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Workout Plan: Nutrition, Training, and Supplements

Rep Ranges………………………………….10
Training To Failure…………………………10
Rest Times……………………………………13
Training Aids…………………………………….14
THE PROGRAM……………………………..…16
Final Word………………………………………24
So I’ve been working out for around 4 years
now, and I’ve learned a lot along the way.
In this plan, I’m going to not just give you my
workout split, but also everything that I’ve
learned along the way.
If you take on-board the tips that I give you,
and really put the effort in… I guarantee that
you’ll grow.
Remember this isn’t something that’s going to
happen over-night, and the more effort that
you’re willing to put in, the more that you’ll
get out.
Remember to send me your transformations
on Instagram, @Kaisheps, and if you need
any help with anything, just give me a
If you want to support me, remember code
KAI on Myprotein, and use my link in bio, or
the ones in this ebook to get stuff ❤
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Now I’m not a registered dietician, so I can’t
tell you what to do. What I can do however,
is tell you exactly what I do personally.
Protein I make sure to have 1 gram of protein per
pound of bodyweight every single day.
Don’t fuss too much about the timing of
A lot of people say to make sure that you
have a protein shake within half an hour of
nishing your training, however this isn’t
necessary… unless you train fasted, which I
think is dumb anyway :)
Take note: 1G Protein/lb Bodyweight
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These are going to be the primary source of
energy in your training session, so whether
you’re bulking or cutting, don’t view carbs as
the enemy.
I try to have a pre-workout meal around
1-1.5 hours before I train, in order to be fully
fuelled. This will consist of a protein source &
around 1.2g of carbohydrates/kilogram of
I then also have a banana 30 minutes before
training, as glucose and fructose provide
energy through different pathways.
Take note: 1.2G Carbs/kg Bodyweight
+ a Banana
Fats are absolutely crucial to our bodies, so
don’t stop eating fats, even if you’re cutting.
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They do however slow down the digestion of
other foods, and can cause stomach upset if
eaten before a workout… like imagine eating
a chocolate bar and a pork pie before,
you’re going to feel like ass.
I personally try to limit fats in my pre-workout
meal for this reason
Take note: 1.2G Carbs/kg Bodyweight
+ a Banana
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The amount of pointless supplements out
there is mental, in my opinion there’s only a
few that you truly should consider.
Yes you’ve probably heard about it before,
it’s the most researched supplement on the
market, your nan probably even takes it.
It’s not going to turn you into Ronnie
Coleman, but it de nitely helps.
Creatine works by helping your muscles to
produce energy (speci cally ATP, which can
be thought of as your body’s energy
currency). It’s cheap, and is worth a try.
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Pre-Workout simply gives you that extra
edge, and in my opinion can make the
difference between a good session and a
crazy session.
If you like the itches that pre-workout can
give you, then get one with beta-alanine in…
and if you don’t, get one with none, or not
much of it.
Caffeine is the main driver of performance in
a pre-workout. There are pre workouts
without caffeine for those late night sessions.
If you’re looking for a pump, L-citrulline is the
main ingredient you’re looking out for.
No Itches
High Caffeine
Just Pump
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Protein Powder
As you know, you need protein to build
muscle… but protein powder isn’t a must.
If you are able to get all of your daily
protein intake from food, then you don’t
need protein powder.
It can however be really dif cult to do that,
so protein powder is a good supplement to
help you reach your daily protein goal, and
maximise muscle growth.
There are lots of different types of protein
powder out there, but they all do the same
thing, so it’s just down to what you enjoy.
Here’s my favourite below, and if you get it
with the button & code KAI, it directly
supports me.
Clear Whey
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Rep Ranges
People often say that muscle is built in higher
rep ranges and strength is built in lower rep
ranges… but the truth is that they are all
Having more muscle will result in higher
strength, and being stronger in a higher rep
range will result in being able to build more
For this reason, I believe it is the best
approach to use a variety of rep ranges,
with the important thing being that you train
to failure!
Training To Failure
Yes you can build muscle a few reps away
from failure… however I believe that it is
extremely important to train to failure.
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You could even take every single set to
failure, however this can be too much for
some people, and negatively impact on
I do go to complete failure on a lot of my
sets, but as a rule of thumb, I usually always
go to failure on my rst working set on each
exercise, as this is when you are the most
fresh, and can perform the best.
On other sets, it can be a good idea to leave
1-2 reps left in the tank.
If you thought you had no reps left and
someone said:
“do another rep once or I’ll slice your p#%!s off”
You’d de nitely be able to do another one…
That… is true failure
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You could even take every single set to
failure, however this can be too much for
some people, and negatively impact on
I do go to complete failure on a lot of my
sets, but as a rule of thumb, I usually always
go to failure on my rst working set on each
exercise, as this is when you are the most
fresh, and can perform the best.
On other sets, it can be a good idea to leave
1-2 reps left in the tank.
I often see people purposely slowing down
the concentric part of the movement,
however I really think this is stupid. You want
to make the concentric part of the movement
as all you are doing is minimising force
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Where you should be slowing down is on the
eccentric part of a movement.
You are stronger on the eccentric (you could
control a LOT more weight coming down on
the bench press than you could actually push
up for instance).
Therefore it makes sense to make the
eccentric slow and controlled, anywhere
from 1-3 seconds makes sense in my opinion.
POWER On The Concentric
Slow & Controlled Eccentric
Rest Time
Don’t purposely take short rests, you need
time to recover in between sets.
I recommend 1-2 minutes for isolation
movements and 3-5 minutes for compounds
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Training Aids
Wrist Wraps
I’ve actually only started to recently use
these… but they make such a difference.
They put your wrists in a much more stable
position, and in my experience, prevent wrist
They’re mainly for pressing movements,
however I nd them also useful when
There are two main types of straps… the
standard ones, or gure 8s.
I personally prefer gure 8 straps as there’s
no fuss trying to get them on, and you can
also reduce your range of motion on a
deadlift slightly… so more weight 😼
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Figure 8s
Now this is something that I truly thing is
borderline essential.
A belt allows you to more effectively brace
your core, keeping you in a safe and stable
position when moving the weight.
For movements such as squats and deadlifts,
this is absolutely vital. A good quality lifting
belt will last you years.
Here are two differently priced options:
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Finally the plan itself! There is my program,
and then the skeleton program.
If there are any exercises you don’t have
access to, just replace it for something
working the same muscles, I.e, a hack squat
for a barbell squat.
Remember to give this your absolute all, and
fully fkn send it and get WHAM.
Use weights that keep you in the rep range
with 0-2 reps left in the tank, and try to
increase these as weeks go on.
Use a weight that is likely to keep you in the
rep range, but remember that going to
failure is more important… so if you can do
more reps, then do it, and increase the
weight next time.
You can print these pages off to track your
workouts over the course of a few weeks.
Send your transformations to me bois :)
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Rep Range/Set
Bench Press
3-5 / 6-8 / 6-8 / 8-12
Incline Dumbell Press
5-8 / 8-12 / 8-12
Dumbell Lateral Raises
6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12 / 10-15
Seated Cuffed Cable
Clavicular Fly
6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12
Tricep Cable Rope
8-12 / 8-12
Overhead Cable Tricep
6-10 / 6-10 / 10-12
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Rep Range/Set
3-5 / 3-5 / 4-6 / 5-8
Pull Ups
6-10 / 6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12
(Weighted if you can)
Chest Supported Row
6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12
Seated Cable Lat Focused 8-12 / 8-12 / 10-15
Dumbell Hammer Curl
6-8 / 8-12 / 8-12
Cable Dumbell Curl
6-10 / 6-10 / 10-12 / 10-12
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Rep Range/Set
Barbell Squat
3-5 / 6-8 / 6-8 / 8-12
5-8 / 8-12 / 8-12
Leg Press
6-8 / 8-12
Seated Hamstring Curl
8-12 / 8-12 / 6-10
Quad Extension
8-12 / 8-12
Standing Calf Raises
6-10 / 6-10 / 10-12 / 10-12
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Rep Range/Set
Dumbell Incline Press
6-10 / 6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12
(15-30 Degree)
Bent Over Barbell Row
6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12 / 8-12
Machine Chest Press
6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12
(Hammer Strength Press is
Narrow Neutral Grip Lat
6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12
Cuffed Clavicular Seated
Cable Flye
8-12 / 8-12 / 8-12
Seated Machine Row
6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12
(Upper back focused)
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Rep Range/Set
Seated Dumbell Shoulder
6-8 / 8-10 / 8-12 / 8-10
Cuffed Seated Cruci x
6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12 / 10-15 /
Overhead Tricep Cable
6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12
(Single Arm)
Cable Bicep Curl
6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12 / 8-12
Tricep Rope Extension
6-10 / 6-10 /8-12
Behind Back Single Arm
Cable Curl
8-12 / 8-12
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Rep Range/Set
Hack Squat
6-10 / 6-10 / 8-12
Leg Press
6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12
Lying Hamstring Curl
6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12
Quad Extension
6-10 / 8-12 / 8-12
Seated Hamstring Curl
8-12 / 8-12 / 8-12
Seated Calf Raises
6-10 / 6-10 / 10-12
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Concentric The part of the movement where your
muscles are shortening, I.e as you pull the
weight up on a deadlift. (Your muscles
Eccentric The part of the movement where your
muscles are lengthening, i.e as you put the
weight back down on a deadlift, or let the
weight down on the bench press.
Isolation Movements where there is primarily just one
muscle involved, such as bicep curls, or chest
Compound Where there are multiple working muscles in
the movement.
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Final Word
Thank you so much for buying the program, I
honestly can’t tell you how much it helps me
Support like this is what allows me to do this
as a job, so can’t thank you all enough.
Remember to use my link and code KAI
when you get stuff off of MyProtein :)
If you need any help with anything just give
me a message!