Practical No. 11. Develop a webpage for placing the window on screen and working with child window. Minimum Theoretical Background A. Window ● Here we can control the status bar, tool bar and resize the child window from the main window. ● By changing the value of status to 1 from 0 (status=1;) we can display the status bar for the ● child window. Same way by making the toolbar=1; we can display the tool bars for the small window. B. Opening a Window To open a new windows we use open() method of window object. Syntax:, name, style); url: An URL to load into the new window. Name: A name of the new window. Each window has a, and here we can specify which window to use for the popup. If there’s already a window with such name the given URL opens in it, otherwise a new window is opened. style: The style of window includes various parameters such as menubar, toolbar, location, status, resizable, scrollbars, height & width of window C. The Arguments: ● Height: Defines the height of the window in pixels. Percentage values don't work. ● Width: Defines the width. Again, you'll have no joy with percentages. ● Left: Supported by version 4 browsers and above, this sets how far removed the window appears from the left of the screen. In pixels. ● Top: Partner to left, this pushes the window off the top of the screen. ● Resizable:Set to true or false, this may allow the user to resize the window. ● Scrollbars: Another Boolean value, this adds scrollbars to the new window. If your content may be longer then the dimensions you've specified, make sure this is set to yes. ● Toolbar: Specifies whether the basic back/forward toolbar should be visible. If there are links to follow in your new page, set this to yes ● Menubar: Specifies whether the main toolbar (File, Edit, ...) is shown. ● Location: Specifies whether the location toolbar (address bar) is shown. ● Status: Specifies whether the new window can have a status bar. Best set to yes. For security reasons, Mozilla-based browsers always show the status bar. ● Directories: Specifies whether the directories toolbar is shown (Links toolbar in IE). Questions:1. Explain any 4 methods used with window object along with their syntax. 1.resizeby(): Resizes the window by the specified pixels 2.resizeTo(): Resizes the window to the specified width and height 3.scrollBy(): Scrolls the document by the specified number of pixels 4. ScrollTo(): Scrolls the document to the specified coordinates 5.setInterval(): Calls a function or evaluates an expression at specified intervals (in milliseconds) 6.setTimeOut(): Calls a function or evaluates an expression after a specified number of milliseconds 7.clearInterval(): Clears a timer set with setInterval() 8.clearTimeOut(): Clears a timer set with setTimeout() Exercise:1. Write a program to design a form to accept height and width and 3 buttons as “Create Window”, “Move Window” and “Resize window” <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Practical 11 : Window</title> </head> <body> <div id="any"> <button onclick="cr_win()">Create new Window</button> <button onclick="moby_win()">Move By</button> <button onclick="moto_win()">Move to</button> <button onclick="reto_win()">Re size To</button> <button onclick="reby_win()">Re Size By</button> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function cr_win() { new_w ='','abcd','width=100 , height=100'); } function moby_win() { new_w.moveBy(200,200; new_w.focus(); } function moto_win() { new_w.moveTo(200,500) ; new_w.focus(); } function reto_win() { new_w.resizeTo(300,300 ); new_w.focus(); } function reby_win() { new_w.resizeBy(100,100); new_w.focus(); } </script> </body> </html> Output: Creating Window : MoveBy: MoveTo: Resize To: Resize by: