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Top 10 Bald Influencers

Top 10 Bald Influencers
10. Samuel L. Jackson
Award Winning Actor
Has been in several amazing movies
Overall Beast
Looks like a turtle
9. Larry David
Very funny comedian
Jewish guy
Sounds like Bernie Sanders
Only half bald
8. Johnny Sinns
Provides quality entertainment for several people
Gets a ton of girls
Widely renowned for his physique
Can be found all over the internet
Doctor and Teacher
7. Verne Troyer
Literally known for one role
Died because he was short
Looks very similar to Dr. Evil
2’8” tall
6. Mike Tyson
Bites ears
Owns tigers
Actually pulls off face tats
Goodass boxer
Just legendary
5. Steve Harvey
Runs a game show
Has a fire
4. Mahatma Ghandi
Indian Lawyer, Activist, and Nationalist
Assassinated in 1948
Led the Indian revolution against England
“An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind”
3. Dwyane “The Rock” Johnson
All we need
Entire body is bald
2. Jeff Bezos
2nd Richest Guy
Owns amazon
Might be an alien
Honorable Mentions
Greta Thunberg?
Women of Wakanda
Dalai Lamah
Shaq Daddy
Vin Diesel
Ryan Shazier