Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please rep Thank You! Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report una Thank You! Selected Titles in This Series Volume 4 W . J. Kaczor and M. T. Nowak Problems in mathematical analysis I: Real numbers, sequences and series 2000 3 Roger Knobel An introduction to the mathematical theory of waves 2000 2 Gregory F. Lawler and Lester N . Coyle Lectures on contemporary probability 1999 1 Charles Radin Miles of tiles 1999 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! This page intentionally left blank Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems in Mathematical Analysis I Real Numbers, Sequences and Series Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! This page intentionally left blank Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! STUDENT MATHEMATICAL LIBRARY Volume 4 Problems in Mathematical Analysis I Real Numbers, Sequences and Series W J. Kaczor M.T. Nowak iAMS AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Editorial Board David Bressoud R o b e r t Devaney, Chair Carl Pomerance Hung-Hsi W u Originally published in Polish, as Zadania z Analizy M a t e m a t y c z n e j . Cz$sc Pierwsza. Liczby Rzeczywiste, Ciagi i Szeregi Liczbowe © 1996, W y d a w n i c t w o U n i w e r s y t e t u Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej, Lublin. Translated, revised a n d a u g m e n t e d by t h e a u t h o r s . 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 00A07, 4 0 - 0 1 . Library of Congress C a t a l o g i n g - i n - P u b l i c a t i o n D a t a Kaczor, W. J. (Wieslawa J.), 1949[Zadania z analizy matematycznej. English] Problems in mathematical analysis. I. Real numbers, sequences and series / W. J. Kaczor, M. T. Nowak. p. cm. — (Student mathematical library, ISSN 1520-9121 ; v. 4) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-8218-2050-8 (softcover : alk. paper) 1. Mathematical analysis. I. Nowak, M. T. (Maria T.), 1951- II. Title. III. Series. QA300K32513 2000 515 / .076-dc21 99-087039 Copying and reprinting. Individual readers of this publication, and nonprofit libraries acting for them, are permitted to make fair use of the material, such as to copy a chapter for use in teaching or research. Permission is granted to quote brief passages from this publication in reviews, provided the customary acknowledgment of the source is given. Republication, systematic copying, or multiple reproduction of any material in this publication is permitted only under license from the American Mathematical Society. Requests for such permission should be addressed to the Assistant to the Publisher, American Mathematical Society, P. O. Box 6248, Providence, Rhode Island 02940-6248. Requests can also be made by e-mail to © 2000 by the American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. The American Mathematical Society retains all rights except those granted to the United States Government. Printed in the United States of America. @ The paper used in this book is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensure permanence and durability. Visit the AMS home page at URL: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 09 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Contents Preface Notation and Terminology Problems Chapter 1. Real Numbers 1.1. Supremum and Infimum of Sets of Real Numbers. Continued Fractions 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities Chapter 2. Sequences of Real Numbers 2.1. Monotonic Sequences 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 2.3. The Toeplitz Transformation, the Stolz Theorem and their Applications 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems Chapter 3. Series of Real Numbers 3.1. Summation of Series Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Contents Vlll 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 72 3.3. The Integral Test 88 3.4. Series of Positive and Negative Terms - Convergence, Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 92 3.5. The Dirichlet and Abel Tests 99 3.6. Cauchy Product of Infinite Series 102 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series 105 3.8. Infinite Products 112 Solutions Chapter 1. Real Numbers 1.1. Supremum and Infimum of Sets of Real Numbers. Continued Fractions 125 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities 136 Chapter 2. Sequences of Real Numbers 2.1. Monotonic Sequences 151 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 162 2.3. The Toeplitz Transformation, the Stolz Theorem and their Applications 181 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 189 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 208 Chapter 3. Series of Real Numbers 3.1. Summation of Series 245 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 269 3.3. The Integral Test 302 3.4. Series of Positive and Negative Terms - Convergence, Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 309 3.5. The Dirichlet and Abel Tests 324 3.6. Cauchy Product of Infinite Series 333 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Contents IX 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series 342 3.8. Infinite Products 360 Bibliography - Books 379 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! This page intentionally left blank Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Preface This book is an enlarged and revised English edition of a Polish version published in 1996 by the Publishing House of Maria CurieSklodowska University in Lublin, Poland. It is the first volume of a planned series of books of problems in mathematical analysis. The second volume, already published in Polish, is under translation into English. The series is mainly intended for students who take courses in basic principles of analysis. The choice and arrangement of the material make it suitable for self-study, and instructors may find it useful as an aid in organizing tutorials and seminars. This volume covers three topics: real numbers, sequences, and series. It does not contain problems concerning metric and topological spaces, which we intend to present in subsequent volumes. The book is divided into two parts. The first part is a collection of exercises and problems, and the second contains their solutions. Complete solutions are given in most cases. Where no difficulties could be expected or when an analogous problem has already been solved, only a hint or simply an answer is given. Very often various solutions of a given problem are possible; we present here only one, hoping students themselves will find others. XI Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! xi i Preface With the student in mind, we have tried to keep things at an elementary level whenever possible. For example, we present an elementary proof of the Toeplitz theorem about the so-called regular transformation of sequences, which in many texts is proved by methods of functional analysis. The proof presented is taken from Toeplitz's original paper, published in 1911 in Prace Matematyczno-Fizyczne, Vol. 22. We hope that our presentation of this part of real analysis will be more accessible to readers and will ensure wider understanding. All the notations and definitions used in this volume are standard and commonly used. The reader can find them, for example, in the textbooks [12] and [23], in which all necessary theoretical background can be found. However, to make the book consistent and to avoid ambiguity, a list of notations and definitions is included. We have borrowed freely from many textbooks, problem books and problem sections of journals like the American Mathematical Monthly, Mathematics Today (Russian) and Delta (Polish). A complete list is given in the bibliography. It was beyond the authors' scope to trace all original sources, and we may have overlooked some contributions. If this has happened, we offer our sincere apologies. We are deeply indebted to all our friends and colleagues from the Department of Mathematics of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University who offered stimulating suggestions. We have had many fruitful conversations with M. Koter-Morgowska, T.Kuczumow, W. Rzymowski, S. Stachura and W. Zygmunt. Our sincere thanks are also due to Professor Jan Krzyz for his help in preparing the first version of the English manuscript. We are pleased to express our gratitude to Professor Kazimierz Goebel for his encouragement and active interest in the project. It is our pleasure to thank Professor Richard J. Libera, University of Delaware, for his invaluable and most generous help with the English translation and for all his suggestions and corrections which greatly improved the final version of the book. W. J. Kaczor, M. T. Nowak Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Notation and Terminology • • • • • • • • • R - the set of all real numbers R + - the set of all positive real numbers Z - the set of all integers N - the set of all positive integers Q - the set of all rationals (a, b) - open interval with the endpoints a and b [a, b] - closed interval with the endpoints a and b [x] - the integral part of a real number x For x e R, ( 1 sgnx = < - 1 0 for x > 0, for x < 0, for x = 0. For n e N, n! = 1 - 2 - 3 - . . . - n , (2n)!! = 2 • 4 • 6 •... • (2n - 2)(2n) and (2n - 1)!! = 1 • 3 • 5 • ... • (2n - 3)(2n - 1). If A c K is nonempty and bounded from above, then sup A denotes the least upper bound of A. If a nonempty set A is not bounded above, then we assume that sup A = -foo. xin Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Notation and Terminology XIV If A c t is nonempty and bounded from below, then inf A denotes the greatest lower bound of A. If a nonempty set A is not bounded below, then we assume that inf A = — oo. A sequence {an} of real numbers is said to be monotonically increasing (monotonically decreasing) if a n + i > an for all n £ N (a n +i < an for all n £ N). The class of monotonic sequences consists of the increasing and the decreasing sequences. A number c is a limit point of the sequence {an} if there is a subsequence {ank} of {an} converging to c. Let S be the set of all the limit points of {an}. The limit inferior, lim a n , and the limit superior, lim a n , of the sequence {an} are defined as follows: +oc lim an = < —oo lim an n—+oc if {an} is not bounded above, if {an} is bounded above and S = 0, supS if {an} is bounded above and S ^ 0, -oo if {an} is not bounded below, -f oo if {an} is bounded below and S = 0, inf S if {an} is bounded below and S ^ 0. An infinite product Yl an is said to be convergent if there 71=1 exists no £ N such that an ^ 0 for n > UQ and the sequence {a n o a n o + i • ... • anQ+n} converges, as n —> oo, to a limit P0 other than zero. The number P = a ^ • • • • * a>n0-i ' Po is called the value of the infinite product. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! This page intentionally left blank Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Chapter 1 Real Numbers 1.1. Supremum and Infimum of Sets of Real Numbers. Continued Fractions 1.1.1. Show that sup{x e Q : x > 0 , x2 < 2} = V2. 1.1.2. Let A C M be a nonempty set. Define —A = {x : —x e A } . Show that sup(—A) = —inf A, inf (—A) = - s u p A. 1.1.3. Let A, B e l be nonempty. Define A + B = {z = x + y:xeA, yeB}, A-B y €B}. = {z = x-y:xeA, Show that sup(A -f B) = sup A + sup B , sup( A - B) = sup A - inf B. Establish analogous formulas for inf (A + B) and inf (A — B). 3 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 1: Real Numbers 4 1.1.4. Given nonempty subsets A and B of positive real numbers, define A • B = {z = x - y : x € A, y eB} A = {Z = ± : X € A } . Show that sup(A • B) = sup A • sup B . Show also that, if inf A > 0, then sup (1) = ex and, if inf A = 0, then sup (^-) = +oo. Additionally, show that if A and B are bounded sets of real numbers, then sup(A • B) = max{sup A • sup B , sup A • inf B , inf A • sup B , inf A • inf B } . 1.1.5. Let A and B be nonempty subsets of real numbers. Show that sup(A U B) = max{sup A, sup B} and inf (A U B) = min{inf A, inf B } . 1.1.6. Find the least upper bound and the greatest lower bound of A i , A2 defined by setting Ai = J2(-l)"+1 + ( - 1 ) ^ (2 + £) : n €N} , fn-1 2717T 1 A2 = < 7 cos —— : n e N > . \n+l 3 J 1.1.7. Find the supremum and the infimum of the sets A and B , where A = {0.2,0.22,0.222,... } and B is the set of decimal fractions between 0 and 1 whose only digits are zeros and ones. 1.1.8. Find the greatest lower and the least upper bounds of the set of numbers \n^' , where n e N. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.1. Supremum and Infimum. Continued Fractions 5 1.1.9. Find the supremum and the infimum of the set of numbers n+ 2~l 2"m , where n,ra G 1.1.10. Determine the least upper and the greatest lower bounds of the following sets: (a) A = < — : m, n G N, m < 2n \ , (b) B = { v ^ ~ [y/n] : n G N} . 1.1.11. Find (a) sup{a: e R : x 2 + a ; + l > 0 } , (b) mf{z = x + x~1 : x > 0}, (c) inf{2 = 2* + 2- :x>0}. 1.1.12. Find the supremum and the infimum of the following sets: (a) A = < — + — : m, n G N > , [ n m J (c) C (d) D = i T — ^ — : m G Z, n G N i , ^ |m| -h n. J (e) E= 4 \ m : ra,neN>, [m + n J f ^^ T,T1 : m, n G N > . 1.1.13. Let n > 3 be an arbitrarily fixed integer. Take all the possible finite sequences ( a i , . . . , a n ) of positive numbers. Find the least upper and the greatest lower bounds of the set of numbers E: ^ afc + afc Ofc +1 -f afc+2 where we put a n +i = a\ and a n +2 = &2 • Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 1: Real Numbers 6 1.1.14. Show that for any irrational number a and for any positive integer n there exist a positive integer qn and an integer pn such that _Pn\ _1_ qn I nQn Show also that {pn} and {qn} can be chosen in such a way that we have a— < qn 1.1.15. Let a be irrational. Show that A = {m + not : m, n G Z} is dense in R, i.e. in any open interval there is at least one element of A. 1.1.16. Show that {cosn : n G N} is dense in [—1,1]. 1.1.17. Let x G R \ Z. Define the sequence {xn} x = [x] + — , X\ xi = [xi] + — ,..., X2 by setting x n _i = [x n _i] -h — . Xn Then X = \X + N + [x2] + •• -f [x n _i] -h Show that x is rational if and only if there exists n G N for which xn is an integer. Remark. The above representation of x is said to be a finite continued fraction. The expression 1 a0 + a\ + a2 + "• + Gn-1 + Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.1. Supremum and Infimum. Continued Fractions 7 will also be written in the more convenient form 1| II II ao + T^ + T^ + .-. + T-1-. \CL2 \ai \an 1.1.18. For positive real numbers ai,a2,...,o n set Po = do , Pi = a0ai + 1, <7o = 1, ^i = ai, Pk = Pk-i&k + Pk-2, qk = qk-ia>k + qk-2> with fc = 2,3,...,n, and define ^0 = 0 0 , i?fc = « o + i hi h ... + i — , k = l,2,...,n . (jRfc is called the kth convergent to a o + T^ + T^ + --- + -n~JShow that Rk = — for k — 0, l,...,n. 1.1.19. Show that if pk.qk are defined as in the foregoing problem and the ao,oi,...,a n are integers, then Pk-iQk ~ qk-iPk = (~l) fc for k = 1,2,..., n. Use this equality to conclude that p/- and qk are co-prime. 1.1.20. For an irrational number x we define a sequence {xn} #i = 1 x - [ xr^5 ]' x 2 1 xi-[xi]'"*' n xn-i by 1 - [xn_i]'"" Moreover, we put ao = [x], an = [x n ], n = 1,2,..., and Rn = a0 + T-1 |ai + -r-1 + ... + r 1 - . |a2 |a n Show that the difference between the number x and its nth convergent is given by x - R = v ; where pn,<7n are defined in 1.1.18. Conclude that x is between its two consecutive convergents. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 1: Real Numbers 8 1.1.21. Show that the set {sinn : n G N} is dense in [—1,1], 1.1.22. Apply the result in 1.1.20 to prove that for every irrational number x there exists a sequence i^} of rational numbers, with odd qn, such that I Pn < 2 \X Qn I Qn (Compare with 1.1.14.) 1.1.23. Derive the following formula for the difference of two consecutive convergents: (-l)n Rn+i — Rn — . QnQn+l 1.1.24. Let x be irrational. Show that its convergents Rn defined in 1.1.20 are successively closer to x, that is, \x- Rn+i\ <\x - Rn\, 1.1.25. Prove that imation of x of all That is: if r/s is such that \x — r/s\ n = 0,1,2,.... the convergent Rn = pn/qn is the best approxrational fractions with denominator qn or less. a rational number with a positive denominator < \x — i? n |, then s > qn. 1.1.26. Expand each of the following as infinite continued fractions: 1.1.27. For a positive integer &, find the representation of y/k2 + k by an infinite continued fraction. 1.1.28. Find all the numbers x € (0,1) whose infinite continued representations have a\ (see Problem 1.1.20) equal to a given positive integer n. 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities 1.2.1. Show that if a^ > —1, k = 1,..., n, are all positive or negative, then (1 + ai) • (1 + a 2 ) •... • (1 + a n ) > 1 + ai + a 2 + ... + an . Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 9 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities Remark. Note that if a\ = a 2 = ... = an = a then we get the well known Bernoulli inequality: (1 + a)n > 1 + n a , a > - 1 . 1.2.2. Using induction, prove the following result: If a i , a 2 , . . . , a n are positive real numbers such that a\ • a 2 •... • an = 1, then ai + a 2 + ... + an>n. 1.2.3. Let An, Gn and Hn denote the arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means of n positive real numbers a i , a 2 , ...,a n ; that is, _ Q>1 + Q>2 + ... + CLn A An — Gn = 71 , n \/0>l ' . . . • CLn j "" i + i + ... + -^ * Show that An > Gn > Hn. 1.2.4. Using the result (Gn < An) in the foregoing problem, establish the Bernoulli inequality (1 + x)n > 1 + nx for x > 0. 1.2.5. For n €N, verify the following claims: 1 1 1 1 2 (b) ^TI + ^T2 + ^T3 + - + 3 ^ T T > 1 ' W 1 1 < 2 3n + l (d) n(v / ^TT-l)<l + i + ... + - + 1 J_ 1 2 + + + < 3n + 2 '" 5n 5 n + l 3' <n(l 1 ; + r ) ,n > l . v^TT n-fiy' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 1: Real Numbers 10 1.2.6. Show that for any x > 0 and n G N we have xn 1 3 2n < 1 + x + x + x + ... + x - 2n + 1 2 1.2.7. Let {an} be an arithmetic progression with positive terms. Show that Vaian < y/a1a2.^an < ——. 1.2.8. Show that V ^ < >/n!< ^ 5 ^ , neN. 1.2.9. Let dk , k = 1,2,..., n, be positive numbers and let ^ a^ < 1. fc=i Show that n n2. 1.2.10. Let a/c > 0, A: = 1,2, ...n, where n > 1, and set s = J2 akVerify the following claims: (b) (c) k=\ E - ^ ^ - ^ ' jTT-^-Y'zn + l. 1.2.11. Show that if a^ > 0, fc = 1, ...,n, and a\ • a2 • ... • a n = 1, then (l + a 1 )(l + a 2 ) . . . . . ( l + a n ) > 2 n . Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 11 1.2. S o m e E l e m e n t a r y I n e q u a l i t i e s 1 . 2 . 1 2 . Prove the following Cauchy inequality: n n k=i fc=i £«*»* <E«*XX VJk=l 1 . 2 . 1 3 . Show t h a t E H + SJfe=l EM \jfe=i 2\ 2 4 <£(«2+«) fe=i 1 . 2 . 1 4 . Show t h a t if E afc = E 6fc = *> /c=l /c=l /^Qfcbfc fc=l then < 1. 1 . 2 . 1 5 . For afc > 0, k = 1,2, ...,n, verify the following claims: n n (a) (b) 1 a f e E E ^ 7 ^ n 2 ' u fc=i fe=i k n n 1 -a afe _ Ji k n 1_afe E E ^ )' Ofe ^ E( fc=i fc=i *:=! (c) 2 2 ( l o g a a ! ) + ( l o g a a 2 ) + ... + ( l o g a a n ) 2 > - , n provided a\ • a<i •... • an = a 7^ 1. 1 . 2 . 1 6 . For a > 0, show t h a t -, y^Qfcfrfc fc=i n n fc=l fc=l 1.2.17. Establish t h e following inequalities: ^ M k=l < y/n X^aM Kk=l - Vn^2\akl fe=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 1: Real Numbers 12 1.2.18. Show that (a) , z ^ - - i - ^ - - . ^ f c fc=i 2 <•» IE?) ^E^E?fc=l fc=l Vjfc=l 1.2.19. Show that 5>£ <£ar*£«r> for any real p,q and any positive ai,a2, ...,a n . n 1.2.20. Find the minimum of the sum ^T, a\ fer subject to the con- n straint ]T) ak = 11.2.21. Let PiiP2i-~<>Pn be given positive numbers. Find the mini- n n mum of J ] p/ca| subject to the constraint ^ a^ = 1. fc=i fc=i 1.2.22. Show that ^ a 2 f c + 2aia 2 £ afc J < ( n - l ) u=i <fc=i 1.2.23. Verify the following claims: (a) (b) / n \ 2 2 / n \ X > + &*) * 5>M u=i u=i E4 - E< \Jfe=l \Jfe=l 2 + / n \ 2 U>* ' u=i < E l ^ "6jfelfc=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities 13 1.2.24. Let PiiPii •••iPn be given positive numbers. Find the minimum of n ( n \ 2_] l + I Z-lak I n a fc=i \k=i subject to the constraint J /^Pfca/c = 1k=i 1.2.25.. Prove the following Chebyshev inequality: If a\ > a2 > ... > an and bi > 62 > ... > bn (or a\ < a2 < ... < an and b\ < 62 < ... < 6 n ), then 22^k^2h < ny^akbk. k=l k=l k=l 1.2.26. Assuming ak > 0, A: = 1,2, ...,n, and p € N, show that \ k=l fc=l / 1.2.27. Establish the inequality (a + 6 ) 2 < ( l + c ) a 2 + ( l + - ) 6 2 for positive c and any real a and 6. 1.2.28. Show that |\/a 2 + b2 - Va2 + c21 < |fe-c|. 1.2.29. For positive a, 6, c, verify the following claims: (a) b (d) v ' (e) be ac , ab ^ , — + — + — > (a + b +N c), a 0 c 1 1 1 ^ 1 a b c - + - + ->-= 2 6+ c b2-a2 2 y/bc 1 1 + -= + - 7 =, c-f-a a-f 2 2 c -b + r + c+ a a+b 1(0-6)2 a+ 6 < — 8 a 2 y/ca 2 ^ y/ab 9 6 a+ b+c 2 2 a -c n -r ^ 0, b+c ^ ^ l(a-fe)2 Vab < - -—-—!— 8 0 ... provided b < a. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 1: Real Numbers 14 1.2.30. For ak e R, bk > 0, k = 1,2,..., n, set m = min< — : k = 1,2, ...,n > and M = maxj — : fe = 1,2, ...,n >. Show that a\ +a2 + ... + a n m < — < M. - 6 i + 6 2 + ... + 6 n ~ 1.2.31. Show that, if 0 < <*i < a 2 < ... < a n < f, n > 1, then tanai < sin a i + sina2 + ... + s i n a n < tanan. cosOL\ -f cosa 2 + ... + cosa n 1.2.32. For positive Ci,c 2 , ...,c n , and fci, A;2,..., A:n G N, set 5 = max{ ktfc{, k^cT2,..., V ^ } , 5 = min{ kt/c[, k^fc2,..., V c ^ } . Show that 5 < [a\ • a2 •... • an)fci+fc2+--+fen < 5. 1.2.33. For afc > 0, bk > 0, A: = 1,2,..., n, set M = m&x<-— : fc = l,2,...,n > , 6 I* Show that J ai +a\ + ... + a£ <M. 6i + M6| + ...+ M n - ! ^ 1.2.34. Show that, if # is greater than any of the numbers ai,a 2 ,..., a n , then 1 x-a\ 1 + x-a2 + "'...+ 1 x-an > x - Q n i+a2+---+an ' 1.2.35. Let Cfc = (£), A: = 0,1,2, ...,n, be the binomial coefficients. Establish the inequality v/cT+V/C2 + - + V / ^ < Vn(2n ~ !)• Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities 15 1.2.36. For n > 2, show that / 2 „_ 2 y-i fc=0 x ' 1.2.37. Let a,k > 0, fc = 1,2, ...,n, and let A n be their arithmetic mean. Show that for any integer p > 1, fc=i ^ fc=i 1.2.38. For positive a^, fc = 1,2,..., n, we set a = ai + c&2 + ... -f a n . Show that n—1 2 fc=l 1.2.39. Show that for any rearrangement 6i, 6 2 ,..., 6n of the positive numbers oi,a2, ...,o n , T-n' r + h~ + "' + 1.2.40. Prove the Weierstrass inequalities: If 0 < a& < 1, fc = 1,2,..., n, and a\ + c&2 + ... + a n < 1, then n (a) n 1 1 afc 1 + J2 * < I I t + ) < /c=i n (b) a fc=i n .. 1 fl 1 - J2 "* < II^ - *)< /s=i n > 1 — ^ a^ fc=i fc=i n • i + J2 ak fc=i 1.2.41. Assume that 0 < a^ < 1, fc = 1,2, ...,n, and set ai 4- a2 + ... + o n = o. Show that ak Err a fc na n-a Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 1: Real Numbers 16 1.2.42. Let 0 < Ofc < 1, fc = 1,2,..., n, and n > 2. Verify the inequality 71 n n Y, ak fc=i Y-±—< — Z-f1 1 ++ aa* - « 1 fc=i * Eajb + nfta* fc=i fc=i 1.2.43. For nonnegative a^, A; = 1,2, ...,n, such that a\ + 0,2 + ... 4a n = 1, show that n(1 + afc )^( n+1 ) n II afc ' (a) n n n^ - *)^^- )"!!0*- (b) 1 0 1 fc=l fc=l 1.2.44. Show that if a& > 0, A; = 1,2, ...,n, and ^ k=l-'lk then j ^ ^ - = n — 1, ni-> ( n-ir. k=lak 1.2.45. Prove that under the assumptions of 1.2.43, we have n nu+afc) na-flfc) ^ (n r— n > ^r—vx— + ^l ) — " (n-l)n > n>l. 1.2.46. Show that for positive ai, 02,..., a n , a i 02 + ^3 1 a 2 03+^4 , , a n-2 an_i+an fln-1 an-hai , Qn a\ + 02 . ™ 4 1.2.47. Let £ and a i , a 2 , . . . , a n be any real numbers. Establish the inequality Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities 17 1.2.48. Show that for positive ai,a2, ...,an> and 61,62, ...,6 n , we have y/fa + 6i)(a 2 + 6 2 )...(a n + 6n) > ^aia 2 ...a n + ^ i ^ . . . 6 n . 1.2.49. Assume that 0 < a\ < 0,2 < ... < a n and Pi,P2>---?Pn are n nonnegative such that Yl Vk = 1- Establish the inequality where A = ^(ai + a n ) and G = ^/ala^. 1.2.50. For a positive integer n, let cr(n) and r(n) denote the sum of all the positive divisors of n and the number of these divisors, respectively. Show that ^ y > y/n. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! This page intentionally left blank Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Chapter 2 Sequences of Real Numbers 2.1. Monotonic Sequences 2.1.1. Show that (a) if a sequence {an} is monotonically increasing, then lim an = n—>oc sup{a n : n G N}; (b) if a sequence {an} is monotonically decreasing, then lim an = inf{a n : n G N}. n—>oo 2.1.2. Let ai,a2,...,a p be fixed positive numbers. Consider the sequences a7t + a2 + ... + a% and xn = \fs^ , n G P Show that the sequence {xn} is monotonically increasing. Hint. First establish monotonicity of the sequence -J -^- >, n > 2. 2.1.3. Show that the sequence {a n }, where an = ~ , n > 1, strictly decreases and find its limit. 2.1.4. Let {an} be a bounded sequence which satisfies the condition o>n+i > o n — T^r, n G N. Show that the sequence {a n } is convergent. Hint. Consider the sequence {an — ^r=r} • 19 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 20 2.1.5. Prove the convergence of the sequences: (a) an = _ 2 ^ + (i ! + -L + ... + -L); (b) 6n = - 2 v ^ + ( ^ + - l + ... + -I=). Hint. First establish the inequalities 1 2(y/n + 1 - 1) < - = + -7= + ... + - = < 2Vn, Vl v2 yn n €N. 2.1.6. Show that the sequence {an} defined recursively by a\ = - , a n = -y/3an_i — 2 for n > 2, converges and find its limit. 2.1.7. For c > 2, define the sequence {an} recursively as follows: a\ = c2, a n +i = (a n - c) 2 , n > 1. Show that the sequence {an} strictly increases. 2.1.8. Suppose that the sequence {an} satisfies the conditions 0 < an < 1, an(l - an+i) > ~ for n G N. Establish the convergence of the sequence and find its limit. 2.1.9. Establish the convergence and find the limit of the sequence defined by &i = 0, a n + i = \/6 -I- an for n > 1. 2.1.10. Show that the sequence defined by ai=0, a2=2> an+i = g ( l + an + an-i) for n > 1 converges and determine its limit. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.1. M o n o t o n i c Sequences 21 2.1.11. Study the monotonicity of the sequence a H h "=(2^TIJ!!' - and determine its limit. 2.1.12. Determine the convergence or divergence of the sequence (2n)!! . (2n+l)!! n> 1. 2.1.13. Prove the convergence of the sequences (a) (b) 0 « = 1 + 22 + 3 2 + - + ^> i + J_ + J_ + ... + J_, Gn = n e N 5 neK 2.1.14. Show the convergence of the sequence {a n }, where 1 1 1 an — —====. -\ . -f ... H , =, y/n(n + 1) ^/(2n - l)2n x / ( n - h l ) ( n + 2) n G N. 2.1.15. For p G N , a > 0 and ai > 0, define the sequence {an} by setting a n + i = - ((p - l)an + - ^ r r J > ^ G N. Determine lim a n . n—•oo 2.1.16. Define {a n } recursively by a n + i = J 2 -f >/^n ax = for n > 1. Prove the convergence of the sequence {an} and find its limit. 2.1.17. Define the recursive sequence {an} as follows: 2(2a n + 1 ) ^_^ —— for n G N. an + o Establish the convergence of the sequence {an} and find its limit. 1 ai = 1, a n +i = Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 22 2.1.18. Determine all c > 0 such that the recursive sequence {an} defined by setting 1 c a i = 2' a n+i==2^C+ a ^ f o r n ^ N converges. In case of convergence find lim an. n—•oo 2.1.19. Let a > 0 be fixed and define the sequence {an} by setting a ^ i n + 3° a\ > 0 and a n + i = OLnTr-^ Sal + a _ __ lor n G R Determine all a\ for which the sequence converges and in such a case find its limit. 2.1.20. Let {an} be defined recursively by Gn+i = ~A ^— for n > 1. 4 - 6an Determine for which a\ the sequence converges and in case of convergence find its limit. 2.1.21. Let a be arbitrarily fixed and let {an} be defined as follows: a\ £ R and a n + i = a\ + (1 — 2a)an -f a 2 for n G N. Determine all ai such that the sequence converges and in such a case find its limit. 2.1.22. For c > 0 and 6 > a > 0, define the recursive sequence {an} by setting al + ab ^ a\ = c, a n + i = —-—— for n e N. a-\-b Determine for which values a, b and c the sequence converges and find its limit. 2.1.23. Prove the convergence and find the limit of the sequence {an} defined inductively by a\ > 0, an+i = 6-, 7 + an n € N. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 23 2.1. Monotonic Sequences 2.1.24. For c > 0, define the sequence {an} as follows: ai = 0, an+\ = y/c + an, n e N. Show the convergence of the sequence and determine its limit. 2.1.25. Investigate the convergence of the sequence defined by a\ = y/2, an+\ = \f2a~n~, n e N. 2.1.26. Let k E N be fixed. Study the convergence of the sequence {an} defined by setting a1 = >/5, a n + i = >/5a^, n e 2.1.27. Investigate the convergence of the sequence {a n } given by 1 < ai < 2, a2n+1 = 3a n - 2, n G N. 2.1.28. For c > 1, define the sequences {an} and {6n} as follows: (a) ai = \Jc{c- (b) 6i = \/c, 1), a n + i = y/c(c- 1) + a n , n > 1; &n+i = \/c6^, n > 1. Prove that both sequences tend to c. 2.1.29. Given a > 0 and 6 > 0, define the sequence {an} by setting 0 < ai < 6, Find a n + i = A/ -^ V a 4-1 for n > 1. lim a n . n—+oo 2.1.30. Prove the convergence of {an} defined inductively by a\ = 2, and find its limit. a n +i =2-1- ——— 3 +f for n > 1 On Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 24 2.1.31. The recursive sequence {an} is given by setting a\ = 1, a>2 = 2, a n + i = yJan-\ + yfa^ for n > 2. Show that the sequence is bounded and strictly increasing. Find its limit. 2.1.32. The recursive sequence {an} is given by setting ai = 9, a2 = 6, an+\ = y/an-i + ^Ja^ for n > 2. Show that the sequence is bounded and strictly decreasing. Find its limit. 2.1.33. Define the sequences {an} and {bn} as follows: 0<6i<ai, a n +i = and bn+1 = \/anbn for n € N. Show that {a n } and {^)n} both tend to the same limit. (This limit is called the arithmetic-geometric mean of a\ and b\.) 2.1.34. Show that the sequences {an} and {bn} given by 0<6i<ai, an+1 = Qn + I71 and frn+1 = Qn ^ 6n for neN are both monotonic and have the same limit. 2.1.35. Let the recursive sequences {an} and {bn} be given by setting (\ ^ u ^ a n + 6n 2a n 6 n 0 < &i < ai, a n +i = and o n + i = — for neN. 2 a n + 6n Prove the monotonicity of these sequences and show that both of them tend to the arithmetic-geometric mean of a\ and b\. (See Problem 2.1.33.) 2.1.36. Show the convergence and find the limit of { a n } , where n + 1 [2 + 22 ^=2^r(i T + - + 2n\ T1 r for ne Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.1. Monotonic Sequences 25 2.1.37. Suppose that a bounded sequence {an} is such that 1 2 Gn+2 < o a n + l + o a n f°r Tl > 1. Prove the convergence of the sequence {a n }. 2.1.38. Let {an} and {bn} be defined as follows: an = f 1 + - ) , 6n = ( 1 + - J for n € N. Using the arithmetic-geometric-harmonic mean inequalities, show that (a) an < bn for n e N. (b) the sequence {an} is strictly increasing, (c) the sequence {bn} is strictly decreasing, Show also that {an} and {bn} both have the same limit, defined to be Euler's number e. 2.1.39. Let an = (l -h - ) for n G N. (a) Show that if x > 0, then the sequence {an} strictly increasing. is bounded and (b) Let x be any real number. Show that the sequence {an} bounded and strictly increasing for n > — x. is The number ex is defined to be the limit of this sequence. 2.1.40. Suppose that x > 0, I e N and / > x. Show that the sequence {bn}, where / x\ i~^n bn = ^1 + - \ for n e N, is strictly decreasing. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 26 2.1.41. Establish the monotonicity of the sequences {an} and {bn}, where an = 1 + - + ... H Inn for n G N, 2 n- 1 6n = l + - + ... 4- + - - l n n for n G N. 2 n—1 n Show that both of them tend to the same limit 7, which is known as Euler's constant. Hint. Apply the inequality (l + ^ ) n < e < ( l + ^ ) n , which follows from 2.1.38. 2.1.42. Given x > 0, set an = 2 y / x, n G N. Show that the sequence {an} is bounded. Show also that it is strictly increasing if x < 1 and strictly decreasing if x > 1. Compute lim an. Moreover, put cn = 2 n ( a n - l ) dn = 2n (1 - — ) and Show that {c n } is decreasing and {dn} quences have the same limit. for n G N. is increasing and both se- 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 2.2.1. Calculate: (a) lim \ / l 2 + 2 2 + ... + n 2 , (b) lim (c) (d) (e) n + sin n 2 n-*<x> n + cos n n—>oc lim n—>oc l - 2 + 3 - 4 + . . . + (-2n) / 9 . , lim (V2 - ^2)(>/2 - #2) •... • (V2 n lim _, 2 "V2), Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.2. Limits. P r o p e r t i e s of Convergent Sequences 27 71' - . , ,. / 1 2 n ( h ) n->oo „ l l n L y nr ¥2 -+T T1 + Z - + n2 + n n 2T -+T 2^ + '* ' /.x / n 2n nn W n™oo _ h l ?_ V -n T3 T + T1 + Z-T^T n 3 -f 2 + -' " + n 3 -f n 2 . 2 . 2 . Let 5 > 0 and p > 0. Show t h a t hm — n->oo (1 2 . 2 . 3 . For a G (0,1), calculate 2 . 2 . 4 . For a £ Q, calculate 2 . 2 . 5 . Show t h a t the limit — = 0. +p)n lim ((n + l ) a n—•oo na). lim sin(n!a7r). n—>-oo lim s i n n does not exist. n—>oo 2 . 2 . 6 . Show t h a t for any irrational a the limit not exist. lim sinna7r does n—>-oo 2 . 2 . 7 . For a € R, calculate hm - n->oo n VV a+- n/ +U+\ nj 2 . 2 . 8 . Suppose an ^ 1 for all n and integer A:, c o m p u t e lim n—>oo + ... + a + \ n lim an = 1. Given a positive 71—>00 an + QTl + ... + a ^ - f c ^ an — 1 2 . 2 . 9 . Find ,. 1 1 I N f" h- m T-ir-z + TT-z—: + + ooVl-2-3 2-3-4 "' n-(n + l)-(n + 2 ) y Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 28 2.2.10. Calculate -=-fc3-l hm TT 7-5—-. 3 n-^00 1 1 fc + 1 k=2 2.2.11. Determine lim n i EE n3 3 t=i j=i 2.2.12. Compute -3 J-4 I •... • ( 1 - lim [ 1 - A)(l n->oc\ 2-3/ V * / V (n + l ) - ( n + 2) 2.2.13. Calculate ,. hm n A f c 3 + 6A;2 + llfc + 5 > TZ — . (fc + 3 ) ! ^°°k^i 2.2.14. For x ^ - 1 and x ^ 1, find n lim El fc=l 2fc_1 2="- 2.2.15. Determine for which x G R the limit lim 1 7 ( 1 + x 2 * ) -1"-1" l—•OO n—•oo exists and find its value. 2.2.16. Determine all x G R such that the limit n , lim fc=Q 17 Ix 1 + S n—•oo A A \ 2 t l exists and find its value. 2.2.17. Establish for which x G R the limit lim f](l + x*k +x™k) n—• oo A l fc=l exists and find its value. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 29 2.2.18. Calculate ,. l - l ! + 2-2! + ... + n - n ! hm — . n-+oo (n+1)! 2.2.19. For which x E M does the equality n 1999 j lim n-oo nx - (n - l ) x 2000 hold? 2.2.20. Given a and b such that a > 6 > 0, define the sequence {an} by setting ab a\ = a -f 6, a n = oi , n > 2. Gn-l Determine the nth term of the sequence and compute lim an. n—•oo 2.2.21. Define the sequence {an} by setting (H = 0, a2 = 1 and a n + i — 2a n + a n _i = 2 for n > 2. Determine its nth term and calculate lim o n . n—+oo 2.2.22. For a > 0 and 6 > 0, consider the sequence {a n } defined by ai = a6 y an = : and =, n > 2. Determine its nth term and find lim an. n—>oo 2.2.23. Let {a n } be a recursive sequence defined as follows: ai = 0, an = an_i+3 , n > 2. Find the formula for the n t h term of the sequence and find its limit. 2.2.24. Study the convergence of the sequence given by a\ = a, a n = 1 + 6o n _i, n > 2. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 30 2.2.25. The Fibonacci sequence {an} is defined as follows: a\ = d2 = 1, fln+2 = 0"n + G n + l , Tl > 1. Show that an = a-0 ' where a and /? are roots of x2 = x + 1. Compute lim tfa^. n—+oo 2.2.26. Define the sequences {an} and {bn} by setting a\ = a, a n + bn h = 6, bn +1 Show that lim an = lim 6 n . n—+00 n—>oo 2.2.27. Given a £ {1,2,...,9}, compute n digits a 4- aa -f ... + aa...a lim 10 s ' n—>oo 2.2.28. Calculate lim (tfn- l) r 2.2.29. Suppose that the sequence {an} converges to zero. Find lim a". n-+oo n 2.2.30. Given positive Pi, P2> ••• >Pfc a n d a i , a 2 ,... ,a^, find lim n^oo PiaxT +p2a2 + — +Pk% pia^ + p 2 a£ + ... + p^a^ 2.2.31. Suppose that lim Qn+1 q. Show that n—>oc (a) if q < 1, then lim a n = 0, n—>oo (b) if (j > 1, then lim |a n | = oc. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 31 2.2.32. Suppose that lim y/\an\ — q. Show that n—>oo (a) if q < 1, then lim an = 0, n—• oo (b) if q > 1, then lim |a n | = oo. n—KX> 2.2.33. Given a real number a and x G (0,1), calculate lim naxn. n—•oc 2.2.34. Calculate m(m - 1) • ... • (m - n + 1) nn hm —-^ -x , n—*oo n\ 2.2.35. Assume that Show that lim anbn . for __ , . , , m G N and |z| < 1. lim an = 0 and {6 n } is a bounded sequence. n—KX> =0. n—>oo 2.2.36. Show that if lim an = a and lim bn = 6, then n—>oo n—•oo lim max{a n , 6 n } = max{a, b}. n—>oo 2.2.37. Let an > - 1 for n G N and let lim a n = 0. For p G N, n—KX> find lim ^/l -f- an. n—+oo 2.2.38. Assume that a positive sequence {an} For natural p > 2, determine lim n->oo ^ ^ ~ 1 converges to zero. , a„ 2.2.39. For positive ai,a2, ...,a p , find lim f y (n + ai)(n + a 2 ) •... • (n + a p ) - n J. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 32 2.2.40. Calculate 1 ,. ( 1 1 \ lim ,0 4- , , + ... 4- - = = = = n-oo V>/n2 + 1 V V T 2 \/n2+n + l/ 2.2.41. For positive ai,ei2, ...,a p , find lim n/a?+aJ + ... + aJ 2.2.42. Compute n 1999 n 1999 lim \ / 2 sin2 4- cos2 n->oc V n -f 1 n -f 1 2.2.43. Find lim (n 4- 1 4- n cos n) 2n+nsin? 2.2.44. Calculate sz,±{f^-i 2.2.45. Determine *SX(\KJ-I 2.2.46. For positive a^, fc = 1,2, ...,p, find p lim - Y" ^afc 2.2.47. Given a € (0,1), compute n-l lim Y ] ( a + - ) Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 33 2.2.48. Given real x > 1, show that lim (2^/x-l)n = x2. 2.2.49. Show that Km e ^ : 1 ) " = i. 2.2.50. Which of the following sequences are Cauchy sequences? . (a) tanl tan 2 tann 2 2n an = —— + —=+ ... + 2 , 1 2 , 1 1 2 + 3+ = 1+ 1 -+n' (c) a <d> a (e) an = a i ^ 1 + a 2 g 2 + ... + an<f\ " ' n2 2 ^l^-2 i 3 + -" + ^ n " 1 ^ T I ) ' for |?| < 1 , |a fc | < M, fc = l,2,..., W ^ — 2 2 + 32+ "•+ ( n + i ) 2 - 2.2.51. Suppose that a sequence {a n } satisfies the condition |a n +i - a n + 2 | < A|a with a A e (0,1). Prove that {an} converges. 2.2.52. Given a sequence {a n } of positive integers, define 1 1 1 S n = — + — + ...+ — and a. Prove that if {Sn} converges, then {ln<7n} also converges. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 34 2.2.53. Show that the sequence {Rn} of convergents to an irrational number x (defined in Problem 1.1.20) is a Cauchy sequence. 2.2.54. For an arithmetic progression {an} whose terms are different from zero, compute ,. / 1 1 hm \a1a2 + a<2.az4-... + n-+oo 1 anan+i 2.2.55. For an arithmetic progression {an} with positive terms, calculate l ,. ( lim —= - — l l — + —— — + ... + —= 2.2.56. Find X (a) lim n(ye — l), (b) n—>oo 1 lim n—+ 00 Ik 77, . 2.2.57. Let {a n } be a sequence defined as follows: ai = a, 02 = 6, a n + i = pan-\ + (1 — p)an» n = 2,3,... Determine for which values a, b and p the sequence converges. 2.2.58. Let {an} and {bn} be defined by setting a\ = 3 , 61 = 2, a n + i = a n -f 26n and 6 n + i = a n -f bn. Moreover, let Cn = ir, On neN. (a) Show that |c n + i - \ / 2 | < | | c n - \/2|, n G N. (b) Calculate lim c n . Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.3. Toeplitz Transformation and Stolz Theorem 35 2.3. The Toeplitz transformation, the Stolz theorem and their applications 2.3.1. Prove the following Toeplitz theorem on regular transformation of sequences into sequences. Let {cU)k : 1 < fc < n, n > 1} be an array of real numbers such that: (i) cn k —> 0 ' n for each fc G N, n—>oo (ii) y^c n ) / c —> 1, (iii) there exists C > 0 such that for all positive integers n: *-—* fc=l ro—>oo n ^|cn,fc|<C. fc=l Then for any convergent sequence {an} the transformed sequence n {bn} given by 6 n = Yl cnkO>k, n> 1, is also convergent andn lim 6 n = fc=i ' ~"°° lim an. n—>oo 2.3.2. Show that if lim an = a, then n—->oo ai + a 2 + ... + a n lim n—>oo n = a. 2.3.3. (a) Show that the assumption (iii) in the Toeplitz theorem (Problem 2.3.1) can be omitted if all the numbers cn^ are nonnegative. (b) Let {bn} be the transformed sequence defined in the Toeplitz theorem with cn^ > 0, 1 < fc < n, ra > 1. Show that if lim an = n—>oo -|-oo, then lim bn = +oo. n—KX) 2.3.4. Show that if lim an — -hoc, then n—>oo lim n—>oo oi + a 2 + ...+ a n 77, = -foo. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 36 P r o b l e m s . 2: S e q u e n c e s o f R e a l N u m b e r s 2 . 3 . 5 . Prove t h a t if lim an = a, then n—»oo lim na\ -f (n — l)a2 + ... + 1 • an a n—>oo 2.3.6. Show t h a t if a positive sequence {an} lim i / a i •... • a n = a. converges t o a, then n—•oo 2 . 3 . 7 . For a positive sequence { a n } , show t h a t if then lim ^ ^ = a, lim r/a^, — a. n—>-oo 2.3.8. Let lim a n = a and n—>oc r lim 2.3.9. Let {an} (i) (ii) ^ i 6 n + « 2 ^ n - l + ... +Clnbi and {bn} 6 n > 0, n e N, lim lim 6 n = 6. Show t h a t n—+00 and = ab. be two sequences such t h a t lim ( 6 i + b 2 + ... + &„) =+cx>, -^=9- Prove t h a t ,. a i + a2 + ... + an lim —- = g. n-+oo b\ + 02 + ... "f 0 n 2 . 3 . 1 0 . Let { a n } and {6 n } be two sequences for which (i) bn > 0, n € N, (ii) lim a n = a. and lim (&i -f b2 + ... 4- 6 n ) = + o o , n—•oo Show t h a t lim n-^oo ai&i + a20 2 + ... + anbn = a. 6i + D2 + ... + 0 n Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.3. Toeplitz Transformation a n d Stolz Theorem 37 2.3.11. Using the result in the foregoing problem, prove the Stolz theorem. Let {xn}, {yn} be two sequences that satisfy the conditions: (i) {yn} (n) n strictly increases to + oo, lim = g. -*°° 2/n - 2/n-l Then n—oo yn 2.3.12. Calculate (a) lim -i= M + ^ + ... + - L ) , (b) lim _ (c) lim -T-T- (d) (e) (f) (g) —- [a + — + ... + — n—*oo n a > 1, (fc + n)! 1! ^ W —F= 1 + lim -7= 1 / n! + ...+ /ceN, 1 .. lfc + 2fc + ... + n* , ^T lim — , k e N, fc+i rv 1 + 1 - a + 2- a 2 + ... + n - a n , a > 1, lim n—>oo n • an+1 lim n—>oc nfc v 2.3.13. Assume that y fc + 1 /cGN. lim an — a. Find lim —= ai + —7= -f -7= + ... 4- -7= n->oo ^ y V2 V3 Vn Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 38 2.3.14. Prove that if {an} is a sequence for which lim (a n +i - an) = a, n—>oo then lim — = a. n—>oo 71 2.3.15. Let lim an = a. Determine n—>oo an_i (an r ai \ 2.3.16. Suppose that lim an — a. Find n—>oo , v v f a n t a «1 n-l \ 2.3.17. Let k be an arbitrarily fixed integer greater than 1. Calculate n->oo V \n J 2.3.18. For a positive arithmetic progression {a n }, find l i m n(ai -... »a w )n n^oo ai + ... + a n 2.3.19. Suppose that {an} is such that the sequence {bn} with 6 n = 2an + a n _i, n > 2, converges to b. Study the convergence of 2.3.20. Suppose that {an} is a sequence such that for some real x. Prove that lim nxan = a n—>oo lim n x (ai • a<i • ... • a n ) " = ae x . n—>-oo Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.3. Toeplitz Transformation and Stolz Theorem 39 2.3.21. Calculate (a) lim i ± J + - + n - i + n Inn (b) lim 1+1+I+ + _J_ Inn n—>-oo 2.3.22. Assume that {an} tends to a. Show that — + — + ... + — = a. hm n-*oo I n n V 1 2 n / 2.3.23. Find (a) v ' (<0 (e) iim (-0*—) U , n—oo \nne~n (b) lim ( - ^ 1 - 1 " n-^oo Y n 3 n e _ n / J 5 (d) n->oo .limf^) , \(n!) Jimf^V. lim - ¥ = , fcGN. 2.3.24. Show that if lim an = a, then 1 lim 1 n ^ afc > — = a. n-^oo Inn f—' /c fc=i 2.3.25. For a sequence {a n }, consider the sequence {An} of arithmetic means, i.e. An = Q i+ a ?+--+ Q n. Show that if lim^oo j4 n = A, then also iim J - y ; ^ = A n->oo I n n k=\ f—' A; Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 40 2.3.26. Prove the converse to the Toeplitz theorem stated in 2.3.1: Let {cn^k : 1 < fc < n, n > 1} be an array of real numbers. If for any convergent sequence {an} the transformed sequence {bn} given by setting n bn = ^ c n > f c a f c , n > 1 fc=i is convergent to the same limit, then (i) cn,fc —• 0 for each fceN, n—xx> n (ii) J^Cnt —• 1, (iii) there exists C > 0 such that for all positive integers n n 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 2.4.1. Let {a n } be a sequence whose subsequences {a2k}, {&2/c+i} and {03^} are convergent. (a) Prove that the sequence {an} is convergent. (b) Does the convergence of any two of these subsequences imply the convergence of the sequence {a n }? 2.4.2. Does the convergence of every subsequence of {an} of the form {a 5 . n }, s > 1, imply the convergence of the sequence {an}? 2.4.3. Let {a P n }, {aqn},... ,{a S n } be subsequences of {an} such that the sequences {p n }, {qn}, •••» {s n } a r e pairwise disjoint and form the sequence {n}. Show that, if S , S p , S q , ...,S S are the sets of all the limit points of the sequences {a n }, {aPn }, {aqn },..., {a 5n }, respectively, then s = spusqu...uss. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 41 Conclude that, if every subsequence {aPn}, {a q n },..., {aSn} converges to a, then the sequence {a n } also converges to a. 2.4.4. Is the above theorem (Problem 2.4.3) true in the case of infinitely many subsequences? 2.4.5. Prove that, if every subsequence {anfc} of a sequence {an} contains a subsequence {ank } converging to a, then the sequence {an} also converges to a. 2.4.6. Determine the set of limit points of the sequence {a n }, where (a) an= (b) an = (c) (d) (e) (f) v/4(-D"+2) 1 / [n-l] \ / - 3 - -3 2\ 3 ) ( (l-(-l)")2n + l [n-l] 3 (1 + cos nn) In 3n + In n / n-K\n an = 1 cos — 1 , 2n 2 «n = - ^ [2n2] 7 2.4.7. Find the set of all the limit points of the sequence {an} defined by (a) an = na- (b) a n = na - [na], a 0 Q, (c) a n = sin7rna, a € Q, (d) a n = sin irna, a $ Q. [na], a G Q, 2.4.8. Let {ak} be a sequence arising by an arbitrary one-to-one indexing of the elements of the matrix { tfn — v^ro}, n, ra E N. Show that every real number is a limit point of this sequence. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 42 Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 2.4.9. Assume that {an} is a bounded sequence. Prove that the set of its limit points is closed and bounded. 2.4.10. Determine lim an and lim an, where 2n 2 (a) "2n 2 l .7 J 71 — 1 U7T —-COS—-, (b) 0<n = (c) an = ( - l ) n n , (d) an = n ( " 1 ) n - , (e) a n = 1 + n si (f) an=(l + ^ V ( - i r + sin^, (g) an = \ / l + 2»(- 1 ) B , (h) a n = I 2 cos - — I , ... W 71+ 1 3 717T Inn — (1+cosn7r)n Un = h^ • 2.4.11. Find the limit superior and the limit inferior of the following sequences: (a) an — not — [na], a G Q, (b) an = na-[na], a^Q, (c) an — sin7rna, QGQ, (d) an = sin7rna, a ^ Q. 2.4.12. For an arbitrary sequence {a n }, prove that (a) if there exists k e N such that for any n greater than fc the inequality an < A holds, then lim an < A, Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 43 (b) if for any k G N there exists n^ greater than k such that &nk < A, then lim an < A, n—>oo (c) if there exists k G N such that for any n greater than k the inequality an > a holds, then lim an > a, n—>oc (d) if for any k G N there exists n/c greater than k such that &nfc > &> then lim a n > a. n—>-oo 2.4.13. Assume that for a sequence {a n } the limit inferior and the limit superior are both finite. Prove that (a) L = lim an if and only if n—»oo (i) for every e > 0 there exists A; G N such that a n < L + £ if n > k and (ii) for every e > 0 and /c G N there is n/e > k such that L — e< (b) / = lim an if and only if ank. n—>oo (i) for every £ > 0 there exists k G N such that Z — £ < an if n > k and (ii) for every e > 0 and /c G N there is n^ > fc such that ank <l + e. Formulate the corresponding statements for infinite limit inferior and limit superior. 2.4.14. Assume that there is an integer no such that for n > no the inequality an < bn holds. Prove that (a) lim an < lim bn, n—>oo (b) n—>oo lim an < lim bn. n—•oo n—>oo Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 44 2.4.15. Prove that (excluding the indeterminate forms of the type +oo — oo and — oo -f- oo) the following inequalities hold: lim an + lim bn < lim (an -f- bn) < lim an + lim bn n—•oo n-^oc n—>oo n—>oo n—»oo < lim (an -f bn) < lim a n -f lim bn. n—>-oo n—•oo n—>-oo Give examples of sequences for which "<" in the above inequalities is replaced by " < ". 2.4.16. Do the inequalities lim an + lim bn < lim (a n + bn), n—•oo n—+00 n—*oc lim (a n + bn) < lim a n 4- lim bn n—+00 n—^oo n—»oo remain valid in the case of infinitely many sequences? 2.4.17. Let {an} and {6 n } be sequences of nonnegative numbers. Prove that (excluding the indeterminate forms of the type 0 • (-f 00) and (+00) • 0) the following inequalities hold: lim an • lim bn < lim (an • bn) < lim an • lim bn n-^00 n^oo n—^oo n—^00 n—+oo < lim (an • bn) < lim an • lim bn. n—^oo n—•oo n—*oo Give examples of sequences for which "<" in the above inequalities is replaced by "<". 2.4.18. Prove that a necessary and sufficient condition for the convergence of a sequence {an} is that both the limit inferior and the limit superior are finite and lim an = lim an. n-^oo n-+oo Prove that the analogous theorem is also true for sequences which properly diverge to — oo or +00. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 45 2.4.19. Show that, if lim an = a, a G 1R, then n—>oo lim (an + bn) = a + lim bn, n—>-oo n—»oo lim (a n -j- 6n) = a + lim bn. n—>oo n—•oo 2.4.20. Show that, if lim an = a, aGM, a > 0, and there exists a n—>oo positive integer no such that bn > 0 for n > no, then lim (an • 6n) == a • lim 6n, n—•oo n—>oc n—>oo n—»oo lim (a n • bn) = a • lim 6 n . 2.4.21. Prove that lim (—an) = — lim o n , lim (—on) = — lim a n . 2.4.22. Prove that for any positive sequence {a n }, lim , an lim a n n—»oo lim — = n-+oc an (Here ^ lim an n—>-oo = 0, £ = +oo). 2.4.23. Prove that, if {a n } is a positive sequence such that lim an - lim — = 1, n—>oo n—+00 a n then the sequence {an} is convergent. 2.4.24. Show that, if {a n } is a sequence such that for any sequence {bn}, lim (an + bn) = lim a n -f lim 6 n or n—>oo n—»oo n—»oo lim (an + 6n) = lim a n + lim 6 n , n—>-oo then {a n } is convergent. n—•oo n—»oo Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 46 2.4.25. Show that, if {an} is a positive sequence such that for any positive sequence {bn}, lira (a n • bn) = lim a n • lim bn n—>-oo n—>oo n—>oo or lim (a n • bn) = lim a n • lim 6 n , n—>oo n—•oo n—>oc then {a n } is convergent. 2.4.26. Prove that for any positive sequence { a n } , lim n-^oc < hm yan < hm >/a n < lim an n-^oo n -"°° n -^°° . an 2.4.27. For a given sequence {a n }, define {6 n } by setting bn = - ( a i + a 2 + ... + a n ), n n G N. Prove that lim a n < lim 6 n < lim bn < lim an. n^oo n^oo n -*°° n > - °° 2.4.28. Prove that (a) lim (max{a n ,6 n }) = m a x ] lim a n , lim bn \ , (b) lim (min{a n ,6 n }) = min < lim a n , lim 6 n > . n—>-oo Ln—>oo n—>oo ) Are the equalities (c) (d) lim (min{a n ,6 n }) = min \ lim a n , lim 6 n I , lim (max{a n ,6 n }) = max < lim a n , lim 6 n > rc—•oo Ln—>oo n—>oo J also true? 2.4.29. Prove that every sequence of real numbers contains a monotonic subsequence. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 47 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 2.4.30. Use the result in the foregoing exercise to deduce the BolzanoWeierstrass theorem: Every bounded sequence of real numbers contains a convergent subsequence. 2.4.31. Prove that for every positive sequence {a n }, lim > 4. Show that 4 is an optimal estimate. 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 2.5.1. Show that, if lim an = +oc or lim an = —oo, then n—•oo n—• oo lim n-+oo \ 1+ — ) = e. a„ 2.5.2. For x G l , show that lim (l + -Y = ex. 2.5.3. For x > 0, establish the inequality < \n(x -f 1) < x. v x+2 ' Prove also (applying differentiation) that the left inequality can be strengthened to the following: x *2iX x+1 < x+2 < \n(x + 1), x > 0. 2.5.4. Prove that (a) (b) lim n{ tya — 1) = In a, a > 0, n—>-oo lim n(tfn-l) = +oo. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 48 2.5.5. Let {an} be a positive sequence with terms different from 1. Show that if lim an = 1, then 71—>OC lim n—»oo a n — 1 2.5.6. Let = 1. *» = 1 + I[ + i + "- + ^ Show that lim a n = e and nGR 0 < e — a n < —-. n—»oo 77,71! 2.5.7. Prove that rp l i m ( 1 + l! T + rpli 2 ! + - + ^!1=:e*- 2.5.8. Show that lim ( - + —^- + ... + i - J = In2, (a) (b) lim ( . *-*°°\y/n{n+l) + y/{n+l)(n + 2) + ... + — = = = = = ) = ln2. ^/2n{2n + 1) / 2.5.9. Find the limit of the sequence {an}, where 2.5.10. Let {an} be the recursive sequence defined by a\ = 1, a n = n(a n _i + 1) for n = 2,3,.... Determine lim TT ^ + Mm 2.5.11. Prove that lim (n!e - [n!e]) = 0. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 49 2.5.12. Given positive a and 6, show that n—•oo \ s^V-v s Z 2.5.13. Let {a n } and {&n} be positive sequences such that lim 0%= a, n—>oo lim b™ = 6, where a, 6 > 0, n—>oo and suppose that positive numbers p and g satisfy p + q = 1. Prove that lim (pan + qbn)n = apbq. n—>oo 2.5.14. Given two real numbers a and 6, define the recursive sequence {an} as follows: a\ = a, a 2 = 6, an+i = Find lim an. n an + —a n _i, n n > 2. n—+oc 2.5.15. Let {an} be the recursive sequence defined by a\ = 1, a 2 = 2, a n + i = n(a n -f a n _i), n > 2. Find an explicit formula for the general term of the sequence. 2.5.16. Given a and b, define {an} recursively by setting oi = a, a 2 = 6, 1 2n-l an+i = —an_i H an, 2n 2n n > 2. Determine lim a n . n—• oo 2.5.17. Let °» = 3 - E f c ( i b + 1 j ( f c + 1)I. » €N . (a) Show that lim a n = e. n—>oo (b) Show also that 0 < an - e < 1 (n+1) (n+1)r Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 50 2.5.18. Calculate lim nsin(27ra!e). n—>oc 2.5.19. Suppose that {an} is a sequence such that an < n, n = 1,2,..., and lim an = -hoc. Study the convergence of the sequence ( ! - £ ) " . n-1,2,.... 2.5.20. Suppose that a positive sequence {bn} diverges to -foo. Study the convergence of the sequence h \ n 1 + -M , n = l,2,.... nJ 2.5.21. Given the recursive sequence {an} defined by setting 0 < ai < 1, an+i = an(l - an), n > 1, prove that (a) lim nan = 1, n—>oo lim n ( 1 " n a " ) = 1. n-+oo In n (b) 2.5.22. The sequence {a n } is defined inductively as follows: 0 < a\ < 7T, Prove that «n+i = sina n , n > 1. lim y/nan — y/3. n—*oc 2.5.23. Let a\ — 1, a n + i = an + — , n > 1. fc=i Prove that n hm ,/ = 1. ^°° v 2hm Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 51 2.5.24. For {an} defined inductively by a\ > 0, determine a n +i = arctana n , n > 1, lim an • n—>oo 2.5.25. Prove that the recursive sequence defined by 0 < ai < 1, an+\ = cosa n , n > 1, converges to the unique root of the equation x = cos x. 2.5.26. Define the sequence {an} inductively as follows: a\ = 0, a n + i = 1 — sin(a n — 1), Find n > 1. 1 n lim — V a f c . n—• oo 77, ^ — ' 2.5.27. Let {an} be the sequence of consecutive roots of the equation tan a; = x, x > 0. Find lim (a n +i — a n ). n—»oo 2.5.28. For |a| < | defined by and ai £ M, consider the recursive sequence a n+i = asinan, n > 1. Study the convergence of the sequence. 2.5.29. Given a\ > 0, consider the sequence {an} defined by setting an+i = ln(l + a n ), n > 1. Prove that (a) (b lim nan = 2, n—»oo hm n-^oo Inn = -. 3 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 52 Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 2.5.30. Define the recursive sequence {an} by putting a\ = 0 and /l\an an+i = 1 — 1 , n > 1. Study the convergence of the sequence. 2.5.31. Given a\ > 0, define the sequence {an} as follows: an+i = 2 ~ a n , n > 1. Study the convergence of the sequence. 2.5.32. Find the limit of the sequence defined by ai = >/2, an+i=2^\ n > 1. 2.5.33. Prove that if lim (an - a n _2) = 0, then n—>oo lim n—•oo fl = 0. 2.5.34. Show that if for a positive sequence {an} the limit lim n I 1 - ^ ± ± exists (finite or infinite), then lim — ^ n^oo Inn also exists and both limits are equal. 2.5.35. Given a\,b\ £ (0,1), prove that the sequences {an} and {bn} defined by an+i = a i ( l - a n - bn) + a n , &n+i = &i(l - a n - bn) + 6 n , n > 1, converge and find their limits. 2.5.36. For positive a and ai, consider the sequence {an} defined by setting an-K = a n(2 - oa n ), n = 1,2,.... Study the convergence of the sequence. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 53 2.5.37. Show that if a\ and a,2 are positive and «n+2 = \f^a + \J&n+\-> 71 = 1, 2, ..., then the sequence {an} converges. Find its limit. 2.5.38. Assume that / : R+ —> E + is a function increasing with respect to every variable and there exists a > 0 such that f(x,x,...,x) >x for 0 < x < a, f(x,x,...,x) <x for x > a. Given positive oi,a2, ... ,afc, define the recursive sequence {a n } by fln = / ( f l n - l , f l n - 2 , . » j f l n - f c ) f°r n > A. Prove that lim an = a. n—*oo 2.5.39. Let a\ and a,2 be given positive numbers. Study the convergence of the sequence {an} defined by the recursive relation a n + i = anean~Q"n-1 for n > 1. 2.5.40. Given a > 1 and x > 0, define {a n } by setting ai = a x , a n +i = a a n , n G N. Study the convergence of the sequence. 2.5.41. Show that Y / 2 + V / 2 + ... + V/2 = 2 c o s - ^ I . N v n roots ' Use this relation to find the limit of the recursive sequence given by setting ai = A/2, a n + i = >/2-fa n , n > 1. 2.5.42. Let {e n } be a sequence whose terms are equal to one of the three values -1, 0, 1. Establish the formula ei]J2 + e2^2 + ... + e„V2 = 2sin (^ ] T £l g:;£fc j , n G N, Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of R e a l N u m b e r s 54 and show that the sequence + £n V2 an = €iy2 + s2y2-{-... converges. 2.5.43. Calculate ,. ( 1 1 1 \ lim arctan - + arctan ———72 -f ... + arctan -—7 n^oc y 2 2•2 2n^ / 2.5.44. Find lim sin(7r\/n2 + n). n—•oo 2.5.45. Study the convergence of the recursive sequence defined as follows: ai \/2, a 2 - V 2 + v7^, an+2 = y 2 + V3 + a n for n > 1. 2.5.46. Show that Jirr^ J 1 + 2if 1 + 3 y 1 + ...\]l + {n-\)y/Y+n = 3. 2.5.47. Given a > 0, define the recursive sequence { a n } by putting a\ < 0, a n +i = 1 for n € N. an Show that the sequence converges to the negative root of the equation x2 -f x = a. 2.5.48. Given a > 0, define the recursive sequence {an} by setting a an+i = for n G N. an + 1 Show that the sequence converges to the positive root of the equation x2 4* x — a. Q>\ > 0, Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 55 2.5.49. Let {an} be the sequence defined by the recursive formula 2 + an tor n G N. 1 + an Show that the sequence is Cauchy and find its limit. ai = 1, an+i = 2.5.50. Show that the sequence defined by ai>0, an+i=2H , n € N, is Cauchy and find its limit. 2.5.51. Given a > 0, define {a n } as follows: ai = 0, an+i = 2 4-o n Study the convergence of the sequence. for n e N. 2.5.52. Assume that aiGl a n + i = \an - 2 1 _ n | and for n <E N. Study the convergence of the sequence and in case of convergence find its limit . 2.5.53. Show that (a) if 0 < a < 1, then n—1 . A J a3 n—•oo ^—' n — 1 J= l (b) if 0 < a < 1, then hm na n-^oo > —r = , ^—' 7a-7 1— a (c) if 6 > 1, then ,. n^V~l 1 lim — > —— = i 7n-^oo bn ^—' 7 6-1 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 56 2.5.54. Calculate lim sin n—•oo n+ 1 -f sin n+ 2 + ... + s m — . 2nJ 2.5.55. Find lim TT [ 1 + —«4 1 , n-+oo -LX V en* 7/ x (a) where c > 0, k=i A / lim TT ( 1 (b) n-^oo ± ± k=l \ A:2 \ =• J , cn6 J where c > 1. 2.5.56. Determine lim n-+oo — TT sin — = . n\ x± nJn k~\ 2.5.57. For the sequence {an} defined by a = n y v -1 - S (fcj ' show that n ^ X' lim a n = 2. n—•oo 2.5.58. Determine for which values of a the sequence converges. 2.5.59. For x G R, define {x} = x - [x]. Find lim {(2 + \/3) n }n—>oo 2.5.60. Let {a n } be a positive sequence and let Sn = a\ -\-a,2 +... + a n , n > 1. Suppose that < *->n+l ((5 n - l)an + a n _ i ) , n > 1. Determine lim a n . Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 57 2.5.61. Let {an} be a positive sequence such that i- an Find a r~ A hm — = 0, hm n—»oo 77, l +a2 n—>oo lim + — + an ft ^ < oo. aj + al+ ... + <% 2.5.62. Consider two positive sequences {an} and {bn} such that lim = 0 n->oo a\ 4- a<i -f ... + an and lim — -— = 0. n^oo 6i + 62 + ... 4- bn Define the sequence {cn} by setting cn = aiK + a2bn-i + ... + o n 6i, n G N. Show that lim n^oo Cl ^ = 0. +C2 + ... + Cn 2.5.63. Find e" n . lim [ 1 + - 1 2.5.64. Suppose that a sequence {an} bounded above satisfies the condition a n + i - an > ^, n G N. Establish the convergence of {a n }. 2.5.65. Suppose that a bounded sequence {a n } satisfies the condition > an, n G N. Establish the convergence of { a n } . 2.5.66. Let Z and L denote the limit inferior and the limit superior of the sequence {a n }, respectively. Prove that if lim (a n +i — an) = 0, n—• oo then each number in the open interval (Z, L) is a limit point of { a n } . Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 58 Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 2.5.67. Let / and L denote the limit inferior and the limit superior of the sequence {a n }, respectively. Assume that for any n, a n + i —an> —an, where an > 0 and lim an = 0. Prove that each number in n—>-oo the open interval (/,L) is a limit point of {an}. 2.5.68. Let {an} be a positive and monotonically increasing sequence. Prove that the set of all limit points of the sequence n + an ne N, is an interval (which is reduced to a singleton in case of convergence). 2.5.69. Given ai GM, consider the sequence {an} defined by { -^2 1 + an 2 for even n, for odd n. Find the limit points of this sequence. 2.5.70. Is zero a limit point of the sequence { v ^ s i n n } ? 2.5.71. Prove that for a positive sequence {a n }, 2.5.72. Prove the following generalization of the foregoing result: For a positive integer p and a positive sequence { a n } , 2.5.73. Prove that for a positive sequence {a n }, HE n (l±f2±l - l) > 1. Show that 1 is the best possible constant. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 59 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 2.5.74. Let an = yi + }Jl + ... + Vl. Find lim a n . 2.5.75. Let {an} be a sequence whose terms are greater than 1 and suppose that .. lnlnan iim = a. 77, n—*oo Consider the sequence {bn} defined by yai + yjia2 + ... + y/a^, n G N. Prove that if a < In 2, then {bn} converges; and if a > In2, then it diverges to +oo. 2.5.76. Assume that the terms of the sequence {an} satisfy the condition 0 < a n +m < a<n + a>m for n, m G N. Show that the limit lim — exists. n—>oo n 2.5.77. Assume that the terms of the sequence {an} satisfy the condition 0 < an+m < a>n ' Q>m for n, m G N. Show that the limit lim j / a ^ exists. n—>oo 2.5.78. Assume that the terms of the sequence {an} satisfy the conditions \0>n\ < a 1, n + ttm — 1 < a n + m < a n + a m + 1 for n, ra G N. (a) Show that the limit lim 9LIL exists. (b) Show that if lim &*• = g, then ng — 1 < a n < ng + 1 for n G N. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 60 2.5.79. Assume that {an} is a positive and monotonically increasing sequence that satisfies the condition > nO>m Un-m for 71,171 £N. Prove that if s u p { ^ : n G N} < +00, then the sequence converges. {^} 2.5.80. Given two positive numbers ai, a2, prove that the recursive sequence {an} defined by for a n +2 = n eN converges. 2.5.81. For b\>a\> 0, consider the two sequences {an} and {bn} defined recursively by setting a n +i = n 2 n > &n+i = \An+i&n for n G N. Show that both sequences converge to the same limit. 2.5.82. Let a^n, 6^,nr n G N, A: = 1,2, ...,n, be two triangular arrays of real numbers with bk n ¥" 0- Suppose that j ^ - —• 1 uniformly with respect to /c, that is, for any e > 0 there is a positive integer no such that |flfc,n _ I bk,n 1 I < e for each n > UQ and k = 1,2,..., n. Show that if lim ^ 6/~ n exists, n then lim V V n ~'OG k=i = lim V V n . fc=l fc=l 2.5.83. Given a ^ 0, find n lim V s i n k=l (2fc-l)a n^ Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 61 2.5.84. For a > 0, determine 2.5.85. Find lim f[(l fc=l +JL). x 7 2.5.86. For p y^O and g > 0, determine 2.5.87. Given positive numbers a, b and d such that b > a, calculate a(a + d)...(a + nd) n^oo 6(6 + d)...(6 + nd) ' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! This page intentionally left blank Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Chapter 3 Series of Real Numbers 3.1. Summation of Series 3.1.1. Find the infinite series and its sum if the sequence {Sn} of its partial sums is given by setting (a) (c) Sn = ^—, n €N, n Sn = aretann, n G N, (b) Sn = — - i , n €N, 2n n f-l) 5 n = -——, n G N. n (d) 3.1.2. Find the sum of the series <•>^ n£ (=n +&l ) '• 2 n=l oo (C) 2 v ' / o 2 w w^ (£2 n - l ) ( 2 n + l) ' n—\ oo r v-^ n - Vn - 1 S^TTT (e) ~£ (v^+\/n + 1)^71(71+1) 2 <d) v ^-> 2 ' v ' 1 1 S=^. 63 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 64 3.1.3. Compute the following sums: X i ( ^ a ^Sr^ m fo+l)(3n+l) () m (b) Sln(n+i)(2n-l)' 7 + / n=l 77T1 + 4) T:—~ > n(3n " (2n + l)n 3.1.4. Find the sum of the series V (a) ^ L n ( n + ll)...(n ) . . . + ra) v n=l oo , m 6 N, ' 1 r, m e N , *—' nln-f m) (b) V - T — n=l ' E- J (n + l)(n + 2)(n + 3)(n + 4)' (c) 3.1.5. Compute OO , OO w S>£. w E; n=l 3.1.6. Calculate OO E n=l 1 n=l Inn I n — In n j sin —2^+1 COS 2n+1' 3.1.7. Find E n!(n -h1n 4 n=0 2 + l)' 3.1.8. Show that OO E. 3 - 5 - . . . - ( 2 n + l ) n=l _, n 1 = 2" Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.1. Summation of Series 65 3.1.9. Suppose that {an} is a sequence satisfying lim ((en + l)(a 2 + l)...(a n + 1)) = p, 0 < g < +oo. n—>oo Prove that oo _ 1_ 1 On n=1(ai + l)(a 2 + l)...(an + l) " p' where we assume that — = 0. oo 3.1.10. Using the result in the foregoing problem, find the sum of the series Y^ n — 1 (a) n— 1 y, 2n-l ^ 2 - 4 - 6 - . . . -2n' (b) n=l oo (c) i S(i-^)(i-l)-(i-^)' 3.1.11. Let {an} be a recursive sequence given by setting a\ > 2, Show that y> a n + i = a^ - 2 for n € N. _ ai - v/a? - 4 1 ^-J ai • a 2 •... • an 2 n=l 3.1.12. For b > 2, verify that E 71! ^b(6+l)...(b + ra-l) 6-2' 3.1.13. For a > 0 and 6 > a -f 1, establish the equality E a(a -f l)...(a -f n — 1) 6(6+l)...(6 + n - l ) = a 6-a-l' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 66 3.1.14. For a > 0 and b > a -f 2, verify the following claim: °° a(a + l)...(a + n - 1) _ E fc(6+l).»(6 + n - l ) n==i n a(6 - 1) ~ (6-a-l)(6-a-2)' 3.1.15. Let J^ — be a divergent series with positive terms. For 71=1 aU b > 0, find the sum £~ ( 2 + &)( 3 + b)...(On+l + fc) ai • a,2 •... • an a a 3.1.16. Compute f(-ir^. n=0 3.1.17. Given nonzero constants a, 6 and c, suppose that the functions / and g satisfy the condition f(x) = af(bx) -f cg(x). (a) Show that, if lim anf(bnx) = L(x) exists, then n—•oo oo Y,ang{bnx) = f(x) - L(x) n=0 (b) Show that, if Jim a~nf(b~nx) = M(x) exists, then n—+oo oo ^a-ng{b-nx) = M{x) - af{bx) n=0 3.1.18. Applying the identity sinx = 3 sin | - 4 sin 3 | , show that 3 x-sini x n=0 oo i1 n n=0 3n sin 3 x 3 . x -r = - sin —. 3~n+1 4 3 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 67 3.1. Summation of Series 3.1.19. Applying the identity cot a; = 2cot(2x) + tan a; for x ^ /c|, fcGZ, show that E — tan — = n=0 l X 1 2n 2n x 3.1.20. Using the identity establish the formulas ^ /^ \ 2 cot (2a;). arctan x = arctan(frr) + arctan 1+bJ?, n \~^ (a) > arctan (11 ~- ub)b K )u xx ————^ = arctanx n=0 for 0 < b < 1, for x ^ 0 n v~> (b — l)b x (b) >^ arctan , 0 ,. 0 = arccot x w ^ 1 + '62 n + 1 x 2 n=0 and 6 > 1. 3.1.21. Let {a n } be the Fibonacci sequence defined by setting a 0 = a\ — 1, and put 5 n = a n + i = a n + a n _i, n > 1, fc=0 v (-ir ^ Sn 3.1.22. For the Fibonacci sequence {an} defined in the foregoing problem, calculate y (-l)n 3.1.23. For the Fibonacci sequence {an} defined in 3.1.21, determine the sum of the series oo V^ arctan 1 . Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 68 3.1.24. Find the sum: oo 2 y ^ arctan — , (a) °° 1 V^ arctan —x (b) n=l oo (c) n=\ > arctan n=l , n 4 - 2 n 2 + 5* 3.1.25. Let {an} be a positive sequence that diverges to infinity. Show that oo E arctan n — Q>n an4-l -L = arctan —. 1 + anan+i ai 3.1.26. Prove that any rearrangement of the terms of an infinite positive series does not change its sum. n=1 3.1.27. Establish the identity oo oo O ^r—'\ 1 E (2n-l) 0 l 2 = 1 1 4^n?' 3.1.28. Prove that °° 1 (a) £^ n=l oo (b) ^ ^ . = 7T2 4 = ^0' oo <«> ¥' . B-«"5r+T " I- n=0 3.1.29. For the sequence {a n } defined recursively by a\ = 2, a n + i = an- an + l for n > 1, oo n=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 69 3.1. Summation of Series 3.1.30. Let {an} be defined as follows: a\ > 0, a n + i = In ean — 1 for n > 1, and set bn = a\ • a^ •... • an. Find ]T 6 n . n=l 3.1.31. Let {a n } be defined by setting ai = 1, an+i = \/2 ai + a 2 -f ••• 4- a n for n > 1. oo Determine the sum of the series ^ a n . n=l 3.1.32. Find the sum of the following series: (a) E(-l)-1^ n=l n(n + l ) ' ™=i °° / 1 1 1 \ 3.1.33. Calculate D-i)"-b.(i + i). n=l x ' 3.1.34. Compute 3.1.35. Determine the sum of the series S(=-H))- Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 70 3.1.36. Suppose that a function / is differentiable on (0, oo), that its derivative / ' is monotonic on a subinterval (a, H-oc), and lim fix) = x—++oo 0. Prove that the limit lirn^ Q / ( l ) + /(2) + /(3) + ... + f(n - 1) + ± / ( n ) - £ f(x)dx^J exists. Consider also the special cases of the functions f(x) = ^ and f(x) = lnx. 3.1.37. Determine the sum of the series ,lnn E(-D- n 71=1 3.1.38. Find f / , 2 n + l > ^ n In V x n=l 2n-l 3.1.39. Given an integer k > 2, show that the series y>/ 1 2s ^ \[((n n --l )1f )k c +4-1 l + 1 1 + + (n - 1 )k+42 9 """" n * - l (ra-l)A; nA: converges for only one value of x. Find this value and the sum of the series. 3.1.40. For the sequence {an} defined by setting a 0 = 2, a n + i = an H 3 + (-l)n , compute n=0 3.1.41. Prove that the sum of the series oo n=l - oc n=l 1 v ' is irrational. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.1. Summation of Series 71 3.1.42. Let {en} be a sequence where en is either 1 or — 1. Show oo that the sum of the series Y ^ is an irrational number. U n=l ' 3.1.43. Show that for any positive integer k the sum of the series (-i)n (n\)k " ^ v n=l ' is irrational. 3.1.44. Suppose that {n^} is a monotonically increasing sequence of positive integers such that hm fc^oo niTl2 • ... • Tlk—l = -foo. oo Prove that Y] — is irrational. 2=1 3.1.45. Prove that, if {n^} is a sequence of positive integers such that lim = +oo /c-+oo mn2 • ... • njfe_i and lim ^ ^ > 1, nk-\ oo then V — is irrational. n .—' i 1= 1 3.1.46. Suppose that {n^} is a monotonically increasing sequence oo of positive integers for which lim ^v/n^ = oo. Prove that J ] ^- is k-^oc k=1 k irrational. CO 3.1.47. Let Y" 2^, where pn,Qn £ N, be a convergent series and let —- w n=l Pn qn - 1 Pn+1 qn+i - 1 Pn qn Denote by A the set of all n for which the above inequality is sharp. oo Prove that Yl ~ 1S irrational if and only if the set A is infinite. n=l 3.1.48. Prove that for any strictly increasing sequence {n^} ofposoo itive integers the sum of the series ^T ^-j is irrational. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 72 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 3.2.1. Determine whether the following series converge or diverge: oo oo (a) £ ( v ^ T T - ^ T T ) , n=l \ ^(2n-3)!! ... (d) w £(2^jM' n=2 00 (e) £ n=l v ' / V i \ 1-cos- n / , ' A / n \ \ n2 • ' / n(n+l) ^UTTJ N n=l °° (f) ' £(^-l)», n=l OO (g) 2 i i (b) E ( ^ ~ ^ T n=l . • ^(^S-l), a>l. n=l 3.2.2. Test the following series for convergence: (a) g l l n f l + iV v n=l W (b) g 1 ln=±l, ' n=2 (d) Ln2_lnn' n=l OO (e) v 2^(l n n )lnn n=2 v y -. 2 ^ n=2 H n n V1 n l n n " (Inn) 3.2.3. Let Y2 ani Yl bn be series of positive terms satisfying n=l n=l &n+l . ^n+1 ^ r < —— for n > n 0 . oo oo Prove that if Yl bn converges, then Y2 an ^so converges. n=l n~l 3.2.4. Test these series for convergence: (a) D^T' n=l (b) ZLT^An=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 73 3.2.5. Determine for which values of a the given series converges. (a) oo oo (b) £ ( ^ - l ) a , £ ( ^ - 1 ) * , a>l, n=l 00 1\ // n+1 (<> E f ( i + s ) n=l N \ n=l \ a i \a °° / -«) - «) £ ( * — - J x n=l / ' / oo 3.2.6. Prove that, if a series ^ an with positive terms converges, n=l then OO y ^ (a a n - 1), where a > 1, n=l also converges. 3.2.7. Investigate the behavior (convergence or divergence) of the following series: / OO 1\ °° (a) ^-lnfcos-j, n=l V n^ (c) / ^ y % **""+*, n=l a,6,c,deR, n2n °^ n=l (b) T x—TT7 r^—r~ > a, 6 > 0. (n -h a) n + fc (n + b)n+a v / \ / oo 3.2.8. Suppose a series ^ a n of nonnegative terms converges. Prove 71=1 OO that ]P y/anan+i also converges. Show that the converse is not true. 71=1 If, however, the sequence {an} is monotonically decreasing, then the converse statement does hold. oo 3.2.9. Assume that a positive-term series ^ an diverges. Study the behavior of the following series: (a) w oo Sift' ^irfe' 71=1 OO n=l (b) (d) 71=1 oo ^rrk' Ei^f71=1 OO n=l n Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 74 3.2.10. Assume that a positive term series ^ an diverges. Denote n=l by {Sn} the sequence of its partial sums. Prove that oo — n=l and oo diverges — converges. n=lSn 3.2.11. Show that under the assumptions of the preceding proposition the series oo E converges for each (3 > 0. a n q qP n=2 °n>->n-l 3.2.12. Prove that under the assumptions of 3.2.10 the series oo E n=l a n n converges if a > 1 and diverges if a < 1. oo 3.2.13. Prove that, if a positive term series 7^2 converges and 1 = 1 an rn = Yl ft/e, n G N, denotes the sequence of its remainders, then k=n+l oo (a) V^ —— diverges, n=2r"-l converges. 3.2.14. Prove that under the assumptions of the foregoing problem oo converges if a < 1 and diverges if a > 1. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 75 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 3.2.15. Show that under the assumptions of Problem 3.2.13 the series 53 a n+i In rn converges. n=l oc 3.2.16. Let Yl an be a series of positive terms. Suppose that n=l lim n In —— = #. n->oo Prove that an+i oo 53 an converges if g > 1 and diverges if g < 1 (the n=l cases # = +oo and # = — oo are included). Show that if g = 1, then the test is inconclusive. 3.2.17. Study the behavior of the following series: oo oo 1 n=l (d) 00 oo 1 n=l -. E ^ a>0 n—1 .. n=l 00 .. (e) E ^ n ^ ' > n=2 a>0 - 3.2.18. Discuss convergence of the series 00 £V + * + -+*, a >0. n=l 3.2.19. Use the result of Problem 3.2.16 to prove the limit form of the Test of Raabe. Let an > 0, n G N, and let lim n [ — n->oo \a n + i 1 1 — r. 00 Prove that 53 a™ converges if r > 1 and diverges if r < 1. n=l 3.2.20. Let {a n } be defined recursively by setting Q>1 = «2 = 1, « n + l = &n H ofln-l f°r ™ > 2. oo Study convergence of the series 53 ~ • 71=1 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 76 3.2.21. Let a\ and a be positive. Define the recursive sequence {an} by putting a n + i = ane~a" for n=l,2,.... oo Determine for which values of a and f3 the series J2 an converges. n=l 3.2.22. Determine for which values of a the series n! ^ ( a + l ) (( ao - + 2 ) . . . . - ( a + n) converges. 3.2.23. Let a be an arbitrary positive number and let {bn} be a positive sequence converging to b. Study the convergence of the series E n=1 nlar (a + 6i)(2a 4-fe2)• - • (na + 6 n )' 3.2.24. Prove that, if a sequence {a n } of positive numbers satisfies Qn+l __ i _ 1 7n n ttrj n In n' OO where 7 n > T > 1, then ^ a n converges. On the other hand, if 71=1 Qn+1 ^n i _ 2. OTI n n In n ' oo where 7 n < T < 1, then ^ a n diverges. (This is the so-called Test of Bertrand.) 71=1 3.2.25. Use the tests of Bertrand and Raabe to derive the following Criterion of Gauss. If {an} is a sequence of positive numbers satisfying Qn+1 _ , an PL n An nx' oo where A > 1 and {$ n } is a bounded sequence, then J2 an converges when a > 1 and diverges when a < 1. n=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 77 3.2.26. Discuss the convergence of the series y , a(a + 1) • ... • (a + n - 1) /?(/? + 1) •••••(/? + n - 1) ^ n! 7(7 + 1) •... . ( 7 + n - 1)' where a,/3 and 7 are positive constants. 3.2.27. Determine for which values of p '(2n-l)!!\p ^-f V (2n)!! converges. 3.2.28. Prove the following condensation test of Cauchy. Let {a n } be a monotonically decreasing sequence of nonnegative 00 numbers. Prove that the series Yl an converges if and only if the n=l 00 series ]T 2 n a2^ converges. n=l 3.2.29. Test the following series for convergence: 00 00 1 ^n(mn)a' n=2 v ' ' ^ n=3 - n • Inn • l n l n n ' 3.2.30. Prove the following Theorem of Schlomilch (a generalization of the Cauchy theorem, see Problem 3.2.28). If {gk} is a strictly increasing sequence of positive integers such that for some c > 0 and for all k 6 N, gk+i — gk < c(gk — 9k~i) and if a positive sequence {an} strictly decreases, then ^ a n < 00 if and only if ^ ( # f c + i - gk)a9k < 00. 3.2.31. Let {a n } be a monotonically decreasing sequence of positive numbers. Prove that the series Yl an converges if and only if the following series converges: 71=1 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 78 (a) ^3na3n, (b) n=l ^nan2, (c) n=l ^n2an3. n=l (d) Apply the above tests to study convergence of the series in Problem 3.2.17. 3.2.32. Suppose that {an} is a positive sequence. Prove that lim (an)^^ n—>oo oo < C implies the convergence of J2 an. 71=1 3.2.33. Suppose that {an} is a positive sequence. Show that lim (na™)^ 1 ^ < n—->oo oo C implies the convergence of ^2 an. 71=1 3.2.34. Let {a n } be a monotonically decreasing sequence of positive numbers such that 2 CiOn — <9 < 1. oc Show that ^ an converges. 71=1 3.2.35. Let {an} be a monotonically decreasing sequence of nonnegoo ative numbers. Prove that if ]P an converges, then 71=1 n lim nan = 0. -+°° Show that this condition is not sufficient for the convergence of the series. 3.2.36. Give an example of a convergent series with positive terms for which the condition lim nan = 0 does not hold. 71—>OC OO 3.2.37. Let J2 an be a convergent positive series. Give necessary 71=1 and sufficient conditions for the existence of a positive sequence {bn} Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 79 such that the series oo oo and 6 Yl " Yl T n=l n—1 both converge. 3.2.38. Does there exist a positive sequence {an} such that the series OO OO Y] an ^— and n=\ both converge. 3.2.39. Show that oo -. V " —— ^ n2an l n=l 1 V^ _ 1 "* Q n + 1 n=l diverges for any positive sequence {an}. 3.2.40. Let {an} and {bn} be monotonically decreasing to zero and oo oo such that the series ^2 an and J2 bn diverge. What can be said n=l n=l oo about the convergence of ]T) cn, where cn — min{a n ,6 n }? n=l 3.2.41. Let {an} be a monotonically decreasing sequence of nonnegoo ative numbers such that Y2 ^f diverges. Assume that n=l bn = min <J an , ,__, ln(n I. oo Prove that J2 ^T a * s o diverges. n=l 3.2.42. Let {a n } be a bounded, positive and monotonically increasing sequence. Prove that OC / v converges. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 80 3.2.43. Let {an} be an increasing positive sequence diverging to infinity. Prove that OO / v diverges. 3.2.44. Let {an} be a positive monotonically increasing sequence. Show that for any a > 0 OO „=i a converges. ^ < 3.2.45. Show that for any positive and divergent series Y2 an there n=l exists a sequence {cn} monotonically decreasing to zero such that OO ]T ancn diverges. n=l oo 3.2.46. Show that for any positive and convergent series ]T an n=l there exists a sequence {cn} monotonically increasing to infinity such OO that Yl anCn converges. n=l oo 3.2.47. Let Y2 an be a convergent series with positive terms. Let n=l oo {rn} denote the sequence of its remainders. Prove that if Y^ vn n=l converges, then lim nan = 0. n—>oc 3.2.48. Let {an} be a positive sequence diverging to infinity. What can be said about the convergence of the following series: oo 1 (a) y±, n=l "" oo oo ^ oo (b) Y4-, n=l ^ (C) y-,4-' I -—. n=l " n "« I _? In n 3.2.49. Study convergence of ^ a n , where n=l ai = 1, a n + i = cosa n for nG Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 81 3.2.50. Let p be an arbitrarily fixed nonnegative number. Study the OO convergence of Y2 a n , where n=l an+i = n_psinan ai = 1, for n G N. 3.2.51. Let {a n } be a sequence of consecutive positive solutions of oo the equation tanx = x. Study the convergence of Y2 ^-. n=l an 3.2.52. Let {a n } be a sequence of consecutive positive solutions of oo the equation tan y/x — x. Study the convergence of Yl ~ • n=l ° n 3.2.53. Let a\ be an arbitrary positive number and let a n +i = oo ln(l + an) for n > 1. Study the convergence of Yl an71=1 3.2.54. Assume that {an} oo is a positive monotonically decreasing a sequence such that Y2 n diverges. Show that 71=1 Ql + Q 3 + ... +a2n-l y rwoo _ - a 2 4" a4 + ... + &2n 3.2.55. Let 5^ = 1 + ^ + ... + ^ and let kn denote the least of all positive integers k for which Sk >n. Find ,. &n+i lim — — . n—>oo kn 3.2.56. Let A be the set of all positive integers such that their decimal representations do not contain zero. (a) Show that ^2 n neA conver ges. (b) Determine all a such that Y2 ^ n€A converges. oo 3.2.57. Let Y2 an be a series of positive terms and let 71=1 lim —2=- = p. n-^oo Inn Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 82 Prove that if g > 1, then the series converges, and if g < 1, then the series diverges (here g may be equal to +oo or — oo.) Give examples showing that in the case of g = 1 the criterion is indecisive. 3.2.58. Show that the Raabe test (see Problem 3.2.19) and the test given in Problem 3.2.16 are equivalent. Moreover, show that the criterion in the preceding problem is stronger than each of the above mentioned tests. oo 3.2.59. Study the convergence of ^ an whose terms are given by 71=1 Ol Vi, 2 - y 2 + V 2 + ... + y/2, N n>2. (n — 1)—roots 3.2.60. Let {an} be a sequence monotonically decreasing to zero. Show that if the sequence with terms (oi - an) + (a 2 - an) + ... + (a n _i - an) oo is bounded, then Yl an must converge. n=l 3.2.61. Find a series whose terms an satisfy the following conditions: fll = 2 ' «n = « n + l + « n + 2 + ••• for 72 = 1,2,3,.... oo 3.2.62. Suppose that the terms of a convergent series Yl an whose n=l sum is S satisfy two conditions: ^i > a2 > a 3 > ... and 0 < an < an+\ + a n + 2 + ..., n £ N. Show that it is possible to represent any number 5 in the half-closed 00 interval (0, S] by a finite sum of terms of the series Yl an 00 infinite subseries Y2 ank, where {ank} n=l is a subsequence of or by an {an}. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 83 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 3.2.63. Assume that ]T) an is a series of positive and monotonically 71=1 decreasing terms. Prove that if each number in (0,5), where S denotes the sum of the series, can be represented by a finite sum of oo terms of {an} or by an infinite subseries J2 anki where {ank} fc=i is a subsequence of {a n }, then the following inequality holds: &n < a n + i + «n+2 + ••• for each n G N. oo 3.2.64. Let Y2 an be a divergent series of positive terms and let n=l lim |p- = 0, where S n = a\ + a2 + ... + an. Prove that .. lim n-^oo a i 5 f 1 + a 2 5 ^ 1 + ... + a n 5 - 1 * ^— . — — 1. ln6n 3.2.65. Using the preceding problem, show that n-^oo Inn 3.2.66. Let Y2 an be a convergent series of positive terms. What n=l can be said about the convergence of Ql + a 2 + - + Q n 9 n=l 3.2.67. Prove that if {an} is a positive sequence such that ^ ^ a^ > n 2n oo fc=n+l n=l fc=i ]T} afc for n € N, then ]T a n < 2eai. 3.2.68. Prove the following Inequality of Carleman: If {an} is a positive sequence, then n=l n=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 84 provided that ^ an converges. n=l 3.2.69. Show that if {an} positive integer A;, is a positive sequence, then, for every oo oo • n=l N .. n=l , i \ n ' 3.2.70. Let {an} be a sequence of positive numbers. Prove that the convergence of J2 ^~ implies the convergence of 71=1 n oo / ]CI n2an • n (]C x n=l \ ak -2^ x fc=l 3.2.71. Let {an} be a monotonically increasing sequence of positive oo numbers such that ]T ^- diverges. Show that an n=l y - oo ^ 1 n a n - (n - l ) a n _ i is also divergent. 3.2.72. Let {pn} be a sequence of all consecutive prime numbers. oo Study convergence of ^ n=l —. 3.2.73. Study convergence of oo ., I , {n- l)pn-i' y ~2npn- where pn denotes the nth prime number. 3.2.74. Evaluate oo lim -^ ' k=2 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 85 3.2.75. Let {an} be a sequence satisfying the following conditions: 0 < an < 1 for all and n e N a\ ^ 0. Let Sn = cti + ... -f an and Tn = Si + ... + Sn. oo Determine for which values a > 0 the series £3 ^ - converges. n n=l 3.2.76. Let A: be an arbitrary positive integer. Assume that {an} is a monotonically increasing sequence of positive numbers such that ^2 -^- converges. Prove that the series n=l E m an , and n=l ^-^ In n > n=l are either both convergent or both divergent. 3.2.77. Assume that / : N —• (0, oo) is a decreasing function and (f : N —» N is an increasing function such that (f(n) > n for all n € N. Verify the following inequalities: ¥>(1)-1 ip(n)-l n-1 fc=i fc=i fc=i (2) V>(n) £ n /(*)>E^w)^(*)-v(*-1))- fc=yj(l)-l fc=2 3.2.78. Prove that under the assumptions of the foregoing problem, if there exists q such that for all n e N the inequality /(y(n))(y>(n+l)-y>(n)) 7W oc holds, then ]T f(n) n=l , -g<1 converges. On the other hand, if /(y(n))(<p(n)-y?(n-1)) TT-T > 1, n €N , Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 86 then J2 f(n) diverges. 71=1 3.2.79. Derive from the preceding problem the following test for convergence and divergence of positive series. oc The series ^ an whose terms are positive and monotonically n=l decreasing is convergent when hm n->oc an = g< Z and divergent when hm =g> -. 3.2.80. Derive from Problem 3.2.78 the following test for convergence and divergence of positive series (compare with Problem 3.2.34). A positive series ]P an whose terms are monotonically decreasn=l ing is convergent provided that hm n—+oc an and divergent provided that lim ^ = g<1 > 2. 3.2.81. Using Problem 3.2.77, prove the criteria given in 3.2.31. 3.2.82. Prove the following Test of Kummer, Let {an} be a positive-valued sequence. (1) If there are a sequence {bn} of positive numbers and a positive constant c such that bn— Gn+l bn+i > c for all n £ N, oo then J2 an converges. n=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 87 (2) If there is a positive sequence {bn} such that £] ^- diverges n=l and ^-^--671+1 <0 for all n neN, oc then ^ a n diverges. n=l 3.2.83. Show that the tests of d'Alembert (the ratio test), Raabe (3.2.19) and Bertrand (3.2.24) are special cases of the Kummer test (3.2.82). 3.2.84. Prove the following converse of the Kummer test. Let {an} be a positive sequence. oo (1) If J2 an converges, then there exist a positive sequence {bn} n=l and a positive constant c such that 0n «n+l On+1 > C. oo (2) If ^2 an diverges, then there exists a positive sequence n=l {bn} oo such that Yl ir diverges and n=l n K— Gn-fl bn+i < 0. 3.2.85. Prove the following tests for convergence and divergence of positive series. (a) Let A: be a positive integer and let lim ^ ^ = g. If g < 1, then oo oo n=l n=l Y^ an converges, and if g > 1, then ^ an diverges. (b) Let H e a positive integer and let lim n f -^ 1J = g. If oc oo n—l n=l g > k, then ]T a n converges, and if g < k, then ]T an diverges. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 88 3.2.86. Let {an} and {(pn} be sequences of positive numbers. Asoo sume that (fn = 0 ( ^ ) • Prove that the convergence of J2 an im~ oo plies the convergence of Yl n=2 a n=2 n~ipn- 3.3. The Integral Test 3.3.1. Prove the following integral test Assume that / is a positive and decreasing function on the inoo terval [l,oo). Then the series Y2 f(n) n sequence {/n}> In — J f{x)dx, l converges if and only if the 71=1 is bounded. 3.3.2. Let / be a positive and differentiable function on (0, oo) such that / ' decreases to zero. Show that the series OO OO .// \ either both converge or both diverge. 3.3.3. Let / be a positive and decreasing function on [1, oo). Set „N N SN = y2f(n) and IN = / n=l f(x)dx. Jl Show that the sequence {SN — IN} is monotonically decreasing and its limit belongs to the interval [0, / ( l ) ] . 3.3.4. Show that the limits of the sequences (a) (b) ! + + . . . + _ _inn, 2 n 1 1 fn 1 1 + ^ + - + — - / — dx> 0<a<l, both belong to the interval (0,1). Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.3. The Integral Test 89 3.3.5. Apply the integral test to study convergence of the series given in 3.2.29. oo 3.3.6. Let YJ an be a positive divergent series and let 5 n = ai + n=l ai + ... + an > 1 for n > 1. Verify the following claims: oo (a) ^£Sk diverges ' oo (b) Y^ n ^ converges. _ 1 ^n l n &n 3.3.7. Let / be a positive and decreasing function on [1, oo). Assume that a function p is strictly increasing, differentiable and such that ip{x) > x for x > 1. Prove that, if there exists q < 1 such that ^ — # ^ or sufficiently large x, then f(x) Prove also that, if ^ series diverges. /(l) X ^ /(n) n=l converges. - 1 f° r sufficiently large x, then the 3.3.8. Let / , g be positive continuously differentiable functions on (0, oo). Moreover, suppose that / is decreasing. (a) Show that, if lim (-g(x)^verges. x—•oo ^ - g'(x)\ > 0, then £ fin) n=l n (b) Show that, if the sequence with terms J -h\dx l and for sufficiently large x, —g(x)j^j—gf(x) con " is unbounded g{x) < 0, then ]T / ( n ) n=l diverges. 3.3.9. Let / be a positive continuously differentiable function on (0, oo). Prove that (a) if lim (-^jffi) x—>oo ^ f'( ) ' > 1, then £ f(n) converges, n=l °° (b) if - Xf(x) < 1 for sufficiently large x, then ^ /(n) diverges. n=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 90 3.3.10. Let / be a positive continuously differentiate function on (0, oo). Prove that (a) if lim X—>00 - ^ J x l n x > 1, then J2 f(n) [-JT^T ^ converges, 71=1 ' (b) if ( — yr^Y — ~: J x l n x < 1 for sufficiently large x, then Y ^ diverges. n=l ' f(n) 3.3.11. Prove the following converse of the theorem stated in 3.3.8. Let / be a positive decreasing and continuously differentiate function on (0, oo). oo (a) If Yl / ( n ) converges, then there exists a positive continuously 71=1 differentiate function g on (0, oo) such that ^(-•<* ) 7§|-H > f t OO (b) If ^ f(n) diverges, then there exists a positive continuously 71=1 different iable function g on (0, oo) such that the sequence with terms r I /h 9{x)-dx, n = 1,2,..., is unbounded and for sufficiently large x, -«*)£$-•(.><<). 3.3.12. For 7 > 0, study convergence of the series 00 ^ 2-, (lnn)( lnn ) 7 ' 71 = 2 V ' 3.3.13. Study convergence of the series 00 y^ 1 _L . ^—' n 1+ nrhr^ Inn Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.3. The Integral Test 91 3.3.14. Let {An} be a positive monotonically increasing sequence and let / be a positive and increasing function satisfying the condition ,00 j Jx1 tf{t) Show that £(1-TM^T<OO. A n +1/ /(A n ) 3.3.15. Prove the following generalization of the integral test. Let {An} be a sequence strictly increasing to infinity and let / be a positive continuous and decreasing function on [Ai, oo). (a) If there exists M > 0 such that A n + i - An > M for n G N oo and if the improper integral J f(t)dt converges, then the series Ai oo J2 f(^n) a lso converges. n=l (b) If there exists M > 0 such that A n + i - An < M for n G N oo and if the improper integral J f(t)dt diverges, then the series Ai oo J2 /(^n) also diverges. 71=1 3.3.16. Suppose that / : (0, oo) —» R is a positive and differentiable oo function with positive derivative. Prove that J2 jh) converges if n=l and only if J2 rHn) does. n2 n=l 3.3.17. Define lni x = lux and InkX = ln(hifc_ia;) for k > 1 and sufficiently large x. For n G N, let (p(n) be the unique positive integer such that 1 < ln^( n ) n < e. Does the series oo y - ^ n(lni n)(ln 2 n) • ... • (ln^ (n) n) converge or diverge? Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 92 3.4. Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 3.4.1. For the indicated values of a, decide whether the series are absolutely convergent, conditionally convergent, or divergent: n+ 1 n=l (b) „(lnn)» £(-1)"^-, ae n=2 (c) V(-l)"sin-, aG 71 n=l W e / x () v^ 1 S^nU n=l 00 /a2 —4a-8\n + ea-ls) ' x x _x , n ^ ^K\{-8,2}, n E^->a^0' V^ ft n=l 3.4.2. For c 6 l , study convergence and absolute convergence of the series 00 nn-\ n l na ~ -f Inn where na is an index depending on a such that nan n > n0. 1 -f In n 7^ 0 for 00 3.4.3. Suppose that a series ^ a n with nonzero terms converges. 71=1 Study the convergence of the series n=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.4. Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 93 3.4.4. Does the condition lim ^ n = 1 imply that the convergence oo n^oo ° oc a of ^2 n is equivalent to the convergence of ^2 bn? n=l n=l oo 3.4.5. Assume that a series ]T) an converges conditionally and set n=l pn = |an| 2 Qn , qn = |Qn| 2 ° n . Show that both £ Pn and X) g n n=l diverge. n=l oo 3.4.6. Assume that a series ]T] a n converges conditionally. Let n=l oo {P n } and {Q n } be the sequences of partial sums of Yl Pn and n=l oo ^ <?n, defined in the foregoing problem, respectively. Show that lim - ^ = 1. n-+oo g n 3.4.7. Study convergence and absolute convergence of the series y^ (-1)1*1 n=l 3.4.8. For a G l , decide whether the series £ (-l)[>/n] n=l converges absolutely, converges conditionally, or diverges. 3.4.9. Decide whether the series - (_l)[lnn] ^ n 71=1 is absolutely convergent, conditionally convergent, or divergent. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 94 3.4.10 i. Let + 1 / for 22k <n<22k+\ 2 f c +2, ( - i for 22fc+l < n < 2 where fc = 0,1,2,.. .. Discuss the convergence of the series £•77, ~ = oo OO (a) 5 n=l £n (b) V n n=2 3.4.11. Study the convergence of the series oo r~ -\ n=2 3.4.12. Investigate the behavior (absolute convergence, conditional convergence) of the following series: (a) oo £(_!)«( ^ _ i r , 71=1 OO (b) ^(-i)™^-!), 0 > i ) 71=1 (c) OO £(_!)«( ^ _ i ) , n=l ( ir i+ s - (( =)*"-)• 3.4.13. For a, 6 > 0, discuss convergence of the following series: n=i Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.4. Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 3.4.14. Let Yl (~l)n~lan 95 be an alternating series which satisfies 71=1 the conditions of the Leibniz test, that is, 0 < an+i < an for all n and lim an = 0. Denote by rn the nth remainder of the series, n—•oc oc rn — Yli (~l) fc_la fc- Show that rn has the same sign as the term /c = 7 l + l ( - l ) n a n + i and \rn\ < a n + 1 . 3.4.15. Suppose that a sequence {an} tends to zero. Show that the series oc y^an oo y^(q n -f a n +i) and n=l n=l either both converge or both diverge. 3.4.16. For a sequence {an} convergent to zero and for a, 6, c such that a + 6 + c ^ 0 , prove that the series oo ^ oo an and n=l ^ ( a a n + 6 a n + i + ca n + 2 ) n=l either both converge or both diverge. 3.4.17. Let {an} be a sequence with lim an = a ^ 0 and with n—>oo nonzero terms. Prove that the series V7an+i-an) and VM I either both are absolutely convergent or both do not converge absolutely. oc 3.4.18. Show that, if a sequence {nan} and a series Yl n(an — an+i) 71=1 OO both converge, then Y2 an also does. 71=1 3.4.19. For a sequence {an} monotonically decreasing to zero, study the convergence of the series oo £(-D^rn + l l 71=1 a + a 2 + ... +CLn n Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 96 3.4.20. Decide for which values of a the series oo (—1) n! sin asm - •... • s i n 71 = 1 converges absolutely and for which it diverges. 3.4.21. For positive a, b and c, study convergence of the series 3.4.22. Discuss convergence of the following series: oc oo (b) j> i n n r- (a) j>osnr, n=l n=l 3.4.23. Let {an} be a positive sequence. Prove that (a) if lim n f—2^ n—•oo - 1] > 0, then ]T (~l) n «n converges, ^ (b) if n ( - 2 1 ^ lim n [ - ^ ' n=l l j < 0, then ]T) (-l)nan n=l ' diverges (in particular, if 1) < 0, then the series diverges). 3.4.24. Assume that for a positive sequence {an} there exist a e R, £ > 0 and a bounded sequence {/3n} such that an+i n n1+£' oo Prove that the series Y, ( — ^) Ua n converges for a > 0 and diverges for a < 0. 71=1 3.4.25. Discuss the convergence of the series n=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.4. Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 97 3.4.26. Assume that the series ]T an converges and {pn} is a posn=l itive sequence which increases to +oo. Show that j. aiPi + Q2P2 + ... + anpn n—oo = pn 3.4.27. Let {an} be a positive sequence decreasing to zero. Prove 00 that, if the series ^ anbn converges, then 71=1 lim an(bi +b2 + ... + 6n) = 0. 3.4.28. Let a be a given positive number. Prove that, if the series 00 J2 %£ converges, then n=i n r hm ai + a 2 + ... + a n = 0. 3.4.29. Let {kn} be a strictly increasing sequence of natural num00 00 n=l n=l bers. Then the series J2 akn is called a subseries of the series ^ an. Show that, if all the subseries of a series converge, then the series is absolutely convergent. 3.4.30. Let fc, I be integers such that k > 1, / > 2. Must the converoc gent series £^ an be absolutely convergent if all its subseries of the form n=l 00 n=l are convergent? 00 3.4.31. Give an example of a convergent series ^ an such that 71=1 OO J2 O'n diverges. n=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 98 3.4.32. Does there exist a convergent series Y2 an s u c n t n a t all the 71=1 OO series of the form ^ an, where k is an integer greater than or equal to 2, diverge? 71=1 3.4.33. Let {an} be a monotonically decreasing and positive seoo a quence such that the series ^ n diverges. Suppose that the series 71=1 OO ^2 ^n^n? where en is —1 or 1, converges. Prove that 71=1 lim£l+£2 + -+g"<0< K £ l + e 2 + - + e ". 3.4.34. Assume that {an} is a positive monotonically decreasing OO sequence and that the series ^ snan^ where en is —1 or 1, converges. 72=1 Show that lim (ei + e2 + ... + en)an = 0. (See 3.2.35.) n—>oo 3.4.35. Suppose that the series oc J2 bn converges and {pn} is a 71=1 monotonically increasing sequence for which lim pn = -f oo and n—>oo oo E — = +oo. Show that n=l r lim Plh + P2&2 + ... 4" PnK . n . 77— Pl&l + P2&2 + - + PnK < 0 < lim . 3.4.36. In the harmonic series Yl n ^ 71=1 u sa ^ a c n the s ^S n "+"> P n times, consecutively, then the sign "—", q times, consecutively, then "+", p times, consecutively, etc. Show that the new series converges if and only if p = q. 3.4.37. Prove the following generalization of the Toeplitz theorem (see 2.3.1 and 2.3.36). Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.5. The Dirichlet and Abel Tests 99 Let {cn,k : n , f c e N } be an array of real numbers. Then for any convergent sequence {an} the transformed sequence {bn} given by oo n K — 2jcn?fcafc, ^ 1» is convergent to the same limit if and only if the following three conditions are satisfied: (i) cn k —> 0 for each k G N, oo (ii) ^ C n , f c = l, (hi) there exists C > 0 such that for all positive integers n J2\Cn,k\<C' k=l 3.5. The Dirichlet and Abel Tests 3.5.1. Using the Dirichlet and Abel tests, study convergence of the following series: (a) £(-1)" sin 2 n 71=1 oo n=l (c) ^ > 2 x 1 / V"+V 7T sin^ — , .. , sin 2f ' n=l n n 2 2 f- ln n Z V — 7 5 — COS n = 92 (d) n \ , a>0. 4 oo sin (n + - ) 3.5.2. Does the series V —-^— converge? In Inn n=2 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 100 3.5.3. For a G l , study convergence of the series £ sin(na) sin(n a) 2 (a) 71=1 OO (b) E sin(na) cos(n 2 a) 71=1 3.5.4. Show that the series E cos n sin(na) 71=1 converges for each a G R. £2, sin(na) 3.5.5. Determine whether the series jT, — - — , a G i , converges n=i n absolutely. 3.5.6. Show that for a G R and n G N, E . it=i sin(a/c) k <2v^. 3.5.7. Prove that the series £(-!)"arctan n 71=1 y/n converges. 3.5.8. For x > 1, study convergence of the series OO n/i 71=1 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.5. The Dirichlet and Abel Tests 101 3.5.9. Prove the following lemma of Kronecker. oo Let Y2 an be a convergent series and let {bn} be a monotoning cally increasing sequence such that lim bn = -foo. Then n—»oo oo k=n k / 1 \ n \ n k=i / where o(bn) means that lim ^ 4 - ^ = 0 . 3.5.10. Assume that the series Y2 ncn converges. Show that for 71=1 OO every n e N the series Y2 (k -f l)cn+fe also converges. Moreover, k=0 oo show that if tn = Y2 (& + l)cn+fc, then lim tn = 0. n k=o ^°° oo 3.5.11. Assume that the partial sums of the series Y2 an form a oo n=l bounded sequence. Prove that if the series Yl fin — &n+i| converges n=l and oo a so lim 6 n = 0, then for every natural k the series Yl anbn n—oo ^ n = 1 converges. oo 3.5.12. Prove that if ^ (6n—6n+i) converges absolutely and Y2 n—l n=l oo a "n converges, then the series Y2 anbn also converges. 71=1 OO 3.5.13. Using Abel's test, show that the convergence of Yl an im ~ 71=1 OO plies the convergence of the series Y2 anXn for \x\ < 1. 71=1 3.5.14. For a given sequence {an} show that if the Dirichlet series oo n=l nx converges at x = XQ, then it converges at every x > XQ. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 102 3.5.15. Prove that the convergence of the Dirichlet series YL ^ n=i implies the convergence of the series OO i E , n=l v z n ™n , M v —' xix + l)...(:r + n) 7 x * * 0,-1,-2,.... ' 3.5.16. Prove that if the series Y2 an%n converges for |x| < 1, then 71=1 a Yl n j z ^ r also converges. n=l 3.5.17. Must the convergent series ]T) a n be absolutely convergent n=l if all its subseries of the form ^Gfc/n, & > l , i > 2, n=l converge ? 3.6. Cauchy Product of Infinite Series 3.6.1. Prove the following theorem of Mertens. OO If at least one of the two convergent series Y2 an n=0 an OO d Yl ^n n=0 converges absolutely, then their Cauchy product (that is, the series OO Yl cn, where c n = aobn + a i 6 n - i + ... + an^o ) converges. Moreover, 71 = 0 OO OO OO 71=0 71=0 71=0 if Yl an = A and ^ 6n = B, then J ] c n = AB. 3.6.2. Find the sum of the series OO (a) ^nxn_1, \x\ < 1, 71=1 OO (b) V]cn, n=0 71 where c n = ^2,xkyn~k, \x\ < 1, jj/j < 1, fc=0 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.6. Cauchy Product of Infinite Series oo (c) 5>' n where c = 103 ^ " E f c ( f c + 1)(n_fc + 1) r n=l k—1 3.6.3. Form the Cauchy product of the given series and calculate its sum. v(a) ' (b) (c) ^ 2n y ^ —r *-^ n\ 1 V^ -—-, ^ 2nn\ and n=0 oo n=0 1 E(-D"n n=l oo ^ ( n + l)x oo and n 1 £^> n=l oo ^ ( - l ) n ( n + l)x n . and n=0 n=0 3.6.4. Assume that the series Yl an is convergent and set An = 71=0 oo ao+ai + ...+a n . Prove that for \x\ < 1 the series J^ Anxn converges 71=0 and ^2 anXU = (1-X)^2 An*n> 71=0 71=0 OO 3.6.5. Find the Cauchy product of the series ^ ( _ 1 ) n r a p > x G M, with itself. Hint. Use the equality £ fc=0 n=0 (£) 2 = Cn)- 3.6.6. For a > 0 and |x| < 1, verify the claim 1 1 x 1-3 x2 + 2oT2 + 2~^4a + 4 + ' " ( a X / 1 1-3 o (1+2X+2^2 + - + + 1 - 3 •... • (2n - 1) xn 2 - 4 - . . . • (2n) a + 2n 1-3-... - ( 2 n - l ) 2-4...-(2n) ' - V l I a + 1 X l (Q + 1 )( Q + 3 ) X 2 a\ a+2 (o + 2)(a + 4) (o+l)-...-(o + 2 n - l ) + " (o + 2 ) - . . . - ( o + 2n) n + + '*' " ^ Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 104 3.6.7. Prove the following theorem of Abel. oo oo If the Cauchy product ^ cn of the two convergent series J2 an — n=0 OO n=0 A and ^ bn = B converges to C, then C = AB. n=0 3.6.8. Show that the series r ^ H v r y i 2 / n +1 V x n=l i 2 ii + i\ nj ' OO is the Cauchy product of the series £ ( - l ) 7 1 " 1 1 with itself, and find 71=1 its sum. 3.6.9. Study the convergence of the Cauchy product of the series oo £ ( - l ) - i - i = with itself. n=l 3.6.10. Prove that if at least one of two positive series is divergent, then their Cauchy product diverges. 3.6.11. Must the Cauchy product of two divergent series be divergent? 3.6.12. Prove that the Cauchy product of two convergent series oo oo ^2 Q>n and £] bn converges if and only if n=0 n=0 n lim Y] ak(K + bn-i + ... + 6n-fc+i) = 0. n—>oo * — ' fc=l 3.6.13. Suppose that {an} and {bn} are positive sequences monotonically decreasing to zero. Show that the Cauchy product of the oo oo 71=0 71=0 series ^ ( _ l ) n « n and J2 (~l) n &n converges if and only if lim an(b0 + 6i -f ... + bn) = 0 and lim bn(a0 4- ai + ... + a n ) = 0. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series 105 3.6.14. Show that the Cauchy product of oo ytDl and yU£., a,/3>o, n=l n=l converges if and only if a + /? > 1. 3.6.15. Assume that positive sequences {an} and {bn} are monotonically decreasing to zero. Prove that the convergence of the series oo ^2 anbn is a sufficient condition for convergence of the Cauchy prod- n=0 oo oo 71^ n=0 uct of the series ^ (—l) n a n and ^2 (~l)n^n? and that the COnveroo gence of ]P (a n 6 n ) 1+Q for every a > 0 is a necessary condition for n=0 the convergence of this Cauchy product. 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series 3.7.1. Let {ra/c} be a strictly increasing sequence of positive integers, and put b\ = ai + a 2 + ... + a m i , 00 Show that if the series ^ 62 = a m i + i + a m i +2 -f ... + am2> ••• • 00 a n converges, then ^ bn also converges 71=1 and both series have the same sum. 71=1 3.7.2. Consider the series 1_1 i _ i _ i !_ " 2 ~ 4 + 3 " 6 " 8 + 5 """"' which is obtained by rearranging the terms of the series ^2 — n=l in such a way that each positive term is followed by two negative terms. Find the sum of this series. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 106 3.7.3. Let us rearrange the terms of ^ *—£— so that blocks of n=l a positive terms alternate with blocks of /? negative terms, that is, + 1 3 + "' + + 1 1 1 _J_ 1 1 2a-l~2 4 "' 2/3 + 2a + l + 2a + 3 1 1 1__ _J_ 4 a - 1 ~ 2(3 + 2 ~ 2/3 + 4 ~ '" " 4/3 + '*'' + "' Find the sum of the rearranged series. 3.7.4. Show that i_i_i_i ~2~4~6~8 + i__^_j L__L I_ 16 + 5 ~ "'" " " 3~10~12~14 3.7.5. Find a rearrangement of the series 2^ —n— which doubles n=l its sum. 3.7.6. Rearrange the terms of 2J — to obtain a divergent se- n=l ries. 3.7.7. Study convergence of the series 1 V5 1 \/2 1 1 \/5 1 >/7 \/4 obtained by taking alternately two positive terms and one negative term of the series V *—4=—. « i n=l ^ 3.7.8. Prove that any rearrangement of an absolutely convergent series is convergent and has the same sum. 3.7.9. Assume that a function / : (0,+oo) —• (0, oo), decreasing to zero as x —• oo, is such that the sequence {nf(n)} increases to -f oo. oo Let S denote the sum of the series ^ ( - l ) n _ 1 / ( n ) - Given /, find a n=l rearrangement of this series convergent to S + /. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series 107 3.7.10. Assume that a function / : (0, +oo) —> (0, oo), decreasing to zero as x —> oo, satisfies lim nf(n) — g, g € (0, +oo). Let 5 denote 71—•OO OO the sum of the series Y ( _ l ) n _ 1 / ( n ) - Given Z, find a rearrangement n=l of this series convergent to S + 1. oo 3.7.11. Rearrange the terms of J2 (~~l) n _ 1 ^> P ^ (0> 1 ) ' t o increase 71=1 its sum by /. 3.7.12. For a > 0, using the result in 3.7.10, find a rearrangement oo of Y (~^)n~ln wnose sum n=l is m 2 + | In a. 3.7.13. Is it possible to accelerate by rearrangement the divergence of a divergent series with positive and monotonically decreasing terms? oo 3.7.14. Assume that the series ]T an with positive terms diverges and that 71=1 lim an — 0. Show that it is possible to slow down its 71—>00 divergence arbitrarily by rearrangement; that is: for any sequence {Qn} satisfying 0 < Qi < Q2 < ... < Qn < ..., oo there is a rearrangement Y fc=i a nk sucn lim Qn = +oo, n—>oo tnat Oni + 0>n2 + ••• + « n m < Qm for 771 E N. 3.7.15. Let {r n } and {sn} be two strictly increasing sequences of positive integers without common terms. Assume also that every positive integer appears in one of the two sequences. Then the two oo subseries Y 71=1 OO Y a rn an< oo l S a sn are called complementary subseries of 71=1 Q>n- We say that the rearrangement shifts the two complementary 71=1 subseries relative to each other if for all positive integers m and n such that m <n the term aTjn precedes aTn and aSrn precedes aSn. oo Prove that the terms of a conditionally convergent series Y 71=1 a n can Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 108 be rearranged, by shifting the two complementary subseries of all its positive and all its negative terms, to give a conditionally convergent series whose sum is an arbitrarily preassigned number. oo 3.7.16. Let Y2 ank be a rearrangement of a conditionally converoo gent series Y2 an. Prove that if {n^ — k} is a bounded sequence, 71=1 OO OO a then YJ nk = Yl an- What happens if the sequence {n^ — A;} is n=l k=l unbounded? oo 3.7.17. Let Yl ank be a rearrangement of a conditionally convergent oo k=i oo oo series Yl an. Prove that J2 ank = Yl an if a n d only if there exists n=l n=l k=l a positive integer N such that each set {n^ : 1 < k < m} is a union of at most N disjoint blocks of successive positive integers. 3.7.18. With an infinite matrix {a^/e}, i = 1,2,..., k = 1,2,..., of oo Y2 ai,k- We say that the real numbers we associate a double series i,k=l double series converges to S € M if, given £ > 0, there exists no £ N such that \Smin - S\ < e for m,n> n 0 , where 771 *^7n,n = / j i=l Then we write ^ &i,k- fc=l oo S = We say that 71 / lim Sm,n = Y ^ a i.k' 771,71—>00 oo *—' i,fc=l J ] a ^ converges absolutely if i,/c=l oo Y2 \°>i,k\ converges. i,k=l Note that the terms of an infinite matrix (ai)/e)i,fc=i,2,... can be oroo dered into a sequence {c n }, and then the corresponding series Y2 cn oo is called the ordering of Yl i,fc=l 71=1 a i,k into a single series. Prove that if Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series 109 one of the orderings of a double series converges absolutely, then the double series converges (absolutely) to the same sum. oo 3.7.19. Prove that if a double series ^ a ^ converges absolutely, oo then any of its orderings ^ cn converges and n=l oo oo ai k = z2Cn- 22 > i,k=l n=l 3.7.20. Show that any absolutely convergent double series is convergent. o o / o o 3.7.21. We say the iterated series ^ I J2 aiyk 1 is absolutely coni = i \k=i oo vergent if ^ i=l / oo \ \k=l / n ] |ai?fc| ' / oo converges; similarly for J ] k=l / oo \ \i=l J ^ ai)fc I • Prove that an absolutely convergent iterated series is convergent. oo 3.7.22. Prove that if the double series ^ a^fc converges absolutely, i,k=l then both the iterated series oo / oo \ i=l \k=l / aik Y\J2 ) oo and / oo J2[J2a^ H,k fc=l \i=l converge absolutely and oo i,fc=l i=l / oo \ oo \k=l / k=l / oo \i=l / 3.7.23. Prove that if one of the four series oo Yl i,k=l o o / o o K*I> \ o o / o o Y Yl i *.*i ' S 1 E iai=l \fc=l a / fc=l y ^ ( | a n , l | + l a n - l , 2 | + | f l n - 2 , 3 | + ••• + n=l \i=l lal,n|) Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 110 converges, then all the series oo o o / o o i,fc=l oo i=l \ \fc=l o o / o o / fc=l 2 ^ ( O n , l + O n - 1 , 2 + O n - 2 , 3 + ••• + n=l N \i=l / «l,n) converge to the same sum. 3.7.24. Calculate £—' n\k\(n + k + l)' 3.7.25. Find n,fc=l 3.7.26. Show that 2 y> n!fc! = n ^ f n + fc + 2)! ~ 6 ' n,k=0 3.7.27. For 0 < x < 1, consider the infinite matrix / x \ x(l-x) ht(l-x)2 V —x2 -x2(l-x2) -x2(l-x2)2 —x3 x2 x2(l-x2) x2(l-x2)2 -x3(l-x3) -x3(l-x3)2 x3 x3(l-x3) x3(l-x3)2 -X ... ... / Prove that only one of the iterated series associated with this matrix converges (not absolutely). 3.7.28. Study convergence of the following double series: oo (a) b () ] T xiyk, i,k=0 oo J2 ^P> |x|, \y\ < 1, where <*,/3>o, i,k=l oo fc) .. where ^ y ^ ———, where p > 0. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series 111 3.7.29. Find the sums of the following double series: oo (a) ^ V (b) , u oo , where p > - 1 , 1 Jt,w OO ^ 3.7.30. Given an infinite matrix (&i,fc)i,fc=i,2,...> prove that there is 00 ^2 ai,k only one double series &m,n — / 2,fc=l / v i=l J sucn that Q>i,k — ^771,n? ^ 5 ^ — J-j A ••• • k=l 3.7.31. Taking ^ = (~ir+fc(^ + ^)> <,fc = l,2,..., in the preceding problem, study convergence of the corresponding double series 00 ^ a^. i,fc=l 00 3.7.32. Show that if |x| < 1, then the double series xlk con- ^ verges absolutely. Using this fact, prove that OO i,k=l 0 k=l 0 ^ . 0 0 n=l OO n=l n 2 00 n=l where 6{n) denotes the number of all natural divisors of n. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 112 3.7.33. Show that if \x\ < 1, then the double series verges absolutely. Moreover, prove that OO OO i,k=l , £. E ixlk i,k=l con- OO k=l n=l where cr(n) denotes the sum of all natural divisors of n. 3.7.34. Let C(P) = E ^ > P > ^ ^ e the Riemann zeta function. n=l Set ^ = E ^ = C(P)-I, P>I. n=2 Show that OO (a) OO J > = 1, .. p (b) 5 > l ) S P = 2. p=2 p=2 3.7.35. Prove the following theorem of Goldbach. li A = {km : m,fc = 2,3,...}, then E nGA ^ r j = *• 3.7.36. Let C denote the Riemann zeta function. Prove that for any integer n > 2, C(2)C(2n - 2) + C(4)C(2n - 4) + ... + C(2n - 2)<(2) = (n + 0 C(2n). 3.7.37. Using the result in the foregoing problem, find the sums of the series E -n^ 6 and y^-g. ^ ^ n8 n—\ n~\ 3.8. Infinite Products 3.8.1. Find the value of: w n ('-?). a.) n = ^ . oo • n=2 x 1 \ oo ' n=2 3 1 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.8. Infinite Products 113 OO c x^2m(^+kn), l[cos^, () meN, keZ, 71=1 (d) OO II cosh OO y n=l oo N n=l xeR |r> e ( ) Il(1 + > .. OO ' ' )'lxl<1' n n—\ oo JL n=\ a;2n n=0 v v OO ~ o n=l n 3.8.2. Study the convergence of the following infinite products: n=2 x n—9 X y n=l x 7 ' 3.8.3. Assume that a n > 0, n G N. Prove that the infinite product oo oo Y[ (1 + a n ) converges if and only if the series J2 an converges. n=l n=l 3.8.4. Suppose that an > 0 and an ^ 1 for n G N. Show that the oo infinite product Yl 0-~an) n=l converges. oo converges if and only if the series £) an 7i=l 3.8.5. Set 1 1 0 2 n - l = —7= + ~» Show that the product 1 tt 2n = 7=> n ^ € N. f| (1 + a n ) converges although the series 71=1 £ a n diverges. 71=1 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 114 3.8.6. Study convergence of the products: (a) TTcos-, n (b) x± TTnsin-, * n A n=l n=l n—\ ^ n=l ' (e) ^ ' (f) n n ^ - oo n^ n=l n=l 3.8.7. Assume that the series ^ a n converges. Prove that the inn=l n =l oo oo a finite product Yl 0- + n) converges if and only if the series ]T) a\ n=l n=l oo a does. Prove also that if the series Yl n diverges, then the infinite n=l oo a product Yi (1 + n) diverges to zero. n=l 3.8.8. Assume that the sequence {an} decreases monotonically to oo zero. Show that the product J\ 0- + (~ ^)n°"n) converges if and only 71=1 OO if the series ^ n=l a n converges. OO 3.8.9. Prove that the product J v n=l ^ ' f1 + (-l)n+1-^J n oo diverges al- though the series XM~l) n + 1 77^ converges. 71=1 3.8.10. Show that if the series OO • a - v a ]^( Ti~2 ^) 71=1 ^ OO and Slanl3 71=1 ' both converge, then the product Yl (1 + an) also converges. 71=1 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.8. Infinite Products 115 3.8.11. Does the convergence of the product Yl (1 + an) imply the 2=1 convergence of the series Y an and Y n=l n=l Hint. Consider the product 1 2a ) V where \ < a + 2a + 22a J (l an? 3<* ) \ + 3" + 32" <\. 3.8.12. Prove the following generalization of the result in 3.8.10. For k > 2, if both series £ («. 4a" + - + t2k-*) n=l ^ and ' SK|fe+1 n=l OO converge, then the product Yl (1 -f a n ) also converges. 3.8.13. Prove that the convergence of Yl (1 + an) and of Y a 2 n=l implies the convergence of Y n=l a 3.8.14. Show that if the products 00 converge, then both series Yl an n=l n=l n- an Yl U + a n) n=l oo an d II U n=l — a n) d X^ an converge. n=l 3.8.15. Assume that the sequence {an} decreases monotonically to 1. Does the product 1 1 d\ - — • as • — • as •... &2 0*4 always converge? Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 116 oo oo 3.8.16. Assume that the products Yl an and \\ bn with positive 71=1 factors both converge. Study the convergence of (b) JJ(fln + M» (a) (c) 71=1 IK 71=1 71=1 OO OO (d) n ^ J | Q>nbn, 71=1 71=1 3.8.17. Show that for xn G (0, f ) , n G N, the products n oo oo , and cosx n T T sinx n II n=l Xn n=l oo converge if and only if the series J2 xn converges. 71=1 OO 3.8.18. Let YJ an be a convergent series with positive terms and 71=1 let Sn denote its nth partial sum. Show that 1+ «n( £r - £ OO / 7l=Z x \ OO ' 71=1 3.8.19. Show that if the infinite product J~J (1 + a n ), an > — 1, 71=1 converges to P , then the series £ ^ ( l + ai)(l + a 2 ) - . . . - ( l + an) also converges. Moreover, if S is its sum, then 5 = 1 - -p. 3.8.20. Suppose that the infinite product oo 17(1 + On), where an > 0, n G N, Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.8. Infinite Products 117 diverges. Prove that oo V =2 = 1. ^ ( i + < * l ) ( l +<*2) • . . . • ( ! +On) 3.8.21. Show that x E —(l + x)(l7— + x T7) - . . . - (7-l + i " )r = 1 for 2 n=1 x > 1. OO 3.8.22. Let a n ^ 0 for n G N. Prove that the infinite product n an n=l converges if and only if the following Cauchy criterion is satisfied. For every e > 0 there is an integer no such that 1^71^71+1 * ••• * 0>n+k — l | < £ for n > no and k £ N. 3.8.23. For |x| < 1, verify the following claim: 00 i 1 n n( +^ )=^—-—. n=i n(i-s2n-"1) n=l 3.8.24. The product Yl ( l + a n ) is said to be absolutely convergent if 71=1 OO OO Yl (l + |a n |) converges. Show that the product Yl ( l + a n ) converges n=l 00 n=l absolutely if and only if the series Yl an converges absolutely. n=l 00 3.8.25. Show that every absolutely convergent product Yl (1 + an) is convergent. 71=1 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 118 3.8.26. Prove that if the product Yl (1 + an) converges absolutely, 71=1 then n=l n=l ni,ri2 = l ni<ri2 oo "r ••• ~r y ^ cini(xn2...(xnk -f- .... ni,n2,...,nfc=:l ni<n2<...<nk 3.8.27. Assume that the product Yl (1 + a n) converges absolutely. n=l oo Show that the product a Yl (1 + n^) converges absolutely for each n=l x G R and it can be expanded in an absolutely convergent series. That is, oo oo n=l fc=l JJ(l + anx) = l + 5^i4fca;fc, where Ak — / v ni,n 2 ,...,nfc = l nn\<ri2< i<n2<...<nfc 3.8.28. Establish the equality 9 n(n+l) 2 3.8.29. Verify the identity OO OO n2 n , i + ^ . I , _ 1 + : g _ ? _ J r _ _ K J i . , I,I <i. 3.8.30. Assume that the series Yl an converges absolutely. Prove that if x ^ 0, then OO n=l OO • - \ 5 n(i+a^)(i+^)=B0+i: «(^+^). n=l n=l ^ ^ Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.8. Infinite P r o d u c t s 119 where Bn = An + AxAn+1 + A2An+2 oo + ..., n = 0,1,2,..., and oo J J ( l + ana;) = i4o + 53^ib« fc (see 3.8.27). n=l fc=l 3.8.31. For \q\ < 1 and x ^ O , establish the identity n( i -^)n( i +^"M(i+v) =i+ s« (xB+^)- n=l n=l ^ ' n=l ^ ' 3.8.32. For \q\ < 1, verify the following claims: (a) (b) (c) oo oo n=l oo n—1 oo n=l oo n=l oo rj(i_^)JJ(1_92n-i)2 oo = 1+ 2^(_ir^) n=\ oo n(i-^)ii(i+^i)2=i+2E^2> n=\ oo rj(! - «2n) II( 1 +^ 2 ") 2 = ! + £<?" 2+n - n=l n=l n=l 3.8.33. For x > 0, define the sequence {a n } by setting i «1 = n-l T—1 , 1+x «n 7 n T-T x — k x + n 1* x + k vn> = n>l - fc=i Show that the series Yl an converges and find its sum. n=l 3.8.34. Prove that if the infinite product f| (1 + can) converges for 71=1 two different values of c G i \ {0}, then it converges for each c. 3.8.35. Prove that if the series 5>n(* 2 - fc2 ) OO 71 n=l fc=0 converges at x = XQ, XQ £ Z, then it converges for any value of x. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Problems. 3: Series of Real Numbers 120 3.8.36. Let {pn} greater than 1. be the sequence of consecutive prime numbers (a) Prove the following Euler product formula: -1 1 1 1N n=l oo nx I F n / Z-*i n.x n=l oo (b) Prove that the series ^ 71=1 — diverges (compare with 3.2.72). 3.8.37. Using DeMoivre's law, establish the identities (a) sinx = x n ( l - ^ 2 J , n=l ^ ' 3.8.38. Applying the result in the foregoing problem prove the Wallis formula 3.8.39. Study convergence of the products (a) (b) oo Il(1 + ^ ) e " " ' n=l U^f¥-> n=l n x 1 >~ > x> 1 ~oo 3.8.40. Prove that the infinite product fj (1 + an) converges abson=l lutely if and only if any rearrangement of its factors does not change its value. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.8. Infinite Products 121 3.8.41. Find the value of the product H)H)-("±) "O-D-O-SJVTX1^)-" obtained by rearranging the factors of Yi (14n=2 ^ „ J in such a way ' that blocks of a factors greater than 1 alternate with blocks of /? factors smaller than 1. 3.8.42. Prove that the convergent but not absolutely convergent infinite product Yl (1 + an)> «n > -1? can be rearranged to give a 71 = 1 product whose value is an arbitrarily preassigned positive number, or to give a product that diverges to zero or to infinity. (Compare with 3.7.15). Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! This page intentionally left blank Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! This page intentionally left blank Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Chapter 1 Real N u m b e r s 1.1. Supremum and Infimum of Sets of Real Numbers. Continued Fractions 1.1.1. Set A = {x G Q : x > 0, x2 < 2} and s = sup A. We may assume that s > 1. We will now show that for any positive integer n, (-;)' s 2 £ (' + s)'- <» Since s — ^ is not an upper bound of A, there exists x* G A such that s — ^ < x*. Hence ( . - I ) ' <(*?< 2. Assume that ( s + ^ ) < 2. If s were rational, then s + ^ G A and 5 + ^ > s, which would contradict the fact that s = sup A. If 5 were irrational, then w = Hn+ H _j—i_ i s a rational number such that ' n-\-l n+1 2 s < w < s + ^ . Hence w < (s + ^-) < 2 and w G A, a contradiction. So, we have proved that (s + ^) > 2. By the left-hand side of (1), 52 ~~ 7T < s2 ~ it + ^ - 2 ' w n i c n S i v e s ^ T < £• Letting n —• 00, we get s2 - 2 < 0. As above, the right-hand side of (1) gives ^ ^ > — ^, which implies s 2 - 2 > 0. Therefore s2 = 2. 125 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 1: Real Numbers 126 1.1.2. Suppose A is bounded below and set a = inf A. Then (1) x > a for all x G A, (2) for any e > 0 there is x* G A such that x* < a + e. Multiplying the inequalities in (1) and (2) by — 1, we get (1') x< -a for all xe (-A), (2') for any e > 0 there is x* G (—A) such that x* > — a — e. Hence —a = sup(—A). If A is not bounded below, then —A is not bounded above and therefore sup (—A) = —inf A = -foo. The other equality can be established similarly. 1.1.3. Suppose A and B are bounded above, and put a = sup A and b — supB. Then a is an upper bound of A and b is an upper bound of B. Thus, a + b is an upper bound of A -f B . Moreover, for any e > 0 there are x* G A and y* G B such that x* > a — | and y* > 6 - f . Therefore, x*+y* > a + b-e. Since z* = x* + y* G A + B , the equality a + b = sup (A + B) is proved. If A or B is unbounded above, then A + B is also unbounded above, and by the definition of the supremun sup(A + B) = sup A + s u p B = +oo. The second equality is an immediate consequence of the first one and of the foregoing problem. Indeed, we have sup(A — B) = sup(A + (—B)) = sup A + s u p ( - B ) = sup A - inf B. Similar arguments can be applied to prove the equalities inf(A + B) = i n f A + infB, inf (A - B) = inf A - sup B. 1.1.4. Suppose that both sets are bounded above, and put a = sup A and b = supB. Since elements of A and B are positive numbers, xy < ab for any x G A and y G B . We will now prove that ab is the least upper bound of A • B . Let e > 0 be arbitrarily fixed. There exist x* G A and y* G B such that x* > a-s and y* > b-e. Thus x*y* > ab- e(a + b-e). Since e(a4- b - e) can be made arbitrarily small if e is small enough, we see that any number less than ab Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.1. Supremum and Infimum. Continued Fractions 127 cannot be an upper bound of A • B. Therefore ab — sup (A • B ) . If A or B is not bounded above, then A • B is not either. Therefore sup( A • B) = sup A • sup B = +00. The task is now to prove sup (-^-) = T—-^ if a' — inf A > 0. Then, for any x e A , the inequality x > a' is equivalent to ^ < •£?. So, -T is an upper bound of -£-. Moreover, for any e > 0 there is x* G A such that x* < a' + e. Hence 1 1 _ 1 £ x* a' + s a' ar(a'-\-£)' Since Q /(J + £ \ can be made arbitrarily small, ^ is the least upper bound of ^-. We now turn to the case a' = 0. Then the set ^ is unbounded (indeed, for any e > 0 there is x* G j^ for which x* > ^). Therefore, sup -^ = +00. Assume now that A , B are bounded sets of real numbers (positive or nonpositive) and put a = sup A, b = supB, a' = inf A and b' = inf B. If a' and b' are nonnegative, the desired equality follows from the above. If a' < 0 and a, 6' > 0, then xy < a& for any x G A and y G B . Take e > 0 so small that a — e > 0. Then there is a positive number x* in A for which x* > a — e. Moreover, there is y* G B such that y* > b — e. Hence x*y* > x*(b - e) > (a - e)(b - e) = ab - e(a + b - e). So, in this case we have sup (A • B) = ab. We now consider the case where a', b' < 0 and a, b > 0. Then, for any x G A and y G B , we have xy < max{a&, a'b'}. Assume first that max{a&, a'b'} = a'b'. By the definition of the greatest lower bound, for sufficiently small e > 0, there exist x* G A and t / * G B for which x* < a' + e < 0 and y* < b' +e < 0. This gives x V > x*{b' + e)> {a' + e)(6' + s) = a'b' + e{a' + &' + e). Notice that a' -f &' 4- £ is negative. Therefore a'6' is the least upper bound of A - B . In the case where max{a&, a'b'} = ab similar reasoning yields sup(A • B) = ab. All other cases can be proved analogously. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 1: Real Numbers 128 1.1.5. Suppose first that A and B are bounded above. Put a = sup A and b = sup B. Of course we may assume that a < b. Then, for any X G A U B , X < 6. Moreover, for any e > 0 there is x* 6 B such that x* > b - e. It is obvious that x* belongs to A U B . Therefore, the first equality is valid. If A or B is not bounded above, then A U B is not either. So, sup(A U B) = -f oo, and we assume that max{+oo, c} = max{+oo, H-oo} = +oo for any real c. The proof of the second equality is similar. 1.1.6. We have Ai = U A2 = ( 3 3 3 3 "| f3Ar-1 3fc-2 3k-3 , „} \ 3 f c T l , ~ 6 i r ' - 2 ( 3 f c ^ l ) ; f c €N } - Therefore inf Ai = — ^ , sup Ai = 5 and inf A2 = —\ , sup A2 = 1. 1.1.7. sup A = | , inf A = 0.2, s u p B = | , inf B = 0. 1.1.8. One can show by induction that for n > 11, 2 n > (n + l ) 3 . Hence 0< (n±a! < fe±il! = 1 for 2n (n+1)3 n-fl Therefore 0 is the greatest lower bound of our set. „> n . It is also easy to show that 2 n > (n + 1) 2 for n > 6. Hence ^ ^ - < 1 for n > 6. The numbers 2, f, f|, | | (greater than 1) also belong to our set. Thus the least upper bound of the set is | . 1.1.9. It follows from the foregoing problem that the greatest lower bound of this set is equal to 0. By the inequality mentioned in the preceding solution, 2 n m > (nm -f l ) 2 for nm > 6. Since nm + 1 > n -h m, for n, m G N, we have jn + m)2 2nm (n + m) 2 (nm + l ) 2 (n + m) 2 (n + m) 2 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.1. Supremum and Infimum. Continued Fractions 129 For nm < 6 we get the following elements of our set: 1,2, | , f§, | § . Hence its least upper bound is | . 1.1.10. (a) It is obvious that 2 is an upper bound for the set A. We will, show there are no smaller upper bounds. Indeed, if e > 0 is arbitrarily fixed, then for any positive integer n* > [|] , we obtain n* > 2 - e. The greatest lower bound of A is 0, because 7 > 0 for m , n G N . Given e > 0, there is n such that A < e. (b) Clearly, 0 < y/n - [yfn] < 1. Taking n = fc2, k G N, we see that 0 G B . Thus inf B = 0. To show that supB = 1, observe first that [y/n2 -f 2n ] = n for each positive integer n. Suppose now 0 < e < 1. A simple calculation shows that the inequality \/n2 + 2n - [\/n 2 + 2nl = 2 >l-e is satisfied for any integer n > ^ 2 g ; . 1.1.11. (a) sup{x G l : a ; 2 + x + l > 0 } = -f oo, (b) inf {z = x + x _ 1 : x > 0} = 2, (c) inf{z = 2* + 2 i : x > 0} = 4. The first two equalities are easily verifiable. To show the third one, observe that 9^ > \fab for a, b > 0. Therefore, with equality if and only if x = 1. Thus (c) is proved. 1.1.12. (a) Using the inequality ^ - > yfab for a, 6 > 0, we get m 471^, — + — >4 n m with equality for m = 2n. Therefore, inf A = 4. Taking m = 1, one can see that the set A is not bounded above. This means that sup A = +oo. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 1: Real Numbers 130 (b) Similarly, we get 1 ran 1 "I " 4m 2 + n 2 - 4 ' with equalities for m = — 2n and m = 2n, respectively. Consequently, inf B = —\ and s u p B = \. (c) We have inf C = 0 and s u p C = 1. Indeed, 0 < ^ ^ < 1, and for any e > 0 there exist positive integers ni and m\ such that ni + 1 < £ and rai + 1 > 1 — e. (d) inf D = - 1 and supD = 1. (e) One can take m = n to see that the set is not bounded above. Hence supE = +oo. On the other hand, for any ra,n € N we have ,™n, > h with equality for m = n = 1. Therefore inf E = 1 3" 1.1.13. Setting s = a\ + a>2 -f ... + a n , we get _ afc+i _ Qfc+2 Ofc afc s ~ a,k + a fc+ i + a/c+2 As a result, !<Y n a <n_2. -h £-[ a/b + afc+i + Gfc+2 Now, our task is to show that inf Y] —. a * — = 1 and that fc=l n , „ a* sup Y) = n - 2. To this end we take a,k = tk , t > 0. k—1 Then £J a fc k= t + t2 + t3 + a fc+ i + ak+2 tn~2 tn-l tn + - + .„ o • ... , • .- + .-. , • .-. • . + , ^ i r~2 , 2 n l ^ 1+ t+t ^ t~ 2 + t"- + 1 ( + r-1 n l t~ +t + l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.1. Supremum and Infimum. Continued Fractions Letting t —• 0 + , we see that sup Y] —. 0 ' afc . — = n - 2, and next ^ fc=l -—' afc.-fafc.j_i +a,fc4-2 letting £ —• +oo, we conclude that inf Y\ „ ,., to ' 7^—' 131 afc ' , „ — = 1. ak+ak+i+ak+2 1.1.14. Fix n G N and consider the n + 1 real numbers 0, a — [a], 2a - [2a],..., na - [na\. Each of them belongs to the interval [0,1). Since the n intervals In' ^7r)' i = ^, * > •*•'n ~ 1 > cover [0,1), there must be one which contains at least two of these points, say nia — [n\d\ and n^oc — [n^a] with 0 < n\ < ri2 < n. So, 1722a; — [^2^] — ™i<* + [n-iQ:]| < — . n Now, it is enough to take qn = ri2 — n\ and pn = [n2&] — [n\a\. It follows from the above argument that qn < n; that is, the second inequality also holds. 1.1.15. We will show that in any interval (p, q) there is at least one element of A. Put 0 < e = q—p. It follows from the preceding problem that there are pn and qn such that a Pn < 1 2 ' qn Since a is irrational, lim qn = +oo. Therefore n—*oo \qnOt-Pn\ < — <6 qn for almost all n. Now set a = \qna — pn\. Then at least one of the numbers ma, m G Z, belongs to the interval (p,q)\ that is, mqna — rapn or —mqna -f 77_pn lies in this interval. 1.1.16. Let t G [—1,1]. Then there is an x such that t = cos x. By the result in the foregoing problem, there exist integer sequences {mn} and {kn} such that x — lim (fcn27r + ran). This and the continuity n—•oo of the cosine function imply that t = cos-c = cos( lim (kn27r -f ran)) = lim cosra n = lim cos | r a J . Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 1: Real Numbers 132 Hence each number of [-1,1] is a limit point of the set {cos n : n G N}. The desired result is proved. 1.1.17. It is obvious that, if there is n for which xn is an integer, then x is rational. Assume now that x = | with p G Z and q G N. If x—[x] ^ 0, then 2 — £ = ^, where Z is a positive integer smaller than q. Thus, the denominator of x\ = | is smaller than the denominator of rr. This means that the denominators of xi,X2,... are successively strictly decreasing and cannot constitute an infinite sequence. 1.1.18. We will proceed by induction. It is easily verifiable that Rk = ^- Qk for k = 0,1,2. Assume that for an arbitrarily chosen ra > 2, Pm Rr, Pm-ia>m+Pm-2 Qm qm-lQ>m + <7m-2 Note now that if we replace a m in Rm by a m H the convergent i? m +i. Therefore _ Pm-l {am + ^ J R>m+1 — / • — , then we get +Pm-2 r qm-l ( «m + ^ ^ 7 J + Qm-2 (Pm-lQm + P m - 2 K + 1 + P m - 1 _ Pm+1 (^m-l^m + g m _2)<2 m + i -f qm-l qm+1 1.1.19. Denote A*; = p/c-i^fc - ^fc-iPA: for k = 1,2,..., n. Then, for A: > 1, Afc = Pk-i(qk-ia>k + qk-2) - qk-i{Pk-iQ>k +Pk-2) = ~{pk-2qk-i - qk-2Pk~\) = -Afc_i. Since Ai = poqi — goPi = «o^i — (aoQ>i 4-1) = —1, we obtain A& = (-l) f c . This implies that p*; and qk are relatively prime. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.1. Supremum and Infimum. Continued Fractions 133 1.1.20. As in the solution of 1.1.18, we have, for n > 1, n—l yn Rn Qn Qn-l^n + Qn-2 Analogously QnXn+l "f for n = l,2,.... Qn-1 Hence p _ Pn^n+l + Pn-1 Pn 9n«n+l+Qn-1 Qn Pn-lQn (~l) -Qn-lPn ( t f n ^ n + l + Qn-l)Qn n (tfn^n+l + 9 n - l ) 9 n ' where the last equality follows from the result in 1.1.19. Therefore — Rn} > 0 for even n, < 0 for odd n. Thus x lies between two consecutive convergents. 1.1.21. We first prove that if a is a positive irrational, then the set {n — ma : n,m € N} is dense in R+. To this end take an interval (a, 6), 0 < a < b. We will show that this interval contains at least one element of our set. Put e = b — a > 0. By the preceding problem there exists a convergent Rn such that (1) 0<Rn-a< —. Qi Indeed, take an odd n and observe that ( < ? n £ n + l + Qn-l)Qn Since > Qn - lim qn = -foe, for sufficiently large n we have -±- < e. This and (1) imply that 0 < pn — aqn < ^- < e for sufficiently large n. Therefore there is n 0 G N such that no(pn - aqn) e (a, b). Now let t E [—1,1]. There is a positive x such that t = sinz. It follows from the above considerations that there exist sequences of positive Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 1: Real Numbers 134 integers {mn} and {kn} for which x = continuity of the sine function, lim (mn — 27rkn). By the n—^oo t = sinx = sin( lim (ra n — 27rkn)) = lim sinra n . n—>oo n—KX> So, we have proved that any number of the interval [—1,1] is a limit point of the set {sinn : n € N}. 1.1.22. Let pn and qn be the integers defined in 1.1.20. Since xn+\ = °n+l + - ^ > On+1 > We g e t ( g n ^ n + l + t f n - l ) ^ > (tfnGn+l " h ^ n - l ^ n = Qn-hiQn- Therefore, by 1.1.20, \x — Rn\ < QnQn+l Since <?n+i = g n «n+i + #n-i > qn^n+i > qn, the desired inequality follows. We will show now that the sequence {qn} contains infinitely many odd numbers. Indeed, it follows from the result in 1.1.19 that qn and g n + i cannot be both even. 1.1.23. It is enough to apply the formula given in 1.1.19. 1.1.24. Observe first that the sequence {qn} is strictly increasing and qn > n. Moreover, by Problem 1.1.20, \x~ Rn\ = {qnxn+i +qn-i)qn ' This and the inequality x n +i < a n + i -f 1 imply that \x-Rn\ > 1 1 (g n (a n + i + 1) + qn-i)qn (qfn+i + qn)qn Since a n +2 > 1? we have \X - Rn+1\ < - Wn+lfln+2 + qn)qn+l < —. Wn+1 + <ZnJ<Zn These inequalities yield the desired result. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.1. Supremum and Infimum. Continued Fractions 1.1.25. Let \x — J| < \x — Rn\ < \x — Rn-i\Rn and Rn-\ (see Problem 1.1.20), < \Rn-l Rn-l S 135 Since x lies between — Rn\- Therefore, by the result in 1.1.23, \rqn-i - sPn-i\ sqn-i 1 qn-iqn 1 < ^ —-— L u o v _ —-— Moreover, we have because |ro n _i - s » n _ i | > 1. Sqn — 1 Qn — lQn ' ' Hence s > qn. 1.1.26. Following the algorithm given in 1.1.20, we get a0 = [ V2] = 1, xx = -^—^ = V2 + 1. Therefore, a\ = [xi] = 2. Similarly, x 2 = 7-7=———= x\ (v / 2 + l ) - 2 and a2 = a\ = 2. By induction, /s , 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| Likewise, \/5-l = — + — + — + ..., 2 II II II 1.1.27. Since k < yjk2 + k < fc + 1, a0 = [v7^2 4-fc]= k. As a result, xi = ^fc2+fc+fc. Consequently, 2 < xi < 2 + £ and ax = 2. Moreover, x2 = j v/fc2+fc-fc ~~ = k + y P + fc. Thus 2A; < x 2 < 2/c -I- 1 and a2 = 2k. In much the same way we obtain 03 = 2. Now, by induction, Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 1: Real Numbers 136 1.1.28. Since 0 < x < 1, we have a0 = 0 and x\ = 1/x. Therefore, a\ = n implies [1/x] = n. Hence, 1/x — 1 < n < 1/x, which gives l / ( n + l ) < x < 1/n. 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities 1.2.1. We will use induction. For n = 1 the inequality is obvious. Take an arbitrary positive integer n and assume that (1 + oi) • (1 + a2) -... • (1 + On) > 1 + a\ + a 2 + ... + a n . Then (1 + ai)(l + a 2 ) •... • (1 + a n ) ( l + a n + i ) > (1 + ai + a2 + ... + a n ) ( l + a n + i ) = 1 + ai -f a 2 + ... + an + a n + i -f an+i {a\ + a 2 + ... + a n ) > 1 + ai + a 2 + ... -|- an + a n +iThus the claim is established. 1.2.2. Induction will be used. For n — 1 our statement is clear. We suppose now that the claim holds for an arbitrarily chosen n. Without loss of generality we can assume that numbers ai,..., an+i satisfying the condition ax • a 2 • ... • a n + i = 1 are enumerated in such a way that a\ < a 2 < ... < an < an+\. Then a\ < l a n d a n + i > 1. Since a 2 • as -... • an • (a n +i • ai) = 1, by our induction assumption, we have a2 + a>z + ... + an + (fln+i • «i) > ^- Hence ai H- a 2 + ... + a n + a n + i > n + a n + i + ai — a n + i • a\ = n + a n + i • (1 - ai) + ai - 1 + 1 = n + 1 + (a n +i - 1)(1 - ai) > n + 1. 1.2.3. The inequalities follow from the statement proved in Problem 1.2.2. Indeed, replacing there the numbers a7 by n/n aj n , we get An> Gn. The inequality Gn > Hn follows from the already proved inequality An > Gn provided one replaces aj by its reciprocal ~. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities 137 1.2.4. Using the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, we have y/(l + nx) • 1 • ... • 1 <l + x (n factors). 1.2.5. (a) Apply the arithmetic-harmonic mean inequality. (b) Use the arithmetic-harmonic mean inequality. (c) The left-hand inequality can be shown as in (a) and (b). To prove the right one, let us observe that 1 1 1 1 1 2n 2 + « 7: + - + T- + -z r < « 7+ « ~ < 773n + l 3n-f2 5n 5n + 1 3 n + l 3n + 2 3 (d) By the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, 2 3 4 n+1 n/ - + - + - + ... + > nyVTl. 1 Hence z 6 n l + l + l + - + l + - + ... + l + - > n 1 6 n \/n+l and i + J + ^ + ... + ->n(^TFT-i). 2 3 n To prove the other inequality we use the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality and get 1 2 3 n n + 7 7 + T + + 7 > 2 3 4 n+ 1 Vn+1 This implies 2 3 n V A/nTT n+1/ 1.2.6. By the inequality Gn < An we get a w Vl-x---x^< 1 + + g: "' + 2n l 2n Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 1: Real Numbers 138 1.2.7. The right-hand side of the inequality is a direct consequence of Gn < An. The other one can be proved by induction. This is clear for n = 1. Now we will prove that the inequality holds for n + 1 provided it does for n. To this end we show that ( a i a n + i ) n + 1 < (ai •... • an • a n + i ) 2 , whenever {a\an)n < {a\ • ... • an)2. We have x n+1 fa ( a i a n + i ) n + 1 < ai • an(ai • ... • a n ) 2 - ' - ^ ± i Hence it is enough to show that an+l tt n+l ^ 2 a n Note that the last inequality can be rewritten as ( \ n—1 T 1 + —T7 Tw oi + ( n - l ) d / ^di + in- l)d, where a n = a\ + (n — l)d, which is easy to prove by induction. 1.2.8. It is an immediate consequence of the foregoing result. 1.2.9. One can apply the arithmetic-harmonic mean inequality. 1.2.10. (a) By the arithmetic-harmonic mean inequality we have "iv1 and consequently n~ n -i 9 y->-. fc = l Similarly, the inequality n n ^ l \ -—1 V——I £{ — «*/ 1 n <-V(«-a fc ) ~nt{ implies -.2 ;£} s - afc a(n - 1) Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 139 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities From this and from the equalities n n fc=1*-°* = s >s ti ~ak n n 1 — n and > ti i = s > ak— — ra ak ti the desired result follows. (b) See the solution of part (a). (c) This follows by the same method as in (a). 1.2.11. Use the inequality ^g± > v /5£. 1.2.12. We have n n / n \ ^ n 1 2 n n fc,j=l 1.2.13. This inequality is equivalent to the following: n n which in turn is a direct consequence of the obvious inequality a^aj -f 6fc6,-<(o2 + ^)i(o? + ^ ) i . 1.2.14. The claim follows from the Cauchy inequality. 1.2.15. (a) By the Cauchy inequality, Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 1: Real Numbers 140 (b) By (a), n n n n Ofc fc=l a k k=\ k fc=l k=\ fc=l fc=l fc=l n 2 fc=l n > n -n^afe =n^(l-afc). fc=i fc=l (c) By our assumption, log a ai + logaa2 + ... + log a a n = 1- This and the Cauchy inequality (Problem 1.2.12) give the desired result. 1.2.16. The inequality is equivalent to 0 < - 4 a y^flfcfrfc +4j>2+aa5;«. fc=l k=i fc=l which holds for each real a, because n n fc=l /c=l A = 16 (£>&*) -16£>£]T&2<0. SJfc=l 1.2.17. Applying the Cauchy inequality, we obtain n / n n \ 2 n Kk=l fc=l fc=l k=l 1.2.18. (a) By the Cauchy inequality, / <n \ ^ / r X>fc) =(E^%) <E^E?- \jfe=i fc=i fe=i U=i (b) Likewise, n Sjfe=l SJfe=l <E fc3a fc=i n *E p ' *:=i Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities 141 1.2.19. The Cauchy inequality gives 7c fc=l / \fc=l / fc=l fc=l 1.2.20. By the Cauchy inequality, n n n fc=l k=l fc=l n / \ \/c=l Hence ^2 a\ — n» w ^ n equality for a^ = ^ , k = l,2,...,n. Therefc=i fore, the least value we are looking for is ^. 1.2.21. In much the same way as in the solution of the last problem we get ( n \ 2 / n l \ 2 n n 1 Thus, n 1 ^ with equality for a t = ^ E- fc=i ^ ^- pt .So the least value in question 1.2.22. It follows from the solution of Problem 1.2.20 that / n \fc=l \ / 2 n fc=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 1: Real Numbers 142 Hence (E a f c ) \fe=l = / (( a i+ a 2)+E a f e ) ^( n _ 1 )f( a i+ a 2) 2 +E a fe V fc=3 / \ fc=3 ) = ( n - l ) | ^ a | + 2a 1 o 2 j . 1.2.23. (a) By the Cauchy inequality, (X>*+w 2 ) = ( X > * + 2 a ^ + h D ) \/c=l / \fc=l \k=l J fc=l ( n \ 2 / n \k=l J fc=l \ 2 (b) By (a), ( E* - \ n 2 / 2 fc=l n \ ^ / n \ ^ - \fc=l E*2- / - \fc=l EK-M2 / • / This and the inequality established in Problem 1.2.17 yield ( Similarly, n \ fc=i / (E H n \ & fc=l / 2 / n \fc=i 2* / n - \k=lE 4 \ ^ / \ "2 / n fc=i n ^E I^-M k=l and the desired result is proved. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities 143 1.2.24. Since £ Pk^k = 1, we have 1 = £ Pk°>k = X) (Pk-a)ak fc=i fc=i fc=i n a a J2 k for any real a. Now, by the Cauchy inequality, fc=i 1< J>-a) 2 + a2 \/c=i £a 2 + / \fc=i + £> \/c=i y Hence £ « 2 + ( X > ) >(E(pfc-a)2 + a2)_1. fc=l \fc=l / \fe=l ' n Putting a = ^ Y ]T) p/c, we obtain the greatest lower bound. Therefore, fc=l \k=l / („ , , \ v^ „2 where the equality is attained for (n + l)pk = (n + -Y<Pk fc=i 7 fe=i \~*' l)±pl-(±Pk) Vfc=i / 1.2.25. We will proceed by induction. For n — 1 we get the equality ai&i = a\b\. Moreover, if the inequality holds for n, then - {n + 1)^2akbk Y^ak^h fc=i k=i n /c=l fc=i n n fc=l fc=l n = /^(fen+i - M( a fc - a n +i) < 0. fc=i Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 1: Real Numbers 144 1.2.26. We will use induction on p. For p = 1 the equality a\ = a\ holds. Assuming the inequality to hold for p, we will prove it for p+ 1. Obviously, without loss of generality, we may suppose that the numbers a^ are enumerated in such a way that a\ < a,2 < ... < a n . Now, by our induction assumption and the result in the foregoing problem, ^ re- k=i it fc=i - . 1 1 / ,v fc=i 1.2.27. We have (1 +c)a2 + ( 1 + - V = a2 + b2 + (yfca - -^=b\ + 2ab > (a + b)2. 1.2.28. Clearly, y V + b2 + VQ 2 + c2 > |6| + |c| > |6 + c|. Hence |62 - c 2 | < \b - c\ (\/a 2 + b2 + Va 2 -f c2) , which is equivalent to the desired inequality. 1.2.29. (a) For any real numbers a, 6, c we have a2 + 62 -f c2 > a& + 6c -f ca. Thus 62c2 -f a2c2 + a 2 6 2 > afcc(a + 6 + c), which is equivalent to our claim. (b) The desired result follows from the inequality a2 -f b2 -f c2 > ab + be -f ca in much the same way as in (a). (c) This is a consequence of the arithmetic-harmonic mean inequality. (d) We have 62-a2 b+ a 6 +a — — = —— (6 - a) = —— ((6 + c - (c + a ) ) . c+a c-f-a c+ a Putting u — a + 6, v = 6 -f c and 2 = c - f a , w e obtain Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities 145 b2 — a? (? -b2 a2 - c 2 u, , v, z, N x 1 —+ — = -iV - Z) -U)} + -(U - V) K J + ~{Z K } c+a a+ b 6+ c z u vK _ u2v2 -f v2z2 + z2u2 — (u2vz + v2uz -f z2uv) uvz _u2(v2 + z2)+v2(u2 >o. + z2)+ z2(u2 + v2)- 2(u2vz + v2uz + z2uv) 2uvz (e) For a = b the inequality is clear. Assume now that 0 < b < a. Then a-b 2y/a (y/a — y/b)(y/a + y/b) 2Va n v rr a-b lyfb and thus 4o 4a 1.2.30. Let rn=^. Then m(6i + ... + 6n) = £ (6i + 62 + ... + bn) = ^ < ^ 6 1 + ^ 6 2 + ... + ^ 6 b\ o2 bn n + ^ 6 2 + ... + ^ 6 n = a i + ... + a n < M(6i + ... + bn). 1.2.31. T h e inequalities follow from the result in the foregoing problem and from the monotonicity of the tangent function on (0,7r/2). 1.2.32. Apply the inequality given in 1.2.30 with a* = lnc^ and bi = Ki, 2 = 1,Z, ...jTl. 1.2.33. Note that Y^M-W?^M--T^JM and use the inequality proved in 1.2.30. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 1: Real Numbers 146 1.2.34. By the arithmetic-harmonic mean inequality (see, e.g. 1.2.3), (x - a\) + (x - a 2 ) + ... + (x - an) n — x—a\ h — h... H x—a,2 — ~ x—an n — nX ~ ( Ql + a 2 + — + ^ n ) n The desired result follows easily. 1.2.35. Observe that 1 + ci + c 2 + ... + cn = (1 + l ) n = 2 n , and apply the Cauchy inequality (Problem 1.2.12) with a^ = 1 and && = y/ck> & = 1,2, ...,n. 1.2.36. Since n(:)-n(;) -d 2"-'-£(;)• the claim follows at once from the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality (Problem 1.2.3). 1.2.37. By the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality (see 1.2.3), AVAk^<{p-l)Al P + Al-\ fc = l,2,...,n, where A0 = 0. It follows that K - -^iAVak + ~((p- = AP *~ ^ T ^ mi+AU) 1 {kAk ~{k~ l)Ak l] - = ^ i «* - iMj-, - MO • Now, adding these inequalities we get our claim. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.2. S o m e E l e m e n t a r y I n e q u a l i t i e s 147 1.2.38. Assume t h a t a{ = m a x { a i , a 2 , . . . , a n } . Then n—1 2—1 i—1 n—1 n—1 / J a ^ a fc+i = J ^ CLkdk+i + 2 ^ ak°>k+i < «2 2 ^ afc -f a^ 2 ^ afc+i fc=l fc=i fe=l a2 /a \2 a2 = a 2 (o - a*) = — - (^- - di) < —. 1.2.39. One can apply t h e result in 1.2.2. 1.2.40. T h e left inequality follows from 1.2.1. (a) Observe t h a t i- 4 i 1 + ak = 1 - ak* < 1 - ak Hence n v y n i -1 n( +°*)< ( n ^ - ^ ) ) • fe=l Nte=l ' Since a i + a 2 -f ... + a n < 1, applying once again the result in 1.2.1, we get n / n k=l ^ fc=l ak f](l + afc) < (l-J2 ) xv - 11 — ' ' (b) Use the same reasoning as in (a). 1 . 2 . 4 1 . Apply the inequality given in 1.2.15 (b), replacing ak 1 - ak. by 1.2.42. Since 0 < ak < 1 for k = 1,2, ...,n, the inequality n fc=i n fe=i n fc=i 1 k holds for n > 2. Now, applying the inequality from 1.2.15 (b) with Ofc replaced by yq^j-, A; = 1, 2,..., n, we get Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 1: Real Numbers 148 Multiplying both sides of this inequality by Yi a^ and using (1), we fc=i get our result. 1.2.43. (a) By the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality (Problem 1.2.3), f[(1 + ak) it=i (n + l ) n _ 2ai -f a 2 + ... + fln o>i + 2a2 + ^3 + ... + an ~~ n+ 1 n+1 ai + fl2 + ••• + 2a n "+1 > n^ (b) The proof of this part runs as in (a). 1.2.44. Observe first that if T j ^ - = n- 1, then J2 ^ k—1 = 1. To k=l get our result it is enough to apply the inequality given in 1.2.43 (b) with a*; replaced by j ^ - . 1.2.45. [M. S. Klamkin, Amer. Math. Monthly 82(1975), 741-742] We may assume that ai,a2, ...,a n are enumerated in such a way that a\ = min{ai,a2, ...,a n } and a2 = max{ai,a2, . . . , a n } , and let An = 1/n be the arithmetic mean of ai,..., a n . Define a new sequence {a*.} by setting a^ = A n , a'2 = ai + a 2 - A n , a^ = a* for 3 < z < n. We will show that It follows from the definition of the sequence {a'k} that (1) is equivalent to (l + ai)(l + a 2 ) > (l + A n ) ( l + . o i + o 2 - A n ) (1 - ai)(l - a 2 ) - (1 - 4 n ) ( l - ai - a 2 + An)' which in turn is equivalent to (An - ai)(An - a2) < 0. The last inequality is an immediate consequence of our assumptions. Now, we repeat the above procedure for the sequence {afk} to get the Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 1.2. Some Elementary Inequalities 149 sequence {a'£}. At least two terms of the sequence {a'fc'} are equal to an An. Moreover, the sequence satisfies an inequality of type (1). If we repeat this procedure at most n — 1 times, we get the constant sequence with each term equal to An. In view of (1), n l + Qfc > r r 1 + ^n fe=i * = /n + 1 v fe=i 1.2.46. Let afcL = max{ai,a 2 , . . . , a n } . There is a fraction on the left side of the inequality whose numerator is equal to a^. The denominator of this fraction has two terms. Let us denote the greater one by afc2. Now, take the fraction whose numerator is a^2 and denote by dk3 the greater of the two terms of its denominator, etc. Note that (1) —; , >7T 2-1,2,.... It follows from the above construction that there exists an / such that dkl+1 = Q>ki- Next, observe that the numbers a^ and a>ki+l appear in our inequality as numerators of either two neighbor fractions or two fractions which are separated by only one term (we assume here that the last and the first are neighbor quotients). Moreover, dki+1 appears as a numerator of a fraction that is to the right of the fraction with the numerator a/Ci. To pass from the fraction with the numerator a/Cl to the fraction with the numerator a/cz+1, / steps are needed, where / > ~. Hence, by (1) and the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, °*» + 2a ^ + ... + ^>iv/i>-. '"' 2a ~ V2 ~ 4 2afc2 fc3 kl l 1.2.47. We have Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 1: Real Numbers 150 which implies the desired inequality. 1.2.48. By the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, ai a\+fa \ ( < - a2 a2+&2 a\ h ...H n \a\ + 6i a .nl fa V «i+6i an 6i n ttn+6n - a n -f 6n 1 ai 4- &i a>2-\-b2 h ...H Q>n+bn bn -— \ = 1. an+bn) 1.2.49. [V. Ptak, Amer. Math. Monthly 102(1995), 820-821] First, observe that if we replace each a,k by ca^ with c > 0, neither the left side nor the right side of the inequality is changed. Therefore, we can assume that G = 1. Then an = —. Observe now that if a\ < x < —, then a: + ^ < ai -f ^ . Hence n n 1 1 Now, to obtain our claim we may apply the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality. 1.2.50. Let us arrange all the positive divisors of n into pairs (fc, I) in such a way that kl = n. By the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, ^ > y/kl. Adding these inequalities, we get Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Chapter 2 Sequences of Real Numbers 2.1. Monotonic Sequences 2.1.1. (a) Let {an} be an increasing sequence bounded from above. Then sup{a n : n G N} = A < oo. Thus for any n G N, an < A. Since for any e > 0 the number A — e is not an upper bound of the set {an : n G N}, there is anQ such that ano > A — e. By the monotonicity of the sequence, A > an > A — e for any n > n$. Hence lim an = A. n-+oo Assume now that {an} is not bounded above. Then for any M there is ano such that ano > M. Again, by the monotonicity of the sequence, an > M for n > no, and therefore lim an = +00. n—*oo (b) See the solution of (a). 2.1.2. We have < Sn—1 for n > 2. $n Indeed, by 1.2.19, (1) 4 < Sn+lSn-l151 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 152 We will show that {xn} is an increasing sequence. The inequality / p \ 2 xi < #2 follows from ( JZ afc ) \k=i J p < P X) afc ( s e e t n e solution of k=i 1.2.20). Assume now that xn-i < xn> Then (2) Sn-l<Sn^. Hence, by (1) and (2), > -W-T^r = * n . 2.1.3. We have a n + i = ^ a n < a n , n > 1. Therefore {an} is a strictly decreasing sequence. Since it is bounded below (e.g. by 0), lim an = g exists. The number g satisfies the equation g = \g. n—•oo Consequently, g = 0. 2.1.4. Let bn = an - ^ t r - We have 6 n + i — bn = an+i ~an -f- ^ > 0. Hence the sequence {bn} converges, and so does { a n } . 2.1.5. (a) We will show that the sequence {an} is monotonically decreasing and bounded below. Indeed, v n + l ( y n + 1 -h y n ) Moreover, by the inequality given in the hint (one can prove it by induction), an > 2{y/n + 1 — \fn — 1) > —2. (b) The proof follows by the same method as in (a). 2.1.6. We first show by induction that | < an < 2 for n e N and that the sequence {an} is strictly increasing. These two facts imply the convergence of {an}. Let g = lim an. Because an = y/3an-i — 2 we get g = y/3g — 2, and consequently, g = 2. 2.1.7. One can establish by induction that an > 2c. Of course, a\ < ei2. Moreover, if an > a n _i, then «n+l = K i ~ C)2 > (tt n _i - C)2 = On- Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.1. Monotonic Sequences 153 The last inequality follows from the monotonicity of the function f(x) =x2 on R+. 2.1.8. By the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality and by our assumptions we get qn + ( l - a n + i ) r—r r 1 2 > V a n ( l - an+ij > 2* Hence an — a n +i > 0. Therefore the sequence {an} converges to a g. Since an(l — a n +i) > | , we get g(l - g) > \. The last inequality is equivalent to (2g — l ) 2 < 0, which gives g = \. 2.1.9. Obviously, 0 < an < 3 for n > 1. Moreover, a 2 + 1 - a 2 = —a2 + a n + 6 > 0 for 0 < an < 3. Thus the sequence is monotonically increasing and bounded above, so it converges. By the definition of the sequence, lim an = 3. n—>oo 2.1.10. We see at once that 0 < an < 1 for n > 1. To prove the monotonicity of the sequence we will need the following form of the principle of induction: W(ri) is true for all natural numbers n, if the following two conditions hold: (i) W(l) is true. (ii) The truth of W(k) for 1 < k < n implies W(n 4- 1) is also true. Assume now that a n _i > a n _2 and an > an-\. Then a n + i - an = - ( a n - a n _i + a^_x - o?n_2) > 0. Therefore the sequence is convergent. Let g denote its limit. Then g = | ( 1 + g + g3). Consequently, ^ = 1 or g= - l + >/5 or g= -l-v7^ . Observe that all the terms of the sequence are nonnegative and less than ^ ± V I . Thus lim an = =±±&. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 154 2.1.11. We have a n + i = anj£f3 solution of 2.1.3) we get g — 0. < a>n, n > 1. Therefore (see the 2.1.12. Since a n + i = « n | ^ f < ^ n , n > 1, the sequence is monotonically decreasing. It is bounded below by zero, so it converges. 2.1.13. (a) Clearly, {an} is monotonically increasing. We will show that it is also bounded above. Indeed, 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 2 + ^7 an = 1 + 2^7 - — + 2--— 3 2 + ... + n- 2^ < 1 + 1-2 3 + ... + ( n - l ) n (b) Obviously, {an} is monotonically increasing. Moreover, 1 1 ! 1 , 1 1 1 Hence it follows from (a) that the sequence is bounded above. 2.1.14. For n > 1, we have a n + i — an = . :H . y/n(n + l) ^2n(2n = H . : < 0. + 1) y/(2n + l)(2n + 2) Hence the sequence is convergent, as it is monotonically decreasing and bounded below. 2.1.15. From the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality we get a n +i > {Upn V 1 -^zT = ^ n > 1. An Therefore a n & a£ — a a n + i - an = + ——r r r r < 0) ™ > 2, which shows that the sequence converges and lim a n = tfa. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.1. Monotonic Sequences 155 2.1.16. Clearly, 0 < an < 2 for n > 1. Moreover, a n+i ~ a n = \/^n - y/^n-i > 0 provided a n > a n _i. Hence the sequence converges to a # which satisfies the equation 9 = V2 + y/9R e m a r k . Using Cardan's formula for real roots of cubic polynomials one can show that 1 / 3 / 1 ^ . . f^TZ. . 3/I. 9 = o I V o (79 + 3 ^ 2 4 9 ) + V 2 (79 ~ 3 ^ 2 4 9 ) " X )• 2.1.17. Note that a n +i = 2 (2 - ^ 3 ) , n > 1. Now one can establish by induction that 0 < an < 2, n > 1. Moreover, (qw + l ) ( q w - 2 ) a n 4- 3 Hence the sequence converges and lim an = 2. n—>-oo 2.1.18. One can show by induction that the sequence {a n } is strictly increasing. If it were bounded above then there would exist a number g such that g — lim an. We would also have g2 - 2g -f c = 0. n—>-oo This equation has a real solution provided c < 1. So, assume that 0 < c < 1. Then the sequence {a n } is bounded above by 1 — y/1 — c, and lim a n = 1 — y/Y^~c. n—>-oo For c > 1, the sequence is strictly increasing and it does not converge. So, it diverges to +00. 2.1.19. Since an+l = o ^ l - 2 ^ - ^ j , n>l, we get if a n > y/a, then a n + i < an, if an < y/a, then a n + i > an, if a n = y/a, then a n +i = \/&- Observe now that an-^ > y/a if and only if (q n - y/a)3 > 0, Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 156 which in turn is equivalent to an > y/a. Finally, if 0 < a\ < y/a, then {an} is increasing and bounded above by y/a; if a\ > y/a, then {an} is decreasing and bounded below by y/a; if ai = y/a, then {an} is a constant sequence. In each of the above cases the sequence converges to y/a. 2.1.20. One can show by induction that (3n-l _ n X) _ (3n-l _ n 3 ) (3 - 1) - (3 - 3)ai a i for n — 1,2,3,.... Therefore the sequence is not defined for a\ = ^n+iZl with n £ N. Moreover, if a\ — 1, then an = 1 for n = 1,2,3,.... For other values of a\, the sequence converges to 1/3. 2.1.21. We have a n + i = (a n - a) 2 + a n > a n for n > 1. Hence the sequence is monotonically increasing. Moreover, if it converges, then lim an = a. Therefore if ai > a, then the given sequence diverges. In n—KX) the case where a — 1 < a\ < a, we have also a — 1 < an < a for n > 1. Thus for such a\ the sequence converges. Finally, if a\ < a - 1, then a2 > a, and consequently, the sequence diverges. 2.1.22. It is obvious that the sequence may converge either to a or to b. We will consider the following cases. 1° Ob. Then a 2 = ca\lb > c = a\ and by induction a n + i > an. Hence lim an = -hoo. n—»oo 2° c = 6. Obviously, an = b for n = 1, 2,3,.... 3° a < c < 6 . One can establish inductively that the sequence {a n } is monotonically decreasing and bounded below by a. Hence lim an = a. n—>oc 4° c = o. Clearly, an = a for n = 1,2,3,.... Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.1. Monotonic Sequences 157 5° 0 < c < a. Induction is used once again to show that {an} is monotonically increasing and bounded above by a. It then follows that lim an — a. n—»oo 2.1.23. Note that a n + 1 = 6 (l - ^ p f ) for tion if ai < 2, then an < 2, if ai > 2, then an > 2, Moreover, (a n + 3)(a n a n + l ~ 0>n — n G N. Hence by inducn G N; n G N. - 2) ~~Z a n -f 7 • Therefore l ° i f 0 < a i < 2 , then the sequence is increasing and bounded above by 2, and lim an — 2, n—KX> 2° if a\ > 2, then the sequence is decreasing and bounded below by 2, and lim an = 2, n-^oo 3° if ax = 2, then an = 2 for n G N. 2.1.24. Since 0 = ai < a2 and a^ +1 — a^ = an — a n - i , we see by induction that a n +i > &n for n G N. The sequence is bounded above, e.g. by \/l + 4c. One can easily establish that lim a n = 1 + v l 1 + 4 c . n—+oo 7 2.1.25. Since a 2 = v 2 \ / 2 > v ^ = ai and a ^ + 1 - a ^ = 2(o n —a n _i), one can show inductively that o n +i > a n for all positive integers. The sequence is bounded above by 2, and lim an — 2. n—• oo n 2.1.26. For /c = 1, we get an = 5 , n G N, and therefore {a n } diverges to -hoc. For k> 1, a 2 = y 5\/5 > \/5 = ai and a^ +1 - a£ = 5(a n - a n _ i ) . It then follows by induction that {an} is strictly increasing. Moreover, an < k~\f5 for n G N. One can easily verify that lim an = n—KX> Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 158 2.1.27. We see (by induction) that 1 < an < 2, n e N. The monotonicity of the sequence follows from the equality 3(a n - a n _i). Hence for 1 < a\ < 2 the sequence is monotonically increasing and its limit is 2. On the other hand, if a\ = 1 or a\ = 2, the sequence is constant. 2.1.28. (a) We have a\ < a2 and an+1—an = an — a n _ i . It follows by induction that the sequence is monotonically increasing and bounded above by c. Obviously, lim an = c. n—>oo (b) Since 62 = y/cy/c > \fc = 6i and bn+l - bn = c(6 n - 6 n _i), using induction we conclude that the sequence is monotonically increasing and bounded above by c, which is its limit. 2.1.29. One can establish by induction that 0 < an < 6, and next prove that the sequence is strictly increasing. Its limit is equal to b. 2.1.30. The sequence is strictly increasing and bounded above, e.g. by 3. Its limit is ^ ± ^ . 2.1.31. We have a\ < a2 < 03. Moreover, we see that for any n € N, if an < a n + i < a n + 2 , then an+2 < an+3. It then follows from the principle of induction stated in the solution of Problem 2.1.10 that the sequence {an} is strictly increasing. It is also bounded above by 4, and lim an = 4. n—KX> 2.1.32. As in the solution of the foregoing problem, one can show that the sequence {an} is monotonically decreasing, bounded below by 4, and lim an = 4. n—+00 2.1.33. By the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, an > bn. Thus an+i = < an, n G N. This means that the sequence {an} is decreasing. On the other hand, the sequence {bn} is increasing because bn+i = yjbnan > \J\?n = bn, nE N. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.1. Monotonic Sequences 159 Moreover, b\ < an, bn < a\. Therefore both sequences converge. Let a = lim an and (5 = lim bn. Passage to the limit as n —•> oc in n—>oo an+i = Qr| bn ^ n—»oo gives a = ^ ^ or, in other words, a = f3. 2.1.34. Since 2(a£ + 6^) > (a n + 6 n ) 2 , we get an > 6 n , n G N. Therefore —r~ S —7— — am n e J^i, a n + bn an + on which means that the sequence {an} is decreasing. a n +i — In much the same way we show that {bn} increases. Moreover, we see that b\ < a n , bn < ai, and consequently, both sequences converge. Let a = lim a n , (3 = lim bn. Letting n —• 00 in 6 n + i = n—>oo an bn n—>oo t , we obtain f3 — ^ ^ , or a — (3. 2.1.35. By the arithmetic-harmonic mean inequality, an > bn- Hence an+i = < an, ne N, which means that {a n } decreases. On the other hand, {bn} increases because 2a n 6 n fe "+i = TT" ^ &n, ™ e N. Moreover, b\ < a n , 6 n < ai, and therefore the sequences converge. Let a — lim a n , (3 — lim 6 n . Passing to the limit in the equan—>-oo n—>oo tion a n + i - ^ ^ y i e l d s a = H2^- T h u s a = &• Note also that a n + i 6 n + i = a n 6 n , which means that all the terms of {anbn} are equal to a\b\. It follows that a = /3 = \/ai6i. 2.1.36. We have a n + i = 2(n+\) ( Qn + *) > G n + 1 ~" ar\ n G ^- Consequently, - n o n + (n + 2) 2(n+l) Now applying the inequality nan > n -f 2 for n > 4 (which can be established by induction), we see that the sequence is monotonically Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 160 decreasing and hence is convergent. Put a = lim an. Passage to the n—>oo limit in the equation a n + i = 2{'n+i) ( Qn ~*~ ^) g i y e s a = 1. • 2.1.37. It follows from the inequality a n + 2 < ^ a n + i + §a n that an+2 + |«n+i < Q>n+i + f On- Hence the sequence 6 n = a n + 1 + | o n is decreasing, bounded, and therefore convergent. Let b be its limit. We will show that {an} converges to a = | 6 . Let e > 0 be arbitrarily fixed. Then there exists no E N such that | > \bn — b\ for n > no. Consequently, 2 2 > |a n +i - a| - - | a n - a| 5 6> for n > n0. Thus |a n +i - a| < | | a n — a| + | . We can see by induction that +- + | + 1 )g |«n,+*-«|<(f) K - « l + ( ( | ) k k *G)* no^«i+ 1 (2\ l_-^fef2 V /o\fc , _ V 6 < (3] l«"0-«l+2- vfc Since ( | ) |a„ 0 — o| < | for sufficiently large k, \an — a\ < e for n large enough. 2.1.38. ,71+1 (a) 6 n = ( l + I ) n + 1 = (l + I ) a n > a n . (b) By the geometric-arithmetic mean inequality G n +i < An+\ Problem 1.2.3) with a\ = 1, a2 = 03 = ... = a n +i = 1 + - , 1 + -1 ny Hence D'<0 1 \ n/ n / \ <1 + 1 \ (see n+ 1 n +i n+1/ (c) By the harmonic-geometric mean inequality Hn+i < G n +i, n > 1 (see Problem 1.2.3) with ai = 1, a2 = a 3 = ... = a n + i = 1 + ^ - , Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.1. Monotonic Sequences 161 which in turn gives bn < 6 n _i, n > 1. To show that both sequences {an} and {bn} converge it is enough to observe that a\ < an < bn < &i, n G N. Moreover, lim bn= lim (l + ^-)a n = lim an. 2.1.39. (a) By the geometric-arithmetic mean inequality G n +i < An+i (see Problem 1.2.3) with a\ — 1, a2 = a 3 = ... = a n + i = 1 + ^, n G N, we see that the sequence is strictly increasing. If 0 < x < 1, then by the preceding problem, If x > 1, then there exists a positive integer no such that x < no. Consequently, the monotonicity of the sequence { (l + ^ ) } and the result stated in the foregoing problem imply (1 + !)"<( 1 + !!o)" < ( 1 + J!Lr <e r V n/ \ n / \ nony (b) It is enough to apply the same reasoning as in (a) and observe that for x < 0, the sequence is bounded above, e.g. by 1. 2.1.40. Applying the geometric-harmonic mean inequality G n +/+i > Hn+i+i (see Problem 1.2.3) with a\ = 1, a,2 = a^ = ... = a n +j+i = 1 + *, we get n+i+J( ,x\n+l VV nJ 1 , + x{n + l) n 2 + nl + x + n s(n + Q (n + l)(n + /)* This shows that bn > 6n+i> n G N. 2.1.41. By the inequality given in the hint, a n + i - an = log > 0, n 1 n i rc + 1 < 0. „ 6 n + i - bn = — — - log n+1 n Clearly, a\ < an < bn < 6i, n G N, and consequently, both sequences Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth converge (to the same limit). Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 162 2.1.42. Monotonicity and boundedness of the sequence {an} are easily verified. It follows from the equality an+l = an that its limit is 1. We now show the monotonicity of {cn}. Assume first that x > 1. Then cn = 2n(an - 1) = 2 n (a£ + 1 _ 1 } = 2n{an+l - l)(an+1 +1) _ on+l/,, Qn+i + 1 —^ \P>n+l — J-) 7, > c n+l- This means that for x > 1, the sequence {cn} is strictly decreasing. The same reasoning applies to the case 0 < x < 1. For x = 1, the sequence is constant. The monotonicity of {d n } can be proved analogously. For x > 1, the sequence {c n } converges (because it is monotonically decreasing and bounded below by 0). On the other hand, for 0 < x < 1, the sequence {dn} is monotonically increasing and bounded above by 0. Now, it follows from the equality that both sequences tend to same limit for all positive x different from 1. If x = 1, then c n = dn = 0. 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 2.2.1. (a) 1. (b) 1. (c) -1. (d) We have 0 < (>/2 - yf2){y/2 - y/2) • ... • (V2 - 2n+ \/2) < (>/2 - l ) n . Thus the limit of the sequence is equal to 0. (e) We willAmerican first show that the sequence an — ^ converges toPlease zero. report unauth Copyright 2000 Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. n Thank You! We have a n + i = a n ^ ^ < an for n > 3. Therefore the 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 163 sequence is monotonically decreasing. Clearly, it is bounded below by zero. Hence it is a convergent sequence and its limit g satisfies the equation g — \g. Thus g = 0. We will now find the limit of our sequence. To this end, set kn = [y/n]. Then kn < \fn> < kn + 1, which gives u 2 fc - +1 ^ 2v^ ' Therefore the limit of the given sequence is equal to zero. (f) Let an = ^ - . Then a n + i = an\^$< a n , n € N, which implies (see the solution of Problem 2.1.3) that g = 0. (g) Set 1 / 1 x/nVx/l + V^ Then an = 1 1 V^+v^ wmcn ^s V / 2fc^I-v/2fc+T o 2 AT *' _ '" a 1 >/2n - 1 + y/2n + 1 consequence of the equality 1. _ y/2 (h) It follows from the inequalities (1 + 2 + '-- x + n) 1 1 2 + + + n ^T^^^TT ^T^ - ^T^ and from the squeeze law that the limit is \. (i) As in (h) we show that this limit is also equal to \. 2.2.2. Set an = j ^ . Then ^ = {^Y ^i- Moreover, we have lim (n^) ^py — ^pi- Consequently, the sequence {an} is monotonically decreasing beginning with some value no of the index n. It is also bounded below, e.g. by zero. Its limit g satisfies the equality g = —py£- Therefore g = 0. 2.2.3. We have 0 < (n + l)a -na =na (f 1 + - ) -1 n Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth 1 Thank You! < n a [ | H - l - l ^ l-ot' Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 164 Thus the limit of the sequence is equal to zero. 2.2.4. Let a = £ , with p e Z and q € N. For n > q the number n!a7r is a multiple of 7r, which means that the terms of the sequence, beginning with some value no of the index n, are all equal to zero. 2.2.5. If the limit existed then we would get 0 = lim (sin(n + 2) — sin n) = 2 sin 1 lim cos(n -I-1), n—>oo n—+oo and consequently, lim cos n = 0. Similarly, 71—+00 0 = lim (cos(n -f 2) — cosn) = —2 sin 1 lim sin(n 4-1), n—>oo n—»oo 2 2 which is impossible because sin n + cos n = 1, n G N. Therefore the limit lim sinn does not exist. n—•oo 2.2.6. See the solution of the foregoing problem. 2.2.7. We have l i m - ( ( a + - J + [ a + - J + ... + ( a + ^ — - ) | n->oo n l \ n/ \ n/ \ n J J 2 (n-l n ( n l ) , 1 + 2 + ... + (n - }1 ) 2 \ v 2 = hm a + a + ^—> — 9 n-^oo \ n nl n6 ) 2 1 = a24-a+-. o The last equality follows from the fact that l 2 + 2 2 -f ... -f n2 = n(n+l)(2n+l) 6 2.2.8. We have an + a 2 + ... + akn - k = (a n - 1) + (a 2 - 1) + ... + (a* - 1). Moreover, a1 - 1 Hm _ n — = / for/ = 1,2,...,fc. n-^oo a n - 1 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical prohibited. Please report unauth Therefore the limit is equal to 1 Society. + 2 + ...Duplication + fc = M^tll. Thank You! 2.2. Limits. P r o p e r t i e s of Convergent Sequences 165 2.2.9. Using the equality 1 k(fc + l)(fc + 2) 1 2 k 1 1 1 1 , /c + 1 + 2 / c + 2 fcGN, one can show that the limit is equal to \. 2.2.10. Since k3-l A;3 + l we get (k-l)((k + l)2-(k + l) + l) 2 {k + l){k - k + 1) A fc3-l _ 2 n2 + n + 1 _ _ 1 1 fc3 + 1 _ 33 ' „2. n2 + n n-*<x> 3 fc=2 2.2.11. I. 2.2.12. Since 1 - ^ = ^ g ^ , we obtain (n + 1) • (n + 2)/ 1 n+ 3 3 n + 1 n-oo 3 ' 2.2.13. We have k3 + 6k2 + Ilk + 5 = (k + l)(fc -f 2)(fe + 3) - 1. Hence ,. ^ / c 3 + 6/c2 + ll/c + 5 hm > n — • o o *—*J (fc + 3)! fc=l ™^U ! (£ + 3)!^ 3* 2.2.14. Observe that 2 2 1-x * l-x *" 1 1 l-x2fc for k = l,2,...,n. Therefore lim n ofc-i X2 Y- ( = < X 1-X for |x| < 1, 1 for Id > 1. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical I 1-rr Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! n—*oo fc=l *—^ 1 Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 166 2.2.15. For x ^ 1, (1 - x){l + x)(l + x 2 ) •... • (1 + x2n) __ 1 - x2n+1 1-x ' 1-x and consequently, XZ 1 - 1-x 2n+1 Finally, -oo lim an = < 1 1-x I +0 0 for n = 0,1,..., x ^ 1, for n = 0,1,..., x = 1. for x < — 1, for x = — 1, for |x| < 1, for x > 1. 2.2.16. For x ^ 1, rr (A a. ^ A (x2fc + i) 2 ^ _ (re + !)(* - l)(x + l)(x 2 + 1) •... • Or2" + 1) ( x - l ) ( x 2 n + 1 + l) -1 x - 1 x 2 " + 1 + 1' X+ 1 XZ Hence for |x| < 1, for |x| > 1, 0 for x = —1, I +oo for x = 1. lim an = { n—>oo x+1 "x-1 x+1 X - 1 2.2.17. Let x be different from 1. Then z 1 + x^ + x '* = fc fc fc j _X^2-3 2 3 U^33 ( 1 + X„33 + " )(x -_ 1 n) 3 x *-l k+1 „3 X3 __ i k r* - 1 ' Thus on+l 3 3fc 2 Society. 3fc Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Duplication X" n i x x ) ^ - 1 prohibited. Please report unauth ( + + = Thank You! x3-l k=l 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 167 Let g denote the limit of the sequence. Then 1 1-x3 9= \ +oo 1 -hoc for \x\ < 1, for |x| > 1, for x — — 1, for x — 1. 2.2.18. Clearly, k • k\ = [k + 1)! - k\, keN. hm n-*oc 1-1! 4- 2-2! + ... + n-n\ -t — ( n Hence (n-fl)l-l , lt = hm — —— = 1. +l)| n-^oo (jl + l j ! 2.2.19. Note first that the problem is meaningful for x ^ 0. By 2.2.3, the denominator nx — (n — l ) x tends to zero if 0 < x < 1. Moreover, if x < 0, then the denominator also tends to zero. For x = 1 it equals 1. Therefore the sequence diverges to infinity (+oo or -oo) for x < 1, x ^ O . Now let x > 1 and set k = [x]. Then k > 1 and fc+i i - u - i y < i - (i-i n It follows from these inequalities that there exist a and /3 such that a < n (1- (1 n <(3, which in turn gives an x-l < nx 1- 1 - n <(3n x-l Hence if x — 1 < 1999, then the sequence diverges to +oo. If x — 1 > 1999, the sequence converges to zero. Now let x = 2000. By the binomial formula, ,1999 n ! ™ ) n 2000 _ (n _ 1 1 )2000 2000' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 168 2.2.20. We have a„. = < n + 1 a n if a > 6, if a = b. Hence lim an = a. 2.2.21. It can be shown by induction that an = (n — l ) 2 . Consequently, lim an = +oo. ab 2.2.22. We show by induction that an = Va2+nb2 n-1 2.2.23. One can show that an = 1 — (j) . Thus lim an = 0. . Therefore lim a n = 1. 2.2.24. It is easy to verify that an+1 = l + 6+... + 6 n - 1 +bna. Hence 1 an+i = < 1 - 6 + n+a f 1 a- 1-6 6n for 6^1, for 6=1. Thus if 6 = 1, a G l , the sequence diverges to -f-oo. If 6 ^ 1 and a = j3£, the sequence converges to j ^ . In the case a ^ y ^ and |6| < 1, it also converges to y ^ . In the remaining cases the sequence is divergent. Namely, if 6 < — 1 and a ^ j ^ , the sequence has neither finite nor infinite limit. If 6 > 1 and a > y ^ , the sequence diverges properly to +oo. Finally, if 6 > 1 and a < y ^ , the sequence diverges properly to — oo. 2.2.25. The formula for the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence can be proved by induction. We may assume that a > (3. Then a = 1 ^ 5 and (3 = ^ = ^ . Moreover, afl < \Jotn - (3n < CM/1 + Since2000 limAmerican = 0, we get limSociety. tfa^ = a. Copyright Mathematical Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! n—• oo 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 169 2.2.26. Note first that 6 n + i = Q n+ 3 V From this a n + i - bn+1 = \{an — bn), which means that the sequence {an -bn} is a geometric progression with the ratio \ . Hence this sequence converges to zero. Now it is enough to show that the sequence {an} converges. Assume first that a < b. Then {an} monotonically increases and an <bn < b. Therefore it converges. It follows from the above that {bn} also converges and lim an = lim bn. The same reasoning applies to the n—>-oo case a > b. n—+oo 2.2.27. We have n n digits digits a + aa + . . . + aa...a — a(l + 11 + ... + 11...1) = a(10 n " 1 + 2 • 10 n ~ 2 + ... + n • 10°) = a((l + 10 + ... + 10 n _ 1 ) + (1 + 10 + ... + 10 n " 2 ) + ... + (l + 10) + l) = a /10n-l lO71-1-! V 9 9 n 10(10 - 1) - 9n 81 • Therefore the limit is 102 - 1 9 109 ^ . 2.2.28. Note that the sequence with terms >j/n, n > 3, is monotonically decreasing and its limit is 1. Now it is easy to check that ($/n-l)n < f i J neN. l)n = 0. Thus lim (tfn2.2.29. Since for lim an = 0, beginning with some value n 0 of the n—»oo index n, |a n | n < ( ^ ) n . Consequently, lim a™ = 0. n—•oo 2.2.30. Let max{ai,a2, ...,a/c} = a/. Dividing the denominator and numerator by af we show that lim n-^oo Pia x + p2a2 + ... + VkQ>k ±— ^-^— = a/. p i a y + p 2 ^ 2 + "• + PfcGfc Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 170 2.2.31. (a) Let £ > 0 be so small that q + e < 1. Then there exists no £ N such that I a n +i < q + ^ for n > no. Hence K l < (<? + e ) n - n o | a n o | , n>n0. This implies lim \an\ — 0, that is, lim an = 0. n—>-oo ra—•oo (b) Let £ > 0 be so small that q — £ > 1. Then, beginning with some value n\ of the index n, \an\ > (q — £)n~ni\ani\. Since lim (q -hoc, we get lim \an\ = -f oo. 2.2.32. (a) Take £ > 0 small enough to get q + £ < 1. Then there exists n 0 G N such that |o n | < (<? + £) n , n > n 0 . Therefore lim a n — 0. n—•oo (b) We have |a n | > (q — «s)n for n > n\. If e > 0 is small enough, then q — £ > 1 and therefore lim (q — £)n = -hoo. So, lim \an\ — 2.2.33. Setting an = naxn, lim n—>oo n—• oo n—>-oo + 00. «n+i a n we get ,. (n + 1 lim n—>oo \ n—>oo ?7, :r = x, where 0 < x < 1. Hence, by Problem 2.2.31, the sequence tends to zero. 2.2.34. Let an denote the nth term of the sequence. Then 0"n+l m —n n+ 1 By Problem 2.2.31 the sequence converges to zero. 2.2.35. Assume that \bn\ < M for n G N. Since lim an = 0, for n—+oo any £ > 0 there exists n 0 G N such that \an\ < -fj for n > n^. Hence |a n 6 n | < £ for n > noCopyright 2000 American This means that limMathematical anbn = 0. Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 171 2.2.36. Without loss of generality we can assume that a < b. Suppose first that a < b. Let e > 0 be so small that a + e < b - e. By the definition of the limit of a sequence, an < a + e < b — e < bn for n sufficiently large. Hence max{a n , bn} — bn, and consequently, lim max{a n , bn} = lim bn = b = max{a, 6}. n—+ 00 n—->oo If a = 6, then for any e > 0 there exists no such that for n > no, the inequalities |a n — a\ < e and |6 n — a\ < £ hold. This means that | max{a n , bn} — a\ < e. In this way we have proved that lim max{a n , bn\ — max{a, b). n—^oo 2.2.37. Since lim an = 0, for any e € (0,1) we have v7! ~ £ < v7! + « n < v7! + £ for n sufficiently large. This implies that lim tfl -f a n = 1. n—»oo 2.2.38. Put x n = f/1 -f a n . It follows from the foregoing problem that lim # n = 1. Consequently, r lim yrr^-i an xn-i = n->oo lim Xn —=r~ I Xn - 1 lim — o o ( X n _ i ) ( a £ - i + ... + i) 1 p" 2.2.39. By Problem 1.2.1, n^l+fll+02 + - + ^ - l l (1) ^(Vo^)('^)--('+?)-0 ' = Y ( n + a i ) ( n + a 2 ) •... • (n + ap) - n. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 172 Moreover, by 1.2.4 we get ^)(-?)--(^H (2) V i + ... + aP V QI ~ J2 aiaj i<j a + ... + q p p i<j np + ...+ ai • ... • a p pnjP - 1 Combining (1) and (2) with the result in the foregoing problem, we show that the limit is Q l + a 2 + - + Q p . p 2.2.40. Note that n+1 VVi2 + n + 1 1 2 \Ai + l 1 + \/n 2 n-fl < :+... + • 2 + 2 Vn + n + 1 ~ \/n 2 + l" This and the squeeze law for sequences imply that the limit is 1. 2.2.41. Let a denote the largest of the numbers ai,a2,...,%,. Then a . J a ? + o5 + ... + ay <a. < p ^/p V By the squeeze law for sequences, lim /a? + a£ + ... + a£ n—KX) a = max{ai, a2, •-., a p } . 2.2.42. Since 1 < A72si :sin ,1999 n+1 + cos2 7 1999 n+ 1 < v^2, it follows that Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 173 2.2.43. We will apply the squeeze law for sequences. We have 1 < (1 4 n ( l 4- cosn)) 2 n + n s i n n < (1 4 2n) 2 n + n s i n n . We will now show that lim (1 4 2n)2™+"sin^ = 1. (*) n—>oo Indeed, 1 < (l + 2 n ) 2 - + nsinn < (\ + 2n)" . Hence (*) follows from the squeeze law. Thus the limit we are looking for is 1. 2.2.44. By the harmonic-geometric-arithmetic mean inequality (see 1.2.3), for x > - 1 we have Now, putting x = ^ , k = 1,2, ...,n, and adding the obtained inequalities, we get fc=l ^ n2 fc=l \ / /c=l Moreover, fc _ n(n 4-1) E 2n 2 An2 1 n->oo 4 and Z-/ 2 4 -% ^ 2n 2 4- A; ~ 2n 2 4- n ^ 2(2n 2 4 n) n-oo 4' Therefore, by (*) and the squeeze law, Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 174 2.2.45. One can apply reasoning analogous to that used in the solution of the preceding problem. Let x > — 1. By the harmonicgeometric-arithmetic mean inequality, l + ^ V = -T- i <{/(l + x ) l . K 1 + 3 ? 1 + 1 t = l + |. Substituting x = £ j , we get Moreover, ^Jf_ _ n(n + l)(2n + l) ^ 1 ^ 3n 3 " 18n 3 n"^> 9 and E 3+ 24 n3 V^ = ^ 3 l > 2 3 ^ 3n + 2/c ~ 3n + 2n _ n(n + l)(2n + l) 1 6(3n 3 + 2n 2 ) ; V ^ ju2 2 ^ By the above, together with (*) and the squeeze law, J!?-t(f+3- 1 )-52.2.46. Clearly, lim ?/ak = 1 for k = 1, 2, ...,p. So we find that r-Y lim f I V /Ok] = 1. 2.2.47. For sufficiently large no and for n > no, we have 0 < a + 1 < a + -±- < 1. Thus i-l / . N k y lim > [ a + - ) = lim -, V r = ; • n—KX) ' " ^ jfc=0 ^V nj » - » l - a + i 1-a Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 175 2.2.48. The equality is obvious for x = 1. Assume now that x > 1. To calculate the limit, we will apply the squeeze law for sequences. We have 0<(v/^-l)2=v/^-2v/S+l. Hence (2^-i)"<(v / ^r=x 2 . (*) Moreover, yx Vx* Now, by the Bernoulli inequality we get (**) {2tfc-l)n>x2[l+n •fx Vx* xMl-n^-1*5 Also, by the Bernoulli inequality, x = (^x-l + l)n>l + n ( ^ - l ) > n ( ^ - l ) . Consequently, Therefore, by (**), (***) (2^-l) n >x2 (l nvr Combining (*) and (* * *) with the squeeze law, we see that lim (2^x-l)n = x2. 2.2.49. As in the solution of the foregoing problem, we may establish the inequalities 1> (2^-ir>1_n(^-Da Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 176 Now, it is enough to show that hm n——, = 0. n—+oc To this end, note that for n > 3, n = ( ^ - l+ l ) " > n ( n - 1 3 ) | ( n - 2 ) ( ^ - l ) 3 . Hence 0<n(^-l)2<n( So, lim n( ^/n - l ) 2 = 0. 2 il ? V(n-l)(n-2) n—>oo 2.2.50. (a) We have |a n+fc - an\ = arctan(n + 1) arctan(n + k) 2 ^ h ... H ^ ^ TV ( 1 2 I 2n_,_1 1 \ 2n+fc / "' 7T 2n+1' For arbitrarily fixed e > 0, let n 0 = [log2 f — 1]. Then for any k £ N and n > no we get |an+fc — an\ < e. Therefore {a n } is a Cauchy sequence. (b) One can show by induction that 4 n > n 4 for all n > 5. Hence 1 n 1 |a n +/c ~ a n < 7—TTT? (n+1)2 + ^ 7—TT^J (n + 2) 2 + ••• + (n + fc)5 Consequently, \an+k — an\ 1 1 1 fc-1 1 n +fc— < -n7( n +-7^ ^T + - + (n + l ) + 7( n + l 7T7 ) ( n + 2) = 1 n 1 1 n+1 1 1 1 n+ 1 n + 2 1 n n + fc n "' + fc) 1 n + fc r < - <€ for any fc €N and n > [^]. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 177 (c) Note that 1 2n 1 2n n| 1 2n-l 1 n +1 " ^ 1 1 2n 2 This means that {an} is not a Cauchy sequence, (d) We have \an+k ~ &n ( — D^+^-i n-\-k-2 (-i)i ("l)n f + + (n + k){n + A ; + l ) ~ ( n - f A ; - l)(n + k) '" (n + l)(n + 2) 1 1 , , 1 < (n + fc)(n + fc + l) (n + f c - - l ) ( n +&) '" (n ++ l)(n + 2) 1 1 1 1 1 n + A; n + fe + 1 n + A; — 1 n-f A+ : ...+n + 1 rc + 2 1 1 1 n+1 n + k + 1 < n + 1r < e for any fc £ N and n > [| — 1]. (e) We have |On+fc - 0 „ | < M ( | 9 | " + f c + l ^ r + f c - 1 + ... + = M('M" +1 (i-i#)^< i-M for any k € N and n > no = M \q\n+i) i-M kr+1 < e 'in *=£"£_! T^k T (f) We have 2n 2n - 1 n+ 1 ,„ „2 ++ ••• ++ (2n+l) 2 ++ (2n) ' " ( n + 2) 2 2n 2n 2 >n 2 > (2n + l ) - (3n) 2 9' &2n — &„ — Therefore {o n } is not a Cauchy sequence. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 178 2.2.51. By the given condition, \<Ln+k ~ an\ = |&n+/c _ Q-n+k-l < A ( | a n + f c - l - an+k-2\ fc 1 — + Gn+fc-1 <^n+/c-2 + ••• "f ^ n + 1 — &n| + l^n+fc-2 ~ « n + f c - 3 | + ••• + \d>n ~ ^ n - l | ) 2 < (A + A^- + ... + A -f A)|a n - a n _ i | < (Afc + A ^ 1 + ... + A2 + A)A n ~ 2 |a 2 - oi| vn-1 \0>2 - Oil < 1-A 1 - A a 2 - ai . Hence for arbitrarily fixed e > 0, for n > In A , and for any k £ N, we have |an+fc - a n | < £• 2.2.52. Since {5 n } is convergent, it is a Cauchy sequence. We will show that {lncrn} is also a Cauchy sequence. By the inequality in 2.1.41, In crn+k - In an = In I 1 + 2_ &n+k J 1 < + ... + 1 + ... + In 1 + a V n+l <e for A; 6 N and for sufficiently large n. 2.2.53. By the result in 1.1.23, = (#n+fc — = (-!)"( -Rn+fc-l) + ( - R n + f c - l ~ R n + k - 2 ) + ••• +{Rn+l -l)fe-2 1 ( ^ 1 Qn+k-iqn+k +- Qn+k-2Qn+k-l ~ Rn) • + ...- <7n+ltfn+2- +9-n ^fo+1/ Hence, by the monotonicity of the sequence {qn} and the fact that qn>n (see the solution of 1.1.24), \Rn+k — Rn\ < 1 qn+lQn nz Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.2. Limits. Properties of Convergent Sequences 179 2.2.54. Let d denote the common difference of the given progression. Assume first that d ^ 0. Then 1 Hence i. hm / 1 7 1 1 + 1 \ 1 1 + ... + \ 1 For d = 0, the arithmetic progression is a constant sequence and therefore ,. ( hm l 1 1 + n - * o o \aiCL2 \ + ... + = H-oc. Onfln+l/ CL2&Z 2.2.55. Let d denote the common difference of the given progression. Assume first that d ^ 0. Since 1 y/Ok _ y/Q<k+l - + y/Cik+l y/Ok d we have lim -= ( — = - ^ — — + - — - ^ — — + ... + For d = 0, the arithmetic progression is a constant sequence and therefore the limit is equal to -foo. 2.2.56. (a) By Problem 2.1.38, i \ 1+ nj n <e< / i \ 1+ \ n n +i Thus (*) l<n(v/e-l)<nl(l + ^ " -l) . Now using the Bernoulli inequality (see 1.2.4) one can show that n} nz Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 180 Hence n | | l + - Y + n - l ) <l + ~ + \ . Therefore, by (*) and by the squeeze law, lim n( \/e — 1) = 1. n—>oo (b) For an arbitrarily fixed n, n(en - 1) n Hence in view of (a) we get i. lim eri n—>oo 2. n + en + ... + en 71 = e - 1. 2.2.57. We have a n +i — a n = — p(an - a n _ i ) . Therefore an = a + (6 - a) + (a 3 - a2) + ... -f (a n — a n _i) = a + (6 - a)(l - p + p2 + ... + ( - l ) n p n - 2 ) . If 6 = a, then {a n } is a constant sequence convergent to a. If a ^ 6, then the sequence is convergent provided \p\ < 1, and its limit is 2.2.58. Observe that a n -f 26n an + bn c n -f 2 cn + 1 Hence |cn + i - V2| = ^ - ^ | c Cn -j- I n - V^| < (\/2 - l)|c n - x/2| < \\cn - V2\. Z Consequently, by induction, \cn+1 - y/2\ < ±\cx - V2\, which means that the limit of {c n } is y/2. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.3. Toeplitz Transformation and Stolz Theorem 181 2.3. The Toeplitz Transformation, the Stolz Theorem and their Applications 2.3.1. If all the terms of the sequence {an} are equal to a, then by (ii), n lim bn = a lim ]T cnk = &• Thus it is enough to consider the n—>oo n—>oo t . _ i case where the sequence converges to zero. Then, for any m > 1 and n> ra, (*) l&n " 0| = / ^Cn,fcQfc fc=l - ] C l 0 ™^' l a f c l + X ! l Cn ' fc l' lafcl /c=l fc=n The convergence to zero of {an} implies that for a given e > 0 there exists n\ such that for \an\ < Wg n >n1. Of course, the sequence {an} is bounded, say by D > 0. It follows from (i) that there exists ri2 such that for n > ri2, n i —1 Next putting m = ni in (*), we get k=l k=n\ for n > max{ni,ri2}. Hence lim bn = 0. n—>oo 2.3.2. Apply the Toeplitz theorem with cn^ = ^ , A; = 1,2,..., n. 2.3.3. (a) If cUik are nonnegative, then (hi) follows from (ii). n (b) By (ii) in Problem 2.3.1, Yl cn,k > \ for sufficiently large n, fc=i say n > no- It follows from the divergence of {an} to +oo that, given M > 0, there exists n\ such that a n > 2M if n > n i . Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 182 Without loss of generality we can assume that all the terms an are positive. Set ri2 = max{no,ni}. Then 712 71 n Ck k n Cn kCLk ^ Cn,kO>k = ^ 2 ^ °> + ^ 2 > fc=l fc=l 2 - 5 Z Cn,kCLk + M - ^ ' fc=n2-fl /c=l and so {bn} diverges to -foo. 2.3.4. This is a special case of 2.3.3. Take cn^ — ^ for k = 1,2, ...,n. 2.3.5. Apply the Toeplitz theorem (2.3.1) with cn,fc = 2(n ~£+1). 2.3.6. Use the harmonic-geometric-arithmetic mean inequality (see 1.2.3), the squeeze principle for sequences and the result in 2.3.2. 2.3.7. Apply the foregoing problem to the sequence { ^ ± L } . 2.3.8. If b ^ 0, we take cn^ = n ~£ +1 and see that condition (i) in 2.3.1 is satisfied. In view of 2.3.2 condition (ii) is also satisfied. In this case the desired result follows from the Toeplitz theorem. For 6 = 0, setting cn,fc = 1+6nn~*+1 yields r lim ai(l -I- bn) + a 2 (l + 6 n -i) + ... + a n ( l + h) = a. Thus, by 2.3.2, ,. a x 6 n - h a 2 6 n _ i - h ...-fa n 6i lim = 0. 2.3.9. We apply the Toeplitz theorem to the sequence {f^} with Cn,k = fe1 + .fc+6n- 2.3.10. One can apply the Toeplitz theorem with cn^ = b +*\fe • 2.3.11. For n > 1, we put and apply the result in the foregoing problem. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.3. Toeplitz Transformation and Stolz Theorem 183 2.3.12. (a) In 2.3.10 we put xn = 1 + -4= 4-... -f -7=, yn = \Ai and show that the limit is 2. (b) Set a2 2 a" • a + — + ... + — , i • - • i 2/n = ^ / 7 t n n Beginning with some value of the index n, the sequence {yn} is strictly increasing. By 2.2.31 (b) we see that lim yn = +oo. n—>oo Therefore n a22 n^oo a nn+ 1 /\ '" anj\ a 1— 1 ' hm —— a + — + ... + — = (c) We can apply the Stolz theorem (see 2.3.11) to the sequences _. (fc + 1)! (Jfe + n)! xn = fc! + V 1t ; + ... + r^, 1! n! We have ,. h m xn-xn_i = lim ^ = "' ™ n ( l - ( l - I ) _ " lim fc+1 yn = n fc+1 . (n + 1) • (n + 2) •... • (n + fc) I+I—/ -nfc+i v f c + 1 "/ = iim ) v v "-* n_oc l + ( l - I ) + . . + "' (l-I)^ 1 HI' (d) Set z n = -^= + ... + ^ , y n = Vn. Then ^- + = lim (y/n + V n - 1) ( - 7 = + , -, | v J n-oo^ v \^H y/2^^1 x/n^T; / 1 / n / n /n-1 /n—1 = n-^00 hm L/2 -7= + A/ \ / - ^2n— + V 2n - 1 \ / 277n - l 7 - yJ n - 17 + V = 2(V2-1). Hence by the Stolz theorem the limit is 2(\/2 - 1). Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 184 (e) Taking xn = lk + 2k + ••• + nk and yn = nk+1, we see that yn - yn-i nk+l - (n - l)k+1 n-+<x> k + 1" Now it is enough to apply the Stolz theorem. (f) By the Stolz theorem, ,. 1 + 1 -a + 2- a 2 + . . . + n - an 1 lim — = -. n-+oo n • an+i a—1 (g) One can also apply the Stolz theorem with x n = (fc + l)(l* + 2* + ... + n * ) - n * + 1 and yn = {k + l)n* Then x n - x n - i _ (A: + l)nk - nk+1 + (n - l) f e + 1 (k + l){nk Vn-Vn-l - (n- l)fc] 1 n->oo 2 ' 2.3.13. Applying the Stolz theorem to ^n = ai + —= + ... + - =n V2 V and yn = V™, we see that lim - = ai + —= + —^ + ... + —= = 2a. 2.3.14. In the Stolz theorem we set xn = a n + i and yn = n. 2.3.15. Applying the Toeplitz transformation to {an} with cn^ 1 2n_ fc+i, we see that /On a n _i ai \ Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.3. Toeplitz Transformation and Stolz Theorem 185 2.3.16. (a) Using the Toeplitz transformation to {an} with 1 Cn fc ' ~ (n+l-fc)(n + 2-fc)' we can show that ,. ( a n x Q>n-1 Ol \ (b) As in the proof of (a), we can apply the Toeplitz theorem to {an} 3o (I - l-i)\ n "—fc a n < with cntk = % 2 ,n-> 2n~k rt i show that the limit is i o . 2.3.17. Set an = (nwfc). In view of 2.3.7 it is enough to calculate lim ^ - . We have n—>-oo an (("n+\)fc) ("^ = (nfc + l)(nfc + 2)-...-(nfc + fc) ( n + l ) ( n f c - n + l ) ( n f c - n + 2)-... -{nk-n + k- 1)' Therefore the limit is equal to (k_\\k-\< 2.3.18. Let {an} be an arithmetic progression with the common difference d > 0. Set _ nn(ai •... • an) (ai + ... + a n ) n " C"n. — Then cn+l cn (n + l ) a n + 1 / Ql+;-+aa i + a 2 + ... + a n + i V/ 1 *;'*'"* 1 / 2an+i /^2ai + ( n - l ) d ^ n 0 __x 2e~ a,\ + an-i-i \ 2ai -f nd / n—>oo Hence by 2.3.7, the limit equals 2e _ 1 . If d = 0, the limit is 1. 2.3.19. Since bn = 2an + a n _ i , a n = k " " ^ - 1 and a n _i = bn-i-Qn-2> T h u g a ^ = 2bw-bn-2i+an--2j R e p e a t e d application of this procedure n — 1 times gives 2 - - 1 6 n - 2 n - 2 6 n _ ! + ... + ( - l ) n ~ 2 2 1 6 2 + ( - l ) 7 1 " 1 ^ Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 186 Thus by 2.3.16 (b), lim an = \b. 2.3.20. Put cn = (ai •... • an)nnx. £ 2 ± l = (l + ±) Then ( n -flfa n + 1 —> e*a. Therefore by 2.3.7, lim nx(ai • a 2 • ... • an)™ = exa. 71—•OO 2.3.21. (a) We apply the Stolz theorem with xn = 1 + ^ + ... + ^ and yn = Inn. This gives %n %n— 1 Vn-Vn-1 -L -. "~m(l + _!_)" ™ because lim l n ( l + - ) n = l, which follows from the inequalities (l + ^ r < e < ( l + ^ r + 1 (see 2.1.41). (b) The limit is \ (see the solution of (a)). 2.3.22. We apply the Stolz theorem to xn = — + —- + ... 1 2 Consequently, y„-y n -i H n and in^ + ^ y j / n = Inn. — • a. n—»oo 2.3.23. Use the result in 2.3.7. (a) 1, (b) e~2, (c) e- 2 , (d) C3. (e) We have lim n—KX) for k = 1, for jfe > 1. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.3. Toeplitz Transformation and Stolz Theorem 187 2.3.24. By the Stolz theorem (see 2.3.11), an+1 = n lim ^ ° ° In (l + - ) n + 1 Urn ^ ^ *-*oo Inn 2.3.25. One can easily verify that ai=Ai, a2 = 2A2- Ai, an = nAn - (n - l)i4 n _i, n > 2. Thus n lim &L n-+oo Inn = I - ** + ^ +- + ^ - i + * , = A t n-^oo Inn where the last equality follows from the foregoing problem. 2.3.26. [O. Toeplitz, Prace Matematyczno-Fizyczne, 22(1911), 113119] Let {an} be the sequence all of whose terms are equal to 1. Then n n lim an = 1 and bn = ]T cUikak = J2 cn,k- Hence 1 = lim bn = n->oo ^ n fc=1 n-+oo (k) lim 5^ c n fc. Thus (ii) holds. Now let {an j } b e a sequence whose fcth term is 1 and whose other terms are all 0. Then lim an —0 n—Kx> and 0 = lim bn — lim cnk. Therefore (i) also holds. Suppose that (iii) is not satisfied. Then for any C > 0 there exists nc such nc that £ |c n fc| > C. In fact, given C > 0, there are infinitely many fc=i c ' such indices nc- Now let n\ be the least positive integer such that ni X) lcni,fc| > 10 2 . We define the first n\ terms of {an} by setting sgn c n i )fc = sgn a* and \ak \ = —. Then ni ni . ni = 5^ C n i' f c a / c = ^ T n t a i . * ! > 10* fc=i fc=i Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! b Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 188 By (i), there exists n 0 such that ni ^jcn^l < 1 for n > n0. k=\ Consequently, / ^n.k&k < — for n > n0. fe=i Now we take the least integer ri2 such that ri2 > max{no,ni} and ]C \cn2,k\ > 10 H- 1 -f 10. Define the consecutive terms of {an} by setting sgnc n2)/e = sgnafc and \ak\ = —^ for ni + 1 < fc < n 2 . Then ^2 bn2 C = 2_^ k-\ n2,k&k = 2__j Cn2,kO>k + k—\ J*i = -i C 22 n2,kClk+ J^2 /c=l ^ fc=ni+l ^n2,k^k J12 X, lC™2,A:|- /c=ni-M It follows from the above that ^ > - ^ + i^( 1 ° 4 + 1 + 1 0 - 1 ) = 1°2We can construct inductively the sequence {an} whose terms with indices from rifc_i + l through n^ are equal either to + ^ r or — ^ - ; then the transformed sequence {bn} satisfies b n f c >10* for Jk = 1,2,3,.... Thus the sequence {an} converges to zero whereas the transformed sequence {bn} has a divergent subsequence {bUk}- This is a contradiction, and so (iii) holds true. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 189 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 2.4.1. (a) First, let us show that the given subsequences have a common limit. Suppose that lim a,2k — a, hm a,2k+i = b and lim a^k — c. Then k—>oo lim a^k = a = c and k—>oo fc—>-oo k—KX> lim a^k+3 = b = c. Therefore k—>oo a = b = c. Now we prove that the sequence {an} also converges to a. Given any e > 0, there exist positive integers k\ and &2 such that implies k > ki k > /c2 implies \a,2k — a\ < e, |a2fc+i — o\ < £• Hence n > no = max{2/ci, 2/c2 + 1} implies \an — a\ < e. (b) No. Consider the sequence {an} denned by an = (—l) n . Then lim d2k = 1, hm a2/c+i = — 1. But lim an does not exist. fc—>oo k- ' ~~ Now take the sequence {an} defined as follows an = 0 U if n = 2k, fc = 0,l,2,..., otherwise. Then lim a^k = 1 and lim a,2k+i = 1, but lim o,2k does not fc—»-00 fc—»00 AC—>QO exist. Of course, the sequence {a n } is divergent. Finally, consider the third sequence f 0 if n is a prime number, ^ = \ l if n is a composite number. For this sequence we have lim a^k = 1 and lim a,2k = 1, but k—>oc k—>-oo lim ci2k+i does not exist, because the sequence {02^+1} contains AC—>-00 a subsequence with prime indexes and a subsequence with composite indexes. (Note that there are infinitely many prime numbers. Otherwise, if pi,p2> •••,Pn are prime, Pi < P2 < ••• < pn, and no prime greater than pn does exist, then p\ -p2 •... -pn + 1 > Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 190 pn is also prime, because it has no prime divisors except for itself and 1. This is a contradiction.) 2.4.2. No. Define the sequence {an} by putting an = 0 if n is a prime number, {i if n is a composite number. Then every subsequence {a s . n }, s > 1, n > 2, is a constant sequence and therefore it is convergent. The sequence {an} is divergent (see the solution of Problem 2.4.1(b)). 2.4.3. Evidently, S p US q U...US s C S. To obtain the inclusion in the other direction, assume x g S p US q U...US s - Then there exist positive numbers ep, eqy..., es and positive integers np,nq,... ,ns such that n> np implies \x — aPn \ > ep, n> nq implies \x - aqn \ > eq, n> ns implies \x — aSn\> es. Setting e = mm{ep,eq, ...,e s } and m = max{p n p ,g n q ,... , s n s } , we obtain \x - an\ > e for n > m, This implies that x cannot be a limit point of the sequence {an}. Therefore S C SpUSqU...USs. It follows from the equality S = S p U S q U ... U S s just proved that, if every subsequence {aPn}, {aqn},..., {aSn} converges to a, then the sequence {a n } also converges to a. 2.4.4. No. Define the sequence {an} by the following formula: 0 an={1 if n = 2fe, fc = 0 , l , 2 , . . . , otherwise. Every subsequence converges to 1, whereas the sequence {an} diverges. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 191 2.4.5. Assume that the sequence {an} does not converge to a. Then there exists e > 0 such that for any positive integer k there is n^ > k satisfying \ank — a\ > e. If we assume that rik is the minimum of such numbers, then the sequence {n^} is monotonically increasing. -hoo. Such a sequence {a nfc } does not contain Moreover, lim n^ k—KX> erging to a, < which contradicts our hypothesis any subsequence converging to Therefore {an} converges to a. 2.4.6. (a) It is obvious that 1 is the only limit point of the sequence. Hence S is a singleton, S = {1}. (b) We have a^ = 0> «3fc+i = 1, G3/c+2 = 0. Hence, by Problem 2.4.3, the set S of the limit points of this sequence has two members, S = {0,1}. (c) We have a>2k = 22k+2 1 2fc 2 +3 and a2fc+i + j 22/C+1+3* Hence S = {0,2}. (d) We have a>2k = 21n(6fc) + ln(2Jfc) r~77T^ ln(4ife) ^ a n d «2fc+i = ln(2fc + l) ln(2(2fc+l))" Therefore S = {1,3}. (e) \6fc+l G6/C+3 = - 1 , a6k+4 = a 6fe+2 = (-0.5) 6 / c + 2 , (-0.5)6/c+4, a 6fc+5 = (0.5) 6fc+5 . Thus S = {-1,0, ! } • (f) We have 2 a>7k = 0 , ^7fc+l = » , 4 &7k+4 = -j, 1 G7/C+2 = 1 -, 2 a7fc+3 = 7' G7fc+6 = =• Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 192 Therefore S = { 0 , ± , f , f } . 2.4.7. (a) Let a = - , p G Z , # G N , where p and q are co-prime. T h e n akq = 0 and fcp + afc<?+/ = fcp H where i = 1,2,..., q-1 H- and r = ^ 2p 2p _ g V + r 9 V .q. 1 . Thus («-!)? (q - 1)P }• (b) We will show that every real number x G [0,1] is a limit point of the sequence {na — [na]}. By Problem 1.1.20, there exist pn G Z and <?n G N such that 0 < a — ^~- < 4-. Since lim qn = +oo, lim (aqn - pn) = 0. Let x G (0,1) and let e > 0 be so small n—•oo that 0 < x — £ < £ + £ < ! . Now suppose that n\ is so large that 0 < aqni - pni < < £• Qrn Then there is n 0 G N satisfying (1) n0(aqni - p n i ) G (x - e, x + e). (see the solution of Problem 1.1.21). It follows from (1) that [n0aqni - n0pni} = 0, or equivalently, n 0 p n i = [n0aqni]. Therefore the term rtoaqni — [noaqni] from the range of our sequence belongs to the interval (x - e,x -j- e), which means that # is a limit point of the sequence under consideration. Similarly, one can show that 0 and 1 are also limit points. (c) Assume first that a is a rational number of the interval (0,1). Let a — £ where p and q are co-prime and p < q. Then a^kq — a>2kq+q = 0, and Ipn a>2kq+i = sm -1— for I = 1, 2,..., q - 1, q + 1,..., 2<? - 1. Si Hence . 2r>7r . (qf — l)p7r 1 = < 0 , s i n — , sin ,...,sin— > q q J Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 193 If a e Z, then the sequence is constant. Taking a e Q \ Z, we can write a = [a] + {a - [a]) and a - [a] e (0,1). So, sinn7ro; = (—1)^ sin(a— [a])n7r, and this case can be reduced to the foregoing special case. (d) Let t G [—1,1] be an arbitrarily chosen number. Then there exists x e M+ such that sin a: = —t. We can restrict our consideration to the case a > 0, because the sine is an odd function. Since a is irrational, there exist sequences of positive integers {pn} and {qn} such that — = lim [pn -qn-A • (See the solution of 1.1.21.) Therefore x = lim (27rpn — a7rqn). n—•oo Hence, by continuity and periodicity of the sine function, we get —t = s'mx= lim sin(27rpn — a7rqn) = — lim smaTrqn. n—>oo n—+oo It follows from the above consideration that every number in the interval [—1,1] is a limit point of the sequence. 2.4.8. We will show that in any interval (a, b) there is at least one term of our sequence. Since lim (\/n + 1 — tyn) — 0, there exists n-+oo no € N such that \/n -f 1 - \/n < b - a, n > UQ. Let mo be a positive integer satisfying ^mo > y/no — Q> and let A = {n € N : yfn— ^mo < a}- The set A is nonempty (e.g., no £ A ) and bounded above. Putting m = max A and n2 = n\ + 1, we get ^fwi — ^/rriQ > a and %fn^ > a + ^/m^ > ^no. Therefore n 2 > no. Hence ^/ri2 < %fn{ + b — a < ^/ra"o -f a -f 6 — a, or equivalently, 2.4.9. Boundedness of the set of the limit points of a bounded sequence is evident. Let S denote the set of limit points of the sequence {an}. If S is finite, then it is closed. Assume that S is infinite and let s be its limit point. Define the sequence {s^} of members of S Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 194 in the following way: for Si take any member of S different from s. For 52 choose any member of S different from s and such that |«2 -s\ < fax - s | , and inductively, \sk+i - s\ < ^\sk - s|, s fc+ i ^ s. Such a sequence {s^} satisfies the following condition: Since s& is a limit point of the sequence { a n } , there exists anfc such that |anfc — Sfc| < rpr^rlsi — s|- Hence |anfc ~ s\< \ank - Sk\ + \sk -s\< 5 ^ 2 l s i ~~ 5I> which implies that s is a limit of the subsequence {ank}. Therefore seS. 2.4.10. Let S denote the set of limit points of {an}. (a) The sequence {an} is bounded. By 2.4.6, S = {0, y , | , ~ } . Therefore lim an = 0 and lim an = | . (b) We have S = { — 1 , — | , | , l } , which together with the boundedness of the sequence gives lim an = — 1 and lim = 1. (c) The sequence is unbounded and the set of its limit points is empty. Therefore lim an = — cc and lim an = -foo. (d) The sequence is unbounded above because its subsequence a,2k = (2fc)2/c diverges to infinity. The subsequence with odd indexes tends to zero. This shows that lim an = 0 and lim an = -foo. (e) The sequence is unbounded because a ^ + i = 4fc -f 2 — • 4-oo and a4/c+3 = — 4k — 2 —• - c o . Consequently, k and lim an = -foo. -*°° k—KX> lim a n = — oo n-+oc n—>oo Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 195 (f) It is clear that the sequence is bounded. Moreover, S= >/2 V2 l-e I It then follows that lim a n = — e (g) V2 — and — lim an = e + 1. lim an = 1 and lim a n = 2. „_^ n—>oo n—»oo (h) The sequence is not bounded above, as a^k — 23fc k—>oo + 00. Moreover, S = {—1,1}. So, lim an = — 1 and lim an — +oo. (i) We will show first that lim ~- = +oc. Indeed, applying the Stolz theorem (see 2.3.11), we get lim n—>oo Inn n ,. Inn —ln(n —1) , / = lim —-—- = hm In 1 + n — U + 1 n—>oo n—KX> 1 V 71—1 = 0. This shows that lim a,2k = hm ln(2k)-4k -00. fc-^oo fc^oo In 2 + ln(2/c) So, the sequence {an} is not bounded below. Moreover, lim d2k+\ — h m , , , /c-oo 2 t e + i /c-,ooln2 + ln(2fc + l) This gives lim an — — oo and lim a n = 1. = 1. 2.4.11. It is enough to apply Problem 2.4.7. (a) lim an — minS = 0 and lim an = maxS, where 2p = {o,?-f ? (b) (q - l)p (q - 1)P 9 lim an — 0 and lim an = 1. n-oo (c) 2p n ^°° lim a n = minS and lim a n = maxS, where S is the set of all n-+oc n ^°° limit points of the sequence described in Problem 2.4.7(c). Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 196 (d) lim an = —1 and lim an = 1. 2.4.12. (a) If the set S of the limit points of {an} is empty, then lim an = n—»oo —oo < A Now assume that S is nonempty. Since S is closed (see Problem 2.4.9), supS = lim an = L G S. It follows from the n—KX) definition of a limit point that there exists a subsequence {aUk} converging to L. Therefore, for any e > 0, there is fco G N such that L — e < ank < A for fc> fco- Since £ is arbitrary, we get L < A. (b) If the sequence {an} is not bounded below, then lim an ~ n—>oo —oo < A. So, assume that the sequence {an} is bounded below, that is, there exists B e R such that an > B for all n G N. Moreover, by assumption, there is a sequence rife, n^ > fc, such that anA. < A. Thus, by the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem (see 2.4.30), the sequence {ank} contains a convergent subsequence. Let g denote its limit. Then B < g < A. Therefore the set S of the limit points of the sequence {an} is nonempty and lim an = n—•oo infS <g<A. (c) It is enough to apply the argument presented in the proof of (a). (d) It is enough to use analysis similar to that in the proof of (b). 2.4.13. (a) Let L = lim an. Suppose that (i) is not satisfied, contrary to n—•oo what is to be proved. Then there is e > 0 such that for any k G N there is n > k for which an > L + e. Thus, by Problem 2.4.12 (d), lim an > L + e, which contradicts our hypothesis. n—>oo Now suppose that (ii) is not satisfied. Then there are e > 0 and k G N such that an < L - e for all n > k. By 2.4.12(a), we get lim an < L — e, which again contradicts our hypothesis. Thus n—•oo we have proved that L = lim an implies (i) and (ii). n—•oo Now we prove that conditions (i) and (ii) imply lim an = L. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 197 It follows from (i) that the sequence {an} is bounded above. On the other hand, it follows from (ii) that the sequence contains a subsequence which is bounded below. According to the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem (see 2.4.30), the sequence contains at least one convergent subsequence. Therefore the set S of all limit points of {an} is nonempty. We will show that L = supS. Indeed, if s is an element of S, then by (i), s < L + e. By the arbitrariness of e we get s < L. Moreover, from condition (ii), we see that for any e > 0 there is a subsequence of the sequence {an} converging to s which satisfies the inequality L — e < s. Of course s G S. In this way the second implication is also proved. Thus the proof is complete. (b) This follows by the same method as in (a). Now we state necessary and sufficient conditions for infinite limit superior and inferior. The limit superior of {an} is +00 if and only if the sequence is not bounded above. Therefore lim an = +00 if and only if for every M G R and for every k G N there exists n^ > k such that ank > M. The limit superior of {an} is — 00 if and only if the sequence is bounded above, say by L, and the set of its limit points is empty. Therefore there is a finite number of terms of {an} in every bounded interval [M,L\. Hence an < M for all sufficiently large n. This implies that (2) n lim an = — 00 -^°° if and only if for every M £ M there is k 6 N such that for every n > fc, an < M. Similar arguments give lim an = — 00 (3) (4) if and only if for every M G R and for n->oc every k G N there exists rik> k such that ank < M, lim an = +00 if and only if for every M G R there is ~*°° k G N such that for every n > fc, an > M. n Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 198 2.4.14. We prove only inequality (a), because the proof of (b) is analogous. Inequality (a) is obvious in the case of lim bn = +oo n—»-oo or lim an — — oo. If lim an = -foo, then, combining condition (4) n—*oo n—KX) given in the solution of Problem 2.4.13 with the inequality an < bn, we get lim bn = -foo. Similarly, if lim bn = — oo, then combining condition (3) given in the solution of Problem 2.4.13 with the inequality an < 6 n , we obtain lim an = — oo. n—>oo Assume now that both limits are finite and let lim an — l\ and ri—>oo lim bn = fo- n—Kx> We wish to show that l\ < fo. Suppose, contrary to our aim, that I2 < h. Let e > 0 be so small that I2 + e < l\ — e. Then there is c such that I2 + e < c < l\ — e. By (ii) of Problem 2.4.13(b), we have bnk < h + £ < c. On the other hand, by (i) we get c < ij — e < an. Hence, in particular, c < ank, and therefore the inequality bnk < ank holds for infinitely many n^, contrary to our hypothesis. 2.4.15. Set lim an — /1, lim bn = I2, n _+oo n_oo lim an = Li, n—00 lim bn = L2. n->oo We show first that (1) lim (an + bn) > lim an + lim 6 n . n—>c» n—>oo n—»oo Assume that l\ and /2 are finite. Then, by Problem 2.4.13 (b), for any e > 0 there is fci such that an > l\ — e for n > k\, and there exists fc2 for which bn > I2 — £ if n > ^2. As a result, an + K > h + h — %£ for n > max{fci, £2}Combining this with Problem 2.4.12(c), we obtain lim (an -f bn) > n—»oo 'i + /2 — 2s. Letting £ —> 0 + , we get (1). If Zi or I2 is —00, then inequality (1) is obvious. Now we show that if one of the limits l\ or I2 is +00, then lim [an + bn) = +00. n—>oo Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 199 Assume, for example, that /i = +00. This is equivalent to condition (4) given in the solution of Problem 2.4.13: (*) for every M G I there is k G N such that an > M if n > k Since I2 ^ —00, the sequence {6 n } is bounded below. So, condition (*) is satisfied by {an + bn}. In other words, lim (an + bn) = -foo. n—•oo Thus inequality (1) is proved. The proofs of remaining inequalities are similar, and we will give them only for finite limits. According to Problem 2.4.13, for any e > 0 there exists a subsequence {ank} such that ank < h + £ and there is no for which bn < L2 + £ when n > no. This implies that ank + bUk < l\ + L2 4- 2e for sufficiently large k. Therefore, by Problem 2.4.12(b), we get lim (an + bn) <h+L2 + 2e. Since £ > 0 is arbitrary, we get (2) n—-KX) lim (an + 6n) < lim a n + lim 6 n . Similarly, for any £ > 0 there is a subsequence {bnk} such that 6nfc > L2 — £ and there exists np for which an > h — £, for n > no. Hence ank + 6nfc > /1 -f L2 — 2£ for sufficiently large k. Therefore, by Problem 2.4.12(c), we have lim (an + 6n) > l\ + £2 - 2e. Since £ n—>oo can be made arbitrarily small, we conclude that (3) lim (an + bn) > lim a n + lim 6 n . Moreover, for any £ > 0 there is &i for which a n < L\ -f £ when n > fci, and there is &2 for which 6n < L2 + £, for n > &2- Thus a n + 6n < £1 + £2 + 2e for n > max{fci, k2}. Combining this with Problem 2.4.12(a), we obtain lim [an -f bn) < n—>oo L\ + L2 -f 2£. Since £ can be made arbitrarily small, we get (4) lim (an + bn) < lim an + lim 6 n . n—>oo n—+00 Duplication n—>oo Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 200 Now we give examples of sequences {an} inequalities (l)-(4) are strict. Let &n = and {bn} for which the 0 if n = 4fc, 1 if n = 4fc + l, 2 if n = 4k + 2, I 1 if n = 4k + 3, ( 2 if n = 4fc, 1 if n = 4k + l, 1 if n = 4k + 2, < I 0 if n = 4fc + 3. In this case the inequalities given in the problem are of the form 0<1<2<3<4. 2.4.16. No. It is enough to consider sequences {a™}, m = 1, 2,3,..., defined by setting ( 1 for n = m, for n ^ m. Then lim ( < + a„ + ...) - 1 > 0 = n—>oo Now let lim a\ + lim a ; + .... n—->oo C = {0 —1 for n—+00 71 = 171, for n ^ m. In this case lim {a\ + a2n + ...) = - 1 < 0 = lim a\ + lim o£ + .... 2.4.17. Let lim an = li, n_oo lim 6 n = Z2, ^ ^ hm an = L\, n^oo lim 6 n = L2n-+oo We will only show the inequality (1) lil2 < Km {anbn) < hL2. n—KX) The same reasoning applies to the other cases. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 201 Assume first that l\ and Z2 are positive. Then, by Problem 2.4.13(b), for any e > 0, there exists no such that a>n > h — £•> bn > fa - £ for n > no. Consequently, anbn > lil2 — e{l\ H- h) + £2 for 5 so small that l\ — e > 0 and I2 — £ > 0. Therefore, on account of Problem 2.4.12(c), lim {anbn) > lil2 — e(h + Z2) + £2 • Letting e —> 0 + , we get n—>oo (i) lil2 < lim (a n 6 n ). n—»oo If l\ — 0 or l2 = 0, then inequality (i) is obvious. If Zi = +00 and l2 = +00, then (by condition (4) in the solution of Problem 2.4.13), for any preassigned positive number M, we can find no such that an > V M , bn > VM for n > n0. Therefore anbn > M, which means that lim {anbn) = 4-cx). Assume now that one of the limits, say Zi, is infinite and the second one is finite and positive. Then for any 0 < e < h and any M > 0 there exists a positive integer no such that for n > no we have 1. M / On > h ~ £> • CLu > -j l2 - £ Hence anbn > M for n > n 0 . Therefore inequality (i) is proved. Now our task is to prove that (ii) lim (anbn) < hL2. lim (anbn) = -foe, and n—>oo n—>oo If /1 and L 2 are finite, then on account of Problem 2.4.13, one can find a subsequence {n/J such that ank < l\ + £ and 6nfc < L2 + £. This gives < ZiL 2 +e(Zi + L 2 ) + ^ • Therefore lim (anbn) < liL2+e(li n—>oc + L2)+£2. Letting e —> 0 + yields (ii). If /1 = +00 or L2 = +00, then inequality (ii) is apparent. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 202 Now we give examples of sequences {an} and {bn} for which all the inequalities are strict. Let 1 for n = 4/c, 2 for n = 4fc + l, 3 for n = 4k + 2, 12 for n = Ak + 3, 3 for n = 4/c, 2 for n = 4fc + l, 2 for n = 4k + 2, 11 for n = 4k + 3. bn = { In this case our inequalities are of the form 1<2<3<6<9. 2.4.18. Assume that lim an = lim an = g. Then, by 2.4.13, (i) for any e > 0 there is fc G N such that an < g + e \in> k\ and (i') for any e > 0 there is k G N such that # — 5 < an if n > A;. Thereby g is a limit of the sequence {an}. On the other hand, if lim an = #, then (i) and (ii) in Problem n—>oo 2.4.13(a) and (b) are satisfied with L = g and / = g. Consequently, lim an = lim an = p. Assume now that lim an = -foo. Then statements (1) and (4) in n—>oo the solution of Problem 2.4.13 are obvious. If lim an = lim an = H-oo, then condition (4) means that lim an = -foe. Similar argun—>-oo ments apply to the case lim an -OO. 2.4.19. By Problem 2.4.15, lim an -f lim bn < lim (a n + 6 n ) < lim an + lim bn. n—»oo n—>oo n—»oo n—»oo n—>oo On the other hand, on account of the last problem, a = lim an = n—>-oo lim a n . Therefore n—+oo lim (an + 6n) = a + lim 6 n . The proof of the n—>-oc second equality runs as before. n—>oc Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 203 2.4.20. Using the inequalities given in Problem 2.4.17, we can apply the same method as in the solution of the preceding exercise. 2.4.21. We will apply Problem 2.4.13. Let lim an = L. Then conn—>oo ditions (i) and (ii) in 2.4.13 (a) are fulfilled. Multiplying both sides of the inequalities in (i) and (ii) by —1, we get: (i) for every e > 0 there is k G N such that for every n > k we have — L — e < —an\ and (ii) for every e > 0 and for every k e N there exists n^ > k for which — aUk < —L + e. By 2.4.13(b), we obtain lim (—an) = —L = — lim an. The proof of the second equality runs as before. In the case of infinite limits it is enough to apply statements (l)-(4) given in the solution of Problem 2.4.13. 2.4.22. We will apply Problem 2.4.13. Let lim an = L. Then by n—>oo conditions (i) and (ii) in 2.4.13(a), we have (i) for every e > 0, there exists k G N such that for every n > k we have an < L + eL2; and (ii) for every e > 0 and for every k G N there exists n^ > k for which L — e~- < ank. Assume first that L ^ O . Then by (i), JL an > 1 2 L + eL _ 1 ~ L eL2 L{L + eL2) > ^_ 1 £ ' Assume now that 0 < e < ^ . Then by (ii), 1 ank < L 1 _ 1 - e £ - L + e^- _l L(L-e^)<L+6' The above conditions imply (by 2.4.13(b)) lim — = — = - = = . an L lim an Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 204 Now suppose that lim an = 0. Given M > 0, by (i) in Problem n—• oo 2.4.13(a), there exists an integer k such that an < -^ for n > k. Therefore — > M for n> k, which in turn, by statement (4) given in the solution of Problem 2.4.13, means that lim •—- = -foo. Finally, n—xx) suppose lim an = -foe. Then for any e > 0 and for any k G N there n—•oo exists rik> k such that ank > ^ (see statement (1) in the solution of Problem 2.4.13(a)). The above inequality is equivalent to -^- < e. Of course — e < -£-. Thus both conditions given in 2.4.13(b) are fulfilled for the sequence { —} with I = 0, which means that lim -^- = 0. n—•oo The proof of the first equality is finished. The proof of the second equality is similar. 2.4.23. It follows from our hypothesis that 0 < lim an < -hoc. The n—>oc equality lim an • lim — = 1 combined with the preceding problem yields n—•oo 7i—^00 a n lim an — ^=—=- = lim an. li n ^ omo n^oc _L "i n—»oo Therefore, by Problem 2.4.18, the sequence {an} is convergent. 2.4.24. Assume that {an} is a sequence such that for any sequence {bn} the first equality holds. Take bn — —an. From Problem 2.4.21 it follows that 0 = lim [an + (—an)) — lim an + lim (—an) = lim an — lim a n . n—>oo n—*oo n—>oo n—^oo n-^oo From this, by Problem 2.4.18, we conclude that the sequence is convergent. {an} 2.4.25. Assume that {an} is a positive valued sequence such that for any positive valued sequence {bn} the first equality holds. Take bn = ^-. Hence, by Problem 2.4.22, we get 1 = lim I an - — 1 = lim an • lim f — J = lim an • -== lim an . Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 205 From this it follows that both the limits superior and inferior of {an} are positive and lim an = lim an. Therefore the sequence {an} is n n->oo convergent (see 2.4.18). 2.4.26. Evidently, lim v/a^ < lim v/a^. Now we will show that lim v/a^ < lim ^ n—*oo ^°° n oc n-oo ±i n n—>oo . If lim ^ n—•oo ^ n±i Gn = -f-oo, then the inequality is obvious. So, assume that lim ^n±1 — L < +oc. Then for any e > 0 there exists /c such that ^ ± i < L + £ for n > jfc. Hence an _ Uk an dn-1 an-i dk+\ 0>n-2 &k (TJjrE\n~k Consequently, _k Since ^fa^(L + e) ~ —> 1, n—>oo $/a£(L + e) n < l + e for sufficiently large n. Prom what has already been proved, we have tfa^ < (1 + e){L + e) = L+{L + l)e + s2 for sufficiently large n. Combining this with Problem 2.4.12(a), we obtain lim v/a^ < L + (L + l)e + e2. Since £ can be made arbitrarily n—>-oc small, lim v/a^ < L — n—>-oc lim ^dii. To prove lim ^±1 < ^lim ^ {/a^ it is enough to apply Problem 2.4.22 and the inequality just proved to the sequence {^-}2.4.27. We first prove that that lim bn < lim an. To this end, assume n—>oc n—>oo lim an — L < +oo. (For L = +oo the above inequality is n—•oo clear). Then, given e > 0, there exists fc€N such that an < L + e for n > fc. Hence &n ai + a 2 + ... + dk + a/c+i + ••• + ^n n ai+a2 + ... + ak k(L + e) < + L + e. n n Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 206 g m c e Qi+Q2 + ---+Qfc _ n k(L+e) n ^ Q ' n_^QO a i + Q 2 + ---+Qfc _ n k(L+e) n ^ sufficiently large n. It follows from the above consideration that bn < e + L -f e for sufficiently large n. According to Problem 2.4.12(a), as e can be made arbitrarily small, we get lim bn < L = lim an. The n—• c o proof of the inequality lim an < lim bn is analogous. n—+00 n—•oo n—>-oo 2.4.28. (a) (b) It is enough to apply Problem 2.4.13. (c) The equality is not true. To see this, it is enough to consider the sequences defined by setting a = 0 1 bn = 1 0 " {i for n = 2k, for n = 2fc+ 1, for n = 2fc, for n = 2fc+l. Then 0 = lim min{a n ,6 n } 7^ min{ lim a n , lim bn} = 1. (d) This equality is likewise not true, as can be seen by considering the sequences defined in (c). 2.4.29. Assume that the sequence {an} has the property that there are infinitely many n such that (1) for every k > n, dk < an. Let rii be the first such n, n<i the second, etc. Then the sequence {ank} is a monotonically decreasing subsequence of {a n }. On the other hand, if the sequence {an} fails to have the above property, that is, there are only finitely many n satisfying (1), choose an integer mi such that the sequence { a m i + n } does not satisfy (1). Let rri2 be the first integer greater than mi for which a m 2 > a m i . Continuing the process, we obtain a subsequence {amn} of {an} which is monotonically increasing. 2.4.30. By the preceding problem such a sequence contains a monotonic subsequence which is bounded and therefore convergent. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.4. Limit Points. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior 2.4.31. Assume first that 207 lim 2n±i = +oo. Then, by 2.4.14(b), —- ai -h ... + a n + a n + i hm = +oo. Now let lim = a < -f oo. Then, given £ > 0, there exists k such that (1) 0>n - < a + e for n> k. In other words, an (2) 1 > an+i for a +e n> k. Hence, for sufficiently large n, we have ai -f ... + a n + a n + i ^ a* + ... + a n -f a n + i > = — a a k tt/c+1 _J_ _L_ ( a n ~ 2 dri n-2 Qn-1 Qfc+1 Qn-2 &n-l &n G/c+2 &n-l a ^~l ^ n —1 ^n -1 \ n—k i a n-l 1 a n Qn+1 1 ^n / Qn-1 ^n \ H—fc—1 i a + £/ \a-\-ej a-he an If 0 < a < 1, then the above inequality and Problem 2.4.14(b) yield lim bn = -f oo. n—>oo On the other hand, if a > 1, then by Problems 2.4.14 (b) and 2.4.19 we conclude that (3) lim 6 n > a + lim n-+oo n-»oo 1^+^ .n-fc+l 7 \ = a + 1 ±— In case a = 1 {e > 0 can be arbitrary) we get a > 1, then (3) implies a +e Q; -J- ^ — 1 lim bn = -j-co. If n—••oo lim bn > 1 + a + — i — = 2 + (a - 1) + —^— > 4. n-^00 a —1 a — 1 4 is an optimal estimate because it is attained for the sequence an = 2 n , n G N. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 208 2.5. Miscellaneous P r o b l e m s 2.5.1. Assume first that lim an = -foo. Put bn = [an]. Then bn < n—>oo an < bn + 1. Hence V bn + l) K) a. Thus the result in 2.1.38 and the squeeze principle imply lim ( H ) n-+oo V = e. an Moreover, lim I 1 - — ] = e" 1 because lim ( 1 n->oo \ an ) I = lim n->oo /-j , 1 r-?rn = e \ l . ^•L"t" o n - i y This implies that lim 1H n^oo y anJ = e, if {a n } diverges to — oo. 2.5.2. One can apply the foregoing problem with an = ^, x ^ 0. 2.5.3. By 2.1.39, 2.1.40 and 2.5.2, (l 4- ^)n < ex < (l + ^ ) Z + n for Z > x > 0, I G N . Hence for any positive x and for any positive integer n, ^ < In (l + £) < ~ if / > x. Taking n = 1 we get ln(l + x) < x for x > 0. Now, set / = [x] + 1. Then we obtain K) Infl + i U nJ Therefore ln(l 4- z) > ^ " X ' 2+* for x > 0. Consider now the function f(x) = ln(l + x) - ^ ^ , have /,( -)=(, + lKx + 2 ) 2 > 0 f r ° x > 0. We *>0' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 209 Hence 2x / ( x ) = ln(l + x ) - — — > / ( 0 ) = 0 for x > 0. 2 -\- x 2.5.4. (a) Assume first that a > 1. Set a n = >/a — 1. By the inequality in 2.5.3, 2an 1 _, . < — lna = ln(a + 1) < a n . n an + 2 n Therefore the squeeze principle implies that lim n( y/a — 1) = n—>-oc lna for a > 1. We see at once that the claim holds if a — 1. To prove it for 0 < a < 1, it is enough to apply the above with a (b) Put an = tfn-1. Then (an + l ) n = n. Hence by 2.5.3, Inn = nln(a n + 1) < nan. Consequently, lim nan = +oo. n—•oo 2.5.5. Using differentiation we can show that, for x > — 1, j ^ < ln(l+x) < x. Since lim a n = 1, an > 0 beginning with some value of n—>oo the index n. It follows that 1 ^ ~ 1 1 < lna n = ln(l+(a n —1)) < a n — 1. Dividing the inequalities by an — 1 and using the squeeze principle yields the desired result. 2.5.6. By the definition (see 2.1.38), e = lim (l -f \)n . Moreover, 1 _ 1 + 1 + '2!( 1V_ Inf V . . + i(i-iWi-*' k\ V n/ \ n. +...+j.(l_iv..ri-"n! V 1 n Hence (i) (l + i ) <an. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 210 On the other hand, ^H+IHKK) H +-+F( 1 - k-1 1 k\ \ n Passage to the limit as n —> oo gives (ii) e>ak. By (i) and (ii), the limit of the sequence {an} is e. Moreover, _ 1 1 (n-f-1)! (n + 2)! "" 1 f 1 1 < + + (n + 1)! I n + 2 (n + 2) 2 + '" 1 n+2 < (n + l ) ! n + l ' + 1 (n + ra)! 1 1 1 (n + 2)™" J Keeping n fixed and letting m —> oo, we get n ~ 1 n+ 2 (n+l)!n+l This and (ii) imply that 0 < e — an < ^ . 2.5.7. We know (see 2.5.2) that ex = lim (l -f - ) n , x G R. For a fixed x G R, put an = ( l -f § + ^ + ... + ^ ) • We get •.-(-Hn-K'-o-i)-o fc — l W x^ n ^-H)-- ^ AT fc! By 1.2.1, \ n) '" \ n / 7 ^—' n j=i fc(fc-l) 2n for 2<k<n. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 211 Therefore ifc an + ~V n) \ - ^ k\ - In ^ (k 2nf^(k-2)V ~~5n~~ k=2 Since lim ~ ^ n_ *oc U k=2 K J J^_L, = 0 (which follows easily from the Stolz } k=2 ' theorem, see 2.3.11), we get lim an = lim (l + f) n—>oo n—>oo — ex. 2.5.8. (a) By 2.1.38, ^ < In (l + £) < £. So for n > 1 we get ,271 + 1 1 1 1 , 2n In n < -n + n + -1 + ... + — < In 2n n- 1 Thus the desired result follows from the continuity of the logarithm function and the squeeze principle. (b) We have 1 1 1 n + 1 "" 2n + l y/n(n+l) 1 1 1 < n- + — - + ... + 2n --. n + 1 1 ^2n(2n+l) '" Therefore the claim follows from (a). 2.5.9. Analysis similar to that in the proof of 2.5.3 gives x2 x —— < ln(l + x) < x (*) for x > 0. Set bn = \nan = £ In (l + £ ) . By (*), ifc k2 <1 / n^~2n^ H + k\ ^J < k ^ This and the equalities V^ i. _ l^k" n ( n + -1-) 2 ' V^ u2 _ ^ " " n ( n + l)(2n + 1) 6 fc=i fc=i imply that lim 6n = ^. Finally, the continuity of the logarithm n—>-oo function yields lim an — yfe. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 212 2.5.10. One can show by induction that an = n + n(n - 1) + ... + n(n - 1) •... • 2 + n(n - 1) •... • 2 • 1 n! n! n! n! ^(n-1)! + 7 ( n - 2^ ) ! + ... + 77 1! + 0! Hence lim f f f 1 + — J = lim 'ai + 1 oo \ = lim n-»oo ;— n! = lim n—>oo y ai an + 1 an 1 -f — + ... H—r 1! = e, n!/ where the last equality follows from 2.5.6. 2.5.11. By 2.5.6, 1 1 6 e = l + - - h ... + — + - ^ - , 1! n! nn! where 0 < 0 n < 1. Therefore 0 < n\e — [n\e] = ^ < ^ , which proves our claim. 2.5.12. By the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, the monotonicity of the logarithm function and the inequality proved in 2.5.3, we get - l n V ^ < l n i ( ^ + v ^ ) = l n ( ^ ( ^ - l ) + \(Vb-l) n I \l Z + l) ) <!((tfs-i)+(^-i)). To get the desired result it is enough to multiply these inequalities by n and use the result in 2.5.4 (a). 2.5.13. Note first that if lim a™ = a > 0, then n—+oo lim an = 1. n—+oo Assume now that {an} and {bn} are sequences whose terms are different from 1. By Problem 2.5.5, , x (*) ,. nlnan lim — — = 1. n-*oo n{an — 1) Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 213 The assumption lim a™ = a > 0 and the continuity of the logarithm n—• oo function imply that lim n l n a n = In a. Thus, by (*), lim n(an - 1) = lim n l n a n = In a. n—KX> n—-KX) Observe that these equalities remain valid if an = 1. Finally, lim n\n(pan + g&n) = lim n(p(an — 1) + g(6n — 1)) = lna p 6 9 . n—>oo n—>oc 2.5.14. We have a n + i — a n = — ^ ( a n - a n - i ) - Consequently, a n = a + (6 — a) + ... + (a n - a n _i) = a + (6 - a) (1 - 1 + i - ... + v( - l y) n - 2 * 2! 3! (n-1)! Finally, by 2.5.7, lim a n = 6 - (b n—>oo a)e~l. 2.5.15. Consider the sequence {6 n }, where bn — ^ > a n d a PPty the same method as in the solution of the foregoing problem to conclude that an = n\. 2.5.16. As in the solution of 2.5.14, an+\ — an = — ^ ( a n — a n - i ) Thus lim an = 2b — a — 2(6 — a)e~. n—>oo 2.5.17. (a) We have _ ~ \ - * fc + 1 — fc ^ 1 ^ f c ( f c + l)! £ j ( f c + l)(fc + l)! n 1 ^fc&! n+l , fc=Qfc! -. n ^ ( f c + 1)! n ^ ( f c + l)(A+i)! 1 ' (n+l)(n+l)r Therefore, by 2.5.6, lim an = e. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 214 (b) By (a) and 2.5.6, 0 < an - e < [n + l)(n + l)r R e m a r k . It is interesting to note that this sequence tends to e faster than the sequence considered in Problem 2.5.6. 2.5.18. It follows from 2.5.6 that e = 1 + ^ + ... + ^ + r n , where lim n\rn = 0. Moreover, n—+oo (*) ——7 <n\rn n+ 1 < -. n So, lim nsin(27m!e) = lim nsin(27rn!r n ) 71—KX> 71—^OO • sin(27rn!rn) , = lim n27rn!r n —-— = lim n2^n\rn n—>oo n—>oo 27TTl\rn = 27r. The last equality follows from (*). 2.5.19. We will show that lim (l - ^ ) n = 0. By assumption, for an arbitrarily chosen M > 0 we have an > M if n is large enough. Hence a . M 0 < 1 - —n < 1 n n Consequently, •<0-ir)"<0-£)"- So, by 2.4.12, 2.4.14 and 2.5.2, we get 0 < lim ( l - ^ Y V n J n"Z^o < Urn" ( l - ^ ) n->oo V nJ n < e~M. Letting M —* oo yields o < lim fi - ^ Y < BS fi - ^ r < o n-z^o V Therefore lim (l - ^ ) n / n n-oo V n / = 0, as claimed. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 215 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 2.5.20. We will show that lim (l + M " = +oo. Given M > 0, we n-»oo v n ' have bn > M for sufficiently large n. So, as in the solution of the foregoing problem, we get lirafl + M">l i m fl n n^c V n J -"°° V ^V=e« + U ) Since M can be arbitrarily large, we see that lim (l + ^ ) = -f oo. 2.5.21. It is easy to see that the sequence {an} is monotonically decreasing to zero. (a) We have -± V J a (b) By (a), n+i l > 1. So, by 2.3.14, lim -±- = 1. - = -^ l-on an J ' n^OQ ' lim "<1,"""» - lim I l f c ^ U n ^ Q O lim na n i^. n->oo Inn n^oo In n n-+<x> Inn Using the Stolz theorem (see 2.3.11), we obtain .. n(l - nan) hm —^—j n-^oo Inn n = ,. n ~~ ^ ~ 1 J U = hm — n + 1 T r r — n-+oo nlnfl + -J (^r=^ ~ l) nan hm — ^ I—TT- = hm n^oo l n ^ l _ ^ i . j n—oo 1 - an = 1. 2.5.22. It is easy to see that the sequence {an} is monotonically decreasing to zero. Moreover, an application of l'Hospital's rule gives x2 — sin2 x lim — x_>o 1 « — — o- x 2 sin x 3 Therefore lim » - ° ° \ an+1 an Now, by the result in Problem 2.3.14, lim nan = 3. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 216 2.5.23. Clearly, the sequence is monotonically increasing. We will show that it diverges to +oo. We have « n + l = ( ^ a n + T V T J > ( a n + ai + . . . + a n / na V ) nJ > €?n + - n and Thus {a^} is not a Cauchy sequence. Since it increases, it must diverge to -foe. Moreover, (*) i<^±i<i J_. + By the Stolz theorem a n ,. n n->oo21nn (an+l _ a n) ,. = lim - ( ™/ 2 n-°° 2 v n ^ o o 2 1 n ( l + ^) n+1 h7 2x n} TTT I = 1, 2 n-^oo 2 \ o i + a 2 + ... + an {a\ + a 2 + ... + a n ) / because 0 < T To < -; (ai + a 2 4-... + a n ) 2 n and again, by Stolz's theorem, nan (n-h l ) a n + i - n a n lim = lim n-+oo a\ + a 2 + ••• + CLn Gn+1 n-+oc = lim ( n + 1 — n—— 1 = 1. n -+°° \ CLn+l ) The last equality follows from (*). Indeed, we have An - X + 1<n+l-n—— < a n +i 1+ nan nan Since lim a n = +oo, n—+oo 1 + Um n—»oo 1 -| n±l ™n_ — = i. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 217 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 2.5.24. By the inequality arctanx < x for x > 0, the sequence is monotonically decreasing. Moreover, it is bounded below by zero. Hence it converges, say, to g, which has to satisfy the equation g = arctany. Thus g = 0. 2.5.25. Note that all the terms of the sequence {an} belong to the interval (0,1). Denote by xo the unique root of the equation cos a; = x. If x > xo, then cos(eosx) < x. The function f(x) = cos(cosx) — x is monotonically decreasing, because /'(x) = sin x sin (cos x) — 1 < 0 for x e R . Thus, for x > xo, cos(cosx) —x < f(xo) = 0. Analogously, if x < xo, then cos(cosx) > x. Assume first that a\ > XQ. It follows from the above that as = cos(cosai) < a\. Since the function y = cos(cosx) is monotonically increasing in (0, §), we get a 5 < a^. It can be shown by induction that the sequence {d2n-i} is monotonically decreasing. On the other hand, a,2 = cosai < cosxo = XQ, which implies that Ci4 = cos (cos 02) > ei2, and consequently, {a2n} is monotonically increasing. Similar arguments can be applied to the case where 0 < a\ < xoIf a\ = xo, then all the terms of the sequence {an} are equal to xoIn all these cases the sequences {a2 n -i} and {a,2n} both tend to the unique root of the equation cos(cosx) = x. It is easily seen that xo is such a root. 2.5.26. We get, inductively, an = 1 - ( - l ) n - 1 sin(sin(...sin 1)...), n > 1. (n—1) times Hence n-1 J2 ( - i ) * " 1 sin(sin(...sin 1)...) n-1, n 1 \-^v - > dk = % fc=l v (k—1) times ' • n *—* n k=l We will show now that n E(-l) f c "' 1 sin(sin(...sinl)...) fc=l N (*) "^ v (fc-1) times ,. lim TO—>-oo ' = 0. n Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 218 If n — 1 is even, then n-l ^ (—l) k ~ l sin(sin(...sinl)...) — sinl + sin(sin(...sinl)...) v / v ( n - l ) times v k = 1 / v ( f c -l) times < n < Q_ n n Obviously, for odd n - l , (*) also holds. Finally, lim ^ ^ ak = 1. 2.5.27. Clearly, a n G (n7r,n7r+ f ) , n = 1,2,..., and thus lim an = z n—>oo 4-oo. Moreover, 7T 1 lim tan(— -f nn — an) = lim n-+oc 2 1 = lim — = 0 . n^oo t a n a n n-*oo a n By the continuity of the arctan function we get lim (f -\-n7r — an) = 0. n—>oo Therefore lim (a n + i - a n - 7r) n—>oo = n ^ 2 o ("2 " h n 7 r _ a n ~ (o" + ( n + 1 ) 7 r - a n + l ) j = 0 . Consequently, lim (a n +i — a n ) = 7r. n—>oo 2.5.28. Observe that without loss of generality we can assume that I oil < f • Indeed, if not, then by assumption |a 2 | < f. Consider first the case where 0 < a < 1 and 0 < &i < ^ . Then an-\-i — a s i n a n < an. This means that {an} is monotonically decreasing and, since it is bounded, it converges. Its limit is equal to zero, which is the unique root of the equation x = asinx, 0 < a < 1. Assume now that 1 < a < ^ and 0 < a\ < | . Then the equation x = asinx has two nonnegative solutions 0 and XQ > 0. If a\ < #o, then {an} is monotonically increasing and bounded above by x$. Indeed, a 2 = asinai > «i- Moreover, a 2 = a s i n a i < a s i n x 0 = xo and, inductively, an < a n +i < #o- Similarly, xo < a\ < | implies that an > an+i > XQ. Hence lim an = XQ for 1 < a < §. If n—>oo — | < a < 0, a\ > 0, then we consider the sequence {bn} defined by setting &i = a i , 6 n +i = - a s i n 6 n . Obviously, bn = ( - l ) n _ 1 a n . It Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 219 follows from the above that in the case where 0 < a\ < | we have lim an = 0 if \a\ < 1, lim an = xo if 1 < a < —, n—>oc n—>oo lim an does not exist n—>oo 2 7T if — — < a < — 1. 2 If — | < ai < 0, then one can consider the sequence given by b\ = —ai, 6 n + i = asin& n , and apply the foregoing. If a\ — 0, then all the terms of the sequence are also equal to 0. 2.5.29. (a) Note that an > 0 and a n + i = ln(l + a n ) < a n . Therefore the sequence converges to a g which satisfies g = ln(l + g), so g = 0. We now show that lim nan = 2. Using differentiation, one can n—• oo prove that (see also 2.5.3) 2iX x x v + x) y < x - — + — 2 + x < ln(l 2 3 This implies that 1 r*j 1 | an 1 x > 0. 1< < an (l - \an + | a £ ) an for an+i 1 I 1 m an 2 Putting l A 0n = — an we see that l an (1 - \an + \a2n) lim bn = ^. 9 Summing both sides of (*), we get n—>oo 1 1 1 L L L ! X ! — ai + — a2 + • • • + — a n + fel -f 62 + • • • + &n <a2— + ••• +a n — + ^n+i 1 1 I n < — + — + ••• + — + ai a2 an I Consequently, 1 6i + fr2 + - • + bn (n+l)ai n+1 1 n < 7( n + l TV— + )ai 2(n+l)' (n + l)o n + i Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 220 Hence lim 1 (n+l)an+i 2' (b) We have n n — -— lim (nan - 2)= lim nan— n-^oo Inn n-^oo Inn (1) To prove that ^ lim , an exists we will use the Stolz theorem lnn n->oc (see 2.3.11). We get n - - ^ lim — - 5 2 - = n-^oo Since lim ^ - we see that (2) Inn lim lim 2Z±. n—•oo lim n-^oo ln(1+an) 1 - - 2 - + -2. ^ — ^ . In ( 1 - f - J = 1 and lim nln (l + l) = 1, = um n ( 2 a w + 1 - 2 a Inn n—>oo +a r a a r a + 1 )_ a^ Now it is enough to show that lim 2Qn+1 ~ 2 a g + a n Q n + 1 exists. To this end, we use the inequality (which can be proved by differentiation) «A/ t*-/ »X/ . , v Jb Ju X - y + y - — < ln(l + x ) < X - y + y , X > 0. Thus g a n - £<4 ~ J a n < 2 a n+i - 2a n + a n a n + i < -a3n + - a * . This gives 2 a n + i — 2a n + a n a n + i 1 lim = 3 Combining this with (1) and (2), we see that 2.5,30. Set f(x) = (\)x and F(x) = f(f(x)) that F'(x) < 0 for positive x. We have F'(x)=(i) a' lim n(n n ^ n ~ 2) = §. - x. We first show ln24-l. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 221 Hence F'{x) < 0 if and only if 4/ (i) x +* < In" 4 It is a simple matter to verify that the function on the left-hand side of the last inequality attains its maximum value of -^j at x = ^ i p . This implies that F'(x) < 0, which means that F strictly decreases on (0, +oo). Moreover, F{\) = 0. Therefore F(x) > 0 for 0 < x < \ and F(x) < 0 for x > \. Consequently, f{f{x))<x for x>-. Since 02 = 1 > | , it follows that a^ = f{f{a,2)) < ^2? and inductively, we find that {a,2n} strictly decreases. Thus it tends to a g\ such that /(/Q71)) = g\- The convergence of {a2 n -i} to a #2 satisfying f(f(92)) — 92 can be established in much the same way. Clearly, 9i=92 = 5. 2.5.31. Observe first that 0 < an < 2 for n > 2. If an > 1, then a n + i < 1. Set /(x) = 2 1 - x and F(x) = f{f(x)) — x. One can show that F'(x) < 0 for 0 < x < 2. Therefore F(x) < F ( l ) = 0 for 1 < x < 2, F(x) > F ( l ) = 0 for 0 < x < 1. Next, as in the proof of the foregoing problem, we show that if a\ < 1, then the sequence {a2n} is monotonically decreasing and the sequence {a2n-i} is monotonically increasing, and both tend to the same limit 1. Similar considerations apply to the case a\ > 1. 2.5.32. Observe first the all the terms of the sequence are in the interval (1,2). Since the function F(x) = 2% — x is monotonically decreasing on this interval, F(x) > F(2) = 0 for x e (1,2). Therefore the sequence is monotonically increasing and its limit g satisfies g = 22, so g = 2. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 222 2.5.33. We apply 2.3.14 to the sequence {an + a n _ i } and obtain l j m an+an n i _ Q jsjexj. w e consider the sequence 6n = (—l) n a n . n n—KX> Since lim (bn — 6n_2) = 0, we see that 0 = hm = lim n—>-oo . n—>oo n 77, 2.5.34. By the Stolz theorem (see 2.3.11), = lim , , f l n + * — - ^ - - lim —^ n->oo Inn lim TWOO ln(n + 1) — Inn r a i n-^oo m h _|_ l ) n n+l = — lim n In . n—>oo an If lim n f 1 - 2m) = p i s finite, then lim f ^»±i _ i") = o. Now the desired result follows from the inequalities 1 ^~1 , an4-i + ~^T^ i — <nln(l+(^-lY\<„(f!2H-l — 1 • v ~ ' i V ~ V &n i i — '~ / / i \ an If g = +oo, then the right inequality shows that —oo, and consequently, lim n—>oo lim n l n ^ 1 = . an = +oo. Finally, if g = — oo, then m n for any M > 0 there is no such that ^ ^ > —^ + 1 for n > no- Hence nln^±i>lnf1+^y—>M. n / n—->oo Since M can be arbitrarily large, we see that lim n—>oo I n - * n- , m°n = —oo. 2.5.35. By the definition of the sequences, Gn+i + bn+1 = (ai + 6i)(l - (a„ + 6 n )) + {an + 6 n ). Set dn = an + 6 n . Then d n + i = d i ( l - d n ) + dn and by induction we show that dn = 1 - (1 - d i ) n . Likewise, an = ^-(l-(l-d1D and 6 n = ^ (1 - (1 - d1)n). Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 223 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems Since |1 — d\\ < 1, we get lim an = n—KX> — and lim bn = a\ + b\ —. d\ + b\ n^oo 2.5.36. Define the sequence {bn} by setting bn = aan. Then bn+i = bn{2-bn) = - ( 6 n - l ) 2 + l. Hence 6 n + 1 - 1 = - ( 6 n - l ) 2 . Obviously, the sequence {an} converges if and only if {bn — 1} does or, in other words, when \bi — 1| = |aai — 1| < 1. Moreover, if ai = | , then lim an = 0, and if 0 < aa\ < 2, then lim an = a n—>oo n—>-oo 2.5.37. This result is contained as a special case in Problem 2.5.38. 2.5.38. One can show that the function / is continuous at (a, a,...,a) and f(a,a,...,a) — a. Define the sequence {bn} by setting h =b2 = ... = bk =min{ai,a 2 ,...,ajfe}, bn = /(&n-l,&n-2,...,&n_fc) for 71 > fc. Note that if min{ai,a2, ...,afc} < a, then {6 n } is strictly increasing and bounded above by a. On the other hand, if min{ai,a2,..., a/e} > a, then {bn} is strictly decreasing and bounded below by a. Hence, in both cases, the sequence {bn} converges and lim bn = a. Moreover, n—>oo the monotonicity of / with respect to every variable implies an < bn for n G N. Now define the sequence {cn} by setting ci = c2 = ... = Cfc = max{ai,a 2 ,...,a/ c }, Cn = /(c n _i,Cn_2,...,C n _fc) As above, we show that for n > fc. lim cn = a and c n < an for n G N. n—••oo Finally, by the squeeze principle, lim an — a. n—>oo 2.5.39. We have a 3 = a 2 e a 2 _ a i , a 4 = a 3 e a 3 _ a 2 = a 2 e a 3 _ a i and, inductively, a n + i = a 2 e a ™ -ai for n > 2. Suppose ^ is the limit of the sequence. Then (*) — (/ = e*. «2 Note that if ^— = e, then the equation (*) has only one solution g = 1. If ^— > e this equation has two solutions, and if 0 < — < e Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 224 Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers it has no solutions. Consider first the case where 0 < — < e. Then the sequence {an} diverges because in this case (*) does not have any solutions. Moreover, one can show that the sequence {an} is monotonically increasing and therefore diverges to -hoo. Consider now the case where — = e. Then a 2 = e a i _ 1 > a\ and, inductively, an+\ > an. Moreover, if a\ < 1, then one can show by induction that also an < 1. Hence, in such a case, lim an = 1. If n—>oc a\ > 1, then {an} is monotonically increasing and diverges to +oo. Next, consider the case where ^— > e. Then (*) has two solutions, sa Y 9ii92, where, e.g. g\ < #2- Assume that a\ < g\. Then eai eai ax > 0 or, in other words, a<i > a\. It follows by induction that {an} is monotonically increasing and bounded above by #i, which is its limit. If g\ < a\ < g2, then {an} is monotonically decreasing and bounded below by #i, which is also its limit. If a\ = g\ or a\ = g2, then the sequence is constant. Finally, if a\ > g<i, then the sequence increases to -I-oo. 2.5.40. (This problem and its solution is due to Euler in a more general case. See also [13]). Applying differentiation, we show that lnx < | for x > 0. Hence ^ > l n a n = a n _ i l n a , n > 1, and consequently, an > a n _ i l n a e . Therefore, if a > e*, the sequence {a n } is monotonically increasing. We will show that in this case, lim an = +oo. We have an+i — an = aan — an. So for a > e«, n—+oo we consider the function g{x) = ax — x. This function attains its minimum at x0 = ~lj1^ < e. It follows that ax-x > l+l^a) > 0, and consequently, a n + i — an > 1 + 1 na > 0- Since the difference between two consecutive terms is greater than a positive number, the sequence diverges to infinity. Now we will consider the case where 1 < a < e*. We first show that in this case the equation ax — x — 0 has two positive roots. The derivative of the function g(x) = ax — x vanishes at the point xo > 0 such that ax° = y ^ . The function g attains its minimum value at x 0 , and g(x0) = ax° -x0 = ^ -XQ = 1 ~f n Q j n a < 0, because Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 225 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems if 1 < a < ee, then r^- > e. Since q is a continuous function on ' a In a R, it possesses the intermediate value property. Thus the equation ax = x has one root in the interval (0, XQ) and the other in (xo, -hoo). Denote these roots by a and /?, respectively. Note that since g(e) = ae — e < ye*) — e = 0, the number e is between a and /?. If x > /?, then ax > aP = j3 and p(x) > 0. This means that in such a case the sequence {an} is monotonically increasing and bounded below by /?. Hence lim a n = -hoo. n—UDO If a < x < /?, then a < a x < /? and #(#) < 0. Consequently, the sequence {an} is bounded and monotonically decreasing. Thus it converges to a. For either a; = a o r x = (3, we get a constant sequence. Now if 0 < x < a, then 1 < ax < a and g(x) > 0. Therefore the sequence {an} increases to a. Finally, if a = e *, then the number e is the only solution of the equation ax = x, and the function g attains its minimum value of 0 at e. Thus for 0 < x < e, we get 0 < ax < e and g(x) > g(e) = 0. This implies that the sequence {an} is monotonically increasing and its limit is equal to e. On the other hand, if x > e, the sequence increases to infinity. We can summarize the results as follows: ( -hoo -hoo n (3 lim an = < -+°° \ a if a > ee and ' x > 0, if 1 < a < ee and x > (3, if 1 < a < e« and x = f3, ! if 1 < a < ee and 0 < x < /?, -foo if a = e« and x > e, e if a = e^ and 0 < x < e. 2.5.41. The equality can be proved by induction. We have lim an = 2 (compare with the solution of 2.1.16). n—>oo Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 226 Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 2.5.42. [20] Note first that an<)j2 + yf: 2 + ... + V2 <2. n roots Observe that if e\ — 0, then all the terms of the sequence {an} are equal to zero. Assume now that e\ ^ 0. We will show by induction that the given equality holds. It is evident for n = 1. So suppose that a n = £ 1 y 2 + £ 2 y 2 + ...+£nV / 2 = 2sin j J J V€i€2.'.£k Then / n+l \ / n+l \ a n+1 - 2 = 2sm ^ g ^ ^ j = -2cos ^ - + - g ^ r r j ( n+l \ / n+l \ iE^)-^(iE^)-». which completes the proof of equality. Now, by the continuity of the sine function, lim ann = 2sin I — >^ k 1'.'\ . n-+oo \ 4 ^ 2~ I 2.5.43. One can show by induction that 1 1 n arctan -2 + ...+ arctan —77 2n 2= arctann + l ' Therefore lim (arctan \ + ... + arctan —5-) = f. n—>oo v z zn / 4 2.5.44. We have sin 2 (7r\/n 2 + n) = sin 2 (7ryn 2 + n — ixn) = sin2 —• 1. 2.5.45. One can show by induction that the sequence is monotonically increasing and bounded above, e.g. by 3. Hence it is a convergent sequence whose limit g satisfies g = y/2 + y/S + g and g G (2,3). Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 227 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 2.5.46. [13] We have 3 = Vl + 2 • 4 = V1 + 2>/l6 = Y 1 + 2V 1 + 3 ^5 y 1 + 2 + y 1 + 3\/l + 4x/36, and, inductively, \\ 1 + 2W 1 + 3y 1 4- . . y i + nV^H- 2)2 - 3. (i) Therefore ;3 > \ H 2y 1 + 3y 1 + . . y i + ( n - l ) \ / n T T . (2) Now we will use the following (easily verifiable) inequality: (3) yTTxa: < >/a>A + z, x > 0, a > 1. By (3) with x = n and a = n + 2, y 1 + ni/(n + 2)2 < \/n + 2\A + n. Hence y 1 + (n - l)Y / H-^V / (^ + 2 ) 2 < \/ X + Vn + 2 ( n - 1)>/1 + n < (n + 2)*^/l + (n-l)>/ra + l, where the last inequality follows from (3) with a = \/n + 2. In view of (1), repeating this argument n times gives (4) 3 < ( n + 2)2 n J 1 + 2y 1 + 3y 1 + . . ^ 1 + (n - l ) V n T I . Combining (2) with (4) yields lim \ 1 + 2yi+3^/i + .../l + ( n - l ) V n + l = 3. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 228 2.5.47. The equation x2 + x — a = 0, a > 0, has two roots a and /3 such that o: > 0 > /?. Furthermore, we have l - a = a — an — cuar. an+1 - a = _ a - (1 + ot){an - a) - Q(1 + a) _ - ( 1 + a)(q w - a ) Since a + /? = — 1, we see that an+\ — a = /? a ^~ Q . Likewise, a n +i — /? = a « a z £ . Thus a n + i - /? _ aan - (3 an+i - a (3 an- a' and inductively, n-l fli-j9 ai — a Since j ^ < 1, we get lim (%) n-l = 0, and consequently, lim an = (3. n—•oo 2.5.48. Let a and ft be the roots of x2 + x - a = 0, a > 0. Then a > 0 > /?. In much the same manner as in the solution of the foregoing problem we get an — a an-(3 = i a\ \0J a\ — a ax-F Thus lim an = a, n—>oo 2.5.49. For any positive integer fc, we have l&n+l+A; — 0>n+l\ = < j\a>n+k 1 1 + an+/e 1 1 + an \0>n+k — 0>n\ (l + an+fc)(l + an) - On|. Now by induction we get kn+l+fc - On+l| — ( 7 ) la*:+l - a l | - Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 229 Moreover, |cifc+i - a i | < |afc+i - ak\ + \ak - ak-\\ + ... + |a2 - a\\ < r|a2 - a i | = - | a 2 - a\\. 1-4 ^ Thus {a n } is a Cauchy sequence. Its limit is y/2. 2.5.50. One can proceed as in the solution of the foregoing problem and show that lim an = 1 + y/2. n—+oc 2.5.51. Let f(x) = ^ , x > 0, and F(x) = / ( / ( x ) ) . Then F'(x) > 0 for x > 0. It is easily verified that ai < 03 and 04 < a 2 . Moreover, since F is strictly increasing, we see that the sequence {a 2 n } is strictly decreasing and the sequence {a 2 n +i} is strictly increasing. The sequence {an} is bounded. Thus both its subsequences {a 2 n } and { a 2 n + i } converge. One can check that they have the same limit VTTa-1. 2.5.52. If ai < 0, then a 2 = 1 — ai > 1 and as = a2 - \ > \. By induction, a n +i = an — ^ t r for n > 2. Consequently, a and therefore n+i = -(K^T + ^ + ... + \)+a2, lim an = —ax if ai < 0. Now if ai E (0,2), then n—+00 a 2 E [0,1) and inductively, we see that a n + i E [0, T>^T], which implies that in this case lim an = 0. Finally, if ai > 2, then a2 = ai — 1 > 1. n—>oo By induction, we get a n +i = an — ^ t r ? a n d consequently, as in the first case, we show that lim an — ai- 2. 2.5.53. (a) We have n-l n- j 2a 2 3a3 (n-l)a"-1 n - l + n - 2~ + n - 3~+••• + 1 fa J-i + n - l Vl 2(n-l)a2 n-2 + 3(n - l)a 3 n-3 + '" + (n-l^a"-1^ 1 ) ' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 230 Since J :=J ~+ : < J 1 + J - 1 = 3\ we obtain n-1 ja* . a + 2 2 a 2 + 3 2 a 3 + ... + ( n - l ) V n —j n— 1 . Now it is enough to observe that, by the result in Problem 2.3.2, v hm a + 2 2 a 2 + 3 2 a 3 + ... + (n - l ) 2 a n " 1 n—>oo 71—1 „ = 0. (b) Observe that n n—1 n 1 n—1 n—1 , L. and apply (a). (c) Apply (b) with a=\. 3 2.5.54. Since for positive x, x — ^- < sinx < x, we see that n n n + /c k=l n Q ^ 6 ( n + /c)3 k=l v n ^SH1n-f/c ' ^ n + /c' fc=l n k=l 3 It is easy to check that lim Y2 6(n+k)3 ~ ®m Moreover, by 2.5.8 (a), tim n J2 ^ T I = 7rln2. Therefore the limit is 7rln2. n-oofc=1n+* 2.5.55. (a) Let a n = J"] (1 + -^ J . In view of the inequality (see 2.5.3) fc=i ^ ' •—^ < ln(l + x) < x for x > 0, we get —^ - r < l n a n < > —r-. en6 + kz fc=i fc=i z —' CTTT Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 231 Hence, by the equality £ k2 = n(n+1) (2n+1) , 6 fc=i n ( n + l ) ( 2 n + l) n(n + l ) ( 2 n + l ) 1 < man < 6cn 3 6(cn 3 + n 2 ) Therefore lim a n = e 3 c. n—>-oo (b) One can show that the inequality ^ j < ln(l + x) < x also holds if — 1 < x < 0. Therefore, as in the proof of (a), we get e lim f j 1 3c —e cnc k=l . 2.5.56. Since for positive x, x - ~ < sinx < x - \ + fr, we see that (i) (nv/n)"»n A l i- 6n n! 3 n- i.3" — < n\ sin k riyjri and x /r,3n ™ sm • fc=i v/n < n! *2 TT / i (ny^)" ^ \ 6n fe4 3 5!n6 It follows from (1) and from the result in the foregoing problem that the limit is greater than or equal to e _ i s . We will now show that lim fr fi - ^13 + *!) <e 6 n-ooH V k=l Indeed, ln 1 x 6n I I ( - ^ + ^ 6 ) <k=lE fc=l 18 5!n / ' k2 6n 3 + A;4 5!n6 n ( n + l ) ( 2 n + l) n(n + l)(2n + l)(3n 2 + 3n - 1) 3 + 36n 30 • 5!n6 Finally, by (2) and the squeeze principle, _ Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 232 2.5.57. We will first show that an = n^a -i 2nn n-l a _ ^ _1_ _ ^ "-l^(n)-l. fc=0 Vfc/ _ ^ k\(n-l-k)\{n-k) (n-l)!n v fc=0 1 -f 1, n > 2. We have + ; ^fc(n-l-fc)!fc! fc=0 V fc ^ v fc=0 fc=o ; v fc ; Moreover, Y^ k 1 = Y^ ^ — 1 — fc 1 = n—1 ^»(V) to ~^~ (V) ~ an ^-^ /c 1 n " " h~ (V)' Therefore k Efc=o 1 n—1 Vfcy Finally, by (1), an = a n _i - ^ o n _ i + 1 = ^ o n _ i + 1, which establishes our first assertion. Prom this we deduce that lim an = 2. n—•oo 2.5.58. If a = 0, then obviously lim a n = 0. If a > 0, then 0 < n—»oo a n < 1 — „ a ' , and consequently, a < 0. Then lim an = 0. Assume now that ^ - , - i , - ( . - - i ) ( ( = ) - - i ) . . . . . ( ( ^ T ) - - i ) . Therefore, if we take a = — 1, we obtain the divergent sequence an = (—l) n _ 1 . If we take a < — 1, we get p) )\\n-p) J for 1 < p < n. Moreover, I — I \an\>(n-a-l)l(-^-) \p )\n-p ) ~ — 1 > 2 — 1 = 1. Therefore a \ V U —1/ -l) —> +oc. / n-^oo Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 233 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems Likewise, we can see that if — 1 < a < 0, then |an|<(n-«-l)[(— 2.5.59. We have (2 + y/3)n = £ k=0 - 1 - 0 . (]J)(V5)fc2n-fc. If we group the terms with odd and even indices, respectively, we can write (2 + y/S)n = An + VZBn and (2 - y/%)n = An - V3Bn. Hence lim (An + \/3B n ) = +oo and lim (An - y/3Bn) = 0. Also, n—•oo n—>oo lim — - — = 1. n->oo An Since the A n are integers and v3Bn < 1, it follows that [V^JBn] = ^4n — 1 for sufficiently large n. Consequently, {VSBn} —• 1 or n—UDO {A n + v ^ S n } = {\/3J5n} —• 1. n—KX) 2.5.60. The sequence {Sn} is monotonically increasing. If it were bounded above it would converge, and then lim an = lim (S n - S n - i ) = 0- n—•oo Suppose now that n—Kx> lim Sn = +oo. By our assumption, S n +ia n +i + n—•oo an < S n a n + a n _ i , and consequently, 5 n a n -f a n - i < 52a2+ai. Hence . , a - i ^ ^2^2 + a i n a n < a n + -=— < • Finally, lim an = 0. n—>oo 2.5.61. By assumption, for any e > 0 there is a positive integer no such that an < en if n> n0. Hence al + al + ... + al n2 = a 2 + oj + ... 4- a2nQ n2 Q i + a i + ... + o^0 ^ i+- + ^ n2 n g ( a n o + i + ...-fan) 0 + Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 234 By 2.4.14 and 2.4.19, -.2 i ^ 2 _j_ _j_ Jl —- a{ -\-a$ + ... + an —- ax + ... + an hm — =—5 < e hm . n—+00 77r n—>oo This obviously implies that a a lim ?+ i+•••+<£ n = 0. n—+00 2.5.62. We will apply the Toeplitz theorem (see 2.3.1). Set An = a i + a 2 + ... + a n , Bn = bx + 6 2 + ... + 6 n , C n = ci + c 2 + ...+c r j and an-k+iBk U>n,k =fliBn + a 2 i? n _i + • •• + &n^i Now we will show that the positive numbers dn)& satisfy conditions (i) and (ii) in 2.3.1 (see also 2.3.3 (a)). For fixed fc, j / On.fc < n Q ; n-fc+l ; n ; • 0. ai + a 2 + ... + a n _ fc+ i n-+oo Clearly, ^ dn,fc = 1. Observe also that fc=i Cn _ dlK + a 2 6 n - l + ••• + a n ^ l , Cn Q>lBn + (LiBn-l + ... + ttn-Bi —+rf J5i — 452 Finally, by the Toeplitz theorem, lim ^ = lim -fe^ = 0. 2.5.63. We know that x - ^ < ln(l H- 2) < x - ^ + ^ n2 + // — ' jB n for x > 0. Put an — (l + ^) e~ n . Then — ^ < l n a n < — | -f ^ , which implies lim l n a n = —\. Therefore the limit is equal to e~2. n—->oo 2.5.64. We have a n + 1 - a n > - 4 , > - ^ r y = ~ ^ i + \ for n > 1. Let 6n = an — ^ y . Then the sequence {bn} is monotonically increasing and bounded above; hence it converges. Therefore {an} also converges. 2.5.65. By the assumption an+i 2 \/2 > a n , we see that an+12-& >an2~^rT. Hence the sequence bn = an2~ 2™-1 is monotonically increasing and bounded. So, it converges. Obviously, lim bn = lim an. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 235 2.5.66. Let a G (/, L). Suppose, contrary to our claim, that a is not a limit point of {an}. Then there is a neighborhood of a which contains only finitely many terms of the sequence. Let e > 0 be so small that (*) I < a — s < a < a + s < L and an £ [a — £, a + e] for n > n\. By the assumption, |a n +i — an\ < e for n > n2. By 2.4.13 (b), we know that there exists ank such that ank < I + e < a for . rc^ > max{ni,n 2 }. Hence a nfc+i < anfc + |a nfe+ i - ank\ < a + e. Thus by (*), a nfc +i < a — e:. Therefore, by 2.4.12 (a), L < a — e < L, a contradiction. 2.5.67. Let a G (/, L). Suppose, contrary to our claim, that a is not a limit point of {an}. Then there is a neighborhood of a which contains only finitely many terms of the sequence. Let e > 0 be so small that (*) l<a — e < a < a + s < L and an £ [a — £,a + e] for n > n\. By the assumption, (**) an - an+i < an < e for n> n2. It follows from 2.4.13 (a) that there is ank such that ank > L — e > a. Hence, by (**), we get ank+1 = ank + {ank+i - ank) > a - e. Now, by (*), a>nk+i > a + s for rife > max{ni,ri2}. Thus by 2.4.12 (c), Z > a + £ > a > / , a contradiction. 2.5.68. We will use the result proved in the solution of the last problem. By the monotonicity of {a n }, Q n+1 Q-n n + l + On+i n + an~ ^ ~Qn . — 1 ( n + l + a n + i ) ( n + o n ) ~" n Thus, by the result in the preceding problem, the set of all limit points of the given sequence is the interval [/, L], where / = lim — n_>oo n + an and L = lim —. n-^oo n + an Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 236 2.5.69. Note that 0>2n+l 1 1 + Q2n-1 _ 2 &2T\ 2 3 &2n-l — ^ This implies that the sequence has the two limit points: ^ and | . 2.5.70. We know, by 1.1.14, that for any positive integer n there exist a positive integer qn and an integer pn such that Pn 2TT - < ~2- Thus |p n | < (27r -f- l)g n , and consequently, |V / l^Jsinp n | = | v ^ ] s i n ( 2 7 r g n - pn)\ < f \pn~\sin- < V2F+T v7^ Since the sequence {qn} is unbounded, it contains a subsequence divergent to infinity. Therefore zero is a limit point of {an}. 2.5.71. It is enough to show that there is a subsequence {ank} for which fc {ai + a n ff ec++ i ) \x nUk fn'nkk{a\ > 1 V (nfck + l)o l)c nfc / Suppose that the above condition does not hold. Then there exists no such that n(ai + a n +i) < 1 if n > no(n+ l)an Hence ^n+1 +' ^n +-1 < ^ for n > n 0 . Thus Qn _ ^ n - l n &1 n—1 n ' Q n - l _ &n-2 n-1 a Ql n-2 n0 + l no + 1 n0 n-2' < ai n0 + 1 Summing the above inequalities, we get < n no a\ 1 no 4-1 1 n ——- + ... + - Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 237 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems Therefore, by 2.2.50 (c), lim ^ = -oo, which is impossible because an > 0. 2.5.72. In much the same way as in the proof of the foregoing problem we show that there is a subsequence {ank} for which nk{a\ +a n f c + P )\ r i f c (nk+p)ank J > l 2.5.73. Suppose that our claim does not hold. Then there exists an no such that for n > no, n ( + ^ n + 1 —11 < 1. The last inequality can be rewritten as - ^ r < ^ — ^ J r . This, in turn, implies (see the solution of 2.5.71) that 1 no -f 1 Hence 1 + ...+ n- < &nn n0 <2n no n lim g^ = — oo, which contradicts the fact that {an\ n—•oo n is a positive sequence. To show that 1 is the best possible constant, take an = n l n n . Then ,. / l + (n + l ) l n ( n + l ) lim n n n-+oc \ nmn 1 + (n + 1) ln(n + 1) - n l n n = lim —— n-^oo Inn = Um l + ln(n+l)+ln(l + l ) " n—oo Inn ^ 2.5.74. Note that an = 1 4- a n - i a n d a\ = \. Clearly, the sequence strictly increases. We will show by induction that it is bounded above by ^(1 + y/E). Indeed, if a n _i < ^(1 + \/5), then a2n = 1 + a n _i < § + | \ / 5 - Therefore a n < y | -f | \ / 5 = l + ^v 7 ^ and {an} converges to ±(l + >/5). 2.5.75. [20] Obviously, the sequence {6 n } is strictly increasing. Assume first that a < In 2. Then, by assumption, there is no E N such that ln(lna n ) < n l n 2 if n > no; or, equivalently, an < e 2 " if Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 238 Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers n > no. We have K = y o i + ••• + y ano + ••• + \fa~r, < yai + ... + V a n o _j + ^e2™0 + ... + v ^ < y ai + .. + y a„ 0 _i + e2"0 ^ / l + - + VT. By the foregoing problem, bn< N «i + ..+v~-i+« 2 " , i : ^- This means that {bn} is bounded above and convergent. Assume now that a > In 2. By assumption, given e > 0, there is an no such that ln(lna n ) > n(a 4- e) for n > n 0 . Setting a 4- e = ln/3, we get a n > e^ for n > no, where /3 > 2. Thus = y a i + y a 2 + ... 4- y a ^ 4- ... + V ^ > y ax + ... 4- V a n o _i + e2"-o+i > e(?y\ In this case, the sequence {6 n } diverges to infinity. Note, additionally, that if 0 < an < 1, then, although l n l n a n is not defined, the sequence {bn} is monotonically increasing and bounded above by l y 5 , and is convergent. 2.5.76. [20] It follows from the assumption that 0 < an < na\. Thus the sequence {^f} is bounded. Denote by L its limit superior. Then there is a sequence {m^} of positive integers such that lim -^ = L. For an arbitrarily fixed n e N, we can write m^ = nbK 4- r^, where r/c G {0,1,...,n — 1}. Thus, by the assumption, amk < lkQ>n 4- arfe. Hence mfc < —;—; ^n H • n/fc 4- rk mk Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 239 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems Letting k —> oo, we get w i < -, n which implies lim — < lrm —. n—oo n n _+oo Tl As a result the sequence { ^f } converges. 2.5.77. Analysis similar to that in the solution of the preceding problem can be applied. 2.5.78. [20] The sequences {an + 1} and {1 - an} satisfy the assumption of Problem 2.5.76. Hence lim ^ ^ and lim ^ ^ exist n-^oo n n—>oo n and are finite. (a) By the above, since lim 9^L^- = g, lim ^ — g. n—•oo n n—>oo n (b) The inequalities follow immediately from (*) in the solution of 2.5.76. 2.5.79. We will show that the sequence {^f} converges to A = s u p { ^ : n G N}. Let p be an arbitrarily fixed positive integer. Then n pln + rn ~ pln + rn ' where rn e {0, l,...,p - 1}. So, by our assumption, lim ^ > ^. 71—>O0 This, in turn, implies that lim 9L2L > lim ^ . Thus the convergence of the sequence {^f} has been established. Moreover, ^ ^ implies that > ^ A > lim — > lim — = inf sup — n^oo n P-^OO p p i>p I > ini sup —-— > inf sup — = A. P men pm p m rn 2.5.80. We first show the boundedness of the given sequence. Indeed, if \ < a>n,Q>n+i < a, then \ < a n + 2 = an -fL+i < a. Thus, by the Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 240 principle of induction stated in the solution of Problem 2.1.10, the sequence {an} is bounded. Put I = lim a n , L = lim an. Then for an arbitrarily fixed e > 0 there exist n i , n 2 GN such that (i) an < L + e for n > ni, (ii) an> I — e for n > n2. By (i), a n + 2 = — - A — > r x 7 , n > n i . Since the positive e can be arbitrarily small, we get / > -^. In much the same way (ii) implies that L < j . Thus I = •£- Let {rik} be a sequence of positive integers such that lim a nfc+2 = L. We can assume that the sequences k—KX> {a n f c + i}, {ank} and {a nfc _i} converge to /i, / 2 , and / 3 , respectively. In fact, if this is not the case, we can choose subsequences which do. By the definition of { a n } , 2 ii 4- h = y = 2/ and 2 J2 + /3 = 7-, and since / < li,h,h < L, we get /1 = l2 = I and /2 = ^3 = L. Hence I = L. This and the equality I = ^ imply that the sequence {an} converges to 1. 2.5.81. Since 0 < a\ < &i, there exists <p € [0, \) such that a\ — b\ cos (p. Now, one can show by induction that, for <p ^ 0, an+l Therefore 61 sin (p = ¥^ and lim an = lim bn = bn+l = 2^%' neN - fcisini ^. If </> = 0, i.e. ai = 61, then n—•00 n—->oo bi sin <p ^ the given sequences {a n } and {bn} are constant. 2.5.82. [181 By assumption, ^ ^ = 1 + £fcn, where £fcn tends to zero, uniformly with respect to k. Thus n (*) ^2 k=l n a/c n = ' n 6/c n + X^ ' fc=l Yl ek>nbk>n' fc=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 241 Since lim Yl ^k n exists, there is an M > 0 such that J2 t>k,n k=l M, n e N. Moreover, for any e > 0, \£k,n\ < -h M for k = 1,2, ...,n, provided n is sufficiently large. Hence that n £ lim ^ >fc=i n / j £k,nOk,n < e, which means k,nbk,n = 0. Thus, by (*) = lim lim Y]ak,n fc=l Y]bkin. fc=l 2.5.83. We have s i n ^ ^ (2fc-l)q n-»oo 1 uniformly with respect to k. Thus, by the foregoing problem, lim ^ . (2fc-l)a y sin ^ (2fc - l)a n—^oo ^—^ fc=i fc=i = a. H' 2.5.84. It follows from 2.5.5 that, if the sequence {xn} converges to zero, then a n,~* —• 1. This implies that a^ - 1 1 A In a n~>0° uniformly with respect to k. Now applying Problem 2.5.82 we get lim > ( a ^ 1 — 1) = lim In a > n ^ o o ^—' \ k=l / n-*oo kk 11 2 2 —=• = - In a. ^—^ n k~l 2.5.85. If {xn} is a positive sequence that converges to zero, then, by Problem 2.5.3, l n ( 1 + a ") —• 1. Applying 2.5.82, we see that Xn lim y n—>oo ^—' fc=l n-»oo In ( 1 + -rJ = lim y z \x n 7 I -= = -r. n—»oo ^—' nz fc=l 2 Thus lim U (l + A ) = e*. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 2: Sequences of Real Numbers 242 2.5.86. One can show that if {xn} is a positive sequence that converges to zero, then (*) (l±x»)iz! _ ! Set c k,n = kq~1 ~ > AC = 1 , 2 , ...,71. Then c^ n < max{^ , —•}, and consequently, {ck,n} converges to zero, uniformly with respect to k. Putting a ^ n = (1 4-Cfc>n)p — 1 and bk,n = ^CA:jn, and using 2.5.82, we obtain hm > 14n—>oo ^—' \ y fC-—J. \ - 1 n9 / I / = - hm > V n~*°° ^^ n<? . fC—— 1 By the Stolz theorem (see 2.3.11), hm > n-^oo^ fc=l 77/? = hm -— = hm -—-—— - n->oo fl? — (n — \)q n-^oo nQ n^1 — iim B "*~n»-^(1-^ + ^ 4 , - . . . ) = —^ M _ l ) y V 71/ — nq 1 __ ^ 2.5.87. Set a„ = gffg;;;<ffff. Then a _« 6 (i+a-(i+»g) (i + 5 + ( ! - i ) ) ( i + 2^ + ( * - i ) ) - ( i + »g + ( 5 - i ) ) ' Now let x = - - 1. Then z > 0 and a _ a a " = '( 1 1 + T%)( 1 + T%)-(1 + H % ) ' Since x x I^ x \ I x d ' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 2.5. Miscellaneous Problems 243 we get a•nn ^< Hence hx / \ • (iqhr + T^I + - + iTZz) lim an — 0, because n—>oo lim j H n-ooll + 2 J + ... H 1+2^ j 1 + n M = +oo. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! This page intentionally left blank Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Chapter 3 Series of Real N u m b e r s 3.1. Summation of Series 3.1.1. (a) We have a\ = S\ = 2 and an = Sn-Sn-i oo we get the series 2 — J2 „,} n=2 ( n ^ = ~ yi ( n 1 _ 1 ) ? n > 1. So , whose sum is S = lim Sn = 1. n- (b) As in the solution of (a), we get an = ~ , *°° oc XI W ^ n=l = 1. (c) By a similar argument, an = arctann — arctan(n — 1), and consequently, tan an = n s _ 1 n + 1 . Therefore an = arctan n s _ 1 n + 1 anc E arctan ^ n.= 1 ^ = 1. (d) ai = - 1 , a n = ( - l ) " ^ 5 i ) for n > 1. Moreover, - 1 + E(- 1 ) n 4 ! L : : ^ = 0±i n(n-l) 3.1.2. (a) We have a n = 4j lim S n = 1. (n^1)5. Thus 5„ = 1 - T^rrp and 5 = 245 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 246 (b) Similarly, an = § (^n-i)* I (* - (2^) (c) a and 5 - (2n+i) a ) • J t t h e n follows that S„ = = ^ ^ = §• » = ^ T " ^ - Therefore S n = ^ and S = ^ S n = 1. (d) on = | ( 2 ^ 1 - 2 ^ 1 ) • Thus S = Jirr^ 5„ = \. (e) a„ = ^fj-^ yn(n+l) = 4 j - ^ i - j . Consequently, 5 = lim S n = 1. v n vra+l n—>-oo 3.1.3. (a) Sn = l n l - In 4 + In 2 + In 4 - In 1 - In 7 + In 3 + In 7 - In 2 - In 10 + ... + Inn + ln(3n - 2) - ln(n - 1) - ln(3n + 1) n +1 + ln(n + 1) + ln(3n + 1) - In n - ln(3n + 4) = In 3n + 4' Hence S = In | . (b) 5 = In 2. 3.1.4. (a) We have 0>n = 1 n(n + l)...(n + m) 1 / 1 m \ n ( n + l)...(n + m - 1) (n + l)(n + 2)...(n + m ) / ' Hence Sn = — ^^.....m ~ (n+l)(n+2)...(n+m)J ' ^ ° ' ^ (b) Since aB = l ( i - s = ^ !' k ) , S = i ( l + i + ... + i ) . (c) We have n2 2 ( n + l ) ( n + 2)(n + 3)(n + 4) ( n + l ) ( n + 2) 1 1 / 1 1 2 V ( n + l ) ( n + 3) (n + 2)(n + 4) l 1 1 + l( l)(n + 4) (n + 2)(n + 3 ) , T 1 (n + 3)(n + 4) 4 V(n + 1)( Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 247 3.1. Summation of Series Now, as in (b), after simple calculations we get S — J^. 3.1.5. (a) For n > 5, we have ^= sin 7io + s i n 3io + s i n iio + S i l l ^ + S i n ^ (b) Observe that 0 < - ^ - < 1, n € N. Thus 5 = 0. v / — n — Inn ' 3.1.6. Since an = sin ^ T T cos ^ F T = \ (sin ^ r - sin ^ ) , we see that S = \ sinl. 3.1.7. Note that 1 n!(n + n 2 + l) 1/ n 2 V (n + l)!((n + l)n + 1) 4 n- 1 n\{n(n - 1) 4-1) + • 1 (n + 1)! / ' Hence +I+ 1 / n 2 \^(n+l)!((n+l)ri+l) &n S<^)' and by 2.5.6, we get S = lim Sn = \e. n—KX> 3.1.8. Note that for n > 1, n 1 2 (2n+l)-l 3-5-...-(2n+l) 1 / 1 2 V3-5-...-(2n-l) 3 - 5 - . . . - ( 2 n + l) and a,\ = | . It follows that 5 n X 3 | * f1 + 2^3 1 \ 3-5-...-(2n+l)/' which implies the desired result. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 248 3.1.9. As in the solution of the last problem, we have an an + 1 - 1 (ai + l)(a 2 -f l)...(on + 1) (ai + l)(o 2 + l)».(a n + 1) 1 1 (ai + l)(o 2 + l)...(a n _i + 1) (ai + l)(a 2 + l)...(a n + 1) 1 (ai+1)(aa+ 1)...(an+1)- for n > 1. Hence Sn = 1 3.1.10. (a) If we take an = n—\ in the last problem, we have g = +oo, and so the sum of the given series is equal to 1. (b) Here we take an = 2n — 1, and, as in (a), the sum of the given series is equal to 1. (c) We take an = — ^y. Then lim ((a 2 + l)(a 3 + l)...(an + l)) n—•oo = iiTn ( 2 - l ) ( 2 + l ) ( 3 - l ) ( 3 + l) ( n - l ) ( n + l) n-ioo 22 32 "' n2 1 2' Thus, by the result in 3.1.9, the sum of the given series is equal to 1. 3.1.11. By definition, the sequence {an} increases to infinity. Moreover, we have a 2 - 4 = a^l_1(a^l_1 — 4), and it can be shown by induction that a 2 - 4 = a 2 • a 2 • ... • Gn-i( a i ~ 4). Hence lim ^ = , / a 2 - 4. v n-^oo ai • a 2 •... • a n _i (1) Note also that for n > 1, 1 ai • a 2 •... • an 1 / an 2 \ a i • a 2 •... • a n _i ^n+i a\ • a 2 •... • a n Thus by (1) the sum of the given series is equal to ai 2ai 2 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 249 3.1. Summation of Series 3.1.12. Observe that 1 6 1! 2! 6- 2 (6-2)6 ' 2! 3! (6-2) 6 (6-2)6( 6 + 1) ' 2! 6(6 + 1) n! 6(6 + 1)...(6 + n - 1) (6 - 2)6(6 + 1)...(6 + n - 2) (n+l)i ( 6 - 2 ) 6 ( 6 + l)...(6 + n - l ) ' Summing the above equalities, we obtain s n = _1 6-2 (n+1)! (6-2)6(6 + l)...(6 + n - l ) ' Hence, by 2.5.87, lim Sn = i - ^ . n—>oo ° •* 3.1.13. For n = 0,1,..., put a n (a + n -f 1). Then ^4n_i — we additionally set J4_I = a the above equalities from n = a - AN = A-i a n = t i w t f f i n ) » a n d d e f i n e A" = An = an(b — a — 1), n = 0,1,..., where and a_i = 1. Summing both sides of 0 to n = N, we get - vl^ = (6 - a - 1) ^ a n = (6 - a n=0 or equivalently, a - aw{a + N + l) = (b-a/ H 1)SJV+I, l)5//+i. Therefore (a + l ) - ( a + iV + l ) \ 6(6+l)...(6+AT) J=<*-a-l)Sw + i and, by 2.5.87, we see that lim SJV+I = t,_°_r 3.1.14. By the foregoing problem, U x p o(o + l)...(q + n - l ) ^ 1)...(6 + n -- l 1) 6(6 + l)...(6 ) + a 6 -- aa --l l 6-1 6-a-l' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 250 Replacing a by a + 1, we see that (**) (a+l)...(a + n) 6-1 1 +^ E6(6 + 1)...(6 + n - l ) b-a-2' Subtracting (*) from (**), we obtain y , (o+l)...(a + n - l ) ^ n 6 ( 6 + l)...(6 + n - l ) 6-1 b-a-2 6-1 b-a-1 3.1.15. Set An = (6-1) (6 - a - 1)(6 - a - 2)' (a2+b)CT);;;^+1+fc) and Sn = ± Ak. Then k=l X^T = akl1+b> o r equivalently, Akak+i 4 4*6 = Ak-iak. Summing both sides of these equalities from k — 2 to k = n, we get (*) 4 n a n + i 4 Snb - Aib = Aia 2 - Now note that 0 < A n a n + i = a\ a 2 • as • ... • a n + i (a 2 4- 6)(a 3 4- 6)...(a n +i 4- 6) 1 (i + £)( 1 + £ ) - ( 1 + =£r)' Hence, by 1.2.1, . 0 < Anan+i < ai n+l &£ - Therefore, by assumption, lim A n a n + i = 0. It then follows from (*) that lim Sn = Al(fc +a2) , n—>oo = fii. 3.1.16. By the trigonometric identity 4 cos 3 x = cos3x 4- 3cosx, we get Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.1. Summation of Series 251 4 cos 3 x = cos 3x + 3 cos #, 4 cos3 3x = cos 32x + 3 cos 3a:, 4 cos3 3 2 x = cos 3 3 x + 3 cos 3 2 x, 4 cos 3 3 n x = cos 3 n + 1 x + 3 cos 3 n x. Multiplying both sides of these equalities by 1, - | , ^ - , . . . , ( — l ) n ^ r , respectively, and then summing them we obtain 45 n = 3cosx -f ( - l ) n ^ c o s 3 n + 1 x . Thus 5 = fcosx. 3.1.17. (a) By assumption, f(x) = af(bx) + cg(x), af{bx) = a2f(b2x) a2f(b2x) = a3f(b3x) an-lf(bn-lx) Hence f{x) = anf(bnx) Since lim anf(bnx) + acg(bx), + ca2g(b2x), = anf(bnx) + aT^cg^^x). + c (g(x) + ag{bx) + ... + a71'1 g^-1 = L(x), V <*"£(&"*) = /(x) (x) x)) . - (b) As in (a), / ( x ) = a/(6x) + c#(x), a~ 1 /(6- 1 x) = / ( x ) + a " 1 ^ - 1 * ) , a-2f(b-2x) = a-1f(b-1x)+ca-2g(b'2x), a-nf(b-nx) = a1-nf{b1~nx)+a-ncg{b~nx). Thus o/(6x) = a - n / ( 6 - " x ) - c (g{x) + a^g^x) + ... + a-ng(b~nx)) Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 252 and consequently, x \ M(x) - af(bx) T-g(-) = n=0 3.1.18. We may apply the foregoing problem to the functions f(x) = sinx, g(x) = sin3 f with a = 3, b = | and c = —4. The desired results follow from the equalities lim 3 n sin ~ = x = L(x) and lim 3~ n sin3 n x = 0 = n—>oo a n—•oo M(x). 3.1.19. One can apply 3.1.17 to f(x) = cotx, g(x) = t a n x , a 2, 6 = 2 and c = 1, and then use the equality lim — cot — = —. n->oo 2 n 2n X 3.1.20. We apply 3.1.17 to f(x) = arctanx, g(x) = arctan (1 - b)x — j - , a — c— 1, and use the following: for ( 0 lim arctan(6 n x) = < TT n-+oo I —signx C for 0 < 6 < 1, b > 1. 3.1.21. Since a n +i = a n + a n _ i , we have a n + i a n = a£ + a n _ i a n for n > 1. Summing these equalities, we get (*) S,n = a n o n + i , n > 0. One can prove, by induction, that »> ^((^r-(^T''-°. (ii) an_1on+i-aS = (-l)n+1, n>l. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 253 3.1. Summation of Series Combining (*) with (ii) yields (~l) fc = y > (~l) fc 'O-k-l \ k=1 a a k = ! _ V^ Qfc-iQfc+i - a ! 0-k \ 0-n fc+l/ &n+l By (i), lim —— = lim +T " ^ °" " " ^ ^ ( ( ^ P - (^)" + 2 ) (iii) 1 + V5' 3.1.22. It is easy to check that ( - l ) n + 1 = an+ian+2 - a n a n + 3 , (*) n > 0. Thus <? — V ^ ( j l )fc — _ V ^ f^h±l _ V ^ Qfc+lQfc+ 2 - QfcQ/c+ 3 _ afe + 3> \ _ _q i a ^+2 Qn+3 Now, by (iii) in the solution of the foregoing problem, lim Sn = n—•oo V5-2. 3.1.23. By (*) in the solution of the preceding problem, arctan arctan G2n+1 = arctan = arctan ^2n^2n+3 n+ ^271+1^271+2 + 1 0>2n+2 0>2n n , 1 = arctan -^ 2 n + 3 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of R e a l N u m b e r s 254 Summing up these equalities gives 1 ^ 1 arctan — = > arctan dl ^ h arctan &2k i G2n+3 . oo So, E a r c t g ^ = f. n=l 3.1.24. (a) Note that a r c t a n ^ = a r c t a n ^ j — arctan^W, n > 1. Hence oo Y arctan ^ = arctan 2 4- arctan 1 4- arctan ^ = |7r, where the 71=1 last equality follows from the fact that arctan a 4- arctan ~ = | for a > 0. (b) For n £ N, arctan 2 -1 _L1 = a r c t a n - — arctan —W. Hence we oo see that Y] arctan $} _L1 = arctan 1 = W . n=l (c) Since for n > 1, arctan oo n4 _4n 2 +5 = arctan ( n -i) 2 ~ a r c t a n (n+i)2> we get, as in (a), Y axctan n4_%%a+5 = arctan2 4- arctan2 4n=l arctan | = ^7r 4- arctan 2. 3.1.25. To obtain the desired result one can apply the trigonometric identity x—y arctan x — arctanyy = arctan . l + xy It is worth noting here that the results in the preceding problem are contained as special cases of this one. oo oo n=l n=l 3.1.26. Let Y, bn be a rearrangement of YL an- Moreover, let Sn = ai + a>2 + ••• + a n , S' = 6i 4- b2 + ... 4- bn and S = lim S n . Clearly, 71—>-CO Sn < S. So {Sn} converges, say to S", and Sf < S. By similar arguments, S < Sf. 3.1.27. Since 2n fe=i fc2 ^ ( 2 ^ ) 2 - ^ ^ - 1 ) 2 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.1. Summation of Series 255 and lim S2 n +i = lim S2n> we get n—• oo oo - oo E ^2 = Z-> ( 2 n 1- l ) l i ^—v 1 ^—\ 1 2 + n n=l n=l v 22 2 ^ ^ 2 ' n=l ' 3.1.28. Following A. M. Yaglom and I. M. Yaglom, Uspehi Matem. Nauk (N.S.) 8 (1953) no. 5(57), pp. 181-187 (in Russian), we present elementary proofs of these well known identities. (a) For 0 < x < | , the inequalities sinx < x < tanx hold. Thus cot 2 x < ^2 < 1 + cot 2 x. Putting x = ^ ^ with k = 1, 2,...,m, and summing from k = 1 to k = m we obtain /.x \~^ 9 kir (2m-h l ) 2 cot M > ~ 7< o-2w ^ 2m + 1 7r2 fc=i fc=i fe=i We now show that \-^ 9 ^TT (ii) > cot 2 w f^ 2m+ 1 \-^ 1 v^ 9 kn > To < m + > c o t « ^ fc2 ^ 2m + : m(2m — 1) - —'—'-. 3 Let 0 < t < § . By DeMoivre's law cos nt + i sin nt = (cos t -f i sin t)n = sin n £(cot £ + z) n = sin n ^ Wifccotn-fct. Taking n = 2m + 1, and equating imaginary parts, we get sin(2m + l)t = sin 2 m + 1 tP m (cot 2 1), (iii) where (iv) Pm(s)=^ 2m + l \ /2m + l\ m ^ J ^ - ^ 3 x J x ^ + Substituting t = ^ p i i n ( ^ ) gives P m (cot 2 ^ p j ) = 0- So, x/c = cot 2 2^+1? & = 1,2, ...,m, are the zeros of P m and their sum is w 2m +1 2 fcTr _ ( 3 ) _ m(2m - 1) X> 2m+1-r+1)- 3 TO «=i v 1 / Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 256 This, (i) and (ii) imply m(2m - 1) < (2m + l ) 2 ^ „2 1 Ep<m+ £v an Multiplying these inequalities by (2TTH-I)2 oo yield equality (a), (b) To prove the second identity, note that d m(2m - 1) next letting m /2m+l\ — Q V 5 / where Xk, fc = 1,2,..., m are the zeros of the polynomial (iv). It then follows by (v) that £cot 4 fc7r 2m+1 m(2m - 1) ^ 2 2m(2m - l)(2m - 2)(2m - 3) &3 / 5! _ m(2m - l)(4m 2 + 10m - 9) ~ 45 ' The inequality cot 2 x < 4? < 1 + cot 2 x (see (a)) implies that cot4 x < J J < 1 + 2 cot 2 a; + cot 4 # for 0 < x < §. Consequently, m(2TO-l)(4m 2 + 1 0 m - 9 ) 45 < (2m + l ) 4 y ^ 1 w5 ^ fc4 „ 2m-1 m ( 2 m - l)(4m 2 4-10m - 9) < m + 2m— h —^— -. 3 45 Thus (b) is proved. Remark. It is worth noting here that the above procedure can oo be applied to calculate the sum of the series ^ n=l - ^ , where fc e N. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.1. Summation of Series 257 (c) It follows from DeMoivre's formula, that for m = 4n, n G N, cosm* = cos m t - (™ I cos m ~ 2 £sin2 * + ...+ sin™ t, m\ sin mi = _ Vi/ and consequently, cosmm l x£ sin £ + . . . - I i m . . I costsin771m V™ - 1 / -i. £, cot m t - ( m ) c o t m " 2 1 + ... - (m™2) cot 2 t + 1 cot mt = (™)cotm-H-C2)cotm-H + ....-{™_1)cott- It follows from the last equality that 4/C7T - f 7T Xk = c o t — Am are the roots of the equation , A; = 0, ...,m — 1, ?>"-'-(!>" x">-|7) I "-'-(™)x"- J + - + ( m ™ 1 l « + l=0, which implies that (1) > cot — ; Since m = 4n, E 4 b cot — + 7T Am fc=0 fc=0 fc=2n E cot v~^ 4fc7T + TX = > cot — *-*' Am 4/C7T + 7T — = m. 4m f n fc=0 Am x~^ \ f—' cot 4fc7T — 7T — Am x~^ 4fc7T + 7T h > cot — *—' Am . fc=0 fc=l This and (1) give 7T [/«x ] Since cot 37T cot 57T h cot 4m 4m (2m - 3)TT H-... + cot - — 4m 77T cot -— 4m 4m (2m - 1)TT cot - — — = m. 4m cot a - cot /3 = tan(/3 - a) [ H ), VM ; V tan a t a n / 3 / ' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 258 we get from (2) that m is equal to 7r (m 1 1 tan — — + — o + . . . + 2m {2 tan^tan^ " tan &£* tan &£pL J' Hence, by the inequality ^ > ^ ^ for 0 < x < 7r/2, . . (3) 7r / m 1 1 \ m < tan — I - + - ^ + ... + ^ _ 3 ) 7 r (2m _ 1)7r • \ 4m 4m 4 m 4 m / On the other hand, we have sin(/3 — a ) n cot a — cot p = — ;——, sin a sin p and as above, using the inequality ^ < ^A^, we obtain 7T / . 1 m = sin -— 2 m ^ s i n ^ s i n o^ . 7T / > s m 2m — 1 „ ^ l -2-iL?L \ 4m 4m + '.". . + h -... + s i n I 1 2 ^ \ sin (2^zl)ZL "\ 1 (2m-3)7T (2m-l)7r J ' 4m 4m / This and (3) yield m tan ^ 2m m\ 7r2 2/16m2 1 1 < 2^-^ - + (2m-3)(2m-l) - 3 + "" r2 < 16m sin ^ 7T 2 Letting m - > o o w e get 1 2-35-7 h ... = - > ( - 1 ) = -. 2 m^= 0: } 2m + 1 8 3.1.29. We have a n + i - l = a n ( a n —1). Hence a 1 _ 1 = — ^- + ^ z j Summing these equalities from n = 1 to n = N, we get / x (*) 1 1 1 — + — + ... + — = 1 1 It is easy to check that the sequence {an} increases and diverges to oo infinity. Thus (*) implies J2 ^~ ~ 1n=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 259 3.1. Summation of Series 3.1.30. By the definition of the sequence, eai - 1 - a i e a 2 , e a2 - 1 = a2ea'\ Hence eai - 1 = ai + a1a2ea3 = ... = ai + aia 2 + ... -f a\ • ... • a n + ai • ... • a n +ie a n + 2 . oc This implies that ^ 6 n = e a i — 1, because n=l lim (ai • ... •a n + 1 e a " + 2 ) = 0 . n—>oo Indeed, {a n } is bounded below by zero, is monotonically decreasing, and converges to zero. 3.1.31. We have S n +i = Sn 4- a n + i = Sn + ^ \/2. Consider the function /(x) = a; + ^ — \/2, x > 0. If the sequence {5 n } were convergent to 5, we would get / ( 5 ) = 5. The only solution of this equation is 4=. Moreover, the function x —• f(f(x)) — x is monotonically decreasing on the interval (4=,1). So, if x E (-^, 1), then /(/(*))-z </(/(-I))--L=0, and since / is monotonically decreasing on the interval (0,1), we also have f(f{x)) > ^= for x e ( ^ , 1 ) . Finally, — <f(f(x))<x for x € ( _ l ) . This means that the sequence {52n-i} is monotonically decreasing and bounded below. Thus it converges, and its limit is -4=. Furthermore, lim S2n = lim / ( 5 2 n - i ) = / (~k ) = ~k- So, the sum of the n—>-oo n—•oc given series is equal to -4=. \v^/ v^ Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 260 3.1.32. (a) Note that 9 1 -1 + 1 l 1 1 2 3 * 1 2n / 1 1 2 1 n \ 3 1 1 1 n+ 1+— n + ^2 + - + 2n So, by 2.5.8 (a), we have lim S2n = In2. Clearly, n—>oo lim 5 2 n +i = lim ( S2n + 7;—-7 I = n—>oo n—•oo y (b) We have ^ *~C - = 1 + ^ . Hence by (a), oo n=l ln 2 ZTl "T 1 / 0 ' oo 1 n{n + l) ^ } ' n—\ v 1 ' n oo ^ n=l 1 ' n +1 = l n 2 - ( l n 2 - l ) = l. (c) Denote by Sn the nth partial sum of the given series. Then 1 1 1 1 S2n = z +, n2n +, ,1 H- x +, o2n +• n2 + - + — x +- A4n - 71 + x + 4n As in the proof of 2.5.8, one can show that Obviously, lim S2n+i = ln2. lim S271 = In 2. n—+00 n—>oo 3.1.33. We have , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 2n , 2n + 1 5 2 n = In - - ln - + In - - ln - + ... + In - ln — 1 2 3 4 2n - 1 2n 2-4-...-2n 3-5-...-(2n+l) n ~ ni-3-....(2n-l) 2-4-...-2n mJ 1 t (»)n ^ 2n + l V ( 2 n - 1 ) ! ! By the Wallis formula, \ = lim ^ p x ( ff L ) • Hence lim Sin = Inf. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.1. Summation of Series 261 3.1.34. We have -^-""K^HO-STl)) = - £(-!)»-' In (l + i ) - £ ( - ! ) - ' In (l + i ) . It follows from the foregoing problem that the sum of the series is ln2-21nf. 3.1.35. The nth partial sum of the given series can be written as S n = 1 + I + ... + 1 - ( I n 2 - l n l + l n 3 - l n 2 2 n + ... + ln(n + 1) - Inn) + 1 + - + ... + - - ln(n + 1). 2 n Thus, by Problem 2.1.41, the sum of this series is equal to the Euler constant 7. X 3.1.36. [20] Write F{x) = J f(t)dt. It follows from the Taylor theo1 rem that there exist #&, yk such that k < Xk < k + ^, k + | < yk < k + l and -F (k + 1 ) + F(k + 1) = i/(fc + 1) - i/'(y f c ). Summing the above equations from k = 1 to k = n— 1 yields 1/(1) + /(2) + /(3) + ... + f(n - 1) + i / ( n ) - F(n) = | (/'(»i) - / ' ( * i ) + /'(ift) - /'(*2) + ... + /'(»„_i) - / ' ( I n . i ) ) . The limit of the expression on the right-hand side of the last equality exists, because the series —f'(xi) + f'{yi) — /'(#2) + f'fa) ~ ••• is convergent (the terms have alternating signs and their absolute values converge monotonically to 0). Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 262 If we take /(x) = ^, then we can prove the existence of the limit lim ( 1 + - + - + ... + - - I n n n->oo \ 2 6 n (Compare with 2.1.41 (a).) Taking /(x) = lnx, we can show that the sequence {Inn! - (n + | ) In n + n} converges. (By Stirling's formula its limit is In \Z2n.) 3.1.37. Applying the foregoing problem to f(x) = ^ , can show the existence of the limit (lnn)2\ i _ ^ ] = s. 2 ,. /ml In 2 Inn hm — + _ + ...+ n->oo \ 1 2 n Hence hm n—>oo S2n = n—>oo hm , lnl V -—— 1 In 2 + —2 x > 0, we ••• + ln2n 2n , /lnl In 2 ln2n (ln2n) 2 v J = n-ooV hm - \ _ 1 + —2 + ... -f- 2n 2 In4 ln2n\ (ln2n) s rt ,/ I-n„2 V ; + 2 V~2" — +— 4 + ...+ 2n * 2 ,. /lnl In 2 Inn (Inn) 2 - 5 + n—UDO hm —1 + —2 + ...+ n ^ 2y 2 ,. /In2 In2 In2 , „, \ v(ln2) ; + hm — + -— + . . . + ln21nn' v n^oo \ , nf 1 2 n In 2 where 7 is the Euler constant. 3.1.38. By Stirling's formula, n! = an\/2iTn (-)n , where lim a n 1. Hence n _1 ~ 2 n (2n + l ) 2 n _ 1 2 2 ((2n - l)!!) e " ~ 2 (2n-f l) 2 n 2 2 n (n!) 2 ((2n)!) 2 e 2 " _ lin(2n+l)2-22-a227rn(f)2n ^ 1 ^ / ^ + 1 V " 2 a2n47rn(2f)4ne2- 2 ^ 2n ; a2 * 2a2^ Therefore lim Sn = ±(1 - In 2). Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 263 3.1. Summation of Series 3.1.39. Assume that the given series converges for x and y, and write SN(X) = g (j n --i)]fc + i + + 2 + '" + ^ ~ T " riz) ' (n-l)k N Then SN(X) - SN(V) = ^ p 2 n- Therefore the convergence of the U n-l series implies that x = y. Now, we find the unique value x for which the series converges. We know, by Problem 2.1.41, that the sequence an — 1 + | + ••• + ^ — ln(nfc) converges to the Euler constant 7. Hence SN(k-l)=aN+ln(Nk)-'£^k-E,1^L «7V This implies that n=l n=l + lnfc+ [In AT- V - I. lim 5jv(fc—1) = 7+lnfc—7= In A:. Thus x = fc—1, N—>-oo and the sum of the given series is equal to In fc. 3.1.40. One can easily check by induction that a>2n = 3n + 2 for a2n-i=3n-fl for n = 0,1,2,..., n = l,2,.... Thus , , n=0 °" / ; \3n+l X X ^-fv ' W 71=1 n=0 a 2 « ( 3 n + l )/(v 3 n + 3) n=0 3T2^-f i , 3n + 3 J ' 71=1 \Zn = i + i^ ( _ 1; )-fi._^_Vif(-i)-p V 3 2^-f n=l V3n v 3n + 3 / ' 2 ^ n=l 2«-l * N 2 ^ 7 fl ' 3n(3n + 2) n=l \ „=1 ' X Un+1 x 3n + 2J ' M 3n + 2>/ / Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 264 6+^( 3 n=2 ' 3n + 6(JV+l) v 7 + 2^ Un+1 ' n=l 3n + x On the other hand, by 3.1.32 (a), we get • l n 2 = lim f V ( - l ) n - | \n=l / =N^ool^ lim (Y(-1)»±\ v y 3nj \n=l -AT-XX> limI fVC-l)" ( — ^ -3n^-i^ ' l3n+l + / x \n=0 1 :-iln2- lim fv (-l)«f_J_-_L-)V This implies lim N-l £ (_1)» ( _ ^ - _ i _ ) = f i n 2. Finally, by lim S2N = i6 — 3| "l n1 A2 ^+ 3i -r+ 3l1 In 2— 4\ = 4|' . Moreover, since — "* (*), N_OQ lim N+ l 52JV+I = lim S2N + lim /oW^ 2 _i = lim S2JV, the sum of the given series is 4. 3.1.41. (a) Suppose, contrary to our claim, that the sum S of the given series is a rational number £. Then (q-l)\p = q\S = £ ri=l This implies that < Yl n=q+l $ + £ $ . n=q+l n\ is an integer. On the other hand, A g!! 1 1 + : T + ( a ^ ^ ^ T l)(g « + l ( 9 + !)(* + 22) ) i( 9 + l ) ( g + 2)2 n=(?+1 + ... <7 + 2 < 3 (<Z+1)2~4' a contradiction. Thus 5 is irrational, (b) The same method as in (a) can be applied. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 265 3.1. Summation of Series 3.1.42. On the contrary, suppose that the sum S of the series is a rational number 2 . Then V ^ Ql'£n q E {q-iy.P=q>s=Y; -^ n! + *-—' q^n , n=\ This implies that n\ n=q-{-l ^ff ^s a n integer. On the other hand, Yl n=q+l qy-£n ^ n=<?-fl n! To obtain a contradiction, it is enough to show t h a t ^ ^f- is not equal t o zero. We have > n=q+l q+l ^ n! > 9 + 1 q{q+l) >0 , which proves that 5 is irrational. 3.1.43. Reasoning similar to the above can be applied. 3.1.44. Suppose, contrary to our claim, that ^ ^~ ~ f > p, g E N. 2=1 By assumption, there exists a positive integer k such that if i > k then n „ n * — > 3q. Thus fc-1 2=1 n i n 2 • ...-nfe-ig n; +£ n n x 2 • ... -rifc-ig :pnin 2 •... -rifc-i. i=k Moreover, • ... • rik-iq 1 / 1 £ -niri2 < - 1+—+ 1 1 i=k 11 rii 6 \ nk 1 , + . . . ] < 1, riknk+i a contradiction. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 266 3.1.45. If the sum were a rational number - , then for any positive integer fci, we would have co J^ •—- = | k=k\ CO J2 q n i n2 n k=k\ nkl l ~ k\ — 1 J2 ^~- Thus the sum k=l would be a positive integer, and we would get oo 1 nk k=k ... -n f c l -i q-ni-ri2' Set lim - IIiL - = / > 1 and take e > 0 so small that a = / — e > 1. K—•OO Then there exists an index fco such that if A: > fco, then (**) ftfc-i > a > 1. Since lim - — ^ — = -foo, there is ki > k0 such that k—>oo ni'---'Tlk-1 ^2_. Thus by (** co 1 oc > n nfe ajn~^a°nki Uk k=kl ft fc ^ ni-...-nfcl_i ft - < (oL-l)nkl q-rii • n 2 • ... • nkl-i* which contradicts (*). 3.1.46. On the contrary, suppose that J2 •£- = fc=i are positive integers. Then oo nin 2 ...n / c _i V " f^o 1 nk +J nfc 2 9 , where p and g 1 > - <* for all k > 2. (See the solutions of the preceding problems.) Set &k = 2 \ / ^ - By assumption, lim ak = -foo. We claim that there k—>co exists an ri such that a,j < ari for j = 1,2, ...,ri — 1. Indeed, if ai < a 2 , then ri = 2. If it is not the case, then we take the least integer r\ > 2 such that a\ < ari. In fact, there exist an infinite sequence of integers rk with the above property, that is, dj < ark for j = 1,2,...,^ — 1. To find r 2 we apply the above procedure to the sequence {ak}n>ri and so on. Denote by r the least positive integer such that a r + J > q -f 1 for j = 0,1,2,... and a,j < ar for Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.1. Summation of Series 267 j = 1, 2,..., r — 1. Observe also that since nr < n r + J , ar < off+j for j — 0,1,2,.... It follows from the above that 94.92, n^/4 2J(2r-2) ,9r-i n2r+J n_L- r+7 'V+7 &_ 1 „• ~~°r+j ^^i-J-J Hence OO .. CO -. 1 nin2...Vi E < 5 > + )" 0+1) = -' nr4.j g a contradiction. 00 3.1.47. Since the series Y] 2lL n=l 9n converges, follows from the given inequality that n lim - ^ r = 0. It then -*°° 9n 00 ^_1 > J2 V" • Suppose that n=ra the set A is finite. Then there is an index m such that 771—1 OO Q — \~^ ElL — \ ^ En -u ^m Therefore 5 is rational. Assume now that s = f p^ = p71=1 Then fL CX J x^Pk V^ Pk s P n + 1 k£?+iqk "Qn+i"l k=i *« Multiplying the inequality by bn — q • q\ • ... • qni we get P O n + l r n + l = O n r n g n + l ~ 9 ' Ql ' ••• * <7n+l < KrnQn+i - bnrn(qn+i <7n+l - 1) = frnrn. This means that the sequence {bnrn} of positive integers is monotonically decreasing. Thus, beginning with some value of the index n, all its terms are equal, which implies that the set A is finite. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 268 3.1.48. Clearly, we can write n! = 2a^P{n), where 0{n) is odd. More precisely, a theorem of Legendre asserts that a(n) = n — ^(n), where u{n) denotes the sum of ones in the binary expansion of n. oo Moreover, we have Y2 7T7 = ^C ^ ^ r ? where Sn = 1 if n = rifc and fc=l n=l oc <5n = 0 otherwise. Suppose, contrary to our claim, that Y2 Sn^n — 2 n=l Take TV = 2 r > | , p, g G N. Write g = 2 % where * is odd. max{*,2 s + 2 }. It then follows that ^ G N . Therefore 2 s /3(iV)| = ^ i p G N. A simple calculation shows that TV! = 2N~1/3{N) (which also follows directly from the Legendre theorem). Multiplying the equality N - = > g by 2sp(N), (*) 0n— ^-; /7 ^—' n! 77.! + > ^-f * — ' On-7 T7.! n! i we get 2s/?(7V)^ = 2 s /3(AT)V<$„^ + 2^(Ar) V 6 n ^. Note that m2n 2TB(N)Ts^-rTs 2 li(M) 2^On n—l n] i-A^Wfln)' -l v 7 n—\ Since /?(n) divides /3(iV), we see that the first term on the right-hand side of (*) is an integer. To get a contradiction, we will show that oo O<2S0(N) £ «n£r < 1. Indeed, n=N+l 00 iL on -' °° *—' n\ n=7V+l 00 2S+2 ^~^ ATI - — _/\r_i ^ ; Z. ° ^ n! n=N+l S 2 2 + iV + 2 iV-hl N on < n! n=N+l w os+2 °° OS+2 * AT + I L. I n=iV+l // n x iV + 2 \ n-JV-1 S 3 2 + 7 N+l < -Z-, < I- Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 269 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 3.2.1. (a) We have &n = v n2 + 1 — V™3 + 1 y/n2 + 1 + $ n 3 + l 3n 4 - 2n 3 + 3n 2 (n 2 + l ) 2 + (n 2 + 1) ^/(n 3 + l ) 2 + (n 3 + 1 ) y ^ T T Hence an r lim 1 "J- = o- n By the comparison test the series diverges. (b) lim {/a^ = lim (1 n—>oo v n—>oo \ n 2, n ,, ) = -, and the root test gives +n_r1/ e the divergence of the series. (c) One can verify by induction that (2n-3)H 1 (2n-2)!! 2n-l 77^ ^TTT > « for 7 n > 2 - So by the comparison test, the given series is divergent. (d) The series is convergent because lim r/a^ — K n—>oc (e) 1 —cos ^ — 2 sin2 ^ < ^ r , and therefore the series is convergent. (f) lim ?/a^ = 0, which proves the convergence of the series. n—>oo (g) By Problem 2.5.4 (a), vhm n—•oc ^ _ ; — n 1 = iIn a, and therefore the series is divergent. 3.2.2. (a) The series converges because \ In (l + ^) < ^ . Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 270 (b) The convergence of the series follows from the inequality 1 . n+ 1 2 ~7=ln T < "7=7 for T\ 1 n2 _ lnn (c) Using the inequality Inn < n, we get the given series converges. (d) We have n > 1 1 1 (lnn)lnn nlnlnn- - < ^ z i y - Hence Thus the series is convergent. (e) Applying methods of differential calculus, one can prove that for sufficiently large x the inequality ( m i n x ) 2 < lnx holds. Therefore 1 _ 1 1_ ( l n n ) l n l n n "" e ( l n l n n ) 2 n for sufficiently large n. This proves the divergence of the series. 3.2.3. Put cn — | ^ . By our assumption, Cn+1 = 7 < T - = Cn, U > no- Thus the sequence {cn} is monotonically decreasing for n > no- This implies that the sequence is bounded, i.e. there exists C > 0 such oo oo n=l n=l c that 0 < cn < C, n e N. Hence X] a n = ^ completes the proof of our statement. oo n^n < C X &n> which n=l 3.2.4. (a) By Problem 2.1.38, we get / i\n-2 a n + i _ (1 + J / < / n n+1 x \ 2 1 _ (n+i) 2 Now the convergence of the series follows from t h e convergence test given in the foregoing problem. (b) Similarly, by Problem 2.1.38, we obtain «n+i (i + *) n (! + £)" (i + i) n + 1 dr £ ' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 271 If the given series were convergent then, by Problem 3.2.3, the oo series J2 nn wom< n=i ^ a ^ s o ^ e convergent. Thus the given series diverges. 3.2.5. oo oo n=l n=l (a) By Problem 2.5.4 (a), the series ]£ (tfa - l ) a and £ ^ ei- ther both converge or both diverge. Therefore the given series is convergent for a > 1 and is divergent for a < 1. (b) It follows from the solution of Problem 2.5.4 (b) that Inn < n(^/n1). Thus for n > 3 and a > 0, ± <(£)•<„*_,,.. This implies that the given series is divergent for 0 < a < 1. Let us also observe that for a < 0 the necessary condition an —• 0 for a series to be convergent is not satisfied. For a > 1, by Problem 2.5.5, the given series converges if and only if the series oo £ (H?) does - The convergence of the latter series follows from n=l Problem 3.2.3, because for sufficiently large n we have Gn+i _ fnln{n + l) y < ^ (n-hl)lnny \ n + l/ (c) By 2.5.5, the given series converges if and only if the series converges. By the inequality ^ ^ < ln(l + x) < x, which is valid if x > 0, see Problem 2.5.3, we get ( K 1 - ^ ) " 1 - 1 ) <7T« for a>1 and l X ln(1 + -' n+l -1 > (2^TTF f ° r ° < a - L Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 272 Therefore the given series is convergent for a > 1 and divergent for 0 < a < 1. Furthermore, let us observe that for a < 0 the necessary condition for a series to be convergent is not satisfied. (d) It is easily verifiable that hm n—•oo 1-nsin-!1 2- = - . l -4r nz 0 Hence the given series is convergent if and only if the series oo Yl T^ 71=1 U ls convergent. Therefore our series is convergent for a > \ and divergent for ot<\. 3.2.6. By Problem 2.5.5, we get aa?. i In n a lim n—>-oo oo a " ?i = 1, and so our series converges if and only if the series ]T] an does. 71=1 3.2.7 . (a) The convergence of the series Yl ~ l n ( c o s n) foH°ws fr°m the n=l fact that lim (b) If c ^ 0, then -In (cos j1) w \— alnn +b l i m eclnn+d = 1 = e? ^ 0 . n—K>o Thus the given series diverges. If c = 0 and ^ > 0, then the necessary condition an —• 0 for convergence does not hold. If c = 0 and § < 0, then a ln n + b b_ a i n „ £ a Therefore, in this case, our series converges if § < — 1 and diverges if 2 > — 1. (c) We have n^ 1 (n + a)"+ b (n + 6 ) n + a " (n + a) b (l + £ ) n ( n + 6)<* (l + £ ) n ' oo Thus the series in question converges if and only if Y2 ~^*+h- does. 71=1 n Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 273 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 3.2.8. The convergence of the series ^ y/a>nO>n+i is an immediate 71=1 consequence of the inequality y/anan+i < \{an + &n+i)- Moreover, if the sequence {an} is monotonically decreasing then y/anan+i > oo o n +i. Consequently, the convergence of ^ an follows from the con71=1 OO vergence of the series ^ 71=1 y/anan+i. Now, let us consider the sequence {an} defined by setting ( 1 if n is odd, n = { 1 .. . —7 it n is even. a Then n ^ 2n fc=l fc=l n 1 /c=l oo oo 71=1 71=1 Therefore the series ]P - v /a n a n + i converges, whereas the series Yl diverges. a n 3.2.9. (a) Let us first notice that if the sequence {an} is bounded above, say by M > 0, then > 1 + an ~ 1 + M oo Therefore the series ]T) j ^ - is divergent. On the other hand, 71=1 if the sequence {an} is unbounded above, then there exists a subsequence {aUk} divergent to infinity. Thus lim /c-»oc 1 -f aUk and therefore the necessary condition for convergence fails to hold. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 274 oo (b) The series ^ n=l T^~ can converge or diverge. To show this let us consider the following example: (1 an = < 1 if n = ra , ra = l , 2 , . . • , ^ , . . . , otherwise. oo The series J2 an diverges. We have ^1-ffcafc ^ 1 - f k2 + k2 ~ £^k Hence, in this case, the series ]T n=l Q 1+ ^a fr[l + k2' converges. If we take oo oo an = - , we see that both series V a n and V -r—^— can din=l n=l verge, (c) The convergence of the series in question follows from the inequality 1 + n2an n2an n2 (d) If the sequence {an} is bounded above, say by M, then (Xr), Q"n 1 + a2n - 1 + M2 ' Therefore, in this case, the series in question is divergent. But, if oo for example an = n 2 , then the series Yl \+na2 n=l n conver ges- 3.2.10. For any positive integers n and p, n+p Since lim n <tP~ n = 1, the sequence of partial sums of the series oo J2 f^ is not a Cauchy sequence. Thus this series diverges. n=l n Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 275 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms On the other hand, &n ^ bn &U bn ~ bn—\ Onbn-i bnbn-l 1 -*- bn—l bn and therefore n+p n+p i \ / i 1 Sn Sn+V 1 V °^< T f J _ _ J_) = J-_ J _ < J_. , i ~ ^ i ^fc k=n-\~l *- u ^ \Sk-l k=n-\-l x $k) ' oo ^ Sn Hence the series ^Z §2" is convergent by the Cauchy criterion. n n=l 3.2.11. We have q qP q qP Let p be a positive integer t such that - < /?. Then, for sufficiently large n, the inequality a„ holds. Therefore it is enough to establish the convergence of the series with terms — ^ — . To this end we will show that the inequality C D OP ndn-l \ OP \°n-l OP n ° is satisfied. The last inequality is equivalent to This follows immediately from the easily verifiable inequality 1—xp < p(l — x), which is valid if 0 < x < 1. Indeed, it is enough to set x = (-jF^- J P . Therefore (see the solution of the foregoing problem) the convergence of the series in question is established for (3 > 0. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 276 3.2.12. Let us first assume that a > 1. Then for n > 2, an CQ iJn a — O QOt — 1 ' OnOn_i Thus the convergence of the given series follows from the last problem. Now, let a < 1. Then for sufficiently large n, we have §^ > f^. This and Problem 3.2.10 imply the divergence of our series for a < 1. 3.2.13. (a) By assumption, the sequence {rn} is monotonically decreasing and tends to zero. Moreover, Hence for any positive integers n and p, &n+l Q"n+p , 7*n Tn ^n+p—l ~~ rn+p Tn+1 , 7*n+p—1 ^n-j-p—l ^*n ^"n ~~ 7*n+p 7*n -j ^n+p ^*n Given n, we have lim (1 - —^j = 1. Therefore the divergence r p—XX) \ n J of our series follows from the Cauchy criterion. (b) We have ^n f*n— 1 y/Tn-l 7*n ( y ^ n - l ~ V ^ X ^ n - l + y/K) y/rn-i y/rn~l < 2( v /r n _i - Vr^). Applying this inequality one can show that the sequence of partial sums of the series ]T ^ n _ is a Cauchy sequence. Thus the 71=1 ^ series converges. 3.2.14. We first assume that a > 1. Then, for sufficiently large n, The divergence of the series in question is now derived from part (a) of the foregoing problem. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 277 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms Let a < 1. Then there exists a positive integer p such that a < 1 — ^. Hence p tin r @"n n-i (rn_i) ^Vi__p Tn—i p r ^-i Applying the inequality 1 — xp <p(l — x), which is valid if 0 < x < 1, with a: = f — ^ J P , we get ^-<p(rlx-ri r \ n-l The convergence of the given series follows from the Cauchy criterion. 3.2.15. For 0 < a < 1, a n + i l n rn 5—^ = 0. hm Therefore the convergence of the series ^ a n + i In r n follows from Tl=l the foregoing problem. 3.2.16. We know (see, e.g., Problem 2.1.38) that i \ n / i \ n +i Assume that g > 1 and let £ > 0 be so small that g - e > 1. Then there exists no such that n l n ^ 2 L > g — e for n > no- Thus by (*), n ln-^- > ( ( / - £ ) > nln fl + - V and consequently, Q>n+1 (n+l)9" E 1 Tl9" Therefore the series ^2 an is convergent by the test proved in Probn=l lem 3.2.3. Similar arguments apply to the case g = +oo. Analogous reasoning can be used to prove the divergence of the series if g < 1. The following examples show that the test is inconclusive if g = 1. oo Taking an = £, we see that g = 1 and J ] £ diverges. 71 = 1 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 278 On the other hand, letting an = ^ , we get the convergent oo series J ] a n (see Problem 3.2.29). To show that in this case g = 1, n=l let us first observe that nln ^ =,lnfl lV + + 2nInln(r+1). As the first term of the sum tends to 1, it is enough to show that lim 2nln lj^~L = 0- To this end, note that n—>oo m n U m f l n ( n ± l ) y = 1 . m / + ! n f £ ^ = e0 = 1 Inn / n->oo \ In7i 3.2.17. (a) We have lim nIn —— = lim n(y/n + 1 — \/^) In 2 = -foo. n—*oo fln_|_i n—+00 The convergence of the series follows from the preceding problem. (b) Similarly, ( i \ n 1+ -J nJ •In2 = l n 2 < l . Hence the series diverges. (c) Likewise, lim n In —— = In 3 > 1, n-+oo an+i which proves the convergence of the series. (d) lim n In —— = In a. n->oo a n + i Therefore the series is convergent for a > e and divergent for a < e. For a = e the series in question is the harmonic divergent series. (e) We have (see the solution of 3.2.16) r i an ,. , ln(n+l) . lim n In = hm n in —^ • In a = 0. 7i-+oo an+i n->oo Inn Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 279 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms Therefore, by the convergence test given in the foregoing problem, the series is divergent for any a > 0. 3.2.18. Since lim n l n n-^-oc an Q>n+1 n i_ 1 +1 = l n - , = lim nma n—*oo a the series is convergent for 0 < a < \ and divergent for a > \ (compare with 3.2.16). If a = ^ then (see, e.g., Problem 2.1.41) I l i m e_2 n—>oo .ix -i-l n_ — n = e - where 7 is the Euler constant. The comparison test and the diver00 gence of the harmonic series ^ 71=1 ^ imply the divergence of the series n in question for a = \ . 3.2.19. Applying the inequality yqL_ < ln(l + x) < x, which is valid if x > —1, we get \an+1 1-L(_£JI J I an '— < n In 1 H 1) \ ttn+1 . 1/ < n \«n+l By this inequality, the Raabe test and the test given in Problem 3.2.16 are equivalent for a finite r. It also follows from the above inequality that if lim n l n - ^ - = +00, then lim n (-?* 1) = +00. We will now show that the other implication is also true. Indeed, if lim n ( - ^ 1) = + 0 0 , then for any A > 0 there is no such that -** CLn + l 1 > - for n > n0. Hence n n l n _ ^ L _ = In (l + - ^ - - l V > In f 1 + - V a n ttn+1 V n+l / \ J • A ™~*o° Since A can be arbitrarily large, we see that lim n l n - 2 * - = +00. Similar arguments apply to the case r = — 00. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 280 3.2.20. Since the sequence {an} is monotonically increasing, V^T ) n an n By the Raabe test, the series diverges. 3.2.21. By the definition of the sequence, n-l - an = a\e We will first show that S < +oo, then £ k=1 Ofc for n = l,2,.... oo oo Yl an *s divergent. Indeed, if X) a n n=l lim a n = a\e~s > 0, and so n—+ 00 = n=l lim a" > 0; this n—*oo would contradict the necessary condition for the convergence of the oo series. Therefore the series ]P a% diverges and, by the foregoing, lim an = 0. n=l n—>oo Now assume that (3 > a. We will prove that in this case the series in question is convergent. To this end, we will show that (*) a~a > a(n - 1) for n > 1. This inequality is obvious for n = 1. Assume that it holds for an arbitrarily fixed n. Then, by the definition of the sequence, we obtain a - £ = a~aea< > ^ " ( 1 + « < ) = a~a + a > an. Thus (*) holds for any positive integer n. This inequality is equivalent (for n ^ 1) to a£ < ( a ( n - 1 ) ) - S . Hence, by the comparison test, the given series converges for (3 > a. Let /? < a. It has already been shown that lim an = 0. Therefore, n—>oo for sufficiently large n, 0 < a n < 1. Thus a" < a(*. This inequality oo and the convergence of the series ^ a% imply the convergence of n=l n=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 281 3.2.22. Note that lim n ( — n-+oo yan+i 1 J = lim -a = a. n->oo n + 1 J By the Raabe test, the series in question is convergent for a > 1 and divergent for 0 < a < 1. For a = 1 the given series reduces to the divergent harmonic series 2-^ n+l* 3.2.23. By ( an -0 b = hm —- = a n—>oo 'V n+1 n-*oo (n-\- l)a and the Raabe test, the series is convergent for b > a and divergent for b < a. In the case where b = a, the convergence of the series depends on the sequence {bn}. Indeed, if {bn} is a constant sequence, lim n a oo then the given series is the harmonic series Yl ^+1* n=l We will now show that if bn = a -f " convergent. In fact, CLn = 2a T f ,,s, In(n+1) 7 then the series iIS ni (2+I^)(3+I^)•....(n + l + R ^IT), Thus a n (n — l)ln(n — 1) — an+\n\nn = an I'( IM i -i\ (n - 1) ln(n - 1) {n + l)nlnn 2 \ • Calculation shows that ,. // IM / T\ hm I (n - 1) ln(n - 1) (n+l)nlnn \ ——^— s — = 1. Therefore, for sufficiently large n, an(n - l)ln(n - 1) - a n + i n l n n > (1 - e)an > 0. Hence the positive sequence an(n - l)ln(n - 1) is monotonically decreasing and so is convergent. This, in turn, implies the convergence Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 282 of the series with the terms a n (n—1) l n ( n - l ) - a n + i n l n n . By the last oo inequality and by the comparison test, the series ^ an converges. n=l 3.2.24. By assumption, an((n- l ) l n n - 1) - an+1nlnn = {^n - l)an. Now if 7 n > T > 1, then (*) a n ((n — 1) Inn — 1) — a n + i n l n n > (r — l ) a n . Combining (*) with the inequality (n — 1) ln(n — 1) > (n — 1) Inn — 1, we get (**) Q>n(n — l)ln(n — 1) — a n + i n l n n > (r — l ) a n > 0. This means that the sequence {an(n — 1) ln(n — 1)} is monotonically decreasing and so convergent. Therefore the series with the terms an(n — 1) ln(n — 1) — a n + i n l n n is convergent. By (**), the series J2 an is also convergent. If 7n < r < 1, then an((n— 1) Inn — 1) — a n + i n l n n < (T — l ) a n . Hence an(n — 1) ln(n — 1) — a n + i n l n n < T + In I 1 j J an. Since lim [ r + l n f l - - ) U r - K 0 , the sequence { a n + i n l n n } is monotonically increasing (except for finitely many n). Therefore there is M > 0 such that a n + i n l n n > M. Thus a n + i > ^ j ^ , which proves the divergence of the series 3.2.25. We have { lim n n—»oo 'V an a n+1 -0 = lim ^ 4 - = a. n->oo 1 _ « _ 2*. n nx Therefore the Raabe test implies the convergence of the series for a > 1 and its divergence for a < 1. In case a = 1, the divergence Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 283 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms of the series follows from the test given in the foregoing problem, because an where 7 n = $ n Inn ^B? n nx < T < 1 for some T. nlnn' n 3.2.26. We will apply the criterion of Gauss from the preceding problem. We have a n +i _ n2 + (a + f3)n + a/3 _ _ 1 + 7 - a - / ? _ i?n «n n 2 + (1 + 7)71 + 7 n n2 Therefore the series in question converges if a + f3 < 7 and diverges if a + f3 > 7. 3.2.27. As in the foregoing proof, we will use the Gauss criterion. We have a n+l -. n 2 an n n2' Hence the series converges if p > 2 and diverges if p < 2. . 00 3.2.28. Let S n , 5 n denote the nth partial sums of the series Y n=l a n OO and ]T 2 n a2^, respectively. Then for n < 2k, n=l Sn < ai+(a2+«3)+---+(«2 fc +---+ a 2fc+i-i) < ai-h2a2+...+2/ca2fc = 5 fc . For n > 2k, ^ > « l + f l 2 + («3 + ^4) + ••• + ( ^ - i + l + ••• + a2fe) > a 2 + 2a 4 + ... + 2k'1a2k = -5fc. Thus the sequences {5 n } and {Sn} are either both bounded or both unbounded. 3.2.29. (a) We will apply Cauchy's condensation test (3.2.28). Since the condensed series is 00 V cyn - °° =v 1 - ^ 2n(ln2n)a ^ (nln2)a' v n = l ' n l v ' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society.=Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 284 the given series converges for a > 1 and diverges for 0 < a < 1. oo If a < 0, the divergence of ]T n(\nn)a f°M° ws immediately from 71=2 the comparison test, (b) By the equality y^ 2 00 - =^ vn In 2 ln(n-In 2) lnln2 on n ln2n °° 1 n 71=2 V 71=2 and by (a), the given series is convergent. ' 3.2.30. Reasoning similar to that in the proof of the Cauchy condensation test (3.2.28) can be applied. For n < gk) Sn < Sgk < (ai + ...a 5 l _i)4-(a 9 l +...-ha 5 2 _!) + ...-h(a^+...-ha P f c + 1 _i) < (ai + ...a^_i) + (92 ~ gi)a>gi + ••• + (0fc+i - 9k)a9kFor n > gk, cSn > cSgk > c(a9l+1 + . . . + a92) + ... + c{a9k__1+1 + . . . + a9k) > c{g2-gi)ag2+...+c{gk-gk-1)agk > (g3-g2)ag2+...+{gk+i-gk)a9k. These inequalities prove our assertion. 3.2.31. (a) It is enough to apply the Schlomilch theorem (3.2.30) with gn = 3n. (b) Applying the Schlomilch theorem with gn = n 2 , we get the oo oo 71=1 71=1 equiconvergence of the series Yl an and ^ (2™ + l) a n 2 - Since lim ( 2 n + 1 ) Q " 2 = 2, n—>oo na n 2 oo oo 71=1 71=1 the series ^ (2n + l)a n 2 and ^ na n 2 are also equiconvergent. (c) Compare with (b). oo (d) By (b), the series £ ^ n=l oo and J2 #r n=l are equiconvergent. The latter is convergent, e.g. by the root test. To determine the Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 285 divergence or convergence of the series Yl 2 ^ ' oo S 71=1 S 3^ n=l ~T^IT5 a n=l and the Cauchy condensation theorem or the test given in (a) can be applied. We will now study the behavior of the series with terms aln1in n . If a > 1, then the convergence of this series is 00 n equivalent to the convergence of ^ - ^ . It is easy to check that fl 71=1 the last series diverges, e.g. by the root test. This establishes 00 the divergence of the series ]T Qln1ln n for a > 1. Observe that if 0 < a < 1, then the necessary condition for convergence is not satisfied. 3.2.32. By Problem 2.4.13 (a), there exists a n o O such that ( a n ) ^ < e~ 1 _ £ , n> k. Hence j ^ l n a n < — 1 — e, and so a n < ^rW- The comparison test 00 yields the convergence of ^ 71=1 an. 3.2.33. Analysis similar to that in the solution of the preceding problem gives an < — r-r— n(mn)i+£ for and for an n >k e > 0. 00 Therefore, by Problem 3.2.29(a), the series J2 an is convergent. 71=1 3.2.34. S2n 0 +fc_;L~~ S ^ o - l + (^2n0 + l + ~ ( a 2 n o + O2 n o+l ~h ••• + Cl2no + ••• " f a 2 n 0 + 2 _ 1 ) + ••• + ( a 2 n 0 + fc-l + 1 -l) . . . "f < 2 no a 2 n 0 -f 2 n o + 1 a 2 n 0 + i + ... + 2 n ° +/c - 1 a 2 n 0+te _ 1 Hence, for sufficiently large fc, x 2 Tl o+ fc _i ( -9) Y2 n=2 n o an g /2no_i - [ ^2 \ n=7i 0 an n o+ f c _i n=n 0 +fc fl \ n o_i - XI « ~"E f l n " 2 / 2 n—n0 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 286 Thus the sequence of partial sums of ^2 an *s bounded, and so the n=l series converges. oo 3.2.35. Assume that the series JZ a™ converges. Then n=l 2n lim 7 n—>oo ^—' fc=n-fl 2n+l ak = lim 7 n—>oo ^—^ /c=n+l a& = 0. Hence, by the monotonicity of {a n }, 2n ^2 2n ak - X^ k=n+l and 2n+l a 1 a2n = na2n = k—n-\-l k> 2n+l 2^ a2n +! = 2^2na2n^ 'fl2n+1' 9 4- 1 ^ It follows from the above that lim nan = 0. n—>-oo Let a n = n l n A + 1 x. Then the series with the terms an diverges and lim nan = lim —, n-»oo 3.2.36. Let ( 1 I — — = 0. n ^ o o l n ( n -f 1) for n = A:2, k — 1,2,..., —77 otherwise. v nz oo The series Y] an is convergent but the limit lim nan does not exist. n n=i -"°° 3.2.37. The condition we are looking for is the convergence of the oo oo n=l n=l series ]T} y/a^. Indeed, if JZ V&n converges, then we take bn = Now assume that there is a sequence {bn} such that both series J2 bn and £ n=l n=l f^ converge. Then Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 287 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms and so the series Y2 y/a^ converges. 3.2.38. Assume that there is a sequence {an} such that both series oo oo , £ an and J2 ^h~ converge. Let n=l A= Then Y nseA G N : — < -^— 1 ns njans J \ns t ^- < -foe and so s and A ' = N \ A. ^~ = ~^oc (°^ c o u r s e A can be an Y nseA' empty set). Now observe that aUs > ^- for ns € A ; . Therefore the series oo Y2 a«n diverges, contrary to our assumption. n=l 3.2.39. We have oo 1 ^ oo 1 n an n=l - oo ^-j nan n=l ^ nan ' n=l oo We will show that the convergence of the series Y2 ^Qn T+ 11 implies the na n n=l oo divergence of Yl ^~ • By the Cauchy criterion, there is k £ N such 71=1 U n that for any positive integer n, £ *±l < I . Thus ^ 2=fc+l £ ^f < 2 = fc+l | . Therefore, for n > fc, /c+n - 1 7 , E i fli±i 1 k + n 1 ncti 4 n 2 By the relation between arithmetic and geometric means, Gfc+n+l Gfc+i ^ 1 < -, 2 , and so ^ Clfc-j.1 a/c +n +i < -zr-2n Thus (fc + n + l)afc +n +i > ( H n + l)a f c +i' Therefore the series Y2 ~^~ diverges. 71=1 na-p Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 288 oo 3.2.40. Of course the series ^ cn can diverge (e.g. if an < bn for n=l n e N). Surprisingly, it can converge. Indeed, take the series with terms ii.i_i_JLi_i_J_i _ 2 ' 2 2 ' 2 2 ' 2 2 ' 2 2 ' 2 2 ' 72' S 2^1'" and X _l_jLJ_J_i_l.JlJL _L ' 22 ' 32 > 4 2 > 52 ' 5 2 > ^2 ' g 2 > 3 2 ' - ' ^2 ' - ' V v 8 2 -f 1 times ' Each of these series contains infinitely many blocks of terms whose sums are greater than 1. Therefore each of them diverges. In this 00 case cn = 4_-, and so J2 cn converges. n=l 3.2.41. We will use the Cauchy condensation theorem (3.2.28). The 0 0 h divergence of _T] n *s equivalent to the divergence of the series with the terms 71=1 62n=min{a2n, _-L_j . In turn, the series J2 ^ diverges if and only if the condensed series 71=1 with terms 2n622n = m i n J 2 n a 2 2 n , J^ diverges. We will now show that the latter series diverges. Indeed, if oo oo 71=1 71=1 a series ^ dn is divergent, then ^ min{d n , c}, where c > 0, is also divergent. If min{d n ,c} = c for infinitely many n, then the series oo J2 min{d n ,c} diverges. If min{d n ,c} = c for finitely many n, then 71=1 OO the divergence of the series follows from the divergence of £3 d n . 71=1 3.2.42. We have 1 _ Q n ^n+l __ Q n + 1 ~ Q>n < Gn+1 ~~ Q"n+l "~ Q>n Oi Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 289 This and the convergence of the telescoping series ]T (a n +i — a n ) imply the convergence of the series in question. 71=1 3.2.43. We have -. Q"n ^n+1 &n+l &n &n+l Setting bn — an+i — an and Sn = b\ + .... + 6 n , we obtain g ^ Q a n + i-a n ^ rp^ ug ^ divergence of our series follows from 3.2.10. = ° dn + l 3.2.44. If the sequence {an} is unbounded, then the convergence of the series in question follows from Problem 3.2.11. To see this one can apply arguments similar to that given in the solution of the preceding problem. Now assume that the sequence {an} is bounded. Then &n+l "~ an ^ 1 / \ — < ^ ( « n + i ~ an). an+ia% a2a(? Hence the convergence of our series follows from the convergence of oo the telescoping series J2 ( a n+i — &n). n=l 3.2.45. It is enough to take c n = j ~ y where Sn is the nth partial oo sum of Yl an, an d apply 3.2.10. 71=1 3.2.46. One can set cn = -?==> where rn = a n +i 4- a n + 2 + ••-, and use 3.2.13 (b). 3.2.47. The sequence {rn} is monotonically decreasing. Hence by 3.2.35, lim nrn = 0. Therefore n—>oo lim nan= n—+oo lim n ( r n _ i - rn) = lim ( ( n - l ) r n _ i - n r n + r n _ i ) = 0. n—•oo n—>oo 3.2.48. (a) Since lim an = +oo, a n > 2 for n large enough. The con- n—>oo vergence of the series in question follows from the inequality ^r < ?pr, which holds for sufficiently large n. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 290 (b) As in (a), n can be chosen so large that -^~ < 3 ^ . Thus by 3.2.17 (c), our series converges. (c) The series can be either divergent or convergent. Its behavior depends on the sequence {an}. If an = Inn, n > 2, then the 00 series ]T n=l 1 Qln lnn °n diverges (see 3.2.2 (e)). On the other hand, if an = n, then for n > e e , -T4_ = ^Inlnn T T l T - < gin l n n - l n n J - , where a > 1. ^a ' In this case the series in question is convergent. 3.2.49. The series diverges because the necessary condition an —• 0 for convergence is not satisfied (see 2.5.25). 3.2.50. We assume first that p = 0. Then by 2.5.22, lim y/nan = n—>oo y/S and so our series diverges. Now suppose that p > 0. Then lim an = 0. Hence lim ^ ^ = lim ^ ^ • -^ = 0. The series n—>oo a n—KX> ™ n—>oo a n ™ converges by the ratio test. 3.2.51. Observe that an £ (n7r,rar4- | ) . Hence 4r < ^ 3 , and so 00 the series Yl ~t? c o n v e r g e s 3.2.52. Set bn = y/a^; then bn € (n7r,n7r + f ) . Hence the series 00 00 ]T} ~ = J2 W converges (see the solution of the foregoing problem). 3.2.53. The series diverges because lim nan = 2 (see 2.5.29). n—>oo 3.2.54. For simplicity we introduce the following notation: Ln = ai + a 3 -f ... 4- a 2 n - i and M n = <22 + a 4 + ••• + «2n- By the monotonicity of {an}, (*) L n > M n and Ln - ax < Mn. n Hence 2Mn = Mn + Mn> Mn + Ln - ax = J2 ak- Thus (**) lim Mn — +00. n—>oo Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 291 Combining (*) and (**), we arrive at Ln _ _ Ln - Mn j2i_ ^ 3.2.55. By the definition of fcn, we have 0 < Skn - n < ^-. It is known that lim (Skn — ln fcn) = 7 , where 7 is the Euler constant (see n—>oo 2.1.41). Therefore lim (n — ln kn) = lim (n + 1 - ln fcn+i) = 7. n—• oo n—KX) Hence lim ( " i - i n ^ ± 1 ^ = 0 , n-»oo y kn J and so lim — — = e. 3.2.56. (a) [A. J. Kempner, Amer. Math. Monthly 23(1914), 48-50] A jfc-digit number from A can be written in the form 10fc~1a1 + 10 /c_2 a 2 + ...4-afc, where 0 < a* < 9, i = l,2,...,fc. For a given k, there are 9k /c-digit numbers in A, and each of them exceeds 10 fe_1 . Therefore ^ °° gk nGA k—1 (b) As in (a) we have y, 1 n €A ^ 9 fc fc=l Therefore if a > log10 9, then the series XI ^ converges. More- nGA over, since y^ 1 ^ 1 n o c > > y> 2 ^ 9fc ( 1 Q fc _ y, l)a > Z-, 9fc 10^' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 292 the series J2 —• diverges if a < log 10 9. nGA Remark. Let Ak denote the subset of positive integers that do not contain the digit k in their decimal expansion. In much the same way one can show that the series ^ —• converges if a > log10 9. n €A k 3.2.57. Assume that —oo < g < 1 and take e > 0 so small that g + e < 1. Then, for sufficiently large n, l n ^ - < (# + £)lnn and Q>n > T^TF- Therefore the series diverges. If g = —oo, then (for n large enough), In -—- < —1 -Inn. Thus an > n and the series diverges. The oo same proof works for g > 1. Let us consider two series: Yl ^ and oo J2 nin^n' ^ ^ ^ r s t n=2 one diverges and the second converges, although for both g is equal to 1. 3.2.58. The equivalence of these tests has been shown in the solution of Problem 3.2.19. By 2.5.34, if the Raabe criterion is decisive, then so is the criterion from the foregoing problem. To show that the converse is not true, we consider the series with terms an defined by setting a 2 n-i = ^z, a 2 n = 4^7. 3.2.59. Let bbnn = = yV22 ++ y\f\2 + ... + \/2 . Then bn = 2 cos ^ S T (comn—roots pare with 2.5.41). By the definition of {a n }, we have an = 2 — 6 n - i , and so an = 2 sin ^ r < <pr- Thus the series in question converges. 3.2.60. Assume K is a positive number such that (ai - a n ) + (02 - a n ) + ... + (a n _i - an) < K for n € N. Hence for every n £ N we have 01 + ... + a n — na n < iC. Let m £ N be arbitrarily chosen. By the monotonicity of the sequence {an} and by its convergence to zero, there exists n 0 £ N such that a>n < 2 a m (*) for n > n0. We have ai -I-... + a m - rna n + a m + i + ... + a n - (n - m)a n < AT. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 293 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms Again, by the monotonicity of {a n }, am+i 4-... -f an > (n — m)an and a\ + ... 4- am > mam- Therefore m(arn — an) — mam — man < a\ +02 + ... + o m — man < K. This and (*) imply \mam < ^ ( a m — Q>n) < K- Finally, Sm = ai 4- &2 4- ... 4- a m = S'm - mam 4- ^ a m < K + raam < 3K. 3.2.61. Prom the relations « n = Gn+1 + &n+2 + &n+3 + ... , a n + i = a n + 2 4" G n +3 + ... we gather that a n + i = \an. Now, by induction, an = ^ , n G N. 3.2.62. [20] Let rn,fc = a n + a n + i + ... + a n+fe , n = 1,2,.., fc = 0,1,2,..., and let lim r n ^ — vn,n — 1,2,... Assume that s G (0,5) k—>oo and that a n i is the first term of the sequence {a n } for which a n i < s. Either there exists a k\ such that r^^ < s < r nij fc 1+ i, or rni < s. In the second case we have s < a n i _ i < r n i < s, and so r n i = s. In the first case we determine the first term an2 with ri2 > rii + fci, ^ni,fci 4- fln2 < s - Either there exists a &2 with r ni,ki ~r 1*712,k2 ^ s — Tm,k\ 4" ^n2,/c2 + l > or rniifc1 4- r n 2 = 5. This procedure can be repeated, and if the first case occurs at every step, then s == r^^ 4- rn2j/e2 + .... 3.2.63. [20] Suppose, contrary to our claim, that there is k G N such that ak = 2p+ 00 ^2 n—k+l an, where p > 0. Then ak — p = p+ 00 ^ an — n=k+l 00 £ ] €nan, where £ n equals either zero or one. By the monotonicity n=l 00 00 of { a n } , en = 0 for n < k. Hence ak - p = ]T £nfln < n=l afc — 2p, a contradiction. 3.2.64. By the Stolz theorem (see 2.3.11), we obtain 1 ^ lim a 1 5 1 - + a 2 y + - + a „ 5 - ^ lim n—oc ln^n ^ n-^oo - I n (1 - a n n=fc+l S n ) ^ = L The last equality follows, e.g., from 2.5.5. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 294 3.2.65. Set an = 1, n G N. oo 3.2.66. Since Q i+ a 2+-+"n > «i, the series V fll+fl2+ +flw - n=l is diver- gent for any positive sequence {an}. The divergence is independent oo of the behavior of the series J2 an71=1 3.2.67. By assumption, 2 a 2 <ai, n 2 a ]T ^ ^271T ^ n-l a f c - Hence, by induction 2 E«>^(>n)( 1+ ?)-( 1+ ^)"'Moreover, 1+2 ) ( 1 + 2 * - ( 3.2.68. Put c n = ^ £ 1 + 2^ H ^ <e ' = n ( ^ 1 ) " , n G N. Then c\ -... • c n = (n + l ) n (*) ^ and cn < ne. Using the geometric-arithmetic mean inequality, we arrive at 1 , . aici -f ... + a n c n $/ai •... • a n = — — ^/oici •... • a n c n < n+ 1 n ( n + 1) Therefore iV iV Ei ^ n=l n=l aici + ... + a n c n i ra(n / 1-2 l 2 -l 3 -,—7; + TT~^ + ••• 1 1 + a2C2 2 -r—r -—- + ... + - 3 + 3-4 = aici v + l) 7 N(N l + l) + 1 \ 1 iV ,v . . , . . , , . + ... + CIMCNN{N + 1)J N(N + 1) < axci 4- a2C2- + C13C3- + ... + a^CN— < 2oi + ea2 + ••• + ea^. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 295 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms The last inequality follows from (*) . Letting N —> oo, we obtain the desired inequality. 3.2.69. Writing ( n + l ) n - . . . - ( n + A ; - l ) n ( n + A;)n n71-1 • ... • (n + k - 2) n ~ 1 (n + k - l)™"1 ' n -f k^ n ( n + l ) .... • (n + fc- 1), n we get ci •... • cn = (n + l ) n •... • (n + /c)n. Hence, as in the solution of the preceding problem, we obtain N E n=l N v-^ aici + ... + ancn yai - ... a n < 7 ^ n ( n + l ) - . . . - ( n + k) = aici a 2C 2 + < + - -— , N + ... + 1 - 2 • ... - (lH-fc ) JV(i V + 1) •.. . • (iV + Jb) 1 1 — TT rr + .. . + 2 • 3 •.. • (2 + k) '" N(N + 1) •... • (N + fc) + a C ^ ^7V(iV + l ) . . . . . ( i V + fc) K^ aiCl + 2.3.... 1 (l + ^) a 2 C 2 - + iV(7V + l ) . . . 1 . ( A r + fc-l)a7VCiV)' The last inequality follows from Problem 3.1.4 (a). Since l(Z + l ) . . . . - ( Z + c l + k^1 fc-l); i letting N —> oo, we obtain the desired inequality. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 296 3.2.70. Let Tn = ai-ha 2 -h...-f a n and let Sn denote the nth partial sum of the series in question. Then c SN = 1 , ^n2(Tw-rw-i) ^ 1 , ^n2(Tn-rn-!) ^7+ 2 ^ i _ 1 T2 ^ N 2 n - ^7 + 2^ — T ^ T ~ , — N 2 ^ ~~ ^7 5 — J7T V^ n=2 n 22 11 W ^ -- il / iVN ,. 11\2 N2 2 _ 1 V^ ( n + 1) V^ — 2 ^ T 7 ~~ 2 ^ T~ ^7 2-/ T 21^ T i V n- 1= 2 TV TV nN=-2l n = l rt n=z rt ^ ^n ^ 1 5 ^ 2n ^ 1 + 7 7 2 ^ T " 2-^ T " — ^7 2 ^ T " 2l^ T7"* ^ n=l n=2 n=l Moreover, by the Cauchy inequality (see 1.2.12), / N \ \n=l '*/ 2 o N N nn n=l „n== il " n with M = Y] —. Hence n=l TV E fT ^ ^ . n=l Consequently, 5/y < f- 4- 2\/S/v v M + Af, and so 5TV< f\/M+W2M+-M . 3.2.71. The arithmetic-harmonic mean inequality (see, e.g., 1.2.3) yields 2k 1 T 2fc-l > - 2k ]T) {nan - (n - l)an-i) n=2fc-1+l 2fc~1 2^02*: — 2 fc-1 1 a2fc-i ~~ 2a2fc Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 297 Hence , n nan - [n - l)a n _i ^ 4a2* Therefore The divergence of the series follows from the Cauchy condensation theorem (see 3.2.28). 3.2.72. We will show that the series £] i r is divergent. If it were 71=1 not, then there would be an n such that P n OO Y] m=n+l - ^ < i . Let a = Pi *P2 * ••• 'Pn- Then the number 1 + ka with fcEN can be written as a product of primes. This unique factorization does not contain any of the numbers pi, ...,p n - Hence oo oo 1 / oo i \ °° E i i < E E j- <E / i \ * )-i. a contradiction. 3.2.73. It is enough to apply the results from the foregoing problem and from Problem 3.2.71. 3.2.74. We get oo Epkr n*Sgo ^ ~ T - ^ (i + g £ + ££. + ...) = n^S, 1 ( 1 + 21 + 21 + ,..) 1 = 2' k=2 because the sums in parentheses tend to 1 as n tends to infinity. Indeed, o nn + + il n+i n o n9- f+li + _ ' 471+I + ' *" ^ = 9n+1 V -i Z_-• * k = 3 jUn+1 * Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 298 Moreover, CO -. CO 1 Ek+ l n l = + ¥^ ^ 1 ^ V"—\ 1 ^ 1 CO ^~^V 1 (2/c) n+1 + 1 (2k + l ) n + 1 1 1^ ^ 1 = ^ 1 Therefore 9n+l V^ 1 V V 33/ / < V1 2 - J k=3K fc=3 and so CO 2n+l ^+ 2: n V^ -1 • 0- /c=3 CO 3.2.75. Assume first that the series ^ a n converges. n=l Then the convergence of the series in question follows from the inequality J ^ < CO n a ^ . If the series J2 n diverges, then there exists a strictly increasing 1 n=l sequence {nm} of positive integers such that S n m - i <m< Then ^ ^ m(m + 1 ) m Tnm = Si + ... + Snm > Sni + - + Snm > - ^ ^. SUrn. Hence CO E ^ m + 1-1 CO a n _ 7 rpa n=n2 \T^ n J m=2 CO i m=2 ~nm CO Y^ _^fe_ < 7 j rpa — 7 k=nrn & C Q \T~^ ^ n m + i - l ~ *->nm-l J ra=2 n rpa ™> CO < m=2 Therefore the series in question is convergent if a > \. This series can be divergent if a < ~. Indeed, it is enough to take an = 1, n G N. 3.2.76. By Problem 3.2.35, lim -&- = 0. Take 0 < K < 1. Then n—>oo Gn there is n 0 such that n < Kan for n > no. Hence lnfe an ^ , t. / 1 \ lnfc n > In # 7 On Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms ^ Thus the convergence of the series ^2 n—l 0 0 Q£ 299 i k Q Qn implies the convergence k ^ lJL-". To prove the other implication put an n=i an < nk+2} l ! = {n<EN: and I2=N\Ii. Then for n G I i we have l n a n < (k + 2)Inn, and so the convergence of J2 %-^ implies the convergence of Y] " Q n . Moreover, nGli nGli for sufficiently large n in I2, lnfc an a^__ CLri. U"n 1 fc + 2 Hence ]T ^ - ^ < 00, because r i ? > 1. ^ nEl2 On ' fc+1 3.2.77. We have ¥>(n)-l y(l)-l £ /(*) = E /(*) + (/^C1)) + /M 1 ) + 1) + - + /(V(2) " 1)) fc=l fc=l + ... -f (/(y>(n - 1)) + f(ip(n - 1) + 1) + ... + f(<p(n) - 1)) <p(l)-l < E fc=l n-1 /(*) + £/(?(*))(¥>(*+ !)-¥>(*))• k=l Inequality (1) is proved. The proof of (2) is analogous. 3.2.78. Assume first that f(<p{n))(ip{n+l)-<p{n)) <q< 1. Then, by (1) in the preceding problem, <p(i)-i k=l Therefore, in view of ip(n) > n, (1 - q)Sn-i 00 convergence of 2Z fin) 71=1 1S tp(l)-l < £ fe=i /(*0- Tne proved. To prove the second part of the Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 300 statement we can use inequality (2) from the foregoing problem and proceed analogously. 3.2.79. One can apply the result from the preceding problem with <p(n) = 2n. 3.2.80. We apply the result from Problem 3.2.78 with (p(n) = 2 n . 3.2.81. Apply the result from Problem 3.2.77 with (p(n) = 3n, (p(n) = n2 ip(n) = n 3 , and respectively. 3.2.82 . (1) We have anbn — a n + i 6 n + i > ca n +i. Therefore {anbn} is a monotonically decreasing sequence with positive terms, and so it is oo convergent. Thus the telescoping series £ {anbn — an+i&n_|_i) n=l oo converges. The convergence of £ an follows from the Comparing son test. (2) We have a n+l . l bn + i a n bn oo Therefore the divergence of ]T} an follows from the test given in 71=1 Problem 3.2.3. 3.2.83. To derive the d'Alembert test (the ratio test) we take bn = 1 for n = 1,2,.... Setting bn = n for n — 1,2,..., we get the Raabe test. Putting bn = n l n n for n = 2,3,..., we arrive at the Bertrand test. 3.2.84. [J. Tong, Amer. Math. Monthly, 101(1994), 450-452] oo (1) Let S = Yl a n a n d let n = 1 , 0n = S- n £afc k=\ CLn = rn CLn • Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.2. Series of Nonnegative Terms 301 Of course, bn > 0 for n e N. Moreover, 0n+i = On = = 1. (2) In this case set n E ak h — Q — — (ln k=1 CLn oo Then the series J2 jT diverges (see, e.g., Problem 3.2.10). Moren=l over, On a 0n+i = n+l — a &TI+1 = — 1. &n+l n+l 3.2.85. (a) It is enough to apply the ratio test to each of the series: oo oo a oo 2^ftl+/cn, n=0 2_^ kn, n=l •••> / ^Q(fc-l)+fcnn—0 (b) It is enough to apply the Raabe test (see 3.2.19) to each of the series given in the solution of (a). 3.2.86. By assumption, there exists a positive constant K such that Vn<K- Inn , n>2. Let us define the sets of positive integers Ni and N2 as follows: Ni = in: an < \ j and N2 = N \ N i . For sufficiently large n G Ni, (1) 1 K x an-^<an-^=an^ !jk- ln-L (eK\~^t~ =( _ j e2K < -g-. Furthermore, for sufficiently large n €N 2 , (2) ^ < a ^= an —) \anJ <n^=e2K. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 302 Combining (1) and (2) with the convergence of the series ^2 am we arrive at ^jT a^"^71 < +oo and nGNi ^ alT^ < +oo. n €N 2 3.3. The Integral Test 3.3.1. For fe- 1 < x < fc, Jfc > 2, we have / ( x ) > /(fe). On the other hand, for k < x < k + 1, we have f(x) < f(k). Hence pk+l / pk f(x)dx < f(k) < / k = 2,3,.... f(x)dx, Summing both sides of the above inequalities from k — 2 to k = n, we get y" /(x)dx < /(2) + /(3) + ... + f(n) < J" f(x)dx, which proves the integral test. 3.3.2. Note that 4 is a positive and monotonically decreasing function. Therefore, by the integral test, convergence of the given series is equivalent to boundedness of the sequences < f f'(x) dx > and {] %$**}. Since [" f'(x)dx and = f(n)-f(l) f Q^- dx = ln/(n) - ln/(l), either both sequences are bounded or both sequences are unbounded. N+l 3.3.3. We have SN-IN-(SN+i-IN+i) 0. Moreover, / ( n ) < n / f(x)dx = f f(x)dx-f(N+l)> N < f(n- 1) for n = 2,3,...,7V. n-l Summing these inequalities from n = 2 to n = AT, we get SV / ( l ) <IN<SNf(N). Hence 0 < /(iV) < S N - / * < / ( l ) , which completes the proof. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 303 3.3. The Integral Test 3.3.4. Convergence of the given sequences follows from the foregoing problem. It remains to show that the limits of these sequences belong to (0,1). (a) Since f(x) = \ is a strictly decreasing function on the interval (0, oc), SN - IN < S2 - h < f{l) = 1 for N > 2 and f(2) + f(3) + ... + f(N-l) + f{N) /(s)dx, >f(2) + f{3) + ... + f(N-l)>J or equivalently, SN — f(l) > IN — h- Finally, 0 < 1 - I2 < lim (SN - IN) < S2 - h < 1N—>-oo (See also 2.1.41 and 3.1.36). (b) The proof is analogous to that in (a). 3.3.5. oo (a) Convergence of the series ]T n(\nn)a n ls e ( u v a e n n=2 l i l t t ° bounded- ness of the sequence J x(\nx)a ^x- For a ^ 1, 2 1 (lnn)~a+1 J ax — a J x(\nx) ~~ -a +1 2 (ln2)~ a + 1 -a-hi Thus the series converges if a > 1 and diverges if 0 < a < 1. Clearly, if a < 0, then the series diverges. Finally, if a = 1, then n n 2 2 1 l^t^c^x = ln(lnn) — ln(ln2). Hence the sequence J ^j^dx is unbounded and therefore the series diverges, (b) In this case, we have 1 -dx = ln(ln(lnn)) - ln(ln(ln3)). / 3 x In x In (In x) i: Thus by the integral test the series is divergent. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 304 3.3.6. (a) We have N N q _ V"^ ^ n + 1 Gn+l ST. — TV q rSn+1 rlnr = In In SV-f i — In In S\ —• oo. N—>-oo (b) As in (a), we have N N Sn In2 Sn ^2 ^ Q N Q i rSn Sn In2 Sn " ^ 7 ^ x In2 a; 1 1 1 In SN + In Si N^OO In S i ' 2 3.3.7. If H/{x)f{<p{x)) JJ— < q < 1 tor x > XQ, then | f(t) dt = J V'(t)f(v(t)) dt<qf V?(x0) ^o f(t) dt. x0 Hence p<p(x) (1 - g) / ( / /(<)* < q fV(x0) / JXQ nx / JX /(*)* \ • ry{x) /(«)* - / \ pv(x) /(*)* - / rv(xo) f(t)dt \<q OO J Thus by the integral test, the series Yl f(n) f(t)dt. JXQ ^s convergent. 71=1 Now if <p'(x)f{<p(x)) — >1 tor x>X(h Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.3. The Integral Test then J 305 f(t) dt> J f(i) dt. As a consequence, <p(x0) x0 V>{x) <p(x0) I f(t)dt > J f(t)dt. X XQ Moreover, since for any n there exists kn £ N such that n < ip(ri) < n + kn, we have rn+kn r<p(n) / f(t)dt> / Jn Jn /(*)*> / rv{xo) f(t)dt. J XQ Therefore {/n} is not a Cauchy sequence, and consequently, it is not bounded. So by the integral test the series diverges. 3.3.8. (a) If lim (~9(x)jTxT ~ 9'(x)) x—+00 ^ > 0, then there exist xo and 6 > 0 ' such that ~9(X)-FT-V - 9*(x) > <$ Therefore —{g(x)f{x))' > 8f(x), ficiently large n, we get f f(x)dx<-\ Jxo G r' for x > x0. x > XQ. Consequently, for suf- -{f{x)g{x))'dx J XQ = -$(9{xo)f(xo)-g{n)f{n)) < -^g(x0)f{x0). Thus by the integral test, the series converges. (b) As in (a), we get —(g(x)f(x)Y < 0 for x > XQ. Thus the function gf is monotonically increasing on [zo,oo), and consequently, g(x)f(x) > g(xo)f(xo) if x > x$. This means that f(x) > f(x ) g Xo) l ( x) for x > x0. Therefore the sequence J f(x)dx l n is unbounded because, by assumption, the sequence J - ^ dx is unbounded. l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 306 3.3.9. It is enough to apply the result in the preceding problem to g(x) = x. 3.3.10. In 3.3.8, we substitute g(x) = xlnrr. 3.3.11. (a) Set oo ff(t)dt x ^ = Then -g[x)^-sf{x) -jw = \>0. (b) Put / n f(t)dt n 1 1/2 1/2 Then J ~zh\dx = In J f(t)dt — In J f(t)dt, 1 X which means that n the sequence / ~^h\dx is unbounded. Moreover, -9(x)j^l-g'(x) = -l<0. 3.3.12. We will apply the test proved in 3.3.9. (lnx)-(lnx>>\ x> 1, we get Taking f(x) = - x § ^ = (lnx)7-1(7lnlnx + l). If 7 > 1, then lim (In a:) 7 - 1 (7 In In x + 1) = +00, and consequently, X—KX> the series is convergent. On the other hand, if 0 < 7 < 1, then we have lim (In # ) 7 - 1 (7 In In x + 1) = 0, which means that the series is £—•00 divergent. 3.3.13. Set Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 307 3.3. The Integral Test One can show that Km f ~xf}^y ) = 1. So we cannot apply the test given in 3.3.9. Thus we will apply the test proved in 3.3.10. For sufficiently large x, fix) JKJ f(x) because Xm^ ( ^ 1\ , lnx * x l n x = x) m-i n x lnx 7(minx) ^ r^2 + l > 2 - j ^ y ) = +oc. 3.3.14. We have (A n+ i — An) ^ TW y < j Hence jrr^dt. An 00 / A \ Z"00 1 1 Thus we have proved that the series X] (1 — y*^-) jry—y is conn=l ^ n / n vergent. Let {Sn} and {Sfn} denote the sequence of partial sums of the series given in the problem and the sequence of partial sums the above series, respectively. Then N y(-l( T 7 ^ - < > . L' , 1< 1 which implies convergence of the given series. 3.3.15. By the monotonicity of / , (*) / ( A n + i ) ( A n + i - An) < f ^ f{t)dt < /(A n )(A n + i - A n ). (a) By the left inequality and by our assumption, we get M^/(A n=l n + 1 )</ f(t)dt< 00. ^Ai Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 308 (b) The right inequality in (*) implies the divergence of the series oo £ /(An)71=1 OO 3.3.16. Assume first that the series J2 j ^ y converges. Then, by n=l oo the integral test, the improper integral J jr^dt also converges. In- tegration by parts and then integration by substitution give 1 , ,. V*J t 1 f°° tf'lt) , -| tj . 1_ ffOO n-lf - ^TT + + I —^-dt. * - - / ( *(*) ) /(I) m) ' Jf Jfii)~2 lim -^r We will now show that 2t The convergence of the improper integral implies lim J yr^- dx = 0. t-*oo? / W = Since ^jrb 2t 2* jm) IJ dx < j JJ-T dx, the equality (**) holds. Thus the improper integral / t? ^ converges. l Moreover, we have £(^TTj^SA —*=h —dt<oo> which means that the series ]jn fn+i?a converges. Obviously, the n=l ^ / _ 1 (n) i y 1=1 series 72^ also converges. n$ To prove the implication in the other direction, assume that the 00 series ^ f_ 1{ J na ^ converges. In much the same way we can show that Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.4. Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz the integral f dt converges, and consequently, / jWjdt * t2 309 a so ^ converges. Thus by the integral test the series ]T JT^T is convergent. 71=1 3.3.17. First observe that the function (p can be defined, in the same way, on the whole interval [e, oo). Then ip{x) = 1 for x G [e,e e ), <p(x) = 2 for x G [e e ,e eC ) . For simplicity set e 1 = e and ek = ee for k > 1. Thus we have for <f{x) = k Let x<G [e fc ,e fc+1 ). 1 x(lni x)(ln 2 x) •... • (ln^x) x)' fix then 1 /(*) = x(lni x)(ln x) •... • (In* x) 2 for x€ [ek,ek+1) Now, by the integral test, our series diverges because, for n > ek, e fc + r fc e2 e3 i -dx = fc — 1. Jgfe-i x(lnx)(ln 2 x) • ... • (ln/b-ix) 3,4. Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 3.4.1. (a) We have an a. n+1 Thus the series converges absolutely if \a\ < 1 and diverges if \a\ > 1. If |a| = 1, then the series diverges because lim n—•oo lim n—•oo an n+ 1 = lim n i ^°°( +^r 1 e * Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 310 (lnx)a for x > 0. Then f'{x) = ( l n x ) a " 1 2 ( a " l n : c ) < 0 for x > max{l, e }. Thus by the Leibniz test the series converges for every a E l . We will now decide whether the series converges (b) Set f(x) a oo absolutely, that is, whether the series Y2 n=2 n converges. By the theorem of Cauchy (see 3.2.28), the convergence of this series oo is equivalent to the convergence of ^ n a (ln2) a . Thus our series n=2 converges absolutely if a < — 1. (c) If a > 0, then by the Leibniz test the series converges. If a < 0, then ^-irsm^^-ir 1 OO OO I sin • a , n Applying the Leibniz test again, we see that the series converges for all a G i The series does not converge absolutely if a ^ O , because sin L-L lim — j - s - = a. n—>oo — n=l n=l -4a-8 (d) The series converges if and only if — 1 < -^+6a-16 < X> t h a t 1 S > if a G [—4,|)U[3,oc). Clearly, the series converges absolutely if ae ( - 4 , | ) U ( 3 , o o ) . (e) Since = 0 lim if \a\ > 1, n—>oo the series converges absolutely if \a\ > 1. If \a\ < 1, then the necessary condition for convergence is not satisfied because lim n—->oo \a\" = +OC. (f) Observe that fin r))lnn lim ^ a}- = lim n]nlnn-a n—>oo n-^oo fi = +oc. Thus the necessary condition for convergence is not satisfied. 3.4.2. If \a\ < 1, then for sufficiently large n, ,n-l a'1 \n — 1 < \a na ~ + Inn n l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.4. Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 311 Thus the series converges absolutely. If \a\ > 1, then a71'1 nan~l -h Inn I ( 1 \ n \1 + nn Therefore for sufficiently large n the terms of the series are positive, and, by the comparison test, its divergence follows from the divergence oo of E£n=l 3.4.3. Assume first that an > 0 for all n G N. Using differentiation, one can show that sinx > x — %- for x > 0. Hence 1 - s i n a n < \ai. oo Since a^ < an for sufficiently large n, the series Y a^ is convern=l gent, which in turn implies the convergence of the given series. If we drop the assumption an > 0, then the series can diverge or converge. Indeed, take an = (—l) n ^r with a > 0. Then the series J2 f 1 - ^m^n 1 diverges if 0 < a < \ and converges if a > \ . n=i n ^ ' 3.4.4. No, as the following example shows: (~l)n n 1 n In n (-l)n n , 3.4.5. We have an — pn — qn and \an\ = pn -f g n . Note also that oo pn and qn are nonnegative. Thus both the series Yl Pn oo oo a an n=l oo d Yl Qn n=l a diverge, because Yl n converges and Y \ n\ diverges. 71=1 71=1 3.4.6. Set Sn = ai -f- ... + a n - By the foregoing problem, we have l i m ^ = Qn n ¥OC lim (l + %L)=l. -*°° \ QnJ n 3.4.7. The series does not converge absolutely. We will show that it converges (conditionally). To this end we group the terms with the same sign and we obtain (-D[?] n=l 3 , ^ , n=l ^ n ( l N , 1 i- 1 ' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 312 Thus the convergence follows from the Leibniz theorem. 3.4.8. Clearly, the series converges absolutely if a > 1 and diverges if a < 0. We will show that if 0 < a < 1, then the series converges conditionally. Observe that the first three terms of the series are negative, the next five terms are positive, etc. Now grouping the oo terms of the same sign we get the alternating series ]T] (—l) n A n , where An = (n+l)2-l Yl k=n2 n=\ ^ . Moreover, for a ^ 1, ~dt = 4" + :4-((" + i)2"2" ~ ^2_2a)- An < 4 - + / ; n2a Jn2 ta n2a l-au ' Hence (see 2.2.3), lim An = 0 if h < a < 1. For a = 1 we have n—•oo ^ Y < i4 n < ^ ^ , and consequently, lim A n = 0 for \ < a < 1. We will now show that for such a the sequence {An} is monotonically decreasing. Indeed, (n+l)2-l An - A n + i = ]T (n+2)2-l — - /c=n 2 (n+l)2-l = V ^ k=n2 (n+l)2-l 1fca y (1 v fe_n2 ^-—' fca V k<* 2^ (n+l)2 + l V I (fc' + 2n + l ) a ^ k'=n2 j ^ fc=(n+l)2 V 1 {k + 2n+l)aJ ffc-4- 9r7 y ((n + 2 ) 2 - 2 ) a ((n + 2 ) 2 - l ) a 2n A=:0 v ,n 2 + fc)« ((n + l ) 2 + fc)°y ((n + 2 ) 2 - 2 ) a > v(2n + 1)y ((n + 2 ) 2 - l ) a V("2 + 2 " ) a 1 1 ((n + 2) 2 - 2) a ~ ((n + 2 ) 2 - l ) a ' ((n + 1 ) 2 + 2n) a where the last inequality follows from the monotonicity of the function 9(x) = 1 (n +x)a 2 1 ( ( n + l ) 2 + z)a Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.4. Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 313 on the interval [0,2n]. Hence, for sufficiently large n, An-An+i 2 n2a >n- 2o 1 > ( 2 n + l ) (n 2 + 2n) a + ((n+l)2 1 + 2n)aJ (n + l ) 2 a •+a((' r-o-^r)-Nn (2a-l) >0, because (1 + : r ) - a > 1 - ax and (1 + x)~a < 1 - ax + ^ ^ x 2 for a,x > 0. (These two inequalities can be proved by differentiation.) oo Thus by the theorem of Leibniz, the series Yl (—l) n A n converges if 2 n=l < a < 1. If 0 < a < | , then since A n > (2ra + 1) (n2+2n)° > ^ e necessar y oo condition for the convergence of ^ (—l) n A n is not satisfied. n=l 3.4.9. As in the solutions of 3.4.7 and 3.4.8, we group the terms of the same sign and rewrite the series in the following form: §("1)n"1l[e«-i] + l + - + H J We also observe that [e"- 1 ] + 1 [en] ^ [e"] [e»] " Moreover, since b n f 1 .J^l , ). 1 .I, the necessary condition for the convergence of the series is not satisfied and therefore the series diverges. 3.4.10. (a) Observe that the series can be written in the form oo £(-l)Mn, n=0 2n+1-l where An = £ i fc=2" Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 314 Since An > 2% n + l l _ 1 —> ^, the series diverges, (b) As in (a), the series can be written in the form 2n+1-l oo £(-l)M„, where An = £ n=l ^-^. £=2™ Moreover, 0 < A , < 2" 2 n In * 2n This implies lim An = 0. We will now show that {An} n—>oo mono- tonically decreases. Indeed, 2n + 2_][ An+1 = ^ 2 A: I n A: = 2n-y = -l (2r*+1 -h «) ln(2"+ 1 H- Z) ^ ! x n X ^ n+ 1 n l V(2 + +2J) ]n(2 + +21) + n (2 +* +2Z +1) ln(2 n + x +2/ +1) 2n-l "^ ^ 2n-l (2^+i + 2Z) ln(2^+ 1 -f- 2/) < ^ (2 n + /) ln(2 n + I) = An ' 3.4.11. We have [~ir( ,f ^sin^^ ( -irfi-, \;l)n A K ) n (-l) + v^ v^ V = ( - l ) n s m — + - ^--sin^= y/n n —I yn By the Leibniz test, both the series > (-l)nsin—= ^ v^ n=2 v n (-l) + VV ^-sin—. n —1 vn and ^ v^ > -—^-sin—-7r v^ ^-i n - 1 v^i n=2 converge. But the series - J L — sin «n- 1 n=2 y/n diverges, so the given series also diverges. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.4. Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 315 3.4.12. (a) The series converges absolutely (see 3.2.1 (f)). (b) Convergence of this series follows from the test of Leibniz. The series converges conditionally (see 3.2.1 (g)). (c) Clearly, the sequence { y/n}, n > 3, is monotonically decreasing and therefore the series converges. However, it does not converge absolutely (see 3.2.5 (b)). (d) Convergence follows from the monotonicity of {(l + - ) } and from the fact that the limit of this sequence is e (see 2.1.38). To prove that the series does not converge absolutely, we use the inequality ln(l 4- x) < x - -x2 + - x 3 , x > 0, with x = ^, and we get (l + ^ ) n < e 1 - ^ " ^ ^ . jjence e— ( 1 H— ) > e (l - e " ^ + ^ ] > e (l - e~^) for n > 1. It follows from 2.5.4 (a) that, for sufficiently large n, 4n (l - e~^j oo Therefore the series ^2 ( e ~ ( ^ + n ) n=l > -. ) ^i v e r g e s - (e) The convergence of this series follows from the monotonicity of the sequence {(l + ^) } and from the fact that e is its limit (see 2.1.38). In view of 3.2.5 (c), the series does not converge absolutely. 3.4.13. (a) The function (lnx) a / ( * ) = xb x G (es+oc), monotonically decreases to zero as x —• oo. Therefore by the Leibniz test, the series converges. We claim that if b > 1, then Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 316 the series converges absolutely. By the theorem of Cauchy (see 3.2.28), it is enough to show the convergence of n=l Now by the root test this series converges if b > 1 and diverges if 0 < b < 1. Clearly, if 6 = 1 , this series diverges. (b) Note that (lnnVnn e(lnn)(lnlnn) b ^lnlnn b n n nb Hence the necessary condition for convergence is not satisfied. 3.4.14. By the monotonicity of {a n }, we have Tin — ( « 2 n + l ~ a 2 n + 2 ) + ( a 2 n + 3 ~ ^271+4) + ••• > 0, ?"2n+l = ( - G 2 n + 2 + a 2 n + 3 ) + ( ~ « 2 n + 4 + «2n+5) + ... < 0 and T*2n = « 2 n + l + ( - « 2 n + 2 + a 2 n + 3 ) + ••• < 0>2n+lj - ^2n+l = «2n+2 + ( ~ ^ 2 n + 3 + ^271+4) + ••• < a 2 n + 2 - 3.4.15. Note that n E n = an+i - ai —> {ak + ak+\) - 2}ak -ax. 3.4.16. Observe that n n *Y^{aak + bak+i + cak+2) - (a + 6 + c) ^ fc=l afc k=l = 6(a n + i - a\) + c(a n + i -f a n + 2 — ai — a 2 ) —• - 6 a i - c(ai + 02). 3.4.17. By assumption, there exist positive constants c and C such that for sufficiently large n, c < \an\ < C. Hence ]_1 1I < "o | a n + l ~ « n | , l^n+1 ~ a n | < C^ ^n+1 "n Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.4. Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 317 Thus our claim follows from the comparison test. 3.4.18. Let Sn and Sn denote the nth partial sum of Y2 an and oo 71=1 n ^2 (<*>n — Gn+i)> respectively. Then 71=1 fc=l fc=l fc=l fc=l = - ( n + l ) a n + i + S n +i, which proves our claim. 3.4.19. Convergence follows from the Leibniz test. 3.4.20. If \a\ < 1, then the series converges absolutely. Indeed, since | sinx| < |x|, I i • • a • a \ / l in n! sin asm - • . . . • sin — < a . I 2 nl _ ' ' We now turn to the case \a\ > 1. We claim that in this case the series diverges because the necessary condition for convergence is not satisfied. In fact, for a there exists no such that -^ < the 1. and using Then, setting C = (n 0a- fixed 1)! sin • s i nu a sin • n 0 —1 ' n0 — > 1 - ^-, x > 0, we get inequality n! sin a sin • Cnn sin n sin • sin n0 n 1 1 / 1 \ > Cn 0 • ... • nsin — • ... • sin — = C TT ( 1 — 2-7777 I n0 n ^ V 6/c / /c=n 0 ^n('-p)fc=no c (n0-l)(n+l) n0 non 3.4.21. By 2.5.4 (a), _ lim n—»-oo Vb+yt ^5-1 = lim Vb-1+ ltfc-1 n—>oo In o 2 (In 6 + In c) = In —=. V Vte Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 318 Hence if a > Vbc, then, beginning with some value of the index n, the terms of our series are positive, and by the comparison test it diverges. If a < \/bc, then the terms of the series are negative and it also diverges. For a = \/&c, we have y/b+ v 7 ^ E i ^ •-Y 2 n=l , (V6- v^y n=l Since lim n—»oo V b - l - V5+l' (ln6-lnc)2 2n the convergence of our series follows from the convergence of Yl 3.4.22. (a) By 1.1.14, there exist a sequence of integers {pn} and a sequence of positive integers {qn} for which Pn 1 Qn Hence |cosp n | = |cos(7rgn - pn)\ > c o s ^ = 1 Thus (|C0Spn|)P-> 1 2<7n / 2 2 sin _J_ > 2qn <?n 2gn This means that the subsequence {{cospn) } of {cos n n} does not converge to zero. Therefore the necessary condition for convergence is not satisfied. Pn (b) By Problem 1.1.22, we know that the sequences {pn} and {qn} mentioned in (a) can be chosen in such a way that all the terms of {qn} are odd. Then by the inequality Pn 1 we get | sinp n | = | cos (§<?n - pn) \ > cos ^ > 1 - ^ r . Thus, as in (a), the sequence (sinpn)Pn does not converge to zero, and consequently, the series diverges. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.4. Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 319 3.4.23. (a) By assumption (see also 2.4.13 (b)), there are no and a such that Q-n+1 —1 > a > 0 for n > TIQ. Hence ^ ± < ^ ^ < 1, which means that, beginning with the value no of the index n, the sequence {an} monotonically decreases. We will show that lim an = 0. It follows from the n—->oo above that Qn+l An an a n _i ftnp +1 71 • ( n - a no ( a + n) - ... - (a + n 0 ) lim , n ' ^—Y""710 x = 0. Indeed, Now it is enough to prove that hm - n- ( n - 1) . . . . . n 0 n - + o o [OL + n) - ... • (a + n o ) 1) • ... • n Q 1 r = hm n r- = 0, 7 n-*oo / | i a\ , - i l l Q I because (see 1.2.1) 1 + — . . . . . ( l + - J > 1 + — + ... + > oo. \ no/ \ nJ no n n-^<x> oo So by the Leibniz test, the series ^ (—l) n a n converges. n=l (b) By the assumption n ( ^ 1] < 0, the sequence {an} monooo tonically increases and consequently the series Yl ( — l) n<2 n din=l verges, because the necessary condition for convergence is not satisfied. 3.4.24. By assumption, lim n ( —^ 1) = a. For a ^ 0, the test n—»oo \an+i / proved in the foregoing problem can be applied. For a = 0, the necessary condition for convergence is not satisfied. Indeed, we have Q _I_ _ _I_ °± °2L n-i an ai a2 a3 an Ql V' I ^ A -111+e 2i+^-"V -"(^1) Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 320 Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers Moreover, there exists (3 such that \j3n\ < (3. Hence °"a(i+T&)(i+5X')...(i+^)^' CX O where A= £ ^T+In=l 3.4.25. By 2.5.34, the existence of the limit lim n In -9^- is equivalent to the existence of lim n ( - ^ 1) , and both limits are equal. Set an = ^ . Then lim n l n - ^ - = p - \. Hence, by 3.4.23, the n n—>oo °n+i ^ series converges if p > ^ and diverges if p < \. In the case P — \ the necessary condition for convergence is not satisfied because, by Stirling's formula, lim an = y/2n. n—>oc 3.4.26. Let Sn = a\ + a2 + ... + an. We use the so-called summation by parts (Abel's transformation) to obtain n-l axpi + a2p2 + ... -f anpn = ] T Sk{pk - Pk+\) + fc=l and we get aipi + a2p2 + ... + anpn Pn \-^ = on - y bk £j pk+i - pk . Pn Now it is enough to apply the Toeplitz theorem (see 2.3.1). oo 3.4.27. Apply the result in the last problem to the series 7]T} 1 = 1 anbn and take pn = -^. 3.4.28. The result is contained as a special case in the preceding problem. 3.4.29. If the series were not absolutely convergent, then the subseries of all positive terms and the subseries of all negative terms would diverge (see 3.4.5). Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.4. Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 321 3.4.30. [20] No, as the following example shows. oo Take a conditionally convergent series ]T) bn and set 71=1 a i = &i, a2 = a$ = —, a± = a$ = ... = a 9 = —,..., a l!+2! + ... + (n-l)!+l = a l!+2! + ... + (n-l)!+2 K — ••• — ai!+2! + ... + (n-l)!+n! = " T J ••• • n! 00 a Then the series ]T n converges conditionally. But for each k > 1 n=l and / > 2 the subseries afc 4- a/c+i + ak+21 4- ... converges. Indeed, for n > / there are y- terms of the form Grouping these terms, we get the convergent series ^. 1 °° 4- y / ^ 6n- constant / n=no 3.4.31. Consider the series 1 / 2v 2 + _1 2^2 1_ ¥2 +'" _J_ n ^ + - + + __1 ^ 1_ ^ + ' 3.4.32. Yes. Consider the series + 1 21n2 + __1 21n2 1_ In 2 + "" + 1 1 4- ...4nlnn nlnn 1 4Inn n times Then 1+ E j ^ n n=2 + A ) if A: is even, 71=1 n=2 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 322 By the Cauchy theorem (see 3.2.28) the series ]T] h ^ diverges f° r n=2 every k G N. On the other hand, the series ]T i=2 if k > 2. nk-^lnkn converges 3.4.33. [20] Suppose, contrary to our claim, that lim £i+£2+---+£n = n—>oc 2a > 0. Then, by 2.4.13 (b), there is no such that for n > no, (*) £i + s2 + ... +sn > an. Set £ n = e\ 4- £2 + ••• + sn- Using summation by parts, we get n-1 eidi + e2a2 + ... + fnfln = J ^ ^(ajk - ajfc+i) + ^ n a n . Therefore, by (*), eiai +^2«2 + ••• + snan no n—\ >^Ek(ak-ak+i) +a fc=l ]P k(ak - ak+\) + anan /c=no + l n = constant + a a \ , fc> /c=no+2 a contradiction. 3.4.34. [20] Set En = ex + £ 2 + ... + £ n , n e N. The sequence {£„} has the property that between two terms with different signs there is a vanishing term. We consider two cases: (1) finitely many terms of {En} vanish, (2) infinitely many terms of {En} vanish. (1) is contained as a special case in 3.2.35. In case (2), by the Cauchy criterion, for each e > 0 there is no such that if n > m > no, then / ^ {{Ek - Em) — (Ejfc-i — Em)) ak e > (*) k=m-\-l k=m+\ / ^ {Ek - Em){uk — Q>k+\) + {En — 2J m )a n +i k=m+l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.4. Absolute Convergence. Theorem of Leibniz 323 Assume that Em = 0 and that the terms i£m+i> £ , m + 2 , ...,En have the same sign. Then (*) and the monotonicity of the sequence {an} imply that \Enan\ < £, n > m + 1. 3.4.35. The proof is analogous to that of 3.4.33. We set En — Pibi + ... +PnK and assume that lim P l 6 l + ' n + P n 6 n = 2a > 0. Then n—>oo for n > no we have p\bi -f ... + pnbn > an, and consequently, &i + ... + bn = — (pih) + ... + — {pnK) Pi Pi 1 \ ^r, (I = > E^ tl VPfc 1 A + -c/n — > constant + a y Pk+J 1 —, k kJ^+2P Pn a contradiction. 3.4.36. We first show that if p = q, then the series converges. We have 2 +... + p/ 2p \p+l (_D'+I ( I + ... + - Therefore 5/ p is a partial sum of an alternating series. By the Leibniz test the limit lim Sip exists. Clearly, each partial sum of the form Sip+ki fc = 1,2, ...,p — 1, tends to the same limit as / —• oo. Assume now that our series converges. Then, by 3.4.34, l i m nP~n(i n-^oo np + nq = P~g = p+q 0 which implies that p = q. 3.4.37. We note first that if conditions (i)-(iii) are satisfied, then for any convergent sequence {a n }, the transformed sequence {bn} is well defined. Now the proof runs in much the same way as in the solutions of Problems 2.3.1 and 2.3.26. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 324 3.5. The Dirichlet and Abel Tests 3.5.1. (a) Since §1J J1 ^ = ^ ( 1 — cos(2n)), it is enough to consider the series OO OO H y^(-l)n- n' = ^l n. and .. Y " ( - l ) n - cos(2n). n' = lJ n. By the Leibniz test, the first series converges. Convergence of the second one follows from the Dirichlet test (see, e.g., [12], p. 105). Indeed, by the formula (which can be proved by induction) 71 (1) V cos ka = sin — cos ( n+1 ) Q 1 —n—-— for a 4 2/TT, I £ Z, we obtain n £(-l)fccos(2A:) ^ c o s f ( 7 r - 2)k\ fc = l k=l (^~2)n (n+l)(7r-2) < cosl cosl Therefore the sequence of partial sums of ^ (—l) n cos(2n) is n=l bounded. Moreover, {^} tends monotonically to zero. Thus the OO series Y2 {-l)n^ n=l cos(2n) converges. (b) The sequence n of arithmetic means of {^} converges to zero (see 2.3.2). Moreover, it is easy to check that the sequence {an} monotonically decreases. By the formula (which can be proved by induction) (2) 2 J s^n ka '• fc=i s i n ^sin(g+j> sin§ for a^ 2/TT, I e Z, Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 325 3.5. The Dirichlet and Abel Tests we get sin § sin £±i yjsinfc < Sill; k=i sin 1 • Therefore by the Dirichlet test the series converges, (c) Observe that ,2 72T COS 7T n+ l = COS T17T ~ -(-1) n+l = (-l)nCOS n+1 7T n+ 1 cos • n+l Thus the given series can be rewritten in the form oo i 1c o s 7TZT ln 2 n n=2 The convergence of the above series follows from the Abel test (see, e.g., [12], p. 106), because the series J2 (~ 1) n + l 1 In2 n converges (by the Leibniz test) and {cos j ^ } is a monotonic and bounded sequence. n=2 (d) We have T17T- sin J n a + sin *f The series Li sin- 1+ £ sin a > 0, converges (by the Dirichlet test). Now we will study the series (with positive terms) oo E sin 2 a n n—1 -1 ' na There exist positive constants c a and Ca such that oir, 2 JUL ~2a n < 1+ < Ca- 2 a ' rt n ^ 4k, fe € N. Therefore the series converges if a > ^ and diverges if 0 < a < \. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 326 3.5.2. We have N . // ,. n1 \ NTV • ^ ii Y^SmnCOSn ^ - i In Inn (n+^J In Inn n=2 AT TV .. ii Y^COSnSmn ^-^ In Inn n=2 n=2 By formula (2) given in the solution of 3.5.1(b) and by the Dirichoo let test we see that the series ^T ^ ^ n=2 converges. Since the se- quence {cos^} is monotonic and bounded, the series Yl n=2 lnlnn i OO converges, by the Abel test. Finally, the convergence of J2 n=2 In I n n follows from formula (1) given in the solution of 3.5.1(a) and from the Dirichlet test. 3.5.3. (a) We have 2_]sm (&2fl0 s m (ka) ^ [ c o s (k(k - \)a) - cos {k(k + l)a)] U=i k=l = | l - c o s ( n ( n + l ) a ) | < 2. Thus the convergence of the series follows from the Dirichlet test, (b) As in (a), the Dirichlet test can be applied. 3.5.4. In view of the formula cos n sin (na) n l s i n ( n ( a + l)) 2 n 1 sin (n(a — 1)) 2 n ' the convergence of our series follows directly from the Dirichlet test (use formula (2) in the solution of 3.5.1(b)). 3.5.5. If a = kn, k e Z, then all terms of the series are equal to zero. If a ^ kit then, by the inequality |sinx| > sin 2 x = | ( 1 — cos2x), we get E n 71 = 1 | sin (na) | 1^ n ~ 2^ 71=1 1 1 ^ cos (2na) n ~ 2 ^-j n ' 71=1 Hence in this case the series does not converge absolutely. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 327 3.5. The Dirichlet and Abel Tests 3.5.6. Assume first that 0 < a < 7r, and set m = v^ . Then, for sufficiently large n, E fc=i sin (ak) k sin (ak) k=l + E sin (ak) k=m+l Since |sin£| < \t\ for t ^ 0, E («) fc = l sin (ak) Jfc ka — = ma < 0 r . fc=i Moreover, from (2) in the solution of 3.5.1(b) and from the inequality sin* > H, 0 < t < f, we get sin (afc) (**) fc=m+l < (m + 1 ) | sin | | < £ v ^ Combining (*) with (**), we see that the desired inequality holds for a G (0, TT). Clearly, since the sine function is odd, it also holds for a G (—7r,0). Moreover, since sinA:7r = 0 and the sine function is periodic, the inequality holds for every a G R. 3.5.7. The convergence of the series follows from the Abel test, beoo cause the series ^ (~~l)n~7^ ^s convergent and {arctann} is a mono71=1 tonically increasing and bounded sequence. 3.5.8. By the Abel test the series converges. Indeed, ^2 (—l) n ^ 71=1 converges, and the sequence { -\/lnx} is bounded, strictly decreasing if x > e, and strictly increasing if 1 < x < e. 3.5.9. oo (a) Observe first that, by the Abel test, the series J^ ^ oo n=\ converges. Moreover, since the series J2 an is convergent, the sequence 71=1 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 328 {fn}, Tn = ^ a&, tends to zero. Hence for p> n, k—n p k=n r_n+ y Tk bk k=n r v V^ T--T ^ t^h rk ~ rk+i k=n 1 (l k=n r k+l bk T P+l <£ (— + 1 - 1 + 1 " ) = ^ where en = sup |rjt|. Consequently, k>n <2en^-=o(±- 07c bk /c=n 0n \0n (b) See 3.4.26. 3.5.10. Note that Y]{k + l)cn+k = V " —— ~—' fc=0 -(n + *: - l)cn+fc_i f—' n -j- K — 1 fe=i Thus the Abel test implies the convergence of ^ (fc + l)cn+fc for each fc=0 n G N. Setting r n = nc n + (n + l)c n +i + ..., we get t n = ]£^(fc + l)c n + f c = ^ ( f c - n + l)cfc fc=0 oo k=n oo 1 oo Zkck = rn ~ (n - 1) ^ = ^2kck-(n-l)^2 fc=n fc=n 1 -(r f c - r fc +i) k=n = ^ n + (n-l) ± k=n+l (~\)rk. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 329 3.5. The Dirichlet and Abel Tests Hence 1 °° / 1 1\ | t n | < - | r n | + sup |r f c |(n-l) £ [-—- - k=n+l 1, . , < - F n + SUP \rk\ n fc>n+i .ft"! n • This together with lim rn — 0 yields lim £n = 0. n—>-oo n—>oo 3.5.11. By summation by parts, 5„ = Y.n °ibi = n—1 E ^ 2=1 - 6 t l ) + ^«&n. 1=1 where An denotes the nth partial sum of the series ]T an. Given n=l e > 0, there is no such that \bi\ < e for i > no- So if ra > n > no and \An\ < L, then ra —1 &n\ l^Aitf-bt+J-AX I i=n + Amlt m —1 i—n ( m-1 £ \bt - fti+illfc?"1 + 6?" V i + ... + b&\ + \bkn\ + \bkn i=n <L(kek-lT^2\bi-bl+1\ + 2ek). Hence the convergence of Yl anbn follows from the Cauchy criterion. 3.5.12. By summation by parts, n-l (*) S„ = ^aibi = Y Mbi ~ bi+i) + Anbn, Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 330 where An denotes the nth partial sum of ^ a n . Since the series n=l oo ^2 (^n — bn+i) converges absolutely and the sequence is {An} n=l oo bounded, the series J2 An(bn rc=l - 6 n +i) converges absolutely. oo convergence of J2 fin — &n+i) implies that n=l n The lim bn exists, because ^°° (6i - 62) + (62 - 63) + ••• + fin-i - K) = h - bn. Consequently, n 00 lim Anbn also exists and, by (*), Y] anbn converges. n=l ^°° 3.5.13. For 0 < x < 1 the sequence {xn} is monotonically decreasing and bounded, and therefore the Abel test can be applied. For — 1 < x < 0 both the sequences {x2n} and {x2n~1} are monotonic and bounded. Consequently, 00 an< ^ a,2nx2n i n=l 00 Yl &2n-i£ 2 n _ 1 are n=l convergent. The convergence of our series follows from the equality 00 00 00 ] T a n x n - ^ja2nX2n n=l + ^a2n-_ix2n_1. n=l n=l 3.5.14. Observe that if x > xo, then 00 n=l 00 1 n=l Now it is enough to apply the Abel test. 3.5.15. We have OO n=l 1 OO n\an ^v—v ^n an x(x + l)...(x + ri) ^ nx v ' v n=l I T nln^ x(x + l)...(x + n)' v 7 v ' n Note that for sufficiently large n all the numbers , +%l (x+n\ have the same sign. We will show that they form a monotonic sequence. To this end, observe that the ratio of the (n + l)th term to the nth term is ( n + l ) ( n ± l ) * ^ c (*+l)ln(l+£) x+ n+1 ~" 1 + £±I Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.5. The Dirichlet and Abel Tests 331 Now set Rn = e ( x + 1 ) l n ( 1 + - ) - 1 - s±I. By the result in 2.5.7 we see that ^ = ( , + l)(ln(l + I ) - I ) + I ( , + i(, + l)3ln3(l + + l)M^(l + i I)+... i ( x + i . i, . 1 ) 2 . „n n»V 2 + 2<* + 1 > + ° V n i, . „ . , / . .1 where O (an) denotes an expression whose value divided by an remains bounded as n —> oo. This implies that for sufficiently large n, i? n is positive if x(x + 1) > 0 and negative if x(x + 1) < 0. Consequently, for all sufficiently large n the ratio of two consecutive terms °^ 1 x(x+i)nX(x+n) f *s e ^ n e r greater than 1 or less than 1. We will now show that this sequence is convergent for x ^ O , —1, —2,.... To this end, write x \n n\n x(x + l)...(x + n) x x + n7'_ 1+ f Assume first that x > 1. For such a; we have (1 + i) Consequently, k fc=l k=l \ \ / > 1 + f. / where all terms of the sum are positive. Moreover, note that lim * l n ( l + l ) - l n ( l + f) fc-^OO Jy = zQr-1) 2 As a result, the existence of the limit lim in TT i i l i L Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 332 follows from the convergence of the series ]T] -^. Thus the sequence under consideration converges for x > 1. Assume now that x G (0,1). Then for such x we have (l + £) < 1 -f | . Therefore one can apply the above reasoning to the sequence with terms Finally, we consider the case a: < 0, x ^ —1, —2, —3,.... Let k0 be a positive integer such that 1 + | > 0 for k > /c0. To show that the sequence -'(i+i)* _+k k = k0 converges, note that 1 \ 1+ - J > 1 + | for k > k0 and proceed as in the case x > 1. 3.5.16. It follows immediately from the Abel test that for \x\ < 1 oo oo the convergence of J2 anXn implies the convergence of ]T n=l n=\ anx2n (see 3.5.13). Since {1_1x2n} is monotonic and bounded, the equality V^ n=l XH \V n—l n 1 , 2n 1 x ^ / oo n and the Abel test imply the convergence of ^2 an i-xn • n=l oo 3.5.17. [20] No. Let ^ 6n be a conditionally convergent series. Put 2 n=l °° F(x) = 2X and define the new series ]T an by setting n=l b\ a i = 0 2 = -7T, 2 brn _ «fc = — — — — for F ( r a - l ) < k < b\m). v F(m) - F(m - 1) ' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 333 3.6. Cauchy Product of Infinite Series This series is also conditionally convergent. Now we show that every subseries of the form (*) Q>k + au + afc/2 + ... converges. Note first that for any positive integer m there exists a unique tm, tm — log/ — ^ , such that kltm <F{m)<kltm+1. It follows from the definition of tm that, beginning with some value of the index m, the subseries (*) has tm - tm-\ terms of the form F(m)-F(m-i)- Grouping these terms, we transform (*) into the series 00 + - + — 6m. 1) constant + > ——— — ^—' F(m) - F(mrn=ni x v J ' This series converges by Abel's test, because the sequence with terms t"m Crn £m—l ~ F(m) - F(m - 1) is monotonically decreasing. Indeed, (2m- l)logj2- 1 (2m+l)log/2 + l Cm+1 < 2 m 2 - 2( m - 1 ) 2 2( m + 1 ) 2 - 2 m 2 ' Hence for sufficiently large m we have c m + i < c m , because Cm > ,. lirri ( 2 m + 1)log, 2 + 1 m=£o(2ra-l)log,2-l • 2m2-2^m-1)2 2 2(^+!) -2^ 2 „ = f) 3.6. Cauchy Product of Infinite Series 3.6.1. Assume that the series ^ an converges absolutely. Let n=0 00 Bn and Cn denote the nth partial sums of Y n=Q respectively. Then a 00 n > Yl bn n=0 an An, 00 d Yl cn > n=0 Cn = a0bo + (ao&i + GiM + ••• + («o^n + ai&n-i + ... -f a n 6 0 ) = a>oBn + &iBn-i -f ... + ttnBo- Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 334 Write B = Bn + r n , where lim rn = 0. n—->oo Consequently, Cn = BAn - (a0rn + a i r n _ i + ... + anr0). We will now show that (*) lim (a0rn + a i r n _ i 4-... + a n r 0 ) = 0. n—>oo To this end, let e > 0 be chosen arbitrarily and let ra, M be such that \rn\ < m for n > 0, oo M = ^|P \an\. There exist A; 6 N and I G N such that if n > fc, then \rn\ < -^ and if n > I + 1 , then |a/ + 1 | +... + |a n | < ^ • Therefore for n > I + k we get \a>orn + a i r n _ i + ... -f a n r 0 | < (|ao|kn| + ... + |a/||r n _j|) + (|az+i||r n _j_i| + ... + |a n ||r 0 |) < (|a0| + K| + ... + H ) ^ < MWT7 + ^a/+1' + "' + W ) m + 7T-™ = e, 2M 2m which proves (*). Note that it follows from the above analysis that if both the series converge absolutely, then their Cauchy product also converges absolutely. 3.6.2. (a) It follows from the Mertens theorem that if |x| < 1, then the oo Cauchy product of the series ^ xn with itself converges. Moreover, cn = xn + xxn~l + ... + xn = (ra + l ) x n . Hence oo n=l (b) / ^ \ 2 xl-x T^-T^- Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 335 3.6. Cauchy Product of Infinite Series (c) The series is the Cauchy product of ^ n(n+i) n=l £ • The with £ n=l sum of the first series is 1 (see 3.1.4 (b)), and the sum of the second is e — 1 (see 2.5.6). Therefore, by the Mertens theorem, the sum of our series is e — 1. 3.6.3. (a) We have = C n V— 1 ' ^ k\'2n-k(n-k)\~ v k=0 = ' 1 AMfc 1 = 1 / n\^\k) 2"-k~ n\\ k=0 x 7 + x l\ n 2J ' / By 2.5.7 the sum of the Cauchy product is e*. (b) The Cauchy product is the series y> 1 A(~3)fc Z ^ 3n+l 2 ^ k ' n=l k=l By 3.1.32 (a), its sum is - \ In2. (c) We have 2n+l 2n l J2 (-!)*(* + l)(2n + 1 - fc 4-1) C2n+i = x + k=0 = x 2 n + 1 f J2(~l)k(k 2n+l + I] + l)(2n + 1 - k + 1) \ (-l)*(fc + l)(2n + l - f c + l)J = x2n+1 fet-1)^ + l)(2n + 1 -fc+ 1) x n fc= 0 , \ ] T (-1)* (fc' + l)(2n + 1 - k' + 1) I = 0. Moreover, since fc'=n C2n+i = 0, we get / fc'=0 2n c2„ = x2n ^ ( - l ) 2 " - f c ( f c + l)(2n - k + 1) fe=0 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 336 Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers /2n-l =x2n (J2 (-vk(k+x)(2n ^ fe=0 - 1 - *+1) + £ ( - l ) f e ( f c + l) + (2n + l ) ) k=Q 2n ' = x (0 + (-n) + (2n + 1)) = (n + l)z 2 n . Finally, by 3.6.2 (a), oo (1-X2)2' n=0 3.6.4. Observe that the series 53 Anxn is the Cauchy product of 71 = 0 OO OO 53 £ n with 53 a n £ n . Therefore it is convergent for |x| < 1 and its n=0 n=0 sum is ^ OO 53 «n^n- n=0 3.6.5. To prove the equality given in the hint it is enough to equate the coefficients of xn in the formula (1 + x)n{l + x)n = (1 + x)2n. Consequently, Cn = ( _ i f ^ l ( n ! f f ^ 2 , (.x)-^ )2~W 1 /2n\ W W 3.6.6. In view of the relation C _/ll-3-...-(2n-l) 1 1 l-3-...-(2n-3) + " ~\a 2-4-... -2n 2 a + 22 • 4 •... • (2n - 2) 1 l-3---(2n-l)\ a + 2n 2-4-... • 2n / ' it is enough to prove the equality ll-3-...-(2n-l) 1 1 l-3-...-(2n-3) + a 2-4-...-2n 2 a + 2 2 • 4 •... • (2n - 2) 1 l-3-...-(2n-l) (a + l)(o + 3)...(a + ( 2 n - l ) ) + ...+ a + 2n 2-4-... • 2n a(a + 2)(a + 4)...(a + 2n) Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 337 3.6. Cauchy Product of Infinite Series To this end, we decompose the right-hand side expression into partial fractions: (q + l)(q + 3 ) . . . ( a + ( 2 n - l ) ) a(a + 2)(a + 4)...(a + 2n) = a0 a o?i a+ 2 an a + 2n Multiplying both sides of this equality by a(a -f 2)(a -f 4)...(a -f 2n) and substituting a = 0, a = —2,..., a = —2k,..., a = - 2 n , we get (2n-l)!! (2n)!! ' -l(2n-3)!! ai = - 2 ( 2 n - 2 ) H '•"' (-2fc -f l)(-2fc + 3)...(-1)1 • 3...(2(n - k) - 1) Oik = -2k{{-2k -f 2)...(-2) • 2 • 4...(2(n - fc)) _ (2fc-l)!!(2(n-fc)-l)!! (2fc)!!(2(n-*))!! _ (2n-l)H an ~ (2n)!! ' a o = which gives the desired equality. oo oo n=0 n=0 3.6.7. Let Ani Bn, Cn denote the nth partial sums of Yl an> J2 ^n oo and Yl cm respectively. It is easy to check that 71=0 Cn = aoBn + aiBn-i + ... + anBo. Therefore Co + C\ -f ... -f C n = Ao-Bn -f AijB n _i + ... -f AnjBoDividing both sides of the last equality by n-f 1, using 2.3.2 and 2.3.8, we obtain C = AB. OO OO n—\ n=l 3.6.8. Let Jl cn be the Cauchy product of £ ( - l ) n _ 1 ^ with itself. Then ^ = (~l)n * h 1-n + XT rr + ... + 77 r — r r -f ... + ' 2 ( n - l ) ' **' fc(n-fc-hl) '" n-ly Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 338 Since k(n-k + l) n+1 -H : I \k n-k + 1 for k = 1,2, ...,n, we can write / 1X „-1 2 / n+1\ 1 1 2 1 n 3 We know that £ ( - l ) n _ 1 £ = In 2 (see 3.1.32 (a)) and that the series 71=1 OO E (-l) n - 1 n=l ^ (l + £ + - + £) is convergent (see 3.4.19). Thus, by the result in the preceding problem, N 71=1 / 3.6.9. If Yl cn i s the Cauchy product of the series ^ ( ~ l ) n 1 ~T^ n=l n=l with itself, then Cn = (-lr- 1 (—L= +... + _ / + ...+ * Since each term in the parenthesis is greater than ^, we see that oo \cn\ > 1 for n > 1. It then follows that Yl cn *s a divergent series. n=l 3.6.10. We have cn = a0bn + ai6 n _i + ... + anb0 > a0bn, oo and consequently, if the series ]T bn diverges, then the Cauchy prodoo ra=0 c uct Y, n also diverges. n=0 3.6.11. No. Consider the following two divergent series: 71-1 ( 9 n -I 71=1 X ' 71=1 X 7 X i+l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 339 3.6. Cauchy Product of Infinite Series Then n-l cn = a0bn + b0an + ^ a>kbn-k, where a 0 = bQ = 1, a n = - ( | ) n , 6 n = ( | ) n (2 n + ^r+r) • Hence : /3 «,-iTr'(*+2 ^ 2/ \ / \2 n+1 -(l)-g(^+i^).(5y n — 1 n—1 3.6.12. Let .An,iE?n,Cn denote the nth partial sums of the series Y2 ani n=0 id ^^2 c nni, respectively. Then Yl bn and n=0 n=0 Cn = ^O^n + a\Bn-i + ... + CLUBQ. As a result, n 22 ak(bn + 6n-l + ... + &n-/c + l) = Q>\{Bn — Bn-i) + CL2{Bn — Bn-2) + •• + an(Bn — BQ) — Bn{An — ao) — a\Bn-\ — a2#n-2 — ••• — «n^o = BnAn OO OO n=0 n=0 — Cn. 3.6.13. Let J ] c n be the Cauchy product of the series ] ^ (—l) n a n oo with £ (-l) n 6 n . Then n=0 cn = {-l)n{a0bn + ai6 n _i -f ... + anbQ). oo Assume first that the series Y 71= 0 c n converges. Then lim cn = 0. By " - ^ the monotonicity of the sequences {an} and {6 n }, we get |cn| > bn(a0 + ... -h an) and |c n | > a n (6 0 + ... + bn). lim an(bo + &i -f ... + 6 n ) = 0 and lim 6 n (a 0 + ai + ... + a n ) = 0. So Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 340 Assume now that these two equalities hold. Then, by the preceding problem, it is enough to show that n l i m y ; ( - l ) f c a f c ( ( - l ) " 6 n + ( - l ) " - 1 6 „ _ 1 + . . . + ( - i r - f c + 1 6 „ - f e + i ) = 0. fc=l Note that | ( - l ) n 6 n + ( - l r ^ & n - i + ... + ( - l ) n - f c + 1 6 n _ f c + i | < 6 n - f c + 1 , and consequently, n £(-l)*a f c ((-l) n 6 n + ( - l f - 1 ^ ! + ... + (-l) n - fc+1 6 n _, +1 ) n n—fc + 1 • Now we show that lim V" akbn-k+i = 0. Indeed, 2n 0 < ^ J afc62n-fc+i < («i + ... + a n )6 n + (&i + ...6 n )a n , fc=i which implies that 2n lim Y] a^n-k+i n -*°°k=i 2n-l = 0. In much the same way we show that lim Y] dkb2n~k = 0, which completes the proof. n -*°° fc=i 3.6.14. Observe first that it is enough to consider the case where both a and j3 do not exceed 1. We will now show that lim — ( l + — + ... + _ ] =0 if and only if a + j3 > 1. By the Stolz theorem (see 2.3.11), lim — [ l + _ + ... + _ ) = Hm = lim nP(na - ( n 1 n->oona+0(l_ l)a) Q ( 1 - 1i )\ Q \)' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.6. Cauchy Product of Infinite Series 341 By L'Hospital's rule, 1 ta+P lim —. ; TTGTZ = lini 7- r— t-o+ 1 - (1 - *)" x _> +00 x*+p (1 - (1 - 1) ) — hm t-o+ —7—. — 7 - a^l-*)""1 Hence lim n-00 n a + ^ (1 - (1 - ± ) a ) f 0 if a + /3> 1, l - i f a + /J = l, [ +00 if a + j9 < 1. Now the desired result follows from the preceding problem 3.6.15. Assume that the series ^ anbn converges. By the result in n=0 3.6.13, it is enough to show that lim an(b0 + b\ 4- ... + 6n) = 0 and n—>oo lim bn(a0 4 ai 4 ... 4 a n ) = 0. n—•oo For an arbitrarily fixed e > 0 there is fco G N such that afc0+i&fc0+i + afco+2&/co+2 + ••• < f • Thus for n > fc0, M&i 4-... 4- 6n) < an(&i + .- + bko) 4- -• On the other hand, since lim an = 0, there is ni > fco such that n—• oo On< o 2(6 7 m0 — Z T4-o Tfco T) + ... if n > n i» which in turn implies that an(bo 4 ... 4- bn) < e for n > n\. Hence we have proved that lim an(bo 4-... 4 6n) = 0. n—>-oo Assume now that the Cauchy product is convergent. It then follows from 3.6.13 that lim a n (6 0 4 ••• 4 bn) = 0. As a result, for sufficiently large n, n—+oo (n 4- l ) a n 6 n < an{b0 4 ... 4 6n) < 1, and consequently, (anbn)1+a < ( - 4 - " \n + l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 342 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series oo 3.7.1. Let Sn = a\ + a,2 + ... -f an be the nth partial sum of ^ n=l Then &i -h 62 + ... + bn = Smn for a n- n > 1. Since each subsequence of a convergent sequence converges to the same limit, lim 5 m = lim Sn. n—>oo n—+oo 3.7.2. Denote by {T n } the sequence of partial sums of the rearranged series. Then r - - (x -1) - 1 + ( I -1) - 1 + + \2n-l 4n-2J An 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 2~ - T4 + T; « + . . + • 6 8 4n-2 An _ 1 / 1 1_ 1 1 _ _1_\ + + + ~2V 2 3 4 '" 2n-l 2nJ " Therefore, by 3.1.32 (a), we get lim Tsn = \ In 2. Of course, lim T^n = lim T3 n+ i = lim T3n+2- It then follows that n—•oo n—•oo , 1 1 1 - 2 - 4 + 1 1 1 1 3 - 6 - 8 + 5 - " = l, „ 2In2- 3.7.3. Let {Tn} be the sequence of partial sums of the rearranged series. Set f(n) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + ... + ^ + I . Then Ta+0-l 1 1 1 1 1 + - + ... + — - - - - - - . . . - — = / ( 2 a - 1) - | / ( a - 1) - ±/(/?) = / ( 2 a ) - \f{a) - ±f(J3). Now we will prove by induction that Tn{a+0) = f(2na) - ±f(na) - |/(n/J). Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 343 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series As we have already shown, the equality holds for n = 1. If it holds for an n € N, then r ( n + i ) ( a + « = / ( 2 n a ) - \f{na) v 2J 1 1 + ...+ 2 ( n + l ) a - l 2n/? + , 1 2 - \f{n(3) + 7-^— + 2 v ' 2na + l 2na + 3 1 2n/? + 4 '" 2(n + l)/? = / ( 2 n a ) - ^ / ( n a ) - i/(n/3) 4- /(2(n + l ) a - 1) - i / ( ( n + l ) a - 1) - / ( 2 n a ) + ± / ( n a ) - ± / ( ( n + 1)/?) + \f(n(3) = /(2(n + l ) a ) - i / ( ( n + l ) a ) - ± / ( n + 1)(3. Hence, by 2.1.41, lim T n(a+/ 3) = lim I f(2na) - ln(2na) n—>oo \ n—KX> -f(na) Z + l l n ( n a ) - i / ( n / 3 ) + iln(n/3) + lim [ ln(2na) - -(ln(na) + ln(n/?)) n—»oo y 2 2na 1 a = lim In , = In 2 -h - In —. n ->°° y/n2a(3 2 /* Obviously, for k = 1,2,3,..., ( a + /?) - 1, we have lim 7n(a4-/3)+ifc — lim T n ( a + / 3). Consequently, t h e sum of the series is In 2 -f \ In %. 3.7.4. Note that this result is contained as a special case (a = 1 and /? = 4) in the preceding problem. 3.7.5. It is enough to apply the result in 3.7.3 with a = 4 and (3=1. 3.7.6. Consider t h e series < 1J 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 + 3+ 5-4 + 1 1 1 1 7+ 9 + l l - 6 ^ / - i\n-l obtained by rearranging the terms of 2J -—n— 71=1 + m su ch a way that n, n = 1,2,3,... , positive terms are followed by one negative term. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 344 Collecting the terms of series (1) in the following way: , l 1\ - 2 (I 1 1\ + + 3 5-4 + (\ 1 + 7 9+ 1 1\ TI-61+-< we get ^ 2-j I n 2 _ n=l N n + 1 + n 2_ n + 3 + - + n2 + n _ 2n)' 1 ' Let Sn and T n denote the nth partial sums of the series (1) and (2), respectively. Then in = Q(n+l)n , ^ > > fc=l — ; — —- N > ' - > - > +00. fc=l 3.7.7. Grouping the terms of our series, we rewrite it in the form y>/ n=1 1 N>/4n-3 1 >/4n- 1 1 \/2n/ ' Moreover, 1 \/4n-3 y^n- 1 \/2n v/(4n - l)2n + >/(4n - 3)2n - y/{4n - 3)(4n - 1) x / 4 n - 3 \ / 4 n - lV2n / 2 v 2n - V4n - 1 2\/2n - \/4n 2 - >/2 \/4n - l>/2n \/4n - l>/2n \/4n - 1' Thus lim Ssn = +00, where {5 n } denotes the sequence of partial n—+00 sums of the rearranged series. Consequently, the series diverges. 00 3.7.8. Assume that the series Yl an converges absolutely, let Sn 71=1 denote its nth partial sum, and set S = lim Sn. Denote by n—KX) {Tn} the sequence of partial sums of a rearranged series. It follows from 00 the absolute convergence of ^ such that (1) n=l a n that, given e > 0, there is n e N K + i | + K + 2 | + -.. <e. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 345 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series Let m be so large that all the terms ai,a2,...,a n appear in T m . Then, by (1), \S - Tm\ <\S- Sn\ + \Sn - Tm\ < 2e. 3.7.9. [4] Assume first that / > 0 and let n = d 4- u, d > u\ then oo rearrange the series ^ (—l) n _ 1 /(n) so that the nth partial sum of 71=1 a new series is Tn = Td+U = (/(l) - /(2) + /(3) - ... - /(2u)) + (f(2u + 1) + /(2tx + 3) + ... + /(2d - 1)). This sum contains w negative terms, and all remaining terms, d in number, are positive. The sum in the second grouping contains d — u terms, and consequently, this sum is between [d — u)f(2u) and (d — u)f(2d). Since the sum in the first parenthesis converges to S as u —• oo, the change in the sum is equal to the limit of the second parenthesis. Set v(u) — d — u. Then (1) i/(u)/(2rf)</(2u + l) + /(2u + 3) + ... + / ( 2 d - l ) < i / ( t i ) / ( 2 t i ) , and the monotonicity of the sequence {nf(n)} u <o\ 1 ; « + !/(«) implies <r /(2ti + 2f(tQ) /(2u) ' Choose u(u) such that (3) lim v(u)f(2u) = I. u—+oo (One can take, e.g., v(u) = I j4^y .) Then lim ^ ^ = 0, because I = lim --^-2uf(2u) Thus (2) implies that squeeze principle give lim and f{2u f+£) U)) lim 2uf(2u) = +oo. = L A s a result > (!) and the lim (/(2u + 1) + / ( 2 u + 3) + ... + /(2d - 1)) = I. u—>-oo So, we have proved that lim T2u+v(u) — S + 1. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 346 Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers Now note that if 2u + v(u) < k < 2{u + 1) + v{u + 1), then 0 < Tk - T2u+l/(u) + f(2u + 2) < T2u+2+v{u+i) ~ T2u+v{u) + f{2u + 2). Since f(2u + 2) —> 0 as ^ —> oo, we see that lim Tk = S + 1. /c—>oo In the case where / < 0, we can interchange d and u and proceed analogously. 3.7.10. Given e > 0, beginning with some value no of the index n, we have (i) £z£</(n)<£±£ n n Consider the rearranged series whose nth partial sum is (see the solution of 3.7.9) Tn = Td+U = (/(l) - /(2) + /(3) - ... - f(2u)) + (/(2u + 1) + f(2u + 3) + ... + /(2d - 1)). Moreover, assume that the number d of positive terms is such that lim f = k. Then, in the case where d > u, 1 1 1 + ^ — « + . . . + • 2w 4- 1 2u -f 3 2d - 1 -|l + ^2u i + ... + ^ - l n ( 2 u - l ) 2u-f2 2d-2 J 2d - 1 By 2.1.41 each of the first two parentheses tends to the Euler constant 7. As in 2.5.8 (a), we may show that the third parenthesis tends to ! Infc.Hence Consequently, (1) implies that lim (/(2« + 1) + f(2u + 3) + ... + f(2d - 1)) = \gIn fc. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 347 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series Thus the change in the sum S of the series is ^g\nk. reasoning can be applied to the case d < u. Analogous 3.7.11. It is enough to apply the rearrangement described in the solution of Problem 3.7.9 with v{u) = l[(2u)p}. 3.7.12. Take the rearrangement described in the solution of Problem 3.7.10 with lim 4 = a. u—>oo u oo 3.7.13. No. Indeed, let J2 ank be a rearrangement of a divergent oo k=i a series Yl n- The monotonicity of the sequence {an} implies that 71=1 aWl -h an2 + ... + aUrn < a\ + a^ + ... H- CLm. So, it is not possible to accelerate the divergence of this series. 3.7.14. [20] Choose a subsequence {arn} of {an} such that aTn < m i n ( 2 - n , Q n - Qn-i)> n = 1,2,..., where Q0 = 0. Then ari -h ar2 + ... + aTn < Qn and ari -f ar2 + ... + a rri < 1. Thus since lim Q n — +°o, the sequence {Qn — (^n + a r +...-ha r n )} n—^oo oo also diverges to infinity. Now, we add the terms of YJ an which do n=l not appear in the sequence {arri} to the sum ari -f a r2 + ... + a r n in such a way that o i + a 2 + ... + a r i _i-f-a r i 4-a r i + 1 + ...-f-aj + arfe +a r f c + 1 -h... + a r n < Q n , and a^ is the last term allowed. That is, if we add a term which does not appear in the sequence {arn} and whose index is greater than i, then the above inequality does not hold. 3.7.15. [W. Sierpinski, Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, 1911, oo 149-158] Let J2 Pn n=l an d oo Y2 Qn be the complementary subseries of n=l oo a conditionally convergent series Y, an consisting of all successive 71=1 nonnegative and negative terms, respectively. Let a be an arbitrarily Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 348 oo chosen real number. Since the series ^ pn diverges to +00, there 71=1 exists a least index k\ for which Pi +P2 + - +Pkx > <?Next we choose the least index n\ for which Pi +P2 + .»+Pfci +91 +02 + ». +9ru < CT> Then we find the least index &2 for which Pi + P 2 + -..+Pfci + 9 l + 9 2 + . . - + 9 m + Pfci+l + •••+Pfc 2 > cr and the least 722 such that P l + P 2 + - . . + P / e 1 + 9 l + 9 2 + ...-h9n 1 +Pfci + l + . - . + P / c 2 + 9 n 1 + l + -.. + 9n2 < <*. Continuing this process, we define two sequences fci,&2,... and ni, ri2,... and the corresponding rearrangement of our series. Let Sn be the nth partial sum of this rearrangement. Then Sn < a for n < k\ but Sn > a for k\ < n < k\ + n\. Furthermore, Sn < a for A:m -h n m < n < Arm+i -f n m , Sn> a for A:m+i + n m < n < fcm+i + n m + 1 , where m = 1,2,.... By the definition of the sequences {km} {n m } we also get and \Skm+i-i+nm ~cr\< Pfcm+1, ISkm+l+Tlm -<*\ <Pfem+ i» l5'fcm+1+nm+/ - cr| < Pfcm+1 \Skm+i+i+nm+i -v\< for / = 1,2,.., n m + i - n m - 1, \Qnm+11 for / = 1,2,..., fcm+2 - fcm+i - 1. Since lim pn = lim qn = 0, we conclude that n—>oo n—•GO lim Sn = a. n—>oc Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series 3.7.16. Denote by {Sm} oo a of Yl n n=l an d 349 and {Tm} the sequences of partial sums oo S a>nk, respectively. Since {n^ — k} is a bounded k=l sequence, there is / € N such that k — I < n^ < k + / for all k G N. If m > I and n^ < m — /, then k — I < rik < m — l. Hence A; < m, and consequently, (1) {1,2, . . . , r a - / } C { n i , n 2 , . . . , n m } . Indeed, if s is a positive integer not greater than m — /, then there exists a unique A; G N such that s = rik- It then follows from the above that k < m, or in other words, s € {™i,n2, . . . , n m } . By (1), we see that each a n , with n = 1,2,..., m — /, appears in T m . On the other hand, if k < m, then n/- < A; + / < m -f J, and consequently, all the terms a n i , a n 2 , ...,a n m appear in 5 m + / . Hence | 5 m - Tm\ < |a m -M-i| + ... + \am+i\ for Therefore m>L lim 5 m = lim T m . m—>-oo m—>oo If the sequence {rik — A:} is unbounded, then the examples given in Problems 3.7.2 - 3.7.6 show that the rearranged series may diverge or may change the sum of the series. Now we give an example of a rearrangement that does not change the sum of the series. To this end, we take a sequence {rik} obtained by the permutation of positive integers that interchanges n\n+l) with n ^ ' and leaves the other integers unchanged. Since n(n2+3) _n{n+i) — n^ the sequence {rik-k} is unbounded. Moreover, 0, G n (n+3)/2 _ a n(n+l)/2, if m=^±3), •r " n(n+l) ^ 2 - m < . n(n+3) 2 " 3.7.17. [R. P. Agnew, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 6(1955), 563-564] m We will apply the Toeplitz theorem (see 3.4.37). Set Sm = ^2 ak fc=i m an d Tm — JZ ank. Assume that m is so large that 1 G {ni,ri2, . . . , n m } , and arrange all the members of the set {ni,n 2 , ...,n m } to form an increasing sequence 1 , 2 , 3 , ..., A ) , m > a i , m + l ? ^ l , m + 2, ...,/?l, m > Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 350 where 0 < /?0,m < a i , m < /?l,m < « 2 , m < ••• < /?j m ,m- Hence the partial sum T m of the rearranged series can be written in the following way: Tm = S(3Qrn + (SpltTn - Sairn) + ... + (S(3jrn,m - Sajrnrn). oo Consequently, Tm = £ Crn,kSk, where 1, if fc = /?/, m , J = 0, l , . . . , j m , 0 otherwise. Since lim /?o m = +00, 00 m—>-oo ' lim c m & = 0 for every k G N. Moreover, m—+00 ' 00 J2 cm,fc = 1 for ra = 1,2,..., and £ |c m , fc | = 2 S m - 1, where B m fc=l fc=l denotes the number of disjoint blocks of successive integers in the set {ni,ri2, . . . , n m } . Finally, by the Toeplitz theorem, lim Tm — m—>oo lim Sm if and only if there is N such that i ? m < AT for all ra G N. 3.7.18. Assume that the series ^ c n is absolutely convergent and 71=1 its sum is S. Then for any e > 0 there is &o such that 00 |ci + c2 + ... + cfco - S| < - and ]P |cj| < - . Let ra, n be so large that for each / G {1,2,..., &o} there exist i and fc, i G {1,2, ...,ra}, A: G {1,2, ...,n}, such that Q = a ^ . Then | 5 m > n - 5 | < | c i + c 2 + ... + cfco - 5 | + ^ |cz|<£. Z=fc0+1 Hence the convergence of the double series to S is proved. Likewise, the absolute convergence of this double series can be established. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series 351 3.7.19. Set CO OO i,fc=l ran n=l n fc=l i=l k=l Arbitrarily fix e > 0 and / G N. Take ra, n so large that all the terms of 77 are in S^n and \S* - S*mJ < e. Then T,* < S ^ „ < S* + e, OO which means that the series E cn is absolutely convergent. Denote 71=1 OO by T n and T the nth sum and the sum of E c n , respectively. To 71=1 prove the identity OO / OO == a ^ i,k / c j m n=l i,k=l fix e > 0 and take Z so large that |77-T*|<! Tn n If SWi,?! = E E a*,fc an i=lfc=l d if m and >n |7}-T|<|. are so l a r g e that all terms of T\ are in 5 m ? n , then |5 ro ,n-r|<|r-r«| + |r*-7ri<e. 3.7.20. This is a corollary of the two preceding problems. OO / OO \ 3.7.21. Assume that, e.g., the iterated series E I E \a>%,k\ ) OO i = i \fc=i OO ' / c °n- verges, and set E \ai,k\ = 0"i and ^ j j = a. Therefore, each of fc=i ' i=i OO the series E a ^ , « = 1,2,..., converges, and OO E a*,fc fc=l | 5 * | < (Ji. This and the convergence of E U{ imply the absolute convergence of OO OO 2=1 OO E Si. Consequently, E ^i = E i=l i=l / OO E i = l \fc=l a i,k \ / . Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 352 3.7.22. Let £ and S^n aijk = S, ]T) \ai}k\ = S*, and set S m , n = £ i,fc=l m n 2,/c=l = 5] ^ £ «;,*; 2 = 1 /C = l |fli,fc|- We first show that the iterated series i=ifc=i oo / oo 2=1 \fc=l / converges to 5*. Indeed, given £ > 0, there is n 0 such that S* —e < S^n < S* for m,n> UQ. Let m be fixed for the moment. Then the sequence { S ^ n } is monotonically increasing and bounded. Thus it is convergent, lim S ^ = S^, and consequently, 5* —e < S ^ < S* n—•oo ' for m > no- This means that lim ( lim 5* n ) = S*. We know from 771—KX> 71—»00 ' the preceding problem that absolute convergence of the iterated series oo implies its convergence. Thus £ a ^ fe=i converges for each z, say, to Si. We will now show that for every e > 0 there is mi such that |(Si + S 2 + ... + S m ) - S | <e for m > mi. By the absolute convergence of the double series, |Sm,n-S|<- and |S^>n-S*|<- for m,n>mi. Therefore, for m > mi, |(Si + S 2 + ... + S m ) - S | = i=l 771 fe=l (X) £ £ °M S \hm,n ~~ &\ H~ <\Sm<n-S\ + \S*-S^n\<e. = 1 fc=n+l The proof of the convergence of the other iterated series is analogous. 3.7.23. Note that the series ]H (a n> i + a n _i, 2 + «n-2,3 + • •• + ai,n) n=l is an ordering of the double series. If one of the series X) ^'^ i,fc=l X ^ n=l 1 ' + K - l ^ l + |On-2,3| + -. + |fli,n|) Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 353 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series converges, then our claim follows directly from 3.7.18, 3.7.19 and 3.7.22. Hence it is enough to show that the absolute convergence of one of the iterated series implies the absolute convergence of any oroo / oo dering of the double series. To this end, assume that J ] I Y2 \ai,k\ i=i \k=i converges, say, to 5*. Let {cn} be a sequence obtained by an enumeration of the infinite matrix (ai,/c)i,fc=i,2,...« Then for / G N there exist m, n so large that 771 n \ci\ + \c2\ + ... + \Cl\<^2Yl \o>i,k\ < S*. i=l oo Thus the series ^ c k=l n converges absolutely, which in turn implies n=l the absolute convergence of the double series (see 3.7.18). m m 3.7.24. Since £ (£) = 2 " \ we get k=0 E OT = W- Hence n,k=0 k-\-n=m £ (m + 1)!' n\k\(n + k + l) nkz=Q fc-f 71=77 1 Consequently, by 3.7.23, ex? ., y^ ^ oo ra=0 k+n—m _ 1 v^ 2m+1 _ 1 m v t *-** 4 ^ n!fc!(n +fc + 1) n\k\(n-\- k + 1) 2 1 =v v - _ y , m ' m=0 v 2 ' where the last equality follows from 2.5.7. 3.7.25. We have (see 3.7.23) nfc(n +fc-f 2) ^ ^ n ^ n +2 U n,fc=l 7i=l i ^ ^ 71=1 / n(n + 2) v V ' N N /e=l i i 2 3 n +fc+ 2y ' i "' n+ 2 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 354 1 --t( -2^ \ n -\{ n, 1 + i + 2i + ...+ n +' 2 + 2/ V n+ i i /, i 2+ 3+ 2 l 1 + i i 2 + i\ i 3+ 4 + i /i 4+ 5 3 i 3.7.26. It follows from 3.7.23 that y, _ ~ _fc!_ ~ / n\k\ „ ^ 0 ( " + fc + 2 ) ! " ^ 0 f c + l ^ 0 l ( n + = ^ (n + 1)! \ n! _fc!_ _ 0 ! _ = fc+l)! ^ (n + A: + 2 ) ! j _1__ Hence, by 3.1.28, the desired equality is proved. 3.7.27. Observe that the sum of each row series of the matrix is finite. Indeed, the sum of the first row is x, of the second is x(l — x), of the third is x(l — x) 2 , etc. Moreover, x + x{\ - x) + x(l - x)2 + .. = 1. On the other hand, the sums of the column series are alternately equal to 1 and — 1. Therefore the other iterated series diverges. By 3.7.23, we conclude that the iterated series cannot converge absolutely. 3.7.28. (a) The absolute convergence of J2 x% i=0 an oo d J2 V i m ply the absofc=0 oo / oo x% k \ lute convergence of the iterated series Yl I Yl i=0 \k=0 OO / OO \ OO • E (^E l * V l J = E M (T^M) V ) •> because ) \ = (i-NKi-M)" Consequently, the given double series is absolutely convergent. (b) Considering the iterated series, we see that our series converges if and only a > 1 and 0 > 1. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series 355 (c) Collecting the terms for which i 4- k = n, we get oc oo 1 i (i + k)P ~~ ^}n ^ y i,k=l } ~ nP' n=2 Thus the double series converges if p > 2 and diverges if p < 2. 3.7.29. (a) It is enough to calculate the sum of the iterated series. We have EE OO / OO ^ \ O O / . ., , \ -j (b) As in (a), we compute the sum of the iterated series: OO .j The last equality follows from 3.1.32(a). (c) As in (b), we have i ~ / ~ m \ = ~ i = i n 3.7.30. Since S m , n = J2 ^2 ai,k — bm.n, w e s e e that i=lk=l ^1,1 = 51,1 = frl,l> &l,n = Si,n — 5 i 5 n _ i = 6i, n — &l, n -l> «m,l = £m,l — *SVn-l,l = ^ m , l _ &m-l,l> n > 1, m > 1- Similarly, for n , m > 1, we get Q>m,n = ^m,n *^m— l,n v*^m,n—1 ^m — l,n— 1/ = ^m,n — ^m-l,n ~ (&m,n-l ~ &m-l,n-l)> n, 772 > 1. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 356 3.7.31. We have 5 m , n = ( - l ) m + n ( ^ + i ) . So, for e > 0, there is no such that if m,n> n 0 , then | ^ r n , n | < £• Therefore the double series converges to zero. However, both the iterated series diverge. Indeed, X>,fc = sitn - s^n = (-i) i + "| + ( - D i + " ~ , oo which implies that every series Yl ai,k, i £ N, diverges. k=l 3.7.32. We have oo / oo \ oo 1=1 \ f c = l / 2=1 _\x\ E EM" -Er^tpBy the ratio test, the series on the right-hand side of this equality converges. This means that the iterated series converges absolutely. Thus by 3.7.23, OO OO i,fc=l k=l fc Collecting the pairs (z, k) with the same value of the product zfc, we get oo oo i,fc=l n—1 because the number of divisors of n is equal to the number of the pairs (z, k) for which ik = n. Moreover, for n = 2,3,..., ^n—l,7i—1 ^n,n = x + x2n + ... + x ( n " 1 ) n + / n 1 + / ( n ~ 1 ) + ... + x n ' 2 + xn -xn Obviously, S\^ = x = 2y5^ + x. Hence, on account of Sn,n = {Sn,n ~ S V i - l . n - l ) "+" ( S n - l , n - l ~ S n - 2 , 7 1 - 2 ) + ••• + S l , l > Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series 357 we see that OO OO L. E 1 _ ajfc r,2 n OO v ^ n2 ^ xr^ * ~ x ar fc=l Z-j i _ xn z-j n=l n=l 3.7.33. As in the solution of the foregoing problem, we show that the iterated series converges absolutely. Thus the first equality follows directly from 3.7.23. To prove the other equality we consider the ordering of the double series described in the solution of 3.7.32. 3.7.34. (a) By 3.7.23, oo oo S Z^ p = oo 1 Z ^ + n=2 p=z2 oo 1 Z _ ^ + -" = n=2 1 2 ^ fc(jk_i) v k-2 = L ' (b) As in (a), oo oo p=2 k=2 1 1 v J 3.7.35. Let B denote the set of all integers which are not powers. Then A = {kn : n <E N, n > 2, k e B }. Since ^ oo = £ i , n > 2, applying 3.7.23 and 3.7.34, we get 3=1 oo 1 ^ n- 1 nEA oo 1 z-f z-* n j oo 1 Z_^ Z ^ Z ^ fcn? nGAj =l oo oo fe€Bn=2j=l oo oo ^ Z_^ Z—• Z—• ^n>? feGB j = l n = 2 ^ Z—/ Z—• £ n k=2n=2 3.7.36. [G. T. Williams, Amer. Math. Monthly, 60 (1953), 19-25] The left-hand side of the equality is equal to v^Y> ( 1 W 1 j V ^ o J L 2 - ^ lv^2 j 2 n - 2 + 1 fc4 1 j2n-4 + "' + 1 fc2n-2 1\ J2 j " Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 358 Summing the expression in the parentheses, we get ' N (**) lim y ^ N j2-2n ^2-2n 1 -!)^r / Note t h a t N N ,-2-271 Z-/ Z-/ j=lfc=l k^j N N h2 _ K 1 X l -J A2TL—2 JU2 * -J ' N A2-2U N 2L^ 2-J h2 _ A2 J j=lk=lK k^j N N 1 A2 J 1 _\^V" N jL2-2n /i2 . V^V" s J / k^j N k2-2n u2 _ AI ' 2-*I2^I fc=iK k& j=i x 3 1 J L>2n—2 A2 U2 k^j N N Z - / ^ ' 2 n - 2 Z - / L2 _ A2 J j=l J k=l Hence iim N-^oo (* * *) N AT ,;2-2n _ £ 2 - 2 n y ^ +(n-l)^ fc2_j2 \fc= l j=l AT lim j JV j N n— 2—1 -i2n-2 2—1 J.2 _ A2 + V N—>oc ,•=1 J 3 k=l x L • J 2 - f ~^ J=l Now, observe that N __^ N 1 l ^ ~~' — k - j fc=i j-l = J - ~f-rfc + ,^ k=j+i iV-j 1 _i k- j J W 1 ^ l \_ ^ fc + j fc=i J iV+j f-1 k ~ ,^ 2j J N+j k + 2j=~ 2-<k fc=l i + l " + 2s ^ - +— Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.7. Rearrangement of Series. Double Series 1 2j + l + N-j \N-j 1 359 + 2 + ...+ N + j Thus by (***), N f N .7 = 1 \ „-2-2ra i,2-2n fc2 - j 2 k=l 2 0 + (n-l)7 ^[fn~l \N-j hi?" Moreover, since 0 < \ jV _ 1 . +1 + ... + j ^ . <Y,p^T [N_j * i +1 + l+'"+ < N^Jj+1, N+j)' we see that + ••• + JTT]) i " i i j=l' < Z> j2n-2 JV + : T N_j + 1^ + H^ * + i£P N-j 2^jN_j + l + l) where 7 is the Euler constant (see 2.1.41). Finally, by (*), N jJ^L AT->oo N V - V2 - / J _ _2 Jn _2 l^l^\k j=l k=l x J j ~ 1 1 + k4 J j 2 n - 4 + 1 1 '" + k2n~2 Jj2 1 N 1 1 = lim ( n + -2 ) <—< V - ^j - = ( n + - ) C ( 2 n ) . j = l J 3.7.37. Substituting n = 2 in the identity given in the foregoing problem, we get C(2)C(2 ) = (2 + i)C(4) . Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 360 Since C(2) = 4- (see 3.1.28 (a)), we obtain (see also 3.1.28 (b)) n=l Likewise, taking n = 3, we find that °° 1 7T6 Similarly, oo cm-Ei' n 9450 8 n=l 3.8. Infinite Products 3.8.1. (a) We have ± x V kz J x± k2 2n n-+oo 2 (b) A(fc-l)(fc 2 +fc+ l) 1=1 (fc + l)(fc2-fc + l) n (fc - l)((fc + l ) 2 - (fc + 1) + 1) = 2(n 2 + n + 1) _ ^ 2 k=2 (k + l)(k2-k + l) " 3n(n + l) n ^ 3 " (c) For x = 0 the value of the product is 1. If x ^ 2 m (f + /CTT) , then cos ^ ^ 0 and sin ~ ^ 0. Hence c s x =_ n sm x 1 sin 2 ^ r _ s m x n ~ 2 sin ^ n~Z£> ~ 7 ~ ' : n ° 2*^ ~ ri9 J-A 2 sin^- fe=l fc: TT (d) On account of the formulas sinh(2x) = 2sinhxcoshx and lim x-+0 sinhx X = 1, Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.8. Infinite Products 361 as in (c), we get n oo „=1 ( sinh x I x cosh—- = < 2 " if x ^ 0, x \ l ifx = 0. (e) We have ., n 2 i + x ) = [[ i_x2k 2fe+1 = ^^ ^ Y^- fe=0 fc=0 (f) nfi+ir^r )-n , J- V x P r (fc + l ) 2 _ 2 ( n + l) _ 2_ 11 fc(fc + 2) ra + 2 n-oo fc(fc+2W «=i '' fc=i (g) Since n a = afc=1 fc the continuity of the exponential function and 3.1.32 (a) imply that J ] a =a"ln2- " (h) n n fc=1l I E e fc=1 efc + i = A k e = ™+! Z, i k=1 , fc~lnn • n ™ + l' T h u s by 2.1.41, oo 1 n i ^ e n=l ~ n where 7 is the Euler constant, (i) We have P n _fr (3A:)2 y (3fc - 1)(3* + 1) -rr _33n(n!)3 £ J (3* - l)3fc(3ifc + 1) Using the Stirling formula n\ = a n v27rn ( — ) , \ 6 / (3A:)3 where (3n + 1)!' lim an = 1, 7i—>oo Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 362 Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers we get 33n(27r)3/2n3n+3/2e-3n J^o }^L (27T) 1 /2(3 n + !)3n+l + l / 2 e - 3 n - l Pn \ 3n / 0 = 2ire lim n-^^\Sn + lJ N 3/2 \3n+lJ 0 3\/3' 3.8.2. (a) In (-l)k\ Zn 3 2 5 4 / 1 n—»oo _ 3 2 5 4 2 n - l 2n - 2 _ ~ 2 ' 3 ' 4 ' 5 ' •" ' 2n - 2 ' 2n - 1 ~ ' P 2n_1 (b) We have 1\ T W , fc=l ^ 3 4 n+1 ' so that f| (l + ^) diverges. n=l oo (c) The product fj (l — ^) diverges, because n=l fc=2 A; / 1 2 3 2 3 4 n - 1 _ 1_ n n n->oo 3.8.3. Note first that for nonnegative a n , (1) ai + a 2 + ... + a n < (1 + a i ) ( l + a 2 )...(l + a n ) . Moreover, the inequality e x > 1 -f x, x > 0 , gives (2) (1 + ai)(l + a 2 )...(l + an) < e -i+-2+...+a n> Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 363 3.8. Infinite Products The inequalities (1) and (2) together with the continuity of the expooo nential function show that the convergence of the product Yl ( l + a n ) 71=1 OC a is equivalent to the convergence of the series J2 n • n=l oo 3.8.4. Assume that the series ^ an converges. Then for sufficiently 71=1 OO a large TV, ]T) n < \- It follows from 1.2.1 that n=N n n k=N < Pn k=N n n k=l k=N Since Pn = Yl (1 — a^) = PN-I ^ J2ak> o' J\(l-ak)>l- Yl (1 ~afc)> w e see that the sequence > is monotonically decreasing and bounded below. p quently, it converges, say, to P. Then P e [ i , l ] . Thus Conse- lim Pn = n—>oo PN-IP ^ 0. To prove the other implication, assume that oo ^ an diverges. n=l If the sequence {an} does not converge to zero, then the sequence {1 — an} does not converge to 1 and the necessary condition for oo convergence of Yl (1 ~~ an) is not satisfied. So we may assume that n=l lim an = 0, and consequently, 0 < an < 1 beginning with some n—>oo value iV of the index n. In view of the formula (see 2.5.7) X2 X3 \ (X4 X5 we get 1—x < e~x for 0 < x < 1, because all the terms in parentheses are nonnegative. Hence 71 ™ (1 - afc) < e *=" ? n > AT, fc=iV and consequently, diverges. n lim n Yl (^ ~ ak) = 0. Therefore, ->°°k=N oo f] (1 — an) n=l Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 364 3.8.5. Note that 2n J\(l + ak) = JJ(1 + a2fc-i)(l + a2k) Thus, by 3.8.4, the product converges. 3.8.6. (a) Since cos £ = 1 - (1 - cos £) and 1 ^ 1 - cos £ > 0, n € N, we can apply the result in 3.8.4. Thus the convergence of the oo product follows from the convergence of the series Yl (1 ~~ cos n) n=l (see 3.2.1 (e)). (b) As in (a), the convergence of the product follows from the convergence of XI (* ~ n s m n=l n) ( s e e 3-2-5 (°0)- (c) We have tan /TT 1\ 1+ tani ^ S ' 7r 1 \ 1 + tan 2 t a nn - -f - = ?• = 1 + — t a n: r \4 ny l-tau£ 1 Since ^ - ^ V > 0 for n > 2 and 1—tan £ — 2 tan i n. 1 - t a n 2^ .. hm j — - = 2, n—+oo by 3.8.3 the product diverges. (d) In view 0f lim n—+ 00 l-m° i (l + ^) = l the convergence of the product n follows from 3.8.4. (e) The divergence of the product follows from the divergence of the oo series £ ( $ n - 1) (see 3.2.5(a)). 1=1 Copyright 2000 7American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 365 3.8. Infinite Products (f) Since lim n-+oc n lfn = 1, it follows from 2.5.5 that limn^oo -*f T = Vn-l 1. Thus the convergence of the product follows from the converoo gence of the series Yl ^ • n=2 oo 3.8.7. By assumption, the series J2 an converges and, without loss n=l of generality, we can assume that \an\ < 1. Since ,. a - l n ( l + an) 1 hm n '- = - m (1) n—>oo alL 1 and the series ^2 a n converges, the convergence of Y2 an n=l 1S equiv- n=l oo alent to the convergence of ]T) ln(l + a n ), which in turn is equivalent oo n=l to the convergence of JJ (1 + an). Note that if Y2 an diverges, then by (1), 71=1 1 an — ln(l + an) > -an for sufficiently large n. Thus the series ^ ln(l + a n ) diverges to — oo, which means that oo n=l Y[ (1 + CLn) diverges to zero. n=l 3.8.8. The result follows immediately from 3.8.7. 3.8.9. Apply 3.8.7 or 3.8.8. 3.8.10. We use the equality |ln(lH-an)-an + |a£| n m n-^oo i ^ \an\6 1 = 77 3 and proceed as in the solution of 3.8.7. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 366 3.8.11. No. By the test in the foregoing problem, we see that the product given in the hint converges if ^ < a. On the other hand, the series _1_ 2" J_\_l_ 2?<*) 3" (\_ \2a 1 \ 3**/ (}_ \3<* 1 4^ and \ 2°/ + ( ^ + 2^J +\ ¥J + 3^J + \ T j +"* + (^ both diverge if a < \. 3.8.12. Observe that if lim an = 0, then n—»oo lim 1 ln(l + On) - an + \a\ - \a\ + ... + ^ a * I = 1 3.8.13. By the Taylor formula, ln(l + an) = an- a% = a n - 6 n a £ , + g where | < O n < 2, if |a n | < ^. Thus if ni,ri2 are sufficiently large and ri\ < ri2, then a 5^ ln(l + an) = J2an-&J2 n=ni n- where n=ni n—n\ G € ( 9' 2 ) ' ^ ' CO Hence the convergence of ]T a n follows from the Cauchy criterion. n=l 00 3.8.14. If the products r i ( l + a n) 00 then Yl ( I n=l n—l -a an 00 d n (^ ~~a^) both converge, n=l 00 n ) also converges. Consequently, the series ^2 an con_ n=l verges (see 3.8.4). Now the desired result follows from the preceding problem. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 367 3.8. Infinite Products 3.8.15. Yes. Indeed, since {an} decreases monotonically to 1, we can write an = 1 -f-a n , where {an} decreases monotonically to zero. The convergence of the our product is equivalent to the convergence of oo ^-l)"- 1 k i ( l + a„). 71=1 Clearly, by the Leibniz test this series converges. 3.8.16. (a) Since lim (an -f bn) = 1-1-1 = 2, the necessary condition for n—>-oo convergence is not satisfied. oo (b) The convergence of \\ c?n follows from the convergence of the oo series ^ n=l (c), n=l lna^. (d) The convergence of the products follows from the convergence of the series oo ^ oo oo ln(a n 6 n ) = Y] In an + Y] In bn n=l and oo n—1 m = oo X^ 7T Yl n n=l n=l oo lnCLn ~ Yllnbn' n=l n=l oo 3.8.17. Suppose that V} x2n converges. Then lim xn = 0, and the n n=i ->°° convergence of both the products follows from 3.8.4 and from the equalities lim n-+oo l-COS£n - 1 = - 2 x^ . and ,. lim n-^oo 1 J-1 TJL~~ £^ 1 ~ ~6 Assume now that one of the products converges. Then lim xn = 0, OO 71—>0O x and the convergence of Yl r\ follows also from the above equalities. 71=1 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 368 3.8.18. Observe that s *n»r:-nr:-i S sk k fc=2 k fc=2 3.8.19. See Problem 3.1.9. 3.8.20. See Problem 3.1.9. 3.8.21. Apply the foregoing problem with oo Yl an converges, that is, 3.8.22. Assume first that the product n=l n lim Pn — P 7^ 0, where Pn = Y\ «fc- This implies that there is a > 0 such that \Pn\ > a for n e N. The convergent sequence {Pn} is a Cauchy sequence. Thus for every e > 0 there is an integer no such that |Pn+/c - Pn-i\ < ea if n > n 0 and k e N. Therefore Pn +fc Pn-l -1 < £a Pn-l\ for n > no. <e Assume now that for every e > 0 there is an integer no such that (*) \anan+i • ... 'Q>n+k - 1| < e for n > no and k G N. Taking e = ^, we get (**) 1 Pn_l 3 f —^ < 2 - tor n > no2 <~ — Pno Next using (*), with e replaced by 3[ p •, we find an integer n\ such that 2e Pn+k for n > n i , k e N. 1 < 3|Pn Pn-l Hence if n > max{no, n i } , then \Pn+k — P n - l | < 2E 3 Pn-l P 1 < e. n0 This means that {P n } is a Cauchy sequence. Moreover, it follows from (**) that its limit is different from zero. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 369 3.8. Infinite Products 3.8.23. We have na-* 2 *) 2n 2 n fc=i 2 ™ fc=l i -22* l-x- fc fc=1 2n n(i-^) na-* 2 *) n a-*2fc) 2n fc=i n(i-^2/e) fc=i iic 1 -^' 1 ) A;=i k=n+l n(i-x 2fc - ] ) Now, the desired result follows from the Cauchy criterion (3.8.22). 3.8.24. This is a consequence of 3.8.3. 3.8.25. Note that for a i , a 2 , ...,a n € R, |(1 + ai)(l + a 2 )...(l + an) - 1| < (1 + h | ) ( l + |a 2 |)...(l + |a n |) - 1 and apply the Cauchy criterion (3.8.22). 3.8.26. Set P n = ( l + a i ) ( l + a 2 ) . . . ( l + a n ) , n € N. Then P n - P n - i = P n _ i a n and P n = Pi + (P 2 - Pi) + ... + (Pn - Pn-!) = Pi + Pia 2 + P2a3 + ... + P n _ i a n . Thus P n = (1 + a x ) -f a 2 (l -f ai) 4- a 3 (l 4- ai)(l 4 a 2 ) + ... + a n ( l + ai)(l 4- a 2 )...(l -f a n _i), or equivalently, P n = (1 4- ai) -f (a 2 4- a x a 2 ) + (a 3 + a x a3 4- a2a3 4- aia 2 a 3 ) 4- ... + (an 4- a i a n + ... 4- an-\an 4- aia 2 a n H-... H- a n _ 2 a n _ i a n + ... 4- aia 2 ...a n -.ia n ). oo Note that absolute convergence of \\ (1 4- an) implies the absolute n=l oo convergence of the series 1 + ai + V] a n ( l + ai)(l 4- a 2 )...(l 4- a n _ i ) . n=2 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 370 This series is an ordering of a double series whose terms form the infinite matrix / ai a\a2 a3 &2&3 a2 €L\o>s ^1^2a3 a4 a\a± <X\Q.2&\ 0,1(13(14 ... \ 02(2304 \ / By 3.7.18 the double series converges absolutely, and by 3.7.22 the iterated series given in the problem converges. Consequently, the desired equality holds. 00 00 n=l n=l 3.8.27. By the absolute convergence of ]T) an, the series ]P anx converges absolutely for every x € R. Now it is enough to apply the result in the preceding problem. 00 3.8.28. Obviously, for \q\ < 1 and x G R, the product J] (l + 0naO n=l converges absolutely. Taking an = qn in the foregoing problem, we 00 get f(x) = [7 (1 + QUx) = ! + ^x + A2x2 + .... Now observe that 71=1 (l+qx)f(qx) = f(x). So equating coefficients of like powers, we obtain Qn q A1 = and An = An„l1- q 1 - qn Finally, by induction, we can show that for n = 2,3,.... n(n+l) n Q A - (1 - q)(l - qt)2 . ... . (1 - py S±n. — OO [ j {l + q2n~lx) 3.8.29. Set f(x)= n=l and note that {l + qx)f(q2x) = /(#), and apply reasoning similar to that in 3.8.28. 3.8.30. W e have n=l \ 00 fc=i / . x 7 0 fc=l 0 / 00 fc=i \ fc=l A fe=i Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 3.8. Infinite Products 371 The absolute convergence of J2 AkXk and Yl ~$ i m P ^ e s the absolute convergence of their Cauchy product (see the solution of 3.6.1). Observe that this Cauchy product is an ordering of the double series corresponding to the matrix / A1A1 A2AX (x + I ) h43^i(x2 + ^ ) A2A2 A3A2 (x + i ) A 4 A 2 (x 2 + ^ ) V A3A3 A4A3 (x + ±) V 3 ( x 2 + ^) ...\ ... ... / Therefore, by 3.7.18 and 3.7.22, we get OO OO A E ^ ^ E ^F = ( ^ 1 + ^ 2 + A3A3 + •••) fc=l fc=l + ...) (x2 + -5 J +.... +(A2A1 + A3A2 + ...) (x+-\+{A3A1+A4A2 3.8.31. [4] By 3.8.30, n=l ^ Setting ' 00 ^ n—\ • ' 2n—1 \ F(X)=n(i+q^x)(i+q—) and using the equality qxF(q2x) = F(x), we get P i = B0q, Bn = Bn-iq n ~ , and inductively, Bn = B0qn\ n=l,2,.... Thus To determine P 0 we may use the results in 3.8.29 and 3.8.30. Put oo n Pn = I K 1 " ?2*) and P = ft (! ~ 4 2n )- Then n=l k=l 2 n an2 a(^+i) 2 +i J30</ - Sn = ^n + >Mn+l + »• = V P n + ^Pi P n + 1 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 372 Hence q2n q4n PnB0 - 1 < - ^ + ~p2 + ••• • Now, letting n —• oo, we get #o = j>. 3.8.32. Apply 3.8.31 with (a) x = - 1 . (b) x = l. (c) x = q. 3.8.33. Observe that for n > 1, n x —k _ ; Z+ k a " = 2o \ 1, 1J1; X + k 1J Hence n ^ .. n ^ n + fc" fc=l fc=2 fc=l If x is a positive integer, then for sufficiently large n, Sn = | . We now show that for x ^ 1,2,..., lim 5 n = \. Note that for k large enough, x—k x+k = 1 - ^ £ . Hence, by the result in 3.8.4, lim [J n—• o o •*"*k=l x—k| x+k = 0, which in turn gives lim Sn = A, as we have claimed. n—>oo 3.8.34. Assume that the product \\ (14- can) converges for c = Co n=l and c = c\, where Co ^ c\. Then the products (l + cia n ) c i n=l also converge. Moreover, (l+cian)ci 1 -h coan and + coa n | | ^-yn=l co(co-ci) 2 2/1 , _ , Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 373 3.8. Infinite Products where en —• 0 as n —• oo. Thus, by 3.8.3 and 3.8.4, the series ^ a n n=l converges. Next, by 3.8.13, ]T an also converges. Consequently, for n=l oo each c E R, both series Yl (can)2 oo and J2 can converge. Hence our n=l n=l claim follows from 3.8.7. oo n n=l k=0 3.8.35. Clearly, the series J2 an Yl {x<2 ~ ^ 2 ) converges to zero if x is an integer. Assume now that it converges for a noninteger value XQ. For x e R , consider the sequence whose terms are given by n(* 2 -* 2 ) , fc=0 °n = -^ n(*§- -fc 2 ) fc=0 Then 2 2 A x -k fc=0 ' Prom this, we conclude that, beginning with some value of the index n, the sequence {bn} is monotonic. Moreover, since the product 0 0 2 . 2 FI X2_fe2 converges, the sequence {6 n } is bounded. We have also oo n n=l k=0 2 2 oo n n=l fc=0 J2*n H(X ~fc )= £ > „ JI(^0 - *%• Therefore, by the Abel test, the series under consideration converges for any x £ R. 3.8.36. (a) We have Multiplying the first TV equalities, we obtain " / n-' 1 w II l -^) n=l v ^ n / 1 ~, i >» i = +EF =E F fc=l fc=i + ~, E k=pN+l i P Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 374 where £}' denotes summation over the integers which in their prime factorization contain only prime numbers pi,P2> ~,PNHence 0 <T7fi--V 111 n=l Since px) x lim ^ V n / 1 , - r-= v' - < v Z ^ kx fe=l 2^ Z^ kx fc=P7V +l - k*' k=pN + l — = 0, we get -1 111 nx ) PnJ Z^ £rn/ .—* oo a i nnX n=l (b) By (i) in the solution of part (a), N _ 1 PN nO-r) »£*• 1 \ / „=1 V P«/ oo 1 fc=i* oo / Therefore the divergence of J^ ^ implies that J ] (1 n=l n=l ^ \ —J di- P n ' verges to zero, which in turn is equivalent to the divergence of oo the series Yl 7T ( s e e 3.8.4). n=l 3.8.37. [18] (a) By DeMoivre's law, cos rat + i sin mt = (cost -f isint)171, with m — 2n+ 1, we get sin(2n -f l)t = (2n + 1) cos 2n *sin* - ( n * J cos 2 n ~ 2 tsin 3 1 + ... + ( - l ) n s i n 2 n + 1 £ . So we can write (1) sin(2n + l)t = sin t W(sin21), where W(u) is a polynomial of degree < n. Since the function on the left-hand side of the equality vanishes at tk = 2^+1 > ^ = Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 375 3.8. Infinite Products 1,2, ...,n, which belong to the interval (0, f ) , the polynomial W(u) vanishes at Uk = sin2 tky k = 1,2, ...,n. Consequently, tj sin kJ[\ Hence, by (1), (2) sin(2n + l)t = A sin t J J sin 2 1 kn sin2 2n+l JXLX 1 - k=l \ The task is now to find A. We have A = lim / sin(2n 1)t | sint t_^o = 2n + 1. Substituting this value of A into (2) and taking t = 2^+\ > w e &et (3) W 2 s i n2n+l ^^ ^ kn± 2 ^ , °sl i Ai n 2n+l x A / sinx = ( 2 n + l ) s i n — ^ — T T 1 V ; 2n + l 1fe=l 1 IV For fixed x € R and rn € N such that \x\ < (m + l)7r, take n greater than m. Then, by (3), Vv SUl £ = -Lm,nWm,m where sin2 Pm,„ = ( 2 n + l ) s i n ^ - I j i f l **cm,n — II I fc=m+l V s i n 2n+l -^ ° xxx fe=l \ 2 x \ sin' 2n+l \ sin" 2 OX * 2n+l 2 k ^ 2n+l/ Letting n —> oo, we obtain (5) TT / lim P m?n = x | ] fc=l V r-2 ^2 1 - -2-2 It follows from (4) that for x ^ kir, lim Qm n—*oo n ' = Qm. To esti- mate Q m , we note that by the above assumptions, |x| kn nir TT u< ' ' < r<~ 7 < 7 ^ for fc = r n + l , . . . , n . 2n + 1 2n + 1 ~ 2n + 1 2 ' ' Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 376 Taking into account the inequality ^u < sinu < u, 0 < u < | , we see that 00 / Y\ (1 - f^z) 71=1 ^ (1 — ^W) < Qm,n < 1. Since the product Y[ fc=m+l 2 \ converges, we have ' 00 / 2 \ n (i-^j<«»<!• x /c=ra+l ' Consequently, (6) lim Q m = 1. m—>oo Finally, the desired equality follows from (4) , (5) and (6). (b) Apply (a) and the identity sin2x = 2 sin x cos x. 3.8.38. Substitute x = § in the formula stated in 3.8.37 (a). 3.8.39. (a) The convergence of the given product is equivalent to the conoo vergence of the series Yl ( m ( l + n ) — n)* ^he absolute con- 71=1 vergence of this series follows from the equality | l n ( l + *) - * | 1 •£_ 2 V lim ' n—•oo r — = ~. (b) We have So the absolute convergence of the product follows from 3.8.3. 3.8.40. Clearly, the product fj (1 + a n ) , an > — 1, converges if and 71=1 only if the series J2 n=l m a ( l + n) converges. Moreover, if P is the value of the product and 5 is the sum of the series, then P = es. Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 377 3.8. Infinite Products Assume now that the product converges absolutely. Then in view of the equality T |ki(l-f-a n )| hm :—: =1 n\ (1) n—KX> \CLn\ (because lim an = 0) n—>oo the series ]T] ln(l + a n ) converges absolutely. Consequently (see n=l 3.7.8), any of its rearrangements converges to the same sum. Finally, by the remark at the beginning of this solution, any rearrangement of the factors of the product does not change its value. oo Assume now that the value of the product f ] (1 + an) does not 71=1 depend on the order of its factors. This means that the sum of the oo series ^ ln(l 4- an) is also independent of the order of its terms. By n=l Riemann's theorem, the series converges absolutely, which in view oo of (1) implies the convergence of ^ \an\. Thus the desired result is 71=1 proved. 3.8.41. [20] Set A , = | • J • | •... • 2 g l . * $ ± f . Then 2) \ 4/ \ 2a i-iVi_iy_(i* Z) V 5 / •" V 2/3 + 1 / Rp' Hence the (a + /3)nth partial product is equal to ^ m i . By the Wallis formula (see 3.8.38), (2n+l)!! 2 r hm — n->oo (2n)\\y/n y/n' and therefore n-^oo Rn/3 y j3 Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! 378 Solutions. 3: Series of Real Numbers 3.8.42. If the product Yl (1 + an) converges, but not absolutely, CO n=l oo then the series ]T) ln(l + a n ) converges conditionally (see the solun=l tion of 3.8.40). On account of the Riemann theorem, its terms can be rearranged to give either a convergent series whose sum is an arbitrarily preassigned real number 5, or a divergent series (to -f oo or to — oo). Thus our claim follows from the relation P = es (see the solution of 3.8.40). Copyright 2000 American Mathematical Society. Duplication prohibited. Please report unauth Thank You! Bibliography - Books References [I] J. Banas, S. W§drychowicz, Zbior zadari z analizy matematycznej, Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa, 1994. [2] W. I. Bernuk, I. K. Zuk, O.W. Melnikov, Sbornik olimpiadnych zadac po matematike, Narodnaja Asveta, Minsk, 1980. [3] P. Biler, A. Witkowski, Problems in Mathematical Analysis, Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York and Basel, 1990. [4] T. 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