重 要/不重要 04 表 扬/批评 05 笨 拙的/敏捷的 06 支 持/反对 07 放 弃/坚持 08 多 /少 09 难 的/简单的 10 传 统的/新的 11 犹 豫不决/果断 12 上 升/下降 13 开 心/不开心 14 真 /假 15 缓 和/加重 16 固 执的/顺从的 17 先 前的/之后的 18 话 多的/话少的 19 不 同的/一致的 20 公 正客观的/偏见的 21 持 久的/短暂的 22 阻 止/促进 23 善 变的/稳定的 24 单 调乏味的/不平凡的 25 滑稽的/严肃的 26 务实的/不切实际的 27 生气的/平和的 28 尊敬/亵渎 29 冷漠/仁慈 30 费力的/不费力的 31 模糊的/清楚的 32 奢华的/朴素的 33 有害的/有益健康的 34 自大的/谦虚的 35 草率的/谨慎的 36 狭隘的/包容的 37 令人讨厌的/吸引人的 38 大/小 39 有效的/无效的 40 怀疑/相信 41 胆小的/大胆的 42 内在的/外在的 43 移动的/稳定的 44 刺耳的/悦耳的 45 吵闹的/安静的 46 懒惰的/勤奋的 47 辱骂/赞美 48 忠诚/背信弃义 49 贫穷/富有 50 超凡脱俗的/世俗的 51 真诚/欺骗 52 可怕的/安慰的 53 小气/大方 54 =================================== 意群词表使用说明 GRE单词的背诵,会经历四个境界。境界一,你不认识它,它也不认识你,你 的词汇量从零开始积累起。境界二,你开始认识它所代表的中文释义。很多同 学都会认为当看到一个单词能知道它的中文意思时,单词就算记住了。其实, 还差的远呢。大多数同学在做GRE填空的时候,会先把题目中的英文转化成脑 海中的中文释义,然后再转化成记忆中的英文,选出对应的英文选项。然而, 在中英转化的过程中,是很难把握单词的准确含义的。所以一般建议在熟悉单 词的中文释义基础下,进入第三境界,认识单词的英文释义。了解过GRE填空 做题方法的同学们都知道,填空的做题技巧无非就是一个“取同”或者“取反 ”的过程,而得到填空高分的诀窍,就是把一个一个的单词,最后按照一组一 组的意群记忆。意群,可以理解成是具有相同或者相近意思单词的集合。以往 的单词记忆,是片段化的,而在做题的过程中需要去花时间去提取去对应。因 此,意群词表的意义在于直接帮助同学以群的方式来记忆单词,直接记忆“取 同”以及“取反”。同时意群词表中的词是根据近几年来总结出来的高频GRE 考场词汇。直击考试,帮助大家记最有用的词。 使用方法 意群词表仅适用于已经有过一定单词积累的同学。如果刚开始备考GRE,请大 家先从单个单词的记忆开始。在各位同学有一定单词积累的时候,即看到单词 的英文能够快速反应出对应的中文释义,就可以加入意群词的背诵。每天建议 背诵1-2个意群词即可,同时和已有的单词计划同时进行。例如每天1-2个小时 正常单词背诵,加入30分钟的意群词背诵。背诵意群词的时候,需要对意群下 单词的原释义有所了解。如此循环往复,直到考试。建议搭配《清柚GRE必考 1000词》使用。效果更佳。 祝大家搞定GRE单词,填空满分! 重要 不重要 consequential inconsequential eventful marginal historic peripheral momentous inconsiderate substantial trivial significant insignificant central negligible critical minute crucial trifling monumental fiddling essential frivolous pivotal nugatory distinctive slight prominent extraneous remarkable immaterial material unimportant relevant niggling monumental irrelevant tectonic piddling seminal petty 表扬/称赞 批评/贬低/看不起 commend belittle acclaim discommend compliment disparage applause censure encomium reprehend eulogy reprobate renown admonish toast criticize tribute rebuke accredit reprimand deify reproach extol reprove glorify castigate magnify excoriate praise lambaste celebrate defy idolize chide laud slag hymn condemn salute denounce 笨拙的 敏捷的 clumsy deft awkward dexterous bungling skillful inept nimble gauche lithe ungainly lissome maladroit graceful bumbling adroit 支持/促进 反对/阻碍 support oppose advocate sabotage champion repel endorse defy patronize challenge embrace contest espouse contradict aid dispute assist baffle bolster counter boost hinder buttress obstruct shore(up) oppugn corroborate confront substantiate withstand defend object uphold demur maintain conflict foster denounce promote take issue with 放弃 坚持 jettison withhold renounce keep abjure retain forgo preserve relinquish cling to cede adhere to recant stick to forsake hew to abandon cleave to 多 少 adequate scant sufficient meager prolific scarce proliferate skimp teeming sparse abundant stingy ample deficient bountiful inadequate copious insufficient plentiful lacking surplus short excess slight redundant wanting superfluous exiguous replete slender bounteous limited cornucopian minimal profuse barren blooming bare fecund niggardly prodigal mere 难的 简单的 opaque accessible ambiguous unambiguous arcane pellucid cryptic evident enigmatic straightforward equivocal explicit inscrutable tangible murky clear nebulous obvious obscure fathomable occult simple abstruse transparent esoteric unequivocal recondite understandable impenetrable articulate vague scrutable incomprehensible comprehensible complex apparent complicated uncomplicated obtuse manifest baroque palpable byzantine perspicuous convoluted unambivalent knotty overt labyrinthine readable sophisticated translucent challenging intelligible 传统的/老的 新的 traditional novel conventional new orthodox undated antediluvian original classical unprecedented authentic unusual established radical common revolutionary ancient transformative reactionary fresh unprogressive progressive ossified open-minded familiar unfamiliar hackneyed pioneering derivative innovative imitative strange tried unique 犹豫不决 果断 faltering determined hesitant unhessitant wavering unwavering irresolute resolute vacillate resolved indecisive adamant jittery set boggle bound teeter purposeful wobble firm 上升/增加 下降/减少 increase decrease accelerate abate aggrandize diminish amplify dwindle augment reduce enlarge abbreviate escalate abridge expand curtail extend shorten raise lessen jump minify spike flag elongate wane lengthen recede protract condense enhance minimize accumulate truncate balloon trim burgeon shrink 开心 不开心 delighted displeased joyful aggrieved blithe dejected buoyant depressed cheerful despondent upbeat disconsolate jocund dolorous mirthful lachrymose elated sorrowful exhilarated deploring exuberant lugubrious exultant weeping sanguine mournful optimistic sullen rosy disheartened intoxicated abject content discontent rhapsodic gloomy jocular saturnine 真 假 authentic specious genuine spurious actual fiction historical invention verifiable concocted proven deceptive substantiated delusive validated misleading factual fake existent unauthentic demonstrated quixotic document ideal realistic imaginative veracious fanciful accurate counterfeit exact unrealistic practical utopian pragmatic feigned 缓和 加重 assuage aggravate allay exacerbate alleviate complicate mitigate worsen mollify deepen palliate intensify relieve magnify soothe amplify 固执的/难以控制的 顺从的/听话的 intractable tractable contumacious deferential defiant amenable incompliant compliant insubordinate docile rebellious obedient recalcitrant tractable refractory pliable stubborn yielding adamant controllable headstrong governable obdurate manageable obstinate acquiescent uncompromising amiable unrelenting agreeable unyielding obliging unruly subordinate disorder conformable resistant submissive implacable surrendering 先前的 之后的 prior after precedent ensuing antecedent following anterior later former subsequent preceding succeeding previous posterior 话多的 话少的 loquacious laconic chatty reserved conversational reticent garrulous taciturn expansive uncommunicative voluble brief long-winded curt prolix pithy rambling succinct verbose terse windy condensed redundant curtailed circuitous shortened 不同的 一致的 disparate identical dissimilar parallel diverse similar mixed matching various counterpart divergent monolithic heterogeneous homogeneous hybrid unchanging assorted analogous eclectic tantamount patchwork resembling piebald commensurate multifarious consistent 公正客观的 偏见的 disinterested bias dispassionate jaundiced evenhanded one-sided impartial partial objective swayed equitable inequitable indifferent hostile nonpartisan partisan unprejudiced prejudiced square distorted balanced shaded candid inimical 持久的 短暂的 ever-lasting ephemeral ceaseless evanescent eternal fleeting perpetual short-lived enduring transitory unremitting provisional incessant transient unfaltering temporary permanent impermanent persistent passing continuing short-term immortal fugacious 阻止 促进 forestall facilitate avert abet preclude aid check assist thwart advance hamper cultivate hinder encourage impede foster stem nurture nullify promote obviate accelerate 善变的/不稳定 稳定的/不变的 mercurial constant capricious invariable fickle immutable inconsistent assist inconstant settled unstable stable volatile persistent unpredictable predictable protean even arbitrary durable irregular stationary 单调乏味的/普通的 吸引人的/让人惊讶的/不平凡的 tedious absorbing drab engaging dreary engrossing dull gripping humdrum intriguing jejune riveting pedestrian alluring stale beguiling dull captivating stodgy enchanting wearisome enthralling weary fascinating tepid arresting commonplace amazing unexceptional inspiring jading surprising mundane astonishing ordinary astounding typical marvelous usual unusual common uncommon tiring charming normal abnormal unremarkable remarkable customary striking 滑稽的/好笑的 严肃的 droll serious hilarious grave humorous severe witty somber jocular solemn jesting mournful comical humorless ludicrous unamusing waggish sober facetious gloom gleeful harsh banter grim frivolous uncomic clownish sedate badinage staid repartee august 务实的/可实现的 不切实际的 practical impractical realistic unrealistic pragmatic absurd down-to-earth idealistic grounded quixotic applicable romantic functional utopian utilitarian visionary operative illusory available unavailable attainable unattainable 生气的/烦躁的 平和的/沉着的 irritated pleased aggravated delighted annoyed content exasperated satisfied irked pacific peeved placid vex serene perturbed unperturbed piqued affable bristly calm cantankerous imperturbable choleric peaceful churlish composed irascible tranquil petulant unflappable agitated equable discomposed moderate disturbed undisturbed flustered temperate restless collected unsettled unruffled tempestuous amicable bothered cordial 尊敬 亵渎 respectful(respect) disrespectful deferential abusive reverent irreverent venerating sacrilegious dutiful undutiful regardful offensive worship insulting glorify belittling admire demeaning honor depreciative exalt derogatory extol disparage idolize contemptuous 冷漠/无情 温和/仁慈/有感情 uncharitable charitable nonchalant compassionate halfhearted warmhearted impassive sympathetic unfeeling merciful affectless benevolent callous clement heartless fervent compassionless impassioned apathetic passionate stoic vehement unemotional emotional phlegmatic fervid 费力的 不费力的 arduous effortless burdensome simple demanding facile exacting undemanding laborious unchallenging onerous smooth taxing manageable formidable uncomplicated challenging achievable 模糊的 清楚的 ambiguous unambiguous obscure plain vague clear nebulous pellucid blear lucid haze definite elliptical specific murky evident inexplicit explicit muddy obvious equivocal patent doubtful distinct mysterious direct 奢华的/浪费的 朴素的/节俭的 profligate austere thriftless spartan squander stark prodigal unadorned extravagant undecorated lavish ascetic luxurious economical plush frugal sumptuous sparing pompous stingy deluxe provident fritter scrimping palatial thrifty gallant prudent 有害的 有益健康的 virulent restorative toxic healthful baleful tonic nocuous remedial noxious sanative inimical curing pernicious therapeutic deleterious salubrious pestilent wholesome unfavorable restorative detrimental salutary adverse curative poisonous benign injurious innocuous harmful harmless 自大的 谦虚的 arrogant humble assumptive lowly bumptious modest cavalier unarrogant haughty unpretentious imperious cowering overweening economical peremptory diffident pompous introverted presumptuous minimalist pretentious demure supercilious reserved condescending retiring patronizing unobtrusive snobbish plebeian bombastic introverted braggart retiring complacent timid egocentric acquiescent self-centered compliant smug submissive vainglorious self-deprecating 草率的/疏忽的 谨慎的/小心的 flippant cautious lax careful remiss circumspect disregardful chary derelict wary imprudent prudent indiscreet guarded brash alert cursory deliberate madcap considerate slack calculating temerarious observant rash vigilant daredevil advertent precipitous attentive slipshod awake reckless regardful heedless heedful impetuous cagey slapdash thoughtful impulsive safe temerity watchful 狭隘的 包容的 insular cosmopolitan parochial ecumenical narrow universal provincial liberal illiberal receptive sectarian open-minded 令人讨厌的 吸引人的 loathsome agreeable detestable alluring obnoxious appealing abhorrent attractive nauseating congenial repellent enjoyable repulsive desirable repugnant inviting distasteful pleasant gross pleasing invidious satisfying scandalous welcome horrid palatable hideous admiring fulsome applauding disgust accepting execrate fascinating abominate captivating odious enchanting noxious engaging resent charismatic despise gripping 大 小 giant diminutive huge dwarf gargantuan minute titanic tiny colossal miniature mammoth small prodigious teeny tremendous micro elephantine petite voluminous little 无效的 有效的 feckless expedient counterproductive efficacious ineffective effective inefficient efficient bootless fruitful fruitless expedient unavailing effectual unproductive productive futile useful pointless expedient unavailing availing vain potent 怀疑 相信/肯定 doubt trust distrust accept suspect ascertain disregardful validate derelict substantiate mistrust swallow question take disbelieve believe discredit credit challenge accredit 胆小的 大胆的 pusillanimous adventurous fainthearted audacious timorous bold quailing daring tremulous dashing recreant gutsy fearsome venturesome gutless brave timid courageous craven fearless daunt intrepid dispirit stalwart scary valiant spineless stout skittish nerved cowardly emboldened apprehensive daredevil 内在的/本质的 习得的/外在的 inherent extraneous inborn alien innate foreign immanent accidental intrinsic coincidental essential acquired ingrained external inveterate exterior settled incidental 移动的/巡游的 稳定的 prowl immobile itinerant settled ambulant static errant stationary perambulatory motionless roaming still wandering stagnant peripatetic immotile peregrine moveless wayfaring frozen fugitive stuck vagrant unmovable nomadic rooted 刺耳的 悦耳的 squawky dulcet raucous symphonious jarring euphonic strident melodious grating mellifluous hoarse tuneful rasping canorous 混乱的/吵闹的 平静的/安静的 uproarious quiet boisterous tranquil raucous serene uproarious peaceful vociferous noiseless clamorous silent rowdy orderly rambunctious pacific tumultuous halcyon riotous nonviolent turbulent placid tempestuous balmy riot calm 懒惰的/没有活力的 勤奋的/有活力的 indolent industrious lazy diligent truant enterprising slothful animated sluggish bouncing idle energetic shiftless exuberant drowsy spirited dull vigorous inert frisky languorous vivacious lethargic dynamic listless robust quiescent brisk supine invigorated torpid vitalized 辱骂 尊敬/赞美 vitriolic respectful vituperative deferential invective courteous contumelious gracious abusive polite truculent mannerly opprobrious civil scurrilous laudatory scurrile praiseful 忠诚 背信弃义 committed perfidious loyal disloyal allegiant recreant devoted traitorous/traitor devout treacherous pious infidelity staunch betray faithful faithless steadfast renegade 贫穷/贫瘠 富有 impoverished lush impecunious fecund beggared productive destitute cornucopian indigent prolific necessitous affluent penniless moneyed needy wealthy unproductive well-off infertile rich barren flush sterile fraught 超凡脱俗的 世俗的/享乐 paranormal temporal metaphysical carnal unworldly earthborn otherworldly fleshly ethereal mundane preternatural secular numinous worldly transcendental demotic unearthly sensuality immaterial carnality supernatural hedonism/hedonist spiritual epicurean 真诚 欺骗/做作 genuine mendacious unaffected affected sincere insincere ingenuous fake artless artful honest dishonest natural phony unpretentious pretentious guileless guileful innocent dissembling candid feigned trustful dissimulating 可怕的 安慰的 daunting calming forbidding comforting ghastly consoling scary lulling gruesome pacifying appalling quieting macabre reassuring horrible soothing frightening tranquilizing direful inviting dreadful unintimidating 小气/自私 大方/无私 mean generous stingy bountiful parsimonious magnanimous penurious unsparing niggardly sympathetic mingy altruistic miserly/miser beneficent closefisted hospitable tightfisted humanitarian skimp philanthropic selfish unselfish uncharitable munificent stinting unstinting