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Project Plan Assessment: Scheduling Techniques & Report

RMIT Classification: Trusted
Assessment task two:
Project plan
Introduction date
First week
Due dates
End of week eleven (11 Oct 2020)
Due time
11:59 pm
Assessment weighting
The aim of this assessment is to give you an opportunity to work in a group and
produce a project plan using different scheduling techniques.
Upon successful completion of this assessment you will be able apply planning
techniques on any kind of projects.
Project scheduling is one of the most important skills for project managers. As
project managers, you will be asked to plan your project, execute it according to
the plan, and monitor its progress during the implementation phase.
In this assessment task, you will be asked to form groups of four people. You will
come up with a project of your own. This project can be chosen from any industry
in which you have interest. The project should at least consist of 20 to 30
activities. Then you apply different planning techniques on this project.
This project is part of your learning process in applying the fundamentals of
planning techniques. Therefore, you are not allowed to use planning or scheduling
software such as MS Project.
RMIT Classification: Trusted
Final report:
You are asked to provide a complete project scope including introduction to the
project, deliverables, exclusions, milestones, Work Breakdown Structure, and
Your final report should demonstrate the result of the applications of following
concepts and techniques on your project:
Activity relationship
Project network
Bar chart
Critical path method
Crashing and reducing project duration
Cash flow management
Your report needs to be professionally prepared and include following sections:
Title page
Executive summary
Submit as an electronic submission to the Canvas website.
Electronic Submissions:
Submit as one electronic file.
Submission Format:
Paper size
: A4 for the report, use other sizes to fit in your graphs
Main text of paper : Single spacing, justified
: Single space between paragraphs
Left margin
: 30 mm
All other margins
: 25 mm
Referencing style
: Harvard
Please include the following statement on the front of your submission:
RMIT Classification: Trusted
I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and
agree to the content and expectations of the Assessment Declaration .
Submission referencing
Use a research journal paper format with a hierarchy of headings and sub-headings.
All sources must be referenced appropriately, and all figures and tables must be
numbered, titled and integrated into the body of the report.
Submission format
Submit an electronic file name:
Eg SmithJ_BUSM 1000_S22011_Ass1. Work needs to be clearly identifiable from
download from the Canvas site.
Submission time and location
All assignments are to be submitted to the Canvas website unless directed by
Course Coordinator to do otherwise. Submit by midnight of the day of submission.
Feedback on the assessment item will be provided to each student typically within
three weeks of submission. Results will be displayed online.
RMIT Classification: Trusted
What is assessed
Course learning outcomes:
Apply selection measures to evaluate projects
Select and apply appropriate techniques for project planning.
Develop a project plan
Program learning outcomes
Determine and apply knowledge of complex project
management theory to your professional practice and/or further
Professionally communicate to a range of audiences,
demonstrating in depth knowledge of the discipline and of the
needs of diverse project management stakeholders
Apply logical, critical and creative thinking to analyse, synthesise
and apply theoretical knowledge, and technical skills, to
formulate evidenced based solutions to industry problems or
Utilise appropriate methods and techniques to design and /or
execute research based or professionally focused project
management projects, demonstrating capacity for independent
and collaborative learning, addressing real world industry issues
Collaborate effectively with others and demonstrate intellectual
independence and autonomy to solve problems and/or address
industry issues and imperatives
Critically examine and reflect on the profession, in local and/or
global contexts, and question accepted interpretations and
decision making
Assessment 2:
Project plan