lOMoARcPSD|33178753 Statistics Refresher Week 2 Statistics in Psychology (Liberty University) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Francisco, Patrice (2021-204777@rtu.edu.ph) lOMoARcPSD|33178753 PSYC 421 STATISTICS REFRESHER TEMPLATE Student Name: Christopher Hill Suppose you have magically changed places with the professor teaching this course and that you have just administered an examination that consists of 100 multiple-choice items (where 1 point is awarded for each correct answer). The distribution of scores for the 25 students enrolled in your class could theoretically range from 0 (none correct) to 100 (all correct). Below are your student’s scores. You will use this raw data to complete all of the calculations in this assignment: Page 1 of 7 Downloaded by Francisco, Patrice (2021-204777@rtu.edu.ph) lOMoARcPSD|33178753 PSYC 421 One task at hand is to communicate the test results to your class. You want to do that in a way that will help students understand how their performance on the test compared with the performances of other students. Probably, the first step is to arrange the data by converting it from a casual listing of raw scores into something that immediately provides a little more information. Display (in descending order) the test scores and complete the table below. ( 6 points) The first calculation is completed for you, in red, as an example. To calculate f(X) multiply the score times it’s frequency. Example: 96(1) = 96. Scores from Your Test (X) Score f (frequency) f(X) 96 1 96 94 1 94 92 1 92 87 1 87 85 1 85 84 1 84 83 1 83 82 1 82 79 1 79 78 1 78 Page 2 of 7 Downloaded by Francisco, Patrice (2021-204777@rtu.edu.ph) lOMoARcPSD|33178753 PSYC 421 76 1 76 73 1 73 72 1 72 69 2 138 67 2 134 66 1 66 63 1 63 62 1 62 61 2 122 51 1 51 44 1 44 42 1 42 (2 points each): 1. Identify the median of the frequency distribution. Median = 72 2. Identify the mode in the frequency distribution. Mode(s) = 69, 67, 61 3. What is the range of this frequency distribution? Range = 54 Calculating the Average Deviation On average, how much does each score in this distribution vary from the mean score? The steps for calculating the average deviation (AD) of a frequency distribution is as follows: i. Determine the deviation scores for each score in the frequency distribution (in other words, how much does each individual score vary from the mean score?). ii. Find the sum of the deviation scores. iii. Divide the sum of the deviation scores by the total number of scores to obtain the average deviation. Complete the table below (10 points). The first calculation is completed for you, in red, as an example. Scores from Your Test (X) Score f (frequency) Absolute Value of (X−x) 96 1 23.88 94 92 87 85 1 1 1 1 21.88 19.88 14.88 12.88 Page 3 of 7 Downloaded by Francisco, Patrice (2021-204777@rtu.edu.ph) lOMoARcPSD|33178753 PSYC 421 84 83 82 79 78 76 73 72 69 69 67 67 66 63 62 61 61 51 44 42 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11.88 10.88 9.88 6.88 5.88 3.88 0.88 0.12 -3.12 -3.12 -5.12 -5.12 -6.12 -9.12 -10.12 -11.12 -11.12 -21.12 -28.12 -30.12 4. The sum of the absolute value of deviation scores = 287.12 5. The total number of scores in the frequency distribution = 25 6. Therefore, average deviation (AD) = 11.48 (2 points) (2 points) What is the standard deviation of this distribution? The standard deviation is equal to the square root of the average squared deviations about the mean. More succinctly, it is equal to the square root of the variance. So one way to calculate the standard deviation of a frequency distribution is to calculate the variance. Complete the table below as the first step in calculating the variance: (The first calculation is completed for you, in red, as an example.) (10 points) X f X−x (X−x)2 96 1 23.88 570.25 94 1 21.88 478.73 92 1 19.88 395.21 87 1 14.88 221.41 85 1 12.88 165.89 84 1 11.88 141.13 83 1 10.88 118.37 82 1 9.88 97.61 79 1 6.88 47.33 Page 4 of 7 Downloaded by Francisco, Patrice (2021-204777@rtu.edu.ph) lOMoARcPSD|33178753 PSYC 421 78 1 5.88 34.57 76 1 3.88 15.05 73 1 0.88 0.77 72 1 0.12 0.01 69 1 -3.12 9.73 69 1 -3.12 9.73 67 1 -5.12 26.21 67 1 -5.12 26.21 66 1 -6.12 37.45 63 1 -9.12 83.17 62 1 -10.12 102.41 61 1 -11.12 123.65 61 1 -11.12 123.65 51 1 -21.12 446.05 44 1 -28.12 790.73 42 1 -30.12 907.21 (2 points each) 7. The sum of the squared values of deviation scores = 4972.53 8. Variance = Sum of the squared values of deviation scores ÷ total number of scores 9. Therefore, variance = 198.90 10. Standard deviation = √Variance = 14.10 Think about how you will communicate this data to the class. (2 points each) 11. What type of frequency distribution would you use? Simple frequency distribution 12. Which type of graph would you use to represent the data? Histogram 13. Which measure of central tendency would you use to represent the data? The mean 14. Which measure of variability would you use to represent the data? Standard deviation It may be meaningful to your students to reference a normal curve when communicating the results. This may be accomplished by calculating z scores and T scores. Page 5 of 7 Downloaded by Francisco, Patrice (2021-204777@rtu.edu.ph) lOMoARcPSD|33178753 PSYC 421 z scores The formula for calculating z scores is as follows: In the equation, x is the mean of the frequency distribution and S is the standard deviation of the frequency distribution. Complete the table by calculating the z score. The first calculation is completed for you, in red, as an example. (25 points) X f X−x z = (X−x) ÷ S 96 1 23.88 1.69 94 1 21.88 1.55 92 1 19.88 1.41 87 1 14.88 1.06 85 1 12.88 0.91 84 1 11.88 0.84 83 1 10.88 0.77 82 1 9.88 0.70 79 1 6.88 0.49 78 1 5.88 0.42 76 1 3.88 0.28 73 1 0.88 0.06 72 1 0.12 0.01 69 1 3.12 0.22 69 1 3.12 0.22 67 1 5.12 0.36 67 1 5.12 0.36 66 1 6.12 0.43 63 1 9.12 0.65 62 1 10.12 0.72 61 1 11.12 0.79 61 1 11.12 0.79 51 1 21.12 1.49 44 1 28.12 1.99 42 1 30.12 2.14 Page 6 of 7 Downloaded by Francisco, Patrice (2021-204777@rtu.edu.ph) lOMoARcPSD|33178753 PSYC 421 T scores = 10z + 50 Complete the table by calculating the T score. The first calculation is completed for you, in red, as an example. (25 points) Score f (frequency) 96 1 94 92 87 85 84 83 82 79 78 76 73 72 69 69 67 67 66 63 62 61 61 51 44 42 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 67 (66.90) 65.5 64.1 60.6 59.1 58.4 57.7 57 55 (54.90) 54.2 52.8 50.6 50.1 52.2 52.2 53.6 53.6 54.3 56.5 57.2 58 (57.90) 58 (57.90) 65 (64.90) 70 (69.90) 71.4 Page 7 of 7 Downloaded by Francisco, Patrice (2021-204777@rtu.edu.ph)