Uploaded by Lara Sardea

Attraction, Love, Attachment: Personal Reflection

Name: Lara Trisha Mae Q. Sardea
Year/Course/Section: BSA-OA-1C
1. Is the topic about attraction, love and attachment relevant to you? How are you going to
apply your experiences in understanding your sexual self?
-Basically Yes For me, and I experience that kind of attachment issues I easily attach to a person if
that person gives me a love and affection and that’s why i really hate myself to being easily attach. it
really hard for me to move on, but now i always to tell myself that don’t give much love and affection
to that person if that person did not give the way you do. And i learned about sexual self that don’t
take to much serious about love and always treasure ourselves and protect what we have as a
2. What relational dynamic do you think was modeled to you by your parents that affected
your relationship with men/women?
-Ever since when i a was a kid my mother and father really not to pay attention to me not giving me a
time or effort and also i was craving for a father’s love so i think that’s why that’s affecting my
relationship to men, i was a attention seeker so i need an attention of a person that i want.