LIS Enrollment Process School Year 2023:2024 Log in your LIS User Account Click Masterlist You can now start enrolling your learner by clicking Enrol Learner button Click Proceed Enrolment button to continue You can now search the learners either by their LRN or if LRN is not available you can type in the Name of the learner. Click Preview button to continue Verify the Learner’s information before clicking the Continue button Date of Official Enrolment: AUGUST 29, 2023 For transferred in students, Click YES. All incoming Grade 7 students are considered transferee. On the Last School Attended dropdown list, pick in the School of the learner previous school attended. TEMPORARY ENROLLED STUDENT For grade 8 to grade 10 only Tick the Temporarily Enrolled only if the learner has NO SF10 or SF9 (card) from previous school year. Provide notarized affidavit of undertaking. CONDITIONALLY PROMOTED STUDENTS Tick the Revise EOSY 2023-2024 grade and status. Only if the student attend and passed the summer class. BALIK-ARAL On the Reason dropdown list, select From accredited or recognized school if the student came from regular school. Double check all the information. If the Learner is a 4Ps beneficiary, tick the Conditional Cash Transfer For students with special needs, Tick Yes then pick classification type on the dropdown list. On the Actual Modality dropdown list pick the appropriate Modality to be use. After Checking all the necessary information and encoding all the tabs needed. Click Enrol to finish the enrolment process LIS Data Correction (Pending for Approval ) LIS REQUEST REQUIRED DOCUMENTS 1. Change Request Template 2. Any of the following: • F137/ SF10 • F138/ SF9 • Notarized Affidavit of Undertaking • PEPT Result Correction of Grade Level • Portfolio Assessment 1. Change Request Template Temporary Enrolled 2. Notarized Affidavit of Undertaking Enrolment with Gap (Balik-Aral) Enrolment of Ineligible (Dropped from previous School Year) APPROVAL Division Office Division Office LIS REQUEST REQUIRED DOCUMENTS APPROVAL Request for Correction of Basic Profile (Learner’s Name or Birthday) NSO/PSA or Local Birth Certificate with Registry Number Barangay Certification School Level Enrolment with 1. Change Request Template 2. NSO/PSA or Local Birth Data Issue Certificate with Registry (Deactivated) Number LRN Approval 3. F137/SF10 (Elementary and High School) Merging of LRN Central Office Change Request Template Sample Document to be submitted (in document format only) Where to submit? NHSLISRequest20232024 REMINDERS: 1. Housekeeping should be done after enrolling the learner in LIS. Learners who has pending request are not officially enrolled. 2. No unenrollment except students transferred to ALS. 3. Deadline for LIS enrolment and division approval is on October 13, 2023.