- Mark Scheme Question 1 Answer B1 Marks / AO Element Notes 3 B1 B1 3 2 Term independent of x: −2(4096) + 15 −8177 B1 for M1 for use of 2 appropriate terms A1 Guidance - Mark Scheme Question 3 Answer B1 Squares: B1 Rationalises, e.g. Marks 5 / AO Element Notes or rationalises or squares M1 Multiplies out, e.g. Multiplies out A2 A1 for Guidance - Mark Scheme Question Answer Marks 3 4 / AO Element Notes Guidance B1 oe or M1 soi oe or A1 oe 4 5 M1 Alternative method M1 for M1 M1 for M1 A1 or equivalent M1 for writing with a common denominator A1 for equivalent or - Mark Scheme Question 6 Answer M1 Either or or Marks 5 or AO Element / Notes For expressing the terms on the left hand side of either one of the 2 equations in terms of powers of 7, 49, 5 or 25 A1 or A1 or M1 leading to and For attempt to solve two linear equations, with integer coefficients and constants, in terms of x and y A1 7(a) M1 = 108 A1 A1 Perimeter = 3 For use of Pythagoras’ theorem and attempt to expand and simplify Guidance - Mark Scheme Question 7(b) Answer M1 Either Marks / AO Element Notes Guidance 3 Either For a valid method and attempt to expand out and simplify Or Or For a valid method and attempt to expand out and simplify A2 Area = A1 for each term [Total: 29]