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Political & Economic Ideologies Assessment

Reminder: To show your personal understanding, all assignment responses must be in your own words unless
quoting a source.
06.03H Political and Economic Ideologies Honors Assessment
Step 1: Answer the questions in 3-4 complete sentences.
In each case, consider these two things in your answer:
What are ways the government is involved in this country’s economy? (Search for things like
“economic regulations in” the country you picked or “doing business in” and see what you find.)
How does the government affect this country’s economy? (Think of creative ways to find
complaints about or celebrations of government aid, regulations, or non-interference.)
Capitalist Country: United Kingdom
How well does this country represent the ideas of Adam Smith?
The idea of Adam Smith is wealth is created via productive effort, and self-interest pushes
people to make the most use of their resources. United Kingdom represent the ideas of Adam
Smith well by accept the idea of capitalism, which is what Adam Smith try to argued, and the
create a freedom market of the country. I think the government didn’t have much affect on
country’s economy because private individuals own the majority of the production components
in its economy, which is based on free-market transactions.
Socialist Country: Russia
How well does this country represent the ideas of Robert Owen?
Owen believed that universal education may bring humanity extraordinary unity and progress.
This belief, along with some of his other ideas, led to his label as a utopian socialist. However,
just a part of Owen’s idea was contribute to the development of socialism Russia. Government is
involved in Russia’s economy by adopted a market economy that prioritized private ownership
and entrepreneurship.
Communist Country: China
How well does this country represent the ideas of Karl Marx?
Karl Marx believed that in communism, in which workers would become the dominant social
class and jointly control the means of production. The government of China sought to abolish
capitalism, as well as its emphasis on property rights, profits, and free-market competition. It
adopted Karl Marx's ideals, which envisioned a communist world in which everyone shared in
prosperity equally. The government had prohibited free marketplaces in rural China by the late
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Reminder: To show your personal understanding, all assignment responses must be in your own words unless
quoting a source.
1950s, when peasants used to sell farm items from small household plots. The state owned and
operated the majority of factories and other companies in the cities.
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