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Fudge at the Water Park: A Short Story

Fudge at the Water Park
I had been counting the days since school holidays began. Mum had promised a trip to the Awesome Aqua
Park before Christmas. I jumped out of bed this morning and had my boardies and SunSmart shirt on by
breakfast. Dad was going to stay home with Fudge and mum was taking me out for some fun.
The phone rang.
“Bad news,” dad moaned. “I have to go into the office for an emergency meeting.”
“What about the Awesome Aqua Park?” I cried.
“That's okay Peter. We can still go. Fudge can come along. There's plenty of toddler pools,” mum said
I could see my fun day slipping away. Fudge was sure to cause trouble.
“Me swim,” said Fudge pretending to splash.
Once we were inside the water park I spotted a group of my friends. We swam in the Music Fountain Pool
and the Wonky Wave Pool. A few of the big kids decided to try the Swirling Cyclone Mega Slide. It was ten
metres high and totally dark inside the tubes. I was definitely not going near that slide.
Mum bought Fudge and I a cold ice block. She was busy talking to Sam’s mum about Christmas shopping
and when she turned around, Fudge was NOT sitting on the beach towel eating his ice block.
“Fudge!” screamed mum
I could tell straight away that mum was about to panic.
Then everyone was screaming, “Fudge, where are you?”
Suddenly we heard his little annoying voice,
“Big slide. Whoosh. Me big slide.”
I looked up to see Fudge halfway up the giant slide steps. Mum demanded that he come back down but
Fudge kept climbing higher and higher, faster and faster.
“Peter, go and get your baby brother. Get up that slide!” mum yelled.
I stood still. Everyone was looking at me. I was sure my legs were shaking. I thought, please don't make me
do this, but I looked at mum and knew I was about to face my fear.
I climbed and climbed and reached Fudge just before the top of the slide. Ripper. I got to him in time. I
turned to walk back down the stairs when the lifesaver called out on the loudspeaker.
“No going down the stairs. Only up. The only way down is on the slide.”
By now everyone was looking, including all my school friends. I gulped.
“Big slide fun,” laughed Fudge.
I was trapped. At the top I sat on the mat and put Fudge safely between my legs. I might have hugged him
a little hard when the lifesaver said to hold on tight. And then, everything was black. Water rushed and we
were flying in the dark. I screamed and screamed …
And then suddenly it was light and we were thrown out the bottom of the slide. Mum grabbed Fudge and
hugged him tight.
My heart was thumping but I smiled at my friends.
“Wow Peter,” smiled Jeff one of the most popular kids at school. “That was amazing.”
Maybe Fudge wasn't such a pain after all.