AL NAHDA NATIONAL GIRLS SCHOOL LESSON PLAN (Secondary) AY 2023-2024 Everyone engages, everyone reflects, everyone learns. Teacher : Mrs. Fatima Djendara Subject : English Unit / Chapter : Unit 1 Belonging Grade : 8 Lesson Title : No. of Periods : Term : Section(s): 7 AP Date : 1 Week Lesson Duration : 10 35 mn 6-10 Nov 2023 RI.8.1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RI.8.2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text. Standard(s) : L.8.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words or phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. L.8.5c Distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions) (e.g., bullheaded, willful, firm, persistent, resolute). RI.9-10.10. By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 9–10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Objectives: Reading: Unit 1 Belonging Reading 1 ‘What is your Group ID?’ SB P 8-9 Learning Objectives: (Know Understand Do) Set the purpose for the reading. Read with Accuracy, Rate, and Intonation. Use text features to identify text elements. Analyze the text and build background Knowledge. 1 Success Criteria: I can *Define and use the new words and differentiate between connotative and literal meaning *Interpret ideas in the text *Identify the purpose of the heading and the subheadings *Analyze information in the text and its purpose. Reading (Key Vocabulary): All Summer in a day: Science Fiction) TB p 36 Retrieve and recall vocabulary words. Recognize and identify words in context. Use new vocabulary words correctly and appropriately in speaking and writing. Understand word relations including synonyms and antonyms. Reading skill ( Analyze characters and plot) TB p 37 Recall what the science fiction genre is. Describe key characters in a literary work Analyze the development of a character in a story. Discuss the relationship between character development and plot progression. Key Vocabulary : P9 The going gets rough problems happen or life feels hard. P 10 In essence: basically Trendsetters people who start popular movements or habits Forego go without or give up P11 In the long run over time An old saying holds A popular belief says P12 Take on be friends with Automatically beat a pathway to your door appear on their own Resources : 2 P 13 backfire have a negative result p 14 common ground things you have in common like me for me like me exactly the way I am p 15 keep it to yourself don’t say bad things or gossip about that person ______________ TB P36 Consequence- civilization- savorFrail –resilient. Value : Tolerance My Identity : Values SCF : Write here 3 Problem Solving Critical Thinking Creativity Lesson Structure Period 1&2 Period 3: What is your Group ID? First read. TB p 815Learn it Do it Own it is written on the ppt for clarification. Lesson Structure Time Introduce the LO Explain to the class that they are going to read an informational text about: • How teens can benefit from joining groups. • What some problems might be in joining a group. Lead in Introduce the Guiding Question 1. Direct attention to the Guiding Question at the top of Student’s Book page 36, and read it aloud: How can conformity be dangerous? Encourage students to consider that conformity to a group can be positive or negative, depending on the situation. Class discussion: Briefly discuss the informational text features ppt slides: 4&5 Main Instructi onal Strategi es & Activitie s Fiction) TB p 36 Time Introduce the LO and discuss the success criteria after Sts write them on their note book. Begin the lesson by making predictions about the title ( Can use padlet) • Period 3: (Key Vocabulary): All Summer in a day: Science First Thought: Group work Obj: Discuss and generate ideas. Distribute the worksheet, emphasize that all members need to interact. What’s Your Group ID FIRST READ.pptx Group 1&2&3: Answer the question Introducing the topic: Do you think trying to fit in with groups is important? Explain why? Obj: Making Prediction Instruct Sts to read aloud the title, examine the photo and read the caption on pages 8–9 4 mn What do you think this selection will be about? What do you see in the photograph? What idea do you think the photograph represents? Use Key Vocabulary words to describe what you can see. Group Work: TASK 1 P: 9 PPT slide 7 Obj: Analyze the text for specific information. 1-Read page 9 answer the question. How are groups beneficial to teens? 2- Underline parts of the text that you have questions about, or you find confusing. Then determine the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences you underlined. Discuss the question: Literary Circles How are groups beneficial to teens? Assessment: Evaluate sts answers and their discussion, check if the students are able to generate coherent ideas using the vocabulary acquired. Timed Think Pair Share: Rally table Slide 9&11 Obj: Making a real-life connection. 5 Invite the Sts to read the quotes and to interpret them, they can relate to their real life experience sharing experience. Assessment: Ask students some HOT QS Why are social systems important? Has globalization impacted these social group negatively or positively? Explain. What subject this topic may explain further? ( ESS: Belonging and identity and the cultural exchange ) Solo: Obj: Interpret ideas On slide 13, invite students to look back to TB p 10&11, have them describe what they see and is the first idea they can get. After that invite them to write the definition of ‘ Social Competence’ Then ask Sts to interpret the quoted part: ( HOT Ordered quotes) Author says: Slide 13 “the ability to understand and get along with others.” 6 “it helps people build family relationships, make successful careers, and deal with all the challenges of being an adult”. Slide 14 What does psychologist Steven G. Little mean when he says, “We in essence define ourselves by who we are in relationship to others”? Group work: Obj: Analyze the text Put students in groups and go through the instructions ( slides 15-21) Give Sts time to answer the questions , tehn review them as class. Change the group’s members ( movement) and assign the tasks after volunteering Sts read the task instruction ( slide 22-24) Sts share their answers for feedback. Solo: “Celebrate the Differences” Real life connection Obj: make connection and share personal experience or POV. ( slide 25) What the author says about the kinds of differences that may occur in groups? 7 Individual differences, such as personality; differences in interests; differences in liking or disliking other members of the group Which differences would be the most likely to affect them negatively in a group? Some individual will be most affected by group members they dislike, while others will be most affected by differences in shared interests Assessment ideas: Ask learners to swap their answers with a partner and give each other feedback, considering the following: Has their partner clearly explained their answers? Do their answers make sense? Extension: What do you do to be your “own best friends.”? Make a list of some daily and weekly routines that support your health, build your confidence, and keep you positive 8 Review cross curricula slide 28 Plenary Exit: Do you agree that you should not reveal if there’s someone in your group that you don’t particularly like? Why or why not? Slide 29 Lesson Structure Period 3: Lesson title mn mn Time Lesson Structure Period 4: Lesson title Time Lead in mn mn Main Instructi onal Strategi es & Activitie s 9 Plenary mn mn Lesson Structure Period 5: Lesson title Time Lesson Structure Period 6: Lesson title Time Lead in mn mn Main Instructi onal Strategi es & Activitie s 10 Plenary mn mn 11 Lesson Structure Period 7: Lesson title Time Lead in mn Main Instructi onal Strategi es & Activitie s Plenary mn 12 Assessment Teacher’s questions Peer Assessment People of Determination (ADEK) Category _ SEN Policy & Procedure Choose an item Differentiation Choose an item NA Content Self-Assessment Process Product Environment Refer to the details in the weekly plan. Written response Classwork / Homework Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Questions Cross-curricular Connections Write here Write here Reflection and Evaluation : Icons Key : Global Perspectives Inquiry-Based Learning 13 Innovation Project Work Sustainability The following terms are used throughout the students’ performance indicators with the following definitions: Almost all Most Large majority Majority Large minority Minority Few Greater than 90% 75% - 90% 61% - 74% 50% - 60% 31% - 49% 16% - 30% Up to 15% 14