Q whafs Matex ? 1 A> Anything that has mass and Ccupy space > How old chemist clasihed mattey ? 2 Asaid all mates axe made of an , watex,fie,Sky S"Q> How moden ChemiSt classify mattey A> "Physical propexty> Solid , liquid. gas. Chemical Pxopeoty >element, Compound, mixtuxe. 4 " > How ase matex made of ? A Pasticle ohich make up A natten >atom,nolecue S"O Howto pOVe prESence of pahicle tineix movement in mattey? A> Fom expeviment of defysion(mixing substanes) >Bo Bxownian mohion. tAD Diffusiontixing Substance own theix own. 6 xplain dissclving cf sclid in liuid A> Studs of dissoling of Pottassiom Proman ganatt 9 Ohen of CyStal of YP is put inwatey the wgtey sto uly tuons Puxple (wrthot staing ). 5 fdiagsan - book explation &. book Qxplain the Case of Soqa in wate A Both SUgas oates Qe made of paotide On mixing,the Sugas paoticde go ond sette in the spaces betueen water panticle. "QDescibe mixing, of2 ga6es AAx iS coloaleSS ,butj Boomine is ged boon SPreadug of boOwine con be n Both ae made:of poticeS, the mong pastide of boo mine an colide mix onifoml.another dift usion3 Thopughbromine is heayies but Stil it nove UPasc.Qgainst ravity seen as its ColO8IesS, aftex Some time boomine bomine Vapous S8o conchsion> mctttex is made of t pahicles epathicles ae constant4 moving Q>xplcan movement of pollen 9Qins in watex A theoy given by Robext BxDUMn in IR22. 5to put a pollen goain in watex wfound pollen qnain moving in zig-200 motion. Gwaxmes the wwatex faste the motio Ps Movement occUY due to being hii bñ fost moving pauticles of wates 3Cam also be obseved in ase. OQ whats Brounian motion?neat H> \he zig zag motion of sUspended pashcles in fluid is called Boonian motion 99 ConcluSion >Matey made of pooticles. > pasticles axe constantlq movingy MQ>What axe chasactesisicG of Pasthicles0s A>oJhey ase VN. Gmall:DHDT2r b)Jhey attsact each othes C)Ihey a8e cortinuousls in motion d) Jhey have space in between a) Pashcles of mattex axe y Smal o When we put a cxystal of PP in oatex the waies becomes pusple So, we can con lude the PP eis made of million of pasticles which Kept oñ Spseacding b) Pasticles have space between o Whenwe dissolue sUgar in 1O m of warer oAftex dissoing the volume dont chan ge he sugax pasicles agqwibecpace betuween o watepaotiaesv9h doihvYEH ) fashcies of maHex ane const antls moving (io lzaa) oesampeG> diffuSion Oca BocQLONian imoion buoning of insense Sick afBe Some ime Ohole hoom ils oith the sme "eg > adding cOppes Sul phaBe in oate fxed be the axe ape sh (Heavymuch.VolumeSolid completels densitus psopeghes compsesed Continex high have have canit FilL Flow DonF ) Dont Jhey SoLId i) ii))Solid QWhat ? Of The physICOl Of basis oce thE Shage IS oSibe fiau Con binds Conesian apzCES as fluicKigid atsachon föce o Jhese hicles nen togehex. tendency means means cf Subjecied isaHx aHsachon gasesmin > m aacis of unbending f o s to matanal ma ’Soids to ce EDcn maintain Hex outSide KnOn uohich on inflexibie cthex which xigidrts Knouonas Class1hcahon (iauid qas "Solid psopedties d)ax Solicl. : enexgy) Kinehc ? n0 GWhat 9)Jhey i) )Jhey £Qsily Flow ) iy) i ) i) Completeluy ii) Fosceii) of Fillóntainex compressec be . iD Containeso4 Dontil Cant " Rasils Fl o u ) Solid Stauctuse Solic 6 Solid Haye No Liquid Au haye Can Whgk Amo less Dont fixed poxticies solid space axe be unt have dont high have cense ve cant have compoeçed HI l a8e Shape se psopesti att%00tion of fixed (louwdensits. Axed betuweenliquid low containey be moxement than mo p axe NOpestes nox shape densits eerst es compsessed 9 desate voum closels qas of easilssolid)3223goo9d fied as pasicles Compleelu:0 of ligud?AA paohces in e have to packed but volume.gases paoticles tote much. diffeaent no axe tminimum high aDO9 20hiupil a fxed close densits psopexies tauctuxe shape QWhs 5)Jhe Sotic ac compettk, containex than much. Shape clos Havefxed volunne conpse lecsxed "Ffouws easils axe have be f 5fasticles Oont "Cant Oont " Stxuctuxe liquid to have & exeed qiass dontwatex 7When oe pous vicethe veIsQ. maxk AXed fonm cohich the volume watex akevuuateYh ShCa bre g ofcontainexsALni cik . QSo Volume Shape ShapeogiSd fxed have fixecshape shotuiquid no the Axed has take to no -Aiquid can QHow but it (iauids os Solid VOlume than " easily Flows " no8easils faothes shapedencits qases>L ofStauctue Containet entise Flls much ssec sixced compoe low ase have " DontCanhas be fastiCles vebq " of Of shapeof volume as it takes baloon. takes it as inflated Shape volume fixced an fied no eQ no Con hascontaine has Gias G1OS Sêd compsfS be cant iouid SoLd can. pONe Gasses to Ho02hout Q Dgos liquid) 50ateY (solicd) Salt 5 down dont move solid ont consedexably doon dont that Jhey places dont pxove compseSsibiliso movevoume clouon highSmail liquid Conpsessed geE uatey Cu a dont seducehis ver moES psoved the piston a Compxessed. dso cause that to it this Compsessed the PyOved 9as volume CNG. LPG, ¬0’ Loeight Leignt be have salt ghis puting puting aining (o)Containing Qining its canGases &a be Compsess can because q0Ses (o)ont Cont secuce on on (b) colled js othes wth i LScientistfok tiod biua o2l10c o 0'c K= n 9 tochange Pressuaf biuol Changing i)tempexaBuxe (10rtotba the in ase ge )1 Chan GoWhat uguS glaleof ’ maHex b buoo of Stale (°ptoCUO ppaOd0201011 maHex vexs.fO8mula pus ofitspaxicles mohon tiguicl Vice K KDgohei) 373 heata 23.& asubstan ce usediby tempexatuse 273 = Kelvin gasisloweShuin = Kelvin incxeasing tempis of 3also in ofice OatesL 6 of on K) celcius out b unit due SubsBance to inckeases of to speadingin ykelvindenoted SI boilinguol fasBesk scale Meling pOinf Cc in the Fosmula 3temp. s OSpeedWhich y Dftusiob difusion. Jne 3 Q a to enouah o "PsocessHOwwhen due d)iquid Solid of point’ cooling). fonn of slby liquid pOCeSs solid of on htating melhng point gas meling poini liquic:d melis aol JRla Slouls,if iis heaed byolug enexQy Jiapidiqliguid solidifiesnd bs Substance Condentatio which liqud loSe gas g a s a i L 2 solid melin9qu (Ussion) lo > to panticie tempexatuxe qas at to to which liquid (condensahion) Soid tempeatuse iquid Vaposising) ing melting Coolingis called fuee2ing moving moves l{seezing) liquid (Helting ice Of 0C cooled g Chang (ReveaSe of boiling) changing at changing changing fseeze temp changing is it stopS called heing ohich liquid liquid it of is of PxoceSS heckng i)Frects )Solid O ) to to Paocessboiling bols to liquid GasJhe b hidden Laten hect ’ Jhe near enexau which has 0 be Supplied to chonge he sHate te of 9 SUbStonce is Known as latent heat.* 9t dont xaise the tempexature Q uhy tatent heat dont change the 4empexature 9 Evey maBaial nase some oxce of attaction(if it hasS to change the State it need to oexcome the attxaciOn . latent h¹at which we supply i USed to OVeKCome the foxce to chcnge its State nof t0 Change kinehc enesySo the temp. iS not inc~e0Se cl. Jupes o atent he i)atent heat of fussion Vaponsahoh. i) Latent ne at of fusion> defined as amount af heat xequiiec to conYext (Kq to liquid at Constant tempezakuxc. i0Latent heat of yap0aisation> de fined as amount af neat Sequixed t0 convext |Ko of liquid to vapouX at consant tempetatse. Ev sposation pocess of convextion of liquid to vapo0T below the boiling point Q• How it occux ? 9 9} depends on sucfaçe axea At the SUxface some mol¬CUles have enough Kinetic enegy, So they can oVeOme tht aHracfive tones &esca pe to atmoshphe se YacBoxs efeching evapoxaion 2 Suaface axea’ ate of eyaporaion incxeaSe witn it. tempexatuxe ’ diaect pxopo~tional to eYapoxation Humidits ate of (Psesence of watex vapoUY in átmosphexe) with inceasing humidits Sate of evaporahon decxeases Speed.> direct ty prppotional 0> 0iff between evaporahon 9Sopoxafion 9ts the pxOcess of convextion of liquid to Yapouy belo) boilia point BOiling Boiling Boiting the temnp. at which vapouY presexe becomes equal to to atmoshphexe pxessuYe iS Evapoxation a is g s a tal SUxfacephenomenan " 9fs a slo p80SS hhenammeman. 9fs a fast pYDCeSs