School-Community Relations Strategies Exam Question

Question 5
Mr. Sospeter has been appointed as a Principal of Maridadi Secondary School. The school-community
relations have deteriorated negatively over the years. Discuss the strategies Mr. Sospeter should apply to
improve the school -community relations. (20Mks)
Effectively functioning PTA
The formation of a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a major function of any public school. If
relationship between a community and it school should bloom and thrive then a well-functioning PTA is
One way of improving quality of education is for parents to provide the funds the schools badly need in
order to run effectively. PTA’s are major financiers of school expenditure and this is true even today.
Currently, government contributions to any one school can be as low as 15 percent or even less of the
total income of the school, while 26 the rest is contributed by parents. You know money is where many
parents get into logger heads or disagreements with the school.
The PTAs are thus formed for the welfare and education of the child and enhance relationships between
the community and the school. Parents and teachers study ways and means of bringing up well educated,
co-operative and perfectly behaved young citizens. Both parents and teachers seek effective ways of
developing each child's potential. They do this by means of healthy and frank dialogue.
PTA discuss important issues, such as discipline, student programmes and school development. Teachers
can benefit from this dialogue since the parents furnish them with relevant information concerning each
child's moral and physical development. This will, help teachers to decide how best to help the child.
Some Roles of the P.T.A.
In order to help the school realise its purpose, parents play the following roles:
 Parents are important fundraisers of funds to schools. They raise money to help with running and the
activities of the school.
 Secondly, they explain the role of the school to the community. This is how teachers and community
members come to a more harmonious relationship.
 Thirdly, they give their points of view to the teachers concerning academic improvements and moral
 Fourthly, they help head teachers, and their staff maintain effective discipline among the students.
Inclusive Decision Making
Participatory decision making from community groups during important school events will provide
community member with opportunities to contribute hopefully better decision-making with the diverse
perspectives resulting in better decisions and also aid in building social capital.
The community also participates in management of the school through their representatives in BOG.
Community Events in School
School communities are natural centers for activities in any community. The surrounding community
mostly view schools as inviting, safe places where people of all ages can come to access education, health
services, recreation, and culture. These community hubs promote the well-being of children, their
families, and the entire community. Integrating the school’s activities into those of the community within
which the school is located is therefore important.
Increased communication.
The school can ensure that there is communication and transparency start with those in leadership roles.
Communicating via social media or other online sources is one step towards school transparency. A school
can show how it’s open-minded, share sources of inspiration, provide a peek into daily activities and share
messages from teachers and administrators. This openness can help the school connect with parents and
community members and encourage public interest and excitement.
Board or committee minutes.
School boards are representatives of their community and therefore their work is important and makes a
difference. Such school boards may also have government representation and other organizations that are
stakeholders in education from the community. School boards have the position of secretary who must
maintain well-documented, organized and efficient school board meeting minutes. These minutes must
also be made easily accessible as it encourages a culture of transparency and trust within the community.
School board meeting minutes become official public record. In this meeting all financial expenditures for
the school must be presented and discussed with the board and the necessary vote passed to indicate
approved expenditures.