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Medical-Surgical Nursing Handbook

Handbook of Clinical Nursing:
Ronald L. Hickman, Jr., PhD, RN, ACNP-BC, FNAP, FAAN, is an associate professor and a boardcertified acute care nurse practitioner at Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve
University (CWRU) in Cleveland, Ohio. He earned a bachelor of arts in biology, a master of science (acute
care nurse practitioner), and a doctorate in nursing from CWRU. He has received regional and national
distinctions for his commitment and sustained contributions to nursing science and practice. Dr. Hickman is
a nationally recognized nurse scientist and advanced practice nurse. In 2015, he was elected a fellow of the
American Academy of Nursing and National Academies of Practice. With nearly two decades of clinical
experience, he has provided evidence-based nursing care to patients and their families across tertiary care
settings. He has authored more than 50 publications and numerous book chapters with a clinical focus, and
serves as a contributing editor for the American Journal of Critical Care. As an associate editor of A Guide
to Mastery in Clinical Nursing, Dr. Hickman’s clinical expertise in the management of patients requiring
life-sustaining care in emergency departments and intensive care units is highlighted in the book’s content
regarding emergency and critical care, medical–surgical, and nurse anesthesia care.
Celeste M. Alfes, DNP, MSN, RN, CNE, CHSE-A, is associate professor and director of the Center for
Nursing Education, Simulation, and Innovation at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case
Western Reserve University (CWRU) in Cleveland, Ohio. She earned a bachelor of science in nursing
(University of Akron), master of science in nursing (University of Akron), and doctor of nursing practice at
CWRU. With a background in critical care nursing, she has 20 years of experience teaching baccalaureate
nursing students and has been instrumental in developing high-fidelity simulation programs nationally and
internationally. She was instrumental in developing the Dorothy Ebersbach Academic Center for Flight
Nursing, which features the nation’s first high-fidelity Sikorsky S76® helicopter simulator adapted for
interdisciplinary education and crew resource management. She received the National League for Nursing’s
Simulation Leader in Nursing Education award (2012) and the Joyce Griffin-Sobel Research award (2014).
Her research incorporates interprofessional simulations to strengthen clinical reasoning and performance
outcomes. Dr. Alfes currently serves as a reviewer for the National Science Foundation, is a coinvestigator
on funded research projects with the Laerdal Foundation of Norway and the U.S. Air Force Research
Laboratory, is on the editorial board of Applied Nursing Research, and is a reviewer for the journals Nursing
Education Perspectives and Clinical Simulation in Nursing.
Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, FNAP, is Elizabeth Brooks Ford Professor of Nursing,
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in Cleveland, Ohio,
where she was the dean from 1982 through 1997. She is also an adjunct professor, Department of Geriatrics,
Ichan School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, New York. She earned a bachelor of science in
nursing (Georgetown University), an MS in psychiatric–mental health nursing (The Ohio State University),
a PhD in nursing (New York University), and an MBA at CWRU. She was elected a fellow of the American
Academy of Nursing (AAN; 1981) and a fellow in the National Academies of Practice (1996). She received
the American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year award 20 times. Dr. Fitzpatrick received the American
Nurses Foundation Distinguished Contribution to Nursing Science award for sustained commitment and
contributions to the development of the discipline (2002). She was a Fulbright Scholar at University
College Cork, Cork, Ireland (2007–2008), and was inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau International
Research Hall of Fame (2014). In 2016, she was named a Living Legend of the AAN. Dr. Fitzpatrick’s
work is widely disseminated in nursing and health care literature; she has authored or edited more than 300
publications, including more than 80 books. She even served as a coeditor of the Annual Review of Nursing
Research series, volumes 1 to 26, and she currently edits the journals Applied Nursing Research, Archives of
Psychiatric Nursing, and Nursing Education Perspectives, the official journal of the National League for
Handbook of Clinical Nursing:
Ronald L. Hickman, Jr., PhD, RN, ACNP-BC, FNAP,
FAAN Celeste M. Alfes, DNP, MSN, RN, CNE, CHSE-A
Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, FNAP
Copyright © 2018 Springer Publishing Company, LLC
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Springer Publishing Company, LLC
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Acquisitions Editor: Joseph Morita
Compositor: Newgen KnowledgeWorks
ISBN: 978-0-8261-3078-5
ebook ISBN: 978-0-8261-3469-1
18 19 20 21 22 / 5 4 3 2 1
Extracted from A Guide to Mastery in Clinical Nursing: The Comprehensive Reference
The author and the publisher of this Work have made every effort to use sources believed to be reliable to
provide information that is accurate and compatible with the standards generally accepted at the time of
publication. Because medical science is continually advancing, our knowledge base continues to expand.
Therefore, as new information becomes available, changes in procedures become necessary. We
recommend that the reader always consult current research and specific institutional policies before
performing any clinical procedure. The author and publisher shall not be liable for any special,
consequential, or exemplary damages resulting, in whole or in part, from the readers’ use of, or reliance on,
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that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Hickman, Ronald, editor. | Alfes, Celeste M., editor. | Fitzpatrick, Joyce J., 1944- editor.
Title: Handbook of clinical nursing. Medical-surgical nursing / Ronald L. Hickman, Jr., Celeste M. Alfes,
Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, editors.
Other titles: Medical-surgical nursing | Contained in (work): Guide to mastery in clinical nursing.
Description: New York, NY : Springer Publishing Company, LLC, [2018] | Contained in: A guide to
mastery in clinical nursing : the comprehensive reference / Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, Celeste M. Alfes, Ronald
Hickman, editors. 2018. | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017059922| ISBN 9780826130785 (pbk.) | ISBN 9780826134691 (ebook)
Subjects: | MESH: Medical-Surgical Nursing
Classification: LCC RT41 | NLM WY 150 | DDC 610.73—dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017059922
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Share Handbook of Clinical Nursing: Medical–Surgical Nursing
Addison’s Disease
Yolanda Flenoury
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Mary Jo Elmo
Anemia in Adults
Kerry Mastrangelo and Mary T. Quinn Griffin
Ashley L. Foreman
Kari Gali
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Kelly Ann Lynn
Bladder Cancer
Dianna Jo Copley
Bowel Obstruction
Kelly Ann Lynn and Jane F. Marek
Brain Tumors
Peter J. Cebull
Elsie A. Jolade
Chronic Kidney Disease
Mary de Haan
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Christina M. Canfield
Colorectal Cancer
Visnja Maria Masina and Crina V. Floruta
Coronary Artery Disease in Adults
Kate Cook and Mary T. Quinn Griffin
Cushing Syndrome
Yolanda Flenoury and Jane F. Marek
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Kelly K. McConnell
Diabetes Insipidus
Danielle M. Diemer
Diabetes Mellitus
Mary Beth Modic
Diverticular Disease
Rhoda Redulla
Courtney G. Donahue and Celeste M. Alfes
Joseph D. Perazzo
Gallbladder and Biliary Tract Disease
Andrea Marie Herr
Gastric Cancer
Una Hopkins and Jane F. Marek
Maria G. Smisek
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Kelly Ann Lynn
Maria A. Mendoza
Guillain–Barré Syndrome
Kathleen Marsala-Cervasio
Heart Failure
Arlene Travis
Hemolytic Anemia
Rebecca M. Lutz and Charrita Ernewein
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
Bette K. Idemoto and Jane F. Marek
Hiatal Hernia
Maricar P. Gomez
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Scott Emory Moore
Marian Soat
Colleen Kurzawa
Karen L. Terry
Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Adults
Ronald Rock
Marisa A. Cortese
Liver Cancer
Shannon A. Rives
Lung Cancer
Helen Foley
Marisa A. Cortese and Jane F. Marek
Multiple Sclerosis
Alaa Mahsoon
Myasthenia Gravis
Jennifer Gonzalez
Kelly Ann Lynn
Mary Variath
Mary Variath and Jane F. Marek
Maria A. Mendoza
Paget’s Disease
Jacqueline Robinson
Pancreatic Cancer
Jennifer E. Millman
Parkinson’s Disease
Peter J. Cebull
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Lisa D. Ericson and Deborah R. Gillum
Heidi Youngbauer
Peripheral Artery Disease
Gayle M. Petty
Pernicious Anemia
Edwidge Cuvilly
Polycythemia Vera
Sarine Beukian
Prostate Cancer
Erin H. Discenza
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Susan V. Brindisi
Sharon Stahl Wexler and Catherine O’Neill D’Amico
Sickle Cell Disease
Consuela A. Albright
Sleep Apnea
Deborah H. Cantero, Leslie J. Lockett, and Rebecca M. Lutz
Spinal Stenosis and Disc Herniation
Steven R. Collier
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion
Carrie Foster
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Merlyn A. Dorsainvil
Maria A. Mendoza
Christina M. Canfield
Valvular Heart Disease
Rebecca Witten Grizzle
Consuela A. Albright, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, PPCNP-BC
Staff Nurse
Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital for Rehabilitation
Cleveland, Ohio
Celeste M. Alfes, DNP, MSN, RN, CNE, CHSE-A
Associate Professor
Director, Center for Nursing Education, Simulation, and Innovation
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Sarine Beukian, MSN, RN, AGACNP-BC
Cardiology Nurse Practitioner
Division of Cardiology
Department of Medicine
Bassett Medical Center, Affiliate of College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Columbia University
New York, New York
Susan V. Brindisi, MS Ed, MA, MSN, RN, CHES, CRRN
Clinical Nurse Leader
Mount Sinai Health System
New York, New York
Christina M. Canfield, MSN, RN, APRN, ACNS-BC, CCRN-E
eHospital Program Manager
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Deborah H. Cantero, DNP, RN, ARNP, FNP-C
Assistant Professor
FNP Program Coordinator
School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Florida Southern College
Lakeland, Florida
Peter J. Cebull, MSN, RN, CNP
Nurse Practitioner
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Steven R. Collier, MS, RN, CNP
Nurse Practitioner
Department of Neurosurgery
Center for Spine Health
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Kate Cook, MSN, RN
DNP Student
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Assistant Professor
Chamberlain University
Downers Grove, Illinois
Dianna Jo Copley, MSN, RN, APRN, ACCNS-AG, CCRN
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Marisa A. Cortese, PhD, RN, FNP-BC
Research Nurse Practitioner
White Plains Hospital—Center for Cancer Care
White Plains, New York
Edwidge Cuvilly, MS, RN, ANP-BC, GNP, OCN
Nurse Practitioner
Bone Marrow Transplant
Weill Cornell Medicine
Division of Hematology & Medical Oncology
New York, New York
Catherine O’Neill D’Amico, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Programs and Operations
NICHE—Nurses Improving Care to Health System Elders
Rory Meyers College of Nursing
New York University
New York, New York
Danielle M. Diemer, MSN, RN, FNP-C
Nurse Practitioner
Department of Endocrinology
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Erin H. Discenza, MSN, RN
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Courtney G. Donahue, MS, RN, FNP-BC, PCCN
Family Nurse Practitioner, Stroke NP
Department of Neurosciences
New York–Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
Brooklyn, New York
Merlyn A. Dorsainvil, DHSc, MS, MPH, RN
Assistant Professor
Department of Nursing
College of Technology of the City University of New York
Brooklyn, New York
Mary Jo Elmo, MSN, RN, CNP
Nurse Practitioner
Department of Surgery
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Lisa D. Ericson, MSN, RN, FNP-BC
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Bethel College
Mishawaka, Indiana
Charrita Ernewein, DNP, RN, ARNP, FNP-C
Adjunct Professor
College of Nursing
South University
Valrico, Florida
Yolanda Flenoury, MSN, RN, APRN-BC, CDE
Clinical Nurse Specialist
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Crina V. Floruta, MSN, RN, ANP-BC, CWOCN
Nurse Practitioner—Colorectal Surgery
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Helen Foley, MSN, RN, AOCNS, ACHPN
Clinical Nurse Specialist Hematology/Oncology
Seidman Cancer Center
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Ashley L. Foreman, DNP, RN, FNP-C
Family Nurse Practitioner
Chesapeake, Virginia
Carrie Foster, MSN, RN, PNP
Surgical Hospitalist
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Seattle, Washington
Kari Gali, DNP, MSN, RN
CNP, Director of Quality and Population Health Design in Distance Health
Clinical Transformation
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Deborah R. Gillum, PhD, RN, CNE
Dean of Nursing
Bethel College
Mishawaka, Indiana
Maricar P. Gomez, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, PCCN
Nurse Practitioner
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
DNP Student
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Jennifer Gonzalez, MSN, RN, APRN, AGCNS-BC
Clinical Nurse Specialist
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Mary T. Quinn Griffin, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Rebecca Witten Grizzle, PhD, MSN, RN, NP-C
Clinical Assistant Professor
College of Nursing
Sacred Heart University
Fairfield, Connecticut
Mary de Haan, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Andrea Marie Herr, MS, RN, ANP-BC
New York–Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center
New York, New York
Una Hopkins, DNP, RN, FNP-BC
Administrative Director
Center for Cancer Cure
White Plains Hospital
White Plains, New York
Bette K. Idemoto, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CCRN
Clinical Nurse Specialist
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Elsie A. Jolade, DNP, EdM, RN, FNP-BC, ACNS, APRN, CCRN
Clinical Professor
Hunter College
School of Nursing
City University of New York
New York, New York
Colleen Kurzawa, MSN, MFA, RN
PhD Student
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Leslie J. Lockett, MS, RNC, CNE, CMSRN
Director of RN-BSN Program
College of Nursing
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida
Rebecca M. Lutz, DNP, RN, APRN, FNP-BC, PPCNP-BC
Assistant Professor
College of Nursing
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida
Kelly Ann Lynn, MS, MA, RN
Center for Advanced Digestive Care
New York–Presbyterian Hospital
New York, New York
Alaa Mahsoon, MSN, RN
PhD Student
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Jane F. Marek, DNP, MSN, RN
Assistant Professor
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Kathleen Marsala-Cervasio, PhD, EdD, RN, ACNS-BC, CCRN
Associate Professor
Harriet Rothkopf Heilbrunn School of Nursing
Long Island University
Brooklyn Campus
Brookville, New York
Visnja Maria Masina, MSN, RN, APRN, AGCNS-BC
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Kerry Mastrangelo, DNP, RN, APRN, NP-C
Assistant Professor of Nursing
The Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing
Molloy College
Rockville Center, New York
Kelly K. McConnell, DNP, MSN, RN, AG-ACNP-BC
Assistant Professor
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Maria A. Mendoza, EdD, RN, ANP, GNP-BC, CDE, CNE
Assistant Clinical Professor
Nursing Education Master’s and Advanced Certificate
Rory Meyers College of Nursing
New York University
New York, New York
Jennifer E. Millman, BSN, RN
Clinical Practice Nurse
Advanced Endoscopy
Division of Gastroenterology
Weill Cornell Medical Center
New York, New York
Mary Beth Modic, DNP, RN, APRN-CNS, CDE
Diabetes Clinical Nurse Specialist
Department of Advanced Practice Nursing
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Scott Emory Moore, PhD, RN, APRN, AGPCNP-BC
Postdoctoral Fellow
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Joseph D. Perazzo, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor
College of Nursing
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
Gayle M. Petty, DNP, MSN, RN
Assistant Professor
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Rhoda Redulla, DNP, RN-BC
Magnet® Program Director
Office of Nursing Excellence
New York–Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell
Medical Center
New York, New York
Shannon A. Rives, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC, CCRN, CMSRN
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Jacqueline Robinson, MSN, MBA, RN, ACNS-BC, CCRN
Simulation Manager
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Ronald Rock, MSN, RN, APRN, CNS
Nurse Manager/Clinical Nurse Specialist
Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing Department
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Maria G. Smisek, MSN, RN-BC
Doctoral Student
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Marian Soat, MSN, RN, APRN, CCNS, CCRN
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Department of Advance Practice Nursing
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Karen L. Terry, DNP, MSN, RN, NP-C, GNP-BC
Nurse Practitioner
Mercy Health Physicians Lorain Geriatrics
Amherst, Ohio
Arlene Travis, MSN, RN, ANP-BC
Nurse Clinician
Mount Sinai Hospital
New York, New York
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Pace University Lienhard School of Nursing
New York, New York
Mary Variath, MSN, RN
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Sharon Stahl Wexler, PhD, RN, FNGNA
Associate Professor
Pace University
Lienhard School of Nursing
New York, New York
Heidi Youngbauer, MSN, RN
Adjunct Professor
Department of Nursing
Sacred Heart University
Onalaska, Wisconsin
In the United States and worldwide, medical–surgical nursing is the most
common nursing specialty practiced by registered nurses. Medical–surgical
nursing consists of the delivery of evidence-based nursing care to adult patients
who are hospitalized owing to an acute condition, exacerbation of a chronic
illness, or a surgical procedure. Medical–surgical nursing is a specialty area of
nursing that directs nursing practice toward the prevention of disease,
attenuation of disease progression, and promotion of symptom palliation and
health-related quality of life across the adult life span. The practice of medical–
surgical nursing requires knowledge across disciplinary domains, such as the
physiological, cognitive, psychosocial, environmental, and behavioral
mechanisms that influence the health and susceptibility of disease among
hospitalized patients. The care of the hospitalized patients and their family
systems requires medical–surgical nurses to maintain an up-to-date knowledge
base that guides the formulation of a nursing diagnosis and initiation of
evidence-based nursing actions to optimize the health of hospitalized patients
and family systems.
The knowledge base of medical–surgical nurses is wide ranging and reflects
the diversity of care needs of patients and their family systems. For medical–
surgical nurses, the health care environments in which they practice are dynamic,
and the complexity of care needs of patients is steadily increasing. Adding to the
complexity of providing medical–surgical nursing care, registered nurses are
finding it more difficult to acquire and make use of an evolving knowledge base
of evidence to guide their nursing practice. Although the challenges of a
dynamic health care environment, increasing complexity of patients, and an
expanding evidence base for nursing care are not unique challenges restricted to
medical–surgical nurses, these challenges pose a significant threat to the quality
of care delivered by novice and even expert medical–surgical nurses.
The Handbook of Clinical Nursing: Medical–Surgical Nursing was
conceptualized to assist the novice or the expert medical–surgical nurse
reviewing up-to-date content on a variety of clinical topics pertinent to the care
of hospitalized patients and their family systems, and is included in A Guide to
Mastery in Clinical Nursing: The Comprehensive Reference, a comprehensive
reference for individuals across the life span. This handbook includes a
compendium of clinical topics with a structured format to aid the comprehension
and application of the content to nursing practice. The Handbook of Clinical
Nursing: Medical–Surgical Nursing has selected clinical topics curated by Dr.
Jane Marek and contributions from expert practitioners in specialty areas of
medical–surgical nursing. The objective of the Handbook of Clinical Nursing:
Medical–Surgical Nursing is to provide detailed information on the most
important topics in clinical nursing practice for both new registered nurses and
those transitioning to a new clinical area.
For each clinical topic, there is an overview of the clinical problem, relevant
clinical background, clinical aspects for the nurse (assessment; nursing
interventions, management, and clinical implications; and outcomes), and a
summary. Key references are provided for each entry, including both classic
references and current citations from clinical and research literature. Although
there are a number of comprehensive textbooks, this handbook provides
information that is both concise and practical for the students as they enter each
clinical area, and for registered nurses searching for up-to-date content that will
guide their nursing practice.
In summary, the Handbook of Clinical Nursing: Medical–Surgical Nursing
has particular relevance to several groups of nurses. Nurse faculty will find this
handbook useful as it provides concise synopses of clinical topics relevant to the
care of a hospitalized patient. Clinicians transitioning to new clinical areas will
have a ready resource for key clinical problems they may face in their new
clinical area. And, importantly, newly licensed registered nurses will find that
this guide to clinical mastery will chart their way in addressing the important
clinical problems that their patients experience.
Ronald L. Hickman, Jr.
Celeste M. Alfes
Joyce J. Fitzpatrick
Handbook of Clinical Nursing: Medical–Surgical
Yolanda Flenoury
The adrenal glands are an important part of the endocrine system. They secrete
vital hormones (glucocorticoids, mineralcorticoids, and androgens) that play a
part in response to stress, blood pressure, sodium, potassium, and water balance
(Michels & Michels, 2014). Addison’s disease is an illness characterized by
destruction of the adrenal glands. Adrenal gland destruction may occur because
of an autoimmune process, infectious or fungal disease, medications, or
malignancy. The goal in caring for these patients is the ability to recognize the
disease, treat the symptoms, maintain their health status, and avoid a crisis state.
Nurses play a vital role in providing education so that the patients can manage
and treat their disease appropriately (Bornstein et al., 2016).
In 1855, Thomas Addison published a book describing his patient case studies
and subsequent autopsy findings. He described a disease in his patients that had
an insidious onset and was characterized by patterns of progressive, distinctive
skin discoloration, nausea, weakness, delirium, and weak pulse with the ultimate
demise of the patient. On autopsy, he found that all of his patients had diseased
adrenal glands (Addison, 1855).
Addison’s disease can manifest as the result of autoimmune processes. This
form of Addison’s disease accounts for 70% to 90% of cases. The second most
common cause of Addison’s disease is caused by tuberculosis. A less common
cause of Addison’s disease includes pathological disorders that include fungal
infections, malignancies, and medications (National Endocrine and Metabolic
Disease Information Service, 2014). A good history, including geographic
location and travel, is vital when making the diagnosis. Patients who live or have
been in areas with a high prevalence of tuberculosis or other infectious diseases
will have a higher proportion of Addison’s disease caused by these conditions
(Bornstein et al., 2016). In Western countries, the prevalence of Addison’s
disease had been estimated at 35 to 60 million people. In the first two decades of
life, Addison’s disease is diagnosed more often in males, more evenly divided in
the third decade and then mostly female in the subsequent decades of life. The
gender differential, however, shifts to female, if patients have polyglandular
autoimmune syndrome, a condition in which more than one endocrine gland is
destroyed (Nieman, 2016).
The adrenal glands have two layers, the cortex and the medulla. The adrenal
cortex is responsible for the synthesis of cortisol, aldosterone, and androgens.
Most notable in Addison’s disease, the lack of cortisol leads to diminished
hepatic and muscle glycogen stores, hepatic glucose output and hypoglycemia,
muscle weakness, anemia, hyponatremia, and postural hypotension (Brandão
Neto & Carvalho, 2014). Cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone that is secreted in
response to pituitary secretion of ACTH. Cortisol is also secreted in response to
circadian rhythms, eating, activity, and in response to stress. Cortisol is secreted
rapidly after the onset of a physical stressor. This lack of response and release of
cortisol results in an addisonian crisis during times of physical stress, such as
illness or surgery, and is characterized by shock, hypotension, and volume
depletion (Michels & Michels, 2014). In Addison’s disease, the distinctive
darkening of the skin that can be seen around the neck, axilla, groin, and
between digits is related to the ACTH- mediation stimulation of melanocytes
(Michels & Michels, 2014). Patients with Addison’s disease often have
decreased levels of the mineralocorticoid aldosterone due to adrenal cortex
destruction. Aldosterone deficiency can lead to hyponatermia, hyperkalemia, and
hypotension (Quinkler, Oelkers, Remde, & Allolio, 2014).
Clinical Aspects
It is recommended that acutely ill patients with unexplained symptoms
suggestive of Addison’s disease (volume depletion, hypotension, hyperkalemia,
hyponatremia, fever, abdominal pain, hyperpigmentation, or hypoglycemia) are
tested to exclude Addison’s disease as a diagnosis (Bornstein et al., 2016).
Confirmatory testing with corticotropin-stimulation testing is recommended for
patients who have suggestive symptoms. Patients who have severe adrenal
insufficiency or are in an adrenal crisis should be treated with intravenous (IV)
hydrocortisone to prevent life-threatening consequences, even in the absence of
definitive test results (Bornstein et al., 2016).
Diagnosis of Addison’s disease can be made using the short synacthen test,
also known as the ACTH stimulation test. Peak cortisol levels less than 500
nmol/L indicate adrenal insufficiency. Measurement of plasma ACTH is
recommended to establish diagnosis of Addison’s disease (primary adrenal
insufficiency) versus secondary adrenal insufficiency related to decreased ACTH
levels. Plasma renin and aldosterone can also be measured to determine whether
the patient has a mineralocorticoid deficiency (Bornstein et al., 2016).
Patients who have Addison’s disease need to have glucocorticoid replacement
therapy. Glucocorticoids can be replaced with hydrocortisone, cortisone acetate,
or prednisolone. Generally, the doses of hydrocortisone and cortisone acetate are
given in divided doses, with the largest in the morning to mimic the circadian
cycle of cortisol release (Bornstein et al., 2016). If the patient has an aldosterone
deficiency, he or she should also have mineralocorticoid replacement with
fludrocortisone (Quinkler et al., 2014).
Patients who are having an adrenal crisis should be treated emergently with IV
glucocorticoids and fluid resuscitation. The preferred drug is hydrocortisone,
followed by prednisolone. Dexamethasone should be used if no other
glucocorticoid is available (Bornstein et al., 2016).
It is imperative that patients who have Addison’s disease have a thorough
medication reconciliation. The nurse needs to be aware that these patients cannot
be without their glucocorticoid replacement and that the other routes of
medication administration must be provided if the patient is unable to take oral
doses. The nurse should collaborate with the other members of the medical team
to facilitate medication adjustments in the face of worsening illness, surgical
procedures, or labor to prevent an Addisonian crisis. Nursing assessment should
include monitoring for worsening symptoms of adrenal insufficiency;
hypotension, elevated potassium, decreased sodium, and hypoglycemia could
indicate an impending crisis (Craven, 2016).
Addison’s disease is a chronic condition with the vast majority of the disease
being managed at home by the patient. Nurses play a vital role in educating and
advocating for patients with Addison’s disease. Patients should be educated
about the types of physical stressors (illness, surgery, severe injury, and
pregnancy) that can precipitate a crisis (Bornstein et al., 2016; Craven, 2016).
Education should also include symptoms, such as fever, nausea and vomiting,
anorexia, weakness, lethargy, and decreased urinary output, that may indicate an
impending crisis state (Craven, 2016). Patient education should include the
importance of medication timing to mimic normal cortisol release, as well as
emergency medication dosing if they are having crisis symptoms in a
nonhospital settings (Bornstein et al., 2016; Craven, 2016).
Nursing evaluation of treatment response to glucocorticoid replacement includes
assessment of weight stability, postural hypotension, reported energy levels, and
signs of glucocorticoid excess (cushighoid symptoms). Treatment response to
mineralocorticoid replacement should be assessed by presence of postural
hypotension, peripheral edema, and reported salt craving (Bornstein et al., 2016).
Addison’s disease or primary adrenal insufficiency is a disease characterized by
destruction of the adrenal glands. Cortisol produced by the adrenal gland plays a
vital role in the body’s response to stress, and helps to maintain blood pressure,
sodium, potassium, and water balance. Without lifelong cortisol replacement,
patients with Addison’s disease are at risk for life-threatening hypovolemia,
hypoglycemia, and hypotension. The goal in caring for these patients is the
ability to recognize the disease, treat the symptoms, maintain their health status,
and avoid a crisis state. The nurse is responsible for providing close observation
and careful nursing assessments to monitor for signs of adrenal insufficiency. As
most of the management of Addison’s disease is done outside of a health care
setting, medication and disease management education is crucial to help people
with Addison’s disease maintain their health.
Addison, T. (1855). In the constitutional and local effects of disease of the supra-renal capsules. Retrieved
from https://archive.org/details/b21298786
Bornstein, S. R., Allolio, B., Arlt, W., Barthel, A., Don-Wauchope, A., Hammer, G. D., . . . Torpy, D. J.
(2016). Diagnosis and treatment of primary adrenal insufficiency: An Endocrine Society clinical
practice guideline. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 101(2), 364–389.
Brandão Neto, R. A., & de Carvalho, J. F. (2014). Diagnosis and classification of Addison’s disease
(autoimmune adrenalitis). Autoimmunity Reviews, 13(4–5), 408–411. doi:10.1016/j.autrev.2014.01.025
Craven, H. (2016). Physiological alterations of the endocrine system. In H. Craven (Ed.), Core curriculum
for medical-surgical nursing. Sewell, NJ: Academy of Medical Surgical Nursing.
Michels, A., & Michels, N. (2014). Addison disease: Early detection and treatment principles. American
Family Physician, 89(7), 563–568.
National Endocrine and Metabolic Disease Information Service. (2014). Adrenal insufficiency and
Addison’s disease. Washington, DC: U.S. DHHS.
Quinkler, M., Oelkers, W., Remde, H., & Allolio, B. (2015). Mineralocorticoid substitution and monitoring
in primary adrenal insufficiency. Best Practice & Research. Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism,
29(1), 17–24. doi:10.1016/j.beem.2014.08.008
Mary Jo Elmo
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease
affecting both upper and lower motor neurons resulting in paralysis. It was first
described in 1869 and became well known in the United States when famous
New York Yankee baseball player Lou Gehrig was diagnosed with ALS in 1939
(Zarei et al., 2015). There is no cure for ALS and the disease is fatal with death
occurring in most patients within 2 to 5 years of diagnosis. An estimated 20,000
to 30,000 people in the United States are living with ALS with an additional
5,000 newly diagnosed cases annually. Patient presentation varies, but ultimately
all patients will have respiratory insufficiency, which is the most common cause
of death. Because there is no cure, a primary goal in ALS is symptom
ALS is frequently called an insidious disease with progression leading to diffuse
muscle weakness, muscle wasting, dysarthria, dysphagia, and paralysis,
including paralysis of the respiratory muscles. Men have a lifetime risk of ALS
of 1:350 and women 1:500 (Salameh, Brown, & Berry, 2015). Only 10% of
patients live more than 10 years (Paganoni, Karam, Joyce, Bedlack, & Carter,
2015). ALS is sporadic in 90% to 95% of cases and 5% to 10% of cases have
familial ALS. The superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1) gene mutation was the first
identified and is the most common. An additional 18 gene mutations that cause
familial ALS (FALS) have been discovered. Whether sporadic or familial, the
presentations are similar with age of onset as the distinguishing feature. In ALS,
the age of onset varies from 50 to 65 years old; in familial ALS the onset is
generally 10 years earlier. Although the etiology of sporadic ALS is unknown,
there are several risk factors. Smoking increases the probability of ALS because
of inflammation, oxidative stress, and neurotoxicity associated with cigarettes.
There is an association with lead and formaldehyde exposure and ALS, but a
relationship between other heavy metals and chemicals has not yet been
identified (Zarei et al., 2015). There is an increase in the rate of ALS in U.S.
military personnel and ALS is now considered a 100% service connected
disability (Weisskopf, Cudkowicz, & Johnson, 2015).
ALS is a diagnosis of exclusion and it takes an average of 11 months to
confirm the diagnosis. In many patients, symptoms need to progress before a
definitive diagnosis can be made (Nzwalo, de Abreu, Swash, Pinto, & de
Carvalho, 2014). Common presenting symptoms include foot drop, weak hand
grasp, or slurred speech. Regardless of where the weakness first presents, with
disease progression weakness ultimately spreads, finally affecting the respiratory
muscles (Paganoni et al., 2015).
Individual patients vary in presentation and severity of symptoms. It was once
thought patients with ALS do not experience cognitive impairment, but up to
50% of persons will develop frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Pseudobulbar
palsy, characterized by uncontrollable laughing or crying, is also seen in up to
50% of patients (Pattee et al., 2014). Bulbar symptoms, such as dysphagia and
dysarthria, are the presenting symptoms in 30% of patients. The presence of
bulbar symptoms puts patients at risk for sialorrhea, weight loss, dehydration,
aspiration pneumonia, and inability to communicate. Muscle weakness or
complete paralysis can affect the neck, limbs, and trunk, which may lead to
complete dependence on caregivers. Paralysis of the respiratory muscle leads to
respiratory failure. Central apnea and nighttime hypoventilation can occur
independently from daytime respiratory function (Ahmed et al., 2016). ALS
affects bowel and bladder function and 43% of persons with ALS have urinary
incontinence and 46% have problems with constipation (Nübling et al., 2014).
Depression can affect the patient and family members. Although there is no cure,
there are management strategies to treat symptoms.
Clinical Aspects
The only U.S. Food and Drug Administration–approved medication to treat ALS
is riluzole (Rilutek, Tegultik), which decreases the neurotoxic effects of
glutamate. The use of riluzole prolongs survival by approximately 3 months and
may delay the need for tracheostomy or dependence on a ventilator. Caring for
the patient with ALS is highly complex and requires ongoing assessments.
Because of the progressive nature of the disease, an intervention employed just a
week ago may be obsolete the following week. Patients with ALS who attend a
multidisciplinary clinic specializing in treatment of ALS have slightly improved
life expectancy. Both the American Academy of Neurology and the European
Federation of Neurological Services recommend ALS patients and their
caregivers be referred to a multidisciplinary clinic (Zarei et al., 2015).
Respiratory failure is the leading cause of death in persons with ALS, making
assessing and monitoring patients’ respiratory function a priority of care. Serial
pulmonary function testing and monitoring the forced vital capacity (FVC)
results are recommended; there is a strong correlation between mortality and
FVC less than 50%. The nurse should carefully assess the patient for signs of
declining respiratory functioning. Data should be gathered regarding the
patient’s quality and amount of sleep. Does the patient wake up with headaches?
Is the patient fatigued during the day? Is the patient sleeping with more than two
pillows? The use of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is recommended when the
FVC falls to approximately 50% or sooner if the patient is symptomatic,
hypercarbic, or has apnea confirmed by a sleep study (Ahmed et al., 2016). The
use of NIV can prolong survival in ALS, but approximately 25% of patients are
unable to tolerate the therapy (Ahmed et al., 2016). Patients should be assessed
for tolerance and compliance with therapy at each visit. Diaphragmatic (phrenic
nerve) pacing has been used as a means to prolong survival and improve sleep in
persons with ALS, but the results are controversial (Robinson, 2016).
Effective airway clearance is crucial in ALS. Sialorrhea, or excessive
drooling, is caused by muscle weakness leading to the inability to manage
normal saliva production (Banfi et al., 2015). Anticholinergic medications, such
as glycopyrolate, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine sulfate, can decrease saliva
production but can also contribute to thickening of mucus. Weakness of the
muscles that control cough contributes to the inability to manage saliva
production and the inability to clear secretions from airways. Methods to assist
in cough and airway clearance include using a mechanical insufflator/exsufflator
device, air stacking followed by cough, or a cough-aid device. To ensure patients
are receiving the correct therapy, it is crucial for nurses to recognize whether the
patient is having a problem with managing saliva or clearing mucus.
Assessing the patient’s nutritional status, fluid volume balance, and weight is
another important nursing consideration. Malnutrition and dehydration
contribute to fatigue and may compound muscle weakness (Zarei et al. 2015).
Patients should undergo a formal swallow study and be frequently assessed for
the ability to chew/swallow food. Patients are at risk for aspiration and may
benefit from a nutritional consult to determine the type and consistency of food
or need for supplements. It is not uncommon for patients with upper extremity
paralysis, even in the absence of bulbar symptoms, to forgo food and fluid so as
not to be “too much of a bother” to their caregivers. A percutaneous endoscopic
gastrostomy is recommended when a patient loses 10% of body weight or 10
pounds in a month. In addition, fluid intake needs to be monitored, especially as
it may contribute to constipation.
Many patients identify the loss of speech or ability to communicate as the
worst symptom of ALS (Paganoni et al., 2015). Nurses should assess and
identify strategies to allow the patient to communicate. There are a myriad of
augmentative alternative speech devices (AAC) that patients can use when they
lose the ability to speak. Patients should be continually assessed for referral and
evaluation for an AAC device. These devices can be controlled by eye gaze or
head movements. Nurses should also be aware of voice banking, in which the
patient’s own voice is be stored for eventual transfer to the AAC when the need
Depression and pseudobulbar affect (PBA) are frequently seen in persons with
ALS. Anxiety and caregiver burden are also common. Medications can be used
to treat depression and PBA. Nurses should be aware that depression is different
from hopelessness and a wish to die. Quality of life does not always correlate
with physical function in persons with ALS. In fact, quality of life is generally
maintained in people with ALS and health care professionals frequently
underestimate how ALS patients perceive their quality of life.
End-of-life care issues need to be addressed while the patient is able to
communicate and make decisions. Palliative care and hospice are options for the
patient and family to discuss. Many multidisciplinary clinics have palliative
caregivers as part of their team.
The focus of care for patients with ALS is managing dyspnea and pain. Before
the disease progresses to respiratory insufficiency, the patient should be made
aware of the various treatment options, including tracheostomy and invasive
ventilation. In the United States, between 1.4% and 15% of patients with ALS
choose to go onto invasive ventilation. The number is much higher in Japan,
with as many as 45% of patients opting for mechanical ventilation. Patients who
choose tracheostomy ventilation are typically younger, have young children, and
are less likely to be depressed (Rabkin et al., 2006).
ALS is a progressive degenerative motor neuron disease with an average
survival rate of 2 to 5 years from onset of symptoms. There is no cure but there
are treatment strategies to manage symptoms and prolong life. Ensuring patients
are optimizing respiratory therapies is key to prolonging survival in ALS. This
includes noninvasive ventilation, airway clearance therapies, and sialorrhea
management. Malnutrition and dehydration are associated with other
complications. Discussions regarding end-of-life care, including palliative care,
hospice, and tracheostomy, are crucial in ensuring patients are given treatment
options when disease progression affects respiratory functioning.
Ahmed, R., Newcombe, R., Piper, A., Lewis, S., Yee, B., Kernan, M., & Grunstein, R. (2016). Sleep
disorders and respiratory function in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 26, 33–42.
Banfi, P., Ticozzi, N., Lax, A., Guidugli, G. A., Nicolini, A., & Silani, V. (2015). A review of options for
treating sialorrhea in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Respiratory Care, 60(3), 446–454.
Nübling, G. S., Mie, E., Bauer, R. M., Hensler, M., Lorenzl, S., Hapfelmeier, A., . . . Winkler, A. S. (2014).
Increased prevalence of bladder and intestinal dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotrophic
Nzwalo, H., de Abreu, D., Swash, M., Pinto, S., & de Carvalho, M. (2014). Delayed diagnosis in ALS: The
Paganoni, S., Karam, C., Joyce, N., Bedlack, R., & Carter, G. T. (2015). Comprehensive rehabilitative care
across the spectrum of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. NeuroRehabilitation, 37(1), 53–68.
Pattee, G. L., Wymer, J. P., Lomen-Hoerth, C., Appel, S. H., Formella, A. E., & Pope, L. E. (2014). An
open-label multicenter study to assess the safety of dextromethorphan/quinidine in patients with
pseudobulbar affect associated with a range of underlying neurological conditions. Current Medical
Research and Opinion, 30(11), 2255–2265. doi:10.1185/03007995.2014.940040
Rabkin, J. G., Albert, S. M., Tider, T., Del Bene, M. L., O’Sullivan, I., Rowland, L. P., & Mitsumoto, H.
(2006). Predictors and course of elective long-term mechanical ventilation: A prospective study of ALS
patients. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, 7(2), 86–95. doi:10.1080/14660820500515021
Robinson, R. (2016). Diaphragm pacing for ALS at crossroads following conflicting trial results. Neurology
Today, 16(2), 18–21. doi:10.1097/01.NT.0000480659.79684.39
Salameh, J. S., Brown, R. H., & Berry, J. D. (2015). Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Review. Seminars in
Neurology, 35(4), 469–476. doi:10.1055/s-0035-1558984
Weisskopf, M. G., Cudkowicz, M. E., & Johnson, N. (2015). Military service and amyotrophic lateral
Zarei, S., Carr, K., Reiley, L., Diaz, K., Guerra, O., Altamirano, P. F., . . . Chinea, A. (2015). A
comprehensive review of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Surgical Neurology International, 6, 171.
Kerry Mastrangelo
Mary T. Quinn Griffin
Anemia is one of the most common hematologic problems. The term “anemia”
refers to a condition in which there is a decrease in the number of circulating red
blood cells (RBCs), hemoglobin concentration, or the volume of packed cells
(hematocrit) as compared with normal values. The most commonly accepted
definition of anemia is the World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition of a
hemoglobin concentration less than 13 g/dL in men and less than 12 g/dL in
women (Le, 2016). Older adults with anemia have increased hospitalizations and
higher mortality rates making anemia a relevant public health concern in light of
the predicted increase in the population aged 65 years and older. Anemia is
associated with higher utilization of health care resources and an overall increase
in morbidity and mortality (Le, 2016).
The prevalence of anemia in the United States is estimated at 5.6% of adults
with 1.5% of anemias diagnosed as moderate to severe. The prevalence of
anemia in adults has increased from 4.0% to 7.1% over the years 2003 to 2012
(Le, 2016). Anemia is a common problem and is found in 20% to 30% of all
hospitalized patients, making it a significant concern for nurses. Most anemias in
adults result from blood loss, inadequate RBC production, or destruction of
RBCs. Anemias are generally categorized according to cause or morphology.
Clinical manifestations of anemia are dependent on the degree of anemia and
whether the anemia is acute or chronic. Common manifestations, regardless of
the etiology, are fatigue, dyspnea with exertion, weakness, lightheadedness,
palpitations, and pallor of the skin, mucous membranes, and conjunctiva.
Tachycardia and hypotension occur as anemia becomes more severe. Severe
anemia leads to increased cardiac output to compensate for tissue hypoxia,
resulting in a systolic ejection murmur. Sustained tachycardia to compensate for
the decreased hemoglobin concentration eventually leads to left ventricular
failure. The most common types of anemia in adults are iron-deficiency anemia,
hemolytic anemia, pernicious anemia, and anemia related to chronic diseases
(Goodnough & Schrier, 2014).
Iron-deficiency anemia, classified as a microcytic anemia, is the most
common cause of anemia worldwide and is due to inadequate absorption of iron
or excessive blood loss. Predisposing factors for the development of this anemia
are diets poor in iron-rich foods, history of gastric surgery, chronic aspirin or
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use, chronic blood loss, and
menorrhagia. An unusual symptom of iron-deficiency anemia is pica, the
compulsive eating of nonfood substances such as clay, dirt, and ice.
In hemolytic anemias, the life span of the RBC, usually 120 days, is shortened
resulting in an increase in circulating reticulocytes related to bone marrow
compensation. This anemia is classified as a microcytic anemia seen in persons
with hemoglobinopathies, thalassemias, hereditary spherocytosis, glucose-6phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), and blood transfusion reactions.
Pernicious anemia, also called megoblastic anemia, is classified as a
macrocytic anemia and is characterized by large, immature, poorly functioning
RBCs. The two most common causes are vitamin B12 deficiency and folate
deficiency. This anemia is more prevalent in the fifth and sixth decade of life and
in persons of Northern European descent. There is a progressive decrease in
parietal cell function in the stomach, resulting in decreased production of
intrinsic factor necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12. Predisposing factors
for pernicious anemia are a history of gastric surgery, chronic gastritis, chronic
alcoholism, malnutrition, and use of certain drugs such as hydroxyurea,
trimethoprim, zidovidine, and methotrexate. In addition to the common clinical
manifestations seen in anemia, persons with pernicious anemia may present with
a sore, beefy red tongue; angular cheilosis; parethesias in the extremities; and
edema of the lower extremities.
Anemia of chronic disease (ACD), also referred to as anemia of inflammation,
can be classified as normocytic or microcytic and is a result of decreased
proliferation and shortened life span of RBCs. The reduction in RBCs is thought
to be due to decreased erythropoietin and the release of proinflammatory
cytokines. ACD is most commonly seen in the elderly and is associated with
chronic kidney disease, autoimmune disease, malignancies, and inflammatory
disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
Clinical Aspects
History, physical exam, and laboratory testing are essential in evaluating the
patient with anemia. Anemia is indicative of an underlying pathology and is
never a normal finding. A thorough patient health history should include a
comprehensive dietary history, current and past medical and surgical history, and
a review of prescribed and over-the-counter medications. Specific questions
should be directed toward a history of kidney or liver disease, malignancy,
autoimmune disease, blood transfusions, weight loss, a decrease in appetite,
color of stools, alcohol and NSAID use, and menstrual pattern. The aim of
physical examination is to ascertain the severity and etiology of the anemia. The
assessment should include the evaluation of the patient’s general appearance,
nutritional status, and observing the patient’s skin, mucous membranes and
conjunctiva for pallor or jaundice. Vital signs should be assessed for
hypotension, tachycardia, dyspnea, and fever. In addition, a complete cardiac
and abdominal exam noting the presence of murmurs or an enlarged liver or
spleen should be performed.
The initial diagnostic workup for anemia should include a complete blood
count (CBC) with differential, red cell indices, a peripheral smear, reticulocyte
count, serum folic acid, serum vitamin B12, serum iron, total iron-binding
capacity (TIBC), ferritin level, and stool for occult blood (Cash & Glass, 2017).
The reticulocyte count is of primary importance in diagnosis, as it reflects the
early release of immature erythrocytes. The red cell indices and the peripheral
smear include the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) measuring the average size
of the RBC classifying the anemia as microcytic, macrocytic, or normocytic and
the mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) measuring the hemoglobin content per
erythrocyte, classifying the color of the cell as hypochromic or normochromic.
Serum iron studies, vitamin B12 and folate levels provide information to
differentiate among the types of anemia. Stool for occult blood identifies blood
loss contributing to anemia.
The treatment of anemia is tailored to the underlying cause. If anemia is the
result of blood loss, the source must be identified. Iron-deficiency anemia and
pernicious anemia require supplementation of iron, folate, or vitamin B12. ACD
will improve with recovery from the underlying disorder, although if recovery is
not possible, transfusions and erythropoiesis-stimulating agents may be
warranted (Goodnough & Schrier, 2014).
Nursing-related problems include inadequate tissue perfusion related to
decreased hemoglobin and activity intolerance related to fatigue. Nursing care
should include monitoring of vital signs, monitoring of hemoglobin level,
administering oxygen to maintain O2 saturation greater than 90%, assessing skin
color and capillary refill, providing frequent rest periods, administering
prescribed medications, and patient teaching.
The major goal of medical management and nursing care is to identify and
correct the underlying cause of the anemia and prevent tissue hypoxia leading to
heart failure. The expected outcomes of nursing care are tolerance of normal
daily activity, heart rate and blood pressure within normal parameters,
maintaining adequate tissue perfusion, adherence to prescribed therapy, and the
absence of complications.
The prognosis of anemia depends on its underlying cause. The severity, etiology,
onset, and patient comorbidities play a significant role in the prognosis. Nursing
care should focus on the prevention of the most serious complications due to
tissue hypoxia, hypotension, and cardiac insufficiency.
Cash, J., & Glass, C. (2017). Family practice guidelines (4th ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
Goodnough, L. T., & Schrier, S. L. (2014). Evaluation and management of anemia in the elderly. American
Journal of Hematology, 89(1), 88–96. doi:10.1002/ajh.23598
Le, C. H. (2016). The prevalence of anemia and moderate-severe anemia in the U.S. Population (NHANES
2003–2012). PLOS ONE, 11(11), e0166635. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0166635
Ashley L. Foreman
Atelectasis is a pulmonary complication that is the result of an injury, chronic
disease process, or surgical intervention (Cabrera & Pravikoff, 2016). Atelectasis
is defined as a reversible alveolar collapse typically resulting from obstruction of
the airway serving the affected alveoli (Restrepo & Braverman, 2015; Schub,
Uribe, & Pravikoff, 2016). More specific, it describes a decrease in the ability of
alveolar spaces to inflate with oxygen, resulting in volume loss. The extent of
involvement ranges from microatelectases that are undetectable on chest
radiograph to complete lung collapse. Atelectasis can be acute or chronic.
Chronic atelectasis is associated with chronic airway diseases, neuromuscular
impairment, chest wall deformity, or lung cancer. Acute atelectasis is the most
common complication of surgery. Postoperative atelectasis occurs in 90% of
adults and children receiving anesthesia (Cabrera & Pravikoff, 2016). Prompt
initiation of treatment is necessary to open the areas of obstruction and relieve
symptoms. Techniques to mobilize secretions, improve ventilation, and reduce
morbidity and mortality are priorities in the nursing management of patients with
Atelectasis is defined as the collapse or incomplete expansion of the lung, and is
classified into two broad categories, obstructive and nonobstructive (Ray,
Bodenham, & Paramasivam, 2014). Although it is usually a benign finding,
there is an inability of the alveoli to expand completely, leading to volume loss
and progressive airway collapse. This affects systemic oxygenation by the loss
of adequate ventilation to lung zones and inadequate gas exchange. Atelectasis
caused by large airway obstruction is often linked to bronchial or metastatic
tumors, inflammatory diseases (e.g., tuberculosis or sarcoidosis), or other foreign
bodies. Atelectasis caused by small airway obstruction is associated with mucus
plugging caused by inflammatory or infectious disease processes, including
pneumonia, bronchitis, and bronchiectasis (Ray et al., 2014). Mechanisms
associated with nonobstructive etiology or compressive atelectasis include large
bullae (extensive air trapping), loss of contact between the visceral and parietal
pleura (due to pleural effusion), or lack of surfactant production as seen in acute
lung injury (ALI) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Atelectasis affects up to 90% of patients undergoing major surgical procedures
and can lead to postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs). A PPC is any
pulmonary abnormality that produces an “identifiable disease or dysfunction that
negatively affects the clinical course after surgery” (Restrepo & Braverman,
2015, p. 97). Examples include aspiration pneumonias, interstitial/alveolar
edema, gas exchange abnormalities, respiratory failure, weaning failure, pleural
effusion, or pneumothorax. Atelectasis has been recognized as a contributor to
prolonged hospitalizations, admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU), and
increased health expenditures (Restrepo & Braverman, 2015). Respiratory
complications are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with
impaired cough or neuromuscular disease (American Association for Respiratory
Care [AARC], 2015).
Three important physiologic mechanisms found to cause or contribute to the
development of atelectasis include “external compression (limitation of alveolar
expansion), alveolar gas resorption and surfactant impairment” (Restrepo &
Braverman, 2015, p. 97).
External compression. During general anesthesia (GA), mechanical ventilation forces the alveoli to
collapse by disrupting the existing negative pressure that maintains them in the open state (Restrepo
& Braverman, 2015). Dependent regions of the lung are then more prone to atelectasis secondary to
decreased ventilation and insufficient spontaneous drainage of secretions with gravity (Ferri, 2014).
In anesthetized patients, muscle relaxation displaces the diaphragm, which results in compression of
adjacent lung tissue. Other factors influencing the development of compression atelectasis include
chest anatomy and respiratory muscle changes (e.g., restrictive lung disease; Restrepo & Braverman,
Alveolar resorption. In alveolar resorption atelectasis, lower areas of ventilation (relative to perfusion)
are susceptible to collapse due to mucus plugging in the bronchioles. In a normal state, “lung regions
that have low ventilation compared with perfusion have low alveolar oxygen tension when the
fraction of inspired oxygen is low” (Restrepo & Braverman, 2015, p. 99). Nitrogen helps to provide
surface tension to prevent alveolar collapse. With GA, the fraction of inspired oxygen is increased
with the addition of supplemental oxygen. Alveolar oxygen tension (partial pressure of arterial
oxygen) then rises. Ultimately, the loss of nitrogen and increases in oxygen through GA result in
diminished alveolar volume (Restrepo & Braverman, 2015).
Surfactant impairment. Pulmonary surfactant is a phospholipid that reduces alveolar surface tension,
improves alveolar stability, and prevents collapse of the alveoli at end expiration. Anesthesia has been
shown to diminish stabilizing properties of surfactant. Cyclical opening and closing of the alveoli
during GA with mechanical ventilation leads to reduced availability of surfactant. Excessive alveolar
surface tension reduces functional residual capacity (FRC) and pulmonary compliance.
In adults, atelectasis is commonly identified as a postoperative complication.
Surgery greatly increases the risk for atelectasis due to supine positioning, chest
wall splinting, abdominal distention, poor clearance of secretions, airway
obstruction, and impaired cough reflex (Schub et al., 2016). Other major risk
factors in the adult population include mucus plugs from obstructive lung
disease, obesity, smoking, neuromuscular disease or chest wall injury
(pneumothorax). Right middle lobe (RML) syndrome, a type of chronic
atelectasis, usually results from bronchial compression and obstruction by
surrounding lymph nodes or scarring (Sharma, 2015). The likelihood of PPCs
increases in patients with pre-existing conditions.
Clinical Aspects
A thorough history and physical assessment should be performed to guide the
nursing care of patients at risk for atelectasis. Evidence-based nursing
interventions to prevent and treat atelectasis should be used to improve quality
and safety outcomes.
Physical assessment findings and clinical presentation may include decreased or
absent breath sounds, cough, shortness of breath, tachycardia and diminished
chest expansion, low-grade fever or hypoxia (Ferri, 2014). Patients may also
present with concurrent history of recent surgery (anesthesia), chronic bronchitis,
endobronchial neoplasm, chest infection, or injury. Imaging studies, including
chest radiograph or CT scans, are commonly performed to investigate symptoms
and narrow differential diagnoses. On chest radiograph, areas of atelectasis
would be seen as volume loss, a linear or wedge-shaped density or loss of
contour of the hemidiaphragm (Watters, 2014). Intravenous contrast may be
required for appropriate differentiation of the types of atelectasis (Sharma,
2015). In selected patients, fiberoptic bronchoscopy may be helpful in removing
foreign bodies, or mucus plugs unresponsive to conservative measures.
Bronchoscopy is used to evaluate endobronchial or peribronchial lesions (Ferri,
2014). Arterial blood gases may be used to identify hypoxemia and bacterial
cultures of sputum and blood are helpful in identifying sources of infection.
Various nonpharmacologic therapies promote adequate pulmonary ventilation
and airway clearance. Deep breathing/coughing, repositioning, and early
ambulation after surgery are effective methods. Other mechanisms, such as
incentive spirometry (ICS), tracheal suctioning (as appropriate), chest
physiotherapy, and postural drainage, are also effective in mobilizing secretions.
These techniques can be used in both acute and chronic atelectasis (Ferri, 2014).
Nursing care should be focused on reducing the work of breathing and
promoting optimal oxygenation. In more select cases, continuous positive airway
pressure devices have also been used to promote positive end expiratory pressure
(PEEP). Patients on mechanical ventilation may be given recruitment maneuvers
to improve gas exchange, along with utilizing aggressive ventilator-weaning
protocols as appropriate. These interventions help to reduce pulmonary
complications, length of stay, and minimize readmissions to the hospital.
Aerosolized medications, including bronchodilators, expectorants, and
mucolytic agents, have been used to improve airway clearance, but there is
limited research to support the efficacy of these medications. AARC (2015)
recommends nonpharmacological approaches to airway clearance, in
combination with an individualized plan that may include pharmacological
intervention as appropriate.
The use of bronchodilators and corticosteroids in symptomatic patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is highly recommended to
reduce inflammation and mucus production (AARC, 2015). Inhaled dornase alfa
(Pulmozyme), a mucolytic agent, in combination with hypertonic saline is an
approved treatment for patients with cystic fibrosis for sputum clearance (Bilton
& Stanford, 2014). This medication can also be used for mechanically ventilated
patients with atelectasis.
Although atelectasis is usually a benign finding, it is important that practicing
nurses understand the background, clinical presentation, and nursing
implications of atelectasis. Early identification of symptoms is key in the
management of atelectasis. To improve patient safety and quality, approaches to
care should be tailored to meet individual patient needs based on clinical
presentation and risk factors. Continued research in this area is needed to
determine efficacy of treatment options and to improve health outcomes for
American Association for Respiratory Care. (2015). AARC clinical practice guideline: Effectiveness of
pharmacologic airway clearance therapies in hospitalized patients. Respiratory Care, 60(7), 1073–1077.
Bilton, D., & Stanford, G. (2014). The expanding armamentarium of drugs to aid sputum clearance: How
should they be used to optimize care? Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine, 20(6), 601–606.
Cabrera, G., & Pravikoff, D. (2016). Quick lesson: Atelectasis, postoperative. CINAHL Nursing Guide.
Ipswich, MA: EBSCO Publishing.
Ferri, F. F. (2014). Ferri’s clinical advisor 2014. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier/Mosby.
Ray, K., Bodenham, A., & Paramasivam, E. (2014). Pulmonary atelectasis in anaesthesia and critical care.
Critical Care & Pain, 4, 236–244.
Restrepo, R. D., & Braverman, J. (2015). Current challenges in the recognition, prevention and treatment of
perioperative pulmonary atelectasis. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine, 9(1), 97–107.
Schub, T., Uribe, L. M., & Pravikoff, D. (2016). Quick lesson: Atelectasis, in children. CINAHL Nursing
Guide. Ipswich, MA: EBSCO Publishing.
Watters, J. R. (2014). A systematic approach to basic chest radiograph interpretation: A cardiovascular
focus. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 24(2), 4–10.
Kari Gali
Atherosclerosis is a progressive, inflammatory disease characterized by the
formation of a fatty plaque in the intimal layer of medium- and large-size
arteries. Derived from the Greek terms, “athero,” which means gruel or wax,
describing the fatty luminal plaque and “sclerosis,” which means hardening
corresponding to the fibrous cap on the plaque’s edge. Atherosclerosis is
considered one of the most lethal diseases in the world today (Ladich & Burke,
2016). Starting from childhood, fatty streaks develop and over time grow into
atheromas (plaques) narrowing arteries and impairing blood flow. Clinical
manifestations generally do not occur until at least 75% of the arterial lumen is
blocked. Presenting in three general ways, atherosclerosis progresses into
cardiovascular diseases, peripheral artery disease (PAD), and chronic kidney
disease associated with renal stenosis.
According to the 2017 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistic Update,
cardiovascular disease accounts for 33% of the deaths in the United States,
killing over 800,000 Americans annually (American Heart Association [AHA],
2017). With more than 92 million Americans affected by cardiovascular heart
disease or stroke, estimated care costs currently exceed $316 billion annually.
Peripheral vascular disease affects 8 to 12 million Americans and renal artery
disease affects 6.8% of the population older than 60 years, or approximately 2
million people. The disease burden of atherosclerosis as reflected by the
associated diseases (cardiovascular disease including stroke, renal artery disease
and PAD) is not sustainable in today’s health care environment. Health care
reform and the move toward value-based health care are requiring more costeffective and quality outcomes. This entry presents evidence to direct the nursing
care of individuals with atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis is a preventable disease; however, the associated disease burden
that is measured by cost, morbidity, and mortality has exceeded epidemic
proportions. Atherosclerosis prevalence and incidence rates are generally
reported according to the disease with which they are associated and not reported
solely under atherosclerosis. The AHA reports that heart disease (coronary heart
disease, hypertension, and stroke) is currently the number one killer in the
United States (AHA, 2017). Although there has been a gradual decline in
cardiovascular-related mortality in higher income countries between 1990 and
2010, cardiovascular disease still accounts for one in three deaths in U.S.
citizens who are older than 35 years of age. Prevalence increases with age, male
gender, and ethnicity. Fifty percent of Black American adults have some form of
cardiovascular disease. The lifetime risk of developing cardiovascular disease
for people 40 years old is 49% in men and 32% in females compared to people
reaching 70 years, when the lifetime risk is 35% and 24%, respectively (Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] & National Center for Health
Statistics [NCHS], 2015; Sanchis-Gomar, Perez-Quillis, Leischik, & Lucia,
2016). Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States, killing more
than 130,000 Americans annually, or one death every 4 minutes (CDC & NCHS,
Stroke, the fifth leading cause of death in the United States, accounts for 5%
of all deaths and is the second cause of death globally. Annually 795,000
Americans suffer from a stroke, with 76% of those being a first-time attack.
Poststroke disability occurs in 90% of stroke victims, which can impact both
physical and cognitive ability.
PAD is another high-burden disease with a predominant association to
atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic plaque impairs blood flow to the arms, legs, or
pelvic region and affects nearly 8.5 million Americans, 12% to 20% of whom
are 60 years or older. A major challenge for PAD is that only 25% of individuals
have a general awareness of the disease, prolonging diagnosis and treatment
(CDC, 2016; Davies et al., 2017).
The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis begins with chronic endothelial injury,
damage, and adaptive thickening. Atherogenic triggers include one or more of
these insults: (a) physical injury, direct trauma, or turbulent blood flow
(hypertension); (b) free radical and toxins in circulation (smoking, infection,
inflammation); (c) hypercholesteremia (elevated low-density lipoprotein [LDL]
or very low density lipoprotein [VLDL]); (d) chronically elevated blood glucose
(insulin resistance or poor diet); or (e) high levels of homocysteine, which is
toxic to the endothelium.
Once the endothelium is damaged, cytokines attract leukocytes (monocytes
and t-lymphocytes) that adhere to the endothelium, squeezing underneath the
endothelial cells. The endothelial cells change shape, the tight junctions relax
and leaking fluid, lipoproteins, macrophages, and enzymes accumulate in the
intima. The accumulation of lipids on the endothelium identified as the fatty
streak development begins the atherosclerotic process, yet is considered
reversible. As the plaque continues to increase in size an atheroma forms,
followed by the addition of a fibrous cap resulting in a fibroma. Lipids, fibrous
tissue, calcium, cellular debris, and capillaries form these complex lesions,
which can hemorrhage, calcify, or ulcerate stimulating thrombotic lesion
development. Plaques can either form in an asymmetric pattern or cover the
entire vessel circumference and often develop where arteries bifurcate. Some
arteries have a high propensity for atherosclerosis development, including the
left ascending coronary artery, renal arteries, and branching areas of carotid
arteries. Atherosclerotic plaque also weakens artery walls, increasing the risk of
aneurysms. Clinical manifestations result from restricted flow of oxygen-rich
blood and vary depending on the location, severity, and speed of occlusion from
these plaques.
Clinical Aspects
In coronary artery disease, also called coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis
interrupts normal blood flow through the coronary arteries. Plaque can lead to
the development of blood clots that can break off and partially or completely
block blood supply to an area of the heart muscle. Angina pectoris is
characterized by transient chest pain, which occurs from an imbalance in oxygen
demand and supply to the coronary artery. Myocardial infarction (MI) occurs
when blood flow is interrupted and the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen for a
period of time, resulting in a cardiac muscle ischemia and necrosis. Symptoms
characterizing an MI include chest pain, which may or may not radiate, shortness
of breath, dizziness, nausea, diaphoresis, and anxiety. Nursing implications
center on hemodynamic evaluation, including cardiac output monitoring and
tissue perfusion assessment and pain management, including evaluating,
documenting, and administering measures to reduce pain. Nursing care should
focus on reducing knowledge deficits, promoting self-care, and self-efficacy to
engage in self-care behaviors as evidenced by the maintenance of a therapeutic
A comprehensive approach to atherosclerosis is key to reducing death,
disability, and the associated global economic burden. Prevention strategies
aimed at minimizing risk have been identified and refined by large prospective
observational studies such as the Framingham study. Targeting risk factors for
both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients is the first step and a shift from
traditional management, which focused on preventing recurrence. Enhanced
understanding of nonmodifiable and modifiable risk factors provides an
opportunity to modify disease progression. Nonmodifiable factors include age,
gender, and family history, whereas modifiable factors can be both pathologic
and lifestyle oriented. Population health focuses on addressing lifestyle factors
and behavior modification in regard to smoking, diet, activity, obesity, and
medication use in women (oral contraceptive pills and hormone replacement
therapy). Pathologic modifiable factors are associated with specific diseases,
including hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension and improving
clinical outcomes.
Nursing care for atherosclerosis entails primary, secondary, and tertiary
prevention strategies. Atherosclerosis may be asymptomatic, based on the
percentage of blockage in an artery and the development of collateral circulation,
or symptomatic, as seen in a specific disease such as occurs after myocardial
infarction (MI). Applicable to populations, promotion of healthy lifestyle
behaviors, including not smoking, consumption of a healthy diet, adequate
physical exercise, and weight management play a role in each stage. Learning
readiness, learning support, decision-making support, and self-management are
all aspects of nursing care. Addressing knowledge deficits with evidence-based
education can help minimize the negative consequence associated with negative
lifestyle behaviors.
Improving cholesterol levels with lifestyle modifications is the first step in
management of atherosclerosis in patients with known disease, targeting the
levels of both LDLs and high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). New atherosclerotic
cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) American College of Cardiology and
American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guidelines in 2013 recommend (a)
secondary prevention by targeting patients with any known form of ASCVD, (b)
secondary prevention by targeting patients with LDL levels greater than 190, (c)
primary prevention in patients with diabetes mellitus (40–75 years of age) with
LDL levels 70–189, and (d) primary prevention in a patient without diabetes but
with a slightly elevated hemoglobin A1c (less than 7.5%; Stone et al, 2013).
Diabetes and poor glucose control, hyperinsulinemia, and altered functioning of
platelets affecting arterial endothelium contribute to the inflammatory process
and the development of atherosclerosis. Diabetes is also associated with high
lipid levels, obesity, and hypertension, which also impact the progression of
atherosclerosis. Nursing care includes addressing knowledge deficits through
education, facilitating adherence to a therapeutic regime, and minimizing the
effects of hyperglycemia.
Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease at the root of many lethal diseases that
cause significant disease burden across the globe. Nevertheless, atherosclerosis
is preventable. Incorporating primary prevention strategies or modifiable in
secondary and tertiary prevention strategies when providing nursing care can
shift the paradigm toward reducing disease-related illness and suffering.
Through the use of evidence-based guidelines to inform practice, nursing
collaboratively can improve clinical outcomes associated with the management
of atherosclerosis, facilitating lifestyle changes at both the individual and
population level.
American Heart Association. (2017). Heart disease and stroke 2017 statistic updates. Retrieved from
CDC, NCHS. (2015). Underlying cause of death 1999–2013. Retrieved from https://wonder.cdc.gov
Davies, J. H., Richards, J., Conway, K., Kenkre, J. E., Lewis, J. E., & Mark Williams, E. (2017). Primary
care screening for peripheral arterial disease: A cross-sectional observational study. British Journal of
General Practice, 67(655), e103–e110. doi:10.3399/bjgp17X689137
Ladich, E., & Burke, A. (2016). Atherosclerosis pathology: The heart. Medscape. Retrieved from
Sanchis-Gomar, F., Perez-Quillis, C., Leischik, R., & Lucia, A. (2016). Epidemiology of coronary heart
disease and acute coronary syndrome. Annals of Translational Medicine, 4(13), 256.
Stone, N., Robinson, J., Lichtenstein, A., Merz, C. N., Blum, C., Eckel, R., . . . Wilson, P. (2013). 2013
ACC/AHA guidelines on the treatment of blood cholesterol to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk
in adults. Circulation, 1–85. doi:10.1161/01.cir.0000437738.63853.7a
Kelly Ann Lynn
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a medical condition characterized by
noncancerous overgrowth of prostatic tissue. Men with BPH often present with
complaints of significant lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), which include a
weak urinary stream, frequency and urgency of urination, and nocturia
(Vuichoud & Loughlin, 2015). Patients suffering from BPH may be at risk for
significant morbidity, including urinary retention, the formation of bladder
stones, sepsis, and renal insufficiency. Nursing care for patients with BPH
focuses on early diagnosis, education, psychosocial support, and management of
symptoms and the medications prescribed to treat the symptoms.
BPH is one of the most common conditions affecting older men. The incidence
of BPH increases as men age. Moreover, it is associated with considerable
morbidity that can adversely affect quality of life. According to the National
Institute of Health, BPH can start as early as 40 years of age and is estimated to
affect about 50% of men between the ages of 51 and 60 years. Approximately
90% of men will develop histologic evidence of BPH by age 80 years (Lepor,
2005). Symptomatic BPH and LUTS affects 50% to 75% of men aged 50 years
and older, and 80% of men older than 70 years (Egan, 2016).
BPH treatment in the United States costs approximately $4 billion per year
(Vuichoud & Loughlin, 2015). Given the progressive nature of BPH and the
increase in average life expectancy, it is presumed that the cost of managing the
symptoms of BPH will only rise.
The exact cause of BPH remains unclear. However, there are some indications
that aging and the long-time exposure to male hormones play a significant role.
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney
Diseases (NIDDK), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH; 2014), men
whose testicles are removed before they reach puberty do not develop BPH. This
indicates that aging and hormone levels (testosterone, estrogen,
dihydrotestosterone) may have a causative role in the development of BPH.
Black and Hispanic men are at increased risk for developing BPH compared to
White men (Kristal et al., 2007). Other factors that appear to increase the
incidence of BPH include a history of prostatitis and obesity, indicating that
inflammation may also play a role. Moreover, increased levels of physical
activity appears to be associated with a decreased risk for clinical BPH.
Various terms are used to describe BPH and the resulting symptoms. BPH is
often interchanged with “benign prostatic enlargement” (BPE). However, it is
important to note that BPH is a histologic diagnosis that refers to a progressive
increase in the number of stromal and epithelial cells in the prostate. This
proliferative process is most prevalent in the prostate region adjacent to the
urethra, known as the transitional zone (T-zone; Egan, 2016). Given its
proximity to the urethra, BPH in the T-zone may be associated with significant
urinary obstruction to the flow of urine. BPE, by contrast, describes increased
volume of the gland. It is important to note that the size of the prostate does not
always determine the severity of the symptoms.
BPH-associated symptoms are categorized into (a) voiding or obstructive
symptoms and (b) storage or irritative symptoms. Voiding symptoms include
hesitancy, a delay in the start of urine flow; weak urinary stream; straining to
urinate; postvoid dribbling; urinary retention and overflow incontinence. Storage
symptoms include those clinical indications related to instability of the detrusor
muscle. That is, that the detrusor contracts without our consent, manifesting in
bladder instability with complaints of frequency, urgency, and nocturia.
As the prostate increases in size, it can obstruct the flow of urine as it exits the
bladder and passes through the prostatic urethra. If the patient is not treated for
this progressive bladder outlet obstruction, he may develop acute or chronic
urinary retention. Chronic urinary retention can quietly lead to the development
of renal insufficiency, ultimately resulting in renal failure. Another adverse effect
of chronic urinary retention is the deterioration of bladder muscle function.
When the bladder is unable to empty adequately, impaired detrusor contractility
will occur. Moreover, in time, functional deterioration of the detrusor muscle can
contribute to chronic bladder outlet obstruction. Long-term impairment of the
detrusor muscle may be irreversible. Untreated, chronic obstruction can also lead
to the development of bladder diverticula as a result of the high pressure in the
bladder. Additionally, hydronephrosis, hydroureter, and vesicoureteral reflux can
result from prolonged, untreated prostatic obstruction.
The clinical significance of BPH and LUTS cannot be understated. BPH and
LUTS symptoms (i.e., urgency and nocturia) are associated with increased
incidence of falls in the elderly (Schimke & Schimke, 2014). Elderly patients
with decreased mobility are particularly susceptible to falling while rushing to
use the bathroom. Moreover, skin integrity can be compromised by urinary
incontinence. Electrolyte imbalances may result from chronic obstruction. There
is also considerable emotional distress associated with the BPH and LUTS
symptom complex.
Clinical Aspects
A thorough nursing assessment is essential to identify and characterize a
patient’s symptoms associated with BPH. This includes a comprehensive patient
history with targeted questions related to voiding patterns (urinary stream,
frequency, straining to void), history of urinary tract infections, bladder stones,
and the incidence of incontinence and nocturia. The International Prostate
Symptom Score (IPSS) is a quick, inexpensive, and effective screening tool that
can help diagnose and track progress of BPH. Physical assessment should be
thorough and address vital signs, particularly blood pressure. It is also essential
to examine the patients’ ankles and feet for signs of fluid retention. Percussion
and palpation of the suprapubic area allow for the detection of significant
bladder overdistention. Obtaining a postvoid residual to assess bladder emptying
will further clarify the efficacy of bladder emptying for a given patient.
Uroflowmetry can be used to measure the urine flow rate. Moreover, a review of
essential laboratory values relating to the health of the urinary system is of great
value. The urinalysis will help detect the presence of WBCs and RBCs in the
urine; serum chemistry will assess for electrolyte imbalances and serum blood
urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels, thus helping to evaluate renal
function; prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA is often used to detect prostate
cancer, an elevated PSA level may also be indicative of BPH or acute bacterial
The review of medications is an essential part of the nursing assessment.
Some medications (i.e., diuretics) can cause urinary frequency and increase
distress for patients with BPH. Medications can contribute to acute urinary
retention. Oral decongestants and antihistamines can cause constriction in the
bladder neck and should be avoided in men with BPH. Other medications can
affect detrusor muscle contractility and should be used cautiously in patients
with BPH. These medications include anticholinergic agents (e.g., tricyclic
antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), antispasmodics),
calcium channel blockers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
opioids, and anti-Parkinsonian agents.
Nursing assessment of BPH must include all three components:
comprehensive, in-depth history; a physical examination with evaluation and
interpretation of laboratory and diagnostic tests; and medication review. Any
encounter with a male patient older than the age of 50 years (regardless of
whether he reports a history of BPH) should address all of these issues.
Nursing care of patients with BPH should be tailored to the patients’ symptoms
and clinical status. The focus of care should be the prevention of the serious
consequences related to BPH, such as renal failure, urinary retention, and urinary
sepsis. Optimizing urinary elimination will reduce incidence of stasis, urinary
tract infections (UTIs), bladder stones, detrusor instability, and electrolyte
imbalances. Nursing care must include comprehensive education and emotional
support for patients and their families.
Nursing interventions will vary, based on the clinical presentation, the
treatment course, and the long-term objectives for a given patient.
Patients with BPH need considerable education about their disease process,
treatment options, and the side effects of medications that may be offered. Newly
diagnosed patients will need considerable education surrounding the disease
process, the treatment options, and symptom management. Many patients are
diagnosed with BPH only after they present in acute urinary retention. Patients
in acute urinary retention will need to be catheterized to drain the urine out of
the bladder. Some patients will be discharged home with an indwelling Foley
catheter and leg bag for several days to allow the bladder to recover and to give
medications a chance to work. Other patients may be taught to self-catheterize.
Both groups will rely on comprehensive nursing education to manage their
catheters and urine output.
Patients who are unresponsive to medical management, or those who have
frequent UTIs, develop bladder stones, and/or renal insufficiency may be
referred for consideration for surgical intervention. These patients will need
education about the planned surgery and specific issues related to the various
surgical options (TURP, laser ablation). The details of the management of the
indwelling catheter, and the signs and symptoms of infection need to be
reviewed in detail. Moreover, patients should be advised that they will, most
likely, experience retrograde ejaculation as a consequence of the surgery. This is
not dangerous, but it can be alarming for patients who may not be aware of it
before they experience it.
Patients opting for medical management of their symptomatic BPH will need
education focusing on the various medications and their possible interactions.
Caffeine, spicy foods, alcohol, and chronic constipation are all associated with
an increase in the severity of LUTS that may be experienced. Nurses should
counsel patients to avoid these items. Warm sitz baths may temporarily relieve
symptoms of LUTS. Also, avoiding constipation tends to decrease lower urinary
tract discomfort, in general.
Patients with BPH or LUTS are encouraged to empty their bladders every 2 to
4 hours. They are advised to restrict fluids after 6 p.m. to reduce the incidence of
nocturia. Also, patients with dependent edema are encouraged to wear
compression stockings and to elevate their lower extremities well before they go
to bed. These maneuvers will help sleep quality.
BPH affects not only patients, but also their partners and families. Chronic
illness can be a significant stressor. Nurses must offer patients and families an
opportunity to process the complex emotions surrounding this disease.
The expected outcomes of evidence-based nursing care for patients with BPH
are the prevention of serious consequences associated with the progression of
this disease (renal failure, urinary retention, urinary sepsis) so as to increase the
patient’s quality of life, and decrease the incidence of adverse events, like falls
related to nocturia.
BPH is recognized as a chronic health issue for many men aged 50 years and
older. Early intervention and initiation of appropriate nursing care can prevent
significant morbidity and result in better quality of life. As the population ages,
the incidence of BPH will continue to rise. The symptoms associated with BPH
are considerable and contribute to unnecessary suffering. Nursing support and
education can help patients to better manage their symptoms to ease their
distress and promote compliance with their care plans.
The clinical ramifications of BPH extend far beyond the prostate. In fact,
prostate health is essential to men’s overall health. Nursing plays a significant
role in the successful management of BPH.
Egan, K. B. (2016). The epidemiology of benign prostatic hyperplasia associated with lower urinary tract
symptoms: Prevalence and incident rates. Urologic Clinics of North America, 43(3), 289–297.
Kristal, A. R., Arnold, K. B., Schenk, J. M., Neuhouser, M. L., Weiss, N., Goodman, P., . . . Thompson, I.
M. (2007). Race/ethnicity, obesity, health related behaviors and the risk of symptomatic benign prostatic
hyperplasia: Results from the prostate cancer prevention trial. Journal of Urology, 177(4), 1395–400;
quiz 1591. doi:10.1016/j.juro.2006.11.065
Lepor, H. (2005). Pathophysiology of lower urinary tract symptoms in the aging male population. Reviews
in Urology, 7(Suppl. 7), S3–S11.
Schimke, L., & Schinike, J. (2014). Urological implications of falls in the elderly: Lower urinary tract
symptoms and alpha-blocker medications. Urologic Nursing, 34(5), 223–229.
Vuichoud, C., & Loughlin, K. R. (2015). Benign prostatic hyperplasia: Epidemiology, economics and
evaluation. Canadian Journal of Urology, 22(Suppl. 1), 1–6.
Dianna Jo Copley
Bladder cancer is classified by histological type. The most common type is
urothelial carcinoma (previously known as transitional cell carcinoma), which is
further divided into papillary and flat carcinomas based on the pattern of growth.
Other less common types of bladder cancer include adenocarcinoma and
squamous cell carcinoma. Bladder cancer is the sixth most common cancer in
the United States with men three to four times more likely to develop it in their
lifetime than women (American Cancer Society, 2017). Like many other types of
cancers, both modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors can increase a person’s
likelihood of developing bladder cancer. Nursing care can vary depending on the
stage of the cancer and planned interventions. An individual’s emotional and
psychological well-being, in addition to physiological symptoms related to the
bladder cancer and treatments, should be considered.
According to the American Cancer Society, there will be approximately 79,030
new cases and 16,870 deaths related to bladder cancer in 2017. Incidence rates
have been declining for both men and women, although bladder cancer deaths
decline in women and remain stable in men (American Cancer Society, 2017).
Women have a higher mortality rate and are more likely to experience recurrence
after treatment (Pozzar & Berry, 2017). Caucasians are diagnosed at a rate twice
as often compared to African Americans or Hispanic Americans (American
Cancer Society, 2017). Age is another nonmodifiable risk factor, with
approximately nine in 10 individuals with bladder cancer older than 55 years
(American Cancer Society, 2017).
Smoking tobacco is the most significant modifiable risk factor contributing to
an estimated 50% of bladder disease, especially urothelial carcinoma (Chang et
al., 2017). Chang et al. (2017) note that current smoking impacts the risk of
bladder cancer by a factor of 4.1 and former smokers by a factor of 2.2
compared to individuals who have never smoked. Risk factors, such as secondhand smoke and occupational exposure to carcinogens, contribute to bladder
cancer risk (Chang et al., 2017). A history of bladder or other urothelial cancers,
family history, and previous exposure to chemotherapy and/or radiation,
especially pelvic, can also increase one’s risk for bladder cancer (American
Cancer Society, 2017). Prevention is aimed at reducing modifiable risk factors.
The American Cancer Society (2017) notes that increasing fluids and a diet high
in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of bladder cancer. Exposure to
Schistosoma haematobium infection can increase an individual’s risk for
squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder, but is not common in the United States
(Chang et al., 2017).
Staging is separated into clinical and pathological stage and the tumor-nodemetastases (TNM) classification that is outlined by the American Joint
Committee on Cancer (AJCC) is used (Chang et al., 2016). The clinical stage is
based on the physical exam, histologic findings at the time of the transurethral
resection of the bladder tumor (TURBT), and radiologic imaging (Chang et al.,
2016). Pathological staging is also known as surgical staging and is based on the
extent of the disease after surgical removal of the bladder and surrounding
lymph nodes (Chang et al., 2016). Stage 0 is noninvasive carcinoma with no
lymph node involvement; stage I means that the cancer has grown to the
connective tissue, but not the muscle with no lymph node involvement; stage II
indicates cancer has penetrated the muscle of the bladder wall with no lymph
node involvement; and stage III means the cancer has penetrated the fatty tissue
around the bladder and may have spread into the surrounding genitourinary
structures, including the prostate, uterus, and vagina but not the pelvic or
abdominal wall (American Cancer Society, 2017). Stage IV includes cancer that
has penetrated into the pelvic and abdominal wall with or without lymph node
involvement and cancer that has metastasized to distant lymph nodes or other
organs (American Cancer Society, 2017). Of newly diagnosed bladder cancers,
approximately 30% are muscle-invasive (Chou et al., 2016).
Bladder cancer, depending on stage and treatment, can greatly impact an
individual’s quality of life. Interventions and treatment can impact urinary and
bowel function, sexual function, body image, and emotional/mental well-being.
Bladder cancer treatment can impact fertility, which should be considered when
an individual is making treatment decisions. Individuals with bladder cancer
may experience anxiety, fear, and hopelessness related to the diagnosis and
prognosis. Survival rate for all stages of bladder cancer at 5 years is
approximately 77%; 5-year survival rate for stage 0 is 98%; I is 88%; II is 63%;
III is 46%; and IV, which indicates metastasis has occurred, is 15% (American
Cancer Society, 2017).
Treatment for bladder cancer varies depending on the stage. Nonmuscle
invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) may be treated with TURBT and/or
intravesical therapy (Dunn, 2015). Frequently used medications for intravesical
therapy include bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), mitomycin C, and epirubicin
(Chang et al., 2016). Muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) may be treated
with a variety of treatment modalities, including surgery, radiation,
chemotherapy, or a combination of modalities (Dunn, 2015). Surgical
interventions include partial cystectomy, radical cystectomy (removal of bladder,
prostate, seminal vesicles in males; bladder, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and
anterior vaginal walls in females), and lymphadenectomy (Chang et al., 2017).
Patients who undergo a radical cystectomy will require a urinary diversion.
Urinary diversions include incontinent conduit, continent cutaneous, or
orthotopic neobladder. An ileal conduit, the most commonly performed
incontinent conduit, consists of a stoma constructed of small intestine with the
ureters transplanted into the ileal segment. The urine drains through the stoma
created on the abdominal wall and is collected in an external drainage bag. A
continent cutaneous diversion requires intermittent catheterization of a stoma on
the abdominal wall. The orthotopic neobladder consists of forming a new
reservoir for urine with a segment of small intestine; the urethra and ureters are
anastomosed to the neobladder allowing normal urination after healing
(Merandy, Morgan, Lee, & Scherr et al., 2017).
Individual decision making should be supported when treatments are
discussed. Pozzar and Berry (2017) highlight that women are less likely to
receive a continent urinary diversion and less likely to undergo lymph node
dissection than men with bladder cancer. Including the patient’s family and
support network as appropriate is an important consideration during the patient’s
decision-making process (Pozzar & Berry, 2017).
Clinical Aspects
Nursing assessment should begin with a thorough patient history. Signs and
symptoms of bladder cancer include microscopic or macroscopic hematuria,
frequency, urgency, dysuria, inability to empty the bladder, and pain in more
advanced stages. Bladder cancer signs and symptoms can mimic other
genitourinary diseases.
Diagnostic tests include urine cytology, urine culture, urine tumor markers,
and imaging of the urinary tract (American Cancer Society, 2017). Imaging may
include MRI, ultrasound, radiographs, CT, and an intravenous or retrograde
pyelogram. A cystoscopy will be performed examining the patient’s urethra and
bladder (Chang et al., 2016). Nurses should ask patients about their baseline
sexual function before treatment is started (Dunn, 2015).
Focused nursing assessment is dependent on the patient’s treatment plan. For
patients receiving chemotherapy, assessment should include monitoring for
infection, including reduced white blood cell (WBC) counts and any adverse
reactions to the chemotherapy. Patients who have undergone surgical
interventions should be monitored for infection, delays in wound healing, and
stoma viability.
Nursing-related problems may include acute and/or chronic pain, anxiety,
deficient patient knowledge, nausea, risk for bleeding and/or infection, impaired
skin integrity, risk for sexual dysfunction, risk for disturbed body image, and risk
for dysfunctional gastrointestinal motility. Considerations should always be
made for enhanced coping and psychosocial support of the patient and family.
Nursing interventions always include providing support and encouraging
verbalization of feelings related to the diagnosis of bladder cancer and
treatments. Nurses should support the patient’s preference regarding discussing
sexual function and sexuality with his or her partner (Dunn, 2015).
Patient and family education should focus on the individual’s treatment and
adapted to accommodate any barriers in learning. For patients undergoing
surgical intervention, the nurse should assess the patient’s ability for self-care
and discharge needs at the preoperative visit. Education should begin
immediately as demonstration of self-care is essential to promote independence
and reduce risk for readmission.
Bladder cancer is a diagnosis that individuals need to monitor for the rest of their
lives, regardless of the treatment method. Nurses have long been trusted to
educate and advocate for patients and are critical for individuals being evaluated
for bladder cancer, during treatment, and into survivorship.
American Cancer Society. (2017). Bladder cancer. Retrieved from https://www.cancer.org/cancer/bladdercancer.html
Chang, S. S., Bochner, B. H., Chou, R., Dreicer, R., Kamat, A. M., Lerner, S. P., . . . Holzbeierlein, J. M.
(2017). Treatment of non-metastatic muscle-invasive bladder cancer: AUA/ASCO/ASTRO/SUO
guideline. Journal of Urology, 198(3), 552–559. doi:10.1016/j.juro.2017.04.086
Chang, S. S., Boorjian, S. A., Chou, R., Clark, P. E., Daneshmand, S., Konety, B. R., . . . McKiernan, J. M.
(2016). Diagnosis and treatment of non-metastatic muscle-invasive bladder cancer: AUA/SUO
guideline. Journal of Urology, 196(4), 1021–1029. doi:10.1016/j.juro.2016.06.049
Chou, R., Selph, S. S., Buckley, D. I., Gustafson, K. S., Griffin, J. C., Grusing, S. E., & Gore, J. L. (2016).
Treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer: A systematic review. Cancer, 122(6), 842–851.
Dunn, M. W. (2015). Bladder cancer: A focus on sexuality. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 29(1),
Merandy, K., Morgan, M. A., Lee, R., & Scherr, D. S. (2017). Improving self-efficacy and self-care in adult
patients with a urinary diversion: A pilot study. Oncology Nursing Forum, 44(3), E90–E100.
Pozzar, R. A., & Berry, D. L. (2017). Gender differences in bladder cancer treatment decision making.
Oncology Nursing Forum, 44(2), 204–209. doi:10.1188/17.ONF.204-209
Kelly Ann Lynn
Jane F. Marek
Bowel obstruction is a complete or partial blockage in either the small or large
intestine that prevents the passage of intestinal contents. Patients with bowel
obstruction usually have other underlying comorbidities and may present with
acute, constant, or intermittent abdominal pain; vomiting; and decrease or
absence of bowel activity (flatus and bowel movement). Small bowel obstruction
(SBO) accounts for 12% to 16% of U.S. hospital admissions for acute abdominal
pain (Paulson & Thompson, 2015). Most patients with SBO are treated
conservatively by inserting a nasogastric tube to decompress the bowel. Patients
with adhesive SBO who are managed conservatively have a shorter length of
stay, but also have a higher recurrence of SBO and higher readmission rates than
patients treated surgically (Di Saverio et al., 2013). Failure to promptly diagnose
and treat bowel obstruction may result in serious complications, including
ischemic bowel, short-gut syndrome, perforation, intra-abdominal abscess,
peritonitis, sepsis, and death. Mortality rates associated with SBO are dependent
on early recognition and treatment and may be as high as 25% with ischemic
bowel or if surgical intervention is delayed (Paulson & Thompson, 2015).
Bowel obstruction can be classified as either nonmechanical/functional or
mechanical/physical. Mechanical obstructions occur either inside (intraluminal)
or outside of the bowel (extraluminal). Extraluminal obstructions can be due to
scar tissue or an intra-abdominal mass compressing the bowel and obstructing
the lumen. Functional obstructions result from disruption of the neurovascular
supply to the bowel, preventing peristalsis or causing ischemia. Examples of
functional bowel obstruction include ileus (most commonly postoperative), use
of opioid analgesics, electrolyte imbalances, and mesenteric infarct. Physiologic
ileus following abdominal surgery is a normal finding and typically resolves
within 48 to 72 hours. Delayed return of gastrointestinal function (over 72 hours)
following abdominal surgery is referred to as postoperative adynamic or
paralytic ileus and is due to a variety of factors, including bowel manipulation,
surgical trauma, stress response, opioid use, and perioperative interventions (Ge,
Chen, & Ding, 2015). Chronic functional bowel obstruction can be caused by a
neuromuscular disorder such as Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, or Hirschsprung’s
disease (aganglionic megacolon).
The most common cause of SBO is postoperative intra-abdominal adhesions,
accounting for 60% and 70% of all SBO (Di Saverio et al., 2013). Adhesion
formation is more common in open than in laparoscopic procedures; other risk
factors for abdominal adhesions include colorectal and gynecologic procedures,
age older than 60 years, laparotomy within 5 years, and history of abdominal
trauma, previous adhesions, or emergency surgery (Loftus et al., 2015).
Abdominal adhesions can begin to form within a few hours following surgery.
Other causes include hernia, inflammatory bowel disease, volvulus,
intussusception, tumor, and adhesions resulting from pelvic inflammatory
disease. Large bowel obstruction (LBO) is most frequently related to a
neoplastic process, usually colon or ovarian cancer; other causes include
strictures, diverticulitis, volvulus, or fecal impaction.
Patients typically present with cramping, intermittent abdominal pain,
abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, and inability to pass stool or flatus.
Fever, tachycardia, and peritoneal signs (abdominal rigidity, rebound tenderness)
are usually indicative of strangulation and ischemic bowel. Percussion may
reveal tympany due to trapped air; bowel sounds are typically hyperactive in the
early stages of obstruction as peristalsis attempts to overcome the obstruction;
hypoactive or absent bowel sounds occur in the later stages of obstruction.
Patients presenting with these symptoms, particularly in combination with
history of abdominal or pelvic surgery, malignancy, or treatment with abdominal
radiation, need immediate workup to determine the cause and location of the
Prompt treatment is essential to prevent complications, particularly ischemic
bowel, perforation, peritonitis, and dehydration. Patients without strangulation or
ischemia can be managed conservatively with intravenous fluid resuscitation,
nasogastric tube decompression, and bowel rest (Loftus et al., 2015). If the
obstruction is not relieved within 48 to 72 hours, surgical intervention is
recommended. Surgical intervention is indicated for strangulation, ischemia, or
tumor; laparoscopic approach is preferred over open technique (Paulson &
Thompson, 2015). Conservative management is not indicated for patients with
signs of strangulation or peritonitis; these patients should be treated promptly
with surgical intervention.
Clinical Aspects
Nursing assessment of patients with a bowel obstruction begins with a
comprehensive assessment of the history of present illness and presenting
symptoms, surgical history, bowel function, and medication and dietary history.
Physical assessment includes assessing vital signs, specifically temperature,
blood pressure, and heart rate, to identify early signs of infection and volume
depletion and a thorough abdominal assessment, including palpation and
percussion of the abdomen. Measuring abdominal girth may be useful to monitor
the degree of abdominal distention. It is important to note that flatus or bowel
movement may occur before the obstruction is relieved if the stool or gas is
below the level of obstruction. Therefore, one must not take bowel movement or
flatus as sign of resolution of obstruction; the complete clinical picture must be
Nurses should be alert for signs and symptoms of acute abdomen, including
pain upon palpation, tension, rigidity, and increasing distension. Laboratory
studies include assessment of the complete blood cell count; the white blood cell
count may be elevated with strangulation and the hematocrit may be elevated
due to dehydration. Serum lactate levels may be elevated due to dehydration or
ischemia; serum chemistry panels should be assessed for electrolyte imbalances
and metabolic acidosis. Abdominal x-rays are performed to evaluate for air/fluid
levels, free air, distended bowel loops, and gas patterns; CT scan with watersoluble contrast can identify the location of the obstruction and characterize the
degree of obstruction.
Delayed return of gastrointestinal function following abdominal surgery is a
major cause of increased length of stay and morbidity. Nurses can play a key role
in preventing postoperative ileus by implementing interventions to promote
return of bowel function and identifying patients at risk for developing
postoperative ileus. Early ambulation; cautious use of opioid analgesics; frequent
abdominal assessment, including auscultating for bowel sounds; and gradual
resumption of diet are effective interventions to enhance recovery of GI
function. Chewing gum after surgery is thought to enhance return of GI function
by cephalic–vagal stimulation, but there is insufficient evidence to support this
Nursing care of patients with bowel obstruction should focus on resolution of
the issue and prevention of serious consequences related to obstruction,
specifically dehydration, perforation, peritonitis, and sepsis. Patients should
receive information on the available treatment options, including conservative
management with nasogastric (NG) tube and bowel rest, endoscopic
management, including stenting for LBO, and surgery to relieve the cause of the
obstruction. Patients are at risk for developing another bowel obstruction and
should receive education to monitor their bowel habits and recognize early signs
of recurrence. Education regarding signs of bowel obstruction should be
included in the discharge teaching for patients following abdominal and pelvic
surgery due to the risk of developing postoperative adhesions.
Nursing interventions will vary, based on the clinical presentation, location,
and extent of the obstruction, treatment course, and the long-term objectives for
a given patient. All patients will need education about the underlying conditions
and various treatment options. It is essential that nurses partner with patients and
their families to allow patients to make decisions regarding their treatment
options. This is particularly important when caring for patients with bowel
obstruction caused by malignancies. Nurses should allow patients and their
families the opportunity to express their treatment goals and facilitate the
decision-making process to maximize quality of life.
Initial treatment of patients with bowel obstruction begins with conservative
symptom management while the diagnostic workup is completed. Patients are
not permitted anything by mouth and an NG tube is usually passed and placed to
intermittent suction to relieve distention and decompress the bowel. NG tubes
should be assessed for placement and patency and oral care is imperative due to
nothing per os (NPO) status. Patients are at risk for developing respiratory
complications due to increased intra-abdominal pressure, and reluctance to
cough and deep breathe often related to abdominal pain. Assessing and
monitoring respiratory status and interventions to promote optimal respiratory
function is a nursing priority.
Patients with bowel obstruction are at risk for fluid volume and electrolyte
imbalance due to dehydration. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances occur as
a result of fluid loss from emesis, bowel edema, and loss of absorptive capacity.
Careful assessment and documentation of intake and output (I&O) are essential
as patients will require intravenous fluid resuscitation and electrolyte
Monitoring for infection and peritonitis is another important nursing
intervention. Stasis of intestinal contents can result in overgrowth of intestinal
flora and may lead to peritonitis. Other nursing interventions include pain
management. A comprehensive assessment of symptoms and response to
medications and interventions is essential.
The expected outcomes of evidence-based nursing care for patients with bowel
obstruction are the return of bowel function and prevention of complications.
Bowel obstruction is a serious health issue that requires prompt intervention and
comprehensive nursing care to prevent significant morbidity and adverse
outcomes. Nurses must partner with their patients to develop customized care
plans to improve health and to prevent complications and recurrence.
Di Saverio, S., Coccolini, F., Galati, M., Smerieri, N., Biffl, W. L., Ansaloni, L., . . . Catena, F. (2013).
Bologna guidelines for diagnosis and management of adhesive small bowel obstruction (ASBO): 2013
update of the evidence-based guidelines from the world society of emergency surgery ASBO working
group. World Journal of Emergency Surgery, 8(1), 42. doi:10.1186/1749-7922-8-42
Ge, W., Chen, G., & Ding, Y.-T. (2015). Effect of chewing gum on the postoperative recovery of
gastrointestinal function. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 8(8), 11936–
Loftus, T., Moore, F., VanZant, E., Bala, T., Brakenridge, S., Croft, C., . . . Jordan, J. (2015). A protocol for
the management of adhesive small bowel obstruction. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery,
78(1), 13–19; discussion 19. doi:10.1097/TA.0000000000000491
Paulson, E. K., & Thompson, W. M. (2015). Review of small bowel obstruction: The diagnosis and when to
worry. Radiologic Society of North America: Radiology, 2(275), 332–342, doi:10.1148/radiol.15131519
Peter J. Cebull
The tissue found in the central nervous system (CNS) is complex and at times is
the site of abnormal cellular growth. For many patients, brain tumors represent a
feared and often unexpected diagnosis. In 2012, there were 688,000 people
living with a primary brain or CNS tumor in the United States. Although the
diagnosis of tumor often incites fear of malignancy, the majority of tumors were
benign, with only 37% of primary brain tumors in the United States diagnosed as
malignant (Ostrom et al., 2015). Providing nursing care for a patient with a brain
tumor can be a challenging endeavor that requires an understanding of the
prevalence and background behind the diagnosis, as well as a familiarity with
the key clinical aspects of this condition.
A brain tumor is tissue in the brain or central spine that has undergone abnormal
growth and has the potential to disrupt normal brain function. In 2016, the World
Health Organization (WHO) revised the 2007 classification system for CNS
tumors. Before this reclassification, tumors were generally defined based on
histology. The most recent classification system recommends considering the
genetic composition of the tissue through the identification of molecular markers
in addition to the histological features. This current system identifies over 120
different types and subtypes of brain and spinal tumors (Louis et al., 2016).
Another important aspect of defining a brain tumor is relative malignancy.
Brain tumors that originate from cells found in or near the brain and do not
contain cancerous cells are considered benign. Well-defined borders with a lack
of involvement of surrounding tissue also characterize benign tumors. The most
common nonmalignant brain tumor is meningioma, representing 53.4% of all
benign brain tumors diagnosed between 2008 and 2012 (Ostrom et al., 2015).
Malignant brain tumors grow more quickly than benign tumors due to the rapid
division of cancer cells. The borders of malignant tumors are typically less
defined and often spread into surrounding tissue as the tumor grows, rapidly
becoming life-threatening (National Brain Tumor Society [NBTS], 2017). The
most common malignant brain tumor is glioblastoma (GBM) representing 46.1%
of all malignant brain tumors diagnosed between 2008 and 2012 (Ostrom et al.,
Finally, when classifying a brain tumor, it is essential to identify the origin of
the cells. Primary brain tumors begin from abnormal cellular growth in brain
cells. When malignant, these often spread to other parts of the brain though
rarely metastasize to areas outside of the CNS. Secondary brain tumors, also
called metastatic tumors are the most common type of brain tumor. They begin
in cells outside of the CNS and are referred to by their location of origin
(National Brain Tumor Society [NBTS], 2017).
In 2016, The Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States reported a
primary CNS tumor incidence rate of 22.36 cases per 100,000 persons in the
United States. Of those cases, 7.18 represented malignant tumors. When isolated
by gender, females have a higher incidence at 24.46/100,000. In 2017, an
estimated 26,070 cases of primary malignant CNS tumors will be diagnosed and
an estimated 16,947 deaths will occur (Ostrom et al., 2015).
Five-year survival rates are impacted by several factors. For men with a
primary malignant CNS tumor diagnosed between 1995 and 2013, 33.5%
survived 5 years following diagnosis, whereas 36.1% of women survived 5 years
following the same diagnosis. For nonmalignant CNS tumors diagnosed during
this time frame, there was a 90.4% 5-year survival rate (Ostrom et al., 2015).
The age of a patient at the time of diagnosis also factors heavily into the
likelihood of 4-year survival. There is an inverse correlation between 5-year
survival and age of diagnosis of primary malignant CNS tumor. Of patients with
primary CNS malignancies, approximately 73.8% of patients aged 0 to 19 years
survived to 5 years, whereas 33.5% of patients aged 45 to 54 years survived 5
years following diagnosis. The prevalence of any primary CNS tumor is
considerably lower in the 0 to 19 age group, at 35.4 per 100,000 compared to an
overall prevalence of 221.8 per 100,000 (Ostrom et al., 2015).
Clinical Aspects
One of the most valuable portions of any assessment is the patient’s history.
When providing nursing care for a patient diagnosed with a brain tumor, it is
beneficial to obtain a history from both the patient and his or her primary
caregiver, who is familiar with the patient’s most recent signs and symptoms.
After the history, the most essential portion of the nurse’s assessment is a
complete neurologic examination. This establishes critical baseline information
on the patient’s deficits and aids in identifying the evolution or addition of
neurologic deficits.
Neurologic deficits will vary based on the size and location of the brain tumor
in relation to the physiologic functions of the affected brain tissue. For example,
destruction or distortion of cerebral tissue in the supratentorial (cerebral) region
can cause deficits such as memory loss, aphasia, and cognitive impairment.
Tumors affecting tissue in the infratentorial (cerebellar) region can cause ataxia
and autonomic dysfunction. As a tumor grows and occupies space in the cranial
vault, the increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) worsens the deficits. In addition
to these specific assessments, appropriate nursing assessment also includes
screening for common findings associated with the presence of a brain tumor:
visual disturbances such as blurriness, double vision and cuts in the visual fields;
alteration of mental status or personality not otherwise explained; nausea and
vomiting not explained by other illness or gastrointestinal irritants; onset of
seizures; and headaches rated as most severe in the morning with improvement
or resolution as the day progresses.
The diagnosis of a brain tumor relies heavily on high-quality neuroimaging.
MRI following injection of IV contrast is typically the initial diagnostic choice,
to identify the presence or absence of vasculature in a questionable lesion. After
diagnosis, CT is often used to evaluate progression of disease and response to
interventions. Surgical biopsy is often indicated to gain the necessary
histological information needed to make an exact diagnosis and classification
based on the WHO grading criteria.
Medical interventions for brain tumors can include nonsurgical options, such as
chemotherapy and radiation for malignancies, as well as more invasive surgical
approaches, for example, craniotomy, tumor excision, or stereotactic
radiosurgery. Similarly, nursing-related problems can vary based on the elected
medical interventions.
Examples of nursing-related problems associated with the disease process can
include communication barriers resulting from aphasia, risk for falls and injuries
related to gait ataxia, and maladaptation complicated by changes in cognitive
function and personality. Examples of nursing-related problems associated with
nonsurgical treatment can include managing the adverse effects of
chemotherapy. Surgical treatment can present nursing problems, including risk
of infection, postoperative intracranial bleeding, and complications due to
swelling of brain tissue.
When addressing the potential problems facing a patient with a brain tumor,
there are multiple interventions for nurses to implement. The following are
several examples of common problems and appropriate interventions. Aphasia
resulting from a tumor affecting the speech centers of the brain can become a
barrier to communication. Depending on the expressive or receptive nature, a
written-communication board and other nonverbal forms of expression can be
offered by a nurse.
High risk for falls is a common complication of gait disturbance with
infratentorial tumors. Assistive devices and gait belts reduce this risk, improving
safety for both the patient and nurse.
Nausea and vomiting related to chemotherapy are a common, uncomfortable,
and even dangerous side effect when uncontrolled. There are many medications
used to manage nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, including
serotonin receptor (5-HT3) antagonists, steroids, and neurokinin-1 receptor
antagonists. Dietary modifications can also be beneficial.
Risk of infection is associated with any surgical procedure, including
craniotomy. Postoperatively, the nurse needs to attentively monitor for signs of
local and systemic infection in addition to administering prophylactic parenteral
antibiotics such as cefazolin (Ancef).
Cerebral edema is a common complication of both brain tumors and treatment
modalities such as tumor excision or debulking. A nurse must be vigilant in
assessing the patient to identify early signs of increased ICP and administering
parenteral or oral corticosteroids such as dexamethasone (Decadron) to decrease
The diagnosis of brain tumor can present many challenges to patients and their
caregivers. It is important to understand the key features that differentiate
benign, malignant, primary, and secondary CNS tumors. Recognizing the
relative incidence of this diagnosis as well as the significant mortality associated
with primary malignant tumors can inform the nursing process. As a nurse,
performing a high-quality assessment is essential to both identify and anticipate
the nursing problems associated with this diagnosis.
Louis, D. N., Perry, A., Reifenberger, G., von Deimling, A., Figarella-Branger, D., Cavenee, W. K., . . .
Ellison, D. W. (2016). The 2016 World Health Organization classification of tumors of the central
nervous system: A summary. Acta Neuropathologica, 131(6), 803–820. doi:10.1007/s00401-016-1545-1
National Brain Tumor Society. (2013). Understanding brain tumors.
Ostrom, Q. T., Gittleman, H., Fulop, J., Liu, M., Blanda, R., Kromer, C., . . . Barnholtz-Sloan, J. S. (2015).
CBTRUS statistical report: Primary brain and central nervous system tumors diagnosed in the United
States in 2008–2012. Neuro-oncology, 17(Suppl. 4), iv1–iv62. doi:10.1093/neuonc/nov189
Elsie A. Jolade
Cardiomyopathies are a diverse group of diseases affecting the myocardium in
which the heart muscle becomes abnormally enlarged, thick or rigid, thereby
losing the ability to contract effectively with each heartbeat. In rare cases, the
myocardium is replaced with scar tissue. As the disease progresses, the heart
weakens, leading to heart failure, arrhythmias, and valvular problems (American
Heart Association [AHA], 2017). Many cases of cardiomyopathies are
idiopathic. The disease can also be secondary to genetic predisposition,
infectious diseases, exposure to toxins, systemic connective tissue disease,
infiltrative and proliferative disorders, or nutritional deficiencies (McCance &
Huether, 2014).
A more thorough understanding and classification system for cardiomyopathy
has evolved in the past 50 years. The term was first proposed by Bridges in 1957
as an uncommon, noncoronary heart muscle disease. In 2006, the American
Heart Association (AHA) categorized the disease as primary and secondary
cardiomyopathies. Primary cardiomyopathies predominantly involve the heart,
whereas secondary cardiomyopathies are accompanied by other organ system
involvement. Most recent in 2016, the National Heart, Liver, and Blood Institute
(NHLBI) placed cardiomyopathy in five categories: as hypertrophic, dilated,
restrictive, arrhythmogenic right ventricular, and unclassified cardiomyopathy
(NHLBI, 2016).
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is characterized by enlargement of the
myocardial cells and thickening of the walls of the ventricles. Usually the
ventricles and septum thicken, creating narrowing or blockages in the ventricles,
making it harder for the heart to effectively pump blood. HCM can also cause
stiffness of the ventricles, changes in the mitral valve, and cellular changes in the
heart tissue (NHLBI, 2016).
HCM is a very common condition and can occur without an obvious cause. It
is usually inherited and affects men and women of any age equally (AHA, 2016).
Clinical manifestations of HCM include dyspnea and chest pain in the absence
of coronary artery disease. Postexertional syncope due to diminished diastolic
filling and increased outflow obstruction is also common. Ventricular
arrhythmias are common and sudden death may occur, often in athletes after
extensive exertion (Porth, 2015).
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is characterized by progressive cardiac
dilation and contractile (systolic) dysfunction (Porth, 2015). DCM occurs in
adults 20 to 60 years old; it is more common in men than in women. The disease
frequently starts in the left ventricle, where the heart muscle begins to stretch,
dilate, and thin, leading to enlargement of the chamber (AHA, 2016). DCM is a
common cause of heart failure and the leading indication for heart
transplantation. Clinical manifestations include dyspnea, orthopnea, and reduced
exercise capacity. As the disease progresses, people in late-stage DCM often
have ejection fractions (EF) of less than 25% (normal EF 50%–66%).
Thrombosis can form within the chambers of the heart and systemic emboli can
occur in late stages of the disease (Porth, 2015).
Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) is a rare form of myocardial disease in
which ventricular filling is restricted due to excessive rigidity, but without
thickening of the ventricular wall (Porth, 2015). The ventricles are nondilated,
though there is impaired ventricular filling. RCM is less common than DCM and
HCM and is idiopathic or associated with other disorders such as scleroderma,
endomyocardial fibrosis, amyloidosis, and sarcoidosis. The most common
clinical manifestation of RCM is right heart failure with systemic venous
congestion, cardiomegaly, and dysrhythmias (McCance & Huether, 2014).
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), also called
arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD), is a rare type of
cardiomyopathy that occurs when the muscle tissue in the right ventricle is
replaced with fatty or fibrous tissue leading to various rhythm disturbances,
particularly ventricular tachycardia and, potentially, heart failure. More than
50% of ARVD cases are inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. ARVD ranks
second to HCM as the leading cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes.
Clinical manifestations include palpitations, syncope, or cardiac arrest, usually in
young- or middle-aged men (McCance & Huether, 2014; NHLBI, 2016).
Other types of cardiomyopathy include peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM)
and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. PPCM is a DCM that occurs in an otherwise
healthy woman without a previously diagnosed cardiac disorder in the last
month of pregnancy and up to 5 months postpartum. PPCM is manifested by
signs of systolic dysfunction and heart failure for which there is no identifiable
cause or evidence before the last month of pregnancy. It is the fifth leading cause
of mortality during pregnancy. Diagnosis of PCCM is often delayed due to
overlapping signs and symptoms of other pregnancy-related problems. Incidence
is greater in Black, multiparous, or older women with twin fetuses or
preeclampsia (McCance & Huether, 2014; Troiano, 2015).
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also called broken heart syndrome, is a transient
reversible left ventricular dysfunction in response to profound psychological or
emotional stress characterized by ventricular apical ballooning (McCance &
Huether, 2014).
The mean age for onset is older than 60 years, with about 90% of cases
occurring in postmenopausal women. Patients present with chest pain,
electrocardiographic evidence of ST segment elevation myocardial infarct
(STEMI), and impaired myocardial contractility without evidence of coronary
Clinical Aspects
An in-depth history and physical assessment are imperative to recognize,
diagnose, and implement appropriate medical interventions early in the disease
process. Clinical presentation of cardiomyopathies varies depending on the
etiology and severity of the disease. Clinical manifestation, such as dyspnea,
ventricular arrhythmias, orthopnea, reduced exercise capacity, syncope, and
signs of right heart failure such as elevated jugular venous distension (JVD) and
lower extremity edema, tend to occur in most types of the disease. Patients with
ARVD typically present with palpitations, syncope, or cardiac arrest in young
athletes. A systematic approach to family screening has contributed to better
assessment of familial cardiomyopathies and allowed the identification of family
members predisposed to disease based on the inheritance of cardiomyopathyassociated genes (Arbustini et al., 2014).
Diagnostic tests for cardiomyopathy include EKG to assess for heart rhythm
abnormalities, 2D echocardiography to assess left ventricular EF, and Holter or
event monitors to allow continuous monitoring of the heart’s electrical activity
for a full 24 to 48 hours. Other diagnostics include cardiac MRI to assess the
shape and size of the heart, cardiac catheterization, and genetic testing through
bidirectional DNA sequence analysis to identify specific gene mutations. Stress
testing, chest radiography, and serum blood analysis for cardiac biomarkers are
also performed (Porth, 2015).
Treatment goals for cardiomyopathy include managing any contributing factors,
controlling signs and symptoms, slowing the progression of the disease, and
reducing complications and the risk of sudden cardiac death. Methodologies
include lifestyle changes, medications, surgical interventions, and implanted
devices to prevent or treat arrhythmias.
Patient education focusing on lifestyle changes, such as smoking cessation,
weight loss, avoidance of alcohol, stress management strategies, and compliance
with the prescribed medication regimen for underlying diseases such as
hypertension and diabetes mellitus, are also essential. Nurses traditionally take
the lead in patient education; nurse-led interventions can result in a significant
improvement in self-management and cardiac knowledge scores (Mackie et al.,
Classes of medications used to treat cardiomyopathy include diuretics to
remove excess fluid and reduce preload as well as beta-blockers, calcium
channel blockers, and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors to
control heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and slow the progression of the
disease. Patients may be prescribed antiarrhythmics and anticoagulants (AHA,
2016). Some patients may need an automatic implantable cardioverterdefibrillator (AICD), which delivers an electrical impulse or shock to the heart
when it senses a life-threatening change in the heart rhythm.
In conclusion, cardiomyopathy is a very complex disease with various etiologies
that affect all ages. Advances in early recognition, diagnosis, and management of
cardiomyopathy have resulted in better patient outcomes. An evidence-based
approach to care is continually evolving and has improved the quality of life of
patients with cardiomyopathy. Because cardiomyopathy often manifests with
symptoms similar to heart failure, nurses have and will continue to play a
leading role in patient education and other interventions for optimal heart failure
management, which are known to contribute to better patient outcomes.
American Heart Association. (2016). What is cardiomyopathy in adults? Retrieved from
Arbustini, E., Narula, N., Tavazzi, L., Serio, A., Grasso, M., Favalli, V., . . . Narula, J. (2014). The
MOGE(S) classification of cardiomyopathy for clinicians. Journal of the American College of
Cardiology, 3(64), 304–318.
Mackie, A. S., Islam, S., Magill-Evans, J., Rankin, K. N., Robert, C., Schuh, M., . . . Rempel, G. R. (2014).
Healthcare transition for youth with heart disease: A clinical trial. Heart, 100(14), 1113–1118.
McCance, K., & Huether, S. (2014). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children
(7th ed.). New York, NY: Mosby.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2016). Types of cardiomyopathy. Retrieved from
Porth, C. (2015). Essentials of pathophysiology (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Troiano, N. H. (2015). Cardiomyopathy during pregnancy. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 29(3),
222–228. doi:10.1097/JPN.0000000000000113
Mary de Haan
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as an abnormality in kidney function
or structure lasting longer than 3 months that negatively impacts a person’s
health (Garcin, 2015; Smith, 2016). Most adults with CKD experience a
progressive decrease in kidney function along with kidney damage, ultimately
resulting in life-threatening kidney failure. Interdisciplinary management focuses
on preventing kidney dysfunction in high-risk populations and delaying disease
progression, while preventing or managing complications, in adults diagnosed
with CKD (Vassalotti et al., 2016). Nursing care involves timely assessment,
evidence-based interventions, health-promoting activities, and self-management
education designed to support adults with CKD and members of their support
system over the course of their disease.
It is estimated that 26 million adults in the United States have CKD, with over
660,000 requiring life-sustaining renal replacement therapy (RRT), which
involves hemodialysis (HD) or peritoneal dialysis (PD) or renal transplantation
due to kidney failure (National Kidney Foundation [NKF], 2016; U.S. Renal
Data System [USRDS], 2016). Each year in the United States, more deaths are
attributed to kidney disease than either breast or prostate cancer (USRDS, 2016).
In addition to morbidity and mortality, CKD disease creates a financial burden as
well. In 2014, Medicare spending for persons aged 65 years or older with CKD
exceeded $50 billion, or 20% of all Medicare spending in that age group
(USRDS, 2016). The two principal causes of CKD in adults are diabetes mellitus
and hypertension, with nearly half of all adults with CKD experiencing one or
both disorders (NKF, 2016). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) estimate that more than 70% of all new cases of kidney failure can be
attributed to diabetes and/or hypertension (CDC, 2015). Other disorders that can
lead to CKD include chronic glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease,
systemic lupus erythematosus, congenital kidney malformations, and repeated
acute kidney injury (CDC, 2015; NKF, 2016). Populations at increased risk for
developing CKD include older adults (older than 60 years), persons with a
family history of kidney disease, and select racial/ethnic groups (African
Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders; CDC, 2015;
NKF, 2016).
The diagnosis of CKD is made based on the presence of one or more markers
of kidney damage and/or a decrease in estimated glomerular filtration rate
(eGFR less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2; National Kidney Disease Education
Program [NKDEP], 2014; Vassalotti et al., 2016). Markers of kidney damage
include albuminuria (defined as greater than 30 mg or urine albumin/gram of
urine creatinine for more than 3 months), abnormal urine sediment, disruption of
electrolyte and fluid balance, and kidney abnormalities discovered by histology
or imaging (NKDEP, 2014; Vassalotti et al., 2016). Although approximately one
in 10 adults have some degree of CKD, not all progress to kidney failure (eGFR
less than 15 mL/min/1.73 m2). Adults with high-grade albuminuria, steady
decline in eGFR, and poorly controlled blood pressure are more likely to
experience disease progression (NKDEP, 2014).
Medical management of adults with CKD focuses on implementing
appropriate treatment, monitoring the patient’s progress and disease progression,
screening for CKD complications, and providing self-management education
(NKDEP, 2014). Specific interventions aimed at reducing CKD progression
include blood pressure control (lesser than 140/90 mmHg), use of angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)
to control hypertension and reduce albuminuria, glycemic control (HbA1C ~7%),
and avoidance of nephrotoxic substances, such as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and iodinated contrast dye (Smith, 2016;
Vassalotti et al., 2016). Because cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of
death for adults with CKD, cardiac risk factors also need to be addressed and
health-promoting interventions initiated (CDC, 2015). These interventions
include weight management, diet therapy, implementation of an exercise routine,
and, in select cases, the administration of statins (Smith, 2016; Vassalotti et al.,
Adults with severely decreased kidney function (eGFR 15–29 mL/min/1.73
m ) should receive education regarding approaching kidney failure and treatment
options such as RRT, renal transplantation, or conservative treatment, including
palliative care (NKF, 2015; Smith, 2016). The decision to initiate RRT (HD or
PD) is based on the presence of signs and symptoms of uremia, evidence of
protein-energy wasting, and the ability to safely manage complications with
medical therapy alone (NKF, 2015).
Patient preference and lifestyle, along with risks and benefits of each form of
therapy, should also be considered. HD is the most common form of RRT. It
involves the use of a machine to filter a patient’s blood through an artificial
semipermeable membrane for the purpose of removing waste products and
excess fluid and restoring electrolyte balance (National Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases [NIDDK], 2016; Winkelman, 2016). HD can be
administered at a dialysis center (three times per week for 3 to 5 hours per
session) or in the patient’s home (five to seven times per week for 2 to 3 hours
per session).
Although HD is the most efficient mode of RRT, it does require specially
trained personnel to maintain and operate the dialysis machine; patients also
need vascular access via a temporary dialysis catheter or arteriovenous (AV)
fistula (NIDDK, 2016; NKF, 2015). Potential HD complications include
hypotension, blood-borne infections, thrombosis of the AV fistula, and
peripheral ischemia (Winkelman, 2016).
PD is used to filter fluids, electrolytes, and waste products from the
peritoneum (similar to a semipermeable membrane) into dialysis fluid. This fluid
(dialysate) is infused into the peritoneal space via a surgically implanted intraabdominal silicone catheter.
The fluid is allowed to “dwell” for a prescribed period of time before being
drained from the peritoneal space (NIDDK, 2016; Winkelman, 2016). This
process is repeated several times within a 24-hour period. Exchanges can be
done using continuous ambulatory PD (four to six exchanges with dwell times of
4 to 8 hours occurring 7 days/week) or continuous cycling PD (exchanges occur
overnight while the patient is sleeping via an automated cycling machine;
NIDDK, 2016). PD allows for greater flexibility of lifestyle and diet, as
compared to HD, yet fewer than 10% of adults with kidney failure use this form
of RRT.
Potential PD complications include abdominal discomfort, exit site and tunnel
infections, and peritonitis (Winkelman, 2016; NIDDK, 2016).
Clinical Aspects
Nursing plays an important role in screening high-risk populations for CKD,
especially since kidney disease in its early stages is often asymptomatic
(USRDS, 2016). A thorough history from adults at risk for or diagnosed with
CKD is critical. It should include personal and family history of kidney injury or
disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and/or hypertension. The history
should also address medication use (both prescribed and over-the-counter
products), dietary habits, tobacco and alcohol usage, and exercise. Physical
assessment should focus on cardiopulmonary status (presence of extra heart
sounds and/or adventitious breath sounds, presence of dependent edema, reports
of dyspnea and/or activity intolerance) and renal function.
Additional symptoms that may be reported in adults with CKD include
fatigue, lethargy, difficulty concentrating, anorexia, muscle cramping, and
pruritus (NKF, 2016; Smith, 2016). Laboratory testing includes an eGFR, urine
albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR), serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and
creatinine, and serum electrolytes (Smith, 2016). Because CKD impacts all body
systems, screening for complications such as anemia (complaints of fatigue and
dyspnea, decreased red blood cells [RBCs], hemoglobin, hematocrit, and iron
stores), malnutrition (unintentional weight loss, muscle wasting, decreased
serum albumin), mineral and bone disorders (calcium and phosphorus
imbalance), depression, and decreased functional status is also warranted
(NKDEP, 2014; Vassalotti et al., 2016).
The focus of nursing care for adults with CKD is to manage problems and
reduce the effects of complications (Garcin, 2015). Nursing-related problems
that need to be addressed include excess fluid volume due to decreased kidney
function; decreased cardiac function related to fluid overload and increased
peripheral resistance; risk for infection and injury related to skin break-down,
falls, vascular access occlusion, or PD catheter site contamination; fatigue
related to uremia, anemia, and malnutrition; and impaired psychosocial integrity
related to anxiety, depression, and hopelessness associated with the diagnosis of
a progressive chronic illness (Winkelman, 2016).
Fluid balance, respiratory status, and cardiac function need to be assessed due
to the potential for fluid volume overload, pulmonary edema, and/or heart
failure. Interventions should include monitoring intake, output, and patient
weight; assessing cardiopulmonary status; maintaining a position of comfort to
facilitate adequate ventilation; and administering prescribed medications
(diuretics, ACEIs, ARBs) to control blood pressure. Electrolyte imbalances, such
as hypo/hypernatremia and hyperkalemia, are common and require diligent
monitoring of laboratory values, heart rate and rhythm, and neurological status
(Smith, 2016; Winkelman, 2016).
Infection is a potentially life-threatening occurrence for adults with CKD.
Uremic pruritus can lead to excoriation and skin breakdown, whereas dialysis
access devices offer routes of entry to pathogens. Patients need to be monitored
for fever, malaise, and evidence of skin breakdown, redness, or edema—
particularly at the dialysis access insertion sites. Sterile technique should be used
whenever an HD vascular access device or PD catheter is in use.
Nutritional needs, including fluid balance, glycemic control, protein and
phosphorus intake, and sodium/potassium balance, should be discussed in
collaboration with a registered dietician (Garcin, 2015; Winkelman, 2016).
Psychosocial support and self-management education should be offered to all
adults with CKD and members of their immediate support system. Support
should include providing information regarding the CKD diagnosis, anticipated
disease progression, and treatment options, as well as referral to counseling
services and support groups (Winkelman, 2016; NKDEP, 2014).
Adults with CKD should maintain adequate cardiac function and optimal fluid
and electrolyte balance. Nutritional needs should be met in order to maintain an
adequate protein–calorie intake, regardless of the dietary restrictions that may be
recommended based on their degree of kidney function. Adults with CKD
should avoid injury and infection and should be involved in health-promoting
activities designed to prevent or delay the progress of CKD and its
Psychosocial and educational needs should be evaluated and effective coping
mechanisms supported by all members of the interdisciplinary care team.
Effective nursing care applies principles of patient-centered care, teamwork,
collaboration, and communication to address each of these evidence-based
expected outcomes (NKDEP, 2014; Winkelman, 2016).
Adults diagnosed with CKD must cope with a number of uncertainties in terms
of physical, psychosocial, and lifestyle changes they will face. Nurses, as
members of the interdisciplinary team focused on preventing or delaying the
progression of CKD and its associated complications, play a vital role in
providing evidence-based care, health-promoting activities, and education to
provide support throughout the course of the disease.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Chronic kidney disease issue brief. Retrieved from
Garcin, A. (2015). Care of the patient with chronic kidney disease. MedSurg Matters, 24(5), 4–7.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2016). Kidney disease education lesson
builder: Choices for treatment of kidney failure. Retrieved from https://www.niddk.nih.gov/healthinformation/health-communication-programs/nkdep/a-z/Documents/ckd-primary-care-guide-508.pdf
National Kidney Disease Education Program. (2014). Making sense of chronic kidney disease: A concise
guide for managing CKD in the primary care setting (NIH pub No. 14-7989).
National Kidney Foundation. (2015). KDOQI clinical practice guideline for hemodialysis adequacy: 2015
update. American Journal of Kidney Disease, 66(5), 884–930.
National Kidney Foundation. (2016).
Smith, C. A. (2016). Evidence-based treatment of chronic kidney disease. Nurse Practitioner, 41(11), 42–
48. doi:10.1097/01.NPR.0000502790.65984.61
U.S. Renal Data System. (2016). 2016 USRDS annual data report: Epidemiology of kidney disease in the
United States. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases.
Vassalotti, J., Centor, R., Turner, B., Greer, R., Choi, M., Sequist, T.; National Kidney Foundation Kidney
Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative. (2016). Practical approach to detection and management of CKD
for the primary care clinician. American Journal of Medicine, 129(2), 153–162.
Winkelman, C. (2016). Care of patients with acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease. In D.
Ignatavicius & M. Workman (Eds.) Medical surgical nursing: Patient-centered collaborative care (8th
ed., pp. 1411–1447). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
Christina M. Canfield
The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) defines
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as a “common, preventable and
treatable disease that is characterized by persistent respiratory symptoms and
airflow limitation that is due to airway and/or alveolar abnormalities usually
caused by significant exposure to noxious particles or gases” (GOLD, 2017, p.
x). Disease severity is influenced by exacerbations and comorbidities. COPD
causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Cigarette smoking is a
well-known risk factor for development of COPD.
It is estimated that more than 380 million people are living with COPD
worldwide. COPD was responsible for 3 million deaths in 2012 and is projected
to be the third leading cause of death by 2020 (GOLD, 2017). An estimated $52
billion is spent on care of the individual with COPD annually in the United
States. In developing countries, the economic burden shifts from direct and
indirect medical costs to lost workplace and home productivity. In addition,
COPD contributes to significant disability worldwide.
Exposure to cigarette smoke is the most widely known cause of COPD.
However, genetic factors, such as hereditary alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency,
predispose individuals to development of COPD. Additional risk factors include
occupational exposure to chemicals, dust, fumes, and air pollution. Previously,
men were more likely to be diagnosed with COPD than women. However,
women are just as likely to develop COPD as males (GOLD, 2017). Individuals
who experienced conditions that affected lung growth during gestation and
childhood may be more likely to develop COPD than those who did not.
Inflammation of the lung and airways is a normal response when exposed to
cigarette smoke or other noxious agents. Chronic inflammation may cause
destruction of the lung tissue and disrupt the physiologic mechanisms that
normally repair the lungs. These changes lead to reduced airway diameter and
lung fibrosis. Airway changes lead to trapping of gas during expiration. Reduced
expiratory volume is noted during spirometry. Patients with COPD have a
reduction in forced expiratory volume (FEV) when expiration is measured over
1 second. This measurement is called FEV1. In addition to airway changes,
increased effort to breathe may lead to retention of carbon dioxide (GOLD,
COPD is a chronic, progressive disease that is characterized by periods of
worsening symptoms, or exacerbations. Exacerbations may be triggered by
infection, pollutants, or exposure to respiratory irritants. Patients experience
more severe symptoms during an exacerbation and may require hospitalization.
All patients who complain of shortness of breath, chronic cough, or sputum
production should be evaluated for COPD, regardless of risk factor exposure. A
cough productive of sputum is seen in up to one third of patients (GOLD, 2017).
The patient will undergo testing via spirometry to determine the extent of airflow
limitation. Criteria for severity of airflow limitation in COPD may be classified
as mild, moderate, severe, or very severe according to spirometry criteria defined
by the GOLD (2017).
COPD often presents as one part of a complex patient health picture. Up to
40% of patients diagnosed with COPD may also be affected by heart disease
(Grindrod, 2015). Other associated conditions include diabetes, hypertension,
osteoporosis, and depression.
Medical management of COPD often involves the use of inhaled medications.
A combination of long- and short-acting inhalers may be used to optimize
therapy. Patients require significant instruction to ensure proper use of inhaled
medications and individual administration technique should be assessed before
changing medication or assuming a therapy is not effective (GOLD, 2017).
Clinical Aspects
The nurse should suspect COPD in patients who present with complaints of
progressive dyspnea, cough, and mucus production. Dyspnea is thought to be a
better predictor of mortality than FEV and should be assessed during each
encounter. It is recommended that facilities adopt a dyspnea or breathlessness
rating scale to ensure consistency among assessments (Miller, Owens, &
Silverman, 2015). Assess for risk factors, including cigarette smoking, exposure
to secondhand cigarette smoke, or occupational exposure. Other diseases that
mimic the symptoms of COPD include tuberculosis, asthma, congestive heart
failure, and interstitial lung disease.
Physical assessment findings may include the following:
Use of accessory muscles
Changes in chest shape
Cyanosis due to impaired arterial oxygenation
Clubbing of the fingers
Crackles or wheezes upon auscultation
Cough productive of sputum
Weight loss or signs of malnutrition
Nursing management of the patient with COPD includes frequent observations
of physiologic and mental status. Changes in respiratory function may be
reflected via pulse oximetry, laboratory results (i.e., arterial blood gas), and
mental status assessment. The nurse must recognize changes in status and
consider indications of impending or actual respiratory failure or worsening
Patients with COPD are likely to experience imbalanced nutrition due to high
calorie expenditure caused by systemic inflammation and increased work of
breathing (Hodson, 2016).
Nursing-related problems and the patient-specific plan of care should include
consideration of oxygen imbalance, inadequate respiration, altered nutrition,
activity intolerance, and risk for infection.
Nursing interventions include vital sign monitoring with frequent monitoring
of oxygenation, administration of oxygen as ordered, assessment of dyspnea and
signs of respiratory distress, medication management with oral or inhaled
medications and oral or intravenous antibiotics, and education of the patient and
significant other(s). Initiate appropriate nutritional screening and obtain
consultation as indicated. Discharge planning includes anticipation of use of
oxygen at home, need for assistive devices, and identification of challenges in
obtaining or paying for medications.
Expected outcomes for any patient with COPD include activity tolerance,
maintenance of adequate oxygenation, adequate nutrition, and adherence to
prescribed medication regimen.
Following an exacerbation, expected outcomes include increased tolerance of
activity, stable vital signs, absence of signs and symptoms of active infection,
decreased sputum production, and a return to baseline oxygen requirements.
Research has demonstrated that patients who receive the influenza vaccine
experience a significant reduction in the number of COPD exacerbations when
compared to those who do not receive the vaccine (GOLD, 2017). Evidence of
the effectiveness of the pneumococcal vaccine is limited but it remains
recommended for all patients aged 65 years and older (GOLD, 2017).
COPD is a preventable and treatable disease that often exists as a comorbidity
with other diseases. Effective management of COPD includes medication,
nutrition, preservation of physical function, and infection prevention. Assess for
smoking during every patient encounter and encourage smoking cessation in
those who actively smoke. Cessation of smoking is beneficial and may slow
progression of the disease.
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. (2017). Global initiative for chronic obstructive
lung disease—Global strategy for the diagnosis, management and prevention of COPD. Retrieved from
Hodson, M. (2016). Integrating nutrition into pathways for patients with COPD. British Journal of
Community Nursing, 21(11), 548–552. doi:10.12968/bjcn.2016.21.11.548
Miller, S., Owens, L., & Silverman, E. (2015). Physical examination of the adult patient with chronic
respiratory disease. MedSurg Nursing, 24(3), 195–198.
Visnja Maria Masina
Crina V. Floruta
Colorectal cancer is the most common type of gastrointestinal cancer. Colorectal
cancer is defined as the presence of a malignant mass of cells affecting the tissue
of the large bowel (colon) or rectum. The etiology of colorectal cancer is
multifactorial, involving genetic, environmental, and inflammatory factors that
incite a sporadic genetic mutation in the gland cells of the epithelial lining of the
affected tissue. These sporadic mutations of the colorectal tissue may result in
dysregulated growth that can produce a malignant growth or tumor. Nurses play
a key in role in helping patients understand their risk for colorectal cancer,
strategies to minimize their risk and to detect early stages of the colorectal
cancer, which is curable.
Colorectal cancer is considered a disease of Western society; the incidence is
relatively high in industrialized countries and low in less developed countries,
such as those in Africa and Asia. In the United States, colorectal cancer is the
third most common cause of cancer deaths following lung, prostate, and breast
cancer in both men and women. The epidemiologic pattern of colorectal cancer
suggests that diet and environmental factors play a major role in the
pathogenesis of colorectal cancer (American Cancer Society [ACS], 2017).
Mortality rates have declined steadily in the past three decades, likely due to
more effective screening programs and improvements in available treatment
modalities. Trends in the declining incidence differ by age; however, for
unknown reasons since 1992 there has been a 1.8% increase in the incidence of
colorectal cancer in adults younger than age 50 years (ACS, 2017). In the United
States, an estimated 95,520 new cases of colon cancer and 39,910 new cases of
rectal cancer are expected to be diagnosed in 2017 (ACS, 2017).
The risk of colorectal cancer increases with age. Colorectal cancer occurs less
frequently before age 40 years; 90% of cases occur after 50 years of age. The
lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer in the United States is
approximately 5%. In addition to living in a Western society, risk factors for
colorectal cancer include hereditary conditions such as familial adenomatous
polyposis (FAP), inherited genetic conditions such as Lynch syndrome also
known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome (HNPCC),
ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s colitis (more than 10 years), personal or family
history of colon polyps or cancer, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Modifiable
factors that increase risk for colorectal cancer include obesity, physical
inactivity, long-term smoking, high consumption of red or processed meat, low
calcium intake, moderate to heavy alcohol consumption, and very low intake of
fruits and vegetables (ACS, 2017).
With early detection, colorectal cancer is a preventable and highly curable
disease. Early-stage colorectal cancer is typically asymptomatic, making
screening necessary to detect disease early. Whatever the causative factors, most
colorectal cancers and adenocarcinomas in particular, thought to develop from
adenomatous or serrated polyps. Although not all polyps progress to cancer, the
evidence supports that most colorectal cancers arise from polyps. It is widely
accepted that colorectal cancer-related morbidity and mortality can be reduced
through early detection, removal of small polyps, and treatment of early-stage
disease. National organizations, including the American Cancer Society (ACS),
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), the National
Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), and American College of
Gastroenterology (ACG) have established screening guidelines for average and
increased-risk individuals. Routine screening for colorectal cancer and
adenomatous polyps is recommended for asymptomatic adults aged 50 years and
older. However, the individual’s age and history should inform the frequency and
mode of screening for colorectal cancer. Of all the screening methods for
colorectal cancer, colonoscopy is considered the gold-standard screening
Clinical Aspects
Colon and rectal cancers are frequently conjoined but each tissue has distinct
patterns of presentation, staging, and management of affected malignant tissue.
Colon cancer can be categorized as right-sided or left-sided lesions. Abdominal
pain, palpation of a mass on the right side, change in bowel habits, anemia, and
weight loss are symptoms of ascending (right-sided) colon cancer. Pain, change
in bowel habits, hematochezia, and bowel obstruction are symptoms
characteristic to descending or left-sided colon cancer.
The evaluation of colon cancer includes complete history and physical
examination; colonoscopy; laboratory studies, including complete blood count
(CBC) to evaluate for anemia, basic metabolic panel (BMP) and liver function
testing; and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), which has been found to provide
some prognostic information and is used during surveillance. The tumor, node,
and metastasis framework is used for staging colorectal cancer. Initial staging is
done through radiographic imaging such as CT scans of chest, abdomen, and
pelvis. MRI of the liver or PET scans are reserved for when metastatic lesions
are suspected. Treatment options for colorectal cancer are dependent on the stage
at diagnosis. Early-stage colorectal cancer is treated surgically; the majority of
stage I and II cancers are curable by surgical resection. A combination of
surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are used to manage stage III and IV
diseases. Patients are followed at regular intervals up to 5 years from the
diagnosis to monitor recuperation and detect any evidence of recurrent disease.
Symptoms of rectal cancer include bright red blood mixed in stool, rectal
bleeding, and change in bowel habits and or shape of stool, tenesmus, fatigue,
anemia, and unintentional weight loss. Timely evaluation of symptoms is
essential. In addition to the evaluation for colon cancer, patients with suspected
rectal cancer undergo MRI of the pelvis for locoregional staging and a flexible or
rigid proctoscopy to verify the location of the tumor in relation to the anal verge.
Locally advanced rectal cancers (stage II and III) are treated through a
multidisciplinary treatment approach consisting of neoadjuvant chemoradiation
therapy, followed by surgical resection, and adjuvant chemotherapy.
Nurses play an important role in educating the public in recognizing early signs
of colorectal cancer and following recommended screening guidelines. Nurses
play an integral role in supporting and educating patients with colorectal cancer
by being knowledgeable regarding risk factors, signs and symptoms, disease
course, and current and emerging therapies. Timely patient–family education
may minimize anxiety and promote compliance and self-management.
For patients undergoing surgical resection in whom formation of a stoma is
possible, consultation with a wound ostomy and continence (WOC) nurse is
beneficial. Choosing an appropriate stoma site, teaching stoma care, and
counseling about living with a stoma makes the postoperative course smoother
with less complications. Topics discussed at this initial visit include anatomy;
stoma function and appearance; emptying and changing of the pouch system;
obtaining supplies; and activities of daily living, including bathing/showering,
diet, clothing, and sexuality (Mahoney, 2016).
Prevention and early detection are key to curing colorectal cancers. Nurses play
a fundamental role in educating and supporting patients about a sensitive topic
and helping individuals understand the importance of screening. If a diagnosis of
cancer is made, the nurse plays a pivotal role in the patient’s cancer treatment
American Cancer Society. (2017). Cancer facts and figures. Atlanta, GA: Author.
Mahoney, M. (2016). Preoperative preparation of patients undergoing a fecal or urinary diversion. In J.
Carmel, J. Colwell, & M. Goldberg (Eds.), Wound, ostomy and continence nurses society core
curriculum: Ostomy management (pp. 99–112). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
Kate Cook
Mary T. Quinn Griffin
Coronary artery disease (CAD), defined clinically as a blockage or narrowing of
the coronary vessels that impedes blood flow, is a common form of
cardiovascular disease in adults. The disease continues to be a leading cause of
death in the United States, claiming 385,000 lives annually (Ramos, 2014). CAD
is the number one cause of death across ethnic groups in both developed and
developing countries worldwide; thus it is considered a global crisis (Assimes &
Roberts, 2016). There are a number of modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors
that identify patients at greatest risk for developing CAD. Initial nursing efforts
must focus on accurate assessment of risk stratification and alteration of all
modifiable risk factors identified. Patient management varies as a patient’s
disease progresses, and is depending on related clinical manifestations.
The obstruction in blood flow associated with CAD is due to atherosclerosis,
which occurs when fatty substances build up over time, forming a plaque that
hardens the walls of the arterial blood vessels. Atherosclerosis begins when the
innermost layer of the arterial vessels, the endothelium, is repeatedly subjected
to injury. In response to this damage within the vessels, inflammatory processes
occur, which, in turn, change the structure and biochemistry of the arterial walls.
Macrophages are produced and transport lipids inside the walls of the arteries.
Smooth muscle migrates into the areas of fatty accumulation, forming a plaque
that may protrude into the vessel opening. Depending on the thickness of the
plaque, this protrusion may be enough to restrict blood flow, causing ischemia.
Plaques on the vessel walls are vulnerable to rupture, which can result in the
sudden formation of a thrombus. A thrombus in a coronary vessel leads to
obstruction of blood flow, and the potential for complications such as acute
coronary syndrome or a myocardial infarction.
A variety of risk factors may, in combination, inflict the initial injury to the
walls of the coronary vessels. Modifiable risk factors include elevated serum
lipid levels, tobacco use, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, sedentary
lifestyle, and stress. Nonmodifiable risks associated with CAD include age,
family history of CAD, ethnicity, and gender. African Americans have a higher
incidence of CAD than other racial groups. In terms of gender, males tend to
have a higher likelihood of developing CAD at an earlier age when compared to
females. Recent evidence suggests that the presence of high blood pressure,
obesity, and high cholesterol have a similar effect on CAD-related outcomes in
men and women. Prolonged tobacco use, however, is more hazardous to women.
Women who have a history of specific pregnancy complications (such as
preeclampsia or gestational diabetes), polycystic ovary disease, or early-onset
menopause are at higher risk for morbidity and mortality related to CAD.
Patient teaching focuses on educating patients regarding prevention and
management of modifiable risk factors. Collaborative management of patients
with CAD varies greatly depending on physical manifestations and disease
severity. Common interventions include pain management, pharmacological
therapy, percutaneous coronary intervention (stenting), and coronary artery
bypass graft.
Clinical Aspects
In the absence of physical symptoms, such as angina pectoris, clinicians must
rely on an accurate health history, risk assessment tools, and the observance of
unexpected findings in the physical assessment to detect CAD. A threegeneration family history and information related to age of onset of any known
cases of CAD is useful in determining a patient’s heritable risk (Assimes &
Roberts, 2016). For patients who have not been diagnosed, risk factor
assessment is a critical component of identifying patients at greatest risk. The
American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association
recommend use of the Pooled Cohort Equations risk assessment scale to estimate
the 10-year risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in patients (Goff et al.,
2014). This scale uses an algorithm based on an individual’s gender, age, race,
total cholesterol laboratory values, along with history of hypertension, smoking,
and diabetes to determine an individual’s risk classification. The scale has been
validated for use in both White and African American men and women.
A thorough physical assessment should be performed. Cardiovascular
assessment related to decreased coronary perfusion, such as accurate blood
pressure measurement in both arms, ankle–brachial index, heart rate, respiratory
rate, pulse oximetry, capillary refill, and the quality and rhythm of bilateral
pulses should be performed. Neck veins should be examined for distention, and
the heart and lungs should be auscultated for adventitious sounds, indicative of
fluid volume excess. The skin and mucous membranes should be assessed for
color, temperature, and the presence of moisture.
Various laboratory tests are useful in determining a patient’s risk for
development of CAD. A fasting lipid profile (total cholesterol, low- and highdensity lipoproteins, and triglycerides) is often performed to establish a baseline
for patients. The information gained from this profile can be used to
preventatively treat patients without CAD who are known to be at risk or to
proactively treat patients diagnosed with CAD and reduce the chances of
progression. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a measure of the level of inflammation
in the body, and is considered a marker for cardiovascular risk. Elevated brain
natriuretic peptide (BNP) and homocysteine levels are biomarkers associated
with an increased risk for CAD and may be used as part of the diagnostic
evaluation. Patients diagnosed with metabolic syndrome for diabetes are
inherently at higher risk for cardiac disease. Therefore, fasting plasma glucose
and hemoglobin A1c are also common diagnostic screenings.
There are several noninvasive imaging studies commonly associated with the
detection of CAD. Exercise (for patients physically able to exercise) or
pharmacological (if exercise is contraindicated) stress tests are often performed
to determine the presence of ischemia (Ramos, 2014). If patients are
asymptomatic but have a significant family history of CAD or a diagnosis of
diabetes mellitus, a nuclear stress test may be useful in detecting disease. CT
angiograms (CTAs) have the ability to visualize the coronary arteries and are a
noninvasive method to detect the presence and severity of plaque in the vessel
walls (Ramos, 2014).
Nursing interventions, such as education, support, and behavioral counseling,
have been proven effective in assisting patients diagnosed with or at risk for
developing CAD. These interventions, however, can involve a costly and timeconsuming process, and there is some debate regarding the proper methods for
going about these interventions (Saffi, Polanczyk, & Rabelo-Silva, 2014).
Behavioral counseling and education should be focused on modifiable risk
factors that are placing patients at greater risk. Nurses can connect patients with
community resources, such as weight management, exercise, and smoking
cessation programs, which provide individuals with education, support, and
accountability (Lachman et al., 2015).
Advances in treatment and cardioprotective medications have led to a recent
decline in hospitalizations and mortality for patients with ischemic disease.
Adherence to these medication regimens is critical for control of CAD-related
symptoms; therefore, medication nonadherence could be considered a
modifiable risk factor for complications (Lourenço et al., 2014). Nurseconducted interventions for outpatients aimed at reinforcing the importance of
prescribed treatments and identifying individual barriers to adherence to
protocols appear to promote positive health behavior changes in clients.
Expected outcomes related to CAD vary depending on the clinical
manifestations of the disease, as well as each patient’s genetic risk and
adherence to treatment protocols. Recent studies have shown that for patients at
high genetic risk, management of modifiable risk factors is associated with a
50% lower risk of CAD (Khera et al., 2016). Therefore, nursing goals should
focus on adherence to prescribed treatment and modification of risk factors in
order to prevent disease progression and limit complications.
CAD is a broad term used to describe conditions that lead to blocked blood flow
within the vessels that supply blood, oxygen, and nutrition to the heart. Patients
diagnosed and treated for CAD are at high risk for reoccurrence and mortality.
Genetic and modifiable lifestyle factors have long since been associated with
susceptibility to this disease. Most recent, human genome studies based on an
individual’s genetic makeup have the potential ability to determine persons at
highest risk for developing CAD as well as individuals who will best respond to
therapy (Assimes & Roberts, 2016). Early identification and treatment of
patients with CAD will lead to an increased quality of life for these patients
coupled with decreased morbidity and mortality in this patient population.
Assimes, T. L., & Roberts, R. (2016). Genetics: Implications for prevention and management of coronary
artery disease. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 68(25), 2797–2818.
Goff, D. C., Jr., Lloyd-Jones, D. M., Bennett, G., Coady, S., D’Agostino, R. B., Gibbons, R., . . . Tomaselli,
G. F. (2014). 2013 ACC/AHA guideline on the assessment of cardiovascular risk: A report of the
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines
[published correction appears in Circulation, 129(Suppl. 2), S74–S75]. Circulation, 129(Suppl. 2), S49–
S73. doi:10.1161/01.cir.0000437741.48606.98
Khera, A. V., Emdin, C. A., Drake, I., Natarajan, P., Bick, A. G., Cook, N. R., . . . Kathiresan, S. (2016).
Genetic risk, adherence to a healthy lifestyle, and coronary disease. New England Journal of Medicine,
375(24), 2349–2358. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1605086
Lachman, S., Minneboo, M., Snaterse, M., Jorstad, H. T., Ter Reit, G., Scholte Op Reimer, W. J.; Response
2 Study Group. (2015). Community-based comprehensive lifestyle programs in patients with coronary
artery disease: Objectives, design and expected results of Randomized Evaluation of Secondary
Prevention by Outpatient Nurse Specialists 2 trial (RESPONSE 2). American Heart Journal, 170(2),
216–222. doi:10.1016/j.ahj.2015.05.010
Lourenço, L. B., Rodrigues, R. C., Ciol, M. A., São-João, T. M., Cornélio, M. E., Dantas, R. A., & Gallani,
M. C. (2014). A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of planning strategies in the adherence
to medication for coronary artery disease. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(7), 1616–1628.
Ramos, L. M. (2014). Cardiac diagnostic testing: What bedside nurses need to know. Critical Care Nurse,
34(3), 16–27; quiz 28. doi:10.4037/ccn2014361
Saffi, M. A., Polanczyk, C. A., & Rabelo-Silva, E. R. (2014). Lifestyle interventions reduce cardiovascular
risk in patients with coronary artery disease: A randomized clinical trial. European Journal of
Cardiovascular Nursing, 13(5), 436–443. doi:10.1177/1474515113505396
Yolanda Flenoury
Jane F. Marek
The adrenal glands are an important part of the endocrine system and produce
and secrete glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and androgens. Cortisol,
sometimes referred to as the stress hormone, is an adrenal glucocorticoid
hormone regulated by the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis. Cortisol
is essential to homeostasis and regulates the body’s physiologic response to
stress, including maintaining blood glucose levels, immune response, blood
pressure, and protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism. In 1912, Harvey W.
Cushing identified the relationship between certain physical characteristics and a
tumor in the pituitary gland, which became known as Cushing disease. Cushing
syndrome, characterized by excess cortisol levels, refers to patients with the
classic signs and symptoms described by Cushing, but the cause of the excess
cortisol is not restricted to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-secreting
pituitary tumors.
Cushing syndrome is estimated to affect 10 to 15 million people annually in the
United States. The disease is more common in women than men and the median
age at diagnosis is approximately 41 years (Lacroix, Feelders, Stratakis, &
Nieman, 2015). Patients with active untreated Cushing syndrome have a
mortality rate 1.7 to 4.8 times higher than the general population (Neiman et al.,
2015). Most of the cases of Cushing syndrome are caused by the use of
exogenous glucocorticoids, such as prednisone, used to treat other medical
conditions. The majority of cases unrelated to steroid use are a result of ACTHsecreting pituitary adenomas. Less common causes of Cushing syndrome are
adrenal tumors responsible for the excess release of cortisol, ectopic ACTHsecreting tumors associated with certain malignancies, and family history
(Neiman et al., 2015).
Clinical manifestations of Cushing syndrome vary depending on the cause and
duration of the excess cortisol levels. The typical manifestations of Cushing
syndrome include central obesity with thin arms and legs, rounded or “moon”
face, excess fat behind the neck and upper back, and weight gain (Quinn, 2016).
Other manifestations include fatigue, mood swings, depression, increased thirst
and urine output, amenorrhea, acanthosis on the neck, ruddy complexion, acne,
thin skin that is easily bruised, hirsutism, and prominent purple striae on the
abdomen, breasts, hips, and axilla (Urrets-Zavalía et al., 2016). On physical
examination, patients with Cushing syndrome often have elevated blood
pressure, muscle atrophy, and muscle weakness.
Diagnosis is based on the patient’s history, presenting symptoms, laboratory
tests, and imaging. No single laboratory test is specific for Cushing syndrome.
The three laboratory tests recommended by the Endocrine Society are the 24hour urine-free cortisol, late-night salivary cortisol, and the low-dose
dexamethasone suppression test (Lacroix et al., 2016). The late-night salivary
cortisol level is commonly used for initial screening and can be done at home by
the patient at bedtime. Other tests to aid in diagnosis include midnight plasma
cortisol levels, corticotropin-releasing hormone stimulation test, and a high-dose
dexamethasone suppression test. Once the diagnosis of Cushing syndrome has
been established, serum testing of morning ACTH levels is performed to
differentiate between Cushing disease and ectopic ACTH syndrome. CT scans
and/or MRI may be used to identify the location of the tumor causing the
increased cortisol levels (Raff & Carroll, 2015).
Treatment for patients with Cushing syndrome depends on the etiology.
Patients with Cushing syndrome related to steroid use who cannot be treated
with other medications will generally have the dose reduced to diminish Cushing
symptoms, but still treat their primary disease. There are several treatments for
patients with ACTH-secreting pituitary tumors. The goal of surgical intervention
for Cushing syndrome is removal of the tumor on the pituitary or adrenal gland.
Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery (microadenectomy or hypophysectomy)
allows removal of the pituitary tumor without disrupting overall pituitary
functioning (Neiman et al., 2015; Raff & Carroll, 2014). Many patients will
eventually have normal HPA function, but pituitary function may be affected
following extensive surgical resection. Patients who have had unsuccessful
surgeries or who are not surgical candidates may be treated with radiation
(Neiman et al., 2015). Pituitary radiation is effective for only approximately 40%
to 50% of patients; unfortunately it may take months to years for patients to
report an improvement in their symptoms. Medications can be used alone or in
conjunction with surgery and/or radiation to treat Cushing syndrome. Adrenal
enzyme inhibitors used to control excess cortisol production include
ketoconazole (Nizoral), mitotane (Lysodren), amnioglutethimide (Cytadren), and
metyrapone (Metopirone; Neiman et al., 2015).
Clinical Aspects
Excess cortisol levels can cause a wide variety of psychosocial and physiologic
alterations. Patients with Cushing syndrome may have body-image issues related
to skin changes, hirsutism, and weight gain. The nurse should assess patients for
body-image disturbances and be able to provide resources and support and help
patients develop effective coping mechanisms. It is important for the nurse to
monitor for other cortisol-related adverse effects, such as depression, mood
swings, diabetes, hypertension, hypokalemia, deep vein thrombosis, infection,
and osteoporosis. Patients with adverse effects should be provided with
education regarding management and treatment options, as well as referred to
appropriate providers (Neiman et al., 2015). Extremely elevated cortisol levels
impair immunity and increase the risk for opportunistic infections and sepsis.
The nurse should provide education related to age-appropriate vaccines
(influenza, pneumococcal, and herpes zoster) and administer as appropriate
(Neiman et al., 2015).
The primary treatment for Cushing syndrome is surgical intervention. Major
surgical complications following pituitary surgery include diabetes insipidus,
venous thromboembolic events (VTEs), and infection. Postoperatively, the nurse
must monitor the patient for signs of diabetes insipidus, including polyuria,
polydipsia, dehydration, tachycardia, hypotension, hypernatremia, elevated
serum osmolality, and decreased urine osmolality. As patients with Cushing
syndrome are at an increased risk of infection, postoperative care should include
a thorough surgical site assessment and careful monitoring of temperature and
laboratory values for changes related to infection. There is a normal and
expected decrease in ACTH levels following adrenalectomy, which will result in
cortisol levels dropping below normal. It is important to monitor patients for
signs of adrenal insufficiency such as hypoglycemia, hyponatremia,
hyperkalemia, and hypotension. Patients who have had an adrenalectomy will
need to take cortisol replacement therapy for a period after surgery to allow for
recovery of the HPA axis. The nurse should ensure that the patient has a proper
understanding of why and when to take the cortisol replacement to mimic
normal physiological secretion (Neiman et al., 2015; Raff & Carroll, 2104).
Cushing syndrome can cause alterations in coagulation factors, putting
patients at risk for VTE. Nurses should carefully monitor and assess patients for
signs of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). The nurse
should also collaborate with other members of the health care team to ensure that
the patient has appropriate perioperative mechanical and/or pharmacological
DVT prophylaxis. Patients who have had surgery to treat Cushing syndrome are
still at risk for thrombosis up to a year postoperatively. Patients should have
education regarding the symptoms of DVT and PE and the importance of
seeking emergency care if they occur.
Most cases of Cushing syndrome are caused by the use of exogenous steroids.
Whatever the cause, treatment goals include maintaining normal serum cortisol
levels, minimizing adverse effects of steroid use, and avoiding signs of adrenal
insufficiency. Steroid replacement therapy may be indicated following surgical
treatment of Cushing syndrome or following long-term glucocorticoid treatment
until the HPA axis returns to normal. If exogenous steroid treatment is necessary,
the dose should be tapered to the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration
to achieve desired outcomes. If possible, systemic therapy should be avoided. If
the patient’s medical condition makes treatment with corticosteroids
unavoidable, the use of steroid-sparing immunosuppressive agents may be
helpful in minimizing adverse effects. Patients at risk for osteoporosis being
treated with long-term glucocorticoid therapy should be evaluated for treatment
with bisphosphonates. Patients should be taught how to recognize signs of
adverse effects associated with glucocorticoid therapy, including infection, VTE,
osteoporosis, hyperglycemia, ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding, and delayed
wound healing.
Lacroix, A., Feelders, S., Stratakis, C. A., & Nieman, L. K. (2015). Cushing’s syndrome. Lancet,
386(9996), 913–927. doi:10.1016/50140-6736(14)61375-1
Neiman, L. S., Biller, B. M. K., Findling, J. W., Hassan Murad, M., Newell-Price, J., Savage, M. O., &
Tabarin, A. (2015). Treatment of Cushing’s syndrome: An Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 100(8), 2807–2831. doi:10.1210/jc.2015-1818
Quinn, L. (2016). The endocrine system. In H. Craven (Ed.), Core curriculum for medical-surgical nursing
(5th ed., pp. 311–328). Pitman, NJ: Academy of Medical–Surgical Nurses.
Raff, H., & Carroll, T. (2015). Cushing’s syndrome: From physiological principles to diagnosis and clinical
care. Journal of Physiology, 593(3), 493–506. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2014.282871
Urrets-Zavalía, J. A., Espósito, E., Garay, I., Monti, R., Ruiz-Lascano, A., Correa, L., . . . Grzybowski, A.
(2016). The eye and the skin in nonendocrine metabolic disorders. Clinics in Dermatology, 34(2), 166–
182. doi:10.1016/j.clindermatol.2015.12.002
Kelly K. McConnell
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or venous thrombosis in the leg, pelvis, or upper
extremity may result in a venous thromboembolic event (VTE). A DVT occurs
when a thrombus or clot is formed and there is dysregulation of the fibrinolytic
system that prevents the breakdown or reabsorbtion of a thrombosis within the
lumen of a venous blood vessel. Consequently, DVTs can cause an obstruction
of blood flow preventing the delivery of oxygen and vital nutrients to tissues,
and results in ischemic tissue injury or necrosis. Nursing care of the adult with a
DVT is focused on early detection and the implementation of appropriate
nursing interventions to optimize outcomes and decrease further morbidity or
life-threatening complications.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the exact
number of people affected by VTE disease, including DVT, is unknown. As
many as 900,000 Americans annually are likely to be affected by VTE disease; it
is estimated that nearly two thirds of these adults have a detectable DVT (CDC,
2015). For adults who develop DVTs, the risk of recurrence is approximately 7%
despite pharmacotherapy (McNamara, 2017). Venous thromboses are highly
morbid, the 1-month mortality rate is as high as 6% for DVTs although
postmortem studies suggest that this rate is likely to be significantly
underestimated (Behravesh et al., 2017). In addition to the risk for acute
mortality and, despite timely initiation of pharmacotherapy, DVT complications
can lead to persistent chronic disease caused by impaired venous return, known
as postthrombotic syndrome (PTS). Among those who have had a DVT, one half
will have long-term complications, such as swelling, pain, discoloration, and
scaling, in the affected limb after an acute DVT (CDC, 2015).
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) suggests that DVT
is one of the most common preventable causes of hospital deaths (AHRQ, 2016).
The total estimated costs in the United States associated with VTE is between
$13.5 and $69.5 billion, including an estimated cost of $10,000 to treat DVT
plus any additional nonmedical expenses (AHRQ, 2016).
A DVT can occur when a vein’s inner lining is damaged by physical,
chemical, or biological factors. DVTs are primary located in the deep veins of
the lower extremities but can also appear in the pelvis and upper extremities.
Risk factors for DVT include a history of endothelial damage/dysfunction,
venous stasis, and hypercoagulable states also known as Virchow’s triad. Venous
stasis can be caused by immobilization, including individuals on bedrest or who
have recently been traveling for a long period of time or individuals with
polycythemia, which can lead to endothelial injury. Endothelial
damage/dysfunction causes include a history of smoking, hypertension, serious
injuries or major trauma or surgery within the past 4 weeks, inflammation, and
immune responses. Hypercoagulable causes of DVT include active malignancy
(treatment within previous 6 months or palliative therapy), splenectomy, sickle
cell disease, previous proven venous thromboembolism, reduced cardiac output
(congestive heart failure), obesity, advanced age (older than 60 years old
although DVTs can occur in any age), pregnancy and 6 weeks after childbirth,
hormone replacement therapy and oral contraceptives, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic inflammatory disease of the digestive tract,
varicose veins, and indwelling catheters and electrodes in great veins and right
heart (CDC, 2015; National Institutes of Health [NIH], 2011). Approximately
5% to 8% of the U.S. population has one of several genetic risk factors, known
as inherited thrombophilias, which increase the risk for thrombosis (CDC,
2015). Inherited diseases include factor V Leiden-acquired thrombotic disorder,
antiphospholipid antibodies, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, and
thrombocytosis (NIH, 2011). There is also supporting evidence confirming that
individuals with HIV have a higher incidence of clinically detected
thromboembolic disease (NIH, 2011).
Clinical Aspects
Nursing care of the patient with suspected DVT includes a review of the
individual’s history, physical assessment findings, laboratory and diagnostic
findings. When obtaining a health history, risk factors leading to abnormal
clotting should be identified and documented. When assessing an individual for
DVT, it is important to understand that approximately only half of people show
signs and symptoms. The signs and symptoms for DVT include unilateral pain or
tenderness in the leg, which may be felt only when standing or walking, swelling
to the extremity, warmth in the area that is swollen or painful, and redness or
discoloration of the extremity (CDC, 2015). When symptoms develop slowly
and without “classic” clinical symptoms for DVT, conducting a thorough
physical assessment should be done in conjunction with laboratory and
diagnostic tests to diagnose DVT in an effort to prescribe interventions that
reduce the risk for VTE-associated morbidity and mortality.
In addition to physical assessment findings, there are several diagnostic and
laboratory tests that can be used to confirm the diagnosis of DVT. The most
common test for diagnosing DVT is ultrasound. If an ultrasound does not
provide a clear diagnosis, a venography may be ordered. Other tests used to
diagnose DVT include MRI and CT scanning. Laboratory tests may be
recommended to help diagnose DVT. The D-dimer test measures a substance in
the blood that is released when a blood clot dissolves. If there are high levels of
the substance, a blot clot may be present but if the results are normal and there
are few risk factors, DVT is unlikely (CDC, 2015). Additional blood tests may
also be ordered for individuals at risk for an inherited blood clotting disorder,
including those with reoccurring blood clots with unknown etiology or when
blood clots are found in unusual locations (such as the liver, kidney, or brain)
suggesting an inherited clotting disorder (NIH, 2011).
DVT can be treated with systemic and endovascular approaches in an effort to
improve the 5% all-cause mortality within 1 year attributed to VTE (Behravesh
et al., 2017). Anticoagulants, including unfractionated heparin, low-molecularweight heparin, and factor Xa inhibitors can be used to treat DVT. The duration
of anticoagulant therapy is generally 6 months, but can vary depending on the
individual patient.
Thrombin inhibitors may be used for patients unable to tolerate treatment with
heparin. The use of thrombolytics is restricted to life-threatening or emergent
situations due to their high risk for bleeding.
In addition to medications there are other treatments to prevent further
complications from DVT, including a vena cava filter, thrombolysis, and
compression stockings or intermittent pneumatic compression devices (IPCDs).
A vena cava filter is inserted inside the vena cava and catches blood clots before
they travel to the lungs, preventing a pulmonary embolism, but does not stop
new blood clots from forming. Thrombolysis may be performed in severe cases
of DVT when there is a risk for loss of limb. Compression stockings and IPCDs
are used to reduce venous stasis and improve venous return from the lower
extremities. Contraindications should be considered when implementing
mechanical DVT interventions, including conditions that affect the lower
extremities, conditions that compromise lower extremity blood flow, severe
congestive heart failure, thigh circumference that exceeds the limit of the
instructions, and sensitivity to latex (McNamara, 2017).
Nursing care of the patient with DVT should primarily focus on the
prevention of worsening the condition and education related to controllable risk
factors and prescribed pharmacotherapy management, including safe practices
and the risk for bleeding.
Nursing interventions for individuals with DVT include minimizing positions
that compromise blood flow; immobilizing limb and initiating bed rest to reduce
risk of clot mobilization, elevating limb maintaining slight flexion while in bed;
applying graduated compression stockings or IPCDs per protocol; assisting with
progressive ambulation when allowed; applying a warm, moist compress as
scheduled; assessing and reporting worsening signs or symptoms of DVT;
administering analgesics as prescribed for pain and evaluating effectiveness;
administering oxygen as ordered to maintain tissue perfusion; administering
anticoagulants and thrombin inhibitors as ordered to reduce the risk of additional
clotting; and monitoring laboratory values, including prothrombin time
(PT)/international normalized ratio (INR) to assess warfarin (Coumadin) and
activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) to assess heparin effectiveness and
Care of an individual with DVT includes checking for signs of complications,
including pulmonary embolism, decreased tissue perfusion, and excessive
bleeding, which can be life-threatening. Signs and symptoms of bleeding include
obvious signs of bleeding (bruising, petechiae, petechial hemorrhaging in the
sclera, hematuria, epitasis, blood in stool or oral cavity). Nurses should ensure
good hydration to prevent increased blood viscosity; provide education pertinent
to anticoagulation therapy, including dietary restrictions such as vitamin K-rich
foods when taking warfarin (Coumadin) and there is risk for bleeding. For
individuals of child-bearing age, the nurse should discuss contraception choices
as oral contraceptive therapy can increase the risk for DVT.
Individual outcomes are dependent on the management of DVT. The goals for
DVT therapy include stopping blood clots from enlarging, preventing blood clots
from becoming an embolism to the lung, and reducing the recurrence of future
blood clots. In addition to goals of therapy, individuals should be monitored for
common side effects, such as bleeding, from pharmacotherapy to treat DVT.
Individuals undergoing DVT treatment are usually initially hospitalized and then
monitored closely at home by having regular blood tests measuring coagulability
and effectiveness of pharmacotherapy.
DVT can lead to worsening morbidity and mortality rates in individuals who go
untreated. Early detection and management are vital to the outcomes for
individuals with DVT. Nurses play a pivotal role in assessing, monitoring, and
providing care for patients with DVT. Implementing appropriate nursing
interventions can reduce the additional risks associated with DVT. Utilizing
evidence-based nursing practice standards and recommended pharmacologic and
nonpharmacologic measures when caring for individuals with DVT can promote
better outcomes and decrease worsening morbidity and mortality rates.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2016). Executive summary: Preventing hospital acquired
venous thromboembolism: A guide for effective quality improvement. Rockville, MD: Author. Retrieved
Behravesh, S., Hoang, P., Nanda, A., Wallace, A., Sheth, R. A., Deipolyi, A. R., . . . Oklu, R. (2017).
Pathogenesis of thromboembolism and endovascular management. Thrombosis, 3039713, 1–13.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Venous thromboembolism (blood clots). Retrieved
from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dvt/data.html
McNamara, S. A. (2014). Patient safety first: Prevention of venous thromboembolism. AORN Journal,
99(5), 642–647. doi:10.1016/j.aorn.2014.02.001
National Institutes of Health. (2011). What is deep
Danielle M. Diemer
Diabetes insipidus (DI), not to be mistaken with diabetes mellitus, is a rare
disorder that can be debilitating. A hormone called antidiuretic hormone (ADH),
also referred to as vasopressin, helps regulate the kidneys’ fluid balance of water
and sodium. In DI, there is a deficiency, or lack of ADH. Large amounts of
diluted and odorless urine are excreted and patients experience increased thirst
(National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease [NIDDK],
2015). Nursing care for individuals with DI focuses on early recognition of
intake and output to deliver appropriate nursing care and education to both the
patients and their families.
In the United States, three in 100,000 individuals are affected by DI. Most of the
cases of DI develop in childhood or early adulthood (Cumulative Index to
Nursing and Allied Health Literature [CINAHL], 2016).
There are four different types of DI. Neurogenic and nephrogenic are the most
common types. Neurogenic DI (also known as central DI) is caused by a lack of
ADH. This occurs when there is damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland
or in some cases an inherited defected gene. Nephrogenic DI is caused by the
kidneys’ inability to respond to ADH. Certain medications, chronic kidney
disease, or inherited gene changes can cause this type of DI (National Institute of
Health [NIH], 2016). The other two less common forms of DI are dipsogenic
and gestational. In dipsogenic DI (also known as primary polydipsia),
individuals experience excess thirst resulting in increased fluid intake from a
problem with the thirst mechanism. This form of DI is often associated with
psychiatric disorders (Sanjay et al., 2016). Gestational DI can occur during
pregnancy, usually in the third trimester. The abnormality is that the placenta
prohibits the mother’s ADH from working properly (Tritos, 2013).
There are several factors that contribute to an individual’s risk for developing
DI. Medications that interfere with the kidneys’ reabsorption of water can place
an individual at risk. Also adrenal insufficiency, sickle cell anemia, Langerhans
cell histiocytosis, genetic problems, polycystic kidney disease, and increased
levels of calcium in the blood place individuals at risk for DI (CINAHL
Information Systems, 2016).
The most significant complication of DI is dehydration. If the DI is not treated
and becomes severe, seizures, permanent brain damage, or death can occur
(NIDDK, 2015). Other complications include mental status changes, fatigue,
lethargy, tachycardia, hypotension, fever, headaches, decreased body
temperature, hypernatremia, and hypokalemia (CINAHL Information Systems,
2016). Immediate medical attention is needed in individuals experiencing
dizziness, confusion, or sluggishness (NIDDK, 2015).
Treatment is aimed at determining the underlying cause or the type of DI. This
initial treatment and management may require hospitalization. Once treated,
there are usually no severe problems or issues with early death (NIH, 2016).
Clinical Aspects
It is important for nurses to obtain a thorough medical and family history. The
documentation of the individual’s physical assessment and laboratory data are
also important. During the history, it is important for the nurse to ask what home
medications the patient is taking. Lithium is an example of a medication to be
aware of that can cause DI. Other questions to ask the individuals are whether
they are experiencing symptoms of polydipsia, polyuria, or nocturia. Inquiring
about a family history of DI is also an important question for the nurse to ask
(NIH, 2016).
During the physical assessment, the nurse should focus on looking for signs of
dehydration (NIDDK, 2015). Other assessment findings of DI include increased
urine output (regardless of intake), water cravings, and possibly fevers (CINAHL
Information Systems, 2016). Laboratory tests that can be ordered include
urinalysis; 24-hour urine, serum and urine osmolality/osmolality; and fluid
deprivation test. A CT scan or MRI could also be ordered (CINAHL Information
Systems, 2016).
Nursing care of an individual with DI should focus on preventing severe
hydration. Some nursing-related problems include fluid volume deficit, sleep
disturbances, activity intolerance/fatigue, anxiety, and patient/family knowledge
deficit (Vera, 2012).
The expected outcomes of evidence-based nursing care focus on keeping the
symptoms under control and preventing dehydration from progressing to severe
dehydration. Nursing monitoring of intake/output is a key element to determine
the reduction of progression of the disorder during treatment.
Individuals diagnosed with DI may initially need to be hospitalized. A thorough
medical/family history and assessment can help with the early diagnosis of DI.
Once the type of DI is determined, then treatment will help with preventing any
long-term complications.
CINAHL Information Systems. (2016). Quick lessons: Diabetes insipidus. Glendale, CA: Author.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease. (2015). Diabetes insipidus. Washington
DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from http://www.niddk.nih.gov/healthinformation/health-topics/kidney-disease/diabetes-insipidus/pages/facts.aspx
Sanjay, K., Abdual Hamid, Z., Sunil, M. J., Bipid, S., Subhanker, C., Awadhesh Kumar, S., . . . Harshad, M.
(2016). Diabetes insipidus. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 20(1), 9–21.
Tritos, N. (2013, July). Diabetes insipidus. In A. Klibanski & J. Schlechte (Eds.), Fact sheet: Diabetes
insipidus (pp. 1–2). Retrieved from http://www.hormone.org/questions-and-answers/2013/diabetesinsipidus
Vera, M. (2012). 3 Diabetes insipidus nursing care plans. Retrieved from http://nurselabs.com/diabetesinsipidus-nursing-care-plans
Mary Beth Modic
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a serious, complex, and progressive disease. DM
refers to a group of metabolic diseases in which the pancreas does not produce
insulin or the body cannot effectively use the insulin that is made. This results in
high blood glucose levels that are strongly associated with macrovascular
complications (e.g., coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease,
cerebrovascular) and microvascular complications (e.g., retinopathy,
nephropathy, and neuropathy).
There are several different types of DM, most notably type 1, type 2, and
gestational (American Diabetes Association, 2016a). Type 1 DM (T1DM) occurs
when the beta cells of the pancreas are compromised by autoimmune insults.
Individuals with T1DM do not have functional beta cells that produce insulin,
resulting in their need for exogenous replacement of insulin. Type 2 DM
(T2DM) occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin due to the metabolic
alterations that occur with obesity. Similar to individuals with T1DM, the beta
cells of individuals with T2DM or heightened states of insulin, resistance
eventually lose their secretory function, and exogenous insulin supplementation
is required. By the time a person is diagnosed with T2DM, it is estimated that
there is a 50% decline in beta cell function (Petznick, 2011). There are other
types of DM that occur as a result of pregnancy, malnutrition, genetic disorders,
surgery, and medications. However, these other subtypes of DM occur in 1% to
5% of the population.
Therefore, this entry focuses on the nursing care for individuals with T1DM
and T2DM. Although all DM care should be customized to the individual and
context, nursing care for patients with DM is typically directed at normalizing
blood glucose, promoting effective self-management practices, and assisting
them to live a normal life (Schreiner, 2016).
DM affects 23.6 million Americans and 422 million people worldwide, with 5%
of those diagnosed with T1DM and 90% with T2DM (Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention [CDC], 2014). The cost of diabetes in the United States
is estimated at $245 billion—$176 billion attributed to medical expenditures and
$69 billion to lost work and wages (CDC, 2014). African Americans, Hispanics,
and Native Americans are at greater risk of developing T2DM than Caucasians.
Complications of diabetes include heart disease, dyslipidemia, stroke, renal
failure, blindness, and amputations. Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of
death but is often underreported on death certificates (CDC, 2014). Diabetes is a
significant public health concern as Americans grow older, consume more
calorically dense foods, become more sedentary, and obese.
There are three laboratory studies that are used to diagnose diabetes. A fasting
blood glucose of 126 mg/dL (7 mmol/L) or greater on two separate occasions
constitutes a diagnosis of diabetes, blood glucose values between 100 and 125
mg/dL identify a person with prediabetes, and a test result less than 100 mg/dL is
normal. A second diagnostic test is an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) that
requires the individual to fast for 8 hours and drink 75 g of glucose. The
individual’s blood is drawn at 1 hour and 2 hours postingestion of the glucose. A
glucose value of 200 mg/dL or greater at the 2-hour interval results in a
diagnosis of diabetes. A glycated hemoglobin test also known as A1c measures
the average glucose value in the blood for the previous 2 to 3 months. A test
result of greater than 6.5%, which is equivalent to a glucose value of 140 mg/dL,
also provides a diagnosis of diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2016b).
Clinical Aspects
A diagnosis of DM may be acute, in the case of T1DM, when a child is brought
to the health care provider because of polyuria (excessive urination), polydipsia
(excessive thirst), polyphagia (excessive hunger), and weight loss. Parents or
caregivers have noted very wet diapers, excessive trips to the bathroom as well
as extreme thirst, hunger and weight loss in their child. In the case of T2DM,
many of the complications associated with diabetes are already present when a
diagnosis of diabetes is rendered.
In addition to gathering an accurate past medical history of the person’s type
and duration of DM and performing a physical assessment, it is essential that the
individual’s perception of success in performing daily diabetes self-care
activities be explored. Physical activity, dietary practices, frequency of blood
glucose monitoring, medication adherence, presence and degree of stress, and
sleep patterns should be examined (Meece, 2015). Frequency and severity of
hypoglycemic events, if the individual is prescribed insulin, should be reviewed
as persons with T1DM typically experience two symptomatic hypoglycemic
events a week and one severe episode per year (Hanefield, Duetting, &
Bramlage, 2013).
Nursing care of the adult with DM is directed at normalizing blood glucose
levels, preventing hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia crises, and assessing the
individual’s ability to safely manage his or her diabetes.
Individuals with DM may present to the emergency department in
hyperglycemic crisis. There are two conditions that warrant hospitalization:
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome
(HHS). DKA is most common in individuals with T1DM and is a state of
absolute insulin deficiency. Dehydration, accumulation of ketone bodies, and
metabolic abnormalities are also present in DKA. When the body does not have
enough insulin to get glucose into the cells, the cells use fat to provide fuel. The
breakdown of fat produces fatty acids and ketones that build up in the
bloodstream. The individual will present with complaints of nausea, polyuria,
polydipsia, weakness, and fatigue. The kidneys work to get rid of the ketones
and the glucose, which leads to ketonuria (ketone bodies in the urine) and
glycosuria (glucose in the urine). Laboratory results that indicate severe DKA
include glucose (greater than 250 mg/dL), pH (greater than 7.00), bicarbonate
(greater than 18 mEq/L), anion gap (greater than 12), and presence of serum and
urine ketones. The anion gap is a calculated laboratory value that identifies the
cause of metabolic acidosis. Treatment for DKA includes fluid resuscitation,
insulin therapy, correction of other metabolic derangements, and investigation of
the precipitating cause.
HHS is a condition in which a person, often elderly with T2DM, presents with
significant hyperglycemia, hyperosmolality, and dehydration. (Pasquel &
Umpierrez, 2014). Laboratory results that indicate HHS include glucose (greater
than 600 mg/dL), serum osmolality (320 mOsm/kg), pH (greater than 7.30),
bicarbonate (greater than 15 mEq/L), anion gap (variable), and small amounts of
serum and urine ketones. Treatment is focused on fluid replacement, and
normalizing glucose, osmolality, and electrolytes. Underlying infections are the
primary precipitators of HHS with 40% to 60% being caused by pneumonia and
5% to 16% produced by urinary tract infections (Pasquel & Umpierrez, 2014).
Hypoglycemia can be a life-threatening event. It results from too little food,
too much exercise, alcohol consumption, an unusual eating pattern, or too much
insulin. The glucose threshold alert value for hypoglycemia is 70 mg/dL and a
clinically significant hypoglycemic event is defined at 54 mg/dL (American
Diabetes Association, 2016b). The severity of the event is not determined by the
glucose value, but rather by the severity of the symptoms. As the glucose begins
to drop, individuals begin to feel anxious, irritable, and tachycardiac. In response
to hypoglycemia, glucagon, a counter-regulatory hormone is released. If the
hypoglycemic event is not attended too quickly, the glucose will continue to drop
and the individual can lose consciousness, seize, become comatose, and die as a
result of glucose deprivation to the brain.
Depression is a common comorbid condition in individuals with diabetes,
affecting 15% to 20% of people with diabetes overall (Friis, Consedine &
Johnson, 2015). Individuals who suffer with depression have greater difficulty in
following their prescribed medical regimen. Feelings of fatigue, lack of appetite,
and feelings of hopelessness can impede a person’s ability to perform the
requisite self-management practices that must be performed daily to achieve
metabolic control.
Priority nursing interventions for the patient with diabetes include monitoring
of blood glucose, preventing glucose excursions (hyper and hypoglycemia),
coordinating insulin administration with blood glucose monitoring and meal
consumption, trending and interpreting glucose results, and supporting the
individual in successful diabetes self-care practices.
The expected outcomes of evidence-based nursing care are directed at
optimizing glucose control. Effective diabetes management requires that the
individual living with diabetes is recognized as the expert on his or her life.
Nurses and other health care team members need to be vigilant to the daily
obstacles that can impede a person’s ability to eat healthfully, be physically
active, take diabetes medication as prescribed, monitor blood glucose correctly,
interpret glucose results accurately, and seek out medical attention appropriately.
Referrals to outpatient diabetes self-management education (DSME) programs,
medical nutrition therapy, social work, and case management are warranted
when a person with diabetes is noted to be struggling to follow the self-care
practices that have been recommended and prescribed.
A diagnosis of DM is life-altering. The self-management of DM requires
vigilance and significant behavioral self-regulation to follow the prescribed
regimen. Nurses have an integral role in educating, supporting, and affirming
these individuals to prevent complications and assist them to flourish in living
with diabetes.
American Diabetes Association. (2016a). Classification and diagnosis of diabetes: Section 2. Diabetes
Care, 40(Suppl. 1), S11–S24. doi:10.2337/dc17-S005
American Diabetes Association. (2016b). Classification and diagnosis of diabetes: Section 6. Diabetes
Care, 40(Suppl. 1), S48–S56. doi:10.2337/dc17-S009
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). National diabetes statistics report: Estimates of
diabetes and its burden in the United States. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. Retrieved from https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/23442
Friis, A., Consedine, N., & Johnson, M. (2015). Does kindness matter? Diabetes, depression, and selfcompassion: A selective review and research agenda. Diabetes Spectrum, 29(4), 252–257.
Hanefield, M., Duetting, E., & Bramlage, P. (2013). Cardiac implications of hypoglycemia in patients with
diabetes—A systematic review. Cardiovascular Diabetology, 135(12), 1–11. doi:10.1186/1475-248012-135
Meece, J. (2015). Improving adherence through better conversation. AADE in Practice, 3(4), 52–57.
Pasquel, F., & Umpierrez, G. (2014). Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state: A historic review of the clinical
presentation, diagnosis and treatment. Diabetes Care, 37(11), 3124–3131. doi:10.2337/dc14-0984
Petznick, A. (2011). Insulin management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. American Family Physician, 84(2),
Schreiner, B. (2016). Teaching
Rhoda Redulla
Diverticular disease is a very common gastrointestinal (GI) disorder that can
lead to hospitalization; diverticular bleeding is the most common cause of GI
bleeding (Mosadeghi, Bhuket, & Stollman, 2016). Diverticular disease is also
the most common finding during colonoscopy (Mosadeghi et al., 2016).
Diverticular disease includes diverticulosis and diverticulitis. Diverticula are
outpouchings or herniations of the mucosa in the wall of the large intestine.
Diverticulitis is inflammation of diverticula and diverticulosis is the presence of
noninflamed diverticula. The clinical course of diverticular disease is varied.
Many patients have asymptomatic diverticular disease, others may experience
acute complications, such as GI bleeding, fistulae formation, or perforation,
whereas others may have chronic diverticular disease.
Diverticular disease is a common and increasing problem in developed countries
such as the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, and France. Age is a
strong risk factor; the prevalence increases with age. Over 50% of adults older
than 70 years have diverticula and 80% remain asymptomatic; an estimated 20%
of patients with diverticulosis will eventually develop diverticulitis (Strate,
2014). Men and women are equally affected. Diverticular disease accounts for
approximately 814,000 hospitalizations per year in the United States and an
estimated 2.7 million outpatient visits (Feuerstein & Falchuk, 2016).
Lifestyle factors have long been associated with diverticular disease. Diets
low in fiber and lack of fecal bulk were thought to be major contributing factors
to the disease, especially in Western countries. However, there is conflicting
evidence that a high-fiber diet and frequent bowel movements result in a higher
incidence of diverticular disease (Mosadeghi et al., 2016). Low dietary fiber is
thought to increase colonic transit time and decrease the volume of stool, which
in turn increases intraluminal pressure in the colon. Other theories attribute the
formation of diverticula to changes in collagen synthesis in the bowel wall,
abnormal colonic motility, and dysfunction of colonic neurotransmitters
(Mosadeghi et al., 2015). Alterations in connective tissue, known as collaginosis
or herniosos, are thought to be responsible for Saint’s triad, which includes hiatal
hernia, diverticulosis, and cholelithiasis. Chronic, low-grade inflammation is
thought to play a role in patients with mild symptoms (symptomatic
uncomplicated diverticular disease [SUDD]; Mosadeghi et al., 2016). Other
factors contributing to diverticular disease include lack or decrease in physical
activity, genetics, poor bowel habits (ignoring or suppressing the urge to have a
bowel movement), obesity, aspirin, use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
(NSAID) use, steroid use, alcohol consumption, diets high in red meat, and the
effects of aging (Feuerstein & Falchuk, 2016; Mosadeghi et al., 2016).
Diverticula form when increased pressure within the lumen of the large
intestine causes bowel mucosa to form pouches through defects in the colon
wall. Meckel’s diverticulum or true diverticula penetrate through all layers of the
bowel wall, in contrast, pseudodiverticula only involve the mucosa and
submuscosal layers. The circular and longitudinal muscles often thicken or
hypertrophy in the area affected by diverticula. This narrows the bowel lumen,
increasing intraluminal pressure. Contraction of the muscles in response to
normal stimuli, such as meals, may occlude the narrowed lumen, further
increasing intraluminal pressure. Although diverticula can occur anywhere in the
GI tract, they are commonly found in the sigmoid colon, which has the highest
intraluminal pressure in the bowel (Morris, Regenbogen, Hardiman, & Hendren,
2014). The high pressure causes mucosa to herniate through the muscle wall,
forming a diverticulum. Areas where nutrient blood vessels penetrate the circular
muscle layer are the most common sites for diverticula formation. Bleeding can
occur from a rupture in any of the vessels lining a diverticulum. The severity of
bleeding ranges from mild rectal bleeding to hemorrhage, hypotension, and
impending shock. Most episodes of bleeding are self-limiting but endoscopic
evaluation may be warranted for evaluation and treatment (Strate, 2016).
The etiology of diverticulitis is not completely understood. Feces or
undigested food may collect in the outpouchings causing obstruction, distention,
and decreased blood supply. An overgrowth of colonic bacteria may result in
inflammation, localized necrosis of the bowel wall, and microperforation.
Diverticulitis can range from mild to severe; larger perforations may lead to
abscess or fistula formation and peritonitis.
Clinical Aspects
More than two thirds of patients with diverticular disease are asymptomatic.
Symptoms depend on the location, severity of disease, and presence of
inflammation and complications. The most common clinical finding is cramping
left lower quadrant abdominal pain; other symptoms include constipation,
diarrhea, bloating, and painless rectal bleeding (Thompson, 2016). Weakness and
fatigue may also develop as the disease progresses. The clinical presentation of
diverticulitis ranges from no signs of infection to acute peritonitis. Depending on
the location and severity of the inflammation, other symptoms, such as nausea,
vomiting, and a low-grade fever, may occur. The abdomen should be inspected
for masses, distention, and tenderness. The older adult may only report vague
abdominal pain. Diagnosis is made by history and physical examination.
Diagnostic testing includes hemoglobin and hematocrit, white blood cell count,
stool for occult blood, and abdominal x-rays to identify perforation. Upper GI
series or barium enema can be used to locate diverticula, but should not be
performed during periods of acute inflammation.
During assessment, the nurse obtains a health history focusing on the onset
and duration of pain, dietary habits, bowel patterns, presence of rectal bleeding,
usual activity level, and presence of other risk factors. For recurrent episodes,
the diagnosis is usually determined with a focused history and physical
examination by the health care provider (Strate, Peery, & Neumann, 2015).
Applicable nursing diagnoses for the patient with diverticulitis include acute
pain, altered bowel elimination pattern, and deficient knowledge. Nursing
interventions are specific to presenting symptoms and decrease the risk of the
potential complications of perforation, bleeding, and peritonitis. Interventions
for pain management include administration of opioid analgesics to manage
severe pain. The nurse should monitor the patient for signs of infection,
including assessing the temperature every 4 hours; fever more than 38.3°C
(101°F) may indicate increased inflammation or spread of inflammation. The
older adult may present with only a slight temperature elevation or change in
mental status. The nurse also monitors the patient’s vital signs, observing for
signs of bleeding and fluid volume deficit. Monitoring the patient’s fluid volume
status is particularly important for patients presenting with diarrhea. Bowel rest
is usually indicated, especially for the patient with acute diverticulitis. The
patient should be monitored for fluid and electrolyte imbalances; IV fluid and
electrolyte replacement may be indicated. Other nursing interventions include
performing a complete abdominal assessment, monitoring for distention and
tenderness every 4 to 8 hours or more often as indicated. Significant changes,
based on an ongoing assessment, should be promptly reported to the provider.
Evidence on dietary modification, particularly a high-fiber diet to reduce the
risk of complications, remains undefined (Stollman, Smalley, & Hirano, 2015).
Known benefits have been inconsistent. A stool softener may be prescribed but
laxatives are not indicated for the patient with diverticular disease. During acute
exacerbations, laxatives and enemas are contraindicated due to their effects on
intestinal motility.
A priority nursing intervention is to provide patient education on the disease
process, prevention of complications, dietary modifications, and treatment
regimen. The expected outcome for the patient with acute diverticulitis is to
remain free from complications, including abscess formation, fistula, bowel
perforation, peritonitis, and hemorrhage. The patient should also be able to
verbalize knowledge of strategies to prevent further episodes of acute disease
and complications.
Individuals who are overweight or obese are at increased risk for developing
diverticular disease. Smoking may also increase the risk of developing the
condition. Patient education therefore includes the importance of maintaining a
normal weight and avoidance or cessation of smoking (Strate et al., 2015).
No evidence exists to support avoiding intake of nuts and seeds to reduce the
risk for diverticulitis in patients with known diverticulosis. Intake of nuts, corn,
popcorn, and berries is not associated with increased risk for diverticular disease.
Risk reduction strategies include limiting intake of red meat, maintaining a
regular exercise pattern, avoiding the use of NSAIDs, and avoiding activities
that increase intra-abdominal pressure (Strate et al., 2015).
Patients with mild symptoms are usually managed on an ambulatory basis.
Medical treatment for acute diverticulitis includes oral (metronidazole and
ciprofloxacin or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) or intravenous antibiotics and
diet modification. Indications for hospitalization include the presence of
complications (bleeding, fistula formation, peritonitis, dehydration), the inability
to tolerate oral fluids, fever, persistent abdominal pain, the presence of
significant comorbidities, or lack of adequate support at home. Management
strategies include pain management and bowel rest. Intravenous antibiotics have
routinely been administered to patients admitted with acute uncomplicated
diverticulitis. The most recent guidelines recommend the selective, rather than
routine use of IV antibiotics (Peery & Stollman, 2015; Stollman et al., 2015).
This recommended change in practice is based on results indicating no
significant difference in the time to resolution of symptoms, complications,
duration of hospital stay, and risk of recurrence between patients treated with
intravenous (IV) antibiotics versus those treated with IV fluids alone (Peery &
Stollman, 2015). There is growing inclination to withhold antibiotics when there
is no risk for complicated disease (Johnson, 2016; Peery & Stollman, 2015;
Stollman et al., 2015).
Surgical resection of the diseased segment of colon is often indicated if there
is no clinical improvement within 48 hours despite supportive therapy.
Emergency surgery may be indicated for patients with bowel obstruction,
perforation, fistula, abscess, or peritonitis. A colon resection is the most
commonly performed procedure; a temporary or permanent colostomy may be
necessary (Peery & Neumann, 2015). An evolving discussion related to surgical
approach in recurrent diverticulitis is elective surgery. However, there is
insufficient evidence to support the benefits of elective surgery as a treatment for
diverticular disease (Stollman et al., 2015). If creation of an ostomy is a
possibility, a consult with a wound, ostomy, and continence (WOCN) nurse
should be initiated.
Diverticular disease has become increasingly common in recent years. Etiologic
theories and the approach to treatment has also significantly evolved
(Regenbogen, Hardiman, Hendren, & Morris, 2014).
Emerging evidence does not support the theory of a low-fiber diet as a major
causative factor in the etiology of diverticular disease. A high-fiber diet has
recently been linked to an increased risk of diverticulitis. More research is
indicated before a change in practice occurs. Because of the evidence supporting
the role of chronic low-grade inflammation in the etiology of diverticular
disease, more research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of mesalamine for
symptom relief and prevention of diverticulitis (Mosadeghi et al., 2015). The
benefit of probiotics has not been demonstrated, but they may be prescribed
(Feuerstein & Falchuk, 2016). Nursing management includes supportive
measures based on presenting symptoms and patient education to prevent
recurrent episodes. Some cases of uncomplicated diverticulitis may not require
antibiotics. However, in severe diverticulitis, hospitalization is required.
Recurrent disease may also prompt the need for surgery.
Feuerstein, J. D., & Falchuk, K. R. (2016). Diverticulosis and diverticulitis. Mayo Clinic Proceedings,
91(8), 1094–1104. doi:10.1016/j.mayocp.2016.03.012
Johnson, D. (2016). New guidelines on acute diverticulitis: How will they change clinical practice?
Medscape. Retrieved from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/857275
Morris, A. M., Regenbogen, S. E., Hardiman, K. M., & Hendren, S. (2014). Sigmoid diverticulitis: A
systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Association, 311(3), 287–297.
Mosadeghi, S., Bhuket, T., & Stollman, N. (2015). Diverticular disease: Evolving concepts in classification,
presentation, and management. Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, 31(1), 50–55.
Peery, A. F., & Stollman, N. (2015). Antibiotics for acute uncomplicated diverticulitis: Time for a paradigm
change? Gastroenterology, 149(7), 1650–1651. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2015.10.022
Regenbogen, S. E., Hardiman, K. M., Hendren, S., & Morris, A. M. (2014). Surgery for diverticulitis in the
21st century: A systematic review. JAMA Surgery, 149(3), 292–303. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2013.5477
Stollman, N., Smalley, W., & Hirano, I. (2015). American gastroenterological association institute guideline
on the management of acute diverticulitis. Gastroenterology, 149(7), 1944–1949.
Strate, L. L. (2014). Diverticular disease. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
Strate, L. L., Peery, A. F., & Neumann, I. (2015). American Gastroenterological Association Institute
technical review on the management of acute diverticulitis. Gastroenterology, 149(7), 1950–1976.
Thompson, A. E. (2016). Diverticulosis and diverticulitis. Journal of the American Medical Association,
316(10), 1124. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.3592
Courtney G. Donahue
Celeste M. Alfes
Infective endocarditis (IE) is an inflammation of the endocardium, the
endothelial membrane that lines the heart chambers and valves. IE is a
potentially lethal disease that occurs when bacteria or fungi invade the
bloodstream and the endocardial tissue. The epidemiology of IE has become
more complex with the multitude of health care-associated factors that
predispose the patient to infection (Baddour et al., 2015).
IE is an uncommon infectious disease seen in approximately three to seven cases
per 100,000 persons per year and deaths related to endocarditis are estimated to
be one per 100,000 cases per year (Baddour et al., 2015). Although this disease
is relatively rare, IE continues to have increased morbidity and mortality. IE is
now the third or fourth most common life-threatening infection syndrome.
Although the major risk factor for IE, rheumatic fever, has decreased
significantly, the incidence of IE remains high. IE has changed from a disease
primarily of the young, to one of the elderly, related to the fact that individuals
are living longer with chronic heart disease and are having more invasive
medical procedures (Josephson, 2014).
Patients most susceptible to acquiring IE include people who have congenital
heart defects, damaged or artificial heart valves, or implanted medical devices in
the heart or blood vessels. Other risk factors include poor dental hygiene and
intravenous drug users. Furthermore, those undergoing invasive procedures and
surgeries are at higher risk for bloodstream infections that can result in
endocarditis (Josephson, 2014). The most common bacteria associated with IE
are Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococci, and Streptococci organisms. The
incidence of IE caused by S. aureus has increased and is now the most common
causative organism in the industrialized world (Baddour et al., 2015).
Nosocomial infections acquired during a hospital stay contribute to the
incidence of endocarditis. Nosocomial infections are acquired secondary to
procedures, such as a pacemaker implantation, or various catheter insertions.
These infections are more prevalent in men than in women with a ratio of 2:1
(Baddour et al., 2015). Signs and symptoms of IE include but are not limited to
fever, malaise, and fatigue. A heart murmur, weight loss, and coughing are
present in 35% of cases and small, painful petechiae (Osler’s nodes) under the
fingernails or toenails can also be present as well as small dark painless flat spots
on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet (Janeway lesions).
Clinical Aspects
IE is a relatively uncommon condition that presents with a multitude of
noncardiac symptoms, making diagnosis of IE challenging (Josephson, 2014).
The single most definitive test result is a positive blood culture. Current practice
guidelines recommend at least three blood cultures from three different
venipuncture sites to confirm diagnosis (Nishimura et al., 2014). The cultures
enable the health care professional to determine which bacteria is the infective
agent in the bloodstream. Treatment with antibiotics can then be determined
regarding resistance and sensitivity.
Echocardiography is another common diagnostic marker used to diagnose IE
using sound waves to create pictures of the heart, which may show damage. A
transthoracic echo (TTE), which allows the health care professional to look at
images of the patient’s heart and determine whether there is vegetation on its
structures may be ordered. If suspicion remains likely for diagnosis of IE, then a
transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) will also be ordered to provide
additional information to support the diagnosis. An EKG may also be ordered as
a supplement to determine whether there are any arrhythmias present (Nishimura
et al., 2014).
Nurses play a vital role in the care and detection of endocarditis. A thorough
physical assessment can help detect the signs and symptoms of endocarditis. It is
important to note that a complete and thorough medical and surgical history is
crucial to knowing whether the patient has had a valve replacement, intravenous
drug abuse, or cardiac history that would preclude the patient to IE.
Nurses also have a very important role in preventing IE. Sterile dressing
changes of peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) lines, intravenous lines,
and arterial–venous fistulas are vital to preventing IE associated with central line
bloodstream infections. Furthermore, providing comprehensive education on
dental hygiene to both the patient and family can help prevent IE. Oftentimes,
patients are not aware of how important their dental hygiene and dental
prophylaxis are to their overall health and that poor dental hygiene is a precursor
to acquiring IE. Daily adherence to a strict oral hygiene regimen along with
routine visits to one’s dentist who is aware of the patient’s IE history is vital.
The two approaches to treating IE are the use of intravenous antibiotics for 2
to 6 weeks and cardiac surgery (Josephson, 2014). Infectious disease physicians
collaborate with the primary care physician in determining the best choice of
antibiotic. In some cases, the damage from the infection requires surgery to
remove or repair a heart valve. Surgery is implicated in patients who have a
vegetation of more than 10 mm in diameter. This is often seen in IE caused by
fungi as this can become harder to treat. The proportion of patients undergoing
surgery has increased to approximately 50% of those affected. Mortality from
endocarditis usually occurs from congestive heart failure.
Endocarditis can continue to affect the patient after antibiotic therapy is
initiated. The risk of embolization occurs in 22% to 50% of IE cases (Nishimura
et al., 2014). Recent research has shown that the rate of embolic events
dramatically decreases during and after the first 3 weeks of antibiotic therapy.
Up to 65% of embolic events involve the central nervous system with more than
90% of these emboli lodged in the middle cerebral artery with the potential to
cause a cerebrovascular accident, one of the many possible neurologic
complications (Thuny et al., 2005). Despite the risk of emboli, anticoagulation
therapy is controversial in patients post-IE. Some authorities recommend
continuing anticoagulation therapy in patients with mechanical valve IE
(Nishimura et al., 2014). However, most research concludes that it should be
discontinued in all forms for at least 2 weeks in patients who have had an
embolic event (Thuny et al., 2005).
Although IE is rare, it is a very serious disease. After antibiotic therapy,
thorough follow-up is important to prevent a recurrence of endocarditis.
Teaching the patient signs and symptoms to look for in endocarditis, including
fever, malaise, and fatigue, is beneficial to preventing recurrence. A repeat
echocardiogram is recommended to obtain a new baseline after treatment of the
infection. A thorough dental evaluation is recommended to rule out all active
sources of oral infection. All indwelling intravenous catheters used to infuse
antibiotics should be removed immediately upon cessation of antibiotics.
Developing heart failure is commonly seen in patients who experience IE.
Follow-up for patients includes a thorough workup to determine whether any
heart failure is present.
IE is a complex disease generally requiring management by a team of physicians
and allied health care providers. Nurses are key members of the health care team
and can greatly influence the outcome of the patient with endocarditis. It is
important for nurses to closely assess their patients and identify those at
increased risk for developing IE. Monitoring vital signs closely, drawing blood
cultures regularly, and assessing the skin for peripheral embolization are key to
patient outcomes. Nurses can also convey their knowledge of endocarditis to the
patients and their families to assist them in understanding the disease process,
management, and long-term care for this disease. With proper nursing and
medical care, patients can return to their lives after IE, rejoining the community
stronger than before.
Baddour, L. M., Wilson, W. R., Bayer, A. S., Fowler, V. G., Tleyjeh, I. M., Rybak, M. J., . . . Taubert, K. A.
(2015). Infective endocarditis in adults: Diagnosis, antimicrobial therapy, and management of
complications: A scientific statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association.
Circulation, 132(15), 1435–1486. doi:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000296
Josephson, L. (2014). Infective endocarditis: A review for nurses. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing,
33(6), 327–340. doi:10.1097/DCC.0000000000000081
Nishimura, R. A., Otto, C. M., Bonow, R. O., Carabello, B. A., Erwin, J. P., Guyton, R. A., . . . Thomas, J.
D. (2014). 2014 AHA/ACC guideline for the management of patients with valvular heart disease.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 1–185. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2014.02.536
Thuny, F., Di Salvo, G., Disalvo, G., Belliard, O., Avierinos, J. F., Pergola, V., . . . Habib, G. (2005). Risk of
embolism and death in infective endocarditis: Prognostic value of echocardiography: A prospective
multicenter study. Circulation, 112(1), 69–75. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.104.493155
Joseph D. Perazzo
Fractures are a form of skeletal trauma in which the continuity of bone tissue is
lost, often referred to as a “break.” Fractures occur when the force exerted on a
bone exceeds the pressure the bone can withstand, and can be the result of force
as seen in traumatic injuries or the result of a weakened bone matrix as seen in
osteoporosis. Fractures can occur in any bone and, depending on location and
severity, can lead to chronic pain, deformity, and even permanent disability
(American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons [AAOS], 2017). Nursing care for
people who experience fractures is focused on safety, preventing further injury,
alleviating pain, assisting with self-care, education, and promoting rehabilitative
efforts to regain mobility and function (Hinkle & Cheever, 2014).
Fractures can affect individuals across the life span, but are most commonly seen
in young males between 15 and 24 years of age and in adults aged 65 years and
older (Huether & McCance, 2016). The causes and specific sites of fractures
differ across the life span, with traumatic fractures (e.g., tibial, clavical, humeral)
affecting younger persons, and fragility fractures (e.g., wrist, hip, ribs, and spine)
having a higher incidence in older adults as the result of pathological bone loss
(e.g., age, osteoporosis; Huether & McCance, 2016). Other fractures, such as
those to the skull, hands, and feet, are also related to traumatic injury, including
workplace accidents (AAOS, 2017). According to the Global Alliance of
Musculoskeletal Health (Watkins-Castillo, Yelin, & Weinstein, 2017), health
care providers treat more than 18 million fractures annually, a figure expected to
increase substantially as the population of older Americans increases. Perhaps
the most damaging aspect of fractures is the potential for long-term physical and
psychosocial complications, including chronic pain and disability (Watkins-
Castillo et al., 2017). Fractures, along with other musculoskeletal injuries, cost
Americans more than $200 billion annually in direct health care costs, and more
than $70 billion in indirect costs due to disability and lost productivity (WatkinsCastillo et al., 2017).
There are many different categorizations and classifications of fractures, many
outside the scope of this entry. Common fractures include:
Oblique: Angular fracture (diagonal) caused by direct or indirect injury to bone
Transverse: Horizontal fracture across the bone, direct or indirect injury to bone
Comminuted: Multiple-segment fracture “shatter,” caused by direct injury to bone
Linear: Fracture along the vertical axis of the bone, caused by overuse
Depressed: Fracture driven inward, seen in skull and facial fractures
Spiral: Fracture twists around bone shaft, caused by rotating force (e.g., athletics)
Stress: Bone matrix breaks in response to repeated loading and unloading (e.g., running)
Closed: Fracture does not break the skin, caused by direct or indirect injury to bone
Open: Fracture breaks through skin, caused by moderate to severe trauma
Pathologic: Fracture at site of weakened bone matrix, caused by low bone mineral density (Hinkle &
Cheever, 2014; Huether & McCance, 2016)
Although fractures can affect people of any age, certain groups have an
elevated risk for fractures, including young people at high risk for trauma and
overuse (e.g., athletes), as well as postmenopausal women and individuals with
chronic diseases that decrease bone mineral density (e.g., cancer, HIV). Other
risk factors for fractures include malnutrition, decreased physical function (fall
risk), low body mass index (BMI), alcohol use, smoking, and taking medications
known to weaken bone (e.g., glucocorticoids; Huether & McCance, 2016). A key
difference between traumatic and nontraumatic fractures is the level of force,
energy, or activity that resulted in fracture; stress fractures occur through
repetitive force, traumatic fractures are caused by significant (moderate to
severe) force, and fragility fractures can occur regardless of force because of
weak bone, sometimes during normal daily activities (Hinkle & Cheever, 2014;
Huether & McCance, 2016).
The pathophysiology of fractures is defined by the specific causes of the
fracture, as well as the ability of the bone to regain integrity during the healing
process. Fracture healing occurs in three phases: (a) the inflammatory phase
(immediate: 4 weeks), (b) the repair phase (1–2 months), and (c) the remodeling
phase (up to 6 months; Huether & McCance, 2016; Kalfas, 2001). In the
inflammatory phase, a hematoma forms at the site of the injured bone, leading to
infiltration of inflammatory cells and fibroblasts, leading to formation of
granulation and vascular tissue that allows the process of repairing to begin.
Mesenchymal cells that differentiate into bone-forming cells (osteoblasts)
migrate to the area and new blood vessels are formed to deliver oxygen and
nutrients (Huether & McCance, 2016; Kalfas, 2001). Soft new bone tissue
(osteoid) and cartilage are woven to create a bridge between the fracture
fragments, creating a soft, fragile “callus” that is mineralized and hardened in a
process known as ossification. Immobilization is particularly important during
this phase. In the remodeling phase, osteoblasts and bone resorption cells
(osteoclasts) work together to repair the physical structure of the bone and
provide tissue to strengthen the new bone (Hinkle & Cheever, 2014; Huether &
McCance, 2016; Kalfas, 2001). Remodeling is promoted by mechanical forces
(e.g., weight bearing), and continues over time to continually strengthen the new
bone and remove bone tissue where necessary, resulting in healed bone with
appropriate anatomical structure. From first response to postdischarge
rehabilitation, clinical interventions drive this process through efforts to
stabilize, align, immobilize, and eventually stimulate bones to promote optimal
healing (Hinkle & Cheever, 2014; Huether & McCance, 2016; Kalfas, 2001).
Clinical Aspects
Fractures are diagnosed and monitored using x-ray imaging that allows
clinicians to determine the site and severity of a fracture and to determine a
course of action that will promote optimal healing. Clinical fracture
interventions vary depending on the type of fracture, but share the goal of
accomplishing reduction, immobilization, and restoration of function (Hinkle &
Cheever, 2014).
Reduction refers to the process of placing bones in their appropriate anatomical
alignment. In a closed reduction, bones are manually manipulated into alignment
and held in place using casts, splints, or percutaneous pinning. In an open
reduction, a surgical approach is used in which fracture fragments are aligned
and held in place with the use of internal fixation devices (e.g., pins, screws,
plates, nails; Hinkle & Cheever, 2014).
Immobilization refers to interventions designed to keep bones in appropriate
anatomical position that will lead to proper healing. Specific immobilization
interventions are chosen based on the site and severity of a fracture, and include
casts, bandages, and splints, which are used for simpler fractures often for long
bones. Fixation refers to external and internal fixators used to maintain
alignment, often used with more severe or more complex fractures. Traction
involves the use of pulling force to promote bone alignment and is especially
important in maintaining overall anatomical alignment of the injured body part;
this includes skin traction (e.g., Buck’s extension traction) and skeletal traction
(Brunner et al., 2014). Finally, functional restoration includes all efforts to help
individuals regain use of the injured body part and includes all matter of physical
rehabilitative efforts, ranging from gradual range of motion to vigorous physical
activity (Hinkle & Cheever, 2014).
Immediately following injury, particularly in the case of open fractures,
individuals can have significant bleeding caused by injuries directly and
indirectly associated with the broken bones. One of the most serious
complications occurs with open femoral fractures in which the femoral artery
can be torn causing acute hemorrhage, and is treated by fracture stabilization and
blood volume restoration. Another potential (though rarely fatal) complication
associated with fractures are fat emboli that can gain access to the vascular
compartment, leading to occlusion of blood vessels that supply vital organs.
Compartment syndrome is a complication that occurs when one of the body’s 46
anatomic compartments, such as those in the extremities, loses blood flow,
potentially leading to necrotic tissue loss. Finally, during healing, the
complication of nonunion can occur when bones are not properly aligned and
can lead to loss of function, chronic pain, deformity, and crepitus (AAOS, 2017;
Hinkle & Cheever, 2014; Huether & McCance, 2016).
Nursing care of adults who experience fractures is focused on promoting
patient safety, preventing further complication to fractures, and promoting
optimal healing. Priority nursing diagnoses include careful assessment of
fracture sites and sites of fixation for swelling and signs of infection, assessing
and managing pain, careful asepsis and proper positioning of fixation and
traction devices, ensuring immobilization, promoting early mobility when
appropriate, and providing emotional support and patient education regarding
expectations related to prognosis, hospitalization, surgical interventions, and
future limitations (Hinkle & Cheever, 2014; Huether & McCance, 2016).
The outcomes of priority nursing interventions are directly associated with
promoting optimal fracture healing. Swelling and drainage at the fracture site
can alert nurses to malalignment, further complication of injuries, or infections
at fixation or surgical sites (Hinkle & Cheever, 2014; Huether & McCance,
2016). Pain, often quite significant, is common in the early stages of fracture
healing, but should improve with time. Sudden onset of increased pain (not
associated with movement) can be a sign of complicated healing or compartment
syndrome. Patients should maintain immobilization until clinical assessments
indicate that movement would not jeopardize healing or patient safety (Hinkle &
Cheever, 2014). Nurses should ensure that the patient completes required range
of motion and mobilization to prevent bone loss and promote bone remodeling.
Finally, patients should understand timelines related to healing, mobility
restrictions, and be educated about healing following clinical encounters,
potential physical limitations they may encounter, and ways to promote bone
remodeling, particularly those related to diet and physical activity (AAOS, 2017;
Hinkle & Cheever, 2014; Huether & McCance, 2016).
Fractures are a significant injury that can affect people of all ages and affect
many different parts of the body. Optimal healing of fractures requires timely
intervention and careful assessment of injuries. Nurses play a vital role in
helping patients to tolerate, maintain, and understand the phases of fracture
healing, both in and out of the clinical environment, which help patients to
regain as much function as possible following injury.
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. (2017). Fractures (broken bones). Retrieved from
Hinkle, J., & Cheever, K. H. (2014). Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical–surgical nursing.
Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.
Huether, S. E., & McCance, K. L. (2016). Understanding pathophysiology (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO:
Elsevier Health Sciences.
Kalfas, I. H. (2001). Principles
Watkins-Castillo, S. I., Yelin, E., & Weinstein, S. (2017). The burden of musculoskeletal diseases in the
United States: Facts in brief. Retrieved from http://www.boneandjointburden.org/facts-brief
Andrea Marie Herr
The main function of the gallbladder is storage and release of bile. Most
gallbladder disease is a result of inflammation of the gallbladder or obstruction
of the biliary tree, usually by stones, causing biliary stasis. Common gallbladder
problems are cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. Cholelithiasis, or gallstones, are
crystallized deposits containing cholesterol and/or bilirubin (Tiderington, Lee, &
Ko, 2016). Surgical management of gallstones is considered to be the gold
standard and is safe and effective; more than 750,000 cholecystectomies are
performed annually (Pak & Lindseth, 2016). Other less common conditions
include gallbladder polyps and benign or malignant tumors. Disorders of the
biliary tract include choledocholithiasis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and
Gallbladder disease is the second most common gastrointestinal discharge
diagnosis in U.S. hospitalizations (Pak & Lindseth, 2016). Gallstones affect 10%
and 20% of the adult population; gallbladder disease is more prevalent in women
(Pak & Lindseth, 2016). There are two main types of gallstones; the majority of
stones are made up of cholesterol and are yellow-green-colored and pigment
stones, which are brown or black and contain bilirubin. Inflammation of the
gallbladder, or cholecystitis, can be acute or chronic and commonly occurs as a
result of gallstones, but can occur without stones (acalculous cholecystitis).
Acalculous cholecystitis is associated with a higher morbidity and mortality rate
than calculous cholecystitis. Acalculous cholecystitis is associated with critically
ill patients with sepsis, burns, or who are on mechanical ventilation.
Most patients with cholethiliasis are asymptomatic. When gallstones are
acutely symptomatic, they commonly cause biliary colic, a result of transient
blockage of a bile duct, which is characterized by right-upper-quadrant pain,
often radiating to the back or right shoulder and lasting longer than 30 minutes
and nausea and vomiting (Pak & Lindseth, 2016). Other more chronic symptoms
include a dull ache, intolerance of fatty foods, dyspepsia, and increase in
flatulence. The treatment and management of acute and chronic cholecystitis is
laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Medical treatment includes shock-wave
lithotripsy and medical dissolution therapy. Dissolution therapy, primarily with
bile acids, has largely been replaced with cholecystectomy, but may be indicated
for some patients. There is a high rate of stone recurrence following treatment
(Tiderington et al., 2016).
Both malignant and benign tumors can be found in the gallbladder. Benign
tumors that are found in the gallbladder are papillomas, adenomyomas, or
cholesterol polyps. Malignant tumors of the gallbladder, primarily
adenocarcinomas, are relatively rare, but are the most common and aggressive
cancer of the biliary tract (Kanthan, Senger, Ahmed, & Kanthan, 2015). Risk
factors for gallbladder cancer include chronic inflammation, gallstones,
gallbladder polyps, age, female gender, obesity, genetics, and ethnicity (Kanthan
et al., 2015). Abdominal ultrasound, CT, or MRI can identify the tumor location.
An endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) with biopsy or endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with tissue sampling can be used for
diagnosis. Treatment modalities include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy,
alone or in combination, depending on tumor staging and grading.
Surgery is the only curative approach to gallbladder cancer. However, only
about 20% of tumors are diagnosed early enough for a surgical cure. Most
patients with gallbladder cancer are asymptomatic, making early diagnosis
difficult. Most gallbladder cancers are discovered incidentally or diagnosed at an
advanced stage (Kanthan et al., 2015).
Choledocholithiasis is a gallstone in the common bile duct and can cause biliary
obstruction, biliary colic pain, elevated liver function tests, cholangitis, and
gallstone pancreatitis. About 11% to 21% of patients with gallstones also have
common bile duct stones (Costi, Gnocchi, Di Mario, & Sarli, 2014).
Intraoperative cholangiography can identify stones in the biliary tree; ERCP can
be performed for stone removal. Lithotripsy may be used to break up a very
large stone for easier removal (Costi et al., 2014).
Primary sclerolsing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic, idiopathic inflammatory
disease of the bile ducts. The disease is characterized by fibrosis of the bile duct
and ultimately leads to end-stage liver disease (Hirschfield, Karlsen, Lindor, &
Adams, 2013). PSC is linked to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD);
approximately 60% to 80% of patients with PSC also have IBD. PSC results in
biliary strictures, recurrent cholangitis, and biliary cirrhosis; approximately 50%
of patients eventually need a liver transplant (Hirschfield et al., 2013).
Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare cancer of the bile duct, and is classified as intraor extrahepatic based on the location of the tumor. Risk factors include PSC and
ulcerative colitis. Symptoms include signs of biliary obstruction, weight loss,
and abdominal pain. Five-year survival rates vary from 15% to 30% for
localized cancers to 2% for stage 4 malignancies (American Cancer Society
[ACS], 2017). Most tumors are unable to be surgically removed. Treatment
options include surgical resection, radiation/chemotherapy, and palliative therapy
with biliary stenting to maintain biliary drainage.
Clinical Aspects
An understanding of the risk factors associated with gallbladder disease is useful
in helping nurses identify patients at risk, provide information regarding
preventive strategies, and to provide education and resources for disease
management (Pak & Lindseth, 2016). Patients at risk for cholelithiasis include
females older than 40 years, Native American or Mexican American ethnicity,
and obesity (Pak & Lindseth, 2016). Other risk factors include sedentary
lifestyle, dyslipidemia, rapid weight loss, treatment with estrogen therapy, type 2
diabetes, and family history. Nursing interventions and management include
healthy dietary and lifestyle changes, weight loss, nutrition guidance, education
on signs/symptoms of gallstone disease, and strategies to reduce modifiable risk
factors. Choledocholithiasis is usually discovered at either the time of
gallbladder surgery or when a patient presents with symptoms of biliary duct
Diagnostic studies include complete blood count, liver function tests, and
serum amylase and lipase to differentiate among types of gallbladder disorders
and complications of gallbladder disease. Abdominal ultrasound and
cholescintigraphy (hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid [HIDA] scan) are commonly
used to diagnose cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. Magnetic resonance
ERCP are
choledocholithiasis is suspected; ERCP can be used diagnostically or
therapeutically to remove stones or place stents.
Patients may be hospitalized for acute cholecsytitis. Treatment consists of bowel
rest, intravenous (IV) fluids, and IV antibiotics. Complications of cholecystitis
include gangrenous gallbladder, perforation, and peritonitis. Surgical options
include laparoscopic, percutaneous, and open cholecystectomy. Perioperative
nursing care consists of pain management, prevention of postoperative
complications, and discharge education. The nursing care for patients with
gallbladder cancer is focused on perioperative care if the tumor is resectable and
oncology care for a patient who may undergo chemotherapy and/or radiation as
Gallbladder disease is found in 10% to 20% of the adult population and is a
frequent cause for hospitalization (Shabanzadeh, Sørensen, & Jørgensen, 2016).
Gallstones are common in the population, but only a small percentage of patients
with gallstones are symptomatic (Tiderington et al., 2016). A better
understanding of the risk factors for gallbladder and biliary tract disease is
beneficial for nurses to better provide education about reducing the risk of
disease and preventing complications for those already diagnosed (Pak &
Lindseth, 2016).
American Cancer Society. (2017). Survival statistics for bile duct cancers. Retrieved from
Costi, R., Gnocchi, A., Di Mario, F., & Sarli, L. (2014). Diagnosis and management of choledocholithiasis
in the golden age of imaging, endoscopy and laparoscopy. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 20(37),
13382–13401. doi:10.3748/wjg.v20.i37.13382
Hirschfield, G. M., Karlsen, T. H., Lindor, K. D., & Adams, D. H. (2013). Primary sclerosing cholangitis.
Lancet, 382(9904), 1587–1599. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(13)60096-3
Kanthan, R., Senger, J.-L., Ahmed, S., & Kanthan, S. C. (2015). Gallbladder cancer in the 21st century.
Journal of Oncology, 2015, 967472. doi:10.1155/2015/967472
Pak, M., & Lindseth, G. (2016). Risk factors for cholelithiasis. Gastroenterology Nursing, 39(4), 297–309.
Shabanzadeh, D. M., Sørensen, T. L., & Jørgensen, T. (2016). Abdominal symptoms and incident gallstones
in a population unaware of gallstone status. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
2016, 9730687. doi:10.1155/2016/9730687
Tiderington, E., Lee, S. P., & Ko, C. W. (2016). Gallstones: New insights into an old story. F1000Research,
5, 1817. doi:10.12688/f1000research.8874.1
Una Hopkins
Jane F. Marek
Cancer of the stomach is the third leading cause of cancer deaths globally, with
an estimated 700,000 deaths occurring annually. Once the leading cause of
cancer-related deaths in the United States, gastric cancer is now the 15th most
common cancer. The decline in the incidence of stomach cancer in the United
States is thought to be a result of recognition of risk factors, including
Helicobacter pylori infection, poor refrigeration, and an increase in consumption
of fresh foods and vegetables. Despite the declining incidence in the United
States, the prognosis remains poor, because most patients are diagnosed with
advanced stage disease and few, if any, curative options. This is clearly reflected
when comparing the 5-year survival rates for stage 1 cancer (57%–71%)
compared with stage 3 (9%–20%) and stage 4 (4%; American Cancer Society
[ACS], 2017). The disease is more prevalent in Central and Eastern Europe,
Central and South America, and Asia; more than 70% of gastric cancer is found
in developing countries. The highest rate of gastric cancer is in Korea, followed
by Mongolia and Japan (World Cancer Research Fund International [WCRFI],
2015). The ACS estimates 28,000 new cases of gastric cancer and 10,960 deaths
for 2017 (ACS, 2017). In the United States, the incidence of gastric cancer is
higher among Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, Hispanics, Native Americans,
and African Americans, and least common among Whites.
There are two types of gastric cancer: intestinal and diffuse. Most cases of
gastric cancer are adenocarcinomas and histologically resemble cancers arising
from the intestinal tract. Other types of gastric cancer include lymphomas,
gastrointestinal stromal tumors, carcinoids, and squamous cell.
Adenocarcinomas originate in the mucosal layer of the stomach and then spread
outward. The liver is the most common site of metastasis (48%), followed by the
peritoneum (32%), lung (15%), and bone (12%); the site of metastasis varies on
location of the gastric lesion (Riihimäki et al., 2016).
Dietary and lifestyle factors impact the risk of gastric cancer. A diet high in
salt; processed meat; fish, fried, pickled, and smoked foods; and low in fiber and
fresh fruits and vegetables increase an individual’s risk for gastric cancer.
Obesity, smoking, and a family history of gastric cancer are also risk factors.
Other contributing factors include H. pylori and Epstein–Barr infection, chronic
atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcers, pernicious anemia, intestinal metaplasia,
familial adenomatous polyposis, and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
(Lynch syndrome; Ajani et al., 2016).
Gastric cancer is generally asymptomatic until late stages when it has
progressed through the muscularis and serosa layers of the stomach. Clinical
manifestations include indigestion, dysphagia, loss of appetite, bloating, nausea,
weight loss, melena, hematemesis, and pain in the upper abdomen. Gastric outlet
obstruction, small bowel obstruction, pleural effusion, and jaundice may occur
with advanced metastatic disease.
There are no routine screening guidelines for gastric cancer. Diagnostic tests
include esophagogastroduodenscopy (EGD), endoscopic ultrasound, and upper
gastrointestinal series and barium swallow. Chest x-ray, CT, and positron
emission tomography may be indicated to evaluate for metastases. Tumor
markers, such as carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and carbohydrate antigen
(CA19-9), may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.
Once a diagnosis of gastric cancer has been made through biopsy, the tissue
should be tested for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2/neu or
HER-2) levels. This molecular marker was originally discovered in breast cancer
and is associated with other malignancies, including gastric and
gastroesophageal cancer. HER-2 overexpression in gastric cancer varies from
4.4% to 53.4% (Abrahao-Machado & Scapulatempo-Neto, 2016). Trastuzumab
(Herceptin), a monoclonal antibody that targets HER-2, is approved for gastric
cancer. Testing for HER-2 must be done to identify patients who might benefit
from this treatment and other molecular HER-2 agents being evaluated for
treatment of gastric cancer (Abrahao-Machado & Scapulatempo-Neto, 2016).
Treatment for gastric cancer depends on the location, size, and staging of the
A multidisciplinary team consisting of surgeons, radiation oncologists,
gastroenterologists, dieticians, and nurses offers the best approach to care.
According to National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines, early-stage
cancers are treated with endoscopic mucosal resection or partial or total
gastrectomy (Ajani et al., 2016). Chemotherapy can be used preoperatively or
postoperatively in addition to radiation depending on the tumor stage.
Chemotherapy and radiation may be indicated for unresectable tumors and
Clinical Aspects
Nurses play a significant role in teaching and supporting the patients and their
families throughout the cancer continuum. From providing support as patients
cope with a new diagnosis of gastric cancer, teaching about the expected
outcomes following surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation, to advocating for
patients and their families at the end of life, nurses are the primary caregivers.
When caring for patients who have undergone surgical treatment of gastric
cancer, nurses can implement evidence-based interventions to improve patient
outcomes. These interventions include an interactive education program about
gastric cancer, treatment, and symptom management; the Modified Hospital
Elder Life Program (HELP) consists of early mobilization, nutritional assistance,
and therapeutic cognitive activities, and perioperative interventions, including
self-management of pain, management of enteral and abdominal drains, and
dietary education. These interventions resulted in a decrease in delirium and
improvement in functional and nutritional status, improvement in patients’
knowledge about the disease process and treatments, improvement in coping
skills and quality of life, and reduced postoperative complications and
improvement in quality of life (Gomes et al., 2016).
The goal of surgical treatment is to improve survival, reduce symptoms, and
maintain quality of life with the minimal amount of adverse effects. Five-year
survival rates following surgical treatment of gastric cancer have improved and
have been reported to be as high as 33% to 50% (Shan, Shan, Morris, Golani, &
Saxena, 2015). A systematic review of patients’ health-related quality of life
(HRQOL) scores following partial and total gastrectomy demonstrated that
HQOL was negatively impacted 1-month postsurgery but returned to
preoperative levels or better 1 year after surgery. Patients continued to have
gastrointestinal symptoms 6 months after surgery. Patients who underwent
partial gastrectomy had better HQOL scores in the physical, emotional, and
functional status domains and returned to preoperative levels faster than patients
who underwent total gastrectomy (Shan et al., 2015). Nurses can apply these
findings by ensuring that the patients undergoing partial and total gastrectomy
are prepared to experience a decline in overall health and functional status in the
first few months following surgery and understand this will most likely improve
with time.
Monitoring the patient’s nutritional status following gastric resection or
gastrectomy is a priority. If patients are unable to tolerate oral feedings,
parenteral nutrition may be indicated until the patient is able to tolerate enteral
feeding. Most patients experience dumping syndrome following gastric
resection. The nurse can reassure the patient that these symptoms usually lessen
or resolve after several months and teach the patient dietary modifications to
reduce their occurrence. A nutritional consult should be initiated to plan
strategies to best meet the patient’s nutritional needs while in the hospital and
after discharge. Most patients experience a 20% weight loss over the first 3 to 6
months after surgery. Following gastrectomy, the patients require lifelong
injections of vitamin B12 due to the loss of parietal cells and intrinsic factor
necessary for absorption of vitamin B12 in the ileum.
Gastric cancer continues to be a leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide and a
global health concern, despite declining rates in the United States. Gastric cancer
is difficult to diagnose early due to its nonspecific symptoms in early stages,
which contribute to the poor prognosis associated with this disease. Screening
for gastric cancer is controversial and varies by geographic region. Screening
programs have been implemented in Korea, Japan, and other countries with a
high incidence of gastric cancer, but there are no evidence-based
recommendations for the United States. Infection with H. pylori is a known risk
factor for gastric cancer, and testing and treating H. pylori is relatively easy and
inexpensive. More research is needed to examine the effectiveness of screening
for H. pylori infection as a method of reducing the incidence of gastric cancer,
especially in countries where the disease is prevalent (Herrero, Parsonnet, &
Greenberg, 2014). The World Health Organization identified evaluating the
effectiveness of screening and treating H. pylori infection as a method to reduce
the incidence of gastric cancer as a global priority (Wald, 2014). Clinical trials
are underway in several countries. Nurses can play a role in prevention by
health-promotion teaching and risk reduction strategies.
Management of the patient with gastric cancer depends on the health of the
individual, stage of disease, and treatment modality. Maintaining quality of life,
managing symptoms, and promoting optimal nutrition are priorities of care for
patients with any stage of gastric cancer. Nurses can provide information
regarding resources and psychosocial support for patients with unresectable
disease as they face end-of-life decisions. A multidisciplinary approach and
supportive care are essential components of care for the patients and their
families throughout the disease process.
Abrahao-Machado, L. F., & Scapulatempo-Neto, C. (2016). HER2 testing in gastric cancer: An update.
World Journal of Gastroenterology, 22(19), 4619–4625. doi:10.3748/wjg.v22.i19.4619
Ajani, J. A., D’Amico, T. A., Almhanna, K., Bentrem, D. J., Chao, J., Das, P., . . . Sundar, H. (2016).
Gastric cancer, version 3.2016, NCCN clinical practice guidelines in oncology. Journal of the National
Comprehensive Cancer Network, 14(10), 1286–1312.
American Cancer Society. (2017). What are the key statistics about stomach cancer? Retrieved from
Gomes, N. C. R. P., Vilaca de Brito Santos, C. S., Rodrigues Bettencourt de Jesus, M. M. G., & da Silva
Henriques, M. A. (2016). Effectiveness of nursing interventions in the postoperative recover of gastric
cancer patients: A systematic literature review. Journal of Nursing Referencia, 4(11), 111–119.
Herrero, R., Parsonnet, J., & Greenberg, E. R. (2014). Prevention of gastric cancer. Journal of the American
Medical Association, 312(12), 1197–1198. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.10498
Riihimäki, M., Hemminki, A., Sundquist, K., Sundquist, J., & Hemminki, K. (2016). Metastatic spread in
patients with gastric cancer. Oncotarget, 7(32), 52307–52316. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.10740
Shan, B., Shan, L., Morris, D., Golani, S., & Saxena, A. (2015). Systematic review on quality of life
outcomes after gastrectomy for gastric carcinoma. Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, 6(5), 544–560.
Wald, N. J. (2014). The treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection of the stomach in relation to the possible
prevention of gastric cancer. In IARC Helicobacter pylori Working Group (Ed.), Helicobacter pylori
eradication as a strategy for preventing gastric cancer (pp. 174–180). Lyon, France: International
Agency for Research on Cancer. Retrieved from http://www.iarc.fr/en/publications/pdfsonline/wrk/wrk8/index.php
World Cancer Research Fund International. (2015). Stomach cancer statistics. Retrieved from
Maria G. Smisek
Gastritis is inflammation or swelling of the mucosal lining in the stomach
(Cohen & Hull, 2015; Porth, 2015). Gastritis can be acute or chronic in nature
and is considered one of the most common problems affecting the stomach. The
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK)
estimates 60 to 70 million people in the United States have some form of a
digestive disease resulting in 36.6 million office visits, 21.7 million
hospitalizations, 245,921 deaths, and a total cost of $141.8 billion in direct and
indirect care (NIDDK, 2014b).
Gastritis is a disorder affecting the mucosa of the stomach. The epithelial lining
of the stomach is usually impermeable to the gastric secretions produced,
creating a mucosal barrier. In gastritis, the mucosa undergoes inflammatory
changes that can lead to ulceration or bleeding. Common threats affecting the
integrity of the mucosal lining are irritation, infections (predominately
Helicobacter pylori), injury to the stomach lining due to trauma or surgery or an
autoimmune response (NIDDK, 2014c). Contributing factors include excessive
alcohol intake, ingesting food contaminated with bacteria, gastroesophageal
reflux, chemicals, infection, and surgical procedures or trauma. Severe gastritis
can erode the mucosa, forming a peptic ulcer in the membrane of the esophagus,
stomach, or duodenum (Cohen & Hull, 2015, NIDDK, 2014a).
Gastritis may be acute or chronic and presents as erosive or nonerosive.
Erosive gastritis occurs when the stomach lining begins to wear down, exhibiting
ulcerations and erosions. Nonerosive gastritis causes inflammation to the
stomach lining without subsequent ulceration or erosion. Approximately 30% to
40% of the population of the United States develops an H. pylori infection, lying
dormant for years before exhibiting signs and symptoms (Kulnigg-Dabsch,
2016; NIDDK, 2014b).
Acute gastritis is an acute episode of inflammation of the stomach mucosa,
which is typically a self-limiting condition that resolves in several days
postremoval of the aggravating agent. Damage to the stomach lining from
inflammation can be a result of exposure to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs); foods or liquids that have low acidity or high alkalinity, such as
alcohol, coffee, and spicy foods, chemical agents, or radiation. A reduction in
mucus production and/or an increase in acidity lead to tissue damage.
Progression from acute to chronic disease depends on the affected location in the
stomach. Extreme physiologic stress related to serious medical or surgical
intervention weakens the mucosa making it susceptible to an acute hemorrhage
gastritis (Porth, 2015).
Chronic gastritis is an absence of grossly visible erosion and chronic
inflammatory changes to the epithelium that persists for more than 3 months
(Cohen & Hull, 2015, NIDDK, 2014c). Without treatment, chronic gastritis may
persist for years leading to atrophy of the glandular epithelium and serious
complications. Chronic gastritis has three major types: H. pylori gastritis,
chronic autoimmune gastritis, and chemical gastropathy (Porth, 2015). H. pylori
gastritis is the result of H. pylori bacteria causing a chronic inflammation of the
antrum and body of the stomach. Possible modes of transmission are fecal–oral,
oral–oral, and environmental (Porth, 2015). The H. pylori bacteria interferes
with the mucosal barrier of the stomach and damages its lining. Prevent infection
by following good hygiene: eat only food washed and cooked properly, wash
with soap and water after using the restroom and before eating. Damage to the
stomach lining related to NSAIDs use, alcohol consumption, exposure to
chemicals or trauma can progress from an acute phase to chronic if untreated.
Autoimmune gastritis is chronic inflammation that eventually results in
mucosal atrophy. The immune system attacks healthy parietal cells in the lining
of the stomach affecting iron and B12 absorption and consequently causing
pernicious anemia (Kulnigg-Dabsch, 2016). Pernicious anemia is a decrease in
red blood cells due to inability to absorb B12. Chemical gastritis is the result of
exposure to bilious, pancreatic, or duodenal secretions. This form is seen
typically in clients with abdominal surgery such as gastroduodenostomy or
gastrojejunostomy (Porth, 2015).
Clinical Aspects
A detailed history, including prescription and over-the-counter medications used,
past illnesses along with the onset, duration, relieving, and aggravating factors
related to signs and symptoms of acute or chronic exposure, should be taken.
Findings may include long-term use of known irritants: aspirin, other NSAIDs,
or chemotherapy. Dietary history may identify poor nutritional habits, allergies,
alcohol, coffee, and tobacco use. Travel history, especially to developing
countries, can indicate exposure to H. pylori or other bacteria. Complaints of
dizziness, fatigue, pallor, shortness of breath may indicate anemia secondary to
gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding (NIDDK, 2014c; Porth, 2015; Sipponen, 2015).
Epigastric pain, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting may reveal abdominal
distension, bloating and tenderness on physical exam. It is important to
recognize any episode of dark stools, blood in emesis or coffee grounds indicates
bleeding (Cohen & Hull, 2015; NIDDK, 2014c; Porth, 2015).
Diagnostic studies can be invasive or noninvasive based on history and
physical findings. A blood test identifies anemia and stool for occult blood
indicates GI bleeding. A noninvasive urea breath test can identify H. pylori,
whereas an upper endoscopy visualizes the anatomy of the stomach and
duodenum. Signs of irritation or ulceration indicate active gastritis. A small
biopsy taken during the procedure rules out H. pylori and direct treatment.
Following diagnosis, a plan of care is developed between the physician and
the client. Successful treatment is indicated when the symptoms are resolved
and, in the case of H. pylori, the bacteria is eliminated (Porth, 2015).
Nursing-related problems include pain (acute or chronic) related to disruption
of mucosal lining of the stomach as evidenced by use of irritants (NSAIDs,
smoking, extreme stress), infection (H. pylori), trauma or surgery and infection
related to ulceration of duodenum as evidenced by H. pylori bacteria (via
biopsy), burning pain in abdomen, anorexia, and weight loss.
Nursing interventions include assessing the client’s past and present pain level
(using a 1 to 10 scale), assessing for signs of infection, administering pain
medication and antibiotics as ordered, and educating the client on the effect
irritants, such as NSAIDs, alcohol, coffee, and smoking, have on stomach
mucosa. Teaching should include alternative treatment for discomfort, setting
treatment goals, implications for revision of intervention depending on client
response, and identifying patient understanding through verbalization and return
demonstration. The nurse should also supply the patients and their families with
a list of community resources to assist compliance.
Although some people with gastritis have no pain or discomfort, others have
been living with pain and discomfort. Inflammation and swelling can cause
destruction of the epithelial lining of the stomach. Left untreated, gastritis can
lead to peptic ulcers, anemia, erosion, and hemorrhage. Complaints of epigastric
pain or other GI symptoms and a history of exposure to GI irritants suggests
gastritis. Management of gastritis is done by treating the underlying cause and
reducing the amount of acid in the stomach. Repeated use of irritants and
medications can exacerbate the condition leading to hospitalization and longterm treatment.
Patient education is a key element in the treatment of patients with gastritis.
Education regarding H. pylori and the suspected mode of transmission can assist
in preventing exposure (NIDDK, 2014c; Porth, 2015). Early diagnosis of
gastritis and its causitive agent can facilitate a speedy recovery. Identifying client
concerns regarding treatment plan, cost, and access to that treatment are an
essential nursing responsibility.
Cohen, B. J., & Hull, K. L. (2015). Memmlers’s the human body in health and disease (13th ed., pp. 432–
458). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
Kulnigg-Dabsch, S. (2016). Autoimmune gastritis. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 166(13), 424–430.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease. (2014a). Definition & facts for peptic
ulcers (stomach ulcers). Retrieved from https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestivediseases/peptic-ulcers-stomach-ulcers/definition-facts
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease. (2014b). Digestive diseases statistics for
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease. (2014c). Gastritis. Retrieved from
Porth, C. M. (2015). Disorders of gastrointestinal function. In C. M. Porth (Ed.), Essentials of
pathophysiology (4th ed., pp. 696–723). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
Sipponen, P. M. H.-I. (2015, June 3). Chronic gastritis. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 50(6),
657–667. doi:10.3109/00365521.2015.1019918
Kelly Ann Lynn
Gastroesophageal reflux is a normal process that occurs in healthy adults and
children when stomach contents briefly back up or “reflux” into the esophagus.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a consensus diagnosis that refers to
the bothersome symptoms or complications that occur as a result of
gastroesophageal reflux (Vakil, van Zanten, Kahrilas, Dent, Jones, & Global
Consensus Group, 2006). Patients with GERD may be at increased risk of
developing esophageal stricture, Barrett’s esophagus, and esophageal cancer
(Francis et al., 2013; Katz, Gerson, & Vela, 2013). GERD has been indicated in
increased morbidity related to aspiration, particularly with intubated patients and
exacerbation of symptoms for patients with asthma. Nursing care of patients
with GERD focuses on prevention of complications, education, and management
of symptoms and medications.
Incidence of GERD is fairly common and is reported to affect 20% to 30% of the
U.S. population (Katz et al., 2013; Kleiman et al., 2013). GERD may affect up to
40% of the U.S. population (Francis et al., 2013; Vaezi et al., 2016). Although
there is no significant demographic predisposition to GERD, incidence is lower
in Eastern Asia as compared to Western Europe and North America (Lightdale &
Gremse, 2013). GERD is present in both adult and pediatric populations.
The costs associated with GERD are astounding. Kleiman et al. (2013)
reported 5.5 million U.S. outpatient visits in 2002 and 76,000 inpatient
admissions in 2005 for GERD-related care, and over $10 billion spent on acidreducing medications in 2004. Likewise, Francis et al. (2013) note national
expenditures ranging from $9.3 billion to $12.1 billion for GERD-related care.
GERD is associated with weakness or malfunction of the lower esophageal
sphincter (LES), which connects the esophagus to the stomach. GERD affects
the LES, a muscle connecting the esophagus and stomach. Gastric contents back
up, or reflux, into the esophagus due to changes in LES muscle tone or increased
pressure below the sphincter. Other factors contributing to the pathophysiology
of GERD include decreased esophageal motility, which may be related to
underlying diseases like achalasia or possibly the result of allergies or other
inflammatory reactions. Pregnancy, obesity, and hiatal hernias also increase the
incidence of GERD.
Patients with GERD typically present with complaints of heartburn,
regurgitation, and sour taste in the mouth. These are also called esophageal
symptoms. Atypical presentation (extraesophageal symptoms) include chronic
cough, hoarseness, sore throat, worsening oral health, recurrent earache and ear
infections, and nocturnal asthma (Katz et al., 2013; Lightdale & Gremse, 2013).
More bothersome symptoms include vomiting, pain, and difficulty swallowing.
Clinical Aspects
A thorough nursing assessment is essential for patients with GERD. This
includes a comprehensive patient history with targeted questions related to
eating habits and symptom triggers and remedies. Physical assessment should
include accurate measurement of the patient’s height and weight. Swallowing
ability and gag reflex must be assessed to determine risk for aspiration. Patients
presenting with pain (chest pain radiating to neck, jaw, and arm) need immediate
evaluation to rule out myocardial infarction (MI) and angina as GERD
symptoms can mimic these life-threatening conditions.
Review of essential laboratory values includes cardiac enzymes to rule out MI
for patients presenting with chest pain, complete blood count (CBC) to assess for
anemia, serum chemistry to assess for electrolyte imbalances and malnutrition,
and serum iron studies (transferrin, total iron binding capacity, transferring
saturation, or ferritin) are collected to help differentiate if an anemia is related to
an iron-deficiency or chronic inflammation.
Review of medications is an essential part of the nursing assessment.
Anticholinergic medications may delay gastric emptying and should be used
cautiously in patients with GERD. Some pain medications (i.e., nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs] and aspirin) may cause gastritis and GI
bleeding and should therefore be avoided.
Older children and adult patients may be prescribed an 8-week course of a
proton pump inhibitor (PPI) to alleviate symptoms of GERD as a first-line
therapy. PPIs should be taken 30 to 60 minutes before the first meal of the day
for maximum efficacy. It is essential to review the prescribed schedule for PPI
administration as studies have shown up to 70% of primary care practitioners in
the United States advised patients to take the PPI at bedtime (Katz et al., 2013).
Nurses should counsel patients on the appropriate dose and timing of PPIs.
Nursing care of patients with GERD should be tailored to the patients’ symptoms
and clinical status. The focus of care should be prevention of the serious
consequences related to GERD. Optimizing compliance with medication, diet,
and lifestyle modifications will reduce symptoms of GERD and promote quality
of life.
It is important that the nurses involved in the care of patients with GERD
educate patients on all aspects of treatment and management. All medications
should be reviewed for potential adverse interactions and side effects. Patients
should be educated on proper administration of medications to maximize the
effective relief of symptoms.
Knowledge of simple lifestyle modifications and medication therapy may be
the only measures needed to reach treatment goals. Patients who are
unresponsive to medical management and who are experiencing considerable
distress from symptoms may be referred for esophageal testing (endoscopy,
esophageal pH study, manometry) and/or surgical intervention. These patients
need education about the planned interventions and specific issues related to
various surgical options (fundoplication, myotomy). Symptoms can be alleviated
by educating patients and their families about dietary recommendations and
lifestyle modifications. Some eating habits can help manage symptoms of
heartburn and reflux. Patients should be advised to practice mindful eating in a
calm and relaxed environment, chew thoroughly, and avoid eating while
standing. Remind patients to eat small meals and snacks to avoid overeating and
abdominal distention. Dinner should be a lighter meal and patients should wait 2
to 3 hours after eating before they lie down.
Some foods and beverages cause the LES to relax and thus increase gastric
secretions and acid level in the stomach subsequently causing “heartburn” and
reflux symptoms. Patients should be educated to stay away from foods that are
known to exacerbate symptoms. These include fruits and vegetables like bell
peppers, tomatoes, and tomato sauce; citrus fruits and juices; beans; and
cabbages. Heavy, high-fat, and fried foods should be avoided as well as spicy
food, mints, and chocolate. Caffeine, carbonated beverages, and alcohol,
especially red wine, should be avoided.
Patients should be encouraged to consume a healthy diet of lean protein, lowfat dairy products, heart-healthy fats, and whole grains. Some dietary additions
that may alleviate symptoms include ginger, Chamomile tea, and fermented
foods (i.e., kimchee, sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh, miso, plain yogurt, or kombucha).
Keeping a food journal may help patients identify foods that trigger symptoms.
Once a patient has achieved thorough and complete remission of symptoms
through medication and lifestyle modifications, he or she may slowly
reintroduce foods one at a time to ensure that they do not exacerbate symptoms.
Patients with GERD are encouraged to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. Weight
loss, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and incorporating stress-reducing behaviors
(exercise, yoga, meditation) all correlate with symptom relief. Patients should
avoid tight clothing as this can increase pressure on the LES and exacerbate
symptoms. Likewise, lying flat can promote reflux so patients are encouraged to
sleep on several pillows.
Management of GERD symptoms centers around lifestyle and diet
modification. Adherence to these modifications may cause stress for patients and
their families. Parents of children and babies with GERD may become
hypervigilant about the child’s appetite, nutrition intake, and eating behaviors.
This may lead to increased anxiety and tension around meals. Nurses must offer
patients and their families support and encouragement as they manage their
The expected outcomes of evidence-based nursing care for patients with GERD
are effective management of symptoms and medications prescribed to treat them,
increased quality of life, decreased incidence of serious consequences of GERD
like aspiration pneumonia and exacerbation of asthma, and reduced sequelae of
disease (i.e., Barrett’s esophagus, esophageal adenocarcinoma).
GERD is a complicated health issue that can affect people of all demographics.
The symptoms of GERD can adversely affect quality of life. Diagnosis can be
elusive and effective management may rely on trial and error. Nursing care is
essential to supporting patients through this process while promoting compliance
with care plans and minimizing unnecessary distress and morbidity.
Francis, D. O., Rymer, J. A., Slaughter, J. C., Choksi, Y., Jiramongkolchai, P., Ogbeide, E., . . . Vaezi, M. F.
(2013). High economic burden of caring for patients with suspected extraesophageal reflux. American
Journal of Gastroenterology, 108(6), 905–911. doi:10.1038/ajg.2013.69
Katz, P. O., Gerson, L. B., & Vela, M. F. (2013). Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of
gastroesophageal reflux disease. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 108(3), 308–328; quiz 329.
Kleiman, D. A., Sporn, M. J., Beninato, T., Metz, Y., Crawford, C., Fahey, T. J., & Zarnegar, R. (2013).
Early referral for 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring may prevent unnecessary treatment with acidreducing medications. Surgical Endoscopy, 27(4), 1302–1309. doi:10.1007/s00464-012-2602-z
Lightdale, J. R., & Gremse, D. A.; Section on Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition. (2013).
Gastroesophageal reflux: Management guidance for the pediatrician. Pediatrics, 131(5), e1684–e1695.
Vaezi, M. F., Brill, J. V., Mills, M. R., Bernstein, B. B., Ness, R. M., Richards, W. O., . . . Patel, K. (2016).
An episode payment framework for gastroesophageal reflux disease. Gastroenterology, 150(4), 1019–
1025. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2016.02.037
Vakil, N., van Zanten, S. V., Kahrilas, P., Dent, J., & Jones, R.; Global Consensus Group. (2006). The
Montreal definition and classification of gastroesophageal reflux disease: A global evidence-based
consensus. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 101(8), 1900–1920; quiz 1943. doi:10.1111/j.15720241.2006.00630.x
Maria A. Mendoza
Gout is a hereditary disease caused by deposits of uric acid crystals
(monosodium urate) in the peripheral joints leading to inflammation. The most
common site of inflammation is usually in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the
great toe. Gout is also known as gouty arthritis and is the most common form of
inflammatory arthritis. From 2007 to 2008, the National Health and Nutrition
Survey (NHANES) found that 3.9% (8.3 million) of adults (20 years and more)
self-reported a diagnosis of gout, a 1.2% increase over the past decade (Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016). Men are afflicted more often
(5.9%) than women (2.0%) with Black men affected about twice as often as
White men (10.9% vs. 5.8%) (CDC, 2016). Data from the Health Professionals
Follow-up Study showed an increased risk of all-cause mortality and
cardiovascular disease mortality in men with gout (CDC, 2016). A diagnosis of
gout has been associated with a poor quality of life (CDC, 2016). The major
challenge to nurses caring for patients with gout is managing pain during acute
episodes as well as preventing recurrent attacks.
Gout can become a chronic disease with long remissions followed by acute
exacerbations. Acute attacks are caused by excessive intake of rich food and
alcohol, particularly beer. Gout is a complex disorder with both genetic and
environmental risk factors, including increased age, hyperuricemia, dietary
habits (intake of alcohol, sweetened beverages, fructose, seafood, meat, dairy
product, coffee, and vitamin C), diuretic use, obesity, insulin resistance and
metabolic syndrome, and impaired kidney function (Fuerst, 2015; Hainer,
Matheson, & Wilkes, 2014; Harding, 2016).
Urates, a form of uric acid, are by-products of purine metabolism, a substance
present in all body tissues and foods. Urates are excreted through the kidneys to
maintain a serum uric acid level between 4 and 6.8 mg/dL. Increased production
coupled with decreased excretion of urates results in hyperuricemia (serum level
greater than 6.8 mg/dL). It is interesting to note that hyperuricemia does not
always progress to gout unless there is crystallization of urates, resulting in
The clinical presentation of gout includes extremely painful, inflamed, tender
joints. It can involve any joint in the body but the metatarsophalangeal joint of
the great toe is a common site because of the increased pressure on this joint
during walking. Patients also report weakness, nausea, chills, and frequent
urination. Untreated gout can lead to serious injury. Urate crystals can
accumulate in the kidneys, leading to stone formation, and in the joints (tophi).
Tophi are found in the fingers and in cartilage, such as the ears, and can lead to
inflammation, scarring, and deformity. Appearance of tophi is commonly
referred as tophaceous gout. A definitive diagnosis of gout is made through
synovial fluid analysis for urate crystals in the affected joint. However, in
primary care, a diagnosis of gout may be made through the patient’s history and
clinical presentation, including a rapid acute onset of symptoms, unilateral
metatarsophalangeal joint involvement, and prior episodes (Harding, 2016). The
uric acid level is not diagnostic as half of the patients with acute gout have
normal levels; obtaining a baseline value is recommended to monitor the
effectiveness of therapy (Harding, 2016; Qaseem, Harris, & Forciea, 2016).
Clinical Aspects
The nurse should perform a comprehensive history to determine the presence of
the aforementioned risk factors. Physical assessment includes vital signs, height
and weight, body mass index (BMI), examination of the involved joint, signs of
insulin resistance markers such as acanthosis nigricans, and assessment for tophi
in joints and ears. Laboratory screening for uric acid may be ordered as well as
examination of the synovial fluid from joint aspirate to look for urate crystals.
Applicable nursing diagnoses for the patient with gout include pain, acute or
chronic; deficient knowledge; and impaired physical mobility.
The following interventions are primarily based on the American College of
Physician’s guidelines for managing the patient with gout (Qaseem et al., 2017).
Medication and dietary adherence is of primary importance during
prophylactic treatment. The nurse is responsible for teaching the patient about
the actions, side/adverse effects, and proper administration of prescribed
medications. Acute attacks of gout are managed with pharmacologic treatment.
Numerous randomized controlled trials (RCTs) show that colchicine and
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as naproxen,
indomethacin, and sulindac, are effective in controlling pain in acute gout.
Gastrointestinal adverse effects are common and these medications should be
taken with food. Corticosteroids are used in acute exacerbations and their
inflammatory effect is equivalent to NSAIDs. Patients should be taught signs of
adverse effects of NSAIDs and steroids. Patients should be taught to avoid
aspirin and niacin, which can precipitate acute episodes by raising uric acid
To prevent flares, patients should observe some dietary restrictions. Foods
high in purine, such as organ meats, beef, lamb, pork, and seafood, are to be
avoided. Other food restrictions include sugar-sweetened drinks and fruit juices
containing high-fructose corn syrup, vegetables and fruits high in vitamin C,
nuts, whole grains, and legumes. The patient should be encouraged to drink at
least eight glasses of fluids daily to prevent uric-related urolithiasis. Excessive
emotional and physical stress, surgery, and acute illness can also cause a flare.
The evidence on dietary counseling showed mixed results. A randomized
controlled study by Holland and McGill (2014) demonstrated that diet education
resulted in significant improvement in knowledge of the intervention group but
had no effect on serum urate level at 6 months.
Urate-lowering therapy is considered in patients with tophi, a history of two or
more acute episodes of inflammation per year, stage 2 or higher chronic kidney
disease (CKD), or a history of urolithiasis. RCTs show that the use of low-dose
colchicine and NSAID or NSAID alone is effective in reducing the risk of acute
attacks in patients initiating urate-lowering therapy. Allopurinol is the first line
of treatment, gradually titrated every 2 to 5 weeks to reach desired serum uric
acid level. Lower doses are used in patients with significant CKD. A more
expensive medication, febuxostat, does not require dose adjustment in CKD.
Probenecid is prescribed for patients with contraindications to either allopurinol
or febuxostat with no history of urolithiasis and creatinine clearance above 50
mL/min. The nurse should inform the patient not to take aspirin, which would
cancel the effects of the drug. Prophylaxis may continue for 3 months in persons
without tophi and up to 6 months if tophi are present.
Nonpharmacological pain management, such as topical ice application on the
affected joints 30 minutes four times a day, nonweight bearing on affected joints,
and bedrest, are recommended during severe attacks.
The nurse plays a supportive role during acute episodes that affect the
functional and mobility status of the patient. The environment has to be assessed
to ensure patient safety. Provisions of safety and mobility aids may be necessary.
Emotional support should be provided as needed.
Gout is an inflammatory disease of the peripheral joints caused by accumulation
of urate crystals with both genetic and environmental risk factors. Typical
presentation is an acute onset of unilateral joint redness, swelling, and pain.
Analysis of synovial fluid from the involved joint for presence of urate crystals
is the gold standard for diagnosing gout, but diagnosis is usually made from
history and clinical presentation in primary care. Gout is managed by
pharmacologic treatment during acute episode and as prophylaxis. The nurse’s
responsibility is supporting the patient in managing symptoms, reducing flares,
and monitoring effects of therapy. Patient education related to diet counseling,
medication teaching, and lifestyle modification is an important part of nursing
Fuerst, M. L. (2015). How common is gout in the United States, really? Rheumatology Network, 11(11),
Hainer, B. L., Matheson, E., & Wilkes, R. T. (2014). Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of gout.
American Family Physician, 90(12), 831–836.
Harding, M. (2016). An update on gout for primary care providers. Nurse Practitioner, 41(4), 14–21; quiz
21. doi:10.1097/01.NPR.0000481510.32360.fa
Holland, R., & McGill, N. W. (2015). Comprehensive dietary education in treated gout patients does not
further improve serum urate. Internal Medicine Journal, 45(2), 189–194. doi:10.1111/imj.12661
Qaseem, A., Harris, R. P., & Forciea, M. A.; Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of
Physicians. (2017). Management of acute and recurrent gout: A clinical practice guideline from the
American College of Physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine, 166(1), 58–68. doi:10.7326/M16-0570
Kathleen Marsala-Cervasio
Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is the most common acute inflammatory
polyneuropathy characterized by rapid, progressive, and symmetrical
neuromuscular paralysis (Willison, Jacobs, & van Doorn, 2016). The annual
incidence in the United States is 0.6 to 1.9 per 100,000 persons per year with 0.6
per 100,000 cases in children, and 2 to 7 per 100,000 persons per year in the
elderly (Willison et al., 2016). It is believed that this disease is an autoimmune
disorder triggered by infections, surgery, or vaccinations (Walling & Dickson,
2013). A severe manifestation of the disease triggers respiratory failure in
approximately 25% of all cases and is fatal in 5% to 10% of cases worldwide
(Walling & Dickson, 2013). GBS requires intensive nursing care to identify
rapid progression and intervention as well as specific teaching and rehabilitation.
Early detection of GBS is crucial to management of the syndrome.
GBS is a fulminant polyradiculoneuropathy, characterized by progressive
weakness and diminished to absent myotatic reflexes (Willison et al., 2016).
First reported in the literature in 1834, this syndrome is believed to be triggered
by infection stimulating an antiganglioside antibody production (Rajabally &
Uncini, 2012). In approximately 70% of cases of GBS, symptoms occurs 1 to 3
weeks after an acute infectious process (Rajabally & Uncini, 2012). The
organisms most commonly involved are Campylobacter jejuni, Mycoplasma
pneumonia, Haemophilus influenza, cytomegalovirus, Epstein–Barr virus, and
influenza (Willison et al., 2016). According to Rajabally and Uncini (2016), the
administration of antirabies, influenza, and swine flu vaccines were all
associated with an increase in the incidence of GBS.
Clinical Aspects
Clinical features of GBS include areflexia, progressive limb weakness initially in
the legs, and uncommon sensory loss to the bulbar, facial, and respiratory
function within 2 to 4 weeks after onset, the time of maximum severity of
symptoms (Willison et al., 2016). Typically, after a month of symptom onset,
remyelination occurs and the recovery process begins, lasting from weeks to
years, often with residual effects.
Additional GBS symptoms include autonomic dysfunction and pain. Pain is
the first reported symptom accompanied with numbness and tingling in the
hands and feet bilaterally (Willison et al., 2016). Progressive symmetrical
weakness occurs from the distal to proximal extremities with diminished
reflexes, proprioception, and vibratory sensation (Moore & Shepard, 2014).
Autonomic dysfunction may be characterized by arrhythmias, blood pressure
instability, respiratory dysfunction, dysphagia, dysarthria, and facial paralysis.
Children initially present with the inability to walk in over 50% of GBS cases;
rarely is the syndrome seen in infants (Willison et al., 2016). Recently, Zika
virus and dengue fever have been responsible for reported cases of GBS outside
the United States (van den Berg et al., 2014).
Assessment for GBS begins with a history, specifically asking about either viral
gastrointestinal or respiratory infections in the 2 weeks prior to symptom onset.
Physical findings may include difficulty in walking, numbness in the hands and
feet, body weakness, and functional decline in the prior few days. As GBS
progresses, there is fever and bladder and bowel dysfunction (van den Berg et
al., 2014). Laboratory tests may include a cytological examination of cerebral
spinal fluid, which usually reveals an increased level of protein.
Immunoglobulins and serum protein electrophoresis may have decreased levels
of immunoglobulin (IgA). Blood tests may reveal cytomegalovirus or Epstein–
Barr virus, and stool cultures may identify C. jejuni. Other diagnostic studies
may include nerve conduction velocity studies, electromyography,
electrocardiogram, and pulmonary function tests. Plasma exchange therapy and
intravenous immune globulin therapy have been shown to haste recovery
(Rosen, 2012).
Initial nursing assessment consists of a history, complete physical, and
psychosocial evaluation of potential signs or symptoms of GBS. Documentation
must include recent travel as well as recent viral illnesses, vaccinations, and
surgeries. Recent and current medications should be reviewed with the medical
team. A neurological assessment should include the Glasgow Coma Scale,
particular evaluation of muscle strength in all extremities, and questions for the
presence of numbness and tingling of extremities, particularly the lower
extremities. Filaments may be used for extremity sensory assessment. A
complete set of vital signs should include oxygen saturation and a pain
assessment. The respiratory system is thoroughly evaluated. If the patient is in a
monitored environment, all vital signs should be continuously monitored with
alarm settings on to identify any deviations quickly. As the nurse proceeds to
continue assessing the patient, specific questions about bladder and bowel
incontinence will be evaluated.
Safety is a priority and nurses should include a fall-prevention protocol that
includes three rails up, call bell in reach, and frequent checks for activities of
daily living. Weakness can also lead to other injuries like burns from hot drinks.
Skin breakdown may occur and therefore prevention is key and implementation
of skin care protocols a priority. Constant observation for incontinence is
necessary to prevent skin breakdown. Patients with GBS should be on aspiration
precautions with oxygen and suction at the bedside and the head of the bed up.
Venous thrombosis prevention by passive or active range of motion, intermittent
pneumatic compression devices, or anticoagulant prophylaxis may be indicated.
Referral to physical therapy, plus occupational and speech therapy for
swallowing assessment may be indicated. The nurse should ensure
communication, assess coping mechanisms, screen for depression, and plan for
rehabilitation with the patients and their families.
The administration of corticosteroids has not demonstrated any benefit to
prognosis. Supportive therapy includes pain management, monitoring vital signs,
frequent respiratory assessments, and a focus on preventing complications while
hospitalized. Neurological problems will persist in up to 20% of patients with
GBS, and one half of these patients will be severely disabled (van den Berg et
al., 2014).
GBS is potentially life-threatening; no cure is known. A history and physical
findings with specific questions by the registered nurse (RN) can identify early
symptoms and intervention. GBS requires an interdisciplinary approach to care,
recovery, and long-term rehabilitation. Increased awareness of GBS screening is
vital in a time of identification of new organisms, that is, Zika, increased use of
vaccinations, and increased surgical interventions.
Moore, A. S., & Shepard, L. H. (2014). Myasthenia gravis vs. Guillain–Barré syndrome—What’s the
difference? Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 12(4), 20–30.
Rajabally, Y. A., & Uncini, A. (2012). Outcome and its predictors in Guillain–Barre syndrome. Journal of
Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 83(7), 711–718. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2011-301882
Rosen, B. A. (2012). Guillain–Barré syndrome. Pediatrics in Review, 33(4), 164–70; quiz 170.
van den Berg, V., Walgaard, C., Drenthen, J., Fokke, C., Jacobs, B., & van Doorn, P. (2014). Guillain–Barré
syndrome: Pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Neurology, (10), 469–482.
Walling, A. D., & Dickson, G. (2013). Guillain–Barré syndrome. American Family Physician, 87(3), 191–
Willison, H. J., Jacobs, B. C., & van Doorn, P. A. (2016). Guillain–Barré syndrome. Lancet, 388(10045),
717–727. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16) 00339-1
Arlene Travis
Heart failure (HF) is a common condition associated with significant mortality,
morbidity, reduction in quality of life, and health care costs. Nurses play an
important role in the care of patients with HF. Well-informed nurses, skilled in
the care of patients with HF, make significant contributions to the health and
well-being of these patients.
HF is a syndrome characterized by the inability of the heart to supply the body
with sufficient blood and oxygen to meet its metabolic needs. HF is a chronic
condition, with no cure, characterized by flares in disease severity, requiring
lifelong management to control symptoms and maintain optimal cardiac
function. Patients with HF are subject to episodes of rapid worsening of
symptoms, at which point chronic HF becomes acute HF (also known as acute
decompensated HF), which usually requires hospitalization.
HF is a major public health problem and a global epidemic, affecting
approximately 25 million people worldwide and 5.8 million in the United States
(Ambrosy et al., 2014; Roger, 2013). The incidence of HF increases sharply with
age (Go et al., 2012) and the number of people with HF is expected to rise
dramatically due to the aging of the world’s population. The number of
Americans with HF is projected to increase from 5.8 million in 2012 to 8.5
million by 2030. One of five Americans will develop HF in their lifetime, and
about 50% of patients with HF die within 5 years of diagnosis (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2015). HF is one of the leading causes
of hospitalizations in the United States and is responsible for 1 million
hospitalizations every year (Pfuntner, Wier, & Stocks, 2013). Costs associated
with HF place a significant economic burden on the health care system. In 2012,
the cost of HF care in the United States was about $32 billion, and is anticipated
to soar to $70 billion by 2030 (Heidenreich et al., 2013.) Hospitalizations
account for the majority of the costs of caring for HF patients.
HF begins when an event or insult to the heart impairs its ability to function,
causing a reduction in cardiac output (CO). HF can be classified as ischemic or
nonischemic depending on the underlying cause. The majority of patients (65%)
have ischemic HF. In ischemic HF, decreased oxygenation of the myocardium,
usually caused by coronary artery disease, results in decreased CO. In
nonischemic HF, factors, such as hypertension or valve disease, cause the
decrease in CO.
HF is categorized as systolic or diastolic. This distinction is based on the
ejection fraction (EF), a measure of left ventricular (LV) function. EF is
measured as the percentage of blood (which has filled the LV in diastole) that is
pumped out during systole. In systolic HF (also known as HF with reduced EF),
the EF is below normal. In diastolic HF (also known as HF with preserved EF),
the EF remains normal or even high. Diastolic HF is caused by impaired
ventricular filling during diastole, resulting in insufficient volume available to be
pumped from the LV, whereas systolic HF is caused by impaired pumping action
of the LV during systole.
CO (the volume of blood pumped by the heart in 1 minute) is determined by
heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV), the volume of blood that is pumped
from the LV in one myocardial contraction (systole). SV is determined by the
interaction of three factors: preload, afterload, and contractility. Preload refers
to volume of blood that fills the heart, contractility refers to the force with which
the ventricle contracts, and afterload refers to the resistance the heart must
overcome for blood to exit the ventricle (Butler, 2012).
When CO is reduced, the body attempts to compensate by activating
mechanisms that affect both SV and HR (Rogers & Bush, 2015). HR is
controlled by the sinoatrial node (SA), which is influenced by the sympathetic
nervous system (SNS). Sympathetic activation is one of the key
pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying HF; when the CO drops, the SNS is
stimulated and HR increases.
Another underlying pathophysiologic process of HF is activation of the renin–
angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS). As a result of decreased CO, renal
perfusion is decreased. As a compensatory mechanism, the RAAS is activated
causing the release of angiotensin II and aldosterone. Angiotensin II raises blood
pressure (BP), increases afterload, and stimulates aldosterone production, which
then leads to sodium and fluid retention and increased preload.
Initially, compensatory mechanisms are successful in restoring CO; however,
this is short lived. In fact, these compensatory mechanisms have unintended
consequences that actually cause the syndrome of HF. Activation of the SNS
increases HR, temporarily restoring CO, but also places additional stress on an
already struggling heart, which tires, and CO falls. Activation of the RAAS
increases preload and afterload, which initially raise CO; however, additional
strain is placed on the heart, and CO decreases even more. Compensatory
mechanisms are reactivated over and over in response to successive reductions
in CO, and a self-perpetuating cycle of unintended consequences (reduced CO
and fluid and sodium retention) is established, which causes HF.
Clinical Aspects
The clinical presentation of HF is directly related to unintended effects of
compensatory mechanisms. Reduced CO causes reduced oxygen delivery to the
body tissues, causing symptoms of fatigue, activity intolerance, and alterations
in mental status. Sodium and fluid retention cause edema, orthopnea, weight
gain, pulmonary congestion, dyspnea, and pulmonary edema.
Understanding the pathophysiology of HF is crucial in guiding patient
assessment. Patients with HF should be assessed for orientation, cognition,
mood, energy level, and activity tolerance, as these reflect CO and tissue
oxygenation. Lungs should be auscultated for crackles, which result from
volume overload and impaired cardiac function. The heart should be auscultated
for rate and rhythm, and for the S3 heart sound, which indicates increased
intravascular volume. Cardiac murmurs may reflect valve disease and a
displaced apical impulse suggests cardiac enlargement.
Patients should be assessed for indications of fluid retention, such as
peripheral edema, anasarca, jugular venous distention, and abdominal distention.
Patients with chronic HF may have reduced appetite and nutritional deficiencies.
Body weight and changes in weight are critical assessments for HF patients.
Increasing weight is a sign of worsening HF, and a weight gain of more than 2
pounds in 1 day or 5 pounds in a week is a red flag and should be reported to the
Vital signs are critical assessments for HF patients. An elevated BP increases
afterload, reducing CO. Low blood pressure may reflect insufficient CO, which
can compromise tissue oxygenation. Increased HR, especially at rest, is an
indicator of cardiac dysfunction. Arrhythmias interfere with cardiac function and
should be addressed. Respiratory rate and shortness of breath increase with
worsening HF.
Laboratory tests include a metabolic panel and brain natriuretic peptide
(BNP). Hyponatremia is associated with poor outcomes in HF patients, as is
renal dysfunction. BNP is a hormone produced by the ventricles in response to
volume overload and is elevated in persons with HF. BNP levels less than 100
pg/mL indicate no HF, if greater than 400 pg/mL HF is likely; clinical judgment
should be used for findings within those ranges. As HF severity increases, BNP
levels also increase; with effective treatment of HF, BNP levels should decrease.
Patients hospitalized for acute HF should have BNP measured upon admission
and in preparation for discharge. Chest x-rays shows size and position of the
heart as well as pulmonary congestion. Echocardiography is done to evaluate LV
function and determine the EF.
In addition to physical assessment, nurses should assess patients’ knowledge
and understanding of HF and their role in disease management. HF requires a
significant amount of self-management and patients who understand the disease
process and management strategies have better outcomes (Yancy et al., 2013).
These assessments allow the nurse to plan appropriate patient education. Health
literacy should also be assessed and patient teaching should be tailored to the
patient’s health literacy level.
Pharmacologic therapy and lifestyle modification are the cornerstones of HF
management. Medications used to treat HF block or reduce the effects of
compensatory mechanisms. Beta-adrenergic antagonists (beta blockers) and
angiotensin-converting-enzyme-inhibitors (ACEI) and angiotensin II receptor
blockers (ARB) are mainstays of pharmacologic therapy for HF. Beta blockers
act by reducing the negative effects of catecholamine stimulation on the
myocardium by inhibiting SNS activity. ACEI, ARB, and aldosterone
antagonists all block the effects of RAAS activation.
Diuretics, especially the loop diuretics furosemide and bumetanide, are almost
always used in the treatment of HF, as they mobilize and eliminate fluid, reduce
shortness of breath, and reduce the demand on the heart due to fluid overload.
Devices, such as implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICD), may be used to
decrease risk of sudden cardiac death. Biventricular pacemakers for “cardiac
resynchronization therapy” may be used to optimize synchronous operation of
all four chambers of the heart. Newer medications for HF include ivabradine,
which directly reduces HR and valsartan-sacubitril, a potent inhibitor of the
RAAS (Yancy et al., 2013.) Nursing interventions include patient education on
therapeutic effects and side effects and on the importance of adherence to a
medication regimen.
Lifestyle modifications for HF patients usually include some fluid and sodium
restriction; however, these should be individualized for each patient. Patients
with HF should be taught the benefits of smoking cessation and advised to
remain physically active and exercise as tolerated to prevent deconditioning.
Essential self-management activities include taking medications as directed,
adhering to dietary recommendations, attending follow-up appointments,
remaining active, understanding the signs and symptoms of worsening failure,
and monitoring daily weight (Yancy et al., 2013). Nursing interventions to
support lifestyle modification include counseling and teaching patients about
risk factor reduction, disease and symptom management, diet, activity, and selfmanagement strategies. Nurses play a key role in patient education and
motivation and are often the primary educators for the patients and their
The desired outcomes of treatment for patients with HF are preventing mortality
due to HF, preventing progression of disease, optimizing quality of life, and
preventing hospitalizations. Adherence to medical and lifestyle
recommendations supports these goals. Patients with HF have the highest rates
of unplanned (within 30 days) readmission of all discharge diagnoses. In 2015,
22% of Medicare HF patients had unplanned readmissions (Medicare.gov,
2016). The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) can impose
financial penalties on hospitals with excessive readmissions. In 2016, an
estimated 75% of U.S. hospitals were subject to financial penalties for
readmissions (Rice, 2015), representing millions of dollars of lost revenue.
Nurses can play a key role in reducing avoidable readmissions as they have
primary responsibility for patient education and discharge preparation. Nurses
are ideally positioned to evaluate patient readiness for discharge in areas such as
(a) knowledge of disease process, (b) physical and functional status, and (c)
anticipated support at home, and can intervene if necessary. Patients evaluated
by nurses as having low readiness for discharge have higher risk for readmission.
Lack of social support is related to poor outcomes in patients with HF (Weiss,
Costa, Yakusheva, & Bobay, 2013), and nurses may intervene by involving
social services or case management to obtain needed assistance. HF may also
cause cognitive impairment and depression, which increase readmission risk.
Nurses can assess patients for these problems and mobilize the health care team
for management strategies if indicated. Managing HF can be challenging and
demoralizing to patients, and nurses can provide much-needed counseling,
emotional support, and encouragement.
HF is a complex problem with significant mortality and impact on patient quality
of life that is influenced by medical, individual, social, and health care delivery
system factors. Incidence and prevalence increase dramatically with an aging
population. Management by multidisciplinary teams that include nurses is
associated with better patient outcomes. Nurses will be called on to practice to
the full extent of their scope to meet the health care needs of millions of HF
patients, and are ideally positioned to use their knowledge and skills to improve
outcomes and prevent readmissions in this growing patient population.
Ambrosy, A., Fonarow, G., Butler, J., Chioncel, O., Greene, S., Vaduganathan, M., . . . Gheorghiade, M.
(2014). The global health and economic burden of hospitalizations for heart failure. Journal of the
American College of Cardiology, 63(12), 1123–1133. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2013.11.053
Butler, J. (2012). An overview of chronic heart failure management. Nursing Times, 108(14/15), 16–20.
Retrieved from http://www.nursingtimes.net/clinical-archive/cardiology/an-overview-of-chronic-heartfailure-management/5043315.fullarticle
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Heart failure fact sheet. Retrieved from
Go, A., Mozaffarian, D., Roger, V., Benjamin, E., Berry, J., Borden, W., . . . Turner, M. (2012). Heart
disease and stroke statistic—2013 update: A report from the American Heart Association. Circulation,
127(1), e6–e245. doi:10.1161/cir.0b013e31828124ad
Heidenreich, P., Albert, N., Allen, L., Bluemke, D., Butler, J., Fonarow, G., . . . Trogdon, J. G. (2013).
Forecasting the impact of heart failure in the United States: A policy statement from the American Heart
Association. Circulation: Heart Failure, 6(3), 606–619. doi:10.1161/hhf.0b013e318291329a
Pfuntner, A., Wier, L., & Stocks, C. (2013). Statistical brief #162: Most frequent conditions in U.S.
hospitals, 2011. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research.
Retrieved from http://www.hcupus.ahrq.gov/reports/statbr
Rice, S. (2015). Most hospitals face 30-day readmissions penalty in fiscal 2016. Modern Healthcare.
Retrieved from http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20150803/NEWS/150809981
Roger, V. (2013). Epidemiology of
Circulation Research,
Rogers, C., & Bush, N. (2015). Heart failure. Nursing Clinics of North America, 50(4), 787–799.
Weiss, M., Costa, L., Yakusheva, O., & Bobay, K. (2014). Validation of patient and nurse short forms of the
readiness for hospital discharge scale and their relationship to return to the hospital. Health Services
Research, 49(1), 304–317. doi:10.1111/1475-6773.12092
Yancy, C. W., Jessup, M., Bozkurt, B., Butler, J., Casey, D., & Drazner, M., . . . Wilkoff, B. L. (2013). 2013
ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of heart failure: A report of the American College of
Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association task force on practice guidelines. Circulation,
128(16), e240–327. doi:10.1161/cir.0b013e31829e8776
Rebecca M. Lutz
Charrita Ernewein
Hemolytic anemia (HA) is the expression of an underlying disease process.
Hemolysis of the red blood cell (RBC) is a form of anemia resulting from the
decrease in circulating RBCs (Barcellini & Fettizzo, 2015; Manchanda, 2015).
HA may be acute or chronic, mild to severe, intravascular or extravascular,
inherited or acquired (Bunn, 2017; Doig, 2015; Manchanda, 2015). An in-depth
patient history, with the benefit of laboratory testing, aids diagnosis. Treatment is
based on the differentiation of the underlying pathology (Cornett, 2017).
Anemia is a general term indicating a decrease in circulating RBCs caused by a
disease or deficiency and characterized by a decrease in the hemoglobin or
hematocrit levels (Manchanda, 2015). Anemia results from a decrease in RBC
production, an increase in RBC destruction, with an inability of the bone marrow
to sufficiently compensate for the hemolysis, or a decrease in total blood volume
(Barcellini & Fettizzo, 2015; Doig, 2015; Manchanda, 2015). The World Health
Organization (WHO) estimated that 1.62 billion persons (24.8%) worldwide are
affected by some form of anemia (WHO, 2008). The impact of HA on morbidity
and mortality, quality of life, and levels of disability is linked to the severity of
the underlying disorder and available treatment.
The RBC is produced by the bone marrow through the process of
erythropoiesis. With a life span of 120 days, the primary function of the RBC is
the exchange of gases within the body. Hemoglobin, a protein within the RBC,
binds to oxygen in the lungs for transport to the tissues. In the event of
hemolysis, decreasing levels of circulating oxygen stimulate the release of
erythropoietin from the kidneys. Erythropoietin stimulates bone marrow to
increase RBC production. Increased RBC production allows the body to
compensate for hemolysis (Bunn, 2017; Doig, 2015; Manchanda, 2015).
Inherited hemolytic disorders result from intracellular (intrinsic) defects of the
cell, enzyme deficiencies resulting in altered cell metabolism, or hemoglobin
disorders (Bunn, 2017; Doig, 2015; Manchanda, 2015). Hereditary disorders
include spherocytosis, elliptocytosis, xerocytosis, and stomatocytosis. The most
common form, hereditary spherocytosis, is an autosomal dominant mutation.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, an enzymatic disorder,
is the most common X-linked chromosomal disorder. Inherited hemoglobin
disorders, such as sickle cell (autosomal recessive) and thalassemia (autosomal
dominant), result in acute, chronic, or episodic HA.
Acquired hemolytic disorders result from extracellular (extrinsic) factors such
as infections, trauma, chemical exposures, or immunological disorders (Bunn,
2017; Doig, 2015; Manchanda, 2015). Acquired hemolytic disorders result from
an array of causes: bacterial or protozoal infections, mechanical heart valves or
dialysis, chemical exposure to toxins such as drugs or venoms, or autoimmune or
alloimmune responses. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) results from the
production of antibodies: immunoglobulin G (IgG; warm agglutinin syndrome)
or immunoglobulin M (IgM; cold agglutinin syndrome).
Clinical Aspects
Clinical manifestations of HAs are dependent on the type and severity of the
anemia (Barcellini & Fettizzo, 2015; Cornett, 2017). The most direct indicators
of the clinical severity of HAs are the hemoglobin level and the level of
hemolysis. Hemoglobin values at diagnosis are also important predictors of
patient outcomes, correlating with the risk of death and multiple therapy lines
(Barcellini & Fettizzo, 2015). Clinical presentation of patients with HA is
influenced by the onset of the anemia, focusing on whether the onset was abrupt
or gradual. Close monitoring of hemoglobin levels is a critical component in
disease management and treatment response evaluation (Barcellini & Fettizzo,
Signs and symptoms of HA vary based on the type and severity of the disease
and directly arise from hemolysis. Mild cases of HA may present without signs
and symptoms. The most common symptom of all types of anemia is fatigue
(Cornett, 2017). Clinically, the main signs of HA include jaundice,
splenomegaly, and dark urine. Patients may also present with fatigue, pallor,
dizziness, hypotension, shortness of breath, and tachycardia (Cornett, 2017;
Doig, 2015).
Laboratory features of HA specifically relate to the hemolysis and
erythropoietic response of the bone marrow (Cornett, 2017). Diagnostic testing
initially includes a complete blood count (CBC), peripheral smear, reticulocyte
count, serum bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), haptoglobin alanine
aminotransferase (ALT), and a Coombs test (Capriotti & Frizzell, 2016). If HA is
suspected, specific testing would be required for a definitive diagnosis of a
specific type of HA.
Nursing assessment and interventions for patients with potential anemia
involve the collection of subjective and objective data. The nurse should collect
a detailed review of patients’ medical history, medications, and their family
medical history. Frequent monitoring of vital signs and oxygen saturation is also
indicated. The nurse should be proficient in understanding laboratory values.
Appropriate nursing diagnoses applicable to patients with HA include
hypoxemia, activity intolerance based on fatigue, risk for injury, and deficient
knowledge. Specific nursing interventions are dependent on the etiology of the
HA. Interventions should be directed at establishing balance in daily activities
while safely integrating rest and exercise. Patient education, monitoring, and
follow-up are significant in relation to promoting positive patient outcomes
(Cornett, 2017).
Treatment of HA varies based on the type, cause, and severity of the disease.
Age, family medical history, and overall health are other factors that affect
treatment. Management also includes blood transfusions, medications, surgery,
plasmapheresis, blood and bone marrow transplants, and lifestyle changes (Bass,
Tuscano, & Tuscano, 2014). Blood transfusions are required to treat severe or
life-threatening HA. Medicines, primarily glucocorticoids, are the mainstay in
treating some types of HA, especially AIHA. Plasmapheresis, a process that
removes antibodies from the blood, can be used to treat immune HA after other
treatments have failed. Splenectomy can stop or reduce high rates of RBC
destruction (Bass et al., 2014). The goals of treatment include reducing or
stopping RBC destruction, increasing RBC count to therapeutic levels, and
treatment of the underlying cause of the condition.
There are many causes of HA and positive outcomes depend on the cause and
severity (Cornett, 2017). Mild HA may require no treatment; yet severe HA
requires prompt treatment to avoid mortality. Some causes of acquired HA can
be prevented. Avoidance of triggers is effective in certain types of HA. Acquired
forms of HA may resolve if the cause is identified and treated (Bass et al., 2014).
Ongoing treatment may be required for inherited HA (Cornett, 2017).
HAs are a group of heterogeneous diseases, inherited or acquired, causing
challenges in diagnosis and treatment (Barcellini & Fettizzo, 2015). With over
1.62 billion persons affected by anemia, the impact of HA is based on the
underlying disorder and available treatment options. Signs and symptoms of HA
vary based on the type and severity of the disease, yet clinically, the main signs
of HA include jaundice, splenomegaly, and dark urine (Cornett, 2017). Although
diagnostic testing, medical management, and nursing interventions vary based
on the type, cause, and severity of the disease, the goals of treatment remain
consistent to improve long-term patient outcomes.
Barcellini, W., & Fettizzo, B. (2015). Clinical application of hemolytic markers in the differential diagnosis
and management of hemolytic anemia. Disease Markers, 2015, 635670. doi:10.1155/2015/635670
Bass, G., Tuscano, E., & Tuscano, J. (2014). Diagnosis and classification of autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
Autoimmune Reviews, 13, 560–564. doi:10.1016/j.autrev.2013.11.010
Bunn, H. F. (2017). Overview of the anemias. In J. C. Aster & H. F. Bunn (Eds.), Pathophysiology of blood
disorders (2nd ed., pp. 32–46). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Retrieved from
Cornett, P. (2017). Hemolytic anemia. In E. Bope & R. Kellerman (Eds.), Conn’s current therapy (pp. 371–
376). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
Doig, K. (2015). Introduction to increased destruction of erythrocytes. In E. Keohane, L. Smith, & J.
Walenga (Eds.), Rodak’s hematology: Clinical principles and applications (5th ed., pp. 348–356). St.
Manchanda, N. (2015). Anemias: Red blood cell morphology and approach to diagnosis. In E. Keohane, L.
Smith, & J. Walenga (Eds.), Rodak’s hematology: Clinical principles and applications (5th ed., pp. 284–
296). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Retrieved from http://site.ebrary.com/lib/univsouthfl/reader.action?
World Health Organization. (2008). Worldwide prevalence of anemia 1993–2005. Retrieved from
Bette K. Idemoto
Jane F. Marek
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is an abnormal clotting response to
heparin and a complication of heparin therapy in susceptible patients. Heparin is
an anticoagulant that has been used for more than 90 years as prophylaxis and
treatment of venous or arterial clots in a variety of conditions, including venous
thromboembolic disease (deep vein thrombosis [DVT] and pulmonary embolus
[PE]), acute coronary syndrome, atrial fibrillation, and cerebrovascular accident.
Heparin is also used during transfusions, dialysis, and to maintain patency of
some venous access devices. A normal platelet count ranges from 150,000 to
450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. Thrombocytopenia or low platelet
count can range from mild to severe and places the patient at an increased risk
for bleeding. Unfortunately, patients treated with heparin for anticoagulation
may experience a paradoxical clotting response thought to be related to an
antibody-mediated cascade. Diligent monitoring of the platelet count after
exposure to heparin is important for early detection of this abnormal response,
known as HIT.
The clotting mechanism involves a complex reaction of cell activation, adhesion,
and platelet aggregation. This reaction can be lifesaving by stopping bleeding;
however, overactivation may result in the formation of blood clots or thrombi.
Blood clots within vessels and organs can lead to skin necrosis, limb ischemia
and possible amputation, end-organ damage, and death.
Over 30 years ago, clinicians began to report case studies with
thrombocytopenia in patients who had been exposed to heparin. These patients
presented with an abrupt decline in platelet count and paradoxical platelet
aggregation. Central features of the HIT syndrome include thrombocytopenia
and increased platelet aggregation. HIT may develop within hours or up to 14
days after initiation of heparin therapy. Type 1 HIT is a nonimmunologic
response that occurs within hours of exposure to heparin and results in a mild
transient thrombocytopenia. Type 1 HIT is usually self-limiting and heparin
therapy may be continued with close monitoring to detect possible clotting. In
contrast, type 2 HIT typically occurs 5 to 10 days after exposure to heparin and
is a potentially life-threatening clotting response that activates an immune
response resulting in clotting complications (Greinacher, 2015).
It is believed that HIT is caused by the development of antibodies that
stimulate platelets after administration of heparin. Heparin and platelet factor 4
(PF4) bind to form an antigen (immunoglobulin [IgG]) in susceptible patients,
depending on the particular type of heparin administered, unfractionated heparin
(UFH), or low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH). An altered immune response
leads to the formation of HIT antibodies (heparin-PF4 antibodies), which in turn,
activate the prothrombotic microparticles leading to thrombocytopenia and
thrombosis. This thrombosis has occasionally been called white clot syndrome.
Although all patients treated with heparin are at risk for developing HIT
antibodies, most persons will not develop type 2 HIT. It is estimated that 1% to
8% of patients treated with heparin may develop antibodies, but only half of
those develop arterial or venous thrombosis. Patients at increased risk include
those with extended periods of prophylactic anticoagulation such as following
orthopedic or cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. A higher incidence of type 2 HIT
is seen in postoperative patients treated with UFH than patients treated with
LMWH (Junqueira, Zorzela, & Perini, 2017). Type 2 HIT risk factors include
Caucasian race, female, and age more than 66 years. Contributing factors include
previous exposure to heparin, with or without HIT or heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (HITT).
Clinical Aspects
The clinical signs of type 2 HIT include ecchymosis at the heparin injection site
and pain, weakness, numbness, and redness or swelling of the extremity. Limb
ischemia is seen with DVT; thrombus can cause pulmonary emboli, stroke, acute
myocardial infarction, all of which would require anticoagulation. Systemic
reactions include chills, fever, dyspnea, and chest pain. Unlike most heparin
reactions that result in active bleeding, HIT usually does not cause bleeding,
rather patients will develop venous thromboembolism or HITT.
Diagnosis of HIT can be challenging; failure to recognize HIT may result in
thrombosis, amputation, or death. Inaccurate diagnosis may result in thrombosis
or hemorrhage. Other causes of thrombocytopenia include sepsis with
thrombocytopenia, and medications (Warkentin, 2016). Many clinicians use the
4-T score to differentiate HIT from other causes of thrombocytopenia (Crowther
et al., 2014). Each criterion has a maximum point value of 2; a total score of 0–3
indicates low probability of HIT, 4–5 intermediate probability, and 6–8 high
probability. The 4 scoring criteria (4-Ts) are thrombocytopenia severity (platelet
count greater than 50% and platelet nadir greater than or equal to 20), timing of
platelet count fall (clear onset between days 5 and 14 or less than or equal to 1
day prior heparin exposure within 30 days), thrombosis or other sequelae, and
the likelihood of other causes of thrombocytopenia. Obesity is associated with
increased rates of HIT in patients in critical care units and patient “thickness”
could be considered the 5th T in the 4-T scoring system (Bloom et al., 2016).
The 4-T score is used in conjunction with other patient assessment data to
determine the diagnosis of HIT. The patient with HIT may present with multiple
symptoms, including signs of DVT, PE, or stroke and other symptoms, including
flushing, chills, fever, dyspnea, and chest pain. Laboratory assessment includes
platelet count less than 50,000/mm3 or sudden drop of 30% to 50% from
baseline; heparin-induced platelet aggregation (HIPA) assay, serotonin release
assay (SRA) to identify the HIT antigen, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA) used to detect the HIT antigen, although false positives and lack
of specificity limit the usefulness of the test (Nagler, Bachmann, ten Cate, & ten
Cate-Hoek, 2016).
Management includes recognition of patients at risk for HIT and assessing the
patient for other possible causes of thrombocytopenia. Judicious use of heparin
according to clinical practice guidelines can reduce unnecessary or prolonged
treatment with heparin, thus reducing the risk of HIT. Early mobilization,
exercise, and prevention of dehydration may all decrease the need for
prophylactic subcutaneous heparin therapy, thus decreasing exposure to heparin
and ultimately the risk of HIT. Discharge teaching should include education
about HIT, risk factors, and signs and symptoms of HIT that may occur after
discharge and before follow-up medical appointments. Patients should be taught
to report unusual bruising and signs and symptoms of DVT and PE immediately
to the provider.
Early recognition and diagnosis results in improved patient outcomes (AlEidan, 2015). All nurses should be aware of the potential for HIT. Strict
guidelines and evidence-based interventions regarding maintenance of central
venous access devices, implanted ports, and hemodialysis catheters should be
followed to avoid unnecessary exposure to heparin. Ongoing physical
assessment is important for early recognition and prevention of complications of
HIT. Medication teaching should include a clear communication about exposure
to heparin and delayed side effects of heparin after discharge.
The current standard for anticoagulation and heparin therapy is to obtain both
baseline and ongoing laboratory values to monitor the platelet count, the major
indicator of HIT. Evidence-based guidelines from the American College of Chest
Physicians (ACCP; Garcia, Baglin, Weitz, & Samama, 2012) provide the
standard of care for anticoagulation practices. The expertise of hematologists
and vascular medicine specialists is an integral part of the interdisciplinary
team’s plan to manage patients with this complex phenomenon.
General principles of care of patients with HIT include immediate cessation of
all heparin (including flushes, coated catheters, dialysate), laboratory testing to
confirm the presence of the HIT antigen, alternative anticoagulation measures
until the risk of thrombosis is satisfactorily eliminated, careful monitoring of the
platelet count, and ongoing assessment for new thrombotic events (McGowan et
al., 2016). Administering platelets is not recommended because they may
exacerbate the hypercoagulable state.
The ACCP (Garcia et al., 2012) recommends limiting platelet transfusions to
patients with severe thrombocytopenia and bleeding or those undergoing an
invasive procedure with an increased risk of bleeding. Warfarin is not
recommended as it can make the thrombosis worse in HIT; warfarin therapy
should not be initiated until the platelet count has recovered to a minimum of
150 × 109/L. Patients should be treated with alternative anticoagulation;
bivalirudin (Angiomax) and argatroban (Acova) are direct thrombin inhibitors
currently approved for intravenous use in the United States (Garcia et al., 2012).
Nursing care should follow the evidence-based guidelines, which have been
specified for interdisciplinary teams (Vaughn et al., 2014).
Although the occurrence of HIT is infrequent, HIT can have devastating
outcomes, such as DVT, PE, limb amputation, and death. It is imperative that
nurses and all members of the health care team understand the devastating
effects of unrecognized and untreated type 2 HIT. Efforts to limit unnecessary
exposure to heparin are crucial. Patients receiving heparin must be carefully
monitored with routine assessment of the platelet count. Discharge education
regarding activity and recognizing the signs and symptoms of HIT is essential
for prevention and early detection of HIT or HITT. Future trends include the
development of selective anticoagulants with decreased side effects and sensitive
diagnostic laboratory tests to adequately detect HIT and alternatives for
Al-Eidan, F. A. (2015). Pharmacotherapy of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: Therapeutic options and
challenges in the clinical practices. Journal of Vascular Nursing, 33(1), 10–20.
Bloom, M. B., Zaw, A. A., Hoang, D. M., Mason, R., Alban, R. F., Chung, R., . . . Margulies, D. R. (2016).
Body mass index strongly impacts the diagnosis and incidence of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in
the surgical intensive care unit. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 80(3), 398–403; discussion
403. doi:10.1097/TA.0000000000000952
Crowther, M., Cook, D., Guyatt, G., Zytaruk, N., McDonald, E., Williamson, D., . . . Warkentin, T. E.
(2014). Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in the critically ill: Interpreting the 4Ts test in a randomized
trial. Journal of Critical Care, 29(3), 470.7–470.15. doi:10.1016/j.jcrc.2014.02.004
Garcia, D. A., Baglin, T. P., Weitz, J. I., & Samama, M. M. (2012). Parenteral anticoagulants:
Antithrombotic therapy and prevention of thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians
evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest, 141(2 Suppl.), e24S–e43S. doi:10.1378/chest.112291
Greinacher, A. (2015). Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. New England Journal of Medicine, 373(19),
1883–1884. doi:10.1056/NEJMc1510993
Junqueira, D. R., Zorzela, L. M., & Perini, E. (2017). Unfractionated heparin versus low molecular weight
heparins for avoiding heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in postoperative patients. Cochrane Database
of Systematic Reviews, 2017(4), CD007557. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD007557.pub3
McGowan, K. E., Makari, J., Diamantouros, A., Bucci, C., Rempel, P., Selby, R., & Geerts, W. (2016).
Reducing the hospital burden of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: Impact of an avoid-heparin
program. Blood, 127(16), 1954–1959. doi:10.1182/blood-2015-07-660001
Nagler, M., Bachmann, L. M., ten Cate, H., & ten Cate-Hoek, A. (2016). Diagnostic value of immunoassays
for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Blood, 127(5), 546–557.
Vaughn, D. M., Mazur, J., Foster, J., Lazarchick, J., Boylan, A., & Greenberg, C. S. (2014). Implementation
of a heparin-induced thrombocytopenia management program reduces the cost of diagnostic testing and
pharmacologic treatment in an academic medical center. Blood, 124(21), 4848.
Warkentin, T. E. (2015). Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in critically ill patients. Seminars in
Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 41(1), 49–60. doi:10.1055/s-0034-1398381
Maricar P. Gomez
Hiatal hernia is a condition in which abdominal contents, most commonly of the
stomach, protrude through the esophageal hiatus in the diaphragm, and into the
thoracic cavity. Hiatal hernias are common in Western countries, specifically in
the adult population, affecting more women than men (Qureshi, 2016). Nursing
care of patients with hiatal hernia is often directed at assessment of symptoms
and education to minimize symptoms and severity of herniation.
Hiatal hernias are classified as either sliding or paraesophageal. Sliding, or type
I, hiatal hernias constitute about 90% of hiatal hernia cases and occur when the
gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) slides freely in and out of the thorax during
changes in position or intra-abdominal pressure. Paraesophageal hernias (PEH)
are further categorized by extent of herniation (types II, III, or IV). In type II
hernias, the gastric fundus migrates above the diaphragm while the GEJ remains
in the native subdiaphragmatic position. Type III is a combination of both types I
and II, whereas the GEJ and gastric fundus protrude into the thorax through a
pathologically widened esophageal hiatus. Finally, type IV refers to the presence
of other abdominal visceral contents within the hernia sac such as omentum,
spleen, pancreas, colon, or small bowel (Kohn et al., 2013).
Most adults with hiatal hernias are asymptomatic. Symptoms caused by hiatal
hernias are a result of intermittent obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract and a
lax or unsupported lower esophageal sphincter allowing reflux. Obstruction is a
result of a herniated intrathoracic stomach compressing the adjacent esophagus
along with angulation of the GEJ when stomach becomes progressively
displaced into the chest. Rarely, patients develop acutely severe chest or
epigastric pain and/or severe vomiting due to complications of volvulus or
strangulation. Volvulus occurs when the intrathoracic stomach twists and
subsequently obstructs the gastrointestinal tract. Strangulation of the stomach is
a consequence of acute gastric volvulus. The blood supply to the stomach is
interrupted and, if emergent surgery is not performed, gastric ischemia, necrosis,
and even perforation of the stomach can ensue (Cohn & Soper, 2017).
The true incidence is difficult to approximate given that many people with
hiatal hernias are asymptomatic and never diagnosed. Certain chronic conditions
increase the propensity of developing hiatal hernia, including obesity, pregnancy,
and abdominal ascites. These conditions promote herniation of organs from the
positive pressure environment within the abdomen to a negative pressure
environment within the thorax. The frequency of hiatal hernias increases with
age, from 10% in patients younger than 40 years to 70% in patients older than 70
years (Qureshi, 2016). This is because as patients age, the diaphragmatic muscle
and surrounding membranes around the hiatus weakens and loses elasticity
(Roman & Kahrilas, 2014).
Hiatal hernias can be treated both medically and surgically. Conservative
therapy should be initiated at first, particularly lifestyle changes and
administration of pharmacologic agents. Surgery is usually reserved for
symptomatic hernias that are refractory to pharmacologic therapy, or cases where
there is bowel obstruction or ischemia.
Clinical Aspects
Diagnosis is supported by an accurate history and diagnostic tests, whereas
physical examination is nonspecific. While taking a patient’s history, the
registered nurse should assess for symptoms and related aggravating factors that
indicate the presence of a hiatal hernia. Patients with sliding hiatal hernias
typically endorse gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms like reflux,
heartburn, or regurgitation, whereas patients with PEH indicate obstructive
symptoms like postprandial fullness, epigastric pain, bloating, nausea, emesis,
dysphagia, or retching. Atypical symptoms include cough, dyspnea, laryngitis,
vocal hoarseness, dental erosions, or chest discomfort, which may also be related
to different health processes. Any sign of acute chest pain and dysphagia in a
patient with a known hiatal hernia can suggest incarceration. This is a medical
emergency and providers should be notified immediately (Kohn et al., 2013).
Auscultating the lungs for rhonchi can imply presence of pulmonary
complications. Inquire about recurrent pneumonias, which can be due to silent
aspiration. Question the patient regarding any history of anemia, hematochezia,
melena, or hematemesis, which can be a result of Cameron’s ulcers. A nutritional
assessment with attention to unintentional weight loss or signs of dehydration
may help identify the need for supplemental nutrition via parenteral nutrition or
placement of a temporary feeding tube. In addition, since obesity is a significant
risk factor for hiatal hernias, weight should be monitored. Explore the patient’s
social history, including smoking and alcohol use, as well as any stressors, which
can exacerbate GERD symptoms. Medication reconciliation and checking for
compliance also helps influence treatment planning.
Nursing diagnoses include knowledge deficit about the disorder, diagnostic tests
and treatments; acute pain related to dysphagia, reflux, gastric distention,
impaired perfusion to herniated stomach; imbalanced nutrition due to inadequate
consumption of body requirements related to dysphagia or reflux; and risk for
aspiration due to dysphagia or regurgitation.
The most consequential role of a nurse caring for a patient with a hiatal hernia
is health teaching. Because obesity is a significant risk factor, weight reduction is
paramount. Refraining from wearing constricting clothing around the abdomen
also helps decrease intra-abdominal pressure. Encourage patients to chew well,
eat slowly, and to eat small amounts to prevent gastric distention. Remaining
upright for 1 hour after eating, waiting at least 2 to 3 hours after last meal of the
day, and sleeping with head of bed elevated at least 30° helps foster esophageal
emptying, prevents aspiration of regurgitated contents, and prevents upward
migration of hernia. Advise patients to avoid certain trigger foods (e.g.,
chocolate, fatty foods, fried foods), which can aggravate symptoms. Because
alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine immediately decrease lower esophageal sphincter
pressure, encourage patients to stop smoking and eliminate alcohol and caffeine.
If psychological stress seems to cause symptoms, discuss coping mechanisms
and stress management techniques.
If elective surgery is planned, discuss the benefits of weight loss with the
patient before surgery. Obesity is also a risk factor for dehiscence and hernia
recurrence postoperatively (Cohn & Soper, 2017). Tobacco abusers should
refrain from smoking at least 4 weeks before surgery or as prescribed by the
surgeon. Smoking increases the risk of postoperative deep vein thrombosis and,
due to the effects of impaired oxygen uptake, cells in the surgical wound receive
less oxygen. In turn, this delays wound healing and increases the chance of
infection. Reinforce any preoperative instructions and ensure that any bloodthinning agents are documented and held for the appropriate length of time. To
ease anxiety, it is helpful to prepare the patient for what to expect after surgery,
for example, incisions, presence of tubes, diet, activity, length of stay, and/or
postoperative restrictions.
As a result of thorough and reinforced health education, patients should increase
compliance with therapy and instruction. Execution of nursing interventions
postoperatively helps to identify complications early and prevent poor outcomes.
Reassessment after nursing interventions are performed is important to
determine treatment success or the need for alternative therapy.
Treatment of hiatal hernias is usually indicated for GERD. Proton pump
inhibitors (PPIs) are more effective than histamine2 receptor antagonists in
healing esophagitis and decreasing the incidence of esophageal strictures, both
complications of chronic GERD. Although generally safe, PPIs can cause
adverse effects. Long-term PPI use has been associated with decreased bone
density. Although the risk for osteoporosis is low, judicious use of PPIs in
postmenopausal women who are at risk for hip fractures is recommended.
Patients at risk for osteoporosis should have bone mineral density testing;
treatment for osteoporosis may be indicated. In addition, PPIs have been linked
to decreased intestinal magnesium absorption resulting in low serum magnesium
levels. Before treatment with PPIs, patients should have baseline magnesium
levels assessed and repeated at intervals. Intermittent studies and meta-analyses
have also indicated that PPIs increase likelihood of development and recurrence
of Clostridium difficile infection (Roman & Kahrilas, 2014). Patients should be
instructed to report any persistent diarrhea to the provider. Finally, in 2011, the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised avoiding concurrent use of
clopidogrel (Plavix) with omeprazole or esomeprazole because together they
significantly reduce the antiplatelet activity of clopidogrel (FDA, 2011).
Most hiatal hernias are asymptomatic, but in some people hiatal hernia slowly
worsen and may eventually require treatment. Rarely, a life-threatening
complication may present acutely and require emergent surgery. Modifiable risk
factors include maintaining a healthy weight, smoking cessation, and moderate
alcohol consumption.
Cohn, T. D., & Soper, N. J. (2017). Paraesophageal hernia repair: Techniques for success. Journal of
Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques. Part A, 27(1), 19–23. doi:10.1089/lap.2016.0496
Kohn, G. P., Price, R. R., Demeester, S. R., Zehetner, J., Muensterer, O. J., Awad, Z. T., . . . Fanelli, R. D.
(2013). Guidelines for the management of hiatal hernia—A SAGES guideline. Retrieved from
https://www.sages.org/publications/guidelines/guidelines-for-the -management-of-hiatal-hernia
Roman, S., & Kahrilas, P. J. (2014). The diagnosis and management of hiatus hernia. British Journal of
Medicine, 349, g6154. doi:10.1136/bmj.g6154
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2011). Safety information—clopidogrel bisulfate tablet. Retrieved
from https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/appletter/2011/020839s055ltr.pdf
Scott Emory Moore
HIV is a retrovirus, most often transmitted through sexual activity or the sharing
of needles or syringes, that affects approximately 1.2 million people in the
United States (AIDS.gov, 2015; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
[CDC], 2016). The retrovirus attacks its hosts’ immune cells (CD4+ T cells
among others). There is no known cure for HIV, and, if undiagnosed and
untreated, HIV can progress to AIDS. AIDS, the most advanced stage of HIV,
results from the suppression of the immune system to the point of failure (Selik
et al., 2014). However, with early diagnosis, connection to HIV care, combined
antiretroviral therapy (cART), and viral suppression, HIV can be rendered a
chronic illness. Nursing care for adults with HIV/AIDS should focus on limiting
infections, symptom management, and the psychosocial implications of
In 1981, the illness that would come to be known as AIDS was first discussed as
a probable association between a rare Pneumocystis pneumonia and homosexual
activity among men in Los Angeles, California (CDC, 1981). Since then, AIDS
has been shown to develop as a result of HIV infection. HIV is a retrovirus that
incorporates its genetic code into the DNA of T-lymphocyte cells. HIV uses its
host cell to replicate its genetic code and build new HIV viruses to infect other
cells. In some cases, the HIV host cells become dormant making it difficult for
the immune system to remove the virus or cART to affect the virus (Gallo &
Montagnier, 2003).
There are two types of HIV: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the most common
type of infection in the United States, but there are cases of HIV-2 in the United
States, although it is more common in western Africa than the United States. It is
also possible to be infected with both HIV-1 and HIV-2. In addition to the two
types of HIV, there are multiple groups within each type, and groups can have
subtypes. These subtypes each have their own unique nature such as increased
resistance to specific drugs, or increased successful transmission rates. In North
America, HIV-1, group M, subtype B is the most common virus causing HIV
infection (Hemelaar, 2012).
Initial diagnosis of HIV in an adult is usually based on laboratory data using
multiple tests. The first type of testing used usually consists of an HIV antibody
screening, which if found to be reactive (positive result), leads to confirmatory
testing using another type of test that uses a differing mechanism for testing the
presence of HIV or HIV antibodies (Selik et al., 2014). HIV-1 viral load testing,
for example, would be an acceptable test to confirm a reactive antibody screen.
Once diagnosed, staging is the next step of clinical classification of HIV. HIV is
classified into one of five possible classifications, 0, 1, 2, 3, or unknown. Stage 0
is the earliest stage of HIV infection, considered to be the first 180 days since the
last known negative test until the first positive HIV test. If the time since last
negative test is greater than 180 days then HIV staging (stages 1, 2, 3, and
unknown) is based on clinical criteria, CD4+ T-lymphocyte count or percentage
of total lymphocytes, and/or diagnosis of an opportunistic illness (Selik et al.,
2014). When criteria for stage 0 are met, regardless of the presence of clinical
criteria for the other stages, the patient is categorized as stage 0. If there is no
information for the clinical criteria for staging then the initial stage is unknown,
but, as with those with initial staging of 0, the progression of the disease will
rely on the CD4+ T-cells and/or the presence of an opportunistic illnesses. Stage
3 is also known as AIDS, and it is defined as having less than 200 CD4+ T-cells,
or less than 14% of all lymphocytes are CD4+ and/or an opportunistic illness is
present (Selik et al., 2014).
HIV affected approximately 1.2 million people in the United States, and
approximately 36.7 million people worldwide at the end of 2015 (CDC, 2016;
World Health Organization [WHO], 2016). In the United States in 2015, a total
of 39,513 people were diagnosed with HIV and 18,303 people with AIDS (CDC,
Men who have sex with men continue to make up the majority of new
diagnoses, 83% in 2014 (CDC, 2016). HIV disproportionately affects African
Americans and Hispanic Americans, accounting for 44% and 24%, respectively
of estimated new HIV diagnoses in the United States in 2014 (CDC, 2016).
Older adults are a growing group of newly infected individuals, with 17% of
new diagnoses in 2014 occurring in people aged 50 years and older. Of those
newly diagnosed individuals who are 55 years old and older, 40% are diagnosed
with AIDS because of delayed identification of the disease. Other groups at risk
for HIV infection include people who are incarcerated, intravenous-drug users,
of lower socioeconomic status, and people who trade sex for money or drugs
(CDC, 2016).
The age-adjusted death rate for HIV was 2.0 per 100,000 people in 2014,
down from 10.2 in 1990. Advanced stage HIV can leave a patient open to
opportunistic illnesses ranging from cancers, such as Kaposi sarcoma,
lymphoma, and cervical cancer, to microbial infections, including
mycobacterium, toxoplasmosis, and candidiasis of the esophagus, bronchi,
trachea, or lungs. In addition, the presence of HIV-associated encephalopathy
and wasting syndromes can also be hallmarks of AIDS (Selik et al., 2014).
Clinical Aspects
An HIV/AIDS-related assessment should include some disease-specific
questions such as length of HIV diagnosis; which providers treat their
HIV/AIDS; which cART regimen, if any, the patient is on; what time(s) of day
he or she takes the cART; if the patient takes the medication as scheduled; if
patient has any history of AIDS-defining illnesses. Other things of note in the
assessment of these patients may be related to some of the risk factors for HIV
such as substance use/abuse, trading sex for drugs or money, and screening for
abuse, depression, malnutrition, and failure to thrive. Although the screening and
diagnostic testing for the presence of HIV are important for diagnosis of HIV,
CD4+ T-cell count, viral load, hemoglobin, hematocrit, renal function, and white
blood cell count results are more useful during the care of HIV+ patients.
It is less likely that HIV/AIDS is the principle reason for the patient needing
nursing care; however, in addition to monitoring and treatment of the primary
condition it is important to be aware of the compounding nature that HIV/AIDS
may have on dealing with the presenting illness. The symptoms and features
associated with HIV/AIDS can lead to certain complications, including delayed
wound healing or inability to fend off infections (local or systemic) related to
immune system deficiency, difficulty with participation in physical therapy
secondary to fatigue, forgetfulness, and cognitive dysfunction related to the
virus. Thus, nurses should be aware of the following: hydration, infection
prevention, nutrition, polypharmacy, social support, stigma, and symptom
management (e.g., cognitive dysfunction, depression, fatigue, pain, sleep
disturbances, wasting). Each of these has specific associations with HIV/AIDS,
but for most patients there are not any specific differences for nursing care of
HIV/AIDS patients.
Polypharmacy and related complications are concerning for adults living with
HIV/AIDS as they may take multiple medications for chronic illnesses or
opportunistic infection prophylaxis in addition to their cART. Patients with
HIV/AIDS may benefit greatly from a social work consult to ensure that they are
aware of the various public services available to them. In addition to need for
social support, HIV/AIDS-related stigma must be addressed. Not every HIV+
patient has disclosed his or her status, thus it is imperative for nurses to be
informed about which people, if any, know about the patient’s HIV status (Relf
& Rollins, 2015).
The measure of optimal outcomes in patients living with HIV/AIDS are
evaluated by whether and how consistently a patient is engaged in HIV care. The
HIV care continuum spans levels of engagement ranging from unengaged,
undiagnosed HIV through fully engaged, regular HIV-specific care (Gardner,
McLees, Steiner, Del Rio, & Burman, 2011). When patients with HIV/AIDS
need nursing care, it is important to assess the extent of their engagement in
HIV-specific care.
With cART treatment, people with HIV/AIDS are living longer than they did in
the 1980s. Although some patients are being diagnosed at stage 3 (AIDS), the
patient’s laboratory values may return to stage 1 or 2 levels as a result of
treatment of the virus and AIDS-associated illness. Identification and evaluation
of HIV/AIDS-related symptoms and patient advocacy are key parts of ensuring
the best outcomes.
AIDS.gov. (2015). How do you get HIV or AIDS? Retrieved from http://www.aids.gov/hiv-aids-basics/hivaids-101/how-you-get-hiv-aids/index.html
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (1981). Pneumocystis pneumonia. Morbidity and Mortality
Weekly Report, 30(21), 250–252.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). HIV in the United States: At a glance. Retrieved from
Gallo, R. C., & Montagnier, L. (2003). The discovery of HIV as the cause of AIDS. New England Journal
of Medicine, 349(24), 2283–2285. doi:10.1056/NEJMp038194
Gardner, E. M., McLees, M. P., Steiner, J. F., Del Rio, C., & Burman, W. J. (2011). The spectrum of
engagement in HIV care and its relevance to test-and-treat strategies for prevention of HIV infection.
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 52(6), 793–800. doi:10.1093/cid/ciq243
Hemelaar, J. (2012). The origin and diversity of the HIV-1 pandemic. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 18(3),
182–192. doi:10.1016/j.molmed.2011.12.001
Relf, M. V., & Rollins, K. V. (2015). HIV-related stigma among an urban sample of persons living with HIV
at risk for dropping out of HIV-oriented primary medical care. Journal of the Association of Nurses in
AIDS Care, 26(1), 36–45. doi:10.1016/j.jana.2014.03.003
Selik, R., Mokotoff, E., Branson, B., Owen, S., Whitmore, S., & Hall, H. (2014). Revised surveillance case
definition for HIV infection-United States, 2014. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 63(RR03), 1–
World Health Organization. (2016). Global summary of the AIDS epidemic 2015. Retrieved from
Marian Soat
Hypertension (HTN) in adults, if not detected early and treated appropriately,
can lead to myocardial infarction (MI), renal failure, stroke, and death (James et
al., 2014). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Yoon,
Fryar, & Carroll, 2015), approximately 77.9 million American adults suffer from
HTN, which is defined by the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC8) as blood
pressure (BP) that is equal to or greater than 140/90 mmHg. Because patients
with HTN often present with no symptoms, the disease is difficult to diagnose,
and controlling HTN is a challenge for health care providers (Wozniak, Khan,
Gillespie, & Sifuentes, 2016). Nursing care for adults with HTN is focused on
regular monitoring of signs and symptoms, a strict medication regimen, and
compliance with lifestyle modifications.
BP is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels. The
extent of that force depends on both the cardiac output and the resistance of
blood vessels. Optimal BP is generally defined as the level above which minimal
vascular damage occurs. High BP is a condition in which the force of the blood
against the artery walls is strong enough that, over an extended period of time, it
may cause health problems such as heart disease (Hedegaard, Hallis, RvnNeilsen, & Kjeldsen, 2016).
Specifically, HTN is equated with BP higher than 140/90 mmHg if the patient
is younger than 60 years, and higher than 150/90 mmHg for patients older than
60 years, according to the JNC 8 (2014). The overall occurrence is similar
between men and women but differs with age: for those younger than 45 years,
HTN is more common in men; for those older than 65 years, it is more common
in women.
Worldwide, more than 1 billion adults are afflicted with HTN, causing more
than 9 million deaths per year (Ettehad et al., 2016). Many patients are unaware
of their elevated BP because they are asymptomatic. Symptoms experienced by
patients are in the form of headaches, shortness of breath, or nosebleeds.
Unfortunately, these signs and symptoms are not specific to HTN, and often do
not occur until HTN has reached a severe or life-threatening stage.
There are two types of HTN. Primary, or essential HTN, tends to develop
gradually over many years and for most adults, there is no identifiable cause.
Secondary HTN appears suddenly, often caused by an underlying condition,
resulting in a higher level BP than that attributed to primary HTN. Various
conditions can lead to secondary HTN, including renal disease, obstructive sleep
apnea, and thyroid disease. Certain medications, such as birth control pills, cold
remedies, decongestants, over-the-counter pain relievers, and some prescription
drugs, as well as illegal drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines, may cause an
elevation in BP. Alcohol abuse or chronic alcohol use may cause an elevation in
BP (Rapsomaniki et al., 2014).
A hypertensive “crisis” is a significant increase in BP that threatens to cause a
stroke. Extremely high BP—a systolic pressure of 180 mmHg or higher or a
diastolic pressure of 120 mmHg or higher—may damage blood vessels, which
become inflamed and may leak fluid or blood and, as a result, the heart may not
be able to pump blood effectively. Causes of a hypertensive emergency include
noncompliance with antihypertensive medication or interaction between
medications. In addition, an adult with HTN may experience a hypertensive
crisis while having a stroke, an MI, an aortic rupture, or convulsions.
A hypertensive crisis is divided into two categories: urgent and emergent. In
an urgent hypertensive crisis, the BP is extremely high but there is no evidence
of end-organ damage. In an emergent hypertensive crisis, the BP is extremely
high and resulting organ damage is indicated. An emergent hypertensive crisis
can be associated with life-threatening complications. The adult may experience
severe chest pain and/or a severe headache, accompanied by confusion and
blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, severe anxiety, shortness of breath, seizures,
and unresponsiveness. If an adult displays these symptoms along with highly
elevated BP, that person will need immediate medical attention, including
hospitalization for treatment with oral or intravenous medications (Ettehad et al.,
Clinical Aspects
A crucial component for effective nursing care for the patient with HTN is a
comprehensive physical examination and medical history, as well as ongoing
assessment, according to NANDA International (formerly the North American
Nursing Diagnosis Association) (Herdman & Kamitsuru, 2014). Adults at risk
for developing HTN should be noted and reported on regularly. Risk factors for
HTN include excess weight, sedentary lifestyle, and noncompliance with
As the patient’s history is assessed, the nurse should evaluate reports of
extreme fatigue, intolerance for activities, sudden weight gain, swelling of
extremities, and progressive shortness of breath. These symptoms may indicate
poor ventricular function or impending cardiac failure.
Proper equipment must be used in taking a BP, including a quality stethoscope
and BP cuff. The patient should be relaxed, with his or her upper arm at the level
of the heart. The nurse should remove any excess clothing that would interfere
with the reading and the patient should remain still and quiet during the BP
The nurse should check central and peripheral pulses. Bounding carotid,
jugular, radial, or femoral pulses may be a sign of HTN. Pulses in the lower
extremities may be diminished, indicating vasoconstriction. When auscultating
heart and breath sounds, an S4 sound is common in a patient with HTN due to
increased arterial pressure. Presence of crackles and/or wheezing may indicate
pulmonary congestion secondary to developing heart failure. The nurse should
observe skin color, moisture, temperature, and capillary refill time as pallor may
be due to peripheral vasoconstriction. Dependent and general edema may
indicate heart failure as well as renal or vascular impairment (Bauer, Briss,
Goodman, & Bowman, 2014). The nurse should be sure to check laboratory
data, including cardiac markers, complete blood count, electrolytes, arterial
blood gases, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine. Recording and reporting
laboratory data can identify contributing factors to HTN, as well as indicate
organ damage.
Nursing management of the adult with HTN should focus on relieving stress by
providing a calm environment while hospitalized. In order to decrease
stimulation and promote relaxation, activities should be minimized. If needed,
the adult should have scheduled uninterrupted rest times. The adult may need
assistance with self-care activities, which will decrease the physical stress that
can affect BP (Bauer et al., 2014).
Nursing care for the adult with HTN should emphasize compliance with a
therapeutic regimen, lifestyle modifications, and prevention of complications.
These restrictions can help manage fluid retention with a hypertensive response,
which will decrease cardiac workload. Adults with HTN should be encouraged
to quit smoking, reduce sodium intake to a maximum of 2,400 mg/day, and
participate in moderate to vigorous activity 3 to 4 days per week, averaging 40
minutes a session per day (James et al., 2014).
Cigarette smoking can significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular
disease, including HTN. A full assessment of the adult’s smoking activity should
be obtained, including identifying and documenting tobacco use. Nursing care
involves encouraging the adult to quit smoking with the help of medication as
well as a referral to a smoking-cessation counselor. If the adult is not willing to
quit smoking immediately, he or she should be provided with smoking-cessation
information for future use.
Adults with HTN should be placed on a healthy diet, such as the dietary
approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) diet. The DASH diet is plant focused,
rich in fruits, nuts, and vegetables. It is low fat, incorporating nonfat dairy, lean
meats, fish, and poultry, and including whole grains and heart-healthy fats. The
DASH diet emphasizes limiting portion sizes, eating a variety of foods, and
ensuring an adequate amount of nutrients. There is also a lower sodium DASH
diet, in which the adult can consume up to 1,500 mg of sodium a day. The
DASH diet encourages limited alcohol consumption; the Dietary Guidelines for
Americans recommend up to two drinks a day for men and one for women.
According to the American Heart Association (Brook et al., 2013), physical
activity reduces not only HTN but also the risk of coronary artery disease,
stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Adults with HTN should be encouraged to engage in
regular physical activity, from moderate to vigorous, which can include brisk
walking, swimming, and bicycle riding. Even while hospitalized, adults with
HTN should be encouraged to engage in physical activity such as a walking
regimen. Long term, the nurse should encourage the adult to maintain this
activity, which may be supported by walking with a spouse, a friend, or in a
The adult with HTN should be encouraged to participate in activities that help
alleviate stress, such as breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, and yoga.
Nursing care should encourage long-term stress reduction, such as education in
stress management, a plan for balancing work/life activities, and adequate rest
(Oza & Garcellano, 2015).
The hypertensive patient may be prescribed one or more of the following
initial drugs of choice for HTN, according to the JNC8 guidelines: angiotensinconverting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor (ACE-I), angiotensin receptor blocker
(ARB), calcium channel blocker (CCB), and a thiazide diuretic. Nursing care
should emphasize and monitor the adult’s strict compliance with his or her
medication therapy, which is vital to the success of a program for reducing HTN.
Desired outcomes for the adult with HTN include maintaining BP within an
individually accepted range as well as a stable cardiac rhythm and rate (James et
al., 2014). If goal BP is not reached within a month of treatment, an increase of
the dose of the initial drug, or a second drug, may be warranted. Nursing care
then involves monitoring BP, ensuring compliance with medication, and noting
and reporting any side effects such as increased fatigue or shortness of breath.
This care regimen should be maintained until goal BP is reached.
Adults diagnosed with HTN should be monitored closely, as complications from
the disease can escalate. Recommendations for BP control, including treatment
levels, goals, and drug therapy, should be based on evidence as well as on
considerations specific to the individual. For adults with HTN, the benefits of
adopting lifestyle changes, including a healthy diet, weight control, and regular
exercise, should be stressed to aid in BP control (James et al., 2014).
Bauer, U. E., Briss, P. A., Goodman, R. A., & Bowman, B. A. (2014). Prevention of chronic disease in the
21st century: Elimination of the leading preventable causes of premature death and disability in the
USA. Lancet, 384(9937), 45–52.
Brook, R. D., Appel, L. J., Rubenfire, M., Ogedegbe, G., Bisognano, J. D., Elliott, W. J., . . . Rajagopalan,
S. (2013). Beyond medications and diet: Alternative approaches to lowering blood pressure: A scientific
statement from the American Heart Association. Hypertension, 61(6), 1360–1383.
Ettehad, D., Emdin, C. A., Kiran, A., Anderson, S. G., Callender, T., Emberson, J., . . . Rahimi, K. (2016).
Blood pressure lowering for prevention of cardiovascular disease and death: A systematic review and
meta-analysis. Lancet, 387(10022), 957–967. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(15)01225-8
Hedegaard, U., Hallas, J., Ravn-Nielsen, L. V., & Kjeldsen, L. J. (2016). Process- and patient-reported
outcomes of a multifaceted medication adherence intervention for hypertensive patients in secondary
Herdman, T. H., & Kamitsuru, S. (Eds.). (2014). Nursing diagnoses: Definitions & classification 2015–
2017. Chichester, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
James, P. A., Oparil, S., Carter, B. L., Cushman, W. C., Dennison-Himmelfarb, C., Handler, J., . . . Ortiz, E.
(2014). Evidence-based guideline for the management of high blood pressure in adults report from the
panel members appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8). Journal of the American
Medical Association, 311(5), 507–520. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.284427 Retrieved from
Oza, R., & Garcellano, M. (2015). Nonpharmacologic management of hypertension: What works?
American Family Physician, 91(11), 772–776.
Rapsomaniki, E., Timmis, A., George, J., Pujades-Rodriguez, M., Shah, A. D., Denaxas, S., . . .
Hemingway, H. (2014). Blood pressure and incidence of twelve cardiovascular diseases: Lifetime risks,
healthy life-years lost, and age-specific associations in 1.25 million people. Lancet, 383(9932), 1899–
Wozniak, G., Khan, T., Gillespie, C., & Sifuentes, L. (2016). Hypertension control cascade: A framework to
improve hypertension awareness, treatment, and control. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18(3), 232–
239. doi:10.1111/jch.12654. Epub 2015 Sept 4
Yoon, S. S., Fryar, C. D., & Carroll, M. D. (2015). Hypertension prevalence and control among adults:
United States, 2011–2014. NCHS data brief, no 220. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health
Colleen Kurzawa
Hyperthyroidism (HT) occurs as a result of overfunction of the thyroid gland,
which leads to an excess of thyroid hormone (TH) in the body (De Leo, Lee, &
Braverman, 2016). According to De Leo et al. (2016), 1% to 3% of people in the
United States will develop thyroid disease, HT increases with age, and the
prevalence of HT is greater in females. TH increases metabolism and protein
synthesis, which affects all major organs. Persons with HT may present with
mild to severe manifestation depending on the amount and period of time of
hypersecretion of TH. Nursing care of persons with HT focuses on prevention
and treatment of complications.
HT refers to an excess of TH that is synthesized and secreted by the thyroid
gland, and thyrotoxicosis refers to excess circulating TH no matter what the
source (De Leo et al., 2016). Patients with excessive TH will display an
increased basal metabolic rate, increased cardiovascular function, increased
gastrointestinal function, and increased neuromuscular function; weight loss;
heat intolerance; and problems with fat, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism
(Lemone, Burke, Bauldoff, & Gubrud, 2015; Melmed, Polonsk, Larsen, &
Kronenberg, 2016). Several factors that cause HT are excessive thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) receptor stimulation (Graves’ disease), autonomous
TH secretion (toxic multinodular goiter), destruction of follicles in the thyroid
with release of TH (infection, thyroiditis), and extrathyroidal sources of TH
(overmedication; Lemone et al., 2015; Melmed et al., 2016). The most common
causes of HT are Graves’ disease and toxic multinodular goiter (Ross et al.,
Worldwide, the prevalence of HT varies with the degree of iodine
insufficiency in populations; especially at risk are pregnant women, children,
and the elderly (De Leo, 2016; Devereaux & Tewelde, 2014). In the United
States, the prevalence of HT is 1.2%, with 0.5% overt HT and 0.7% subclinical
HT (Devereaux & Tewelde, 2014; Ross et al., 2016). Subclinical HT ranges from
1% to 10% in different populations and increases with age (Mitchell & Pearce,
2016). Grade I subclinical HT results when the TSH is low but detectable, and
grade II subclinical HT results when TSH is suppressed (Mitchell & Pearce,
2016). About 76% of grade I subclinical HT goes back to euthyroid state
(normal) and only 12.5% of grade II subclinical HT returns to the euthyroid state
(Mitchell & Pearce, 2016). Patients with grade II subclinical HT have a 3.1%
chance of progressing to a clinical HT in 7 years and patients with grade I
subclinical HT have a 0.5% chance of progressing to a clinical HT in 7 years
(Mitchell & Pearce, 2016). According to Ross et al. (2016), subclinical HT
populations that are asymptomatic should be treated at 65 years and older when
there is cardiac disease and osteoporosis. The percentages of females who
develop HT are 1% to 2%, and it is 0.1% to 0.2% for males (Melmed et al.,
2016). The prevalence of thyroiditis is 10% to 15% and toxic adenoma is 3% to
5% (Devereaux & Tewelde, 2014).
Graves’ disease is caused by thyroid-stimulating autoantibodies (Melmed et
al., 2016). Graves’ disease typically includes a triad of symptoms: goiter
(swelling of the thyroid gland), exophthalmos (protruding eyes), and skin
problems. About 80% of all hyperthyroid cases are Graves’ disease with an
incidence of 1 per 1,000, and it is greater in females 30 to 60 years of age with a
family history of thyroid problems (Melmed et al., 2016).
In pregnancy, the most common cause of HT is Graves’ disease. The incidence
of HT is five to nine per 1,000 pregnant women per year (De Leo et al., 2016).
Postpartum thyroiditis in the mother is transient and may develop anywhere
from 6 weeks to 6 months after childbirth (Devereaux & Tewelde, 2014). The
fetus is also at risk before birth because thyroid antibodies are able to cross the
placenta (De Leo et al., 2016).
HT in children is rare but if not treated it may lead to serious complications
with growth and development (Srinivasan & Mirsra, 2015). The incidence of HT
per 1,000 young children is 0.44 and in adolescents it is 0.26 (Endocrine Society,
2017). Graves’ disease accounts for 95% of HT cases (Srinivasan & Mirsra,
2015). Subclinical HT prevalence in children is 0.7% (Endocrine Society, 2017).
Thyroid storm is an uncommon complication of HT but has an extremely high
mortality rate (Devereaux & Tewelde, 2014). Thyroid storm is accelerated HT
and accounts for 1% to 2% of admissions for HT (Devereaux & Tewelde, 2014;
Mohananey et al., 2016). Thyroid storm occurs abruptly in patients being treated
incompletely or may be precipitated by infection, trauma, surgical emergency,
radiation thyroiditis, diabetic ketoacidosis, and toxemia during pregnancy
(Melmed et al., 2016). Manifestations are the result of an extreme metabolic
state and include irritability, tachycardia, vomiting, high temperature, profuse
sweating, delirium, or psychosis, eventually leading to apathy, stupor, and coma
(Lemone et al., 2015; Melmed et al., 2016). According to Mohananey et al.
(2016), the mortality rate from thyroid storm has decreased over the past several
years (60% in 2003, 21% in 2011).
Clinical Aspects
TH in the body acts to increase metabolism and protein synthesis. Manifestations
are similar to problems such as increased sympathetic nervous system
stimulation (Lemone et al., 2015; Melmed et al., 2016). Physical manifestations
are cardiovascular (hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmias, and edema); protein,
carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism (increased appetite, weight loss, and
aggravation of diabetes mellitus); nervous system (nervousness, emotional
liability, exaggerated movements, tremors of tongue, hands, eyelids, and
fatigue); eyes (blurred vision, photophobia, lacrimation, and exophthalmos);
respiratory (dyspnea); gastrointestinal (diarrhea, hepatomegaly, jaundice, nausea,
vomiting); musculoskeletal (muscle weakness, pathologic fractures, increased
excretion of calcium and phosphorus, osteoporosis, and osteomalacia); skin
(warm and moist, fine hair, soft nails); reproductive (delayed sexual maturity,
amenorrhea, reduced fertility, gynecomastia, and erectile dysfunction; Melmed et
al., 2016).
Nursing assessments should include a thorough health history and physical
examination. The health history should focus on family prevalence of thyroid
disease, menstruation history, gastrointestinal problems, weight changes, and
medication use (Lemone et al., 2015). Physical assessment should center on vital
signs and an examination of skin, eyes, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal,
reproductive, musculoskeletal system, and other systems (Lemone et al., 2015).
Laboratory results that demonstrate elevated TH, low TSH (elevated pituitary
tumor), elevated triiodothyronine (T3)/thyroxine (T4), and erythrocyte
sedimentation rate would indicate HT. Other tests may include a protein-binding
inhibition assay and bioassay. The radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) will be
elevated. A thyroid ultrasound may indicate the presence of a nodular thyroid
gland and a thyroid scan may confirm hyperfunctioning nodules.
Nursing diagnosis for the person with HT should be individualized and take
into consideration all possible effects on major organs and metabolism. The most
common health problems include cardiovascular, visual, nutrition, and body
image (Lemone et al., 2015). Persons may have increased blood pressure,
tachycardia, and dyspnea. Vital signs should be monitored, activity and rest need
to be balanced, and stress should be decreased with relaxation interventions
(Lemone et al., 2015). Disturbed sensory perception due to diplopia,
photophobia, and eye changes can put the patient at risk for falls. Patients should
wear dark glasses, use artificial tears, and elevate the head of bed (Melmed et al.,
2016). Imbalanced nutrition (less than body requirements) is due to the
hypermetabolic state induced by HT. The patient should understand the need to
check weight daily and keep a record. Collaboration with a dietician is important
to help ensure patients consume adequate amounts of carbohydrates and proteins
in relation to their metabolic demand (Lemone et al., 2015). Disturbed body
image and anxiety are due to changes with eyes, hair loss, perspiration, sexual
changes, and mood changes (Lemone et al., 2015). Good communication skills
are necessary to build a trusting relationship that allows the person to verbalize
her or his feelings and perceptions of the illness. Finally, the nurse needs to
clarify any misconceptions and provide information.
There is no cure for HT, and so the primary focus is on maintenance of the
disease process and alleviation of related symptoms. Nurses need to assist the
patient in the identification of stress-relieving activities and emphasize the need
for a trusting relationship with health care professionals. Nursing care is centered
on education and health promotion. Patients need to be aware that medication
regimens will be lifelong so they will need to be educated on ways to monitor
their symptoms and what side effects to report. If radioactive iodine therapy or
surgery is required, then postprocedure care is initiated. With treatment for HT,
the person must understand signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism and thyroid
De Leo, S., Lee, S. Y., & Braverman, L. E. (2016). Hyperthyroidism. Lancet, 388(10047), 906–918.
Devereaux, D., & Tewelde, S. Z. (2014). Hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis. Emergency Medicine Clinics
of North America, 32(2), 277–292.
Endocrine Society. (2017). Endocrine facts and figures. Retrieved from http://endocrinefacts.org/healthconditions/thyroid/4-hyperthyroidism
Lemone, P., Burke, K., Bauldoff, G., & Gubrud, P. (2015). Medical–surgical nursing: Critical thinking in
patient care (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Melmed, S., Polonsk, K. S., Larsen, P. R., & Kronenberg, H. M. (2016). Williams textbook of endocrinology
(13th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
Mitchell, A. L., & Pearce, S. H. (2016). Subclinical hyperthyroidism: First do no harm. Clinical
Endocrinology, 85(1), 15–16.
Mohananey, D., Villablanca, P., Bhatia, N., Agrawal, S., Murrieta, J. C., Ganesh, M., . . . Ramakrishna, H.
(2016). Trends in incidence, management and outcomes of cardiogenic shock complicating thyroid
Ross, D. S., Burch, H. B., Cooper, D. S., Greenlee, M. C., Laurberg, P., Maia, A. L., . . . Walter, M. A.
(2016). 2016 American Thyroid Association guidelines for diagnosis and management of
hyperthyroidism and other causes of thyrotoxicosis. Thyroid, 26(10), 1343–1421.
Srinivasan, S., & Misra, M. (2015). Hyperthyroidism in children. Pediatrics in Review, 36(6), 239–248.
Karen L. Terry
Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disorder characterized by insufficient
circulating levels of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine
(T3). Primary hypothyroidism occurs when there is either reduced thyroid
hormone or impaired thyroxine synthesis by follicle cells. Central
hypothyroidism occurs when the hypothalamic–pituitary axis is damaged.
Hypothyroidism consists of two subsets referred to as secondary and tertiary.
Deficient pituitary thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) production is considered
secondary hypothyroidism. Deficient hypothalamic thyroid-releasing hormone
(TRH) production is considered tertiary hypothyroidism (March, 2016).
Hypothyroidism is more prevalent in less developed countries, but has
decreased overall due to routine iodine supplementation in salt, flour, and other
food staples. Worldwide, insufficient iodine intake is the most common cause of
hypothyroidism, whereas autoimmune disease is the most common cause in the
Unites States (Orlander et al., 2016). The focus of nursing care for adults with
hypothyroidism is on symptom management and the delivery of nursing
interventions that prevent or reduce complications during care and recovery as it
relates to the severity of the disease at the time of diagnosis.
Hypothyroidism is easily treatable and reversible. If left unchecked, severe
hypothyroidism can lead to coma and death. Garber et al. (2012) noted in the
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) guidelines that
TSH, T3, and T4 levels need to be carefully interpreted to diagnose
hypothyroidism. Not all patients with abnormal lab results will be diagnosed
with hypothyroidism or be treated with hormones. Most patients need to be
symptomatic, have TSH levels greater than 4.5 mIU/L and low levels of thyroid
hormone to receive hormone replacements (Garber et al., 2012). In addition,
diagnosis of primary or central hypothyroidism will also help determine how
medical treatment ensues. Possible causes of primary hypothyroidism could
include chronic lymphocytic (autoimmune) thyroiditis, postpartum thyroiditis,
subacute (granulomatous) thyroiditis, drug-induced hypothyroidism, and
iatrogenic hypothyroidism. Possible causes of central hypothyroidism could
include pituitary and hypothalamus tumors, lymphocytic hypophysitis, Sheehan
syndrome, history of brain irradiation, medications, congenital nongoiterous
hypothyroidism type 4, and thyrotropin-releasing hormone resistance or
deficiency (Orlander et al., 2016). Partial or complete surgical removal of the
thyroid gland can also result in hypothyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is more prevalent in women with low body mass index
during childhood (Orlander et al., 2016). In the landmark National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999 to 2002, the frequency of
hypothyroidism was noted to increase with age and the prevalence was higher in
Whites and Mexican Americans than in African Americans, with 3.7% of the
U.S. population reporting hypothyroidism or TSH levels exceeding 4.5 mIU/L
(Aoki et al., 2007). In the United States, according to the National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDKD), 4.6% of the population
reported hypothyroidism, and subclinical hypothyroidism affects 1% to 10% of
the population (NIDDKD, 2016).
If untreated and allowed to progress, severe hypothyroidism worsens
metabolic abnormalities and leads to coma and death in adults. Severe
hypothyroidism in infants causes cretinism and irreversible mental retardation.
Hypothyroidism and its treatment, if diagnosed before severe advancement and
permanent damage, have a good prognosis, and abnormal signs and symptoms
reverse fairly well with thyroid hormone replacement. Quality-of-life measures
have also been noted to significantly improve in just 6 weeks of treatment
(Orlander et al., 2016).
Clinical Aspects
Key to the nursing process in caring for the patient with hypothyroidism is a
thorough assessment, including history, physical, laboratory findings, and
diagnostic or imaging studies (March, 2016). Early in the disease process,
compensatory mechanisms maintain T3 hormone levels, but as time and
stressors continue, these mechanisms fail and T3 production or release
decreases. Patients present different clinical presentations depending on how
long the hypothyroidism has occurred or how severe the suppression of thyroid
hormone. Documentation of an accurate timeline is important as well as its
onset, duration, and severity of signs and symptoms. Medical, surgical, and
family history are obtained, with particular attention to risk factors for
hypothyroidism. Common medications that have the potential to cause
hypothyroidism include amiodarone, interferon alpha, rifampin, phenytoin,
lithium, and carbamazepine (Orlander et al., 2016).
Common symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, puffy
face, goiter, cold intolerance, joint or muscle pain, constipation, dry skin, dry or
thinning hair, heavy or irregular menses, fertility problems, depression,
bradycardia, and decreased sweating. Common risk factors for developing
hypothyroidism include family history of hypothyroidism, goiter, radiation to
neck, past thyroid surgery, Sjögren’s syndrome, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, type
1 diabetes mellitus, 6 months postpartum, and pernicious anemia (NIDDKD,
During physical examination particular attention to the presence of goiter or
delayed relaxation of deep tendon reflexes can be significant indicators of
hypothyroidism (March, 2016). Goiter may present as difficulty swallowing or
hoarse voice and not necessarily an enlarged neck mass. Common lab
abnormalities for hypothyroidism include elevated TSH, with low T3 and/or T4
levels. Imaging studies are used to evaluate lesions/tumors; chest radiography
can show enlarged heart/pleural effusions; sinus bradycardia and other
electrophysiological changes can be noted with EKG evaluation (March, 2016).
Nursing care of the patient is dependent on the severity of hypothyroidism at the
time of diagnosis. Patients with long-standing hypothyroidism can present with
myxedema, which leads to coma and death. Nursing problems would include
mental deterioration, decreased cardiac output, impaired spontaneous ventilation,
activity intolerance, and loss of skin integrity (NANDA, n.d.). Assessment of
mental and neurological status changes, adequate cardiopulmonary support to
maintain tissue perfusion, pressure ulcer prophylaxis, and psychosocial support
for the family are priorities. In addition to ventilation and fluid support, nursing
would administer proper intravenous dosage of levothyroxine with stress
glucocorticoids and perform cardiac assessments. Continued review of
laboratory data would determine subsequent levothyroxine dose adjustments.
In less critically ill patients, symptoms are less life threatening and affect
quality of life. Nursing-related problems include constipation, disturbed body
image, imbalanced body temperature, and knowledge deficits. Focus is on
maintaining normal bowel function, addressing altered self-concept due to
possible weight gain and hair loss, maintaining temperature control, and
addressing knowledge deficit related to lack of information about the disease
process and self-care (Belleza, 2016).
Patients need to know to take their thyroid hormone with water 30 minutes
prior to any other mediation and food. Levothyroxine drug interactions can occur
among many medications, including iron, aluminum, magnesium, calcium
carbonate, cimetidine, sucralfate, and caffeine. Teach patients not to stop
medication; replacement therapy is usually needed for life. Genetic studies are
helping develop combination hormone therapies that promise improved efficacy.
Expected outcomes for the proper management of severe hypothyroidism are
improved cardiac status and normal breathing patterns, activity participation and
return to independence, and intact skin integrity. For patients with less severe
hypothyroidism, outcomes would include normal bowel function, improved
body image and thought process, maintenance of normal body temperature, and
proper administration of medications and self-care (Belleza, 2016). Overall,
patients should return to normal metabolic states.
Hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder that is easily treated. Nursing
care and interventions are aimed at symptom relief and reduction of
complications during recovery. Severity and advancement of the hypothyroidism
will affect patient clinical presentation; therefore, nursing interventions and care
plans must be individualized to meet the patient’s needs at the time of diagnosis.
Genetic studies may help in identifying patients who would benefit from
pharmacogenomics. Thyroid hormone treatment reverses symptoms, helps return
patients to normal metabolic states, and improves quality of life.
Aoki, Y., Belin, R. M., Clickner, R., Jeffries, R., Phillips, L., & Mahaffey, K. R. (2007). Serum TSH and
total T4 in the United States population and their association with participant characteristics: National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 1999–2002). Thyroid, 17(12), 1211–1223.
Belleza, M. (2016). Hypothyroidism: Nursing care management and study guide. Nurse Study Guides
(medical-surgical nursing). Retrieved from http://nurseslabs.com/hypothyroidism
Garber, J. R., Cobin, R. H., Gharib, H., Hennessey, J. V., Klein, I., Mechanick, J. I., . . . Woeber, K. A.
(2012). Clinical practice guidelines for hypothyroidism in adults: Cosponsored by the American
Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American Thyroid Association. Endocrine Practice,
18(6), 988–1028.
March, P. (2016). Quick lesson: Hypothyroidism in adults. Glendale, CA: CINAHL Information Systems.
NANDA. (n.d.). Nursing diagnosis list for 2015–2017. Retrieved from http://health-conditions.com/nandanursing-diagnosis-list-2015-2017
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases. (2016). Hypothyroidism (underactive
Orlander, P. R., Varghese, J. M., Freeman, L. M., Griffing, G. T., Davis, A. B., Bharaktiya, S., . . . Ziel, F. H.
(2016). Hypothyroidism. Medscape. Retrieved from http://emdecine.medscape.com/article/122393overview
Ronald Rock
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic autoimmune disease of unknown
etiology characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. Crohn’s disease
(CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), the two chronic conditions of IBD, are
characterized by chronic uncontrolled inflammation of the gastrointestinal (GI)
tract causing edema, ulceration, bleeding, and profound fluid and electrolyte
losses (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016). IBD has been
associated with decreased quality of life and extensive morbidity, and often
results in complications requiring hospitalization and surgical intervention
(CDC, 2016). Overall, an estimated 3.1 million, or 1.3% of U.S. adults are
diagnosed with IBD (CDC, 2016). Nursing care of the adult with IBD focuses on
management of fluid and electrolyte imbalances, nutritional deficiencies,
infections, chronic pain, and body-image disturbances (Burkhalter et al., 2015).
Although the etiology of IBD is unknown, evidence suggests that normal
intestinal flora trigger an abnormal immune reaction resulting in an overactive,
inappropriate, and sustained inflammatory response. According to the CDC
(2016), UC is slightly more common in males, ex-smokers, and nonsmokers,
whereas CD is more frequent in women and smokers. Diagnosis of IBD is
usually made before age 30 years, with peak incidences from 14 to 24 years and
a second smaller peak in the sixth decade. Caucasians, individuals of whitecollar occupations, and persons of Ashkenazi Jewish decent are more susceptible
to IBD than other racial, occupational, and ethnic subgroups (CDC, 2016). Diet,
oral contraceptive use, perinatal and childhood infections, and atypical
mycobacterial infections are thought to play a role in developing IBD (CDC,
CD often presents in adolescence and is more prevalent in women than in
men. Although the etiology of CD is unknown, it is associated with a mutation in
the NOD2 gene (Wilkins, Jarvis, & Patel, 2011). UC is more common in North
America and Europe than in other regions. Risk factors for UC include a history
of recent infection with Salmonella or Campylobacter, and a family history of
the disease (Adams & Bornemann, 2013).
Both disorders are characterized by extraintestinal manifestations, most
commonly affecting the skin, eyes, mouth, and joints; the hepatobiliary, renal,
and pulmonary systems can also be affected. In addition, persons with IBD are at
increased risk for developing osteoporosis and colon cancer. CD is characterized
by transmural inflammation of the bowel wall and can occur anywhere in the GI
tract from the mouth to the anus, but most often involves the terminal ileum and
colon. Typically, ulcerations are deep and longitudinal, penetrating between
islands of inflamed edematous mucosa, characterized by the classic “skip
lesions” and cobblestone appearance. Because the inflammation penetrates the
entire bowel wall, microscopic leaks can allow bowel contents to enter the
peritoneal cavity, resulting in abscess, fistulae, or peritonitis.
In contrast, UC typically starts in the rectum and moves proximally in a
continuous pattern toward the cecum, different than the typical skip lesions of
CD. Although there is sometimes mild inflammation in the terminal ileum, UC is
primarily a disease of the colon and rectum. In UC, inflammation and ulcerations
occur in the mucosal layer of the large intestine, hence fistulae and abscess
formation are rare.
IBD is a chronic lifelong condition with significant health and economic costs.
Based on data from 2004, IBD accounts for approximately 1,300,000 physician
visits and 92,000 hospitalizations in the United States each year (CDC, 2016). In
addition, 75% of patients diagnosed with CD and 25% of patients with a
diagnosis of UC will require surgery (CDC, 2016). Mortality and morbidity of
IBD are more closely linked to acquired coexisting conditions, such as infection,
thrombus, or chronic disease, than the disease itself (Kassam et al., 2014). In
2008, direct treatment costs for patients with IBD were greater than $6.3 billion,
whereas indirect costs were $5.5 billion, and these are anticipated to rise without
a cure (CDC, 2016).
Clinical Aspects
Patients with IBD may present with a variety of unspecific and overlapping
features, making the differential diagnosis a challenge compounded by the lack
of a single gold standard diagnostic test to distinguish between UC and CD
(Tontini, Vecchi, Pastorelli, Neurath, & Neumann, 2015). The first step of
diagnosis is a complete patient history addressing the onset, severity, and pattern
of symptoms, especially frequency and consistency of bowel movements. The
history focused on risk factors and possible alternative diagnoses should include
recent travel, exposure to antibiotics, food intolerance, medications, smoking,
and family history of IBD. Common symptoms of IBD include abdominal pain,
diarrhea, fatigue, fever, GI bleeding, and weight loss. Physical evaluation should
include heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and body weight; abdominal
examination may reveal tenderness, distention, or masses. An anorectal
examination should be performed as one third of patients have a perirectal
abscess, fissure, or fistula at some time during the illness (Wilkins et al., 2011).
Laboratory tests are useful for diagnosing IBD, assessing disease activity,
identifying complications, and monitoring response to therapy. Initial testing
often includes white blood cell count; platelet count; measurement of
hemoglobin, hematocrit, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, liver enzymes, and Creactive protein; and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Stool culture and testing for
Clostridium difficile toxin should also be considered to rule out an infectious
cause of diarrhea. Endoscopic or colonoscopic biopsy is valuable in the
diagnosis and differentiation of UC from CD.
Treatment goals for patients with IBD are achieving remission and preventing
exacerbations and complications. Medical management focuses on relieving
symptoms, controlling inflammation, and healing of intestinal mucosa.
Pharmacologic treatment is initiated early in the disease and is based on a stepdown or step-up approach; medications include biologics (tumor necrosis factor
alpha inhibitors), corticosteroids, immunomodulators (azathioprine [AZA] and
6-mercaptopurine [6-MP]), antibiotics, and aminosalicylates. Surgery is
indicated to treat complications or when medical management fails to control the
disease. Surgical options vary depending on the type and severity of IBD and
include drainage of abscesses, fistula repair, strictureplasty, bowel resection
(with or without ostomy formation), and colectomy. Patients with CD who
undergo multiple resections of the small intestine may develop short bowel
syndrome. Short bowel syndrome is associated with several complications,
including acid/base and fluid/electrolyte imbalances, malabsorption, vitamin and
mineral deficiencies, and renal stones. Persons with CD often experience disease
recurrence even with surgical intervention, whereas removal of the diseased
colon in UC may be considered curative.
An individual with IBD will journey through the health care system at different
points, from initial investigation and diagnosis, through emergency care,
admission, surgery (planned or emergent), postoperative care and discharge,
education regarding management of associated medical conditions, and followup care with routine IBD management (Foskett, 2013). Because of systemic
involvement, a multidisciplinary team approach is recommended. No single
model of care is appropriate for all patients all the time; care may be delivered in
hospital, shared between hospital and primary care, or through supported selfmanaged care (Foskett, 2013). Nursing care of patients with IBD focuses on
managing fluid and electrolyte imbalances, malabsorption and nutritional
deficiencies, infections, chronic pain, and body-image disturbances specific to
the individual needs of patients (Burkhalter et al., 2015).
The main goal of treatment of IBD is to improve the patient’s condition and
health-related quality of life (HRQOL; Peyrin-Biroulet et al., 2016).
Unfortunately, the physical well-being of the patient with IBD is not the only
nursing concern. The uncertainty and chronicity of the disease and the lack of a
definitive cure require nursing to be aware of other HRQOL indictors for this
patient population. With the increasing incidence of IBD in the United States,
identifying interventions to address the patient’s psychosocial and physiologic
needs and determining the impact of disease on the individual’s activities of
daily living (Iglesias-Rey et al., 2014) are essential.
Adults diagnosed with IBD may experience chronic or acute manifestations of
CD or UC. The disease may result in long-term medical management and/or
surgery. Evidence-based medical and surgical nursing care is critical in
managing this patient population. In combination with physiologic,
pharmacologic, and, if needed, psychological therapy, patients suffering with this
potentially debilitating disease can be effectively managed.
Adams, S. M., & Bornemann, P. H. (2013). Ulcerative colitis. American Family Physician, 87(10), 699–
Burkhalter, H., Stucki-Thür, P., David, B., Lorenz, S., Biotti, B., Rogler, G., & Pittet, V. (2015). Assessment
of inflammatory bowel disease patient’s needs and problems from a nursing perspective. Digestion,
91(2), 128–141.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). Prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease among
adults aged ≥18 years—United States, 2015. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports 28;65(42), 1166–
1169. doi:10.15585/mmwr.mm6542a3
Foskett, K. (2013). Inflammatory bowel disease—Patient engagement and experience. Journal of
Community Nursing, 27(3), 29–32.
Iglesias-Rey, M., Barreiro-de Acosta, M., Caamaño-Isorna, F., Rodríguez, I. V., Ferreiro, R., Lindkvist, B., .
. . Dominguez-Munoz, J. E. (2014). Psychological factors are associated with changes in the healthrelated quality of life in inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 20(1), 92–102.
Kassam, Z., Belga, S., Roifman, I., Hirota, S., Jijon, H., Kaplan, G. G., . . . Beck, P. L. (2014).
Inflammatory bowel disease cause-specific mortality: A primer for clinicians. Inflammatory Bowel
Diseases, 20(12), 2483–2492.
Peyrin-Biroulet, L., Panés, J., Sandborn, W. J., Vermeire, S., Danese, S., Feagan, B. G., . . . Rycroft, B.
(2016). Defining disease severity in inflammatory bowel diseases: Current and future directions.
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 14(3), 348–354.e17.
Tontini, G. E., Vecchi, M., Pastorelli, L., Neurath, M. F., & Neumann, H. (2015). Differential diagnosis in
inflammatory bowel disease colitis: State of the art and future perspectives. World Journal of
Gastroenterology, 21(1), 21–46.
Wilkins, T., Jarvis, K., & Patel, J. (2011). Diagnosis and management of Crohn’s disease. American Family
Physician, 84(12), 1365–1375.
Marisa A. Cortese
Leukemia is a malignancy of the blood. Cells of the blood develop in the bone
marrow. The bone marrow is the site of production for erythrocytes (red blood
cells [RBCs]) and leukocytes (white blood cells [WBCs]), as well as
thrombocytes (platelets). There were approximately 60,140 new cases of
leukemia diagnosed in the United States in 2016 (National Cancer Institute
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program [NCI SEER], 2017).
Leukemia is often treated with chemotherapy, which may cause adverse effects
for the patient (National Cancer Institute, 2017).
Leukemia is a malignancy in which immature cells or ineffective WBCs
(lymphoblasts) grow rapidly within the bone marrow. These lymphoblasts begin
to accumulate in the bone marrow and eventually replace normal cells. This
causes anemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia. Leukemia can be classified
as either an acute or chronic condition.
There are two types of acute leukemia found in the adult population: acute
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML; National
Cancer Institute, 2017). ALL and AML are both aggressive types of leukemia.
ALL is caused by the rapid proliferation of lymphoblasts (immature
lymphocytes), whereas AML is caused by the rapid growth of myeloblasts
(immature myeloid cells; National Cancer Institute, 2017).
Acute leukemia can spread to other parts of the body such as the lymph nodes,
spleen, liver, and central nervous system (CNS). Some of the common signs and
symptoms found in acute leukemia are fatigue, fever, night sweats,
bruising/bleeding easily, unexplained weight loss, swollen lymph nodes, and
frequent infections (National Cancer Institute, 2017).
When patients present with symptoms of acute leukemia, a thorough history
and physical examination with laboratory tests that include a complete blood
count with differential, chemistry panel, and coagulation tests need to be
performed. A bone marrow biopsy and aspiration is performed in order to
determine the extent of the disease and to test for genetic mutations, which may
show prognostic factors (National Cancer Institute, 2017).
A patient’s prognosis and treatment plan depends on a number of factors that
include age, comorbidities, CNS involvement, and chromosomal abnormalities
in the bone marrow (Gaynor et al., 1988; Hoelzer et al., 1988). The standard
treatment for patients with acute leukemia is chemotherapy and possible
allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Allogeneic HSCT is
a process in which stem cells are collected from a donor and infused into a
patient who has received a combination of chemotherapy and
immunosuppressive therapy. This will promote bone marrow recovery (Ezzone,
There are two types of chronic leukemia found in the adult population:
chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and chronic myelogenous leukemia
(CML). CLL and CML are both slow-growing cancers. CLL is caused by bone
marrow making too many lymphocytes, whereas CML is caused by a distinct
genetic abnormality found on the Philadelphia chromosome (Dighiero &
Hamblin, 2008; Goldman & Melo, 2003).
Patients diagnosed with CLL or CML may have symptoms of fatigue, fever, or
night sweats. Patients with CLL may develop enlarged lymph nodes (Dighiero &
Hamblin, 2008; Goldman & Melo, 2003).
Similar to those patients diagnosed with acute leukemia, a complete medical
workup must be performed. The following examinations and testing should be
performed: a thorough history and physical examination, laboratory tests,
including complete blood count with differential and a chemistry panel. A bone
marrow biopsy and aspiration is performed in order to determine the extent of
the disease and to test for genetic mutations that may show prognostic factors
(National Cancer Institute, 2017).
A patient’s prognosis and plan of care are dependent on age, comorbidities,
and the presence or absence of specific chromosomal abnormalities found in the
blood and/or bone marrow (Dighiero & Hamblin, 2008; Goldman & Melo,
2003). The standard treatment for CLL is chemotherapy. Patients diagnosed with
CML are treated with agents called tyrosine kinase inhibitors, which stop the
enzyme that produces the malignant cells from forming (Dighiero & Hamblin,
2008; Goldman & Melo, 2003).
Clinical Aspects
Patients diagnosed with an acute or chronic leukemia will need to be monitored
closely for adverse events during their treatment. It is important to assess
patients for potential fever, infection, and other complications that may be found
during their initial workup as well as follow-up assessments during active
treatment. Patients should be asked during their assessments whether they have
had any recent fever, night sweats, chills, bleeding or bruising, abdominal pain,
or frequent infections. On physical examination, a patient may appear pale and
feverish; have swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpit, or groin; have swelling
of the abdomen; and/or have an enlarged spleen (National Cancer Institute,
A patient undergoing treatment for leukemia is at risk for infection. The risk
factors associated are the lack of mature WBCs, immunosuppression, and bone
marrow suppression due to chemotherapy. To prevent infection in patients with
leukemia, it is important to educate patients as well as their families on
protecting from sources of pathogens or infection. Patients and their families
need education on good handwashing techniques to reduce the risk of the patient
receiving an infection from others. A neutropenic diet that restricts eating fresh
fruits and vegetables should be followed. These foods should be properly
washed, peeled, and/or cooked. The patient’s temperature should be monitored
closely for temperature elevations (Shelton, 2013).
Inability to cope with their diagnosis and treatment can be an issue for many
patients diagnosed with leukemia. The patient may express an intense fear or
anxiety. Evaluating anxiety and supporting coping mechanisms can help manage
a patient’s fear and anxiety. Nurses should encourage patients to use stress
management techniques such as deep breathing exercises and guided imagery. If
needed, a nurse should refer the patient to social work for further assistance
(Bush, 2013).
Patients may also develop malnutrition and volume depletion from
chemotherapy. This loss may be due to nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and/or fever.
Maintaining adequate fluid volume should be managed by monitoring urine
input and output. Daily weights should be obtained. Patients should be
encouraged to eat and drink to reduce anorexia. Monitor blood pressure (BP) and
heart rate (HR) frequently; a change may reflect hypovolemia (HeldWarmkessel, 2013).
The expected outcomes for patients undergoing treatment for leukemia are to
prevent/reduce the risk of infection and promote a safe environment. Patients
need to be educated on preventing dehydration and maintaining adequate fluid
volume. Patients should appear relaxed and be able to rest/sleep (Shelton, 2013).
Leukemia is a blood cancer that is treated by chemotherapy. Whether the
leukemia is acute or chronic, nurses need to be aware of the risk factors and
potential side effects of chemotherapeutic agents. Identifying infection and
deficit volume in a timely manner is important. Proper education regarding
treatment, side effects, and potential risks is needed for all patients and their
Bush, N. J. (2013). Psychosocial management. In B. H. Gobel, S. Triest-Robertson, & W. H. Vogel (Eds.),
Advanced oncology nursing certification (pp. 637–631). Pittsburgh, PA: Oncology Nursing Society.
Dighiero, G., & Hamblin, T. J. (2008). Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Lancet, 371(9617), 1017–1029.
Ezzone, S. A. (2013). Blood and marrow stem cell transplantation. In B. H. Gobel, S. Triest-Robertson, &
W. H. Vogel (Eds.), Advanced oncology nursing certification (pp. 261–262). Pittsburgh, PA: Oncology
Nursing Society.
Gaynor, J., Chapman, D., Little, C., McKenzie, S., Miller, W., Andreeff, M., . . . Gee, T. (1988). A causespecific hazard rate analysis of prognostic factors among 199 adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia:
The Memorial Hospital experience since 1969. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 6(6), 1014–1030.
Goldman, J. M., & Melo, J. V. (2003). Chronic myeloid leukemia—Advances in biology and new
approaches to treatment. New England Journal of Medicine, 349(15), 1451–1464.
Held-Warmkessel, J. (2013). Cardiac, gastrointestinal, neurologic, and ocular toxicities. In B. H. Gobel, S.
Triest-Robertson, & W. H. Vogel (Eds.), Advanced oncology nursing certification (pp. 261–262).
Pittsburgh, PA: Oncology Nursing Society.
Hoelzer, D., Thiel, E., Löffler, H., Büchner, T., Ganser, A., Heil, G., . . . Rühl, H. (1988). Prognostic factors
in a multicenter study for treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adults. Blood, 71(1), 123–131.
National Cancer Institute. (2017). Leukemia. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.gov/types/leukemia
National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program. (2017). Cancer stat facts:
Leukemia. Retrieved from http://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/leuks.html
Shelton, B. (2013). Myelosuppression. In B. H. Gobel, S. Triest-Robertson, & W. H. Vogel (Eds.),
Advanced oncology nursing certification (pp. 261–262). Pittsburgh, PA: Oncology Nursing Society.
Shannon A. Rives
Liver cancer is one of the leading cancers worldwide (Singal & El-Serag, 2015).
Liver cancer can be primary or a result of metastasis. A primary tumor originates
in the liver. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary tumor
and is often the consequence of underlying liver disease (Ryerson et al., 2016).
Cholangiocarcinoma is cancer of the bile ducts and may occur in the intrahepatic
biliary ducts. A secondary tumor is caused by metastasized tumor cells to the
liver from other organs. The liver is a common site for metastases from breast,
colon, bladder, kidney, ovarian, pancreatic, and lung cancer. Liver cancer is often
found parenthetically because liver-specific symptoms may be absent or
overlapping with chronic liver disease. Screening algorithms can be useful for
early recognition; treatment options are selected by weighing risks and benefits.
Nursing care is influenced by the treatment regimen, but overall education and
support for patients and their families is needed throughout the process.
Liver cancer is more common in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia than in
the United States (American Cancer Society [ACS], 2016). Each year, liver
cancer affects approximately 31,000 Americans (22,000 men and 9,000 women)
and the incidence rate of liver cancer in the United States continues to rise (U.S.
Cancer Statistics Working Group, 2017). Worldwide estimates of newly
diagnosed events of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) exceeded 750,000 cases
(Schütte, Balbisi, & Malfertheiner, 2016). Chronic liver disease has affected the
incidence rates of HCC in the United States, which have continually increased in
recent decades (Singal & El-Serag, 2015; Mittal et al., 2016). Chronic hepatitis
B and C (HBV/HCV) infections are prominent risk factors for developing HCC;
infection rates in the United States range from 850,000 to 2.2 million and 2.7
million to 3.5 million, respectively (Ryerson et al., 2016). Other risk factors
include nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity,
tobacco use, excessive alcohol use, exposure to aflatoxins (produced by fungi
found on crops such as corn and peanuts), male gender, Asian descent, and
genetic disorders (hemochromatosis; Ryerson et al., 2016; Schütte, Balbisi, &
Malfertheiner, 2016; Schütte, Schulz, & Malfertheiner, 2016).
Five-year survival rates vary based on the stage and type of liver cancer. For
persons with localized cancer, the 5-year survival rate is approximately 31%,
compared to stage 4 cancer with metastases, for which the 5-year rate is
approximately 3% (ACS, 2016). Currently, the average 5-year survival rate is
around 15% (Mittal et al., 2016). Early detection is the cornerstone of an optimal
treatment plan, but, unfortunately, HCC is not easily detected through objective
and subjective data collection. For high-risk patients, screening usually includes
an abdominal ultrasound and determination of an alpha-fetoprotein level (AFP;
Singal & El-Serag, 2015). A diagnosis can be established based on a
combination of factors, including the presence or absence of underlying liver
disease, characteristics of the tumor, increased serum markers (AFP greater than
500 ng/mL), CT scan or MRI results, and/or histological findings from biopsy
(Pagana & Pagana, 2014; Singal & El-Serag, 2015).
Treatments for liver cancer include surgical intervention (partial hepatectomy
or liver transplant), tumor ablation, embolization, targeted therapies,
chemotherapy, and radiation. Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) involves
placement of a catheter in the hepatic artery to deliver chemotherapy and
embolization agents directly to the tumor. The procedure is performed in
interventional radiology and utilizes fluoroscopy and contrast media. Tumor
characteristics, such as size, location, grade, and staging and the individual
patient condition, are dynamics that impact the course of treatment.
Most cases of HCC are seen in patients with cirrhotic livers (Schütte, Schulz,
& Malfertheiner, 2016). In chronic liver disease, the hepatocytes are injured
from exposure to harmful agents (excessive fat, alcohol, excessive iron, or viral
infection). Hepatocyte destruction activates vitamin A-storing hepatic stellate
cells, situated in the space between the capillaries and liver cells, which yield
collagen proteins and other elements that assist in creating a fibrin mesh
(Benyon & Iredale, 2000). The fibrin mesh is similar to scar tissue that develops
in the wound-healing process and lies between the hepatocytes and capillaries
that supply oxygenated blood from the hepatic artery and nutrient-rich blood
from the portal vein. The liver is a regenerative organ and will attempt to repair
itself; if the offending agent is removed, there is potential for the scar tissue to be
broken down and the fibrosis may resolve to some degree.
In patients with cirrhosis, continuous injury and inflammation lead to the
development of a thick and tough fibrin mesh. Over time, the fibrin mesh will
disrupt the normal architecture of the liver, producing nodular structures (this
gives the liver a bumpy surface). Even in this altered state, the liver will still
attempt to repair itself by producing more hepatocytes, but these new cells may
have mutations.
Clinical Aspects
Although signs and symptoms of liver cancer may be ambiguous or absent,
accurate collection of objective and subjective data is still an essential part of
patient care. As the tumor increases in size, the patient may report a feeling of
fullness after eating or pain in the right side of the abdomen. An increase in the
symptoms associated with the patient’s underlying liver disease may be the first
sign of liver cancer. A thorough patient history is important to identify potential
risk factors for liver disease such as exposure to viruses, alcohol consumption,
intravenous drug use, components of the metabolic syndrome, and genetic
disorders. If the patient has an established diagnosis of cirrhosis, it is important
to determine the cause and stage, as well as the presence of symptoms.
Transition from compensated cirrhosis to decompensated cirrhosis can be
hastened by the presence of a tumor. The patient should be assessed for any
personal or family history of cancer, nutritional status, changes in appetite,
unintentional weight loss, presence of abdominal pain, changes in bowel activity,
and any respiratory symptoms. Objectively, a focused physical assessment
should include inspecting for signs of liver disease, abdominal distention and
other physical abnormalities of the abdomen, auscultating bowel sounds, and
palpating and percussing for hepatomegaly and masses.
In the tertiary setting, the patient’s treatment regimen will impact the nurse’s
daily focus. For example, postprocedural assessment of lower extremity pulses is
relevant for a patient following chemoembolization. Following surgical
resection, patients should have pain levels and respiratory status monitored,
while evaluating for organ rejection is pertinent for transplant recipients. In
general, monitoring for signs and symptoms of respiratory problems, infection,
hypoglycemia, bleeding, weight gain, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, and
cognitive changes is ongoing. Laboratory results can also offer some clues into
the patient’s condition. Trending liver enzymes, bilirubin, prothrombin time, and
albumin levels all assess liver function. A compromised liver can cause a
decrease in renal function so blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels are
Nursing has the opportunity to utilize primary and secondary prevention
strategies to decrease the risk of liver disease and liver cancer whether in the
community, ambulatory office, or acute care setting. Health-promotion strategies
should include teaching the patient how to avoid HBV, including sex safe
practices, stressing the avoidance of needle sharing, promoting HBV vaccination
for at-risk populations, and adhering to safety measures that prevent
transmission in the hospital. Current recommendations suggest persons born
between 1945 and 1965 should be tested for HCV (Ryerson et al., 2016). For the
patient who tests positive, treatment with antivirals should be discussed. Highrisk patients should also be encouraged to keep any follow-up appointments with
the medical team.
Decreasing a patient’s risk factors for developing HCC should be an expected
outcome. The HBV vaccine can offer a defense from the virus and can reduce
the rate of HCC cases (Schütte, Balbisi, & Malfertheiner, 2016). Currently, there
is no vaccine for HCV; however, achieving sustained virological response using
HCV antiviral medication therapy lessens the risk of HCC (Schütte, Balbisi, &
Malfertheiner, 2016). An increase in testing for HCV will identify infected
people and treatment can be offered.
Liver cancer is a cause of cancer deaths worldwide. A diagnosis of liver cancer
drastically decreases life expectancy and can be devastating to a patient and the
family. Nursing plays a vital role in caring for patients with liver cancer by
providing education and psychosocial support. Identifying patients at risk,
particularly persons with a history of chronic liver disease, is the first step in
early recognition and treatment of liver cancer. Prevention and surveillance
through education and testing are interventions that can be integrated across the
continuum of care.
Benyon, R. C., & Iredale, J. P. (2000). Is liver fibrosis reversible? Gut, 46(4), 443–446.
Mittal, S., Kanwal, F., Ying, J., Chung, R., Sada, Y. H., Temple, S., . . . El-Serag, H. B. (2016).
Effectiveness of surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma in clinical practice: A United States cohort.
Journal of Hepatology, 65(6), 1148–1154.
Pagana, K. D., & Pagana, T. J. (2014). Mosby’s manual of diagnostics and laboratory tests (5th ed.). St.
Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
Ryerson, A. B., Eheman, C. R., Altekruse, S. F., Ward, J. W., Jemal, A., Sherman, R. L., . . . Kohler, B. A.
(2016). Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975–2012, featuring the increasing
incidence of liver cancer. Cancer, 122(9), 1312–1337.
Schütte, K., Balbisi, F., & Malfertheiner, P. (2016). Prevention of hepatocellular carcinoma. Gastrointestinal
Tumors, 3(1), 37–43.
Schütte, K., Schulz, C., & Malfertheiner, P. (2016). Nutrition and hepatocellular cancer. Gastrointestinal
Tumors, 4(2), 188–194. doi:10.1159/000441822
Singal, A. G., & El-Serag, H. B. (2015). Hepatocellular carcinoma from epidemiology to prevention:
Translating knowledge into practice. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 13(12), 2140–2151.
U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group. (2017). United States cancer statistics: 1999–2014 incidence and
mortality web-based report. Atlanta, GA: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, and National Cancer Institute. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/uscs
Helen Foley
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States for both
men and women (Seigel, Miller, & Jemal, 2016). If detected in its early stages,
lung cancer can be cured surgically. Yet, lung cancer is commonly diagnosed
only after it has spread to other sites within the lung or body. Lung cancer has
been widely associated with cigarette smoking, although other risk factors, such
as exposure to radon, various occupational chemical exposures, and secondhand
smoke, play a role, which has resulted in stigma and the misconception that all
lung cancer patients have a history of smoking. In fact, lung cancer is a disease
of advanced age. The median age of a lung cancer patient at diagnosis has been
estimated at 71 years, and two thirds of all patients diagnosed are between the
ages of 65 and 84 years (National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology,
and End Result Program [NCI SEER], 2016).
Nursing care of the patient with lung cancer focuses on support of the patient
through diagnosis and treatment. This includes symptom management for
symptoms arising from the disease itself or the treatment. Nurses play important
roles in primary and secondary prevention, treatment, and symptom
management. Nurses are also instrumental in addressing quality-of-life issues,
coordinating the care delivery team, and preparing patients and families for end
of life. Nurses are the primary caregivers at end of life and are an important part
of every hospice care team.
According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is the most prevalent
cancer in men, after prostate cancer, and the second most prevalent cancer in
women (ACS, 2016a). Histology or cell type is important for both prognosis and
treatment. Lung cancers are divided into two main groups, non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Mesothelioma is often
grouped with lung cancer, but it is actually a malignancy of the pleura, or lining
of the lungs, associated with asbestos exposure, and will not be discussed here.
NSCLC, primarily adenocarcinoma cell type, accounts for more than 80% of
all lung cancers, and almost 100% of lung cancer found in nonsmokers (Sherry,
2017). Staging matters for both survival and treatment. Early-stage lung cancers
are amenable to surgery or surgery and radiation (stages 1 and 2) and carry a 5year survival rate of 49% for stage 1 and 30% for stage 2. Stage 3 cancers may
be treated with a combination of chemotherapy and radiation and have a 5-year
survival rate of 14% or less. Stage 4 lung cancer, which has spread to other
organs or the opposite lung at the time of diagnosis, also treated with
chemotherapy and radiation, has a 5-year survival rate of 1% (ACS, 2016b).
New treatments, such as immune therapy and targeted therapies for NSCLC,
are offering increasing survival for some patients. Immune therapies utilize
immune checkpoint inhibitor antibodies to help harness the body’s own immune
system to fight the cancer (Knoop, 2016). Although less toxic overall, they have
their own set of side effects resulting from the activation of the body’s immune
system, and currently are very expensive. Scientists are still determining which
patients are most likely to benefit from these treatments. Like chemotherapy,
they require intravenous infusion in a specialized treatment center. Targeted
therapies are directed at particular biomarkers in the cancer and include agents
such as epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations and anaplastic
lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene fusions. Targeted therapies are generally oral
agents reserved for the small percentage of patients who have a particular
mutation in their cancer (Knoop, 2016) and require genetic testing of the tumor.
These mutations are more often found in female nonsmokers (Sherry, 2017).
SCLC makes up less than 20% of all lung cancers, but is considered a rapidly
growing cancer, and is almost always associated with a smoking history.
Seventy-five percent of patients with SCLC are diagnosed with extensive, latestage disease (Knoop, 2016). Treatment of limited-stage and extensive-stage
SCLC is generally chemotherapy with and without radiation therapy.
Prophylactic cranial radiation is almost always recommended due to the high
frequency of metastasis to the brain. Median survival for limited-stage SCLC is
14 to 20 months; median survival for extensive-stage SCLC is 9 to 11 months,
but can be as short as a few weeks (Knoop, 2016).
Clinical Aspects
Nurses in every setting have a role in secondary prevention by identifying
patients who are current smokers. Nurses should assess the patient’s readiness to
quit, provide motivation, and help the patient find appropriate resources for
smoking-cessation strategies. The American Lung Association and National
Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) have excellent resources and
guidelines to help patients stop smoking (American Lung Association, 2016;
NCCN, 2017). Nurses also have a role in identifying patients who meet the
current lung cancer screening criteria established by the U.S. Preventive Services
Task Force and supported by the American Cancer Society and the NCCN
network. Screening criteria are adults aged 55 to 80 years with a 30-pack-year
smoking history, current smokers, or those who have quit in the last 15 years.
The current recommendation is annual screening using low-dose CT scan of the
chest (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2016).
Nurses play a key role in educating patients about various aspects of treatment
and assessing their tolerance of the treatment. Early identification and treatment
of side effects will contribute to increased quality of life. Neutropenia,
esophagitis, swallowing issues, taste alterations, hair loss, and skin erythema and
breakdown are especially common in patients receiving concurrent
chemotherapy and radiation.
Nurses also provide symptomatic treatment and palliative care for patients with
lung cancer. These symptoms, including pain, cough, dyspnea, fatigue, and poor
appetite, affect quality of life for the patient and cause distress for family
members. Accurate assessment, appropriate referrals, and supportive counseling
by the nurse can improve the quality of life for the patient and family. A lung
cancer diagnosis is a crisis for both the patient and family members. Lung cancer
patients are likely to experience physical, spiritual, psychological, and social
distress. Appropriate identification of disturbance in one or more of these
quality-of-life domains and timely intervention or referral by the nurse can lead
to improved patient outcomes. The importance of palliative care in lung cancer
patients should not be underestimated. A study of lung cancer patients showed
that when lung cancer patients had palliative care service provided in
conjunction with standard cancer care, they had higher satisfaction with their
care and lived an average of almost 3 months longer than those who received
standard care alone (Temel et al., 2010).
Nurses play a vital role in helping patients with advanced care planning and
identifying their goals for care and end-of-life preferences. Nurses are often
relied on to communicate these issues to the health care team, and serve as
advocates for patients and families. This requires the nurse to have good
communication skills and comfort in addressing sensitive issues. Oncology
nurses benefit from end-of-life training through such programs as those offered
by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s End-of-Life Nursing
Education Consortium (ELNEC).
Lung cancer is a devastating diagnosis for patients and their families. Eighty
percent of patients diagnosed with lung cancer will die from their disease (NCI
SEER, 2016). Lung cancer is associated with significant symptom and treatment
burdens that have long-standing impact on the patient’s quality of life. The
development of new treatments in the last few years offers hope for patients for
prolonged survival and some even have a better side-effect profile than
chemotherapy and radiation.
Patients benefit from good nursing care along the disease continuum, from
diagnosis to death. Nurses play a vital role in assessing and managing
bothersome side effects, educating patients, monitoring treatment and treatmentrelated problems, and coordinating the care team. Lung cancer patients benefit
when nurses are able to comfortably and openly discuss goals of care and endof-life issues with patients and their families.
American Cancer Society. (2016a). Facts and figures. Retrieved from https://www.cancer.org/cancer/nonsmall-cell-lung-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/survival-rates.html
American Cancer Society. (2016b). Non-small cell lung cancer survival rates by stage. Retrieved from
http://www.cancer.org/cancer/non-smallcelllungcancer/detection diagnosis-staging/survival-rates.html
American Lung Association. (2016). Stop smoking. Retrieved from http://www.lung.org/stop-smoking
Knoop, T. (2016). Lung cancer. In C. H. Yarbro, D. Wujcik, & B. H. Holmes (Eds.), Cancer nursing:
Principles and practice (8th ed., pp. 1679–1720). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Result Program. (2016). Cancer of the lung
and bronchus cancer stat facts. Retrieved from http://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/lungb.html
National Comprehensive Cancer Network. (2017). Clinical practice guidelines in oncology. Smoking
Sherry, V. (2017). Lung cancer: Not just a smoker’s disease. American Nurse Today, 12(2), 16–21.
Siegel, R. L., Miller, K. D., & Jemal, A. (2016). Cancer statistics, 2016. CA: A Cancer Journal for
Clinicians, 66(1), 7–30.
Temel, J. S., Grier, J. A., Muzicansky, A., Gallagher, E. R., Admane, S., Jackson, V. A., . . . Lynch, T. J.
(2010). Early palliative care for patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. New England
Journal of Medicine, 363(8), 733–742.
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. (2016). Final update summary: Lung cancer screening. Retrieved from
http://www/uspreventativeservicestaskforce.org/Page/Document/Update Summary Final/Lung-cancerscreening
Marisa A. Cortese
Jane F. Marek
Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system and can appear anywhere in the
body. The primary purpose of the lymphatic system is to fight infection. Both Band T-lymphocytes play a key role in fighting infection by regulation of the
immune system and production of cytokines and antibodies. B-lymphocytes are
produced in the bone marrow and T-lymphocytes are produced by the thymus
gland. Lymphomas are divided into two types: Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) and
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), named after the British pathologist Thomas
Hodgkin who described the disease in 1832. Both of these lymphomas can occur
in children and adults.
There were approximately 81,080 new cases of lymphoma diagnosed in the
United States in 2016 (National Cancer Institute [NCI], 2017a). The 5-year
survivor rate for HL is approximately 85%, for NHL 69%; the 10-year survival
rate decreases for both lymphomas (80% and 58%, respectively; Rummel,
2015). HL is generally considered a curable disease, but treatments may cause
profound adverse effects for the patient.
Genetic and environmental factors contribute to the development of lymphomas.
Environmental influences include exposure to pesticides, benzenes, or radiation;
occupations at increased risk include farmers, chemists, and persons employed in
the rubber, petroleum, plastics, and synthetic industries (Rummel, 2015). Both
lymphomas are more common in Caucasians than in any other racial group.
Persons who have received an organ transplant or are being treated with
immunosuppressive drugs are at increased risk for developing the disease.
HLs are caused by alterations in lymphocytes resulting in large, abnormal
lymphocytes in the lymph nodes called Reed–Sternberg cells; most HLs are
derived from B-lymphocytes. Most persons with HL are diagnosed between the
ages of 15 and 35 years or over 65 years. Risk factors for developing HL include
male gender, history of infection with Epstein–Barr or HIV, or having a firstdegree relative with HL. The common signs and symptoms of HL are
lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly or splenomegaly, unexplained fever, night
sweats, unintentional weight loss, pruritus, and fatigue (Rummel, 2015). Patients
often experience pain in the enlarged lymph nodes after alcohol intake.
NHL refers to a group of lymphatic cancers derived from B-lymphocytes, Tlymphocytes, or natural killer cells; the majority of NHL originates from B-cells.
NHL can be indolent or aggressive. Indolent lymphoma tends to spread slowly
and has few signs and symptoms. Aggressive lymphoma spreads quickly, and
the patient may have many signs and symptoms, some of which can be severe.
Most lymphomas are diagnosed in persons aged 65 to 74 years. Additional risk
factors include a history of any of the following: organ transplant; previous
cancer treatment; inherited immune disorder; autoimmune disease; or infection
with HIV/AIDS, human T-lymphotropic virus type I, Epstein–Barr virus, or
Helicobacter pylori.
The most common sign of NHL is lymphadenopathy anywhere in the body.
Other clinical manifestations include hepatomegaly or splenomegaly,
unexplained fever, fatigue, unintentional weight loss, decreased appetite, and
skin rash or pruritus (Shankland, Armitage, & Hancock, 2012). Patients with
lymphomas may also present with symptoms specific to the tumor location, for
example, a chest lesion may cause respiratory problems or chest pain.
Patients diagnosed with lymphoma require a complete medical workup. A
thorough history and physical examination and laboratory tests, including
complete blood count with differential and chemistry panel, should be
performed. Other causes of lymphadenopathy and symptoms of lymphoma must
be ruled out. A lymph node biopsy is necessary for diagnosis; bone marrow
aspiration and biopsy may be performed to check for metastasis. Following
biopsy, staging is done to determine the extent of the disease and to guide
treatment. A PET or CT scan can be useful in determining the extent of disease.
A patient’s prognosis is dependent on age, comorbidities, staging, and the
presence or absence of specific chromosomal abnormalities found in the blood
and/or bone marrow (Rummel, 2015). The prognosis is also dependent upon the
presence of systemic symptoms, or B-symptoms. B-symptoms include fever
more than 38°C for 3 consecutive days, unintentional weight loss of more than
10% body weight in 6 months, and drenching night sweats (Carbone, Kaplan,
Musshoff, Smithers, & Tubiana, 1971).
The standard treatment is chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or radiation therapy,
alone or in combination. Patients with indolent NHL may be followed and
monitored closely, rather than undergo treatment. Patients with
relapsed/refractory disease may undergo a hematopoietic stem cell transplant
(NCI, 2017b).
Clinical Aspects
The nurse should assess the patient for risk factors and specific symptoms
associated with lymphoma, including a history of viral illness or cancer
treatments; fever; night sweats; chills; bleeding or bruising; and abdominal pain
or frequent infections. A thorough medication history should be elicited, paying
particular attention to immunosuppressant use, which may increase the risk of
lymphoma. On physical examination, a patient may appear pale and feverish,
and have enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, armpit, or groin or present with a
rash (Rummel, 2015).
Patients with a large tumor burden and certain types of high-grade NHL are at
increased risk for tumor lysis syndrome (TLS). TLS occurs as a result of cancer
treatments, which cause rapid destruction of neoplastic cells resulting in
hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hyperuricemia. TLS can
occur with the administration of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biotherapy,
glucocorticoids, or general anesthesia. This is a potentially life-threatening
condition that can cause metabolic disturbances such as acute kidney injury,
seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, metabolic acidosis, or death (Cope, 2013). An
elevated lactate dehydrogenase, renal insufficiency, or dehydration before
therapy can indicate an increased risk for developing TLS (Ikeda, Jaishankar, &
Krishnan, 2016).
Prevention of infection is a nursing priority; patients with lymphoma are at
increased risk for infection due to the disease process and also as an adverse
effect of treatment. Interventions should focus on preventing infection,
preventing injury, decreasing fatigue, and promoting optimal nutrition. The
patient and family should be included in the teaching, so they can continue
preventive strategies at home.
The nurse/patient navigator is an important resource to support and guide
patients and their families across the cancer continuum (Rummel, 2015). The
nurse navigator functions as part of a multidisciplinary team to assist patients in
dealing with the financial, communication, treatment, psychosocial, and
logistical barriers faced when dealing with cancer. They play a key role in
patient education and support patients after treatment as they transition to
survivorship (Rummel, 2015). The role of the nurse navigator is supported by
the Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators and the American
College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer (Rummel, 2015).
The goal of treatment is to achieve a cure and maintain the patient’s quality of
life. The desired outcomes for patients undergoing treatment for lymphoma are
to prevent/reduce the risk of infection and complications. Patients must be
carefully monitored during and after care treatment for adverse effects and
realize the importance of follow-up care.
The prognosis for patients with lymphoma varies depending on the individual
patient, type of lymphoma, and stage of disease. Advances in treatment have led
to increased survivorship for patients with both NHL and HL. Nurses working in
any setting may encounter patients with lymphoma along any stage of the cancer
continuum. Knowledge of the risk factors, disease process, and treatment
modalities can enable nurses to provide quality and evidence-based care to these
Carbone, P. P., Kaplan, H. S., Musshoff, K., Smithers, D. W., & Tubiana, M. (1971). Report of the
Committee on Hodgkin’s Disease Staging Classification. Cancer Research, 31(11), 1860–1861.
Cope, D. G. (2013). Metabolic emergencies. In B. H. Gobel, S. Triest-Robertson, & W. H. Vogel (Eds.),
Advanced oncology nursing certification (pp. 568–574). Pittsburgh, PA: Oncology Nursing Society.
Ikeda, A. K., Jaishankar, D., & Krishnan, K. (2016). Tumor lysis syndrome. Medscape. Retrieved from
National Cancer Institute. (2017a). Cancer
National Cancer Institute. (2017b). Lymphoma. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.gov/types/lymphoma
Rummel, M. (2015). Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma: The role of the nurse navigator in
improving patient outcomes. Journal of Oncology Navigation & Survivorship, 6(3), 3–10.
Shankland, K. R., Armitage, J. O., & Hancock, B. W. (2012). Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Lancet, 380(9844),
Alaa Mahsoon
According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (2016), multiple sclerosis
(MS) is a chronic condition that damages the myelin sheath (demyelination) that
surrounds nerve fibers in the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. Demyelination
causes impaired nerve conduction that creates neurological problems. According
to Alroughani, Akhtar, Ahmed, Behbehani, and Al-Hashel (2016), MS is an
immune-mediated disease because the immune cells in the central nerves system
(CNS) are attacked by an unknown antigen. Clinical pictures of patients with
MS differ from person to person. However, early symptoms might involve
numbness, tingling, or weakness in the extremities; visual changes; impaired
balance; and urinary frequency and urgency. Besides physical deterioration of
the disease, MS can be psychologically destructive for patients and their
families. Therefore, nursing care is crucial for patients’ physical and
psychological stability and well-being.
According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (2016), MS prevalence
among the U.S. population is not well studied because health care providers are
not required to report cases of MS; because of its invisible symptoms individuals
have MS and do not know it. However, there are 2.3 million reported cases
worldwide. MS is more prevalent in women and Whites. The rate of MS is also
high among individuals between the ages of 40 and 59 years as well as nonHispanics in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
indicate that in the United States the rate varies from 58 to 95 cases per 100,000
population (Dobson et al., 2016). However, the prevalence rate varies among
regions and ages worldwide. Variation in ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure
among regions accounts for the geographic difference between MS prevalence
estimates. Disparately, adults between the ages of 40 and 59 years have higher
chances of contracting the disease compared to children.
Social, environmental, and biological factors contribute to the development of
MS. MS is regarded as a significant cause of disability in young people. The
etiology of the disease is unknown. Genetic factors increase an individual’s risk
by 2% to 4% and are present in 30% of individuals without MS. Thus, relatives
of patients with MS have an increased chance of getting the disease due to their
genetic predisposition (Moccia et al., 2016). Environmental factors, such as
radiation exposure, are also likely to influence disease susceptibility. Despite the
lack of data demonstrating a link between exposure to bacteria and development
of MS, an association is known to exist (Moccia et al., 2016).
Social determinants are also linked with race; MS is more prevalent in Whites
with higher socioeconomic status than in Hispanics and other ethnic groups.
Research further indicates that the prevalence and incidence of MS increases
with age (Jelinek et al., 2016). The rise in the prevalence rate is influenced by
prolonged survival of patients with MS, whereas the incidence rate is affected by
the risk factors identified. MS is often regarded as a highly variable illness and
poses a fundamental challenge to health care providers. More than 50% of
people who have MS experience clinical symptoms such as brain lesions.
Clinical Aspects
The etiology of MS is not clear; however, clinical manifestations often link
complex interactions between the immune system and environmental and
genetic factors. The associated negative impact affects patients’ disability over
time, primarily when the onset of treatment is late or when clinicians are not
familiar with the immunopathogenesis, natural course, and symptoms of the
disease. MS also reduces the quality of life, causing premature disability and an
increased mortality rate (Dilokthornsakul et al., 2016).
Nursing process or care, as well as quality-improvement processes, has a
significant role in reducing the adverse effects of the clinical condition in
context. MS creates the need for increased efficacy and safety of the treatment
methods provided. Nurses have a critical role in facilitating the start and
management of the treatment options in MS. However, the nurse’s role has
evolved over the years as they are now required to establish collaborative
partnerships with patients and other health care providers. Nurses also have a
vital role in helping the patients understand the available treatment options as
well as understanding their diseases. They also help encourage the patient’s
adherence and management of treatment to promote positive outcomes
(Riemann-Lorenz et al., 2016).
MS nurses have also expanded their role and training or set of skills due to
increased changes in the treatment paradigm. MS also requires a broad range of
clinical options, dosing schedules, and addressing the risk factors, which has
created the need for nurses and other health care providers to enhance their
professional training and development. Nursing care and process improvement
should be based on a patient-centered approach that addresses the patient needs
to improve positive outcomes. The process of care provided can include different
steps such as assessment stage, problem identification, nursing intervention, and
outcomes evaluation.
The assessment phase includes a stage during which nurses will be involved in
identifying the relevant history of the patients because genetic factors are key
risk factors in MS. Patient history presents a chance to understand the
association between risk of MS and genetics. This information helps to shape the
intervention methods adopted. The patient’s physical condition is evaluated so as
to provide diagnostic data to the nursing care and process improvement teams to
promote positive outcomes (Jelinek et al., 2016).
The nursing-related problems that are responsive to nursing interventions or
process change may include communication problems and teamwork issues. As
such, the care model that should be adopted for MS patients includes a
collaborative approach to care that involves both the patients and other care
providers to promote positive outcomes. The approaches are also responsive to
process change because they are influenced by patient needs and available
MS has no cure; however, care providers can use their positions to reduce the
adverse effects or patient suffering by providing nursing interventions that
address identified needs. The most appropriate nursing interventions and
management options necessary to address MS include the provision of patient-
centered care and a collaborative approach to care. The methods offer a chance
to include both the care providers and the patients in their care. The methods
serve as evidence-based interventions that promote the likelihood of shaping
patient outcomes. Nurses can also support the implementation of early treatment
of the disease. The evidence-based approaches used provide an opportunity to
reduce the associated adverse effects and provide the health care institutions an
opportunity to shape patient care (Jelinek et al., 2016).
In most cases, the use of a collaborative approach to patient-centered care among
other evidence-based practices promotes positive outcomes. However, given the
fact that MS is not curable, the available interventions provide a chance to
manage the condition, especially when early intervention is provided. Hence, the
expected outcomes of the proposed interventions for MS include a reduction in
the overall mortality rate, improved quality and safety of care provided, and
positive results for patients.
MS is a critical health condition that often leads to negative outcomes such as
patient disability. Research has identified key risk factors of genetic and
environmental issues. Although MS does not have a cure, care providers can
utilize different interventions to manage the condition based on the disease
pathogenesis. The evolution of treatment options has created the need to have an
active collaboration between care providers and the patients. Nurses have a
fundamental role in helping patients understand the available treatment options
as well as their medical condition. They are expected to improve their
professional skills to ensure expertise in the ever-changing therapies for MS.
Future trends may influence the delivery of nursing care and improve patient
outcomes and treatment options or therapies. Therefore, the role of MS nurses
will continue to evolve over time; better management can be shaped by
involving patients in their care and establishing a collaborative approach among
care providers.
Alroughani, R., Akhtar, S., Ahmed, S., Behbehani, R., & Al-Hashel, J. (2016). Is time to reach EDSS 6.0
faster in patients with late-onset versus young-onset multiple sclerosis? PLOS ONE, 11(11), e0165846.
Dilokthornsakul, P., Valuck, R. J., Nair, K. V., Corboy, J. R., Allen, R. R., & Campbell, J. D. (2016).
Multiple sclerosis prevalence in the United States commercially insured population. Neurology, 86(11),
Dobson, R., Ramagopalan, S., Topping, J., Smith, P., Solanky, B., Schmierer, K., . . . Giovannoni, G.
(2016). A risk score for predicting multiple sclerosis. PLOS ONE, 11(11), e0164992.
Jelinek, G. A., De Livera, A. M., Marck, C. H., Brown, C. R., Neate, S. L., Taylor, K. L., & Weiland, T. J.
(2016). Lifestyle, medication and socio-demographic determinants of mental and physical health-related
quality of life in people with multiple sclerosis. BMC Neurology, 16(1), 235.
Moccia, M., Palladino, R., Lanzillo, R., Carotenuto, A., Russo, C. V., Triassi, M., & Brescia Morra, V.
(2017). Healthcare costs for treating relapsing multiple sclerosis and the risk of progression: A
retrospective Italian cohort study from 2001 to 2015. PloS One, 12(1), e0169489.
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Riemann-Lorenz, K., Eilers, M., von Geldern, G., Schulz, K.-H., Köpke, S., & Heesen, C. (2016). Dietary
interventions in multiple sclerosis: Development and pilot-testing of an evidence based patient
education program. PLOS ONE, 11(10), e0165246. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0165246
Jennifer Gonzalez
Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an acquired autoimmune disease characterized by
fluctuating skeletal muscle weakness and fatigability that increases with exercise
and improves with rest (Drachman & Amato, 2014). MG can develop into a
lifelong chronic neuromuscular disease resulting in periods of exacerbation,
remission, and sometimes crises of bulbar, ocular, facial, and respiratory muscles
requiring medication adjustment and immunotherapy treatments (Drachman &
Amato, 2014). MG occurs in both genders and all ethnic groups, although it is
more common in women under the age of 40 years and men older than 60 years
(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke [NINDS], 2010).
Nursing care of adults with MG should focus on symptom identification,
psychosocial assessment, patient education on medication regimens, and airway
management during MG crises.
MG is the most common disorder involving the neuromuscular junction (NMJ).
There are approximately 36,000 to 60,000 cases of MG in the United States with
a prevalence of 14 to 20 cases per 100,000 people (Howard, 2015); MG affects
more than 700,000 people worldwide (Sanders et al., 2016). Over time, the
ability to understand functions of the NMJ, autoimmunity, and role of the
thymus gland has been attributed to an increase in survival rates and overall life
span of patients with MG (NINDS, 2010). An international task force convened
by the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America created a consensus guide for
treatment goals, minimal manifestations, remission, crises, and additional
statements to guide clinicians in the management of MG (Sanders et al., 2016).
In many cases of MG, muscle weakness and fatigability occur from a decrease
or lack of acetylcholine receptors (ACh-Rs) available at the NMJ during normal
muscle contraction (Drachman & Amato, 2014). ACh, released by neurons at the
NMJs, produces action potentials that stimulate contraction of skeletal muscles
by depolarizing the muscle membrane (Drachman & Amato, 2014). In some
forms of MG, ACh-R antibodies are released as an immune response causing
rapid turnover of ACh-Rs, blockage of ACh-R sites, and impairment to the
postsynaptic muscle membrane where depolarization occurs (Drachman &
Amato, 2014). Symptoms generally become apparent when the number of AChRs is approximately 30% of normal.
The thymus gland is responsible for immune development in childhood and is
believed to play a role in the immune response in certain subtypes of MG
(NINDS, 2010). Conditions of the thymus, such as hyperplasia or thymomas,
may be an indication for thymectomy, resulting in realignment of the immune
system and the potential for symptom reduction or cure (NINDS, 2010). Earlyonset MG is characterized by positive ACh-R antibodies, thymic hyperplasia,
and onset of symptoms younger than 40 years (Livesay, 2012). Persons with
late-onset MG are typically diagnosed after age 40 years; have a normal thymus
gland; and have positive antibodies for ACh, titin, and ryanodine receptors
(Livesay, 2012). Most persons with MG have anti-ACh-R antibodies. Patients
without anti-ACh-R antibodies are classified as having seronegative myasthenia
gravis (SNMG). Many patients with SNMG have antibodies against musclespecific tyrosine kinase (MUSK). The MUSK receptors are another component
in the NMJ needed for successful neurotransmission for muscle contraction.
Patients with this subtype of MG are usually female, diagnosed before age 40,
and have normal thymus glands (Livesay, 2012).
Clinical Aspects
The Myasthenia Gravis Foundation classified MG into five main types and
several subtypes based on severity of symptoms, ranging from Class I with
ocular muscle weakness to Class V with respiratory muscle weakness requiring
intubation. Clinical manifestations of MG include muscle weakness that fatigues
with repetitive movement and improves with rest. Muscle weakness is usually
symmetrical with normal sensory function and deep tendon reflexes. As
previously discussed, there are different subtypes of MG with varying clinical
presentation. There are two clinical forms, referred to as ocular myasthenia
gravis (OMG) and generalized myasthenia gravis (GMG). Approximately 85%
of patients have OMG and present with fluctuating ocular involvement that does
not progress to other muscles (Drachman & Amato, 2014). Other ocular
symptoms include ptosis, diplopia, ocular palsy, and nystagmus (Smith, 2016).
Within 2 years of OMG diagnosis, 50% of patients will progress to the GMG
form with involvement of bulbar, facial, and limb muscles (American
Association of Neuroscience Nursing [AANN], 2013). An adult with bulbar
dysfunction will have symptoms such as dysphagia, dysphonia, and dysarthria
(Smith, 2016). Snarling or expressionless face and flattening of the nasolabial
fold are characteristic of facial muscle involvement (AANN, 2013). Persons with
extremity involvement display weakness in the neck and upper extremities
(AANN, 2013). Respiratory muscle involvement can cause dyspnea,
hypoventilation, and respiratory failure requiring intubation and mechanical
Diagnosis of MG is based on the patient’s history and physical examination
and bedside and serologic testing. Bedside testing includes the ice test and
edrophonium test, but these tests should not be used as the sole means of
diagnosis. The ice test can be useful for patients with ptosis in differentiating
MG from other disorders. In the ice test, an ice pack is placed over the patient’s
eyes for 2 to 5 minutes; the cold should limit anticholinesterase activity, allowing
for more availability of ACh. The test is considered positive if the eyelid
elevates 2 mm following application of ice (Nair, Patil-Chhablani, Vankatramani,
& Gandhi, 2014). The administration of intravenous edrophonium will show a
rapid relief of symptoms if the MG type is responsive to acetylcholinesterase
(ACh-E; AANN, 2013).
Serum laboratory tests include anti-ACh-R antibodies; 80% of patients with
GMG will test positive (Nair et al., 2014). Adults with OMG may have negative
anti-ACh-R antibody results but it is thought to be related to low detectable
levels and should not be used to confirm the diagnosis (Drachman & Amato,
2014). Other laboratory testing includes antistriated muscle antibody testing,
present in the majority of patients younger than 40 years of age with thymoma,
and anti-MUSK antibody testing.
Other diagnostics may be indicated based on the patient’s symptoms. A new
onset of ocular symptoms may require a head CT scan or MRI to rule out brain
lesions (Drachman & Amato, 2014). CT and MRI may also be performed to
evaluate the thymus gland. Vital capacity is used to measure lung function when
respiratory muscles are involved. Muscle strength and EMG (electromyography)
should be included in the clinical workup.
Nursing care of the adult with MG should focus on symptom management,
psychosocial support, and medication compliance and administration. ACh-E
inhibitors, such as pyridostigmine (Mestinon), can slow the degradation of ACh,
allowing more availability of the neurotransmitter at the NMJ, thereby
improving muscle activity (AANN, 2013). Excess ACh can result in cholinergic
crisis, so it is important for nurses to teach patients the importance of taking their
medications as prescribed, and also the side effects and signs and symptoms of
overdose. Immunosuppression through administration of azathioprine (Imuran)
or cyclosporine can also be used for immune-mediated MG. Patient education
regarding immunosuppressives is required to ensure safety. The side effects
associated with immunosuppressive therapy, including infection, nephrotoxicity,
hepatotoxicity, and bone marrow suppression, warrant the need for close
physician monitoring when initiating these medications (AANN, 2013).
Priority nursing problems related to the care of patients with MG include the
management and identification of myasthenia crisis. Myasthenia crisis is a lifethreatening complication characterized by severe respiratory muscle weakness
and frequent bulbar weakness that may necessitate intubation and mechanical
ventilation. Patients are at increased risk for aspiration due to excessive drooling
and muscle weakness. Symptoms of MG may be potentiated by stress, surgery,
or medications such as certain antibiotics, beta blockers, and muscle relaxers
(Drachman & Amato, 2014). During MG crisis, immune-modulating therapy and
plasmapheresis to remove circulating antibodies can aid in symptom
management. Administration of intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIG) is used
to bind antibodies, permitting an increased availability of ACh during crisis
(AANN, 2013). In addition to understanding the therapies used during crises,
nurses should also consider the psychosocial aspects of the patient experiencing
the crisis and during other uncertain periods of the disease such as exacerbations.
Education points should include energy conservation, identification of triggers,
when to seek medical attention, and information about professional
organizations that may provide additional support.
Patients in remission with minimal ocular symptoms, such as eyelid weakness,
may have their medication dose decreased or discontinued (Sanders et al., 2016).
Mortality rates in adults with MG are between 4% and 8% and have continued to
improve; the highest mortality rates occur within the first 2 years of diagnosis
(AANN, 2013; Livesay, 2012). Prognosis is better in those whose disease
remains restricted to ocular involvement; less favorable prognoses are associated
in persons with thymomas (AANN, 2013).
MG can be accurately identified by clinical assessment, serological testing, and
clinical diagnostic testing, although adults with mild weakness may require an
extensive workup due to the need for differential diagnosis to rule out other
causes of muscle weakness (NINDS, 2010). Medications that increase
availability of ACh are a key component of symptom management in persons
with MG. Many adults with MG can have a normal life. Immune-modulating
therapies have allowed for treatment of MG crisis and have been attributed to
improved prognosis (Sanders et al., 2016). Nurses should provide holistic care
that involves chronic disease management such as medication coaching,
symptom relief and prevention, community support, and patient and family
American Association of Neuroscience Nursing. (2013). Care of the patient with myasthenia gravis. AANN
Clinical Practice Guidelines Series. Retrieved from http://www.myasthenia.org/LinkClick.aspx?
Drachman, D. B., & Amato, A. A. (2014). Myasthenia gravis and other diseases of the neuromuscular
junction. In D. Kasper, A. Fauci, & S. Hauser (Eds.), Harrison’s principles of internal medicine.
Retrieved from http://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?bookid=1130&sectionid=79756727
Howard, J. F. (2015). Clinical overview of myasthenia gravis.
Livesay, S. (2012). Neurologic problems. In J. G. W. Foster & S. S. Prevost (Eds.), Advanced practice
nursing of adults in acute care (pp. 223–227). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis.
Nair, A. G., Patil-Chhablani, P., Vankatramani, D. V., & Gandhi, R. A. (2014). Ocular myasthenia gravis: A
review. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 62(10), 985–991. doi:10.4103/0301-4738.144987
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (2010). Myasthenia gravis fact sheet (Publication
No. 10-768). Washington, DC: DHHS. Retrieved from https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/PatientCaregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Myasthenia-Gravis-Fact-Sheet
Sanders, D. B., Wolfe, G. I., Benatar, M., Evoli, A., Gihus, N. E., Illa, I., . . . Narayanaswami, P. (2016).
International consensus guidance for management of myasthenia gravis. Neurology, 87(4), 419–425.
Smith, D. (2016). The neurologic system. In H. Craven (Ed.), Core curriculum for medical–surgical
nursing (5th ed., pp. 407–460). Pitman, NJ: Academy of Medical–Surgical Nurses.
Kelly Ann Lynn
Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease that is associated with considerable
morbidity and mortality. Obesity has been identified as a contributing factor for
the development of several significant diseases, including type 2 diabetes
mellitus (DM), hypertension (HTN), coronary artery disease (CAD), peripheral
vascular disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), osteoarthritis (OA),
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and many cancers (colon, breast, ovarian;
Hahler, 2002; Lobstein et al., 2015; Ng et al., 2014). Obesity also contributes to
fertility and reproductive issues, depression, and dementia. Rates of obesity are
rising in virtually all populations: in adults and children, and in developed and
developing countries. Underscoring the significant impact of obesity on
population health, the incidence of obesity is rising and has been described as a
global pandemic (Ng et al., 2014). Nursing care of patients with obesity must
focus on prevention, early intervention, and effective interventions that reduce
morbidity and mortality associated with obesity and resultant disease.
Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30; a BMI
between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight. According to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 69% of adults in the
United States are overweight, with more than one third (78.6 million) of these
considered obese (CDC, 2015). Worldwide, obesity has more than doubled since
1980. The World Health Organization (WHO) statistics for 2014 are shocking:
nearly 39% of adults or 1.9 billion people were overweight or obese; 41 million
children younger than the age of 5 were overweight or obese (WHO, 2016).
These statistics are very alarming, particularly when considering the propensity
for illnesses and morbidity, disability, and mortality attributed to obesity and
high BMI.
BMI is a universally accepted scale for assessing healthy weight and it refers
to weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (BMI = kg/m2). It is
important to note that BMI is not an exact measurement. Muscle weighs more
than fat and thus someone with a high muscle mass may have a deceptively high
BMI. Likewise, someone with low muscle mass may have a misleading BMI.
Waist circumference is another metric that is essential to assessing for obesity.
Men should have a waist circumference less than or equal to 40 inches and
women should have a waist circumference less than or equal to 35 inches.
Obesity is a complex disease and often has several contributing factors;
obesity may be the result of genetic, metabolic, hormonal, and/or emotional
issues. Emerging research suggests obesity may result from sleep deprivation,
infection, exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), certain
medications, and changes to the gut microbiome, among others (McAllister et
al., 2009). Obesity is a major health concern because it is a precursor to other
serious health conditions. The burden of disease-related obesity is massive.
Nurses must address BMI, diet, and lifestyle with patients to prevent the
devastating sequelae related to obesity.
Clinical Aspects
A thorough nursing assessment is essential for all patients with obesity. This
includes a comprehensive patient history with targeted questions related to
eating habits, activity level, and reproductive/menstrual history. Physical
assessment should be thorough and address vital signs, particularly height,
weight, waist circumference, heart rate, and blood pressure. To evaluate
circulation and identify areas of skin breakdown or infection, a thorough skin
assessment is essential. It is imperative that nurses perform a comprehensive
psychosocial assessment to identify underlying or associated mental health
conditions, specifically depression. Moreover, a review of essential laboratory
values is of utmost importance. The urinalysis will help detect for the presence
of glucose in the urine; serum chemistry will assess for electrolyte imbalances,
cholesterol and lipid panel, fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c for blood sugar
control, serum albumin and vitamin B12 levels for malnutrition, blood urea
nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels to evaluate renal function, thyroid function
tests, liver enzymes and liver panel, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR or
sed rate) to detect inflammation.
The review of medications is an essential part of the nursing assessment as
some medications can contribute to obesity. These include psychotropic
medications, antidiabetic drugs, antihypertensives, steroid hormones and
contraceptives, antihistamines, and protease inhibitors (McAllister et al., 2009).
Nursing assessment of obesity must include all three components:
comprehensive, in-depth history; a physical examination with evaluation and
interpretation of laboratory and diagnostic tests; and medication review. Any
encounter with patients with an elevated BMI (greater than or equal to 25)
should address all of these issues.
Nursing care of obese and overweight patients should focus on lifestyle and
weight management. Prevention of the serious consequences related to obesity,
specifically diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular events, is the goal of care.
Partnering with patients and championing their efforts will contribute to their
success. Patients should be counseled on all available treatment options,
including medical management, bariatric surgery, and endoscopic procedures
that will help them be successful in reversing obesity. Patients must be
encouraged to approach their care as a series of lifestyle changes rather than a
diet, exercise, and medication program. Lowering BMI will reduce the incidence
of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, urinary retention, and urinary sepsis. Nursing
care must include comprehensive education and emotional support for patients
and their families.
Nursing interventions will vary based on the clinical presentation, the
treatment course, and the long-term objectives for a given patient. All patients
will need considerable education about healthy lifestyle, their disease process,
treatment options, and the side effects of medications that may be offered.
Some patients will be offered medical management to facilitate weight loss.
These patients will require in-depth education about the medications, side
effects, and potential interactions with other medications taken. Patients who
choose bariatric surgery will need to be educated about the planned surgery and
specific issues related to the various surgical options (gastric bypass, sleeve
gastrectomy, laparoscopic adjustable band, duodenal switch). The details of the
postoperative diet, management of nausea, and the signs and symptoms of
infection need to be reviewed in detail. Similarly, patients opting for endoscopic
intervention (endoscopic gastroplasty, endoscopic balloon) will need to be
educated specific to these procedures.
Obese patients need guidance to adopt healthier lifestyle behaviors. They need
to make healthier food choices by reducing sugar and simple carbohydrates in
favor of nonstarchy vegetables and high-quality lean protein. Nurses should help
patients develop a healthy relationship with food by discouraging emotional
eating and disordered eating patterns (i.e., binging and craving). Food should be
seen as a source of life. It must be emphasized to obese patients that every meal
offers an opportunity to nourish their physical being.
Patients are encouraged to increase their activity level, starting off slowly and
gradually increasing in intensity. Also, patients should be encouraged to adopt
effective stress management techniques to reduce emotional eating and promote
wellness. Walking, yoga, and meditation are all excellent stress reducers.
In addition, patients must be encouraged to improve their sleep habits. Adults
should get 7 hours of sleep per night; children and adolescents need more. Sleep
is essential to weight loss and overall health. This may be particularly difficult
for obese people because they often suffer from OSA as a comorbidity of their
obesity. Patients with OSA will need more intervention to ensure that they get
the recommended amount of sleep.
Obese patients are often marginalized. Nurses must advocate for this
vulnerable patient group to ensure that they get the appropriate care needed. All
treatment areas must have appropriate seating and equipment (blood pressure
cuffs, gowns) to ensure the safety and dignity of these patients.
Obesity is a multifaceted disease that affects not only patients, but also their
partners and families. Nurses must offer patients and families an opportunity to
process the complex emotions surrounding this disease.
The expected outcomes of evidence-based nursing care for patients with obesity
are the prevention of serious consequences associated with the progression of
this disease (diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease) so as to increase the
patient’s quality of life, and decrease the incidence of developing comorbid
Obesity medicine is a new specialty that recognizes that the condition is a
disease, and that treating obesity is the best way to prevent diabetes. Early
intervention and initiation of appropriate nursing care can prevent significant
morbidity and result in better quality of life. Nurses must partner with their
patients to develop customized care plans to reduce weight, improve health, and
prevent progression of disease. Nursing support and education can help patients
to choose healthier lifestyle behaviors and ease their distress and to promote
compliance with their care plans.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Adult obesity facts. Retrieved from
Hahler, B. (2002). Morbid obesity: A nursing care challenge. Medsurg Nursing, 11(2), 85–90.
Lobstein, T., Jackson-Leach, R., Moodie, M. L., Hall, K. D., Gortmaker, S. L., Swinburn, B. A., . . .
McPherson, K. (2015). Child and adolescent obesity: Part of a bigger picture. Lancet, 385(9986), 2510–
2520. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61746-3
McAllister, E. J., Dhurandhar, N. V., Keith, S. W., Aronne, L. J., Barger, J., Baskin, M., . . . Allison, D. B.
(2009). Ten putative contributors to the obesity epidemic. Critical Reviews in Food Science and
Nutrition, 49(10), 868–913.
Ng, M., Fleming, T., Robinson, M., Thomson, B., Graetz, N., Margono, C., . . . Abraham, J. P. (2014).
Global, regional, and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 1980–
2013: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet, 384(9945), 766–781.
World Health Organization. (2016). Obesity and
Mary Variath
Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized as a chronic, degenerative, inflammatory
disease that can affect any joint or structural component of a joint (Gomes et al.,
2016; Kang et al., 2016). OA is the most common form of arthritis, and a leading
cause of pain and disability globally. Middle-aged adults and the elderly are
likely to experience symptoms of OA, which is consistent with the increased
prevalence of OA among persons aged 45 years and older (Kapoor, 2015).
Although OA can affect any joint, the hip and knee joints are commonly affected
and can contribute to significant reductions in quality of life among those
affected by OA. Nursing care for persons living with OA should consider
nonpharmacological therapies in combination with pharamaceuticals to
minimize pain and maintain the physical functioning of the affected joint
(Uthman et al., 2014).
In the United States, OA is a prevalent and disabling chronic condition.
According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,
about 28.5% men and 27.9% women in the United States are affected with OA
(Kang et al., 2016). Advanced age is a factor associated with OA. In fact, it is
estimated that individuals who are aged 70 years and older have a higher
likelihood of having OA than persons aged 50 to 60 years (Kang et al., 2016).
The incidence of OA has also been linked to obesity. Obesity has shown to
drastically increase the incidence of OA of the knee in men and women (Kapoor,
2015). Thus, advanced age and obesity have been established as major risk
factors for the development and progression of OA. Other risk factors include
gender, race and ethnicity, genetics, nutrition, smoking, traumatic injury, and
type 2 diabetes mellitus (Frey, Hügle, Jick, Meier, & Spoendlin, 2016; Huebner
et al., 2016; Kang et al., 2016; Kapoor, 2015).
The relative significance of certain risk factors may differ from joint to joint,
for early versus end-stage OA, for development as opposed to progression of
disease, and for radiographic versus symptomatic disease. Although it is well
established that the risk of developing OA increases dramatically with age; age is
not the sole determinant of developing the disease.
Genetic, environmental, metabolic, and biochemical factors or a combination
of these may result in more severe outcomes. Furthermore, inactivity of the joint
may result in accelerated cartilage degradation. Sometimes the progressive loss
of articular cartilage can be accompanied by alterations of the underlying
structures, such as subchondral bone alteration. Besides, synovial tissue
inflammation may be observed leading to synovitis, resulting in the initiation
and/or progression of OA. Together, these structural changes produce the
symptoms of joint pain, restriction of motion, crepitus with motion, joint
effusions, and deformity.
Clinical Aspects
Symptoms of OA are localized and not systemic, and include pain, bony
enlargement, crepitation, tenderness to palpation, reduced range of movement,
deformities, and overall functional limitation. Distal interphalangeal nodes called
Heberden’s nodes are a bony enlargement that are classic signs of hand OA;
Bouchard’s nodes in proximal interphalangeal joints are common in women. In
advanced hip OA, leg length discrepancy and muscular atrophy, secondary to
joint splinting for pain relief, may be noticed.
With spine OA, weakness and/or numbness in the arms and legs may result
from nerve root impingement due to osteophytes. Localized warmth, an
indication of inflammation, such as synovitis, may be noted in knee or hand OA.
Individuals may experience one or more of these symptoms leading to pain and
Joint pain and joint disability are the dominant symptoms of OA and the
primary reason individuals seek medical help. The pain generally is described as
mechanical in nature with a gradual onset, that increases with increased joint use
but is relieved by rest in early stages. Pain, even at rest, especially at night,
indicates severity of the condition. Joint stiffness, especially early-morning
stiffness due to prolonged periods of inactivity, is another typical sign of OA.
However, stiffness associated with OA is relieved with increased activity unlike
persistent stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis. Together, pain and stiffness result in
functional impairment of the joint.
In addition to assessing for local symptoms, diagnostic investigations such as
diagnostic imaging, including radiographic assessment and MRI, which play a
pivotal role in ruling out OA, also help. These tests assist in early diagnosis,
grading, and monitoring of OA. CT, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine are also
used to assess OA, although the role these play is very limited (Salat, Salonen, &
Veljkovic, 2015).
These methods are generally used to stage the severity of the disease
condition. Although there are no specific blood tests to rule out OA, an elevated
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) indicates synovitis. Synovial fluid
assessment can be performed to differentiate between OA and other forms of
Because OA is a chronic progressive disease with localized symptoms, primary
nursing care should focus on assessing for the severity of pain, extent of
deformity, functional disability, and examination of diagnostic imaging and
laboratory data to confirm OA. The next step is to choose the appropriate steps
to help slow the disease progression, damage, and disability, while managing the
symptoms at the same time. Although there is no cure for OA, there are myriad
treatment options to manage the symptoms, which include pharmacological and
nonpharmacological options (Sepriano et al., 2015).
The pharmacological management of OA is currently based on a wide
spectrum of therapeutic options to relieve pain, improving the physical function
and quality of life. The American College of Rheumatology guidelines
recommend topical capsaicin; topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs); oral NSAIDs, including cyclooxygenase inhibitors; and tramadol
(Roubille, Pelletier, & Pelletier, 2015). However, the rapid-acting symptomatic
treatments for OA consist mainly of analgesics and NSAIDs. Among them,
acetaminophen remains the first-line therapeutic agent because of its costeffectiveness, efficacy, and safety. Opioids and duloxetine are two other oftenused agents. If the symptoms are not severe, topical NSAIDs, such as capsaicin
and lidocaine patches, are reported to be effective (Roubille et al., 2015). The
non-NSAIDs, such as corticosteroids that are anti-inflammatory drugs, and
hyaluronic acid, which is a glycosaminoglycan component for the maintenance
of joint homeostasis, are administered as intra-articular treatments in severe
conditions (Roubille et al., 2015).
Other OA drugs with disease-modifying properties are being developed, such
as slow-acting drugs for OA that are believed to reduce joint pain and slow
structural disease progression in the joint. In addition, cartilage changes, bone
remodeling, and synovial inflammation control are the types of studies in
progress. Furthermore, a few promising therapies might emerge, such as plateletrich plasma, bone remodeling modulators, and inflammatory inhibitors (Roubille
et al., 2015).
Nonpharmacological intervention is directed toward self-management
programs. Examples include muscle strengthening, low-impact aerobic exercises
on land and in water; weight loss; physical therapy; and neuromuscular
education (Schachar & Ogilvie-Harris, 2015). Surgery may be considered for
individuals whose function and mobility remain compromised and are refractory
to pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions. Surgical
interventions for OA include arthroscopy, osteotomy, arthrodesis, and total joint
The intended outcomes of any type of intervention include pain management,
providing comfort, minimizing activity intolerance, and ineffective functional
and role performance.
Affected individuals learn self-management therapies, including land and/or
water aerobic exercises, to improve activities of daily living and provide coping
OA is a chronic degenerative disorder, causing pain and limitation of movements
due to gradual deterioration and inflammation of articular cartilage and joints,
resulting in major physical and functional limitations. OA can affect any joint;
however, hip and knee joints have a higher prevalence, with higher incidence of
OA of the knee due to its weight-bearing function, resulting in a declining
quality of life of the individual. Individuals older than 45 years are most often
affected. The incidence of OA has risen with the escalation of obesity in the
population. Because there is no cure for OA, the primary focus is symptomatic
management using pharmacological or nonpharmacological therapies. Pain
management, disease-progression control, and deformity prevention are the
expected outcomes.
Frey, N., Hügle, T., Jick, S. S., Meier, C. R., & Spoendlin, J. (2016). Type II diabetes mellitus and incident
osteoarthritis of the hand: A population-based case-control analysis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 24(9),
Gomes, W. F., Lacerda, A. C., Brito-Melo, G. E., Fonseca, S. F., Rocha-Vieira, E., Leopoldino, A. A., . . .
Mendonça, V. A. (2016). Aerobic training modulates T cell activation in elderly women with knee
osteoarthritis. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 49(11), e5181.
Huebner, J. L., Landerman, L. R., Somers, T. J., Keefe, F. J., Guilak, F., Blumenthal, J. A., . . . Kraus, V. B.
(2016). Exploratory secondary analyses of a cognitive-behavioral intervention for knee osteoarthritis
demonstrate reduction in biomarkers of adipocyte inflammation. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 24(9),
Kang, K., Shin, J. S., Lee, J., Lee, Y. J., Kim, M. R., Park, K. B., & Ha, I. H. (2016). Association between
direct and indirect smoking and osteoarthritis prevalence in Koreans: A cross-sectional study. BMJ
Open, 6(2), e010062.
Schachar, R., & Ogilvie-Harris, D. (2015). Osteoarthritis: Joint conservation strategies. In M. Kapoor & N.
N. Mohammad (Eds.), Osteoarthritis (pp. 155–169). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International.
Sepriano, A., Roman-Blas, J. A., Little, R. D., Pimentel-Santos, F., Arribas, J. M., Largo, R., . . . HerreroBeaumont, G. (2015). DXA in the assessment of subchondral bone mineral density in knee osteoarthritis
—A semi-standardized protocol after systematic review. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 45(3),
Toupin April, K., Rader, T., Hawker, G. A., Stacey, D., O’Connor, A. M., Welch, V., . . . Tugwell, P. (2016).
Development and alpha-testing of a stepped decision aid for patients considering nonsurgical options for
knee and hip osteoarthritis management. Journal of Rheumatology, 43(10), 1891–1896.
Mary Variath
Jane F. Marek
Osteomyelitis (OM) is inflammation of the bone caused by a variety of
infectious organisms (i.e., bacteria, fungi, or viruses) that results in tissue
destruction of the affected bone. OM is a complex disease in its
pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and management, making accurate
diagnosis and treatment a challenging process. The symptoms of OM include
history of local inflammation, erythema, and/or swelling. In addition, patients
with OM may present with low-grade fever, malaise, and fatigue, along with
nonspecific chronic pain at the site of infection (Malhotra, Schulz, & Kallail,
2015). OM may affect any bone, resulting in progressive bone destruction and
the formation of sequestra. OM can be acquired through contiguous spread from
adjacent soft tissue, joint, and blood infections or direct inoculation of
microorganisms into the bone as a result of trauma or surgery (Malhotra et al.,
2015). Other risk factors include diabetes, vascular insufficiency, dialysis
treatment, intravenous drug use, and immunosuppression. If untreated, OM can
become a life-threatening illness due to bacteremia and sepsis. Therefore, early
diagnosis, identification of the causative organism, and prompt treatment can
prevent recurrent infection, chronic disease, and complications.
OM is an ancient disease and is one of the most difficult infectious diseases to
diagnose and treat (Malhotra et al., 2015). OM can affect people of all ages.
Major causative bacterial organisms include Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Infection with drug-resistant organisms is of particular concern. For unknown
reasons, Haemophilus influenzae type B is shown to affect joints rather than
bones alone. In addition, fungal or mixed bacteria are associated with skull,
vertebral, and/or long bone OM. In fact, about 75% to 95% of skull OM is
reported to be of fungal origin (Johnson & Batra, 2014; Peltola & Pääkkönen,
Bacteria can reach the bone through direct inoculation from traumatic
wounds, open fractures, or implanted hardware; by spreading from adjacent
tissue affected by various infections, such as cellulitis and septic arthritis; or by
hematogenous spread following bacteremia. OM resulting from hematogenous
spread is more common in children; boys are more commonly affected than
girls. In developed countries, approximately eight in 100,000 children are
affected with OM annually; in developing countries, the incidence is higher,
especially in resource-poor places where patients present with advanced disease
and survivors experience serious and long-lasting complications (Peltola &
Pääkkönen, 2014). Salmonella species are reported to be a common cause of OM
in developing countries as well as in patients with sickle cell disease. OM
usually results from adjacent tissue inflammation and infection, as in the case of
OM of the skull as a result of contiguous spread from an infected sinus or
penetrating trauma (Malhotra et al., 2015). Skull base OM, although rare, is
associated with a 10% to 20% mortality rate and primarily affects patients with
diabetes and/or immunocompromised men in their 60s (Conde-Diaz et al.,
Pyogenic vertebral OM generally occurs as an acute OM infection in patients
older than 55 years. The estimated incidence of vertebral OM has increased in
recent years to four to 10 per 100,000 persons annually in high-income
countries, increasing the economic burden of the disease (Bernard et al., 2015).
Treatment depends on the etiology of the infection. Debridement of the
affected bone was once considered the primary method of treatment; however,
long-term systemic antimicrobial therapy has since replaced debridement as the
first-line therapy (Conde-Diaz et al., 2017; Johnson & Batra, 2014). In severe
cases, antimicrobial therapy needs to be continued for several weeks to avoid
recurrent or chronic infection.
Surgical intervention is indicated if the patient does not respond to
antimicrobial treatment or has persistent soft tissue infection, joint infection, or
bony abscess. Goals of surgical management are debridement of necrotic bone
and tissue, management of dead space, restoration of vascular supply, and
adequate wound closure. Surgical techniques include bone debridement and
resection, stabilization using an external fixator (including the Ilizarov
technique), revascularization procedures, and, as a last resort, amputation.
Infection following fracture fixation and prosthetic joint infection may result in
removal of the hardware, systemic antibiotic therapy, and fracture fixation or
joint revision after resolution of infection. Local antibiotic therapy with
antibiotic-impregnated beads (antibiotic bead pouch) and spacers may be
considered with joint infections and open fractures complicated with OM. In
persons with extensive soft tissue involvement, hyperbaric oxygen treatment,
vacuum-assisted wound closure (VAC), and skin grafting may be indicated.
Clinical Aspects
Long-bone OM is classified by the Cierny–Mader system that is used to guide
treatment. Symptoms of OM may include pain, persistent sinus tract or wound
drainage, poor wound healing, and presence of fever. Bony necrosis may not
occur for 6 weeks after the onset of infection (Spencer, 2015). Further, if signs
and symptoms are less severe, the individual may be slow to seek medical care,
in which case bone deterioration may continue without treatment. Therefore, a
thorough history and physical assessment are critical to determine the initial
injury, infection, or precipitating event.
OM can be classified as acute if the duration of the illness has been less than 2
weeks, subacute for a duration of 2 weeks to 3 months, and chronic for duration
longer than 3 months. Classic clinical manifestations in children include inability
to walk, fever and focal tenderness, visible redness and swelling around the
affected bone. Symptoms are dependent on the affected bone. For example,
spinal OM in adults is characteristically manifested as back pain, whereas pain
on a digital rectal examination suggests sacral OM.
Diagnosis is determined by the patient’s history and clinical presentation and
diagnostic testing. Laboratory testing is nonspecific to OM and includes
complete blood count and differential, C-reactive protein, and erythrocyte
sedimentation rate. Bone biopsy and wound and blood cultures are performed to
identify the causative organism and to develop the antibiogram (Peltola &
Pääkkönen, 2014). Selection of imaging techniques is based on clinical findings.
In some cases, plain radiographs may be sufficient for diagnosis. If plain films
are normal or inconclusive, MRI is most sensitive for OM; CT or scintigraphy
can also be used, especially if a long bone is affected or if symptoms are not
Nursing interventions include managing pain, monitoring neurovascular status of
the affected extremity, administering antibiotic therapy, preventing further
infection, supporting and immobilizing the affected area, preventing further
injury, teaching the patient and family about medications, antibiotic therapy,
treatments, prognosis, and rehabilitation therapy. Nurses can take an active role
in infection-control education, which will help to control OM development and
prevent complications (Spencer, 2015).
OM usually involves long-term treatment, and recurrence rates are high. Prompt
identification of the offending organism and appropriate antibiotic therapy are
key in optimizing patient outcomes. Because of the complexity of the illness, a
multidisciplinary team approach is necessary. Physical and occupational therapy
referrals are often indicated and the patient may require help with activities of
daily living and the use of assistive devices until weight-bearing is permitted.
Due to the length of treatment, psychosocial support of the patient and family is
an important intervention. Treatment goals include limb preservation and
prevention of complications, including pathologic fracture and further injury,
flexion contractures and muscle atrophy, and systemic complications.
Identification of persons at risk and prevention of infection are important nursing
Bernard, L., Dinh, A., Ghout, I., Simo, D., Zeller, V., Issartel, B., . . . Therby, A. (2015). Antibiotic
treatment for 6 weeks versus 12 weeks in patients with pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis: An open-label,
non-inferiority, randomised, controlled trial. Lancet, 385(9971), 875–882.
Conde-Díaz, C., Llenas-García, J., Grande, M. P., Esclapez, G. T., Masiá, M., & Gutiérrez, F. (2017).
Severe skull base osteomyelitis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa with successful outcome after
prolonged outpatient therapy with continuous infusion of ceftazidime and oral ciprofloxacin: A case
report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 11(1), 48.
Johnson, A. K., & Batra, P. S. (2014). Central skull base osteomyelitis. Laryngoscope, 124(5), 1083–1087.
Malhotra, B., Schulz, T., & Kallail, K. J. (2015). When anemia, atypical plasma cells, and a lytic bone
lesion are not myeloma: An unusual presentation of osteomyelitis. Kansas Journal of Medicine, 151–
Peltola, H., & Pääkkönen, M. (2014). Acute osteomyelitis in children. New England Journal of Medicine,
370(4), 352–360.
Spencer, D. (2015). Implications of underlying pathophysiology of osteomyelitis in diabetics for nursing
Maria A. Mendoza
Osteoporosis is a chronic, progressive disease characterized by low bone mass
density resulting in bone fragility and predisposition to fracture. Approximately
12 million people have osteoporosis in the United States, a number that is
expected to rise to 14 million in 2020, of whom 80% are women (Cosman et al.,
2015). One and a half million Americans have osteoporotic fractures (Jeremiah,
Unwin, Greenawald, & Casiano, 2015), resulting in disability and decreased
quality of life and the need for long-term nursing home care (Jeremiah et al.,
Osteoporosis is considered a “silent” disease because it is asymptomatic, with
many patients going undiagnosed and untreated until a fracture occurs (Cosman
et al., 2015; Lorentzon & Cummings, 2015). The major role of nursing in caring
for patients with osteoporosis is in fracture prevention (Smeltzer & Qi, 2014).
The impact of osteoporosis is significant, both in the effects on the patient and
the economic burden. Assessing risk, assisting the patient to identify modifiable
factors, and collaborating on a plan for lifestyle modification to help maintain
bone health are important nursing interventions.
Bone health is maintained by a dynamic process of formation and resorption. In
osteoporosis there is imbalance in these processes caused by decreased bone
formation, increased resorption, or both. Bone loss may be localized or
generalized due to disuse or immobilization. Osteoporosis is divided into three
types. Type I is related to aging and has two forms: postmenopausal (occurring
in women after menopause) and senile (occurring in both genders age 65 and
older). Type II usually occurs in younger individuals secondary to an underlying
disease such as hyperthyroidism or multiple myeloma. Type III is found in
women with amenorrhea associated with eating disorders. This section only
discusses type I osteoporosis.
The most common sites for osteoporotic-related fractures (fragility fractures)
are the hip, spine, and distal radius (Colles’ fracture). Fractures are treated with
surgical intervention, open reduction and internal fixation, or total or
hemiarthroplasty for hip fractures; kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty for vertebral
compression fractures; and closed or open reduction for Colles’ fractures.
Patients are at increased risk for another fracture following an osteoporotic
The nonmodifiable risk factors of osteoporosis include age (50 years and
older), female gender, family history of osteoporosis, previous fracture (increase
in risk by 86%), ethnicity (Caucasian and Asian), menopause/hysterectomy (due
to decreased estrogen), inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis,
systemic lupus erythematosus, hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thin body
frame, and primary/secondary hypogonadism (androgen deficiency) in men.
Modifiable risk factors include long-term glucocorticoid therapy, excessive
alcohol consumption, smoking, poor nutrition, vitamin D deficiency, gastric
bypass surgery, eating disorders, insufficient weight-bearing exercise, low
dietary calcium intake, certain medications (e.g., antiseizure, thyroid
replacement, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), and frequent falls
(Cosman et al., 2015; Jeremiah et al., 2015).
Fracture risk assessment can be accomplished in a variety of ways. The
fracture risk assessment tool (FRAX) is a valid online assessment tool that
assesses the 10-year risk of osteoporotic fracture based on the individual’s risk
factors. There are limitations to this tool and it should be used in conjunction
with clinical judgment. Other methods include bone mineral density (BMD) by
dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), quantitative computerized tomography
(QCT), and hip structure analysis (HSA; Imai, 2014). BMD testing is the most
common method used to identify fracture risk and evaluate the patient’s response
to treatment. The bone density in the hip and spine is measured and compared
against established norms (peak BMD of a healthy 30-year-old adult) to give a
T-score. The World Health Organization has established criteria for T-scores. A
normal T-score is within +1 to −1 standard deviation (SD). Low bone density is
between 1 and 2.5 (−1 to 12.5 SD). A level of 2.5 SD or lower is diagnostic of
osteoporosis and more than 2.5 SD plus one or more osteoporotic fractures is
considered severe osteoporosis (Cosman et al., 2015). BMD is recommended for
women at age 65 years or may be done before 65 years on those who are at an
increased risk for fractures (Cosman et al., 2015). There is no strong evidence to
recommend biennial frequency of testing and no evidence to recommend DXA
testing in men (Cosman et al., 2015).
The process of bone remodeling produces biochemical markers such as serum
C-telopeptide, urinary telopeptide, serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase,
and aminoterminal propeptide (Jeremiah et al., 2015). These biochemical
markers can predict fracture risk and rapidity of bone loss. They can also predict
the magnitude of BMD and patient adherence to osteoporosis therapy.
Clinical Aspects
In addition to assessing for the risk factors listed earlier, the nurse should also
include an evaluation of the patient’s nutritional status, dietary intake of calcium
and vitamin D, alcohol consumption, smoking, and exercise habits (weightbearing and resistive-type exercise and walking). Physical assessment includes
height/weight; body mass index (BMI); vital signs, including orthostatic blood
pressure and pulse; posture and balance; functional status (mobility, activities of
daily living [ADL] abilities); and neurological and cardiovascular status.
Physical findings include increased thoracic kyphosis; loss of height over time
generally due to fractures of the vertebrae; and fractures in the wrist, hips, and
other sites that may occur as disease progresses. Pain from a hip fracture is
usually manifested by a report of groin pain, whereas vertebral compression
fracture is characterized by acute localized pain after a fall/lifting episode. The
area of the spine palpated will be tender to touch.
Diagnostic laboratory tests, such as alkaline phosphatase, calcium, liver and
kidney function tests, complete blood count, thyroid-stimulating hormones,
parathyroid hormone, total testosterone (men), estradiol (women), 25hydroxyvitamin D, and urinary calcium, are usually done to diagnose primary
and secondary causes of osteoporosis (Jeremiah et al., 2015).
Applicable nursing diagnoses for the patient with osteoporosis include risk for
injury/falls, acute pain, impaired mobility, and deficient knowledge.
The following interventions are based on the recommendations by the
National Osteoporosis Foundation (Cosman et al., 2015) developed by an expert
committee regarding prevention, risk assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of
Risk assessment and counseling on risk of osteoporosis and fractures. The nurse should obtain a history
of risk factors listed earlier. Patient engagement to understand the implications of the risk factors and to
plan a lifestyle modification regimen to decrease risk is imperative for success. The nurse can play a
major role in multidisciplinary teams or programs that increase awareness of osteoporosis screening and
treatment in the community and long-term care facilities (Smeltzer & Qi, 2014).
Nutritional and lifestyle counseling to maintain healthy bone. The recommended calcium intake from
food and supplements is 1,200 mg daily for women 51 years and older and 1,000 mg daily for all adults
aged 19 to 50 and men 51 years and older. The best source for calcium is from food; calcium
supplements may cause constipation and increase the risk for kidney stones. The data regarding the
association between cardiovascular disease and calcium supplementation are controversial. There does
not appear to be an association between calcium supplementation (up to 2,000–2,500 mg/day) and
cardiovascular disease risk in healthy adults (Chung, Tang, Fu, Wang, & Newberry, 2016). Patients
should be advised not to take calcium supplements in doses over 500 mg at one time to maximize
absorption. Vitamin D recommendation is 800 to 1,000 IU per day for adults aged 50 years and older.
The major dietary source of vitamin D is vitamin D-fortified milk (400 IU/quart). Fortification with
vitamin D may also be found in other foods such as soy milk, juices, and cereals. The nurse should
recommend reading food labels for nutritional information. The nurse should also provide information
about the effects of smoking and alcohol on bone health and counsel the patient regarding smoking
cessation and moderate alcohol intake.
The nurse should encourage patients to engage in a lifelong, regular, weightbearing and muscle-strengthening exercise regimen to increase bone density and
improve balance, posture, strength, and agility. Examples of beneficial exercises
include walking, jogging, Tai Chi, stair climbing, dancing, and yoga. Patients
should be cautioned not to begin a vigorous exercise program before being
evaluated by their provider.
The goal of patient education is behavior change. To increase the effectiveness
of education, the nurse can personalize the information to make it more relevant
and to motivate the patient toward behavior change. For example, using the
significance of the patient’s BMD score in tailoring lifestyle changes or
monitoring the progress of bone health would be more effective than merely
providing information (Smeltzer & Qi, 2014).
Fall prevention. There are numerous risk factors for falls. They can be categorized into environmental
(e.g., loose rugs, poor lighting, and lack of assistive devices), medical (e.g., age, anxiety, agitation,
neurological/musculoskeletal (e.g., kyphosis and impaired balance, transfer, and mobility). The nurse
should identify patients who are at risk for falls and implement safety measures for fall prevention.
Pharmacologic therapy. The role of the nurse in pharmacologic therapy is primarily providing medication
education, monitoring for adverse effects and the effectiveness of treatment, and patient adherence.
Bisphosphonates are the first-line therapy for postmenopausal women to reduce the risk for hip and
vertebral fractures. There are many other medications to treat osteoporosis, including calcitonin,
estrogens, selective estrogen receptor modifiers (SERM), tissue-selective estrogen complex, and
parathyroid hormone. The nurse is responsible for becoming familiar with the patient’s medications, her
or his pharmacokinetics, administration, adverse effects, and nursing implications.
Osteoporosis is the most common metabolic bone disease and is caused by low
bone mass density, progressive deterioration of bone tissue, and
microarchitecture resulting in bone fragility and predisposition to fracture.
Osteoporosis is a common problem worldwide and its prevalence is increasing.
There are an estimated 200 million women in the world with osteoporosis and a
fragility fracture occurs every 3 seconds (Tabatabaei-Malazy, Salari, Khashayar,
& Larijani, 2017). It is a silent disease that generally affects older women with
increased incidence after menopause. The nurse plays a major role as a member
of the interdisciplinary team who focuses on prevention, detection, and treatment
of osteoporosis. Education regarding bone health is an important healthpromotion topic for at-risk adults, as well as for younger individuals to develop
healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis.
Chung, M., Tang, A. M., Fu, Z., Wang, D. D., & Newberry, S. J. (2016). Calcium intake and cardiovascular
disease risk: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of Internal Medicine, 165, 856–
866. doi:10.7326/M16-1165
Cosman, F., de Beur, S. J., LeBoff, M. S., Lewiecki, E. M., Tanner, B., Randall, S., & Lindsay, R. (2015).
Erratum to: Clinician’s guide to prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International,
26(7), 2045–2047.
Imai, K. (2014). Recent methods for assessing osteoporosis and fracture risk. Recent Patents on Endocrine,
Metabolic, & Immune Drug Discovery, 10(2), 48–59. doi:10.2174/1872214808666140118223801
Jeremiah, M. P., Unwin, B. K., Greenawald, M. H., & Casiano, V. E. (2015). Diagnosis and management of
osteoporosis. American Family Physician, 92(4), 261–268.
Lorentzon, M., & Cummings, S. R. (2015). Osteoporosis: The evolution of a diagnosis. Journal of Internal
Medicine, 277(6), 650–661.
Smeltzer, S. C., & Qi, B. B. (2014). Practical implications for nurses caring for patients being treated for
osteoporosis. Nursing: Research and Reviews, 4, 19–33. doi:10.2147/NRR.S36648
Tabatabaei-Malazy, O., Salari, P., Khashayar, P., & Larijani, B. (2017). New horizons in treatment of
osteoporosis. Daru, 25(1), 2.
Jacqueline Robinson
Paget’s disease of the bone, or osteitis deformans, is a metabolic bone disease
that is characterized by both excessive bone resorption and subsequent
compensatory bone formation. However, because both processes occur at such
an accelerated rate, the bone that forms is exaggerated, more vascular, and
fragile. This bone growth leads to deformities and complications if left untreated
and these complications are often the presenting symptoms that lead to the
diagnosis of the disease itself. The risk for Paget’s disease increases with age; in
fact, the disease is very uncommon in patients younger than 40 years (National
Institutes of Health [NIH], 2011). Nursing care of the patient with Paget’s
disease is focused on the prevention of complications, the importance of followup care once a diagnosis is made, and ongoing education of the patient and
family members.
The exact prevalence of Paget’s disease is unknown due to the fact that it is often
not diagnosed until complications occur or until visible signs manifest. Of those
cases that are diagnosed, the disease is more common in men and individuals
with increasing age (Nebot Valenzuela & Pietschmann, 2017). However, there
are cases when patients who are in their teens and 20s have Paget’s disease with
a familial inheritance, which affects the bones of the skull, face, and hands, as
well as increasing the person's risk for hearing loss (NIH, 2011). The disease is
most common in those of Northwest European decent, particularly those from
Britain (NIH, 2011).
Unlike other metabolic, noninflammatory diseases of the bone, Paget’s disease
does not affect the entire skeleton; rather, it affects one or several bones in an
area. If a single bone is affected, it is monostotic; if multiple bones are affected,
it is polystotic. The most common sites include the skull, femur, tibia, spine, and
thorax. There is an increase in both osteoclast and osteoblast activity in the
affected area. First, the osteoclasts cause accelerated bone resorption; to
compensate for this loss, osteoblasts then accelerate formation. However, this
rate is grossly accelerated and leads to highly vascular, disorganized, fibrotic
bone that results in overgrowth and deformity (Nebot Valenzuela &
Pietschmann, 2017).
Although the exact cause of Paget’s disease is unknown, there are studies that
suggest both a genetic and environmental component. The familial form of
Paget’s disease that accounts for one third of cases is linked to a gene mutation
of sequestosome-1 (SOSTM-1) in 46% of patients with the disease within the
same family (Audet et al., 2016). Other studies suggest a link to a virus, some
even suggest the measles virus. Due to a decline in the virus in certain areas,
environmental influences have also been suggested as an influence on
development (Audet et al., 2016). Viral components have been obtained from the
nuclei of osteoclasts from patients positively diagnosed with Paget’s disease
(Nebot Valenzuela & Pietschmann, 2017).
Although many patients with Paget’s disease of the bone are asymptomatic,
many suffer from complications that lead them to seek treatment and subsequent
diagnosis. In addition, the potential deformity to the affected area(s) not only
affects quality of life from an aesthetic point of view but also from a functional
Clinical Aspects
The signs and symptoms of Paget’s disease of the bone range from a complete
absence of symptoms to symptoms specific to a particular affected body area, all
the way to systemic manifestations. The patient may simply complain of bone
pain in the affected area or surrounding joint space. The systemic manifestations
include the potential for high cardiac output heart failure. Due to the fact that the
lesions that develop are highly vascular and that this constant cycle of osteoclast
and osteoblast activity leads to an increase in metabolic demand, there is an
increase in the workload of the heart (Nebot Valenzuela & Pietschmann, 2017).
If the skull is involved, the entire cranium will increase in size; therefore, the
face will look smaller. Due to the potential for increased pressure on the cranial
nerves, the patient may suffer from hearing loss. The patient may have other
neurologic complications, including headaches, tinnitus, and, in rare cases, a
buildup of cerebrospinal fluid (Muschitz, Feichtinger, Haschka, & Kocijan,
2016). The patient with lower extremity involvement will have an altered gait
with a waddling appearance. The long bones may bow and the patient will
appear bowlegged even at rest. If the area is extensive, the surrounding joints
can be affected, causing stress on the cartilage leading to osteoarthritis (Muschitz
et al., 2016). Rigidity of the thorax and spine is also possible if they are involved
in the pathology. Paralysis has been reported as well as pinched spinal nerves
(NIH, 2011). Osteosarcoma is a rare complication that can be diagnosed via bone
biopsy (NIH, 2011). Fractures are the most common presenting symptom and
complication of Paget’s disease.
Diagnosis of Paget’s disease is made by simple radiograph of the area. Early
lesions are osteolytic, whereas older lesions that are more progressed are
sclerotic and bone growth is as much as 8 mm/year (Muschitz et al., 2016). A
bone scan may be ordered to determine the extent of the disorder and the activity
of the cells. Finally, a bone biopsy will be done to confirm osteosarcoma.
The gold standard in terms of diagnosis as well as follow-up on the
progression of the disease and treatment outcomes is serum levels of alkaline
phosphatase (ALP). This enzyme is produced by bone cells and thus is in excess
in patients with Paget’s disease as osteoblasts continue to produce incompetent
bone. A level twice the normal serum level is considered positive for Paget’s
disease (NIH, 2011). The serum ALP is sent after treatment is implemented and
family members of persons with Paget’s disease should also have serum ALP
levels sent every 2 to 3 years after the age of 40 (NIH, 2011). The frequency of
serum ALP levels after initiation of treatment is based upon the regimen chosen
for the patient, with the most potent therapy requiring less frequent follow-up.
Bisphosphonates are the treatment of choice for Paget’s disease. These
medications prevent fractures and halt disease progression but do not reverse the
damage that has already occurred (Kumar, Selviambigapathy, Kamalanathan, &
Sahoo, 2016). They work by inhibiting osteoclasts and promoting apoptosis
(Muschitz et al., 2016). The ideal bisphosphonate is intravenous zoledronate
(Muschitz et al., 2016). This medication is highly nephrotoxic and has also been
known to cause flu-like side effects. However, it holds the highest efficacy and
therefore requires the least follow-up care. Other bisphosphonates are not as
potent and will continue to need more frequent ALP levels.
Pain management is a focus of nursing care for some patients, not only with the
diagnosis of Paget’s disease but also with the complication of osteoarthritis and
the pinched nerves that are possible. Nursing must encourage weight-bearing
activity to prevent disuse and promote full range of motion. Weight-bearing
activity also inhibits bone resorption. Pain may also be relieved by altering hot
and cold soaks and emersion therapy. Finally, administration of ordered
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications and acetaminophen may be
necessary. Nurses must also encourage their patients to maintain a healthy
weight to reduce the burden on the joints and bones.
Safety is another top priority for nursing care of the patient with Paget’s
disease. The goal is to avoid fractures. A key is to prevent falls. Encourage the
use of assistive devices when warranted such as walkers and canes, focusing
education on their proper use. Grab bars, hand rails, nonskid mats, and proper
lighting must be installed in the home for safety. A thorough evaluation of the
home environment for anything that could place a patient at risk for tripping or
loss of balance, such as throw rugs, power cords, and clutter, must be done with
the patient, also including the patient’s family and/or significant others.
Communication is a focus for the patient with hearing impairment. Although
bisphosphonates have shown to halt disease progression and prevent fractures,
not all hearing issues have reversed. Thus, nursing interventions aimed at
improving communication is key for day-to-day functioning of the hearingimpaired patient with Paget’s disease.
Finally, the nurse must stress the importance of follow-up care. Testing serum
ALP levels for patients diagnosed with the disease is necessary to determine the
progression of the disease as well as the efficacy of treatment efforts. It is also
crucial that family members of the patient also be tested due to the clear familial
link that has been identified.
The expected outcomes of nursing care focus on the prevention of complications
and pain management. The need for follow-up care as well as an evaluation of
the patient’s home environment for safety and health promotion is also
paramount. Maintaining safety and self-esteem in the home environment is the
goal. If a patient does suffer a complication, the nursing care will be reprioritized
based on the specific problem.
The diagnosis of Paget’s disease of the bone is often made after a complication
has occurred or a radiograph of an adjacent area has revealed the characteristic
findings of the disease. It is confirmed with serum ALP levels being twice the
normal range. Although there is no specific cause known and there is no cure,
there are therapies aimed at halting progression and preventing complications,
with bisphosphonates being the primary pharmacologic choice. Nurses play a
key role in the prevention of complication and the maintenance of safety as well
as encouraging patients to remain compliant with follow-up care.
Audet, M. C., Jean, S., Beaudoin, C., Guay-Bélanger, S., Dumont, J., Brown, J. P., & Michou, L. (2016).
Environmental factors associated with familial or non-familial forms of Paget’s disease of bone. Joint
Bone Spine, 84(6), 719–723. doi:10.1016/j.jbspin.2016.11.010
Kumar, R., Sevianbigapathy, J., Kamalanathan, S., & Sahoo, J. (2016). Stress fractures healing with
bisphosphonates in Paget’s disease. Joint Bone Spine, 84, 91. doi:10.1016./j/jbspin.2016.01.010
Muschitz, C., Feichtinger, X., Haschka, J., & Kocijan, R. (2017). Diagnosis and treatment of Paget’s disease
of bone: A clinical practice guideline. Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift, 167(1–2), 18–24.
National Institute of Health. (2011). Questions and answers about Paget’s disease of bone. Retrieved from
Nebot Valenzuela, E., & Pietschmann, P. (2017). Epidemiology and pathology of Paget’s disease of bone—
A review. Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift, 167(1–2), 2–8.
Jennifer E. Millman
Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive malignancies. Although it
accounts for just 3% of all cancers in the United States and 7% of all cancerrelated deaths (American Cancer Society [ACS], 2016), it is particularly
problematic because patients are usually diagnosed with advanced stage cancer
that is refractory to aggressive medical care. The only curative treatment for
pancreatic cancer is surgical resection. However, more than 80% of patients have
nonresectable lesions at the time of diagnosis (De La Cruz, Young, & Mack,
2014). Nursing care of patients with pancreatic cancer should focus on the
delivery of holistic care for the patients and their family system.
The incidence of pancreatic cancer ranges between one and 10 cases per 100,000
people worldwide and is more common in men and in developed countries
(Ryan, Hong, & Bardeesy, 2014). In the United States, it is the eighth leading
cause of cancer death among men and ninth among women (Ryan et al., 2014).
The risk of developing pancreatic cancer increases with age; the median age at
diagnosis is 71 years (Ryan et al., 2014). Almost all patients are diagnosed after
age 45 years, and two thirds of cases are diagnosed after age 65 years (ACS,
2016). The ACS (2016) estimates there were 53,070 new cases of pancreatic
cancer and approximately 41,780 deaths due to the disease, annually (ACS,
2016). The lifetime risk of developing pancreatic cancer is about 1.49% or one
in 67 persons (Becker, Hernandez, Frucht, & Lucas, 2014).
Pancreatic cancer is notable for its unique biological features. Characteristics
include the presence of KRAS (Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene
homolog) oncogene mutation (greater than 90%), progression from a precursor
lesion, and an affinity for local invasion and distant metastasis (Ryan et al.,
2014). Most pancreatic cancers arise from microscopic precursor lesions called
pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN), which is a noninvasive epithelial
lesion arising in the pancreatic ducts (Jaloudi & Kluger, 2017). Many pancreatic
cancers begin as precancerous growths in the pancreas. With more advanced
imaging techniques, it is possible to identify more pancreatic cysts before they
develop into cancer. Precancerous growths, such as mucinous neoplasms
(MCNs) and intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IMPN), warrant
monitoring as they may progress to cancer over time (ACS, 2016). Rapidly
growing lesions or lesions connecting to the main pancreatic duct are suggestive
of malignancy and may lead to surgical resection.
The pancreas is made up of exocrine and endocrine cells. The islets of
Langerhans are endocrine cells that produce insulin and glucagon and regulate
blood glucose levels. Most of the pancreas consists of acinar cells that secrete
the digestive enzymes lipase, amylase, and protease. The majority of pancreatic
tumors are exocrine in origin; 95% of exocrine pancreatic cancers are pancreatic
adenocarcinoma (ACS, 2016). Pancreatic endocrine tumors account for less than
5% of pancreatic cancers (ACS, 2016).
Smoking is strongly associated with pancreatic cancer; 20% to 30% of
pancreatic cancers may be caused by smoking (ACS, 2016). Other modifiable
risk factors include overweight or obesity and workplace exposure to chemicals
used in dry cleaning and metal-working. Unmodifiable risk factors include
increased age, male gender, African American race, family history of pancreatic
cancer, and inherited genetic disorders (ACS, 2016). Up to 10% of pancreatic
cancers have a hereditary component and 20% of those have a genetic mutation
(Becker et al., 2014). Genetic risk factors include hereditary breast and ovarian
cancer syndrome (BRCA1), Lynch syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis,
hereditary pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, and familial atypical multiple mole
melanoma syndrome (Becker et al., 2014).
Diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, and Helicobacter pylori
infection may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer (ACS, 2016). More research
is needed regarding the role of alcohol, diet, and physical inactivity in the
development of pancreatic cancer. Health-promotion teaching should focus on
smoking cessation, maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol intake, and
limiting exposure to toxic chemicals (ACS, 2016).
Clinical Aspects
More than two thirds of pancreatic cancer tumors originate in the head of the
pancreas, resulting in biliary obstruction (De La Cruz et al., 2014). Presenting
symptoms caused by biliary obstruction include abdominal pain, jaundice,
pruritus, dark urine, and pale stools. Other more nonspecific symptoms caused
by tumors of the tail or body include anorexia, weight loss, early satiety, nausea,
and dyspepsia (De La Cruz et al., 2014).
Practitioners should keep in mind that physical findings of pancreatic cancer
can vary based on the stage of cancer at diagnosis. Patients who present in the
early stages of pancreatic cancer may have no abnormal physical findings on
examination. In contrast, patients with advanced pancreatic cancer with liver
involvement may present with a palpable gallbladder with mild, painless
jaundice (Courvoisier’s sign); migratory thrombophlebitis (Trousseau’s sign of
malignancy), or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy (Virchow node), which is
indicative of metastatic abdominal malignancy (De La Cruz et al., 2014).
The pancreas CT protocol, a triphasic cross-sectional imaging, is the standard
for diagnosis and staging when patients present with a high suspicion of
pancreatic cancer. In cases for which a CT scan is contraindicated, MRI or
magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) can be useful. If a
pancreatic mass is seen on imaging, an endoscopic ultrasound with fine-needle
aspiration or biopsy is indicated for tissue diagnosis (National Comprehensive
Cancer Network [NCCN], 2017). If no obvious mass is seen on cross-sectional
imaging and there is no evidence of metastatic disease, then further workup
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), MRI, and MRCP (NCCN, 2017). Cancer
antigen 19-9 (Ca 19-9), a tumor marker clinically significant in pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma, can be used for diagnosis and prognosis and to monitor the
patient’s response to treatment. Ca 19-9 is not tumor specific and is not a
sufficient screening tool (De La Cruz et al., 2014); it is elevated with several
other conditions, including pancreatitis, cirrhosis, biliary tract disease, and other
malignancies (De La Cruz et al., 2014).
Surgical resection is the primary treatment method for pancreatic
adenocarcinoma. However, only 15% to 20% of patients are candidates for
surgical resection when diagnosed (NCCN, 2017). Even with surgery, the
prognosis is poor; the 5-year survival rate of patients who undergo surgical
resection is only 20% (NCCN, 2017). The decision of whether or not a patient is
a candidate for surgical resection should be determined by a multidisciplinary
board at a large volume center (NCCN, 2017). Prognosis depends on the tumor
grade and staging at the time of diagnosis. Contraindications to surgical
resection include the presence of metastatic liver disease or direct involvement
of the superior mesenteric artery, inferior vena cava, aorta, celiac axis, or hepatic
artery (Jaloudi & Kluger, 2017).
The choice of surgical procedure depends on the location of the tumor.
Surgical options include pancreaticoduodenectomy (with or without pylorus
Pancreaticoduodenectomy, or Whipple procedure, is indicated for tumors of the
head of the pancreas. Tumors of the body and tail are rarely resectable as they
cause fewer presenting symptoms and at diagnosis are typically discovered at a
more advanced stage. These types of tumors are better treated by distal
pancreatectomy. Endoscopic procedures for nonresectable pancreatic cancer
include radiofrequency ablation of the bile duct and celiac plexus neurolysis for
pain management. Endoscopic retrograde pancreaticoduodenectomy for stent
placement and biliary decompression may be indicated for patients with jaundice
or cholangitis due to biliary tract obstruction.
Chemotherapy and radiation can be used as adjuvant or neoadjuvant therapy
and to treat patients with nonresectable disease. The key chemotherapeutic
agents used for patients with advanced pancreatic cancer are gemcitabine
(Gemzar), FOLFIRINOX regimen (5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, irinotecan, and
oxaliplatin), and nab-paclitaxel (Abraxane). In 2011, treatment with the
FOLFIRINOX regimen was shown to prolong overall survival by more than 4
months than treatment with gemcitabine alone (Hronek & Reed, 2015).
Nurses are present during administration of chemotherapy and typically
provide care and support when patients experience adverse events (Hronek &
Reed, 2015). Thus, it is imperative that nurses know how to manage toxicities
from chemotherapy. Toxicities include pancytopenia, peripheral neuropathy,
fatigue, anorexia, stomatitis, nausea, and vomiting. Nurses should also monitor
patients for depression.
Nurses must have a comprehensive understanding of surgical complications and
adverse events from chemotherapy as well as an understanding of the
psychosocial implications of the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Perioperative nursing considerations for the patient undergoing Whipple
procedure include interventions to prevent respiratory complications,
hemorrhage, venous thromboembolic events, infection, hepatorenal failure, fluid
volume deficit, and nutritional deficits (Jaloudi & Kluger, 2017). Patients who
present with jaundice are at risk for coagulopathies, malabsorption, malnutrition,
and pruritus (Jaloudi & Kluger, 2017). Pruritus will improve with biliary
decompression and symptoms may be managed with an antihistamine. Blood
glucose levels should be monitored and some patients may require insulin
supplementation. Patients with pancreatic cancer may be at risk for developing
pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, which can be managed with pancreatic
enzyme supplements.
Treatment of pancreatic cancer remains challenging. Nurses play a crucial role in
educating patients about the disease and supporting patients and families as they
cope with the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. It is essential that nurses are
knowledgeable regarding presenting symptoms of pancreatic cancer, treatment
modalities, supportive care, and symptom management. Health-promotion
teaching should be geared toward risk reduction strategies, especially smoking
cessation. Goals for future research include improving screening methods and
early detection of pancreatic cancer, especially for high-risk populations.
Becker, A. E., Hernandez, Y. G., Frucht, H., & Lucas, A. L. (2014). Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: Risk
factors, screening, and early detection. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 20(32), 11182–11198.
De La Cruz, M. S., Young, A. P., & Ruffin, M. T. (2014). Diagnosis and management of pancreatic cancer.
American Family Physician, 89(8), 626–632.
Hronek, J. W., & Reed, M. (2015). Nursing implications of chemotherapy agents and their associated side
effects in patients with pancreatic cancer. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(6), 751–757.
Jaloudi, J., & Kluger, M. D. (2017). Pancreatic cancer. In G. Nandakumar (Ed.), Evidence based practices
in gastrointestinal & hepatobiliary surgery (pp. 566–588). New Delhi, India: JP Medical.
National Comprehensive Cancer Network. (2017). NCCN clinical practice guidelines in oncology:
Ryan, D. P., Hong, T. S., & Bardeesy, N. (2014). Pancreatic adenocarcinoma. New England Journal of
Medicine, 371(11), 1039–1049.
Peter J. Cebull
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition
characterized by a lack of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which regulates
movements and emotions. According to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for
Parkinson’s Research, more than 60,000 new cases are diagnosed each year with
no definitive cure available. Though the exact cause of this disease remains
unknown, genetics and environmental factors play a role in the development and
progression of PD.
The definitive characteristic of PD is the progressive death of dopaminergic
neurons in the brain. The resulting lack of sufficient dopamine in the basal
ganglia leads to the classic Parkinsonian movements most commonly associated
with the disease, although numerous nonmotor symptoms can manifest earlier in
the disease course. Research indicates that other neurotransmitters outside the
basal ganglia are also affected during disease progression (Kalia & Lang, 2015).
PD results from both a genetic predisposition and environmental influences on
susceptible genes. The only definitive diagnostic tool used to confirm PD is
postmortem histological analysis to identify the degraded dopaminergic neurons
or the presence of abnormal groupings of proteins called Lewy bodies. The exact
role Lewy bodies play in PD and some forms of dementia is being investigated.
Because the treatments for PD are largely symptomatic rather than curative,
symptoms are treated after onset and modified as they progress. A diagnosis of
exclusion is usually made based on various criteria that contribute to an overall
compelling clinical picture (Kalia & Lang, 2015).
Globally, PD is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disease following
Alzheimer’s disease. Gender is regarded as a major risk factor; three males are
affected by the disease for every two females. The most significant factor in PD
risk is age; there is an exponential increase of prevalence and incidence in
persons younger than 80 years, with the peak age at onset occurring in a person’s
70s. As the U.S. population ages, the number of Americans affected by this
disease is projected to increase by as much as 50% by 2030. For this reason, a
working understanding of this disease is of considerable importance to nurses
who will be caring for older Americans.
Clinical Aspects
When assessing a person with PD, it is important to understand the key signs
associated with the disease: bradykinesia, rigidity, and resting tremor.
Bradykinesia, or slow movements, characterize this disease. Often, the first
motion in an action is the most challenging, such as taking the first step when
walking or swallowing food later in the disease course. Speech can also be
affected for the same reason, causing decreased volume of voice and dysarthria.
Other manifestations of this sign occur when walking: a person’s arms will often
stop swinging as they normally would and facial muscles do not move as easily
as they once did, creating a baseline mask-like expression.
Muscle rigidity occurs with decreased use; muscles stiffen, resulting in
resistance to both passive and active range of motion throughout the body,
especially in the knee and elbow joints. The classic tremor associated with PD is
a resting tremor, which occurs while the person is not using a particular muscle
group for a specific task. For example, asking a person with a Parkinsonian
tremor to write his or her name will reduce the hand tremor once the person is
holding the pen; however, the tremor will still interfere with the ability to
conduct the smooth fine-motor movements needed for handwriting. In addition
to assess for the motor symptoms of PD, it is important to also screen for
depression, cognitive difficulties, and issues with the bladder, digestion, and
circulation as these also manifest at various stages throughout the disease course
(U.S. National Library of Medicine [NLM], 2015).
Providing nursing care for a person with PD requires anticipating and
understanding the various problems the disease can present. Because of the
impaired, disordered movements, there is an increased risk for falling. The lack
of control over fine motor and possible cognitive dysfunctions later in the
disease course can impair a person’s ability to complete activities of daily living
(ADL). The treatments of the disease can be both surgical (deep-brain
stimulation) and nonsurgical. Medications used to treat the motor symptoms of
PD include levodopa (precursor to dopamine), dopamine agonists, catechol-Omethyltransferase (COMT) inhibitors, monoamine oxidase (MAO) B inhibitors,
and anticholinergics. Other medications may be prescribed for sleep disorders,
dementia, and depression, which are common in persons with PD.
Hallucinations and psychosis may be treated by reducing or stopping the dose of
one of the medications used to treat the motor symptoms of PD. Levodopa is the
most effective medication used to treat bradykinesia, tremor, and rigidity. To
improve efficacy of the levodopa, it is combined with carbidopa (Sinemet). The
patient must be carefully monitored for the adverse effects associated with longterm therapy with levodopa–carbidopa and dopamine agonists.
The person with PD is at increased risk for falling and injury due to slowing
of movements and even “freezing” of movement altogether. A common gait
associated with PD is a propulsive, shuffling, small-stepped gait that makes
tripping over small objects, such as rugs, or climbing stairs a major hazard and
risk for serious injury related to falls. A nurse can conduct a thorough
environmental review and work with a patient and his or her caregivers to reduce
these hazards.
Lack of fine-motor control is characteristic of this disease because of
bradykinesia, tremor, and stiffness. A person who experiences these symptoms,
which are typically worse in the mornings and just before the next dose of
medications, can have significant difficulty with ADL. Planning ADL and
arranging for assistance as needed can be a key nursing intervention to improve
the quality of life for a person with PD.
Speech and swallowing can be affected, creating a potential communication
barrier and risk for aspiration. The nurse can offer more time and alternative
methods of communication when necessary. Dysphagia can be identified by a
simple swallowing test. If swallowing difficulty is detected, the nurse can refer
the patient for more advanced testing and consult with a nutritionist to
recommend dietary modifications to reduce the risk of aspiration. This is a
simple but potentially life-saving intervention as one choking incident can result
in serious lifelong deficits and even death.
Adverse effects of dopamine agonist therapy are a problem commonly
experienced by almost all patients with this disease who take any one of a
number of dopamine agonist medications. The most widely used medication to
treat PD is levodopa–carbidopa (Sinemet). As therapy continues and the disease
progresses, higher doses of the medication are necessary. The nurse needs to
monitor the patient for adverse effects such as orthostatic hypotension,
hallucinations, excessive daytime sleepiness, dyskinesia, and increased
impulsivity or atypical behavior (NLM, 2015). These effects of dopamineagonist treatment can significantly affect the life of the patient and his or her
family. A nurse can intervene by recognizing and educating the patient and
caregivers about adverse effects and to notify the prescribing health care
provider if they occur.
PD is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a lack of the
neurotransmitter dopamine. PD primarily affects older adults, a rapidly
increasing population in the United States. Nurses are in a unique position to
assess, identify problems, and intervene to improve the quality of life for patients
with PD. Although deaths from the disease itself are rare, the common causes of
PD-related death are complications related to symptoms such as impaired gait
and dysphagia (NLM, 2015).
It is important for nurses to understand the stages of disease progression and that
patients may go undiagnosed for a significant period of time before the classic
motor signs of PD appear. In addition to neuromuscular symptoms, including
tremors, bradykinesia/akinesia, and rigidity, the patient’s mood and cognition
may be affected. The pathophysiology of this disease has also been related to
dementia (Lewy body), and depression is an even more common manifestation
of patients who are faced with this progressive, life-altering diagnosis (NLM,
2015). All patients with PD should be screened for depression. Although the
motor symptoms are often the first and most emphasized feature, these other
problems can prove just as debilitating and dangerous, warranting an equal
emphasis from health care providers. Through informed, evidence-based nursing
care of persons with PD, patient outcomes and morbidity and mortality can be
positively influenced.
Kalia, L. V., & Lang, A. E. (2015). Parkinson’s disease. Lancet, 386(9996), 386, 896–912.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation Parkinson’s Disease. (n.d.). Understanding Parkinson’s disease. Retrieved
from https://www.michaeljfox.org/understanding-parkinsons/index.html?navid=understanding-pd
U.S. National Library of Medicine. (Ed.). (2015). Parkinson’s:
Lisa D. Ericson
Deborah R. Gillum
Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa of the
stomach and/or duodenum, which can lead to gastric or duodenal ulcers. The
major causes of PUD are Helicobacter pylori infections and the chronic use of
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Although the prevalence of
PUD has declined significantly since 1992, it still affects 4.5 million people in
the United States, with an additional half a million newly diagnosed cases each
year (Anand, 2017; Lee, 2014). Treatment goals include eradication of H. pylori,
discontinuation of NSAID use, promotion of ulcer healing, and control of other
precipitating risk factors.
PUD is a disruption of the mucosal and submucosal layers of the stomach and/or
duodenum, which results in the body’s inability to adequately protect the
epithelium from the effects of gastric acid and pepsin. Under normal conditions,
a physiologic balance exists between gastric acid secretion and mucosal defense,
but PUD develops when there is an imbalance between the body’s protective
factors and aggressive factors that can damage the gastric mucosa (Anand, 2017;
Ignatavicius & Workman, 2016; Konturek & Konturek, 2014). PUD includes
three types of ulcers: (a) gastric ulcers that develop in the antrum of the stomach
near the acid-secreting mucosa and which usually are the result of H. pylori
infection, (b) duodenal ulcers that occur within 2 cm of the pylorus and are
related to high gastric acid secretion, and (c) stress ulcers that typically occur
secondarily to an acute medical crisis or trauma (Ignatavicius & Workman,
2016; Lee, 2014).
Contributing PUD risk factors can be endogenous, such as gastric acid and
pepsin, or exogenous, such as H. pylori infection, NSAIDs, alcohol
consumption, smoking, obesity, or stress (Anand, 2017; Chuah et al., 2014;
Konturek & Konturek, 2014). H. pylori and NSAID use are the most common
causes of PUD. H. pylori colonizes in the gastric mucosa and is typically
transmitted via the fecal–oral route during early childhood. This bacterium can
remain dormant for decades, and although it does not cause illness in most
people, it can lead to mucosal inflammation and epithelial cell necrosis, resulting
in PUD (Anand, 2017; Ignatavicius & Workman, 2016). Ulcers with an
indeterminate cause are termed idiopathic and tend to occur with older age,
multimorbidity, recent surgery, sepsis, and medications other than NSAIDs
(Konturek & Konturek, 2014).
Approximately 4.5 million people in the United States are affected annually
by PUD, accounting for more than 507,000 hospitalizations and costing $4.85
billion yearly (Anand, 2017; Laine, 2016). In the United States, the prevalence
of H. pylori among patients older than 60 years ranges between 40% and 60%,
whereas 20-year-olds have a prevalence of 20%. It is rarely diagnosed in
children (Anand, 2017; Fashner & Gitu, 2015; Lee, 2014). An additional
contributing factor that increases the risk of PUD in older adults includes the
number of high-risk medications they are prescribed (e.g., antiplatelet drugs,
warfarin, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; Fashner & Gitu, 2015).
Although in the past PUD occurred more frequently in males, recent trends show
that the gap is narrowing; males have an 11% to 14% lifetime occurrence rate,
whereas females have an 8% to 11% lifetime occurrence rate (Anand, 2017; Lee,
2014). People of lower socioeconomic status also have higher rates of PUD,
possibly related to higher rates of H. pylori infection (Lee, 2014).
PUD prognosis is excellent once the cause of the ulcer is identified. With
eradication of H. pylori infection, avoidance of NSAIDs, and the appropriate use
of antisecretory therapy, most patients are successfully treated (Anand, 2017).
First-line therapy of H. pylori eradicates more than 80% of infections (Fashner
& Gitu, 2015). The mortality rate has decreased modestly in the past 20 years
and is approximately 1 death per 100,000 cases. Including all patients with
duodenal ulcers, the mortality rate due to ulcer hemorrhage is 5%. If the ulcer
should perforate and surgery is required, the mortality risk is 6% to 30%. Several
factors are associated with higher mortality rates, including location of the ulcer
(perforated gastric ulcers have twice the mortality than perforated duodenal
ulcers), shock at the time of admission, immunocompromised state, cirrhosis,
renal insufficiency, age older than 70 years, delay of initiation of surgery for
more than 12 hours after presentation, and comorbidities (e.g., cardiovascular
disease or diabetes mellitus; Anand, 2017).
Clinical Aspects
On history and physical examination, the most common symptoms include
nausea and vomiting; hematemesis (vomiting of blood); melena (passage of
dark, “tarry” stools that contain blood); pyrosis (heartburn); dyspepsia
(indigestion) described as sharp, burning, or gnawing; pain or tenderness in the
mid- or upper-epigastric region; pain in the epigastric region after eating; and
hyperactive bowel sounds initially that become hypoactive as the disease
progresses (Anand, 2017; Ignatavicius & Workman, 2016; Konturek &
Konturek, 2014).
Common complications of PUD are perforation, hemorrhage, and pyloric
obstruction. Perforation is a medical emergency and clinical manifestations may
include sudden, sharp pain; tender, rigid, board-like abdomen (associated with
peritonitis); fetal positioning; and absent bowel sounds (Ignatavicius &
Workman, 2016).
The current standard for diagnosing PUD is an esophagogastroduodenoscopy
(EGD). Endoscopy provides an opportunity to view the ulcer to determine active
bleeding and to attempt hemostasis, if necessary. EGD also allows for biopsy of
the gastric mucosa to detect the presence of H. pylori (using a rapid urease test)
and cytologic studies to rule out cancerous cells (Anand, 2017; Ignatavicius &
Workman, 2016; Konturek & Konturek, 2014). A nuclear medicine scan may be
ordered if perforation or hemorrhage is suspected (Ignatavicius & Workman,
Interventions for nursing include four goals: (a) eliminate H. pylori infections,
(b) reduce pain, (c) heal ulcers, and (d) prevent reoccurrence. No single
medication has been successful in treating H. pylori, thus a combination of
agents is used. This combination, referred to as PPI-triple therapy, includes a
proton pump inhibitor (PPI), such as pantoprazole, and two antibiotics
(clarithromycin and tetracycline or metronidazole; Fashner & Gitu, 2015). These
medications are prescribed for 10 to 14 days. Some providers add bismuth
(Pepto-Bismol) to the PPI-triple therapy, which prevents H. pylori from binding
to the mucosal lining to stimulate mucosal protection. Hyposecretory
medications are used to reduce pain by reducing gastric acid secretions. These
medications include PPIs (pantoprazole, omeprazole) and histamine blocking
agents (H2 receptor antagonist), such as ranitidine and famotidine. Antacids,
such as aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide, can also be used to
buffer gastric acid and prevent the formation of pepsin. Mucosal barrier
protectors, such as sucralfate, can be used to reduce pain, heal ulcers, and
prevent reoccurrence (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2016).
Patient teaching should address peptic ulcer reoccurrence. Patients should
avoid alcohol and tobacco as they stimulate gastric acid secretion. During the
acute phase of the illness, patients ought to adhere to a bland diet and avoid
foods that cause an increase in symptoms. The role of nutrition therapy in PUD
management is controversial and no evidence exists to support dietary
restrictions. Treatment other than medications is focused on stress reduction,
which can be promoted through yoga, guided imagery, and hypnosis
(Ignatavicius & Workman, 2016). Other nursing care will include measures to
reduce anxiety, maintain nutritional requirements, and help the patient become
knowledgeable about the management and prevention of ulcer recurrence
(Belleza, 2016).
The prognosis for patients with PUD is excellent. Patients are treated
successfully with H. pylori eradication, avoidance of NSAIDs (lifestyle triggers),
and antisecretory therapy. Safety issues are addressed with patient education
regarding medication adherence and lifestyle modifications (Ignatavicius &
Workman, 2016).
H. pylori and chronic NSAID use remain the most common contributing factors
associated with PUD (Lee, 2014). Quality of life and expected outcomes are
excellent for those diagnosed with PUD with appropriate teaching regarding risk
factors to prevent reoccurrence (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2016). Successful
patient outcomes are promoted through thorough patient education, including the
role of H. pylori and NSAIDs in PUD development, the importance of adhering
to the medical treatment, and avoidance of lifestyle triggers (Lee, 2014).
Belleza, M. (2016). Peptic ulcer disease. Retrieved from https://nurseslabs.com/peptic-ulcer-disease
Chuah, S. K., Wu, D. C., Suzuki, H., Goh, K. L., Kao, J., & Ren, J. L. (2014). Peptic ulcer disease:
Genetics, mechanism and therapies. BioMed Research International, 2014, 898349.
Fashner, J., & Gitu, A. C. (2015). Diagnosis and treatment of peptic ulcer disease and H. pylori infection.
American Academy of Family Physicians, 91(4), 236–242.
Ignatavicius, D. D., & Workman, M. L. (2016). Medical-surgical nursing: Patient-centered collaborative
care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Konturek, P. C., & Konturek, S. J. (2014). Peptic ulcer disease. In E. Lammert & M. Zeeb (Eds.),
Metabolism of human diseases (pp. 129–135). Vienna: Springer Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-70910715-7_21
Laine, L. (2016). Upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to a peptic ulcer. New England Journal of Medicine,
374(24), 2367–2376. doi:10.1056/NEJMcp1514257
Lee, L. (2014). First consult: Peptic ulcer disease. ClinicalKey.
Heidi Youngbauer
Acute pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium with or without
pericardial effusion (Adler & Charron, 2015), and is diagnosed in approximately
5% of patients with nonischemic chest pain in North America and Western
Europe (Imazio, Gaita, & LeWinter, 2015). The true incidence and prevalence of
acute pericarditis are difficult to measure, as low-risk patients are rarely admitted
to hospitals (Doctor, Shah, Coplan, & Kronzon, 2016), and many cases may
resolve without a diagnosis (Imazio et al., 2015). Acute pericarditis most
commonly affects middle-aged individuals (Doctor et al., 2016; Imazio et al.,
2015), with the mean age of patients ranging from 41 to 60 years, and is
responsible for 0.1% (Adler & Charron, 2015) to 0.2% (Imazio et al., 2015) of
hospital admissions.
Patients with acute pericarditis typically present with clinical symptoms of
precordial chest pain, worse on inspiration and when the patient is placed supine.
A physical assessment may reveal a pericardial friction rub and diffuse ST
segment elevation on electrocardiogram (Cremer et al., 2016; Doctor et al.,
2016). Depending on the underlying etiology of the disease process, orthopnea,
palpitations, mild fever, weakness, and cough may also be reported by patients
with acute pericarditis (Adler & Charron, 2015). Therefore, this entry provides
information on evidence-based nursing care to optimize the outcomes of patients
presenting with pericarditis.
Pericarditis is an inflammation and irritation of the membrane surrounding the
heart and may be defined as acute, incessant, recurrent, or chronic depending on
recurrence and duration of symptoms (Adler & Charron, 2015; Cremer et al.,
2016). According to Cremer et al. (2016), acute pericarditis is common and
responsive to appropriate treatment; however, up to 30% of patients will develop
complications or recurrent attacks.
The pericardium is a double-walled avascular sac that functions to protect the
heart against infection and spread of malignancy (Doctor et al., 2016), provides
lubrication, and secures the heart to the mediastinum (Adler & Charron, 2015).
The pericardium is composed of a fibrous outer layer called the parietal
pericardium and a mesothelial inner layer called the visceral pericardium, which
adheres to the epicardium (Hoit, 2016). The pericardial space between the two
layers normally contains 25 mL to 50 mL of fluid, which serves as a lubricant to
reduce friction on the epicardium as the heart pumps (Doctor et al., 2016), as
well as to equalize forces over the surface of the heart (Hoit, 2016).
The pericardium has a relatively simple structure, with the response to injury
limited to the exudation of fluid, fibrin, and inflammatory cells (Hoit, 2016).
This inflammatory response leads to the classic symptoms of sharp, pleuritic
chest pain relieved with a forward-leaning position (Doctor et al., 2016).
Complications of acute pericarditis result when fluid continues to accumulate,
leading to a pericardial effusion or a life-threatening condition called cardiac
tamponade, which compresses the heart, preventing it from normal function
(Adler & Charron, 2015). Chronic recurrences and long-term inflammation can
result in another complication called constrictive pericarditis in which the
pericardium loses elasticity and constricts the heart, causing a form of heart
failure secondary to a noncompliant pericardium (Miranda & Oh, 2016).
The typical classification of pericardial disease is according to etiology, which
may be infectious or noninfectious (Cremer et al., 2016; Doctor et al., 2016), as
the pericardium may be affected by infectious, autoimmune, neoplastic,
iatrogenic, traumatic, and metabolic disease (Adler & Charron, 2015). Patients
should be screened and considered for specific etiology according to their
epidemiological background, as the etiology of pericarditis varies depending on
geographic location (Doctor et al., 2016). The majority of pericarditis cases in
developing countries have an infectious cause, whereas the majority of cases in
Western Europe and North America are categorized as idiopathic and are
presumed to be viral after unremarkable diagnostic workup (Imazio et al., 2015).
Tuberculosis accounts for about 70% of pericarditis diagnoses in developing
countries, with a 25% to 40% mortality rate at 6 months postdiagnosis, as many
have a concomitant diagnosis of HIV (Imazio et al., 2015). In developed
countries, when the specific etiology of pericarditis is identified, the underlying
causes include neoplastic disease (5%–10%), systemic inflammatory diseases
and pericardial injury syndromes (2%–7%), tuberculous pericarditis (4%), and
purulent pericarditis (less than 1%; Imazio et al., 2015, p. 1499). The increasing
use of cardiovascular interventions in developed countries, combined with the
aging population, also increases the possible risk of pericardial complications, as
even minor intracardial bleeding can lead to pericarditis (Imazio et al., 2015).
Clinical Aspects
Meticulous history and physical examination are necessary to differentiate
pericarditis in the patient with acute chest pain (Doctor et al., 2016). The most
common presentation of pericarditis is chest pain (Adler & Charron, 2015;
Doctor et al., 2016; Imazio et al., 2015), typically sudden in onset and sharp in
nature (Doctor et al., 2016). The clinical diagnosis of acute pericarditis may be
made with two of the following criteria: precordial chest pain that is worse with
inspiration and improved with upright position, pericardial friction rub,
electrocardiogram changes that include widespread ST elevation, and pericardial
effusion (Adler & Charron, 2015; Cremer et al., 2016). Additional supportive
findings include elevated inflammatory markers, including C-reactive protein
(CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and white blood cell (WBC)
count, and evidence of inflammation by imaging (Adler & Charron, 2015;
Cremer et al., 2016).
Echocardiography is an important imaging technique to detect pericardial
fluid as well as the effects on the heart (Doctor et al., 2016), and is
recommended in all patients with acute pericarditis (Adler & Charron, 2015).
Patients with acute pericarditis and no additional signs and symptoms that
predict higher risk of complications are often successfully treated as outpatients
(Cremer et al., 2016). However, those patients with high-risk features, including
fever, history of immunosuppression, history of trauma, or evidence of severe
pericardial effusion, should be hospitalized for more intensive monitoring of
possible complications (Doctor et al., 2016).
Pericarditis is categorized according to the duration of symptoms, with the
first attack of pericardial inflammation considered acute pericarditis (Cremer et
al., 2016; Doctor et al., 2016). Acute pericarditis has a good long-term
prognosis, with risks of adverse events or the development of complicated
pericarditis relatively rare (Adler & Charron, 2015). Hemodynamic compromise,
such as cardiac tamponade, develops rarely and more often in patients with
underlying etiology of malignancy or tuberculosis (Adler & Charron, 2015).
Myocardial involvement occurs in about 15% of patients with acute pericarditis,
although usually it has a benign course (Cremer et al., 2016). The risk of
developing constrictive pericarditis is low (less than 1%) for idiopathic and viral
pericarditis, intermediate (2%–5%) for autoimmune and malignant etiologies,
and high for bacterial (20%–30%) etiologies (Adler & Charron, 2015; Hoit,
Recurrence of pericarditis, or pericarditis lasting longer than 4 to 6 weeks, is
considered a complicated form of the disease (Cremer et al., 2016). Risk for
developing complicated pericarditis is associated with early use of
corticosteroids, a lack of response to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), and elevated CRP levels (Cremer et al., 2016). The absence of
colchicine as treatment is also associated with an increased risk of developing a
complicated or recurrent form of pericarditis (Cremer et al., 2016).
Patients diagnosed with acute pericarditis have acute pain, anxiety related to the
diagnosis, and a risk for activity intolerance due to the disease process of
pericarditis. Recommended treatment includes aspirin or NSAIDs, along with
gastric protection with colchicine recommended as adjunct therapy to reduce
recurrence rates (Adler & Charron, 2015; Imazio et al., 2015). In the presence of
acute pain, patients should be assisted to a position of comfort. Education should
include information regarding medications and side effects as well as instruction
to avoid strenuous exercise until resolution of symptoms and normalization of
CRP, electrocardiogram changes, and echocardiogram findings (Adler &
Charron, 2015). Steroids are infrequently prescribed and not recommended as
first-line therapy for acute pericarditis, although they may be used in cases of
pericarditis refractory to NSAIDs or contraindications to the use of aspirin,
NSAIDs, or colchicine (Adler & Charron, 2015). Patients should be assured that
outcomes are generally positive when pericarditis is diagnosed promptly and the
treatment regimen and recommendations are followed.
The most recent guidelines regarding diagnosis and treatment of pericarditis
emphasize the importance of a thorough physical examination and history in
diagnosing acute pericarditis, as the criteria for diagnosis may be obtained with
an initial physical examination and electrocardiogram (Adler & Charron, 2015).
Although the etiology of pericarditis is varied, the majority of cases in Western
Europe and North America are presumed viral, with an unremarkable diagnostic
workup (Imazio et al., 2015). The recommended treatment of acute pericarditis
can typically be outpatient based and includes aspirin or NSAIDs with adjunct
colchicine and exercise restriction (Adler & Charron, 2015). Nursing
interventions include nonpharmacologic approaches to relieve pain, education,
and support. Overall, the long-term prognosis for patients with acute pericarditis
is good with rare complications when the recommended treatment regimen is
followed (Doctor et al., 2016).
Adler, Y., & Charron, P. (2015). The 2015 ESC guidelines on the diagnosis and management of pericardial
diseases. European Heart Journal, 36(42), 2873–2874.
Cremer, P. C., Kumar, A., Kontzias, A., Tan, C. D., Rodriguez, E. R., Imazio, M., & Klein, A. L. (2016).
Complicated pericarditis: Understanding risk factors and pathophysiology to inform imaging and
treatment. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 68(21), 2311–2328.
Doctor, N. S., Shah, A. B., Coplan, N., & Kronzon, I. (2016). Acute pericarditis: Review. Progress in
Cardiovascular Diseases, 59(2017), 349–359. doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2016.12.001
Hoit, B. D. (2016). Pathophysiology of the pericardium. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 59(2017),
341–348. doi:10.1016/j.pdad.2016.11.001
Imazio, M., Gaita, F., & LeWinter, M. (2015). Evaluation and treatment of pericarditis: A systematic review.
Journal of the American Medical Association, 314(14), 1498–1506.
Miranda, W. R., & Oh, J. K. (2016). Constrictive pericarditis: A practical clinical approach. Progress in
Cardiovascular Diseases, 59(4), 369–379. doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2016.12.008
Gayle M. Petty
Peripheral artery disease (PAD), previously referred to as peripheral vascular
disease, peripheral arterial occlusive disease, or arteriosclerosis obliterans, is a
varying vascular disease primarily caused by aneurysmal, atherosclerotic, and
thromboembolic pathophysiologic processes. These pathophysiologic processes
alter the normal structure and function of the arteries. PAD is a common, acute,
and chronic condition that affects a large proportion of the adult population
worldwide (Hirsch et al., 2006). Patients present with a range of signs and
symptoms, and often require emergent revascularization, surgical interventions,
or amputation.
Commissioned by the American Heart Association in 2008, the Atherosclerotic
Peripheral Vascular Disease Interdisciplinary Working Group came together with
the goal to develop programs that will facilitate prevention and treatment of
peripheral atherosclerotic diseases (Creager et al., 2008). As a result, definitions
for vascular disease nomenclature were recommended. The term vascular
diseases should refer to all diseases of arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels.
Atherosclerotic vascular disease refers to diseases of arteries caused by
atherosclerosis (Creager et al., 2008). The 2011 American College of Cardiology
(ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA) focused update of the guideline for
the management of patients with PAD (updating the 2005 guideline) refers to
PAD as peripheral “artery” disease and anatomically identifies lower extremity,
renal and mesenteric arteries, and abdominal aortic as the arteries referenced
when discussing PAD (Rooke et al., 2011).
The major cause of PAD is atherosclerosis (Hirsch et al., 2006). Risk factors
are age related and include a history of cigarette smoking, diabetes,
dyslipidemia, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia (Gerhard-Herman et al., 2016).
The prognosis of patients with PAD is characterized by an increased risk for
cardiovascular ischemic events, such as myocardial infarction or stroke, due to
concomitant coronary artery disease and cerebrovascular disease (GerhardHerman et al., 2016). Etiologies for PAD beyond atherosclerosis and
thromboembolic processes include familial, acquired, inflammatory, or
aneurysmal. Establishment of an accurate etiology is necessary if individual
patients are to receive ideal treatment (Hirsch et al., 2006).
Clinical Aspects
PAD can involve the aorta, renal and mesenteric arteries, and arteries of the
lower extremities. Patients with PAD should receive a comprehensive program
of guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT), including structured exercise
and lifestyle modification, to reduce cardiovascular ischemic events and improve
functional status (Gerhard-Herman et al., 2016). Smoking cessation is a vital
component of care for patients with PAD who continue to smoke (GerhardHerman et al., 2016). Patients with PAD should be prescribed a guideline-based
program customized to each patient’s risk profile that includes pharmacotherapy
to reduce cardiovascular ischemic events and limb-related events (GerhardHerman et al., 2016). Prescribed pharmacotherapy classifications may include
antiplatelets, statins, antihypertensives, oral anticoagulants, and cilostazol
(Gerhard-Herman et al., 2016).
Identification and prevention of disease progression before ischemic symptoms
become severe are the health care goals for patients with PAD. Patient
assessment should focus on any reports of ischemic rest pain, exertional
limitation, or a history of walking impairment (Gerhard-Herman et al., 2016).
Patients may describe walking limitation characteristics such as fatigue, aching,
numbness, or pain in the buttock, thigh, calf, or foot (Hirsch et al., 2006).
Several key physical examination assessment components for PAD include the
following: auscultation of both femoral arteries for the presence of bruits;
palpation of the femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial pulse sites;
and evaluation of lower extremity pulse intensity. The pulse intensity should be
recoded numerically as follows: 0, when the pulse is absent; 1, when the pulse is
diminished; 2, when the pulse is normal; and 3, when the pulse is bounding
(Gerhard-Herman et al., 2016). As part of the physical examination, patients’
shoes and socks should be removed and the feet should be inspected, noting the
color, temperature, and integrity of the skin. An abnormal lower extremity pulse
examination, a vascular bruit, a nonhealing lower extremity wound, and lower
extremity gangrene are all suggestive of PAD (Gerhard-Herman et al., 2016).
Additional findings may include lower extremity color changes, including pallor,
when elevated and dependent rubor (Gerhard-Herman et al., 2016).
The most cost-effective, low-risk tool for detecting PAD is the resting ankle–
brachial index (ABI; Aboyans et al., 2012). The resting ABI is obtained by
measuring systolic blood pressure (SBP) at the arms (brachial arteries) and
ankles (dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial arteries) in the supine position using a
Doppler device (Gerhard-Herman et al., 2016). The ABI is the ratio of the ankle
SBP—the numerator of the ratio—to either arm’s highest brachial artery SBP—
the denominator for the ratio. The numerator for the calculation of the ABI
incorporates the SBP of the posterior tibial or the dorsalis pedis artery separately
or is the average of both. It can be performed quickly for each lower extremity
and has high validity and good reproducibility (Diehm et al., 2012; GerhardHerman et al., 2016). An ABI can be an indicator of atherosclerosis at other
vascular sites and can serve as a prognostic marker for cardiovascular events and
functional impairment, even in the absence of PAD symptoms.
Individuals performing the ABI should have basic knowledge of vascular
anatomy, physiology, and the clinical presentation of PAD, as well as a basic
understanding of how a Doppler device functions. The normal ABI ranges from
1.00 to 1.40; findings less than or equal to 0.90 are abnormal and values of 0.91
to 0.99 are considered borderline. Values greater than 1.40 indicate
noncompressible arteries (Diehm et al., 2012; Gerhard-Herman et al., 2016).
Patients with asymptomatic PAD can acutely progress to a situation requiring
emergent interventions. Acute limb ischemia arises when a rapid or sudden
decrease in limb perfusion threatens tissue viability (Gerhard-Herman et al.,
2016). This may be the first manifestation of artery disease in a previously
asymptomatic patient.
The hallmark clinical symptom and physical examination signs of acute limb
ischemia include the six “Ps”: pain, pallor, pulselessness, poikilothermia,
paresthesias, and paralysis (Gerhard-Herman et al., 2016; Hirsch et al., 2006).
Determining whether a patient with acute limb ischemia has a salvageable or
nonviable extremity is crucial. An urgent evaluation is necessary to preserve the
limb and prevent systemic illness or death as a result of the metabolic
abnormalities associated with tissue necrosis. The ACC/AHA acute limb
ischemia guidelines should be followed when performing the evaluation
(Gerhard-Herman et al., 2016).
Patients with acute limb ischemia and a salvageable extremity should undergo an
emergent evaluation leading to prompt endovascular or surgical
revascularization. Patients with acute limb ischemia and a nonviable extremity
will most likely require an amputation of the diseased limb (Gerhard-Herman et
al., 2016).
Peripheral arterial diseases encompass diseases of the aorta, renal and
mesenteric, and the lower extremity arteries. Etiologies may vary, but the
majority of PAD is caused by atherosclerosis. Early identification using ABI and
GDMT interventions can delay the disease progression and prevent lifethreatening cardiovascular ischemic events.
Aboyans, V., Criqui, M. H., Abraham, P., Allison, M. A., Creager, M. A., Diehm, C., . . . Treat-Jacobson, D.
(2012). Measurement and interpretation of the ankle-brachial index: A scientific statement from the
American Heart Association. Circulation, 126, 2890–2909. doi:10.1161/CIR.0b013e
Creager, M. A., White, C. J., Hiatt, W. R., Criqui, M. H., Josephs, S. C., Alberts, M. J., . . . Rocha-Singh, K.
J. (2008). Atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease symposium II: Executive summary. Circulation,
118, 2811–2825. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.108.191170
Gerhard-Herman, M. D., Gornik, H. L., Barrett, C., Barshes, N. R., Corriere, M. A., Drachman, D. E., . . .
Walsh, M. E. (2016). AHA/ACC guideline on the management of patients with lower extremity
peripheral artery disease: Executive summary. Circulation. doi:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000470
Hirsch, A. T., Haskal, J. Z., Hertzer, N. R., Bakal, C. W., Creager, M. A., Halperin, J. L., . . . Reigal, B.
(2006). ACC/AHA 2005 guidelines for the management of patients with peripheral arterial disease
(lower extremity, renal, mesenteric, and abdominal aortic). Circulation, 113, e463–e654.
Rooke, T. W., Hirsch, A. T., Mirsa, S., Sidawy, A. N., Beckman, J. A., Findeiss, L. K., . . . Zierler, R. E.
(2011). ACCF/AHA focused update of the guideline for the management of patients with peripheral
artery disease (updating the 2005 guidelines). Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 58(19),
2020–2045. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2011.08.023
Edwidge Cuvilly
Pernicious anemia (PA), also known as vitamin B12 deficiency, is the most
common vitamin deficiency in the world, affecting at least 3% of those aged 20
to 39 years, 4% of those aged 40 to 59 years, and 6% of those 60 years and older
(Shipton & Thachil, 2015). PA is an insidious complex disorder, provoking a
sequelae of modifications in the immunological, hematological, gastrointestinal,
and neurological system over a period of time that could be fatal if left untreated.
Even though PA has been found in practically every ethnic group, the highest
prevalence is among individuals from Northern European countries, mainly the
United Kingdom and Scandinavia (Bizzaro & Antico, 2014). Nursing care is
essential in detecting the early signs and preventing the clinical manifestations of
PA across the life span.
PA is a macrocytic anemia caused by the inability of gastric parietal cells to
produce intrinsic factor (IF). IF is a gastric protein secreted by parietal cells to
allow the absorption of an adequate amount of vitamin B12 in the diet. Vitamin
B12 is found in animal food bound to a protein that is broken down after
ingestion, then further broken down in the stomach by pepsin and hydrochloric
acid to release free vitamin B12. The free vitamin B12 is bound to IF secreted by
gastric parietal cells until they bind to mucosal cell receptors in the ileum, where
they gets absorbed and can be used for intracellular processes. Vitamin B12 is an
important micronutrient that aids in the formation of erythrocytes in the bone
marrow. When there is a deficiency of vitamin B12, erythrocytes are prematurely
released into the systemic circulation and have a shortened life span because the
premature erythrocytes are prone to early destruction, thus resulting in a reduced
erythrocyte count and a state of anemia.
PA occurs as a clinical manifestation of autoimmune gastritis. Autoimmune
gastritis is a disease process in which parietal cells are destroyed and a
subsequent reduction in the IF results in a vitamin B12 deficiency, or PA. Vitamin
B12 is responsible for erythropoiesis and myelin synthesis; when symptoms are
present, vitamin B12 deficiency is detected, then swift action to initiate treatment
is necessary to reverse or prevent further continuation of damage.
Due to a broad spectrum of symptoms associated with severe consequences of
untreated vitamin B12 deficiency, screening is essential for high-risk patients to
guarantee a quick delivery of treatment. In the elderly, the prevalence of vitamin
B12 deficiency increases with age and 20% of those 60 years or older are more
prone to acquiring a vitamin B12 deficiency (Shipton & Thachil, 2015).
There is no gold standard test to diagnose vitamin B12 deficiency, but the
World Health Organization (WHO) defined PA as having a hemoglobin
concentration less than 13 g/dL for men and less than 12 g/dL for women, mean
corpuscular volume (MCV) more than 100 fL, and a serum vitamin B12 level
less than 200 pg/mL (Sun, Wang, Lin, Chia, & Chia, 2013). A low serum vitamin
B12 that is less than 200 pg/mL is an indicator for prompt initiation of vitamin
B12 supplementation. However, the lack of accepted value creates a vague
demarcation of what is consider deficiency (Wong, 2015). In order to make a
distinction between PA and other causes of low vitamin B12, serum
autoantibodies are imperative. Anti-IF antibody assay is the preferred test due to
high specificity (more than 95%; Shipton & Thachil, 2015).
The distinction between autoimmune gastritis and other causative factors (e.g.,
vegetarian/vegan diet, alcoholism, poor diet) becomes important when assessing
vitamin B12 deficiency among the elderly. The main etiology of vitamin B12 in
the elderly can be separated into two categories: first, inadequate dietary intake
(vegetarian, alcohol consumption) and impaired absorption of vitamin B12 (PA,
atrophic gastritis, postgastrectomy). In spite of the preconception that the most
common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency in the elderly is inadequate dietary
intake, studies have shown the opposite.
Clinical Aspects
The basic clinical features of PA are commonly associated with hypersegmented
neutrophils and megaloblastic maturation of erythrocytes, sores on the tongue
associated with loss of papillae, and atrophic glossitis, achlorhydria, and
neurologic symptoms (paresthesia and ataxia; Bunn, 2014). A complete blood
count will often confirm a low hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red blood cell count.
Morphological changes of the erythrocyte are likely to occur where there is a
high MCV. The megaoblastic shape of the erythrocytes contributes to clinical
manifestations of anemia accompanied by pallor, fatigue, weakness, palpitations,
dyspnea upon exertion, chest pain, and angina.
Evidence-based nursing care should focus on the assessment of risk factors and
early identification of clinical manifestations related to PA or vitamin B12
deficiency. Devalia, Hamilton, and Molloy (2014) reported that the interpretation
of the results should take into consideration these clinical manifestations. Clients
with anemia, neuropathy, glossitis, and suspected PA should be tested for anti-IF
antibodies. The specification of oral or intramuscular supplementation of vitamin
B12 should be guided by the results of the laboratory testing, which can inform
the etiology of the vitamin B12 deficiency.
PA or vitamin B12 deficiency is a treatable condition that has profound effects on
the health of an individual. Nursing care for clients with PA or vitamin B12
deficiency should include a comprehensive physical assessment and review of
pertinent laboratory tests to inform nursing management. The goal of nursing
interventions for clients with PA or vitamin B12 deficiency is to prevent the
sequelae of physiological derangements that can occur as the result of the
cellular changes that occur with untreated PA or vitamin 12 deficiency.
Bizzaro, N., & Antico, A. (2014). Diagnosis and classification of pernicious anemia. Autoimmunity
Reviews, 13(4–5), 565–568.
Bunn, H. F. (2014). Vitamin B12 and pernicious anemia—The dawn of molecular medicine. New England
Journal of Medicine, 370(8), 773–776.
Devalia, V., Hamilton, M. S., & Molloy, A. M. (2014). Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of
cobalamin and folate disorders. British Journal of Haematology, 166(4), 496–513.
Shipton, M. J., & Thachil, J. (2015). Vitamin B12 deficiency—A 21st century perspective. Clinical
Medicine, 15(2), 145–150.
Sun, A., Wang, Y. P., Lin, H. P., Chia, J. S., & Chia, C. P. (2013). Do all the patients with gastric parietal
cell antibodies have pernicious anemia? Oral Diseases, 19, 381–386.
Wong, C. W. (2015). Vitamin B12 deficiency in the elderly: Is it worth screening? Hong Kong Medical
Journal, 21, 155–164.
Sarine Beukian
Polycythemia vera (PV) is characterized by a mutation in a single amino acid
that renders the Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) enzyme constitutively active. This
induces cytokine-independent proliferation of cell lines that express
erythropoietin (EPO) receptors and cause these cells to become hypersensitive to
cytokines. Therefore, more proerythroblasts and erythrocytes are formed than
are physiologically needed. PV is often discovered as an incidental finding in
laboratory work or while seeking medical care in the midst of a thrombotic or
hemorrhagic complication. It carries a pronounced symptom burden and can
progress to myelofibrosis (9%–21% of individuals) or acute leukemia (3%–10%;
Stein et al., 2015).
PV is defined as elevated red blood cells (RBCs), hematocrit (Hct), and
hemoglobin (Hgb) laboratory values; PV is also referred to as erythrocytosis. PV
is further categorized as relative and absolute. Relative PV applies to patients
suspected of polycythemia but are found to have a normal RBC mass and a
smaller than normal plasma volume, which could be caused by dehydration.
Absolute PV applies to true increase in RBC mass, which is further divided into
primary and secondary PV based on etiology. The latter is more common and is
caused by chronic hypoxia, EPO-producing tumors, or medications such as
erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. Hypoxia stimulates EPO and increases RBC
count due to bone marrow (BM) stimulation. Living in higher altitudes,
smoking, carbon monoxide poisoning, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or
heart failure can cause hypoxia. Primary polycythemia results from congenital or
acquired mutations, and it includes PV and other rare familial conditions (Tefferi
& Barbui, 2015). PV is one of the myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN),
alongside primary myelofibrosis and essential thrombocytopenia, among others
(Tefferi & Barbui, 2017). Nearly all patients with PV hold a JAK2 mutation,
involving exon 14 with JAK2V617F (96%) or exon 12 (3%; Tefferi & Barbui,
Prevalence (22 cases per 100,000 people) and yearly incidence rates are high
(1.3 cases per 100,000 for women and 2.8 cases per 100,000 for men). Risk
factors include old age, White race, or Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. Male
predominance with an average age of 61 years at the time of diagnosis has been
reported (Scherber & Mesa, 2016; Stein et al., 2015; Tefferi & Barbui, 2015).
Patients often present with fatigue, night sweats, bone pain, fever, weight loss,
splenomegaly associated with early satiety, atypical chest pain, paresthesias, and
aquagenic pruritus (particularly when in contact with warm or hot water; Stein et
al., 2015; Tefferi & Barbui, 2015). Patients are at risk for thrombosis at 2.5% to
4% per year. This includes cerebrovascular accidents, acute coronary syndrome,
and thrombosis of the hepatic, portal, and mesenteric veins. Microvascular
symptoms, such as headache, visual change, dizziness, erythromelalgia
(erythema, warmth, and pain in distal extremities—most commonly palms and
soles), also commonly occur and overwhelmingly perturb quality of life, with a
mortality rate of 37% (Stein et al., 2015).
Persistent erythrocytosis without an obvious trigger requires workup. Presence
of symptoms suggestive of a MPN should add to clinical suspicion. JAK2V617F
mutation and EPO levels should be checked. Presence of the mutation makes PV
a likely diagnosis. If the mutation is not present and EPO levels are normal or
elevated, PV is unlikely, and other causes need to be considered. If the EPO
levels are subnormal, then JAK2 (exon 12) should be checked; its presence
makes the diagnosis of PV likely. However, its absence requires a BM biopsy.
The World Health Organization revised its criteria for the diagnosis of PV in
2016, which includes a combination of the following: elevated Hgb/Hct levels,
increased RBC mass, BM biopsy showing hypercellularity, presence of JAK2
mutation, and subnormal serum EPO level. BM biopsy is not always needed to
establish the diagnosis of PV (Tefferi & Barbui, 2017).
Medical therapy has shown promising results in the prevention of thrombotic
events and reducing symptom burden. However, it has failed to show a
difference in disease progression or improvement in survival rates. Median
survival in PV is 14 years with aggressive medical therapy, including
phlebotomy. The median survival is significantly reduced to 2 years when
aggressive medical therapy and the target Hct of less than 45% is not maintained
(Tefferi & Barbui, 2015, 2017). Medical therapy for the prevention of
thrombosis is based on risk stratification: age older than 60 years and history of
thrombosis are markers of high risk. One exception is low-dose aspirin therapy:
with no specific contraindication, it is prescribed to all patients regardless of
risk-factor profile. It can help with managing symptoms related to microvascular
complications. A twice-a-day regimen can be helpful in those who are resistant
to a daily regimen or are at risk of arterial thrombus. High-risk patients who
continue to be symptomatic, have extreme thrombocytosis, or are unable to
tolerate phlebotomy (due to anemia) require treatment with cytoreductive
therapy (Stein et al., 2015; Tefferi & Barbui, 2017).
The first line of therapy is hydroxyurea; other options are busulfan or
interferon therapy, which lower the risk of thrombosis and leukemic
transformation (Stein et al., 2015; Tefferi & Barbui, 2017). Busulfan shows a
reduction in allele burden. Interferon therapy is prescribed to manage ongoing
erythrocytosis, to reduce spleen size and control pruritus. JAK1/2 inhibitors,
such as ruxolitinib, have gained a lot of interest with U.S. Food and Drug
Administration approval in 2014. They have shown improvement in Hct control,
splenic size reduction, and symptom burden. However, incidence of thrombosis,
disease progression, and long-term safety remain questions that need to be
addressed. Pipobroman is associated with a shorter survival, increased leukemic
transformation, and a lower rate of fibrosis transformation. Radiophosphorus
also increases the risk of leukemic transformation (Stein et al., 2015).
Clinical Aspects
Nurses play a crucial role in identifying abnormal laboratory values and side
effects of therapy, in educating and counseling patients about PV, and in
appropriately intervening to reduce symptom burden and improve patients’
quality of life. In the care of the patient with PV, nurses can start with assessment
of the patient by reviewing the laboratory values, test results pertinent to PV,
medication list, smoking history, medical and surgical history (conditions that
cause chronic hypoxia), symptoms, and physical examination findings. Nursing
diagnoses that apply to PV are fatigue, pain, (risk for) decreased cardiac tissue
perfusion, risk for bleeding, risk for impaired skin integrity, imbalanced nutrition
(patients consume less than body requirements because of early satiety),
deficient knowledge regarding condition, impaired comfort related to itching,
and (risk for) ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion. The following section
serves as an example of a nursing care plan to discuss the last three symptoms
Given the chronic nature of the disease, it is imperative to assess the patient’s
understanding of the disease process, symptoms, complications, medications,
side effects, and signs and symptoms of complications such as thrombosis
(Golden, 2003). Thereafter, the diagnosis of deficient knowledge can be utilized.
The desired outcome would be for the patient to comprehend the disease
process, medical therapy, and participate in decision making regarding therapy
and interventions. Implementation can be through one-on-one discussions with
the patient, providing or guiding him or her to the right resources and support
groups. Evaluation should follow, in order to ensure comprehension and
assessment for further needs.
All patients with PV are at risk of thrombosis. Assessment would include
reviewing laboratory values, history of thrombosis, age, medications, medical
history, cardiovascular risk factors, and physical examination. Nursing
interventions include performing phlebotomy, medication administration,
encouraging activity, and educating patients to avoid crossing legs or wearing
tight-fitting clothes. Interventions specific to phlebotomy include the removal of
450 mL to 500 mL of blood every few days at first, and thereafter every 2 to 3
months in order to reach target Hct goal; encouraging hydration before and after
phlebotomy; monitoring for orthostatic hypotension, headache, weakness, or
chest pain postphlebotomy. Evaluation should be used as an opportunity to
adjust care plans as necessary (Golden, 2003).
Aquagenic pruritus can be debilitating to PV patients. Assessment should
include an observation of the patient’s pattern of itching, asking the patient about
the severity of the symptom, and a skin examination. Subsequently, the diagnosis
can be made. One outcome is to relieve the patient or at least alleviate the
symptom. Interventions include avoiding dry skin; hot temperature; encouraging
tepid showers; drying the skin gently; administering antihistamines,
antidepressants, or JAK inhibitors. Evaluation should follow with adjustments as
necessary (Golden, 2003; Tefferi & Barbui, 2017).
PV affects about 148,000 people in the United States alone (Stein et al., 2015).
JAK2 mutation remains the most important diagnostic test to identify PV.
Phlebotomy and aspirin are the cornerstones of therapy. Patients’ symptoms, life
expectancy, and risk factors should be evaluated before selecting medical
therapy for PV. One of the challenges is to identify and link elevated laboratory
values to an underlying disease process; “more is not better” when it comes to
RBC, Hgb, and Hct levels, as they may suggest PV.
Golden, C. (2003). Polycythemia vera: A review. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 7(5), 553–556.
Scherber, R. M., & Mesa, R. A. (2016). Elevated hemoglobin or hematocrit level. Journal of the American
Medical Association, 315(20), 2225–2226.
Stein, B. L., Oh, S. T., Berenzon, D., Hobbs, G. S., Kremyanskaya, M., Rampal, R. K., . . . Hoffman, R.
(2015). Polycythemia vera: An appraisal of the biology and management 10 years after the discovery of
JAK2 V617F. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33(33), 3953–3960.
Tefferi, A., & Barbui, T. (2015). Essential thrombocythemia and polycythemia vera: Focus on clinical
practice. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 90(9), 1283–1293.
Tefferi, A., & Barbui, T. (2017). Polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia: 2017 Update on
diagnosis, risk-stratification, and management. American Journal of Hematology, 92(1), 94–108.
Erin H. Discenza
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in males following nonmelanoma
skin cancer and is one of the leading causes of cancer death in males, exceeded
only by lung cancer (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016).
The manifestations, progressive course, and prognosis of the disease vary and
are reliant on factors such as extent of the tumor, aggressiveness of the
malignancy, comorbidities, and age of the patient (National Cancer Institute
[NCI], 2017). The key focus of nursing care of the patient with prostate cancer
should be good communication and patient education. There are numerous
psychological aspects pertaining to the diagnosis and treatment of prostate
cancer and these must be addressed to provide excellent patient-centered nursing
care and to ensure desired outcomes.
The prostate gland is located in the pelvis below the bladder and just in front of
the rectum. The urethra travels through the center of the prostate. As men age,
the prostate may grow benignly larger and cause urinary symptoms such as
hesitancy. However, when the cells of the gland grow uncontrollably, cancer is
suspected (American Cancer Society [ACS], 2017).
Although the incidence and mortality rates have decreased significantly
among all races, prostate cancer remains the second most common cancer in
males. According to the CDC (2016), 176,450 men were diagnosed with prostate
cancer in 2013, and 27,681 men died from the disease. The NCI estimates those
numbers will decrease in 2017 to 161,360 new cases and 26,730 deaths. The
average age of diagnosis is 66 years (CDC, 2016).
The primary risk factors associated with prostate cancer are age, family
history, and race. The older a man is, the greater his risk for developing prostate
cancer. Men younger than 40 years rarely develop the disease, but the risk rises
expeditiously after the age of 50 years. Approximately 60% of cases are found in
men older than the age of 65 years (CDC, 2016; NCI, 2017). Family history may
also affect a man’s chance of developing prostate cancer. Having a first-degree
relative diagnosed with prostate cancer increases an individual’s risk,
particularly if the relative was diagnosed at a young age; the risk increases with
the number of affected relatives. African American males are at greater risk of
developing the disease and are more than twice as likely to die as a result of the
cancer. Geography may also play a role in the risk of developing prostate cancer.
It is more common in North America and parts of Europe. The exact
geographical impact is unknown, but it is posited that more extensive screening
practices in developed countries or diets consisting of excessive amounts of red
meat or high-fat dairy products may be a contributor to this phenomenon (ACS,
The early stages of prostate cancer rarely yield symptoms, but in advanced
stages the symptoms can be detrimental to the patient’s quality of life. The most
common symptoms are lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTSs) and include
urinary urgency, hesitancy, nocturia, dysuria, and incontinence. Other symptoms
include blood in the urine or semen; intractable pain in the back, hips, or pelvis;
painful ejaculation; and erectile dysfunction (ED). If the cancer spreads to the
bone, there may also be spontaneous fractures (ACS, 2017; CDC, 2016).
Clinical Aspects
Extensive history taking and a complete physical examination are the first steps
in the assessment process. Because genetics may play a part in the risk of
developing the disease, the nurse should be aware of any family history of
prostate cancer. A digital rectal examination (DRE) is also useful in determining
whether the prostate is enlarged. The clinician inserts a finger into the rectum to
estimate the size of the gland and to feel for lumps or other anomalies (CDC,
2016). Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein secreted by the prostate.
When higher PSA levels are found in the serum, the clinician may suspect cancer
but other causes must be ruled out. PSA is specific to the prostate, but it is not
specific to cancer (Paterson, Alashkham, Windsor, & Nabi, 2016). Certain
medications, medical procedures, infections of the prostate, and enlargement of
the prostate can all be possible origins of elevated serum PSA (CDC, 2016).
If cancer is suspected, a transrectal ultrasound guided-needle biopsy is the
most common method for a definitive diagnosis (NCI, 2017). MRI produces a
clearer picture and is sometimes used for biopsy and to determine whether the
cancer has spread outside of the prostate gland. It is important to note that
antibiotics may be prescribed prophylactically due to the increased risk of sepsis
after needle biopsy (NCI, 2017).
There are many factors to be considered when deciding on a treatment strategy
for prostate cancer. They include the age of the patient and his life expectancy,
comorbidities, stage and grade of the cancer, potential for cure, and possible side
effects of the treatment modalities (Williams, Hemphill, & Knowles, 2017).
Active surveillance (AS), including a PSA test and DRE every 6 months, is
rapidly becoming a preferred method of management due to the slow
progression of the disease. This treatment requires active patient participation in
the medical decision-making process (Jayadevappa et al., 2017). When the
cancer is confined to the gland and the patient’s life expectancy is at least 10
years, therapy with curative intent is most often selected. The most common
procedure in this instance is radical prostatectomy (RP), in which the surgeon
removes the entire gland (NCI, 2017). Urinary incontinence and ED are both
major side effects of RP. If left untreated, the patient’s quality of life is severely
impacted, leading to depression, anxiety, and decreased feelings of well-being
(Jayadevappa et al., 2017).
Radiation therapy (RT) is also a choice for low-grade cancer that is confined
to the prostate gland, but may also be used in more advanced cases (ACS, 2017;
Williams et al., 2017). RT is accomplished by either external beam radiation or
brachytherapy, an implanted RT. Compared with RP, RT is associated with
higher risk of hospitalization, need for open surgical procedures, and
development of secondary malignancies (Williams et al., 2017).
A relatively new treatment method involves the development of newgeneration genomic biomarkers and tissue-based gene expression tests. These
biomarkers can indicate whether a prostate cancer is more aggressive than
average and more likely to metastasize; however, there are no available
recommendations regarding the routine use of these tests (Eapen & Meng,
Other treatment modalities include cryotherapy, hormone therapy,
chemotherapy, and vaccine treatments (ACS, 2017). The choice of treatment
method is an important one that should be based not only on the aforementioned
factors, but also on the potential for negative impact on quality of life.
The nursing-related problems and the associated nursing interventions are
directly related to the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Many of the
problems arise from the psychological impact of the side effects of treatment,
such as anxiety and deficient knowledge related to the diagnosis and treatment
plan, as well as sexual dysfunction related to effects of treatment. The
interventions for these problems are based on open communication and patient
education. A more patient-centered approach is needed to support patients and
their caregivers to reduce anxiety and encourage self-management. Nurses must
also better understand the role of culture, spirituality, and religion in their
patients’ treatment course (Allchorne & Green, 2016; Baker, Wellman, &
Lavender, 2016; Paterson et al., 2016; Williams et al., 2017).
The goal of evidence-based nursing care is to ameliorate the effects of the
devastating diagnosis of cancer, as well as the psychosocial ramifications of the
therapies. Reduction of stress and increased ability to cope are paramount.
Patient education must be a key focus as the patient moves from diagnosis to
treatment to survivorship. Open lines of communication between the patient and
the nurse are of utmost importance to the patient’s well-being and quality of life.
Along with the psychosocial needs of the patient, there are the problems of pain
caused by the procedures, urinary problems such as retention, and infection risks
that must be addressed by the nurse. The objective is symptom management.
With good nursing care, the prospect of full recovery to prediagnosis
functionality is excellent.
Although prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men and a
leading cause of cancer death, it can be treated and cured successfully. The
treatment modalities induce several undesirable side effects, but these can be
mitigated with excellent nursing care. Evidence-based nursing interventions
include patient education and open lines of communication, and are vital to the
attainment of desired outcomes.
Allchorne, P., & Green, J. (2016). Identifying unmet care needs of patients with prostate cancer to assist
with their success in coping. Urologic Nursing, 36(5), 224–232.
Baker, H., Wellman, S., & Lavender, V. (2016). Functional quality-of-life outcomes reported by men treated
for localized prostate cancer: A systematic literature review. Oncology Nursing Forum, 43(2), 199–218.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Cancer Institute, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services. (2016). United States cancer statistics: 1999–2013 incidence and mortality web-based
report [Data file]. Retrieved from https://nccd.cdc.gov/uscs
Eapen, R. S., & Meng, M. V. (2017). Role of molecular biomarkers in localized prostate cancer. Urology
Times, 45(4), 14–16.
Jayadevappa, R., Chhatre, S., Wong, Y. N., Wittink, M. N., Cook, R., Morales, K. H., . . . Gallo, J. J. (2017).
Comparative effectiveness of prostate cancer treatments for patient-centered outcomes: A systematic
review and meta-analysis (PRISMA Compliant). Medicine, 96(18), e6790.
National Cancer Institute. (2017). PDQ Prostate cancer treatment. Bethesda, MD: Author. Retrieved from
Paterson, C., Alashkham, A., Windsor, P., & Nabi, G. (2016). Management and treatment of men affected
by metastatic prostate cancer: Evidence-based recommendations for practice. International Journal of
Urological Nursing, 10(1), 44–55.
Williams, S., Hemphill, J. C., & Knowles, A. (2017). Confidence of nursing personnel in their
understanding of the psychosocial impact of prostate cancer. Urologic Nursing, 37(1), 23–30.
Susan V. Brindisi
There are hundreds of different types of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is
one specific type that is considered an autoimmune disease that occurs when
antibodies in the body attack the joints. Inflammation occurs in the synovium,
the joint lining, which then causes cartilage inflammation. If cartilage
inflammation goes unchecked irreversible damage can occur, narrowing the joint
space, which can cause loose and unstable joints, joint deformity, and pain.
Complications of RA include systemic damage of the heart, lungs, and
gastrointestinal tract. RA is a chronic health condition that can be a comorbidity
for nurses caring for patients in every setting. Pain management and a clear
understanding of current medication treatments are a priority for the nurse taking
care of the RA patient. Knowledge of disease progression and its stage will
determine the nursing care. It is also important to know what the patient can or
cannot do in terms of activities of daily living. Knowledge of assistive devices,
including mobility aids, is also essential in the care of the RA patient.
RA is commonly defined as a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology
that attacks the articular structures and lining of the joints or synovium (Pinto &
Schub, 2016). The disease can cause joint deformity, pain, swelling, tenderness,
and various extra-articular manifestations. There is no cure for RA; however, it
can go into remission (Schub & Uribe, 2016). According to the Arthritis
Foundation (2017), 1.5 million Americans have RA and it is more common in
women between 30 and 60 years of age. In men, RA is more common later in
life. RA is common in families, although it can manifest in individuals without a
family history. RA is also more common in Native Americans. According to
Schub and Holle (2016), approximately 50% of patients with RA become
disabled after 10 years of disease onset. The overall mortality rate in patients
with RA is 2.5 times that of the general population and globally, RA occurs in all
people and in all countries.
Clinical Aspects
A diagnosis of RA is made based on classification criteria developed by the
American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism,
2015 version. A diagnosis of RA includes the presence of synovitis in at least
one joint that is not explained by another disease; a calculated score of the
number and site of joints involved allows for zero to five possible points. The
smaller joints (hand, wrist, feet) score a higher number in that RA tends to effect
smaller joints first. After the smaller joints, the larger weight-bearing joints may
be affected. Joint symptoms are usually bilateral and symmetrical. Also included
are blood tests: a positive serum rheumatoid factor and symptom duration.
Early signs and symptoms of RA can include joint pain, stiffness, fatigue,
lethargy, and anorexia. Patients may present to emergency rooms with flare-ups
of RA later in the disease progression. Patients with RA may participate in
rehabilitation multiple times throughout the course of their lives. Working
closely with physical and occupational therapists can improve quality of life and
independence for the RA patient. The certified rehabilitation registered nurse
(CRRN) serves as a clinical expert and important part of the rehab team in the
care of the RA patient.
Serious systemic problems can arise if RA is not treated. These problems can
affect the skin, eyes, muscles, blood vessels, heart, and lungs (Pinto & Schub,
2016; Schub & Uribe, 2016). Cardiovascular disease is one serious systemic
problem. This is likely due to chronic inflammation that is combined with the
often sedentary lifestyle of the RA patient, who might also be overweight.
Complications of RA can also include temporomandibular joint disease. This
could impair the patient’s chewing and ability to eat. In addition, the following
can also occur: infection, osteoporosis, lymphadenopathy, and peripheral
neuritis. Additional potential complications of RA include pericarditis, pleuritis,
pleural effusion, cervical spine instability, anemia, gastrointestinal problems,
Sjögren’s syndrome, Felty syndrome, lymphoma, and other cancers. Mental
health issues include anxiety and depression (Schub & Holle, 2016).
Pharmacologic management has progressed in the past 10 years and has made
RA a more manageable condition. Drug therapy can slow the progression of RA
and treat symptoms. According to Schub and Uribe (2016), drug therapy is most
effective when initiated in the early stages of the disease. Disease-modifying
antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are often the first line of therapy. These include
methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine, sulfasalazine, and leflunomide. A second
type of drug therapy includes tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) antagonists.
These include drugs such as etanercept, infliximab, and adalimumab. There are
other biologic agents not targeting TNF-α that can reduce inflammation. This
includes abatacept, which is a fusion protein that inhibits T-cell activation.
Combinations of these agents can often treat RA. Side effects include infection
and increased risk of cancer.
Pain management is an important part of RA management. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be used for swelling and pain. They relieve
symptoms but do not stop the progression of RA as do the biologic agents.
Steroids, especially corticosteroids like prednisone or hydrocortisone, can also
be used to decrease inflammation. Other pain management includes
acetaminophen, codeine, hydrocodone, morphine, and topical capsaicin (Schub
& Uribe, 2016). Nonpharmacologic approaches to treating RA-associated pain
include hot and cold therapy and guided imagery.
The nurse assessing the RA patient needs to know the current stage of the
disease. In unidentified RA, the nurse can refer to laboratory assessment data
and a rheumatologist to make the initial diagnosis. The nurse must assess vital
signs and all systems to identify risk for or actual systemic complications.
During a clinical assessment, the nurse can palpate the joint for pain, swelling,
warmth, erythema, lack of function, or boggy tissue (Smeltzer & Bare, 2004).
RA can also cause fever, weight loss, fatigue, anemia, lymph node enlargement,
lymphedema, and Raynaud’s phenomena (Smeltzer & Bare, 2004). The nurse
should note any decreased range of motion and assess for mobility status.
Because the RA patient can also experience anorexia, the nurse must also weigh
the patient and include a thorough nutrition assessment. RA nursing care
includes managing pain, sleep disturbance, altered mood, and limited mobility
(Smeltzer & Bare, 2004).
Nursing interventions include application of heat and cold, massage, position
change, using a firm mattress, use of splints and pillows, administering
antiinflammatory medications as well as other disease-modifying medication.
Patient teaching about managing pain and continually monitoring joints in order
to maximize lifestyle needs are paramount. The nurse should encourage
verbalization about the disease, assessing the need for physical and/or
occupational therapy, promoting the use of assistive devices, and encouraging
rest after periods of activity. Patient teaching on pain management and
medication regimen is a priority to manage activity with RA. Patient teaching
should include helping the patient to identify activities that interfere with selfcare activities and devising a plan to manage the difficult activities of daily
living. Additional nursing interventions include teaching use of appropriate
assistive devices for self-care and making a referral to a community agency for
Expected outcomes as a result of the nursing care of the RA patient focus on the
patient living fully and managing disability associated with RA. The patient and
family should be comfortable with identifying and managing pain exacerbation,
proficient with the use of mobility devices, and identifying community resources
that support full living with RA.
Living with RA is manageable especially with early intervention. Nursing
management of RA is crucial to the patient living a fulfilling lifestyle. Teaching
must focus on management of disease progression, medication management,
positioning, mobility, assistive devices, and working to maintain a healthy
lifestyle so that the patient will achieve a positive state of living. Future trends
may reflect a larger percentage of patients going into remission as biologic
medications for RA become more prevalent.
Arthritis Foundation. (2017). Rheumatoid arthritis. Retrieved from http://www.arthritis.org/aboutarthritis/types/rheumatoid-arthritis/what-is-rheumatoid-arthritis.php
Pinto, S., & Schub, T. (2016). Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (evidence-based care sheet). Glendale: CA:
CINAHL Information Systems, a division of EBSCO Information Services.
Schub, T., & Holle, M. N. (2016). Arthritis, rheumatoid: Complications (quick lesson). Glendale, CA:
CINAHL Information Systems, a division of EBSCO Information Services.
Schub, T., & Uribe, L. M. (2016). Arthritis: Rheumatoid: Drug therapy (quick lesson). Glendale, CA:
CINAHL Information Systems, a division of EBSCO Information Services.
Singh, J. A., Saag, K. G., Bridges, L. S., Akl, E. A., Bannuru, R. R., Sullivan, M. C., . . . McAlindon, T.
(2016). Arthritis and rheumatology: 2015 American College of Rheumatology guideline for the
treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 68(1), 1–26. doi:10.1002/art.39480
Sharon Stahl Wexler
Catherine O’Neill D’Amico
Sepsis is defined as the presence of infection in conjunction with a systemic
inflammatory response. The response of the body to infection leads to lifethreatening organ dysfunction. Septic shock is defined as sepsis that results in
tissue hypoperfusion, hypotension requiring vasopressors, and elevated lactate
levels (Howell & Davis, 2017). It is difficult to provide incidence or prevalence
data for sepsis as there is no confirmatory diagnostic test for sepsis; diagnosis is
based on the evidence of infection and the clinical judgment of the provider
(Epstein, Dante, Magill, & Fiore 2016). Sepsis is common and is a leading cause
of death, contributing to one third to one half of deaths in hospitalized patients.
Patients who develop sepsis have an increased risk of complications and death
and face higher health care costs and longer treatment.
Older adults have increased susceptibility to sepsis. This increased susceptibility
is due to the many normal age-related changes as well as increased number of
comorbid conditions present in many older adults (Umberger, Callen, & Brown,
2015). It is estimated that up to 65% of patients who develop severe sepsis in the
United States are older than 65 years (Umberger et al., 2015). Recent years have
seen the development of sepsis “bundles” to deal with this serious issue. Major
recommendations in these bundles include a focus on identifying infection,
managing infection, fluid resuscitation, the use of vasopressors in patients with
septic shock, and mechanical ventilation as indicated (Howell & Davis, 2017).
Clinical Aspects
Sepsis is defined as the presence of infection together with systemic
manifestations of infection. Sepsis is frequently associated with other conditions
such as pneumonia, intestinal obstruction, gallbladder disease, pyelonephritis, or
peritonitis. Sepsis is an important complication of major trauma, burns, cancer,
and major surgical procedures. Urosepsis is common in older adults. General
signs and symptoms of sepsis include fever (often with shaking chills), increased
respiratory rate, impaired mental status, and either warm or cold skin.
Diagnostic criteria for sepsis include a documented or suspected infection and
some of the following general manifestations, which include alterations in body
temperature (fever or hypothermia), increased heart rate, increased respiratory
rate, altered mental status, a positive fluid balance, or significant edema and
hyperglycemia in the absence of diabetes. Inflammatory manifestations may
include leukocytosis, leukopenia, elevated plasma C-reactive protein, elevated
plasma procalcitonin, or a normal white blood cell count with more than 10%
immature forms. Hemodynamic manifestations include arterial hypotension.
Organ dysfunction variables may include arterial hypoxemia, acute oliguria,
hyperbilirubinemia, or absent bowel sounds.
Diagnostic testing for sepsis includes a variety of laboratory studies, including
a complete blood count (CBC), blood cultures, and urine cultures. The specific
laboratory study recommended depends on the suspected cause of sepsis, for
example, a central line infection would include a culture of the catheter tip. A
CBC may show an elevated or low white blood cell count, anemia, or
thrombocytopenia. Imaging studies that may be helpful in the diagnosis of sepsis
also depend on the suspected cause. A chest x-ray is indicated to rule out
pneumonia and other pulmonary causes. An abdominal ultrasound is useful
when there is a suspected biliary tract obstruction. An abdominal CT or MRI
may be useful in assessing other intra-abdominal sources of infection.
Hospitalized patients and individuals presenting in a local emergency room
may or may not have the “usual signs of infection,” including elevated body
temperature; skin lesions; inflammatory signs and symptoms affecting the
gastrointestinal, respiratory, or urinary tract. Some individuals, particularly older
adults, may present with nonspecific and nonlocalized symptoms, including
complaints of not feeling well, no elevation of body temperature, or family
members who indicate that the individual is experiencing changes in usual
behavior or complaints of inability to do usual tasks (Englert & Ross, 2015;
Quan et al., 2013; Umberger et al., 2015). A thorough history followed by headto-toe assessment of these individuals and individuals who present with the usual
signs of infections and inflammation should be initiated by the nurse (Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ], 2013; Umberger et al., 2015).
Individuals with other identified comorbidities are at greater risk for having
sepsis (Englert & Ross, 2015; Novosad et al., 2016; Quan et al., 2013; Umberger
et al., 2015). These comorbidities, which increase the risk for sepsis, include age
greater than 75 years, immunosuppression (cancer and cancer treatments,
treatment with corticosteroids), recent invasive procedure or surgery, diabetes,
cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, indwelling urinary catheters, or intravenous access (Novosad
et al., 2016; Quan et al., 2013; Umberger et al., 2015).
Initial management of sepsis typically includes transfer to a hospital setting if
the patient is not in an acute care setting. Within the acute care setting, transfer
to an intensive care setting for close monitoring and treatment is usually
indicated. Swan–Ganz catheterization is frequently used to help manage fluid
status. Supportive therapy to maintain organ perfusion and respiration is initiated
based on individual patient presentation. Empiric antibiotic therapy is initiated
followed by antibiotic therapy that is specific to the infecting organism presumed
to be the source of the sepsis. Appropriate antibiotics to treat sepsis are usually
combinations of two or three antibiotics given at the same time. Surgery may be
indicated to drain or remove the source of infection.
The interdisciplinary team initiates the following laboratory tests: blood gases,
including glucose and lactate measurement, blood culture, CBC, C-reactive
protein, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and electrolytes, creatinine, and clotting
screening. Central intravenous access is initiated in addition to any peripheral
access that was initiated during the assessment. Based on the AHRQ (Quan et
al., 2013) criteria, acute care facilities begin intravenous fluid bolus and broad
spectrum antibiotics are initiated within 1 hour after the lactate and blood
cultures are obtained. Intravenous fluids are given as a bolus of 500 mL within
15 minutes. The broad spectrum antibiotics recommended are typically those in
the penicillin, sulfonamides, glycopeptide, and aminoglycoside classes.
Antibiotics are to be initiated immediately after the blood cultures are obtained
and within 1 hour of meeting the criteria that sepsis is likely. Usually two
medications are prescribed in combination based on the assessment and the
likely source of the initial infection.
The individual with sepsis or septic shock is moved to the intensive care unit
(ICU) where additional measures to support hypovolemia, ventilation and
oxygenation, and urinary output are initiated and level of consciousness is
monitored closely. Life-support measures include the administration of fluids
and vasopressors, anticoagulation, mechanical ventilation, and oxygen
supplementation. Changes in the antibiotic regimen and monitoring the
effectiveness of the treatment should be continuously evaluated. As the
individual responds to the antibiotics and vasopressor use is diminished, the
individual can be moved out of the critical care environment.
Sepsis in the adult and older adult is a medical emergency requiring quick and
effective action by the interdisciplinary team. Early recognition of sepsis may be
the best hope for a positive outcome (Howell & Davis, 2017). Multiple authors
cite early recognition and initiation of treatment as the factor that decreases the
odds that the patient will die from sepsis (DeBacker & Dorman, 2017; Howell &
Davis, 2017; Stoller et al., 2016). It has been noted recently that sepsis accounts
for more hospital readmissions than any of the four conditions currently tracked
by the federal government for guiding reimbursement and quality care, and
remains one of the leading causes of death for hospitalized patients (DeBacker &
Dorman, 2017; Mayr et al., 2017). Studies identify that despite new treatments
and early-recognition practices, 20% to 45% of those diagnosed do not survive
(Novosad et al., 2016; Stoller et al., 2016). The recognition of this problem has
led to the development of interdisciplinary best practices for the early
identification and treatment of sepsis of the hospitalized adult and older adult.
The prognosis of a patient with sepsis is related to the severity of the sepsis,
the underlying condition of the patient, and the stage at which the sepsis is
diagnosed. Patients with sepsis and no signs of organ failure at the time of
diagnosis have about a 15% to 30% chance of death. Elderly patients have the
highest death rates (DeBacker & Dorman, 2017).
Because the sepsis morbidity and mortality rate is high, nurses and the
interdisciplinary staff must keep families informed about the potential outcomes
for the individual. The nurse and the interdisciplinary team need to be aware of
the advanced directives that are in place before and during aggressive
resuscitation as well as the potential for progressive organ failure. Planning for
the end of life or palliative care should be considered if the individual or the
family want to limit resuscitation measures (Englert & Ross, 2015; Quan et al.,
2013; Umberger et al., 2015). Discharge instructions by the nurse to the
individual and family should include instructions about symptoms to monitor,
how to seek medical attention if these symptoms occur, including how to get
urgent medical attention (Quan et al., 2013). The nurse should provide the
individual and the family time to ask questions and address concerns, including
whether this will happen again, how to prevent it from happening again, and
details of arrangements made for the care of any residual treatments
(tracheostomy care, peripherally inserted central catheter [PICC] line care; Quan
et al., 2013).
Sepsis is a medical emergency with significant morbidity and mortality. It is a
leading cause of hospitalization and mortality for patients of all ages. Older
adults are of particular risk due to the many normal age-related changes and
possible multiple comorbidities, making diagnosis a challenge. The role of the
nurse in caring for patients with sepsis begins with infection prevention and
progresses to recognition of the signs and symptoms of sepsis and the early
initiation of fluids, vasopressors, and antibiotics for the treatment of sepsis.
Current treatment of sepsis includes the use of bundles to simplify the complex
processes of care of the patient with sepsis.
DeBacker, D., & Dorman, T. (2017). Surviving sepsis guidelines: A continuous move toward better care of
patients with sepsis. Journal of the American Medical Association. Advance online publication.
Englert, N. C., & Ross, C. (2015). The older adult experiencing sepsis. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly,
38(2), 175–181.
Epstein, L., Dantes, R., Magill, S., & Fiore, A. (2016). Varying estimates of sepsis mortality using death
certificates and administrative codes—United States, 1999–2014. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report, 65(13), 342–345.
Howell, M. D., & Davis, A. M. (2017). Management of sepsis and septic shock. Journal of the American
Medical Association, 317(8), 847–848.
Mayr, F. B., Talisa, V. B., Balakumar, V., Chang, C. H., Fine, M., & Yende, S. (2017). Proportion and cost
of unplanned 30-day readmissions after sepsis compared with other medical conditions. Journal of the
American Medical Association, 317(5), 530–531.
Novosad, S. A., Sapiano, M. R., Grigg, C., Lake, J., Robyn, M., Dumyati, G., . . . Epstein, L. (2016). Vital
signs: Epidemiology of sepsis: Prevalence of health care factors and opportunities for prevention.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 65(33), 864–869.
Quan, H., Eastwood, C., Cunningham, C. T., Liu, M., Flemons, W., De Coster, C., & Ghali, W. A.;
IMECCHI investigators. (2013). Validity of AHRQ patient safety indicators derived from ICD-10
hospital discharge abstract data (chart review study). BMJ Open, 3(10), e003716.
Stoller, J., Halpin, L., Weis, M., Aplin, B., Qu, W., Georgescu, C., & Nazzal, M. (2016). Epidemiology of
severe sepsis: 2008-2012. Journal of Critical Care, 31, 58–62.
Umberger, R., Callen, B., & Brown, M. L. (2015). Severe sepsis in older adults. Critical Care Nursing
Quarterly, 38(3), 259–270.
Consuela A. Albright
Sickle cell disease is a heritable, chronic disorder of the blood. Abnormalities in
the composition of hemoglobin give red blood cells a sickle shape and affect the
viscosity, life span, and oxygen-carrying capacity of the cell. Sickle cell disease
affects multiple organs, including the brain, heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys, liver, and
spleen. Acute symptoms may lead to organ damage, organ failure, and death.
Care for persons with acute exacerbation of sickle cell disease should focus on
reversal of symptoms through replacement of red blood cells, hydration,
oxygenation, pain management, and early recognition and treatment of
underlying causes to prevent secondary complications (Yawn et al., 2014).
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) reports that sickle cell
disease affects individuals of African, Hispanic, Southern European, Middle
Eastern, and Asian Indian descent (NHLBI, 2016). The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that approximately 100,000 Americans
are currently affected by sickle cell disease (CDC, 2016). Sickle cell disease is
caused by an autosomal recessive inheritance; a child born with sickle cell
disease receives two copies of the recessive gene, one from each parent. One of
every 365 African American children born in the United States has sickle cell
disease, and one of every 16,300 Hispanic American children born in the United
States has sickle cell disease (CDC, 2016).
All children born in the United States are tested for sickle cell disease and
sickle cell trait with newborn screening. One in 13 African American babies is
born with one copy of the sickle cell gene, known as sickle cell trait. Carriers of
sickle cell trait do not exhibit any symptoms of sickle cell disease (CDC, 2016).
Individuals with sickle cell trait have a 50% chance of passing the trait to their
children, and two carriers of sickle cell trait have a 25% chance of conceiving a
child with sickle cell disease (CDC, 2016).
Sickle cell disease is the result of a point mutation of the amino acids at the
sixth position of the beta chain of the hemoglobin molecule. Normal adult
hemoglobin (HbA) contains glutamic acid at the sixth position of the beta chain,
whereas sickle hemoglobin (HbS) has valine at its sixth position. HbS makes red
blood cells sickle shaped, rigid, and sticky (Yosmanovich, Rotter, Aprelev, &
Ferrone, 2016). HbS is sensitive to dehydration, hypoxia, infectious processes,
and temperature changes; these stressors trigger clumping of red blood cells in
the vascular space, known as sickle cell crisis.
The long-term effects of sickle cell disease are the result of vaso-occlusion in
sickle cell crises. Damage to the neurologic, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal,
musculoskeletal, hepatic, and genitourinary systems causes complications
secondary to sickle cell disease. Chronic pain is another secondary complication
of sickle cell disease. The prognosis for an individual with sickle cell disease is
dependent on the type and severity of sickle cell disease. Patients with HbSS and
HbS/β° thalassemia experience marked severity of disease than do patients with
HbSC, HbS, and HbS/β+ thalassemia. Rarer forms of sickle cell disease are
HbSD, HbSE, and HbSO, and each varies in severity (CDC, 2015). The mean
age of mortality for sickle cell patients by disease type is HbSS (35.19 years),
HbSC (44.47 years), HbS/β° thalassemia (41 years), and HbS/β+ thalassemia
(30.5 years; Ngo et al., 2014).
Sickle cell disease presents once levels of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) fall and
HbS levels rise between 6 and 12 months (Bender & Douthitt Seibel, 2014). HbF
has a high affinity for oxygen and inhibits sickling of blood cells. The life span
of a sickled blood cell is 10 to 20 days, compared to healthy red blood cells’ life
span of 100 to 120 days, causing a decrease in the number of circulating mature
red blood cells, resulting in an anemic state (NHLBI, 2014). Adult and pediatric
patients may present with yellowing of the sclera (icterus), a sign of jaundice.
Jaundice is caused by rapid lysis of red blood cells, buildup of excess bilirubin in
tissues, and inability of the liver to process bilirubin at the same rate of cell lysis
(Bender & Douthitt Seibel, 2014).
Clinical Aspects
History and physical assessment are key to treating a patient in sickle cell crisis.
A detailed medical history, including the type of sickle cell disease, should be
taken. The history must also include information about the onset, duration, and
location of symptoms, and baseline vital signs, paying close attention to pulse
oximetry. Ongoing, thorough physical assessment and vital sign monitoring will
alert a nurse in the acute care setting to changes from baseline in the patient’s
Sickle cell crises vary in presentation, but pain is a hallmark finding. Pain may
be localized to the head, face, bones, abdomen, back, or chest with a sudden,
severe onset. Vaso-occlusion in the brain is a risk for stroke in children and
adults with sickle cell. Strokes in children with sickle cell are responsible for
long-term cognitive deficits. The initial presentation of sickle cell crisis in a
young child could present as painful swelling of the hands and feet (dactylitis).
Adults may report hand and foot pain, as well as pain in the long bones of the
upper and lower extremities. Male patients may experience priapism, a penile
erection caused by vaso-occlusion. Abdominal pain in a patient with sickle cell
crisis should be evaluated to rule out splenic sequestration, a life-threatening
complication in which sickled red blood cells become trapped in the spleen,
causing a drop in the volume of circulating red blood cells, leading to
hypovolemic shock. Splenic sequestration may require surgical removal of the
spleen (Bender & Douthitt Seibel, 2014).
Acute chest syndrome is a complication of sickle cell disease affecting adults
and children alike. A vaso-occlusive crisis decreases perfusion of the lungs and
leads to respiratory failure and death. Acute chest syndrome is triggered by
infection, pneumonia, respiratory disease, emboli, or any other stressor that
initiates hypoxemia and sickling. Clinically, acute chest syndrome is defined as
new pulmonary infiltrate on chest x-ray, accompanied by fever, hypoxemia,
tachypnea, wheezing, or cough (Bender & Douthitt Seibel, 2014).
A nurse should anticipate diagnostic testing and laboratory workup for
appropriate treatment of symptoms. Diagnostic testing will include chest x-ray,
CT scan, complete blood count with differential, electrolytes, renal function
panel (blood urea nitrogen [BUN]/creatinine), urinalysis, hepatic function
(alanine transaminase [ALT], bilirubin), blood culture, and arterial blood gases.
The goal of treatment for sickle cell crisis is immediate reversal of symptoms
and treatment of the underlying cause (Lentz & Kautz, 2017). The amount of
sickled blood cells may require exchange transfusion, in which the recipient’s
blood is phlebotomized and replaced in equal volumes with donor blood to
reduce the amount of sickled blood in circulation. Intravenous fluid resuscitation
reverses dehydration. The nurse should be prepared to administer analgesics,
supplemental oxygen, and pharmacologic treatment of the underlying cause to
prevent deterioration of the patient’s condition. Initiation of treatment with
hydroxyurea may also occur in the acute care setting. Hydroxyurea increases the
levels of HbF, which increases the amount of normal red blood cells in
circulation (Yawn et al., 2014).
Sickle cell disease is a lifelong condition of varying severity. Patients with sickle
cell disease may have frequent admissions to the acute care setting for
exacerbation of symptoms. Pain in the patient with sickle cell anemia is poorly
understood in the acute care setting, as it is chronic and patient responses to pain
vary significantly among individuals. Nurses in the acute care setting should be
reminded that pain is a very real symptom of sickle cell crisis that should be
assessed frequently and treated as needed. Aggressive treatment of sickle cell
crisis and underlying causes of symptoms is necessary to prevent life-threatening
complications of the disease.
Bender, M. A., & Douthitt Seibel, G.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Lentz, M. B., & Kautz, D. D. (2017). Acute vaso-occlusive crisis in patients with sickle cell disease.
Nursing, 47(1), 67–68.
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. (2014).
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2016). Who is at risk for sickle cell disease? Retrieved from
Ngo, S., Bartolucci, P., Lobo, D., Mekontso-Dessap, A., Gellen-Dautremer, J., Noizat-Pirenne, F., . . .
Habibi, A. (2014). Causes of death in sickle cell disease adult patients: Old and new trends. Blood,
124(21), 2715. Retrieved from http://www.bloodjournal.org/content/124/21/2715
Yawn, B. P., Buchanan, G. R., Afenyi-Annan, A. N., Ballas, S. K., Hassell, K. L., James, A. H., . . . Tanabe,
P. J. (2014). Management of sickle cell disease: Summary of the 2014 evidence-based report by expert
panel members. Journal of the American Medical Association, 312(10), 1033–1048.
Yosmanovich, D., Rotter, M., Aprelev, A., & Ferrone, F. A. (2016). Calibrating sickle cell disease. Journal
of Molecular Biology, 428(8), 1506–1514. doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2016.03.001
Deborah H. Cantero
Leslie J. Lockett
Rebecca M. Lutz
Sleep apnea (SA) results in daily functional impairment and increases the
patient’s risk of multisystem health disorders. SA is characterized by repetitive
apneic cycles that result in disrupted sleep. Categories of SA include obstructive
sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA). Management of SA requires a
long-term, multidisciplinary approach aimed at decreasing apneic episodes,
thereby improving long-term health outcomes.
SA is a chronic condition resulting in repeated cycles of apnea or intermittent
episodes of decreased inspiratory effort (hypopnea). An apneic or hypopneic
episode typically lasts a minimum of 10 seconds (Kasper et al., 2016). With each
apneic or hypopneic episode, the oxygen saturation level decreases. With apneic
episodes, increasing the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the circulatory
system, an individual is prone to recurrent cycles of arousal, and even
awakenings, while sleeping (Semelka, Wilson, & Floyd, 2016; Zinchuk &
Thomas, 2017).
The most common form of SA is OSA. In OSA, there is thoracic and
diaphragmatic respiratory effort; however, the airway is partially or completely
obstructed. Airway obstruction in the upper airway is due to pharyngeal muscle
relaxation with collapse (Chesnutt & Prendergast, 2017). In contrast, CSA is
associated with decreased or ineffective respiratory drive as a result of impaired
stimulation from central nervous system injury or medications (Zinchuk &
Thomas, 2017).
SA occurs across the life span. OSA is diagnosed in approximately 4% of the
population, although research estimates that up to 24% of the population is
undiagnosed (DiNapoli, 2014). Of all the sleep-related breathing disorders,
approximately 10% are CSA in origin (Zinchuk & Thomas, 2017). Risk factors
include obesity, family history of SA, age 40 to 70 years, male gender, being
postmenopausal, endocrine-associated conditions, certain anatomical features,
central nervous system disorders, and opioid use (Kasper et al., 2016; Semelka et
al., 2016). Untreated SA increases the risk of cardiac complications due to
effects on the sympathetic nervous system (Kasper et al., 2016). This impacts
quality of life as patients often exhibit excessive daytime sleepiness, potential
changes in mood or cognition, and increased risk for occupational injury
(DiNapoli, 2014).
Clinical Aspects
Nursing assessment begins with a thorough health history to identify key aspects
to guide nursing interventions. History includes investigation of regular snoring,
apneic gasps, and daytime drowsiness as well as apnea reported by a sleeping
partner (Avidan & Kryger, 2017). Additional assessment would include use of
opiates, morning headache, excessive sleepiness, sleep duration, decreased
concentration, poor memory, and motor vehicle accidents related to sleepiness.
Safety considerations regarding anesthesia and postoperative recovery should
also be evaluated (Avidan & Kryger, 2017). Modifiable contributing risk factors,
such as obesity, smoking, and alcohol intake, should be noted. All findings
should be recorded for other providers.
Objective assessment includes the observance of physical characteristics,
including excessive weight, short thick neck, and any evidence of upper airway
narrowing such as tonsillar hypertrophy. Secondary conditions to assess include
associated hypertension (HTN), congestive heart failure (CHF), arrhythmias,
myocardial infarction, and cor pulmonale (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Task Force
of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2009). A thorough head-to-toe
assessment is necessary to inform the nurse in developing a care plan, promoting
optimal health for the patient, and preventing complications.
The clinical characteristics of OSA and CSA may overlap, and definitive
diagnosis is made with a polysomnography (PSG) sleep study (Obstructive Sleep
Apnea Task Force of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2009; Zinchuk
& Thomas, 2017). The PSG study and the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) allow
the provider to distinguish between OSA and CSA (Zinchuk & Thomas, 2017).
Medicare guidelines for the initiation of therapy for continuous positive airway
pressure (CPAP) parameters include: (a) AHI greater than 15, eligible for CPAP
and (b) AHI of 5 to 14, eligible if excessive sleepiness, HTN, or cardiovascular
disease is documented (Downey, 2017).
Once treatment is initiated, nurses should continually assess and monitor for
evidence of hypoxia or hypoxemia. In addition, nurses should focus on
interventions regarding assessment, education, and interdisciplinary referrals.
This is particularly important because compliance is a documented issue within
this population. Therefore, education is critical for the patient’s understanding of
the increased risk for complications associated with SA (DiNapoli, 2014).
Adherence, comfort, knowledge of therapy, and readiness to learn should also be
Using principles of adult learning and patient-centered care, nurses should
convey the pathophysiology, risk factors, natural history, and clinical
consequences of SA to both the patient and the caregiver (DiNapoli, 2014). This
encourages engagement in the treatment plan. Including the caregiver is also
important due to the potential for neurocognitive and physiological
consequences of hypoxia, which may limit the patient’s full understanding of SA
and therefore limit compliance with therapy (DiNapoli, 2014; Obstructive Sleep
Apnea Task Force of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2009). On
initiation of therapy, and with all subsequent reevaluations, education on CPAP
device usage and cleaning procedures, sleep position, and good sleep hygiene is
essential (Downey, 2017; Obstructive Sleep Apnea Task Force of the American
Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2009). Risk reduction education on the impact of
weight loss, sleep positions, alcohol avoidance, and risks of driving while
drowsy should be included to promote self-care with this chronic condition
(Obstructive Sleep Apnea Task Force of the American Academy of Sleep
Medicine, 2009).
Interdisciplinary referrals for care collaboration, including respiratory therapy,
sleep specialists, and group behavioral therapy, have demonstrated increased
compliance (DiNapoli, 2014). Prompt attention to adverse effects of CPAP (nasal
stuffiness, dry eyes, skin irritation, and claustrophobia) and adjustments in the
treatment plan promote compliance (DiNapoli, 2014; Downey, 2017). Finally,
follow-up with the provider to evaluate effectiveness within 2 months is
recommended (Downey, 2017). The major outcomes of the interventions include
patient report of resolution of sleepiness, patient/spouse satisfaction, adherence
to therapy, and improvement in quality of life (Freedman, 2017; Obstructive
Sleep Apnea Task Force of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2009).
SA, whether obstructive or central, disrupts sleep patterns and may result in
increased morbidity and mortality. Causes of SA are variable, therefore medical
and nursing interventions must also be customized for each patient. Nursing care
begins with a thorough assessment of the physical, social, and psychological
impact SA has on the patient’s quality of life. Nursing interventions include an
emphasis on patient and caregiver education aimed at improving understanding
and compliance. The primary goal of care is to decrease the frequency of apneic
episodes, improve quality of life, and ultimately decrease multiorgan impairment
or death.
Avidan, E. Y., & Kryger, M. (2017). Physical examination in sleep medicine. In M. H. Kryger & T. Roth
(Eds.), Principles and practice of sleep medicine (6th ed.,pp. 587–606). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
Chesnutt, M. S., & Prendergast, T. J. (2017). Pulmonary disorders. In M. A. Papadakis, S. J. McPhee, & M.
W. Rabow (Eds.), Current medical diagnosis & treatment 2017 (56th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
DiNapoli, C. M. (2014). Strategies to improve continuous positive airway pressure: A review. Journal of
Nursing Education and Practice, 5(2), 110–116. doi:10.5430/jnep.v5n2p110
Freedman, N. (2017). Positive airway pressure treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. In M. H. Kryger & T.
Roth (Eds.), Principles and practice of sleep medicine (6th ed., pp. 1125–1137). Philadelphia, PA:
Kasper, D. L., Fauci, A. S., Hauser, S. L., Longo, D. L., Jameson, J., & Loscalzo, J. (2016). Sleep apnea. In
D. L. Kasper, A. S. Fauci, S. L. Hauser, D. L. Longo, J. Jameson, & J. Loscalzo (Eds.), Harrison’s
manual of medicine (19th ed., pp. 745–746). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Retrieved from
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Task Force of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (2009). Clinical
guideline for the evaluation, management and long-term care of obstructive sleep apnea in adults.
Semelka, M., Wilson, J., & Floyd, R. (2016). Diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in adults.
Zinchuk, A. V., & Thomas, R. J. (2017). Central sleep apnea: Diagnosis and management. In M. H. Kryger
& T. Roth (Eds.), Principles and practice of sleep medicine (6th ed., pp. 1059–1074). Philadelphia, PA:
Steven R. Collier
Spinal stenosis and disc herniation are common findings in the general
population. Spinal stenosis has been defined in many studies as having a spinal
canal dimension of 10 mm or less in the anterior–posterior plane of
measurement, and the symptoms of pain, paresthesias, and dysesthesias in the
legs. Although these patients may have spinal stenosis diagnosed by imaging,
they are not always symptomatic (Kalichman et al., 2009). Disc herniation is
defined as a focal projection of disc material into the spinal canal or neural
foramina greater than 3 mm and may be situated posteriorly, cephalad, caudally,
or can form a free-floating disc fragment (Fardon et al., 2014). Nursing care for
these patients focuses on rehabilitation, mobilization, identification of surgical
emergencies, and perioperative care for patients treated with surgical
Neck pain and low-back pain are common medical conditions in the United
States and around the world. The global prevalence of neck pain is 4.9% and is
6.5% in the United States (March et al., 2014). Low-back pain has a global
prevalence rate of 9.4% and 7.7% in the United States (March et al., 2014). Neck
pain tends to occur at a younger age with a mean age of 45 years, and is more
common in females, whereas back pain peaks later in life with a mean age of 80
years and is seen more frequently in males (March et al., 2014). Spinal stenosis
and disc herniation are leading causes of neck pain and low-back pain.
Lumbar spinal stenosis occurs most often in patients who are 65 years or older
and occurs slightly more often in men than in women (Weinstein et al., 2008).
The findings for cervical stenosis are similar, with the incidence increasing with
advancing age, and occurring slightly more often in men than in women (Nagata
et al., 2012). Risk factors include being overweight, having elevated body mass
index (BMI), occupations involving manual labor, and for men, diabetes (Abbas
et al., 2013). Smoking was not linked to an increased risk of spinal stenosis
(Abbas et al., 2013). Spinal stenosis can be caused by degenerative disc disease
(DDD), spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum,
tumors, cysts, infection, and congenital narrowing of the spinal canal. Lumbar
stenosis can occur at any level in the lumbar spine, but occurs more frequently at
L4–L5, then L3–L4 centrally; neural foraminal stenosis occurs most frequently
at L5–S1, followed by L4–L5 (Ishimoto et al., 2013). Cervical stenosis is noted
most frequently at C5–C6, followed by C4–C5, then C6–C7 (Nagata et al.,
The diagnosis of cervical spinal stenosis is made by a combination of MRI/CT
findings of decreased spinal canal diameter and physical exam findings of arm
and possibly leg paresthesias and dysesthesias, hyperreflexia, Hoffman’s sign,
up-going Babinski reflex, discoordination, and possibly gait instability (Nagata
et al., 2012). Diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis is made by a combination of
MRI/CT findings of decreased spinal canal diameter and physical exam findings
of leg paresthesias and dysesthesias that can occur at rest, but are exacerbated
with ambulation or standing and spinal extension, and usually improve with rest
or spinal flexion (Kreiner et al., 2013).
The incidence and prevalence of cervical disc herniation is difficult to define
because approximately 10% of herniations found on imaging in persons younger
than 40 years and 5% in persons more than 40 years are asymptomatic (Hammer,
Heller, & Kepler, 2015). Cervical disc herniation may be caused by trauma or
jobs that require heavy lifting or repeated stress to the spine (Hammer et al.,
The mean age for diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation is 41 years and is
slightly more prevalent in males than in females (Schroeder, Guyre, & Vaccaro,
2015). Risk factors include obesity, heavy lifting with twisting and bending, and
family history of herniated disc (Schroeder et al., 2015). Patients with increased
stress and time-sensitive jobs also appear to be at higher risk for lumbar disc
herniation (Schroeder et al., 2015). The symptoms for cervical and lumbar disc
herniation are largely the same as listed previously for stenosis, but can occur
more acutely when the result of trauma.
Spinal disorders are a major source of health care spending. Patients with
spine problems are more likely to limit their social interactions, have decreased
physical functioning, and miss school or work than persons without spine
Clinical Aspects
Nursing management of patients with spinal stenosis and disc herniation is
heavily reliant on an accurate physical assessment with a focus on the
neurological exam. The history should focus on the temporal aspect of the onset
of the pain or the decrease in neurological function. An accurate history of the
patient’s current and past medical problems, along with any interventional or
surgical procedures should be recorded. Medication lists should be obtained and
accurately verified for any history of spinal injections or use of
immunosuppressants within the last several months.
The physical exam consists of a head-to-toe assessment focusing on the
neurological exam. Special attention is paid to any areas of spinal tenderness
with palpation, any deformities of the spine, or abnormal posture. Strength
testing of all major extremity muscle groups along with reflex testing and
sensation testing are crucial to accurate diagnosis. Special reflex testing should
include testing for the Hoffman and Babinski reflexes and for clonus. The gait
should be observed for any alterations, inability to heel or toe walk, and inability
to walk heel to toe in a straight line. Rectal tone should be assessed if the patient
reports any bowel or bladder incontinence, or saddle area anesthesia.
Imaging for patients with spine pain that is consistent with stenosis or disc
herniation is often appropriate for MRI, or if contraindicated, CT imaging of the
spine (Kreiner et al., 2014). Plain film x-rays can be helpful in the examination
of posture, or initial rapid imaging for fracture, or checking of previous spinal
hardware. There are no specific laboratory tests for spinal stenosis or disc
herniation, but an elevated white blood cell count and C-reactive protein (CRP)
may indicate spinal infection, although these findings are nonspecific.
The nursing care of patients with spinal stenosis or disc herniation focuses on
promoting mobility and managing pain. Many patients need assistance with
mobility, and even assistance with passive and active range of motion (PROM
and AROM). If bracing is used as treatment or postoperatively, assuring proper
fit and application along with checking of the skin under the brace is required.
Patients with cervical stenosis with myelopathy or cervical disc herniation
with Brown–Sequard syndrome can have special needs ranging from total care
to assistance with toileting, feeding, and hydration. Patients with lumbar stenosis
or disc herniation may require assistance with ambulation and range of motion,
as well as assistance with bladder catheterization and bowel regimens for
neurogenic bowel and bladder dysfunction. Cauda equina is characterized by an
acute onset of severe radicular leg pain, bowel and bladder dysfunction, and
saddle area anesthesia. Cauda equina is a surgical emergency and prompt
recognition of symptoms is crucial; the degree of patient recovery depends on
rapid diagnosis and treatment. The opioid epidemic must be taken into account
when managing patients with spinal disorders. Acute spine pain can be
appropriately managed with opiate pain medication; however, there is no
sufficient evidence to support the use of opiates for the chronic management of
spinal pain management (Simon, Conliffe, & Kitei, 2015).
Rapid identification of neurological changes based on serial neurological
examinations is critical in preserving function and limiting loss of function in the
patient with a spinal disorder. Evidence-based nursing interventions are similarly
focused on preservation and maximization of neurological function. Promotion
of rehabilitation and therapy with the use of AROM and PROM, along with
medication management, supports the achievement of optimal patient recovery,
and limits permanent disabilities from occurring.
Most patients diagnosed with spinal stenosis or disc herniation can usually be
managed conservatively and return to their baseline functional status. Spinal
stenosis and disc herniation are prevalent in the adult population and are a
leading cause of disability and decreased productivity. Early intervention and
recognition of neurological decline in these patients is essential and evidencebased rehabilitation leads to optimal recovery.
Abbas, J., Hamoud, K., May, H., Peled, N., Sarig, R., Stein, D., . . . Hershkovitz, I. (2013). Socioeconomic
and physical characteristics of individuals with degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis. Spine, 38(9), E554–
E561. doi:10.1097/BRS.0b013e31828a2846
Fardon, D. F., Williams, A. L., Dohring, E. J., Murtagh, F. R., Gabriel Rothman, S. L., & Sze, G. K. (2014).
Lumbar disc nomenclature: Version 2.0: Recommendations of the combined task forces of the North
American Spine Society, the American Society of Spine Radiology and the American Society of
Neuroradiology. Spine Journal, 14(11), 2525–2545. doi:10.1016/j.spinee.2014.04.022
Hammer, C., Heller, J., & Kepler, C. (2015). Epidemiology and pathophysiology of cervical disc herniation.
Seminars in Spine Surgery, 28(2), 64–67. doi:10.1053/j.semss.2015.11.009
Ishimoto, Y., Yoshimura, N., Muraki, S., Yamada, H., Nagata, K., Hashizume, H., . . . Yoshida, M. (2013).
Associations between radiographic lumbar spinal stenosis and clinical symptoms in the general
population: The Wakayama Spine Study. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 21(6), 783–788.
Kalichman, L., Cole, R., Kim, D. H., Li, L., Suri, P., Guermazi, A., & Hunter, D. J. (2009). Spinal stenosis
prevalence and association with symptoms: The Framingham Study. Spine Journal, 9(7), 545–550.
Kreiner, D. S., Hwang, S. W., Easa, J. E., Resnick, D. K., Baisden, J. L., Bess, S., . . . Toton, J. F. (2014).
An evidence-based clinical guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar disc herniation with
radiculopathy. Spine Journal, 14(1), 180–191. doi:10.1016/j.spinee.2013.08.003
Kreiner, D. S., Shaffer, W. O., Baisden, J. L., Gilbert, T. J., Summers, J. T., Toton, J. F., . . . Reitman, C. A.
(2013). An evidence-based clinical guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of degenerative lumbar
spinal stenosis (update). Spine Journal, 13(7), 734–743. doi:10.1016/j.spinee.2012.11.059
March, L., Smith, E. U., Hoy, D. G., Cross, M. J., Sanchez-Riera, L., Blyth, F., . . . Woolf, A. D. (2014).
Burden of disability due to musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders. Best Practice & Research: Clinical
Rheumatology, 28(3), 353–366. doi:10.1016/j.berh.2014.08.002
Nagata, K., Yoshimura, N., Muraki, S., Hashizume, H., Ishimoto, Y., Yamada, H., . . . Yoshida, M. (2012).
Prevalence of cervical cord compression and its association with physical performance in a populationbased cohort in Japan: The Wakayama Spine Study. Spine, 37(22), 1892–1898.
Schroeder, G. D., Guyre, C. A., & Vaccaro, A. R. The epidemiology and pathophysiology of lumbar disc
herniations. Seminars in Spine Surgery, 28(1), 2–7. doi:10.1053/j.semss.2015.08.003
Simon, J., Conliffe, T., & Kitei, P. Non-operative management: An evidence-based approach. Seminars in
Spine Surgery, 28(1), 8–13. doi:10.1053/j.semss.2015.08.004
Weinstein, J. N., Lurie, J. D., Tosteson, T. D., Tosteson, A. N., Blood, E. A., Abdu, W. A., . . . Fischgrund,
J. (2008). Surgical versus nonoperative treatment for lumbar disc herniation: Four-year results for the
Carrie Foster
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) was first
discussed in 1957 in relation to patients with bronchogenic lung carcinoma
(Schwartz, Bennett, Curelop, & Bartter, 1957). The classic description still holds
true today. Characteristics of SIADH include hypotonic hyponatremia and
inappropriate release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) causing excessive renal
water reabsorption, resulting in inadequately diluted urine (Grant et al., 2015).
The causes of SIADH are multiple and varied, but generally fit into three
categories: malignant disease; pulmonary, central nervous system (CNS) and
genetic disorders; or medication induced (Spasovski et al., 2014).
SIADH is a biochemical syndrome of euvolemic hyponatremia resulting from
inappropriate secretion of ADH independent of plasma osmolality (Cuesta &
Thompson, 2016). SIADH has been reported in association with many disease
processes and as a complication from medications. Increased incidence is noted
with conditions such as intracranial processes, lung carcinoma, and other
pulmonary illness (Spasovski et al., 2014). An estimated 15% of patients with
small cell lung cancer experience SIADH (Cuesta & Thompson, 2016).
Generally, it is likely that about 5% to 10% of hospital admissions may have a
component of SIADH, with highest rates in neurosurgical units (Cuesta &
Thompson, 2016). SIADH is the most common cause of hyponatremia in
specific patient populations, including nursing home residents and oncology
patients (Shepshelovich et al., 2015). Recent data indicate the most frequent
causes of SIADH include malignancy and as a result of administered medication
(Shepshelovich et al., 2015). Morbidity and mortality are typically driven by the
causative factor, with worse outcomes in malignancy-induced versus idiopathic
or medication-induced SIADH, as the pathophysiology between the two
processes is different.
The pathophysiology behind SIADH can vary by cause. In general, the
sodium concentration in the plasma is the primary osmotic determinant of
arginine vasopressin (AVP) secretion. AVP is the naturally occurring form of
ADH found in humans, and is stored in the posterior pituitary gland.
Baroreceptors and osmoreceptors detect changes in circulating volume depletion
and hyperosmolality, and, as plasma osmolality rises, AVP secretion is
stimulated. AVP is released from the posterior pituitary and binds to cell
membranes of target tissues, causing an increase in water reabsorption and an
increase in urine osmolality. Typically, AVP secretion stops when the plasma
osmolality drops below 275 mOsm/kg. This decrease in AVP causes increased
water excretion, creating dilute urine. Malignancy-associated SIADH is usually
the result of an ectopic secretion of AVP (Cuesta & Thompson, 2016). Tumors
may cause SIADH by creating physical interference with the osmoregulatory
pathways. The mechanism of action behind medication-induced SIADH is
incredibly variable, but is commonly seen with cytotoxic agents (Cuesta &
Thompson, 2016).
The most serious complications from SIADH primarily arise from too rapid
correction of hyponatremia or rapid initial development. When osmolality
changes faster than 10 mOsm/kg per hour, patients are at increased risk for
cerebral herniation, central pontine myelinolysis, and severe neurological
impairment (Grant et al., 2015). Risk factors for increased morbidity and
mortality rates include being hospitalized, rapid onset of hyponatremia, and
severity of hyponatremia (Mocan, Terhes, & Blaga, 2016). Hyponatremia can
result in gait instability and neurological impairment, placing elderly patients at
higher risk for falls (Mocan et al., 2016). Multifactorial SIADH is associated
with increased mortality, with the etiology as the key prognostic indicator.
Clinical Aspects
The primary presentation of a patient experiencing SIADH is usually related to
hyponatremia, with two factors influencing presentation: degree of hyponatremia
and rate of development (Mocan et al., 2016). Serum sodium less than 135
mmol/L is considered hyponatremia (Spasovski et al., 2014). Patients will have
plasma serum osmolality less than 275 mOsm/kg as well as urine sodium
concentration greater than 30 mmol/L with normal dietary salt and water intake
(Grant et al., 2015). Depending on the rate of development and biochemical
degree of hyponatremia, patients may be asymptomatic. Patients may have
symptoms that correlate to increased ADH secretion, including increased thirst,
chronic pain, symptoms associated with CNS or pulmonary tumors, head injury,
or drug use. Rapid-onset hyponatremia can manifest with confusion,
disorientation or change in mental status, muscle weakness, and decreased
reaction times. Because the patient is often euvolemic, signs of fluid overload
are typically absent (Mocan et al., 2016).
SIADH is a diagnosis of exclusion, and can be made if a patient meets the
established six essential criteria originally proposed by Schwartz, Bennett,
Curelop, and Bartter in 1957 (Spasovski et al., 2014). The diagnostic criteria are
effective serum osmolality less than 275 mOsm/kg; urine osmolality greater than
100 mOsm/kg at some level of decreased effective osmolality; clinical
euvolemia; urine sodium concentration greater than 30 mmol/L with normal
dietary salt and water intake; absence of adrenal, thyroid, pituitary, or renal
insufficiency; and no recent use of diuretics. After a diagnosis has been made,
the mainstay of treatment for SIADH is fluid restriction, the degree of which is
driven by the patient’s ability to excrete electrolyte-free urine (Grant et al.,
2015). Fluid restriction allows for a more gradual correction of hyponatremia.
Rapid correction of sodium imbalances can have catastrophic outcomes,
including central pontine myelinolysis and permanent neurological deficits
(Spasovski et al., 2014). Second-line treatments include increasing solute intake
with 0.25 to 0.50 g/kg per day of urea or using a combination of low-dose loop
diuretics and oral sodium chloride to correct electrolyte imbalance (Spasovski et
al., 2014). If possible, it is important to treat and diagnose the underlying cause
of SIADH, as this may correct symptoms.
Patients with SIADH are typically euvolemic and normotensive, but clinical
changes can be seen in severe or rapid-onset scenarios (Mocan et al., 2016).
Nevertheless, nursing staff must be vigilant in monitoring fluid balance for
patients with SIADH. Careful attention should be paid to fluid intake and urine
output. Nurses should monitor skin turgor, condition of mucous membranes, and
changes in weight, noting that rapid changes of 0.5 to 1 kg/day can be related to
fluid status. Mental status assessments are critical in hyponatremic patients.
Nurses must monitor level of consciousness, orientation, and presence of muscle
weakness and alert providers to changes. Serious consequences of hyponatremia
include seizure and coma, although this is unlikely in a patient with SIADH
(Grant et al., 2015). Patients are at risk for neurological changes as sodium levels
are being corrected and careful monitoring is critical during this period.
Best practice recommends correcting hyponatremia gradually, with the best
patient outcomes occurring when correction occurs over 24 to 48 hours (Grant et
al., 2015). Hyponatremia is the most clinically significant problem with SIADH
and is associated with multiple diseases. Hyponatremia may be a poor prognostic
marker, but is not a disease state in itself. The prognosis for SIADH greatly
correlates to the underlying cause. A complete recovery is commonly seen with
drug or anesthesia-induced SIADH once the causative agent is removed.
Effective treatment of a CNS or pulmonary infection also often results in
correction of SIADH (Cuesta & Thompson 2016).
SIADH is a complex phenomenon with multiple etiologies. ADH is secreted
independently of osmolality, placing the patient in a hyponatremic, hypoosmolar
state. The excessive ADH secretion leads to renal water reabsorption and
subsequent diuresis. The severity of symptoms is correlated to the degree of
hyponatremia; patients most at risk are those with rapid onset of symptoms, or
severe levels of hyponatremia. The current best practice for treatment is fluid
restriction with gradual correction of sodium levels.
Nursing interventions revolve around careful monitoring of intake and output
for patients with SIADH. Frequent and careful neurological assessment may be
indicated for patients with severe hyponatremia, or during the process for
corrections. Elderly patients are at an increased risk for falls due to gait
instability and changes in mental status associated with hyponatremia, and
should be assisted with ambulation. It is imperative that nursing staff notify
providers to any acute changes in level of consciousness or orientation, as rapid
correction of hyponatremia can have profoundly adverse side effects on
neurological status. As the frontline caregivers, nursing staff should feel
empowered to notice changes in their patient’s assessment, intake and output, as
well as abnormal lab values when caring for patients at risk or currently
experiencing SIADH.
Cuesta, M., & Thompson, C. J. (2016). The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (SIAD). Best Practice &
Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 30(2), 175–187.
Grant, P., Ayuk, J., Bouloux, P. M., Cohen, M., Cranston, I., Murray, R. D., . . . Grossman, A. (2015). The
diagnosis and management of inpatient hyponatraemia and SIADH. European Journal of Clinical
Investigation, 45(8), 888–894.
Mocan, M., Terhes, L. M., & Blaga, S. N. (2016). Difficulties in the diagnosis and management of
hyponatremia. Clujul Medical, 89(4), 464–469.
Schwartz, W. B., Bennett, W., Curelop, S., & Bartter, F. C. (1957). A syndrome of renal sodium loss and
hyponatremia probably resulting from inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. American
Journal of Medicine, 23(4), 529–542.
Shepshelovich, D., Leibovitch, C., Klein, A., Zoldan, S., Milo, G., Shochat, T., . . . Lahav, M. (2015). The
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion: Distribution and characterization according
to etiologies. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 26(10), 819–824.
Spasovski, G., Vanholder, R., Allolio, B., Annane, D., Ball, S., Bichet, D., . . . Nagler, E.; Hyponatraemia
Guideline Development Group. (2014). Clinical practice guideline on diagnosis and treatment of
hyponatraemia. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation, 29(Suppl. 2), i1–i39.
Merlyn A. Dorsainvil
The word lupus originates from the Latin word for wolf. Wolf, a legendary
predator, is a fitting name for a disease that is referred to as the cruel mystery
(Lupus Foundation of America, 2017). Lupus is a mystery because it has
remained elusive for much of its long history. To date, its cause remains
unknown and there is no known cure for it. Lupus is cruel for the various
degrees of debilitation that it causes. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an
autoimmune disease that causes widespread inflammation throughout various
body tissues, including the kidneys, heart, lungs, brain, and blood vessels. There
are different types of lupus: (a) cutaneous lupus, (b) drug-induced lupus, and (c)
neonatal lupus. However, SLE is the most common and serious type. SLE is a
chronic disease marked by periods of flares and remissions. Symptoms can range
from mild to life-threatening, but with effective management the prognosis can
be good. It is estimated that 1.5 million Americans have SLE, with more than
16,000 new cases detected annually. Women of color and of childbearing age are
two to three times more likely to develop SLE than Caucasians (Lupus
Foundation of America, 2017).
SLE is a chronic, autoimmune disease that causes widespread inflammation
throughout the body. Individuals with SLE often present with generalized
symptoms such as fatigue, fever, and weight loss. Diagnosis is made by a clinical
assessment, ideally by an experienced rheumatologist. The American College of
Rheumatology (ACR) has developed criteria for diagnosing SLE. Individuals are
diagnosed with SLE if they report at least four of these symptoms, with no other
Butterfly-shaped rash over the cheeks—referred to as malar rash
Red rash with raised round or oval patches—known as discoid rash
Rash on skin exposed to the sun
Mouth sores: sores in the mouth or nose lasting from a few days to more than a month
Arthritis: tenderness and swelling lasting for a few weeks in two or more joints
Lung or heart inflammation: swelling of the tissue lining the lungs (referred to as pleurisy or pleuritis)
or the heart (pericarditis), which can cause chest pain when breathing deeply
Kidney problem: blood or protein in the urine, or tests that suggest poor kidney function
Neurologic problem: seizures, strokes, or psychosis
Abnormal blood tests such as:
Low blood cell counts: anemia, low white blood cells, or low platelets
Positive antinuclear antibodies (ANA) test result
Certain antibodies that show an immune system problem (ACR, 2015).
Based on the ACR criteria for SLE, the estimated prevalence of SLE in the
United States is 72.8 to 74.4 per 100,000 and the incidence is 5.5 to 5.6 per
100,000 of population. Prevalence of SLE is more than 2 times higher among
African Americans than among Caucasians and the incidence is three times
higher. The burden of the disease is on women, with nine to 10 times higher
prevalence among women than men (Lim et al., 2014; Somers et al., 2014). The
average age of diagnosis is 39 to 41 years (Lim et al., 2014; Somers et al., 2014).
The cause of SLE is unknown but, based on the disproportionate burden on
women and people of color, it is believed to be linked to genetic and hormonal
factors. Exogenous and endogenous environmental exposures, such as
infections, ultraviolet light, and stress, are linked to SLE (Sakkas & Bogdanos,
2016). The most common clinical manifestations of SLE among new cases
include (a) arthritis, (b) hematologic disorders, (c) and serologic disorders.
African Americans have a higher proportion of renal disease and end-stage renal
disease compared to Caucasians (Somers et al., 2014).
There is no cure for SLE and treatment is based on the severity of symptoms.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used to treat
inflammation and pain. Antimalarial drugs are used to treat symptoms such as
fatigue and rashes. The biologic belimumab was approved in 2011 by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of active, nonsevere SLE. And
for severe symptoms of SLE, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants are
prescribed (ACR, 2015).
SLE has among the highest 30-day hospital readmission rates among chronic
conditions. Following hospitalization for SLE, about one in six patients return
within 30 days. Patients who are more likely to be initially hospitalized and
readmitted within 30 days with SLE are those who (a) are young, (b) are African
American or Hispanic, and (c) have Medicare or Medicaid as the primary payer.
Renal disease, thrombocytopenia, serositis, and seizures are the SLE
manifestations that are associated with readmissions (Yazdany et al., 2014).
Pregnant women with SLE are at increased risk for stillbirths and early-onset
preeclampsia (Simard et al., 2017; Vinet et al., 2016). Hospital admissions can
pose financial burdens to patients and result in high health care costs. The
average cost of a hospitalized patient with SLE is $51,808.41 per year
(Anandarajah, Luc, & Ritchlin, 2016). Further financial burden comes from loss
of productivity and loss of work days. SLE also significantly impacts quality of
life. Most of the symptoms of SLE are not visible to others; common symptoms,
such as fatigue and joint pain, are experienced by the individual but are not
apparent to others. Subsequently this limits the amount of social support,
validation, and medical care that individuals suffering with SLE receive
(Brennan & Creaven, 2016).
Clinical Aspects
The invisibility of SLE (Brennan & Creaven, 2016) can lead to feelings of
powerlessness among those suffering with the condition. A thorough nursing
assessment can be the first step in putting a face to this invisible condition. The
nursing assessment should begin qualitatively with a history, examining onset of
symptoms as well as exacerbating and relieving factors. Psychosocial aspects
should be examined also: How has the disease impacted the client’s life? What
types of support does the client currently have? The history should be followed
with a comprehensive physical examination, with focused assessments to the
following systems: dermatologic, cardiovascular, renal, musculoskeletal,
neurological, and pain. Nurses should anticipate laboratory tests, including an
ANA test, complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive
protein, and urinalysis. Although no two people with SLE will present with
identical symptoms, some symptoms are commonly seen. Rashes are a classical
symptom and, at some stage in the disease process, individuals with SLE will
present with a rash. Fatigue is often a common and initial complaint. Many
clients will also have joint pain.
The goals of nursing care for the client with SLE are to control flare-ups,
prevent damage to organs, and promote overall health. Nursing-related problems
clients can experience include (a) fatigue related to SLE disease process, (b)
disturbed body image related to rashes, and (c) social isolation due to overall
lack of public awareness of SLE. Clients should be encouraged to see a
rheumatologist for the medical management of SLE. In addition, clients should
also have routine primary health care for overall health promotion. For women
of childbearing age, primary care from a women’s health provider is ideal.
Clients with SLE should be encouraged to maintain healthy, balanced diets and
exercise. Frequent rest periods and energy conservation techniques should be
discussed with clients. Nurses can assist clients in identifying essential versus
nonessential activities so that their energy can be put to the most productive use.
Clients with rashes should avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen whenever
outdoors. Nurses can use advocacy skills to educate and raise awareness of SLE
to family, friends, and the public.
The outcome of nursing care for the client with SLE should be the client’s
confidence in managing the disease and improved quality of life. This outcome
is achieved when nurses utilize the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses
(QSEN) competency of patient-centered care. Nurses assist clients in the process
of self-discovery of how SLE impacts their body and lives and ways to mitigate
any potential or actual damages.
SLE has been deemed a “cruel mystery” because little is known about this
debilitating, chronic disease. There is no known cause, no known cure, and
minimal epidemiological data. Therefore, it remains a mystery to the health care
community and the public; those with SLE often suffer in silence. However, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recently funded research
throughout the United States to obtain more accurate estimates of the disease.
With better estimates of SLE prevalence and incidence, more resources can be
allocated for research. Organizations, such as the Lupus Foundation of America,
promote advocacy, research, and support for the disease so that SLE will no
longer be a mystery. Until a cause and cure are found, clients with SLE can live
long, productive lives with effective medical management and self-management.
Nurses can support clients with SLE in their self-management and help to
increase public awareness of this chronic condition.
American College of Rheumatology. (2015). Lupus. Retrieved from http://www.rheumatology.org/i-ama/patient-caregiver/diseases-conditions/lupus
Anandarajah, A., Luc, M., & Ritchlin, C. (2016). Hospitalization of patients with systemic lupus
erythematosus is a major cause of direct and indirect healthcare costs. Lupus, 26(7), 1–6.
Brennan, K. A., & Creaven, A. M. (2016). Living with invisible illness: Social support experiences of
individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus. Quality of Life Research, 25(5), 1227–1235.
Lim, S. S., Bayakly, A. R., Helmick, C. G., Gordon, C., Easley, K. A., & Drenkard, C. (2014). The
incidence and prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus, 2002–2004: The Georgia Lupus Registry.
Arthritis & Rheumatology, 66(2), 357–368.
Sakkas, L. I., & Bogdanos, D. P. (2016). Infections as a cause of autoimmune rheumatic diseases. AutoImmunity Highlights, 7(1), 13.
Simard, J. F., Arkema, E. V., Nguyen, C., Svenungsson, E., Wikström, A. K., Palmsten, K., & Salmon, J. E.
(2017). Early-onset preeclampsia in lupus pregnancy. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 31(1),
Somers, E. C., Marder, W., Cagnoli, P., Lewis, E. E., DeGuire, P., Gordon, C., . . . McCune, W. J. (2014).
Population-based incidence and prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus: The Michigan Lupus
Epidemiology and Surveillance program. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 66(2), 369–378.
Vinet, É., Genest, G., Scott, S., Pineau, C. A., Clarke, A. E., Platt, R. W., & Bernatsky, S. (2016). Brief
report: Causes of stillbirths in women with systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis & Rheumatology,
68(10), 2487–2491.
Yazdany, J., Marafino, B., Dean, M., Bardach, N., Duseja, R., Ward, M., & Dudley, R. (2014). Thirty-day
hospital readmissions in systemic lupus erythematosus: Predictors and hospital and state-level variation.
Arthritis& Rheumatology, 66(10), 2828–2836. doi:10.1002/art.38768
Maria A. Mendoza
Thrombocytopenia is a blood disorder characterized by low platelet
(thrombocyte) count caused by deficient marrow production, increased
destruction, and splenic sequestration. Normal platelet count is between 150,000
and 400,000/µL and thrombocytopenia in adults is defined as a platelet count
below 150,000/µL (Krisnegowda & Rajashekaraiah, 2015).
Thrombocytopenia may be associated with many diseases and syndromes and
in some cases is drug induced, making it the most common blood disorder (Izak
& Bussel, 2014). It is common among hospitalized and critically ill adults. It is
believed to be present in as much as 67.6% of adult patients on admission to the
intensive care unit (ICU) and acquired by up to 44% of patients while in the ICU
(Hui, Cook, Lim, Fraser, & Arnold, 2011). It may sometimes be the first sign of
hematologic cancers. In many situations, the patient suffering from
thrombocytopenia is clinically asymptomatic. Low platelet count is often found
during a routine complete blood count (CBC) test. Patients with count less than
30,000/µL have potential for bleeding but it is generally a count below 10,000/
µL that clinically presents with spontaneous bleeding from skin, wounds, or
body cavities (Izak & Bussel, 2014).
Platelets are tiny (1–3 µm) anucleated cells produced in the large bone marrow
cells called megakaryocytes. The fragmentation of megakaryocytes in the
presence of a hormone called thrombopoietin results in the release of platelets
(1,000 platelets per megakaryocyte). The main functions of platelets are
hemostasis and wound healing. Their sticky consistency plus ability to change
shape make them efficient in sealing off the bleeding site.
Identifying the etiology of thrombocytopenia is part of the diagnostic process.
The major laboratory tests are CBC, blood smear (to analyze blood cell
morphology), and coagulation tests (prothrombin time and activated partial
thromboplastin time). Other tests ordered to help with the differential diagnosis
include direct Coombs, fibrinogen, D-Dimer, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH),
alkaline phosphatase, liver and renal function tests, vitamin B12, folic acid level,
and serological tests. In some cases, a bone marrow biopsy may be performed.
Treatment of thrombocytopenia is directed at eliminating the etiology.
However, in the majority of cases, the etiology is not very clear. First-line
pharmacotherapy includes corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin G (IV
IgG), and intravenous anti-D (Krisnegowda & Rajashekaraiah, 2015). When
first-line drugs have failed, immunosuppressants, such as azathioprine,
cyclophosphamide, and cyclosporine, may be tried (Krisnegowda &
Rajashekaraiah, 2015). The American Association of Blood Banks (AABB)
recommends platelet transfusion in hospitalized adult patients with a platelet
count of 10,000/µL or less to reduce spontaneous bleeding (Kaufman et al.,
2015). Packed cell transfusion is administered to replace blood loss. In case of
increased destruction of platelets by the spleen, a splenectomy (laparoscopic, if
possible) may be done.
Clinical Aspects
A comprehensive history helps to identify the etiology of the disease. The nurse
is part of the health care team who may collect this information, which includes
presence of family history of thrombocytopenia, recent infection (viral and
bacterial), vaccinations, history of cancer, treatment with chemotherapy,
pregnancy, recent travels (for possible exposure to malaria, dengue fever,
rickettsiosis), recent transfusions, alcohol intake, dietary habits, risk factors for
or history of HIV, and hepatitis C. A review of all medications with focus on
medications started in the past 2 weeks should also be done. Verify symptoms
such as muscle/joint pain, dizziness, persistent headache, blurred or double
vision, and abdominal pain.
Physical assessment should include thorough examination of the skin to
identify signs of bleeding such as ecchymosis (bruising), petechiae, purpura, and
frank hemorrhage. Bleeding from body cavities is also checked, including the
oral cavity (gums), eyes, nose (epistaxis), lungs (hemoptysis), gastrointestinal
tract (hematemesis, melena, and occult bleeding), urinary tract (hematuria), and
vaginal tract (vaginal bleeding or increased menstrual flow). A neurological
assessment should be done, especially in patients at risk for and/or with
suspicion of cerebral bleeding. Careful palpation for lymphadenopathy (enlarged
lymph nodes) and for organomegaly of the liver and spleen should be performed.
Skeletal malformations of the thumbs and forearm, and short stature present in
certain forms of thrombocytopenia should be noted (Izak & Bussel, 2014).
Patient education is needed to prevent bleeding and injury. The nurse reviews
with the patient/family the disease condition, etiology (if known), complications,
treatment, and how to prevent and manage bleeding. A review of all medications
(prescribed and over-the-counter) should be done (Winkeljohn, 2013). General
instructions should include medications to avoid such as aspirin and drugs
containing aspirin. The patient is informed to check with health care provider
before using over-the-counter medication. Promote activities to prevent bleeding
such as using soft-bristle toothbrush, electric shaver when shaving, and emery
board to trim nails. Patient should avoid using household tools, such as scissors,
knives, and sharp objects, to prevent injuries. Counsel the patient not to drink
alcohol. Patient has to check with his or her health care provider before
undergoing dental work or other procedures that can cause bleeding. Patient
should avoid heavy lifting, contact sports, and strenuous activities that can lead
to a fall or injury. The patient/family should know what to report to the health
care provider, such as observation of any kind of bleeding, as listed earlier.
Teach the patient/family how to control bleeding such as applying pressure over
a cut with a clean cloth or gauze until bleeding is controlled. Hemostatic agents,
such as Gelfoam, may be used to cause vasoconstriction (Winkeljohn, 2013).
The health care provider and emergency medical service phone numbers should
be handy in case of emergency.
Teaching directed toward medication(s) prescribed to treat thrombocytopenia
should be provided to patient/family. The nurse should teach proper
administration and side/adverse effects of medications such as corticosteroids
and other immunosuppressants.
For severe states of thrombocytopenia, a platelet transfusion may be included
in the patient’s plan of care. The nurse assists in the administration of a platelet
transfusion and performs the following nursing interventions to ensure the
patient’s safety:
1. Obtain an informed consent after explaining the procedure, purpose, possible complications, and
necessary monitoring during and after the procedure. Use the laboratory results to explain the need for
transfusion and target levels posttransfusion (Winkeljohn, 2013). Proper identification of the patient
before transfusion is imperative. The platelet bags and tubing should be checked for integrity. The
procedure should be done under strict aseptic technique.
2. Establish baseline vital signs and lab values before transfusion. Allergic and hemolytic reactions, such
as fever, isolated pruritus and urticaria, bronchoconstriction, hypotension, and shock, may occur.
Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction (FNHTR) with or without chills may occur within the first
4 hours of transfusion followed by normalization of the temperature within 48 hours. FNHTR is
confirmed once bacterial infection and hemolytic causes are ruled out. Bacterial sepsis, caused by
contaminated platelets, is manifested by high fever, chills, vomiting, tachycardia, hypotension, and
3. Monitor patient’s vital signs during and after transfusion. Check platelet count 15 minutes to 1-hour
posttransfusion. As indicated, CBC, coagulation, and renal function tests are done. Continue to
monitor for bleeding.
4. Maintain good oral hygiene using soft swabs, normal saline rinse, and mouthwash as appropriate to
prevent dry mucous membranes and minimize bleeding.
The major role of the nurse in managing thrombocytopenia is to work and
collaborate with the health care team to collect data and provide safe patient
care. Nursing assessment includes a thorough history to identify etiology and a
physical examination to check for bleeding. Patient education is very important
to promote safety and prevent injuries that may lead to bleeding.
Thrombocytopenia is a common blood disorder defined as platelet count less
than 150,000/µL. Etiology can be due to deficient marrow production, increased
destruction, and splenic sequestration. Diagnosis is primarily established by
laboratory studies. In few cases, bone marrow biopsy may be done to identify
deficient marrow production. Treatment is focused on removing the causative
factor. First-line drug therapy includes corticosteroids, IV IgG, and intravenous
anti-D. Platelet transfusion may be necessary when platelet count falls below
10,000/µL and there is high risk of spontaneous bleeding.
Hui, P., Cook, D. J., Lim, W., Fraser, G. A., & Arnold, D. M. (2011). The frequency and clinical
significance of thrombocytopenia complicating critical illness: A systematic review. Chest, 139(2), 271–
Izak, M., & Bussel, J. B. (2014). Management of thrombocytopenia. F1000Prime Reports, 6, 45.
Kaufman, R. M., Djulbegovic, B., Gernsheimer, T., Kleinman, S., Tinmouth, A. T., Capocelli, K. E., . . .
Tobian, A. A. (2015). Platelet transfusion: A clinical practice guideline from the AABB. Annals of
Internal Medicine, 162(3), 205–213.
Krisnegowda, M., & Rajashekaraiah, V. (2015). Platelet disorders: An overview. Blood Coagulation and
Fibrinolysis, 26(5), 479–491. doi:10.1097/01.mbc.0000469521.23628.2d
Winkeljohn, D. (2013). Diagnosis, treatment and management of immune thrombocytopenia. Clinical
Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17(6), 664–666. doi:10.1188/13.CJON.664-666
Christina M. Canfield
A disease of historical significance, tuberculosis (TB) has caused more deaths
worldwide than any other infectious disease, including plague, smallpox, and
malaria (Heemskerk, Caws, Marais, & Farrar, 2015). One third of the world’s
population is infected with TB and there is one new case of TB diagnosed every
4 seconds (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016). Nurses
must be aware of the risk factors associated with transmission, symptoms, and
treatment of a TB infection.
The global incidence of TB varies widely. In 2015 an estimated 10.4 million new
cases of TB were identified worldwide. Incidence of TB is higher in
underdeveloped countries. The World Health Organization (Global Tuberculosis
Report, 2016) reports that 60% of new cases were identified in just six countries:
India, Indonesia, China, Nigeria, Pakistan, and South Africa. The CDC (2016)
noted a rate of 3.0 cases per 100,000 persons in the United States in 2015. HIVinfected adults, persons born in foreign countries, and those of lower
socioeconomic status make up the majority of active TB cases in the United
States (Raviglione, 2015). TB is a treatable disease that may be cured; however,
drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are becoming more
prevalent. Untreated TB is often fatal and carries a 1-year mortality of 30%.
TB has been known by many names, including consumption, Pott’s disease,
shaky oncay, and the white plague (Heemskerk et al., 2015). It is a disease
caused by the bacterium M. tuberculosis. Mycobacteria have a unique lipid-rich
cell wall, which makes them resistant to many disinfectants and antibiotics. M.
tuberculosis is an acid-fast bacilli (AFB) usually transmitted when an infectious
person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. Droplets may remain suspended in the air for
hours and then be inhaled into the airways. An infected individual may expel up
to 3,000 infectious nuclei per cough. It is estimated that up to 20 contacts may be
infected by each positive case. This is due to delays in pursuing care and in
making a diagnosis (Raviglione, 2015).
TB transmission occurs in high population density locations such as hospitals,
nursing facilities, prisons, and hostels (Heemskerk et al., 2015).
Clinical Aspects
Exposure to M. tuberculosis activates the immune system. In most cases, the
body will contain the infection and form a granuloma around it. Cases in which
the infection is controlled but not fully eliminated are referred to as latent TB.
Latent TB may become an active infection if the infected individual suffers from
an impaired immune system. In 5% to 10% of exposed individuals, the bacteria
cannot be contained and TB occurs soon after the initial exposure. The lungs are
affected in two thirds of TB cases and the middle and lower lungs are most
commonly involved. Pulmonary TB may be asymptomatic or the infected
individual may present with fever and pleuritic chest pain. In young children or
immunocompromised individuals, TB may progress rapidly. All HIV-positive
patients should be screened for TB (Heemskerk et al., 2015).
Symptoms may mimic the flu and therefore patients may not immediately seek
treatment. Diagnosis is commonly made based on finding evidence of AFB
testing on a sputum sample.
Symptoms include:
Night sweats
Weight loss
Loss of appetite
Sputum (purulent or bloody)
The nurse should suspect TB in the patient who presents with persistent cough
and unexplained weight loss. A heightened suspicion should be given to patients
who are infected with HIV, who are homeless, or who have emigrated from a
county of high incidence of TB. Abnormal findings on a chest x-ray may lead to
further testing. Follow the facility’s procedure for use of personal protective
equipment and establishing isolation. Anticipate placing the patient in a negative
pressure airflow room.
The nurse should expect to collect or facilitate the collection of two to three
samples gathered first thing in the morning on consecutive days (Raviglione,
There are four medications that are considered to be first-line agents for the
treatment of active TB: isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol.
Patients will receive a 2-month initial course of all four medications followed
by up to 4 months of rifampin and isoniazid. Up to 90% of patients will be cured
following 6 months of active treatment (Raviglione, 2015). The long course of
therapy and multiple medications required present a challenge for medication
adherence. The multidisciplinary team may engage the assistance of a TB
control program to help with medication management. Administration of
medications using directly observed therapy (DOT) improves adherence to the
medication regimen and is strongly recommended for individuals who require
treatment for TB in the community setting. Medications provided during DOT
are given directly to the patient by a health care provider or trained worker. The
patient is monitored during administration to ensure that medications have been
taken. Use of DOT is essential for patients with drug-resistant TB and those with
HIV infection. The effectiveness of treatment is monitored by repeating sputum
Patients with known latent TB infections may also receive treatment with
isoniazid. This treatment may last 9 months. Presence of HIV infection is the
strongest risk factor associated with conversion of a latent TB infection to an
active TB infection (Heemskerk et al., 2015).
There is only one vaccine available for prevention of TB. The bacillus
Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine has been administered around the world since
1921. The effectiveness of the vaccine varies from 0% to 80% and it has been
found to be most effective in preventing meningitis associated with TB
(Heemskerk et al., 2015).
The nurse should consider including the following problems and interventions
when creating the patient-specific plan of care (Garvey, 2014): ineffective
airway clearance, risk for impaired gas exchange, impaired nutrition, and
knowledge deficit.
Expected nursing outcomes are focused on maintaining and improving
oxygenation and nutrition while assuring adherence to prescribed therapies. The
nurse should perform ongoing assessments of the patient’s and significant
other(s)’ understanding of the medication regimen and actions necessary to
prevent the spread of infection. Those who will be in close contact with the
patient during the anticipated course of treatment must be able to verbalize an
understanding of the signs and symptoms of TB and must know when to seek
medical treatment.
The worldwide burden of TB remains significant. TB is a curable disease but
commitment to completion of the long course of treatment requires significant
personal effort, social support, and access to resources. Wide-scale elimination
efforts hinge on the identification of an effective vaccine. The nurse must
become familiar with the signs and symptoms of active TB infection to prevent
the spread of disease and protect vulnerable individuals. Nursing care of the
patient with active TB infection involves medication delivery, monitoring for
adverse effects, and frequent education of the patient and his or her support
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). TB data and statistics. Retrieved from
Garvey, C. (2014). Respiratory disorders. In S. M. Nettina (Ed.), Lippincott manual of nursing practice
(10th ed., 277–323). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Heemskerk, D., Caws, M., Marais, B., & Farrar, J. (2015). Tuberculosis in adults and children (1st ed., pp.
1–55). Springer International.
Raviglione, M. (2015). Tuberculosis. In D. Kasper, A. Fauci, S. Hauser, D. Longo, J. Jameson, & J.
Loscalzo (Eds.), Harrison’s principles of internal medicine (19th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Retrieved from http://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?bookid=1130&Sectionid=79737003
Rebecca Witten Grizzle
Valvular heart disease (VHD) encompasses health conditions affecting the four
heart valves: aortic, pulmonic, mitral, and tricuspid. Common disorders include
valvular stenosis and regurgitation; the aortic and mitral valves are most
commonly affected. In the United States, the prevalence of VHD is 2.5% in the
general population and 13% in persons over the age of 75 years (Iung &
Vahanian, 2014). VHD results in significant morbidity and mortality and burden
to the health care system (Moore, Chen, Mallow, & Rizzo, 2016). Therefore,
patient management and quality of life are important concerns to nurses,
especially those who care for special populations such as pediatric, athletic,
obstetric, perioperative, and geriatric patients.
The most common types of VHD among European populations are aortic
stenosis (43%) and mitral regurgitation (32%), followed by aortic regurgitation
(13%) and mitral stenosis (12%; Iung & Vahanian, 2014). In the United States,
mitral valve disease is more prevalent than aortic valve disease and rates of both
increase with age (Moore et al., 2016). The etiology of VHD is predominantly
degenerative in nature, although rheumatic heart disease still accounts for many
cases worldwide (Moore et al., 2016). The remaining causes are infective
endocarditis, congenital heart disease, inflammatory processes, mediastinal
radiation, or cardiotoxic drug exposure. Degeneration is the result of progressive
calcification of the valve cusps in a process similar to atherosclerosis, although
there are no known evidence-based strategies to slow its progression (Iung &
Vahanian, 2014). The risk factors for progression of aortic valve calcification
include age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia,
hypercalcemia, and smoking (Carità et al., 2016). Rates of aortic valve
calcification vary from person to person and may be influenced by genetic
factors that result in higher plasma lipoprotein(a) levels (Rahimtoola, 2014).
Approximately one third of VHD patients are symptomatic, reporting
significant chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, and syncope
(Moore et al., 2016). Medical management of symptomatic patients appears
largely ineffective, and the only definitive treatment is repair or replacement of
the affected valve. Thus, the risks and benefits of surgery must be considered
given the patient’s comorbidities, expected outcome, quality of life, and personal
wishes. There were approximately 133,000 heart valve surgeries in 2013 in the
United States partly due to the increasing incidence of transcatheter aortic valve
implantation (TAVI) procedures (Miller & Flynn, 2015). The health care
expenditure for all types of mitral and aortic valve diseases is estimated at $23.4
billion annually. Successful surgery decreases the patient’s symptom burden and
is seen as cost-effective compared to medical management in the long term
(Moore et al., 2016).
Individuals with VHD are at higher risk of thromboembolic events due to
changes in blood flow from valve pathology. However, the population also has
higher bleeding risks such as age, hypertension, medication usage, liver
dysfunction, alcohol use, and renal disease. Careful consideration must be given
to patient selection for anticoagulation management. For example, the annual
risk of thromboembolism among patients with mitral stenosis is 1% to 6% (Iung
& Vahanian, 2014). However, patients with mitral valve disease were
considerably undertreated with oral anticoagulants when compared to patients
with aortic valve disease, even though their risk for stroke is much higher
(Başaran et al., 2017).
Other comorbidities, such as atrial fibrillation, carry an elevated risk for
stroke, based on the risk stratification score. In patients with nonvalvular atrial
fibrillation, at least one third have significant valvular disease. Patients with
significant valvular disease are at greater risk of stroke and simultaneously have
higher risks for bleeding (Başaran et al., 2017). These caveats make patient
management challenging and complex.
Living with VHD significantly impacts an individual’s quality of life due to
physical, psychological, and social factors (dos Anjos, Rodrigues, Padilha,
Pedrose, & Gallani, 2016). Patients with VHD worry about exacerbations and
decompensating, thus affecting their health self-perception. Fatigue, dyspnea,
palpitations, chest pain, syncope, and edema affect their daily lives. Patients are
prescribed an average of four medications. Diuretic use can have a significant
impact on the individual’s physical, social, and emotional well-being due to the
drug’s effects on activities of daily living. A high percentage of these patients are
unemployed or on disability, and many have lower educational and income
levels (dos Anjos et al., 2016). In addition, symptomatic aortic valve disease
patients are more likely to have higher rates of depression and anxiety (Moore et
al., 2016).
Clinical Aspects
Special populations with different VHD management concerns include infants
and children, adolescent and young adult athletes, pregnant women, and older
adults. Nurses must continue to maintain physical assessment skills across the
life span, particularly in auscultating cardiovascular sounds and documenting
findings pertaining to rhythm, pitch, tone, timing, and radiation to carotid
arteries and thorax. Nurses must also be able to anticipate patients’ cardiac
complaints and pose appropriate assessment questions to elicit signs and
symptoms. In short, patients with VHD must be properly assessed in order to be
efficiently diagnosed, evaluated, and treated. Diagnostic tests, such as
electrocardiogram, chest radiography, and echocardiography, are used to
evaluate cardiac function to determine the extent of valve pathology. Cardiac
stress testing is discouraged in symptomatic VHD patients.
Symptomatic or undiagnosed heart murmur in surgical patients may present a
dilemma to the perioperative team. Given the high prevalence of untreated aortic
stenosis among older adults, the perioperative team may consider obtaining an
echocardiogram to evaluate cardiac function and valvular anatomy. A higher
degree of suspicion is supported by the presence of signs and symptoms of heart
failure, history of heart failure and worsening dyspnea, or dyspnea of unknown
origin (Fleisher et al., 2014). Research findings suggest that patients with severe
aortic stenosis can undergo noncardiac surgery if consideration is given to
enhanced anesthetic management. Careful monitoring with an arterial line to
monitor and prevent hypotension on induction and during anesthesia will help
prevent intraoperative events, by maintaining the pressure gradient to overcome
the stenotic aortic valve (Rahimtoola, 2014).
The American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology
updated management guidelines for patients with VHD, including
recommendations regarding dental prophylaxis, diagnostic imaging, surgical
intervention, prosthetic valve selection, and anticoagulation (Nishimura et al.,
2017). These recommendations highlight the need for a comprehensive team
approach for care of patients with VHD. Although nurses may not be central in
the medical decision making, they are essential in supporting, teaching, and
advocating for these patients. Nurses’ integral involvement on a dedicated heart
team provides clinical leadership for promoting excellent outcomes among VHD
patients (Lauck, McGladrey, Lawlor, & Webb, 2016).
Perioperative nursing interventions include monitoring for hemodynamic
instability, such as hypotension, bleeding, tamponade, and arrhythmias. Patients
are at risk for paravalvular leak, ventricular dysfunction, atrioventricular
conduction abnormalities, atrial fibrillation, and pulmonary hypertension. All are
conditions that can lead to decompensation. In general, patients undergoing
aortic and mitral procedures have higher risk than those undergoing pulmonic
and tricuspid procedures. Postoperative patients need frequent neurological
assessments to evaluate for stroke or transient ischemic attacks (Miller & Flynn,
2015). Anticoagulation therapy is often indicated, requiring careful lifelong
follow-up care.
Nurses play an important role in teaching and supporting patients in the
management of VHD. Patient education for this population focuses on smoking
cessation, health-promotion strategies, medication therapies, anticoagulation
monitoring, thromboembolic risk reduction, and endocarditis prophylaxis.
Nurses have a unique perspective in that they can promote lifestyle changes
while addressing diverse social, cultural, emotional, and financial concerns
(McLachlan, Sutton, Ding, & Kerr, 2015). By understanding the influence of
socioeconomic factors on the clinical management of VHD patients, nurses can
plan more effective interventions that are tailored to the individual patient’s
needs (dos Anjos et al., 2016).
VHD is a worldwide concern affecting newborns to older adults, although
prevalence increases with age. Patients should be evaluated thoroughly if they
exhibit signs and symptoms of VHD. Given the tremendous implications for
morbidity and quality of life, a team approach is needed to determine the best
plan of care. Often surgical valve repair or replacement is the only definitive
treatment in symptomatic severe VHD. Patients will require lifelong monitoring
and continuous support. Nurses play a key role in planning patient management
strategies that are tailored to the individual’s needs. Trends indicate more
catheter-based procedures will increase the demand for highly trained nurses
who can care for the growing population of VHD patients.
Başaran, Ö., Dogan, V., Beton, O., Tekinalp, M., Aykan, A. Ç., Kalaycioglu, E., . . . Biteker, M. (2017).
Impact of valvular heart disease on oral anticoagulant therapy in non-valvular atrial fibrillation: Results
from the RAMSES study. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 43(2), 157–165.
Carità, P., Coppola, G., Novo, G., Caccamo, G., Guglielmo, M., Balasus, F., . . . Corrado, E. (2016). Aortic
stenosis: Insights on pathogenesis and clinical implications. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, 13(6),
dos Anjos, D. B., Rodrigues, R. C., Padilha, K. M., Pedrosa, R. B., & Gallani, M. C. (2016). Influence of
sociodemographic and clinical characteristics at the impact of valvular heart disease. Revista Brasileira
De Enfermagem, 69(1), 33–39.
Fleisher, L. A., Fleischmann, K. E., Auerbach, A. D., Barnason, S. A., Beckman, J. A., Bozkurt, B., . . .
Wijeysundera, D. N. (2014). 2014 ACC/AHA guideline on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and
management of patients undergoing noncardiac surgery: Executive summary: A report of the American
College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation,
130(24), 2215–2245.
Iung, B., & Vahanian, A. (2014). Epidemiology of acquired valvular heart disease. Canadian Journal of
Cardiology, 30(9), 962–970.
Lauck, S. B., McGladrey, J., Lawlor, C., & Webb, J. G. (2016). Nursing leadership of the transcatheter
aortic valve implantation Heart Team: Supporting innovation, excellence, and sustainability. Healthcare
Management Forum, 29(3), 126–130.
McLachlan, A., Sutton, T., Ding, P., & Kerr, A. (2015). A nurse practitioner clinic: A novel approach to
supporting patients following heart valve surgery. Heart, Lung & Circulation, 24(11), 1126–1133.
Miller, S., & Flynn, B. C. (2015). Valvular heart disease and postoperative considerations. Seminars in
Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 19(2), 130–142.
Moore, M., Chen, J., Mallow, P. J., & Rizzo, J. A. (2016). The direct health-care burden of valvular heart
disease: Evidence from US national survey data. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, 8, 613–
Nishimura, R. A., Otto, C. M., Bonow, R. O., Carabello, B. A., Erwin, J. P., Fleisher, L. A., . . . Thompson,
A. (2017). 2017 AHA/ACC focused update of the 2014 AHA/ACC guideline for the management of
patients with valvular heart disease: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart
Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Journal of the American College of Cardiology,
70(2), 252–289.
Rahimtoola, S. H. (2014). The year in valvular heart disease. Journal of the American College of
Cardiology, 63(19), 1948–1958.
acute abdomen, signs and symptoms of, 33
acute lung injury (ALI), 14
acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), 151
acute myeloid leukemia (AML), 151
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 14
Addison’s disease, 1–4
common cause of, 1
darkening of skin in, 2
destruction of the adrenal glands, 2
glucocorticoid replacement therapy, 2
hydrocortisone therapy, 2
mineralocorticoid replacement with fludrocortisone therapy, 2
patient education about, 3
adenocarcinomas, 27, 88
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), 2
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-secreting pituitary tumors, 58–59
alkaline phosphatase (ALP), 194
alveolar resorption atelectasis, 15
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 5–8
association with lead and formaldehyde exposure, 5
bowel and bladder function in, 6
end-of-life care, 8
symptoms, 7
anemia in adults, 10–12, 117–119, 229
medical management and nursing care, 12
pernicious, 11
predisposing factors, 10–11
treatment of, 12
aquagenic pruritus, 220
arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), 40
arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD), 40
atelectasis, 14–17
airway obstruction in, 14
surfactant impairment, 15
atherosclerosis, 18–21, 54
atherosclerotic plaque, 19
pathogenesis of, 19
poststroke disability, 19
risk factors, 20
risk of developing cardiovascular disease, 18
treatment guidelines, 20
autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), 118
bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine, 263
benign prostatic enlargement (BPE), 22–23
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 22–26
adverse effect of chronic urinary retention, 23
cause of, 22
lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), 22, 23, 25
risk for developing, 22
symptoms, 22–23
biliary tract disease, 87–89
bladder cancer, 27–30
clinical and pathological stage, 28
risk factors, 27
bowel obstruction, 31–34
common cause of, 31–32
large (LBO), 32
signs and symptoms of acute abdomen, 33
brain tumors, 35–38
common nonmalignant, 35
primary malignant, 36
cardiomyopathies, 39–42
classification of, 39
diagnostic tests for, 41
prescribed medication regimen, 41
cholangiocarcinoma, 88, 155
chronic kidney disease (CKD), 43–47
causes of, 43
financial burden with, 43
peritoneal dialysis complications in, 45
chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), 152
chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), 152
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 48–50, 63
inflammation of lung and airways, 48
risk factors for development, 48
Clostridium difficile infection, 129
colorectal cancer, 51–53
early stage, 51
epidemiologic pattern of, 51
evaluation of, 52
genetic conditions and, 51
risk of, 51
compartment syndrome, 84
coronary artery disease (CAD), 54–57
cardioprotective medications, 56
imaging studies of, 56
laboratory tests, 55
modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors, 54
obstruction in blood flow associated with, 54
Cushing syndrome, 58–61
adrenal enzyme inhibitors for, 59
alterations in coagulation factors and, 60
laboratory test for, 58–59
surgical intervention, 59
deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 62–65
complications, 62
endothelial damage/dysfunction, 63
goals of therapy, 65
hypercoagulable causes of, 63
risk factors, 62–63
signs and symptoms for, 63
degenerative disc disease (DDD), 245
diabetes insipidus (DI), 66–67
complications of, 66
risk for developing, 66
types of, 66
diabetes mellitus (DM), 69–72
laboratory studies, 69
type 1 DM (T1DM), 69
type 2 DM (T2DM), 69
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), 70–71
dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), 39–40
disc herniation, 245–247
cervical, 246
lumbar, 246
diverticular disease, 73–77
clinical course of, 73
etiology of, 74
endocarditis, infective (IE), 78–80
familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), 51
Felty syndrome, 229
fractures, 82–85
categorizations and classifications of, 82–83
healing process, 84
pathophysiology of, 83
risk factors for, 83
traumatic and nontraumatic, 83
frontotemporal dementia (FTD), 6
functional bowel obstruction, 31
gallbladder disease, 87–89
malignant and benign tumors in, 87–88
risk factors associated with, 88
surgical intervention, 88
types of gallstones, 87
gastric cancer, 91–94
clinical manifestations, 92
common sites of, 91
dietary and lifestyle factors impact on, 91
types of, 91
gastritis, 96–98
signs and symptoms of, 96
types, 97
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 100–103
costs associated with, 100
signs and symptoms, 100–101
gastrointestinal stromal tumors, 91
glioblastoma (GBM), 35
gout, 104–106
genetic and environmental risk factors, 104
nonpharmacological pain management, 106
urate-lowering therapy, 106
urates and, 104
Graves' disease, 139
Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), 108–110
health-related quality of life, 93, 149
heart failure (HF), 111–115
laboratory tests, 113
pathophysiologic process of, 112–113
systolic or diastolic, 111–112
Helicobacter pylori infection, 91, 96, 198, 205
hemolytic anemia (HA), 117–119
hemolysis of red blood cell, 117–118
laboratory features of, 118
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), 121–124
central features of, 121
clinical signs of, 122
guidelines and evidence-based interventions, 123
risk for developing, 122
standard for anticoagulation and heparin therapy, 123
hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome (HNPCC), 51
hiatal hernia, 126–129
classification, 126
risk factors for developing, 127
symptoms, 126
Hirschsprung's disease (HD), 31
Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP), 92
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 130–133
psychosocial implications, 130
staging of, 130–131
types of, 130
hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome (HHS), 70, 71
hypertension (HTN), 134–137
signs and symptoms, 134
types of, 134
hypertensive crisis, 135
hyperthyroidism (HT), 139–142
in children, 140
common cause of, 139
subclinical, 139–140
thyroid hormone (TH) level, 139
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), 39
hypothyroidism, 143–146
infective endocarditis (IE), 78–80
approaches to treating, 79
epidemiology of, 78
major risk factor for, 78
nosocomial infections, 78
risk factors, 78
signs and symptoms, 78
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 88, 147–150
etiology of, 147
intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IMPN), 197
leukemia, 151–153
examinations and testing, 152
prognosis and treatment plan, 151
symptoms, 151
liver cancer, 155–158
risk factors for developing, 155, 156
signs and symptoms, 156
stage and type, 155
lung cancer, 159–161
causes of, 159
forms, 159
screening criteria, 160
symptomatic treatment and palliative care, 161
lymphoma, 91, 163–165
alterations in lymphocytes, 163
common sign of, 163, 164
genetic and environmental factors, 163
nurse/patient navigator, role in patient education, 165
patient's prognosis, 164
prevention of infection, 165
Meckel's diverticulum, 74
mucinous neoplasms (MCNs), 197
multiple sclerosis (MS), 167–170
adverse effects of, 168
etiology of, 167, 168
physical deterioration of patients in, 167
social, environmental, and biological factors, 167
muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC), 28
muscle-specific tyrosine kinase (MUSK), 172
myasthenia gravis (MG), 171–174
classification, 172
clinical forms, 172
medication adjustment and immunotherapy treatments, 171
nursing problems related to care, 173
symptoms, 172
myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), 220, 221
myocardial infarction (MI), 20
National Kidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP), 43–44
nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC), 28
non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), 159–160
obesity, 176–179
body mass index (BMI) in, 176
oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), 70
osteoarthritis (OA), 180–183
genetic, environmental, metabolic, and biochemical factors, 180
nonpharmacological intervention, 180, 182
risk factors, 180
symptoms, 181
osteomyelitis (OM), 184–186
antibiotic therapy with antibiotic-impregnated beads, 185
bacterial organisms causing, 184
classification, 185
etiology of, 185
pathophysiology and clinical presentation, 184
risk factors, 184
surgical management, 185
vertebral, 185
osteoporosis, 188–191
common sites for fractures, 188
fall prevention strategies, 191
modifiable risk factors, 189
nonmodifiable risk factors, 188
nutritional and lifestyle counseling, 190
process of bone remodeling, 189
types, 188
Paget's disease, 193–196
cause of, 193
common sites affected, 193
serum levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in, 194
signs and symptoms, 194
pancreatic cancer, 197–200
biological features, 197
chemotherapy and radiation therapy, 199
risk factors, 198
surgical resection, 199
symptoms, 198
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, 199
pancreatic endocrine tumors, 198
paraesophageal hernias (PEH), 126
Parkinson's disease (PD), 31, 201–204
definitive characteristic of, 201
genetic predisposition and environmental influences, 201
signs associated, 201
peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 205–208
complications of, 203
risk factors, 205
pericarditis, 209–212
acute, 209
classification of, 210
symptoms, 209
peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM), 40
peripheral artery disease (PAD), 18, 213–215
cause of, 213
clinical symptoms and signs, 213
risk factors, 213
peripheral vascular disease, 18
pernicious anemia (PA), 217–219
causes, 218
evidence-based nursing care, 218
symptoms associated, 218
Pneumocystis pneumonia, 130
polycystic kidney disease, 43
polycythemia vera (PV), 220–223
at risk for thrombosis, 220–221
symptoms, 221
primary sclerolsing cholangitis (PSC), 88
prostate cancer, 224–227
early stages of, 225
geographic factor as risk of developing, 224
manifestations, progressive course, and prognosis, 224
primary risk factors, 224
proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), 207
pseudobulbar palsy, 6
rectal cancer, 52
restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM), 40
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 228–230
complications of, 228–229
early signs and symptoms, 229
pain management, 229
right middle lobe (RML) syndrome, 15
Schistosoma haematobium infection, 27
sepsis, 232–235
of hospitalized adults, 233
increased susceptibility to, 233
manifestations of infection in, 233
seronegative myasthenia gravis (SNMG), 172
sickle cell disease (SCD), 237–239
complications from, 238
long-term effects of, 237–238
screening for, 237
Sjögren's syndrome, 229
sleep apnea (SA), 241–243
cause of, 241
clinical characteristics of obstructive SA and central SA, 242
common form of, 241
conditions for, 241
risk for occupational injury, 241
small bowel obstruction (SBO), 31
small cell lung cancer (SCLC), 160
spinal stenosis, 245–247
cervical, 245–246
lumbar, 245–246
squamous cell carcinoma, 27
symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease (SUDD), 73
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secretion, 249–252
malignancy-associated, 249–250
pathophysiology, 249
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 43, 253–256
cause of, 253
nursing care goals, 255
symptoms, 253
types of lupus, 253
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, 40
thrombocytopenia, 257–260
heparin-induced, 121–124
transitional cell carcinoma, 27
tuberculosis (TB), 261–263
tumor lysis syndrome (TLS), 164–165
valvular heart disease (VHD), 265–268
comorbidities with, 266
risk of thromboembolic events, 266
symptoms, 265–266
types, 265
venous thromboembolic event (VTE), 62
ventricular arrhythmias, 39
Virchow's triad, 62
Whipple procedure, 200
Study collections