GROSS MOTOR DEVELOPMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reflex Head Chest Stomach Front to back Back to front Sit with me Sit alone Crawl Stand Walk with me Walk alone GROSS MOTOR DEVELOPMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 2 6 9 12 Cooing Ooh Aah Oo Aah Dada Mama Dada FINE MOTOR DEVELOPMENT 0 3 6 9 12 Close Close open Palmar grasp Pincer grasp Spoon and fork LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 2 6 9 12 FINE MOTOR DEVELOPMENT 0 3 6 9 12 FINE MOTOR DEVELOPMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Hearing Bright lights Hand regard Space for movement Rattle Rubber toys Transfer Different textures Cruising Peek a boo Walk with me Nursery rhymes FINE MOTOR DEVELOPMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DOSAGE Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Zinc Folic acid Phosphorus Calcium 800 70 10 80 15 400 800 1,200 STOOLS Stool Meconium Transitional Breastfed Formula fed Phototherapy Lactose intolerance Anal fissure Ingestion of maternal blood or intestinal bleeding Biliary obstruction Characteristics Dark green, sticky Green and loose Light yellow, sweet smell Bright yellow, with odor Bright green With mucus and watery Blocked flecked Black Tarry Gray (Acholic) Day 1–2 2–3 4 4 DOSAGE Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Zinc Folic acid Phosphorus Calcium STOOLS Stool Meconium Transitional Breastfed Formula fed Phototherapy Lactose intolerance Anal fissure Ingestion of maternal blood or intestinal bleeding Biliary obstruction Characteristics Day CARDIO ASD VSD PDA Increased Pulmonary blood flow Pressure from the left atrium goes to the right atrium Cause: open foramen ovale Closed at: 4 weeks Pressure from the left ventricle goes to the right ventricle Open Ductus arteriosus, which connects the pulmonary artery and aorta PS Closed at: 2 weeks Obstruction to the blood flow Narrowing of the pulmonary valve AS Stricture of the aortic valve and aorta CoA Constriction of the aorta Transposition of the great Arteries TAPVR Hypoplastic Left Heart Truncus Arteriosus KnTetralogy of Fallot Mixed defects Exchange placement of the pulmonary artery and Aorta – causes 2 circulations Pulmonary veins return to the right atrium Left heart is non-functional or underdeveloped One single artery for the Pulmonary artery and aorta Decreased Pulmonary blood flow Pulmonary Stenosis Ventricular septal defect Overriding of the aorta Right sided hypertrophy Spontaneous Suturing Patches Spontaneous Suturing Patches Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, thoracotomy and ligation Balloon Angioplasty Artificial Aortic Replacement Removal or Anastomosis Arterial switch Reimplanting procedure Heart transplant Grafting Knee chest position CARDIO INTRAUTERINE DEVELOPMENT 4 8 12 16 SixTeen 20 BENTE 24 Merry Christmas – Christmas gifts 28 (8 represents eyes, lungs and testes) 32 M 36 V 40 P Everything is in C shape Organogenisis Heartb8 Dakog tiyan Extremities Heartbeat on doppler Sex of the baby – outward inspection Heartbeat on Stethoscope Sex of the baby - ultrasound Brown fats chEEze – Vernix Caseosa Nilihok – Quickening Tae – meconium Can see blinding lights Can hear Can have immunity from mother Can see Lungs mature Testes descend Moro reflex Vertex position Painful kick INTRAUTERINE DEVELOPMENT 4 8 12 16 SixTeen 20 BENTE 24 Merry Christmas – Christmas gifts 28 (8 represents eyes, lungs and testes) 32 M 36 V 40 P