- Density (ρ)= Pressure mass (m) volume (v) Bubble rising up at constant temperature Normal force or thrust exerted by liquid at rest per unit area m ρ v P= - unit= kg/m - density of water=1000 kg / m3=1g/cc ρgh = patm [n3-1] 3 - for same mass ρ1v1=ρ2v2 Pressure depth relation P= h ρ g Patm R= n r h1 h1d1 = h2d2 h2 h1 h1d1 = h2d2 + h3d3 L1 d1 L2 d2 Conditions for equal forces on wall and bottom in a cylinder Hydrostatic paradox if ρ1>ρ2 v1<v2 Patm radius ‘r‛ becomes ‘R‛ when bubble rises in liquid from bottom to the surface F A 4) 1) U-Tube manometer Whatever the shape or width the pressure at any particular depth is same h2 h3 L3 d3 2) U-Tube type PHYSICS WALLAH 5) h1d1 = h2 d2 Mixing of liquid A B C f2 D PA=PB=PC=PD Calculation of resultant/final density 1) Volumes are equal d= - Gauge pressure = P-Patm = hρg 2) Masses are equal 2d1d2 3d1d2d3 Inclined barometer d1d2+d2d3+d1d3 Total volume m1+m2 = v +v 1 2 m =ρ1v1 & m =ρ2v2 2 1 v1 = m1 ρ1 & v2 = ρ 2 1) Relative density of a body ds wa = (R.D)s= dω wa-ww 2) Relative density of liquid dL (R.D)L= dω wa - w L = wa - w w 3) Relative density of a solid to that of liquid (R.D)L = wa wa-wL if θ=angle with horizontal Sinθ = m2 Relative density (R.D)/Specific gravity (R.D)S h2 L1 d2 h2 h1 Ll = sp. gravity = (R.D) = L2 Ll = h Ll (hl) h (R.D) = dL dw h sinθ L h Cosθ L1 h1,d1 = h3 hL hw L3 d3 hL 6) L2 h θ Ll ρm h2,d2 L2 Special case: U - tube rotating h h2 L tan L h2 d2 d3 h3 h = h1 - h2 h1 h1d1 + h3d3 = h2d2 L3 h Px=Po+ hρmg hρmg = Px- Po L1 d1 h1 L3. h FLUID MECHANICS 01 https://t.me/neetwallahpw h1d1 = h2d2 + h3d3 hw U - tube accelerating l h2 L2 d2 h1d1 = h2d2 Px Ll h h1 = h2 + h3 L1 d1 If one of the liquid H2O, then, F1=F2 Patm θ if θ=angle with vertical Cosθ = h1 Note: Manometer d1 + d2 Total mass d2 h1 L=R = 3) The third liquid is in level with other - Patm= 1.01325 x 105 Pa 3) Masses and volumes are different d= d1 R 2 For 3- liquid⟹ d= f1 If d1 + d2 For 2- liquid⟹ d= d1 L = w a h = g = h L = w2l2 2g a g l h2 h1 x1 PHYSICS WALLAH W x2 h1 = w2x12 2g h2 = w2x22 2g h = h2 - h1 = w2 (x22 - x12) 2g Archimedes principle If gravity effect is neglected, the pressure at every point of liquid in static equilibrium is same Unit of Coefficient of viscosity upthrust=weight of the liquid displaced= Vρ g Apparent weight=Actual weight-upthrust 1) The CGS Unit of η is dyne s cm-2 and is called poise. 2) The SI unit of η is Nsm-2 or decapoise or poiseuille Wapp=Wair-U Fc FB.Cos θ Ab Ac FB =Wair [1- _ ρ θ 1 poiseuille = 10 poise net force acting upward=V+ ρL+ g ) ) θ [ A PHYSICS WALLAH Pascals Law Poiseuille‛s formula πPr4 Q= _ 8 ηl PHYSICS WALLAH FB.Sin θ Law of floatation W AA B FA C W Stoke’s law F=6 ηπrv W Fnet=Apparent weight-viscous force U U Application U Hydraulic Lift (A) W>U F A = F a If the cylinders are connected F1 R12 F1 R1 2 F1 D12 F1 D1 = = = F2 R22 F2 R2 2 F2 D22 F2 D2 FLUID MECHANICS 02 F >> f f a A ρb= ρL ρb > ρL As A>> a therefore F (B) W=U https://t.me/neetwallahpw Terminal velocity (C) W=U 2 r2 (ρ- ) g Vt= _ 9η 1) If ρ > ,the body will attain terminal velocity in the downward direction. ρb < ρL 2) If ρ < the terminal velocity will be negative and the body will move in the upward direction. ρ 3) = ,the body remain suspended in the fluid. W ⇒ Weight U ⇒ Upthrust Critical velocity Fractional submerged volume Displaced volume(Vd) _ _ = ρ (submerged fraction) Total volume(V) Ve Significances of Reynold number. Exposed volume(Vl) _ = 1- _ (Exposed fraction) ρ Total volume(V) If Re lies between 0 and 2000 the folow is stream lined or laminar. Vd ρb wa weight of solid in air _ _ Relative density of a solid= _ = w -w = ρW a w Loss of weight in water -wL _ ρL Loss of weight in liquid w _ a Relative density of a liquid= _ = w -w = ρW a w Loss of weight in water Reynold number ρvD Re = _ η If Re>3000,the liquid in turbulent. σ If Re lies between 2000 & 3000 the flow of liquid is unstable.It may change from laminar to turbulent and vice versa. P Velocity gradient dv Velocity gradient= _ dx F d dv _ >F=- ηA _ A dv = dx x _ F/A F/A _ F = F/A η= _ >coefficent of viscosity = > η= _ dv/dx= v/l =d Adv/dx (x/l) dt shearing stress = >η= _ strain rate Equation of continuity V1A1 Δ t ρ1= V2A2 Δ t ρ2 v2 A2 v 2dt since the liquid is incompressable ρ1= ρ2 V1A1=V2A2 Av=constant. dv =Q= Av= >Volume rate of flow dt B A A2 v1dt v1 Energy of fluid in a study flow SURFACE TENSION VENTURIMETER Device to measure the flow of speed of incompressible fluid Surface tension T = BERNOULLI’S PRINCIPLE 1 kinetic Energy = mv2 2 v1 = P₁V₁ - P₂V₂ = 1 m (v₂²-v₁²) +mg (h₂-h₁) 2 kinetic energy per unit mass = 1 v2 2 2hg (A12/A22) -1 Unit in SI system = 1 P + 2 Potential energy per unit mass = gh Potential energy per unit volume = ρgh ρv + ρgh = constant P v ρg + 2g + h = constant 2 Pressure energy = PV P = pressure head ρg Pressure energy per unit mass = ρP v2 2g = velocity head Pressure energy per unit volume = P h = Gravitational head D Soap film T Pi - Po = Then Pi - Po = P h v= 2gh H B C Pa T p T x p<p1 Pressure on concave side> pressure on convex side But F = 2TL 2T R Pconcave - Pconvex = FLUID 03 MECHANICS 4T R p>p1 p=p1 Pinside - Poutside = 2T R Pinside - Poutside = 4T R One surface [ Liquid drop or air bubble ] [ Soup bubble ] Two surfaces Capillarity Meniscus < 90 Meniscus o h<0 Water ) R Fa = SL SV Glass 2(H-h)/g LV vx = Horizontal component of velocity R is max. when h= H 2 https://t.me/neetwallahpw Mercury > 90 o Consider the equilibrium of at line of contact O O l Range R = vx xt T p A B1 Shape of liquid meniscus Fa R = 2 h (H-h) A T F Work done W = F x x 2T R SV = 2gh x A p h>0 (H-h) Time of fall, t = 2(H-h) g P1 P1 T Excess pressure inside a soap bubble If tank is open, P = Pa m F Excess pressure inside a liquid drop Pa R F l = T (2LX)=T∆A v= 2(P-Pa) + 2gh ρ Q S P1 A1 A Energy of the additional surface = W = 2TLx Torricelli‛s Law of Efflux N B C P PRESSURE DIFFERENCE ACROSS A CURVED LIQUID SURFACE W = 2TL x x APPLICATIONS OF BERNOULLI’S PRINCIPLE l PHYSICS WALLAH SURFACE ENERGY 2 F = A PHYSICS WALLAH Potential Energy = mgh Length Unit in CGS system = dyne / cm (P₁ - P₂) V = 1 m (v22 - v1²) + mg (h₂-h₁) 2 mg 1 m (P₁ - P₂) V = (v22 - v1²) + (h -h ) V ₂ ₁ 2 V kinetic energy per unit volume = 1 ρv2 2 Force cos LV = SL = Ascent formula: sin + SV LV - cos SL h = 2T Rρg LV Water = Angle of contact. h = 2Tcos rρg h > 0 ) < 90 h < 0 ) > 90 o ) o )