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Project Proposal Form | CSR Research Guide

Project Proposal Form
Student details
First Name
Last Name
Centre Name
Proposed Title
Section One: Introduction
Identify the issue (Topic)
- Research background (relate to CSR)
- Company background (the organization/sector you study about)
Research Objectives
Research Questions
Contribution of your research
Scope and Access
Research ethics
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this project
Reasons for choosing the project (e.g., links to other subjects you are studying, personal
interest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why you feel the topic is
Section Three: Literature Review
Introduce main topic of your research related to CSR
Theoritical background
Definitions (Quantitative = variables; Qualitative = define topic in context)
Relationships and hypotheses development
Research Model
Section Four: Research Methodology
Methodology (2-3p, do not write purely definitions, but make CONNECTIONS)
Time horizon
Data collection method
Sampling method and Limitation (Respondents, Sample size and location (who, how
many and where?)
Quantitative method {only for Quantitative)
Variables (all in+dependent variables, nr items, variable type)
Descriptive Analytics (median, min-max, average, kurtosis, skewness)
Statistical Method {account for reliability and validity, thresholds for your method}
Survey (Quantitative approach, questionnaire)
Qualitative method {only for Qualitative}
Intended themes researched {will come from your literature review}
Interview questions {if conducting interview}
Thematic analysis {how to do, and how to show reliability and validity}
Section Five: Activities and timescales
Activities to be carried out during the project.
Implementation plan
The key archivements
How long will thistake:
Financial plan: funding need for performing tasks, project cost estimatimation and allocation.
Section Six: Performance review
Provides assessments of research performance to date (self-reflection):
- What aspects of your development process do you think worked well and why?
- What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled? Was there
timely identification of issues and resolution during the project process?
- What did you learn from undertaking the project?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of your process that you have identified?
- How could your process improve for the future?
List of References
References for all the proposal. You MUST use Harvard Referencing Style
Comments and agreement from tutor
I confirm that the project is not work that has been or will be submitted for anotherqualification
and is appropriate:
Comments and agreement from project proposal reviewer (if applicable)
I confirm that the project is not work that has been or will be submitted for anotherqualification
and is appropriate: