Economics 11, Microeconomic Theory Professor: Maurizio Mazzocco Office: 8377 Bunche Hall E-mail: Office Hour: Wednesday 4pm-5pm After each lecture 1 Class Web Site: • Text: • Walter Nicholson, Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions, 12th Edition. • The 11th and 10th editions are also fine. You can also buy older editions. In this case you are responsible for finding the material covered in class. 2 Course Requirements: • Students should attend lectures as well as a weekly discussion sections with a teaching assistant; • Weekly problem sets; • 2 midterms and 1 final. 3 Problem Sets: • Will be assigned approximately once per week and will be graded; • Late homework will not be accepted for any reason; • Each student's lowest homework grade will be dropped; • You will receive 50% of the points by simply turning in a complete solution of the problem set; • The remaining 50% is assigned by grading randomly one part of each problem set. 4 Discussion Sections: • The discussion sections start this week; • Discussion sections will usually focus on the problem set assigned the previous week; • They will go over additional exercises; • TAs will answer question about the material covered during the lectures that week. 5 Exams: • Two midterm exams will be given in class on October 29 and November 21; • These are the only times these exams will be offered, i.e. there are no makeup midterms; • A cumulative final (3-hour) exam will be given on Friday, December 13, 2019, from 3:00pm to 6:00pm. 6 Grading: Homework will count 10% of the final grade. For the remaining 90% two rules will be used: If the final exam score is below the scores on each of the two midterms, each exam will count 30%; For all other students the final exam will count 50% and the higher of the two midterms will count 40% (the lower midterm score is dropped). For any student missing one of the midterms for any reason, the latter calculation will be used with the one midterm taken counting 40%. 7 This grading scheme is designed: • To give students an opportunity to improve their grades if they do poorly on the first midterm; • To ensure that a consistent and fair policy is applied in the unusual case that a student must miss a midterm; • To avoid heavy weight on a single poor exam performance. 8 Is there a curve for the course? • Yes • But it depends on the performance of the class • If I believe that the class as a whole does well in problem sets, midterms, and final, I will use a generous curve 9 Economics 89, Honors Seminar Lecture: Thursday, from 5:30pm. Once every two weeks, starting October 3, 2019. Requirements: Read one paper every two weeks; Attend the lectures where we will discuss the papers; Prepare a one-page report discussing the material covered during the lectures. 10 Economics 89, Honors Seminar There are only 20 spots in the class Write one page explaining why you are interested in the course Send an email tomorrow morning after 8am to my gmail account I will look at the first 40 emails and choose the 20 students with the best explanation 11 Microeconomic Theory The Course: • This is the first rigorous course in microeconomic theory • One of the main goals is to teach analytical tools that will be useful in other economic and business courses 12 Microeconomic Theory Microeconomics: • The branch of economics dealing with behavior of individual decision makers such as consumers and firms. 13 Everyday Economics Wake up: • Stay in bed • Go to class Breakfast: • Cereals and Juice • Eggs, bacon and coffee Economics: • Maximizing behavior 14 Your trip to class You don’t have a car: • Bus • Cab You have a car. Have to stop for gas and prices are higher than last month: • I don’t care about prices: full tank • I’ll buy half of what I bought last week • I’ll take the bus Economics: • Income effect • Price elasticity 15 On campus In class: • Doze off • Listen to the lecture After class: • Economics 11 • History Economics: • Maximizing behavior • Marginal rate of substitution • Price/cost is not only the money you have to pay 16 17 Chapter 2 THE MATHEMATICS OF OPTIMIZATION 18 The Mathematics of Optimization • Why do we need to know the mathematics of optimization? • Consumers attempt to maximize their welfare/utility when making decisions. • Firms attempt to maximizing their profit when choosing inputs and outputs. 19 Maximization of a Function of One Variable • The manager of a firm wishes to maximize profits: f (q) Maximum profits * occur at q* * = f(q) q* Quantity 20 Maximization of a Function of One Variable • If the manager produces less than q*, profits can be increased by increasing q: – A change from q1 to q* leads to a rise in 1 * 0 q q q1 * * = f(q) 1 q1 q* Quantity 21 Maximization of a Function of One Variable • If output is increased beyond q*, profit will decline – an increase from q* to q3 leads to a drop in 3 0 * q q3 q * * = f(q) 3 q* q3 Quantity 22 Derivatives • The derivative of = f(q) is the limit of /q for very small changes in q d df f ( q h) f ( q ) f ' (q) lim h 0 dq dq h • The value of this ratio depends on the value of q 23 Value of a Derivative at a Point • The evaluation of the derivative at the point q = q1 can be denoted d dq q q 1 • In our previous example, d 0 dq q q 1 d 0 dq q q 3 24 Second-Order Derivatives • The derivative of a derivative is called a second-order derivative d (df / dq ) d 2 f '' 2 f dq dq 25 First Order Condition • For a function of one variable to attain its maximum value at some point, the derivative at that point must be zero df 0 dq q q * 26 Second Order Conditions • The first order condition (d/dq) is a necessary condition for a maximum, but it is not a sufficient condition If the profit function was u-shaped, the first order condition would result in q* being chosen and would be minimized * q* Quantity 27 Second Order Condition • The second order condition to represent a maximum is d dq 2 2 f " ( q ) q q* 0 q q* • The second order condition to represent a minimum is d 2 f " ( q ) q q* 0 2 dq q q* 28 Second Order Conditions f " (q ) q q* 0 the function is concave • If Quantity 29 Second Order Conditions f " (q ) q q* 0 the function is convex • If Quantity 30 Functions of Several Variables • Most goals of individuals depend on several variables • In this case we need to find the maximum and minimum of a function of several variables: u f ( x1 , x2 ,..., xn ) 31 Partial Derivatives • The partial derivative of the function f with respect to x1 measures how f changes if we change x1 by a small amount and we keep all the other variables constant. • Treat all the other variables x2,…,xn as constants and then use the previous definition of a derivative. 32 Partial Derivatives • A more formal definition of the partial derivative is f f ( x1 h, x 2 ,..., x n ) f ( x1 , x 2 ,..., x n ) lim x1 h0 h • The partial derivative of u=f (x1,x2,…,xn ) with respect to x1 is denoted by u f or or f x1 or f1 x1 x1 33 Second-Order Partial Derivatives • The partial derivative of a partial derivative is called a second-order partial derivative (f / xi ) 2 f f ij x j xi x j 34 Young’s Theorem • Under general conditions, the order in which the second order partial derivative is computed does not matter fij f ji 35 Total Differential • Consider our utility u = f(x1,x2,…,xn) • We want to know by how much f changes if we change all the variables by a small amount (dx1,dx2,…,dxn ) • The total differential measures this total effect: f f f du df dx1 dx2 ... dxn x1 x2 xn du df f1dx1 f 2 dx2 ... f n dxn 36 First-Order Conditions • A necessary condition for a maximum (or minimum) of the function f(x1,x2,…,xn) is that du = 0 for any combination of small changes in the x’s (dx1,dx2,…,dxn ) • The only way for this to be true is if f1 f2 ... fn 0 37 First-Order Conditions • To find a maximum (or minimum) we have to find the first order conditions: f/x1 = f1 = 0 f/x2 = f2 = 0 . . . f/xn = fn = 0 38 Second Order Conditions Functions of Two Variables • The second order conditions for a maximum are: • f11 < 0 • f22 < 0 • f11 f22 - f122 > 0 • The second order conditions for a minimum are: • f11 > 0 • f22 > 0 • f11 f22 - f122 > 0 39 Constrained Maximization • Suppose that we wish to find the values of x1, x2,…, xn that maximize u = f(x1, x2,…, xn) subject to a constraint that permits only certain values of the x’s to be used g(x1, x2,…, xn) = 0 In our case: I-(p1x1+p2x2+p3x3…+pnxn)= 0 40 Lagrangian Multiplier Method • First, set up the following expression: L = f(x1, x2,…, xn ) + g(x1, x2,…, xn) • where is an additional variable called a Lagrangian multiplier • L is often called the Lagrangian • Then apply the method used in the absence of the constraint to L 41 Lagrangian Multiplier Method • Find the first-order conditions of the new objective function L: L/x1 = f1 + g1 = 0 L/x2 = f2 + g2 = 0 . . . L/xn = fn + gn = 0 L/ = g(x1, x2,…, xn) = 0 42 Lagrangian Multiplier Method • The first-order conditions can generally be solved for x1, x2,…, xn and . • The solution will have three properties: – the x’s will satisfy the constraint: g(x1, x2,…, xn) = 0; – these x’s will make the value of L as large as possible (as small as possible); – since the constraint holds, L = f and f is also as large as possible (as small as possible). 43 Lagrangian Multiplier Method • The Lagrangian multiplier () has an economic interpretation • measures by how much we can increase the objective function f if the constraint is relaxed slightly • In our case, represents the increase in utility/happiness if we increase income by a small amount. 44 Lagrangian Multiplier Method • A high value of indicates that the utility could be increased substantially by relaxing the constraint (poor people) • A low value of indicates that there is not much to be gained by relaxing the constraint (rich people) • =0 implies that the constraint is not binding 45 Implicit Function Theorem • Usually we describe a function as: y = f(x) • Sometimes we do not have this explicit formulation for the function f • All we have is an equation that describes how x and y are related: g(y,x)=0 46 Implicit Function Theorem • Consider the implicit function: g(y,x)=0 • The total differential is: dg=0 gydy + gxdx=0 • If we solve for dy and divide by dx, we get the implicit derivate: dy/dx=-gx/gy • Providing gy≠0 47 Implicit Function Theorem • The implicit function theorem establishes the conditions under which we can compute the implicit derivative of a function. • In our course we will always assume that these conditions are satisfied. 48 The Envelope Theorem • The Envelope Theorem gives us a formula to compute the derivative of U with respect to a parameter in the maximization problem , at the optimum 49 The Envelope Theorem U ln c1 (1 ) ln c 2 f ( c1 , c 2 , ) • Consider the utility function at the optimum: U f ( c1 ( ), c 2 ( ), ) f dc 1 f dc 2 f dU d d d c1 d c2 d dU f dc 1 f dc 2 f d c1 d c 2 d 50 The Envelope Theorem • The Envelope Theorem tells us that, at the optimum, the derivative of U with respect to : • We only have to consider the direct effect of utility on the • We do not have to consider the indirect effect that has on the utility through the optimal choice of consumption 51 Homogeneous Functions • A function f(x1,x2,…xn) is said to be homogeneous of degree k if f(tx1,tx2,…,txn) = tk f(x1,x2,…xn) – when a function is homogeneous of degree one, a doubling of all of its arguments doubles the value of the function itself – when a function is homogeneous of degree zero, a doubling of all of its arguments leaves the value of the function unchanged 52 Homogeneous Functions • If a function is homogeneous of degree k, the partial derivatives of the function will be homogeneous of degree k-1 53 Euler’s Theorem • Euler’s theorem establishes that, for homogeneous functions, there is a special relationship between the values of the function and the values of its partial derivatives. • If a function f(x1,…,xn) is homogeneous of degree k we have: kf(x1,…,xn) = x1f1(x1,…,xn) + … + xnfn(x1,…,xn) 54 Euler’s Theorem • If the function is homogeneous of degree 0: 0 = x1f1(x1,…,xn) + … + xnfn(x1,…,xn) • If the function is homogeneous of degree 1: f(x1,…,xn) = x1f1(x1,…,xn) + … + xnfn(x1,…,xn) 55