The International School Bangalore NAFL Valley Whitefield - Sarjapur Road Near Dommasandra Circle Bangalore - 562125 Karnataka India +91 80 6723 5900 Creating b vs. V Curves for Asymmetrical Waveguide Design Introduction: Waveguide designs play a crucial role in various engineering applications, particularly in signal processing and optics. In this module, we will explore how to use Python to calculate and visualize b vs. V curves for an asymmetrical waveguide design. The key points associated with the waveguide design will be identified and plotted. Prerequisites: ● Basic understanding of Python programming. ● Familiarity with the Matplotlib library for plotting. Step 1: Import Libraries Import necessary Python libraries for scientific computing and visualization, including Matplotlib and NumPy. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as mcolors import numpy as np Step 2: Define Normalized Values Calculate normalized values for a waveguide, essential for subsequent plotting and analysis. # Calculate Normalized values V_norm = k * h * (nf**2 - ns**2)**(1/2) a_norm = (ns**2 - nc**2) / (nf**2 - ns**2) Step 3: Create b vs. V Curves Generate a series of b vs. V curves representing different modes and asymmetry levels in the waveguide design. fig, ax_ = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) ax_.axvline(x=V_norm, color='grey', linestyle='--') Step 4: Plot b vs. V Curves: Graphically represent the b vs. V curves, incorporating distinct colors and markers for various modes and highlighting the intersection point associated with the specified waveguide parameters. # Plot the b vs V curves for v in v_vals: mode_color = list(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.keys())[v] The International School Bangalore NAFL Valley Whitefield - Sarjapur Road Near Dommasandra Circle Bangalore - 562125 Karnataka India +91 80 6723 5900 for a in a_vals: mode_label = r'$\nu=${}'.format(v) if a == 0 else None V = (v * np.pi + np.arctan(np.sqrt(b / (1 - b))) + np.arctan(np.sqrt(b + a) / (1 - b))) / (np.sqrt(1 - b)) ax_b_vs_V.plot(V, b, color=mode_color, label=mode_label) if a == a_norm: intersection_label = 'intersection' if v == 4 else None b_index = np.argmin(np.abs(V - V_norm)) ax_b_vs_V.plot(V[b_index], b[b_index], zorder=10, color='black', ls='none', marker='o', label=intersection_label) Step 5: Plot Labels and Display the Plot Add axis labels, a legend, and display the finalized b vs. V plot, providing a comprehensive visualization of the waveguide characteristics. # Plot labels ax.set_xlabel(r'Normalized Frequency $V$') ax.set_ylabel(r'Normalized index $b$') ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.set_xlim(0, 15) ax.grid(ls='--') ax.legend(framealpha=1)