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Med Tech Procedures: PCR, Hemoglobin, Electrophoresis, Flow, IHC

1. Polymerase chain reaction testing
- It is a test that identifies the dna or rna sequence of a pathogen through collecting samples to identify
the presence of genetic mutations or infectious diseases. This can done through swabbing from the nose
or at the back of the throat to get saliva. An example would be the PCR test for COVID-19. It can be also
used for detecting other pathogens such as HIV or tuberculosis.
2. Hemoglobinopathy Screening (Hemoglobin Evaluation)
- A test that is used to assess whether there is a presence of abnormal forms of hemoglobin and for
diagnosis. It is usually a requirement for newborn babies with parents who are at high risk. Variants
include thalassemia and the sickle cell disease.
- Procedure that talks about the separation of molecules such as proteins, RNA, and DNA through the
use of gel and the charge of the on an electrical field. It can be seen used in forensic science and for
diagnosing protein disorders.
4.Flow cytometry
- A procedure that collects cell samples from the bone marrow and to be put into a process of antibody
sticking. When the sample is suspended in liquid, it will give off a specific color when hit with a laser
beam. This is used to help identify cancers.
5. Immunohistochemistry or IHC
- It is the usage of antibodies with an activating dye on a tissue sample to detect the presence of certain
antigens as well as cell mutations or tumors. It produces very specific test results to ensure accuracy in
diagnosis of certain cancers such as in breast cancer, lung cancer, and Prostate cancer.
De Pietro Crt, M. (2023, February 10). What to know about PCR tests.
Helmenstine, A. M., PhD. (2018). Electrophoresis Definition and Explanation. ThoughtCo.
Haemoglobin variants. (2023, June 20). https://labtestsonline.org.uk/tests/haemoglobinopathyevaluation
Heywood, A. L. (2023, April 3). What is immunohistochemistry staining? Healthline.