Sport and Exercise Science Definitions

Define what is sport.
Sport is a competitive activity that requires commitment of all involved, people who do sports
are not there for their health, sports required winners and losers. Sport might also have some
specific rules and goals.
Difference between sport and exercise science.
The difference between sport and exercise science are sport science uses biology to understand and
improve sport while exercise science uses exercise or training to understand biology.
The services provide by sport science are monitoring and testing while exercise science provides
Summary of this video
To conclude, science defines as the search of truth and the truth is put there. It can be measure and
strives to be objective and quantitative. Sport science and exercise science are two different things
however they do share some similarities when it comes to research and education. The 3 most
important things for humans are news, weather and sport. Principle of Overload also known as
progressive overload and tetrad system are the early training theory used by the ancient athletes.
there are 3 important aspects entailed in evidence based training which are an ability to read,
find, critically analyse scientific and coaching literature, development and initiation of a sound
monitoring program and an ability to initiate an d complete additional research. Lastly strength
and conditioning coach act as the person who will run the floor, designing the program, guide
the athletes on certain sports while sport scientist acts as someone who quantifies and integrates
latest evidence into the athletes training program.