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IGCSE ICT Past Paper Questions & Marking Scheme

Cambridge IGCSE
Important past paper questions & marking scheme
Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate words from the list.
double line space
(a) A margin between the main content of the page and the fold of a book is called a
(b) An area at the top of a page is called a
(c) Feature of word processing that causes text to flow around an image is called
(d) When text is aligned along both the left and right margins this is called
Three from, for example: SMS
Making/receiving a phone call Checking the time
Use appointments/calendar Taking pictures
Record sound
Bluetooth to share files
(b) Give two advantages of using a smartwatch rather than a smartphone.
Two from:
More accessible/portable as it is on the wrist
Less chance of being lost/stolen/forgotten
Less chance of it being dropped as it is fastened to the wrist Can access simple apps easier
for example heart rate/timer
(c) Give two disadvantages of using a smartwatch rather than a smartphone.
Smartphones and smartwatches can be used in everyday life. A smartwatch is a wearable computer
in the form of a wrist-watch.
(a) Apart from accessing the internet, give three other uses of a smartphone.
Two from:
Smaller screen size therefore difficult to see
More difficult to enter the data
More difficult to access detailed apps for example, email
According to research carried out on passwords the top three most used passwords are 12345,
qwerty and sunshine.
Describe, using other examples, the difference between a weak password and a strong password.
Max three from:
Weak password is easy to guess
Weak passwords consist of all letters or all digits or all digits with one letter/all
letters with one digit//words found in a dictionary//Strong passwords use a
mixture of upper case, lower case, symbols and digits
Weak password is one that has less than 8 characters
Weak password has repeated characters
Weak password has characters next to each other on a QWERTY keyboard
Weak passwords are ones that are similar to the username
Weak passwords can use personal information
All of the examples given in the question are weak passwords
Max two from:
A good example of a strong password
A good example of a different weak password
A student is carrying out a scientific experiment to measure the temperature of a liquid as it cools
down. The student uses a sensor connected to a computer to read the temperature.
(a) Give three advantages of using computers and sensors rather than the student taking the
temperature readings herself.
Three from:
Measurements can be taken continually
Safer to take the measurements
Measurements can be taken outside school hours
The computer will not forget to take readings
Readings are taken at a more consistent time interval
The computer reads the data more accurately
(b) Describe how the readings taken by the sensor are displayed on a graph using the computer.
Six from:
The data from the sensor is read/received by the computer
The data is converted to digital by the ADC
The software is opened on the computer
The graph type is loaded/selected
The data is uploaded to the graph
The graph is plotted/created
Axes/legend/title added
(c) Explain the differences between measurement systems and control systems.
Four from:
Automatically detects changes in the environment
Measurement takes the readings and stores the result
Measures/reads physical quantities
Changes the environment
Compares against preset value
Action taken depending on comparison to preset value
To gain full marks the description must have correct answers for both
measurement and control
There have been major issues regarding the accuracy of facial recognition systems for identifying
suspects by the police.
Tawara Airport has installed biometric security including facial recognition systems to help the
police recognise known criminals entering and leaving the country. Previously video was taken of
all passengers and then checked manually.
(a) Discuss the effectiveness of using facial recognition systems rather than the manual video
system to increase security in this way.
Eight from:
Face can be identified faster
Face can be identified by electronic comparison therefore relative higher level
of accuracy
Facial recognition can uniquely identify individuals
Can automatically compare faces from older images
System can work continuously but a human checker would need to take
Dark glasses/facial hair/face coverings may cause the facial recognition
systems to not work
More difficult to change biometric data
Recognising a person can be slower as more checking is carried out
Harder to set up the facial recognition system
Takes longer to add new people to the system
Biometrics can use a lot of memory to store the data
Intrusive as personal details have to be stored
More likely to be affected by the environment
With the video system each frame needs to be checked with known images
which can lead to errors
To gain full marks the discussion must have correct answers for both
for and against
(b) Give three examples of biometric data.
Three from:
Finger print
Hand print
Vein geometry
Instant messaging involves users sending text messages to each other.
Evaluate how you would use eSafety strategies in your own use of instant messaging.
Six from:
I block unwanted messages/suspicious users…
…and report the sender
Before using the messaging system, I check how to block and report
unwanted users…
…this stops predators
I never arrange to meet strangers alone
I always tell a responsible adult if I plan to meet someone
I always meet in a public place
I avoid giving away personal information
I report abusive messages from a sender of the messages
I report cyber-bullying
When sending messages I always use appropriate language
If someone messages me with private and personal information about
themselves I respect their confidentiality/privacy
I always read carefully the messages before I send
I avoid sarcasm
I am not offensive when replying
I carefully check that I am replying to the correct person
I do not enable my location when messaging
Discuss the moral implications which need to be considered when creating an ICT solution.
Four from:
What may be immoral in some cultures may be acceptable in others
Just because something is immoral doesn't mean that it is illegal
The ICT solution can cause distress to others/be offensive
Becomes immoral if the person gains from their actions
Max two marks for examples:
Not creating a website full of false facts/news
Not including obscene/offensive/inappropriate/extreme/blasphemy
/discriminatory content
Not creating a video solution that earns you money by stating false facts/lies
Not creating an ICT solution that coerces people to give money
Invasion of privacy
Use of smartphones to access the internet has increased by over 200% in the past five years.
Compare the use of smartphones to access the internet with the use of desktop computers to
access the internet. Your answer must include similarities and differences.
Six from:
Both can use Wi-Fi to access the internet
Both can access the internet use hotspots
Both can use Bluetooth Tethering to allow access to the internet
More websites will work with the desktop
Larger keyboards to type in a web address
Larger screens to see the whole webpage
More stable and reliable connections
Tends to be a clearer layout to make it easier to access the internet
More accessible information
A desktop can connect to the internet via an ethernet cable
Access the internet from more locations
Easier to look things up on the go
Screen/keyboard built into the device therefore easier to access websites A
smartphone can use mobile data/4G/3G to access the internet
A smartphone is more portable therefore you can access the internet while
To gain full marks the comparison must have correct answers for both
similarities and differences
(b) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using a multimedia presentation rather than
a web page on the school website.
Six from:
Easier to display to parents
Can take less time to display the information
Quicker to change/update content of the multimedia presentation
More control over the layout of the presentation as not using a third party
More control over the sound in the presentation as using own equipment
People viewing the Multimedia Presentation will be school based
Can be viewed without internet access
The multimedia presentation is only available in the school during school time
whereas a web page can be used in other places
The visitor may not see the whole presentation
The multimedia presentation may not include sound due to being shown in
the school
Multimedia presentations can require expensive hardware to produce and
Multimedia seen by less people
Multimedia more expensive software needed to produce the presentation
More specialist training needed to produce it
To gain full marks the description must have correct answers for both
advantages and disadvantages
Due to data protection laws, personal data should be kept confidential and secure.
(b) Explain why personal data should be kept confidential and secure.
Six from:
The data will have the name/medical information attached therefore it needs
The data is confidential as it links directly to the person
The data will be sensitive
To prevent blackmail/bullying from using medical results
To prevent fraud from using financial information
To prevent identity theft using contact details
To avoid the doctor’s surgery getting fined if it got made public
The doctor’s surgery’s reputation would suffer
Patients would lose trust
A research student is undertaking a study of endangered animals in the Amazon rainforest. She
is using a drone to replace surveys carried out on foot. A drone is a remote-controlled flying vehicle.
Describe the benefits and drawbacks of using a drone to monitor the animals in the rainforest.
Six from:
Safer to use drones than human life being risked in forest areas
Drones can gain a better overall view of the forest than the human
Drones can be used in areas that would not be accessible to humans
Drones can cover a greater area than a human in the time available
Data from the drone can be automatically uploaded to computer system
May change animal behaviour if humans are used//Less invasive for the
Damp conditions/environment/weather may cause issues with the electronics
Difficult to navigate in the tree areas
Noise/sight of the drone may affect the animals
More chance of collision/bird attack
If drone crashes it could be difficult to find/retrieve
Potential danger to other animals/birds
To gain full marks the description must have correct answers for both
benefits and drawbacks
Smartphones use a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
(a) Give three benefits of using a GUI.
Three from:
Quick to enter commands
Easy to enter commands
Do not have to learn commands
Less errors as commands not typed
Works with a touch screen
Easy to select options/tasks
Workers in an office log onto the office computer network using a password.
(a) Aaron is using his name as his password.
Give two reasons why this is not a good idea.
Two from:
Password is too short
Easy to guess
Contains personal information
Doesn’t contain a mixture of uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers, and
Contains repeated letters
(b) One method that hackers use to find people’s passwords is to install key-logging spyware onto
Give two methods that could be used to safely enter passwords even if key-logging spyware
has been installed on a computer.
Two from:
Use drop-down lists
Use biometric passwords
Use one use tokens/OTP
Use a device instead of a password
10 The secretary of a sports club is setting up a database of members to replace the current manual
system. He will need to create a database structure.
(a) Describe the steps involved in setting up and testing the database structure before it can be
used in the new system.
11 The secretary of a sports club is setting up a database of members to replace the current manual
system. He will need to create a database structure.
(a) Describe the steps involved in setting up and testing the database structure before it can be
used in the new system.
Max three from:
Load the database software
Set up tables
Set up field names
Set up primary/foreign key fields
Set up relationships
Set up the field types/properties/formatting/data types
Set up the validation routines
Set up input forms
Set up queries/reports
Type in/import records
Create a test strategy/plan
Max three from:
Test using normal, abnormal, and extreme data
If errors are found, make corrections
Re-test the database structure
Test with live data
12 In June 2000 the London Millennium Bridge opened to the public but closed shortly afterwards for
repairs. The bridge was swaying as people walked across it. Before bridges are built, computer
models are produced and the models are tested.
Explain why computer models are used before building a bridge.
Four from:
Fewer errors in final version of real item as errors would have been resolved
in model
Saves money as it saves on resources
Safer to run a computer model rather than risking human life
Different scenarios/what ifs can be carried out which may happen in real life/to
To build the bridge and test it would be impracticable due to cost/time
13 A club has many members. The secretary of the club wants to keep details of the club members
in a database.
(a) Describe the benefits and drawbacks of storing membership details on a computer database.
Six from:
Membership details can be searched very quickly as there are many
Membership details can be quickly edited/updated
The data in the database can be backed up easily
Easier to create an archive of past members
More secure with a valid reason
Can be used as a source for mail merging
Less errors as data does not have to be re-written
Reduces the time as data does not have to be re-written
Need IT skills to use the software/computer
Need to have to additional equipment which is expensive
Can take up a lot of storage space/memory in the computer
Expensive to buy software
Expensive to secure the system as it contains personal data
Training staff on how to use the software will be time consuming
Training could be expensive for the club
To gain full marks the description must have correct answers for both
benefits and drawbacks
(b) The secretary collects data from the members on paper-based forms.
Describe five features of a well-designed paper-based data capture form.
Five from:
Adequate space for response//Individual character boxes
Fonts/font size should be easy to read
Instructions how to complete form
Logical order of questions
Questions spaced out
Appropriate white space
Questions should be clear and understandable
14 In 2019 Cambridge recorded the highest temperature for July in the UK. The data was collected
automatically using sensors by a weather station and sent to a computer.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using sensors to collect data rather than humans
collecting the data.
Eight from:
Readings are taken at a more consistent time interval
The sensor reads the data more accurately
Safer as humans do not need to take the measurements
Computers can analyse the data continuously
Readings taken more frequently
Multiple variables can be monitored at the same time
Sensors can malfunction due to the temperature
If sensors malfunction this could lead to incorrect readings
Sensors could be stolen
To gain full marks the discussion must have correct answers for both
advantages and disadvantages
15 Many organisations store data in the cloud.
(a) Explain what is meant by the ICT term cloud.
Three from:
Cloud consists of large groups of remote networked servers
They allow centralised data storage
Offsite data storage/servers owned by a third party
Accessed from any internet compatible device
Access from anywhere with an internet connection
(b) Explain the issues of storing data in the cloud.
Six from:
Loss of control of the data as the data is controlled by a data storage provider
Data can be affected without the user knowing
The data remains on the server for a long time therefore more chance of it
being hacked
Many copies of the data made therefore easier to compromise
Users must use strong passwords/authentication methods as hackers have
longer time to be able to crack the password
If internet connection is lost, then the cloud cannot be accessed
If internet connection is lost when data is saved, then data could be lost
A subscription needs to be paid whereas an HDD is one fee
Difficult to delete all copies of a file as it is in multiple locations
As our use of the cloud increases, new ways of accessing it safely need to be developed.
(c) The use of typed passwords is being replaced by biometric methods.
Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using biometric methods.
Eight from:
Faster way of accessing systems
Cannot forget the biometric data
Must be physically at the device to access it
More secure as it uses unique data
Difficult to copy/forge
Invasion of privacy
User may not know they have logged off
Biometrics may change therefore data will need to be kept up to date
Expensive method/technology to set up
Environment can affect measurements
Over usage can affect the measurements
Difficult to reset once compromised
Difficult to set up
Time consuming to set up as measurements must be taken
Facial coverings/changes can prevent system from working
To gain full marks the discussion must have correct answers for both
benefits and drawbacks
Sensors are placed in the river to check the water level. If the water level in the river rises more
than 5m above normal river levels, a flood barrier is raised to safeguard the village. The flood barrier
remains raised until the water level drops to normal levels.
(b) Explain why the data from the sensors cannot be read directly by the computer and name the
device that needs to be used so that the computer can read the data.
Data from sensor is in analogue form
Computer only reads digital data
Analogue to Digital Convertor
(c) Describe how a microprocessor uses the data from the sensors to raise and lower the flood
Six from:
Microprocessor reads the data from the ADC
Microprocessor stores pre-set value
Microprocessor compares current water level with preset value
If the current water level is greater than the pre-set value …
… the microprocessor sends a signal ...
… to the DAC to convert data to analogue
… signal sent to an actuator
Actuator raises the flood barrier
Continual process
16 Computers are being used in offices.
Describe how the use of computers has affected the work of employees and their working patterns.
Max five from:
The use of computers has reduced the number of office staff
Computers can help office staff to be more productive
More employees are working from home due to the increase in technology
Computers can cause less productivity due to distractions
Workers could be working longer hours
De-skilling of staff
Increase in training for staff as they need to learn new skills
Increase in the number of blue-collar workers/supervisors
Increase in the number of maintenance staff/technicians
Higher security issues due to networking
Less people work in offices
Max two marks:
Increase in part time/job sharing/compressed hours/flexible working/working
from home
Computers have allowed staff to work part-time/compressed hours/job
sharing/flexible working/working from home
17 rtf and pdf are file types.
(a) Describe what is meant by an rtf and a pdf file type.
Text file with formatting/generic text files
Standard/generic image file
(b) Explain the differences between the two file types.
Three from:
pdf their layout and formatting stay the same, regardless of which
device/operating system/application being used whereas rtf formatting can
pdf take up less memory for the same size of document
pdf files are compressed
pdf the formatting can be more complex whereas rtf has basic formatting
pdf are harder to edit
pdf generic image format
rtf can be read by most word processing editors
rtf is a generic text format
18 Proofreading is often confused with visual verification.
Describe the differences between proofreading and visual verification.
Two from:
Visual verification refers to the original document whereas proofreading does
not need to refer to the original document
Proofreading is checking spelling and grammar errors whereas visual
verification does not check for errors
Visual verification checks that the data has been copied correctly
19) Network devices are used in computer systems.
Complete each sentence by identifying the most appropriate network device
(a) The network device that is used to transmit the data along an analogue
telephone line is a
(b) The network device that connects a LAN to a WAN is a
(c) The network device that allows data to be directed to a specific
computer on a LAN is a
(d) The internal network device that allows a computer to connect to a LAN
is a
Network interface Card/NIC
Four from:
Click on the shape/logo A
Slide the corners in to reduce the size of the shape/logo
Keep the aspect ratio//type in the height and width
Fill the shape/logo with black
Highlight the text
Reduce the size of the text
Change the colour of the text to white
Click on the image/train
Reduce the height and width//reduce the size of the image/train
20) A library is considering the way it issues books. The librarians are planning to use RFID rather
than bar codes.
Describe the advantages of using RFID rather than bar codes.
Four from:
RFID are faster to read than bar codes
RFID scanning is more accurate than bar codes
RFID does not need line of sight to read but bar code does
RFID will read the data if the reader is further away
RFID can scan multiple items at the same time
RFID allows greater security
RFID can store more data than a bar code
RFID tags can be rewritten, so can be reused
RFID tags are more robust as bar codes will not scan if damaged
21) Laptop computers use Solid State Drives (SSD) rather than Hard Disc Drives (HDD).
Describe two disadvantages of using an SSD rather than an HDD in a laptop computer.
They tend to have a more limited number of read and writes
More expensive per Gb than HDD
22) A patient has an injury and the doctor treating him needs to find out information about the patient.
Most of the data he needs to collect is personal data.
The data collected is protected by data protection legislation. Most data protection acts include the
principle that data should be kept confidential and secure.
(a) List four other principles of a typical data protection act.
Four from:
Data should be fairly and lawfully processed//Data should be processed in a transparent manner
Data should only be processed for the stated purpose
Data should be adequate, relevant and not excessive/limited
Data should not be kept longer than necessary
Data should be processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights
Data should be collected for specific purposes
Data should only be further processed for archive purposes which is compatible with the initial
Data kept for archiving should safeguard the rights and freedoms of individuals
Explicit consent required for processing sensitive data
Data subjects are allowed access to their personal data
Data should be accurate and kept up to date
Data should not be transferred to another country unless they have adequate protection
Parental consent required for processing personal data of children including online services
23) Explain why personal data should be kept confidential and secure.
Four from:
The person can be identified from the data
The data is confidential as it links directly to the person
If someone gets access to the data then they can use the information
to attack the person
If not kept confidential and secure it could lead to home burglaries as
people post holiday details on social media
If not kept confidential and secure it could lead to the chance of users
suffering physical harm
Protects sensitive data
b) Write down only the part of the URL which is the folder where the teaching guide is
c) Write down only the part of the URL which is the domain name.
d) Explain what is meant by https.
Secure internet protocol
Four from:
Looks up F2/Airport name
Looks up in the range A2:B9/Code and
Name Finds the corresponding value from
the 2nd column
Displays the value in G2
Finds exact match
26) Before the spreadsheet can be used, data needs to be entered to test the spreadsheet.
There are three types of test data: normal, abnormal and extreme.
Explain what is meant by these three types of test data
Data that is within the boundary of acceptability
Data that is outside the boundary/limit of acceptability/incorrect data
Data on the edge of acceptability
(c) Explain, using examples, the differences between a function and a formula.
Max two from:
A formula is a statement written by the user
A formula is an equation
A formula can contain values/references to cells/defined names
A formula can contain functions
One mark
Examples =A1+B1, =SUM(A2:B2)
Max two from:
A function is a named piece of code designed to calculate specific values
Functions are used inside formulas
A function is a built in/predefined operation
One mark
Examples SUM/AVERAGE etc
The completed file could have been created using a database.
Describe two reasons why databases are used in certain applications rather than spreadsheets.
Two from:
A database can use queries
A database can use relationships
Referential integrity can be enforced in a database
Easier to create forms on a database
Easier to create reports on a database
Better user security
Data is easier to manage in a database
A database can reduce data duplication
27) The prolonged use of computers can cause several health problems particularly when
sitting down
and using monitors.
Discuss the strategies that you have developed to minimise health risks which only relate to
down and using a monitor.
Eight from:
Use of the monitor
Using a flat screen monitor can reduce eye strain and headaches
I turn the monitor 90 deg to the window to reduce the glare on the screen
If I turn the monitor this can cause problems with the layout of the room
I need to buy a monitor that could tilt to reduce neck ache
I close the window blinds to avoid glare on monitor/headaches
I should not use rooms with more than one window but this could be difficult
I could use a matt screen to prevent glare/headaches
I use a flat screen monitor as there is less flicker therefore reduces the chance of an epileptic seizure/eye
I keep the screen clear of dust to reduce static and eye strain
I could have my eyesight tested regularly
Brightness of the room should equal the brightness of the screen to prevent eye strain
Enable blue light filter/blue light glasses to prevent eye strain
I could set night light on the computer to prevent eye strain
I sit at arms length from the screen to prevent eye strain
Sitting down
I use an ergonomic chair/standing desk to reduce back and neck pains
I sit with correct posture to help reduce back and neck pain
I use a footrest to reduce DVT/improve posture
If there are wheels on the chair for easy movement I should be careful to avoid injury problems with the chair
Maximum of six marks if candidate only mention strategies for either sitting down or using a monitor
28) A car manufacturing company uses computer-controlled robots to manufacture its cars.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to the company of using computer-controlled robots
rather than using humans to manufacture the cars.
Six from:
Robots can work in sterile/harmful areas which are dangerous for humans
Humans would need protective clothing which would cost the company more money
Robots can more easily be used for transferring large delicate items
Robots can work 24/7
Cheaper in the long run
Higher productivity
More accurate/precise engineering
More frequent checking of the equipment
Fewer workers are needed therefore lowering costs
Production of the cars is more consistent
Expensive to buy robots
Maintenance is expensive
Requires backup systems, which are expensive
They replace skilled workers, leading to de-skilling
They need constant observation which increases the cost of maintenance crews
To gain full marks the discussion must have correct answers for both advantages and disadvantages
29) Different methods can be used to analyse a system.
Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of analysing a system by observing staff rather than looking
at the current systems documentation.
The analyst sees it with their own eyes
Get a complete picture of the whole system
Cheaper as it does not take the worker away from work
Description of the Hawthorne effect
The quality and accuracy of information is highly dependent on the skill of the observer
Examining documents
Can see exact details of inputs, processing and outputs
Saves time as there could be copies of previous analysis
Allows the analyst to predict the size of the new system by analysing the amount of data
Very time consuming to look through all the documents
Very expensive to pay for an analyst to look through all the documents
To gain full marks the discussion must have correct answers for both observation and
examining documents
30) A librarian in a college department library is entering data into a student borrowers’ file. As
the data
is entered it needs to be verified.
(a) Describe the two types of verification.
One mark for naming the verification and one mark for explanation
Visual verification
Person enters the data it is read through and corrected as needed using the original copy
Double data entry
One from:
Person types the data then retypes the data from the original copy/source
Person types the data and another types the data from the original copy/source
(b)Explain, using examples, why it is necessary to carry out validation as well as verification for
this system.
Max three from:
Not all errors are found by validation and verification separately
Source document may contain errors
Verification only checks that data is copied correctly
Verification does not check if data is reasonable/sensible
Validation checks are carried out automatically by the computer
Max two examples:
Correct appropriate example of a verification check
e.g. data supplied by the borrower is incorrect on the source document and was copied
Correct appropriate explanation of an example of a validation check
e.g. (Number of books borrowed is 1 misread as a 7; in a range check of 1
31) Spam is associated with ICT systems. (a) Explain what is meant by the term spam.
Two from:
Spam is junk mail, Sent in large numbers to inboxes, Unwanted/unsolicited emails, Fills the
inbox, Used for advertising, Used for phishing/spreading malware
32) Describe the ways that a user can recognise spam and methods to help prevent it
Max four from:
Multiple spelling/grammatical errors
Asked to carry out tasks immediately
Asking to click on a link
Does not ask for you by name
Stored in a SPAM folder
Email asks for personal information
Large amount of repeated emails from same user
Lots of other similar email addresses in the send to box
Max four from:
Use a spam filter
Not filling your details on online form
Not replying to spam emails
Not having an auto reply set
Not consenting to marketing when providing details to a company
Do not give email address
33) Explain what is meant by cloud storage and how it is used.
Six from:
What it is:
Cloud storage involves storing data in a remote physical
Online storage platform
Cloud storage systems use hundreds of interlinked data
Storage system that requires access to the internet
How is it used:
User accesses the cloud storage using the internet
Cloud data can be accessed from any device
Clients send files to a data server
The server is maintained by a cloud provider
Data can be shared with other users
Cloud storage automatically backs up data
If one server fails there are others used as backup
Users pay a monthly/annual fee for storage used
To gain full marks the explanation must have correct answers
for both what it is and how it is used
34) Describe two issues related to the security of data in the
Two from:
Easier to hack as data is always available
Lose control of your data
More than one copy available to access therefore security is
More difficult to delete all copies of the data
A company uses corporate house style within the headers and footers in its documents.
(a) Explain what is meant by corporate house style.
Two from:
A set of rules
House style states how all documents and written communication should be formatted
Consistency across all documents in the portfolio of the company
Used to promote the company
Controls how the colours/font style/font size/font type/position of logo/justification of text/position and style
of address
details to be used
– 1 mark for any two items
35) Write down two examples of system software.
Two from:
Operating system
Device driver
36) The internal memory of a computer consists of both ROM and RAM.
(a) Describe the terms ROM and RAM.
Four from:
Read Only Memory
Non-volatile//Data is not lost when the computer is switched off
Used to store the startup instructions/BIOS
Random Access Memory
Volatile//Data is lost when the computer is turned off
Stores the current running program/instruction
RAM can be written to and read from
To gain full marks the description must have correct answers for both
(b) Modern laptop computers use Solid State Drives (SSD) rather than Hard Disk Drives (HDD).
State three advantages of using SSDs rather than HDDs in a laptop computer.
Three from:
The startup of the laptop is faster
SSDs consume less power than HDD so conserves battery power
Reduces the weight of the laptop as SSD is lighter
Makes the laptop more compact
38) The World Wide Web (WWW) is often mistaken for the internet.
(a) Explain the differences between the WWW and the internet.
Four from:
WWW is a collection of information pages/websites/web pages
WWW is part of the internet
WWW is accessed through the internet
WWW is a service on the internet
Internet is a global network of networks/Wide Area Network
Internet is the infrastructure
To gain full marks the description must have correct answers for both
WWW and the internet
(b) The web address for Cambridge IGCSE is:
Describe the following parts of the web address.
One from:
This is the hypertext transfer protocol secure
Set of rules/protocol to transfer web pages securely
The domain name
One from:
The top-level domain name
Registered as an organisation
The folder/sub-directory in which the work is stored on Cambridge
International’s server
(39) Global Positioning Systems (GPS) are used for many different applications.
(a) Describe how GPS is used by a smartphone to pinpoint its location.
Four from:
The location of the smartphone is calculated using GPS software
Signal is transmitted by the satellite
Signal is sent almost continuously
The data is saved in the smartphone
The coordinates of the smartphone are shown on the smartphone screen
(b) Give three other examples of the use of GPS.
Three from, for example:
Real time aircraft/ship/drone position
Tracking delivery/stolen vehicles
Ploughing fields
Sat-nav in vehicle to reach a destination
40) Tawara School is presenting a concert. For previous concerts the booking of tickets was carried
out manually using pen and paper. For this concert they are going to use an online booking system.
(a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Tawara School using an online booking system
rather than the manual system.
Eight from:
Prevents double booking/overbooking
The booking staff can see immediately if the concert is fully booked
Bookings can be made 24×7
Usually cheaper as lower/fewer overheads
Booking staff can more easily see the seats that are available
Requires the school to purchase expensive hardware
Setting up is more expensive
Maintenance is more expensive
Internet access is needed to run the booking system therefore the cost may
be increased
More reliant on hardware
To gain full marks the discussion must have correct answers for both
advantages and disadvantages
(b) Identify the most appropriate method of implementation of the new online booking system in
this scenario.
Direct changeover
(c) Explain, giving reasons, why your answer to part (b) is the most appropriate method of
implementation for this scenario.
Three from:
Benefits are immediate
Cheaper as there is only one set of staff
Less chance of the new system being faulty as it is thoroughly tested
Only one system in operation therefore data is not duplicated
(41) Employees working in an office use computers for prolonged periods of time.
(a) Describe three items that an employee should be provided with to help reduce the health
problems related to prolonged use of computers.
Three from, for example:
Wrist rest
Ergonomic keyboards
Ergonomic chairs
Ergonomic mouse
LCD/TFT/LED/anti-glare screens
Voice activated software
Adjustable monitors
(b) The office must be a safe working environment.
State two physical safety issues that might exist from the introduction of computers.
Two from:
Tripping over trailing cables
Fire caused by overheating computers
Fire caused by overloaded sockets
Electrocution caused by spilling drinks on the computer
Electrocution caused by touching live wires
Injuries caused by equipment falling
42) A touch screen is both an input device and an output device. Touch screens are used on many
devices. A tablet computer uses a touch screen.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using a touch screen rather than a monitor and
keyboard for the tablet computer.
Six from:
The footprint of the computer will be smaller
Fewer peripherals needed therefore saves money
Makes the computer lighter
Easier to select icons
If the screen is damaged, then the device cannot be used to input data
Keyboards and monitors can be replaced more easily
Large fingers could mis-key data therefore more errors on data entry
Screens can become dirty more easily therefore affects reading of data
To gain full marks the description must have correct answers for both
advantages and disadvantages
43) When creating an ICT solution, the legal, moral, ethical and cultural implications have to be
considered. Choose the most appropriate implication that matches the descriptions given below.
(a) Ensuring that copyright laws have been followed.
(b) Not giving information about the ICT solution to another company.
44) The systems analyst is planning to create a relational database. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of creating a relational database rather than a flat file database.
Six from:
Service details only need to be entered once into the database
Mistakes are less likely to happen when entering data if it already exists
Uses data redundancy
Data can be accessed using key fields
Uses data flexibility
Uses data integrity
Uses data consistency
Better security due to user level access control
Caters for future requirements
Relational databases can be more complex
Requires training to set up
Harder to set up
Requires a data administrator therefore increasing the costs
To gain full marks the discussion must have correct answers for both
advantages and disadvantages
45) Arjun uses the internet to carry out research for his work. Describe two drawbacks of Arjun using the
internet for research.
Two from:
Information can be unreliable
Unregulated so anyone can post anything
More difficult to find what you are looking for
Vast amount of information//Information overload
Information can be biased/inaccurate
Its slower to find relevant information
Data may be out of date
46) Arjun is a member of the family. He uses the internet to carry out research and send work to
his office. Describe three other ways he could make appropriate use of the internet.
Three from:
Online chat//Instant message
Online conference
Streaming music/video/TV on demand
Use of the Cloud
47) A computer consists of both hardware and software.
(a) Define the term hardware.
The physical components of the computer
(b) Give two examples of internal hardware devices.
Two from:
Video/graphic card
Sound card
(c) Define the term software.
One from:
Programs for controlling the operation of a computer
Programs for processing of electronic data
(d) There are two types of software: system and applications. Give two examples of applications software.
Two from for example:
Word processing
48) Tawara Tours has created a new online booking system to allow customers to book holidays. The
system was written using modules.
(a) Describe how the new system could be tested prior to it becoming operational.
Six from:
Each module is tested separately
Modules are tested by the programmers
Modules/system are tested with live data
Errors and problems are noted
Improvements are made to the module
The module/system is retested
Modules are combined and tested together
System is tested as a whole
System is tested to meet the user’s requirements
49) As a student you often use a computer screen. This could be a screen on a desktop computer, a
laptop computer or even a smartphone.
Evaluate your use of computer screens, in terms of health risks, and explain any strategies you
use to minimise these health risks
Eight from:
Prevents double booking
The customer can see immediately when the holiday has been booked
Bookings can be made 24/7
No need to travel to the booking office/queue up so saves time
Can be booked from any location
Saves cost of travelling to the booking office
Tickets are usually sent online and therefore paperless//Saves printing and
postal costs
Usually cheaper as lower/fewer overheads
Customers can more easily see the tours that are available
Setting up is expensive//maintenance is expensive
Internet access is needed to run the booking system therefore the cost may
be increased
More reliant on server/network
Booking mistakes can be more easily made
Mistakes are more difficult to rectify due to the speed of booking
If the system crashes during the booking the booking may not be made
To gain full marks there must be at least one advantage and one
50) Robots are used to spray paint cars in a car production company.
(a) Describe two other jobs that robots can perform in car production.
Two from, for example:
Fit windscreens, Fit the wheels, Welding body panels, Move cars from one place to another
Fit engines
(b) When the spray paint can is empty it needs to be refilled. There is a sensor in the can which
measures the amount of paint.
Describe the use of the sensor and microprocessor in this application.
Six from:
The depth of the paint is read by the sensor
The depth of paint is sent from the sensor to the ADC/microprocessor
The digital data from the ADC is read by the microprocessor
The microprocessor compares this data to the minimum depth of the
paint/preset value
If the data is less than the minimum depth/preset value, the microprocessor
sends a signal to the actuator
If the data is more than the minimum depth/preset value microprocessor does
Process is continuous
(c) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of robots rather than employing
humans to spray paint the cars.
Six from:
They can work in areas where it would be harmful for humans
They can work 24/7
Cheaper in the long run
Higher productivity
The finish is more consistent
Expensive to purchase
Skills can be lost
Expensive to maintain/reprogram
Expensive to start up//train staff to operate the robots
To gain full marks there must be at least one advantage and one
51) Explain the differences between a VLOOKUP function and a LOOKUP function.
Three from:
LOOKUP allows for horizontal and vertical searching whereas VLOOKUP
allows for vertical searching
LOOKUP does not require an index value/only works on the second
row/column whereas VLOOKUP requires an index value
LOOKUP usually only works when the data is sorted
VLOOKUP only returns data to the right of the searched column
VLOOKUP user can select either an approximate or exact match to the
lookup value
52) Describe safety measures that should be taken by gamers to ensure their data is safe other
than using strong passwords.
Six from:
Use anti-spyware/up to date antivirus software
Play the games with the firewall operational
Play only with authorised versions of games which you have purchased from
the correct sources and for which you have a licence
Download/buy files and new software from reputable sources
Do not forget to delete your account details when you are not playing again
Keep the game software up to date.
When disposing of your gaming device ensure all of your personal information
has been deleted.
Choose a username that does not reveal any personal information
Be aware of criminals buying or selling ‘property’ that exists inside a computer
game, in the real world
53) A student is working on a project on the World Games. He has produced some information but has
decided to produce a second layout including a table. The original layout and the new layout are
2021 World Games, This will be the 11th World Games, a major international multi-sport event, for sports,
or disciplines, within a sport, that were not contested in the Olympic Games.
Dates: Thu, 15 Jul 2021 – Sun, 25 Jul 2021, Location: Legion Field, Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Host city: Birmingham, Alabama, United States, Opening ceremony: July 15
Closing ceremony: July 25
Main venue: The New Birmingham Stadium
Explain, step by step, how the table was created, without the text being entered by hand.
Four from:
Load the document
Highlight the text
Click Insert then Table
Select Convert text to table
Click on 2 columns
Click separate by :
Click ok