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HiDAC-8 User Manual

User Manual
© College of Engineering – University of Basrah 2012
Contents ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introducon and HiDAC-8 Front Panel............................................................................................................. 3
1.1 What is HiDAC-8 ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 HiDAC-8 Front Panel................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 The Main Window ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Machinery Data Management – Add and Modify Tasks ............................................................................ 6
1.4.1 Data Structure ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Configuraon Window ............................................................................................................................... 8
1.5.1 Pickups Opons Window .................................................................................................................... 8
1.5.2 Measurement Opons Window .......................................................................................................... 9
1.5.3 Analysis Opons Tab ......................................................................................................................... 11
1.5.4 Advanced Se2ngs Window .............................................................................................................. 12
2. Data Collecon and Review ........................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Machinery Data Management – Select Reading or Measurement.......................................................... 13
2.2 Data Collecon Window........................................................................................................................... 14
2.3 Collecng Signatures ................................................................................................................................ 15
2.4 Data Review Window ............................................................................................................................... 16
3. Transient Analysis........................................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Transient Analysis Opons ....................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Transient Data Analysis Window ............................................................................................................. 19
4. Startup/Shutdown Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 20
4.1 Startup/Shutdown New Definion .......................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Startup/Shutdown Measurement ............................................................................................................ 21
4.3 Bode Plot .................................................................................................................................................. 22
4.4 Nyquist Plot .............................................................................................................................................. 24
4.5 FFT Waterfall ............................................................................................................................................ 24
4.5.1 FFT Waterfall Opons ....................................................................................................................... 26
4.5.2 FFT Waterfall Plot .............................................................................................................................. 27
4.6 Spectrograph (Spectrogram) .................................................................................................................... 27
4.7 Startup/Shutdown Table .......................................................................................................................... 28
4.8 Startup/Shutdown Time Waveform ......................................................................................................... 28
5. Dual Channel Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 30
5.1 Orbit Plot .................................................................................................................................................. 32
5.2 Time Waveform for Dual Channels .......................................................................................................... 32
5.3 Dual Channel FFT Spectra......................................................................................................................... 33
6. Balancing ........................................................................................................................................................ 34
6.1 Two-Plane Balancing Procedure .............................................................................................................. 34
6.2 Single-Plane Balancing Procedure ............................................................................................................ 40
1. Introduction and HiDAC-8 Front Panel
Welcome and thank you for purchasing HiDAC-8, the portable dual-channel data collection and
analysis pla<orm with 2-plane field balancing capability. This portable data collection and analysis
system features two fully functional channels and a third channel for phase and speed input. At less
than 1.5 kg, it is also one of the lightest and easiest to use portable data collecon tools on the
market. It is based on Windows CE 6.0 operang system and has many analysis features and
options make it the only needed device for successful Condition Monitoring based programs. The
large storage capacity of the device makes it capable of storing huge amount of machinery data
without concern about data loss.
1.1 What is HiDAC-8
HiDAC-8 is a portable vibraon analyzer featuring two fully functional channels plus a third channel
for reference signal input. At less than 1.5 kg, it is also one of the lightest and easiest to use
portable data collecon tools on the market. It is based on Windows CE 6.0 operang system and
has many analysis features and options make it the only needed device for successful Condition
Monitoring based programs. The large storage capacity of the device makes it capable of storing
huge amount of machinery data without concern about data loss.
Rugged, light weight, small size with 5.6in touchable 640x480 screen
Intuitive menus and icons with online context sensitive help make it easy to use
ARM 670MHz processor makes it highly responsive and interacve
Up to 8GB expandable memory to save huge machinery data for long time
Intelligent baBery saving provides long baBery life with minimum 12 hour connuous data
collection per charge
Internet enabled with ability to receive/send data and reports to any remote host
Many analysis techniques plus field balancing capability make HiDAC-8 the only needed
platform for machinery diagnostic
Connectivity to a PC host to receive and update tasks and configure some settings
High frequency range of up to 80 kHz
1.2 HiDAC-8 Front Panel
The front panel of HiDAC-8 contains the LCD display and the keypad. The keys are divided into five
Navigation Keys: to the left of the device which are colored in yellow. They are used to
navigate through different items and menus on the screen. “OK” key is used to select the
highlighted item or to activate some action such as starting and stopping of data collection
Control Keys: in the upper part of the keypad and colored in blue. They are used during data
entry or to activate menus and buttons in some windows.
Normal Keys: they are colored in gray and used to enter some information. Repeated click of
the same button cause to select through the characters related to that button.
Tab and Space: they are colored in grayish yellow. The Tab button is used to navigate
through the windows controls or items (such as textboxes, buttons, combo boxes …etc) or
during spectrum follow-up. Space button is used to enter the space character and also to
activate the selected button (perform click event).
Power Key: it is located to the right of the keypad and colored in blue. This key is used to put
the device in sleep mode or to resume it back. When the device resumes operation after
sleep mode (power off mode), the power key will not work unless another key is pressed.
This is useful to prevent repetitive cycles of power off/on when the power key is clicked
more than once.
Note: In some windows, the upper control keys are used to directly activate screen buttons that
are displayed in the bottom of the screen opposite to these keys. However, when a textinput control is activated, the “del” and “back” keys will not activate the buttons but are
used to edit the information to be entered by the user.
1.3 The Main Window
This is the main window of HiDAC-8. There are a number of icons used to access different entities of
HiDAC-8. Navigate through icons using navigaon keys and select the required icon by clicking OK
“Select Task” icon is used to select the effective task. Tasks are simply the database entities.
Each task contains its own data tree. The effective task can be either a downloaded task
from PC (using VAMOS 4.00 or later machinery pla<orm) or it can be manually added task.
When this icon is clicked a window will appear asking to choose from “Loaded Tasks” or
“Manually Added Tasks”. After choosing one of them, a new window will appear containing
a list of the available tasks to choose from.
“Add New Task” icon is used to manually add a new task. When this icon is clicked, an input
form will pops up asking for the name of the new task. Once the name is entered, the
Machinery Management window will appear to allow entry of the new data.
“Modify Task” is used to edit manually added tasks. When this icon is clicked, a window will
appear containing a list of added tasks to choose from. Once a task is selected, the
Machinery Management window will appear to allow data editing. The downloaded tasks
cannot be edited.
“Configure” icon is used to access the configuration window which contain a number of
entities such as pickups options, reading options, scales, units …etc.
“Start Reading” icon is used to start data collection process.
Info: A task must be selected first to start data collection.
“Fast Collect” icon is used to start non-task based data collection, i.e. arbitrary or ondemand data collection.
“Review” icon is used to start data reviewing process.
“Trans. Analysis” icon is used to activate transient analysis data collection which can be used
to analyze non-stationary signals.
Info: A task must be selected first to start transient analysis procedure.
“Startup/Shutdown” icon is used to do perform order tracking analysis for run-up and coastdown tests.
“Dual Channel” icon is used to start dual channel data collection to obtain orbit plot for
Info: A task must be selected first to use dual channel data collection.
“Balancing” icon is used to activate single-plane and two-plane field balancing procedures.
“Utilities” icon is used to access some useful applications such as battery/temperature test,
power management setting and time/date setting.
1.4 Machinery Data Management – Add and Modify Tasks
This window is used to manually add new tasks and modify available tasks. The “data tree” is
located to the left of the window and it contains the areas, machines, locations and points. For
more information about data structure, click here. In the upper right part of the window, there is
“Measurement list” where all defined measurements for the selected point are displayed in this list
view. Below the measurement list, there is “Reading list” which contain the recorded readings for
the selected measurement.
You can start adding data by clicking on “Add Data” button which is corresponding to pressing
“Shift” control key. Doing so will open the “Add data pane” which contains a number of buttons to
add new area, machine (case), location and point. Once the “Add data pane” is displayed the focus
is transferred to this pane and you can select the required buttons by navigation keys then pressing
OK or space key to activate the selected button. Once a button is clicked, the pane will be hidden.
You can also hide the pane by pressing “Add Data” button again if you do not want to select a
button from “Add data” pane.
“Cancel” button is used to close the window and it is activated by pressing “del” control key.
“Add Meas.” Button is used to add new measurement; this button is activated by pressing “back”
control key. When this button is clicked, the “Measurement Options” window is displayed. This
window enables definition of the name and setting of the new measurement.
“Menu” button is used to access the menu bar in the top of the window where several menu items
are available. In the “File” menu, you can select “Exit” to close the window. In the “Data” menu,
you can add data or duplicate machines. While in the “Measurement” menu, you can show the
properties of the selected measurement and modify it or delete it.
1.4.1 Data Structure
The tasks are simply database entities containing a collection of machinery data. Each task contains
one or more group of machines called “Area”. For example machines can be grouped in terms of
their location, function, type or other criterion. Location is the most appropriate classification
Inside each Area or group, there exist a number of machines (cases). The machine may refer to an
equipment, part or stage of large equipment. For example, multi-stage turbine can be divided into a
number of machines such as HP, MP and LP. Area can be the turbine itself in this case.
Each machine possesses a number of “Locations” which may refer to bearings locations. The
location naming convention is to use the part name followed by the location side (Free Side or Drive
End) or it can be simple ordinal numbers. In each location, there are a number of “points” or
“directions” such as horizontal, vertical and axial.
Each “point” or direction can hold a number of “Measurements”. The measurement defines the
unit, collection type, averaging type, filter settings, analysis settings, alarm set points and other
settings. Hence, vibration at each point can be measured in terms of different units and settings
such as velocity, acceleration, envelope …etc.
The recorded data for each “Measurement” are saved in the “Readings” database.
1.5 Configuration Window
This window is activated by clicking “Configure” icon in the main window. Some options can be set
through icons in this window including:
Pickups: to set pickup data through “Pickups Options” window.
Active Channel: used to select the active channel for single channel measurements.
Measurement Options: used to set the default reading options through “Measurement
Options” window.
Units: this icon is used to set the unit name for “Other” unit entity and also frequency unit
for FFT spectrum.
Scales: this icon is used to set the amplitude and frequency scale which can be linear or
Advanced Setting: used to set some advanced HiDAC-8 se2ngs through “Advanced
Settings” window such as “Auto Advance” readings during collection, auto reading saving,
auto signature, ranging …etc.
Reload Setting: this icon is important to synchronize database options with the PC software
VAMOS 4.00 (or later). Se2ng file should be loaded form PC at first by issuing the
appropriate command in VAMOS Machinery Management Platform and then using this icon
to reload settings.
Storage Select: used to select the active storage media for HiDAC-8 tasks data. It can be
either internal Flash memory or SD card.
1.5.1 Pickups Options Window
This window is used to set pickups options and select the active pickups. The active pickup can be
one of the five defined pickups. Each pickup entity contains the type of the sensor, its sensitivity
and maximum range. Sensor can be accelerometer, velocity meter, displacement sensor or other.
Choosing the appropriate type is very important during data collection because it controls whether
the signal need to be integrated or differentiated.
Sensitivity of the sensor must be defined in terms of Volt per Engineering Unit.
IMPORTANT: Sensitivity must be defined in terms of international standard (SI) units. For
example, for an accelerometer sensor, the sensitivity must be defined in terms
of V/(m/s2) . However, units of measurements defined in measurement
settings can either be SI or British.
Range is useful to set the expected maximum quantity of the measured variable. This is useful to
set the appropriate gain setting for “Fixed Gain” option or during
Startup/Shutdown tests.
1.5.2 Measurement Options Window
This window is used to set measurement options for the measurements added during task editing
or it can be used to set the default measurement options.
“Measurement Name” is required when a new measurement is to be added. There are three Tabs
in this window.
Basic Options Tab
This tab possesses measurement basic information. The first setting is the Reading Type which can
be (Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement, Envelope, Phase, Gap, AC, DC, Speed, Counter). Detection
refers to the type of level detection (RMS, Peak, Peak-Peak, True Peak, True Peak-Peak, Average).
Info: When the reading type differs from sensor type, True Peak and True Peak-Peak are not
possible; hence the scaled Peak and scaled Peak-Peak are used instead.
Unit of measurement can be SI or British unit. HiDAC-8 maps from the sensor unit to the
measurement unit and apply the appropriate integration, differentiation and scale factor.
“Type of Aver.” Stands for amplitude averaging type which can be Continuous Averaging, Short
Averaging, 50% Updated, 100% Updated and Peak-Hold.
Long Averaging: in this mode, the reading is averaged over the enre last 10 samples,
sample me is 1.25 sec for measurements with “none” reading filter and 1.5 sec when
reading filter is activated or phase measurement is required.
Short Averaging: in this mode, the reading is averaged over the last 5 samples.
50% Updated Averaging: in this mode, the updated sample shares 50% of the displayed
reading, i.e. Updated Reading = (Last Displayed Reading + Last Measured Sample)/2
100% Updated: in this case, the reading is taken from the last measured sample directly
without averaging.
Peak-Hold: in this case, the peak reading is displayed. If the new sample is larger than the
current reading, the reading is updated to the new value.
Alarm setting is a simplified level alarm data for HiDAC-8. Here, Alarm1 and Alarm2 set points for
overall vibration level can be configured. Also, Alarm Type can be chosen from different types such
as Vibration, Out of Limits, Within Limits and Alarm Off. Vibration alarm is the default setting where
there are two levels of alarms; Warning and Danger, corresponding to Alarm1 and Alarm2. Out of
Limits alarm indicates that the reading is not acceptable when it is below alarm1 or above Alarm2.
Examples for this type of alarm are temperature and pressure monitoring. Within Limit alarm
indicates that the reading is not acceptable when it lies between Alarm1 and Alarm2 set points. An
example for this type of alarm is the rotor critical speed.
Filters Tab
This tab contains different filters options. High-Pass Filter cut-off can be configured using a combo
box to be one of the predefined values of 0.3Hz, 1Hz, 5Hz, 10Hz, 50Hz, 100Hz, 500Hz, 1000Hz and
5000Hz, or it can be defined at any other frequency when selecting “Other” from the combo box
and entering the cut-off frequency in Hz in the “Specify HPF” textbox. All signal frequencies below
the high-pass cut-off frequency are attenuated or rejected.
IMPORTANT: Highpass filter cut-off frequency must not exceed the Highest Frequency
mentioned below.
Info: The “Specify HPF” textbox is enabled only when the “Other” item is selected in the “HighPass Filter” combo box.
“Highest Frequency” textbox is used to define the maximum analysis frequency for the vibration
level and FFT analysis, i.e. the low-pass cut-off frequency. All signal frequencies above the Highest
Frequency are attenuated or rejected. This is useful to reject unwanted noise and also to eliminate
aliasing phenomenon. The sampling rate can be calculated from the Highest Frequency as follows;
Sampling Rate = 2.56 x Highest Frequency.
“Envelope Filter” combo box is enabled when the reading type is selected as “Envelope” where the
envelope frequency band can be selected from this combo box to be one of the following ranges:
5 – 100Hz: suitable for rotor speeds <=50RPM
50 – 1000Hz: suitable for rotor speeds 25 – 500RPM
500 – 10,000Hz: suitable for rotor speeds 250 – 5000RPM
5000 – 40,000Hz: suitable for rotor speeds > 2500
Other (user defined range): for any speed
As a general rule of thumb, the lower frequency is set to be more than 10X while the highest
frequency must be higher than 200X. The envelope filter se2ng can be customized by selecng
“Other” from the combo box and specifying the appropriate high pass and low-pass cut-off
“Reading Filter” is useful to apply a specific frequency filtering to the level measurement but not to
the FFT spectrum. This is useful in phase plus level measurement applications. “Reading Filter” can
be set to None, Single and Band. When it is set to “None”, there will be no reading filter applied.
When it is set to “Single” then the signal will be filtered at a certain order specified by “at” textbox
underneath “Reading Filter” combo box. When “Band” setting is selected, the signal will be band
filtered according to “From” and “To” order setting.
Info: Rotor speed must be defined properly in the Location setting in order to obtain accurate
filtering results. You can measure rotor speed on the fly when phase data is collected
along with the reading.
1.5.3 Analysis Options Tab
This tab includes advanced analysis options that are used in Time and FFT data collection such as
No. of Lines, Window Type, Overlapping Percent and No. of Averaging.
No. of Lines: is the number of FFT analysis lines. It can be 100, 200, 400, 80, 1600, 3200,
6400 or 12800. The No. of Points or record length equals 2.56 x No. of Lines.
Window Type: can be Rectangular, Hann, Hamming, Modified Blackman and Minimum
Error. The last window is equivalent to the Flat top window function which has the least
amplitude error among window functions.
Overlapping Percent: the percent at which the successive analysis record overlaps its
predecessor. It could be 0%, 25%, 50% or 75%.
No. of Averaging: the number of analysis record over which the FFT spectrum is averaged.
Other setting available in this tab is the “Include Phase Reading” checkbox which if checked will
permit Phase data collection along with level measurement. The reference channel can be either
the trigger channel or the second channel (Ch2). When Channel 2 is selected, the phase readings
will be referenced to channel 2.
Note: When phase measurement is required, it is important to activate “Reading Filter” using
“Single” order option in the “Filters” Tab because phase reading is related to a single order
component. Otherwise, the phase reading will be random.
1.5.4 Advanced Settings Window
This window contains some advanced HiDAC-8 se2ngs.
Auto Advance: can be set to Yes or No, when set to “Yes”, HiDAC-8 will automacally
advance to the next Measurement in the database when the reading is saved for the current
Measurement during data collection. For more information, see “Data Collection” window.
Auto Saving: this option allows reading auto saving always or when the reading is above
Alarm1, Alram2 or any one of them. This feature may be disabled in earlier software
Auto Signature: this option allows FFT data collection automatically when the reading is
above A1 or A2.
Auto Ranging: this option sets the programmable amplifier behavior during data collection.
It can be either Adaptive to signal change or Fixed at certain primarily set value.
Waiting Time: this is used in auto ranging as the signal test duration. However, HiDAC-8
Intelligent Boost Auto-ranging may override this value automatically when it is required.
No. of History: sets the number of readings allowed to be saved in the data history. When a
new reading is collected, the oldest reading is removed when the number of readings is
greater than the No. of History.
Trigger Level: used to define trigger level for the trigger channel. When set to “Auto”,
HiDAC-8 will set the appropriate value automacally depending on the signal itself. When
“Specified” option is selected, “Trigger Threshold” textbox will be enabled to enter the
trigger threshold value in Volt.
Trigger Polarity: can be either “High to Low” or “Low to High” depending on reference
2. Data Collection and Review
“Start Reading” icon is used to start task-based data collection (route). When this icon is clicked,
the Machinery Management Window will appear, but with different bottom toolbar, to allow
selection of the required measurement to start collection procedure. Once a Measurement is
selected, the Data Collection Window will appear.
Info: A task must be selected first to start data collection.
2.1 Machinery Data Management – Select Reading or Measurement
This is Machinery Management Window with modified toolbar in the bottom of the window. It is
used to select the required Measurement or Reading.
To select a Measurement, navigate to the “Measurement list” using TAB key so that the first
Measurement will be highlighted in blue, then user up and down arrow keys to select the required
Measurement. When the required Measurement is highlighted, click on “Start” (or “Select”) button
by pressing “back” key.
To select a Reading, navigate to the “Reading list” using TAB key and highlight the required
Reading, then click “Select” button by activating “back” key.
2.2 Data Collection Window
This window is activated after selecting the required Measurement to start collection procedure. In
the upper of this window, some information about the Measurement location is displayed such as
the machine, location and point names. Also, the unit of the Measurement is displayed. The
updated reading is displayed in digits and also in the Level Bar which indicates the current reading
as compared to Alarm set points which are shown on the Level Bar.
Phase reading may also be shown when it is selected to be acquired in the Measurement setting.
Also, the alarm status is indicated. Furthermore, the previous reading and percentage change are
displayed in this window.
During sample acquisition, some buttons are disabled. To stop sample acquiring process, press and
hold “OK” key until you see all buttons are enabled or “Ready…” is displayed in the status message
just above the buttons. If “Auto Signature” is enabled, HiDAC-8 will acquire addional samples for
FFT analysis and then display the spectrum. Alternatively, you can force signature display by clicking
on “Analysis” button or pressing “Shift” control key. When the analysis is displayed in the “Analysis”
window, you can press “OK” key to save it and back to “Data Collection” window.
You can save the reading in the database by clicking OK key. If any signature is collected, it will be
saved along with the reading provided that “OK” key is pressed in the Analysis window. If Close
button is clicked to close Analysis window, then signature will be disregarded.
If “Auto Advance” option is enabled in the “Advanced Setting” window, HiDAC-8 will select the next
Measurement in the database and become ready for data collection which can be fired by pressing
“OK” key. Status bar will display a message “Click OK to start reading”.
If “Auto Advance” is disabled, you can select next Measurement in the database by pressing
“Down” navigation key. Also, you can select the previous Measurement by pressing “Up” navigation
key. You can select the next or previous points in the database by pressing “Right” and “Left”
navigation keys respectively.
You can repeat the reading by clicking “Repeat” button or pressing “back” key if some error is
encountered during data collection or when you wish to update the reading. To enter a note about
the current reading, click “Note” button or press “menu” key. Doing so will activate Note Selection
window where a list of the available notes is displayed. You can navigate to the required note and
then click “OK” button.
2.3 Collecting Signatures
When “Auto Signature” in the advanced settings is enabled, HiDAC-8 will automatically acquire
additional samples for FFT analysis and then display the spectrum when the measurement level
exceeds Alarm-1 or Alram-2 set point (according to the advanced settings). Alternatively, you can
force signature display by clicking on “Analysis” button or pressing “Shift” control key to display the
following window:
Select the required analysis from the above window by navigation keys then pressing OK key. The
“FFT with Reference” and “Time with Reference” require a speed sensor signal input to provide the
required trigger. The phase angles of the FFT spectral components are referenced to the trigger in
this case. After select the required analysis, the device will collect the required samples and then
display the analysis. When the analysis is displayed in the “Analysis” window, you can press “OK”
key to save it and back to “Data Collection” window. Alternatively, when you activate “Close”
button, the analysis window will disappear without saving the analysis data. Also, you can zoom a
part of the graph by activating “Zoom” button. To select the zoom area, use navigation keys to
move the cursor then OK button to select the starting point and end point of zoom area.
You can follow-up the amplitudes of the plot by selecting “Follow” to display the pointer. Use left
and right arrow keys to move the cursor slowly, TAB key or up arrow key to move the cursor
forward with large steps and down arrow key to move the cursor backward with large steps.
2.4 Data Review Window
Review window is activated when “Review” icon in the main window is clicked. This window is
based on Machinery Management Window but the second button is replaced by “Review” button.
Vibration level and Phase angle are already displayed in the Reading list for each reading. To obtain
additional details about the signature, “Review” button can be used. When “Review” button is
clicked, a pane will appear containing a number of analysis options. Select the desired analysis and
click the corresponding button to display it.
Info: If the recorded reading contains “Time” data, the Time waveform as well as FFT and
Cepstrum analyses can be obtained. On contrary, if the recorded analysis is “FFT”, the
Time waveform cannot be obtained. This is based on the fact that Time signal can be
analyzed to obtain FFT and Cepstrum, but the FFT data contains only the amplitude
information of the positive spectrum (half spectrum); hence, Time signal cannot be
retrieved from it.
3. Transient Analysis
Transient analysis tool is used to analyze non-stationary or transient signals which vary rapidly with
time. One application for Transient analysis is the bump test which is used to find structural
resonance frequencies. This tool requires special license and it is not available in the base kit by
default. “Trans. Analysis” icon in the main window is clicked to activate this tool. A window will
appear containing two icons (options) to choose from; “Collect” and “Review” as shown below:
The first icon is used to activate new transient data collection procedure. The Machinery
Management window will pop up to select the required Measurement. It is advisable to give the
Measurement used to collect transient analysis a special name during database building to
recognize it such as “AccTrans” . However, any Measurement can be used to host transient analysis
data which are saved as “Time” waveform data.
Info: The transient analysis is suitable to analyze vibration quantities that are not integrated.
For example, when using accelerometer pickup, transient analysis is valid for acceleration
measurement only. Velocity and displacement are not suitable in this case because the integrator
will alter the transient signal. Also, it should be noted that the highpass filter will be neglected
during the transient signal measurement.
3.1 Transient Analysis Options
After selecting the required Measurement, the Transient Analysis window will appear as shown
below. In this window, Unit, Max Frequency, No. of Lines and Analysis interval are obtained from
the Measurement settings and cannot be modified. However, the overlapping percent can be
adjusted to allow more flexibility in data analysis. Also, the Amplitude Averaging can be set to
either “Normal” or “Peak Hold”. Normal refers to continuous FFT amplitude averaging while Peak
Hold refers to peak detection.
Info: When a textbox has the input focus, “del” and “back” keys will not trig “Close” and
“Next” buttons respectively since these keys are used for input editing. However, when
the input focus is moved to another control, these keys will function properly.
The Max Range textbox permits the entry of the expected maximum signal amplitude to select the
appropriate amplifier setting. This value overrides the “Max. Range” setting in “Pickups Options”
window. On the other hand, Max Record Time can be modified to prolong or reduce acquisition
time. It is initially set to the calculated record length required to achieve the defined FFT options.
Info: During transient data collection, the Auto Ranging feature is disabled to allow proper
signal capturing. The proper gain setting will be calculated and set according to the “Max. Range
(EU)” setting and the active pickup sensitivity.
When “Start” button is clicked or “Shift” control key is pressed, HiDAC-8 will turn on the analog
card and gets ready for data collection. A message will pop up asking for user response to trig data
collection. When the user presses “OK” key, the device will start data collection immediately and
continue till acquisition of the entire sample according to the time period defined by “Max Record
Time”. User must start collection before the transient event. The samples acquired before the
event can be trimmed later.
The signal indicator LED indicates whether saturation occurred during data acquisition or not.
Green color indicates no saturation while Red color indicates that the signal amplitude exceeds
voltage limits and the Max Range value must be increased and the test must be repeated. The
detected level indicates the averaged RMS, peak or peak-peak value of the overall vibration level.
Once data collection process is done, “Save” button will be enabled to allow data saving.
“Next” button is used to advance to data analysis window.
3.2 Transient Data Analysis Window
This window has four icons; “Trim Data”, “Time Waveform”, “Single Spectrum” and “FFT
Trim Data icon is used to activate data trimming to remove the starting and trailing zero or
small-amplitude samples. When this icon is clicked an input window will pop up asking for
the percentage trimming threshold referenced to the max amplitude. All leading and trailing
samples having amplitudes below this threshold value will be removed resulting in more
compact time signal.
Time Waveform icon is used to plot the time signal in analysis window.
Single Spectrum icon is used to analyze the data and display the averaged or peak FFT
FFT Waterfall icon is used to plot cascaded FFT spectra obtained from analyzing the time
4. Startup/Shutdown Analysis
The startup/shutdown test is used to analyze non-stationary machinery vibration during machine
run-up or coast-down. It is useful to track certain orders of the rotating parts using advanced Order
Tracking Analysis (OTA) techniques. In this tool, the Time Variant Discrete Fourier Transform
(TVDFT) combined with improved orthogonality compensation scheme (IOCS patent is pending) is
applied. The startup/shutdown test differs from transient analysis in many points. The total time
during this test is (normally) much higher than that of transient analysis. Also, the speed signal is
essential in this test which must be provided by a reference pickup or a shaft encoder.
When the icon “Startup/Shutdown” is activated, the following window will appear;
“New Configuration” is used to define a new test with the default settings, while “Load
Configuration” is used to load settings from an existing test. “Data Review/Management” is used to
review the stored tests. When the “New Configuration” icon is activated, the following window will
appear to enable definition if a new test:
4.1 Startup/Shutdown New Definition
The options of the test can be defined through the “New Definition” window shown below. The
unit combo box is used to select the measurement unit. Max Range textbox is used to define the
expected maximum reading during the test and it is useful to calculate the proper gain setting for
the analog amplifier. Highest Order is used to define the maximum range of the orders to be
tracked and it is useful to calculate the sampling frequency. “Pulses/rev.” defines the number of
pulses generated by the shaft encoder per one revolution. For the commonly used laser or
photoelectric sensors, this value is set as unity when there is only one reflecting tape at a certain
Collection mode defines the type of the test. Start and Stop speeds define the speed range during
which the signal is acquired. “Max. Rec. Time” defines the maximum record length (sec) after
activating the acquisition process. When this time is elapsed, the data acquisition stops even if the
stop speed has not been attained. The definition can be saved now by clicking “Save” button.
When “Start” button is activated, the following window will appear:
4.2 Startup/Shutdown Measurement
This window displays some information about the machine such as the operating status,
instantaneous speed (RPM) and the elapsed recording time. When the starting speed defined in the
setting window is attained, the acquisition process will start. Alternatively, user can start acquisition
process manually by activating “Start” button. Once acquisition process is started, the “Elapsed
Time” counter will start counting. The acquisition is stopped when the “Stop Speed” is attained or
when the user click “OK” key. When the acquisition process is finished, the user can save the data
by activating “Save” button. To analyze and display the results, activate “Next” button. The
following window will appear when Next button is activated;
The user can select the analysis type to be displayed. The following analysis techniques are
4.3 Bode Plot
Bode plot is used to display the amplitude and phase of a certain component versus speed of the
rotating part. It is useful to identify resonance and anti-resonance speeds. When this analysis is
selected, the “Bode Plot Setup” window shown below will appear;
Lower Speed (RPM): defines the minimum speed in the analysis (can be lower than or higher than
the lower speed during data acquisition)
Higher Speed (RPM): defines the maximum speed in the analysis.
Spacing Mode: can be either Revolutions, ΔT or both. This setting defines the block size used in the
order tracking analysis. When “Revolutions” is selected, the block size will extend over the number
of revolutions defined in the “Revolutions” textbox. When ΔT is selected, the block size will be fixed
to the Time Interval (sec) defined in the corresponding textbox.
Tip: Using constant number of revolutions is preferred since it offers adaptive block size. When
the machine speed is low, the analysis block will cover longer time while when the speed is high,
the block size will be short. This is useful to obtain the correct resolution to identify and isolate
closely spaced orders.
Detection: can either be peak, peak-peak or RMS.
Amplitude Scaling: can be linear or logarithmic (dB).
Non-Orthog. Compensation: make sure to check this option in order to apply Orthogonality
Compensation Scheme as post processing technique which is useful to identify closely spaced and
crossing orders/components.
Trace Overall: when it is required to trace the overall vibration, leave this option checked.
Tracing Orders: the orders/components to be traced are defined here. User can select from the
predefined orders or alternatively define a custom order/component. The component frequency
unit can be X, Hz or RPM. Where “X” denotes for multiples of the shaft RPM.
Tip: To add a custom order/component, define its value in the “Custom Add” textbox and also
its unit. Now move to one of the combo boxes and use navigation keys to select the defined
component which will be added automatically to the list of items in the combo box.
Click OK to analyze the signal and display the results. The Bode Plot window is shown below:
Bode Plot Example
The upper section displays the amplitude while the lower one displays the phase angle versus shaft
RPM. The user can follow-up the plot to specify the amplitude and phase at any given speed by
activating “Follow” button.
4.4 Nyquist Plot
This is polar plot in which the amplitude represents the radius (distance from the origin) and the
phase angle represents the polar angle. When “Nyquist Plot” icon is activated, the “Bode Plot
Setup” window described in the Bode Plot will appear. The same data used to plot Bode plot is used
to obtain Nyquist plot by with different presentation mechanism. The figure below shows a Nyquist
4.5 FFT Waterfall
FFT waterfall is a cascaded view of the successive FFT spectra. It is useful to compare the spectra
along the entire acquisition time. It is one of the earliest tracking analysis techniques. When “FFT
Waterfall” icon is activated in the Startup/Shutdown analysis selection windows, the following
window will appear:
Lower Speed (RPM): defines the minimum speed in the analysis (can be lower than or higher than
the lower speed during data acquisition)
Higher Speed (RPM): defines the maximum speed in the analysis.
Spacing Mode: can be either Revolutions, ΔT or both. This setting defines the block size used in the
order tracking analysis. When “Revolutions” is selected, the block size will extend over the number
of revolutions defined in the “Revolutions” textbox. When ΔT is selected, the block size will be fixed
to the Time Interval (sec) defined in the corresponding textbox.
Detection: can either be peak, peak-peak or RMS.
Analysis Lines: define the number of analysis lines (resolution of the FFT spectra). If the block size is
not sufficient to provide the required number of analysis lines, data will be zero-padded. On the
contrary, if the block size is longer than the number of points required, data will be trimmed.
Highpass Filter: defines an optional highpass filter to be applied.
When “OK” button is activated, the device will process the signal and display the progress of
processing. When processing is done, the FFT waterfall options window shown below will appear:
4.5.1 FFT Waterfall Options
Display Order: Controls the order of the spectra in the waterfall. It can be “Forward” or “Backward”.
Depth Spacing: can be Even Spacing, Speed-based or Time-based. Even spacing will cause the
spectra to be distributed evenly on the third axis regardless of the corresponding speed or time
interval. Speed-based spacing makes the spectra to be distributed according to their corresponding
average speeds, i.e. the third axis represents speed. While Time-based spacing distributes the
spectra according to their time.
Spectrum Amplitude: can be Large, Medium or Small. When it is set to “Small”, the amplitudes of
the successive spectra will be scaled-down to provide better look when the spectra are very
Fill Mode: the amplitudes of the spectra can be colored to provide better identification. Fill mode
can be either Filled or None.
Amp. Threshold: the threshold below which the amplitudes will be discarded from the spectra. It is
useful when the signal is noisy.
Amplitude Scaling: can be Linear or logarithmic (dB).
Frequency Mode: can be Hz, RPM or n.RPM (order X).
Max. Display Frequency (Hz): an optional value to cut the spectra at certain maximum amplitude.
No. of Spectra: the number of spectra to be displayed. When there are too many spectra, the plot
may be too crowded to be interpreted; therefore it is good idea to neglect some in-between
When “Display” button is clicked, the waterfall will be displayed. The following figure shows a
typical FFT waterfall:
4.5.2 FFT Waterfall Plot
The waterfall can be traced by activating “Follow” button. To deactivate tracing, click on “Stop”
button. To close the window and return back to FFT waterall options, click “Close” button.
4.6 Spectrograph (Spectrogram)
This is color-coded representation of the FFT spectra where the horizontal axis represents the
frequency while the vertical axis represents the rotating speed or time. The amplitudes are colorcoded according to their value. This plot presents an easy way to interpret the analysis data.
When “Spectrograph” icon selected, the FFT Water analysis options will be displayed in order to
set the analysis options such as the lower and maximum speeds, number of lines and amplitude
detection. After that, the following window is diaplyed:
In this window, the vertical axis can be set to either “Speed” or “Time”. The amplitude threshold
can also be set. The frequency units can be set to Hz, RPM or n.RPM. By clicking “Display” button,
the spectrograph is plotted:
Spectrograph Plot Example
The amplitude color coding legend is displayed at the bottom of the graph. The maximum
amplitudes have red color while minimum or zero amplitudes have black color. The graph can be
traced by activating “Follow” button to inspect various parts of the spectrograph.
4.7 Startup/Shutdown Table
This table contains the same data used to obtain the Bode Plot; hence, when “Table” icon is
activated, the Bode Plot Setup window appears in order to set the analysis options. Then the data is
presented in a table containing the speed, amplitudes and phases of different components. The
following figures shows an example of the generated table;
4.8 Startup/Shutdown Time Waveform
When “Time Waveform” icon in the Startup/Shutdown analysis window is activated, the following
window will appear:
The user can set the range of the display in seconds. Also, “Scale Mode” can be selected to be
either “Auto” or “Fixed”. When “Auto” is selected, the plot amplitude range will adapt to the input
data, otherwise it will be set to the “Max. Value” setting. When “Display” button is activated, the
time waveform is displayed.
Time Waveform Example
The user can use the right and left arrow keys in order to navigate through the time data when the
total acquisition time is longer than the display time. To exit this window and return back to
previous window, click “Close” button.
5. Dual Channel Analysis
Dual channel analysis is very useful tool to analyze two vibration signals simultaneously. The most
important feature of dual channel measurements is the ability of obtaining the orbit plot where the
shaft centerline movement is represented in the XY-plane. This tool requires special license and it is
not available in the base kit by default. To start this tool, click “Dual Channel” icon in the main
window. A window will appear containing two icons (options) to choose from; “Collect” and
“Review” as shown below:
The first icon is used to activate new dual channel data collection procedure. When this icon is
clicked, the Machinery Management window will pop up to select the required Measurement. It is
advisable to give the Measurement used to collect dual channel data a special name during
database building to recognize it such as “VelDual” . However, any Measurement can be used to
host dual channel data which is saved as time waveform data in addition to some header data used
to store some dual channel measurement options. After selecting the required Measurement, the
Dual Channel Analysis options window will appear:
The above two combo boxes define the directions of the dual channel measurement. In the
medium tab, the target signal can be selected to either “Overall Signal” or “Filtered at”. The filtered
signal is commonly used to identify some machinery problems. Also, filter bandwidth can be set as
a percent of the center frequency. For example, when filter bandwidth is set at 20% and the filter
center frequency is 1XRPM, the bandpass filter will have cutoff frequencies at 0.8XRPM and
“Trigger” checkbox is used to enable/disable reference signal acquisition. When this checkbox is
enabled, the device will collect reference signal along with vibration signals and use it to determine
instantaneous speed and also as phase reference. “Ch1 Phase ShiV” define the phase shift of the
posion of vibraon sensor in Ch1 from the posion of reference sensor.
To start collection, activate “Start” button. When data collection is done, you can then save the
data to the selected point by clicking on “Save” button. When “Start” button is activated, the
following window will appear;
“Orbit Position” is used to obtain the orbital plot of the shaft centerline.
“Time Waveform” is used to plot the filtered or overall time signals for both channels.
“FFT Dual Spectrum” is used to compare the spectra for the overall signals for the two channels.
“Cross Ch. Table” is used to obtain a table containing the amplitudes and phases of some
components/orders for both channels.
“More…” button is used to show other plots such as the time waveform and FFT of one of the
channels. When the user clicks “More…” button a pop-up menu appears from which he can make a
5.1 Orbit Plot
According to the setting in the Dual Channel Measurement Options window, either the overall or
the filtered vibraon signal will be used to plot the orbit. Ch1 will be in the x-axis while Ch2 is
represented by the y-axis. The following figure shows a typical orbit plot:
During data collection, “Stop” button can be used to stop acquisition process and enter the
standby mode. When standby mode is entered, or during review of the previously collected dual
channel measurement, the device will display the orbit for only one revolution provided that the
reference sensor signal is available. User can use the right/left arrow keys to navigate to the
next/previous revolution. “More” button is used to switch to another plot such as dual channel
time waveform and dual channel FFT. To close this window, click on “Close” button.
5.2 Time Waveform for Dual Channels
This tool is used to compare the time waveforms of the two channels. Either the filtered or the
overall signals are used according to the setting in the Dual Channel Measurement Options window.
The following figure shows an example of the dual channel time waveform. During data collection,
“Stop” button can be used to stop acquisition process and enter the standby mode. “More” button
is used to switch to another plot such as dual channel time waveform and dual channel FFT. To
close this window, click on “Close” button.
5.3 Dual Channel FFT Spectra
This tool is used to compare the FFT spectra for the two channels. The FFT spectra of the overall
signals are plotted together as shown in the following figure. During data collection, “Stop” button
can be used to stop acquisition process and enter the standby mode.
Tip: When defining the Measurement analysis options, make sure to set the maximum
frequency and number of lines large enough in order to obtain clear orbit plot. The maximum
frequency must be at least 30 mes the rotang speed of the machine.
Info: The “Reading Filter” and Reference channel defined in the Measurement options will be
overwritten by dual channel measurement options.
6. Balancing
Field balancing is very important feature of a portable vibration analyzer. It permits the in-place
balancing of large rotors without the need to dismantle them; hence, saving time and money. This
tool requires special license and it is not available in the base kit by default. The influence
coefficients method is used as a technique to evaluate the unbalance masses and their angles. To
start using the tool, click “Balancing” icon in the main window. A window will appear containing
three icons (options) to choose from; “New Definition”, “Recall” and “Review/Update” as shown
“New Definition” is used to define a new balancing case with default options. “Recall” is used to
add a new case loading the setting from an existing balancing case and provides the ability to save
the new case with different name. “Review/Update” is used to review the balancing results or
doing/repeating an unbalance detection procedure.
6.1 Two-Plane Balancing Procedure
1. Define a new case or load the se2ng from an exisng case. If you choose to load the se2ng from
an existing case, a window will pop up containing a list of the available cases. Select one of cases
and click “OK”. If you choose to define a new case, the Balancing Options window will appear;
In the “Basic Data” tab, user can add description for the case, rotating speed (in RPM), rotor
weight (kg), balancing grade according to ISO-1940, balancing type (single or two-plane) and the
measurement parameter (acceleration, velocity or displacement).
In the “Advanced” tab shown below, the user can define the radii for balancing planes, rotor type
(Continuous or Fragmented) and the direction of the phase angle. When the rotor type is
“Fragmented”, the user will have to input the number of fragments (such as blades and vanes) and
the position of the first fragment from the reference sensor.
By clicking “Next” the user will be asked to provide a name for the new case.
2. AVer saving the definion of the new case, the “Field Balancing” window shown below will
Some buttons are disabled because the influence coefficients as well as the balancing results are
not yet available. “New Proc.” Button is used to start a new procedure to calculate the influence
coefficients by trial masses.
“Detect” button is used to detect the unbalance masses after calculating the influence coefficients.
“Save” button is used to save the results.
“Mass Table” button is used to display the correction masses table, while “Vib. Table” button is
used to show a table of the measured vibration vectors.
3. To start the procedure of trial masses, click on “New Proc.” buBon. The following message will
pop up, run the machine and then press “OK” key to continue.
4. The Balancing Monitor window will appear displaying some informaon such as the speed,
signal stability and vibration vectors. Wait until the signal status is stable, then click “Next” to
The device will display a message if the user would like to continue or repeat the reading as shown
below. The user can optionally repeat the reading by clicking “Retry” button if some fault has been
detected during measurement. Otherwise, he can click “OK” to continue or “Cancel” to abort the
5. Stop the machine. The trial mass window will appear asking for the trial mass No. 1 value and
position as shown below;
When “Auto” button is clicked, the device will calculate the appropriate trial mass according to the
value of the permissible unbalance and display it. Alternatively, the user can use a suitable trial
mass but it must be noted that, the trial mass should make a noticeable change in vibration
amplitude, phase or both of at least 30% of the previous value.
6. ABach the trial mass to the first plane then run the machine and click “OK”. The balancing
monitor window will be displayed again for the trial No. 1. When the vibraon data is collected
from for the this test. The trial mass window will show again asking for the second trial mass.
7. Stop the machine, aBaché trial mass No. 2 at the second plane and then run the machine again
and click “OK”.
8. The Balancing Monitor window will be displayed for the trial No. 2. AVer compleng the
procedure, the following message will pop up:
There is an opon to keep trial mass No. 1 aBached during the third run in order to save time
especially if vibration level is decreased. If this is the case, then click “Yes” otherwise click “No”.
9. The following message will be displayed;
If the user would like to keep trial mass No. 2 as a correcon mass, he must click “Yes”. The device
will calculate the correction masses depending on the fact that trial mass is still attached.
10. Now the trial mass procedure is done and the inial unbalance is calculated along with the
influence coefficients. The final results will be displayed as follows:
11. The correcon masses can be aBached. Now, “Detect” buBon in the Field Balancing window is
enabled and can be used to detect the residual unbalance by a single run since the influence
coefficients are available now. Any test will be logged to the vibration table and mass table.
12. To display a list of the unbalance masses, click on “Mass Table” button in the Field Balancing
Window. The following window will appear
The Mass Summary Table displays a list of the unbalance masses with their description. The user
can use a pop-up menu to manage the readings. He can rename, delete and combine readings. To
rename or delete a reading, select it, then use “Tab” key to navigate to the “Data” button and click
it, then select “Rename” or “Delete”.
To combine two readings, highlight each reading and press the OK key to select it, and then click
“Combine” from the pop-up menu. The combined masses will be logged to the table as shown
6.2 Single-Plane Balancing Procedure
This procedure is used when the rotor length is very small as compared to its diameter. Typical
examples are axial fans and single stage centrifugal pumps.
Info: The single-plane balancing procedure is similar to the two-plane procedure, however,
there is only one trial mass required. Hence, there are only two runs required during influence
coefficients calculation procedure.