Nursing Leadership: Organizing & Care Delivery Systems

1. Joey plans to revisit the organizational chart of the department. He plans to create a new position of a
Patient Educator who has a coordinating relationship with the head nurse in the unit. Which of the
following will likely depict this organizational relationship?
A. Box
B. Solid line
C. Broken line
D. Dotted line
2. He likewise stresses the need for all the employees to follow orders and instructions from him and not
from anyone else. Which of the following principles does he refer to?
A. Scalar chain
B. Discipline
C. Unity of command
D. Order
3. Joey orients his staff on the patterns of reporting relationship throughout the organization. Which of
the following principles refer to this?
A. Span of control
B. Hierarchy
C. Esprit d’ corps
D. Unity of direction
4. He emphasizes to the team that they need to put their efforts together towards the attainment of the
goals of the program. Which of the following principles refers to this?
A. Span of control
B. Unity of direction
C. Unity of command
D. Command responsibility
5. Joey stresses the importance of promoting ‘esprit d corps’ among the members of the unit. Which of
the following remarks of the staff indicates that they understand what he pointed out?
A. “Let’s work together in harmony; we need to be supportive of one another”
B. “In order that we achieve the same results; we must all follow the directives of Julius and not from other
C. “We will ensure that all the resources we need are available when needed.”
D. “We need to put our efforts together in order to raise the bar of excellence in the care we provide to all our
Week No: __7__ Duration:
1 week
Lesson No: __4_ No of Hours: _ 4_
Organizing, Nursing Care Delivery System
1. Analyze a given organizational chart
2. Describe how the structure of an organization facilities or impedes communication,
flexibility, and job satisfaction
3. Identify appropriate strategies the leader/manager may take to create a constructive
organizational culture.
1. Introduction
Organizing follows planning as the
second phase of the management
process. In the organizing phase,
relationships are defined, procedures
are outlined, equipment is readied and
tasks are assigned. It also involves
establishing a formal structure that
provides the best possible coordination
or use of resources to accomplish unit
Analyze how position on the organization chart is
related to centrality.
Identify line-and-staff relationships, span of
control, unity of command, and scalar chains on
the organizational chart.
Differentiate between first, middle, and top levels
of management.
2. Presentation of
Organizational theories
Types of Organizational Structure,
Hierarchy models
Organizational Chart
Organizing patient care
Job design
Job description
Health care Organizations
Organizational culture
Nursing Care Delivery Systems
What is organizing?
How will you differentiate formal
organizational structure from
informal organizational structure
What are the advantages and
limitations of organizational chart?
What are the different
methodologies of Nursing Care
1. It is the second step in management
process and includes both the formal
and informal structure of the
organization. It Is the process of
establishing formal authority, it involves
setting up the organization structure
through identification of groupings, roles
and relationship, determining the staff
needed developing and maintaining
staffing patterns and distributing them in
the various areas as needed
2. In the formal structure, relationship
are defined, procedures are outlined
equipment is readied, and tasks are
assigned. On the other hand, the
informal structure is unplanned and
convert, with informal authority and lines
of communication
3. The advantages of an organizational
- Shows clear reporting structure
- Helps new employees
- Helps to manage workload
- Makes planning easier
However, the disadvantages of an
organizational chart are:
- Not showing informal channels
- Maintenance headaches because of
outdated charts
4. The different methodologies of
Nursing Care Delivery are:
- Case Method: Total patient care is
given by an individual nurse to a specific
case or diagnosis of a client.
- Functional Method: Certain tasks are
assigned to a nurse to be performed to
- Team Nursing: Teams within a group
are formed and a nurse acts wither as a
team leader or member
- Primary Nursing: Direct planning of
patient’s care is formulated by a primary
care nurse to certain patients from the
moment of admission until discharge.
3. Assessment
Identify Leadership Role or Management
Function. Write LR for Leadership Role
and MF for Management Role.
1. LR
2. LR
1.___ Encourages upward
2.___ Uses committees to facilitate group
goals, not to delay decisions.
3. LR
4. LR
5. LR
3.___ Supports Personnel in advisory
staff position
4.___ Promotes participatory decision
making and shared governance to
empower subordinates.
6. MF
7. MF
8. LR
5. ___ Evaluates the organizational
structure frequently to determine if
management positions should be
eliminated to shorten the chain of
6.___ Clarifies unity of command when
there is confusion.
7. ___ Follows appropriate subordinate
complaints upward through chain of
8.___ facilitate constructive informal
group structure
9.___ Strives to create a constructive
organizational culture and positive
organizational climate
10.___ Uses the informal organization to
meet organizational goals.
9. MF
10. MF
4. Reflection
Journal sharing and critiquing on
staffing challenges, issues and
Journal: Charles Agyemang Prempeh,
Abudu Issah Ndaago, Mawuko
Setordzi, & Elorm Kwame Nyinaku.
(2021, September 29). Challenges to
Effective Nursing Leadership: a
Systematic Review. ResearchGate;
Nursing leadership faces several staffing
challenges, issues, and problems that
can impact the quality of patient care and
the overall functioning of healthcare
organizations. These challenges can
vary depending on the specific
healthcare setting, region, and other
factors. One of the most significant
challenges is the shortage of qualified
nurses. This shortage is often attributed
to factors such as an aging nursing
workforce, increased demand for
healthcare services due to an aging
population, and a limited supply of
nursing faculty to educate new nurses.
The demanding nature of nursing work
can lead to burnout, resulting in
decreased job satisfaction, increased
turnover, and compromised patient care.
Nurse burnout can be exacerbated by
factors such as long hours, emotional
stress, and a lack of support. Nursing
leadership may also struggle with
creating diverse and inclusive work
opportunities and addressing issues
related to discrimination and bias are
essential for promoting a diverse nursing
workforce. Keeping nursing staff up-todate
advancements and technologies is
essential. However, budget constraints
and time limitations can hinder ongoing
education and training efforts. Other
disagreements over the scope of
practice between nurses and other
healthcare professionals, which can
create tension and impact team
dynamics and the number of patients
and severity of their illness-knowledge
and ability of nursing personnel are
matched with the actual care needs of
patients. Addressing these staffing
challenges and issues in nursing
leadership requires a multifaceted
educational institutions, policymakers,
and nursing leaders. Strategies may
include improving recruitment efforts,
5. Generalization
6. Reinforcement/Deepen
Formulate thematic statements
from the problem or theories
characteristics and properties they
identified and can be formulated as
general concept)
In managerial level of nursing,
identify position belongs to Top
Level, Middle Level and First
Level with their corresponding
scope of responsibility.
investing in nurse education and training,
promoting work-life balance, and
advocating for policy changes to support
the nursing workforce
Effective Communication is Key and
The Power of Collaboration:
Communication skills are consistently
highlighted as vital for success. Clear
and effective communication, especially
in patient care, is crucial in conveying
ideas, building relationships, and
resolving conflicts. Learning
experiences often emphasize that
successful endeavors require effective
collaboration and teamwork in hospital
management. Whether in academia or
the workplace, synergy between
individuals with diverse skills and
perspectives leads to better outcomes.
In the managerial hierarchy of nursing,
there are typically three levels, where
each level has its own scope of
responsibility and plays a distinct role in
healthcare organizations.
Top Level Managers include:
1. Board of directors
2. Chief executive officers
3. Administrators
> These people are responsible for
overseeing the entire nursing
department within a healthcare
organization. Their scope of
responsibility includes:
• Setting the strategic direction for
nursing services and aligning
them with the organization's
mission and goals.
• Developing and implementing
nursing policies and procedures.
• Managing the budget and
financial aspects of the nursing
• Ensuring regulatory compliance
and quality standards in nursing
• Collaborating with other top-level
executives to make decisions
that impact the entire
Middle Level Manager include:
1. Nursing supervisors
2. Department heads
> They are responsible for specific units
or departments within a healthcare
facility. Their scope of responsibility
Managing the daily operations
of their nursing unit or
• Supervising and leading nursing
staff, including registered nurses
(RNs), licensed practical nurses
(LPNs), and certified nursing
assistants (CNAs).
• Developing and managing the
unit's budget and resources.
• Implementing and enforcing
nursing policies and protocols.
• Ensuring the delivery of highquality patient care.
• Handling staffing and scheduling
for their unit.
First Level Manager include:
1. Team Leader
2. Charge nurses
3. Primary care nurses
4. Case Manager
> They are typically responsible for a
shift or specific patient care area within
a nursing unit. Their scope of
responsibility includes:
• Directly supervising the nursing
staff on their shift or in their
assigned area.
• Assigning patient care duties
and responsibilities to nursing
• Monitoring patient care and
ensuring that nursing protocols
and standards are followed.
• Serving as a liaison between
staff nurses and higher-level
• Handling immediate issues or
concerns that arise during their
7. Summary
Formulate summary by
Organizing in nursing leadership and
management involves structuring and
highlighting Main Points of the
8. Moving Forward/
1. Which of the following guidelines
should be least considered in
coordinating the various elements within
a healthcare organization to achieve the
best possible patient care outcomes and
operational efficiency. It also involves
structuring and coordinating various
components within a healthcare
organization to achieve its goals
efficiently and effectively. The key
aspects of organizing in nursing
leadership and management: include:
- Establishing Clear
Organizational Structure to
define the hierarchy and
reporting relationships within the
nursing department and clearly
outline the roles and
responsibilities of nursing
leadership positions from toplevel management to middle and
first level nursing staff.
- Staffing and Workforce Planning:
Determine the appropriate
staffing levels and skill mix for
each nursing unit. Consider
patient acuity, workload, and
nurse-patient ratios to ensure
safe and effective care
- Communication Channels:
Establish effective
communication channels and
reporting mechanisms to ensure
that information flows smoothly
between nursing leadership,
management, and front-line staff
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
Foster collaboration between
nursing staff and other
healthcare professionals, such
as physicians, therapists, and
social workers. Ensure effective
communication and teamwork.
Effective organization in nursing
leadership is essential for providing safe
and high-quality patient care while
optimizing the use of resources and
fostering a positive work environment
for nursing staff.
formulating objectives for nursing
A. Written nursing care plan
B. Holistic approach
C. Prescribed standards
D. Staff preferences
2. Regardless of the size of a work
group, enough staff must be
available at all times to accomplish
certain purposes. Which of these
purposes is NOT included?
A. Meet the needs of patients
B. Provide a pair of hands to other units
as needed
C. Cover all time periods adequately.
D. Allow for growth and development of
nursing staff.
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. B
8. B
3. She takes pride in saying that the
hospital has a decentralized
structure. Which of the following is
NOT compatible with this type of
A. Flat organization
B. Participatory approach
C. Shared governance
D. Tall organization
4. She checks the documentary
requirements for the applicants for
staff nurse position. Which one is
NOT necessary?
A. Certificate of previous employment
B. Record of related learning
experience (RLE)
C. Membership to accredited
professional organization
D. Professional identification card
5. Which phase of the employment
process includes getting on the
payroll and completing documentary
A. Orientation
B. Induction
C. Selection
D. Recruitment
6. She decides to have a
decentralized staffing system. Which
of the following is an advantage of
system of staffing?
A. greater control of activities
B. Conserves time
C. Compatible with computerization
D. Promotes better interpersonal
7. Which pattern of nursing care
involves the care given by a group of
paraprofessional workers led by a
professional nurse who take care of
patients with the same disease
conditions and are located
geographically near each other?
A. Case method
B. Modular nursing
C. Nursing case management
D. Team nursing
8. She notes that there is an
increasing unrest of the staff due
to fatigue brought about by shortage
of staff. Which action is a priority?
A. Evaluate the overall result of the
B. Initiate a group interaction
C. Develop a plan and implement it
D. Identify external and internal forces
1. The Chief Nurse plans to revisit the organizational chart of the department. She plans to create a new
position of a Patient Educator who has a coordinating relationship with the head nurse in the unit. Which of
the following will likely depict this organizational relationship?
A. Box
B. Solid line
C. Broken line
D. Dotted line
2. The nurse supervisor stresses the need for all the employees to follow orders and instructions from him
and not from anyone else. Which of the following principles does he refer to?
A. Scalar chain
B. Discipline
C. Unity of command
D. Order
3. The head nurse orients his/ her staff on the patterns of reporting relationship throughout the organization.
Which of the following principles refer to this?
A. Span of control
B. Hierarchy
C. Esprit d’ corps
D. Unity of direction
4. the nurse manager emphasizes to the team that they need to put their efforts together towards the
attainment of the goals of the program. Which of the following principles refers to this?
A. Span of control
B. Unity of direction
C. Unity of command
D. Command responsibility
5. Which of the following remarks of the staff indicates that they understand importance of promoting ‘esprit
d corps’ among the members of the unit.
A. “Let’s work together in harmony; we need to be supportive of one another”
B. “In order that we achieve the same results; we must all follow the directives of Julius and not from other
C. “We will ensure that all the resources we need are available when needed.”
D. “We need to put our efforts together in order to raise the bar of excellence in the care we provide to all our