Man in the Mirror - Assignment Megh Bhushan Bhatele DM241047 At the height of the case, Sebastian found himself facing a decision. He was torn between his held values of honesty, integrity, and doing what is right and the challenging reality of his role, in the Kingdom of Sumeria. Despite encountering warning signs along the way, he remained determined to lead the telecommunications project in a manner that aligned with his principles. As Sebastian delved further into the project, he came across an issue within the $15 million defense procurement document. There were charges amounting to $2.5 million under a vague description representing a substantial portion of the project's total value. Sebastian's instincts and moral compass signalled that something was wrong; these charges appeared far, from legitimate. With courage, Sebastian decided to act in line with his values. He could not sign the document and turned a blind eye to the potential wrongdoing. He knew that pushing further would jeopardize his job and even put his personal safety at risk in the politically charged environment of Sumeria. Nevertheless, his commitment to "doing the right thing, even if it costs you your life" prevailed. Sebastian chose not to give up to the pressure of his senior management colleagues, who had adeptly produced explanations for the red flags. Instead, he resolved to investigate further, seeking clarity and transparency in the project's financials and objectives. He knew that his actions might have consequences, but he could not abandon his principles. In the face of moral dilemmas and ethical uncertainty, Sebastian took a courageous step toward uncovering the truth, aligning his actions with his deeply ingrained values of integrity and honesty.