Uploaded by Harry Sharper

States of Matter: Simulation Worksheet

Learning Goal:
Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the states of matter through illustrations
and descriptions. These illustrations and descriptions should include:
⦁ How the molecules in a solid, liquid and gas compare to each other.
⦁ How temperature relates to the kinetic energy of molecules.
⦁ Open the internet browser and enter the address: ⦁ http://phet.colorado.edu
⦁ Click on “Play with Sims” and select “Chemistry” from the menu on the left.
⦁ Open the “States of Matter” Simulation and select “Run Now”
⦁ Predict what the molecules of a solid, liquid and gas look like. Illustrate your prediction with a
Solid: Very closely packed together in a cube formation
Liquid: Less formation than a solid molecule, however it will still be tightly knit
Gas: Loose molecules that will be moving freely
⦁ Complete the table below by exploring the “Solid, Liquid, Gas” tab in the simulation. Test your
predictions and record your observations by recording the temperature and illustrations of each
substance in the three states of matter
3. Sketch a graph of Kinetic Energy vs. Temperature. Use this graph to describe the relationship between
the two concepts.
Kinetic Energy
4. Write a summary paragraph, which includes drawings, to demonstrate you have mastered the
learning goal. Be sure to incorporate both concepts of the learning goal: How the molecules in a solid,
liquid and gas compare to each other. How temperature relates to the kinetic energy of molecules.
The molecules in a solid are tightly packed to one another generally in a
regular pattern. The bonds tightly compacted the atoms of molecules in a solid
state. While the molecules in a liquid are close to one another with no regular
arrangement. The effectiveness of bonds is a little bit loose. The molecules of
gas are well separated with no regular arrangement. In this, the molecules are
very loosely arranged with very weak bonds. The significant increase in
temperature leads to enhancement in the pressure as well. While the
reduction in temperature also affects the pressure inside a container
. Explain how a change in temperature affects the pressure inside a container.
According to the kinetic-molecular theory, the average kinetic energy of gas
molecules is directly proportional to temperature, this increase in kinetic
energy causes the gas molecules to strike the walls of the container with more
force and greater pressure, which increases if more gas is added to the
Explain this phase diagram by relating what you know about temperature, states of matter and pressure
In the diagram, the line between the triple point and the critical point that indicates the division
between liquid and gas does not continue but stops at the critical point. As the temperature and
pressure reach the critical point, the properties of the liquid and gas become increasingly identical. At a
critical point, the liquid and gas become difficult to tell apart. Above the critical point is the supercritical
fluid, in which the liquids and gas can coexist with one another.
8. Fill in the following table using the “Phase Changes” tab of the simulation
a. Starting with the initial situation, state the following for each
i. Temperature
ii. Pressure
iii. Movement of molecules
iv. Distance between molecules
b. Add heat until at least 8 molecules begin to freely move around. Fill in the second column.
c. Push down on the lid until it is slightly above the hose for the pump. Fill in the information in the third
. d. Do 10 complete pumps with the handle of the pump. Each pump will add 4 molecules of the
substance. Fill in the fourth column of the chart.
e. Repeat steps a – d for each of the other three gases. Remember to first click the Reset All button.
f. Choose one of the gases and remove the heat. Describe below the effect it has on the molecules. Gas
Initial Sample
Heat added to some
molecules moving
Temperature: -244°C
Pressure: 2.3 atm
Movement: Few
molecules moving
freely, others are
rubbing into each
Distance: Most are
near to each other
while others are
constantly moving
Lid Pushed Down
After 10 Pumps
Rapidly bumping
into the lid and
each other
Distance: All are
very close
together as there
isn’t much space
to move around
Temperature: -201°C
Pressure:149.8 atm
Movement: Still
continuously hitting
the lid and each
Distance: Very
crowded with
molecules, little to no
space between each
Temperature: -259°C
Pressure:0.0 atm
Movement: None
Distance: Tightly
Temperature: -230°C
Pressure:0.0 atm
Movement: Vibrating
in place
Distance: Close
Temperature: -186°C
Pressure: 1.4 atm
Movement: Few are
moving around the
container, others are
still bumping each
Distance: Most are
still close together;
others are spread out
Temperature: 150°C
Pressure: 20.8 atm
Moving around
the container
space quickly
Distance: close
Temperature: -89° C
Pressure: 82.0 atm
Constantly moving
whilst hitting the lid
or other molecules
Distance: No space
between each other
Temperature: -246°C
Pressure: 0.0 atm
Movement: Shaking
in place
Temperature: -189° C
Pressure: 1.6 atm
Movement: Some
molecules are moving
in the container,
Temperature: -96°
Pressure: 20.7 atm
Rapidly hitting one
Temperature: -94° C
Pressure: 33.7 atm
Movement: Moving
fast in the container
Distance: Extremely
close together
others are stuck
Distance: Most are
close together
another and
moving in any
space in the
Distance: Close to
each other
Distance: No space
between each other
Temperature: -127°C
Pressure: 0.0 atm
Distance: Still
packed, but more
spread than the
other molecules
Temperature: 103°C
Pressure: 2.0 atm
Movement: Spinning
around whilst moving
in the container
Distance: Most are
still packed together
Temperature: 546°
Pressure: 111.4
Movement: They
are still spinning
but have little
space to move, so
pressure is rapidly
Distance: There is
no space between
the molecules.
Temperature: 513° C
Pressure: 140.3 atm
Movement: They are
only bumping into
each other at this
Distance: No space
for the molecules to
1. State in words and formula the Ideal Gas Law.
The ideal gas law (PV=nRT where P is the absolute pressure of a gas, V is the volume that it takes up, N is
the number of atoms and molecules in the gas, R is the gas constant and T is the absolute temperature
of the gas.) states that for a certain amount of a gas, the pressure and volume is proportional to the
absolute temperature.
2. What state is the matter in when all molecules are just vibrating around?
A solid is the state of matter when all the molecules just vibrate in place, in a gas the molecules move
freely, and in a liquid the molecules also vibrate, but slide and move past each other.
3. Why do some molecules begin sticking together when you add in more molecules?
Some molecules begin sticking together when you add in more molecules because like attracts like and
opposites repel.
4. State the difference between heat and thermal energy.
Thermal energy is the total energy of all the particles in a substance, while heat is a form of
internal energy and the movement of thermal energy.
5. State the difference between heat and temperature
Heat is the amount of kinetic energy between molecules, while temperature describes the average
kinetic energy of molecules.