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English Module: Analyzing Story Elements (Grade 4)

Analyze a Story in Terms of its
Name: ________________________________________
Date: _____________
Grade/Section: __________________________________ Score:____________
MELC: Analyze a story in terms of its elements
 K to 12 BEC CG (EN4RC-Ib-2.1.1)
Analyze a story in terms of its elements
Module No. 7
Title of the Activity: Analyzing a story in terms of its elements
Most Essential Learning Competency:
Analyze a story in terms of its elements
K to 12 BEC CG (EN4RC-Ib-2.1.1)
PART I- Introduction:
When analyzing a story, you’ll need to consider elements such as characters,
setting, and plot. A character is a person, animal or imaginary creature in the story.
There are usually one or two main characters and there can be many secondary
characters too.
A setting is where a story takes place. The setting is a time like the future, the
past, or now. The setting is also the place like for example on the moon, in San
Quintin, at the Malacañang etc. The setting is an important part of the story.
The plot is made up of the events that happened in the story. It consists of the
beginning, the middle, and the ending. The beginning of a story tells you who the
story is mostly about, and where the story mostly takes place and gives the problem
faced by the main character. The middle of a story tells you the things that happen in
the story and presents the actions made by the characters to solve the problem, while
the ending of the story gives the solution to the problem.
Read and try to analyze the story.
The Littlest Dragon
The littlest dragon on the mountain was called Sparkle, because his hide was
pure white, and sparkly. Some of the dragons were blue, some were green, and some
were red. But Sparkle was the only all-white dragon in their group.
One sunny day, Sparkle climbed up to the top of the mountain. He sat down on
a big rock and looked out at the ocean. The mountain was on an island with long
sandy beaches. Sparkle shook his head. He was worried. It was almost time for their
group of dragons to fly south for the winter, and Sparkle had not yet learned to fly.
His mom, dad, and big sister had tried to teach him. But every time Sparkle jumped
up and flapped his wings, he just tumbled down the hill.
Sparkle heard a sound, and turned to look. A gray seagull had flown down,
and was perched on the rock beside the little dragon. It was a big seagull, but
compared to Sparkle it was quite small. The seagull was about as big as one of
Sparkle’s feet. The seagull asked why sparkle shaking his head. Sparkle answered to
the seagull and asked if who the seagull is.
Sage introduce himself to Sparkle, and then he asked Sparkle if what his
problem is. Sparkle lowered his large head, and said that he can’t learn to fly. Sage
looked at Sparkle, and asked if he can show his take-off. Sparkle stood up. He jumped
as hard as he could and started flapping his wings. He tumbled down the hill. Again
Sage moved his head slowly up and down, and told to Sparkle that he has to pull
himself up with his wings.
Sparkle climbed back up the hill. He looked at Sage for a minute. He raised his
wings up high. Then he pushed his wings down hard, and jumped just a little bit. He
felt the air moving under his wings, and he flapped them some more. Then he
stretched his wings out and soared. Sparkle was flying!
Sage flew up and joined his new friend, Sparkle. They flew up high. They flew
down close to the ocean. They sailed around in circles.
Now let us study about the story elements.
1. Characters:
2. Setting:
3. Problem:
Sparkle and Sage
on a mountain
Sparkle cannot fly, and it is time to fly south for the winter.
4. Beginning (Event 1):
5. Middle (Event 2):
6. Ending (Event 3):
Sparkle climbs to the top of the mountain.
Sage comes and sits beside Sparkle.
Sparkle shows Sage how he jumps when he tries to fly.
7. Problem Solution: Sage tells Sparkle to pull himself up with his wings.
Study the story graphic organizer below.
Story Graphic Organizer
Title: The Littlest Dragon
Setting: on a mountain
Characters: Sparkle and Sage
Beginning: Sparkle climbs to the top of the mountain.
Middle: Saga comes and sits beside sparkle.
Ending: Sparkle shows Sage how he jumps when he tries to fly. Saga tells
to pull
himself up with his wings.
Practice Exercise 1
Read the story and answer the questions below. Encircle the letter of the correct
Little Mouse Makes a Big Mistake
Mouse and Lion are friends. They live in the African grasslands. Lion likes to
sleep under a shade tree for most of the day. It is very hot in the grasslands. Every
day, Mouse runs far and wide through the grasslands. He likes to know everything
that is going on. In the evening, Mouse comes back and tells Lion all the news. After
the sun goes down and the air gets cooler, Lion sometimes decides to go for a run. He
lowers his huge head and invites Mouse to hop up. Mouse hops up, and then hangs on
for dear life.
During the day, while Lion is sleeping, Mouse checks on all the animals. Most
of all he likes to watch the elephants. The baby elephants play in the river near the
hippos. They use their trunks to spray each other with water. The mother elephants
watch the babies carefully, and call them to come out of the water if there is any
Mouse keeps himself well hidden when he is watching the elephants, because
everyone knows that elephants are afraid of mice. But one day mouse made a mistake.
He was so interested watching the baby elephants play that he forgot to keep himself
hidden. One of the mother elephants saw Mouse. Then mother elephants trumpeting a
mighty roar. The babies ran to their mothers, and the elephants began to run.
Mouse scared them all away! Mouse ran to find his friend, Lion. Mouse cried.
He told Lion that he scared the elephants, and they are running away.
Lion lowered his huge head and told Mouse to hop up. Mouse told Lion which
way to go, and Lion ran fast. First, Lion saw the dust in the air. Then he saw the
elephants running. He circled around them, far to their right. He passed them, and kept
running ahead of them. He jumped up on a big rock and turned to face the elephants
as they ran toward him. Then he roared.
It was a mighty roar. It was louder even that the mother elephant’s roar. It
shook the ground. Mouse hung on for dear life, and squeaked. He hid in Lion’s fur.
The elephants slowed down, and then they stopped. They stopped right in front of
Lion shouted, and told to the elephants that there is no danger. Slowly, the
elephants began to turn around. They headed back to their home. Lion lay down on
the rock and stretched himself out. It was hot, and he was tired. Mouse hopped down
and sat beside him. “For such a little mouse,” Lion said, “you certainly caused a big
1. Characters: To whom is the story mostly about?
A. a mother elephant
B. baby elephants
C. Mouse and Lion
2. Setting: Where does this story mostly take place?
A. a lake
B. an island
C. the African grasslands
3. Problem: What problem does one story character have?
A. Mouse scares a mother elephant.
B. Lion sleeps for most of the day.
C. The baby elephants play in the water.
4. Event 1: Which event happens first in this story?
A. Lion’s roar stops the elephants.
B. Mouse runs to get Lion.
C. A mother elephant sees Mouse, and cries out.
5. Event 2: Which event happens second in this story?
A. Lion’s roar stops the elephants.
B. Mouse runs to get Lion.
C. A mother elephant sees Mouse, and cries out.
6. Event 3: Which event happens third in this story?
A. Lion’s roar stops the elephants.
B. Mouse runs to get Lion.
C. A mother elephant sees Mouse, and cries out.
7. Problem Solution: How is one of the character’s problem solved?
A. Mouse hides in Lion’s fur.
B. Mouse goes for a ride on Lion’s back.
C. Lion tells the elephants that there is no danger.
Practice Exercise 2
Read the story and answer the questions below. Write your answer on the space
Buddy and the Cat
Little Buddy Cockroach is a house bug. Mother Bug always tells him to stay in
dark places and hide. He listens to her with half an ear not really believing in what she
“How could they not like me? I have beautiful, shiny wings, and long antenna.
Surely, they would love me,” he thought.
Then, Buddy saw a black cat and said, “I will show Mother Cockroach that she
is wrong.” But when the cat saw him, it immediately jumped and started running after
him with its sharp claws. Buddy ran as fast as he could to the dark place under the
cabinet and never ever came out.
1. Where did the story happen?
2. What do you call this part of the story?
3. Do all stories need a setting? Why?
4. Who are the characters of the story?
5. What problem does one story character have?
6. What happened to Buddy? How did he solve his problem?
Practice Exercise 3
Based on the story “Buddy and the Cat”, complete the Story Map. Write your answer
on the space provided.
Story Graphic Organizer
A. Read the story “Pablo and the Eggs” connect the following boxes to make a story
Map which will help you understand the story better. Write your answer in the
Pablo and the Eggs
Pete, the grasshopper, and his friend Pablo, the praying mantis, were playing in the
garden. One day, they found some small round objects in the grass. Pablo wanted to
play with them because they looked like small balls.
He was about to pick them up when Pete stopped him, “Those are not playthings.”
“They look like small eggs,” Pete said.
“No, they are not eggs. I am going to play with these balls.” Pablo insisted. He got
two and prepared to throw them. Suddenly the eggs broke and out came little bugs.
Pablo was surprised. “Oh! They’re alive!” he said as each one ran in different
Pete laughed at the frightened Pablo, “See, I told you.”
Title of the Story
Plot: Beginning
Plot: Middle
Plot: End
B. Directions: Think of a favorite event in your life and fill in the story chart. Write
your answer on the space provided.
Favorite Event: ______________________
Characters: _________________________
Setting: ____________________________
Event 1:
Event 2:
Event 3:
Answer Key:
Practice Exercise 1
Practice Exercise 2
1. C
1. under the Cabinet
2. C
2. Setting
3. A
3. Teacher’s Discretion
4. C
4. Buddy, mother cockroach, black cat
5. B
5. Buddy saw a black cat, and not believing to his mother.
6. A
6. The cat saw him, it immediately jumped and started running
7. C
after him with its sharp claws. Buddy ran as fast as he could
to the dark place under the cabinet and never ever came out.
He learns his lesson
Practice Exercise 3
1. Buddy and the Cat
A-1. Pablo and the Eggs
2. under the Cabinet
2. Pete and Pablo
3. Buddy, mother cockroach, black cat
3. Garden
4. Buddy saw a black cat, and not
4. Pablo wanted to play with them
believing to his mother.
because they looked like small balls.
5. The cat saw him, it immediately
5. Pete tried to stop him because they
jumped and started running after him
with its sharp claws.
looked like small balls.
6. Pablo was about to play with the
6. Buddy ran as fast as he could to the
dark place under the cabinet and never
ever came out. He learns his lesson.
eggs when it hatched which
frightened him.
B. Teacher’s Discretion
English Learners Materials Grade 4
Teacher’s Guide Grade 4
Prepared by:
Teacher III