lOMoARcPSD|33481255 VERE, Marjorie DLP IN MATH4 EP Education (Christ the King College) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Keneth Herarman (herarmankeneth2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|33481255 A DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN MATHEMATICS 4 I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of the concepts of parallel and perpendicular lines, angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals. B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to describe parallel and perpendicular lines, angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals. C. Learning Competency/Objective: Identifies and describes triangles according to sides and angles. (M4GE-IIIc-16) II. SUBJECT MATTER A. B. C. D. III. TOPIC: Identifying and DESCRIBING Triangles Reference: K to 12 Grade 4 Curriculum Guide, LM Math Grade 4 pages 162 to 163. Materials: Pictures and cutouts of different triangular objects and charts Values Integration: Patriotism PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activities Learners’ Activities A. Preliminary Activities 1. Prayer Let’s all stand and let us pray. 2. Greetings Good morning children! Please sit down. (The pupils will stand and pray.) Good morning Ma’am, good morning classmate, Mabuhay! Thank you ma’am! 3. (Checking of Attendance) Say present if your name is called. 4. Energizer Children, let us sing the song “It’s Math time After All” “the children will say present” (the children begin to sing) “There is just one class We enjoy so much Where our mind think hard And compute a lot Though the drill are so fast And the problem so hard We enjoy our class in Math. Oh! Its math time after all Oh! Its math time after all Oh! Its math time after all Come together and come all.” Okay very good. Thank you ma’am. Please be seated. 5. Drill (the teacher will conduct an activity in which she will flash the meaning of the different kinds of lines and angles. Whoever knows the answer will ring the bell and tell what kinds of angles or lines it is ) Downloaded by Keneth Herarman (herarmankeneth2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|33481255 Class! I have here, the meaning of different kinds of lines and angles. Now, you are going to ring the bell if you know the answer and then tell what kinds of angles or lines it is. (the pupils listened to the instruction of the teachers) Are you ready? Yes ma’am! 1. A line that intersect and has a right angle. 2. An angle that measure more than 90˚. 3. A line that intersect and meet at a point. 4. An angle that measure less than 90˚. 5. A line that will never meet. 1. Perpendicular line 2. Obtuse angle 3. Intersecting line 4. Acute angle 5. Parallel line Okay very good! Those are the meanings of different kinds of lines and angles. 6. Review Now, let’s have recap about our discussion yesterday. What was our lesson all about? Yes, polygon. And when we say polygon. It is what? Our lesson yesterday is all about polygon. What are the 2 plane figures that we discussed? It is a close plane figure that has sides and angles. Triangle and the quadrilateral. When we say triangle and Quadrilateral, what are they? polygons Yes, very good! Yes ma’am! What is a triangle? Triangle is a plane figures that has 3 sides and 3 angles. How about the Quadrilateral? Quadrilateral is a plane figure that has 4 sides and 4 angles. That’s correct! B. Developmental Activities 1. Motivation (the teacher will show a Philippine flag) I have here a picture What is this? Now scan the picture, what can you see about the flag? Downloaded by Keneth Herarman (herarmankeneth2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|33481255 What plane figures can you see? Philippine flag Yes, because it has 3 sides and 3 angles. It has polygon Now , let’s try to look at here Triangle The 3 stars that are shown in the Philippine flag are the 3 major islands. Now, How will you show your love and respect to our Philippine flag? By doing what? That’s right. By standing straight and face to the Philippine flag while singing the National Anthem What else? Yes, very good those are only the some on how we show love and respect to our Philippine flag. Salute to the flag by placing our right palm over our left chest.. Do you understand children? By not making fun of it, C. TEACHING/MODELING 1. Presentation I have here a presentation, everybody read. Yes teacher. Ms. Fina assigned someof her pupils to bring different objects with the shape of a triangle. Brenilda brought a picture of a house, Grace showed a picture of a traffic sign, and Jocelyn prepared a triangular flaglet. (the students will read the situation posted) Observed the different triangular object. How will you describe the different triangular objects? Meaning, they’re all different in sides and angles. What do we call this plane figure? Yes, and triangles are classified according to their sides and angles. So, here are the Classification of an according to their angles. The different triangular objects that is shown has different sizes of a triangles (the pupils listening to the discussion) 1. RIGHT TRIANGLE Triangle Downloaded by Keneth Herarman (herarmankeneth2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|33481255 (listening) Has a right angle which measures 90˚. 2. Acute Triangle has 3 acute angles, which measures less than 90˚. DEF is an acute triangle. 3. Obtuse angle Has an obtuse angle which measures more than 90˚. GHI is an obtuse triangle. Yes ma’am! Do you understand? Now, Triangles are also classified according to its sides. 1. Equilateral triangle Has 3 equal sides. triangle. JKL is an equilateral 2. Isosceles triangle Has 2 equal sides. isosceles triangle. MNO is an (listening) 3. Scalene triangle Has no equal sides. triangles. PQR is an scalene Downloaded by Keneth Herarman (herarmankeneth2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|33481255 Yes! Do you understand? So, Triangles are classified according to its sides and angles. Now let’s have an activity. D. GUIDED PRACTICE (Group the class into 2 teams. Distribute the cutouts paper to every group.) 1. Group Activity Set the standard of group activity Everybody read. What to do during activity: What to do during activity: Keep Quite Share your ideas. Build teamwork Work as fast as you can Speak politely Keep Quite Share your ideas. Build teamwork Work as fast as you can Speak politely That’s right! Now , each team paste the cutouts papers given to you in a manila paper and labeled the different kinds of triangles according to their sides and angles. If your group is done, display your outputs and present them to the class. (the students listening to the teacher) Are you ready class? I will give you 3 minutes to work with it. Start answering now. (start answering with their group mates) (The teacher will room and visit each group to guide the students in working with their group activity by teaching and instructing them what to do) (the group 1 will report according to what cutouts they have) Okay times up! (Checking of group activity) Post now your works and tell something about it. Let us hear from group 1 first. (the group 1 will report according to what cutouts they have) How about in group 2. Okay very good. Let us now compare your outputs. Do all triangles have equal sides and angles? No! Because triangles are classified according to its sides and angles. E. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Downloaded by Keneth Herarman (herarmankeneth2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|33481255 Now, get a clean sheet of paper and answer the question. Direction: Draw a smiley face if it’s a YES and a sad face if it is a NO. 1. Does an isosceles triangle have 2 equal sides? 2. Does an acute triangle have an obtuse angle? 3. Does an equilateral triangle have equal sides? 4. Does a scalene triangle have no equal sides? 5. Does a right triangle have a right angle? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fantastic! F. GENERALIZATION So again, How are triangles classified? Okay very good! Triangles can be classified according to its angles and sides. A TRIANGLE CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO ANGLES AS RIGHT, ACUTE OR OBTUSE TRIANGLE. IT CAN ALSO BE CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SIDES AS EQUILATERAL, ISOSCELES OR SCALENE TRIANGLE. Understand? Excellent! Yes , ma’am IV. EVALUATION DIRECTION: Name the triangle described in each item 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. V. It is a triangle which has a right angle It is a triangle which has an obtuse angle It is a triangle which has 3 acute angles It is a triangle which has 2 equal sides It is a triangle which has no equal sides It is a triangle which has 3 equal sides ASSIGNMENT Direction: Draw the following triangles correctly 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Right triangle Obtuse triangle Acute triangle Equilateral triangle Isosceles triangle Scalene triangle Downloaded by Keneth Herarman (herarmankeneth2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|33481255 Prepared by: Reviewed/Checked by: MARJORIE RUTH M, VERE Student Teacher GEMMA D. PEDROSA Cooperating Teacher Downloaded by Keneth Herarman (herarmankeneth2@gmail.com)