Glossary High School Level Physics Glossary English | Simplified Chinese Translation of Physics terms based on the Coursework for Physics Grades 9 to 12. This glossary is to PROVIDE PERMITTED TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS of ELL/MLL students. It should also be used for INSTRUCTION during the school year. The glossary may be downloaded, printed and disseminated to educators, parents and ELLs/MLLs. Please click here for the New York State Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages Webpage on "Assessment and Testing Accommodations" THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK / ALBANY, NY 12234 Updated: October 2018 NEW YORK CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION carol A. Gresser President Irene H. 1m pellizzeri Vice President Victor Gotbaum Michael J. Petrides Luis O. Reyes Ninfa Segarra Dennis M. Walcott Members Keysha Z. McNeil Student Advisory Member Joseph A. Fernandez Chancel/or Argle K. Johnson Deputy Chancellor for Instruction Sl1M13 II is tle poliqoJ lIle NewYofll City Board olEduealion nollodiscrimWiate on the ba sisotraca, eoIor, creed, religjg~. national Ofigln, illig, handicapping coodl1loo, marital staNS, sexual ori&nlllbOn, Oil sex in its educational ,I)fOgram~, ac1ivities, and employment policies, and to maintain an environment1ree 01 sexual harassment, as reCJ)ired by law. Inquiri8$ regardin{l compliance with appropriate laws may be diracied 10 Mercedes A. Nesriek!. OifeclOf, OtfiCd 01 EqualOpportunil'f. 110 Limgslon Slreel Room 601, Brooklyn, New York 11201. Telep/'lOl'le: (718) 935-3320. CONTENTS Introduction. . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . • . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . .. i Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..•.. . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . ii Traditional Character Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .... .. . . .. .. . 1 Simplified Character Version ... ... •.. • ..•....... .. .....• • . .. ... 53 rs] 1* * m SIMPLIFIED CHARACTERS A aberration ~~J ~lt; I!Itj~J «e:ltt accumulate ~~Jt¥flt;~~ chromatic aberration {gilti~ accuracy 1iUffiii.: filll spherical aberration ~Mi.we~ accurate fiUr89:.UrBS a bility ft:h ,5&$ achieve jC~;:i!¥JJ absence ~'J~J~t¥tE acoustics Absolute Scale g@,~t~~ absorb ~:X1"~IJl fF.m action activity IlitEdliOC, <bl&, iliijl] Kelvin Scale *E:€;?il!tffi absolute zero Jl!?¥:; ifl!fiJ$:; actual ~1If-(l.j, "'~J:(I.j ( -273"C) J&!& addition ;bD~ absorption I!!tt&; 1t'L-; ¥¥:#- adhe,ive 1ff-ii'(I.j, t'il:'tl'l, Iff-ii':h, t'iirJllJ absorption spectrum @.t&16i! ndjllcent ;ffi{f)1¥.l accelerate ;boil acceleration advantage ;bnlm aerodynamics :AA:~~;t.r$ centripetal acceleration rtJ'L-;bu:Iai uniform acceleration acceleration of gravity 1P1iJJf<f'f, {t,\\( air resistance ~~;bo:it ~ .e;:,~lljJ air track ~~~m 1Itf.l;bllli aircraft A1L~.ft; ~t1t accentuate lr][;;bD~; accompany 1*~; accomplish 7i:~; 7i:~7ag alcohol lWWi accordance -~; m~~ algebra {"tft ai,foil 1II1( /flj) "" WM EJ "'Iil]IJ12t!£ airplane account ~; ffl~;!B!:6 allow - 53- ~:tJ1. ftW, iJ:dtllldl!jjHt'''1Il alternating current generator aqu",ium ~1!i!iI, *li<1i! Y':jjif.~Ef:!:tJl altimeter $J~ih ~1t~ a,bitr.., jf;@:tI'J,UI!: aluminum -t8 arc amOO, l)l\;Ji'I, l)l\;Ji'I@'tI'J, J!ll)l\;Ji'I{ltJilttI'J archer ammeter n~;lJlA Archimedes' principle ~~*ft!~m(J!l.I) 3i;*ffitj E@.~it ampe.. 'lel&( 1\!!Ii:"{ft) amplitude ~ ",chitect it$tlifi;jltitlifi f};:mrm area W~ m analogy !il;l1!"jIl{\'.(,!iI;jf£ argon analysis ?t:t7 Aristotle (1!1*~~~)]f!l!±~ttl a,matu,e (JltI\!~tI'J)>I!~ 7ttlrj?tNf. analyze antinodal line tAl1fid!tl~tlU1Jlj arrow ft~ j!; 113l'llh'i. fI9 >I! aneroid arrangement :J=I~JlJ;;/fit artificial AI(ffi"; AltMlj iil¥J 7Cm:(ffi";"~:1t: aneroid barometer £1il-9:Bi:it artificial radioactivity AI:ttt:t~ angle 1fJ artillery ::kJ8 critical angle rlibfl.:M right angle ant aspect #7', ;f:ft,::Ifili lLffJ assemble iI1tt ~liCj m-g. assume '!FlJ;Ej i2:~ antenna ;R€it; *!1h assumption ~~; iii2: antinode I!l:llt il/jl!l:a;9;l!1Ill3l'Ill,\\i astronomer antiparticle &t1z.~j &JJi.~ astronomical app ..ent 'Jl B tI'J, .IUl.\tI'J, ilIlrltI'J astronomy ,;R::t:!t appendix ~f:J~ applied force app,oach };:;X$~ };:;::t~l¥Jj ,mi'.~~ athlete :iE;lJlA fFJllt.r atmosphere ~iII,ilIl1!,iI~,J±!m *"'l: *~ atmospheric ::k'1:tI'J, ::k'1:ll!tI'J - 54 - D damage tyH!f dJ1llt1\ dart t~fit;1itr data ~m demonstration *It; .lli:1*ttJ.rtJz.!95::I: density *l,tlt optical density de Broglie Principle ~j[5fIj~mtl; 1WJM!:~tL ,&~71t~'/1:, Jt7lt*£jJt~:l:Jit~ tt decay ~~; 7f;m: ~~; *JJ&;*ill.; ~:f7j;:rt1e decay /fnJ $~:rt1e deceleration '&:j]U:l~IL~J! depend tiX3; tiX···ffljJ:E derive JIlL 1~klif. ttl descend r~ descent r~;~r i&!:it;it~u design , destructive 1J1Ilt1\s~;;ff~1¥J deci [im~J+?tz-dt decibel ?t.m (; *S£.uO destructive interference ~jtl; 1*lJi!iJ;~7lt decimal +3i:HljlJ; /N& detection decimeter ?t* detector deck .sv-~; ITifti determine tk:J:E; iJriJE decrease ~p define .~; rJ:E)(; i*lJi!iJ:$;i*~ iIia~; ilia[ii] deviate ~J:E i&!:~;~Jt device dewdrop E~ diameter 1I1£. degree .If diamond ~:O; ~jXJtl:o deka [WJ~J+=deca diaphragm dekameter +* differ definite ~HI¥J; iJriJ:E1¥J deformation deliver ~ji!{; 5e%; %1e x11; {{':l!; i1!{,.:!t demonstrate 1IE~;~7f,; 7f,j[ :f§1J1iT7tl7 ,mt;~zro,mt; J't11m /F1ilJ;/F-jy:; *§~ difference in electric potential diffract - 62- $)eM; m~t;lFfM EI1~"~ diffraction mM; 1ffM; ifTM double slit diffraction XL~!JTM single - slit diffraction .~ifTM diffuse reflection distort 5£*; ~A; \lltt5£ 5!:*; illf!l:J ; ~Jt distribute ~il!ia; ftt;;(p;~;;(p 1tftt; tlM diffuse Z~; ZlWiS9 distortion ifTMJlt1JJlJ diffraction grating distant 1J3:JG; 3:JG1SL;~i% disturb tI&M 1Jii,;/J;-=f3:JG disturbance &Elk digit ~~ dive dimension !1t~;RJ3[; ~~ diver &t7j(;j!f itlhJltf,i; iJtd 7'6f,i dimmer diverge -rf~; -rVt dip ~; ~}Z..; X3f; ~ffriiJ 5.§tftt~ diverging lens direction :}n~ directly 1r~!1l!. divider ~il!iaH; ::frEEH discover 5.§tJm; lfttl division ~~ divide ~; J4tl~; ~3f; ~WC f.Jg-~; JJ il'; i5IA?ij~ disintegrate ~~~;~~;~~ dock disorder t&~L 3Gff: dockhand ~~IA disperse ~~~; dispersion ~~; f-~fi; ::fr~B~ ~7'6~fttJVl;Jt~ir L7'6i~ IOC1-t:.:i':~ displacement ~{!;tZ5C:S: Doppler effect iti1f1{i)J~; Doppler ~~Mrz:~~ Doppler shift $tfiJ9J~~; disprove 1iE~···:;!f::/I'iE;PJfJS9; &~; tlUfll double ]Jgftt;~ri!iftt dissonance /1'-3&; /I'}~;fU; ~~71tH 1101'& double slit diffraction *: 1ft: draw *; 1ft: ~ ~n!§'~; drag /l'mH~~L if71t~~ distance 0 z7'671triiJ7'6.~~n*.JIt.L71t*o disregard /l'3]!; ~~ dissipate :b>~; ~~1~q;Jg, )ffi T1itt~~ =m riiJ Irr] -:1J riiJ 139$ffi- ?tftt; ri!iftt; ~ftt; tTJltfF.ffl, displace ~~; 11100; ~; domain ~~; IlP:~; m~~~5£f{L,~~ drop ~ - 63- ft[~ XLf:limM droplet /N~~ drum J:I:!ttlll ductility dust jJ(~;;f5t;f;: AA~df··· Jf Jl!tl!}t* dynamics Z91 j; ~ PT~ii; ~1$lt; "iiTfiii - 64- E ear elasticity s1j!'Ij:(~%) ;5it!JJ~; :Ej:;:Ej:~!W inner ear 1:kJ:Ej: !W1*1EJJ If'l?IHt @] 1[)ffi~z ~JJ .p:Ej: electric El!w; ~El!W;j~El!!W1*; El!:$ middle ear electric current Itmt: outer ear j~:Ej: eardrum electric field El!;!:,m :Ej:l!~t:Ej:tt echo @]ps;pswRM;]!1[;fjj%[;RM;2tili@]ps electric field intensity It:%slit!f eclipse 1t( 721*); fJti!1h~ electric field line It:%~ eclipse of the sun S ~( t!l!.) electric force ItJJ; El!j:~JJ ecological !£~a9; !£~~W electric generator 2tEt!tf1. ecology 1:.~~ economical effect electric potential El!~; El!-tL 'P~.\j~; ~~~; ~~ L.~ ~*;f'Fffl; ~PIoJ effective :;ff%[; ~~a9; electrode Et!t& electromagnet JIHfa9 effective resistance :;ff%C~IHL --t-~Illi~*1t~1-ItIlli~,~f:r electromagnetic 1t1itt; 1t1itt~ Et!1ittw;El!1itt:%l¥.J electromagnetic force ~1ittJJ electromagnetic induction ~1itt~~ E£!.1ittrlt effectively :;ff%CJiP.;~~iL. electromagnetic wave efficiency %[$; %$t:;fJ.Ej1!E;IJ~Z l:t$ electromagnetism E£!.1itt; El!1itt~ effort :gJJ ; ~iJt electromotive (EMF) El!;IJ~; E£!.1itt~JilZ1&JW!£WE£!.~ Einstein (~)~I1SJ~m elastic sit!'Ij:~ ; :;ffsit!JJ a9 electron elastic collision 5it!'1171ltt! electron cloud El!T~ - 65- ~T energy crisis ~mte;tfl electroscope ~~~ elevator ~~; eliminate 7t-~*m m~; :J:jf~ engineer I~Jflji mrnD ellipse enormous §.::kI¥.J; 1l::k1¥.J elongation {$* enrichment ~~; embed :J:!I!.~;*A enter :l1tA emerge M.!i; tfUJll; :J:jHf:l dJ1.ili emergency ~jt~:~(£ equation jJ~~ basic equation £*jJ~J:t linear equation ~'Ij:jJW;-iJcjJ;fjJ:t Jffi~ ~ T~~~~EJfj::z.J'til ~M equator empirical f£~3::)(1¥.J; P..Af£Jjft;lg;fIHil¥.J enable 1t~~ ~Ji equilibrant 3j!~fJ equilibrium -Sjl-~ thermal equilibrium ~3j!~ enclose ~{±; ~~{± encounter j;. entropy ~; /G~]~*~I¥.J~:I: emission spectrum ~MJ'til; emit ~:I:~ energy level ~~; l!:il§; :il§ilJ equilibrium position 3j!~1fl.~ N* energetic j§fj~l¥.J; ~ fJ I'l~ equipment ~~; energetic state j§fj~~ equivalent ;f§~B-9; ;f§~~ energy ~:I: erect 1rJ'LI¥J; ~1rI¥J; IEI¥J; 1£.lL; J'L; ~~ *191:; ~f*; ;j:ij$; ~~; w;j:ij atomic energy JffiT~ essence internal energy ~~ essentially *Etl:.:I:U!.; ~Etl:.:I:U!.; £/~:I:U!. kinetic energy ;IJ~ ether M; z.M; P..A:i: mechanical energy .:fJL~~ evaporate unclear potential energy ~~~ evaporation potential energy ~~; evenly ;f§~; 3j!:f::\J:!-t!!. thermal energy ~~ 1fl.~ ?l€~; Jm7.K; ~M ?l€:tt.;f-t:1t eventually ~T; i&J8 - 66- liE1i; ~*4; evidence exception ~1iJf; ~~ explore ~~;; exponent ~m~ ffi~~; ¥~ W-T~Z~JtT9.t~~fm~~ exponential .tt~; nm)JJtd~)iLmffl; ~;j···.tt~~ffl exponential notation exhaust ~J't; flF-9: exhibit Jl~dnUj~ exposure expand ~JJlC thermal expansion ~S; 1IIJ't; mp,ft; nUL extend {!j3ill; tHf; .IWJJlC expansion lJffi~( ~m)~ express ~Jt; ~~; ~ S ~; iJU-W~ 1¥iE; ~1¥. expect flFHL Iffili experiment ~~ f9tl9h~9h li~;j excited state exist expel ~···Z.9~ except exert m~; IlJ1H ~~JJlC external ~~~; Wili~~ extrapolation ~~; extreme~~J39; WH~;~>Jt; *41Jt extremely - ~*;~{!j3; 11"* 67- ~~ ;f&9iMi39 ~~;~F~~ F faint £![~~~; /G~~~ flare ,~~f~JB!(!' farad *1fL( F) ( E£!?§!1i{iL) flatten j'f~; 1EffiIi flick ~fT; picofarad ~~lt;;1fL; 10"1' It;;1fL flint glass ;k1i:flt~ farsightedness z;fl\l.; z~ feat tt~;$~ fiber !f£j!(!. microfarad ~lt;;1IL; lO-alt;;1fL tHiE; H!iilJiJ ~ fiber optics float r¥;~; ~1T; 1-11* fluid tREi*; tREJJ;1i: fluorescence '!ftJ't ~J'tfJt~~~J'tmIDHHi fluorescent (Jit)'!ftJ't!¥.J fiction £![;jiJ;1E[;:E; IJvi-Jt fluorescent lamp field :f:kM!.;:% flute *1ff; (.I:!lff electric field E£!:f:~ gravitational flux jjljj:; 1ittjjl; gwH; nt~; Wf.t~ :f-m(/G§nr~m);mt'C~ finger first law of motion first neutron ~-jg~J:E1lt ~tt~tt£~~i9JttZrpT magnetic flux 1ittJffi.:I!: focal ~)~~ focal length ~Ji!E focal point ?t~; ~~ fixed ~J:E~; /G~!¥.J flame *:J:~ ~!~ focus ~A\; j:~)~; )(t~; {5!!~~; ~9:t principal focus j:~,~ first - order line -~~ fission mi.; rri;l;tj; luminous flux J'tJffi.:It field <.1ljJ:f:k magnetic field itt:f:~ filament '!ftJ't:J:T;i3J't:J:T fog 3t force jJ applied force - 68- f'FffljJ buoyant force 'i¥ fJ frame ~; Ij]W centripetal force Jti]JL.'jJ framework cohesive force l*J~jJ freedom concurrent forces ~,~jJ(:!rJ free - fall electric force ItjJ; It:l:,mjJ freezing point electromagnetic force Et!.W!jJ Freon j!iV¥ljIlL;t1JM~, m~ e Eb./f; e Eb e8n~~ {;j(,~ ~ilZjji(z 1ti:r~ equilibrant force ~ifjJ 1iJ lIj(:ma~nt~tfij~IlJlt~*tl ~$ external force ~~jJ frequency gravitational frequently ~1it:l:t!!; ~~:I:t!! force LjljJ internal force I*JjJ friction Jf.jJ mechanical force tJVlJitjJ force of friction Jf.jJ net force~jJ coefficient of friction Jf.*~ normal force ~rt>JjJ; IEIlijJ sliding friction ftti9JJf. parallel force 5ffjjJ static friction ffJf. perpendicular force ~.ftjJ frictional Jf1*~ restoring force @]j[jJ frictionless strong nuclear force 5!l.H~jJ frozen ~lIj(i'19; tliti'19 unbalanced force /f'5fifjJ fundamental ¥*i'19; *~Yf5.§t:ll1f£~$~ifpj.;J weak force ~SijJ fur Jtr; =§Jt; m=§Jt:MJii fork X; X T; -5ttt tuning fork furnace if X form %A;%$; fraction -5t~; Ij\~; u.~;*m-~ 1,PT;~1,P furthermore mJ1L .Ilt~~ fuse Wff£L~£; 1$-~£;Jif..:k~;1$-1t;Iki:r iflHjhIN!Jc - 69- G glass Jl.t~ ~1'; ~:hn gain crown glass ~AA!Jl.t~ £'* galaxy golvanometer galvanic Et!uli:it flint glass ;k1iJl.t~ Egfl9;EgMtfl9 galvanic cell .@:Egi\B; {Im~JeEg¥tB; 1t~Eg7t!!. Gamma ray M~; 1!Ju~M~ gap 18]I!; ~~; ~ Iil¥: glider mfj=ih m7;IJ~ gluon ~T; 1Ett~fl9q:t ·ttif*~-T~~~~fi!!~-T gold :IlL govern ~~; ifJ.!;)tj!!jC gas ~{;$:;~;:5 ideal gas J!~~{;$: gradual ~Wf; WfWf; JIIDUf::3t:1ta9 ~i$T gas law ~1*lEW gradually gaseous ~;:$fl9; ~1*fl9 grain ~~; tlL-Td~~ gasoline 1-I:na gauge carbon grain ~~~ :m;it grains )S£tS[X Geiger-Muller tube ~*-5$.iiYJif; gram m ~W1JJ:fItitM~fl9{)(:H general theory of relativity) graph ~; Efu~~ >c.#lMii: graphical generate f='1:.;~; i51)fg; %Rlt germanium giga glance ~,1t~JC~Z- diffraction grating 1rrM*;fJ gravitation J);ffi5liJ B~fl9d~ -Dtt $J$J-~; ~ffffl9 grating :mtlJl}; JIG;fJ [~~JT;Jt;; +1l given :H: gravitational ~m( JIG) graviton - 70- potential energy i5liJ~~ ~ljJT grounding ~:ttl!.;{l}lS gravity lfLJJ; i5/JJ green ~-@.; 1flh~~~; m~S~ guitar ground state £~ - 71- E'tUf;~) H ~:if( M);~~( M);P!lJlttE5G~, half -life helicopter :b.~JJt~:if~-~ EJf~Z Iltf8J Helium halt .lL~;f~.1l::.Jttrr handle hertz m; ref- harmonic 1~~~; 1~t!t;1~1l- hiker hockey ~n lliFm~ hollow ~~; ~~139 Hooke's law CE5i~JlI!; heat ~;~~ heat effect ~~; 5-1J!jtZ. {$*13r~;tt:EJf~ziJ]£IE ~~p(.;J ~m heat engine heat of fusion horizontally 7lcljLjill. ~m~ heat of vaporization heat pump 1iEtI7:JJ&if:i1f hilly ~~;;ff #'4:tJt~ tt!!:!t; YfLntt!!: headlamp ~itdii~m~ high temperature source jl1lijiffiHMl harmonious ifflJ~M); l~~a-<]; #}ifflJ~ haul ~,1t~5G~z- hence M..lIt~J§";~.lIt; ffi.llt m~; fiT hammer 1r7f-lSm horn r-t1t~ huge §.*~; ~* heavy ]!~; m]!~; hecto [if!] ~ JW 11£*139 hydraulic 7lciJ~; ~iJ hydraulic system 7{fiJ~ * Hydrodynamics height (n.) ~ Hydrostatics Heisenberg uncertainty at; 7.KEEst ~EE~g;c hydrogen j( hectometer W principle ~~{B~~fttm=tJll!; ff1PJ~T~-lli:jl~~. ~1'iJ ~ reJij~~ hull )1~:J'L;IlG:ii'>fiG1* tt~ specific heat Jij; %Jij; ~tliJI\.; ~Jij~; fi5J BttBU{t1iJUill iVlJJ ill -1'2.- ¥Jlt:1*~iJ~ ¥Jlt:1*ftiJ~ tt I impossible ideal gas 7J.~~-f* .:fr:iJf6S<J ideal gas law 7JI!~,~-f*5E1$ ideal mechanical advantage (IMA) incandescent S~~T lamp ignite }~1#.\;{j!1#.\.i1t ,~:k ignition illuminance incident pulse J!~J.t;nmJ!~J.t; incident wave A~tt!t incision °11uminate ° 1 B1HII'1 ,n,,:Y.J; )r:l~; I:!:I ~ AM7;/] rtJ Bg-a- ta7f; taD; JJ* inclined fEilI#4Et9; fEilIrtJ JU'~ illuminated body li:Jlt-f* inclined plane #400 incompressible ./f'§~lli~B<] increase :I:~~;:l:~:bo image if{; ~~; U~ real image independence ~.!lUL(0!'i) ~if{ index of refraction tFr~t$ virtual image ~~ imagine m,if{;m~JJ immerse m~; {j!m~~ immersion m~; ~~ induction ~~; immersion heater ~AJ:t:bo~H impart ~~m\~; A~; An charging by induction ~EY:3'EEI:!. f~Ji; ~ Ej magnetic induction - 73- 1iPi~~; 1iPi~~5!il.J.t inductive reactance ~EY:rtllli. 1CSljtjJ IW inelastic inelastic collision ~F5ljt'l1:~1i constructive interference ;}jfft1frfr9 n~;Jt~ intergrated circuit ~JiX;rt~ insect F:!.ffi. internal ~$fr9; ~fr9 internal energy ~fm internal force ~jJ tm3t!: ffiA; titA; instant ~:i§fr9; ][~fr9; instantaneous interparticle tlL-=fl8]IW af~tl; ml~, interpretation Mafi39 instantaneously fijlf.~;i#)Y3~J:!I!;W~; ~Ui{ interstate 'fH~fr9 MafJtl!. interstellar f"tw instead t:p 18]fr9; t:p fa}!*; ~1'If'Fffl intermediate ~P(.i]; ~ $tuA insert 1t£i51t; 1t-1*1t; ~···I3~m?t intergrate ini tial :AlW fr9;JfMtfr9 input £~( 18])IW 18]!Wi interval instrument {)(~ initial momentum (W)Mt19J::S: insulate I%~; 1tDll1L; 1t~~ interlock insulator intake ~~1*; ~~r ~~;~£i5 ~il; "lfBit; ~il; ~~tl ~il; intrigue IQBI;3t!:~ 51~···fr9~~ .ita]; -€tljj[ integer !\H& invent intensity slit!Jr; 1!I3lffl'lJ{ inverse ;f§Btfr9 electric field intensity rt:J:Jj5£~ luminous intensity interaction ;nlKT~ destructive interference ;f§r~T~ inexpensive :mJt~~fr9 influence T~; Wnltf¥i.lIlt~:lZi-J~,-%rm~- interference inertia t8ttt; t8t::S: inflate T~; ~&; ~f9!l! interfere inversely ~J't5i1t invert ;f§1f.f'Fffl; T~ *~BtJtl!. 81ftJ; ~~ investigate iJiij~; intercept ~JfE. 'OO~1i1f~ inward!l!WIW; ~tElW; - 74- [P]~i39 ion ~T iridium isolate $&, 1t~Jtf:z- isolated system ~~~ iron ~ irrigate ~~; 7t~;~~ isotope IEJUL~ ilFt;t; )tHf~~ - 75- J jet plane ~~ ~m joule ~1j:( Jupiter jeweler ~1irt1;$K~rt1 ~:l:E9.wJ *£ K Kelvin lfl+jf, ~)(tUitE9.UL Kelvin Scale kidney IHWQ"; kilo 7f~rJ.t~;~)(trJ.1titE9.UL Iii; 1~%E9; W~%E9 [~~JT kilogram kilometer kilopascal T~; ~fT T*; ~£ T~S(WT-F)(&5£a.wJ kilowatt TPC kilowatt hour TPCBt kinematics ill7,;l]~; 1iJf~;&r)EtJ~t4~ kinetic energy 7,;1]~ kinetic molecular theory :5tr)E7,;I]3J.ii: kinetic theory )E~3J.ii: knapsack ~-§ knob f:j(~~tf:l!jo/J; n=11:F¥-; :li.\ef.R; nfE9; ~CI:l krypton 1i\, 1t~jG#~- - 76- L concave lens !!!J8 laboratory ~~~ ~z.; /GJE lack converging lens ~JIt; ~JIt:H Laser ~~; lattice ~(-T); convex lens )~JI$ ~1*,~~ Lenz's Law .cUt launch ~1tt8 m{j;:JEff; 1t~i3I~l¥J1ittj:,m 7k:® E5.F~ 1t1il*l¥J1i£Hm:/J ~ tt:J}3( JEff law 8~il diverging lens crystal lattice latir; ~~8 lepton !j£-T; law of action and reaction law of conservation fFJ'lHlJlifFfflJEff level i5t:ff ffit:l:l¥J~~-T~IlIt-T Jt~W;Jt~;;f;'Hi sea level of monentum 7#J:I:-"f'r.§:JEff #!}-SJ!-W lever iff;jI lawn 1jt!il!,; 1jti'f Leyden Jar ~ij!jUffi:;IHfE/!1ittl¥J~:H lawn mower !~1j[m liberate ~jt{; ptlli .fa Lead librarian *; fh:7+.7J ledge ~~~lli!W lift leak tiff; ~~ light left- hand rule ft~5E!J!U; ft~ti~E/!~~, jiij:ffi::1JrPJ 7g E/!~ rPJ , jt11h~ffi m~ 7g 1itt:!:,m rPJ likewise lens J'ttt 1IiJ¥-f; iE. line ~; g!j!; :3'H&; ::Itu~;t-1FIR first - order line -~~ *1l lengthen J't light wave legend ftiJt length 0045~3'JElJ3.; 0045i1i~3'JE~* ~j[*;~*;j[{$ second - order line 8; il)=j-;d1J~1*; ~···tI~ linear - 77- §JH'iS9;H~S9 =~~ linear accelerator 1[~;lJUJm~ ~IJm; liner *m low ~.pjI:;~.pjI:l¥.J;~;5l¥.J viscous liquid liquify liter {1£~l¥.J;{1£l¥.J *5'11:~.pjI: lubricant lumen luminous ~1t :fJnWJm-nB; X.nB ~ ~:ftl¥.J;:ft~ l¥.J;.:ftl¥.J; ~lItJia~; 1ikl~l¥.J ~mLb p,~~5(; flij1[; 1UEJ!!!. lunar *~~Hi longitudinal ~ltl¥.J; ~[ti]l¥.J;~~ longitudinal wave luminous flux :ftlffi.:I: luminous intensity location 5EiiLdlL~ lodestone {1£71ffi.~~;{1£71ffi.~m mtlY.H :ftlffi.:l:lJtiiL); 0:7t literally i%1i~; ~~Il}\ low temperature sink lip IllJll}; ~Ill liquid loudspeaker ~71t J3l¥.J lunar module lung JtrP loudness ntaJJl:; if:lt - 78- ~:ft5£1t ~J3 ~@; M ~h-@'l19; ~h; magenta magnet ~h iitt~; iitt1i massive iittl19 magnetic magnetic field line 1i$H~~ iittJi:fl magnetic flux ]!119; *-119;*-:fI119 mathematical iitt:f:Jj magnetic field mathematician ~~~ 4iafllJ: iitt~&; iitt~&5£lt matter wave magnetism 1ift iitt7J; iitt~ maximum magnify ti!J.*-;1t*- magnifying glass magnitude ti!J.jc-m JiLt:; ~r8J119 measurable PTi91JJ:fI119 ~tt; WJ'/j:; PT~'11 mechanical energy mechanical wave ~r; ittl~; rrI'b [MA]m~~~; m~nt 7f~8if~ ijl7J19t:fl gravitational mass interial mass 'tlfl:'iI!9i::fI m~~ medical 8if~...tI19; Jl~I19; I*JWI19; fllJ::fI medium ftfllJ:dl!ltfllJ: mega [W~J~Il; 19t:l.:"§"m mass number 119) m~1!m at, 1ill.7J£j1!m7J L It manufacture 1!iJj~; mass defect m:~( ~:fI mechanical advantage manner jn::t;;f+-r mass 119);m*,~; mean ~}[\; maintain {~H~ malleability 4ia19tnt it*( measurement */J\; !J&:lb !J&11i ~J.lf4~ ~~L:l:t1!.; ~1iJfJ:l:t1!. matter /iJ:*-; /iJ:*-$ science mathematically magnetic induction magnification fllJ:iitt mass spectrograph megahertz fllJ::l.:n ;l1l~ megawatt ;l~][( - 79- an t~) melt i!{-t; 1$1-t; ~ffrl;~ffrl:l: milli [~~]=f?tZ-; melting point 1$,~ membrane 7R; mercury l+n~;.~ ~; *~ *~~.ffilt ftT; 1J1-T~;~~19J::I:~1lttt[T lIr~-ftljt; -ftiAtfFm metabolism ~~fffli metal runner milligram millimeter method .1L1r*C 1*lJO ftl M scientific systematic method f-+?¥=~·13bf-+?¥=~1$ .method '*-tJc1rti microfarad 1ltiilL; microphone ~Jfi1t; microprocessor moderate moderator microwave •• ~~~; ~~.~m~.~.)i~T~~19J: modifica tion ~fIl;]!~; ?J(5£ fi~; l!'&; f~,& ~1t module mfi; ~ mole ?rT:it, 4i-?rT:S:~;ff6. 02x 10'31'-?rr :lm.1ltt~ ~11t;~11t~ . ~1t~; -0li~ ~)i*ll; modify J[1ltt~~; t&1ltt~ 3Jl-W~ mixture t&il"~ 10-stiilL 1ltt1j§j,~,:2H.ltf!.; 1ltt:21J,!IHfl. 8 Wft 7&1t~;*1t~ metric system *1jjlJ; -01jjlJ micro [iaJ~]Sh?tZ.-; 1ltt [!!liIif~ 7&1h ~fIl mixed ~3&:!l!!.;~~:!l!!.; }!Ht:!l!!. meticulously microscopic .&*~; .&~;.&M plane mirror mix 1r1t;; ~1$ microscope ~* convex mirror cubic meter methanol ~5i concave mirror * meter 10 31C(±~) ~mml~;~jJ: mirror ~; ~~?¥= meteorology ~1CO~); ~Jt milliliter mirage VIt~ meteoroid milliampere ~ millibar ~E.( ~.ffi.UL) mercury barometer meson ~fpJ,*- milky way galaxy molecule ?rT momenta ~:I:(~~) - 80- momentum mower !Ullt;fJl.j !U1jt::j1f i9J:I:;-1-~%l!lJ::I:~U~~IHJ~. initial monentum ~&i9J:I: the law of conservation mud of momentum ~#R; ~i~...tfj~j jfJl1± ffl~; $; ~ multiple multiplication motion :@i9J; fti9J multiply :t~t1JIl;:ij\'$; projectile motion WJ~ilii9J simple harmonic motion muon=meson mntfilii9J mutual uniform circular motion ;MJJiI2DJIJ:@i9J vibrational *i* motion ~i9J:@$J mouthpiece ~O; O~ - 81- ?r-=f;~if~-=f**~1ll&tiZ-=fZ?r-f* ;f§B:i¥.J;:flt.tlt~;;tt[iiJ~; ;tt1f~ mutually muzzle * ;f§B::l&.;;tt;fi:l&. *It 0 N Newton's Second Law of Motion ~~* nanometer nanosecond *~;et; +fZ.?tz-~ ~-9~EJf~)'~iJj(lNvtlEl:t, -9~*:5t~:I: ~$:rm; :OJreirm;mr-t:rm naphtha nasal t:j::tJi~=ili~5E$; 4m1*~)'~iJ ffijrz:~EI9~ fitlilt ~89; •. if89 natural Newton's Third Law of Motion 4~~=ili~JE$; §M89 nature of the surface nearsightedness ~miJ, ~OO89*ftE ili1l\l.; D!Htm~ nodal ~,{t~:7G~Z-# net force lr~; mS9;7ltlrS9 nodal line {ftiJ lr~; ~}~~ node ?It"'F;~"'F neutral 9=tJL89; 9=t'/189; neutrino 9=t~T; Jrfti];f§li nitrogen ~ negative charge ~ 1t!.fiIT neon Wj*:k/J\;j{j~, nickel ~ =65E89;liOO89; ~89 negative ~-~m~~rz:~-li ~*It! EI9 nonperpendicular component m~r~M~EI9, U3GIt!EI9~tiIT normal force #i:rtuiJ;lEffiJ neutron 9=tT ~~m. newton t:j::~Ji(iJ~!jtuO north pole Newton t:j::~Ji(f-!.~~) Northern Hemisphere northern light ~tt&:JI[; Newton's First Law of Motion t:j::tJi~-lE~5E$; ~1*~~~)'~iJ, ~~¥~ WHf'fl[ notation f{t, ~~m~-JEJrIrq~ltIlilin- *%; it~#i: exponential notation - 82- ~m~( lc~)~ scientific notation f-4~icl't1* note ~ic; ~~;~; 11;:ff:il;il~ nuclei (nucleusa9~l'tH~ nucleon ~~a9~t[T-@'t.SI:j:lT~~r nuclear mtT~a9 nuclear bombardment nuclear reaction (mtT)~1i~ ~~* nucleus ~; ~JL'; W-r~ nuclear model mtT~m~ nuclide ~~ nuclear potential energy ~~~ numerically l't'¥.La9 - 83- o obey R~b\;:il~; mJE oboe ~.~; fXS; observable PJ~~~; optical :JIt~~; ::tmJtB<J; iI16-tf1lr D~HJB<J optical density :JIt*lt PJm£IJ~ optics :JIt~ fiber optics ~Hi:Jlt~ observation ~~ orbit (3C-i*S<]):iE1-TtVL:il observe xJ1l~;~:1!t organ 5tf4;$ffi-; mt1;); ~'§ obstacle ~~;~~ orientation I\l{(o]; ~{jL; ijjriiJ; ::1J (0] '11: observatory obtain 3CJt~ ~1~; 1~iJJ origin Jffi,~ ~19J occupy 6~; 6; 6:ff oscillate ~rh; occur .:&~;llim! oscilation ~rh; octagon Al8 %( l¥J) oscilloscope octagonal JI.JtI%l¥J outfielder octave A(-tf)ltdtr~~ Law l[X~JE~; [t;]jh j~~; j~% overall ,~{2II:L~;~TIITs<];~ils<] overload 15fctt€t ~~; ct£ffJ.~; overlook {Jff::tm;!&-~ opaque /G~E!Jj~; /Gft~~; oppose (o]j~~; oval !1M~~; ;fjlfj@]%~;;fjlfj@] ~Et!:$pgz. f=f.M.;f=f.M.~ operation j~JJ&~ outward j~~~; ~V[~ ~~.QX;lE It, ~ ~~.QX;BtIt onion 7f>7lt:$;7f>7lt~ output ~lli ohm fX( :kllJ)( ~ ~ !)i{jiJ Ohm's 7lt19J /G~~-i*; i!t:Jlt~~.;j. overtones ili~ oxygen Btxt;xtVt - 84- iI16ct~*1fVt~*S-<]F7lt ~dt~5t~z- ct~ p xIHS::tt!1.;~tl*:tt!1. painstakingly performer IJ.1.1=J:1!f; ~~1!f palm f~; fJL' perimeter parabola !WJ.~~ period parabolic !WJ.~~Et9 periodic :O~; J.iite~;~:o~ phase particle accelerator tlL-=f:bOJ!~ $sWT--FJ]U.!Il.; phosphoresscence ~:J't(JJn~) f~*~ photoelectric effect :J'tEf!~; ~Jlij ~ Wi;I;i:J't~ 11/=ill Ef!-=fZJJn~ path ~;~J1E pavement iffiW}R; j!1m;Arrii *f;ffEt9; ~*Et9 peculiarity pendulum t1f~* philosopher phosphor ~:JIt1*; ~:J't§5: ~~~&~~~~~~:tt!1.~~m.ffi~ IN1c±:tt!1.; :wit; (1l~) JJn~ phenomenon JJn~(-'-~) =f~BWT--F(.ffiS¥.-'-UL) Pascal's Principle peculiar t!A:tt!1. ;f§; ~~ phenomena ~B(EB¥.-'-·w:); ~BWT--F patch ;j+fi"; .• ~; perpendicularly ~H:l'!!!.; ~H:tt!1.; perspiration l1Fff; ff 1ltlL kilopascal ~H(r9; HJL(r9; ~H; lEx perspective ~:fm; D~jJ; parallel connection *11*;** pascal 7"kA:tt!1. *~ .sr-rrEt9 particle tlL-=f; f.3M'i1:Et9;~MEt9; Jtff~(r9 perpendicular parallax :fm~; EE:fmJ!VI'l1;;'jffljrc~Et9:fm~ parallel f.3M permanently parachute ~~~ paraffin * f.3 photoflash photography ~*;; *ftt -'-m P,~;f§~:J'tj;T HI~* strobe photography )lJt~~:J'tHf~* photo resistor :J'tfID[~m - 85- m,1t~JIi~2:.- photovoltaic J'GEt!.I'I9; J'G~Et!.EEI'I9 platinum photovoltaic cell J'G~{;It:jJEt!.'lt!!. plot ph y sical tmJJ.1'I9;tmEft 1'19; :!ir f;$:1'19 plunge ~jiA; physical phenomena tmJJ.Jm~ polarity physicist tmJJ.~~ polarized. tll1t~; physics tmJJ.~ plane polarized ~TIiiilfij~1'I9 pico [~~JI0 f1::~;(lilI)~~ 1tHt polarizer iIfij~~; pier ;ffi:~;~~ pole 1&;m,~ pigment ~#a~f;$:3tHM~EiTF1:.2:.Et!.rm: secondary pigment ilfijJ'G~; jfSiIfij~ North Pole ~t1& pgP¥4; WV¥4B~ South Pole mt& complementary pigment :!L:f~UJQt4 pollution ~~; $fflWJUJQf4;=~UJQf4 *~Y5 air pollution pile :It;:It~ pinna ~; iIfij~1'I9 polarization 1&1t; iIfij~; J:Em 1!,~~ picofarad ~~~l'lL piezoelectricity MA; &E7l<;&EA ~~15~ water pollution 5fJJt;:EJ:m pond pipe 'If;.lif<'If 7j(~~ M:tm portion ff!3{5t; 12S:~;{5t; ::B-WC; f5 .. ·::B-MS m~ pistol ~;fit; 1~%;fit position piston m~ positive iiJrIJ:EI'I9; ~:aI'l9; IE 1'19 ; Il8Et!.1'19 pitch 1im; g4.13l; ififtJ pith *th1;-f*jJ;~IL.' pith ball positive charge IEEt!.{i1J;Il8Eg{i1J positron Il8Et!.T; IEEt!.T *th1~( ~Et!.m) possess planet IT£. postulate plasma ~~Tf;$:; !Wof;$::a pot ffil3iZ tll~Ur,;¥l,:Et!. plastic PTml'l9; Sir; iffl:fI ~*;{~J:E;{~i& m~; ;fifjJl'I9 potential M:aI'l9; ~1'19; T15~T7}~B~~;5 *~~;mt4 electric potential - 86- Eg~; Eg1.iL difference in electric potential ltlli:it; ltlli::H; ?rff:H pour f§li; 1iiJ;tl:; tnt power :;1]$; pratical $s~5fll):£~; Bernoulli's Principle ~fm; lli:fm potential energy potentiometer lt~~ tnt~:J:~;/JnJiltl;ftffiJ ~11£ principal axis ±$IIl principal focus ±1lI.t~ * principal focal point ~~'Ij: ~~I¥J; ~~±5(; ±~,~ principle of superposition ~;/JnlffiJJ. precise ~1i}ijI¥J prism ~~; ~tt; ilD't1* precisely tlii}ij!ll!.; ~ii}ij!ll!. probability Wt1f; PJfm'lj:; JL$ precision ~W(J30; ~iijij( tt) probe ~#; ~l91JJ:H predict J:9r~; J:9rllf procedure ~i7t~; ~i1!iC;~rf:l predominate prefix [iEJ~ ]§tr!H preliminary pressure tt;j¥; 1JHi: process productivity tJl!:i7s~ 3)tm; ~M; it~tl project t~tit*9:&;1 projectile atm: 760)][*7.j(.ltiti *-i!lt If!.5'GS<;;iWs<;; tlJtJ7S<;; tElW previously t;.,{ lW!Il!.;J:9r5'G:J:1l!. litJJl¥J; lffi:Mil¥J;¥;zfs:I¥J;±~I¥J primary coil tJJ~~II!; primary color principle ±~w.; W-~Im ¥;zfs:tiii~; ¥~; W-~ primary pigment M!l&.J1* propel m:i1i:; mz;/J prevent ~lI::J:1l!.; fill.lI::J:1!!. primary PJ~;j¥ffl¥J prohibit ~ 1I:; fill.1I: standard atmospheric pressure previous 1:.1'=$; 1:.1'=iJ programmable BS.iJ; ffsj presumably ~rf;tJ7~ ¥;zfs:tiii*!-;W- ~tiii*1j. lffi9ltl;lffil1ll. property 'Ij:EQ;~~ proportional lt17tls<;;~lt17tll¥J proportionality itclt17tl proportionality constant propose ~}~;~~ proton EQr protractor prove 1iE~ - 87- :I::ffJ:H !:t'Wtl1ltf,{ pump proximity ttlli:; mlli:; lli:~; Jiji~ puck {;j<~ puddle 7.k:91; ~~; *; ~(7.kHfL heat pump ~± ~~; !iit~* pull- tab 1.l1Jif; f-m~ lli$ push 1fE;mil! putty nbt.R ~* pulley nr~ Pythagorean ~it~mwr(~)(-a-~ft~ggO pulsar JP~ftP£ Pythagorean theorem 1;]JBt)EJJ.; pulse JP~1If; JP~~; JP~1If; al + bl =cl titt, Jj,~flft incident pulse AMM:flft - 88- Q quadrangular quality Imitl.%; Imm% ~EIl:; EIl::J1:;~'~; quantum mechanics quantum number ifjE; ~~; 17tEll:89 ; ~ ~ S9 quantity quantum theory :1:; :7(1J\ quark :I:-=fJi :I:-=fit ~5i; fJIJVt)ffi-=f~3/!JLS9J!*~UL scalar quantity t~:I: quark model nucleon vector quantity 9C:I: quotient quantize -&!:I:-=f1t - 89- :I:-=fj]~ 1fff;1'Ji **-=fS9~5im~ R lM!!ii racetrack jijJ~1S racquet radial razor ;f£rtJ; P.tMW radiator $1M; P.tM; $iiM~ $iiM:H; 1tt~:H; readily ?iJ~if!!.; *~i /GJtfJ J!{S9; ~~S9; real ~rtJif!!.; $iiM~if!!. radiation .&.fFffl reaction 1£rtJ S9; $iiM~S9; :J't~E9; radially ~U7Jd~U;J1i~ ~:(:ES9*W real image ~{f{ realistic JJn~±5<..S9; ~~S9 rebound @Is'-; Bgt@I radio 7G~ Et!.;7G~ Et!.~ reciprocal fftl~ radio wave 7G~Et!.7It recombine 'I:~,ff~-ir;~-ir recognize iAi.R; miA; -0iA P.tM'I1:.S9;P.tMi5IJtgS9 radioactive radioactive decay P.tMlf~ radioactive material P.tM'I1:.1m1lft(#*4) rectangular red tIS9; tI-@.S9 rainbow !I!I;~!I!I; n~~~S9 redefine raise ~; 7t fl16; J!!tlm reed ram p :fJti!!; m-i!! random range rank -OOf&S9;1f~S9 lIF~J;~~; ?t~; mil; ~fn~;:l:W lIFjlJ;~~S9 ray :J't~; M~; $1M; MI±I x ray ray optics 'l:l1i"JE5<.. p-~; P-1t; jitJ:f reestablish :m::m; 1irJW,: regular reflection 1j!rtJ.&.M regularity ~!i!.1¥'I1:.;?;j$; ~IjlU'11:. refer m"""V31A'; iA1g""";;ff~ reference ~~ x:J't JLfpJ ft?f. *jj~ frame of reference reference point ~~,~ - 90- ~~* 1i.M; ~~PPll reflect reflection repetitious :l:j[i3t; litj[i3t 1i.M replace J&1-td.t1!9<j! tt~1i.M represent *~;f-t~ regular reflection iji[lij1i.M repulsion 111=If; If iJ ; lit~ diffuse reflection total internal reflection ~p;j1i.M tJrM; JllitJr refraction repulsive fjfff(j~; 1tEffi3t; 4'-Alit~i3t index of refraction fJTM$ resist a:~ resistor Eglill.:$ regardless ::fa:~i3t; ::f~mi3t region IR~; :i@.)j;fflHft; moo register ic~; a::!lJhiC~:$ regulate 1!r~; ~i\i!J; OO~ resolve 'i!; mtT; resolving power of lens '~l>Id~llt1T$ resonance ;!t~;;!t~ ;bosl; :tiNsl respective :tiN~; ;bOsl; ~~; ;bnmI41a relate ;ff;l.;:; t!Y&; II*¥ relationship fl£tJc; lill.iJ;Eglill. effective resistance ~~Eglill. regard ~.I~t reinforcement ~tJc; Iill.t~ resistance refrigerator ~~ reinforce ~~;5.ttT research * 8~; response ~~; P(.i]EY:; litEY: restatement ~~; ;I.;:¥;~¥A resultant iriJ; *1'-:l:!!!. ~~~~ -fr9;!lt **; £t*; 1§ relatively t!J)(ij-:l:!!!.;tt!&:l:!!!. retain relativity t!JMi.t retina ::fmIXXJ.Jm release ~tit; titili reveal remain *M'=;1Jj~ reverse t!Jliti3t; 1Wf{ffj remainder ~J~( ${5t) ; ~JlJ ; t~~ repel I:l; ~Jf; 1l~1f ~7F; mffi; 5Hi; n(Jim revolve 1ifE!ff; 0!ff rheostat ~Mt:$; remove f$$J; frf$ repeat N{Jm; f-ttf; $HI; ~ ~~~~tZEgIill.~~~Egm~~~ ribbon -91- ~1i1; 1i1tt41a;~;~; Jil(;~~; ~Jil(;*~ ridge :ff;~;~;~; rigid 1XJ1jtElW; ll£fi!ilIW;IMJEIW; ~~; ripple rocket IXm~ tttt; tt; )tQtttt; -{!tt;IJ ripple tank rise robotics trL::H .A~; l2l.ft .1<.11 rocking tt( tt>f! roll ~; )tQJT.; 7t)tQ;...t1* rope m;IJIW;*1El1i1H~1W hilt; ~mt ffi* rivet i§Pff; i§Pit;fT i§PfT rubber ball robot trL::HA rush ~; - 92- S ;lJtrL~;ji* tf{&:~ ~¥iii:;~~; 3111E s sac (~). scuba *rlllfl!&~ sack ~;~~ sea level #fJ~OO sag rl!§; seal 9=tfBJrM: *~ sailor 7..k~d~.m.; sap ~j~; 1*~; $lFttl~yt satellite )JiXJI£; saxophone scaffold scalar second # ~=i39; 1Jz~i39;iiUS9;:4lIJWJi39; secondary iiU~; 1-t~A; =1Jzrz:J& m~4&J; m~S9; JI£i39 ~R:WT~( *:$) secondary coil x~ Mtl~lm; iX~~iil(~IfB) secondary color tj]l;~]l(i39) scalar quantity M!l!iktt~;tt; ~M =M~; secondary pigment tj.(~.); .Q*7J;:k/J\i39~. ~aoc mWJlJJ!~ :4lIJWJlJJ!JISI. second left- hand rule ~=tr:~}E9!U =~~ scale ~~; ;t,~,R.; second - order line schematic fflj 00;}~:FJl!00; OOfUli3-9;;fI!,tIB*i3-9 selenium if!j, 1.t~5G~z.- scientific f4?¥:i39 scientific method scientific notation self- inductance ~JS!lEI!1i~VkL~1m iJ -l§ ~{i!:%7i rtu;f{j!j.L {i!:% f4?¥:~.R; f4?¥:~1.1-lt f4~lc~~ *~1* semiconductor scintillation rN~it~~; sensation ~:9\t; ~i9J; iJl~fii9JS9.4&J 4&J~~;QtMt~ flP~FJT.btL rNJ't scissors J!JJJ screen screw sensitive m~; ~:J'tm; %r; i&iT; )~jI$ separate ?}~; t~:atE; ~fl screwdriver fi£~i39; ~fi£i39 separated t~~t71 series - 93- /%Jf; ?}~i3-9 ?}Jfi39; ~:lLi39 ii~; Ifl~; *:9"tl; Jt4ttti39;*~Sg series connection $1I*(tJe); $tJe **1I*Ei:!I#f series - parallel drcuit shadow ~~; t.IiWft ID3Ht; ~m;lflR; ilIh.w.; {1g~;J!J.1g .•. shape %~; ship builder shirt ~iWJIS sinus ~;?ffi1t ..t.~E(.fL siren r-t:11t Vir skater jfbl<:1!f skull f-f-=f :nrJJHttfrli; :nrJJHIA sliding friction slightly j:EI!~I2§E€!.~;t;k.rmtTIltIT slit shot - putter 1tE'ffi:ej(8<J~7:91ffi shovel smooth A ff:lH: snap sideway iJ18<J; ~ M 8<J; 1!i!UM 8<J t:l; ~~; ilAtTI #4$ smokestack shrink !&;mdfii/J\ m7#J*~ tt£~!t!1.;Y:l:!t!1. ~*E~tTI slope tf; tfJtg sidewalk &t~:1!f IJ\~m; mf& sled 1H3; 11;& short circuit ?ffi1f;~.w.1f;~JJ& skydiver 1Jt;JN1Jt;~ffl; ~7t; 7t~ share 71<4 sine IE~ sewing ~il-; ~ltfJ~ sewing needle mi~t;~~; sink *ffl~ ~m~; J'tm~; ~~~; ¥ift:1\%~ !1TltIT;iJl\1±; aI~; ~.EE Snell's Law wr~1f!.£j:JE$; ~J16~~ significant ;ff;f:~~; ;ff~~ -~HtfMt~BtJtAM~~&M~z significat digit ;ff~~~ IE~!:t$1g1it~ silicon {EE; 1i.9, 1t~:7G~Z- snowmobile J111ifJt1!:t ..t.r-t:$ silk ~~;~~~; ~~8<J; ~~~/q8<J soccer (~Jt»)E:ej( silver .m,1t~:7G~Z- sodium f!I3,ft~:7G~Z- simple hermonic motion 1lJlltiE7#J solar ::tllB~;S J't~ simple machine fiij 1jt11l~ solar cell ::tllB(~)E€!.rtB simplify mit; ~m single - slit diffraction solid ltt.IiirrM ~1*; !ID1*E~;]J£umE~ solid state - 94- !ID;& solidify ~it; ~&il ; itI'I~ solution fff.; sonar soot m~ P"i~; *P"i~J{:lL{)(;P"i7ltf*OO,gs :lmtJ(d~1:m;~H*;.~;m* sound wave JE"7lt;1t~ ~ia~~ spacecraft spontaneously ~ $t:l&; EI~:I& spoon 11;; ilaJJt; ~l!*:4m spray ~~,gs; ~~ spread {$7f;{$Ii; ft.; f$Ii;ft. spring ~lp.~ specific ¥-i;ffIW; ¥-i5E1W specific heat; J:t~ speck ,~; il!&,~ standard atmospheric pressure spectrometer **it; ?}*{)( spectroscope ?}*~ startling ~?l*~.ffi 4-A.DZ'~S9;t~A.S9 state ~ speed lfl¥ solid state ~~ average speed ~;lSJlf.$ -- instantaneous wave speed speed ~at*.$ ~* sphere f:J(; f:J({2fi: spherical lDT.S9;~~S9; ~~S9 standing wave static friction ill:7lt D.If~ static electricity f5J(%~;f5J(l!*:~ spherical aberration standing f5J(%U DEt!;ftEt!~ statics ftj]~ stationary /f'~ S9;ft Jl:S9 *~r-t spiderweb ~~; ~~IW steam ~~; spin ~ 1ti step - down transformer step - up transformer - 95- ,*.ffi~1li,gs 3t lE~lE,gs -wis!ll:\1:; ~I3t stiffness still substitute (~ ... H~A flMi; ftt; i\WMf stick ~l1:ag;/F~ag;~; /F~; ~l1:; (~)~~ succession J!iU~; ~Itfb stimulate ~i'! subtraction. lt~; ~(f in succession ~ltM!. stimulated emission 5f:~~M suddenly ~~M!.;~j~M!. stitch ~; #JJt4!;RE~ sufficiently '@'~M!.; Jt;-0}M!. stone :Q~; :Q;j!4 sulfide store Jlt~; f*~; lRJit; Jilt summarize t!lt:flS";t!lt;l£; straighten 3f:~; ~1i; 3f:~~ superposition ~%; ~fI!t; ~~5*; s!iHM straw ~1;r; ~;ff; supersonic strike ,g,~ 1t:bu;lI!1t ~pa~ag support j:~; j:jf(; j:M= II&~ strength jJi[d¥.I3t stretch iAf.ftfl cadmium sulfide straight 1i1¥.J;~1iM!. strain 1ft~; mft~ W; ~W; surface 1$~d$* surface tension 1J; w; ~ surface wave j~~ ~ITif5*jJ ~ITiftlt string ~ surgery j~f4~;j~f4f*; f*~; jr~~1l% strip 1'W; 1f<:; :ij\iJ"*; j~Jj){ surpl us ttf"ll stro be Ilji] n;Jli1<l1Pd~ iAJ:n!v:g~; Ilji]; ~ 1:tl)}1<l1P surrounding .fflj~I¥.J; strobe light ~iAJtT(:JIG) strong nuclear force structure ~#J; suspect 5;~jJ 5f~; t:f~ suspend ~; j!; ~~i¥; t~~ tg~; jlg$l Swedish liil!:J;!4I¥.J; ljfij:J;!4.A( I¥.J) subatomic 5JE1*-r1¥.J;/J\o~l*-r1¥.J submarine *~;j~JIi!. sweep 1i7.kA1E E;E~ swing m~j;mi9J submerge ~i9:; Yt@;1i swing seat substance !WaNe swirl tJifa~;~ - 96- I'iHilf; t1c=f ME symbol *% symmetrical systematic ;x;ffFE9 synchocyclotron ~~UJEE9 systematic method ~tp.jJnJt:H - 97- J?JJf:JJ~ T table **;~T 11 tank ~~;.; tt*;I~; technologist tt*J....m of Momentum i@J]l~mJE$ The Law of Reflection Wy~ telescope t'lJif.; :J'6~1)($;~:it!:; 1rffi:it!: &MJE1~ The first law of thermodynamics temperature mIl temperature scale 1&.7J ~~-5E1$ The second law of thermodynamics ~tj ~jJ~~=;:E1$ theater ~1l1t;It!~IlJt; mi@J~?JT temporary tratS9; IlaiatS9 ~rtJ tendency The Law of Conservation tt~; I~i&:4k- teenager tend of Energy JEW tangent (tan) technique The Law of Conservation theoretical physicist J1I!.iB1¥oJ1I!.~* theory J1I!.iB f!1JirtJ; jfa~ tensile m.7JS9;mt.lLS9;m5t(S9 caloric theory ~19tJ1I!.iB tension 5t(.7J kinetic molecular theory?tT;lJjJ~O:Jf!.iB) surface tension *W5t(.7J terminal velocity terrestrial tesla ®:~U; ~:l!JJl 1!!!.~H9; 1liIr...tH9;1!!!.~; 1!!!.~...tH9J... * ~WT1.lL( ittim JJli!i{jL) tetrachloride thereby IElJlt; JAW thereupon tEJt.t; I2SJllt thermal 1&S9;1&:I:~ 1lY.1-t1¥o carbon tetrachloride theory of relativity ;f§xtiB thermal energy 1&~ 1lY~ 1-tiR thermal equilibrium 1&5jl-if thermal expansion ~~JHC - 98- thermodynamics ~jJ!!!j: Tokyo Express *2:19c:$ thermograph ~ ~Ui~~~ tolerate fm~~I¥.1;~ifl¥.1 thermometer m.1tit toner thermometry itm.~; itm.* tongue i§";i§"itJt thermonuclear l.Mffi:1¥.1 torr ffi(Jt~ll;;&""tlli1iilli:); thermonuclear reaction ~1$:&f)z t~m.~;m.1l~ ;fj7f~ thermostat thin ml¥.1; NI¥.1; ~~5JI¥.1;itl¥.1; /Fft~1¥.1 thin film thoria _JIlt ~~; 'tH'iJ nt:I; 1W{l; m:1~~1l1l;:il1~:I: throat P!Z;l~; ~I!t; ~~ throughout jjt~;~; thumb tide torsion balance tIlJJ**; tIl:h:R3J!- {±~1-···AAfBJ r~;r~l~ m; ii1G~ train *:$; ~U; * trajectory (tNlMf*1¥.1 )$'t.:1l; ~tji:1l trampoline !Wi-*;!Wi*, transducer 5t~~; ~~~; itM~(MI;a~I¥.1)~T transfer ~ft; 1&~ f~J! transformer ~lli~; ~:I:~ frlf*ff; -*~f*(=-t&ff) tightly ~; ~W!l!! transistor tilt 1t1lbt4; ~@r:f.t tranquilizer ~D-*Ij timbre -1f~; -1f~;-1flW: translucent -*~~($; time. atfBJ transmission tire (:$) nil transmit tiny tlVNr9; ~/1,,($ ~pg&M tractor ftiLilLtfL *~m;~m tighten ~~; = IJ.I7Ib.KfIH:l:ZlliJJ torsion tIlJJ; ~9;E; ~1H1 tower thorough 1~m;1¥.1;itf~l¥.1;~f1t~iifijl¥.1 threshold 1 torr total internal reflection ¥t ftit:; it:± thread ~; ~~;tHi; imJ-§.1fU; )g:Jltfft~ f~1it;itM; ~~; f~J!;f~~; f~~ transmitted wave tissue ~~R; ~RIi&.J - 99- -*~1tlJl¥.1 ~M~ ~~1t 5£~; m5£; !PJtit; transmutation jC~~t&Mii!ijiftW~jJ~ -jC~ transverse trustworthy 1~if:k~JIY\; (}XI.~IW)l1:.H ~7lt tube 1fT;~1f;~..t.1fT §.:kIW;t~At¥J tune ~T; Hb~; ;.k]···~if;~}lf ti; llifoJ;~j~; 1H! tuning fork if X =:ffj~ tungsten right triangle .Rffj=:ffj~ trigonometry i!;; *i!;IW, ft*"jC~z- tunnel lfifil; nil;}XI.$lJ trigger ;fJ[1JL turbulent *" =:ffj twice trillion 101!~~; -711z trombone ilT-rn~IW;ilT31W tuba tremendous triangle ~JIY\(pr); ~1IYUt;;J\%; t!X~; 1!X~11Y\ ~IW; ~JtiJ~; ~m transverse wave trench j~; trumpet ~~IW; ~~IW; ~1!1W transparent t!;~;j1;J;tt~ trough ifL~t¥J, t!'emtt¥J -mrx; -miff twirl ~)illJ~i9J *%; 1.lL~ twist - 100- m Hb;1ifi~ u ultrasonography lmprprii1$(; lmprnX;~1$( ultrasound lmpr( 71t) unaffected *~~P/oJS.g; *a~a.g; unavailability unbalanced force unchanged undergo A~a.g ljiUz. derived unit -W<tf1ljiUz. units of force jJ~1jtUL ~~~a.g universe :f.1j!-1jija.g.:;IJ f:W *%l~ unknown ~JE.t:t;U unpleasant *"i!Jl~s.g;i)t~5t1ts.g unsteady ~JJi;~5¥:; 5¥:iU undiminished uniform unit 7G~; ~~; ~1lli1i!!ffl unbalance 1i!!~~~; uncertainty uniformly :l!\J~:l:!!! {t.A:f'!lftr'l9ca.g; ~~~a.g; i-tBta.g ~~JEs.g; £1t~; 1i!!~~JE;Z9J~ uprig ht ¥1i:S9; lE1i:s.g;¥1i:; ~1i:~*g§" i)t~~j>S.g; N~~1I£s.g upward rPJJ: -~s.g; -3&s.g utensil fllIII.; fflJ{. ultras onography 1tHfl3fl3 ii{)(; /tHfl3 Jil(;tf? {)( rr: 101 - v Jt~ vacuum valid vector sum ;jf%c89: lElifH89 vein D}t: velocity value Ul 9c:l:fU ~.If X- value X($lH)Ul average velocity Y - value Y($lH)Ul final velocity ~R;R initial velocity vapor vapor state R~ vaporization R1t~ R1t vertically ~][:Iill dependent variable vibrate @:1e:l: inverse variation *7;1]; 14791 vibrational 1e1t ;f§Bt891e1t *7;1]89; Ji79189 violate :i:frBt;iIt'l51 virtual ~EJ:..t.89;;ff~fJ variety 1e1t; ~#~1$ virtual image ~~ various /GfPl89;*#*1$89 viscous *:1:; *:1:89; m;ff::kJJ\fU:1rrPJZ~:I: nonperpendicular components of vector a~, (J1I!.) ~89 *689;~!¥.J viscous liquid ~f~][:1rriJJ ..t.Z*:I: 89m {jt vector resolution ~PBt~lt; vertex JJf)~; JJf:jijJJf independent variable ~ 1e:l: vector velocity verification t1r~; f5l)(t 1e:l: variation w~lt ~Bt~lt heat of vaporization variable *(g~)~.If instantaneous R1t vaporize ~jt: ~:t:tr~.If *6'rtf~1* visible pY$.m89;~1[~ visualize § ~JJ: ~~ 9c:l:%ff.f.(%ff.f.9c:l:) vocal - 102 - ;ffp3S~;jt~1f89; D:tta~ vocal cord volatile ,a'* m~~; volatile liquid volt voltage ~m~~; m~4WJ19J: voltage divider ~m~~-f* voltage drop ft*; ft; It!.~~~1jiUL voltaic voltmeter It!.¥m:~; ft1JA~ voltaic cell !@..ffi;ft*~ volume ftfJlt!.7m; 1t~lt!.~tk vowel - 103 - ?t.ffi:B !@..ffi~~ ft*~; -f*tq 5Lif; 5Lif~ !@'.ffi~ x Xerox ~flJ; DE!.!1lflJ y yellow ~iS; ~iSl¥.J z zinc ~,1t~:7G~Z- zoologist - 104 - ~Mia~~