where fi=¢+E=E-E TM The transverse part of the circular cylindrical coordinates for this Waves shown in Fig. m Laplacian in Eq. 8.2(17) for E2 is expressed in configuration, with the coordinate system as 8.9a. 1 a V-j-E, = « —~— ,. . BE. (r—L) . 1 + 82E‘ - -k§E. (6) Circular 8.9 FIG. 8.9a Separation Hollow~pipe of variables E:(r, (1')) where J” and The second N,, are circular techniques [A'J”(kcr) z cylindrical guide showing coordinate system. in Sec. 7.20 led to the solution B'N”(kcr)][C’ + cos q’) so that kind, N,,(kcr), is infinite we have just the cos (1) to (4) with H: E¢ where the prime D’ sin + = r variation. = AJ,,(kcr) n and _ — ZTMHd, simplicity, A, Letting A’C’ __ —- -~ __ — kind, respectively. we be included in choose the )qu cos origin (8) jfi AJ,,(kCI) . cos It ~ZTMH, (7) = , __ -— 12¢] so cannot 0, the remaining field components = E, at 22¢ E: From 12¢ nth-order Bessel functions of first and second 0 for any the interior solution which includes the axis. Also, for of 429 Waveguides jfin are 72g!) (9) mi) (10) . . EAJHUCCI) srn denotes the derivative with respect to the argument and Z TM = ( 11 > —-— we The boundary E 4, to be zeros zero condition there. We imposed by see from (8) the that perfect conductor at r E: is zero at the boundary = a if requires E: and kca is one of the of the Bessel function, 2 ka=quea=-;T—a=pn, (12) C where J,,( 13",) Equation (12) == 0. We see from (10) that this makes E (:5 zero there also. frequency wavelength for any mode order. For any 22 there is an infinite number of zeros of J,,(kcr) so there is a doubly infinite set of modes, denoted TM,,,. Note that the first subscript denotes angular vari~ allows one to calculate cutoff differing from the usual cyclic order of coor~ TM01, TMOZ, and TM11 modes are given in Table 8.9 ations and the second radial variations, dinates. Field distributions of the or ‘49 ,-—— Wm] OI... —-- OI..- ‘ 4‘ -«o- IJ... . «Lup. ~-_.—¢ ’-* ‘ I’\' -—4t .‘a1—E r‘ .Iu. 33-1-1 o‘u\‘o —- §—_~ . I l I ." n '\ . .l". It. t . .I. a, a .\ ‘ a ) a ' .‘I‘’l's 'l“ a ,q- :u oh I ‘\- g}: I c a W ’-_—. \1‘-‘ d’"“~ ~_-‘—9 I‘D-F }-p.:’ :t=I(”"\’:\~‘_.‘-" "—_-n~‘tan-.ap: r"'b ~‘_a lpu—dn 5. -.{ 6".-\-¢._n’ 1: s TEm u"). :m: .lo\o I H- I o t a} :) 5-; 1: i. :1: 1|. s o ll. 't: I Guides” aircuar TR!“ E‘¢ 3 E" Ha’ 1.34 1.34 — (1 Hr. fl“ 3.41a 0.293 am It: (7 W 1 Rs 3;" Ed H” HI! 3.33 SE a 1.64a 0.609 aV/‘u—E. Udflz —1~(fcl)= E Hé Hr, E¢u 3.33 3.83 a Er, E” 8.9 for 1.04a 0.60 av: 1 Sum ary Hé Eh El: TMuz £5 1 5.52 5._52 a Uc/f)’ :— Table Types Wave of an 1.14a 037 {IVA—E an (fr/f)“ 1— fig “'1 dashed. are lines field magnetic Hé Er. Eh TMm E 2.405 2.405 a 2.61a 03aa\/p 1 fig 0cm“ and solid v1a" shown are in Type Wave plane, maxi um fields distrbuons cros etinl plane transver Field of at dFiistrbeulodns gauloidneg 430 nents Fipemld ontpa m c pg, I " or p»: (kc) 0c)“ M ) C (j duew m Atenuaio imperfct lines field Electric ” 8.9 43'! Circular Waveguides with expressions for cutoff frequency and wavelength, and approximate attencylindrical wall has surface resistivity RS. Phase velocity, group velocity, guide wavelength, and attenuation for frequencies below cutoff are of the same forms in terms of cutoff frequency as we have seen for the parallel— plane and rectangular guides. Wave impedance, when ,8 in terms of cutoff frequency is substituted in (11), also has the form found for TM modes in the guides studied together uation from conductor losses if the earlier. TE Waves expressed in The differential cylindrical for the equation nonzero H: of TE waves, Eq. 8.2(18), coordinates, is 1 V311: 3 7‘ 6H, (-9 t 1 62H. 72' ea" k‘“ 2 “3) The solution for this from Sec. 7.20 is H303 qb) Here the to we BJ,,(kCr) = cos 22¢ (14) have left out the second solution and chosen the cosine variation with justification as O, are (4) with E: same for the TM The waves. remaining qb with field components, from (1) = E, Ed, = 2,511,, sin (15) 22¢ Cr HZTEH, 2 11’2“” BJ,,(kcr) = = J—EZ—Ff 31;,(kcr) cos (16) 1245 where va In this requires the case that 13¢, = boundary 0 there, condition imposed by ,— along the = guide 0. :2 we #80 Again, expressions are as perfect conductor at 2‘ == (1 or kca where J,’,( p,’1,) the for = 2 fl = /\ C phase (18) Pin and group velocity and wavelength before. The field distributions of the TEOl and TEll modes and in Table 8.9. Note that the field distribution of the TEII some data for these mode is quite a are given bit like that of TEIO mode in the rectangular guide, with electric field going from top to bottom of guide, so this is the one that would be primarily excited if a TEIO-mode rectangular guide were properly tapered and connected to the circular guide. It also has the lowest cutoff frequency of any mode in a given size circular pipe, as shown by Fig. 8.9b. In the TEOI mode, the electric field lines do not end on the guide walls, but form closed the the 432 Chapter 8 Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting TE21 TEollTEm TE41 TE” FE“ n t O 1 L. t L Mr 21‘ f c W TEn T7 3 TM21 TMoz TMu TMm Relative cutoff frequencies of FIG. 8.9b Boundaries waves in a circular guide. surrounding the axial time-varying magnetic field. This latter wave is especially interesting as a potential low-loss transmission system at high frequencies and will be considered more in the example. circles Exampie CIRCULAR ELECTRIC The field expressions for the mode from the TE01 Hz = 13¢ = kca : 8.9 MODE TEm OVERSIZE GUIDE 1N general forms (l4)——(16) BJ0(kcr) are (19) and The average power transfer a by u ZTEH, p61 = The Bessel integral -E is evaluated Conduction current in the so 3.83 the mode, from the 27TI‘ — WT Hz, = P11 ’f 1‘] T02(¢H) W J?“ BJ1(kcr) = dr=== . (20) (21) .. Poynting theorem is wzngBZ'n' [0 I‘Jzkcl‘ kzczmolt) — dr 22 () by Eq. 7.15(22): = (0251:2an (22 m [3139011)] (23) guide walls is purely circumferential, related to the tangential length are that wall losses per unit R w. Attenuation per unit = length, 2m 35 IHZIEM = waRsBzfécpn) (24) in terms of power transfer and loss, is then ac _ln_@ —— —— 2WT wzuza (25 ) 8.10 Higher Order Modes on 433 Coaxial Lines 0.07 0.06 .e/TMOI. l 0.05 1 c0 3 0.04 l\ l ‘5 g c 0.03 2 \ 0.02 / \ TE TE11>\ \<: 01L...— 0.01 \ l 3 J J J o 7 5 9 ll 13 15 Frequency (GHz) FIG. 8.90 When 2m Attenuation due to copper losses in circular is substituted from (17), this oz 2 ° waveguides; diameter = 2 in. may be put in the form [gave/cu)2 anV 1 (we/cor (26) —- is proportional to the square root of frequency, but the overall expression decreases frequency. Thus we have the unusual result that attenuation in this mode, for a given size guide, decreases with increasing frequency, as shown in Fig. 8.96 which gives a comparison with TE11 and TMOI modes for a 2-in.~diameter guide. The low attenuation is because the mode fields are very little coupled to the guide walls at high frequencies. However, other modes may propagate, as shown by Fig. 8.91), so that there are problems with mode conversion when such guides bend to go around corners. Practical ways of solving such problems were developed,7 and this system was dem— onstrated as a low-loss guiding system for millimeter waves, but has been replaced by optical fiber. R5 with 8.10 The lowest—order mode HIGHER ORDER MODES ON COAXIAL LINES on a coaxial line is a TEM wave; this in the transmission-line treatment of Ex. 5.2 where 7 we was used the See, for example, 3. E. Miller, Bell System Tech. J. 33, 7209 (1954). assumed implicitly capacitance and in— 434 Chapter 8 Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries ro/rt (b) FIG. 8.10 TM waves (a) Cross section of a coaxial line. (b) Cutoff wavelength for some higher~order in coaxial lines. ductance found from static fields. As in the parallel—plane guide, higher-order (TM and TE) modes can also exist. Normally, the line is designed in such a way that the cutoff frequencies of the higher-order moues are well above the operating frequency. Even in that case, these modes can be of importance near discontinuities. The general forms useful for the TM and TE modes in circular cylindrical coordinates are listed in Sec. 7.20. The boundary conditions require that Ez for TM waves be zero at re and r,- (Fig. 8.1051). For TM waves, AnJ12(kcri ) + anvnaccri) = 0 An]11(kcrO) + BnNnUCerO) = 0 Of Nn(kcri) Jn(kcri) .. — Mx(kcr0) 111(kcr0) (1) 8.11 435 Excitation and Reception of Waves in Guides For TE waves, the derivative of H: normal to the two conductors must be inner and outer radii. NI’1(kC) ‘1’ ) r; 1:1(kcri) Solutions to the transcendental hence cutoff analogy zero at the [See discussion following Eq. 8.7(21).]‘Then, in place of (l), for any N220%, ‘0) (2) Jr,1(kc’.0) type and any (2) determine the values of kc and particular values of 2-,. and r0. By ri), l, 2, 3,... equations (1) and frequency parallel-plane guide, we would expect to find certain modes with a that the spacing between conductors is of the order of p half-wavelengths. wave with the cutoff such 2 AC z :0- (r0 — p = (3) This is verified by Fig. 8.10b for values of I‘D/r,- near unity. Probably more important is the lowest~order TE wave with circumferential variations. This is analogous to the TE10 wave of a rectangular waveguide, and physical reasoning from the analogy leads one to expect cutoff for this wave type when the average cir~ cumference is about equal to wavelength. The field picture of the TEIO mode given in Sec. 8.8 should make this reasonable. Solution of (2) reveals this simple rule to be within about 4% accuracy for rO/r, up to 5. In general, for the nth-order TE wave with circumferential variations, 2 .+ -. AC~1<’°—-L>, There are, of course, other TE of these has a n=l,2,3,... 2 12 waves cutoff about the (4) with further radial variations, and the lowest order same as the lowest-order TM wave. EXCITATION AND RECEPTION OF WAVES IN GUIDES 8.11 exciting or receiving waves in a waveguide are not simple field prob— we give only a qualitative introduction to the manners of excitation of fields in various kinds of guides. Approaches to analysis and measurement of these junctions are given in Chapter 11. Reception of the energy of a wave uses the same kind of structure as excitation and is just the reverse process. To excite any particular desired wave, one should study the field pattern and use one of the following concepts. The problems of lems. In this section probe or antenna oriented in the direction of electric placed near a maximum of the electric field of the exact placing is a matter of impedance matching. Examples are 1. Introduce the excitation in field. The probe a is most often mode pattern, but shown in Figs. 8.11a and b. 2. Introduce the excitation through a loop (Fig. 8.1 1c). oriented in a plane normal to the magnetic field of the mode pattern 3. Couple to the iris, the two desired mode from another guiding systems having guiding system, by some common means of field component a hole over or the 436 Chapter 8 Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries (b) (a) Soldered connection Microstrip AAAAAAAA vvvvvv top conductor Coaxial— line j Substrate Shielding box connector (e) (a) Antenna in end of circular guide for excitation of TMOI wave. (b) Antenna in guide for excitation of the TE10 wave. (0) Loop in end of rectangular guide for excitation of TEIO wave. (d) Junction between circular guide (TM01 wave) and rectangular guide (TE10 wave); large-aperture coupling. (6) Coaxial line coupling to microstrip. (f) Excitation FIG. 8.11 bottom of rectangular of the T1320 wave in rectangular guide by extent of the hole. An is shown in coupling Fig. from 5. For to resonant antennas. example of coupling between waveguides using a large iris coupling is sometimes done with a small hole as for cavities (Sec. 10.10). coaxial line to one kind of transmission line into another, microsuip shown in higher-order waves combine as phasings (Fig. 8.1 1 f). with proper oppositely phased 8.11d. The 4. Introduce currents from a two Fig. in coupling sources as are required, as 8.11e. many of the exciting 8.1 1 6. Excitation and Reception of Waves 437 in Guides Gradually taper a transition between two types of guides, a rectangular guide to a TE“ in a circular guide. as for a TE10 wave in Since most of these exciting methods are in the nature of concentrated sources, they purely one wave, but all waves that have field components in a favorable direction for the particular exciting source. That is, we see that one wave alone will not suffice to satisfy the boundary conditions of the guide complicated by the exciting source, so that many higher~order waves must be added for this purpose. If the guide is large enough, several of these waves will then proceed to propagate. Most often, however, only one of the excited waves is above cutoff. This will propagate down the guide and (if absorbed somewhere) will represent a resistive load on the source, comparable to the radiation resistance of antennas which we shall encounter further in Chapter 12. The higher~order waves that are excited, if all below cutoff, will be localized in the neighborhood of the source and will represent purely reactive loads on the source. For practical application, it is then necessary to add, in the line that feeds the probe or loop or other exciting means, an arrangement for matching to the load that has a real part representing the propagating wave and an imaginary part representing the localized reactive waves. In a practical design, it is important to be concerned that the match is good over the frequency band of interest. will not in general excite Example 8.1 i EXCITATION OF A WAVEGUIDE BY A COAXIAL LINE Let us look in more depth at the structure in in the center of the broad side of a Fig. 8.11b where waveguide of rectangular a coaxial line is inserted cross section to excite a TElO mode. The waveguide is short-circuited at a distance I from the probe to aid in matching the coaxial line to the waveguide. The fields associated with the probe excite both the desired TE 10 mode and other higher~order modes. The latter are cutoff and do not propagate, but they store reactive energy and therefore constitute a reactive com— ponent of the load on the coaxial line. Proper choice of the size and location of the probe for a given frequency and guide dimensions makes the standing wave between the probe and the shorted end contain reactive energy of opposite sign and equal mag— nitude so that the net reactive component of the input impedance is zero. These ad— justments are used to make the real part of the load impedance on the coaxial line equal to its characteristic impedance so that perfect matching is achieved and all the power is coupled into the guide. Figure 8.11g shows the calculated results for probes of various radii in a guide of dimensions appropriate for use at about 10 GHz (X band).8 Similar graphs can be calculated using the methods in the reference of footnote 8 for other guide sizes and probe radii. 3 R. E. Collin, Field 1997. Theory of Guided Waves, 2nd ed. Sec. 7. 7, IEEE Press, Piscotaway, NJ, 438 Chapter 8 Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries 6O Ohms 9 10 11 GHz (g) Probe input resistance and reactance as a function of frequency for d 0.62 cm, 0.495 cm, guide width 0 2.286 cm, guide height b 1.016 cm. For the thin probe of radius r 0.5 mm, 1 0.505 cm. Reproduced by permission from R. E. Collin, Field Theory of Guided Waves, 2nd ed., Sec. 7.1, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, 1991. FIG. I 8.119 = = = = = = General Properties of Guided Waves 8.12 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF TEM WAVES ON MULTICONDUCTOR LINES The classical two-conductor transmission system was studied extensively in Chapter 5, starting from a distributed circuits point of view. We used wave solutions to verify the of TEM results for the special point show that TEM we can case waves waves between parallel planes in Sec. 8.3. At this cylindrical system with in any two-conductor General Properties of TEM Waves 8.12 isotropic, homogeneous dielectric, and by the transmission—line equations. The general relations show that, with between loss-free conductors wave components 439 Multiconductor Lines as are exactly those predicted expressed by Eqs. 8.2(9)—-(12) E: H: zero, all other components must of necessity also be zero, + k2 is at the same time zero. Thus, a transverse electromagnetic wave must and unless y2 satisfy the condition 'y For on :L-jk = i1; = = (1) ijwVMe perfect dielectric, the propagation constant 7/ is thus a purely imaginary quantity, signifying that any completely transverse electromagnetic wave must propagate unattenuated and with velocity v, the velocity of light in the dielectric bounded by the guide. With (1) satisfied, the wave equations, as written in the form of Eqs. 8.2(1) and a 8.2(2), reduce to ViE These V3,.H o, = 2 0 (2) Laplace equation written for E and plane. entirely in the transverse E3 H_._ Since electric and fields both plane. magnetic satisfy Laplace’s equation under static conditions, the field distribution in the transverse plane is exactly a static distribution if boundary conditions to be applied to the fields in (2) are the same as those for a static field distribution. The boundary condition for the TEM wave on a perfect conducting guide is that electric field at the surface of the conductor can have a normal component only, which is the same as the condition at a conducting boundary in statics. The line integral of the electric field between conductors is the same for all paths lying in a given transverse plane, and may be thought of as corresponding to a potential difference are exactly the form of the two—dimensional H in the transverse Since and are between the conductors for that value of To study the character of the zero, E and H lie 2. magnetic field, note Eqs. 8.2(3) and 8.2(6) with zero E- and H.: . Hy = Hr : ' J—C—"EE 7’ E= —" <3) 77 and T; Ey 1w,“ E, : “—3 (4) TI [The signs of (3) and (4) are for a positively traveling wave; for a negatively traveling they are opposite] Study shows that (3) and (4) are conditions that require that electric and magnetic fields be everywhere normal to each other. In particular, magnetic field must be tangential to the conducting surfaces since electric field is normal to them. The magnetic field pattern in the transverse plane then corresponds exactly to that arising from dc currents flowing entirely on the surfaces of the perfect conductors. These characteristics Show that a transverse electromagnetic wave may be guided by two or more conductors, or outside a single conductor, but not inside a closed conwave 449 8 Chapter FIG. 8.12 Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries Two-conductor transmission line with integration paths. ducting region, since it can have only the distribution of the corresponding two~dirnensional static problem, and no electrostatic field can exist inside a source-free region completely closed by a conductor (see Prob. 8.12d). We next may show an exact identity with the ordinary transmission-line equations for TEM waves on the systems that support them. Consider a transmission line con- sisting of two conductors A and B of any general shape (Fig. 8.12). The voltage between the two conductors may be found by integrating electric field over any path between conductors, such as l—O-2 of the figure. It will have the path is chosen, since E satisfies Laplace’s equation in the be considered the plane are gradient of a scalar potential insofar same value as no matter and which plane may variations in the transverse transverse so concerned. 2 2 V=-JE-dl=—f 1 Differentiating this equation 1 with respect to 6V __ dz = __ [2 1 6E" _ (Exdx-t-Eydy) (5) 2 dx + 62 as, __ 62 dy (6 ) But the curl relation, 63 V X E = —— at shows that, if E is zero, 6E 6E 83 -——’—’=—x and BB —*=———y (7) 8.!2 General Properties of TEM Waves By substituting (7) in (6), on 441 Multiconductor Lines have we av ar ar1( —=—-— a2 ~Bd+B.d w) <8) H A study of Fig. 8.12 reveals that the quantity inside the integral is the magnetic flux across the path 1—0—2 per unit length in the z direction. According to the usual definition of inductance, this may be written as the product of inductance L per unit length and current I, so (8) becomes flowing 6V — —--- a: 62 Equation (9) is one of the differential tional transmission-line with current in line A is no as contribution from a] 6 = (L1 ) “L = (9 ) -- at used equations as a starting point displacement current since there is no I=f£H-dl=§(1—dex+Hydy) Differentiating conven- E3.) (10) with respect to z, 61 — = 82 From the curl for analysis [Eq. 52(3)]. The other may be developed by starting the integral of magnetic field about a path a~b—c——d—a. (There fit ( an —" dx + 6H, y) ' d 62 62 ( 11 ) equation, 8D V X H = — at it follows that, if Hz = 0, 6H, __) 0D. A : in (11), we BD aH. —-—'—\ and 2 62 at 62 Substituting (12) .. --—y 81‘ (12) have a] -— 62 a = —— at 56 (D.dy ~ A D 3,. dX) ( 13 ) Inspection of Fig. 8.12 shows that this must be the electric displacement flux per unit length of line crossing from one conductor to the other. Since it corresponds to the charge per unit length on the conductors, it may be written as the product of capacitance per unit length and the voltage between lines and (13) becomes 8V 61 - 62 = -C ——- 61‘ (14) Equations (9) and (14) are exactly the equations used as a beginning for transmissionanalysis, if losses are neglected (Sec. 5.2). It is seen that these equations may be line 442 Chapter Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries 8 exactly from Maxwell’s equations provided the conductors are perfect, and since fields in the transverse plane satisfy Laplace’s equation, the inductance and ca~ pacitance appearing in the equations are the same as those calculated in statics. This is of course not the case for the TM and TE waves met in the preceding sections. Waves on the ideal transmission line have been shown to be TEM waves with phase velocity 2 marl/2. Transmission~line phase velocity is (LC )" 1/ so it follows that inductance and capacitance per unit length of an ideal transmission line are related by LC us. derived = Transmission Eines with losses If the conductor of the transmission line has finite losses, the above argument does not apply exactly. There must be finite E2 at the conductor to force the axial currents through the imperfect conductors. In that case + k2 of Eqs. 8.2(9)——(12) cannot be zero, and Eqs. 8.2(1) and 8.2(2) do not reduce Laplace’s equation. But so long as the conductors are reasonably good, the axial component of electric field is small compared with the transverse component and cor~ rections are small. The usual way of handling the losses through a series resistance in the transmission-line equations can then be shown by perturbation arguments to be an y2 to excellent approximation.9 Losses in the dielectric, however, do not in themselves disturb the TEM nature of the since these cause conduction currents to flow only in by inclusion of shunt conductance computed from static concepts and by the wave method with 8 replaced by s’ je” can be shown to be the same (Prob. 8.120). In addition to the principal TEM or n‘arzsmz‘ssion-Zine mode on the two-conductor system, there may propagate higher-order modes as well. The higher-order modes may be excited at discontinuities in the transmission line and may cause dispersion effects or radiation. It is difficult to work out the forms of the higher—order modes in open structures such as the two-wire line, but is straightforward to derive them for the coaxial transverse wave directions. In this case treatment ._ line as was 8.13 done in Sec. 8.10. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF TM WAVES IN CYLINDRICAL CONDUCTING GUIDES OF ARBITRARY CROSS SECT|ON In the earlier sections we have seen several specific examples of TM waves; it is the purpose of the present section to generalize the formulation for any cylindrical structure. The analysis can be done in a generalized coordinate system10 and might appear more general, but for simplicity that boundaries may be of will rectangular arbitrary shape. we use coordinates with the understanding The Diflerentiai Equation With the assumed propagation constant 60“” 7”), the finite axial component of electric field for the TM waves must satisfy the wave equation 9 R. E. Collin. Field Theory of Guided Waves, 2nd ed, Sec. 4. 7, IEEE Press, Piscatawoy, NJ. 7997. "3 R. E. Collin, Field 7997. Theory of Guided Waves, 2nd ed, Sec. 5. 1. IEEE Press, Piscatoway, NJ, General Properties of TM Waves in 8.15 in the form of 443 Cylindrical Conducting Guides Eq. 8.2(17): V2xy E c (it) The value of kc, which is condition to be applied a to Boundary Condition —-k2E- = , i (72 = constant for (1) .'. k2) + a v2 = + £02m: (2) particular mode, is determined by the boundary (1). for a Perfectly Conducting Guide As in the examples, the first step in the solution of a practical waveguide problem is to assume that the waveguide boundaries are perfectly conducting. The appropriate boundary condition is E: r 0. It is easily shown from the general relations for the transverse field components in Sec. 8.2 that __ E" m _ 7 +— k? BE: _. E — = ’ 6x ,. Relations (3) y ' 6E- ‘ 6E: _._.. k2 ' : 7 +....... ' 6E- ’wf—= k; (3) may be written in the H). 6y vector = k; (4) x form _ Et ”is”; = 7 4-? V,E2 (5) C where verse Et as is the transverse part of the electric field vector, and ‘Vt represents the trans— part of the gradient. By the nature of the gradient, the transverse electric vector E, is normal to any line of constant E. It is then normal to the required, once the boundary is made a curve of constant E2 the only required boundary conducting boundary, 0. Thus E2 O is = = condition for solutions of (1). fintoff Properties of TM Waves Solution of the homogeneous differential equa» tion (1) subject to the given boundary condition is possible only for discrete values of the constant the It kc. These are the characteristic values, allowed values, or eigenvalues of any one of which determines a particular TM mode for the given guide. be shown (Prob. 8.13e) that, for any lossless dielectric region which is completely problem, can closed by perfect conductors, gation constant from the allowed values of lcC must be real. Hence the propa» (2), v= kirk? (6) always exhibits cutoff properties. That is, for a particular mode in a perfect dielectric, kc, and 'y is y is real for the range of frequencies such that k < kc, y is zero for k imaginary for k > kc. The cutoff frequency of a given mode is then given by = 2 ZWfCVas = {I C = kc (7) 444 Chapter 8 Boundaries Waveguides with Cylindricai Conducting 3 fcz cutoff frequency 21r kC—E __L_ 2 "’w? f/fc FIG. 8.13 and The Frequency characteristics of all (6) may be written in phase velocity for and cutoff terms of frequencyff> 7=jB=Jk/1—<—>2 >guide all TM modesm an ideal (D _. Up The group TE and TM — — —— E v 1- E 2 wave types. frequency fc: f>fc (9) then has the form —-I/?. (10) f velocity is 2 d c1;— v[1 — vgz Universal for attenuation constant, —- (%>] 1/2 (11) phase velocity, and group velocity as funcf/fC velocity is infinite at cutoff frequency and Fig. than the of is always greater velocity light in the dielectric; group velocity is zero at the is cutoff and always less than velocity of light in the dielectric. As the frequency increases far beyond cutoff, phase and group velocities both approach the velocity of light in the dielectric. tions of curves are shown in 8.13. Phase 8.13 General Properties of TM Waves in Cylindrical Conducting Guides 445 Magnetic Fields of the Waves Once the distribution of E___. is found by solution of the differential equation (1) subject to the boundary condition E: O, the transverse electric field of a given mode may be found from relation (3) or (5). The transverse magnetic field may be found from relations (4). By comparing (3) and (4), we see that x E. E. __i “.3. _. i1- 2 Hr. Hy (12) jwe These relations show that transverse electric and are at that their may be the wave magnetic fields magnitudes are related by the quantity y/jcue, which impedance or field impedance of the mode: ZTM 7 :: —— :7. 1 7] jwe -—— fc right angles and thought of as 2 ( f) -— (13) ,___ 8 The wave impedance is imaginary (reactive) for frequencies less than the cutoff frequency and purely real for frequencies above cutoff, approaching the intrinsic impedance of the dielectric at infinite frequency. This type of behavior is also found in the study of lumped-element filters, and it emphasizes that the wave can produce no average power transfer for frequencies below cutoff, where the impedance is imaginary. The relations between electric and magnetic fields may also be given in the following vector form, which expresses the properties described above: H=i where 2 is the unit vector in the waves, the lower sign for z 2x13, ‘erx direction. The upper negatively traveling Power Transfer in the Waves cutoff if the conductor of the guide is (14) sign is for positively traveling waves. The power transfer down the guide is zero below perfect. Above cutoff it may be obtained in terms of the field components by integrating the axial component of the Poynting vector over the cross-sectional area. Since it has been shown that transverse components of electn'c magnetic fields are in phase and normal to each other, the axial component of the average Poynting vector is one-half the product of the transverse field magnitudes. For a positively traveling wave, and By use = LSEReflZ Z 1 1 W >< H’l‘L- as = if |E,HH,lds= :——M-CS Incl2 d5 (15) of (4), this may be written WT z ZTMw 2 21:: e 2 f Iv,E_,¢-°— d5 (16) 446 Chapter Making use Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries 8 of the relation f (Prob. 8.13e), we [V,EZ|2 d3 f k3; = E3 d5 (17) obtain WT = me282 21% f —— 2 E; dS = 2 f — ZTM -~ 2772 f0 f - as 2 E; - dS ( 1 8) CS imperfectly fienducting Boundaries When the conimperfect, an exact solution would require solution of Maxwell’s both the dielectric and conducting regions. Because this procedure is immost geometrical configurations, we take advantage of the fact that most Attenuation Due to boundaries ducting equations in practical for practical conductors are good enough to cause only a slight modification of the ideal solution, and the expression wL/ZWT in formula 5.1 1(19) may be used. To compute the average power loss per unit length, we require the current flow in the guide walls, which is taken to be the same as that in the ideal guide. By the n X H rule, the current per unit width in the boundary is equal tothe transverse magnetic field at the boundary and flows in the axial direction since magnetic field is entirely transverse: are WL = 2 bound The attenuation constant is then a0 Js —' (11 6 if = 2 bound ’11,? dl (19) approximately iv}— ZWT 2 R 2 .. ngstEnletlz d1 : 2'ZTMICSII-It‘z nepers/ m d5 (20) If desired, the power loss and hence the attenuation constant may be written in terms of the distribution of E2 only. By use of (4) Since E2 is zero at all R (0282 2 k: —5 = L points along the Rw2823g 2k? S = bound GE. [an] —‘ I VE, 2 dl (21) ' bound boundary, there; E has only the derivative normal WL 3g there is no tangential derivative of E2 to the conductor: 2 d1 R5 = f —-~ 2,7721% fc er BE. ——e all 2 dl (2 2) An alternative form for the attenuation constant is then BB wgmw Mixes] 611 (23, Attenuation Due to Imperfect Bietectrfic It is noted that the general form for constant (9) is exactly the same as that for the special case of the parallel- propagation General 8.14 Preperties of TE Waves in Cylindrical Conducting Guides 447 plane guide, Eq. 8.3(15). Hence, the modification caused by an imperfect dielectric, taken into account by replacing jws by jw(e’ je”) or 0' + jws, yields the same form for attenuation as Eq. 8.5(4): — ad r______k8”/8’ 2 ______0n nepers/rn = 7 It is especially interesting to note that the imperfect dielectric is the same for all modes the amount of attenuation is the guide form of the attenuation produced by an shapes though of course cutoff frequency, which does depend on of guides, and all function of the and the mode. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF TE WAVES IN CYLINDRlCAL CONDUCTING GUIDES OF ARBITRARY CROSS SECTION 8.14 Finally, a (24) 7 we consider waves that have magnetic field but no electric field in the axial direction. Because of the treatment is similar to that of TM section, it will be given more waves in the preceding briefly. The Differential Equation The finite tion in the form of Eq. 8.2(18): V3H, H: = waves must satisfy the wave —k§Hz = k% of the 72 + equa— (1) k2 (2) Boundary conditions for a Perfectly conducting Guide Allowable solutions to (l) are determined by the single boundary condition that at perfect conductors the normal derivative of Hz must bezero: 31i_ O (3) is the required boundary condition, the Eqs. 8.2(9)—(12) are written: To Show that from E. " = — _ Hr Relation (5) jwu 6H, = Ey —= kfi y (3) boundary at all 6y 6H: t jwu 6Hz —— k% __ Hy 2:3? __ transverse 6x 6Hz “ “:3; fields of the wave (4 ) <5) may be written in the vector form “y +1; a H, __ —- k...C V,H_, (6) 448 Chapter Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting 8 Boundaries boundary, its transverse gradient has only a comboundary, so by (6), H, does also. Comparison of (4) and (5) shows that transverse electric and magnetic field components are normal to one aother, so electric field is normal to the conducting boundary as required. If H, has no normal derivative at the ponent tangential to the Qumff Properties of TE Waves waves that kC ductors; the the exactly is same can same as It mentioned in the preceding section on TM regions completely closed by perfect conwaves. By (2), y then shows cutoff properties was real for dielectric always be shown for TB for TM waves: y=vg—a Formulas for attenuation constant below cutoff, velocities above cutoff then follow curves of Fig. 8.13 exactly m phase constant, and phase and group Eqs. 8.13(8)—(11) and the universal in as apply. Electric Pic“ of the Wave The electric field is everywhere transverse and every— field magnetic components. Transverse components of field may again be related through a field or wave impedance where normal to the transverse electric and magnetic E)’ r: = “a (8) ZTE where, from (4) and (5), z TE jam 1224/2 77[ (f)] 1-— =——= ”y 9 () - This impedance is imaginary for frequencies below cutoff, infinite at cutoff, and purely frequencies above cutoff, approaching the intrinsic impedance 1) as f / fc becomes large. real for Electric field may also be written in the vector form E where 2 is the unit vector in the respectively to positively and z as x H,) Average usual, obtained from the Poynting waves. power transfer in the L =§fiJW£ = E Re[E x propagating range vector: 1 WT (10) direction, and the upper and lower signs apply negatively traveling Power Transfer in TE Waves is, 121,306. = H*] 1 - d8 = 5 [a |E,||H,| (15 Z an 449 Waves Below and Near Cutoff 8.15 Or, using (6) and f (see Prob. 8.13e), we IV,H2I2dS = kg f H3 45 (12) obtain ”C(f/f )“ WT ___"E__ :2sz f H2- d8 (13’ c Attenuation Due to Hmperfectly Conducting Boundaries As with the TEM true transverse electric wave in most guides with imperfect conductors, since most (but not all) of the TB modes have axial currents that require a certain finite axial electric field when conductivity is finite. This axial field is very small compared with the transverse field, however, so the waves are not renamed. The axial component of current arises from the transverse component of magnetic field at the boundary: mode, there cannot be a JS; = IHA glthzl g—i = The last form follows since it has been shown that the transverse only a current tangential component a/al arising from the axial magnetic at the boundary. length by : TE waves has the uation due to an = Hz lel = Rs —2— ’ r) |_[H,|~ has (15) + |H,| 2 ] d1 (16) RssttIHzlz + IH,I21dz nepers/m zzTEIIHr d5 Imperfect Dielectric same of transverse the conductor losses is ° Attenuation Due to a is then wL The attenuation caused gradient There is in addition field: letl The power loss per unit (14) = propagation constant of the for the TM waves, it follows that the form for atten— dielectric does also. For a reasonably good dielectric, the form imperfect Since the (17) as approximate form, Eq. 8.13(24), may be used. 8.15 The higher—order waves that may exist in transmission lines and all waves that may hollow~pipe waveguides are characterized by cutoff frequencies. If the waves to be used for propagating energy, we are of course interested only in the behavior exist in are WAVES BELOW AND NEAR CUTOFF 459 Chapter 8 Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries above cutoff. However, the behavior of these reactive is important in 1. at least two Application to practical waveguide or evanescent waves below cutoff cases: attenuators 2. Effects of discontinuities in transmission systems The attenuation properties of these waves below cutoff have been developed in the previous analyses. It has been found that below the cutoff frequency there is an attenuation only and no phase shift in an ideal guide. The characteristic wave impedance is a purely imaginary quantity, reemphasizing the fact that no energy can propagate down the guide. This is not a dissipative attenuation, as is that due to resistance and conductance in transmission systems with propagating waves. It is a purely reactive atten~ nation, analogous to that in a filter section made of reactive elements, when this is in the cutoff region. The energy is not lost but is reflected back to the source so that the guide acts as a pure reactance to the source. The expression for attenuation below cutoff in an ideal guide, Eq. 8.l3(8), may be written as y=a=kcl—<—- =—1—-—~ I‘tc fc As f is decreased below 3“,, or increases from zero (1) fc toward the constant value 277 a = (2) -— AC when (f/fc)2 << important point in the use of waveguide attenuators, since substantially independent of frequency far the cutoff is below frequency. operating frequency 1. This is an it shows that the amount of this attenuation is if the Now let magnetic us look for a moment at the relations among the fields of both transverse below cutoff. If y for field components of transverse and transverse electric substituted in the expressions 8.13(3) and 8.13(4), = waves ' 16E- 2f. [11:21.'0 __4 Er w 1... E j; 21 “6—; ' ‘ kc 6y fc fc ‘ H y a a as given by (l) is magnetic waves, Eqs. _L n 1 E3: ._i_~ f(: kc 6x E y ___.._ __ 1__ i fc kc 2 6x E _1_a__§ kc By For a given distribution of E2 across the guide section, which is determined once the guide shape and size and the wave type are specified, it is evident from relations (3) that, as frequency decreases, f/fc ~> 0, the components of magnetic field approach zero whereas the transverse components of electric field approach a constant value. We draw the conclusion that electric fields are dominant in transverse magnetic or E waves far below cutoff. Similarly, magnetic fields are dominant in transverse electric or H waves far below cutoff. If the waves are far below cutoff, the dimensions of the guide 8.16 451 Dispersion of Signals Along Transmission Lines and Waveguides are small compared with wavelength. For any such region small compared with wave— length, the wave equation will reduce to Laplace’s equation so that low-frequency analyses neglecting any tendency toward wave propagation are applicable. The presence of losses in the guide below cutoff causes the phase constant to change from the zero value for an ideal guide to a small but finite value, and modifies slightly the formula for attenuation. These modifications are most important in the immediate vicinity of cutoff, for with losses there is no longer a sharp transition but a more gradual change from one region to another. It should be emphasized again that the approximate formulas developed in previous sections may become extremely inaccurate in this region. For example, the approximate formulas for attenuation caused by conductor or dielectric losses would yield an infinite value at f fc. The actual value is large compared with the minimum attenuation in the pass range since it is approaching the relatively larger magnitude of attenuation in the cutoff regime, but it is nevertheless finite. Previous formulas have also shown an infinite value of phase velocity at cutoff, = and with losses it too will be finite. 8.16 DISPERSION OF SIGNALS ALONG TRANSMISSION LINES AND WAVEGUIDES dispersive properties of transmission systems both vary with frequency. In Chapter 5 we phase velocity, group velocity, considered a simple two-frequency group in a dispersive system, but we now wish to be more general, using the Fourier integral of Sec. 7.11. There are two classes of problems of concern. One is that of a base-band signal, in which the detailed signal is of concern. Examples are audio or video signals, or electrical pulses from a computer, before being placed on other carrier frequencies. The other is that of modulated signals in which the base-band signal is placed on a high-frequency carrier. For the latter case we shall consider amplitude modulation and examine the distortion of the envelope. We have in several instances noted the when or Base-Band waveform, Given Signals we can express it f(z‘), the transform pair audio an as a Fourier series of as in Eq. pulses, or similar electrical 7.1 1(15). For a time function may be written 51; L now“ no £0») If each signal, integral = in... f(t)e“j“” (1) do» dt (2) frequency component is delayed in phase by 32 in propagating (1) gives the delayed function at 2 as distance 2 along the transmission system, fit, 2) == 517—, f” g<w>ef<wz> dc» (3) 452 Chapter Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries 8 mj l L=Q T V L=5mm AkL=10mm —-+ Hos FtG. 8.16a Propagation of a 5—ps gaussian pulse along a microstrip line. Strip width = 0.32 6.9. Reproduced by permission from K. K. Li, 0.4 mm, and 81. mm, dielectric thickness G. Arjavalingam, A. Dienes, and J. R. Whinnery, IEEE Trans. MTT-30, 1270 (1982). © 1982 = = IEEE. Now if ”m n is (4). .51 with 121) independent f(t. z) Thus the original (3) is of w, i- = 277 ] g<w)ejw<’*-’/vv> dc» = f<t 5-) — (5) Up “cc function maintains its have assumed in many wave tion, at least to some degree. we Transmission lines shape and propagates at the phase velocity, as problems. But any dispersion in up modifies the func~ often used for base—band signals and have some dispersion through by skin effect. Some lines, as the microstrip line of Sec. 8.6, have additional dispersion from the presence of multiple dielectrics. Figure 8.16a shows the result of a numerical calculation from (3), using the dispersion relation of Eq. 8.6(18), for the change in shape of a 5-ps gaussian pulse in propagating along a typical rnicrostrip used with short electrical pulses.11 are loss terms and internal inductance ” K. K. Li, G. Arjavalingam. as A. Dienes. and J. R. affected Whinnery, IEEE Trans. [WW-30, 7270 (7982). Dispersion of Signals Along Transmission Lines and Waveguides 8.16 Modulated amplitude Vc Signals If the signal (1) is used to amplitude modulate a carrier of angular frequency we, the resulting modulated wave may be written and vm(1‘) where is 453 = Re{Vcej‘”C’[l mf(r)]) + (6) modulation coefficient. In substituting (l) in (6), we use com for the frequency modulating (base—band) signal, and assume that its significant frequency components extend only over a band (03 S a) S mg: m a of the — “’3 Um(t, 0) Or letting w = Re{Vcej“’C’[l 5—1] g(wm)ej‘”m’ + == 77 dwm]} (7) a)c + cum, Re = VCerC’ w°+w3 mVC . vm(t, O) + . g(w 277‘ —- (9,)er do) (8) ("c”wB above we in the integral in (8) correspond to upper sideband terms and those below we to lower sideband terms. Each frequency component propagates according to its appropriate phase constant B. Let us expand B as a Taylor series Frequencies about me: B”) “ So the modulated UmU’ Z) : Mme) _ signal, + (‘0 after a éé ”Jam propagating + (Q) my 5133 - M 2 we a distance +... 2, is R6{Vcej[wc’“,3(wc):] (10) we 1 X + l 277’ f (9) we 3(a) m )enwmu-:/vg>—<afi,/2>:<d313/dw3)+-~1 them wa where l —- = dflB/dw2 and higher Um(z‘, z) = terms are (11) dw vg Now if a’ “E we negligible, (10) is interpreted as Re{Vcej[“’C’“fl(a’°):][l mf<t 5):” + - (12) s envelope propagates without distortion at group velocity vg (though the carrier generally different phase velocity). But if the higher-order terms are not negligible, the envelope is distorted and there is said to be group dispersion. For a gaussian envelope, so the inside moves at a f(t) x Ce”(2’/T)2 (13) 454 Chapter 8 Waveguides with Cylindrical conducting Boundaries /W\ i ll \ ”a 41 \U 4 <71!“ _, t lllllllhzrg W at t x \\ i \‘iji [I i Illustration of the FIG. 8.16b mm inmflllir lHlll III | || \ , \ a J spread of the modulated envelope of a pulse as it travels down a system with group dispersion. It a can be shown width 7" after (Prob. 8.160) that the propagating term dzfi/ (1602 distance 2, with 7’ the 2 to spread to {1 (-13-;ij ] 1/2 + z envelope given by 2 7' causes (14) The spread of a gaussian envelope, illustrated in Fig. 8.1619, clearly limits data rates as pulses begin to overlap their neighbors. Although a factor in some waveguide problems (Prob. 8.16a) the limitation is most important for optical fibers and will be met again in Chapter 14. PROBLEMS will see later, one mode of a rectangular waveguide is a TM wave with Hz A sin(7rx/ a) sin(71y/ b) with z and t dependence assumed to be e1(“’"fiz). E5 Find expressions for the transverse field components. At a given plane what are the phase relations among the transverse components and between them and E2. 8.2a As = we and 8.2b The division into TM and TE classes is not the as O = noted in Sec. 8.2. Another electric (LSE) with EI magnetic (LSM) with Hx tween E: and Hz for each = 0 but all = way of classifying guided waves, employs longitudinal-section other components present and longitudinal-section frequently only useful division 0 but all other components present. Find the relations be- of these classes. 8.3a Add induced charges and current flows, with attention to sign, to the pictures of Figs. 8.319 and c for the positively traveling TMI and TE1 waves. Repeat for negatively traveling waves. 455 Problems 8.3b Calculate cutoff 1.5 cm for TEI, TEE, T133, TMI, TMZ, TM3 waves between planes a glass dielectric with e'/eO 4. Suppose GHz is provided at a cross section of the air-filled line and all waves frequency apart with air dielectric. Repeat for excitation at 8 = excited. Which wave(s) will propagate without attenuation? At what distance from plane will each of the nonpropagating waves be attenuated to 1 / e of its are the excitation value at the excitation 8.3c The slope curve and of for E: an an plane? electric field line in the electric field line of of the wave, is defined cos a TMl x~—z plane is (Ix/dz = Ex/E, wave, obtained from the Show that the for Ex expressions by B: = mo/a][cos(n:r/a)]“‘ [cos where 3:0 is the value of x for a given curve at z 0. Plot one or two lines to the form shown in Fig. 8.3b. [Hint First express fields as real functions of 2.) 2 8.3d Similarly wave to and 8.3e* Find the Prob. 8.3c, derive the expression defining magnetic field lines for one or two lines to verify the form shown in Fig. 8.36. expression for electric field lines for field lines for 8.3f Show that the also applies 1.5 give a plot similar a TE2 wave. expression to 8.43 Calculate the planes a TB, plot sketch the remainder to magnetic verify TBIII angle cm for energy to velocity a TM2 wave, plot one or Fig. 8.31). Similarly, plot derived for as TM," two lines, and and sketch waves [Eq. 8.367)] waves. 6 as defined in Fig. 8.40 for ray directions of a TM1 mode between 4, for frequencies of 5, 6, 10, and 8780 apart with glass dielectric, = 30 GHz. 8.4b Obtain the uniform 8.4c* expressions for wave impedance plane waves reflecting at an angle. of TM and TE waves, using the of picture By suitably changing coordinates as in Ex. 8.4, show that the expressions 6.09(l8)—-(20) for a wave polarized with electric field normal to the plane of incidence striking a conductor at an angle correspond exactly to the field expressions for a TE," wave. 8.5a Find average power transfer and conductor loss for a TB mode between to verify the expression for attenuation, Eq. 8.5( 12). parallel planes 8.5b Calculate attenuation in decibels per meter for a TM, wave between copper planes 1.5 cm apart with air dielectric. Frequency is 12 GHz. For the same frequency and 2 X 10'"3 is introduced. Calculate 4, e"/e’ spacing, a glass dielectric with e’/s0 = = attenuation from both dielectric and conductor losses. 8.5c Prove that the losses, is frequency of minimum attenuation for attenuation and calculate for silver conductors 2 m = a TM," mode, from conductor VSfC, where fc is cutoff frequency. Give the expression for the minimum cm apart and air dielectric for the l, 2, and 3 modes. 8.5d Show that the transmission-line formula for attenuation constant, Eq. 5.9(7), gives precisely the same result as the approximate wave analysis of Sec. 8.5 for the TEM wave. 8.5e Derive the ing a 8.5f* Since = E: approximate formula for attenuation constant due to dielectric losses by wL/2WT. is equal and opposite at top and bottom conductors for TEM wave in the us— 456 Chapter Waveguides 8 parallel—plane line, with Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries it is reasonable to assume a linear variation between the two values: 2 R E = (1 +13fi<1 i) —- (I 77 Find the modification in the distribution for E. Find the corresponding modification in Er the average Poynting the divergence equation for equations. Describe of position in the guide. satisfy from Maxwell’s Hy qualitatively to vector as a function 1 mm, d 2 mm, at 8.6a For a symmetric stripline as in Fig. 8.60 with w 2.7, and thickness t negligible (but larger than several penetration depths), calculate Z0 and phase velocity of the TEM mode and the cutoff frequency of the next higher mode. [Note that tables of elliptic integrals are required] = = 8.6b For er == 1, the lossless microstrip of Fig. 8.6b can propagate = a true TEM wave at the capacitance per unit length for a 50-9. line with such a dielectric and the required w/d for this from Fig. 8.6c. Calculate the difference due to fringing fields between the capacitance per unit length found above and that given by the parallel~p1ane approximation, and express this as an equivalent extra width, Aw/d. Now maintaining w/ d constant, assuming inductance is independent of 8., and transmission—line equations applicable, repeat for other values of a, and plot the extra equivalent Aw/d due to fringing as a function of 8.. velocity of light. Find inductance and impedance for a copper microstrip line with an alumina 8 dielectric and air above the line. The dimensions should be w/ d and d 0.2 mm. Compare the results obtained using the formulas with the graphical 3 GHZ. O and f data in Sec. 8.6. Find the fractional change of Zo between f Calculate the maximum frequency at which the static approximation should be used. 8.6c Calculate the characteristic (A1203 ceramic) = z = 8.6d = stripline with the same materials and substrate thickness d and having the impedance found in Prob. 8.6a for the microstrip line. Calculate and compare the attenuations in the microstrip and snipline at 3 GHz assuming conductor thicknesses of 0.01 mm. Neglect dielectric losses. Design a characteristic 15-0. with the maximum possible delay achievable possible lines. One is to 100 um and alumina (A1203 ceramic) diebe made with cepper conductors with w lectric and is to be used at room temperature. The other is made with superconducting 100 um and undoped silicon dielectric, having a, niobium conductors with w 10—5 at 4.2 K, at which temperature the line is to be 11.7 and loss tangent tan 65 10'5 9. for niobium at 4.2 K and the strip thickness to be 5 pm for used. Take R5 copper and 1 pm for niobium. Find the maximum delay achievable with each of the 8.6e It is desired with to no more make a stripline than 3 dB attenuation at 10 GHz. Consider two = = = = = lines. 8.6f Consider the coplanar waveguide strip transmission line shown in Fig. 8.6f. Assuming the line is on an infinitely thick dielectric substrate, the electric fields are distributed symmetrically above and below the line. (i) Argue that this leads to an effective dielectric constant gaff 50 0. using a, (ii) Find the dimensions to give a line with Z0 lowing design formula“ = = (e, = + l)/ 2. 3.78 and the fol- - w —~ a where Zoo is the characteristic ., = tanh" impedance in 2 77770 (8200 —-— —- —— 2 ) when the dielectric constant is cr = l 457 Prohiems everywhere, width 8.6g and w is the width of the strip located in the center of a gap of a. The various frequency components in a signal (eg. a pulse) propagate at phase velocities determined by the effective dielectric constants at those frequencies As will be discussed in Sec. 8.16. this variation of velocity leads to dispersion of signals. The fractional variation of phase velocity with frequency in a coplanar waveguide is lower at low frequencies than it is in microstrip. Consider the following 50—0 lines with copper conductors and 0r635~mm-thick alumina (A1203 ceramic) substrates The coplanar line has a strip width w of 0.266 mm and gaps s of 0.117 mm each. The strip width in the (i) line is 0.598 microstrip min. Plot the fractional change of phase velocity of the quasi-TEM mode as a function of frequency in the range 0 < f < 50 GHz for the coplanar guide and 0 < f < 35 GHz for the microstrip. For the microstrip. mark fmx, the limit of applicability of the static formulation, and also the cutoff frequency of the next higher mode, c/4dV er (fJHE, cZu/Znud. Also mark the cutoff frequency f-rE next higher mode for the coplanar waveguide. (ii) Find the fractional change of the phase velocity at the cutoff frequency higher mode for the coplanar waveguide. = = 8.6h Compare the total attenuation at 3 GHz in nepers/meter for the two lines Prob. 8.6g and explain the physical reason why the higher one is higher. 8.7 a For — l of the of the next described in rectangular waveguide with inner dimensions 3 X 1.5 cm and air dielectric. calfrequencies of the TB“), T520, TEl I, TED, TEZI, TE“. TM, ,, TMZZ modes. Repeat for a glass dielectric with 575., 4.'Find lengths to the l/e distances for the nonpropagating modes excited at 10 GHz. a culate the cutoff = 8.71) Derive the expression plot two such one or for magnetic lines in the transverse 8.7:: Derive the expression for electric field lines in the plot one or two such plane of a TM“ transverse plane of a TEH guide is (neither this does 8.7f not zero) apply wave and to in the m = a TM,,,,, mode given by Eq. 8.7(14). as 8.7e Show that the expression for attenuation because of conductor loss for m nor :1 and lines, comparing with Table 8.7, (See approach in Prob. 8.3a.) 8.7d Show that the expression for attenuation because of conductor loss for in the rectangular wave lines, comparing with Table 8.7, (See approach in Prob. 8.3c.) rectangular guide O or I1 = 0 is as 'I'E,,,,, mode given by Eq. 8.7(26). Explain why a case. that surface resistivity RE is a function of frequency. find the frequency of minimum attenuation for a TM”. mode. Show that the expression for attenuation of TE,,,,, mode must also have a minimum Recalling 3 the wave types studied so far, those transverse magnetic to the axial direction were obtained by setting H: 0; those transverse electric to the axial direction were ob— tained by setting E: 0r For the rectangular waveguide, obtain the lowest»order mode with H‘, 0 but all other components present. This may be called a wave transverse 8.7g“ Of s 2 S magnetic and TE waves to the waves exactly 8.7h* Repeat Prob. cancelr This is 8r7g 8.7i From the form of tion E: = 0 direction. Show that it may also be obtained by superposing the TM of just sufficient amounts so that fix from the two .\‘ given previously on a for a longitudinal—section a wave transverse electric to the x Eqs. 8.2(9)7(12). show that for a perfectly conducting boundary of tangential component of E also to be zero wave as discussed in Prob. 8.2r direction. imposition of the condicylindrical guide causes the other boundary. TM wave, a along that 458 Chapter 8.83 For tric also f 8 with Waveguides Cylindrical Conducting Boundaries design a rectangular waveguide with COpper conductor and air dielec1.30fc) but TB“) wave will propagate with a 30% safety factor (f the wave type with next higher cutoff will be 20% below its cutoff fre— 3 GHz, = that the so so that = quency. Calculate the attenuation due to copper losses in decibels per meter. 8.81) For Prob. 8.8a, calculate the attenuation in decibels per meter of the three modes with cutoff frequencies closest to that of the TElo mode, neglecting losses. 8.8e Design guide for guide is to a that the use at 3 GHz with the be filled with a requirements as in having a permittivity Prob. 8.83 except same dielectric four times that of air. Calculate the increase in attenuation due to copper losses alone, assuming that perfect. Calculate the additional attenuation due to the dielectric, if the dielectric is e" c' = 0.01. 8.8d Find the maximum power that can be carried by a 6~GHz TE10 wave in an air—filled guide 4 cm wide and 2 cm high, taking the breakdown field in air at that frequency as 2 X 106 V/m. 8.8e The transmission~1ine analogy can be applied to the transverse field components, the ratios of which are constants over guide cross sections and are given by wave imped~ ances, just as in the case of plane waves in Chapter 6. A rectangular waveguide of inside dimensions 4 X 2 cm is to propagate a TE10 mode of frequency 5 GHz. A dielectric of constant a, 3 fills the guide for z > 0, with an air dielectric for z < 0. Assuming the dielectric-filled part to be matched, find the reflection coefficient at z O and the standing wave ratio in the air~filled part. = = 8.8f Find the length and dielectric constant of a quarter~wave between the air and given dielectric of Prob. 8.8e. 8.9a Derive the set of matching Eqs. 8.9(1)-(4) by utilizing Maxwell’s equations assuming propagation as e‘lfi‘. section to be in circular placed cylindri- cal coordinates and 8.9b What inner radius do you need for an air-filled round pipe to propagate the TE11 at 6 GHz with operating frequency 20% above the cutoff frequency? What is the for this mode? Find the attenuation in decibels per meter of the mode at this frequency, neglecting losses for that calculation. wavelength 8.9c Show that the expression for attenuation from conductor losses of ac a TM,,, a TB", wave guide TM01 mode is Rs = 1 mlV—fi (CDC/(D) .... At what value of 8.9d* Show that the (OJ/(Dc is this expression for c a minimum? attenuation from conductor losses of 017% - (inc/co)2 0’ 13:3 " mode is ”2 8.9a For a circular air-filled guide with copper conductor, select a radius so that the TEOI mode has attenuation of 0.3 dB / km for a frequency of 4 GHz. Estimate the number of modes (counting only the symmetric ones with n 0) that have cutoff frequencies == below the operating frequency. 8.10 Use the asymptotic forms of Bessel functions in Eqs. 8.10(1) and (2) for TM and TE respectively, to show that for large kcr, and ro/r, near unity, the cutoff wave1 modes is approximately twice the spacing between O, p length of the n waves, = conductors. = 459 Problems 8.113 Sketch using of mode examples for each a 8.11b Plot fraction of power function of sions are as couplings by each of the six methods described in Sec. 8.11 system different from the frequency coupled from a one coaxial line into from 10 to 11 GHz if stated in the utilized in probe a Fig. 8.11 to illustrate it. waveguide (Fig. radius is 1.5 mm 8.1 1 g) as a and other dimen— figure caption. 8.123 Demonstrate that, although in a TEM wave E does satisfy Laplace’s equation in the transverse plane and so may be considered a gradient of a scalar insofar as variations in the transverse in all directions plane (3:, are y, and concerned, E is z) are included. not the gradient of a scalar when variations 8.12b Two perfectly conducting cylinders of arbitrary cross-sectional shapes are parallel and a dielectric of conductivity 0- and permittivity a. Show that the ratio of electrostatic capacitance per unit length to dc conductance per unit length is 8/0‘. separated by 8.12c If the conductors ity H: a, = are perfect but the dielectric has show that 3/ must have the following conductivity value for a TEM 0 as permittivs O, (E: as exist = O): 7 = iijchr + jcvefl"2 the distribution of fields may be a static distribution unlike the case for a lossy conducting boundary. Explain why line, well wave to as in the loss~free 8.12d How many linearly independent TEM waves may exist on a three-conductor transmission line? Describe current relations for a basic set. Complete the proof that there can be no static field, and hence no TEM wave, inside a single infinite cylindrical conductor. 8.1321 Show that the circuit of Fig. P8.13a may be used to represent the propagation characteristics of the transverse magnetic wave, if the characteristic wave impedance and propagation constant are written by analogy with transmission~line results in terms of an impedance Z1 and an admittance Y , per unit length, and the medium is ,LL,, 8]. ZTM = [Z r—— 3;“, ”Y ZxY1 z 1 Note the bering of similarity course between this and the circuits of conventional filter that all constants in this circuit are in sections, reality distributed remem- constants. (jig? )dz (j::)dz 0W W—o jwmdz jwuldz 1108le G I v ——o FIG. P8.'l3a 8.13b Show that all field components for a TM wave may be derived from the axial compo— nent of the vector potential A. Obtain the expressions relating Ex, Hx, and so on to A2, the differential equation for A3, and the boundary conditions to be applied at a perfect conductor. Repeat using the axial component of the Hertz potential defined in Prob. 3.19b. 466 Chapter Waveguides with Cylindrical Conducting 8 Boundaries 8.13c Show for a TM wave that the magnetic field distribution in the transverse plane can be derived from a scalar flux function, and relate this to E5. With transverse electric field derivable from a scalar potential function and transverse magnetic field derivable from a scalar flux function, does it follow that both are static—type distributions as in the TEM Wave? Explain. 8.13d Show that energy velocity equals group guide of general cross section. velocity for the TM modes in a lossless wave» . 8.13e* Show that E2(x, y) for a general TM wave in a perfectly conducting guide satisfies the equation —1 k3 [f = d8] [f d5] (Vth)2 E? 5 where V, represents the transverse s integral is over the cross section positive for waves in which phase is and the gradient From this argue that k3: is real and constant over the transverse plane. the guide. of 8.13f* Numerical methods can be used to find the propagation constants for waveguides of arbitrary cross section. Following the procedures used in solving the Laplace or Poisson equations in Sec. 1.21 to get a difference equation solution for the scalar Helmholtz equation V24! + kit/r 0, one finds the residual at the kth step to be = With y) ll/‘Wx. y + 12) (4 kfilzz)/1,U(k' 1)(x, y). = - - + 1.0%. y The - change h) Woe + .QR‘W (4 ~ one + 115%" - k, y) iteration step to governed by W) the next in the successive overrelaXation method is + 12, y) + of variable from = Wk" 1) with (1 set to 1.0 for convenience to make kfihz). Apply equations k9; for‘a TMll mode the anumerical evaluation of in a rectangular waveguide. Assume a rectangular guide with side ratio 1:2. The Helmholtz equation to be solved is Eq. 813(1). Divide the waveguide into a grid of 18 squares and number the interior points 1-10 left to right, top to bottom. A reasonable initial guess for the product lag—[22 1(2122 can be formed assuming a one~dimensional variation in the smallest dimension; here take 1632122: 1.1. Start with E2 having 'the following values at the grid points as a first guess: for points 1, 5, 6, and 10, E: 30; for points 2, 4, 7, and 9, E3 50; for points 3 and 8, E: 70. Use simple relaxation twice to improve the values of E: for the given kfihz. Then calculate an improved value of kill2 using the relation = = = = 19/2 °2 2 + En, y>[E.~ E... + + Es aw - 433a, yr] = , ZQW» where N, E, S, W indicate the points surrounding the grid point at (x, y) and the sum~ are over all grid points. Next make two more steps of relaxation to adjust the mations fields to the Compare new ICE/12. Then use the above formula to get the result with the value of a second correction to kih2 found using differential equations kihz. in Sec. 8.7. 8.142 Derive the equivalent circuitfor Prob. 8.13a. a TB wave analogous to that of a TM wave given in -- 8.14b Show that fields satisfying Maxwell’s equations in a homogeneous charge-free, cur- 463 Problems rent~free dielectric may be derived from E a ~1V = vector X potential F: F 8 1-1:. V(V-F)-—ij jw/.L8 (V2 +k2)F= Obtain 0 expressions for all field components of a TB wave from the axial component F potential function, and give the differential equation and boundary condi— : of the above tions for F. 8.14c Show that if derivation of 8.14d Show for a one a utilizes the TB wave, potential function more than one A instead of the F of Prob. 8.l4b for component is required. TE mode that transverse distribution of electric field scalar flux function. How is this related 8.149. Show that the energy waveguide of general velocity equals cross to can be derived from a HS? the group velocity for the TB modes in a lossless section. in any shape of guide passing from one dielectric material to frequency the change in cutoff factor may cancel the change in n, and the wave may pass between the two media without reflection. Identify this condition with the case of incidence at polarizing angle in Sec. 6.13. Determine the require— ment for a similar situation with TB waves, and show why it is not practical to obtain 8.14f Show for a TM another, that wave at one this. 8.15 A particular waveguide attenuator is circular in cross section with radius 1 cm. Plot attenuation in decibels per meter for the TB“ mode over the frequency range 1—4 GHz. Also plot attenuation of the mode with next nearest cutoff frequency. 8.16a For a term with hollow—pipe waveguide, with ,8 given by Eq. 8.13(9), find the group dispersion Find the length of waveguide for which the width of a gaussian pulse 0.85. 7 1 ns is doubled if frequency is 10 GHz and (ac/co dZB/dwz. : = 8.16b Find d 3,8/ (In)2 for a transmission line with series resistance R and shunt conductance G independent of frequency, where R/wL and G / wC are small compared with unity. ReO and R governed by skin effect. Is the resulting peat for a coaxial line with G group dispersion likely to be significant in usual applications? = a gaussian function f(r) given by Eq. 8.1603) and find its g(w). Using this Eq. 8.16(10), show that the envelope broadens with 2 as given by Eq. 8.1604). 8.166“ Start with in 8.16d“‘ From the solution of Prob. 8.16c find phase (1) at z for the high-frequency gaussian envelope and find the frequency “chirp,” defined as dq’J/dt. pulse with 9.] INTRODUCTION preceding chapter dealt with the important special case of waveguides with cylinconducting boundaries. In this chapter, we examine several examples of waveguiding systems of different shapes and properties. We start with dielectric guides which demonstrate that boundaries other than metal—dielectric boundaries can guide waves in cylindrical systems. Dielectric guides are now important for optical communication uses and are explored more in Chapter 14. There follows an examination of radial guiding, both in cylindrical coordinates and in Spher~ ical coordinates. The former is important in certain classes of resonant systems and the latter in antenna theory. Waveguides of special cross section, used either for impedance matching or to lower the cutoff frequency for a given transverse dimension, are ana— lyzed. Finally, classes of waves with phase velocity much slower than the velocity of light are studied both in uniform systems and in periodic systems. These are important for such purposes as the interaction with electron beams in traveling-wave tubes and for confining electromagnetic energy near a surface. The examples selected are not only important in themselves but illustrate a number of important principles. The principle of duality shows how the solution of one problem may sometimes be used for another by interchange of electric and magnetic fields. Cutoff in a waveguide is shown to correspond to a condition of transverse resonance, which leads to a variety of approximate and exact techniques for analyzing guides of irregular shape. Periodic systems show the importance of spatial harmonics for inter~ preting the behavior of such systems. The drical 9.2 Dielectric rods, slabs, dielectric of lower or films DIELECTRIC WAVEGUIDES can permittivity. guide electromagnetic Guides of this type 462 were energy if surrounded by a analyzed by Hondros and 9.2 Dielectric 463 Waveguides (d) FIG. 9.2 ((1) Rays totally reflected from dielectric boundaries when 81 > 82 and 61 > Be. (b) Form of electric field distribution versus x in lowest-order mode. (6) Form of field versus )5 in next higher-order mode. (d) Leaky wave when 61 < 6c. in 1910 and demonstrated by Zahn2 in 1916. They have become very important guides for light in Optical communication systems, and so will be treated in detail in Chapter 14. Because of the importance of the principle and some use in other frequency ranges, we introduce the subject here with some physical pictures and comparisons with metal—clad guiding systems. To illustrate dielectric guiding, consider the slab guide of Fig. 9.20 with dielectric sI surrounded by 82 < 31. In this picture we consider the mode as made up of plane waves reflecting at an angle from the boundaries between dielectrics, interfering within the slab to produce a particular mode pattern when conditions are correct.3 From the concept of total reflection (Sec. 6.12), we know that all energy is reflected from the interface if angle 61 of the rays (normals to the wavefronts) is greater than critical angle 6C, Debyel as ac where is we assume analogous differences ,u.1 = (1) {1,2 The interference within the slab to produce a mode pattern TE10 mode of rectangular guide (Sec. 8.8). The . are in the phases extending The exponential decay D. Hondros and P. 3 sin"1(ez/el)1/2 to that described for the into the dielectric 2 = of reflections at the boundaries and in the evanescent fields regions above and below the dielectric of fields in the dielectric of region 2, guide. 6I > 6C, when is given Debye, Ann. Phys. 32, 466 (7970). Phys. 49, 907 (7976). H. Kogelnik, in Guided Wave Optoelectronics, (T. Tamir, Ed), 2nd ed. Springer-Verlag. H. Zahn, Ann. New York, 7990. 464 Chapter which for #1 by Eq. 6.l2(7), == Special Waveguide Types 9 #2, = coefficient in the decay 8 a) a, the gives 3 8:52 [—1 sin2 6, - 2 1] x higher mode in Fig. l8 Cutoff for the dielectric 2 9.26. The klz phase k1 : sin as 1/2 (2) The transverse field distribution in the lowest-order mode is sketched in that for the next direction constant along the Fig. 9.2b, guide is and (3) 91 guide is considered the condition for which '61 = 0,: at which point B k2. For steeper angles, (91 < Go, there is some energy transmission into the outer medium on each reflection, leading to leaky waves, as indicated in Fig. 920?. = For the interfering zigzag plane waves to form mode, the phase lag after reflection a from top and bottom and retum to the top must be ~2k1d where m we can is cos 2q5 + 01 a multiple of 2m 772277 = (4) integer and qb is the phase at reflection from medium 2. Using Sec. 6.11 phase at reflection from p for TE and TM4 waves, respectively, taking an find Fitz/123 chE H 2 tan“1 61] [Vsinzfi1 [J63- 61) ?/cos 6,] sz/al/cos —— (5) 2 2 tan“1 than sin —— 2 The mode with m = 0 in but for other values of m (6) 2 (4) exists for arbitrarily small kid for both TE and TM modes, there is a minimum kld for cutoff (Prob 9.2d). For the m = 0 mode with kid small, ax is also small so that fields extend well into the external the mode is only weakly guided (Prob. 9.2e). i.e., region: physical principle of wave reflection at the interface applies to fibers and guides of circular cross section, but the detailed development is more These will consequently be treated in Chapter 14 by a field analysis, complicated. with a more detailed treatment of the planar guides. together The same other dielectric 9.3 Linearly propagating a connection the two waves 4 plates was are between PARALLEL-PLANE RADIAL TRANSMISSION LINES waves between parallel planes made between the TEM the conductors of the line. Here parallel conducting planes as in Sec. 6. l i, there is result of a reversal in an we a extra an er studied in Secs. 8.3-8.5 and transmission-line wave, where analyze radially propagating TEM and introduce For TM reflection coefficient defined in terms of the interface, were and wave a transmission-line type of component parallel to phase at reflection. But this is a electric field in the spatial direction, compensated for on the next reflection. 9.3 465 Parallel-Plane Radial Transmission Lines input voltage and load impedance assumed uniformly distributed about circumference NJ (0) (b) FIG. 9.3 (a) Radial transmission line with input with at input at outer radius. (b) Radial transmission line inner radius. formalism to facilitate impedance-matching calculations (Figs. 9.30 and 1)). Higher— following section. The wave under consideration has no field variations either circumferentially or axially. There are then field components E2 and H¢ only. The component E2, having no variations in the z direction, corresponds to a total voltage Ezd between plates. The component H45 corresponds to a total radial current in outward one plate and inward in the other. This wave is then anal277111,,” ogous to an ordinary transmission-line wave and thus derives its name, radial transorder modes are introduced in the mission line. For the simple wave described there are no radial field components, and analysis may be made by the nonuniform transmission-line theory of Sec. 5.17, allowing L and C to vary with radius. However, the wave solution for fields may also be obtained directly from the results of Sec. 7.20. Since there are no qb or z variations, 1) and 7/ may be set equal to zero. Special linear combinations of Bessel functions have been defined particularly for this problem,5 but for occasional solution of radial line problems, known forms of the Bessel functions are satisfactory. The form of Eq. 720(6) in the Hankel functions is particularly suitable since these can be shown to have the character of waves traveling radially inward or outward. Since kC ('y2 + k2)”2 by Eq. 8.2(19) = and y = O has been assumed, then E With v and 3/ zero, the = kc com. = AHg’Ucr) only remaining + BH32>(kz-) field component in (1) Eqs. 8.9(1)—(4) is 1-14,: ' BE- 1 H4, The H 5,” terms the 5 are ___ _-- = fro/.1. 6r identified positively traveling N. Morouvir‘z, in = wave as i 7] the [AH§1)(kr) + BH‘EKIa-n negatively traveling wave and the H f3) terms as asymptotic forms that approach complex because of the Principles of Microwave Circuits (C. 6. Montgomery, Chap. 8, McGrow—Hifl, New York, 7947. E. M. Purcell. Eds). (2) R. H. Dicks, and 466 Chapter exponentials (Sec. 7.15). It is convenient to utilize the Special Waveguide Types 9 and magnitudes phases of these functions, H81)(v) H 8%!) J'HWU) jH§2)(v) = Jo(v) = fo(v) — -N1(v) = = + = jN0(v) = + + N1(v) jN0(v) 171(0) 17101) G0(v)ej9(”) (3) Game—1'9“” (4) Gl(v)e"”‘”) (5) ~G1(v)6'j“’(") (6) == = where G0(v) = 01(1)) = Expressions (l) and [J 3(1)) + We) + N%(v)]1/2, 6(v) = Nam/2, W) = tan“l[m] tan“[%] (7) 10(0) J (8) (2) then become E2 : Go(kr)[Aej9(k’) G : 95 (,0) Be“j9("")] + ' ’1‘ [Aemm % _ (9) -~' ‘1‘ Be mu )1 (10) where 2000) . is a characteristic radially dependent __ '- wave 77 6000‘) (11) 51210.) impedance. specification of two Evaluation of the constants A and B follows from given radii. For example, given Ea E, G0 z a ~ 003(9 at rd and Hb at rb, the *- GOa 003(9a “‘ ll/b) . 90b) + J zObe field values at fields at any radius Go sin(0 Goa 003(6a —-- 6) a ““ W27) r are ( 12 ) ' H95 G1 2 b 0050;” - Glb 005(60 "‘ 6a) + 4’s) j E061 51110.0 —- ZOaGla COS(60 _ $17) 11%) (13) ordinary transmission~line equations except for the use special magnitudes special radial line quantities versus kr is given in Fig. 9.34:. This is not very accurate for small values of kr, so the following approximations are then preferred: These are similar in form to the of the and phases. A plot of these cow) w 01(1)) z 7371477”) 6(v) m my) z (14) 1 2 7—7-5 tan—1E; 4123)] tan"1<wvz) (15) 2.4 467 Parallel-Plane Radial Transmission Lines 9.3 600 £— 2.0 500 r V; (scale L6l- 400 L 300 1.2 A), ohms 8 Scale 0.8 200 *- (scale '8) - 0-4 0 L" 100 11/011 degrees, scale A) 0 0 fl 1 (In degrees, scale A) 3 2 5 4 (2—?) FIG. 9.3c Radial transmission-line quantities. where y More accurate values can be calculated from the definitions (7) 0.5772. and (8) utilizing tables of J and N, although some tables give magnitude and phase of = . H SE) and H E?) input wave . directly. Forms similar to different radii . or (12) and (13) two values of H impedance Zi : be derived for two values of can E2 specified at defining an /H¢,L is given. The most useful form, however, is that g. when load impedance ZL EzL Ezi/Hd,i = This is Z1 _ 0* [2L cos(6i 20L cos(z,bi — —— + jzoL sin(9i + 91) sz smog 90L) -— —- 60] sz) (16) O) and open (ZL 00) are especially Special forms of this for output shorted (ZL simple and are analogous to the corresponding forms for uniform transmission lines. All of the foregoing relationships are given in terms of fields or wave impedances. = : 468 Chapter Usually current, voltage, and total Special Waveguide Types 9 impedance V I —E_,d, __ Zmfl d = are (17) 2777-11,, E, + - desired. The relations are m (H) (18) The Sign convention defines higher voltage in the upper plate and outward current in the upper plate as positive. The upper sign in (18) is for input radius less than that of the load, ri < rL, and the lower sign for the reverse, ri > rL, since in this case the convention for positive current would be the opposite of (17). 9.4 CIRCUMFERENTIAL MODES Many higher—order modes section. All those with z can IN RADIAL LINES: SECTORAL HORNS exist in the radial transmission lines studied in the last variations require a spacing between plates greater than a half~ wavelength propagation of energy. For smaller spacing, modes are possible with circumferential variations but no 2 variations. The field components may be written for radial E = Hq, == H, z AvaUcr) sin M “.37. A,Z{,(kr) (1) sin vqb (2) ' A 13—” knr Zv(kr) cos (3) ms foregoing equations, 2,, denotes any solution of the ordinary vth order Bessel equation. For example, to stress the concept of radially propagating waves it may again In the be convenient to utilize Hankel functions: Zva'I‘) = H 900‘) + CvH§2)(/<I‘) (4) These circumferential modes may be important as disturbing effects excited by asymmetries in radial lines intended for use with the symmetrical modes studied in the preceding section. In this case 11 must be an integer since the wave must have the same 0 and 43 value at (I) 277. Waves of the form (1) to (3) may also be supported in a with O and 45 wedge—shaped guide conducting planes at q!) (no as well as at z z = = = = Circumferential Modes in Radial Lines: Sectoral Horns 9.4 FIG. 9.4a 0, d (Fig. 9.40). The latter Wedge—shaped guide case is for radiation. In this case, since E: important must be —— v as a or sectoral horn. sectoral qb zero at == electromagnetic horn6 discussed here waves are interesting 1737—7 in used 0, qbo, (5) $0 The 469 one respect especially. If we think of the lowest~order mode (m l) propagating radially inward in the pie—shaped guide for it would be Fig. 9.4a, quite similar to the TE10 mode of the rectangular guide, although 2 modified by phenomenon larly, for the we the convergence of the sides. We would consequently expect a cutoff at such a radius rC that the width rcqio becomes a half—wavelength. Similowest~order circumferential mode in the radial line of would expect a cutoff at such a radius that circumference is one Figs. 9.30 and b, wavelength: A 27n-c A casual inspection = of A for radial line, (l) to (3) would gborc = E for sectoral horn (6) not reveal this cutoff since there is no sudden in the rectangular guide at cutoff. However, study would reveal that there is a very effective cutoff phenomenon at about the radius predicted by (6) in that the reactive energy for given power transfer becomes very great for radii less than this. The radial field impedance for an inward traveling wave is change of mathematical form a more detailed as there E~ “‘5‘ This ' : was H (”(kr) ___v’__ = r" 7 'X impedance becomes predominantly reactive at a value kr v, which is compatible Figure 9.417 shows real and imaginary parts of the wave impedances versus -~ with (6). krforv 6 R = 9. W. L. Barrow and L. J. Chu, Proc. IRE 27, 57 (7939). 470 Chapter 9 Special Waveguide Types X/R AMW” \ 1 y A: SJ 1% 15 Wave resistance and reactance for circumferential mode in radial line for FIG. 9.4b 9.5 v = 9. DUALITY: PROPAGATION BETWEEN lNCLlNED PLANES Given certain solutions of Maxwell’s equations, we may obtain other useful ones by making important principle of duality. This principle follows from simple the symmetry of the field equations for charge-free regions: use of the but V X E = V X H = -jpr jwsE (1) (2) replaced by H, H by -—E, p. by a, and a by ,u, the original again obtained. It follows that if we are given any solution for such a dielectric, another may be obtained by interchanging components as stated. It may be difficult to supply appropriate boundary conditions for the new solution since the magnetic equivalent of the perfect conductor is not known at high frequencies, so the new solution is not always of practical importance. One example in which the principle of duality may be utilized to save work in a practical problem is that of the principal mode in the wedge—shaped dielectric region between inclined plane conductors (Fig. 9.5). This mode has electric field E «b and mag netic field HZ. If there are no variations with ()5 or 2, it is evident that the field distriIt is evident that if E is equations are 9.5 butions can Duality: Propagation be obtained from those of the radial transmission~line mode through the foregoing principle of duality. Replacing E by H, a by ,u in Eqs. 9.3(1) and 9.3(2), The real 471 Between Inclined Planes H: = Ecfi z AH SIX/tr) + *1. \/_E_ H by ~E, Bng)(kr) [AHil)(k7‘) + u (Sec. 9.3) by 8, and (3) BHi2)(/C")l (4) is that all the derived expressions 9.3(9)-—(16) may be used without interchange of quantities as above. Admittance should be read in place of impedance, and the numerical scale of ZO\/s_r in ohms (Fig. 9.36) should be divided by (377)2 to give the characteristic admittance YO/Ve—l. in Siemens. Total admittance is obtained from the field admittance by advantage rederivation, as may the curves of Fig. 9.30, with the _ Y(0121.1 where the upper sign z .+. 1 —-——— I-(bo Hz E¢ is for ri < rL, and the lower for ri Example (5) — > rL. 9.5 USE OF INCLINED PLANES FOR IMPEDANCE MATCHING application of the inclined-plane transmission line might be in impedance matching parallel-plate transmission lines of different spacings, a'I and at2 (Fig. 9.5). It is known from practical experience that such transitions, if gradual enough, supply a good impedance match over a wide band of frequencies (unlike schemes studied in Prob. 5.7c, which depend upon quarternwavelengths of line). It is seen from Fig. 9.30 that for both lcri and er large (say, greater than 5) the characteristic admittance Y0 is 1,14, 6L 1,01,). If the parallel-plane nearly 1/77 and 6 and it! are nearly equal (i.e., 6i One between z FIG. 9.5 Inclined—plane guide. w 472 line to the Chapter right is matched, Special Waveguide Types 9 its characteristic admittance is that of a plane wave, approximations the input wave admittance is also approximately 1/77, so that the parallel-plane line to the left is also nearly matched. This gives some quantitative support to the matching phenomenon 1/77. Equation 9.3(16) wave then shows that with the above mentioned. 9.6 WAVES GUIDED BY CONICAL SYSTEMS problem of waves guided by conical systems (Fig. 9.6) is important to a basic understanding of waves along dipole antennas and in certain classes of cavity resona— tors. In particular, one very important wave propagates along the cones with the velocity of light, has no field components in the radial direction, and so is analogous to the transmission-line wave on cylindrical systems. This basic wave is symmetric about the axis of the guiding cones, so that if the two curl relations of Maxwell’s equations are written in spherical coordinates with all gb variation eliminated, it is seen that there is one independent set containing E 9, 11¢, and IE, only: The 1 6(rE9) 1 1 aEr ' + 10);]. H ”b W r 66 6 —- r _ 6r 2' sin a as x O l () =- O (2) = O (3) ' 8111 6H) (‘ 4‘ - J me Er 1 6 7H ~f—g—j32 I — 67 jweEg ’///”’-_“\\\ ///// //”—~\\\ \\\ \\\ \ \\E “neS\’/ \ \\ \ \\\\\ ’/ / // / \ FIG. 9.6 / // \\ \ Biconical guide. / Waves Guided 9.6 It can be checked by substitution that the by Conical 473 Systems following solution does satisfy the three equations: 5,. : "E6 = 0 (4) , 6 sm [Ae‘jk’ + Bejkr] (5) 3617”] (6) 1 1H 45 = sin 9 [Ae‘jk’ —- These equations show the now-familiar propagation behavior, the first term representing traveling radially outward with the velocity of light in the dielectric material surrounding the cones, the second term representing a radially inward traveling wave of the same velocity. The ratio of electric to magnetic field E 9 /H is given by 11 g for the positively traveling wave and by n for the negatively traveling wave. There is no field component in the radial direction, which is the direction of propagation. The above wave looks much like the ordinary transmission-line waves of uniform cylindrical systems. This resemblance is stressed if we note that the E 9 corresponds to a voltage difference between the two cones, a wave — 7T— 60 “I V 77"“ E9" d6 6 27) In cot . 6 . . 8111 00 60 H 90 —77f = 6 [Ag-17" + Bejkr] (7) .. -29 [Ae‘lk’ + BeJA’] equal-angle cones (Fig. 9.6). This is a voltage which through the propagation term, e 317". Similarly the azimuthal independent field magnetic corresponds to a current flow in the cones at 6 60: where the case is treated is that of of r, except = I = = This current is also of the sign 2771'H¢ sin 60 Bejkr] 277[Ae“jk" independent of radius, except through the propagation term. A study opposite radial directions in the two cones at relations shows that it is in any given radius. The ratio of voltage to current in we and (8) - call characteristic (8) with B = impedance in a single outward-traveling wave, a quantity which ordinary transmission line, is obtained from (7) an O: 20 __ 77 In cot 60/2 (9) 71' a negatively traveling wave, the ratio of voltage to current is the negative of this quantity. This value of impedance is a constant, independent of radius, unlike those ratios defined for a parallel-plane radial transmission line in Sec. 9.3. We can also see this starting from the familiar concept of ZO as v L/ C, since inductance and capacitance For 474 Chapter between surface the path Special Waveguide Types per unit radial length are independent of radius. This comes about since increases proportionally to radius, and distance separating the cones along cones area So far 9 of the electric field also increases as conductors can proportionally to radius. is concerned, the system arising from two ideal coaxial conical be considered a uniform transmission line. All the familiar formulas for this wave input impedances and voltage and current along the line hold directly, with Z0 given by (9) and phase constant corresponding to velocity of light in the dielectric: [3 If the = 2—; = cox/£73 (10) conducting cones have resistance, there is a departure from uniformity due to this usually not serious in any practical cases where such conical resistance term, but this is systems are used. Of course, a large number of higher—order waves may exist in this conical system and in similar systems. These will in general have field components in the radial direction and will not propagate at the velocity of light. We shall consider such general wave types for spherical coordinates in Sec. 10.7. 9.7 RIDGE WAVEGUIDE shapes of cylindrical guides that have been utilized, one rather ridge waveguide, which has a central ridge added to either the top or bottom, or both, of a rectangular section as in Fig. 9.7a. It is interesting from an electromagnetic point of view since the cutoff frequency is lowered because of the capacitive effect at the center, and could in principle be made as low as desired by decreasing the gap width g sufficiently. Of course, the effective impedance of the guide also decreases as g is made smaller. One of the important applications is as a nonuniform transmission system for matching purposes obtained by varying the depth of ridge along the guide, similar to the approach described in Sec. 9.5. The calculation of cutoff frequency, which is a very important parameter for any shape of guide, also illustrates an interesting approach that may be applied to many guide shapes which cannot be solved exactly. At cutoff, there is no variation in the z direction (y 0), so one may think of this as a resonant condition for waves propa— gating only transversely in the given cross section, according to the desired mode. For example, the TEIO wave in a rectangular guide has a cutoff frequency equal to the resonant frequency for a plane wave propagating only in the x direction across the guide, thus corresponding to a half-wavelength in the x direction. A very approximate calculation of cutoff frequency for the ridge guide might then be made as in Fig. 9.7a by considering the gap a capacitance and the side sections one-turn solenoidal inductances, and writing the condition for resonance: Of the miscellaneous important one is the = @"I/QLM'1’2-_1€1.21.”er f__1_ 32 2 °_27T ‘27 g “277 g Mel/rd ”2 (1) 9.7 475 Ridge Waveguide 0.50 0.75 0.2 0.4 0.6 wa+m (b) (a) Cross section of ridge waveguide and approximate equivalent circuit for cutoff ([3) Curves giving cutoff wavelength for a ridge waveguide as in (a). Solid curves: data from Cohn.7 Dashed curves from Eq. (1). FIG. 9.7 calculation. A better equivalent circuit for calculation of the transverse the two sections A and B considered resonance is one in which transmission lines with a dis~ parallel-plane between them. (This junction effect continuity capacitance Cd placed junction will be discussed in Chapter 11.) Curves of cutoff frequency and a total impedance for the guide have been calculated in this manner by Cohn.7 Some results are shown in Fig. 9.71) with comparisons of results from the lumped element approximation ( 1). As might be expected, agreement is better for the smaller gaps. The technique of finding cutoff by calculating transverse resonance frequencies—often by numerical meansg— is valuable for a variety of irregularly shaped guides. The ridge guide illustrates that guides other than two-conductor transmission lines can be appreciably smaller than the half-wavelength measure found for the rectangular and circular guides if the boundaries concentrate energy appropriately. However, the boundary irregularities generally decrease power-handling capacity. are at 7 3 the S. B. Conn, Proc. IRE 35, 783—788 (7947). See, for example, R. Bulley, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques MIT-18, 7022 ( 7970). 476 Chapter 9 Special Waveguide Types THE IDEALIZED HELIX AND OTHER SLOW~WAVE fiRUCTURES 9.8 A wire wound in the form of found useful for a antennas9 and helix as (Fig. 9.8a) makes a slow~wave structures in type of guide that has been traveling~wave tubes.10 It is interesting as an example of a general class of structures that possess waves with a phase velocity along the axis much less than the velocity of light, as contrasted with most of the waves so far studied, which have phase velocities greater than the velocity of light. A rough picture suggests that the wave might follow the wire with about the velocity of light, so that its rate of progress along the axis would correspond to a phase velocity up where rtr is mation over a can the be made It is rather pitch angle. z 0 sin (l) 1,0 surprising that this represents a good approxiinteresting to find that a useful analysis wide range of parameters. It is also by considering an The idealization commonly idealization of the actual helix. analyzed,10 referred to as the helical sheet, is a cylindrical surface in which the component of electric field along the direction of 1,1; is assumed to zero at all points of the sheet (Fig. 9.81)). Moreover, the component of electric field be lying in the cylindrical surface normal to the direction of 1,0 is assumed to be continuous through the surface, as is the component of magnetic field along it: (the latter because there is to be no current flow normal to the direction of iv). Since the idealization takes WWW a z ¢ lllllllillliilll‘lll b a . HIHIIHIHHHIIII (b) FIG. 9.8 10 (a) Wire helix. (1)) Idealized conducting sheet and curve giving propagation constant. (c) Section of disk~loaded waveguide. 9 ‘0 Chap. 7, McGraw—Hill, New York, 7988. Traveling—Wave Tubes, Chap. Ill and Appendix II, Van Nostrand. Princeton, J. D. Kraus, Antennas, 2nd ed” J. R. Pierce, NJ, 7950. these conditions to be the same over results for fine-wire helices of small close 477 The Idealized Helix and Other Slow-Wave Structures 9.8 all the sheet, it would be pitch angle or expected to give best for multifilar helices with fine wires together. To find the propagation constant, general solutions inside and outside boundary according to continuity conditions the boundary conditions is a hybrid mode con- we set up the the helical sheet and match them at the stated above. The that satisfies wave taining both TE and TM components. We assume an unattenuated wave so that y j,8. Then the separation constant in the general solutions [Eqs. 720(5)] is k3 = + y: = k2 below the —- Bl. speed Since k w/c and B = = light. Therefore, kg of < = k2 w/vp, B > kfor waves with phase velocities O and kC jr, == where 'r is a real quantity. Assuming axial symmetry and that the fields must be finite on the axis and zero at infinite radius, the general solutions can be expressed in terms of modified Bessel functions and [Eqs. 7.1406) (17)]. The 2 [”133 is understood in all of the variation following: r E:I = < a > a r E:2 A1100”) = ’T '1' 'we 'we Hd’l : H:l = (2) A2K0('rr) J—rr_ [4111(77.) [—1452 m H22 2 15¢2 : 3110(7)) “L;— A2K1(Tr) (4) BZKOUV‘) (5) 7' ‘0) ‘w EM The idealized = boundary conditions first described w + E“ cos (I; = O E:2 sin 1,0 + Egg cos ill = 0 E:l cos Egl sin ill 2 E:2 cos ([1 cos it: = H:2 sin ti! (2)—(7) ll! -— sin it! are substituted in + qu1 2 {/1 4, the (9) - -l- Eda sin H¢2 cos (0 (10) 1/1 (ll) (8)—(ll). A nonvanishing solution for the field 10(Ta)K0(m) 11(ra)K1('ra) 2 (ka cot 11/)2 Pierce10 is shown in Fig. 9.8b. It is approximation (1) gives good results. A solution of this taken from > (8) that the determinant of the coefficients be zero, which leads to (m) cot (7) are sin amplitude requires ka 1—;- 82K1(rr) Efl H:l The fields J—Tfi 3111(7)) (12) seen that for 478 Special Waveguide Types Chapter 9 Some comments about slow-wave structures are in order. If it is desired to general an electric field along the axis, propagating with a phase velocity light (as in a traveling-wave tube where the phase velocity should be approximately equal to the beam velocity for efficient interaction with the electrons), produce a wave with less than that of then, as discussed above, k2 O: < 7-?— -k§ : 32 = 02 It is e(1 :3) = .,. k2 — (13) 1/2 (14) — consequently necessary in a cylindrically symmetric system that the Bessel function they may therefore be written as solutions (Sec. 7.20) have imaginary arguments, and modified Bessel functions. For a TM wave, E3 =2 qu = (15) A100”) jwe we *‘B-Er = Example CYLINDRICAL REACTANCE WALL If we r = ask about the a to boundary conditions support slow waves, we see (16) 7.411(7)) that 9.8 TO PRODUCE SLOW WAVES might be supplied at a cylindrical that, if uniform, it should be of the surface nature of a reactive sheet with Jjg _._42 := 11¢ == m W I 100m) k 11m) (17) The helical sheet studied earlier may be considered as supplying this required reactance through the interaction with the TE waves and external fields caused by the helical cuts. The short«circuited sections of radial lines of also be considered actance at ance r = supplying as a, and will therefore X the _ " boundary of electron space on when the axis that is to act support a slow waveguide (Fig. 9.8c) may required uniform re— to the above wave also. The approximate react— charge Jo(ka)No(kb) J1<ka)No<kb> " - Jo(kb)No(kd) Jorkbwlrka) (18) the axis of such slow-wave structures is much less than that B0 on 7’ 1, ris substantially equal to ,8. By the nature of the I0 functions (Up/c)2 < (Fig. 7.140), the field on disk~loaded structure is supplied by this Note that if a approximation an is large. electrons, will This is of as modify course undesirable when it is the field on traveling-wave tube. Of course, the presence the forms of solution somewhat. in a 9.9 9.9 Surface 479 Guiding SURFACE GUIDING The result of Sec. 9.8 suggests a localization of fields near a surface that possesses a reactive surface impedance. This concept appeared there in an interior region, but may are in the external region also. Because of the surface-guiding principle, the energy is maintained near the surface so that it is not radiated or coupled seriously to nearby objects. Thus the external region corresponding to Fig. 9.86 would be as shown in Fig. 9.9a. The proper solutions for the external cylindrical region for a TM wave are the same as Eqs. 9.8(2)—-(4) for r > a. For E: and H4” with .2"sz be useful when the fields understood, E: = His = (1) AKO(T)‘) (08 “1—7— AK1(7r) x ~ 7" \ \V \\ \ (2) \. \ \ \ 7'1, 7¢’/////////////% \\ i \ \ k\ \ k\ / Zr f . / //' .// // fl/5 M %\ %//g5, / // (a) FIG. 9.9 equivalent (0) Rod with periodic radius variations capable of propagating of (a). (c) Dielectric~coated conducting surface. a slow wave. (b) Planar 489 Chapter The field reactance at r = Special Waveguide Types 9 necessary to support such a E2 . 1X __ a wave is then 7KO(rr) , _ (3) —- - Hg m; K1(7)) , r=a Equation (3) again represents a positive, or inductive, reactance as did Eq. 9.8(17), and the solutions (1) and (2) die off for large r. Phase velocity is less than the velocity of light in the external dielectric in order to maintain 7 real, as in Eq. 9.8(13): 7-2 $.15; in “w, mag-a Ridinhilkiivj. :‘Liiiiabfi = I32 k2 — <4) :' --------- Exampfle SURFACE GUIDING BY 9.98 A REACTANCE SHEET perhaps more easily visualized for a plane sheet, as pictured in Fig. 9.9b. Substitution in Eqs. 8.2(13)—(16) easily verifies that the following are solutions of Maxwell’s equations, using the definition (4), again with e'jflz understood: The above concept is E = Ger“ (5) ' Hy = E = *JCUS C e‘“ (6) T . C A surface wave impedance defined for this J.X Again TM we see wave that the (but see impedance Prob. “’37?” 9.9a), z example Ez = —" Hy . x30 can parallel-plane '7' ’— (8) (1)8 sheet should be inductive for surface guiding of this B greater than k if the less is than the velocity Therefore, phase velocity is to die away with increasing 1:. of light in the dielectric. The spaces between the fins is then and that the value of wave be shorted (7) must be conducting fins may be considered to impedance at the ends of the transmission lines and the field be found from Sec. 8.3 as E—-‘='t jnan kd y where d is the height inductive reactance. of the fins. It is clear that if kd < 77/ 2, the surface appears as an 48'! Surface fiuiding 9.9 1.x .=.o-..-,_./..-; t...,-,....:.-.'./ ........ Example 9.9b SURFACE GUIDING Another important way of obtaining DIELECTRIC COATING av A surface impedance sheet is by coating a conductor Fig. 9.96. The following TM solutions for region 1 can be verified by substitution in Eqs. 8.2(13)-—~(16). The conductor is assumed perfect and the argument of the sine is selected to make Ez zero at the conductor with a thin surface, x layer = ~— of dielectric, a illustrated in as d: E3 D sin = kx(x d) + (9) ' D H), = E = «’10—?— cos kxn- + d) (10) ' D kit From (9) and (10) a field Ji kt = impedance cos This is inductive the B of the as required desired surface = x z for —‘ H3, 0 = (11) can 'k. 1J— be found tan kxd as follows: (13) coal F0 and, if equated to (8), will define For small thickness, kxd < 1, (13) becomes guiding wave. d) (12) E- jX + 32 — at kx(x TM jX~ waves J'kid (14) (1)81 Using (4), (8), (12), and (14), we can show that the phase velocity is less than the velocity of light in the external dielectric and greater than that in the coating. The principle is also applicable to lossy dielectrics and/or conductors, for which a finite but relatively small attenuation in the z direction is obtained. ZenneckII and Somrnerfeld12 provided the early classical analyses of this phenomenon; Goubaul3 i1— 1ustrated its usefulness as a practical wave-guiding means by using either thin dielectric coatings or corrugations on round wires; a thorough treatment is given by Collin.14 Surface guiding and dielectric wave guiding are closely related phenomena since one boundary is a dielectric interface as treated in Sec. 9.2. The relationship will become clearer with the field analysis of dielectric guides in Chapter 14. ” J. ZenneCk, Ann. Phys. 23, 846 (7907). Phys. Chem. 67, 233 (7899). Described in J. A. STroh‘on, Electromagnetic Theory. p. 527. McGraw~HilL New York, 7946. G. Goubau, Proc. lRE 39, 679 (7957);.1. Appl. Phys. 21, 7779 (7950). 7?. E. Col/in. Field Theory of Guided Waves. 2nd ed.. Chap. 77. IEEE Press, Piscataway. A. Sommerfeid. Ann. .u—l 1:03 NJ. 7997. 482 Chapter 9.“) 9 Special Waveguide Types PERIODIC STRUCTURES AND SPATIAL HARMONICS corrugated surfaces used as illustrations of reactance walls in the two preceding sections are special examples of periodic systems if the spacing between corrugations is uniform. Periodic systems have interesting properties and important applications and so will be examined more carefully in this section. We recognize that the treatment as a smooth reactance wall, used in Secs. 9.8 and 9.9, is only an approximation since the grooves will cause field disturbances not accounted for by this “smoothed out” approximation. Let us begin by consideration of a specific example, the parallel-plane transmission line with periodic troughs in one plate, as illustrated in Fig. 9.1041. If the troughs are relatively narrow, they act to waves with z—directed currents in the bottom plate as shorted transmission lines in series with the conductor. These lines produce values of O, which are essentially constant over the gap width w. Thus the E: and Hy at x for E2 at x 0 is as shown in Fig. 9.101), a phase shift of [Bed condition boundary we will stress propagating waves. The square allowed over each since being period waves shown neglect higher-order fringing fields at the corners, but are better approx— imations than the complete smoothing out of the effect (as in Sec. 9.9) and are sufficient to illustrate the basic preperties of periodic structures. To fulfill the boundary condition at x O, we might expect to add solutions of Maxwell’s equations just as we added solutions of Laplace’s equation in Chapter 7 to satisfy boundary conditions not satisfied by a single solution. For the present problem let us take 6/6)) O and consider waves with E, E2, and Thus a of solutions Maxwell’s sum satisfying equations and the boundary H), only. a may be written by adding waves of the TM form, the O at x condition of E2 TEM component being included if the sum includes 72 0: The = = = = = = = E50.) 2) 2 = A” sin K,,(a — Joe-'13": (1) °° Ex(x, z) Hy(x, z) E 11in A" K _ —_ = 209% An cos cos K,,(a Kn(a — -- x)e —m (2) x)e rfflnz (3) ,. where Ki=wzlw8The i=k2-Bi (4) condition illustrated by Fig. 9.1017 is a periodic function of 2 if the phase separately. expand the resulting periodic function in the comform the Fourier of series (Prob. 7.11e), we may write for the boundary condition plex boundary factor is taken out 152(0, 2) = e'ffioz If we Z Cue—(j2””Z/d) [2: ~60 (5) 9.10 Periodic Structures and 483 Spatial Harmonics rr-—d-—+1 ‘1 W. x a. *0 (a) a § Pk EZ i (b) z \! \i\\“‘\ \\ k k\ k ~9le— Eoe-‘J'Bo d HTonVj It E0 8‘21fl0d n. (C) (d) i (e) : ¢ i T a l a ‘ I l I j : a a l l j a i : 4» i W “034:2 T (f) to ”coal fi~—-—>~ (a) Parallel—plane transmission line with periodic short~circuited troughs. (b) Idealized along the lower plate in the structure of (a). (c) w—fi relation for spatial harmonics of wave with fundamental traveling in + z direction. ((1) w—B relation for spatial harmonics of wave with fundamental traveling in —-z direction. (e) Low-frequency equivalent circuit for fun— damental spatial harmonic of structure in (a). (f) Composite w-B diagram including passband FIG. 9.10 variations of E: at higher frequency. 484 Chapter Special Waveguide Types 9 where (1/2 C" a f .. d —° 7171 By comparing (5) 2 f _ d —-d/2 E = ‘ w/2 1 +j<2mzz/d) dz E—(O, mining "iv/2 Eoe+j<2mzz/d) dz mTw srn< ) , (6) d with (1) evaluated A” at x CI! = :— _ sin K,,a :80 + 0, we can now identify A" and B”: fl sin(n7rw/d) sin 7m (7) Kna 27m :8" A wave (8) 7 solution is thus determined for this problem with the approximations described. problem compared We wish first to stress the different role of the TM solutions in this with that considered previously. In earlier sections TM solutions have been considered “modes” with the inference that each may be excited independently. Here they are coupled by the periodic boundary condition and must exist in the proper relationship as to each other to satisfy this boundary condition. In this capacity they are known as natural extension of the harmonic character of the Fourier series “spatial harmonics,” the periodic system in space. We note especially from (8) that determination of B for any spatial harmonic automatically determines the value of all others. Thus the (0—3 diagram (Sec. 5.12) is periodic in B with repetition at intervals of 277/07 as illustrated in Figs. 9.100 and d. Determination of the shape of one period of this plot (say ,80) requires study of the boundary conditions on two field components. We have already considered E2 and now choose Hy as the second component for this example. If the solution for the troughs is well approximated by the shorted-transmission-line behavior, the value of Hy at x 0 for the shorted lines is given by O, z a to = 2: Hy Thus one might equate this to ] cot kl This with (4) and (8) determines difficult. special case of ,BOd A < at st — cot x ”2'... 7“an ,80 kl '0 (3) evaluated n For the : in = , sm O, and A" substituted from (7): mzw a cot principle, although the K,,a general (9) solution may be 1, lumped—element approximations may be used. The fundamental harmonic solution of the corresponding low~pass filter then gives the char— acteristics of the fundamental, and from that, the values of ,8 for other spatial harmonics. The filter corresponding to the line used in the above example is shown in Fig. 9.106. capacitance and a part of the series inductance represent the fields in the parallel-plate section between grooves, and the shorted-transmission~line grooves con~ The shunt tribute C = an 8(d additional series inductance. The -— w)/cz for between grooves is tan kl (assuming a 485 Periodic Structures and Spatial Harmonics 9.10 capacitors in Fig. 9.10:? each have the value length in the y direction. The inductance from the section w) and that from the shorted grooves is L2 ,u.a(d (nw/w) unit L1 2 kl < = —- 77/ 2). Each inductor in Fig. 9.108 has the value L = (L: L2)/2Although illustrated for a particular example to provide concreteness, the periodic character of the (Li—,8 diagram and the relation (8) for phase constant of a spatial har— monic apply to any structure of period d. Other important properties are as follows: + 1. The group velocities of all spatial harmonics of a given wave are equal. This would be expected so that the wave would stay together, but may be noted either from the w~B diagrams or 2. Of the infinite number of with and by differentiating (8): spatial harmonics, half are backward waves so on = = backward waves, various (Sec. 5.16) O, 1, 2, and group velocities in the opposite directions. Thus the n of Fig. 9.10c are forward waves, whereas 22 l, 2, and phase as is seen — — so on are by comparing the signs of w/fi and (Ito/(1,8 for the portions of the figure. If the phase velocity of the fundamental spatial 0, negative, the harmonics are as shown in Fig. 9.10a’. Here the n 2, and so on have both phase and group velocities in the negative direction harmonic is ~— 1, and - are not with == backward waves, whereas the a = 1, 2, and so on are backward waves group velocities. The structure of Fig. fundamental forward wave, but other periodic structures may have positive phase 9.10a has n velocities and fundamental backward negative waves. md (m an integer) is the same as at z plane 2 e the multiplication by phase “130””. This important property is related to Floquet’s theorem,15 and is often taken as the fundamental starting point for the study of periodic systems. For the particular example used in this section, (1) and (8) yield 3. The field distribution at any = = 0 except for 7.: E:(.r, 172d) H Z A" Sill Kn(a - x)e "jfiolmle “1.27m”: (10) )1: —SC .7: = e-J‘flomd Z A” sin K,,(a —— x) = [mom/3’43 0) n=—f~ and similarly for the other field components. is cut off where group velocity becomes zero, shown as we in Figs. 9.106 and (1. Above this frequency there is a region of reactive attenuation, typical 4. The wave of filters in the attenuating region. As frequency propagating waves, as bands will be found with ‘5 R. E. Collin, Field 7997. is increased, however, other pass illustrated in Fig. 9.10f. Each of Theory of Guided Woves, 2nd ed, Sec. 9.1. IEEE Press. Piscatoway, NJ, 486 Chapter Special Waveguide Types 9 waves has spatial harmonics, just as the low-pass wave studied. The Pierce coupled-mode theory16 is especially powerful in giving a picture of the entire w- B diagram in a structure with relatively small periodic perturbations if the phase constants of the unperturbed system are known. these PROBLEMS 9.23 For a dielectric slab Fig. 9.2a, 2,0 = ,ug, plot the complement of the critical angle of guide with ,u.1 66, as a function of 82/81. Many dielectric guides have small the two permittivities, 82 and 81(1 A), where A < 1. For these, = 7r/2 differences between show that (/1 W. — — =8 9.2b Demonstrate that when 6 6,: (defined as cutoff for the dielectric slab guides), there is no decay in medium 2 (outside of slab) and propagation is at the velocity of light in medium 2. Show that when 9 approaches 77/2 (grazing incidence at the boundary), = phase velocity approaches 9.2c the velocity of light in medium 1. the definition of cutoff given in Prob. 9.2b, show that the x component of kI at cutoff is k1,: (k? 3W2. Calculate the lowest cutoff frequencies (other than zero) for TM modes with even and odd symmetry of E: across the slab and similarly for TB 1 mm, s, modes with even and odd symmetries of H: with d 4.0880, 82 430, and #1 #2. Using = - = = = = 9.2d Demonstrate that Eq. 9.2(4) has TM modes in a dielectric slab increases with m for m > O. 9.2e a solution for guide. (i) For the dielectric slab mode with kid (ii) arbitrarily Show that there is m = small a kid for either TE or minimum of kid which 0, find the external decay constant ax for > 1. Also find ax for TB modes with k,d < l and compare with the result of part (i). 9.2f If 31 > 82, very little energy is contained in medium 2, and the boundaries appear like “magnetic shorts”; that is, tangential magnetic field approaches zero at the interface. Show this from the equations for wave reflections and solve for the lowest~order TE mode with such conditions. 9.3a For for a a TMOI wave in a circular waveguide it is desired to insert a blocking impedance given frequency. To do this, a section of shorted radial line (Fig. P9.3a) is in— (b) (a) FIG. P9.3a, b “5 A. Yariv and P. Yen, Optical Waves in Crystals, Sec. 6.4, Wiley, New York, 7984. 487 Problems serted in the its outer radius guide, impedance looking a chosen so that with the into the radial line is infinite at the the radius b is 1.25 times greater than cutoff radius wave and find the radius a. 9.3b It is sometimes required at guide radius b given, the given frequency. Suppose that this frequency for the TM01 break the outer conductor of to a coaxial line for insulation purposes, without interrupting the rf current flow. This may be accomplished by the radial line as shown (Fig. P9.3b) in which a is chosen so that with b and the operating wavelength specified, the radial line has zero input impedance seen from the line. Find 1. assuming that end effects are negligible and that an/A the value of 0, 9.3c Find the = voltage at the radial line at radius b 9.3d radius in terms of the coaxial line’s current a flowing into the (Fig. P9.3b). Taking the classical transmission-line equations with distributed inductance itance varying with radius as appropriate to the radial line, L = and capac— 27Tsr fl and C = 2771' Show that the equation for voltage as a function of radius is a Bessel equation, and voltage and current obtained in this manner are consistent with that the solutions for Eqs. 9.3(1) and (2). 9.3a Derive forms similar Repeat for Eqs. 9.302) to Ha specified at and (13) if E0 is specified at rd, and Eb at rb. re, and Hb at I"). a lossy radial transmission line, find series resistance per unit radial distance (assuming skin-effect condition) for a conductor of surface resistance R5. Also find shunt conductance per unit radial distance for a dielectric with complex permittivity 3’ js". Add these to the transmission-line equations (Prob. 9.3d) and obtain the differen~ tial equation for voltage. 9.3f For - 9.43 Sketch lines of Sec. 9.4. current (Take Z" by judicious cuts = flow for J" a circumferential mode with for this without purpose.) Suggest methods disturbing the symmetric mode. v of = l in a radial line of suppressing this mode wedge—shaped guide as in Fig. 9.4a may be used to join two waveguides of the same height but different width, both propagating the TEIO mode, and a good degree of match is obtained by the process so long as the transition is gradual. -%(Fig. 8.70) and the width aI of the Suppose the smaller rectangular guide has b/a 1.2. The larger guide has the same height and smaller guide is such that (fc f/ )rem (fC)TEzo f/ 0.8. Evaluate the wave impedances of the TE10 modes in both guides and compare with those in the sectoral horn at the junctions to the rectangular guides, using data of Fig. 9.4b for a wedge angle of 20°. Frequency is 10 GHz. 9.4h A section of the = = = 9.53 In the use of the inclined plane line for to = z = approximate standing wave ratio in the line Compare with that which would exist with a sudden transition, considering discontinuity of characteristic impedance. the left. only 9.5b = as discussed in Sec. 9.5, suppose that 2.5, and the dielectric is air. If the line to matching 2 cm, k)" 1 cm, (12 3 GHz, d1 the right is perfectly matched, obtain the f the Apply the principle of duality to the TEI 1 T1301, and TMOl modes in circular cylindrical waveguides to obtain qualitatively the fields of the “dual” modes. For which of these might boundary conditions be supplied, allowing changes in the conductor posi— tion or shape from those of the original mode? 9.5c A , wedge—shaped dielectric region is bounded by conducting planes at (p = O and (150, 488 Chapter 9 Special Waveguide Types 2 O and d. Find the field components of the lowest-order mode with Is this the dual of the mode discussed for sectoral horns in Sec. 9.4? = Eg, H,, and H2. application of the mode of Prob. 9.5c to the matching between rectangular waveguides of different height, both propagating the TE10 mode, describing how to use the solution of Prob. 9.5c to estimate reflections and the approximations involved. 9.5d Discuss the kr1 and krz in the inclined planes of Fig. 9.5 are both large, a matched parallel—plane transmission line with wave impedance 1] at rI gives the same '11 at r2, so that a parallel~p1ane line at that position would also be matched. 9.5c Show that if expressions for the voltage, current, and characteristic impedance for the principal waves on a transmission line consisting of two coaxial, common-apex cones of unequal angles. 9.6a Find 9.6b Write the dual of the mode studied in Sec. 9.6. Can it be boundaries using perfect conductors? supported by physical point of view toward a cylindrical conductor excited by a source across a gap at 0 (Fig. P9.6c) is that it is a nonuniform transmission line propagating effects away from the gap. (This point of view is used in one theory of cylindrical antennas to be presented in Sec. 12.25.) That is, an elemental section at 2 may be considered as a biconical line passing through radius a at 2. Write the expression for characteristic impedance as a function of z and plot versus 2/0 for air dielectric. 9.6c One 2 == Exciting field 0 FIG. P9.6c 9.6d For the biconical line of Fig. 9.6, find a capacitance per unit length at radius 1' based upon charge per unit length along the cones and voltage as defined in Sec. 9.6. Similarly, find an inductance per unit length based upon current at r and the magnetic flux between concentric acteristic spheres at r impedance (L/ C )1/2. and r + dr. Then check velocity (LC )" 1/ 2 and char- 9.6e For a lossy biconical guide, find series resistance per unit length (assuming skin-effect conditions) for a conductor of surface resistance RS. Also, find shunt conductance per unit length for a dielectric with complex permittivity e’ je". -— 9.7a As a demonstration of the verse nance 9.7 b For resonant of a frequency, technique of finding cutoff frequencies by calculating trans— a TM01 mode in circular guide as the reso- find the cutoff of radial line mode. TB mode in the small-gap ridge waveguide, the energy stored in electric fields is in the gap region. If electric field is assumed uniform at E0 over this region, estimate the stored electric energy uE per unit length for a single propagating wave in such a guide. If power transfer is + uM), and magnetic energy is equal a predominantly vg(uE electric energy, calculate power transfer for a guide with g 1 mm, 2d 1 cm, 106 V/m, air dielectric, and operating frequency 1.3 times cutoff frequency. E0 to = = = 9.8a Assuming (up/c)2 quirements on the < type. What should X/n kaX/n versus Ba for a slow-wave structure. State the rein order that there may be any slow-wave solution of this be for ,Ba large? l, plot reactance 489 Problems 9.8b Show that the a reactance TM01 type sheet kca. Under what conditions might given guide of this type? 9.8c** Imagine be used might studied in Sec. 8.9. Plot the there be the boundary condition on fast waves of required value of kaX/1] as a function of as a slow wave and a series of fast waves in a transmission line of spacing 2a in the x direction, for which with many fine straight parallel slits that lie at an as in Fig. P9.8c. Assume no variations with y, and apply utilized in the helical sheet analysis, obtaining the field components parallel-plane a both upper and lower planes angle it! from the y direction are cut approximations as for propagation in the z direction, the complete equation determining ,8, proximate solution of this for ka cot :11 > 1. and the ap- FIG. P9.8c 9.9a Analyze a TB surface plane with no variations in y and show produce an exponential decay with x. wave over a citive reactance is necessary to 9.9b For the TM surface established wave by the thin dielectric ductor, find the average power transfer in the 9.9c uation if the conductor at x Repeat Prob. 9.913 with 81 a; ~je’1’with e’{ a = = —— perfect < d has a z coating direction. Find the surface resistance conductor and a that a capa- on a perfect con~ approximate atten» Rs. dielectric with a small lossy part, 8;. 9.9d It is desired to pass an electron beam 1 mm above the structure in Fig. 9.9b. To match the velocity of the electrons, a wave at 18 GHz should travel at 0.1 the speed of light. Design the fins to produce the the field at the beam than at 9.103‘“ Making the appropriate impedance = x at .r = 0. How much weaker is 0? assumptions that kl < 1 and Bod Fig. 9.100. Plot the curve for the structure of < 1, plot the lowest-frequency passband for all ,8 and state your reasoning. approximations as in Prob. 9.10a, but assume the “troughs” are open equivalent lumped~element circuit, the propagation constant of the fundamental, and sketch the (0—3 diagram of this wave. Note the fact that the cutoff 0 and frequencies up to some lower cutoff frequency. region includes to 9.10b* Take the same circuited. Find the = low-frequency portion of the (0—3 diagram for a periodic transmission system composed of parallel LhC circuits in both the series and shunt legs. Note that the fundamental spatial harmonic is a backward wave if the resonant frequency of circuit in the series leg is lower than that for the shunt leg. 9.10c Find the 9.10d The example used in Sec. 9.10 was a those studied in Sec. 9.9 for surface will represent nonradiating or closed line. Consider wave guided propagation. open region, such as regions of the (0—3 plot an What surface waves? 0 9.10e Illustrate Prob. 9.10d by solving a problem with the structure at x but with the top plate removed so that the region extends to infinity. = as in Fig. 9.10a 10.] lNTRODUCTiON lumped-element type, made by combining separate small compared with a wavelength, or distributed, as was seen for sections of transmission line in Chapter 5. In a lumped-element circuit, a capacitor is used for storage of electric energy and an inductor stores magnetic energy; at the resonant frequency, there is an exchange of energy between the inductor and the capacitor every quarter-cycle. There is also an exchange between electric and magnetic energies every quarter-cycle in the distributed resonant circuit. In this case, however, the same region is used for both energies, rather than having separate components for Resonant circuits capacitors can be either the and inductors, which are each type. Distributed resonant circuits utilize the resonant properties of standing waves set up traveling waves on transmission structures and, hence, are generally of a size comparable with a wavelength. This idea was intro— duced in Sec. 5.13 for a shorted transmission line with length equal to a multiple of a quarter~wavelength. Some closed metal cavities can be understood as sections of transmission structures with short-circuited ends and therefore containing standing waves. Strip-type structures such as microstrip, used in microwave and millimeter-wave cir— cuits, make light, compact resonant transmission~type structures. A solid dielectriccylinder resonator can be made using a section of a dielectric rod transmission structure by interference between forward and reverse (Sec. 9.2). Not all resonators are simple enough in shape to be considered as sections of a wave- guiding system, and for these, other methods of solving the boundary value problem are required. We shall see some small—gap cavities that are particularly useful for elec— devices. Some of these may be considered as capacitively loaded transmission lines. In others, the electric and magnetic energies are effectively separated so they may be considered as lumped L-—C circuits, with the one-tum inductor providing the selftron shielding. The oscillating energy is introduced by a probe or other means of coupling to the provided by the probe at one of the many resonant the seen by the input probe is real. If the energy coupled in is frequencies, impedance each than the losses in cycle, the oscillating waves will increase in amplitude greater until the losses just equal the energy supplied. Losses take place in the surfaces of the metals, in any dielectrics present, and, in open structures, through radiation. If the source resonant structure. If the energy is 495 10.2 excites the structure at a frequency 491 Resonator Simple Rectangular Fields of somewhat off resonance, the energies in electric and magnetic fields do not balance. Some extra energy must be supplied over one part of the cycle and it is given back to the source during another part of the cycle; thus, the line acts as a ponent representing is evident, and of losses .3 on as exciting source, in addition to a resistive com~ similarity to ordinary tuned—circuit operation the circuits, concept of Q is useful in describing the effect reactive load on the the small losses. The with such bandwidth. «anagramsmeannaameWanna»mmmmewmsmnwswrmImaerzazerzemmmenaemearfiawammnnzzawmtmeimaawmnrszinanemssmmwmssarncmenfi Resonators of 10.2 Simpte Shape FIELDS or SIMPLE RECTANGULAR RESONATOR For the first mode to be studied in some detail, shall choose that mode in we a rectan- gular conducting box which may be considered the standing wave pattern corresponding to the TE10 mode in a rectangular guide. As was done in the study of waveguides, the conducting walls will be taken as perfect, and losses in an actual resonator will be computed approximately by taking the current flow of the ideal mode as flowing in the walls of known conductivity. In the rectangular conducting box of Fig. 10.20, imagine a TE10 waveguide mode oriented with its electric field in the y direction and propagating in the z direction. The O and d, as required by the perfect conductors, E), shall be zero at z condition that = is satisfied if the dimension d is a half—guide wavelength. Using Eq. 8.8(11), /\ A 2 Then the resonant frequency WI (A/Za)2 —- is V612 u f0 + d2 (1) m K Zaa’V/ie To obtain the field distribution in the dielectric interior, pr0pagating waves of the form of E, = Ht 2 H. = Eqs. 8.8(4) (E+e"j'83 1 + and 5.61133) we add positive and negative 8.8(5) 33 sin (2) a . . ———— ' ZTE (Em—mg — EJWZ) sin 731-— (3) a ' i 7) )t <—~>(E+e"mz 2a . . + E__e”3£) cos 3 a (4) 492 Chapter 10 Resonators (a) (a) Rectangular cavity. (b) Electric and magnetic fields in rectangular resonator with mode. Solid lines represent electric field, and dashed lines, magnetic field. FIG. 1 0.2 TE101 Since E), must be wave from the also be E0 = zero at z = O, E“ perfectly conducting zero at z = (1', so that = -—E+, B = 77/61. would expect, since the reflected must equal to the incident wave. as we wall should be Then E), (2)—(4) may be simplified, letting ~2jE+2 7rx Ey =E Hx '-—- ' 772 5 () —— osma 31nd ~ fiisin—cos JnZd E )t W2 d (6) ‘ z Hz=j-—°—cos-7E~sin—~ (7) In studying the foregoing expressions, we find that electric field passes vertically from top to bottom, entering top and bottom normally and becoming zero at the side walls as required by the perfect conductors. The magnetic field lines lie in horizontal displacement current resulting from the time rate roughly in Fig. 10.217. There are equal and opposite charges on top and bottom because of the normal electric field ending there. A current flows between tap and bottom, becoming vertical in the side walls. Here we are re- xuz planes and surround the vertical of change of Ey. Fields are sketched Energy Storage, Losses. 10.3 minded of a 493 Q of a Rectangular Resonator conventional resonant circuit, with the top and bottom acting as capacitor as the current path between them. In the lumped-element and the side walls plates circuit, electric and magnetic fields the y direction, and one in the coordinate system is of course be described in this 10.3 z separated, are Because the mode studied here has can and one whereas here they half—sine variation in the direction, it is sometimes known x as a are intermingled. direction, T151101 none in mode. The arbitrary, but some choice must be made. before the mode manner. ENERGY STORAGE, LOSSES, AND 9 OF A RECTANGULAR RESONATOR The energy storage and energy loss in the rectangular resonator of the preceding section are quantities of fundamental interest. Since the total energy passes between electric magnetic fields, we may calculate it by finding the energy storage in electric fields the instant when these are a maximum, for magnetic fields are then zero in the and at standing wave pattern of the resonator: d 8 U Utilizing Eq. 10.2(5), (UE)max = = 7)- ]; L J0 [33,.“ d b *J J J 7 o o SE23 (1 and 9 dx d)? 612 a s = a that we see U b o , 7r: m E851n2—31n2—dxdydz d a (1) 2 To obtain an If the to J5), = Left side: J's), = Top: J5“. = conducting losses as 8 for power loss in the walls, we utilize the current flow obtained from the tangential magnetic field at the surface. ~Hx|3£ Back: “H:'.\~=o Right -H:, J5: Hx = walls have surface side: Bottom: resistivity R5, the sz 2 J5), = J3, = Hi":=0 Hit-=0 H3, JSZ foregoing = ~Hx currents will produce follows: R b 2 + 2 o o b d a wL=—§{2 f f at: tidy-+2 f: f: [|H,.|2 + lelgl dx ff o o ngli-zodydz dz} equation, the first term comes from the front and back, the second from the left right sides, and the third from top and bottom. Substituting from Eqs. 10.2(6) and In this and 2 Fig. 10.2a, Front: as ....,, 2 bd a; E20 approximation in the ideal conductors Referring d 494 Chapter Resonators 10 102(7) and evaluating the integrals, R 5 A2 WI“ The Q of the 3 8772 0|:a’2 + — 1 + —— a2 — 2 d a (d (1)] — + (2 ) —— resonator may be defined from the basic definition of Q Substituting (1) a 2 cube, 5: b = = wOU WL (3 ) we have 219m2 czd(cz:2 + d2) + + d2)” 2b(a3 d, this reduces to the == 0.742 77 chbe == 71 —- —-— 6 Eq. 5.14(4): —-~ (2) with A from Eq. 10.2(1), and 4RS Note that for bd ab E?— R5 + £13) expression 77 (5 ) - R5 377 9., and for a copper conductor at 10 GHz, 0, the Q is about 10,730. Thus we see the very large values of Q for such resonators as compared with those for lumped circuits (order of a few hundred) or even with resonant lines (order of a few thousand). In practice, some care must be used if Q’s of the order of that calculated are to be obtained, since disturbances caused by the coupling system, surface irregularities, and other perturbations will act to increase the For RS e: an air dielectric, 77 z 0.0261 losses. Dielectric losses and radiation from small holes, when present, may be serious in lowering the Q. It will be shown in in the vicinity of Chapter resonance. 11 that a From it lumped we can circuit model cavity mode Q, defined in terms applies deduce that the especially to a of stored energy and power loss, is also useful in estimating bandwidth of the cavity as for the lumped resonant circuit. If Af is the distance between points on the just response curve for which amplitude response is down to l /\/2 of its maximum value (Sec. 5.14), -— Thus, for the foregoing, bandwidth between 10.4 a e Q of 10,000 in “half-power” points a (6) —- cavity resonant at 10 GHz will yield a of 1 MHz. OTHER MODES IN THE RECTANGULAR RESONATOR As has been noted, the particular mode studied for the rectangular box is only one of possible modes. If we adopt the point of view that a resonant mode is the standing wave pattern for incident and reflected waveguide modes, any one of the infinite number of possible waveguide waves might be used, with any integral an infinite number of Other Modes in the 10.4 number of half-waves between ends. We shorting 495 Rectangular Resonator that this recognize description of a particular field pattern is not unique, for it depends on the axis chosen to be the “di— rection of propagation” for the waveguide modes. Thus (see Prob. 10.2b) the simple mode studied in past sections would be a TE101 mode if the z axis or x axis were considered the direction of propagation, but it would be a TM110 mode if the vertical (y) axis were taken will be chosen as as in direction. In the following, a coordinate system and field 10.2a, patterns will be obtained by superposing Fig. the incident and reflected propagation for various waves modes waveguide propagating in the z direction. The TEmnp Mode If Sec. 8.7), addition of we select the positively TEnm mode of a rectangular waveguide (see negatively traveling waves for H3 gives and mm =(Ae’jfi‘ + Belfl‘) )2 --— cos cos G _:'y_ Since the normal component of magnetic field H., must be zero at then B: —A and Bd= p77 with p an integer Let C-— ~2jA. z = O and z =2 (I, ~ - ll A(e”JB‘ _ 613‘) —~ )2 mm . . Hz cos —— cos a 73772 (1) mm = C cos mry —— cos pi)": , —— 3111 d b a Then, substituting (l) in Eqs. 8.2(13)—(l6), remembering that for the negatively eling waves all terms HI = = H), = E. = E), where ,B = 135—3: and, trav- multiplied by [3 change sign, (A6 #3 kg “13‘ mm: mqr B — eJB)<——> sin cos a a ~52;- (p777)(1:?) 3253: 51—2-3}- p—ZE —% (Bi-T) (1%) mz'x 12%?- p732 ngC (3;) ??- n—ZZ L22 _ngC (M) 2:111- 12—272 p—ZE sin cos cos sin sin from cos sin sin cos cos sin cos Eq. 8.2(18), <-—> <> a b 12 _’n'y_ b (2) (3) (4) (5) 496 Chapter From (6) and Eq. 8.2(19) we Resonators 10 find the resonant frequency: f0 = Thin,” Mode The modes in a 31-3 If 271' ,ue In = ' 37-7 p—W + b a 1/2 (7) d positively and may be combined to rectangular waveguide E, + similar manner, a 2 2 2 negatively traveling '1‘an yield Dsinm—msmmcoslfl (8) d b a 5, (19—5) (11;) 2153 "—22 233 Ey ~53 <p;><_7r) m—ZZ 12—? sin? Hx= fulfil) (n_ —>sin~lz:lflcosn—Z-y—cosP—Z:E H3, —jC::D (— —>cos $ 22—y- 1% E, sin sin .—..— sin : (9) (10) cos b (11) b sin 2 (12) cos a The quantity kg and resonant frequency f0 are as in (6) and (7). General £0mments We note first that TM and TE modes of the p have identical resonant frequencies. Such modes with different field patterns but the are known as degenerate modes. Other cases of degeneracy same resonant frequency b may exist as in a cube, (1 TE types have the same resonant r"— It is also = frequency order m, n, d, where orders 112, 121, and 211 of both TM and frequency. apparent from (7) that, box size, the resonant same as the order of increases. Put a mode becomes it higher for a given that to be resonant differently, bigger as the order increases. means This is to be given frequency, the box must be made fit waves in each It can half-sine are to dimension. be shown since more expected, a 10.4b that increases at as one and 1040) Q (Probs given frequency goes to higher mode orders. This too is logical, since the larger box has a greater volume~to~surface ratio, and energy is stored in the volume, whereas it is lost on the imperfectly conducting surface. The high—order modes are consequently useful in “echo boxes” where a high Q is desired so that the energy will decay at a very slow rate after being excited by a pulse. at a 10.5 For a circular ClRCULAR CYLINDRICAL RESONATOR cylindrical resonator (Fig. 10.5) there is a sirnple mode analogous to that rectangular box (Sec. 10.2). The vertical electric field has a maxi» first studied for the 497 Cylindrical Resonator Circular 10.5 h-a—i ‘3 mxs / a Current -fi¢ - / §‘\\lfl/lfll/ll/l/I/fl/l/l/l/Il ’l/ll/I/YI/ll/I/ll/Illlf/I //: Electric field —-——-— Sections FIG. 10.5 through a Magnetic field cylindrical cavity with fields of TMO10 mode. Convention is as in Table 8.9. conducting side walls. A circumferential magnetic represented by the time—varying elec~ displacement tric field. Neither component varies in the axial or circumferential direction. Equal and opposite charges exist on the two end plates, and a vertical current flows in the side walls. The mode may be considered a TM01 mode in a circular waveguide operating at cutoff (to give the constancy with respect to z), or it may be thought of as the standing wave pattern produced by inward and outward radially propagating waves of the radial transmission line type (Sec. 9.3). From either point of view we obtain the field mum at the center and dies off to zero at field surrounds the the current components E: = ab = k 'E 1—“ frequency (2) Jl<kr) 77 = E 2.4 05 (3) = (2 a Then the resonant (l) EOJO(kr) is 2.405 k f0 (4) = = 277V us 2770 V [1.8 The energy stored in the cavity at resonance may be found from the energy in the electric fields at the instant these have their maximum value. Take a and (1, respectively, 498 as radius and Chapter length of the cavity: a U d = a SligJ2 9 ’7 2771' dr —— = are 2 0 This may be Resonators 10 115(k)) dE5 dr o integrated by Eq. 7.1502): 7 U If the walls of are = 778 dEg 0? mica) (5) the power loss may be calculated imperfect conductors, approximately: a R WL = Zarad —§ 2 152 2 + 2f o R —5 lerlz 2 2 7rr dr The first term represents losses on the side wall, the second on top and bottom. The current per unit width J5, on top and bottom is ng, and JSZ on the side wall is the value of H g at r = a. WL Substituting = 77R s ad from E3 — 2 (2), we see 12(ka) l = naRsEz0 —2 ,, rJ‘f(kr) --; J}(ka)[d dr 7] O integrated by Eq. 7.15(22), recalling L The E3 + 2 7] This may also be for resonance: that " that + J0(ka) = O is the condition (5) a] Q of the mode may then be obtained as usual from power losses (6) and energy (5), using (4) for resonant frequency: stored on Tl P01 (U QzfiiziflfiTfi where P01 :3 2.405 An infinite number of additional modes may be obtained for the cylindrical resonator by considering others of the possible waveguide modes for circular cylindrical guides propagating in the axial direction with an integral number of half guide wavelengths plates. In this manner the standing wave pattern formed by the superposition of incident and reflected waves fulfills the boundary conditions of the conducting ends. Table 10.5 shows a TE11 mode, a TM01 mode, and a TEOI mode, each with one half guide wavelength between ends. The resonant wavelengths shown are obtained by solving the equation as between end A A. )k 2 d‘%=rb'hfl - 1/2 ® Circular 10.5 499 Cylindrical Resonator Table 10.5 TE111, Cylinder A / ///////// / 0 DO 0 I\°°/\ / E/o ; 00 O 00 0 00 0 00 /\ A ////////// li/VVLUUK A coo e 0 l\’°/\ 0 I .' i/ E j on o o. g 0. ° O. O 2 / / I /////// Cross section through AuA 2l +(m) 2Z‘HJ'I'81‘ ; / j 1 ejfo:c . O D j\ 0' /l // /// / A l ’ / I ‘ l A TMOH, Cylinder I 1+ c __ 21 (2.610,) 2 zit—mar Cross section through A~A | A l F I j A TECH, Cylinder l /////////////////////// / ____________ /e / o o a 0\ a 5 55—1—4 5 j’.("'.‘“.: 3.7“") xii—1°... j j .l / { / 5 /B““o‘-‘o“T’—5—“‘J‘”€\ o( ”“—"—o o o—— o o o \ \1...°.....°_| “.2__° / / 01 o ° 1 f0 c : + (1.52:) 2 ————_ ZZVWE—r / / j if///////////{//////////// Cross section through A-A < l A I " corresponding resonant frequencies are shown in the table. For these modes the integer p is unity in (8), and cutoff wavelength AC is obtained from Sec. 8.9. Note that in the designations TEN], TMOH, TED“, the order of subscripts is not in the cyclic order of coordinates, r, ()5, 2, since it is common in circular waveguides to designate the qS variation by the first subscript. Of the foregoing modes, the TE011 is perhaps the most interesting since it has only circumferential currents in both the cylindrical wall and the end plates. Thus, if a re— sonator for such a wave is tuned by moving the end plate, one does not need a good contact between the ends and the cylindrical wall since no current flows between them. The 509 Chapter For both of the other modes shown current does good to flow between the Resonators no (and in fact all except those of type and its ends cylinder so that any sliding TEOmp) a finite contact must be prevent serious loss. it would be found that higher wave orders (those require larger reson~ ators to be resonant at a given frequency. The Q would become higher because of the increased volume-to—surface ratio, but the modes would become close together in frequency relative to the resonant frequency so that it might be difficult to excite one mode only. As with the having more rectangular resonator, variations with any or all coordinates r, qS, 2) would STRIP RESONATORS 10.6 Strip-type resonant structures are used in microwave and millimeter-wave circuits as single resonant elements and as components in filters. Such structures are light and compact, though more limited in power—handling capability than the box resonators discussed in the preceding sections. The quality factor Q of this kind of resonator is limited by losses in the conductors and dielectric, and is also decreased by radiation, since they are open structures. The examples shown here are of the common microstrip configuration (Sec. 8.6), with the strips on a dielectric substrate coated on the opposite side with a metallic ground plane, but similar arrangements can be used with the co~ planar configurations. Figure 10.6a shows a microstrip resonator equivalent to the resonant transmission line with short-circuited ends described in Sec. 5.13. To satisfy the boundary conditions at the ends, the strip length 1 must be 1: where Ag the fields = vp/ f across = gaff and )to/ n is mtg/2 an integer. (1) We assume negligible variation of the Short circuits in strip. microstrip require connections (“vias”) through the dielectric, so a and convenient arrangement is to leave the ends of the strip open, rather in the simple model that assumes ideal open circuits at than shorted. Again, 1 more common = nag/2 the ends. However, there by an added length Al so are flinging fields that the at the ends and these resonance condition z + 2A1 = can be represented is rug/2 (2) The value of Al in the usual situation where the dielectric and ground plane extend beyond the end of the strip has been found by numerical methods. Practical calculations can be made from empirical formulas that have been fit to the results of the calculations. The following formula is accurate to about 5% for 0.3 < w/ d < 2 and l < er < 50:1 Al z ‘22“ ‘ 0’412 (gaff (361., + —— O.3)[(w/d) + 0.262] O.258)[(w/d) + 0.813] R. K. Hoffmann, Handbook of Microwave MA, 7987. (3) Integrated Circuits, An‘ech House, Norwaod. Shorts to 5%? Strip Resonators 10.6 ground plane all/4;:7r’ :l/ T' g \ Ground plane (b) (a) FIG. 10.6 resonator where 8.6. w ends. (a) Microstrip resonator with short-circuited showing capacitively coupled input and output. is the Figure d is the dielectric thickness, and gaff is defined as in Sec. open—circuit resonator with capacitively coupled input and strip width, 10.6b shows (1)) Open-circuited microstrip an output connections. Another in Fig. important form 10.6c. There circumference is an of strip-type structure is the I— 27Travel" ‘“ straight-line adjacent straight mean (4) "Ag 2 Because of the curvature of the line, radiation is in microstrip ring resonator shown end effects and, if the curvature is not too great, the integral number of wavelengths at resonance. Thus, are no important source of loss than example by distributed coupling to an of microstrip, though capacitive coupling as in Fig. 10.6b can resonators. section a more Excitation in this is be used. Strip—type also be made in the form of rectangular or circular patches, Note that the rectangular patch Figs. width comparable with wavelength. If the having in the resonance circuits, rectangular patch is as in the rectangular box lO. 2~— 10.4, except with open-~circuit (zero tangential H) boundary con- resonators can normally with open sides as shown in differs from the strip in Fig. 10.6b by 10.6d and 6. edges are open cavity in Secs. ditions. Only modes with nonzero E._. and no variations in the: direction can be accom~ modated in the strip~type structure. Thus, the modes are the TMnmp types in Eqs. 10.4(8)-(12) with p = 0: E2 2 E0 Hx = 1-;- HV : k)’ [(3. = mw/(a + Aa) and k), =2 kyr cos (5) kyy . 1‘0.“ ' with cos E0 k‘. --;‘— 10).“ mar/(l) klx cos sm (6) kvy ' . E0 + Sin kfr cos Ab). Here, Aa and Ab account for fringing, and may be estimated from (3). In this case the empirical formula, limiting case of the end of a very wide strip, w/d —-9 00, isl Aa/d (or Ab/d) = 2035/8r (7) kyy + 0.44) adapted from the (8) 502 Chapter Resonators 10 l -- Input T " " j; u F16. 10.6c The resonance condition 1/ .. Microstrip ring resonator can be Ground p lane with distributed adapted from Eq. 10.4(7) coupling. with p 2 1 fO >Output O: = 2 7277 mar + _ 277V “3 a + Aa (9) b + Ab rectangular patch resonator, a variety of resonant modes exist simplest of these is the lowest-order azimuthally patch a + Aa. radial—transmission—line mode, assuming an open circuit at r symmetric Since a is the radius, the Aa/d here is one-half the value in (8). The fields are described by Bessel functions as in the piflbox resonator of Fig. 10.5: As in the case in the circular of the resonator. The = E: = H¢ = (10) EOJo(k7') E 1—739- J1(kr) (11) id T —7/ ?\ Ground fig plane \ can Ground plane (8) FIG. 10.6 patch (d) Rectangular patch resonator. resonator in microstrip technology. (6) Circular microstrip With an open circuit at condition is a Art, + 503 Strip Resonators 10.6 the field tangential must vanish H¢ there, the so resonance 1 1 0 P11 O 27rV,LLe ( A“ + ZWVMSO where p11 3.832 is the first root of the Bessel function J1. More generally, the modes in the circular patch may be considered a analytically the modes at cutoff where there is 2 no variation (B (Sec. 8.9) waveguide TM”1 0), except that here the open-circuit boundary condition at the edge radius must be applied. From Eqs. 8.9(8)—(10), same as = E2 = EOJ,,(kCr) , H 4, = H, —-J we kc = the resonant must use we frequency f0 no variation in the Its resonant frequency z or 22¢ (14) 22¢ (15) f0 = kC/ZWVTL—g. The cutoff instead of pm, which are the roots the roots of its derivative, pf,1 (see Table is pr)! __ 27r(a The mode with the lowest resonant dicates cos r frequency f0 where k kc, given by Eq. 8.9(12) except that of the Bessel function in (13), 7.15b). Thus, cos Jgalz— EOJ,,(kCr) : Resonance is at that is (13) , k— EOJ,,(kCr) C wavenumber 1qu cos (16) Aa) V + frequency is /.L8 TMIIO, direction. This mode does where the third not subscript in~ have azimuthal symmetry. is 1.841 f0 (17) _ 27r(a Aa)\/,u,8 + which is lower than that of the lowest~order All of the and e are common asymmetric, methods of so one symmetric mode (12). patch resonators indicated in Figs. 10.603 expect the asymmetric modes to be preferentially exciting should the excited. The factors that contribute to the are proportional to the loss resonances. of these resonators RS, are conductor losses, which dielectric losses, which are proportional of the dielectric, radiation losses, and excitation of spurious Radiation losses can be minimized by enclosing the structure in a metal factor tan 58 box, and dielectric losses of Q’s to the surface resistance Q associated be combined are usually high values nearly independent and can less than those in the conductors. For with the various loss mechanisms, they are as Q---<i-}-i+—1-->~l Qc Qd Qt (18) 504 Chapter Resonators 10 subscripts refer to conductor, dielectric, and radiation, respectively. Each Q in (18) is given by Q wOU/WL. Energy loss WL in the conductors can be calculated as for the box cavities, i.e., integration of Eq. 3.18(5) over the metal surfaces. The dielectric energy loss is found by integrating the density, WM woa”E2/2, where E is where the = = electric field, over Procedures for U is calculated the volume of the resonator. calculating radiation as are found in the literature.1 Energy storage Q’s are much lower 100 to 1000 for copper or gold on any of several different temperature. Strip-type resonators of the same configurations but than for box cavities, dielectrics loss for the box cavities. With normal metals, the at room typically superconductors have Q’s 10 to 100 times higher at 10 GHz. The advantage of using superconductors is greatest at microwave (< 20 GHz) frequencies, and decreases at higher frequencies because of the difference of frequency dependencies of RS shown in Fig. 3.16b. made with 10.7 WAVE SOLUTIONS IN SPHERICAL COORDINATES Spherical resonators are of more intellectual than introduce wave solutions in spherical only those solutions solutions. We shall sketch here The solutions with practical interest, coordinates. In this section variations but will we serve develop with axial symmetry, involved, but have been a/a¢ to such = 0. general 4) given pletely by Stratton.2 It is found that with axial symmetry the solutions separate into waves with components Er, E and those with components H,, H 0, 6., H46 E¢. These are called TM and TE types, respectively, the spherical surface r constant serving here as are more com- the transverse surface. 0 in spherical modes with axial symmetry by setting 6/69!) The three coordinates. curl equations spherical equations containing E,, Consider then TM Maxwell’s E 6, H 4, 2 in are a “a“;(rEa) 1 - air, , = 60 59-01€581“ ' rsinaaa ‘ E a) ’Ja’gr a and 2 U — . ’5? (rH¢) Equations (2) (1) “anO-Hqg : jtdSO‘Eg) (3) (3) may be differentiated and substituted in (1), leading to an equation in H alone: 4, 62 _ 61'20 2 J. A. Strah‘on, .H9”) + E ia[ia W... ’2 ....____. _ sin a 66 (rqu sin 9)] + k2(rH¢) Electromagnetic Theory, Chap. VII, McGraw—Hill, = 0 New York, 794 I. (4) To solve this differential partial 505 Wave Solutions in Spherical Coordinates 10.7 equation, we follow the solution product technique. Assume 0-11,) where R is function of a : alone, and 9 is r a Re (5) function of 6 alone. If this is substituted in (4), the functions of r may be separated from the functions of 6, and these must then be separately equal to a constant if they are to equal each other for all values of r and 6. For a definitely ulterior motive, "R" k2-2——i—dGale I R Thus there Let us label this constant we are two 1d<e __ 1101 6) SM] sin6d6 ordinary differential equations, one making the substitutions + 1): ( - in only 1' (6 ) +1) “n” and one in 6 only. consider that in 9 first, d Vl—u2=sin6, uxcosd, d “sine— du -——= d6 Then 2 (1 —- The differential in fact a L12) d8 d 8 d 2n 2 __ + du equation (7) [”02 is reminiscent of 1 + 1) 112] —— —~ l — 6 O S Legendre’s equation (Sec. 7.18) (7 ) and is standard form. This form is dy 2x; One of the solutions is written3 m2 + y[iz(n + 1) -— 1 _ x2}; = O (8) :P";(x) by this solution is called an associated Legendre function of degree 271. These are related to the ordinary Legendre functions and the function defined the first by the kind, order n, equation m/2 Pm (x) ( 1__ x2 ) .... As a matter of fact, d’”P,,(x) dx’" (9) (8) could be derived from the ordinary Legendre equation by this substitution. A solution to (7) may then be written 2,1"(u)=P,1,(COS (10) 0) And, from (9), P},(cos 3 A second solution, (Ref. 2). @300, 6): —a%0— P(cos 6) is needed when the axis is not included in the (11) region of solution 506 Chapter Resonators :0 integral values of n these associated Legendre functions are also polynomials consisting of a finite number of terms. By differentiations according to (9) in Eq. 7.123(8), the polynomials of the first few orders are found to be Thus for Pcl,(cos 6) Pi(cos 6) P911003 6) P§(cos 6) = O = sin 6 = 3 sin 6 cos %sin 6 (5 cos2 6 gsin 6 (7 cos3 6 = Pi(cos 6) 2 6 (12) l) -— 3 - cos 6) Other properties of these functions that will be useful to us, and which may be found a study of the above, are as follows: from 'n". P,1,(cos 6) are zero at 6 O and 6 2 if n is even. are zero at 6 6) 77/ P},(cos P},(cos 6) are a maximum at 6 77/ 2 if n is odd, 1. All 2. 3. = = = = is and the value of this maximum given by 1 10,,(0) (-l)_(”""1)/2n! = 12 odd (13) Wit" ;: ii Legendre functions have orthogonality properties Legendre polynomials studied previously: 4. The associated of the I 0 P}(cos 6)P,1,(cos 6) sin 6 d6 7’ J o [P,1,(cos 9)]2 sin 6 d6 = = l # O, similar to those (14) n 2 + 1 101—) (15) 212 + 1 5. The differentiation formula is §6[P,1,(Cos 6)] Note that only one = sin 6 [nPi+1(COS antenna analysis on R1 the 1) cos the and 6P},(cos 9)] equation (7) will not be axis, axis, but will be needed in problems such r differential R/W: on so as (16) has been required the biconical obtainable from (6), substitute the variable equation . c121?1 air2 By comparing + of Sec. 12.25. To go back to the = (n — solution for this second-order differential considered. The other solution becomes infinite in solutions valid 9) with + lde —— r + dr Eq. 7.l4(3) it is [ seen (n 9 k~ —- + $92 — r2 R1 = 0 that this is Bessel’s differential equation of Wave Solutions in 10.7 order %j. + n A 507 Spherical Coordinates solution may then be written complete R1 + Aan+l/2(kr) = Bner+1/2(kr) (17) and R If It is an WR, = integer, these half-integral~order Bessel functions reduce simply to algebraic example, the first few orders are combinations of sinusoids.4 For J1/2(x) = J3/Z(‘x) : /2 E sin 2 —— x [ sin x cos .. x L... N1/2(x) = N3/2(I) 2 i2 —— acosx 2 3:] {SID-x cos x . —— «— + L. ___-x__:| ‘ J5/2(x) 2 3 E J? l -— L -— -3- ‘3 2 , = N5/2(x) Sinx = ; L; 3 x] cos x . smx -—- + (7 1) x] cos w x“ The linear combinations of the J and N functions into Hankel functions represent as found traveling radially inward or outward, previously for other Bessel functions: 1. If the region infinite 2. If the at r of interest includes the = region resent of interest extends to radially a particular infinity, function, H f3; 1 /2 outward traveling combination of : All V7- = J,,+1/2(kr) 4 —— present since it is J,,+1/2 - jN,,+1/2, must be used to and N,,+1/2(kr) required for any by combining correctly (17), (10), (2) and (3), respectively. rep- problem and (5), P},(cos 6)Z,,+1/2(kr) A,P‘(cos 6) jw8’3/2 __ cannot be the linear combination of J and N into Ex—’—"———Z I [I1 n+l/2(k‘-k-Z__ I) 6 E,. conditions will be wave. may be denoted as Zn+1 /2(kr), and now H is determined. E, and E 9 follow from g H4, origin, N,,+1/2 (Sec. 7.14) boundary O. the second Hankel The and waves (18) A n 222n "jaw—V: 7(kr) lgsin 0 n [cos 6P,l,(cos 9) 1/2(kr)] —— P}, + 1 (9) l(cos 0)] Special notations for the spherical or half-in tegraI—order Bessel functions have been introduced and are useful if one has much to do with these functions. Thus Stratton, following Morse (Vibrations and Sound, p. 246, McGraw~HilL New York, 7936) usesjn(x) to denote (77/ 2X)‘ / 2.1,, + I ,2(x), and similar small letters denote other spherical Bessel and Hankel functions. Still other specialized notations have been used. Because of our limited need for spherical coordinates, we shall retain the original Bessel function forms so that standard recurrence formulas may be used. 503 Resonators 10 Chapter spherically symmetric TE modes may be obtained by the above and the principle duality (Sec. 9.5). We then replace E, and E 9 by Hr and H 9, respectively, H96 by E and s by ,u: (,5, The of — E¢ = H9 : BIZ P},(cos 6)Zn+1/2(kr) 7,— _B,f ,1,(cos 0) [n.2,+1 flaw) ij‘B/z 12,2211 2 — k7) 31:1 [cos 6P,1,(cos 6) flax-3721 I‘ P},+1(cos 6)] _ 0 10.8 (20) krz,,_1 ”(100] SPHERICAL RESONATORS general discussion of spherical waves from the preceding section will now be applied to the study of some simple modes in a hollow conducting spherical resonator. Since the origin is included within the region of the solution, the Bessel functions can 1 in Eq. only be those of first kind, 1,, + 1/2. For the lowest-order TM mode, let n 10.7(19) and utilize the definitions of Eqs. 10.7(12) and 10.7(18). Letting C The = = A1(2k/7r)1/2, we then have C sin 6 H¢ Er = kr = _. Zan =- 6 cos ' mC [(2:11 cos — kr kzrz ‘ E, < sin kr 6 [( ( kr) sin kr _ cos kr [0‘2 (1) [0) . 1 - )kr sin kr + cos (2) kr] (3) The mode may be designated TMIOI’ the subscripts here giving variations in the order 1‘, d), and 6. Electric and magnetic field lines are sketched in Fig. 10.80. To obtain the resonance condition, perfectly conducting shell, r = a. we know that E 9 must be From (3), this zero at the radius of the requires M tan ka : l Roots of this transcendental equation found at ka resonant m 2.74, giving a (4) —_ - (ka)2 may be determined frequency of numerically and the first is 1 f0 a» ———————_— 2.29 ,uea (5) 509 Spherical Resonators 10.8 Electric field -~-—- Section Magnetic field Section through axis through equator (a) Section through equator Section through axis (b) FIG. 10.8 mode in (a) Field patterns for TMW mode in spherical spherical resonator. (b) Field patterns for TE‘01 resonator. The energy stored at resonance may be found from the peak energy in magnetic fields: U = ff 0 The value of HQ5 is the resonance given by (1), requirement (4): The = sin 6516 d;- and the result of the 1 + k in conductors of finite 2 f Alidi o IH¢I227rr2 — ”R H = 2 integration : 9 sin" [ca] conductivity 4 R ,, 27m“ sin 6 d6 may be simplified by 2 fig;— [Ira ——k—(E‘1 approximate dissipation WL 5"- C2 2 U o ,, (6) is % a'C2 sin2 ka (7) 5'3 0 So the Chapter 10 Q of this mode is "n Q: [k0 _1+_(ka>2]efl 31112 [ca 2Rs(ka)2 The “dual” of the above mode is the obtained fields Resonators in ka TE“,1 mode, E 45 for (l) (3) by substituting Hg, sketched in Fig. 10.8b. Note that the O at r a, requires by setting 13¢ to are obtained ~ (8) R5 and its field components may be Hr for E,, and “Hg for E 9. The resonance condition for this mode, = = tan Numerical solution of this yields ka z ka ka 2 4.50, or 1 f0 w 1.395 V p.861 Small flap gavities and 10.9 (9) — Qonpimg SMALL-GAP CAVITIES Because of their shielded nature and high Q possibilities, resonant cavities are ideal for in many high-frequency tubes such as klystrons, magnetrons, and microwave tn'odes. When they are used with an electron stream, it is essential for efficient energy use transfer that the electron transit time sible. If resonators such across the active field those studied in region be sections as small as pos- used, very short preceding cylinders or prisms would be required, and Q would be low and interaction weak. Certain special shapes are consequently employed which have a small gap in the region that is to interact with the electron stream. Several examples of useful small-gap cavities as were will follow. Exampie nose FORESHORTENED COAXIAL LINES Fig. 10% may be considered a coaxial line A terminated in the gap capacitance (leading to the equivalent circuit of Fig. 10.917) provided that the region B is small compared with wavelength. The method is particularly useful when the region B is not uniform, but contains dielectrics or discontinuities, so long as a reasonable estimate of capacitance can be made. The structure in B 5'! l Small-Gap Cavities no.9 I 2 '9 '{II/IIIIll/IlllflllllI’llIll/IIIlllll/I/I/I/I/Illllllli.’o I \ g {VII/II’llIII/III’ll/IIIII/llIII/IIIIIIIII/Illll[III/I'l/I/Il/J: (a) (b) _IIIIII’IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ' \ \ WW III/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII r / I III/IIIIIIIl/IIIIII h... 1—54 ‘<——— ll l ll \ ° liip/ 0 r2——.—l (d) (c) Sphedcal conducfing surface Conical conducfing surface («2) FIG. 10.9 (a) Foreshortened coaxial-line resonator. (b) Approximate equivalent circuit for (a). (c) Foreshortened radial—line resonator. (d) Resonator intermediate between foreshortened coaxial line and foreshortened radial line. (e) Conical—line resonator. For resonance, the reactance at any plane should be equal and opposite, opposite directions. Selecting the plane of the capacitance for this purpose, looking in 1 jwoc Of Bl = t an "1 1 —— 20ch ( 1) found numerically from (1). l), the line is practically a quarter~wave length. For larger values of C, the line is foreshortened from the quarter-wave value and would approach The resonant frequency (ZOwOC If C is small zero length if must be < ZOwOC approached infinity. 5'! 2 Chapter Resonators 10 Example rash FORESHORTENED RADIAL LINES proportions of the resonator are more as shown in Fig. 1090, it is preferable to problem as one of a resonant radial transmission line (Sec. 9.3) loaded or foreshortened by the capacitance of the post or gap. Then, for resonance, the inductive reactance of the shorted radial line looking outward from radius r1 should be equal in magnitude to the capacitive reactance of the central post. Using the results and notation If the look at the of Sec. 9.3 we see that h 1 3111(6), _ wC 2m, 01 cos (a, —- —- 62) 62) 01‘ ' 62 Once 62 is found, kr2 : tan“1[sm cos is read from 01 + ( 2 7711/0) CZ01 h)cos 61 (2771'1 / wCth) - ' Fig. 9.30, Example and resonant sin 1,01] (2) 1/11 frequency is found from k. 10.9c RESONATORS OF INTERMEDIATE SHAPE In the coaxial-line resonator of Fig. 10.951 the electric field lines would be substantially region far from the gap. In the radial line resonator of Fig. 10.9c the electric field lines would be substantially axial in the region far from the gap. For a resonator of the same general type, but with intermediate proportions, the field lines may be transitional between these extremes as indicated in Fig. 10.9d, and neither of these approximations may yield good results. Some useful design curves for a range of proportions have been given in the literature.5 Of course, if the capacitive loading at the center is great enough, the entire resonator will be relatively small compared with wavelength, and the outer portion may be considered a lumped inductance of value radial in the L m E 277’ Resonance is computed from 1n<'—"-) (3) 2'1 this inductance and the known capacitance. Example iced CONICAL-LINE RESONATOR A somewhat different form of at radius 5 a on a conical line as small-gap resonator, formed by placing a spherical short studied in Sec. 9.6, is shown in Fig. 10.9.9. Since this is T. Moreno, Microwave Transmission Design Data, Artech House, Nam/cod, MA, 7989. a uniform line, formula (1) applies to ZO In the limit of gap), this case as ,8 = -9 2 cot 7T 0 (4) zero becomes C kr cos __ 9 sin e Q of the resonator in this Q R sin 10' . . JT] 8111 case 6 In cot 7777 1n cot r may be shown to be — 10.10 (6) z d) limiting 4Rs (5) r C H The k and 6 27- ln = well. For the conical line, capacitance (the two conical tips separated by an infinitesimal exactly a quarter-wavelength. The field components in this by forming a standing wave from Eqs. 9.6(5) and 9.6(6), are the radius case, obtained 513 Coupling to Cavities redo (60/2) COUPLING (60 / 2) + 0.825 csc <7) 00 CAVITIES TO The types of electromagnetic waves that may exist inside closed conducting cavities have been discussed without specifically analyzing ways of exciting these oscillations. excited if the resonator is completely enclosed by conductors. coupling electromagnetic energy into and out of the resonator must be introduced from the outside. The most straightforward methods, similar to those discussed in Sec. 8.11 for exciting waves in waveguides, are: Obviously they Some means cannot be of 1. Introduction of a lines, driven by conducting probe an 2. Introduction of conducting loop a 3. Introduction of a or antenna in the direction of the electric field external transmission line pulsating with plane electron beam normal to the magnetic field lines passing through a small gap in the similarly for carriers in solid- resonator, in the direction of electric field lines, and state devices 4. Introduction of being located a common to one 5. In hole or iris between the cavity and field component in the in the wave mode so that some driving waveguide, the hole cavity mode has a direction a microstrip or coplanar strip versions, coupling by adjacent strip examples of Fig. 10.6 lines as illus- trated in the example, in a velocity modulation device of the klystron type, as in Fig. 10.10a, input cavity may be excited by a probe, the oscillations in this cavity producing a voltage across gap g1 and causing a velocity modulation of the electron beam. The velocity modulation is converted to convection current modulation by a drifting action For the 514 Chapter 10 Output ln put resonator resonator f \‘ Electron beam \ ,..- u. ______ g1 I"“‘ 1 Resonators / K \\ g2 / } Probe / l _______ Signal Loop m // ‘—-.~wI” \ Power out __. ” \\ \ I I " .. \ // \‘v’ \ __ i TE I \; TMmo Cylindrical resonator 10‘ Rectangular guide (b) (a) Cylindrical cavity Coaxial line . (a) FIG. 10.10 (a) Couplings to the cavities of a velocity modulation tube amplifier. (1)) Section showing approximate form of magnetic field lines in iris coupling between a guide and cavity. (c) Magnetic coupling to a cylindrical cavity. so that the electron beam may then excite electromagnetic oscillations in the second by passing through the gap g2. Power may be coupled out of this resonator resonator by a coupling loop and a coaxial transmission line. Iris coupling between a TMO10 mode in a cylindrical cavity and the TE10 mode in a rectangular waveguide is illustrated in Fig. 10.1019. Here the H¢ of the cavity and the HI of the guide are in the same direction over the hole. rigorous approach to a quantitative analysis of cavity coupling is given in the following chapter. Some comments and an approximate approach are, however, in order The here. "'::',—,.-;-} Example LOOP COUPLING Let Fig. us concentrate on the 10.100. If a IN A loop coupling current is none CYLINDRICAL CAVITY to a TM010 cylindrical mode as sketched in loop, all wave types will be excited made to flow in the Measurement of Resonator 10.11 which have 515 Q magnetic field threading the loop. The simple TM010 mode is one of these, resonance, certainly it will be excited most. However, this wave is known to fit the boundary conditions imposed by the perfectly conducting box alone. Other waves will have to be superposed to make the electric field zero along the perfectly conducting loop, but these will in general be far from resonance and so will contribute only a reactive effect. In fact, they may be thought of as producing the selfinductance reactance of the loop, taking into account the presence of the cavity as a a and, if it is near shield. The voltage magnitude induced in the M where [HI is magnetic field from the Consider power loss in terms of magnetic field area. WL This loss requires an as only at r m1(d = the cavity mode is wxxSlHl (1) TM010 mode, averaged over the loop, and S is loop walls, Eq. 10.5(6). This can be written through Eq. 10.5(2): that from the = a + £1)ng %(ka)RS n2 = input loop by 2: 7m(d + a)R,|H|2 (2) resistance R :2 v2 L 2W, (wMS) __ 2 '" 27m(d + (1)12, (3) impedance from self-inductance of the loop, ij, is added to this, but may by a frequency shift in the cavity or by a portion of the input line as will discussed in the following section. The reactive be tuned out be 10.11 The Q of a cavity MEASUREMENT OF RESONATOR Q has been defined in terms of power loss and energy storage and has a number of ideal configurations. It has also been noted that the Q been calculated for cavity mode, just as for a lumped—element reso~ vicinity of resonance for a single mode, a lumped—element equivalent circuit such as that of Fig. 10.110 is a good representation. The excitation means may excite a number of modes, but in general only one is near resonance. The elements G, L, and C represent the mode near resonance, and jX the reactive effect of modes far from resonance. Such an equivalent circuit might be suspected to give correct qualitative results, but as will be shown in the next chapter, it actually gives useful quantitative results also. The equivalent circuit also permits one to devise ways of measuring Q when it is difficult or impossible to calculate. Many methods of Q measurement are possible,6 and commercial instruments are is useful in nant 6 describing system. The T. S. bandwidth of reason Loverghefio. Handbook MA. 7987. a for this is that in the of Microwave Testing, Sec. 9.2, An‘ech House, Norwood, 516 Chapter Resonators 10 G‘ .. Q i" I! ——l ‘i cal“ 3‘ ll jxl. —-:f_- —_ L Q T ._ (b) (a) Locus of R = X (a) FIG. 10.11 waveguide. (a) Cavity equivalent circuit. (b) Equivalent circuit for cavity with (c) Locus of impedance on Smith chart for Q measurement. available which do this We shall describe coupling to a method using elemental transmis— equivalent circuit of Fig. 10.11a and brings in the importance of the correct coupling. The coupling of the waveguide to the cavity is illustrated here by the ideal transformer of turns ratio m:1 (Fig. 10.11b). The guide is assumed to have unity characteristic unpedance for simplicity, so that terminating impedances are automatically normalized. The input impedance at reference directly. a sion—line measurements which illustrates the use of the a is then 9 Z“ By defining Q0 z vicinity m wOC/G, (9% za In the " = [JX = mz[jX of resonance, co 1 . = + G + l/LC, and j(wC R0 - l/wL)] l/G, = this is R° + , 1 + w0(1 + 1(w/w0 8’) - (1) wO/w)QD ] (2) where 5’ is small, 7 Z, a. ijX m ~R 0 + ——,— l + ZJQOS' (3) 10.11 Measurement of Resonator 53 7 Q The series reactance may be removed either by defining a new resonant frequency or by referring input to a shifted point on the waveguide. The latter is common, and the reference may be taken as the position where the impedance seen looking toward cavity is zero when the cavity is tuned off resonance; this is called the “detuned new the short” position. The detuning is sufficient to make QOB’ > 1 either by detuning the cavity (by changing coo) or by changing frequency a). Then, by (3), Za jsz and, from the impedance transformation formula, Eq. 5.7(13), which for ZO l is z = Z” we find that Zb is zero t 1 impedance Zb + j tan jZa B! (4) [31 tan when tan The + Zn at [3/ ~2722X 2 in the arbitrary frequencies Z}, = (5) neighborhood of ”22120,, is then (6) ——.—“ l + resonance ZjQOB where R0,, 2 120(1 m4X2)" + (7) and 1714XR0 5=5’-—~ + 2QO(1 (8) 1724X2) impedance is measured as 5’ is varied either by changing frequency or cavity. As impedance (6) is of the linear fraction form, it will produce a circular locus for each value of 1723R0b when plotted on the Smith chart as illustrated 1, passes through by circles A, B, and C in Fig. 10.11c. Circle A, for which 1722R0b the origin and is called the condition of critical coupling since it provides a perfect match to the guide at resonance; circle C with I723R0b < 1 is said to be mzdercoupled; and circle B with 2212130,) > 1 is overcouplea’. To match the last two, the coupling ratio 1722 would have to be changed. As with the lumped resonant system, the value of Q0 can now be found from the specific value of 6 which reduces impedance magnitude at reference I) by 1 /\/E of its resonant value. On the Smith chart, this is the point R X and the corresponding 5 may be denoted 51. At this point the known quantities are 6; corresponding to 51, nsz found from (5), 1722R0b, which is the value of 2,, at reso~ 1 in the denominator of (6). Then nance, and ZQOB1 The locus of by detuning the == = == 1 Q0 and (8) may be solved to find QO (9) : 251 in terms of the known quantities. 518 chapter Resonators :0 Q0 thus determined is the “unloaded Q” since it does not account for guide. A loaded Q which accounts for this is also used and may be found The value of the loading by Fig. 10.11]: from as i_£:fi_i+1 a’OC QL where “external Q0 am Qext Q,” Qext, results from Qext = (00C (11) W It is assumed here that the generator is matched so that the impedance the guide is its characteristic impedance, taken here as unity. looking toward RESONATOR PERTURBATIONS lO.l 2 magnetic and electric energies are equal. cavity walls, this will in general change one type of energy more than the other, and resonant frequency would then shift by an amount necessary to again equalize the energies. Perturbation theory7 shows the amount of frequency shift when a small volume AV is removed from the resonator by pushing In the condition of resonance, average stored If a small perturbation is made in one of the in the boundaries. This may be written A33 __ mo IAV (MHZ IV (,uH2 "‘ + 8E2) dV 8E2) W AUH __ " AUE (1) U energy removed, AUE the electric energy removed, and U the total stored energy, all time averages. We illustrate with two examples. where AUH is the magnetic Example no.12a PERTURBATION OF RESONANT PARALLEL-PLANE LINE We first take plane a simple case for which we can __ perturb by moving one 2771) p parallelunperturbed reso- end R. F. A 770 = )t plate in = ___r2 (2) l by Al, 77v + 7 Consider the = CL’0 we answer. Fig. 10.12a, shorted at the two ends. The with the lowest frequency is at l )t/ 2 [Eq. 10.6(1)]: nance If check the transmission line of p the new resonance is Al z 1 + ——- Harrington, Time~Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields, Chap. 7, McGrow-Hill, New York, 7961. 1472 5'5 9 Resonator Perturbations 10.12 i T Ad I d i _L T Lu} T (ll—$2 _L l (b) (a) FIG. 10.12 Parallel-plane transmission line with perturbations: (a) by decreasing length by Al; (b) by introducing a rectangular indentation at the center of the line. In using the perturbation formula (1), only magnetic magnetic field is of the form 110(2) Total stored energy [/2 = 2 M 2d (4) id w d I 4 is width of the line and d the = z ——9-“H HHS (5) 4 The energy removed is spacing. AU”: so 3%“ 9 I'd-IO “1/2 w sin H0 unperturbed (twice the average energy in magnetic fields) is U where 2 energy is removed. If w dAl (6) by (1) Al Am —— =-- (7) — 1 mo which agrees with (3). Now suppose the perturbation is at the center of the line where is removed, as shown by the dashed outline in Fig. 10.1217. If only electric field unperturbed electric field is 772 the total energy stored is [/2 U — ZUE - ') E9 . 2 214sz Siocoszl l [/2 z = wlde E...0 4 (9) And the electric energy removed is 8 AUE = w Ad A2 E’)° (10) 529 so Chapter Resonators 10 by (1) Ad AZ A9 (11) ~_ Id (00 this, we may use the equivalent circuit of the line shown in Fig. 10.121). Resonance is given by To check wave AC capacitively loaded quarter- col w( ) : __ 2 Y000 t (21113) (12) _ where AC If m = “’0 + Am and :2 8W cool/vp A = 2((1 1 1 —— n', to A_a)~ _ACUP__ _ _..... Ad d) —- This reduces to (11), swAzAd i Id2 [.18 __ the check of (13) d2 (12) gives 1Y0 including Az Ad —— first order ._ we SW m 1/2 1111/22 3 (14) w sign. Example 10.1% PERTURBATION ON BOWOM OF CYLINDRICAL CAVITY For practical example, imagine a small volume AV taken out of the pillbox V0 in Fig. 10.12c, along the axis where electric field is maximum field magnetic negligible. The change in energy stored is then a more resonator of volume and E2 AUE z 3;” AV (15) Vi/I/l/I/l/l/I/I/Ill/Illll/Illlllflllllf’l/I/I/I////////////l/f/fl/M/fl//////I/{ \ \\ \ FIG. 10.126 \ A V».~ 9 \ ”IIII/11//////////////////////////é////III/x///////////////////////////////A Small perturbation in bottom of circular cylindrical cavity. 52'! Dielectric Resonators 10. 1 5 The total energy of the resonator is given the lowest mode with ka 2.405 is then by Eq. 10.5(5). Frequency shift from (1) for 2 Am nan—n.“ -~ .— 277's we The shift in resonant RO/ Q. Frequency 1 AV —-1.85 = a ( l 6) —— V0 determines the ratio frequency shifts .955 AV dEaazJfl/ca) E%/ U needed for determination of be measured accurately, and the perturbation can be made in the form of a small conducting bead moved by an insulating thread along the axis. Field can be measured at all points on the axis, and thus its integral found even when can field cannot be assumed to be uniform 10.13 We across the gap. DIELECTRIC RESONATORS in the earlier sections of this chapter that a section of a hollow metal waveguide with properties similar to resonant L—C circuits. Similarly, a section of dielectric waveguide (Sec. 9.2) exhibits resonances and can be used for the same purposes. Some materials have very high permittivities and wave energy is therefore strongly confined within the material. Wavelength is small saw shorted at the ends constitutes so the dielectric resonator can a resonant structure be much smaller than an empty hollow metal structure. 100 and e"/e’ Early work8 employed high~purity TiO2 ceramic material with er 10”. Values of Q (not accounting for losses in supporting structures) then are high (about 104) as shown in Prob. 10.3d. The difficulty with TiO2 is that its a, has an intolerably strong temperature dependence of 103 parts per million (ppm) per degree Celsius, which leads to a resonant frequency dependence of 500 ppm / °C. More recently, *3 ceramics have been to developed9 that can be made with temperature coefficients selected offset those of the These have 8r w z supporting 37.5 and 8”/8’ structures, z 2 X giving 10“"’ at a net zero temperature dependence. about 10 GHz. Disks of these materials conveniently be introduced as resonators into microwave-integrated circuits and beyond 100 GHz is expected. Exact analysis is possible for a sphere and a toroid, but shapes of greater technical interest such as rectangular prisms, disks, and rods must be treated approximately. It is seen that fields at the surface of a region of very high permittivity satisfy approximately the so-called 0pen~circuit boundary condition for which the normal component of electric field and the tangential component of magnetic field are zero. This is made plausible by considering reflections of a plane wave in going from a dielectric of high permittivity (low intrinsic impedance) to one of low permittivity (high intrinsic impedance). One could calculate the resonant frequency of a dielectric resonator by surrounding it with a contiguous perfect magnetic conductor to impose the above stated conditions. How- can use 3 S. B. Cohn. IEEE Trans. Microwave 9 M. 7?. Stig/iiz, Theory Tech. MIT-76,278 (7968). Microwave J. 24. 79 ( 798 7). 522 Chapter /I .I no Resonators \. \\ Perfect magnetic wall I I L T/ / \h/ ‘m / 2a FIG. 10.13 (a) Dielectn'c cylinder in magnetic-wall waveguide a mode where L s 2a in dielectric resonator. Fields H outside r = by model in (a). Lowest-order extensions of those given boundary. ([9) are 10.13 523 Dielectric Resonators 7000 6000 [(MHz) 5000 4000 3000 0.100 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.500 L(in.) FIG. 10.130 Experimental data on the lowest resonant frequencies versus length of a dielectric O. 162 in. After S. B. Cohn, IEEE Trans. Microwave cylinder of circular cross section. Radius a Theory Tech. MTT-lfi, 218 (1968). © 1968 IEEE. = ever, since the only approximately satisfied for perfect magnetic boundary have been found to give better results. The two lowest—order modes for circular cylin» drical disks and rods are one with zero electric field along the axis and one with zero magnetic field along the axis. The model for the former places the solid dielectric cylinder inside a contiguous infinitely long, magnetic cylindrical waveguide so that the open—circuit boundary conditions are in the use finite-permittivity resonators, modifications of the imposed only on the cylindrical surface as in Fig. 10.130. zero magnetic field along the axis imposes the open— circuit condition only on the end faces of the dielectric cylinder by means of infinite parallel magnetic conducting plates. In either case the resonant fields and frequency are found by setting up propagating-type solutions of the wave equation inside and atten— uating fields outside the dielectric and matching boundary conditions. The result is that the mode with zero axial electric field has the lowest resonant frequency for dielectric cylinders with length less than the diameter. The field distribution for this mode is shown in Fig. 10.13b. Some experimental results are shown in Fig. 10.13c. The curve labeled fl is the mode with zero axial electric field and f2 has zero axial magnetic field. A general treatment of arbitrary shapes of dielectric resonators is given by Van Bladel.10 open—circuit conditions are The model for the mode with ‘0 J. Van Bladel, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. MTT-23, 799 (7975). 524 Chapter Resonators 10 Exampfie TE MODE 10.15 DIELECTRIC RESONATOR IN example we do the analysis for the case with the circular cylinder of dielectric a perfectly conducting magnetic waveguide shown in Fig. 10.13a. Use is made of the concept of duality (Sec. 9.5) in which E is replaced by H, H by -—E, y, by s, and s by ,u, in known field distributions to find another solution of Maxwell’s equations that fits boundary conditions dual to those of the given field. The circular waveguide modes in Sec. 8.9 can be adapted. In particular, the TM mode with an electric boundary becomes a TB mode with the magnetic boundary. The H 9,.) component in Eq. 8.9(9) becomes the E ¢ component and can be written as As an enclosed in 11(kcr) erlfidz 110901) L . 0 where the propagation factor is included for a d signifies dielectric, the one wave 3 (1) - in the + z direction and the subscript account of waves in both directions in the dielectric region. Taking has E¢ The [2| , “z J 1 (k I) 2E0— 110201) L lzl Bd2, cos _<. (2) - 2 frequency is assumed low enough that the waves outside the dielectric (Izl > L/ 2) off. Choosing the coefficient to ensure continuity of E ¢, across the end of the are cut dielectric, we may write Eq15 The magnetic =2EO J 1(k1) - 2E0 mu Hr = BdL --— ijaa“2E _ e “0‘“ fl _. 2 11(P01) field components .Bd H,—— j—- cos tangential 110%I) 110701) to ”2), J1(kc1.) ‘zt B"2, L COS 3 L Z (3) - 2 the end faces of the dielectric _. .. e are L . sm I2i s (4) — 2 HAM 7 - L 7 L/-), 2 2 _ (5 where we have used the relation dual to Eq. 89(9). The upper sign in (5) applies at the lower at z .~= —L/ 2. Then, equating Hr across the dielectric boundary L/ 2 z at and = z = :L-L/ 2 ,we. find the determinantal relation for the resonant frequency: Ba tan B—‘Z’L- — (6) an where a, =—- \/ c028r 62 2 p — (7‘?) <7) 525 Problems and __ These calculations give resonant data in the range 0.24 < L/ 2a < 3912__ £92 t.) (.) frequencies about 10% lower than the experimental 0.62. PROBLEMS 10.23 An analogy can be made between acoustic resonances in a closed box with fixed electromagnetic resonances in a box with walls of high conductivity. Develop the comparison further, stressing similarities and differences. walls and 10.2b Show that the mode described in Sec. 10.2 (resonant condition and field expressions) would be obtained if one started with the point of view that it was a TE10 mode propagating in the x direction; similarly consider it a TM 11 mode propagating in the y direction exactly at cutoff. 10.20. Find the total charge on the top plate and bottom plate for the resonator of Sec. 10.2. equivalent capacitance that would give this charge with a voltage equal to that between top and bottom at the center of the box. Compare this equivalent capacitance with the parallel—plate capacitance of the top and bottom plates with fringing neglected. Determine an 10.2d Find the total current in the side walls of the resonator of Sec. 10.2. Determine an equivalent inductance in terms of this current and the magnetic flux linking a vertical path at the center of the box. What resonant frequency would be given by this inductance and the equivalent capacitance of Prob. 10.2c? Compare with result of Eq. 10.2(1). 10.2e Suppose that in wave reactance Discuss place Ey/HJ. physical approximation. of = a perfect conductor jX is placed at z = d, a “reactive wall” there. Obtain the condition for ways in which the reactance wall might be giving a resonance. produced, at least as an 10.33 Calculate the maximum energy stored in magnetic fields for the simple mode of the rectangular resonator and show that it is the same as Eq. 10.3(1). 10.3b Convert the phasor forms of electric and magnetic fields of Sec. 10.2 to instantaneous forms and find stored electric and magnetic energy as functions of time. Show that the sum is a constant equal to the value of Eq. 10.3(1). 10.3c From the definition of Q in terms of energy storage and power loss, Eq. 10.3(3), show that the decay of energy in a natural oscillation after excitation is removed is of the form exp( Q/ mo. How many periods of oscillation are there in t/r) where r = -— the l /e time of the decay? an imperfect dielectric, show that the Q for any resonant mode is just e’/s”, ne— glecting losses of the conducting walls. Give the value for the dielectrics of Table 6.4a at 10 GHZ and compare with the value of Q for a copper cube-shaped cavity given in the text. 10.3d For 526 10.3e Chapter 10 Resonators expression 10.3(2) for wall losses if front and back are of one material resistivity R51, the two sides of another with R52, and top and bottom of material with R53. Give the special case of this for a cube. Modify the with surface a 10.3f third that a perfect dielectric were available with 8’ 530. How would the Q of dielectric-filled cube compare with that of an air-filled one for the simple mode studied? Why are they different? (Compare for the same resonant frequency in both Suppose = a cases.) 10.3g A square cavity resonator utilizing the simple TEN, mode is to be designed for a 0.3 THz. Height of the cavity millimeter—wave electron device for Operation at f must be kept small (0.1 mm) to minimize electron transit time. The dielectric in the = copper cavity is vacuum and the cross section is square. Calculate cavity size, the and bandwidth. Also calculate the shunt resistance R0 (Eob)2/2WL, which is a Q, = measure of the interaction of the electron beam with the advantageously shaped cavities, such as that irnpedances; for example, see Prob. 10.90. 10.4a For TENp and TM,,,,,p modes in a in cavity. Note that more Fig. 10.90, have much higher cubic resonator, consider combinations of the inte» integer higher than 2. How many dz'fierent resonant frequencies do these represent? What is the degree of degeneracy (number of modes at a given frequency) for each frequency? (Note carefully which, if any, integers may be zero.) gets with 10.4b* no By combining incident and reflected waves as was done for the T1310l mode of Sec. 10.2, find electric and magnetic field expressions of the TE111 mode of the rectangu» lar box. Sketch field distributions in the three coordinate planes. Find the expression for Q if conductors are imperfect. 10.4c Derive the expression increases as m for b d and show that Q of a TEmmm mode in a cube 0 a given dielectric and resonant frequency. Explain the = = it increases for result. 10.5a Find and expressions for resonant frequency in terms of length TM111 modes of a circular cylindrical cavity. and radius for the TM02I 10.5!) A circular resonator has height h and radius 0. Give the lowest resonant frequency for which a degeneracy between two modes occurs and the designations of these modes. Make rough sketches of the field patterns. How might a small perturbation be added to change the resonant frequency of one mode but not of the other? 10.5c Plot curves of d/A versus a/d for all the significant modes in a circular cylindrical cavity over the range 0 < d/A < 2, 0 < a/d < 5. Note especially ranges of operation where there is only one mode over a considerable region of operation. 10.5d* Give the field components and obtain expressions for energy storage, power loss, and Q for the TM011 mode of a circular cylindrical resonator. 10.5e* Repeat Prob. 10.5d for the TEO11 mode. 10.6a Show that the resonant frequency of an open~circuited microstrip resonator as in 0.2 mm, d 0.5 m, I 5 mm, and a, 9.8, taking account Fig. 10.6b with w of end corrections but using the static value of cam is 11.43 GHz. What fractional error is incurred if the end correction is neglected? Estimate the error in the lowest resonant frequency resulting from neglecting dependence of gaff on frequency? = = 10.6b* Assume that the conductors in the 2.5 pm thick. = resonator in Prob. 10.6a = are copper and are