Lodbroktrader Lodbroktrader@gmail.com / @ Lodbroktrader The Discord user Apex Trade has put in an tremendous effort over many months to improve as a trader. He has reviwed hours upon hours of recordings of Kris and identified over 200+ trades Kris has taken, mainly in 2020. The identified trades are mainly breakouts, but some other trades has also been included. All his raw files can be downloaded directly from Discord, or from this shared Google Drive. The charts from before 2020 has white lines showing the range, while the charts from 2020 has the white line showing entries. Apex Trade estimates that about 95% of all the entires are accurate, and 5% might have a day difference. Please let us know if you find any mistakes. After reviewing hours upon hours Apex Trade his main take away is the importance of trading trending stocks (above 10SMA), and that when both the 10- and 20 day SMA acts as support the moves are usually explosive. Additionally, Apex Trade encourages everyone to do a similar exercise as it has been an incredibly valueable experience. You can be provided all the tools / resources you may desire, but you have to fall in love with the daily grind in order to be successful. Additional resources: The database has been uploaded to Imgur to give you an opportunity to quickly skim through it. Links to each month in 2020 can be found below: 2020 – January: https://imgur.com/a/KxdNpGq 2020 – February: https://imgur.com/a/zdt1Zns 2020 – March: https://imgur.com/a/nteI7Ky 2020 – April: https://imgur.com/a/5y5fq32 2020 – May: https://imgur.com/a/vl6LASj 2020 – June: https://imgur.com/a/xZeUk1h 2020 – July: https://imgur.com/a/NTIHe4R 2020 – August: https://imgur.com/a/W4hA1pM 2020 – September: https://imgur.com/a/lpEe4Ur 2020 – October: https://imgur.com/a/pT4Ai9N 2020 – November: https://imgur.com/a/pT4Ai9N A Google spreadsheet has also been created, if you would like to do additional analysis for the entires (and exits!)