suzuki's Camera Assembly Process+SOP (This process is based on suzuki's current YSD HB camera structure) 编写:吴青峰 审核:杨锐昌余鳞 批准:刘啟斌余鳞 2022-3-31 目录directory 一、摄像头组装本土化后流程总图 General picture of camera assembly process after localization 二、铃木部分组装流程及作业指导书链接 Suzuki partial assembly process and work instructions link 一、 General picture of camera assembly process after localization (摄像头组装本土化后流程总图) 1.表面贴装 SMT 10.装密封圈、前壳 Install sealing ring and front housing 11.固定前后壳 Fixed front and rear cover 20.外观检查、包装 Appearance inspection, packaging 2.分板 PCB splitting 9.常温固化 Room temperature curing 12.高温老化 High temperature aging 19.图像检查、线束长度测 量Image inspection, wire harness length measurement 3.物料除尘 Material dust removal 4.Sensor板清洁 The Sensor plate clean 8.三合一设备自动测 试 7.调焦 focusing Automatic test of three-in-one equipment 13.气密性检测、 贴银色贴纸 Air tightness test, paste silver sticker 14.成品测试 The finished product testing 18.贴二维码标识、件号贴纸 Post QR code and part number stickers 17.固定支架 fixed support 5.装静电片、固定主板 Install an ESD sheet and secure the mainboard 6.镜头点胶 Lens glue 15.安装支架、线束 Install bracket and wiring harness 16.成品测试 The finished product testing 说明instructions: ①1~14是柳州航盛组装工序1~14 are the assembly procedures of Liuzhou Hangsheng;②15~20是印度铃木组装工序15 to 20 are the assembly procedures of Suzuki India;③按此方案组装质量可控、责任明确,无需洁净车间,建议采用此方案 According to this solution assembly quality control, clear responsibility, no clean workshop, recommended to adopt this solution 序号No. 工序procedure 1 表面贴装 SMT 2 3 分板 PCB splitting 物料除尘 Material dust removal 照片 Photo 序号No. 工序procedure 4 Sensor板清洁 The Sensor plate clean 5 6 装静电片、固定主板 Install an ESD sheet and secure the mainboard 镜头点胶 Lens glue 照片 Photo 序号No. 工序procedure 7 调焦 focusing 8 三合一设备自动测试 Automatic test of threein-one equipment 9 常温固化 Room temperature curing 10 装密封圈、前壳 Install sealing ring and front housing 照片 Photo 序号 11 12 13 工序 固定前后壳 Fixed front and rear cover 高温老化 High temperature aging 气密性检测、贴银色贴纸 Air tightness test, paste silver sticker 照片 序号No. 14 15 16 工序procedure 成品测试 The finished product testing 安装支架、线束 Install support and wiring harness 成品测试 The finished product testing 照片 Photo 序号No. 工序procedure 17 固定支架 fixed bracket 18 19 20 贴二维码标识、件号贴纸 Post QR code and part number stickers 图像检查、线束长度测量 Image inspection, wire harness length measurement 外观检查、包装 Appearance inspection, packaging 照片 Photo 二、Assembly process of camera harness and bracket(印度铃木) ①安装支架、线束 Install support and wiring harness ⑥外观检查、包装 Appearance inspection, packaging ②成品测试 ③固定支架 The finished product testing ⑤图像检查、线束长度测量 Image inspection, wire harness length measurement fixed bracket ④贴二维码标识、件号贴纸 Post QR code and part number stickers 说明instructions: ①作业指导书链接附于工序旁。 The work instruction link is attached beside the process ②线束支架本地化后需增加成品检测After localization of wire harness support, finished product testing should be added [ 科技领航 · 盛行天下 ] Technology Navigate and Prevail around the world Thanks for your cooperation!