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Peruvian National Identity: Culture & History

Institución Educativa JEC
Nuestra Señora Del Carmen
Peruvian national identity is the sum of various historical, cultural and
geographical elements that define the Peruvian people. These elements have
developed over centuries of history and have been influenced by preColumbian indigenous cultures, Spanish colonization, and other sociocultural
One of the fundamental pillars of Peruvian national identity is
its rich indigenous heritage. Before the arrival of the Spanish,
the Peruvian territory was inhabited by various civilizations,
such as the Incas, the Mochicas, the Chimues and the Nazcas,
among others. These cultures left an impressive cultural legacy,
manifested in archaeological monuments such as Machu Picchu
and Chan Chan, as well as in traditions, art, music, and The Spanish conquest in the 16th
century introduced a new dimension to Peruvian identity. The mixture of indigenous
cultures with Spanish culture gave rise to a mestizo identity that is reflected in the
language, religion, and social structure of the country. The
although many indigenous communities also preserved their
native languages.
Additionally, Peru's diverse geography has influenced its
national identity. From the high mountains of the Andes to
the desert coast and the Amazon jungle, the country has a great variety of landscapes
and ecosystems. This diversity is reflected in Peruvian gastronomy, which has been
recognized worldwide as one of the richest and most varied.
Peruvian national identity has also been forged through key moments in the country's
history, such as independence from Spain in 1821 and the fight for civil rights and
equality. Historical personalities such as Simon Bolivar, Jose de la Riva-Agüero, Jose
Carlos Mariategui and Maria Elena Moyano have left their mark on the construction of
Peruvian identity.
In summary, the Peruvian national identity is a mixture of indigenous
heritage, Spanish influence, diverse geography and significant
historical moments. It is an identity in constant evolution that is
expressed in the culture, the language, the gastronomy and the
national pride of the Peruvian people.
Institución Educativa JEC
Nuestra Señora Del Carmen
1. What does national identity mean to you?
2. What traditions represent your country?
3. According to the text read. Mention 3 pre-Hispanic civilizations.
4. Mention three Peruvian languages?
5. What influence do ancient indigenous civilizations have on Peruvian
national identity?
6. Is important to know about your national cultures to promote identity?