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Edible Oil Industry Design Report: Soybean Production

Wallaga University
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Architecture
Integrated Design Project studio II
Course code: - ARCH 4091
Edible Oil production Industry design report
Edible oil industry
The word oil is derived from the Latin word oleum, originally used for olive oil, but nowadays it
means any of numerous combustible and unctuous substances that are liquid at room temperature
(this distinguishes them from fats) and soluble in many organic solvents but not in water .Edible
oils are derived from plants and chemically composed of triglycerides and several other minor
components. They are major components of the human diet, along with carbohydrates and
proteins. Lipids in general, and edible vegetable oils in particular, are very important in the
cooking and palatability foods. Sources of edible oils are many and varied, and their quality
attributes such as nutritional properties, health benefits, lipid Composition, odor, and color are
important for consumers
Ethiopia has favorable agro-climatic conditions for the cultivation of oil seeds and is one of the
centers of origins in the world for several oil crop plants like rape seed, Niger/noug seed, And
castor beans. Other oilseeds like linseed, soybeans, groundnuts, sunflower, and safflower seeds
are produced in different parts of the country [2]. Production and export of sesame seed has
increased dramatically in the last ten years and thus Ethiopia. Ethiopia is fourth largest producer
of sesame seed in the world behind India, China and Sudan. Niger seed, which is also known as
noug, is the second most widely-produced oilseed crop in Ethiopia, accounting for a little more
than a quarter of total oilseed production and accounting for 28 percent of area planted to
oilseeds. All other oilseed crops (soybeans, linseed, groundnuts, cottonseed etc.) grown in
Ethiopia are almost entirely used domestically
The aim is to produce edible oil from soybean seed.
1. To analyze the current production and demand of soybean oil.
2. To assess standards and type of material for agricultural industrial production.
3. To create and design sustainable agricultural industry
The ultimate purpose of this project is to give sustainable agricultural industry by using the
resource found on the surrounding.
Limitation: it is difficult to manage and know in detailed information about the chemical
treatments and the machines.
It Provide relevant information about designing stimulating environment to alleviate the
production of edible oil. The design of this study solves problem of the communities,, and the
environments as a whole, which is first it creates job opportunity for the local people and
increase the economy of the city, state and country. Second these kinds of projects play an
important role on the supply of oil especially
Design capacity
It produces 1000kg soybean which makes the production to 500 – 1000L. the human resource
Is up to 250 people including all the labor force and management team.
Design description
Site location and Site analysis
The Processing of Edible Oils
Edible oils are processed from oil seeds of various types, First, oil seeds must be procured and approved
based on their quality characteristics. Oil seeds should be cleaned and sifted to remove extraneous matter
and conditioned or pre-treated. Depending on the type of oil seed, this may include soaking, cooking,
removing hulls, and/or flaking or crushing. The seed we have chosen for production is soybean because
the seed is found in abundance in western part.
Type of building material
Considering the best building materials industry, protecting against moisture and heat damage is
Wall material
The most popular are:10cm light weight concrete wall, masonry block walls, cement plaster,
steel, RC slab,G30 roofing
The reason why we select this material is as we have design abuilding which must be found
outside the city and its temreature might get hotter so, masonry block walls best known for its
use in hot area as it is energy efficient material. And it is durable, fire resistance and it use in
high rise building.
Masonry block wall is energy efficient
Because of its exceptional thermal mass, a masonry wall can quickly absorb excess solar heat
and stabilize indoor temperatures, making masonry an energy-smart choice for both structural
load-bearing and nonstructural
applications.Color: For painting of wall
we have use white color.
Wall tickness is 30mm.
 It is masonry block wall
 Color of the wall painting is white
Window material
Type of window we have select is dual pane glass and triple pane glass. The reason why we
select those window type is their maximization of energy efficiency.
 The winow type we used are triple panel glass.
 Height of the window is 1.5m and its width are 2m.
 Triple window pane is energy efficient,because triple
glazing works by having an air gap that reduce the thermal
transmission of hot and cold area.
It is about movement of air from out door to room or building. We have used natural ventilation.
Because its easier to accsess in addition to artificial ventilation while day time.
-they provide high ventilation rate
- More energy efficient if heating is not required.
- To provide high daylight
Double sided ventilation
It is type of ventilation how we examine natural ventilation in house. Too many people are
found in the industry so only one side ventilation is not enough. wind direction is the most
critical factor that give comfort for person. To feel this comfort we use natural double sided
ventilation or cross ventilation in the building.
Waste treatment
The acid degumming waste from the seeds oil refining business is disposed of, but it might be
used as a significant source for making numerous products. The latter was then converted into
more valuable products, including polar head modified PLs-enriched mixtures containing
phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and
phosphatidylhydroxybutyrate (PB), via an enzymatic reaction catalysed by phospholipase D
(from Streptomyces netropsis). It has been shown that dietary PLs are crucial for preventing a
wide range of human disorders, including cancer, coronary heart disease, problems with
cholesterol metabolism, and inflammations.
North elevation
South elevation
East elevation
West elevation
Site section
Site plan