Mr. Peabody Vocabulary Word Meaning Confused mentally unable to think with clarity Symbol Notes puzzled The flood of questions left her bewildered and confused Forgiveness the act of excusing a mistake or offense Mercy, clemency willingness to forgive Imagery the ability to form mental images of things or events; Imagination, symbol Indeed Used to emphasize something; Categorically, absolutely, beyond a doubt Was he upset? Indeed, he was! in truth Indeed, I saw him do it. an expression of surprise Indeed, she proposed marriage to him. Relieved Feeling better because something horrible has lessened or stopped; pain or sorrow made easier to bear She was relieved to hear it was all over. Alleviate Represent Show or mean something by picture or symbol; The pictures represent different ideas. portray, symbolize Rumors A story that people tell and pass on to others even though it may not be true; gossip, tattle They spread a nasty rumor about her. gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth Symbolism ideas expressed using images Sign, symbol Traits a distinguishing feature of a personality characteristics Moral lesson Theme the lesson that teaches us how to behave better in life the lesson the author is trying to teach us A lesson A story can have more than one theme.