Tissue Engineering in Pediatric Dentistry Authors- R. Hemalatha1, K. Viswaja2 R. Hemalatha1 Professor & Head Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2400-8280) E mail: hl4440159@gmail.com K. Viswaja2 Professor & Head Department of General Pathology, (ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9841-4743) E mail: drviswaja@gmail.com SRM Dental College, Ramapuram, Chennai-600089 Corresponding Author: R. Hemalatha Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry SRM Dental College, Ramapuram, Chennai-600089 E mail: hl4440159@gmail.com Abstract Introduction Traditional endodontic therapy involves creating and using methods to prepare root canals chemically and mechanically in order to treat infections, which are frequently challenging to treat due to the complexity of the root canal system Literature Review The majority of the dental pulp is made up of loose connective tissue that contains a number of specialized cells, including odontoblasts. fibroblasts, endothelial cells, nerve cells, immunological cells, and more recently discovered stem/progenitor cells are mixed together with more often encountered other cells. Discussion The effectiveness of pulp revascularization appears to be strongly influenced by infection control. Since the steps can be monitored using computer cone beam tomography, conventional, and digital periapical radiographs, as well as the root formation process, which involves the deposition of hard tissue, regenerative procedures represent an emerging field in the health sciences, particularly in odontology. Conclusion Despite being a relatively new treatment for regenerative endodontic treatments, pulp revascularization appears to be helpful for developing teeth since it facilitates root formation using a straightforward technique and improves prognosis for the Pulp Revascularization. Key Words Endodontics, therapy, pulp, revascularization, regeneration Introduction Traditional endodontic therapy involves creating and using methods to prepare root canals chemically and mechanically in order to treat infections, which are frequently challenging to treat due to the complexity of the root canal system. However, this procedure could get even more challenging in cases of immature teeth with open apexes, whose root walls are delicate because of the thinness of the root canal dentin, as well as the intense activity and anatomy of an open apex, making it challenging to accomplish the complete obturation of the canal and with a real risk of solid and plastic material overflow into the periapex. Trauma or infections strong enough to stop mineral deposition could be the reason of the inadequate root development.[1] The apexification approach, which promotes apical closure in pulpless teeth and can be achieved with the insertion of an MTA (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate) barrier or with frequent exchanges of calcium hydroxide, increasing further obturation, is one method for treating open apex teeth. Apexogenesis is the term of this process, and it aims to protect essential pulp tissue so that root development can continue with apical closure [2, 3]. However, some research has indicated that this approach can also be applied to non-vital teeth. The technique, known as pulp revascularization, is guided by root canal disinfection procedures that call for the use of sodium hypochlorite irrigation (Na O Cl) and a combination of the antibiotics ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycline. [2,3] The aim is to incorporate a thorough literature search of the topic. Literature Review The majority of the dental pulp is made up of loose connective tissue that contains a number of specialized cells, including odontoblasts. fibroblasts, endothelial cells, nerve cells, immunological cells, and more recently discovered stem/progenitor cells are mixed together with more often encountered other cells. An extracellular matrix made of fibrillar proteins and pulverized collagen is also present. Considering that an adult might have up to 52 pulp organs in total, the tooth pulp is a special organ. The pulp can be harmed by bacterial, mechanical, or physico-chemical causes, which can cause vascular alterations and inflammation. Patients describe the pain as excruciating and nearly intolerable, prompting them to seek dental care. [4,5] Nygaard Ostby made the initial attempts to rebuild the pulp tissue. The root canals were purposefully over-instrumented in both studies to induce bleeding, then they were obturated with gutta-percha and Kloroperka N-O paste just short of the root apices to permit tissue ingrowth into the root canal space. In cases where there was necrosis, they additionally cleaned the canals with a 4% formaldehyde solution. These underwent histological analysis, which revealed connective tissue and mineral tissue deposits along the root canal walls. [6, 7] As the studies progressed, Nevins and colleagues found that when root canals were mechanically instrumented and collagen-calcium phosphate gels were utilized as a scaffold, immature pulpless teeth in monkeys and humans experienced rejuvenation and the creation of hard tissue. [8] Although the presence of hard tissue formation was starting to be discussed in the dental community, it was also noticed that the teeth treated with this therapy were more prone to fracture under stress due to the thin dentin walls, so it was only expected and natural that researchers would discover a way to encourage the organism to complete root development, including the apex closure, ushering in the era of regenerative endodontic procedures (REP), designed to prevent the development of new root canals. Direct pulp capping, revascularization, apexogenesis, and apexification were some of the novel techniques. The most recent ones are tissue engineering and stem cell treatment [9-11]. Particularly in the past ten years, regenerative endodontic procedures have become a realistic, simple solution for enabling the entire creation of immature teeth's roots. The premise of REPs is that a root canal space that is clean and has a new, stimulated blood supply can in fact reestablish vascularization, improving root completeness. The distance between theory and practical applications has decreased, and research is currently concentrating on regeneration techniques. [12, 13] The pulp revascularization treatment wasn't made widely available online until Trope reported it in 2008 and used it on a lower right second premolar with an open apex, a fistula, and radiological evidence of apical periodontitis. After irrigation with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite and the creation of a blood clot at the cementum level to provide structural support for the formation of new tissue, the cervical region was doubly sealed with MTA, then reconstructed with composite resin. After 22 days, clinical and radiographic healing could be shown. According to the author, conventional treatment is necessary if revascularization is not achieved after three months.[14] A 9-year-old patient with a history of damage to the upper central incisors was the subject of a case report by Kvinnsland. The diagnosis of concussion was made after a clinical and radiographic evaluation, and emergency dental care was provided. A month later, the patient complained of a few localised mild symptoms, and periapical periodontitis was identified as the cause. After that, the root canal was prepared with instruments, filled with a calcium paste, and irrigated with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite accompanied with the completion of weekly periapical radiographs, hydroxide, and IRM. When intracanal calcium hydroxide was changed, root creation could be seen four months later. [15] Periodic radiographs were taken every three months, and they showed continued root formation and apical closure. The authors reported that different pulp responses occur depending on the type of traumatic injury as well as the role that progenitor cells play in the healing process. Still, they maintain that periodontal tissues, pulp progenitor cells, or a combination of both can serve as the starting point for tissue restoration. There appears to be healing via the action of dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs), which can regenerate injured pulp tissue.[16] Regeneration, according to Shimizu, is the process of replacing damaged tissues with parenchyma cells of the same sort as those that were previously present in the tissue. Hematoxylin/eosin staining revealed loose connective tissue with few collagen fibres filling the root canal space all the way to the MTA barrier, but no inflammatory cells were visible in the pulp tissue as a whole. [17] In their study, Pramila and Muthu [19], the authors investigated the outcomes of therapies given to patients who had unfinished permanent tooth roots, both with and without pulp vitality. After being instrumented, the essential teeth were filled with antibiotic paste and temporary sealed with IRM® zinc eugenol. The next section promoted the production of clots by over instrumenting the area before inserting the MTA® and closing it with the IRM®. The teeth were sealed with glass ionomer (GIC) 24 hours later. Clot development was stimulated in necrotic teeth following disinfection. The scientists came to the conclusion that under specific conditions, teeth with necrotic pulps and open apexes can regenerate pulp tissue and encourage the synthesis of hard tissues linked to root growth and full apex formation. [18,19] The obturation of the invagination took place with GuttaFlow® (Coltène/Whaledent, Langenau, Germany), and the Attempt was attempted to induce apical bleeding using a #30 K-file, but the attempt failed and there was no bleeding at all. [20-24] The root canal access was sealed with glass ionomer cement (Fuji Corporation, Osaka, Japan) and composite resin (Filtek Z250; 3M ESPE) after 10 minutes had passed without any sign of bleeding. Regular monthly R-ray exams revealed that the periapical radiolucency gradually receded. [25-28] The authors come to the conclusion that periapical periodontitis in immature permanent teeth can be effectively treated using pulp revascularization, a novel treatment strategy.[29] The example of a 9-year-old kid who experienced pain during chewing, localised swelling in the upper anterior region of the maxilla, and a history of prior impact trauma three months prior to the dental appointment was detailed in the paper by Forghani et al published in 2013. Both of the maxillary upper central incisors had coronary fractures, which were discovered during a clinical examination. The upper right central incisor was identified as having pulp necrosis with an acute periapical abscess due to the significant pulp exposure, sensitivity to palpation and percussion, swelling in the buccal mucosa, and negative response to the heat test. It was determined that the upper left central incisor had irreversible pulpitis since it had precise pulpal exposure and was not sensitive to vertical pounding.[30] Both shattered teeth displayed immature apices on radiographs, and the right central incisor's apex developed a radiolucent periapical lesion. The pulpotomy on tooth 21 was performed following anaesthesia with 2% Lidocaine and 1: 800,000 epinephrine (Xylocaine 2%, Dentsply, Addlestone, UK).[31] A cotton pellet soaked in 5% sodium hypochlorite solution was used to encourage hemostasis after irrigation with sterile saline. White Mineral Trioxide Aggregates (ProRoot MTA, Dentsply, Tulsa, OK, USA) powder was then diluted with distilled water and gently applied over the exposed clot-free pulpal lesion. The teeth were permanently rebuilt the next day using composite resin (Filtek Z350, 3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA). Following treatment, the patient was observed for 6, 12, and 18 months. [27-30] In 2013, Jadhay et al. examined and contrasted platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and non-PRPinduced apexification in non-vital immature permanent anterior teeth. In the first instance, a 10-year-old child in good health was seen for evaluation after having his upper anterior teeth broken after falling three years earlier.[30] A clinical dentist started the endodontic procedure, but it never ended. When clinical observations were combined with the findings from the radiographic examination, an acute periapical abscess was identified. The radiographic study revealed open apexes with inadequate root development and thin dentin walls. A coronary fracture and edema in the upper central incisors were discovered during the intraoral examination. Rubber dam was used to isolate the teeth, then an endo-Z and a round diamond were used to re-access them.[31] A 60H-file (Dentsply Maillefer, Tulsa, OK) and irrigation with 20 mL 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl, Cmident, India) were the only mechanical procedures carried out. The canals were dried with paper points, and a sterile number 30 hand lentulo spiral (Dentsply Maillefer, Tulsa, OK) was used to apply a triple antibiotic paste, as indicated by Hoshino et al. in 1996. After creating the temporary restoration, intermediate restorative material (Caulk Dentsply, Milford, DE) was used. Both of the central incisors' apices were injected with local anaesthetic solution devoid of adrenaline (LOX 2% Neon Lab, India), and a sterile endodontic file fitted with a rubber stopper was positioned at a length 2 mm longer than the predetermined working length. The file was then advanced into the periapical tissue outside the canal's boundaries. A 23-year-old patient who had been complaining of chronic pain in the upper anterior teeth was the subject of the second case.[32] The trauma the patient had experienced 15 years prior went unaddressed. During the intraoral examination, it was discovered that the upper left lateral incisor had a fistula on the palate and that both upper central incisors had discolouration. region. Both the upper left lateral incisor and the upper central incisors had radiolucent images, according to a radiographic assessment. The diagnosis for all the teeth involved was pulp necrosis with persistent apical abscess since both of the central incisors had open apexes and thin dentin walls. Typical endodontic therapy was used to treat the upper left lateral incisor. On the left and right upper central incisors, respectively, random induction of revascularization with and without PRP was performed. With porcelain crowns, the final aesthetic restoration was performed.[33] In the third instance, a 13-year-old patient who had been experiencing ongoing pain in the upper anterior teeth for the preceding three months was referred for endodontic assessment. Both teeth had open apexes and thin dentinal walls, and during clinical and radiographic evaluation, edema and a radiolucent image were found in both teeth. Both teeth have persistent abscesses, according to the diagnostic. The teeth were randomly given PRP treatments or no treatments after revascularization and infection control. After six and twelve months, radiographic tests were conducted, and all three of the affected teeth were asymptomatic. The authors come to the conclusion that revascularization is a successful strategy for causing maturation in non-vital teeth with inadequate root formation, and that PRP treatments may enhance and hasten the intended biological outcome, [34] THE PART OF STEM CELLS DERIVED FROM HUMAN PULPS AND OTHERS Since 2008, research has concentrated on the potential uses of Human Pulp Derived Stem Cells (HPDSCs) for regenerative procedures, in order to produce in vitro tissues that can be inserted in the human body, as well as on the utilisation of preexisting cells in certain tissues that can be professionally stimulated or in naturally occurring sites of the human body. The periapex is an area rich in several conventional cell types that interact with stem cells in accordance with the various tissues present there. Human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs), dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs), periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs), stem cells from the apical papilla (SCAPs), and dental follicle stem cells are examples of stem cells.[33] Discussion The effectiveness of pulp revascularization appears to be strongly influenced by infection control. The drug most frequently utilised in the majority of the tests covered in this evaluation was the three antibiotic paste (TAP), which contains metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, and mynociclin. A nitroimidazole drug with antiprotozoal, antibacterial, and antihelminthic properties, metronidazole is of particular importance in endodontics because it interferes with anaerobes' ability to use oxygen for energy by impeding their DNA replication, transcription, and repair processes. Because anaerobic bacteria are more likely to cause illnesses that are resistant to treatment, an association with the antibiotic ciprofloxacin, which has action against a variety of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, increased the paste's efficacies. There is currently no information on ciprofloxacin-related cross-resistance in the endodontic microbiota. A tetracycline with a broad spectrum is minocycline. This paste appears to aid in reducing bacterial infection in the periapex region of the root canal area.[35] Since the steps can be monitored using computer cone beam tomography, conventional, and digital periapical radiographs, as well as the root formation process, which involves the deposition of hard tissue, regenerative procedures represent an emerging field in the health sciences, particularly in odontology. In the recent past, it appeared that some authors were reluctant to try revascularization in infected, nonvital, immature teeth because, despite the possibility being predicted by some researchers, it was viewed as uncertain due to the fallacy that attempting to revascularize an infected root canal would be too risky.[30-32] Traditional pulp cells that survived infection may continue to divide under the control of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath even during the inflammation process, giving rise to odontoblasts that can populate atubular dentin at the apical end and trigger apexogenesis [30– 32]. This is complicated and unknown. For the inflammatory process to attract cells for pathogen defence, sufficient blood supply must be present in the periapex. As a result, chemotactic substances such interleukins and cytosines are released. Interleukins (IL), Interferon (IFN), Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF), Colony-stimulating Factor (CSF), Chemokines (CKs), and Growth Factor (GF) are all members of the vast cytokine family.[20] In some circumstances, they work in tandem or alternatively to increase inflammation, while in others, they merely limit it, moderating the process. Stem cells from the apical papilla (SCAP) or bone marrow stem cells found in the alveolar bone are thought to be another route for root growth. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which can give rise to bone or dentin-like tissues in vivo, may be transported from the bone into the canal lumen after the instrumentation is produced beyond the root canal's boundaries into the periapex to cause bleeding [26]. According to the studies mentioned in this literature review, using antibiotic creamy pastes has produced satisfactory results in pulp revascularization because it assisted in preventing infection, which increased root thickness and improved apical closure, as shown by Trope's studies [14] Aggarwal [20] reaffirmed that of all the materials employed, the antibiotic creamy paste produced greater apical healing when compared to calcium hydroxide in comparative trials examining the use of various antibiotics and calcium hydroxide, used in pulp revascularization.[27-36] The key element for such positive outcomes is the fact that revascularization is impossible when necrotic pulp tissue is present in the root canal space. The toxins released by bacteria when they break down pulp tissue irritate the periapical region and activate immune responses that break down both soft and hard tissues in an effort to eradicate the infections. Capillar neoformation happens in order to restore blood flow, which will now nourish cells, once infection has been managed and the root canal space has been cleaned.[37] Conclusion Despite being a relatively new treatment for regenerative endodontic treatments, pulp revascularization appears to be helpful for developing teeth since it facilitates root formation using a straightforward technique and improves prognosis for the Pulp Revascularization. However, further research is required to assess its long-term effectiveness and novel strategies. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors confirm that this article content has no conflict of interest. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Declared none. REFERENCES [1] Friedlander LT, Cullinan MP, Love RM. Dental stem cells and their potential role in apexogenesis and apexification. Int Endod J 2009; 42(11): 955-62. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2591.2009.01622.x] [PMID: 19825033] [2] Rafter M. Apexification: a review. Dent Traumatol 2005; 21(1): 1-8. 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