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Nursing & Midwifery Specialization: Drivers & Blockades

Nursing and Midwifery
specialization: drivers and
By: Salome Tettey Frimpong
Student ID: 11366909
What is Specialization in Nursing and Midwifery?
Types of Specialization in Nursing and Midwifery?
Key areas in specialization ?
Importance of nursing specialization
What drives nursing specialization?
Blockades to Nursing and Midwifery specialization?
By the end of our interaction, we would appreciate the various
areas of nursing and midwifery specialization, understand what
is driving nurses and midwives to specialize and some blockades
to nursing and midwifery specialization.
A Nurse Specialist
• Uncertainties and role confusion exist with regard to specialist
and clinically advanced nursing and midwifery practice globally
and in most healthcare settings (Trend in Nursing, 2012).
• This misunderstanding requires clarification in such a way that
advanced nursing and midwifery practice are clearly defined.
• Nursing profession has grown over the last century, including
the introduction of specialization for nurses and midwives,
with specific knowledge and experience to practice in certain
fields (Smith, 2023).
• There are now many possible areas that a nurse may choose to
specialize in.
What is nursing specialization?
• “Specialization involves focusing on nursing practice in a
specific area, identified from within the whole field of
professional nursing. ANA and specialty nursing organizations
delineate the components of professional nursing practice that
are essential for any particular specialty” (ANA, 2010 ).
• Specializing provides the opportunities for nurses to pursue
career ambitions in leadership roles.
What is nursing specialization?
• Specialization gives you greater responsibilities and a
potentially higher salary and a new level of confidence to do
what you love most (ANA , 2015).
• The decision on what to specialize depends on what the
person is interested in.
Key Areas of specialization?
• There are many areas of specialization within the nursing
• Each specialization is a leadership designation. These include;
Nursing Management
Nursing Education
Clinical care leadership
Nursing Administration
Nursing Informatics
Key Areas of specialization?
Nursing Management: This is a supervisory role and can also
move to administrative role to handle recruitment of nurses
and decision regarding budget and it management.
Nursing Education: A nurse educator is responsible for
teaching and
guiding nursing students to develop
professionally. They teach prospective nursing professionals
clinical skills, patient care methods, and best collaboration
Key Areas of specialization?
Nursing Administration: Oversee the entire units of nursing
Nursing informatics: is the specialty that integrates nursing
science with multiple information to identify, define, manage
and communicate data information in nursing practice.
Nursing informatics
Key Areas of specialization?
Advanced practice registered nurse
Cardiac nurse
Oncology nurse
Mental health nurse practitioner
Public health nurse
Paediatric nurse
Genetic nurse
Key Areas of specialization?
Critical care nurse
Geriatric nurse
Infection Control/prevention nurse
Dialysis nurse
Nurse/Midwife Specialist
Ambulatory nurse
Types of specialization Nursing ?
Acute care nurse
Neonatal nurse
Trauma nurse
Case management nurse
Nurse advocate
School nurse
Types of specialization Nursing?
Advanced practice registered nurses have advanced skills and
knowledge through a master’s degree and this distinguishes
them from other nurses and enable them to work as clinical
nurse specialist (CNS),nurse practitioner (NP), nurse
anesthetist or certified nurse-midwife.
Cardiac nurses care for patients with cardiovascular disease or
health problems related to the heart due to specialized
knowledge acquired.
Types of specialization?
Oncology nursing take care of patients who have cancer. They
help in the treatment and monitoring of the disease, provide
support and education to patients and their families.
Mental Health/Psychiatric nurses care for patients with mental
health, psychiatric or behavioural disorders by providing
support to both patients and their families while they recover.
Types of specialization?
Ambulatory Care Nursing: Ambulatory care nurses provide
health services to patients directly in an environment outside
of a hospital, wherever it is required. They are responsible for
following treatment plans for acute conditions, monitoring
signs, communicating with the patient and their family, and
promoting overall patient health.
Types of specialization?
 Public Health Nursing: They advocate and teach communities
about important health information, educate people on health
promotion and disease prevention.
Paediatric Nursing: nurses care for young children and their
families. They have specialized knowledge about the function
of young bodies and the health conditions that may affect
them by assisting in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring
of these patients.
their life and have specialized knowledge about the
Types of specialization in Nursing?
 Genetic Nurse care for patients with genetic condition. They
have in-depth knowledge about the role of genetic in the
pathology of these conditions. They carry out family risk
assessments , analyse genetic data, conduct research and
provide support affected clients and their families.
 Geriatric nurses care for elderly patients. They have
understanding of health and treatment of conditions that
commonly affect them.
their life and have specialized knowledge about the
Types of specialization in Nursing?
 Infection prevention/control (IPC) nurse is a specialty nursing
role focused on identifying and controlling outbreaks of
infection in a healthcare setting.
Dialysis nurses care for patients who need dialysis as part of
their treatment, example is a patient with kidney disease. They
monitor signs and progress, administer treatment and provide
support to patients.
Types of specialization in Nursing?
 Nurse/Midwife Specialist : A specialist nurse/midwife
practitioner is a registered nurse/midwife clinician who has
acquired the expert clinical knowledge and skills that include
complex decision-making abilities and clinical competencies for
expanded practice.
• The advanced nurse/midwife practitioner is a clinical specialist
who has the appropriate credentials to practice autonomously.
Types of specialization?
Case Management Nurse: care for patients who require
ongoing support and work to develop and implement a
treatment plan that aims to stabilize health and minimize
Critical Care Nurse : Critical care nurses work with patients
who are critically ill or injured and require close monitoring
and care. They are responsible for looking after patients with
potentially fatal conditions and following the treatment care
plan for the best outcomes.
Other specializations?
Gastroenterology nursing
Holistic nursing
Medical-surgical nursing
Midwifery nursing
Neuroscience nursing
Other specializations?
Obstetrical nursing
Occupational health nursing
Orthopaedic nursing
Ostomy nursing
Importance of specialization?
• A specialty focus can motivates and encourage nurses and
midwives who want to pursue professional growth from a
novice provider toward professional expertise in their chosen
• Proficient and confident health care providers willing to learn
and demonstrate humility in their professional roles are the
bedrock of effective teams.
What drives nursing specialization?
What drives nursing specialization?
• Nurses choose to specialise to get more practical experiences,
which favours the acquisition of the competences and
technical skills needed for professional practice (Nery, 2015).
• Nurses and midwives specialise to gain professional credentials
for an easier placement in the job market.
• Rojas (2012) asserted that when employees specialize in
specific tasks of production, they develop an expertise in the
work performed.
Drives to specialization?
• The biggest benefit derived from job specialization is the
expertise employees develop over time in their chosen task.
• The demand for nurses is continually increasing and the
nursing career path offers many useful benefits such as;
a)Strong salaries
b) Numerous opportunities and
c) Feeling of fulfillment.
Blockades to nursing specialization?
Let’s Discuss
Financial constraint
Lack of interest in approved areas
Lack of study leave
Family roles or responsibilities(women)
Unavailability of specialty of interest.
Blockades to nursing specialization?
• A major challenge in specialisation is the tension that is
created by the promotion of interdisciplinary practice.
• The promotion of team-based approaches has led to the
development of multi-disciplinary or multi-professional
standards and competencies where skill sets are often shared
and the specific, discipline-unique elements of practice may be
less discernable.
Blockades to nursing specialization?
• A growing interest in generic competencies also prompts a reevaluation of which skills are shared and which ones
differentiate groups of health workers. Within this context, it
may be necessary to re-examine how we conceptualise nursing
and midwifery practice in specialty areas in the near future.
Blockades to nursing specialization?
• Due to the repetitive nature of the work performed,
employees can be subject to boredom and burnout.
• Units of specialized workers also have a tendency to be insular
and may refrain from collaborating with other units.
Nursing informatics
• The nursing profession has evolved considerably over the last
century, including the introduction of specializations for nurses,
with specific knowledge and experience to practice in certain
• There are now many possible areas that a nurse may choose to
specialize in, and these continue to grow.
• Nurses are now taking on specialized roles to become leaders,
educators, researchers, and advocates for their patients.
• In summary, we have looked at specialization in nursing and
• Some key areas of specialization
• Importance of specialization
• Drives and blockades .
• Audience contributions
• Adeyoyin, S.O., Ajiboye, B.A., Adegun, A.I. & TomomowoAdeyinka, S. (2013). Division of Labour and Job Specialization as
Catalysts for Better Job Performance among the Staff of a
Nigerian University Library. Information and Knowledge
Management. 3 (12). Available online at: www.iiste.org.
• Benner, P. (1982). From novice to expert. American Journal of
Nursing. 82(3), 402-407.
• Costa AANM, Schirmer J. The role of nurses graduated at the
course of expertise in obstetrics, in the northeast of Brazil - from
the proposal up to the operationalization. Esc Anna Nery. 2012
Apr./June.; 16(2):332-9.
• Nery A. Expectations, motivations and perceptions of nurses on
the nurse-midwifery specialization course in the residence
modality. 2015;19(4):593-599
• http://www.allnursingschools.com/nursingcareers/article/careers/
• https://nursinglicensemap.com/
• https://www.researchgate.net/publication 286703397
• http://www.villanovau.com/resources/nursing/list-of-nursingspecialtiescareers/#.