1. Match the verbs with the words to create phrases. leave lend let lie lose make mean meet pay put read ride ring run say see sell send set shake shine show shut a picture of your family / interest your keys / your patience sorry / goodbye everything /a lot to somebody for a meal in a restaurant / your bills a mistake / somebody laugh a message / a parcel a friend / a doorbell your phone at home / a voice message with your relatives / love of your life your headphones in your bag / on your coat in bed all day / to your friend the window / your eyes a film / a beautiful view a book / about today’s news some money to a friend / clothes to your sister a horse / a bike products on the Internet / unnecessary things a marathon / out of time an alarm / a goal bright / with happiness hands / your head your daughter go outside / someone in 2. In each sentence, there's a word in brackets ( ). Use that word to change the sentence, making sure to use the past simple form of the verb. Also, make the sentence negative using "didn't." Example : She ate pizza last night. (hamburger) She didn't eat pizza last night. She ate a hamburger. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) I left my bag in the office. (my documents) You lent the car to your mother. (your girlfriend) Lisa lied to her boss about the project. (the deadline) He meant that he wanted to forget you. (forgive you) Sally rode a camel. (an elephant) She rang her Mom. (her Dad) I saw a strange person. ( a cat) Harry sold his old house. (old car) He shook his hands with the manager. (the boss) I showed a photo of my friends. (family) 3. Your teacher will give you 2 cards. Tell two stories about the situations in your cards by using as many words from ex. 1 as you can. One story must be true and another must be false. After telling both stories let other students guess which story is true and which is false. You get 1 point for each correct verb. The more verbs you use, the more points you get. The winner is the student with the most points.