Greve 1 Joseph Greve Dr. Bass Introduction to Philosophy 20 October 2023 Reflection Assignment 1 In a world where everyone has absolute free will and their subjective truth, it would create an environment that would be complicated and very hard to predict the outcome. When I was asked this question, the first thing that came to my mind was religion. If we have free will to believe in what we believe is the truth about religion or God, which we do in America, there becomes a melting pot of views and beliefs in which people become very protective of their truth. As a result, we have many options, and people from these different beliefs try to convince others that their truth is correct. This comes with the expectation that people will be tolerant and have empathy or some understanding that they have the right to choose a belief they believe to be accurate, even if this may go against their truth. If people could have patience and understanding in this environment, it would be healthy to let people have vast knowledge of how and why their reasons are for their beliefs. Having just one belief with no others to challenge or question, it would be irresponsible to unquestioningly accept it as accurate. Another thing that comes to mind is what is their “own truth”? “Well, that depends on what we mean by ‘truth.’ If the truth is ‘the way things really are,’ then it doesn’t matter how many people know it or deny it.” (Solomon and Higgins, 34). Sometimes, it does not matter what you believe to be true, even if you have free will to do so; in some cases, you are wrong. You may have the ability to honestly believe that Tupac Shakur is still physically alive. However, the fact or truth is that he was pronounced dead by a professional doctor, and witnesses saw him die. On the other hand, if I believe the Sun moved around the Earth, but you believe the Earth moved around the Sun to be the truth, it is an argument that would be necessary. Each side could potentially benefit from hearing each one’s perspective and evidence to discover the truth. Greve 2 In summary, having free will and the ability for everyone to have their truth is essential for a society to learn and have a broader knowledge base. This could only be achieved if people have patience, tolerance, and a general understanding that even though they disagree with someone’s views and/or beliefs, they have the right to believe what they want, whether right or wrong. “How you respond to these difficult questions, your answers reveal a network of beliefs and doctrines that you may have never articulated before you first found yourself arguing about them.” (Solomon and Higgins, 27). I believe that free will and our truths are necessary for Philosophy and life.